The year of the end of Tataro Mongolian yoke. Tatar-Mongol Igo in Russia

Mongol-Tatar Igo is a period of capturing Russia Mongol-Tatars in 13-15th centuries. Mongol-Tatar Igo lasted for 243 years.

True on the Mongol-Tatar IGE

The Russian princes at that time were in a state of hostility, so they could not give a worthy repulse to the invaders. Despite the fact that Polovtsy came to the rescue, the Army Tatar-Mongol quickly captured the advantage.

The first direct clash between the troops took place on the river Kalka, on May 31, 1223 and it was quite quickly lost. Already then it became clear that our army will not be able to defeat the Tatar-Mongols, but the Natisk of the opponent has restrained quite a long time.

In the winter of 1237, a targeted invasion of the main troops of the Tatar-Mongols on the territory of Russia began. This time the enemy's army commanded the grandson of Genghis Khan - Bati. The army of nomads managed to quickly move deep into the country, defeating the principalities in turn and killing everyone who tried to resist.

The main dates of capturing Russia Tatar-Mongols

  • 1223 year. Tatar-Mongols approached the Rus border;
  • May 31, 1223. First battle;
  • Winter 1237 year. The beginning of a focused invasion of Russia;
  • 1237 year. Captured Ryazan and Kolomna. Palo Ryazan Principality;
  • March 4, 1238. Great Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich killed. Captured by the city of Vladimir;
  • Autumn 1239. Captured Chernigov. Palo Chernihiv Principality;
  • 1240 year. Captured Kiev. Palo Kiev Principality;
  • 1241 year. Palo Galico-Volyn Principality;
  • 1480 year. The overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Causes of Russia's fall under Natius Mongol-Tatars

  • the lack of a single organization in the ranks of Russian warriors;
  • numerical advantage of the enemy;
  • the weakness of the command of the Russian army;
  • poorly organized mutual assistance from scattered princes;
  • underestimation of the forces and the number of enemy.

Features of the Mongol-Tatar Goo in Russia

In Russia, the establishment of a Mongol-Tatar yoke with new laws and orders began.

Vladimir became the actual political life center, it was from there that Tatar-Mongolian Khan carried out his office.

The essence of the management of the Tatar mongolian Iga It was that Khan handed the label to the prince at his own discretion and fully controlled all the territories of the country. It enhanced hostility between princes.

The feudal fragmentation of the territories in every way encouraged, as it reduced the likelihood of centralized rebound.

From the population, tribute was regularly charged, "Ordinsky Exit." Special officials were engaged in the money collection - Baskaki, who showed extreme cruelty and did not have abductions and murders.

The consequences of Mongol-Tatar conquest

The consequences of the Mongol-Tatar yoke in Russia were terrible.

  • Many cities and villages were destroyed, people were killed;
  • Agriculture, handicrafts and art have declined;
  • The feudal fragmentation was significantly increased;
  • Significantly reduced population;
  • Rus began to noticeably lag in development from Europe.

End of Mongol-Tatar Igo

Complete release from the Mongol-Tatar yoke occurred only in 1480, when the Grand Duke Ivan III refused to pay the Horde money and declared the independence of Russia.

The traditional version of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion on Russia, "Tatar-Mongolian Iga", and the liberation from him is known to the reader from school bench. In the statement of most historians, the events looked like this. At the beginning of the XIII century in the steppes Far East The energetic and brave tribal leader of Genghis Khan gathered a huge army from nomads, soldered by iron discipline, and rushed to conquer the world - "To the last sea."

So was it in Russia Tatar-Mongolian Igo?

Conquering the nearest neighbors, and then China, the powerful Tatar-Mongolian horde rolled to the west. After passing about 5 thousand kilometers, Mongols defeated Khorezm, then Georgia and in 1223 came to the southern outskirts of Russia, where the Russian princes's army won in the battle on the river Kallet. In the winter of 1237, Tatar-Mongols invaded Russia with all his countless army, burned and disassembled many Russian cities, and in 1241 they tried to conquer Western Europe, invading Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary, reached the banks of the Adriatic Sea, but turned back, because What was afraid to leave in their rear in the rear, but still dangerous for them Russia. The Tatar-Mongolian Igo began.

The great poet A. S. Pushkin left the penetrated lines: "Russia was determined by a high purpose ... its unaware plains were absorbed by Mongols and stopped their invasion on the very edge of Europe; Barbarians did not dare to leave the enslaved Russia in their rear and returned to the steppes of their east. The resulting enlightenment was rescued with a confused and spraying Russia ... "

A huge Mongolian Power, Straighting from China to the Volga, who ominous shadow hung over Rus. Mongolian khans were issued by the Russian princes labels for the reign, many times attacked Russia to rob and robbed, repeatedly killed in their golden Horde Russian princes.

Stopping over time, Rus began to resist. In 1380, the Grand Duke of the Moscow Dmitry Donskoy broke the Orda Khan Mamaha, and the century later in the so-called "standing in the thorough" the troops of the Grand Duke Ivan III and the Ordan Khan Akhmat. The opponents have long stood the camp on different sides of the Ugrian River, after which Khan Ahmat, finally understood that the Russians were strong and he had little chance to win the battle, gave the order to retreat and relieved his Horde on the Volga. These events are considered the "end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke."

But in recent decades, this classic version has been questioned. Geographer, ethnographer and historian Lev Gumilev convincingly showed that relations between Russia and Mongols were much more complicated than the usual confrontation of cruel conquerors and their unfortunate victims. Deep knowledge In the area of \u200b\u200bhistory and ethnography, they allowed a scientist to conclude that there was some "complimentaryness" between the Mongols and Rusichs, that is, the combination, the ability to symbiosis and mutual support on the cultural and ethnic level. Also, the writer and publicist Alexander Buschkov, "Dot" the theory of Gumilyov, went to a logical end and expressed a completely original version: what is called by Tatar-Mongolian invasion, in fact it was a struggle of the descendants of Prince Vsevolod a big nest (son Yaroslav and the grandson of Alexander Nevsky ) With your rivals-princes for the sole power over Rus. Khana Mamay and Ahmat were not aliens raiders, but noble nobles, which, according to the dynastic relations of Russian-Tatar births, had legally informed rights to the Grand Diction. Thus, the Kulikov battle and "standing in the thief" are not episodes of the struggle with foreign aggressors, and the pages of the Civil War in Russia. Moreover, this author was made public at all "revolutionary" idea: under the names "Genghis Khan" and "Bati" in the history there are ... Russian princes Yaroslav and Alexander Nevsky, and Dmitry Donskoy - this is Han Mamai (!).

Of course, the conclusions of the publicist are filled with irony and borders with the postmodern "stem", but it should not be noted that many facts of the history of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion and Iga really look too many and need more close attention and unbiased research. Let's try to consider some of these mysteries.

Let's start with the general comment. Western Europe in the XIII century was a disappointing picture. The Christian world was experiencing a certain depression. The activity of Europeans shifted to the borders of their range. German feudal feudal began to seize border slavic lands And turn their population in powerless serfs. Western Slavswho lived along the Elbe resisted German pressure by all their might, but the forces were unequal.

Who were the Mongols, approaching the borders of the Christian world from the East? How did the powerful Mongolian state appear? We will make the excursion to his story.

At the beginning of the XIII century, in 1202-1203, the Mongols were smashed first Merkitov, and then ceraims. The fact is that ceraims were divided into supporters of Genghis Khan and his opponents. The opponents of Genghis Khan headed the son of Van Khan, the legal heir to the throne - Nilha. He had the grounds to hate Genghis Khan: while Van Khan was an ally of Chingis, he (the leader of cerapets), seeing the indisputable talents of the latter, wanted to give him the Kerat's throne, bypassing his son. Thus, the collision of the parts of the keraits with the Mongols occurred during the lifetime of Van Khan. And although the cerapes had a numerical superiority, the Mongols were divided into them, since they showed exceptional mobility and captured the enemy by surprise.

In a collision with ceraims, the character of Genghis Khan was fully manifested. When Van Khan and his son Nilha fled from the battlefield, one of their noions (military leaders) was detained with a small squad, saving their leaders from captivity. This Neuon grabbed, led to the eyes of Chingis, and he asked: "Why do you, Neuon, seeing the situation of their troops, did not go? You also had time and opportunity. " He answered: "I served my khan and gave it to escape, and my head is for you, about the winner." Genghis Khan said: "It is necessary that everyone imitated to this person.

See what kind of brave, faithful, valiant. I can't kill you, Neyon, I offer you a place in my army. " Neyon became thousands and, of course, served Genghis Khan, because the Keratskaya Horde broke up. Wang-Khan himself died when attempting to flee to hires. Their guards on the border, seeing Keraita, killed him, and the head of the old man was brought to her Khan.

In 1204, the collision of the Mongols of Genghis Khan and the powerful Nimansky Khanate occurred. And again the victory won the Mongols. The defeated were included in the Horde of Chingis. In the Eastern steppe, there were no more tribes capable of actively resisting the new order, and in 1206, on Great Kurultai, Genghis was again elected Khan, but for all Mongolia. This was born the ProseculsionGolsk state. The only hostile tribe remained ancient enemies of Bordzhiginov - Merkites, but those by 1208 were displaced in the Valley of the IRGI river.

The growing power of Genghis Khan allowed His Horde is quite easy to assimilate different tribes and peoples. Because, in accordance with the Mongolian stereotypes of behavior, Khan could and had to demand humility, obedience to the order, fulfillment of duties, but to force a person to refuse to be faithful or customs was considered immoral - behind the individual there was the right to their own choice. This state of affairs was attractive for many. In 1209, the State of Uigurs sent ambassadors to Genghis Khan with a request to take them to his ulus. The request, naturally, was satisfied, and Genghis Khan gave huge trading privileges to Uigur. Through Uyiguri walked a punishment path, and Uigur, being as part of the Mongolian state, the treasures due to the fact that at high prices they sold water, fruits, meat and "pleasures" with ruddering caravantes. The voluntary connection of Uiguria with Mongolia was useful for both Mongols. With the accession of Uiguria, the Mongols came out beyond the boundaries of their ethnic range and came in touch with other peoples of Okumen.

In 1216, the River Irgiz Mongols was attacked by Khorezmians. Khorezm by that time was the most powerful of the states arising after the weakening of the power of the Seljuk Turk. The rulers of Khorezm from the governors of the ruler of Urgench turned into an independent sovereign and adopted the title of "Khorezmshakh". They turned out to be energetic, enterprising and militant. This allowed them to conquer most of Central Asia and South Afghanistan. Khorezmshahi created a huge state in which the main military power They were Turks from the adjacent steppes.

But the state turned out to be fragile, despite wealth, brave warriors and experienced diplomats. Military dictatorship regime relied on someone else's tribes, who had a different language, other morals and customs. The cruelty of mercenaries caused dissatisfaction of the residents of Samarkand, Bukhara, Merva and other Central Asian cities. The uprising in Samarkand led to the fact that the Turkic garrison was destroyed. Naturally, this was followed by the punitive operation of the Khorezmians who were severely dealt with Samarkand's population. The other large and rich cities of Central Asia were injured.

