Outline country description Algeria is the name of the state. Full description of Algeria


Berg, Lev Semenovich - zoologist and geographer. Born in 1876; Graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Imperial Moscow University, receiving a gold medal for the essay: "Crushing and formation of parablast in a pike" ("News of the Society of Lovers of Natural Science", 1899). In 1899 he explored, together with Elpatievsky and Ignatiev, the salt lakes of the Omsk district. He was in charge of fishing in the Syrdarya and the Aral Sea, then on the Volga (in Kazan); is in the service of the zoological museum Imperial Academy Science. In 1899 - 1907 he explored the Aral Sea (" Scientific results Aral Expedition "), in 1903 - Lake Balkhash, then visited Lake Issyk-Kul. In 1909 he defended his thesis for a master's degree in geography at Moscow University under the title:" The Aral Sea. Experience of a physical-geographical monograph "(St. Petersburg, 1908), for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Geography.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BERG LEV SEMENOVICH in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (1876-1950) physicogeographer and biologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946). Developed the doctrine of landscapes and developed the ideas of V.V.Dokuchaev about natural ...
  • BERG LEV SEMENOVICH in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    Lev Semenovich, Soviet physicist-geographer and biologist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946; Corresponding Member 1928), Honored Scientist ...
  • A LION in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    To see a lion in a dream means that you are ruled by tremendous forces. If you subjugate a lion, you will be the winner in ...
  • A LION in the Directory of Constellations, Latin names.
  • BERG in the Lexicon of nonclassics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the XX century, Bychkov:
    (Berg) Alban (1885-1935) One of the three main representatives of the so-called. "Novovenskaya school" XX century. (along with A. Schoenberg and ...
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    L. S. Lev (Kharkov) asks to reveal the origin of his surname and sadly adds: “How long have I lived, but have not yet met namesakes ...
  • A LION
    - the monetary unit of Bulgaria, consisting of 100 ...
  • A LION in Encyclopedia Biology:
    , a predatory mammal of this. feline. Lives in Africa and the Girsky Reserve in India. The African lion lives in the savannas, the Asiatic - ...
  • A LION in the Bible Dictionary:
    - a majestic and formidable, strong and fearless predatory animal. From time immemorial it is considered the king of beasts. Lions in ancient times are abundant ...
  • A LION in the Bible Dictionary:
    (abbreviation) The third book of Moiseev. ...
  • A LION in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (Gen. 49: 9) -a wild and predatory animal, well known to everyone, and therefore does not require special detailed description... The lion's exterior is majestic, its fluttering ...
  • A LION in the Dictionary of Heraldic Terms:
    - a symbol of power, strength, courage and ...
  • A LION in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
  • A LION in the biographies of the Monarchs:
    The legendary king of Laconian from the clan of Agids, who ruled in the first half. VI century BC Son of Eurycrates II. The lion continued the war ...
  • A LION
    Leo is the Russian Metropolitan, who is identified with the first Metropolitan of Kiev (989 - 1004 - 1008). He is considered the author of a polemical essay about ...
  • BERG in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Berg - several noble families of Bergs, recorded in various parts of the genealogical books of Russian provinces and originating from Estonian and Livonian ...
  • A LION in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a mammal of the feline family. Body length up to 2.4 m, tail up to 1.1 m; weighs up to 280 kg. Small in number; survived only in ...
  • BERG in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Berg) Alban (1885-1935) Austrian composer. Representative of the new Viennese school. Evolved from musical romanticism to expressionism. One of the creators of serial technology ...
  • A LION \
    differs from other species of the genus cat (Felis) in the absence of spots and stripes in the adult state, a mane of long hair that covers the head, ...
  • A LION in Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Felis leo L.) - differs from other species of the genus of cats (Felis) in the absence of spots and stripes in the adult state, a mane from ...
  • BERG in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • BERG
    (Berg) Alban (1885 - 1935), Austrian composer. Representative of the new Viennese school. The compositions contain features of musical romanticism and expressionism. One of …
