Does psychosomatics help with barley in the eye? Psychosomatic explanation of the formation of barley. Possible positive thought form

This disease has a beautiful scientific name gordeolum, and its emergence is surrounded by a huge number of superstitions and folk signs.

What do you think this is about? Of course, about barley - a purulent inflammation of the edge of the eyelid, which really resembles the grain of this plant.

Among the reasons for the appearance of barley are called colds, weakened immunity, infections and even the evil eye or damage. Of course, you can find something rational in each of these explanations, but if these insidious "seeds" appear on your eyelids regularly, think - perhaps you should look for the roots of its occurrence in psychosomatics?

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

People really often call the eyes the mirror of the soul, so any eye diseases are a direct reflection of a person's negative emotions. In particular, barley on the eye first of all testifies to the following: what you see around you causes rejection and even hatred in you.

Among the main causes of this disease, experts call anger. If you are constantly angry about what you see around you, the accumulating anger can eventually result in a purulent inflammation of the eyelid.

Another reason for barley is anger. Unfortunately, far from always (or rather, almost never) we communicate exclusively with nice people who cause only pleasant feelings.

Each of us will surely name at least one colleague or acquaintance, one of which is very annoying. In other words, this person sticks out in front of your eyes like a thorn (or barley), interfering with normal work and life.

Finally, barley often suffers from overly emotional people who cannot accept the fact that others can have a radically opposite outlook on things. Rejection and rejection of someone else's point of view can also cause various unpleasant symptoms and inflammation.

How to get rid of persistent barley? First of all, you will have to change your attitude to what is happening around you. The fact is that many things in our life are simply impossible to control. Therefore, just accept them as they really are, without trying to change everything in your own way.

The same applies to all those with whom you have to work, live or just meet occasionally. Think how boring and dull our home planet would be if all people living on it looked, thought, and acted the same.

Try to be more calm and tolerant of those who irritate you; if you cannot bring yourself to understand and love them, then at least accept their existence.

Remember that anger and anger most often only harm those who experience them, so get rid of them as soon as possible. Then you will see how the world will shine with completely different colors, and you will be able to look at it with wide open, healthy eyes.

1. BARLEY- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

You look at life with evil eyes. Anger at someone.

Possible solution to promote healing

Now I look at everything with love and joy.

2. BARLEY- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Barley is an acute, very painful, purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelid margin. Barley has a tendency to repeat itself, especially in people with digestive disorders.

Emotional blockage

Barley occurs in a very emotional person who finds it difficult to digest what he sees around him. What he sees makes him dumbfounded. Such a person wants to see only that which is related to his activity. He seeks to control what is happening. He feels angry and irritated when it turns out that other people see things differently.

Mental blocking

Barley tells you that you should be more tolerant of what you see around you. Even if you do not like what you see, understand that it is impossible to control everything in life. At best, you can only control yourself. At the same time, you can relax and learn to look at people with your heart - this will help you love them and come to terms with the fact that they see things differently.

3. BARLEY- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

The appearance of barley means that you are looking at life with evil eyes. You have anger at someone. Reconsider your attitude towards this person. People say about one person: "He has evil eyes", and about another - "kind". The state of our eyes depends on what our thoughts are.

Louise Hay


My some thoughts:

1. We are 100% responsible for all our actions.

2. Our every thought creates our future.

3. The starting point of power is always in the present moment.

4. Everyone, without exception, suffers from feelings of guilt and feelings of self-loathing.

5. Everyone thinks of themselves: "I'm not good enough."

6. Everything is in thought, and thought can be changed.

7. Undercurrent resentment, anger, criticism of others and oneself, feelings of guilt are the most harmful emotions for health.

8. Complete release from accumulated resentment or anger cures cancer.

9. When we truly love ourselves, our lives are wonderful.

10. We must free ourselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception (including ourselves).

11. We must learn to live in the moment.

12. Self-acceptance and self-acceptance is the key to lasting change.

13. We and only we ourselves create the so-called "disease" in our body.

What i believe in

Life is very simple. What we give is what we get.

I believe that everyone, including me, is 100% responsible for all the events in our life, both the best and the worst. Our every thought literally creates our future. Everyone creates events in life with the help of thoughts and feelings. The thoughts we think literally create everything we experience in life.