In this setting, Khorezmsh Muhammed decided to confirm his title "Gazi" - "the winner of the wrong" - and become famous for the next victory over them. The case was introduced by him in that very 1216, when Mongols, fighting with Merkitami, reached Irgiz. Having learned about the arrival of Mongols, Mohammed sent an army against them on the grounds that Stepnyakov must be paid to Muslim.

The Khorezmian army collapsed on the Mongols, but those in the anrighard battle themselves switched to the offensive and walked around Khorezmians. Only the attack of the left wing, which was commanded by the son of Khorezmshaha, the talented commander of Jelal-hell-Dean, straightened the situation. After that, the Khorerazimians moved away, and the Mongols returned home: they were not going to fight with Khorezm, on the contrary, Genghis Khan wanted to establish connections with Khorezmshah. After all, through Central Asia, a great caravan way and all molded the lands, for which he ran, the riskers at the expense of duties paid by merchants. The merchants willingly paid the duties, because they shifted their expenses on consumers, while not losing anything. Wanting to preserve all the advantages associated with the existence of caravan paths, Mongols sought to peace and peace on their turns. The difference of faith, in their opinion, the reason for the war did not give and justify bloodshed could not. Probably, Khorezmsh himself understood the collision episodic on Irshze. In 1218, Muhammed sent a shopping caravan to Mongolia. The world was restored, especially since the Mongols were not to Khorezm: shortly before this Namansky Tsarevich Kuchluk began new war with mongols.

Mongol-Khorezmian relations were violated by the Khorezmsha and his officials themselves. In 1219, a rich caravan of Genghis Khan land came to the Khorezmian city of Refrave. The merchants went to the city to replenish the food reserves and wash out in the bath. There, the merchants met two acquaintances, one of whom reported to the ruler of the city, that these merchants are spies. He immediately realized that there was a wonderful reason to rob travelers. The merchants were confiscated, the property was confiscated. Half of the worn ruler of the reflection sent to Khorezm, and Muhammed accepted production, which means it was divided responsibility for the deed.

Genghis Khan sent ambassadors to find out why an incident occurred. Muhammed was angry, seeing incorrect, and ordered part of the ambassadors to kill, and a part, Donaga rank, expel to the right death in the steppe. Two or three Mongols still got home and told about what happened. Genghis Khan's anger had no limits. From the point of view of Mongol, there were two worst crimes: deception of the trust and murder of guests. According to custom, Genghis Khan could not leave indiscreets neither the merchants who were killed in the refill, nor the ambassadors who insulted and killed Khorezmshah. Khan should have been fighting, otherwise the tribesmen would simply refuse him in trust.

In Central Asia, Khorezmshah had a four-hundredth regular troops at his disposal. And from Mongols, as the famous Russian orientalist V. Barthold believed, there was no more than 200 thousand. Genghis Khan demanded military aid from all allies. Warriors came from Turks and Kara Kitaev, the Uigurs sent a detachment of 5 thousand people, only the tangutic ambassador replied: "If you do not have enough troops - do not fight." Genghis Khan considered the answer to insult and said: "Only the dead I could demolish such an offense."

Genghis Khan threw the collected Mongolian, Uigur, Turkic and Kara-Chinese troops on Khorezm. Khorezmshah, having quarreled with his mother Turkan Hatun, did not trust the warlords associated with her relatives. He was afraid to collect them in a fist in order to reflect the onslaught of Mongols, and scattered the army by garrisons. The best commander of Shah was his native unloved son of Jelal Ad-Dean and the commandant of the fortress Khododeh Timur-Melik. Mongols took the fortress one after another, but in a walking, even taking the fortress, they could not capture the garrison. Timur-Melik put his warriors on the rafts and in broad Syrdarya left the persecution. Scattered garrisons could not hold back the onset of the troops of Cenghis Khan. Soon all the major cities of Sultanate - Samarkand, Bukhara, Merch, Herat - were captured by Mongols.

Regarding the Mongols of the Central Asian Cities, there is a well-established version: "Wild nomads destroyed the cultural oasis of agricultural peoples." Is it so? This version, as L. N. Gumilev showed, was built on the legends of the court Muslim historians. For example, about the fall of herata Islamic historians reported as a disaster, in which the entire population was exterminated in the city, except for several men who managed to escape in the mosque. They hid there, afraid to go out into the streets littered with corpses. Only wild animals wandered around the city and tormented the dead. After sitting off for a while and having come to themselves, these "heroes" went to the long-range edges of robbery caravans to regain the lost wealth.

But is it possible? If all population big City It was exterminated and lay on the streets, then inside the city, in particular and in the mosque, the air would be full of corpus miasms, and they would just die there. No predators, except Shakalov, do not live near the city, and in the city and they penetrate very rarely. By the exhausted people move robbing caravans for several hundred kilometers from Herat, it was simply impossible, because they would have to go on foot, carrying gravity - water and provisions. Such a "robber", having met a caravan, could no longer rob him ...

More interesting information reported by historians about Merve. Mongols took it in 1219 and too, as if they would have destroyed all the inhabitants there. But in 1229, Merv rebelled, and Mongols had to take the city again. Finally, in two years, Merv put out a detachment of 10 thousand people to combat Mongols.

We see that the fruits of fancy and religious hatred gave rise to legends about Mongolian atrocities. If take into account the degree of reliability of sources and set up simple, but inevitable issues, it is easy to separate the historical truth from literary fictions.

Mongols occupied Persia almost without fighting, pushing out the son of Khorezmshaha Gelal-Ad-Din to Northern India. Mohammed II Gazi himself, durable by struggle and constant defeats, died in the colony of lepers on the island in the Caspian Sea (1221). The Mongols also concluded the world with the Shiite population of Iran, which was constantly offended by the Sunnites who stood in power, in particular the Baghdad Caliph and the Jelal Ad-Dean himself. As a result, the Shiite population of Persia suffered significantly less than the Sunnis of Central Asia. Be that as it may, in 1221, with the state of Khorezmshakh, it was finished. With one ruler - Mohammed II Gazi - this state reached the highest power, and died. As a result, Khorezm, Northern Iran, Horacean were attached to the Mongol Empire.

In 1226, he struck the hour of the tangut state, which in a decisive moment of war with Khorezm refused Genghis Khanta in help. Mongols reasonably considered this step as a betrayal, which, in accordance with the Yasoy, demanded a mess. The capital of Tangut was the city of Zhongsin. His besieged in 1227, Genghis Khan, defeated the tangut troops in the preceding battles.

During the siege of Zhongsin, Genghis Khan died, but Mongol Neuons on the orders of their leader hid his death. The fortress was taken, and the population of the "evil" city, which fell collective wines for betrayal, was exposed to execution. The state of Tangutov disappeared, leaving after himself only written evidence of the past culture, but the city survived and lived until 1405, when he was destroyed by the Chinese Ming Dynasty.

From the capital of Tangutov Mongols took the body of their great ruler to the native steppes. The rite of the funeral was as follows: the remains of Genghis Khan laid down the grave along with many valuable things and killed all the slaves who performed funeral work. According to custom, exactly one year later, it was necessary to post alert. In order to then find the burial place, Mongols made the following. On the grave they were sacrificed just taken from the mother of a small camel. And after a year, the camel sama found the place in the bounded steppe, where her young was killed. The bumps of this camel, the Mongols made the laid surveillance rite and then left the grave forever. Since then, no one knows where Genghis Khan is buried.

IN last years He was extremely concerned about the fate of his power. Hana had four sons from his beloved wife Borte and many children from other wives who were considered to be legitimate children, but did not have the right to the throne of the Father. Sons from Borte differed on the tenders and in nature. The eldest son, Juchi, was born shortly after the Merkitsky captivity of Borte, and therefore not only evil tongues, but also the younger brother Chagayt called him "Merkitsky geek." Although Borte invariably defended Juci, and Genghis Khan himself always recognized him with his son, the shadow of Merkitsky captivity of the mother fell on Juci Bremen suspicious of illegality. One day, in the presence of Father, Chagatai opened Juchi illegitimately, and the case almost ended the fight of the brothers.

Curious, but according to the testimony of contemporaries, in the behavior of Djuci there were some stable stereotypes that have greatly distinguished him from Chingis. If the concept of "mercy" did not exist for Genghishana in relation to enemies (he left life only to small children who adopted his mother Oalong, and the valiant luggage, which were rebounded by Mongolian service), then Djuci was distinguished by humanity and kindness. So, during the siege of Gurganja, completely exhausted war Khorezmians asked to accept the surrender, that is, to simply speaking, spare them. Djuci spoke in favor of the manifestation of mercy, but Genghis Khan categorically rejected the request for mercy, and as a result, Gurganj's garrison was partially carved, and the city himself was flooded with the waters of Amudarya. The misunderstanding between the father and the eldest son, constantly heated by intrigues and by statements of relatives, in time they deepened and passed into the distrust of the sovereign to his heir. Genghis Khan suspected that Juci wants to gain popularity among the conquered peoples and separate from Mongolia. It was unlikely that it was so, but the fact remains a fact: at the beginning of 1227, the juchi fucking in the steppe found a dead - he had a broken spine. Details of what happened held in secret, but, no doubt, Genghis Khan was a man interested in Djuchi's death and completely able to break the life of the Son.

In contrast to Juchi, the second son of Genghis Khan, Chaga Tai, was a man of strict, executive and even cruel. So he received the position of "Keeper Yaasi" (something like the Prosecutor General or supreme Judge). Chachatai strictly observed the law and, without any mercy, referred to his violators.

The third son of the Great Khan, Ugudei, like Juci, was distinguished by kindness and tolerance for people. The nature of the UGEDEY is best illustrated by such a case: once in a joint trip, the brothers saw the Water Muslim in the water. According to Muslim custom, each faithful is obliged to make Namaz and ritual ablution several times a day. Mongolian tradition, on the contrary, forbade a person to wash throughout the summer. Mongols believed that washing in the river or lake causes a thunderstorm, and the thunderstorm in the steppe was very dangerous for the travelers, and therefore "challenge a thunderstorm" was considered as an attempt on the lives of people. Nuchers-journalism of the ruthless jealous of the law Chagatai grabbed Muslim. Anticipating the bloody junction - the muffled head was threatened, - Ugtei sent his man, so that he ordered Muslim to answer that he dropped in the water with gold and just looking for him there. Muslim said Chagatayu. He ordered to look for a coin, and during this time, the Bureau of Ughedya threw the golden into the water. The coin found was returned to the "right owner." To the farewell of the Ugheday, drove out of his pocket a handful of coins, handed them out of a saved man and said: "When you throw gold to the water, do not climb him, do not break the law."

The youngest of the sons of Chingis, Tului, was born in 1193. Since then, Genghis Khan was in captivity, this time the wrongness of Borte was quite obvious, but Genghis Khan and Tulua admitted to his legitimate son, although he did not resemble her father.

