How much does humanity exist regarding the universe. What is outside the universe? Device of the Universe

We see the starry sky constantly. Cosmos seems mysterious and immense, and we are only a tiny part of this huge world, mysterious and silent.

All life, humanity is asked by various issues. What is there, outside of our galaxy? Is there something abroad of space? And do there have a border from space? Even scientists reflect on these issues for a long time. Is space infinite? This article provides information that scientists have today.

Borders of infinite

It is believed that our solar system was formed as a result of a large explosion. He occurred due to a strong compression of matter and ruined it, scattering the gases in different directions. This explosion gave life to galaxies and solar systems. Early it was believed that the Milky Way age is 4.5 billion years. However, in 2013, the "Plank" telescope allowed scientists to recount the age of the solar system. Now it is estimated at 13.82 billion years.

SAMI modern machinery Can't cover all space. Although the newest devices are able to catch the light of stars remote from our planet for 15 billion light years! It can even be those stars who have already died, but their light is still traveling through space.

Our solar system is only a small part of a huge galaxy called Milky Way. The universe itself accommodates thousands of such galaxies. And the cosmos is infinite - unknown ...

The fact that the Universe is constantly expanding, forming new and new cosmic bodies, is a scientific fact. Probably, its appearance is constantly changing, so millions of years ago, as some scientists are sure, she looked completely different than today. And if the Universe grows, then it definitely has borders? How many universes exist for her? Alas, no one knows.

Expansion of cosmos

Today, scientists argue that the cosmos expands very quickly. Faster than they considered early. Due to the expansion of the universe, exoplanets and galaxies are removed from us at different speeds. But at the same time, its growth rate is the same and uniform. Just these bodies are from us at different distances. So, Alpha Centauro, the star closest to the Sun, "runs away" from our land at a speed of 9 cm / s.

Now scientists are looking for an answer for another question. What makes the universe expand?

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark matter is a hypothetical substance. It does not produce energy and light, but takes 80% of the space. On the presence of this elusive substance in space, scientists guess in the 50 years of the last century. Although there were no direct evidence of its existence, supporters of this theory every day became more and more. Perhaps in its composition there are unknown substances.

How did the theory of dark matter appear? The fact is that galactic clusters would have been collapsed for a long time if there were only materials visible to us. As a result, it turns out that most of our world is represented by the elusive, unknown by us yet.

In 1990, the so-called dark energy was discovered. After all, before physicists thought that the strength of attraction was working on a slowdown, one day the expansion of the Universe will stop. But both teams who took up the study of this theory, unexpectedly revealed expansion acceleration. Imagine that you throw an apple into the air and wait for it when it falls, but instead it begins to remove from you. This suggests that a certain force is influenced by the expansion, which was named dark energy.

Today, scientists are tired of arguing about whether the cosmos is infinite or not. They are trying to understand how the universe looked to a large explosion. However, this question does not make sense. After all, time and space themselves are also infinite. So, consider several theories of scientists about space and its borders.

Infinity is ...

Such a concept as "infinity" is one of the most amazing and relative concepts. It has long been interested in scientists. In the real world in which we live, everything has an end, including life. Therefore, infinity manitates with his mystery and even some mysticality. Infinity is difficult to imagine. But it exists. After all, it is with its help a lot of tasks solve, and not only mathematical.

Infinity and zero

Many scientists are confident in the theory of infinity. However, the Israeli mathematician Doron Selberger does not share their opinion. It claims that there is a huge number and, if you add a unit to it, the final result will be zero. However, this number is so far beyond the limits of human understanding that its presence will never be proven. It is on this fact that mathematical philosophy called "ultrasound" is based.

Endless space

Is there any likelihood that when adding two identical numbers is the same number? At first glance, it seems absolutely impossible, but if we are talking about the universe ... according to the calculations of scientists, if you are torn off the infinity of the unit, infinity is obtained. When adding two infinities, infinity comes out again. But if you subtract infinity from infinity, most likely, it will be a unit.

Ancient scientists were also asked about whether there is a border from space. Their logic was simple and simultaneously ingenious. Their theory is expressed in the following. Imagine that you have reached the edge of the Universe. Stretched out her hand over her border. However, the world's framework spread. And so infinite. It is very difficult to submit it. But it is even harder to imagine what exists beyond her border if it really is.