We ourselves cause this or that situation in life, and then waste energy, scolding another person for our worries and failures. We ourselves are the source of our own experiences, the surrounding reality and everything else in it. On the other hand, having established harmony and balance in our consciousness, we begin to find the same thing in life.

Which sentence most accurately describes you?

"People in this world are trying to harm me."

"Everyone is trying to help me solve my problems."

What we believe in becomes our reality. We ourselves choose our thoughts and what we believe in. Our subconscious mind takes everything that we take for granted. And you have millions of choices about what to think. When we realize this, it makes sense to start thinking: "Everyone is trying to help me" instead of "People are hurting me." The forces of the universe never judge or criticize us. They accept us for who we are. And then they reflect our beliefs automatically. If you prefer to think that you are almost alone and that no one loves you, then this is what you will get in your life.

However, if you prefer to think that “Love is everywhere in the world, and I love and love (a)”, and repeat this phrase as often as possible, then this is what you will experience. A lot of wonderful people will enter your life unexpectedly, and those who already love you will love you even more.

At a young age, we learn about life from the reactions of adults

If you had to live with people who were not too happy, angry, or felt guilty, then you learned to perceive yourself and the world negatively. "I never do anything right", "It's my fault", "If I'm angry, then I bad person"- these are some of your constant thoughts. And such thoughts create a life of disappointment.

As we grow up, we tend to recreate the emotional environment of our childhood.

This is neither bad nor good, neither right nor wrong, we just know what the words “at home” mean. In our personal relationships, we often recreate the relationship we had with our mother or father. Think about how often you have had a lover or boss who exactly resembles your father or mother. We treat ourselves the same way our parents treated us. We scold and punish ourselves in the same way that our parents scolded and punished us. We can almost hear the words they used on such occasions. If we were loved when we were children, then as adults we love ourselves in the same way.

"You can never do anything right." "You are to blame." How often do you say these words to yourself?

"You're beautiful". "I love you". How often do you say these words to yourself?

However, I do not scold my parents for this.

We are all victims of victims, and our parents could not teach us what they themselves did not know. If your mother did not know how to love herself, or your father did not know how to love himself, then it was naturally impossible for them to teach you how to love yourself. If you have a desire to understand your parents better, ask them about their childhood, and if you listen with compassion, you will understand the origin of their fear and their relationship to life.

The people who "caused you suffering" were just as scared as you are now.

I believe that we choose our own parents

Each person decides whether to be born again on this planet at this or that time and in this or that place. We chose to be born here again in order to go through a certain lesson in life, which in turn ensures our further spiritual development on the evolutionary path. We choose our genus, skin color, country in which we are born, and then we choose the parents who, in our opinion, most reflect the problem on which we are going to work. Then, as we grow up, we tend to point our fingers at them and whine; "You are to blame." In fact, we chose them ourselves because they were ideal for us in our attempt to overcome what we were going to overcome in this life.

We form our beliefs in childhood, and then move through life, recreating situations that would fit our beliefs. Take a look back at the one you went through life path and you will see that you are creating the same situation over and over again. I am convinced that you create it because it reflects exactly what you believe in. In this case, it does not matter how long you feel the presence of this problem, its size or the danger that it contains.

The starting point of power is always in the present moment

Without exception, all the events of your life up to the present moment were created only by you, with the help of your beliefs based on past experience. They were created by you using the thoughts and words that you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago, depending on your age.

However, everything is in the past. What's important is your choice of what to think and what to believe now. Remember always that these thoughts and words will create your future. Your strength is in the present moment. The present moment creates events tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc.

Notice what you think in currently when you read these lines. Are these thoughts positive or negative? Do you want these thoughts of yours to influence your future?

The only thing you have to work with is your thought, and the thought

can be deliberately changed

It doesn't matter what the nature of your problem is, it is just a reflection of your train of thought. For example, a thought flashed through you: "I am a bad person." Thought entails a feeling that you succumb to. If you did not have such a thought, the feeling would be absent. And thoughts can be deliberately changed. Change the sad thought and the sad feeling disappears. It doesn't matter how long in your life you've been thinking negatively. Power is always in the present moment, not in the past. So let's free ourselves now!

Believe it or not, we choose our thoughts.