Of the four sons of Genghis Khan, younger possessed the greatest talents and showed the greatest moral dignity. A good commander and an outstanding administrator, Tului, besides, was a loving husband and distinguished by nobility. He married his daughter of the deceased head of Keraitov Van Khan, which was a pious Christian. Tului himself did not have the right to take the Christian faith: as Chingisid, he had to confess the religion of Bon (paganism). But his wife, the son of Khan allowed not only to send all Christian rites in the luxurious "church" yurt, but also have priests with him and take monks. The death of Tulua can be called heroic without exaggeration. When Ugtei got sick, Tuluus voluntarily accepted a strong shaman potion, striving to "attract" the disease to himself, and died, saving his brother.

All four sons had the right to inherit Genghis Khan. After the elimination of Juchi heirs, three left, and when Chingis was not, and the new Khan was not yet elected, the ulus rules of Tului. But on Kurultai 1229, Great Khan chose, in accordance with the will of Chingis, a soft and tolerant Ugheda. Ugadei, as we have already mentioned, possessed a good soul, but the sovereign's kindness is often not beneficial to the state and subject. Ulus management under it was carried out mainly due to the rigor of the Chagatai and the diplomatic and administrative ability of Tulua. The Great Khan himself preferred to the state concerns of nomads with hunting and peers in Western Mongolia.

The grandchildren of Genghis Khan were allocated various areas of ulus or high positions. The eldest son of Juci, Orda-Icheng, received a white horde that was located between the Irtysh and the Tarbagatay Range (the area of \u200b\u200bthis Semipalatinsk). The second son, Bat, began to own a golden (big) Horde on the Volga. The Third Son, Sheebani, went through the blue horde, nomaded from Tyumen to Aral. At the same time, three brothers - the rulers of uluses - was allocated only one or two thousand Mongolian warriors, while the total number of Mongolian army reached 130 thousand people.

Children's children also received a thousand warriors, and the descendants of Tuluya, being at the courtyard, owned all the grandfathers and fatherly ulus. So the Mongols have established a system of inheritance, called Minrat, in which the younger son received all the rights of his father in the heritage, and the older brothers - only a share in general inheritance.

The Great Khan Ugheda also had a son - GUUK, who claimed inheritance. The increase in the clan still in the life of Chingis's children caused a section of inheritance and enormous difficulties in managing the ulus, spreading on the territory from black to the Yellow Sea. In these difficulties and family accounts, the grains of future strife were buried, destroying the state created by Genghis Khan and his associates.

How many Tatar-Mongol came to Russia? Let's try to deal with this question.

Russian pre-revolutionary historians mention the "half-million Mongolian army". V. Yang, the author of the famous trilogy "Genghis Khan", "Bati" and "To the last sea", calls the number of four hundred thousand. However, it is known that the warrior of a nomadic tribe goes on the campaign, having three horses (at least two). One takes a swing ("dry buckles", horseshoes, a spare harness, arrows, armor), and for the third time you need to transplanted, so that one horse can relax, if you suddenly have to get into battle.

Uncomplicated calculations show that for the army in half a million or four hundred thousand fighters, it is necessary at least one and a half million horses. Such a herd is unlikely to effectively move to a long distance, since the advanced horses will instantly destroy the grass on a huge space, and the rear will die from the infants.

All major invasions of Tatar-Mongol at the limits of Russia took place in winter, when the remaining grass is hidden under the snow, and you will not take a lot of foil with you ... Mongolian horse really knows how to extradite meal from under the snow, but the ancient sources do not mention the horses of the Mongolian breed that had "In service" hordes. Specialists in horse breeding prove that the Tatar-Mongol Horde traveled on Turkmen, and this is a completely different breed, and it looks different, and it is not capable of feeding in winter without help ...

In addition, the difference between the horse released in winter without any work, and the horse, forced to perform long transitions under the sedock, and participate in battles is not taken into account. But they, besides horsemen, had to carry more and heavy prey! For the troops moved an overview. Cottle, which drags the carts, also need to feed ... The picture of the huge mass of people moving in the ariecargard of half-million troops with interses, wives and children seems to be rather fantastic.

The temptation for the historian to explain the campaigns of the Mongols of the XIII century "migrations" is great. But modern researchers show that Mongolian hikes were not directly related to the movements of vast masses. The victories did not hide the hordes of nomads, but small, well-organized mobile detachments, after campaigns returning to the native steppes. And the khans of the branches of Juci - Bati, Horde and Sheibani - received on the will of Chingis for only 4 thousand riders, that is, about 12 thousand people who settled on the territory from the Carpathians to Altai.

In the end, historians stopped at thirty thousand soldiers. But here are questions unanswered. And the first among them will be like this: is not it? Despite the separation of Russian principalities, thirty thousand contesions - too small number in order to arrange the "Lights and ruin" across Russia! After all, they (even supporters of the "classic" version admit this) did not move the compact mass. Several detachments crumbled in different directions, and this reduces the number of "innumerable Tatar Hordes" to the limit followed by elementary distrust: could such a number of aggressors conquer Russia?

It turns out the enchanted circle: the huge army of Tatar-Mongol for purely physical reasons could hardly be able to maintain combat capability to quickly move around and apply notorious "uncomplicated blows." A small army could hardly establish control over most of Russia. To get out of this enchanted circle, you have to admit: the invasion of Tatar-Mongol was actually only an episode of the bloody civil war in Russia. The forces of opponents were relatively small, they relied on their own, accumulated in the cities of forage. And the Tatar-Mongols became an additional external factor used in the inner struggle in the same way as the troops of Pechenegs and Polovtsy were previously used.

The chronicle of the military campaigns 1237-1238 draws the classically Russian style of these battles - the battles occur in winter, and the Mongols - Stepnyaki - with striking skills act in the forests (for example, the environment and subsequent full destruction on the City of the City Detachment River under the command of the Great Prince Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich).

Throwing a common look at the history of the creation of a huge Mongolian power, we must return to Rus. Consider the situation with the battle with the river Kalka, not completely fully understood historians.

Not a stepwise presented at the turn of the XI-XII centuries at the turn of the XI-XII centuries for Kievan Rus. Our ancestors were friends with Polovtsy Khan, married "Red Girls Polovkoy," took baptized Polovtsy in their Wednesday, and the descendants of the latter became Zaporozhye and Slobodsk Cossacks, no wonder in their nicknames, the traditional Slavic suffix belonging to the "s" (Ivanov) was changed to the Turkic - " UNKO "(Ivanhenko).

At this time, the phenomenon was more terrible - the fall of the morals, the rejection of traditional Russian ethics and morality. In 1097, the Princely Congress was held in Lisher, which began the beginning of the new political form of the country's existence. It was decided that "Everyone yes keeps his father." Rus began to turn into a confederation of independent states. The princes swore indestructible to observe the proclaimed and the cross. But after the death of Mstislav, the Kiev power began to quickly disintegrate. The first postponed Polotsk. Then the Novgorod "Republic" stopped sending money to Kiev.

The act of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky became a bright example of the loss of moral values \u200b\u200band patriotic feelings. In 1169, capturing Kiev, Andrei gave the city for a three-day looting to his warriors. Until that moment in Russia, it was customary to be treated in a similar way with alien cities. For Russian cities, under any internecasters, this practice has never spread.

Igor Svyatoslavich, the descendant of Prince Oleg, the hero of the "Words about the regiment of Igor", which became Prince of Chernigov in 1198, set himself to deal with Kiev - the city where his dynasty's rivals were constantly strengthened. He agreed with Smolensky Prince Rürik Rostislavich and called for the help of Polovtsy. In defense of Kiev - "Mother of Russian cities" - Prince Roman Volynsky, who appeared on the allied troops to him.

The Chernihiv Prince plan was implemented after his death (1202). Rurik, Prince Smolensky, and Olgovichi with Polovtsy in January 1203 in battle, which was mainly between the Polovtsy and the tops of the novel Volynsky, took the top. Capturing Kiev, Rurik Rostislavich subjected the city to terrible defeat. The tenty church and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra were destroyed, and the city itself was burned. "They created a great evil, which was not from baptism in Russian land," the annals left the message.

After the fateful 1203 year, Kiev no longer recovered.

According to L. N. Gumileva, by this time the ancient Rusichi has lost their passionarity, i.e. the cultural and energy "charge". In such conditions, a clash with a strong opponent could not be tragic for the country.

Meanwhile, the Mongolian shelves approached the Russian borders. At that time, the main enemy of the Mongols in the West were Polovtsy. Their enmity began in 1216, when Polovtsy took the blood enemies of Chingis - Merkitov. The Antimongy Politics Polovtsi was actively carried out by constantly supporting the Finno-Ugric tribes hostile to the Mongols. At the same time, the steppes-Polovtsy were as mobile as the Mongols themselves. Seeing the futures of cavalry clashes with Polovtsy, Mongols sent an expeditionary building into the enemy rear.

Talented commander Subetay and Jebe told the body of three tums through the Caucasus. Georgian king Georgy Lasha tried to attack them, but was destroyed with the army. Mongols managed to capture the conductors who indicated the path through the Darialya gorge. So they went out to the upper shovel Kuban, in the rear of Polovtsam. Those, finding the enemy in her rear, retreated to the Russian border and asked for help from Russian princes.

It should be noted that the relations of Russia and Polovtsy do not fit into the scheme of an irreconcilable confrontation "Seceded - nomads." In 1223, Russian princes made allies of Polovtsy. Three strongest prince Rusi - Mstislav removed from Galich, Mstislav Kievsky and Mstislav Chernigov, - by collecting the troops, tried to protect them.

The collision at Kalka in 1223 is described in detail in the chronicles; In addition, there is another source - "the story of the battle on Kalka, and about the princes of Russians, and about seventy heroes." However, the abundance of information does not always make clarity ...

Historical science has not been denied for a long time that events on Kalka were not aggression of evil aliens, but by the attack on the part of Rusich. Mongols themselves did not strive for war with Rus. The ambassadors who arrived to Russian princes were quite friendly asked Russians not to interfere with their relations with Polovtsy. But, faithful to allied obligations, Russian princes rejected civilians. At the same time, they made a fatal mistake that had bitter consequences. All ambassadors were killed (according to some sources, they were not even just killed, but "ugly"). At all times, the murder of the ambassador, the parliamentary was considered a grave crime; According to the Mongolian law, the deception of the trusting was an unforgivable atrocity.

Following this, the Russian army performs on a long campaign. Leaving the limits of Russia, it first attacks the Tatar camp, takes prey, cares cattle, after which another eight days moves beyond its territory. On the river Kalka there is a decisive battle: the eighty-thousand Russian-Polovkaya army fell on a twenty thousand (!) Mongol detachment. This battle was played by allies due to the inability to coordinate actions. Polovtsy in a panic left the battlefield. Mstislav delete and his "younger" Prince Daniel fled for the Dnieper; They were the first to be at the shore and managed to jump in the rook. At the same time, the rest of the princes knocked the prince, fearing that the Tatars would be able to cross the following, "and, fear was fulfilled, traveled to Galich". Thus, he is observed on the death of his associates, whose horses were worse than the princely. The enemies killed everyone who was overtaken.

