All planets rotate the clockwise. Why Venus rotates counterclockwise

Interested in the topic of what rotates clockwise, and what's against. Very often you can meet in the world many things based on vortices, spirals, twisting, having the right spin of rotation, that is, the rules of the right hand twisted according to rule, and the left spin of rotation.

Spin call their own moment of particle pulse. In order not to complicate the name of the theory, it is better to see once. Element of slow waltz - right spin turn.

For many years between astronomers, a discussion was about what the spiral ha-lactika rotates. Do they rotate, dragging spiral branches, i.e. spinning? Or do they rotate the con-cums of the spiral branches ahead, spinning?

Currently, however, it becomes clear that observations confirm the heaping hypothesis of the sporal branches, during rotation. American physicist Michael Longo managed to confirm that most of the Galaxies in the Universe are focused on the right side (right spin of rotation) i.e. rotates clockwise, if you look from her north Pole.

Rotation Solar system It occurs counterclockwise: all planets, asteroids, comets rotate in the same direction (against the course of the clockwise, if you look at the North Pole of the World). The sun revolves around its axis against the course of the clockwise when surveillance from the North Pole of Ecliptic. And the earth (like all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus and Uranus) rotates around its axis counterclockwise.

The mass of uranium, sandwiched between the mass of Saturn and the mass of Neptune, under the influence of the rotational moment of the mass of Saturn, got rotation clockwise. Such an impact on the side of Saturn could occur for the reason that the mass of Saturn is 5.5 times more masses Neptune.

Venus rotates in the opposite, rather than almost all the planets, direction. The mass of the planet Earth cleared the mass of the planet Venus, which got rotation clockwise. Therefore, daily periods of rotation of the planets of the Earth and Venus should also be close to each other.

What else is so spinning-spinning?

The house snail is spinning from the center clockwise (i.e., the rotation here comes with the left spin to turn, counterclockwise).

Solozh, hurricanes (winds with a center in the field of cyclone) blowing in the northern hemisphere counterclockwise and obey centripetal powerAnd winds with the center in the anti-kilon area are shown clockwise and have centrifugal power. (In the southern hemisphere - everything is exactly the opposite.)

DNA molecule is twisted into the right-hand double helix. This is because the becoming ridge of the DNA double helix is \u200b\u200bcomplicated exclusively from human rights molecules of deoxyribose sugar. Interestingly, in cloning, some nucleic acids change the direction of the twist of their spirals from the right to the left. On the contrary, all amino acids are twisted counterclockwise, left.

Flocks of bats, flying out of the caves, usually form a "releger" whirlwind. But in the caves near Karlovy Var (Czech Republic), for some reason they spin on the spiral, twisted counterclockwise ...

At the same cat at the sight of Sparrow (this is her favorite birds) the tail is spinning clockwise, and if it is not sparrows, but other birds, it is spinning counterclockwise.

And if you take humanity, then we see that counterclockwise pass: all sports events (auto racing, jumps, running at the stadium, etc.) After some century, the athletes noticed that it was much more convenient to run. A running stadium counterclockwise, the athlete with the right foot is doing a wider step than it would have done his left, since the amplitude of the movements of the right foot for several centimeters more. In most armies of countries around the world, turn around the circle through the left shoulder, that is, counterclockwise; church rituals; Movement of cars on roads in most countries of the world, with the exception of Great Britain, Japan and some others; In school letters "O", "A", "B" and others - from the first grade, it is taught to write counterclockwise. In the future, the overwhelming part of the adult population draws a circle, prevents sugar spoon in a mug counterclockwise.

And what should I follow? Question: Is it a natural rotation counterclockwise for a person?

As a conclusion: the universe is moving clockwise, but the solar system against, the physical development of all the living clockwise, consciousness is against.

Planet Venus interesting Facts. Some you may already know, others must be completely new for you. So read and recognize new interesting facts about the "Morning Star".

Earth and Venus have very close size and mass, and they rotate around the Sun in very similar orbits. Its size is only 650 km less than the size of the Earth, and the mass is 81.5% of the mass of the Earth.

But this similarity ends. The atmosphere consists of 96.5% carbon dioxideand greenhouse effect raises temperature to 461 ° C.

2. The planet may be so bright that she throws shadows.

Only the sun and the moon are brighter than Venus. Its brightness can vary from -3.8 to -4.6 star magnitudes, but it is always brighter than the brightest stars in the sky.

