Russian Historical Library 36 1920. Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

(Rib) - a series of collections of documentary sources and literary monuments, published by the Archaeographic Commission in 1872-1927. In the collections of Rib included ch. arr. Sources of the period of 14-17 centuries. In 39 tt. RIB published acts related to internal. and external Russian politics, "notebooks Mosk. Table" (vol. 9, 10, 11), "Don deeds" (vol. 18, 24, 26, 29), "Cases of the secret order" (vol. 21, 22, 23, 38), "Parish-expenditure books mosk. Orders" (vol. 28), documents from church. n monastic archives (t. 5, 12, 14, 25, 37), part of "Lithuanian metric" (vol. 20, 27, 30, 33), test books, fragments of chronicles, stories and legends on "troubled time" (t . 13), op. A. M. Karbsky (vol. 31), Avvakum (vol. 39), reproduced unique antiquities and manuscripts ("Monuments of polemical lit-ry in Zap. Rusi", vol. 4, 7, 19). Separation of published documents was extracted from foreign. Archives ("Rus. Acts of the Copenhagen State Archive", vol. 16). Preparation and editing of materials for RIB made prominent Russian. Historians and archaeographs: J. L. Barskov, A. P. Barsukov, S. A. Belokurov, I. A. Bychkov, S. B. Veselovsky, P. Guildendt, B. D. Greekov, I. Ya. Gurland, V. G. Druzhinin, N. I. Kostomaarov, M. Kojavokovich, A. S. Lappo-Danilevsky, L. N. Mikov, A. S. Pavlov, S. F. Platonov, A. I. Timofeev, F. I. Uspensky, Yu. N. Shcherbachev et al. Quality of publications of sources and archeography. The device as Rib has improved. Some Tom Rib has been repeated. Rib is one of the largest series of documentary publications in Rus. Archaeography.

Watch value russian historical library in other dictionaries

Library - Libraries, g. (Greek. Bibliotheke). 1. Book switch, institution, aimed at collecting and storing books for public use. Public library. 2. Collection of books .........
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Library J. - 1. The institution in which books, magazines and newspapers for public use are collected. 2. Meeting of books for reading, scientific classes, etc. 3. Room for ........
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Library-moving J. - 1. Collection of books for readers who are not able to use the stationary library.
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Library reading room J. - 1. Library with a reading room.
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Library - -I; g. [Greek. Biblion - book and thēkē - storage, box]
1. Institution or department of some institutions collecting and storing books, periodicals, monuments of writing, etc. for........
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Library-mobile -) - and; MN. Rod. Libraries moving; g. Collection of books for readers who are not able to use the stationary library.
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Library-reading room -) - and; MN. Rod. libraries readable; g. Library with a reading room.
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Russian State School - - direction in Russian liberal historiography of the second halves XIX. - The beginning of the XX century. To this area refer to the ideas of U. Tiberina (considered the founder of this direction), ........
Political Dictionary

Russian idea - - the concept character used to characterize the complex of problems and ideas related to the definition of the historical role of Russia as part of the world community, ........
Political Dictionary

Russian culture - - A combination of spiritual and material values, accepted by the world community as national Russian historical achievements in the context of world civilization.
Political Dictionary

Russian culture in Estonia - - part of the world Russian culture, having specific - "Estonian" - features.
Political Dictionary

Russian Mafia - - the phrase that came to us from the West. Citizens of foreign states are traditionally accustomed to calling "Russians" of all immigrants from Russia and even some ........
Political Dictionary

Russian community in Estonia - - most of the non-Estonian population, united by ethnic origin, Russian language, Russian culture and Russian history.
Political Dictionary

Russian Elite. - - the most prominent representatives of the Russian community in Estonia in the field of culture, politics, entrepreneurship, etc.; According to the official version, the emergence of the Russian elite, ........
Political Dictionary

Independent Russian policy in Estonia - - Policies expressing and protecting the objective interests of non-Estonian population: Russian, education in Russian, Russian culture and spirituality, civilian ........
Political Dictionary

Russian - Russian, g. 1. Female. To Russian (see Russian). 2. National dance of Velikorussians. Go russian.
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Historical yield
Economic Dictionary

Historical volatility - impermanence, variability
Course on the stock exchange in the previous
Economic Dictionary

Historical profitability - The average profitability of the mutual fund for a certain period of time.
Economic Dictionary

Historical quarterly profitability - Historic Quartal
yield is the results
Foundation for consistent quarters of the calendar year. These numbers allow you to analyze ........
Economic Dictionary