Other princes remain one on one with the enemy, three days beat his attacks, after which, believing the assurances of the Tatars, they are prisoned. Here is another mystery. It turns out that the princes surrendered after some Rusich named Froyan, who was in the fighting orders of the enemy, solemnly kissing the native cross in the fact that the Russians will spare and do not shed their blood. Mongols, according to her custom, the word was restrained: tied the captives, they put them on the ground, covered the floor with a decidant from the boards and sat down on the bodies. Not a drop of blood was not solito! And the last one, according to Mongolian views, was considered extremely important. (By the way, the fact that prisoners were put under the boards, only "the story of the battle on Kalka". Other sources write that the princes were simply killed, without mocking, and the third - that they were "captured". So the story with Famon on bodies - only one of the versions.)

Different peoples perceive the norms of law and the concept of honesty differently. Rusichi believed that Mongols, killing prisoners, broke their oath. But from the point of view of the Mongols, they were keen, and the execution was the highest fairness, because the princes committed a terrible sin of the murder of confidence. Therefore, it's not in cunning (history gives a lot of evidence of how the Russian princes themselves violated the "cross kissing"), and in the personality of the plane himself - Russian, Christian, some mysterious way, among the soldiers of the "unknown people".

Why did Russian princes surrendered, listening to the Plogni's persuasion? "The story of the battle on Kalka" writes: "Were together with the Tatars and Porodnikov, and they had a plane to be a governor." Porodniks are Russian free verges who lived in those places, the precursors of the Cossacks. However, the establishment of the social status of the plane only only confuses the case. It turns out that the fagments in the short time managed to negotiate with the "peoples of unknowns" and got together so much that they hit together in their blood brothers and in faith? One can argue with all certainty: part of the troops, with whom the Russian princes fell on Kalka, was Slavic, Christian.

Russian princes in all of this story look not the best way. But back to our mysteries. The "Tale of Battle on Kalka" mentioned by us is not able to definitely call the enemy of the Russians! Here is a quote: "... because of our sins, the peoples of unknown people came, godless Moavityans [the symbolic name from the Bible], about which no one knows who they come from, and what are their language, and what kind of tribe are, and what faith. And they call them by Tatars, and others say - Taurmen, and others - Pechenegs. "

Amazing lines! They are written much later than the events described when it seemed to have already supposed to know exactly whom the Russian princes fought at Kalka. After all, part of the troops (although Small) still returned from rolling. Moreover, the winners, pursuing the broken Russian shelves, chased themselves to Novgorod-Svyatopolcha (on the Dnieper), where they attacked the peaceful population, so among the citizens there should have been witnesses, who had seen enemy who saw their eyes. And at the same time, he remains "unknown"! This statement confuses more. After all, Polovtsy to the time described in Russia knew perfectly - for many years they lived nearby, they fought, they rushed ... Taurmen - a nomadic Turkic tribe that dwells in the Northern Black Sea region, - again, it was well known to Rusych. It is curious that in the "Word about the shelf of Igor-Ve", some "Tatarins" were mentioned among the Chernihiv princes of Turkic-nomads.

It seems that the chronicler hides something. For some not led by the reasons for us, he does not want to directly call the opponent of Russians in that battle. Maybe the battle on Kalka is not at all a clash with unknown peoples, and one of the episodes of the civil war, which was conducted among themselves the Russian Christians, Christian-Polovtsy and the Tatars enjoyed in the case?

After the battle on Klock, the part of the Mongols turned his horses to the east, seeking to report on the fulfillment of the task - about the victory over Polovtsy. But on the shores of Volga, the army was pleased with the ambush, arranged by Volzhsky Bulgarians. Muslims, hated Mongols as pagans, unexpectedly attacked them during the crossing. Here the winners at rod suffered a defeat and lost many people. We managed to cross through the Volga left the steppes east and united with the main forces of Genghis Khan. So the first meeting of Mongols and Rusich ended.

L. N. Gumilev collected a huge material, clearly indicating that the relationship between Russia and the Horde can be designated by the word "symbiosis". After Gumileva, especially many and often write about how Russian princes and Mongolian khans became twinmed, rhodiers, the eve and tests, as they went to joint military campaigns, as (let's call things with their own names) they were friends. The relationship of this kind is unique in its own way - in any conquered country of the Tatars did not behave this way. This symbiosis, the brotherhood in arms leads to such a weakening of names and events, which is sometimes even difficult to understand where the Russians end and begin the Tatars ...

Therefore, the question of whether the Tatar-Mongolian Igo was in Russia (in the classical understanding of this term) remains open. This topic is waiting for its researchers.

When it comes to "standing in the thorough", we are confronted with no diligence and defaults. How diligently studied the school or university course of history, in 1480, the troops of the Grand Duke Moscow Ivan III, the first "sovereign of All Russia" (the ruler of the United Power) and the Horde of Tatar Khan Akhmat got up on opposite banks of the Ugra River. After a long "standing", the Tatars were fled for some reason, and this event was the end of the Ordane Iga in Russia.

Dark places in this story a lot. Let's start with the fact that the famous picture that fell even to school textbooks - "Ivan III bophat Khan Basma," is written on the basis of the legend, the studied years after 70 after "standing in the thief." In fact, the Khan's ambassadors did not come to Ivan and no diploma-bass in their presence solemnly did not tear.

But again on Russia there is an enemy, an innovative, threatening, if you believe contemporaries, the very existence of Russia. What, all in a single impulse is preparing to give a soup back? Not! We are faced with a strange passivity and lusion of opinions. With the news about the approach of Ahmat in Russia, something happens that there is still no explanation. These events can be reconstructed only by meager, fragmentary data.

It turns out that Ivan III does not seek to fight the enemy at all. Khan Ahmat is far away for hundreds of kilometers, and Ivan's spouse, great Princess Sofya, runs from Moscow, for which he is honored from the chronicler of the accusatory epithets. Moreover, at the same time, some strange events unfold in the principality. "The story of standing in the thief" tells about it like this: "In the same winter, the great princes Sofia from escape returned, for she ran on Belosero from Tatars, although no one was chasing her." And further - even more mysterious words about these events, in fact, the only mention of them: "And those land for which she wandered, it became worse than from the Tatars, from the boyars of the holsters, from the Christian blood circuit. They give them, Lord, in the cunning of their actions, give them their hands to them, for they loved more wives, rather than the Orthodox Christian faith and the holy churches and agreed to betray Christianity, because they blinded their evil. "

What is it about? What happened in the country? What are the actions of the boyars brought accusations against "blood purification" and apostasy from faith? We practically do not know what we were talking about. A little light shedd reports of "evil advisers" of the Grand Duke, who advised not to beat with the Tatars, and "Abati away" (?!). Even the names of "Counselorov" are known - Ivan Vasilyevich Oskher Sorokumov-Glebov and Grigory Andreyevich Mamon. The most curious thing is that the Grand Duke itself does not see anything reprehensible in the behavior of the near Boyar, and subsequently there are no shadows of disgrace: after the "standing in the thief" both before the death of death are in Favor, receiving new awards and positions.

What is the matter? Almost deeply, foggy it is reported that the gentleman and Mamon, defending their point of view, mentioned the need for a non-one "old". In other words, the Grand Duke must refuse to resist Ahmat to observe any ancient traditions! It turns out that Ivan violates certain traditions, deciding to resist, and Ahmat, respectively, acts in his right? Otherwise it is impossible to explain this riddle.

Some scientists suggested: maybe a purely dynastic dispute? Again, two - representatives regarding the young North and more ancient south, and Ahmat, seem to be not less rights than his opponent!

And here in the situation, Rostov bishop Vasian Rylo interferes. It was his efforts that the situation is rehearsed, it is he who pushes the Grand Duke in a campaign. Bishop Vasian begging, insists, calls to the conscience of the prince, leads historical examples, hints that orthodox Church May turn away from Ivan. This wave of eloquence, logic and emotions is aimed at convincing the Grand Duke to go to the protection of his country! What a great prince about something hard does not want to do ...

Russian army, to the celebration of the bishop of Vasian, goes to the thief. Ahead - long, for several months, "standing". And again there is something strange. First, negotiations begin between Russian and Akhmat. Negotiations are quite unusual. Ahmat wants to do business with the Grand Prince himself - Russians refuse. Ahmat is a concession: asks for the brother or son of the Grand Prince, the Russians refuse. Ahmat is inferior again: now he agrees to speak with a "simple" ambassador, but for some reason, Nikifor Fedorovich Basenkov should certainly become this ambassador. (Why exactly he? Riddle.) Russians again refuse.

It turns out that in the negotiations, for some reason they are not interested. Ahmat goes on concessions, for some reason it is necessary to agree, but the Russians reject all his suggestions. Modern historians explain it like this: Ahmat "intended to demand tribute." But if Ahmat was interested only in Dani, why so long negotiations? It was enough to send some baskak. No, everything indicates that we have a certain big and gloomy mystery, not stacked in the usual scheme.

Finally, about the riddle of the retreat "Tatars" from the Ugra. Today in historical science There are three versions of not even deviations - hasty flight of Ahmat with Ugra.

1. A series of "fierce battles" undermined the morale of the Tatars.

(Most historians reject this, rightly stating that there were no battles. There were only small clashes, clashes of small detachments "on the neutral strip.")

2. The Russians applied firearms, which led the Tatars in the panic horror.

(It is unlikely that: by this time and the Tatar had a firearm. The Russian chronicler, describing the capture of the Moscow Reli of the Bulgar in 1378, mentions that residents "allowed thunder from the walls.")

3. Ahmat "Went to" a decisive battle.

But here's another version. It is extracted out historical essay The XVII century, belonging to Peru Andrei Lyslov.

"The unplanned king [Ahmat], not in the power of the smoke of his tolerate, in the summer 1480s gathered a considerable force: Tsarevichi, and Ulan, and Murz, and princes, and soon came to Russian turns. In Horde, he left only those who could not own weapons. Grand Duke The same, consulting with the boyars, decided to make a good deed. Leading that in a big Horde, where the king came from, there was no military left, secretly sent his numerous army into a large Horde, to the dwellings of the dies. The chapter stood a serunen king freaks of Gorodetsky and Prince Rvzdyev, Governor Zvenigorodsky. The king did not lead about that.

They, in the rags, sailing at the Volga in the Horde, saw that military people were there, and there is only a female floor, old men and the rates. And they undertook to capture and empty, wives and children of fruitful deaths of a lot of death betrayed, Ignoring them. And, of course, they could kill everyone.

