Forms and methods used by the teacher to adapt first-graders. Organization of training of first-graders New techniques for organizing work from first-graders

Ways to organize the educational and educational activities of first-graders in the adaptation period

M.Yu. Spin


The article is devoted to the problem of forming the motivation of junior schoolchildren to educational cognitive activity During the adaptation period. This article describes the peculiarities of the adaptation period and the conditions for the successful adaptation of first-graders to educational and cognitive activity. Describes methods and techniques used in adaptation period teacher in organizing educational and cognitive activity.

The problem of adaptation of younger schoolchildren is currently relevant. Adaptation is a natural state of a person manifested in the device (addiction) to new living conditions, new activity, new social contacts, new social Roly. The meaning of this period of entry into unusual for children life situation It manifests itself in the fact that not only the success of mastering the training activities, but also the comfort of stay at school, the health of the child, his attitude to school and teaching is depends on the wellness of his flow.

For the successful period of adaptation period of first-graders, it is important to form a positive "y-concept" in the process of training activities. I-Concept - Important structural element Psychological appearance of the individual, folding in communication and activity, the ideal representation of the individual in itself, as a friend. The formation of a me-concept, being ultimately due to a wide social and cultural context, arises in the circumstances of the exchange of activities between people, during which the subject looks like in the mirror in another person and thereby debugs, clarifies, corrects images of its Ya. Validity The various components of the i-concept with age is changing. If for a preschooler one of the main ideas about myself is the physical I (image of the body), then for a younger schoolboy - this is an estimation of yourself as a student.

To form a positive "I-concept", it is possible to use a variety of methods, shapes and techniques. The current "I-Concept" has a self-sustaining property. Due to this, the child has a sense of its constant certainty, self-identity.

The student of the 1st class appears neoplasms in the form of "I-Concept". For him, during this period, the internal position of the schoolboy is important. If a positive "i-concept" is formed, there is a positive opinion about yourself, the child is included in different kinds Activities. This success allows the student to strive to achieve goals. And, on the contrary, a negative formed "I-Concept" It leads to the fact that the child considers unsuccessful, a negative attitude towards the learning process is formed, etc. The teacher is important to determine the conditions that will make a positive attitude of the child to educational activities and will motivate students for educational and educational activities.

Creating a positive attitude of the child to study, the team, environment, the teacher actively contributes to the successful adaptation of junior schoolchildren, which is prerequisite For good performance. For this, the teacher must be created in the lesson the situation of success, introduce a system of promotions, develop new forms of diaries, portfolio, use various visual aids and, of course, alternate activities. In other words, the teacher is obliged to create a certain system of funds forming motivation to educational and cognitive activity.

In the adaptation period of younger schoolchildren, the teacher confronts itself:

ensuring the psychological adaptation of children;

acquaintance with the main school regulations;

proprieties of the skills of individual, pair and collective work;

learning to elementary feedback methods;

familiarity with school estimation system;

development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

organization of the class team.

Consequently, under the organization of educational and cognitive activity, it is necessary to understand the special orderliness of educational and educational actions of students and teachers, which meets goals, reasons and tasks and flowing in a certain mode.

V.V. Davydov considers educational activities as one of the types of reproducing activities, which requires special attention and right organization. She becomes leading in the younger school ageSince it determines the emergence of the main psychological neoplasms of this age, determines the general mental development of younger students, the formation of their personality as a whole. . Therefore, given the psychological and physical features of first-graders, the teacher needs to build a lesson other than in the following classes elementary school.

The main part of the lesson is "fractional" i.e. Consists of several interrelated, but various activities. Special attention is paid to the use of games as the structural part of the lesson. Must be used as didactic games Not only games with rules that contribute to the formation of a new leading activity - educational, but also role-playing games contributing to the development of creative abilities, the basis of which is imagination.

Home tasks in the first class are not specified. Evaluation activities of teachers are aimed at stimulating the educational and educational activities of first-graders. Each teacher has a "piggy bank" of assessment receptions and means. Such are the cards of three colors that indicate the mood of children in the lesson; Stand of progress, which is a few color bases, whose petals should earn in class; Cardboard sprockets, squares and circles, which gives a teacher to a child in a lesson according to the degree of activity. Thus, work on evaluation training achievements First-graders are underway in the following direction: lay the foundations of the estimated independence of students.