We tend to think about the same thing over and over, and so it seems to us that we do not choose our thoughts, And yet, the initial choice is ours. We refuse to think about anything in particular. Remember how often we refuse to think positively of ourselves. Now let's learn not to think negatively about ourselves. It seems to me that everyone on this planet, everyone I know and work with, to one degree or another suffer from self-loathing and guilt. The more self-loathing we have, the less luck we have.

Our shared inner conviction: "I'm not good enough"

And we often add to this: "And I have not achieved (la) in this life" or "I did not deserve (a)." Does it look like you? Often you think or say, "Am I not good enough?" But for whom? And by what standards? If this belief is strong in you, then how can you create a joyful one. a prosperous, full-blooded life? It turns out that your subconscious belief ("I'm not good enough (a)") constantly guides your actions and therefore constantly manifests itself in your life.

I am convinced that anger, criticism, others, guilt and fear create all our problems.

These feelings arise in those people who blame others for their own problems. You see, if we ourselves are 100 percent responsible for everything that happens to us, then it turns out that there is no one to scold. Everything that happens to you in your life is a reflection of your own inner thoughts. I am not trying to defend the bad behavior of some people, it is only important for us to understand that our beliefs attract those who treat us in this way.

If you say or think, "Everyone criticizes me, they never do anything for me, they wipe the floor with me," then this is your way of thinking. Somewhere deep in you there is a thought that will attract just such people to you throughout your life. If you refuse it, then such people will automatically disappear from your life. They will find another person to whom they will treat this way. You will no longer attract such people.

Below I present the results of a similar way of thinking, which manifests itself on the physical level:

1. Anger, resentment and resentment, accumulated over time, literally begins to eat up the body and becomes a disease called CANCER.

2. Constant criticism of others will inevitably lead to rheumatism.

Guilt always seeks punishment, and punishment always creates pain. The fear and tension that it generates creates ulcers, sore legs, baldness. I discovered from my own experience that forgiveness and release from resentment, anger, dissolves even CANCER. At first glance, such a statement may seem simplistic, but I myself saw and experienced it.

We have the power to change our attitude to the past.

The past is gone forever. This is a fact and there is nothing to be done about it. However, we can change our thoughts about the past. How foolish, however, to punish yourself in the present moment just for the fact that someone offended you a long time ago. I often say to my clients who have a strong sense of resentment: “Please begin to get rid of your resentment now that it is relatively easy. Do not wait for the surgeon's knife to hang over you or when you find yourself on your deathbed. Then you have to deal with panic. In a state of panic, it is very difficult to focus on thoughts of recovery. First we need to dissolve our fears. "

If we adhere to the belief that we are helpless victims and everything in our life is hopeless, then the Universe will support us in our conviction and our life will be a trash heap. It is very important for us to understand that these are all stupid negative thoughts that are of no use to anyone. Even about God, we must think that He is for us, and not against us.

In order to free ourselves from the past, we must be willing to forgive.

We must make a choice for ourselves to free ourselves from the past and forgive everyone without exception, especially ourselves. Even if we don't know how to forgive, we need to want it strongly.

The very fact that we want to forgive contributes to the process.


“I forgive you for not being what I would like to see you. I forgive you and completely free you. " This statement frees both the one you forgive and the one who forgives. The statement is important not only to repeat to yourself all the time (both to yourself and out loud), but also to write, preferably on a typewriter - this is faster, 70 times a day, 7 days in a row. If you want to forgive a specific person, then you need to mention the name of the forgiven and the one who forgives. For example, I, Natasha, forgive you, Sasha.

Every illness comes from unforgiveness

As soon as a person gets sick, he should look in his heart for someone to forgive. If you find a person who is very difficult to forgive, then you should forgive him. Forgiveness means liberation. You don't need to know how to forgive. All it takes is a desire to forgive. And then the Universe will come to your aid. We perfectly understand our pain. How difficult it is for us to understand, however, that those we need to forgive were also in pain. We need to understand that at that moment they could not have acted differently.

When people come to me for consultation, I am completely indifferent to the origin of their problem, be it poor health, lack of money, bad relationships or underdeveloped talents - I immediately start working on only one thing:

Developing self-love

I came to the conclusion that when we love ourselves, approve of our actions and remain ourselves, our life becomes so beautiful that words cannot be expressed. Little miracles are everywhere. Health improves, money flows into our hands, our relationships with others flourish, and we begin to express our personality in a creative way. And all this happens without the slightest effort on our part. When we wholeheartedly love and respect ourselves and approve of our actions, we create a certain organization of the mind. Hence - a wonderful relationship with others, new job, we even lose weight and come to our ideal weight.