But Murza is strong, servant Gorodetsky, whispered to his king, saying: "Oh King! It would be ridiculous, this would be a great sort of kingdom to the end and ruin, because you are from here, and you yourself come true, and we are all, and here - our statement. We leave here, and without that rather ruin arranged, and God may freeze us. "

So the adestrate Orthodox host returned from the horde and came to Moscow with a great victory, having a lot of production and a considerable full. The king, having learned about all this, at the same time retreated from the Ugra and ran in the Horde. "

Wouldn't one of this, that the Russian side deliberately delayed negotiations - while Ahmat tried to achieve his unclear goals for a long time, making a concession for the concession, the Russian troops were sailed to the capital of Ahmat and cut off women, children and old people, while the commanders did not wake up that - It seems to be conscientious! Please note: it is not said that the governor nails responded to the decision of the crackle and stop the massacre. Apparently, too, he was filled with blood. Naturally, Ahmat, having learned about the defeat of his capital, retreated from the jelery, hurrying home at all possible speed. So what is next?

A year later on the "Horde" attacks the army "Nogai Khan" by name ... Ivan! Ahmat killed, his troops are crushed. Another evidence of deep symbiosis and the fighting of Russians and the Tatars ... There are another version of the death of Ahmat. According to him, a certain approximate Ahmat named Temir, receiving rich gifts from the Grand Duke of Moscow, killed Ahmat. This version has Russian origin.

Interestingly, the host of the king of the urgent, who organized the pogrom in the Horde, is referred to as the historian "Orthodox". It seems that we are before us - another argument in favor of the version that the Ordans serving the Moscow Princes were by no means of Muslims, but Orthodox.

And another aspect is of interest. Ahmat, on Lyslov, and the freaks - "kings". And Ivan III is only the "Grand Duke". Inaccuracy writer? But at the time when Lyzlov wrote his story, the title "Tsar" was already firmly fixed for the autocrats of Russian, had a specific "binding" and the exact meaning. Further, in all other cases of flavors of such "liberties" does not allow itself. Western European kings of His "Kings", Turkish Sultans - "Sultans", Padishah - "Padishah", Cardinal - "Cardinal". Is that the title of erzgertzoga Dan Lyzlov in Translated "Arzsyknyaz". But this is a translation, not a mistake.

So in late Middle Ages There was a system of titles, reflecting some political reality, and we are not bad about this system today. But it is not clear why two seems to be the same rational oremizes are called one "Tsarevich", and the other "Murza", why the "Tatar prince" and "Tatar Khan" is by no means the same thing. Why there are so many owners of the title "Tsar" among the Tatars, and the Moscow state trucks are persistently referred to as "Grand Princes". Only in 1547, Ivan Grozny for the first time in Russia takes the title "Tsar" - and how much Russian chronicles reported, he did it only after the Patriarch's long persuasion.

Are Mamay and Akhmat's trips to Moscow are not explained by the fact that according to some, beautifully understandable contemporaries, the rules "king" was higher than the "Grand Duke" and had more rights to the throne? What declared myself some kind of dynastic system, now forgotten?

Interestingly, in 1501, the Crimean King Chess, the victims defeated in the civil war, for some reason, expected that kiev Prince Dmitry Putyathich will appear on his side, probably due to some special political and dynastic relations between Russian and Tatars. What - not exactly known.

Finally, one of the mysteries of Russian history. In 1574, Ivan Grozny shares russian kingdom two half; One rules himself, and another reports to the Kasimovsky king Simeon Bekbulatovich - along with the titles of "Tsar and the Grand Duke Moskovsky"!

Historians still do not have a generally accepted convincing explanation for this fact. Some say that Grozny, according to his usual, mocked the people and close, others believe that Ivan IV thus "suffered" on the new king's own debts, misses and obligations. And can not we talk about the joint board to which the same intricate ancient dynastic relations had to be resorted? Perhaps the last time in Russian history these systems declared themselves.

Simeon was not, as many historians believed before many historians, a "fireless puppet" of Grozny - on the contrary, this is one of the largest state and military leaders of that time. And after the two kingdoms reinforced again into one, the Terrible did not "exiled" Simeon to Tver. Simeon was granted to the great princes of Tver. But Tver during the time of Ivan the Terrible was the recently assimicious source of separatism, followed by a special care, and the one who ruled Tvette necessarily had to be a trustee of Grozny.

And finally, strange misfortunes hit Simeon after the death of Ivan the Terrible. With the argument of Fedor John Simeon "Range" from the Tver Prince, blind (measure, which in Russia, before the time of centuries, was used exclusively to the dominated missions that had the right to the table!), Forcibly will curse into the monks of Kirillov Monastery (also a traditional way to eliminate a competitor to the secular throne! ). But this is not enough: I. V. Shuisky sends a blind nursing monk on Solovki. It seems that the Moscow king arises in this way to get rid of a dangerous competitor who has experienced rights. Applicant for the throne? Is it really the right of Simeon to the throne not inferior to Rurikovich's rights? (Interestingly, the old man Simeon survived his tormentors. Retred back from Solovetskoy references by decree of Prince Pozharsky, he died only in 1616, when Nor Fedor Johnovich, nor Falgestmitria I, nor Shuisky.)

So, all these stories are Mamay, Ahmat and Simeon - more similar to the episodes of the strunestol for the throne, and not to war with foreign conquerors, and in this respect resemble similar intrigues around this or that throne in Western Europe. And those whom we are accustomed to consider the "relief of the land of Russian", perhaps, actually solved their dynastic problems and eliminated rivals?

Many members of the editorial board are personally familiar with the inhabitants of Mongolia, who were surprised to learn about their, allegedly, who had a 300-year-old domination over Russia, of course, this news filled the Mongols with a sense of national pride, but at the same time they asked: "And who is Genghizhan"?

from the magazine "Vedic Culture №2"

In the chronicles of Orthodox antimonians about the "Tatar-Mongolian IGE", it was definitely said: "He was Fedot, and not that." Let us turn to the Vlleslovnsky language. By adapting the rune images to modern perception, we get: Tat - enemy, robber; Mogol-powerful; IHO - order. It turns out that "Tati Aria" (from the point of view of the flour of Christian) with the light hand of the chronicles were called "Tatars" 1, (there is another meaning: "Tata" - father. Tatar - Tata Aria, i.e. fathers (ancestors or More elder) arias) Might-mounted - Mongols, and IHO - 300-year-old order in the Power, who stopped the bloody civil war, which broke out on the basis of the violent baptism of Russia - "Saturantication". The horde is derived from the word Order, where "OR" is power, and the day is the bright time of the day or simply "light." Accordingly, the "Order" is the power of light, and the "Orda" is light forces. So these are the bright forces of Slavs and Ariyev, led by the gods and ancestors by our: a family, welcome, a swarm, Perun was stopped by a civil war in Russia on the basis of violent Christianization 300 years retained order in Power. And were there in the Horde of black, chornasty, dark-eyed, barrel, narrow-eyed, krivonogii and very evil warriors? Were. Mercenary detachments of various nationalities, which, like in any other army, chased in the forefront, maintaining a loss at the forefront of the main Slavic-Aryan troops.

Hard to believe? Take a look at the "Map of Russia 1594" In the "Atlas of Gerhard Mercator-Country". All countries of Scandinavia and Denmark were part of Russia, which extended only to the mountains, and the Muscovy Principality was shown by an independent state that is not part of Russia. In the East, behind the Urals depicted by the principality of the relief, Siberia, Yugoria, Gorastina, Lukomorier, Belovodye, who were part of the ancient powers of Slavs and Ariyev - Great (Grand) Tartaria (Tartarium - land under the patronage of God Tarh Purunovich and Goddess Tara Perunovna - Son and daughters of the High God Perun - the Rabbar of Slavs and Ariev).

Do you need a lot of mind to carry out an analogy: the Great (Grand) Tartarium \u003d Mogolo + Tartarium \u003d "Mongol-Tatar"? We do not have a high-quality image of the named picture, there is only "Asia Map of 1754.". But it's even better! Ensure yourself. Not only in the 13th, but before the 18th century, the Grand (Mogolo) Tartarium existed as real as the faceless Russian Federation.

"Pisarchuki from history" were not all able to distort and hide from the people. Their multiple duct and latal "Trishkin Kaftan", covering the truth, then it is fascinated by seams. Through the crucians, the consciousness of our contemporaries reaches the truth. They do not have true information, so they are often mistaken in the interpretation of certain factors, but the general conclusion they make sure: what school teachers taught several dozen generations of Russians - deception, slander, krivda.

Published article from S.I. "Tatar-Mongol invasion was not" - a bright example of the foregoing. Comment on her member of our editorial board Gladilina E.A. It will help you, dear readers, place the points over "I".
Violetta Basha,
All-Russian newspaper "My Family",
№3, January 2003. p.26

The main source for which we can judge the story Ancient RussiaIt is customary to consider the Radzivilovian manuscript: "Tale of Bygone Years." The story of the vocation of Varyagov to rule in Russia is taken exactly from her. But can she be trusted? Its copy was brought at the beginning of the XVIII century Peter 1 from Königsberg, then its original was in Russia. Now it is proved that this manuscript is forged. Thus, it is significantly unknown what happened in Russia to early XVII century, that is, until the throne of the Romanov dynasty. But why did the Romanov's house rewrite our story? Is it not then to prove to the Russians that they have been subordinate to the Russian for a long time and are not capable of independence that their lot is drunk and humility?

Strange behavior of princes

The classic version of the "Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia" is known to many years. She looks like that. In the early XIII century in the Mongolian steppes, Genghis Khan gathered a huge army from nomads, subordinate to Iron discipline, and conceived to conquer the whole world. Odane China, the army of Genghis Khan rushed to the West, and in 1223 it came to the south of Russia, where the squad of Russian princes on the river Kalka. In the winter of 1237, Tatar-Mongols invaded Russia, burned many cities, then they invaded Poland, the Czech Republic and reached the shores of the Adriatic Sea, but they suddenly turned back, because they were afraid to leave the rear on the rear, but still dangerous Russia. The Tatar-Mongolian Goo began in Russia. A huge gold horde had a border from Beijing to the Volga and collected a tribute from the Russian princes. Khans were issued by the Russian princes labels on the reign and terrorized the population with atrocities and robbery.

Even in the official version it is said that among the Mongols there were many Christians and individual Russian princes tied a very warm relationship with Ordan Khans. Another oddity: With the help of the Horde's troops, some princes were held on the throne. The princes were very close people of Khan. And in some cases, the Russians fought on the side of the horde. Is there much stranges? Did you have to treat the invaders so?

Rustling, Russia began to resist, and in 1380, Dmitry Donskoy broke the Orda Khan Mamaya on the Kulikov field, and the century later the troops of the Grand Duke Ivan III and the Oryan Khan of Akhmat were concerned. The opponents have long stood the camp on the various sides of the Ugra River, after which Khan realized that he had no chance, he gave an order to retreat and left for the Volga, these events were considered the end of the "Tatar-Mongolian IGA".

Secrets of disappeared chronicles

In the study of the chronicles of the times of Horde, scientists had many questions. Why did dozens of chronicles disappeared without a trace during the reign of the house of Romanov? For example, "the word about the killed in the Russian Earth", according to historians, it reminds of a document from which carefully removed the VCE, which would testify about the IGA. There were only fragments that tell about some "misfortune", comprehended Russia. But there is not a word about the "invasions of the Mongols".