3. Hostile atmosphere

The mass of the atmosphere is 93 times more than the atmosphere of the Earth. The surface pressure is 92 times longer than the pressure on the ground. It is also like immersed by a kilometer under the surface of the ocean.

4. It rotates in the opposite direction compared to other planets.

Venus rotates very slowly, day is 243 terrestrial day. It is even more strange that it rotates in the opposite direction compared with all other planets in the solar system. All planets rotate in the direction counterclockwise. With the exception of the heroine of our article. She rotates clockwise.

5. Many space ships managed to land onto its surface.

In the midst of the cosmic race, Soviet Union Launched a series of veneer spacecraft and some made a successful landing onto its surface.

Venus-8 was the first spacecraft that landed on the surface and transmitted photos to the Earth.

6. People used to think that on the second planet from the sun "Tropics".

While we sent the first spacecraft to explore Venus from a close distance, no one really knew what was hidden down under the thick clouds of the planet. Fortist writers dreamed of lush tropical jungle. Hellic temperature I. dense atmosphere surprised everyone.

7. The planet has no satellites.

Venus looks like our twin. Unlike the Earth, she does not have a moon. Mars has satellites, and even Pluto has satellites. But she ... no.

8. The planet has phases.

Although she looks like very bright Star In the sky, if you can look at it with a telescope, you will see something else. When looking at her through a telescope, you can see that the planet passes through the phases like the moon. When it is closer, it looks like a thin crescent. And with the maximum distance from the ground, it becomes dim and in the form of a circle.

9. There are very few crater on its surface.

While the surface of Mercury, Mars and the Moon is littered with shock craters, on the surface of Venus relatively little crater. Planetary scientists believe that its surface is only 500 million years old. Permanent volcanic activity, smoothes and removes any shock crater.

10. The last ship that explored Venus is Venus Express.

Venus is the brightest object in the sky. Although ancient people knew about Venus, some cultures believed that she was two separate heavenly objects - an evening star and a morning star. Greek astronomer was the first to understand that the evening and morning star is actually one object. Many cultures attributed to the planet the appropriate goddess of love and beauty. Venus is the Roman name of this goddess. Babylonians were called the planet Ishtar, and the Greeks called her Aphrodite.

The average distance from Venus to the Sun is 108.21 million kilometers. This is the average distance, as Venus moves along the elliptical orbit around the Sun. In the near-point point of its orbit, called perieghhelium, Venus is just 107.48 million kilometers from the Sun. And then in the largest point of its orbit Venus is in 108.94 million kilometers from the Sun.

Venus takes 224.7 days to complete one orbit around the sun. But she also requires 243.02 days to turn around around his axis. In other words, the day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus. It is still strange that Venus rotates in the opposite direction compared to. Visible above the North Pole, Venus is visible turning clockwise. If you could stand on the surface of Venus, you would see that the sun rises in the West, slowly moving across the sky, and sits down in the east, unlike the Earth.

Scientists believe that Venus is a twin due to its similarity. For example, the radius of Venus is 6.052 km; 95% of the radius of the Earth. Venus weight 81.5% of the mass of the Earth, and the density is 5.24 g / cm 3, while the density of the Earth is 5.51 g / cm 3. If you were standing on the surface of Venus, you would have experienced 90% of the gravity that you feel on Earth.

Day on Venus lasts 243 days; What unusual, taking into account the fact that the year on Venus lasts only 224.7 days. In other words, the day on Venus is longer than her year. Moreover, Venus is the only planet in the solar system, which rotates clockwise around its axis. All other planets rotate counterclockwise.

The radar display of the surface of Venus showed that it has shock crater throughout the planet, and the proof of wide-scale volcanism. Less and almost always low panel volcanoes. It was believed that some kind of great event changed the shape of the surface of Venus 300-500 million years ago, washing older shock crater and volcanoes. This event also turned off the tactics of planet plates, capturing heat inside the planet. No heat leakage, convection in the Venus kernel also stopped, and the planet lost its magnetic field. The inner part of Venus is similar. The planet has a metal core, surrounded by mantle of stone, and a thin bark. But unlike the Earth, Venus does not have plate tactonics and no carbon cycle, which moves carbon from the atmosphere and spares it inside the planet. This is one of the problems that may have led to an uncontrolled greenhouse effect Venus.