In the process of learning, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child.Among the psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at facilitating the adaptation of children to school, an important place belongs to a decrease in the training load at the first stage of training.IN The lesson represents several structural elements:orgmoment, the actualization of knowledge, the formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson, the "opening of new" knowledge, primary consolidation, control and self-esteem, the outcome of the lesson.

Thus, it can be argued that the competent organization of educational and cognitive activity is necessary for the successful adaptation period of first-graders, from which directly depends further development The identity of the child and its performance.


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By top school year Parents of the future schoolboy should be thought of not only about school uniform, but also on how to organize a workplace for your first-graders. In our previous articles, we have already talked about the need to create several zones in the room of any schoolchildren - the zone of sleep, the zone of study and the game zone or entertainment. Today we will talk about how to equip the zone of study for the student of the first classes so that it is comfortable to engage here lessons and most importantly - so that these classes do not harm him health. We have collected the most frequently asked questions of the parents of first-graders, the answers to which will help in organizing the workplace of the student.

1. What table is needed first grader?

For a first grader, it is necessary to especially carefully approach the selection of a written table, because the posture of the child will depend on the dimensions and the model, and that is equally important, the desire to learn. Regarding the size of a written table, there are several hard rules:

height Depends on the growth of the child: 45-48 centimeters are enough first grader. Going at the table to the store, take a child with you, just so you choose a table that it is perfect for him. The desk is considered optimal if its edge turned out to be exactly at the chest level of the seated child (then he will be able to rely on the elbows), he does not support the worktop from the bottom, and the legs are at right angles.

depth The working surface should be at least 60-80 centimeters, width - 120-160 centimeters.


In order not to change the student's table every two or three years, it is better to give preference to the transformable model. By the way, experts advise to purchase for a computer, which, too, will surely appear in the nursery, a separate table - to do lessons before the monitor will be inconvenient, so that a separate surface is needed for the letter. If the room is small and places for two tables in it is not enough, it is better to purchase the table a little more sized, for example, a corner, in one part of which the computer will be located, and in the other - will remain free place For classes.

2. Where to place a desk in the nursery?

It is best to put a desk on the left of the window, sideways, or on the right, but turning to the front side of the face. The first option is convenient because the child is less distracted by street events, and the second allows you to well cover the working surface during the daytime. Designers often offer all the windowsill in the writing desk. This is really a great option for a small room.


3. Which chair to choose for first grader?

It is important to choose the appropriate chair, because the posture of the child will be bounce. The chair should not be too high: the feet of a child, bent at right angles, should touch the floor, while his back is the backs of the chair. Look, if it is a convenient working chair with adjustable seat height and the position of the back, it will be talked to adjust the height and position of the chair with the growth of the child. The seat should not be deep so that the schoolboy does not hurt during classes and relied on the back. From the spinning chair, it is better to refuse to choose a fixed model for this age.



4. Are there any requirements for furniture for a schoolboy?

There are a number of requirements for the material from which the furniture is made in the nursery. It is desirable that furniture for schoolchildren is made of natural materials: the table is better to buy wooden. The stool upholstery material is also better to choose natural. When buying furniture for a schoolboy, you must pay attention to the product certificate: it must correspond to the GOST designed for children's furniture. Plastic furniture, as well as furniture made of adhesive materials with impregnation are unsafe due to possible evaporation of harmful substances.

5. How to create perfect lighting for study?

In order for the eyesight of a child to suffer from classes, it is best to combine light sources over the desktop. The optimal is considered a combination of wall-mounted beam or light cornice with reflected light and a separate lamp directly above the working area.
The classic picture is a child sitting at one desk lamp in a dark room - an absolutely wrong approach, because the light only the desktop lamp is categorically contraindicated to children. If all the rest of the room is darkened, the contrast will quickly tire the eyes of a first grader who are not adapted to such loads, and contribute to impairment of vision.


6. How to help first-grader to organize order at the table?

If there are no roll-out boxes in the desk, then all the items necessary for the educational process must be accommodated within the accessibility of the child - no further than at the distance of the elongated hand. For these purposes, stand bedside tables, shelves and racks, as well as mobile plastic containers located under the table. If the table is located near the wall without a window, then it can be placed with a tissue organizer with a large number of pockets, in which the stationery and other little things will fit perfectly. required child During the educational process. Also, you can use the cortical boards to which the notes and all kinds of things will be attached.


Take a child to comply with the order at the workplace from the first class. After classes, invite it to take all accessories in such a way that every item is in its place, and the working surface of the table always remained free.