There are still many oddities. In the story "On the evil tatars", Khan from the Golden Horde makes a penalty of Russian prince-Christian ... for refusing to bow down the pagan god of Slavs! " And in some chronicles there are amazing phrases, for example, such: "Well, with God!" Said Khan and, crossing, cried to the enemy.

Why among Tataromongols suspiciously many Christians? Yes, and the descriptions of the princes and warriors look unusual: the chronicles argue that most of them were a European-like type, were not narrow, and large gray or blue eyes and blond hair.

Still a paradox: why suddenly the Russian princes in the battle on Kalka give a captive "under the honest word" to the representative of the aliens named Farrows, and that ... kisses a native cross?! So, the plane was his own, Orthodox and Russian, and besides the most notable kind!

Not to mention that the number of "combat horses", which means that the warriors of the troops of the Horde at first, with the easy hand of historians of the house of Romanov, were evaluated in three hundred and four hundred thousand. It could not hide such a number of horses in the armor, nor feed in a long winter! Over the past century, historians have reduced the number of Mongolian troops all the time and reached thirty thousand. But such a army could not keep all the peoples from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean! But it could easily perform functions to collect taxes and guidance, that is, to serve something like a police.

There was no invasion!

A number of scientists, including academician Anatoly Fomenko, made a sensational conclusion based on mathematical analysis of manuscripts: there was no invasion from the territory of modern Mongolia! And there was a civil war in Russia, the princes fought with each other. There were no representatives of the Mongoloid race on Russia and did not exist in risen. Yes, there were separate Tatars in the troops, but not aliens, and the residents of the Volga region who were inhabited by the Russians long before the notorious "invasion".

What is customary called "Tatar-Mongol invasion" was in fact the struggle of the descendants of Prince Vsevolod "Big Nest" with his rivals for the sole power over Russia. The fact of war between princes is generally accepted, unfortunately, Russia united immediately, and quite strong rulers fought among themselves.

But with whom did Dmitry Donskoy fought? In other words, who is Mama?

Horde - the name of the Russian troop

The era of the Golden Horde was distinguished by the fact that, along with the power of secular, there was a strong military power. There were two ruler: a secular, called prince, and a military man, and called Han, i.e. "Warlord." In the chronicles you can find such a record: "They were with the Tatars and Porodnikov, and they had such something", that is, the troops of the horde headed the governors! And Porodniks are Russian free verges, the predecessors of the Cossacks.

Authoritative scientists concluded that the Horde is the name of the Russian regular troops (like the "Red Army"). And Tatar-Mongolia is the Great Rus itself. It turns out that no "Mongols", namely the Russians conquered a huge territory from quiet to Atlantic Ocean And from the Northern Icet to Indian. This our troops were forced to tremble Europe. Most likely, it is the fear of mighty Russians and caused the fact that the Germans rewrote Russian history and turned their national humiliation - in our.

By the way, the German word "Ordnung" ("order") is most likely due to the word "Horde". The word "Mongol" probably appeared from the Latin Megalion, that is, "the Great". Tatary from the word "Tartar" ("hell, horror"). And Mongol-Tataria (or Megalion Tartarium) can be translated as "Great Horror".

A few more words about names. Most of the people of that time had two names: one in the world, and another obtained with baptism or combat nickname. According to scientists who offered this version, Prince Yaroslav and his son Alexander Nevsky are under the names of Genghis Khan and Batiya. Ancient sources paint Genghishana high, with a luxurious long beard, with "trot", green and yellow eyes. Note that people of the Mongoloid race do not have beard at all. Persian historian of the times of the Horde Rashid Addin writes that in the family of Genghishagan children "were born most of with gray eyes And blond. "

Genghis Khan, according to scientists, is Prince Yaroslav. He just had the second name - Genghis with the prefix "Han", which meant the "military leader." Battered - his son Alexander (Nevsky). In the manuscripts, you can find such a phrase: "Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky on nicknamed Bati". By the way, according to the description of contemporaries, Battered was a fair-haired, Svildence and light-eyed! It turns out, this Ordini Khan broke the Crusaders on the Chief of Lake!

After examining the chronicle, scientists found that Mamay and Ahmat were also noble nobles, according to the dynastic relations of Russian-Tatar births that had the right to the Grand Diction. Accordingly, "Mamaevo Boy" and "Standing in Ugra" - the episodes of the civil war in Russia, the struggle of the princely childbirth for power.

What kind of Russia went to the horde?

In the chronicles they really say; "Horde went to Russia." But in the XII-XIII centuries, Russia was called a relatively small territory around Kiev, Chernigov, Kursk, district near Roma River, Severskaya Earth. But Muscovites or, let's say, Novgorodians were already northern residents who, according to the same ancient chronicles, often from Novgorod or Vladimir "drove in Russia"! That is, for example, in Kiev.

Because the Moscow Prince was going to go hiking on the southern neighbor, it could be called "invasion on Russia" his "Hordes" (troops). No wonder on Western European cards for a very long Russian lands were divided into "Muscovy" (North) and "Russia" (south).

Grand Falsification

At the beginning of the XVIII century, Peter 1 founded the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the historical branch of the Academy of Sciences for 120 years of its existence there were 33 academician-historian. Of these, only three Russians, including M.V. Lomonosov, the rest are the Germans. The history of ancient Russia until the beginning of the XVII century wrote the Germans, and some of them did not even know the Russian language! This fact is well known to professional historians, but they do not apply any effort to carefully view which story the Germans wrote.

It is known that M.V. Lomonosov wrote the story of Russia and that he had permanent disputes with German academics. After the death of Lomonosov, his archives disappeared without a trace. However, his works were published on the history of Russia, but edited by Miller. Meanwhile, it was Miller who arranged the mistake of M.V. Lomonosov in his life! Published by Miller Lomonosov's work on the history of Russia - falsification, it showed a computer analysis. From Lomonosov in them there is little left.

As a result, we do not know their history. The Germans of the House of Romanov killed in our heads that a Russian man is not suitable for anything. That "he does not know how to work that he is a drunkard and eternal slave.

In the 12th century, the state of the Mongols expanded, their military art was improved. The main occupation was cattle breeding, bred mainly horses and sheep, they did not know agriculture. They lived in felt tents-yurts, they were easily transported during far nomads. Each adult Mongol was a warrior, since childhood was sitting in the saddle and owned weapons. Cowardly, unreliable in the warriors did not get, became an outcast.
In 1206, at the congress of Mongolian, named Great Khan was proclaimed Techovkin with the name of Genghis Khan.
Mongols managed to combine hundreds of tribes under their power, which made it possible to use them in the troops during the war someone else's material. They conquered Eastern Asia (Kyrgyz, Buryat, Yakuts, Uigurov), Tangutsky Kingdom (South-West Mongolia), North China, Korea and Central Asia (the largest Central Asian state of Khorezm, Samarkand, Bukhara). As a result, by the end of the 13th century, Mongols owned half Eurasia.
In 1223, Mongols switched to the Caucasian ridge and invaded the Polovetsky lands. Polovtsy turned for help to Russian princes, because Russians and Polovtsy traded each other, concluded marriages. The Russians responded, and on the river Kalka on June 16, 1223, the first battle of Mongol-Tatars with Russian princes took place. The army of Mongol-Tatars was intelligent, small, i.e. Mongol-Tatars had to divide what lands lie ahead. Russians came to just fight, they weakly imagined that behind the enemy is in front of them. Until the Polovtsy request for help, they did not even hear about the Mongols.
The battle ended with the defeat of Russian troops due to the treason of Polovtsy (they were rushed into flight from the very beginning), and also due to the fact that the Russian princes failed to unite their forces, underestimated the enemy. Mongols offered to give the princes to surrender, promising to keep them their lives and let go of the will for the ransom. When the princes agreed, the Mongols were tied up, put the boards on them, and the nose from above, began to send a victory. Russian warriors, remaining without leaders, were interrupted.
Mongol-Tatars retreated in the Horde, but returned in 1237, knowing already, what an opponent in front of them. Batu Khan (Battered), grandson of Genghis Khan led a huge army with him. They preferred to attack the strongest Russian principalities - Ryazan and Vladimir. Defeated and subordinate to themselves, and in the next two years - all of Russia. After 1240, there was only one land independent - Novgorod, because Baty reached its main goals, to lose people under Novgorod did not make sense.
The Russian princes could not unite, therefore defeated, although, according to scientists, the battered lost half of their troops in the Russian lands. He occupied Russian lands, offered to recognize his power and pay tribute, the so-called "output." Initially, she was going to "in kind" and amounted to 1/10 of the crop, and then was transferred to the money.
Mongols have established the ogo system of total suppressing national life at the captured territories. In this form, the Tatar-Mongolian IHO lasted 10 years, after which the prince Alexander Nevsky offered the Horde new relationships: the Russian princes went to the service to Mongolian Khan, were obliged to collect tribute, to turn her into the Horde and receive a label on the Grand Diction - a leather belt there. At the same time, the prince who pays more received a shortcut for the reign. This procedure was provided with backers - Mongolian commander, who with the army managed Russian lands and watched, whether the tribute is going correctly.
It was the time of vassalitet of Russian princes, but thanks to the act of Alexander Nevsky, the Orthodox Church was preserved, raids stopped.
In the 60s of the 14th century, the Golden Horde split into two warring parts, the border between which was Volga. In the Left Bank Horde there were constant gravestics with the change of rulers. In the Right-Bank Horde, Mamay became the ruler.
The beginning of the struggle for liberation from the Tatar-Mongolian Iga in Russia is associated with the name of Dmitry Donskoy. In 1378, he, feeling the weakening of the horde, refused to pay tribute and interrupted all Baskakov. In 1380, Mamay's commander went with the whole Horde for Russian lands, and the battle of Dmitry Donskoy occurred on the Kulikov field.
Maama had 300 thousand "Sabel", and that Mongols almost did not have infantry, he hired the best Italian (Genoese) infantry. Dmitry Donskoy had 160 thousand people, of which only 5 thousand were professional military. The main weapons of the Russians were clubs, hinge and wooden horns.
So, the battle with Mongol-Tatars was suicide for Russian troops, but still the Russians remained a chance.
Dmitry Donskaya crossed Don on the night of September 7-18, 1380 and burned the crossing, there was nowhere to retreat. It remained to win or die. In the forest, he hid 5 thousand deugers, behind his troops. The role of the squad was to save the Russian army from bypass from the rear.
The battle lasted one day for which the Mongol-Tatars was outpathed by the Russian army. Then Dmitry Donskoy ordered an ardent shelf to leave the forest. Mongol-Tatars decided that they were the main forces of the Russians and, without waiting, when everyone came out, turned and began to run, flooding the Genoese infantry. The battle turned into persecution of the running opponent.
Two years later, a new horde came with Khan Tuchtamiam. He captured Moscow, Mozhaisk, Dmitrov, Pereyaslavl. Moscow had to resume the payment of Dani, but the Kulikov battle was a fracture in the fight against Mongol-Tatars, because The dependence on the horde was now weaker.
After 100 years in 1480, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan III ceased to pay the payment of Horde.
Han Horde Ahmed came out with a big army against Rus, wanting to punish a recurrent prince. He came up to the border of the Moscow principality, to the River Ugration-Influx of Oka. Ivan III came there. Since the forces turned out to be equal, they stood on the River Ugra, Summer and Autumn. Fearing of the coming winter, Mongol-Tatars went to the Horde. It was the end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke, because The defeat of Ahmed meant the collapse of the powers of Batya and the independence of the Russian state. Tatar-Mongol yoke lasted 240 years.