Historical Cost (Historical Cost) - The amount originally paid for asset, not corrected by subsequent changes in value. Also called the purchase cost (Acquisition Cost) or initial ........
Economic Dictionary

Historic School of Law - - Direction in law science XIX century. Especially noticeable
Development received in Germany. Representatives I.Sh.P. opposed the ideas of natural
rights. The most important ........
Economic Dictionary

Heritage / Historic Environment (Heritage / Historic Environment) - historical buildings, including protected areas, cathedrals and churches, monuments of archeology, historical buildings and monuments of antiquity. Heritage also includes natural ........
Economic Dictionary

Public library - - Library, which provides the ability to use it by the Fund and Services legal entities Regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership ........
Economic Dictionary

Initial (fixed, historical) cost; Purchase price - The principle of accounting, requiring that all articles of the financial statement be based at the initial value or price of the acquisition. At the same time, the dollar is within ........
Economic Dictionary

Russian truth - - one of the most significant villas that have come down to us
rights. Includes: separate norms "
Russian law ", the truth of Yaroslav Wise, the truth of Yaroslavich .........
Economic Dictionary

Device form, Triple (Russian) - - The form of the contractor developed by F. Ezersky. Distinctive features were: 1) Registration was carried out on three grouping aggregates - arrival, consumption, balance; ........
Economic Dictionary

Accounting school, Russian - The accounting thought of Russia is the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries., Developed in line with the ideas and methods of German school due to the fact that in Russia a huge number of practitioners and writing ........
Economic Dictionary

Library - - by definition of the Federal Law "On Library Business" of November 23, 1994 "Information, Cultural, educational institutionhaving an organized replicated fund ........
Legal vocabulary

Historical profitability - - - the average profitability of the mutual fund for a certain period of time.
Legal vocabulary

Russian Historical Library (Rib) - a series of collections of documents and literary monuments (39 tons). Published by the Archaeographic Commission in 1872-1927. Writings A. M. Kurbsky, Avvakum, Documents public institutions, church and monastic archives up to 17 V. inclusive, etc. Some volumes are reprint.

  • - The building of the historic library at the beginning of XX V.Moskva ...

    Moscow (Encyclopedia)

  • - See in Art. Libraries in ...
  • - In Moscow - one of the largest in Ros. Federation Specialized Library in the area humanitarian Sciences. OSN. In 1938, on the basis of libraries of the historical museum, the Institute of Red Professors, Communist ...

    Pedagogical Terminology Dictionary

  • - Publication Rus. Chronicles prepared by Taubert and I. Barkovov. Contains the chronicle of Nesor in Konigsberg List ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - Bibliography. Bulletin owls. and foreign. Books and articles issued indexed in 1940-41 state. Public East. B-ko and fundamental b-ko societies ...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - The magazine, went to St. Petersburg. In 1856-1859, 4 times a month, ed. Xenophon field. Since 1858, it came out 2 times a month "Modern foreign literature" ...
  • - Scientific literary magazine, published in St. Petersburg. From 1878 to 1880 monthly. The magazine included departments: fictionalistic, mainly historical content, and scientific - on history, ethnography and archeology ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Historical geography has a subject of colonization history, historical ethnography of foreigners and built on a particular history of the regions. The main source is the chronicle ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - The main subject historical Science In Russia is the past native countryover which worked and works the greatest number Russian historians and which is directed mainly, the activities of different ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Collection ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Public State RSFSR, in Moscow, scientific Library Specialized Profile, Central Sectoral Library, Scientific and Methodical Center for Libraries of the RSFSR on issues ...
  • - 1) the annual systematic signs of domestic literature on Russian and universal history, published in Russian in 1855-64 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a series of collections of documentary sources and literary monuments, published by the Archaeographic Commission in 1872-1927 ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Library historical public Russian Federation - in Moscow. Founded in 1938 ...
  • - "" - a series of collections of documents and literary monuments. Published by the archaeographic commission in 1872-1927 ...