7. Is it possible to help your child remember the routine of the day?

In the life of the first grader, much changes, the main role is obtained by the routine of the day. Buy a pack of office paper, bright markers or markers and together with the child come up with his first schedule. You can use such finished pictures or make them with your own hands - and hang this board near the child's desktop. The first month of this routine of the day will help your child get used to new living conditions, and you - to avoid nervous explanations and children's tears.


In the 1st grades, children of the 8th or 7th year of life are accepted according to parents. Reception B. educational institution Children of the 7th year of life are carried out when they reach the September 1 of the academic year of age at least 6 years 6 months.

Children's training in the 1st grade is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

 training sessions are carried out only in the first shift;

 The duration of the school year is 33 weeks;

 5-day school week;

 The maximum allowable weekly load is 20 hours;

 carrying out no more than 4 lessons per day;

 Duration of lessons no more than 35 minutes;

 Organization of a lightweight school day in the middle of the school week;

 Use in health and health purposes to facilitate the process of adapting children to the school of "stepwise" learning regime in the first half of the year:

  1. in September - 3 lessons for 35 minutes each, the 4th school hour should be unconventional (lesson-theatricalization, lesson-game, lesson - excursion, etc.);

  2. from the second quarter - 4 lessons for 35 minutes each.

  3. with the third quarter - 4 lessons for 40 minutes
 nutrition and walking for children visiting a long-day group;

 training without homework (in the first half of the year) and the scoring assessment of knowledge of students during the entire school year;

 Additional week holidays in the middle of the third quarter (February);

test papers held in April of the current year.

Program organization

The process of adaptation of first-graders to school learning

in MOU SOSH №41 Tomsk

The program of organizing the process of adaptation of first-graders to school learning.
Start school Life - Serious test for most children coming in the first class, associated with a sharp change in the entire lifestyle. They must get used to the team, to new requirements, to everyday duties.
The beginning of school training coincides with intensive mental Development. There is a formation of cognitive activity, various types of memory are developing, verbal and logical thinking. High emotionality contributes to the predominance of involuntary reactions. But the disciples can already consciously manage their behavior, obey the necessary requirements - arbitrariness develops. In the younger school age, children actively occur the internal action plan, the ability to reflect the ability to develop.
As a rule, the guys seek to become schoolchildren: they go to school with large interest and readiness to perform educational tasks. But for many of them school requirements Too hard, and the routine is too strict. For these children, the period of adaptation to school may be injured.
Adaptation- The natural state of the person manifested in the adaptation (addiction) to new living conditions, new activities, new social contacts, new social roles. The value of this period of entry into unusual life situation is manifested in the fact that not only the success of mastering academic activities depends on the well-being of its flow, but also the comfort of stay at school, child health, his attitude to school and teaching.
The purpose of this program: create psychological and pedagogical conditions, providing a favorable course of adaptation of first-graders to school.
Planned Result: A favorable course of adaptation of first-graders to school training.
The main indicators of the favorable adaptation of the child:
preservation of physical, mental and social health children;
establishing contact with students, with a teacher;
formation of adequate behavior;
Mastering training skills.

An indicator of the difficulty of the adaptation process to school is negative changes in the behavior of a child: it may be excessive excitement, even aggressiveness or, on the contrary, inhibition, depressiveness. There may be a sense of fear, the reluctance to go to school, etc.

With an unfavorable course of adaptation in children, growth slows down, the body mass falls. The acute incidence of first-graders during this period can be 2 times the magnitude of this indicator from older schoolchildren.

Between the 6th and 7th, a new level comes social Development Baby. He is trying to go beyond preschool age. At this stage, the dominant role of the family is characterized in satisfying the material, communicative, emotional needs of the child, so work with future first-graders begins with familiarity with the family. This is long before the child becomes a first-grader.

1. The work of the administration and teachers MOU SOSH №41 begins with the "Day open doors", Which traditionally in April. The purpose of this event is to introduce the parents of future first-graders with the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the school, with the material and technical base, with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, the traditions of MOU SOSH No. 41.

3. In August (when the first-graders lists have already been formed), the first class assembly is held: "How great that we all have gathered here today" the goal of the meeting: to introduce parents of future first-graders with a classroom, with a school building, with class teacher, With the CMD, in which children will be trained, as well as with each other. Help parents in preparing a child for future school life and new social status: student.

4. In early September (as a rule, a parental meeting is held on the first academic week, which addresses the following issues:

  • The difficulties of adapting first-graders (speech of the psychologist).