Self-approval and self-acceptance are the key to positive change in our life

This self-love begins with the realization that you should never, under any circumstances, criticize yourself. Self-criticism closes the mindset we are trying to get rid of. Understanding ourselves helps us break out of this vicious circle.

Remember that you have been criticizing yourself for years and nothing good has come of it. Try to love yourself and see what happens.

Speaking of love, the author in no way means egoistic love or what is commonly called “self-love”. To love yourself means to celebrate the very fact of your personality existence and to be grateful to God for the gift of life.

To love yourself means, first of all, to respect your personality. I love: the very process of life; the joy of being alive (a); the beauty that I see; to another person; to knowledge;

to the process of thinking;

to our body and its structure;

to animals, birds and all living things;

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Eyes are not only a mirror of the soul, for a person they are a window into a huge bright world. Through vision, information enters the brain about what is happening around. Distortion of the quality of visibility badly affects the well-being, the quality of life. Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids is a common occurrence these days. And they arise not only due to eye strain during work. The effects of a closely spaced computer monitor and so on. Ophthalmologists increasingly recommend looking for the cause of inflammation of the eyelids and barley in psychosomatics. The psychological reasons for the development of conjunctivitis, myopia, hyperopia, barley and dryness have been studied for a long time.

Important! Psychologists have come to the conclusion that negative emotions are one of the most important causes of inflammation on the eyelids.

Psychosomatics is a part of applied psychology. Her theories view the eyes not only as part of the brain, but also as a channel that connects our perception of the world with the surrounding reality. Finding out the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, one must remember that, according to psychosomatic conclusions, any violation of harmony between the world and a person affects health, causes imbalance, is the cause of inflammation and other diseases. Joy or anger is reflected in the eyelids.

The appearance of inflammation and barley in the eye was attributed to witchcraft, to targeting damage to a person. Therefore, they treated inflammation more with prayer, conspiracies and magical rituals. People with poor health and psyche suffered from barley. They had an unprotected aura, a biofield. The sorcerers themselves often fell ill from inflammation of the eyelids.

Psychosomatics of the origin of barley

The moral and psychological state of a person directly affects his health. It is necessary to maintain a positive attitude, then there will be no reasons for the appearance of barley.

Eyes are information channel connecting us with the outside world. They must be protected, in time to treat eye inflammations, barley.

The organ of vision sometimes says more about a person than all the questionnaires and resumes. Women highlight their eyes and eyelids with makeup in order to attract the attention of others; when meeting and in conversation, people carefully look into the eyes of the interlocutor in order to read his true thoughts. An open gaze inspires confidence in a person. If they look sullenly, their owner is "on his own mind."

The discharge of negative and positive tensions is often expressed in tears. After them, salty moisture remains on the cornea and inner eyelid.

Interesting! Whoever cries often and a lot, or does not do it at all, suffers from eye diseases and inflammations more. This is an observation by ophthalmologists.

The psychosomatics of barley lies in human hatred. This is a direct reason, inflammation on the eyelid can appear very soon.

Psychomatic factors causing the appearance of barley:

  1. Anger poisons the life and well-being of a person, giving rise to rage, irritability, which splash out on others. These emotions are the basis of inflammation on the eyelid. Speaking about the cause of inflammation of the eyelids, we must remember that anger undermines the immune system, and opens the way for bacteria and microbes to enter the body. Emotional protection weakens, the level of positive charge and vitality decreases.
  2. Anger is another cause of eyelid inflammation. It is easier to be nervous, irritable than friendly. Expressing his anger, a person does not relieve the soul, on the contrary, he cultivates, builds up a black feeling. Weak people around them become infected with a bad mood, pass it on to others chain reaction... A constant critical attitude towards life accumulates in the subconscious. A person spends his strength not on good deeds, but on anger. Luck turns away from such a clot of negative energy, and the abscess on the eyelid will necessarily jump off.
  3. Fear is an important reason for the appearance of barley in the century. In a state of nervous tension, a person is indecisive, he is afraid of changes in life, new ideas at work, his brain is bound by fear. This feeling affects people with a weak psyche, not self-confident. They suffer from inflammation and stye. If there is no element of creativity, adventurism in their life, it becomes dull. Groundhog Day is coming. Monotonous actions and events capture a person in his circle, and he is afraid to change his life. Weakness and fear are not unimportant, inflammation of the eyelid.
  4. Exalted individuals are no less susceptible to disease than phlegmatic individuals. They are characterized by categoricalness in defending their position, the manifestation of violent emotions. This heightened emotional background leads to the development of many nervous and bodily diseases, including hordeolum. Inflammation and abscess are the release of emotional stress that has accumulated in the nerve cells of the body.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, inflammation in the eyelid is simply explained - the eye reacts negatively to what it does not want to see, what makes a person nervous and causes anger. Physically, nervous irritation is expressed in skin irritation in the form of inflammation and itching.