  • A LION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I lion, m. 1. spirit. Large carnivorous animal of this. felines with short gray-yellow hair and long mane in males. ...
  • A LION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, leva, m. Monetary unit in ...
  • A LION
    TOLSTOY (former Astapovo), pos. mountains. type in Russia, Lipetsk region. Railway knots 9.2 t. (1998). In 1910 L.N. ...
  • A LION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    XIII (1810-1903), Pope from 1878. Author of the encyclical "Rrum novarum". Jn. och. h. Petersburg. AN ...
  • A LION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    X (1475-1521), Pope from 1513. Under him nepotism and speculation in indulgences flourished. In 1520 he excommunicated M. ...
  • A LION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    IX (Leo) (1002-54), Pope from 1049. Promoted the Cluny reform. In an effort to annex to the papal possessions Yuzh. Italy, unsuccessfully fought for ...
  • A LION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VI the Wise (866-912), Byzantine. emperor since 886, from the Macedonian dynasty. Issued decrees (novellas) revising old legislation. norms, and Vasiliki. Conducted ...
  • A LION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    III (c. 675-741), Byzantine. emperor since 717, founder of the Isaurian dynasty. Repulsed the onslaught of the Arabs in 718 at Constantinople, in 740 - ...
  • BERG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Fed. Fed. (Friedrich Wilhelm Rembert) (1793-1874), Count (1856), grew up. gen.-feldm. (1865). Participant Otech. wars of 1812, foreign. hikes rus. armies 1813-14, ...
  • BERG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Berg) Paul (b. 1926), Amer. biochemist. Studied the role of transport. RNA in protein biosynthesis. Received recombinant DNA molecules of two different viruses, ...
  • BERG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Leo Sem. (1876-1950), physicogeographer and biologist, acad. USSR Academy of Sciences (1946). Developed the doctrine of landscapes and developed the ideas of V.V. Dokuchaev about ...
  • BERG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Berg) Alban (1885-1935), Austr. composer. Represent. new Viennese school. Evolved from muses. romanticism to expressionism. One of the creators of the serial ...
  • BERG in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Axel Yves. (1893-1979), scientist in the field of radio engineering and radio electronics, acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946), engineer-adm. (1955), Hero of Socialist. Labor (1963). Tr. ...
  • A LION in Collier's Dictionary:
    (Panthera leo), a predatory feline that is widespread in Eastern, Central and South Africa; also found in the reserved Gir forest ...
  • A LION in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    lion 2, leva (den. ...
  • A LION full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    Lev, (Lvovich, ...
  • A LION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    lion 2, leva (den. ...
  • A LION in the Spelling Dictionary:
    lion 1, lion (animal) and lion, lion (name; constellation and zodiac sign; about who was born under this ...
  • A LION in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    1 large predatory feline with short yellowish hair and long mane in males Fights like a l. someone ...
  • LEV in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. lioness wives. predatory beast of sultry Africa and Asia, a kind of cats called the king of beasts, Felis leo. The lion does not crush mice. ...
  • BERG in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Axel Ivanovich (1893-1979), Russian scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1946), engineer-admiral (1955), Hero of Socialist Labor (1963). Works on radio engineering. Active ...
  • A LION
    lion, m. 1. Large predatory mammal of the feline family, yellowish in color, with a lush mane in males. A mighty lion, a thunderstorm of the forests. Krylov. ...
  • A LION in Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    leva, m. (Bulgarian lev). Monetary unit in Bulgaria. Paid two ...
    Data: 2009-04-23 Time: 13:56:17: "" This article should be combined with the article by Leonid Semyonovich Sukhorukov. Please complete that page with missing ones ...
    Data: 2009-01-10 Time: 14:01:04 Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich is the hero of the poem "Dead Souls". *? And a robber's face! ? said Sobakevich. ...
    Data: 2008-11-01 Time: 11:28:21 Medvedenko Semyon Semyonovich, character of the comedy "The Seagull" .- * Why? "" (In thought.) "" I don't understand ... you are healthy, father ...
    Data: 2009-04-23 Time: 13:56:55: "" This article should be combined with the article by Leonid Semyonovich Sukhorukov. Please complete this page with missing ones ...
  • BERG PRIVILEGE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - legislative act of December 10, 1719, which determined the policy of the Russian government in the mining industry; was a practical guide for the Berg collegium ...