  • Acquaintance features of the organization of the educational process in the first grades in connection with the transition to new standards (speech by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

  • Organization extracurricular activities first-graders in the budget and contractual foundations

5. In the course of the year are held parental meetings and individual advice by specialists MOU SOSH No. 41 on adaptation issues.

The activities of the Pedagogical Team of School No. 41 on the organization of a favorable adaptation environment at the transition from preschool to primary school education aims to create the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

  1. Organization of the mode of school life of first-graders. Creating an area of \u200b\u200bspatial environment.

  1. Organization of health and preventive work.

Features of working with first graders.

Each teacher working in the first elementary school must remember that the desire of children to teaching, its success is determined by a number of factors that are created by pedagogically competent educational environment, adequate psychological and physiological features and capabilities of first-graders.

Training of first-graders should be based taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the activities of the children of the seventh year of life.

Special attention from the teacher requires first days Stay children at school. It must be remembered that such qualities of individual children, like inattentiveness, nonsense, fast distractions, the inability to manage their behavior are associated with the peculiarities of their psyche, so it is important (especially in the adaptation period) not to make sharp remarks, not to wrap them, try to record attention on positive manifestations of the student.

In the process of learning, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. At the beginning of training, the teacher must provide every child the opportunity to work in the pace inherent in it. Completely unacceptable At this time, comments like "faster!", "Delay everyone!" etc. The volume of work of schoolchildren should increase gradually.

Level of development of functional systems and formed mental processes Children (attention, memory, thinking, the level of arbitrariness), ensuring the success of learning, dictate the need to provide children in various complexity of educational tasks and, especially important, the different share of the teacher's participation in their implementation. The teacher should know that many children at this age can perform tasks only with the help of an adult who suggests a sequence of actions. This is not a negative characteristic of the student, and reflects the age and individual characteristics of the level of "school maturity".

The teacher's communication style with first-graders should take into account the peculiarities of the child's behavior associated with his ability to communicate with adults and peers. Among the first-graders are quite high the percentage of children experiencing various types of communication difficulties in the team. This includes both hyperobatic children who prevent the teacher to lead a lesson and fearing the urban situation, shy to respond and producing therefore the impression of anything knowing or not listening to the teacher. And those and others require various forms of the benevolence and patient work of the teacher.

Teacher's tone must be confidential and soft. Invalid authoritarian style of teacher communication with first graders. Can not be neglected and various forms non-verbal communication - hug a child, take the hand, stroke the head, touch it, etc. This not only soothes the child, but confidence in him, the feeling that an adult is good to him relates. It is necessary to pay special attention to this position, as the first-grader is significantly important, a positive attitude towards a teacher, who should not depend on the real success of the child.

Requirements for the implementation of school standards of behavior should be administered gradually and not in the form of indications, but in the form of wishes. From the teacher, the manifestation of irritation, sharp comments. It should be patiently and gently and once again repeat the necessary rule.

For the development of independence and activity of children, it is important to positively evaluate each successful child's step, an attempt (even unsuccessful) to find an answer to the question. It is very helpful to give children creative learning tasks: come up with something, guess, pick up other examples, etc. Let the children arguing, arguing, mistaken, together with the teacher find the right decision.

Special attention is required children with low levels of activity. The main task of the teacher is to encourage any manifestation of the initiative, the desire to speak, answer the question, work at the board. It is very important to specifically prepare such a child to answer - stand with him nearby, to encourage, not afraid to intercepted, to demonstrate its success to his success. You can not hurry to cause a child to the blackboard if the teacher is not sure about the correctness of the answer, it is better to let the student respond to him "on the ear" in order not to demonstrate the child's mistakes class.

In the first grade, it should be specifically learning children to organize their activities: plan their actions, change the working conditions (for example, to remove the textbook or notebook, fold the box of letters, close the book, etc.). It requires patient long work, which is based on step-by-step instruction, explaining in detail what and how to do ("opened the box of letters", "found pockets for this letter", "we remove it", "Close the Cassus.").

When organizing activities by decision task It is necessary to learn children to plan their actions. It must be done not only in the lessons native language and mathematics, but also on all other lessons. It is especially effective to use artistic work for this, when children analyze the sample of the future product, allocate a sequence of actions. It is very important to encourage children to pronounce the sequence of actions, exercise independently control: to compare your work with the sample, to find errors, to establish their reasons, to make corrections yourself. Moreover, the wording requirement is better to express not in categorical form, but in soft ("I think you are wrong here", "Check, please, do you have any mistakes here", etc.).