Thousands of worlds

This theory says that the cosmos is endless. It is likely that there are millions of billions of other galaxies that contain billions of other stars. After all, if you think extensively, everything in our life begins again and again - the films are followed by one by one, life, ending in one person, begins in another.

In world science, today is considered a generally accepted concept about the multicomponent universe. But how many universes exist? None of us knows. In other galaxies there may be completely different heavenly bodies. In these worlds, completely different laws of physics are dominated. But how to prove their presence experimental way?

This can be done only by finding the interaction between our universe and others. This interaction occurs through some mobboards. But how to find them? One of the recent assumptions of scientists is saying that such a nora is right in the center of our solar system.

Scientists suggest that if the cosmos is infinite, somewhere on its expanses is the double of our planet, and perhaps the entire solar system.

Another dimension

Another theory says that space sizes have limits. The thing is that the nearest galaxy (Andromeda) we see what it was a million years ago. Even further - it means even earlier. It is not expanding space, the space expands. If we can exceed the speed of light, let's go abroad, then we will fall into the past state of the universe.

And what is behind this notorious border? It is possible, another dimension, without space and time, which can only submit our consciousness.

How many universes in space

I read that scientists write about our universe and realized that they didn't know anything about our universe, but they write about other universes! The fact is that our universe consists of 120 measurements ("parallel universes"), which they do not know anything! Yes, they do not even know that our land, about which we "seems" that we all know, consists of 49 measurements ("parallel worlds" land) and we don't know anything about them! That's what the highest strength about us, -

And your scientists studying the universe, look at it and absolutely don't guess and do not know that it consists of 120 Merities! That is, our universe consists of 120 "parallel universes"! Your knowledge is at the level of children from kindergarten , - So they said representatives of the super rings of the universe. And if our scientists do not know our universe, they absolutely do not know anything about the universes of our family of the universes and about our Country-Universe What are you read for the first time below !!! So I wrote to you about Bioecran Universe - Super Ring.

But the Super Rings forces told me - your knowledge is still very meager, you are talking about a super ring, but if you truly study the universe, you will find out that there is still a super-super ring, and even more accurate, that is, and still super - Super-Super Ring ... Your knowledge is at the level of children from kindergarten!

In the Old Testament says.-And God said: Coordinate a person in the image of our and like our likeness. And God created a man in the image of his own (Old Testament, Chapter 1, Genesis 1: 26, 1: 28).

For the first time you see a simplified drawing of the model of our universe. And the drawing of this model of the Universe is very similar to the model of a person (as in the "Old Testament") and I asked the Super Rings forces (which are in the picture of the model in the head of the Universe), - And you, in my opinion, are something like "Bioecran", or "brains" of our universe! It is right!? And this is what the highest strength of the Super Ring answered me, -

You think correct!!! But we will not only cry your universe, We create and build your universe . And we are watching you all the time, because you are our children!!!

You see the arrow at number 6, pointing to the sixth "temporary snail". This in this temporary spiral is now located and we live. Number 6 is a symbol of life and prosperity!

According to the Bible, man was created by God in his image and like 6th day of creation after the creation of everything!!! And now you will understand this statement for the first time.! Look carefully on the first from the left edge model of the universe and on it you see the number 6! It is on the temporary 6th spiral "Snail of time" and a man was created! One turnover of such an universal spiral is 2 , 5 billion years old!

And for these purposes in the universe there is a special "space unit", which is engaged in creating celestial tel!

In the figure (right) you see that they are in the center of the universe. And as a person on it, it is the 7th "rings" (and the person has 7-b "chakras" there. And "Chakra" is translated from Sanskrit as a "ring"). The "Snail of Time" itself, the numeric rings rotates as well as the street snail at the universe. And the galactic "snails of time" have the opposite rotation compared to the "snail" of our universe. And our universe is not alone, since there is a "Commonwealth of the Universe", which have contacts with each other through "tunnels-passages", about which people do not know anything. And this is definitely, "the top forces of the Super Ring answered it.

What is done "snails of time" and different "Tunnels-Passages"? Why don't we see them and why do nothing affects them? First, if you create your "shell double" and fly through the universe, then you will see them and, while very good !!!

Super rings confirmed forces - that the energy model of a person is similar to the universal !!! And differs only by the frequency range. And since you live in 3-dimensional space, then the concept of time for you is not yet available! And when the 4th dimension is available to you, then this concept will be available to you! But the fact is that the 4th measurement is just the transition phase in the development of humanity. If compared is like a corridor between two rooms. Now you live in the room with the 3rd dimensions, and a small corridor between the next room in which you will live - this is the 5th dimension! Therefore, humanity is actually moving to the 5th dimension. And it is there that will receive any other knowledge of different dimensions and proportions and about different temporary dependence of a person! And our universe consists of 120 different measurements !!!