    Large encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - ...

    orthographic dictionary Russian language

"Russian Historical Library" in books

Russian historical painting

From the book of Master of Historical Painting Author Lyakhova Kristina Aleksandrovna

Russian historical painting as in France, historical painting enjoyed extraordinary popularity in Russia. The imparation to the widespread dissemination of the historic genre was given by the Academy of Arts, founded in St. Petersburg in the XVIII century. According to academic

Chapter Third Russian Historic Literature on Education and Early History of the Venetian Colonial Empire

From the book Education of the Venetian Colonial Empire Author Sokolov Nikolai Petrovich

Chapter Three Russian Historical Literature on Education and early history The Venetian Colonial Empire in Russian historical literature is not a single work, entirely dedicated to the history of Venice. Speech on the occasion of the century of falling the Venice Republic,

Dioiodor Sicilian Historical Library

From book Everyday life Egypt during Cleopatra author Sovo Michel

Dioiodor Sicilian historical library Diodor Sicilian (approx. 90-21 years BC) - Historian of the Ellinism era, author of extensive work on world history ("Historical Library") in 40 books that covered Egypt, Assyria, India, Mondey, Islands of Western and Eastern

9. The famous library of Ivan Grozny (she is the famous Alexandria Egyptian library) and the famous Library of Don Quixote. Both are lost, burned

From the book Don Quixote or Ivan Terrible Author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

9. The famous library Ivan Grozny (she is the famous Alexandria Egyptian library) and famous library Don Quixote. Both are lost, the lost library of Grozny III \u003d IV is burned - a very famous plot in Russian history. We have repeatedly spoke about

2.5.3. Russian philosophical and historical thought of the 30-60s of the XIX century. (P.Ya. Chahaadaev, I.V. Kireevsky, V.F. Odoevsky, A.C. Khomyakov, K.S. Aksakov, Yu.F. Samarin, A.I. Herzen, P.L. Lavrov)

From the book Philosophy of History Author Semenov Yuri Ivanovich

2.5.3. Russian philosophical and historical thought of the 30-60s of the XIX century. (P.Ya. Chaaadaev, I.V. Kireevsky, V.F. Odoyevsky, AC Khomyakov, K.S. Aksakov, Yu.F. Samarin, A.I. Herzen, P.L. Lavrov) Contrary to numerous works, in which the emergence of historical and philosophical thought in Russia refers to a little

Part Two Russian Historical Literature. After the war

From the book, the history of Russian literature for the second half of the 20th century. Volume II. 1953-1993. In the author's edition Author Perezin Viktor Vasilyevich

Part Two Russian Historic Literature. After

Historical library

From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (Bi) author BSE.

"Russian historical bibliography"


"Russian Historical Library"

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (RU) author BSE.

2.2. Library of programs "Russian morphology"

From the book Application Software: Automatic text processing systems Author Malkovsky Mikhail Georgievich

2.2. Library of programs "Russian morphology" 2.2.1. The zalizonak dictionary is one of the larger availability (and actively used) Russian-speaking LBDs is the electronic version of the fundamental " Grammatical dictionaries Russian language "A.A. Zaliznyaka. The text of the dictionary was moved to

Author Macedonian Alexander

Diodor Sicilian. Historical library

Diodor Sicilian. Historical library

From the book about fate and valor Author Macedonian Alexander

Diodor Sicilian. Historical library

Chapter The first Russian idea - its historical inevitability

From the book of black hundred. The origin of Russian fascism author lacker walter

The head of the first Russian idea is its historical inevitability of patriotism - love for homeland - exists from time immemorial, nationalism as a doctrine, the system of values \u200b\u200band beliefs arose in the romantic era. The formation of Russian self-identification was stretched to

Russian Library in Middle Kingdom

From the book Literary newspaper 6428 (No. 35 2013) Author Literary newspaper

Russian Library in the most famous guest of the Honorary Guest Fair became Moscow. For the first time, the overseas capital acts in such quality. Prior to this, only states have been honored. Therefore, the Russian exhibition exposition was mainly represented

Russian Biblical-History School

From the book Bibliology Dictionary Author Mary Alexander

Russian Biblical and Historical School Direction in PYC. Justice. Bible Science, which builds its research, taking into account the conclusions * of the new Isaagogy.R. - I.Sh. originated in the 1st 24th century.; The founder is considered to be the prot. * Pavsky. However, his undertakings could not immediately get


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. In 38 volumes (39 books) (the team of authors)

Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Collective authors
Year of release: 1872-1927
Genre: Historical Literature
Publisher: Different
Language: Russian (Russian, Doreformal)
Number of books: 39 books
Description: "The Russian Historical Library" is a series of collections of documentary sources and literary monuments, published by the Archaeographic Commission in 1872-1927. The collection consists mainly from the sources of the XIV-XVII century.
In 38 volumes (39 books), acts belonging to the internal and foreign Policy Russia, "Cases of the Secret Order", documents from church and monastic archives, part of the "Lithuanian metrics", writer books, fragments of chronicle, Tale and legends on troubled time, writings A. M. Kurbsky, Avvakum. Preparation and editing of materials in the preparation of the library carried out prominent Russian historians and archeograms: A. P. Barcukov, S. A. Belokurov, I. A. Bychkov, S. B. Veselovsky, V. G. Druzhinin, A. S. Lappo- Danilevsky, L. N. Mikov, S. F. Platonov, etc.