It is necessary to pay attention to the structure of the lesson in the first grade. It should be "fractional", i.e. include several (preferably related subjects) activities. As already underlined above, it is unacceptable to build the entire lesson in one form of activity, for example, all thirty five minutes to read, write or solve arithmetic tasks. It is necessary to alternate different types activity in class.

For first-graders, the activities they have been engaged in preschool childhood are still very relevant. This is primarily related to the game. Therefore, it should be actively involved in the game in educational process, not to prohibit the game, not exclude it from the life of the first grader. In the first grade, the game is of particular importance for the formation of the ability to learn - the main activity that is now engaged in the child. It is fundamentally important to pay attention to two types of games - role and games with rules (didactic, movable, wall-printed).

Games with rules as well as learning activities, necessarily gives the result, develops self-esteem, self-control and independence. In the first year of study (especially in the first weeks of study), games with the rules should be present at each lesson (didactic), fill changes and dynamic pause (movable, wall-printed).

Didactic games always have a learning task that needs to be solved. In the course of these games, the child assimilates the system of standards - ethical, sensory, practical, etc. When using the game as a method of learning, a number of conditions must be carried out: the learning task must coincide with the game; The presence of a learning task should not exhibit the game; It is necessary to maintain the process; The game must include a gaming rule (if, then.) and a gaming effect.

Role-playing games are very important for the formation of arbitrary behavior, imagination, student's creativity, so necessary for him to teach. Great opportunities for the development of plot games provide lessons literary reading, mathematicians, the world, art, in the course of which children can play different roles Real individuals or imaginary heroes.

Given the clear-artistic nature of the thinking of children of this age, it is necessary to significantly place in the lessons to distinguish simulating activities with schemes, models of sounds, geometric shapes, nature objects, etc. At the same time, the distribution material, which is located in front of each child, must fully coincide with the demonstration. It must be remembered, the use of only demonstration, often an illustrative material attracting a child with its form, and not content, often leads to the opposite result: the attention of children is fixed on bright, but irrelevant to solving the learning task for details and properties. In this case, the work does not give the desired result, does not contribute to the development of thinking. Support on visual-shaped thinking of first-graders in training contributes to the formation of logical thinking.


The perfect option, of course, if the child has a separate room. In this case, the space should be divided into zones: a gaming area, a work zone and a sleep zone. For the working area, the location is best suited by the window. So that the child during operation was not distracted by the events taking place on the street, the table must be put on the right. Walls around the workplace should be arranged in calm neutral tones, bright motley accents will constantly distract the attention of the student. In the interior of the working area there should be nothing superfluous, only everything you need for study. In addition to the table and chair, you need a rack for books, a mounted locker or shelf. It is not necessary to have mounted furniture right above the table - this will create a feeling of discomfort. On this wall, it is better to equip a student organiser in the form of a cork board and several pockets from a non-timing fabric for all sorts of school trifles. And such distracting factors, like favorite toys, a computer and a TV, must be far beyond the working area. If there is no other place for a computer in the room, then you should purchase an angular table and lay the monitor aside, and not on the working surface.

What to do when the apartment is small and no children's? In this case, in the common room you need to highlight the place for the working area, where the child could retire. You can create a comfortable closed space using a different kind of retractable partitions, racks, and even the cabinet. In this situation, the main thing is to provide peace for the child and tranquility during work.

The required kit consists of a student table, a comfortable chair and a place for textbooks and notebooks (drawers, racks, shelves, lockers). The future schoolboy must take part in choosing furniture for its working corner. You can safely buy a table and highchair for a child if: the back is comfortable resting on the back of the chair; The legs bent at an angle do not hang, but stand on the floor; the size of the working surface of the table in the range of 60-80 cm (depth), and 120-160 cm (width); Location of the working surface of the table at the chest level of the child. The surface of the table, located under the tilt, will be an additional convenience for posture of the student.

It is very important to correctly consider the lighting of the working area to work in the evening. Naturally, on the working surface of the left there should be a table lamp, but only as an additional, but in no case is not the only source of light! Combined room lighting should be thought out, without sudden drops that contribute to impairment of vision. The light from the desk lamp should evenly disperse on the working surface of the table, and in no case fall into the child in the eye. The competent organization of the workspace for the future schoolboy will be the key to his successful learning and will avoid serious problems arising in the educational process.

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