The ownership of Tatar-Mongolian IHO in Russia began in 1237. Great Rus broke up, and the formation of the Moscow state has come.

Under the Tatar-Mongolian IGO, they mean the cruel period of the board in which Russia was subordinate to the Golden Horde. Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia could hold out almost two and a half thousand years. When asked how many Self-management of the Horde in Russia, history responds 240 years.

Events that happened during this time were very much displayed on the formation of Russia. Therefore, this topic was and remains relevant to this day. Mongol-Tatar Igo is connected with the most severe events of the XIII century. These were wild elapses of the population, the destruction of entire cities and thousands and thousands of dead.

The Board of the Tatar-Mongolian Igo is formed by two peoples: the Mongolian dynasty and nomadic tribes of Tartarov. The overwhelming part was still the Tatars. In 1206, the meeting of the Higher Mongolian classes took place, at which the leader of the Mongolian tribe of the Temucian was elected. It was decided to begin the era of the Tatar-Mongolian IHO. Challenged the leader of Genghis Khan (Great Khan). The abilities of the Board of Cenghis Khan turned out to be magnificent. He managed to rally all nomadic peoples and form prerequisites for the development of the country's cultural and economic development.

Military distributions of Tatar-Mongols

Genghis Khan created a very strong, militant and rich state. His warriors had surprisingly very endless qualities, could spend winter in their yurt, in the midst of snow and winds. They had a slender body and a liquid beard. Metage shot and were beautiful riders. During the attacks on the state, he had penalties for panties. In case of escape from the battlefield of one fighter, the whole ten was exposed to shooting. If the tent leave the battle, then the hundred, to which she belonged.

Mongolian feudals closed the dense ring around the Great Khan. Editing him in the leaders, they planned to get a lot of wealth and jewels. To bring them to the desired goal could only unleashed war and uncontrolled robbery conquered countries. Soon, after the creation of the Mongolian state, the gaining trips began to bring expected results. Robbery continued for about two centuries. Mongol-Tatars were eager to rule the world and possess all wealth.

Conquering hiking of Tatar-Mongolian Igo

  • In 1207, the Mongols were enriched with large volumes of metal and valuable breeds. Attacking the tribes that were north of Selenga and in the Valley of the Yenisei. This fact allows us to explain the emergence and expansion of armory.
  • Also in 1207, the state of Tangutov from Central Asia was attacked. Tanguts began to pay tribute to Mongolam.
  • 1209 year. Were in the capture and robbery of the land of Higurov (Turkestan).
  • 1211 year. The grand is the defeat of China. Emperor's troops were defeated in the collapse. The state was plundered and left to destroy.
  • Date 1219-1221. Middle Asia states were defeated. The result of this three-year war was not different from previous hiking Tatars. States were defeated and stolen, Mongola's talented artisans took care of them. Leaving after itself only burned at home and poor people.
  • By 1227, huge territories were transferred to the possession of Mongolian feudal areas in the east of the Pacific Ocean to the West of the Caspian Sea.

The consequences of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion are the same. Thousands of killed and as many enslaved people. Destroyed and looted countries are restored to which you need very and very long. By the time the Tatar-Mongolian IHO approached the boundaries of Russia, her army was extremely numerous who had mastered the experience of conducting battle, endurance and necessary weapons.

Conquering Mongols.

Mongol invasion on Russia

The beginning of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia has long been considered 1223 years. Then the experienced army of the Great Khan was very close to the borders of the Dnieper. In that period, Polovtsy had assistance, since the principality in Russia was in disputes and disagreements, defensive abilities were significantly reduced.

  • Battle on river Kalka. May 31, 1223. The Mongolian army of 30,000 broke through the Polovtsy, and collided with the army of Russia. The first and uniqueness of the prince's troops of Mstislav removed, who had every chance to break through the tight chain of Mongol-Tatars. But he did not wait for support from other princes. According to the result, Mstislav died, surrendering the enemy. Mongols received a lot of valuable military information from the prisoners of Russians. There were very big losses. But the Natisk enemy has yet restrained the enemy.
  • Start of the invasion of December 16, 1237. The first on the way was Ryazan. At that time, the death of Genghis Khan occurred, and his grandson took his place - Bati. The army under the command of Batya was no less fierce. They sweat and robbed everyone and everyone who met them along the way. The invasion was targeted and carefully planned, so Mongols quickly penetrated the country deep into the country. Ryazan's city lasted five days in siege. Despite the fact that the city surrounded the strong high walls, under the onslaught of the enemy's weapon, there was a fall in the walls of the city. Tatar-Mongolian Igo robbed and killed people for ten days.
  • Fight under Kolomna. Next, the Army of Batya began to move towards Kolomna. On the way, they met the army of 1,700 people, in submission of Evpathy Kolovrat. And despite the fact that the Mongols in numbers many times were superior to Evpathy's army, he did not build and repent the enemy with all their forces. According to the result, I significantly apply damage to him. The Tatar-Mongolian's army continued to move and went along Moscow of the river, to the city of Moscow, which in the siege lasted five days. At the end of the battle, the city was burned, and most people killed. It should be known that before getting to the city of Vladimir, Tatar-Mongols, the whole road was developed by defensive actions against the rolled Russian squad. They had to be very attentive and always be ready for a new battle. There were a lot of fighting and skirmishes with Russians.
  • The Grand Duke Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich did not respond to requests for help from the Ryazan Prince. But then he was at risk of attack. Prince competently ordered in the meantime, which was between Ryazan Boat and Vladimirsky. He scored a big army and armed him. The battle's place was decided to determine the city of Kolomna. On February 4, 1238, the plan of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich began its implementation.
  • It was the most ambitious fight on its number of troops and the hot battle of the Tatar-Mongols and Russians. But he was played. The number of mongols still exceeded significantly. The Tatar-Mongolian invasion on this city is exactly a month. The end of March 4, 1238, the Russians were defeated and also looted. Prince fell in severe battle, applying a large hijacking Mongols. Vladimir became the last of the fourteen cities conquered by Mongols in Northeast Russia.
  • In 1239, Chernigov and Pereslavl were broken down. Planned hike to Kiev.
  • December 6, 1240. Captured Kiev. It was even more so without a declared structure of the country. Powerful fortified Kiev was broken by tremendous trumpets and thresholds. The path to South Rus and Eastern Europe opened.
  • 1241 year. Palo Galico-Volyn Principality. After that, the actions of the Mongols were suspended for a while.

In the spring of 1247, Mongol-Tatars reached the opposite border of Rus and entered Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary. Battered put on the borders of Russia created " Golden Horde" In 1243 they began to accept and assert the princes of the princes. There were also high cities against Ordans as Smolensk, Pskov and Novgorod. These cities tried to express their disagreement and to resist the Batya Board. The first attempted the great Andrei Yaroslavovich. But his efforts did not support the majority of church and secular feudalists, who, after so many battles and attacks, finally established things with Mongolian Khans.

It's multiple, after the established orders, the princes and church feudalists did not want to blind and agreed to recognize the power of Mongolian khans and the established entrepreneurs of Dani from the population. It will continue to resolve Russian lands.

The country accounted for more and more attacks of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. And it was all heavier to give a decent to the robber. In addition to the fact that the country has already been pretty tired, the people who inflicted and scored, and the princely disassembly did not give the opportunity to get out of his knees.

In 1257, the Ordans started a census of the population in order to reliably establish the yoke and lay the people with an unbearable tribute. Become an unshakable and indisputable ruler of Russian lands. Rus was able to defend his political system and left himself the right to the structure of the social and political layer.

Russian land was subjected to infinite painful invasions of the Mongols, which will last until 1279.

The overthrow of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke

The end of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke in Russia came to 1480. The golden horde began to decay gradually. Many large principalities were divided and lived in permanent skirmishes with each other. Rus's liberation from Tatar-Mongolian Iga is the service of Prince Ivan III. Rules from 1426 to 1505 years. Prince united two major cities Moscow I. Nizhny Novgorod And went to the goal of the overthrow of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

In 1478, Ivan III put forward the refusal of the Horde to pay tribute. In November 1480, the famous "standing on the River Ugra" took place. The name is characterized by the fact that none of the sides decided to start the battle. Having stayed on the river month, the overthrown Khan Ahmat turned the camp and went to the Horde. How many years did the Tatar-Mongolian rule lasted, the ruinous and destroyed Russian people and Russian lands can now be answered with confidence. Mongolian Igo in Russia

Studying the works of chroniclers, the evidence of European travelers who visited Russia and the Mongolian Empire, not the unambiguous interpretation of the events of the X-XV centuries Academician N. V. Levashov, L. N. Gumilev, can not be asked a number of questions: was the Tatar-Mongolian Igo or invented it specifically, with a certain goal, it historical fact or deliberate fiction.

In contact with

Russian and Mongols

Died in 978 Kiev Prince Yaroslav Wise was supposed to do so how to make the BritishIn which all the inheritance is given to the eldest son, and the rest become either priests or by marine officers, then we would not have several separate areas given to Yaroslav heirs.

Specific disunity of Russia

Every prince who received the land shared her between her sons, which contributed to even more, weakening the Kiev Rus, although she expanded possessions by transferring the capital in Forest Vladimir.

Our state do not deteriorate, it would not help to enslave themselves by Tatar-Mongols.

Nomads near the walls of Russian cities

At the end of the IX century, Kiev was surrounded by Hungarians who were ousted to the West of Pechenegs. Following them by the middle of the XI century, Torka followed, behind them - Polovtsy; Then the invasion of the Mongolian Empire began.

Approaches to Russian principalities repeatedly precipitated powerful troops Stepnyakov, after a while, the previous nomads were replaced by others who enslaved them more deleted, the best weapon.

How did the Empire of Genghis Khan

The period of the late XII - early XIII century was marked by the unity of several Mongolian births, directed by extraordinary TemudzhinWe have taken the title of Genghis Khan in 1206.

The endless distinctions of Voevod-Neuonov stopped, ordinary nomads were charged with exorbitant liabilities, obligations. To strengthen the position of the simple population and the aristocracy, Genghis Khan moved his huge army first to the wealthy subwayless empire, later on Islamic lands.

The Genghis Khan state was organized by military administration, government staff employees had postal communication, continuous taxation of duties. Codex canons of "Yasa" balancing the powers of adherents of any beliefs.

The foundation of the empire served as an army based on the principles of universal army debt, military order, harsh decoratedness. Yundeza's apartment makers have planned routes, privals, pointed food. Information about Future attack points brought merchants, heads, special offices.