Volume 1. Monuments related to troubled time. St. Petersburg., 1872
Volume 2. Acts relating to events from the second half of the XIV to half the XVII century. St. Petersburg., 1875
Volume 3. (prefabricated). St. Petersburg., 1876
Volume 4. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Kn. 1. SPb., 1878
Volume 5. Acts of the Iverly St. Satureozersky Monastery (1582 - 1706). St. Petersburg., 1878
Volume 6. Monuments of the Old Russian Canonical Law (XI - XV century) Part 1. SPb., 1880
Volume 7. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Kn. 2. SPb., 1882
Volume 7.5. Index, addition and notes to VII of the Russian historical library. Spb. 1889
Volume 8. (prefabricated). St. Petersburg., 1884
Volume 9. Part A: Parish-consumable Books of the Kazenny Order (1613-1614); B). Notebooks of the Moscow table. (May 5, 1626 - August 31, 1627; September 1633 - September 1634). St. Petersburg., 1884
Volume 10. Notebooks of the Moscow Table. 1636 - 1663. SPb., 1886
Volume 11. Notebooks of the Moscow Table. 1663-1664. + App. Censuous books of the Rostov-Great Second Half XVII century. Spb. 1889
Volume 12. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga Diocese. Part 1. 1500-1699. Spb. 1890
Volume 13. Monuments of ancient Russian writing relating to troubled time. St. Petersburg., 1891
Volume 14. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga Diocese. Part 2. SPb., 1894
Volume 15. (prefabricated). Spb. 1894
Volume 16. Russian acts of the Copenhagen State Archive, extracted by Yu.N.Sheterbachev. Spb. 1897
Volume 17. (prefabricated). 1. Puttic and census XVII Book. on Nizhny Novgorod. 2. A notebook of the XV-XVII centuries., Claimed in Novgorod, Deaky D.Alyabyev. 3. Tenents of the Penza Territory (1669-1696). Spb. 1898
Volume 18. Don business. Book 1. SPb. 1898
Volume 19. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Book 3.
Volume 20. Lithuanian metric. Volume 1.
Volume 21. Cases of the secret order. Book 1.
Volume 22. Cases of the secret order. Book 2.
Volume 23. Cases of the secret order. Book 3.
Volume 24. Don business. Book 2.
Vol 25. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga Diocese. Book 3. In the Appendix: Acts of the Lomo Church. Spb. 1908
Volume 26. Don business. Kn. 3. SPb., 1909
Volume 27. Lithuanian metric. Department 1. Part 1: Books of Records. T. 1. SPb., 1910
Volume 28. Profit-expendable books of Moscow orders. Kn. 1. SPb., 1912
Volume 29. Don business. Kn. 4. St. Petersburg., 1913
Volume 30. Lithuanian metric. Departments of the first-second. Part 3: Books of public affairs. T. 1. Yuriev, 1914
Volume 31. Works of Prince Kurbsky. T. 1. SPb., 1914
Volume 32. Archive P.M. Economy. T. 1. GG, 1915
Volume 33. Popit Troops incl 1528, 1565, 1567. GH., 1915
Volume 34. Don business. Kn. 5. GH., 1917
Volume 35. Archive P.M. Economy. T. 2. GG, 1917
Volume 36. Monuments of the ancient Russian canon law. Part 2. GG., 1920
Volume 37. Parish-expected books of the Boldino-Doroborovsky Monastery. GH., 1923
Volume 38. Cases of the secret order. Kn. 4. L., 1926
Volume 39. Monuments of the history of the Old Believers of the XVII century. Kn. 1, vol. 1. L. 1927


Archaeographic Commission. Russian Historical Library (Rib) (Archaeographic Commission)

Author: Archaeographic Commission
Year of release: 1872-1909
Genre: Historical Documents
Publisher: St. Petersburg
Language: Russian (Doreformal)
Number of pages: from 290 to 1122 C.
Description: A series of collections of documentary sources and literary monuments, published by the Archaeographic Commission in 1872-1927. Invited mainly sources of the period of 14-17 centuries. Extra. Information T. 1. Monuments related to troubled time. St. Petersburg., 1872. 443 S. T. 2. Acts related to events from the second half of the XIV to half the XVII century. SPB., 1875. 655 S. T. 3. (WHO ...