An example of one patient. She came to work in a women's team, where an atmosphere of gossip and hypocrisy flourished. All this caused a feeling of indignation, which accumulated from month to month. The woman could not quit her job, but the atmosphere in the office was very depressing for her. Soon, she learned what inflammation of the eyelids and barley is. There seemed to be no reason.

When the next one broke through, there was a temporary psychological relief. In the end, the patient quit her job and was lucky enough to get into a female, but very soulful team. She gladly went to work and felt great. The problems with the centuries disappeared by themselves.

For the eyes to be healthy, they must more often see what the person likes. Barley and inflammation of the eyelids is a protective reaction of the body to negativity. The same happens when people often appear before our eyes, to whom we do not wish well. They wake up irritation and anger in the soul. We must try to avoid irritating factors. If there is no way to do this, then you need to abstract from them, delete them from your life, not pay attention.

The causes of inflammation of the eyelids and the appearance of barley have long been studied at the psychosomatic level by many scientists. The doctor begins the examination of the patient's eyelids with a conversation. From it, he takes out information about the psychological state of a person. If it is unstable, then this can cause inflammation in the eye.

At the doctor's appointment, the patient tells what worries him, what hurts. A doctor who delves into the study of the patient's psychosomatic state will quickly achieve the desired result in the treatment of barley. In addition to barley, it will protect a person from many other dangerous health conditions. If it is possible to achieve a balanced positive state of the patient, the treatment of the eyelids is more effective and the disease does not return.

Here are some tips to help prevent stye and eye inflammation:

  1. Be tolerant of the opinions of others, even if you cannot accept the opponent's position. Everyone has the right to own opinion, to their principles in life. If all people thought the same way, she would lose emotional colors. The difference in worldview, characters, tastes make it possible to develop. Learn to accept people as they are. You cannot sharpen everyone to your ideal. There will be no inflammation on the eyelids, the barley will recede.
  2. Do not try to control everything - it costs a lot of effort. Do not penetrate the lives of strangers, concentrate on yourself. A person is forced to react to everything he encounters. Take care of your nervous system from unnecessary emotions. You will save yourself from inflammation. Invest in yourself - in your education, pleasure, development of talents. Do not teach, do not advise, if you are not asked, do not judge others.
  3. Try to treat people friendly, with understanding. Try for yourself to find an explanation for their unseemly actions. This will help you to understand and forgive, which means not to get angry.
  4. Live with hope in your soul. Wait with joy every day. IN difficult situations try to be positive. If light energy emanates from you, people will treat you more friendly. Barley and inflammation will go away from your eyelids. There is a way out of every difficult situation. The disease is curable, lack of money is temporary, loneliness is fixable. All in your hands. Live with good mood, it gives strength. And diseases often overtake a weak person.

Sometimes the barley goes away on its own in 3-4 days. If the head is small, it quickly breaks through and the wound heals.

Causes and symptoms of the appearance of barley on the eye

Doctors and scientists agree that all diseases enter a progressive phase during a period when a person is in a decline in strength and a depressed psychological state.

Every person periodically suffers from barley. The disease got its name because of the resemblance to a ripe grain of barley. In medicine, this disease is called "".

Why does barley "jump off" in such an inconvenient place? It arises near the follicle of a healthy cilium, captures the sebaceous gland or hair follicle. At first, the area around it turns slightly red and swollen, then inflammation, pain and severe itching appear. A large abscess matures for 3-4 days. Then it bursts out, the contents come out, and the pain gradually subsides. The abscess can be located on the outside of the eyelid. In this case, staphylococcus aureus settles in the bulb of the eyelash. If the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed, then the tubercle grows on the inside of the eyelid.

