Forgery frames for medicine. Anniversary forge of Medical Frames Kovrov Medical School

October 26 in DK Lenin medical College He noted his 85th anniversary. Everything is as far as it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe patrimonial speech of the director Eduard Zubov, gratitude to teachers and congratulations to students. What is a real good doctor in the opinion of medical students? I find out the whole truth.

First a bit of history. A few days before the celebration, the Department of Health Vladimir region Published text with a symbolic headline "Kovrov Medical College - 85 years old":

Kovrov Medical College named after E.I. Smirnova is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Vladimir region. In all the time of its existence, a medical college has prepared more than 12 thousand specialists. On October 26, a solemn event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the formation of college will take place in Kovrov.

And also, according to Eduard Zudov, it became more difficult to enter the Kovrov Medical School. Three people in place and high medium passing score.

In college, five specialties: "therapeutic case", "nursing", "obstetric matter", "laboratory diagnostics" and "pharmacy". Classes are equipped with medical equipment-simulators, there are robots-simulators of childbirth, duvi, visual aids, computers, projectors, interactive boards and other modern necessary equipment. So it was spelled out in the text. At the end - congratulations from the management of the Health Department of the Region.

Now let's return to the celebration. There were a lot of students, teachers, were the first persons of the city and the region, graduates, friends. In general, all those who are sick with the whole heart for their native college. Appointed event time - at 14:00. Those who were late, was pretty problematic to find a place in the hall. Not counting, of course, "standing".

So far, the celebration itself began, we asked future specialists: who is such a good health worker? What difficulties will future specialists be faced with? And who do students see themselves so five years later?

Anastasia Vorontsova, second course, specialty "Therapeutic case":

"Dream of childhood came true! I will soon become a doctor. My family by profession is the builders, so this is my personal choice. I love to provide first aid. And we are taught to do it competently. They say the most difficult thing is to find an approach to each patient. I will learn, check!

Irina Insurance, second course, specialty "Therapeutic case":

A good doctor is the one who received a good decent education.

Oops! Girl in a bathrobe. And it does not even receive a doctor. It turns out that this girl is the name of Maria Timko, she is a graduate of a medical college. And now he works by the paramedic at ambulance station.

While you can consider students.

Different disciplines and such different works. That is the discipline "Children's Diseases", then "History and Natural Science", " Healthy person And his environment. "

But this personal work of Anastasia Starova. Nastya - a student of a group of 105-a.

DR without congratulations does not happen.

The students were congratulated by the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Olga Khokhlov, head of the Kovrov Anatoly Zotov, Assistant Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Nikitin, Deputy Director of the Health Department of the Vladimir Region Elena Ovchinnikov and the head doctor of the maternity hospital №2 Vladimir Irina Kirukhina.

Lyudmila Nikitina began his congratulations from the words: "Kovrovsky Honeycomb - in Trend!".

Then followed gifts. Here, for example, ecocartes.

Thanksgiving letters to college teachers from the first person of the city and the region. For labor, patience and strength.

Creative numbers from DC teams. Basically, these are vocal and dance numbers. It is worth paying attention to the Japanese waltz of the Dance Club "Ajax". Their dance made impressed the audience.

First, Japan is a country of high medicine. Secondly, it is drawn snake on the back. It also makes sense. Not enough only next to the snakes of the bowl. Then it would be exactly the symbol of medicine. Anyway, Respect!

85 years of medical college! Successes and prosperity!

Photographer Igor Seleznev

For your almost age story this educational institutionSince 2015, it became to wear the name of the famous Soviet military doctor, a native of the Kovrovsky district of Efim Smirnov, has released more than one generation of qualified specialists. IN pre-war timeWhen the college was called the Feldsher-Okusher school, midwifery, paramedics, nurses and sannisters were preparing teachers who were still zemskiy doctors and worked in hospitals of the First World War and Civilian. In the war years, graduates saved the soldiers at the front and for this in the school prepared accelerated issues of physicians. At the front even left a part of the pedagogical composition together with the director, which then led the institution. Already in peacetime college, like the whole country, worried not the easiest times, while retaining high level Education and continuing to improve the conditions for students.