Adventure library. Series in 129 books

Year of release: 2002-2011
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: AST, Ermak, Transit Bank, Astrel, VKT
Russian language
Number of pages: 129 books
Description: "Biblift adventure" - book Series For readers of all generations that did not lose love for adventures, romantic stories, exciting travel not only on our planet. The collection contains well-known and favorite works of authors who have become the classics of world literature - Jules Verne, Alexander Duma, Jack London, Kira Bulychev and many others. List of books1st series Adamov. Mystery DV ...


Military historical library. Flots in local conflicts of the second half of the XX century (Dotsenko V.)

ISBN: 5-17-005627-3.
Series: Military Historical Library
Format: PDF / DJVU
Quality: Scanned Pages + Layer of Recognized Text
Posted by: Dotsenko V.
Year of release: 2001
Genre: Military History
Publisher: AST Publishing House LLC
Russian language
Number of pages: 512
Description: The second half of the 20th century was overwhelmed with local wars. Korea, Vietnam, Falkland Islands, Persian Bay ... And in all these conflicts, naval fleets played an exceptional role. In the book for the first time, a little-known together is collected together, and inaccessible information about the participation of the Navy of different countries in ...


A series of books "Gold Library of Fiction" in 317 books (different)

Format: FB2, eBook (computer initially)
Posted by: Different
Year of release: 1999-2006
Genre fiction
Publisher: AST.
Russian language
Number of pages: 317 books
Description: The "Gold Library of Fiction" series was founded in 1999. It printed the best scientific fiction novels that were recognized worldwide. In addition to the unsalted classics, novels recent yearsawarded premiums. This, without exaggeration, the best series of science fiction, published today. Do not believe? Read and see for yourself! List of bookdams, Douglas Life, Universe and everything else hitchhiking ...


I.S. Bumblebees Collected Works. In 5 volumes (in 8 books)

Format: DJVU, scanned pages
Author: I.S. Shmelev
Year of release: 1998-2000
Genre: Classical and Children's Prose, Publicistics and Memoirs
Publisher: "Russian book". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 8 books
Description: Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873 - 1950) - an outstanding Russian emigrant writer, a lawyer, a publicist and an Orthodox thinker from the Moscow peasant-merchant clan. One of the most readable writers of Russian abroad. Representative of the conservative and Christian directions of Russian literature. The classic of Russian literature, famous for the modern world reader before ...


History of Ukraine-Rus. In 10 volumes (11 books) (M.S. Grushevsky)

Posted by: M.S. Grushevsky
Year of release: 1954-1958
Genre: Historical Literature
Publisher: "Knikospill". NY
Language: Ukrainian
Number of pages: from 535 to 871
Description: Reprint diaspora edition of the 50s of the 20th century, in 10 volumes of 11 books, works M. S. Grushevsky "History of Ukraine-Russia", covering the period from long-time to the XVII century. "History of Ukraine-Russia" (UKR. Istorіya Ukraine - Rusi is a decade-old monograph of the outstanding Ukrainian historian and the ideologist of the Ukrainians Mikhail Sergevich Grushevsky (1866 - 1934). Covers the story of ...


Fedor Sologub - Collected Works in 6 volumes (8 books)

ISBN: ISBN 5-93264-022-7
Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Posted by: Fedor Sologub
Year of release: 2000 - 2004

Publisher: Moscow, NPK "Intelvak"
Russian language
Number of pages: ~ 5000
Description: For the first time, the edition of the composition of the compositions of Fyodor Sologuba is carried out (Nastr. Fam. And the name Fedor Kuzmich Namennikov; 1863-1927), in which the legacy of one of the leaders of the Russian Literary Modern, an outstanding prose, poet and playwright Silver century. Clause 1 "Heavy Dreams". Novel. "Earth Children." Stories. "Inceless Madam." Races ...


Henrik Senkevich Collected Works. In 9 volumes (8 books)

Format: FB2, eBook (computer initially)
Author: Henrik Skekevich
Year of release: 1983-1985
Genre: Classical and Historical Prose
Publisher: " Fiction" Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 8 books
Description: Henrik Adam Alexander Pius Senkevich (1846 - 1916) - an outstanding Polish writer, journalist, publicist and a public figure, a popular author of historical novels. Laureate Nobel Prize In the literature of 1905 "For outstanding services in the field of epic." Classic world literature. The hereditary Polish nobleman-gentry. Born on May 5, 1846, in the genital estate ...