Only a cold was considered the cause of inflammation in the eye. But this list can be continued with other factors:

  • germs from dirty towels;
  • wiping eyes with unwashed hands;
  • aggressive or expired cosmetics;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • weak immunity;
  • complication after a cold;
  • penetration of infection into the body;
  • diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • skin diseases;
  • emotional stress, stress;
  • neglect of the basics of personal hygiene.

These reasons have been studied and confirmed by scientists, therefore, at the first, one should find a basis, be examined so as not to start a painful process, which was signaled by inflammation in the eyelid.

It would seem that it makes no sense to devote an entire article to a small pimple. Barley appeared, the pain stopped, and that's it, the patient forgot about the sore. If the treatment is not carried out correctly, complications arise:

  • the temperature rises;
  • pus spreads to the areas of the eyelid adjacent to the localization;
  • the eye is swollen and cannot open.

These symptoms indicate serious inflammation processes that require medical attention. Otherwise, pathologies may develop, leading to loss of vision.

It is noticed that in densely populated cities more people suffer from visual impairment. The lack of perspective blocks the flight of the view. Constantly bumping into obstacles in the form of stone walls, monitors, strangers, eyes get tired of the variegated and closed space. They get used to looking at nearby objects. After all, one of the ways to correct myopia is to exercise - to look into the distance, especially at the blue sea.

Non-compliance with hygiene standards

The ocular membrane is thin and sensitive, so microbes often penetrate through it. In a humid environment, they multiply intensively, which leads to inflammation.

Lenses can be a common cause of barley. Their use requires careful maintenance and careful handling. Lenses have an expiration date, after which their use becomes more dangerous than the disease itself. Many neglect their daily care. The eyes get tired of the daily presence of a foreign body. In the evening after washing, it is imperative to instill moisturizing drops with vitamins for the eyes.

If a speck gets into the eye under the eyelid, it must be carefully removed. It may have sharp edges. It is necessary to collect warm water in the palm of your hand and lower your eyes into it. With an open eye, try to "blink". If it was not possible to get rid of the foreign object, you must remove it with the edge of a clean napkin. Many mothers try to "lick" the speck from the child's eye. This cannot be done, there may be more germs on the tongue than on a tiny speck of dust.

In women, barley appears more often in the upper eyelid. Particles of decorative cosmetics (mascara or eyeshadow) fall under the upper eyelid.

By itself, a cold is not the cause of inflammation in the eyelid. But during a cold, immunity decreases, and the body weakens. The bacteria then attack unopposed. Barley "jumps off" after suffering ARVI, flu, tonsillitis. This is also associated with a weakening of the defenses.

Eye diseases blepharitis and demodicosis coexist with barley. Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, its cause is in the presence of staphylococci in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of dry crusts on the eyelids, loss of cilia, redness.

Demodectic mange is caused by the multiplication of a tick in the bulbs of the eyelashes, which releases toxic substances. They may be the reason for the barley. The disease is contagious. The patient must follow the rules - use individual personal hygiene products, wash their hands more often, have their own bedding.

What is the reason for the decrease in immunity

There are periods in a person's life when health weakens. This happens for various reasons - hard work, poor living conditions, nervous tension. In this state, the body cannot cope with all the microbes and viruses. At this point, inflammation and barley may appear.

The body's forces are depleted in the event of:

  1. Improper nutrition, which lacks "live" foods, vitamins, proteins. For each organ, its own set of trace elements and nutrients is important for stable functioning. For example, vitamins A and B, which are contained in fish oil and carrots, are useful for the eyes.
  2. The development of chronic diseases in which the formation of pathogenic bacteria progresses. These are caries, dysbiosis, anemia.
  3. Sleep and wakefulness disorders. Inadequate rest is postponed in the subconscious, chronic fatigue accumulates, weakening the body.
  4. Frequent overwork and nervous tension. Stressful situations reduce protection.
  5. The use of antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs, radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology.
  6. Dirty air, drinking water containing harmful impurities, vegetables and fruits grown in unfavorable conditions.

The appearance of barley is influenced by physical and psychological reasons... Compliance with the norms of personal hygiene, taking care of the health of the whole body, a positive outlook on life will help protect yourself not only from inflammation in the eyelid, but also from many other ailments.