(March 14, 1876, Bendery, Bessarabian province Russian Empire(now the Republic of Moldova) - December 24, 1950) - the largest Russian Soviet scientist, geographer and biologist (ichthyologist), Doctor of Geography and Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, President of the Geographical Society of the USSR (1940-1950), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, USSR State Prize laureate, researcher.

L.S. Berg: biographical note

Born into the family of notary Simon Grigorievich Berg and his wife Klara Lvovna Bernstein-Kogan. In 1885 he entered the 2nd Kishinev classical gymnasium, from which he graduated with a gold medal in 1894. During his studies at the gymnasium he became interested in self-study nature.

He graduated from the natural sciences department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University, where he entered in 1894. In the same year he was baptized into Lutheranism to obtain the right to higher education within the Russian Empire. During his student days, he performed a series of experiments on fish breeding. The diploma work on pike embryology became the sixth published work of the young scientist. After graduating with a gold medal from the university (1898), Lev Semenovich until 1905 worked at the Ministry of Agriculture as an inspector of fisheries in the Aral Sea and the Middle Volga, explored steppe lakes, rivers, and deserts.

In 1902-1903 he continued his education in Bergen (Norway), and then in 1904-1913 he worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences.

Per master's thesis"Aral Sea", prepared in 1908, L.S. Berg was awarded academic degree Doctor of Geography.

In 1913 L.S. Berg moved to Moscow, where he received a professor position at the Moscow Agricultural Institute. In 1916 he was invited to the Department of Physical Geography of Petrograd University, where he worked until the end of his life.

In the period 1909-1916 L.C. Berg published five monographs on the ichthyology of water bodies in Russia, but his main subject scientific interests physical geography became.

Lev Semenovich created a theory of the origin of loess, proposed the first classification natural areas the Asian part of Russia.

After being elected professor of the Department of Geography at Petrograd University, in 1917 he finally moved to Petrograd. Participated in the creation of the Higher Geographic Courses, and then the Geographic Institute. In 1925 the institute was transformed into the country's first geographical faculty and became part of the Leningrad University. L.S. Berg headed the Department of Physical Geography and directed it until the end of his life.

January 14, 1928 L. S. Berg was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the biological category of the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and on November 30, 1946 - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the Department of Geological and Geographical (specializing in "Zoology, Geography"). It is believed that the election in 1928 was sanctioned by the authorities on condition that L.S. Berg from further work on the theory and mechanisms of the evolution of species in nature.

In 1934 Lev Semenovich Berg was awarded the degree of Doctor of Zoology. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.

In parallel with work in geographic organizations he headed the department of applied ichthyology in State Institute experimental agronomy (1922-1934), the laboratory of ichthyology at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1934-1950).

In the period 1940-1950, HP Berg is the president of the Geographical Society of the USSR.

L.S. Berg is an honorary member of many scientific associations: the geographical societies of the USSR, Poland, Bulgaria, the USA, the Moscow Society of Nature Experts, the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpentologists. He is a full member of the London Zoological Society, an active member of the editorial boards of the journal Nature, Izvestia and Notes of the All-Union Geographical Society, Izvestia of the State Hydrological Institute.

L.S. Berg: research work

Outstanding Russian scientist-encyclopedist L.S. Berg owns about 1000 works in various fields of earth sciences, such as climatology, biology, zoology, ichthyology, zoogeography, lakes, theory of evolution, the theory of landscapes, geomorphology, cartography, geobotany, paleogeography, paleontology, economical geography, soil science, ethnography, linguistics, history of science.

In climatology, L.S. Berg classified climates in relation to landscapes, explained desertification by human activity, and glaciation by "factors of a cosmic order." In zoogeography, Berg proposed original mechanisms for the distribution of fish and other aquatic animals. In particular, in 1906, he published articles on the ichthyology of lakes Kosogol (now Khubsugul) and Baikal, where he drew attention to the identity of the species composition of the ichthyofauna of these lakes and noted the complete absence of rockfishes characteristic of Baikal in the Kosogol fauna. He developed one of the leading concepts of the origin of fauna. Berg thoroughly and convincingly proved the freshwater origin of the bulk of the Baikal animals. In the work “Baikal, its nature and its origin organic world"He wrote:" individual species of the Baikal fauna are scattered sporadically in individual water bodies of Europe, Siberia, Siberian Arctic, China, North America... But these forms are collected together in a large number". On the basis of faunistic analysis, the scientist came to the conclusion about the antiquity of the Baikal organic world, its continental origin. He noted that the amazing endemism of the Baikal fauna is a consequence of its antiquity. He wrote 15 works about Lake Baikal.

In 1922, in the most difficult conditions of war communism, L.S. Berg prepared a number of works on the theory of evolution, in which, in an elegant polemic with the conclusions of Charles Darwin, he put forward the evolutionary concept of nomogenesis (evolution based on laws). Apolitical L.S. Berg, on the basis of colossal empirical material, rejected the role of the struggle for existence as a factor in evolution, both in nature and in human society. The theory of evolution by L.S. Berga was subjected to both constructive criticism modern scientists (AA Lyubishchev, DN Sobolev and others), and the brutal ideological pressure from the dogmatic political system, especially after the publication in 1926 of the book "Nomogenesis" in English.