From students - to professionals

Today, the Kovrov Medical College is an advanced educational institution in the region, which is preparing sought-after specialists of the middle medical service: pharmacists, obstetricians, paramedics, nurses. Not only Vladimir boys and girls who want to associate their lives with medicine, but also guys from the Ivanovo region, Moscow region and other regions of Russia are coming to study. And even before the release of students waiting in hospitals and clinics of the region, because frames that are preparing college are fully prepared for work in medicine.

To make from applicants with the burning eyes of qualified doctors, all conditions have been created in college - equipped with bright and spacious audiences, preclinical practice offices. They have everything you need in order to prepare good specialists - equipment, tools, phantoms, doubts, simulator, tutorials and digital libraryComputers, interactive board. And conditions for students are created not only within educational process. For visitors, guys in college have their own hostel, which is located on the fourth floor of the educational building. Not one medical school area cannot boast of their hostel. Now the repair of the fifth floor is completed, in which nonresident students will be able to live. In the rooms - light, cozy and clean, like at home. Each floor is equipped with two kitchens with fresh repairs and electric stoves. By the way, cosmetic repairs are made here every year, preparing for the arrival of students.

Repair and upgraded and training classes. Every year it is purchasing the latest equipment for classes, thanks to which students can literally plunge into the workflow without leaving the educational corps. For example, since 2013, the only simulation center began work in the Smirnov Kovrov's medical school. Now the doctors are practiced on multifunctional mannequins. They study them to make injections, put droppers and catheters, process wounds and much more that they will be useful in work.

The simulation center can be safely called a kind of mini-clinic with several departments: now there are already equipped with the Pediatric Cabinet, patient treatment children's age, the treatment of patients therapeutic profile, physiological obstetrics and gynecology, the study of medical technologies for the care of a sick person.

The stork flew

Special pride of college - branch of obstetrics. During the restructuring, it fell under the reduction. And to return this important and in demand now the specialty managed quite recently. The following year will release the first group of obstetricians, and they have already looked after the hospitals of the region, including in Vladimir.

Specialists are prepared thoroughly - for students of this college branch purchased the simulator of the imitation of childbirth. The doll in full growth of a person cost a college of 300 thousand rubles. And buying can prepare students to the most difficult and difficult birth.

Inside the phantom, which stuffed with electronics, the doll is placed, the child is set, the program is set and "childbirth" begin. The complexity can be set using the program. A mannequin and a doll-child can measure pressure, to carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs, make injection and other resuscitation actions. All student errors, which he allowed, fix the devices.

And in the Cabinet of Treatment of Patients of Children's Age, students teach care for the newborn. It has even a cuvez for a newborn, which appeared ahead of time, imitation of a cot, baby care products.

All thanks to the current director of the college, a deputy of the city council, in 2016, who became a member of the year, the former graduate of College Eduard Rudolfovich Zubov.

We try to constantly update the cabinets, buy equipment and special literature, put into order the training corps and the hostel so that the guys can get out of the college walls in demand by experts, "said Eduard teeth. - And our graduates from year to year call to work in major hospitals in the region. Now there are plans to make an equipped gym so that the guys can play sports, including basketball and volleyball. The current sports office for these purposes is not suitable.

The progress of college is unthinkable without a creative cohesive team of teachers. I would like to note a great contribution to the success of the Korifeev organization College: Grabkina V.S., Nakhava N.P., Chernysheva E.V., Arguanina V.V., Ereminina V.M., Berdnikova V.V., Ivanova T .M., Solovyva S.P., Kotukhova E.N., Nikiforova E.N.

Help others

College's financial support is provided by the Department of Education and Health, but also an institution's own funds constantly invest in improving the conditions for students. Including due to the fact that at the college walls are carried out paid courses of retraining and advanced training, as well as teach those who want to receive a second specialty.

Now there are 430 people in college, more than half of them - 316 - on the budget. And all the guys live an interesting student life - except for study, the guys are engaged in search engine, volunteers help old men and children with limited featuresFor the latter, the traditional New Year tree is already held. And students are regular participants and winners of professional competitions, scientific and practical conferences, remote Olympiads. Kovrovsky Honeycomb and himself more than once took conferences and seminars.

All this is a great base in order to prepare medical professionals.

October 26 Kovrov Medical College named after E.I. Smirnova celebrates its 85th anniversary. It is now in college bright and spacious audiences, preclinical practice offices, and there is everything you need to prepare good specialists: tools, phantoms, doubts, visual aids, computers, an interactive board ...