Emilio Salgarari Collected Works. In 5 volumes (6 books)

Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Posted by: Emilio Salgarari
Year of release: 1992-1994
Genre: Historical Adventure Prose
Publisher: Terra
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: Emilio Carlo Giuseppe Maria Salgari (1862 - 1911) is a famous Italian writer, the author of numerous historical adventure novels, including pirated. His story is characterized by the sharpness of the plot, the rapid development of events and the inability. The books of Salgarari, skill and impressive, are comparable to the works of J. Verne, M. Reed, A. Duma and Phoenimor Cooper. In 1992, Moscow ...


Complete collected works and letters in 15 volumes (22 books) (Nikolai Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov)

ISBN: 5-0202-8151-4
Format: DJVU, scanned pages + layer of recognized text
Posted by: Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich
Year of release: 1981-2000
Genre: Russian Classical Literature
Publisher: Science
Russian language
Number of books: 22
Description: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (November 28, 1821, Nemirov, Podolsk province, Russian empire - December 27, 1877, St. Petersburg) - Russian poet, writer and publicist, classic of Russian literature. From 1847 to 1866 - the head of the literary and socio-political magazine "Contemporary", from 1868 ...


Alexander Kurin Complete Works Collected. In 10 volumes (11 books)

ISBN: 5-88528-502-0
Format: PDF, DJVU Scanned Pages
Author: Alexander Kuprin
Year of release: 2006-2007
Genre: Classical Prose
Publisher: Sunday
Russian language
Number of books: 22 books
Description: Collected works of outstanding Russian soviet writer and the translator, the classic of domestic literature Alexander Ivanovich Kurrina (1870 - 1938) went out in different years and in different countries. But due to objective and subjective circumstances, none of them was truly complete. This attempt is made for the first time. The present selection of works will consist of ten ...


Daniel Harms - Full Collection of Works in 3 volumes (6 books)

ISBN: ISBN 5-7331-0032
Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Author: Daniel Harms.
Year of release: 1997-2002
Genre: Artistic Literature
Publisher: Gumanitarian Agentiya "Akadestic Avenue", Saint Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: ~ 2500
Description: Collected works by D. Harms prepared on the basis of its archive in the Russian National Library and the Pushkin House and is the first E Russia with a complete collection of his works performed on a serious textual and scientific level. The publication includes three volumes of essays with an additional, fourth volume and two volumes of notebooks ...


Sergey Yesenin Complete Works. In 7 volumes (9 books)

Format: FB2, DJVU, EBook (computer originally)
Posted by: Sergey Yesenin
Year of release: 1995-2002
Genre: Classical and Rustic Poetry, Prose and Letters
Publisher: "Science", "Voice". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 9 books
Description: Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin (1895 - 1925) - the great Russian poet and writer, a thin lyrics, singer of the native nature, the connoisseur of the national language and the People's Soul, called himself " last poet Villages. "Classic of Russian literature of the 20th century. In his verses - bright sadness and a younger delete, the Bunlet spirit and the shafts of Siberian, cheerful girl laughter and bitter tears ...


History of Russia from ancient times. In 29 volumes (6 books) (Sergey Solovyov)

Format: PDF Scanned Pages
Posted by: Sergey Soloviev
Year of release: 1851-1879
Genre: Historical Literature
Publisher: Association "Public Use". St. Petersburg
Language: Russian (Doreformal)
Number of books: 6 books
Description: The readers are offered a fundamental publication, the famous work of the Great Russian Academic and Historian, Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences at the Russian Language and Literature of Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov (1820 - 1879), "Eastoria Rossii Agreed Time", which is the largest achievement of Russian Historical Science ...


Library of modern fiction. In 30 volumes

Format: FB2, eBook (computer initially)
Author: Collective of authors
Year of release: 1965-1980
Genre: Science fiction
Publisher: "Young Guard". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 30 books
Description: The library of modern fiction was initially assumed in 15 volumes, then in 25 volumes, another 5 volumes of additions came out as a library of modern foreign fiction. BSF is one of the fundamental multi-volume anthologies of world fiction issued in the USSR. The series played an outstanding role in creating traditions of fiction edition in the USSR. The library presents the books of the owl ...