Historical works of L.S. Berga are devoted to a detailed description of domestic discoveries in Asia, Alaska and Antarctica, the study of ancient maps, the culture and ethnography of small peoples, and the compilation of biographical descriptions of famous scientists.

L.S. Berg, on the basis of an analysis of the original documents, consistently defended the priority of Russian researchers in the discovery of Antarctica and pointed out the need for comprehensive studies of the ice continent. Ideas and historical approach L.S. Berga contributed to the development of a national position in the development of Antarctica.

Named after Lev Semenovich Berg: a street in Bendery, a volcano on Urup Island, a peak in the Pamirs, a cape on Severnaya Zemlya Island, glaciers in the Pamirs and Dzhungarskiy Alatau. Berg's name was included in the Latin names of more than 60 animals and plants.


Research and social activities have received many awards. Among them: a 1st degree diploma from Moscow University and a gold medal for the best thesis(1898), gold medal P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansk Russian Geographical Society for work on To the Aral Sea(1909), the Big Gold (Konstantinovskaya) Medal - the highest award of the Russian Geographical Society (1915), the gold medal of the Asian Society of India for work on the ichthyology of Asia (1936), etc. Berg is a laureate of the USSR State Prize (1951), holder of two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and medals "For the Defense of Leningrad" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 ".

Lev Semenovich Berg died on December 24, 1950 in Leningrad and was buried at Literatorskie mostki Volkovsky cemetery.


  1. Bessarabia. Country - People - Economy. Chisinau, 1993.
  2. All-Union geographic society for 100 years. M.-L .: Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1946.
  3. Selected Works. M.-L., 1956-1962. T. 1-5.
  4. Climate and life / ed. 2nd, rev. and add. M .: Geografgiz, 1947.
  5. Climate and life. M., Gosizdat. 1922.
  6. Lomonosov and the hypothesis about the movement of continents // Izvestiya VGO. 1947. Vol. 1.P. 91–92.
  7. Lomonosov and the first Russian swimming for finding the northeastern passage // Izvestiya VGO. 1940. T. 72. 6, pp. 712–730.
  8. The names of fish and ethnic relations of the Slavs. 1948.
  9. Essays on the history of Russians geographical discoveries... M.-L :. Ed. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1946.
  10. Homeland of Tokhars and salmon distribution // Izvestiya VGO. 1946. T. 78. 1.P.122.
  11. Russian discoveries in Antarctica and contemporary interest in it. M .: Geografgiz, 1949.
  12. Fish fresh water USSR and neighboring countries. 1949. T. 1–3.
  13. Fish of Turkestan. 1905.
  14. The system of fish-like and fish living and fossil. 1940.
  15. Evolution theory. Pg., 1922.
  16. Proceedings on the theory of evolution. L .: Science. 1976.
  17. Urals on the Syr-Darya. 1900.

A complete list of the works of L.S. Berg until 1952, inclusive, was published in the book “In memory of academician L.S. Berg ". M.-L., 1955. S. 556-560.


  1. R. Zolotnitskaya is not subject to oblivion // URL: http://www.spbumag.nw.ru/2000/30/16.html.
  2. Cyril and Methodius Encyclopedia.
  3. Irkutsk: Historical and Local Lore Dictionary. Irkutsk, 2011.S. 62.
  4. Murzaev E.M. Lev Semenovich Berg (1876-1950). M., Science, 1983.

POPULATION: About 29.9 million people. Arabs of Algeria, descendants of ancient Berbers and Arabs - 83%, Berbers - 15%. In addition, 60 thousand Arabs from other countries, 40 thousand French, 20 thousand Spaniards, 10 thousand Italians, 6 thousand Turks, 5 thousand Jews and other peoples live in the country.

LANGUAGE: Arabic, widely spoken French.

RELIGION: 99% Muslim.

GEOGRAPHY: One of the largest and most developed countries in Africa, located in the north of the continent. The country's territory occupies the central part of the Atlas mountain system and the north of the Sahara Desert. The relief of northern Algeria is represented by two main ridges - Coastal (or Tel Atlas) and Sahara Atlas and intermountain plains. The highest point is Mount Tahat (3003 m.) In the Ahaggar Highlands. The territory of the Sahara is occupied by rocky deserts - hamads and sandy - ergs. The river network is poorly developed (the main river is the Shelif), most of the rivers regularly dry up. It shares borders with Morocco in the west, Tunisia and Libya in the east, with Niger, Mali, Mauritania in the south. From the north it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria belongs to the countries of the Maghreb ("Arab West"). The total area of ​​Algeria is 2381.7 thousand square meters. km.