Although Venus has many similarities with the Earth, it also has a lot of differences. Perhaps the greatest difference is in its atmosphere. The pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of Venus is 92 times more than at sea level. In fact, you would have to immerse yourself at a depth of 1 km below the surface of the ocean to test the same pressure. This atmosphere consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide, with dense clouds from sulfur dioxide. Because of the atmosphere from carbon dioxide, Venus is experiencing the strongest in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 460 ° C, without any difference, wherever you are on the planet. It is hot enough to melt lead, and she destroyed the spacecraft in a matter of hours.

At one time, scientists and science writers believed that the surface of Venus was tropical in nature. Some believe that faith was the only reason that the Soviet Union launched a series of surface probes to the planet. After seven missions destroyed under pressure before they were able to reach the surface, Venera 8 landed and disappointed millions. Several other probes were able to land in the following years. The last landed was Venus Express. He arrived in April 2006 and studied the surface of the planet and the atmosphere until she could work.

Because of his dense clouds, Venus could not be observed from the ground. Early observations have shown that the planet passed through the phases, like the moon, demonstrating that she rotates in orbit around the sun inside the Earth orbit. But until the first observations were conducted by a spacecraft, astronomers did not fully understand what was under dense clouds. Radar photos from the spacecraft NASA Magellan were displayed the entire planet, revealing the hellish world, covered with stones and ancient lavam streams. Several Russian spacecraft They landed on the surface of the planet, having extended there only a few hours and sent photos from the surface of the planet.

Venus is often referred to as the morning star, because it is in orbit closer to the sun than our planet. It makes appearing to Venus in the Western Sky after sunset and in front of the sunrise in the eastern sky. In addition, only the sun and the moon brighter Venus in our night sky. Because of all this, Venus is difficult to ignore even with the naked eye.

Venus does not have a moon or rings.

About Venus (Items without links are in development)

  • Interesting facts about V.
  • History of Planet V.
  • Atmosphere
  • How far V. from the sun
  • Distance from Earth to V.
  • Planet V. for children
  • What gravity on V.
  • How to find V. in the sky
  • What is V.?
  • Does V. Moon?
  • How V. got his name?
  • What duration day on V.?
  • Diameter V.
  • Retrograde rotation V.
  • Surface V.
  • Symbol V.
  • Temperature V.
  • Does V. Rings have?
  • What is the duration of the year on V.?
  • Does V. Volcanoes?
  • Video V.
  • Color V.
  • Orbit B.
  • How many Lun has V.?
  • Moon and V.
  • V. and Mercury
  • Age V.
  • Craters on V.
  • Earth and V.
  • How hot is V.?
  • Life on V.
  • Mass V.
  • Radius
  • B. Compared to Earth
  • Size V.
  • Volume V.
  • Opening V.
  • Transit V.
  • B., Morning Star
  • Phase V.
  • Greenhouse effect V.
  • Axle V.
  • V. density
  • Country Country Length
  • Composition V.
  • Geology V.
  • Kernel V.
  • Inner part V.
  • Inside
  • Weight on V.
  • How much time is required to get to V.?
  • Is there water on V.?
  • Climate V.
  • How big is V.?
  • Satellites V.
  • Landing on V.
  • Rotation V.
  • Characteristics V.
  • Twin land
  • Weather on V.
  • Wind on V.
  • Designation for V.
  • Albedo V.
  • Number of moon V.
  • Clouds on V.
  • Q. - The hottest planet?
  • V. and Jupiter
  • SAMI close Planet. to V.
  • Origin V.
  • Does V. Times of the year?
  • Rotation period V.
  • Compound V.
  • Shading V.
  • Sun and V.
  • Retrograd V. 2009.
  • Retrograd V. 2010.
  • Who opened V.?
  • Evening Star
  • What is the duration of one orbit in around the sun?
  • When was V.?
  • What color V.?
  • Duration of the day on V.
  • Duration of the year on V.
  • Why V. Hotly, than Mercury?
  • Why is V. so hot?
  • Globus V.
  • Research V.
  • What age at V.?
  • Facts about V.
  • Collection of photos V.
  • Magnetic field V.

Name you read articles "Venus".

From the course of school astronomy, which is included in the program of lessons in geography, we all know about the existence of the solar system and its 8 planets. They "circling" around the Sun, but not everyone knows that there are celestial bodies with retrograde rotation. What planet rotates in the opposite direction? In fact, there are several of them. This is Venus, Uranus and recently open by scientists of the planet, located on the far side of Neptune.