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Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

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Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom two


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Third


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fourth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fify


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Sixthy


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Seventh


Index, addition and notes to VII of the Russian historical library


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. That eighth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom ninth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom tenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume eleventh


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twelve


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fourteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fifteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom sixteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom seventeenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Eighteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom nineteenth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom twenty first


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty second


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom Twenty Third


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty-fourth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty fifth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom Twenty Sixth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty seventh


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty eighth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty ninth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirtieth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty first


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty second


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty third


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty-fourth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty fifth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Thirty Sixth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty seventh


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty eighth


Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty ninth


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Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom two

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Third

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fourth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fify

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Sixthy

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Seventh

Index, addition and notes to VII of the Russian historical library

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. That eighth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom ninth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom tenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume eleventh

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twelve

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fourteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fifteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom sixteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom seventeenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Eighteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom nineteenth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom twenty first

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty second

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom Twenty Third

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty-fourth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty fifth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Thom Twenty Sixth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Volume twenty seventh

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty eighth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom twenty ninth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirtieth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty first

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty second

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty third

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty-fourth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty fifth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Thirty Sixth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty seventh

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty eighth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom thirty ninth

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Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom two

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Third

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fourth

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Fify

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Sixthy

Russian Historical Library, published by the Archaeographic Commission. Tom Seventh

"Russian Historical Library" - A series of collections of documentary sources and literary monuments, published by the archaeographic commission in 1872-1927. Included mainly sources of the period of 14-17 centuries.
In 39 volumesopublished acts relating to the internal and foreign policy of Russia, the "Secret Order" (TT. 21, 22, 23.38), documents from church and monastic archives (TT. 5, 12, 14, 25, 37), Part of the Lithuanian metrics (TT. 20, 27, 30, 33), scribble books, fragments of chronicles, stories and legends on the "troubled time" (t. 13), op. A. M. Kurbsky (vol. 31), Avvakum (vol. 39). Preparation and editing of materials were carried out prominent Russian historians and archaeographs: J. L. Barskov, A. P. Barsukov, S. A. Belokurov, I. A. Bychkov, S. B. Beshelovsky, V. G. Druzhinin, A. . Lappo-Danilevsky, L. N. Mikov, S. F. Platonov and others. Rib is one of the largest series of documentary publications in Russian archeography.

T. 1. Monuments related to troubled time. St. Petersburg, 1872.

T. 2. SPb., 1875

T. 3. SPb., 1876

T. 4. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Kn. 1. SPb., 1878

T. 5. Acts of the Iverly St. Monastery (1582 - 1706). St. Petersburg., 1878 |

T. 6. Part 1. Monuments of the ancient Russian canonical law (XI - XV century). St. Petersburg, 1880

T. 6. Part 1. Monuments of the ancient Russian canonical law (XI - XV century). 2nd ed. St. Petersburg., 1908

T. 7. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Kn. 2. SPb., 1882

T. 8. (Collection of articles). St. Petersburg., 1884.

T. 9. A. Parish-expenditure books of the state order. B. Notebooks of the Moscow Table. 1626, May 5 - 1627, Aug. 31; 1633, September - 1634, August. St. Petersburg., 1884.

T. 10. Notebooks of the Moscow table. 1636 - 1663. SPb., 1886.

T. 11. Notebooks of the Moscow Table. 1663, 1664, 1678 - 1679. Appendix: the correspondence books of Rostov of the Great Second Half of the XVII century. St. Petersburg., 1889.

T. 12. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga diocese. Part 1. SPb., 1890.

T. 13. Monuments of ancient Russian writing relating to troubled time. St. Petersburg., 1891.

T. 13, vol. 1. Monuments of ancient Russian writing relating to troubled time. 3rd ed. L., 1925.

T. 14. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga Diocese. Part 2. SPb., 1894.

T. 15. I. Russian acts of the Revelsky city archive. II. Fitting Book of Kostroma Cape 1613 - 1627. Iii. Babel Novgorod books 1597 and 1599 - 1600. IV. The ship is Chuvash Simbirsky County. V. Okaz Afanasiy Filippovich Pashkov to Voivodeship in Dauro Earth, 1655. VI. Oaksa Pazukhino sent to Bukhara, Ball and Jürgench, 1669. SPb., 1894.

T. 16. Russian acts of the Copenhagen State Archive. SPB., 1897

T. 17. I. Putovaya and Censuous Book of the XVII century. by Nizhny Novgorod. II. The notebook is the fortress acts of the XV - XVII centuries, revealed in Novgorod to Deak D.Alyabyev. III. Dozens of Penza Territory. St. Petersburg., 1898.