But the fact is that our earthly "scientists" do not know that the "black hole" and quasar form a universal "temporary core", and in the center of the "temporary core" of each universe there is a "specific converter", which allows to interact with neighboring universe . therefore all universes have information about their closest universes.!

Our universe has its own " Ecumenical family " - this is 5 - her " Sisters of the Universe ". And we (or rather, our universe) live in this one" Family of the Universe", but in these universes" Snails of Time "sent to reverse side. And the whole "family of the universes" is related to each other, since all of them are interconnected by special "passage tunnels". And in the future, people have the opportunity to visit the "sisters of the universes", but it will be impossible to stay there.

Now you first see what the connection of our universe with our universe sisters looks like (I drew only one of the 5-sisters of our universe). "Time Snails" Herestter our universe includes the "Snailing of Time" of our Universe and on them initially flows the kinetic energy of the "Big Explosion" of each universe.

This is the first. And second - This is the interaction with the temporal factors of the back of current universal flows (You yourself can make sure that the time is moving in different directions). Since in the universes everything obeys their laws and time as electricity, runs from one pole to another. Moreover, great importance have magnetic fieldswhich are in the "buffer zones" "Snails of Time."

I asked the Higher Forces of the Super Ring Question - our universe enters any union universe, or conglomerate of galactic universes, or is the country from the universes? I do not know what is called such a union. But I would like to know a lot in it there are such universes like ours?

The answer of the highest strength of the Super Ring, - More billion Such universes.

I asked the following question forces - so it turns out a peculiar body from the universes, or is the "Universe Country"? This is true?

The answer of the higher forces - of course it is a kind of body, or in your Country of universes! The next question followed immediately, - and above them is some kind of coordinator, or some control structure? Answer forces, yes, of course! And he is out of the universe and coordinates, in your understanding, the state of the general Conglomerate of the universes and keeps the relationship between the same objects of other conglomerates of the universes. I asked surprised - it meansthere are the same countries from the universes!! The answer of the Higher Forces, -

Exactly the same Countries from the universes , only located in another space and time from you. And my question is, - so the universe, as a person, is once dying? Higher forces - of course! And my question - what should I do to revive her!? The highest strengths responded with surprise - and why revive her if she, just like a person, having lived his life, dies. In fact, she, like a person, begins another life. It reincarnates, or moves from one form of life to another !!!

Everything in the world is subordinate to the same law !!!

The fact is that in fact our universe (as "macrosmosmos") and the human body (as "microcosm") are permeated by a network of unknown to us still so-called "protomathic", or if we talk more correctly, "First Elevations"that we currently have zero knowledge !!! And this "protomatore" is much smaller than the elementary particles known to us! And these "first emission" arise in the emergence of the universe, that is, when disclosing the universe of its spatial-temporal system and exist in its closed continuum in the form of "cellular-net carcass" !!! And the size of such cells is much less than the sizes of elementary particles that are currently known to us! And it is precisely such "first emission" can be called the potential of "materiality". And it is these "first emission", or "Protomomatics" is the basis for creating all dense matter! And all of these "first empties" - 27 !!!

And only only one of them is not subjected to the "material manifestation" and does not interact with the carriers of physical time !!!

And it is this "protomatter" to create the walls of the "snails of time", "temporary tunnels", "tunnel-passes" and different energy and water channels, etc.

The only difference between them is that the walls of these tunnels are made of this "protomateria", but some of them are filled with time, and others are not! They are just "tunnels-passages" !!! And these 27 "first empties" are in our human tele And they play a very big role in human life, but we do not know anything about it !!!

But to understand this topic, it is necessary, first of all, to start with Azov and all know that there are "energy of life" in the Universe, about which our scientists do not know anything in essence. That's what Super Rings forces were told when contacting this "energy of life",-

This is energy Due to which the universe itself lives and exists. From the presence of which the quality is dependent and life expectancy . This is a reasonable energy !!!

Without this energy, there would be no any life at all and would not be the most universe, and people know nothing about her !!! And upon contact, the highest forces confirmed that the "energy of life" in humans, in connection with his aging, definitely decreases!