Attention! The consequence of Genghis Khan's concrete campaigns with his adherents was the Giant Superzav, covered by the subway, Korea, Central Asia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Transcaucasia, Syria, steppes of Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan.

Successes of Mongols.

From the south-east, imperial troops were discharged on the Japanese Islands, the Islands of the Malay Archipelago; It was reached by Egypt on the Sinai Peninsula, the north came to the European borders of Austria. 1219 - The Army of Genghis Khan conquered the greatest Central Asian state - Khorezm, which then entered the composition of the Golden Horde. By 1220. Genghis Khan founded Karakorum - Capital Mongol Empire.

Cutting from the South of the Caspian Sea, the horse troops invaded the Transcaucasia, through the Derbent Gorge they left for the North Caucasus, where they met with Polovtsy and Alanen, defeating which, was mastered by Crimean Sudak.

Stop nomads driven by Mongols asked for protection from Rusich. Russian princes accepted a proposal to fight with an unknown army beyond the boundaries of their land. In 1223, the cunning trick of the Mongol was put on Russians and Polovtsy to the shores. The squads of our governor resisted disparately and were completely overturned.

1235 - A meeting of the Mongolian aristocracy approved a decision on the Campania for the seizure of Russia, uncharged most of the imperial warriors, about 70,000 combat units under the control of the grandson of Genghis Kan Batu.

This ruin was determined symbolically as "Tatar-Mongolian". "Tatars" called Persians, Chinese, Arabs Stepnyakov, living on north border with them.

By the middle of the XIII century, the Mongolian states were the heads of military districts and selected privileged fighters, other troops remained a characteristic imperial army, which were soldiers of the defeated territories - Chinese, Alanov, Iranians, countless Turkic tribes. Capturing Silver Bulgaria, Mordvin and Kipchak, this cloud on the cold of 1237 moved by Rus RusRyazan covered, then Vladimir.

Important!The historical countdown of Tatar-Mongolian Igo begins with 1237, with the capture of Ryazan.

Russians defend

From this time, Russia began to pay tribute to conquerors, very often exposed to the most severe raids of the Tatar-Mongolian troops. Rusichi Heroic was answered by the invaders. The story entered the little Kozelsk, who Mongols called the evil city for giving back and fought to the last; defenders beat: women, old men, children - all who could keep a weapon Or pour the molten resin from the walls of the city. Neither a single person in Kozelsk was left alive, some died in battle, the others finished, when the enemy army broke through the defense.

The name of Ryazan boyar Evpathy Kolovrat, who, returned to his native Ryazan, and seeing that the invaders had done there, with a small army rushed after Batiev detachments, he faded with them.

1242 - Khan Batu on Volga Plains founded the latest settlement genghisid Empire - Gold Horde. Rusichi was guessing, who would have to enter into conflict. From 1252 to 1263, Alexander Nevsky was the highest Lord of Vladimir, in fact, then the Tatar Igo was established as the concept of legal subordination of the Horde.

Finally, Rusii was injured, which should be united against a terrible enemy. 1378 - Russian squads on the river were sorry to defeat the huge Tatar-Mongolian hordes under the guidance of experienced Murza Begich. Offended by this defeat, the darkness of Mamay scalled a unpretentious army and moved to Muscovy. According to the prince of Prince Dmitry, to save his native land. All Russia rose.

1380 - On the Don Domkin River, Mamay was finally crushed. After that Great Sich, Dmitry began to be called Donskoy, the battle itself by the name of the historic town of Kulikovo field between the Don rivers and the hardest, where it took place, ordered.

But Russia did not come out of the cable. How many years she could not find final independence. Two years later, Tukhtamysh-Khan burned in Moscow, because the prince of Dmitry Donskoy went to collect the army, could not give it on time decent unsubsioned assault. For another hundred years, Russian princes continued to obey the Horde, and she became weaker because of the contention of Genghisids - Chingis's Kloings.

1472 - Ivan III, the Grand Duke Moscow, defeated Mongols, refused to pay tribute to them. After a few years, the Horde decided to restore his rights and moved with the next trip.

1480 - Russian troops are located with one bank of the Ugra River, Mongolian - from the other. "Standing" in the thorough lasted 100 days.

Finally, Rusići moved away from the shores to free the place for the future battle, but the Tatar did not have enough spirit to crush, they left away. Russian Raint returned to Moscow, and opponents - in the Horde. The question of who won - Slavs or fear of their enemies.

Attention! In 1480, the end of Iga came to Russia, its north and northeast. However, a number of researchers believe that Moscow's dependence on the Horde continued until the board.

The results of invasion

Some scientists believe that IHO contributed to Regress RusBut this is a smaller evil relatively with Western Russian enemies who launched our put on, demanding the transition of Orthodox to Catholicism. Positive thinking believe that the Mongol Empire helped Muscovy to rise. The gravestones stopped, the separated Russian principalities united against the joint enemy.

After establishing stable connections with Russia, the rich Tatar Murza with interspersions reached together to Muscovy. The arrivals took Orthodoxy, married Slavs, gave birth to children with non-Russian surnames: Yusupov, Khanov, Mamaev, Murzin.

The classical history of Russia refute

Among some historians there is another opinion about the Tatar-Mongolian IGE and about those who came up with. We give interesting facts:

  1. The Mongol gene pool differs from the Tatars gene pool, so they cannot be combined into a common ethnic.
  2. Genghis Khan had a European appearance.
  3. Lack of writing U. mongols and Tatars XII-XIII centuryAs a result of this, the lack of perpetuated evidence of their victorious raids.
  4. Our chronicles confirming Kabalu Rusich almost three hundred years have not been detected. There are some pseudo-historical documents describing the Mongol-Tatar Igo only since the beginning of the reign.
  5. An embarrassment causes lack of archaeological artifacts from the place of famous battles, for example, with Kulikova fields,
  6. The whole territory on which the horde was not given to the archaeologists, not many weapons of the time, neither the burials of those killed, nor Kurgans with the bodies of the dead on becoming steppe nomads.
  7. The ancient Russian tribes had a paganism with Vedic worldview. Their patrons were God Tarh and his sister - the goddess of Tara. Hence the name of the people "Tarkhtara", later just "Tartars". The population of Tartaria was Russians, further to East, Eurasia was diluted with fragmented multilingual tribes that were in search of food. All of them were called Tartars, in the current - Tatars.
  8. Late chroniclers covered the invasion of the hordes the fact of the violent, bloody imposition of the Greco-Cafe faith in Russia, carried out the order of the Byzantine Church and the dominant top of the state. The new Christian teaching, who received the name of Orthodox Christianity after the reform of Patriarch Nikon, led the masses to the split: some took Orthodoxy disagree exterminated or expelled in northeast provinces, Tartaria.
  9. Tartars did not forgive the destruction of the population, the ruin of the Kiev principality, but the army did not manage to answer the lightning times, distracted by turmoil at the Far Eastern Rabbes of the country. When the Vedic Empire gained strength, she gave rebuilding to the Greek religion that began a real civil war: Rusichi with Russians, so-called pagans (antibans) with Orthodox. Almost 300 years old The confrontation of their own modern historians filed as "Mongol-Tatar invasion".
  10. After violent baptism, Vladimir, the Red Sun, the Kiev principality was destroyed, the settlements were broken, burned, most of the residents were destroyed. Could not explain what is happening, so covered by Tatar-Mongolian Igi to disguise the cruelty transition to a new faith (No wonder Vladimir after that began to be called bloody) was called by the invasion of "wild nomads".

Tatars in Russia

Past Kazan.

The fortress Kazan Exodus XII century becomes the throne hail of the state of the Volga-Kamsky Bulgar. After some time, the country conjugates the Mongolas, the three centuries are subject to the Golden Horde, the Bulgarian rulers, akin to Moscow princes, make lifts, correct the subordinate functions.

By the fifties of the XV century, followed by the obvious division of the Mongolian Empire, its former ruler Uduh-Muhammed, who turned out to be without property, invaded the Bulgarian capital, executed the governor of Ali-Bek, captured his throne.

1552 - Tsarevich Cordeger arrived in Kazan - Heir to Khan Astrakhan. The shooter has grown C 10 thousand aliens, peculiar nomads, harsh in the steppe.

Ivan IV Vasilyevich, the king of all Russia, conquers the capital of Bulgaria

The battle for Kazan was played not with the estate of the state, but with the instructions of the end of the Emergency, who was thrown out of Astrakhan. The Motheric Army of Ivan Grozny contrastvented a pack of Chingizid, who consisted of the nations of the Middle Volga region, Turkic tribes, Nogai, Marijtsev.

October 15, 1552, 41 days later Brave protection, during the ostervelest assault, the glorious fertile city of Kazan surrendered. After the defense of the capital, almost all of her defenders took place. The city has undergone a total comprehension. The surviving residents were expected by merciless car: wounded men, old people, children - everyone finished triumphs at the venue of the Moscow king; Melodias with tiny babies were sent to slaughter. If the king of all Russia, shared with Kazan and AstrakhaniaI planned to commit the rite of baptism against the will of all the Tatars, then, of course, would learn the next chaos.

Peter I spent on the creation of a monocon confessional Christian state, but under his rule to the universal baptism of the peoples of Russia did not come.

The baptism of Tatars in Russia occurred from the first half of the 18th century. 1740 - Empress Anna Ioannovna issued a decree on which all the innovic peoples of Russia should have adopted Orthodoxy. According to the prescriptions, the converts did not like to live together with the Investers; Nechrissee should relocate in separate locations. Among those recognizing Orthodoxy Tatar Muslims there was a small shareMuch less, in comparison with the pagans. The situation gave rise to the displeasure of the crown and administration that adopted the practice of the last quarter of the XVI century. Power Impellent initiated fundamental sanctions.

Radical measures

To hold the baptism of Tatars in Russia failed for several centuries ago and remains problematic in our time. Actually, the evasion of the Tatars to adopt Orthodoxy, as well as the resistance of the course on the Christianization of the Orthodox Priesthood, led to the implementation of the intention to destroy Muslim temples.

The Islamic people not only rushed with the petitions to power, but also extreply reacted to the widest ruin of mosques. This is breeding Concerns of the dominant powers.

The Orthodox Batyushki of the Russian Army became preachers in the midst of servants. Having learned about this, some of the innovative recruits were preferred to take baptism even before mobilization. For declining to the adoption of Christianity, tax discounts were admired by baptized, additional contributions were not to pay not Orthodox.

Documentary film about Mongol-Tatar ig

Alternative story, Tatar-Mongolian Igo


As you understood, today there are many opinions about the features of the Mongolian invasion. Maybe in the future, scientists will be able to find good evidence of the fact of its existence or fiction, which covered the Tataro-Mongolian Igog politicians and rulers and for what purpose it was done. Perhaps the true truth about the Mongols ("Great" - so-called the Genghisids of other tribes) will reveal. History is such a science where can't be a clear look To or another event, as it is always considered from different points of view. Scientists collect facts, and conclusions will make descendants.

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