CLIMATE: The climate of Algeria in the northern part is subtropical. Here the average annual temperature is +16 C. The average January temperature is + 5-12 C, in July - 25 C, the amount of precipitation is up to 1200 mm. in the mountains and 200-400 mm. on the plains. The central and southern parts of the country, with a tropical climate, are occupied by the Sahara Desert, where average daily temperature fluctuations reach +30 C, and precipitation falls below 50 mm. in year. Dust storms and dry winds from desert areas are frequent.

POLITICAL STATE: State structure- republic (actually a military regime). The head of state is the president. The head of government is the prime minister. The highest legislative body is parliament (unicameral National People's Assembly). Algeria is a member of the UN, IMF, OAU, Arab League, OPEC.

CURRENCY: Algerian dinar equal to 100 centimes. The circulation of other currencies is prohibited, the use of credit cards and traveller's checks is difficult, only possible in the capital. Currency exchange can only be made at banks and official exchange offices.

TIME: Lags behind Moscow in summer - by 3 hours, in winter - by 2 hours.

MAIN ATTRACTIONS: The attractions of Algeria include the numerous ruins of the ancient cities of the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Byzantines on the coast of the country. The capital of country - ancient city Algeria, stretched out like an amphitheater on the hills near the bay of the same name. Most of the buildings are built of light building material giving the city an elegant look. The Arab "Kasbah" is peculiar in the old part of the city with a bizarre disorder of narrow streets and one-story houses with flat roofs, slender mosques and other buildings in the oriental style. Among them, the mosque-tomb of Sidd Abdarrahman and the Jami-al-Jadid mosque, built in the 17th century, stand out. Old city", Museum ancient history and antiquity. In Oran - the Great Mosque (17th century) and the citadel (18th century). Algeria has thousands of kilometers of excellent beaches that are currently underutilized.

RULES OF ENTRANCE: Visa regime. The validity of an entry visa is 30 days. Consular fee - $ 8. Visa-free transit is not permitted. When crossing the border, you must present a passport with an entry visa and a completed card, which indicates: full name, gender, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, permanent residence address, passport number, time and place of issue, points destination, address of residence in the host country. In case of entry with children, their surnames, first names, date and place of birth are indicated on the back of the card. Russian citizens arriving for more than 3 months are registered at local authorities police with a "residence permit" card, while paying 400 dinars, arriving for a period of up to 3 months - are only registered. Due to the difficult situation in the Democratic Republic of Korea and the special regime of residence, movement is allowed only accompanied by armed guards. When importing pets, you must present a veterinary certificate with a note on vaccinations.

CUSTOMS RULES: The import of foreign currency is not limited (declaration is required). Upon entry, a convertible currency is exchanged, equivalent to 1,000 Algerian dinars. Failure to comply with the minimum exchange rules will lead to the refusal of the customs service to fulfill customs formalities. Violation of the exchange rules is punishable by law, up to and including criminal liability. Export of foreign currency is allowed. In this case, it is necessary to present a declaration completed upon entry into the country in order to check the availability of currency, operations carried out in Algeria for the exchange of exported valuable items declared upon entry into the country. Non-residents of Algeria are required to pay for air tickets in convertible currency at the official local dinar rate. Allowed duty-free import (per person): cigarettes - 200 pcs., 100 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 gr. tobacco of the same brand, 2 liters. wine or 1 liter. spirits, 50 g of perfume or 250 g of eau de toilette, 5 films, 5 video and 5 audio cassettes, 1 carpet, personal jewelry and products made of gold, platinum and silver (filling in the declaration is required), valuable items necessary for work - within the limits of necessity, household items within the limits of personal needs. Prohibited to import: drugs, pornographic literature, weapons and ammunition, documentaries, recorded videotapes and other objects contrary to good taste, local customs and morals, animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction, objects of classical art. Under special permits of the relevant authorities, the following are imported: films, photographic and video films, seeds and plants (phytosanitary certificate is required), works of art, items of archaeological value (certification of cultural authorities is mandatory), works of art and historical documents (permission from the Commission of the National People's Assembly is required).

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