And she, at the Universe, there is, like all reasonable creatures, a kind of "skeleton", which is its chronosphere, which is the basis of the existence of absolutely every universe !!! And it is precisely through it that there is a movement in the universal space of all reasonable units! And in the future when we achieve a certain spiritual developmentWe will move precisely on these "temporary tunnels." But for this, we need to become more spiritual civilization and learn a lot about our universe. After the "big explosion" occurred, the construction of our new universe in her "eternal skeleton" began. And build steel Super Rings, which live out of time our universe.

And for these purposes in the Universe there is a special " Space division", which is engaged in the creation of heavenly bodies !!

Our universe all the time rotates inside its "snail of time." And 2.5 billion years is a "temporary unit." This is the time of passing our universe of only one turn of time! And she does not just rotate, but rotates on the "temporary spiral" !!! At the top in the figure you can count back six "spirals" and multiply by 2.5 billion years old and you will get the number 15th. It was the 15th billion years ago a "big explosion" of our universe occurred !!!

The thing is that the universe is a living organism! And the "chronosphere" of the galaxies and the most universe - it's like their skeletons from which they will never come out, although they will expand, or - narrow !!

All spiral temporal streams passing through the "Snails of Time" - this is "Tempore space". And when people will figure out in them, they will understand the principles of physical movement in time. But for this, a person must initially understand what the "temporary primary element" is. Since then, we will call the "Teversor" on the tip of the highest strength of the time. This small temporary unit is like a ball (with implicitly expressed plenty). And the energy industry "Temorak" is its "energy break", resembling "Hourglass", or - "Bioecran" man. The fact is that blurry and slightly unclear its borders are manifested due to the breakdown of "Temora" in time. This is because of this, and its ambiguity is manifested! After all, such particles are absolutely always flowing from the past at present and - to the future!

The structure of the "Temora" includes the 9th "substructural information components" (about which we still do not know almost anything) and of which it consists of the entire volume of "tempted". And for small "substructure components" we will introduce the name (on the hint of the higher forces) "Cronos". And these "temporary primary elements" exist in time only in the composition of the "temporary". The fact is that the "Stonos" are the smallest particles that are formed in the universal "temporary core".

But they are not only formed there, but worked up to the "Big Explosion", they again disintegrated with these very "primarielements" and at the same time they are canceled absolutely everything that was in them: former information, energy ... and they are "Ts "After that, they become" neutral "and ready for their new work. But after all this, new tasks in the "New Time" are put in front of them. And they combinealready in "New" Temorp "to work in the new time. And it happens absolutely always after each "big explosion" in all universes of our universal country in which more billion The same universes as our.

"CHRONOS" Very information on hand and one "CHRONOS" is such a microscopic particle capable of storing colossal information - 3 , 276, 800 Gigabyte! And what to understand this, we compare the size of the "chronos" with the smallest atom - the hydrogen atom. This is about 10. - The degree minus 27 on the size of the hydrogen atom. People are not very easy to figure out all this!

And the "Temorp" is created in the nucleus of the Universe and after that they come from the temporary universal quasar. And after, passing throughout the "snail time" return back to the universal "black hole"! At the entrance to the "black hole" at the "temporary" information from them, as it turns out to be turned out and will release it !!! By the way, this is something reminded by the release of "credit information" from the "Bioecran" of a person when he has changed "the spent positions"! The new information that the Temorp is enriched, does not change their structure and does not form any new structures between the "Tempos", it is only recruited and accumulates in it!

After "Cronos" falls into the quasar and comes out of it for his new temporary work, he does not just come out of it, and it receives accurate address binding at the low-structure level (galactic, star) and at the same time He dials the necessary information as before the approach to this specific placewhich characterizes the frequent path of information that is a rascal temporary segment.

"Temporary information", if we talk more accurately, these are "Temorp" with information, included through the universal "black hole", giving information to the constant storage system ("information banks"). And after that, the information is transmitted to the "corrective layers", in which it is comprehensive with "reference information". Where its analysis and processing occurs. And after that, the definition occurs, in which place the universe it happened "deviation". And after that, the edited information "is applied to the" Stroyos "and in the composition of the" temporals "is transferred to the system. And at the same time, there is already a" targeted delivery "- and it will be a primary impulse, and their" Quality "is already compelling and turns out on the ground.