And the history of the Kovrov Forge of Medical Personnels was beginning in 1932, when, by decision of the city scientific community, doctors in our city opened a Feldshera-Okusher school. Educational institution The two-storey building of the former home of the merchant Dunaev (now there is a children's school of arts. Jordansky).
Graduates of those years have differed significantly from the current ones. By age. The thing is that FSH has been taken by students with seven-year education from families of workers and peasants. And at that time, the seventels were far from everyone. Therefore, the then future doctors pre-finished general education At the school of working youth, and then they went to the Feldscher-Okusher school and ended with her adult uncles and aunts.
Attokov Kovrovsky Fash stood the famous Kovrov doctors S.A. Troitsky, G.A. Usolsky, N.V. Voskresensky, N.N. Nikolsky, S. V. Belousov, M. N. Fewanian. Over the past 85 years, not one generation of teachers and heads of the medical liberation was changed, and it is simply impossible to list them all. Many of the media graduates became doctors and now work in the carpet or beyond. By the way, part of the current teacher's college is his graduates.

Heroic page
In the spring of 1936, Boris Blokhin was appointed director of FASH. The war was already standing on the threshold, and on the basis of the medical school for the Railoenkomat was active training of sinstrupers. And during the war years, several accelerated issues of sinstructors for the front and hospitals were made.
Many graduates of those years have passed through the burned battles of the Great Patriotic. On the first day of the war, a big rally took place in the medical staff, and the first accelerated release of 1941 in full force together with the director Blokhin went to the front.
The 572 graduate of the military years went to the fields of battles and in the military hospitals, where they performed their duty of medical workers with honor. Many died in battles.
Through thorn to the future
In 1974, the school moved to a new building in the city center, having received spacious, equipped cabinets and an extended logistical base. And then the restructuring was killed, the reorganization touched and the medical councils. Sucked, probably, the most important specialty - obstetrics. In 1986, the last release of obstetricians took place.
Thanks to the perseverance of the current director, Medicolage Eduard Zubova and the entire teaching staff in 2014 to therapeutic, nursing And the pharmacy was again added obstetrics. And already the future in the spring will be the first edition - 25 obstetricians will replenish the maternity hospitals. And from September 1 of this year, another popular specialty is open in college - laboratory diagnostics.
Especially significant for college was 2015, when the medical college was awarded the name of our outstanding countryman Efim Ivanovich Smirnov, Colonel-General of the Medical Service, Hero of Socialist Labor. During the war years, Efim Ivanovich was led by the Military-sanitary Office of the Red Army.
In the same year, a simulation center was opened in the college walls, equipped with the most modern equipment. Here, future doctors learn to put injections, catheters, enter the probe, measure blood pressure, process wounds, take childbirth and participate in resuscitation events. Everything is needed in their future profession. All manipulations are carried out on phantom, imitating patients and electronics equipped with electronics, which clearly records errors. In the simulation center, several departments: the Cabinet of Pediatrics, childhood and care of the child, the Cabinet of Medical Technologies for Patient Man, Cabinet Therapy.

Plans only success
Today, more than 500 students are trained in medical college, half of them are nonresident. Over the past summer, it was possible to complete the repair of the 5th floor, where the hostel is located, equipped with everything necessary. 160 students live in the hostel.
Plans to lead college participation in international Competition "WORLD SKILLS" for the competence of "Medical and Social Care". To participate in the competition, a multifunctional bed of care for the patient has already been bought, since the contestants themselves are equipped at the competition. But the purchase was made not only and not so much for the contest, it is in demand in the daily practice of students. Now the guys will be able to work out the care skills for lying patients.
Do not forget anyone
Under such a motto, the entire College team leads today's preparation for the anniversary. The Elena Chernysheva teacher has prepared an illustrative and informative collection "The path of life in length", in it, in photographs and explanations to them, and all 85 years of activity of the Kovrov medical school are presented.
Many facts and people were established thanks to the painstaking search for medical students from the Pulse detachment. By the way, in September, Elena Vasilyevna was awarded the medal "Carpets - the city of Military Glory." So the leadership of the city marked her contribution to patriotic education Youth.
The anniversary of the college will be celebrated on October 26 at 14.00 in the DC. Lenin. Then there will be a dedication of freshmen to students with the traditional presentation of white bathrobes. On behalf of the College's leadership, we invite everyone to the holiday of all who studied in the Kovrov Medication in different years.

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