T. 18. Don business. Kn. 1. SPb., 1898.

T. 19. Monuments of polemical literature in Western Russia. Kn. 3. SPb., 1903

T. 20. Lithuanian metric. T. 1. Books of vessels. St. Petersburg., 1903

T. 21. Cases of the secret order. Kn. 1. SPB., 1907.

T. 22. Cases of the secret order. Kn. 2. SPb., 1908.

T. 23. Cases of the secret order. Kn. 3. St. Petersburg., 1904.

T. 24. Don business. Kn. 2. SPb., 1906.

T. 25. Acts of the Kholmogorsk and Ustyuga Diocese. Part 3. SPb., 1908.

T. 26. Don business. Kn. 3. St. Petersburg., 1909.

T. 27. Lithuanian metric. Department 1. Part 1: Books of Records. T. 1. SPb., 1910.

T. 28. Profit-expendable books of Moscow orders. Kn. 1. SPb., 1912.

T. 29. Don business. Kn. 4. St. Petersburg., 1913.

T. 30. Lithuanian metric. Departments of the first-second. Part 3: Books of public affairs. T. 1. Yuriev, 1914

T. 31. Essays of Prince Kurbsky. T. 1. SPb., 1914.

T. 32. Archive P.M. Economy. T. 1. GG, 1915.

T. 33. Popit Troops incl 1528, 1565, 1567 GH., 1915

T. 34. Don business. Kn. 5. GH., 1917.

T. 35. Archive P.M. Economy. T. 2. GG., 1917.

T. 36. Monuments of the ancient Russian canon law. Part 2. GG., 1920

T. 37. Parish-expenditure books of the Boldino-Dor Profit Monastery. GH, 1923.

T. 38. Cases of the secret order. Kn. 4. L., 1926.

T. 39. Monuments of the history of the Old Believers of the XVII century. Kn. 1, vol. 1. L., 1927. There is no time in the distribution.

Source: Files in formats.pdf i.djvu.

Russian Historical Library (Tom 1 - 38) (1872-1926) (3.27 GB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 1 - 1872.djvu (24.2 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 1 - 1872.pdf (27.67 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 10 - 1886.djvu (45.02 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 10 - 1886.pdf (22.74 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 11 - 1889.djvu (48.26 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 11 - 1889.pdf (30.77 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 12 - 1890.djvu (73.29 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 12 - 1890.pdf (39.24 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 13 - 1891.DJVU (52.71 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 13 - 1891.pdf (27.73 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 14 - 1894.djvu (60.78 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 14 - 1894.pdf (34.85 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 15 - 1894.djvu (60.37 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 15 - 1894.pdf (33.09 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 16 - 1897.djvu (48.44 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 16 - 1897.pdf (28.61 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 17 - 1898.djvu (78.38 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 17 - 1898.pdf (39.51 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 18 - 1898.djvu (57.66 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 18 - 1898.pdf (26.84 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 19 - 1903.djvu (104.16 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 19 - 1903.pdf (43.91 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 2 - 1875.djvu (40.38 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 2 - 1875.pdf (38.19 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 20 - 1903.djvu (117.57 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 20 -1903.pdf (56.68 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 21 - 1907.djvu (94.57 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 21 - 1907.pdf (48.72 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 22 - 1908.djvu (62.46 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 22 - 1908.pdf (24.64 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 23 - 1904.djvu (77.28 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 23 - 1904.pdf (46.28 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 24 - 1906.djvu (57.81 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 24 - 1906.pdf (31.67 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 25 - 1908.djvu (49.17 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 25 - 1908.pdf (30.81 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 26 - 1909.djvu (55.55 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 26 - 1909.pdf (32.16 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 27 - 1910.djvu (47.26 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 27 - 1910.pdf (30.6 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 28 - 1912.djvu (41.32 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 28 - 1912.pdf (25.92 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 29 - 1913.djvu (44.16 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 29 - 1913.pdf (27.25 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 3 - 1876.djvu (35.87 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Tom 3 -1876.pdf (33.48 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 30 - 1914.djvu (40.77 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 30 - 1914.pdf (23.91 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 31 - 1914.djvu (31.05 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 31 - 1914.pdf (16.24 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 32 - 1915.djvu (47.71 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 32 - 1915.pdf (23.09 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 33 - 1915.djvu (45.29 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 33 - 1915.pdf (32.28 MB)

Russian Historical Library - Volume 34 - 1917.djvu (52.67 MB)

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