But the fact is that the "Stroks" and "Temorp" - just "performers" !!! And the "regulation" and "control" functions belong to the "clouds". And all instant adjustments in the universal scale are conducted by "clouds". It is for this reason that they can be called "a single mind" and "various civilizations". And it is that they can rebuild both on spatial formations and "energy". What would you be able to compare them with something, then they can be compared with the "Oorta Cloud" in our Solar system. But the "Oorta cloud" has already "energy formation" !!

And if our "noosphere" is located near the ground, but in another dimension, then this belt is in a certain space, but also in another dimension. And has completely different temporary characteristics!

Conditional image of the "Oorta clouds".

You probably have heard about such a phrase as an "asteroid belt." This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe solar system located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. As it is considered in distant times there was an orbit of Planet Phaeton, which after racking into a lot of fragments, which today make this most "asteroid belt." That's just behind this "asteroid belt" and there is a material for the formation of the earth's souls from this very "energy of life". And as our noosphere is near the Earth, but in another dimension and this "asteroid belt" is in a certain space, but in another dimension and has completely different time characteristics.

Our universe exists in 120 measurements and about the "expansion of the universe" we had an absolutely incorrect representation. In fact, the following, the "sleeve of the snail" of the Universe expands and as a result of this axis diverge. And this is what the highest forces of the Universe on this occasion, - what it seems to you as "the expansion of the Universe" is just an expansion of the substance in the sleeve of the "temporary snail" of the Universe. And it is definitely! Consider, these are the words of the Higher Forces.

"Chronosphere" is one of the most persistent structures of the universe! It will not collapse, even if the universists themselves stop exist !!! And it is she - there is the basis of the foundations of the existence of each universe !!!

Doctor pedagogical Sciences E. Levitan.

Press the unrealistic depths of the universe unattainable.

The inquisitive pilgrim got to the "edge of the world" and tries to see: and what about the edge?

Illustration to the bubble bubble bubble hypothesis. The bubble rose to huge sizes at the stage of rapid "inflating" of the Universe. (Drawing from the magazine "Earth and Universe".)

Is it really a strange title of the article? Is the universe not alone? By the end of the twentieth century, it turned out that the picture of the universe is immeasurably more difficult than the one that seemed quite obvious one hundred years ago. Neither the earth nor the sun nor our galaxy was the center of the Universe. On the change of geocentric, heliocentric and galactocentric systems of the world, it was an idea that we live in an expanding metagalaxy (our universe). In it, countless galaxies. Each, like ours, consists of dozens or even hundreds of billion stars-suns. And there is no center. In the inhabitants of each of the galaxies only it seems that other star islands are scattered from them. A few decades ago astronomers could only assume that somewhere there are planetary systems like our solar. Now - with a high degree of reliability they call a number of stars, who have found "protoplanetic discs" (of which planet ever form), and are confidently talking about the opening of several planetary systems.

The process of knowledge of the universe is infinite. And the farther, the more impulse, sometimes seemingly completely fantastic, tasks set themselves researchers. So why not assume that astronomers will discover someday other universes? After all, it is likely that our metagalaxy is not the whole universe, but only some part of it ...

Hardly modern astronomers and even astronomers of a very distant future will ever be able to see other universes with their own eyes. Nevertheless, science already has some data that our metagalaxy can be one of the many mini-universes.

It is unlikely that anyone doubts that life and intelligence may arise, exist and develop only at a certain stage of the evolution of the universe. It is difficult to imagine that some forms of life appeared earlier than the stars and moving around them the planets. Yes, and not every planet, as we know, suitable for life. Certain conditions require: a rather narrow temperature range, the composition of air, suitable for breathing, water ... In the solar system in such a "belt of life", the Earth was. And our sun is probably located in the "belt of life" of the galaxy (at a certain distance from its center).

Thus, a lot of extremely weak (in shine) and distant galaxies are photographed. The most bright of them managed to consider some details: structure, features of the structure. The glitter of the weakest galaxies from the resulting image - 27.5 m, and point objects (stars) are even weaker (up to 28.1 m)! Recall that people with good eyesight and under the most favorable observation conditions see the stars about 6 m (it is 250 million times more bright objects than those whose gluster 27 m).
Now the similar terrestrial telescopes created by their capabilities are already comparable to the capabilities of the Hubble Space Telescope, and something even exceed them.
And what conditions are needed in order to arise the stars and planets? First of all, it is associated with such fundamental physical constants as constant and constant of other physical interactions (weak, electromagnetic and strong). The numerical values \u200b\u200bof these constants are well known to physicists. Even schoolchildren, studying the law of global gravity, get acquainted with the constant (constant). Students from the course of general physics will also learn about the constants of three other types of physical interaction.