Retrograde rotation

The movement of each planet is subordinate to one order, and the solar wind, meteorites and asteroids, facing it, make it turn around their axis. However, gravity plays the main role in the movement of heavenly tel. Each of them has its own tilt axis and orbit, the change of which affects its rotation. The planet is moving counterclockwise, the angle of inclination of the orbit of which ranges from -90 ° to 90 °, and the celestial bodies with an angle of 90 ° to 180 ° refer to bodies with retrograde rotation.

Tilt axis

As for the tilt of the axis, then the retrograde value is 90 ° -270 °. For example, the angle of inclination of the axis at Venus is 177.36 °, which does not allow it the opportunity to move counterclockwise, and the open recently space object Nick has an angle of inclination of 110 °. It should be noted that the effect of mass heavenly Body It is not fully studied on his rotation.

Still Mercury

Along with retrograde, there is a planet in the solar system, which practically does not rotate is a Mercury that has no satellites. The opposite rotation of the planets is not a rare phenomenon, but most often it occurs outside the solar system. The generally accepted model of retrograde rotation today does not exist, which allows young astronomers to make stunning discoveries.

Causes of retrograde rotation

There are several reasons why planets change their movement:

  • clash with larger space objects
  • change the angle of the orbit
  • axis tilt change
  • changes in the gravitational field (asteroid intervention, meteorites, cosmic garbage, etc.)

Also, the cause of retrograde rotation may be the orbit of another space body. It is believed that the cause of the inverse movement of Venus could be solar pills, stirring her rotation.

Interested in the topic that rotates clockwise, and what's against, and that's what I discovered.

Galaxy rotates by Clockwise, if you look from her north pole, located in the constellation of Veronica's hair.
The rotation of the solar system occurs vs Clockwise: All planets, asteroids, comets are rotating in one direction (against the time of the clockwise, if you look from the North Pole of the World).
The sun revolves around his axis vs The course of the clockwise when observed from the North Pole of Ecliptic. And the earth (like all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus) rotates around its axis vs Clockwise.

Perhaps this is exactly the rotation of the galaxy (clockwise) and the solar system (counterclockwise) and is displayed at the eight-pointed swastor kovovrat (right rays), within which another eight-pointed swoy Kolovrat (left rays) is located. link

Interesting experience Travelers observed, crossing the equator. If in a funnel, filled with water, throw a match or twig, then in the southern hemisphere it is spinning clockwise, in the northern - against, and there is an equator. link

According to the law of the right-hand car movement adopted in our country, roundabout Circulation It comes counterclockwise. With the oncoming movement of two cars racing with big speeds, Rotating counterclockwise air vortex arises. And when there are a huge amount of such occurring couples, these vortices can cause a tornado. link

Carrier screws at helicopters in different countries spin in different directions. That is, in some countries, helicopters are made with a screw rotating clockwise, and in others - against. If you look at the helicopter from above, then:
in America, Germany and Italy, the screw revolves counterclockwise.
in Russia and France - clockwise. link

The flocks of bats, flying out of the caves, usually form a "actual" whirlwind. But in the caves near Karlovy Var (Czech Republic), for some reason they spin on the spiral, twisted counterclockwise ... Link

At the same cat at the sight of Sparrow (this is her favorite birds) the tail is spinning clockwise, and if it is not sparrows, but other birds, it is spinning counterclockwise. link

But the dog, before going to do business, will definitely twist counterclockwise. link

Screw staircases in the locks were twisted clockwise (if you look at the bottom, and if there is something against the clock) - so that when the attacker is inconvenient, it is inconvenient to attack. link

DNA molecule is twisted into the right-hand double helix. This is because the becoming ridge of the DNA double helix is \u200b\u200bcomplicated exclusively from human rights molecules of deoxyribose sugar. Interestingly, in cloning, some nucleic acids change the direction of the twist of their spirals from the right to the left. On the contrary, all amino acids are twisted counterclockwise, left.

DNA helix is \u200b\u200bin space: on Milky Way Scientists have discovered the nebula in the form of a double DNA spiral. link

But the spiral light bulbs made in Russia are spinning left (unlike foreign, which are twisted as well as the DNA helix, right). The question arises: is it harmful?

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