Gordeolum, or barley, is an inflammation of the organ of vision associated with the ingress of pathogenic bacteria. It manifests itself as a swollen reddish tubercle, similar to a grain of barley (for which it got its name). It can proceed with or without the appearance of an abscess.

Symptoms of barley are:

  • tingling and itching
  • dryness and burning
  • swelling and swelling
  • redness,
  • pain.

The main cause is Staphylococcus aureus. Once in the organ of vision, it begins inflammation in the bulbs of the cilia or in the sebaceous glands.

Factors affecting the appearance of barley are: violation of eye hygiene (touching the eyes with dirty hands, using other people's hygiene products), pollution the environment(air, etc.), decreased immunity, frequent hypothermia, the use of low-quality cosmetics, indigestion, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Psychosomatic explanation for the appearance of barley

Eyes - organ visions allowing you to receive information from outside world... Therefore, almost all eye ailments reflect a person's unwillingness to see something or someone: events, relationships, yourself, people around you. As a rule, this is due to the negative content of a person's thoughts and emotions. For example, some information coming through the eyes is not pleasant to a person or hurts him.

When considering the psychosomatics of the eye, it should also be clarified that problems with the right eye are associated with negativity in vision of the world, and also symbolize the masculine side (in particular, the pope and his influence). The left eye is usually associated with the influence of the mother and with seeing yourself. Many famous authors (Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, V. Sinelnikov, etc.) adhere to this approach.

It seems that this approach is legitimate, since it is from the first words of mom and from the position of her attitude towards us that we begin to perceive ourselves as a separate person, and dad helps to discover the big world.

It follows that barley clearly indicates that a person something in oneself interferes with seeing the world: irritation, anger, anger, a view of the world intolerant of objections... In this case, there is always a suppressed aggression, manifested as a desire to scratch.

Other explanations for barley can be found among the people. Here the reasons are associated with the "evil eye", which characterizes a person who is envious or capable of casting the evil eye. Therefore, there is an opinion among the people that barley is a manifestation of the evil eye or damage.

The author of the article is nevertheless inclined to associate the appearance of barley (as well as other ailments) with internal state the person himself... There are a lot of objective data on this, and the author will focus on some of them in the final part of the article.

Explanations of the causes of barley in the works of famous authors on psychosomatics

Louise Hay the main reason barley sees is that a person looks at life with evil eyes. Another reason - angry at someone.

According to Liz Burbo's position, barley appears very emotional people who are intolerant of what they see around them. Such people, as the psychologist notes, love to control everything.

Another reason for the appearance of this malaise, Liz Burbo highlights the fact that people are experiencing irritation and anger when others see things differently than they do.

Dr. Valery Sinelnikov writes that the condition of the eyes depends on what a person's thoughts are, suggesting that a person with pure and good thoughts will also have the organ of vision in the same good health.

V. Zhikarantsev also argues that a person suffering from barley, as a rule, looks at life with eyes full of anger.

Ways to Heal Psychosomatic Barley

On the one hand, the way to heal psychosomatic barley (as well as other psychosomatic ailments) is very simple. This requires only replace the negative perception of the world around you with a positive one.

But, on the other hand, this is where the difficulty lies for most people. How can a person stop seeing bad in everything and everyone, if it has already become a habit? And habit, as we know, is second nature.

This means that you need to start by working with your consciousness: to understand, to bring to your consciousness, with the help of reasonable arguments and arguments, the idea that own health is more valuable and more important than some empty and harmful negative beliefs and emotions... Is not it?

So what if another person sees the same event (business, object, or another person) from a different perspective and has his own point of view? This is his right, even if someone does not like it or makes him angry.

Here you just need to remember that each person is unique and has his own set of beliefs, habits, etc. And everyone has every right to do so! If someone wants to respect his beliefs and feelings, then he himself must respect the habits and feelings of the other - that's fair!

And, if so, then the desire to control everything and everyone disappears, irritation and anger about the fact that the other sees differently disappears: that's why he sees differently, because he is a completely different person(even if this is your child), who also has the right to a certain freedom (instead of total control on your part).

Moreover, this issue is closely related to mental health and human development. And, if we are interested in the mental health and development of our loved ones (especially children), then we must be tolerant of their different perception of the world around us and a different point of view (and not imposed by us).

Be more tolerant and healthier!

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