Relatively recently, astrophysics and specialists in the field of cosmology realized that it is the existing values \u200b\u200bof the constants of physical interactions that the universe is that it is. With other physical constants, the universe would be completely different. For example, the lifetime of the Sun could be only 50 million years (this is too little for the occurrence and development of life on the planets). Or, let's say, if the universe consisted only from hydrogen or only from helium - it would also make it completely lifeless. Options for the universe with other masses of protons, neutrons, electrons are not suitable for life in the form in which we know it. Calculations are convinced: the elementary particles we need exactly what they are! And the dimension of the space is fundamental to the existence of both planetary systems and individual atoms (with electron nuclei moving around). We live in a three-dimensional world and could not live in peace with a large or smaller number of measurements.

It turns out that in the universe everything is "adjacent" so that life in it can appear and develop! Of course, not only physics, but also chemistry, and biology are played in the emergence and development of life. However, at other physics, chemistry and biology could be different ...

All these arguments lead to the fact that in philosophy they call the anthropic principle. This is an attempt to consider the universe in the "person" measurement, that is, from the point of view of its existence. By itself, the anthropic principle cannot explain why the universe is as we observe it. But he to some extent helps researchers formulate new tasks. For example, an amazing "fit" of the fundamental properties of our universe can be considered as a circumstance indicating the uniqueness of our universe. And from here, it seems one step to the hypothesis about the existence of completely other universes, worlds, absolutely not similar to our. And their number in principle may be unlimitedly huge.

Now let's try to approach the problem of the existence of other universes from the standpoint of modern cosmology, science learning the universe as a whole (unlike cosmogony, which explores the origin of planets, stars, galaxies).

Remember, the discovery that the metagalaxy is expanding, almost immediately led to a hypothesis about a large explosion (see "Science and Life" No. 2, 1998). It is believed that he occurred about 15 billion years ago. Very dense and hot substance took place one after another stage of the "hot universe". So, after 1 billion years after a large explosion, "protoglakalaks" began to arise from the above-time clouds of hydrogen and helium and in them - the first stars. The hypothesis of the "hot universe" is based on calculations that allow you to trace the history of the early universe since the first second.

This is what our famous physicist Academician Ya. B. Zeldovich wrote about it: "The theory of a large explosion at the moment does not have any noticeable drawbacks. I would even say that it is just as reliably installed and right, how true that the Earth rotates Around the Sun. Both theories occupied a central place in the picture of the universe of their time, and both had many opponents who argued that new ideas laid down in them are absurd and contradict common sense. But such performances are not able to prevent the success of new theories. "

It was said in the early 80s, when the first attempts had already been made to significantly add the hypothesis of the "hot universe" an important idea about what happened in the first second of the "creations" when the temperature was above 10 28 K. Make another step to " At the very beginning, "it was possible through the newest achievements of the physics of elementary particles. It was at the junction of physics and astrophysics that the hypothesis of the "Inflatable Universe" began to develop (see "Science and Life" No. 8, 1985). According to its unusual, the hypothesis of the "inflating universe" can be quite attributed to the number of the most "crazy." However, from the history of science it is known that it is precisely such hypothesis and theories often become important milestones towards science development.

The essence of the hypothesis of the "inflating universe" is that in the "very beginning" the universe is monstrously expanded. For some 10 -32, the size of the born universe has not increased 10 times, as it would be assumed with the "normal" expansion, and at 10 50 or even 10,000,000 times. The expansion occurred accelerated, and the energy in the amount of volume remained unchanged. Scientists prove that the initial times of expansion occurred in Vacuum. The word here is delivered in quotes, because the vacuum was not ordinary, but false, for it is difficult to call the usual "vacuum" with a density of 10 77 kg / m 3! From such a false (or physical) vacuum, which had amazing properties (for example, negative pressure), not one could form, but many methagoactics (including, of course, and our). And each of them is a mini-universe with its set of physical constants, its structure and other features inherent in it (for more details, see "Earth and Universe" No. 1, 1989).

But where are these "relatives" of our metagalaxy? In all likelihood, they, like our universe, were formed as a result of the "inflating" domain ("domains" from the French Domaine - the area, sphere), which was immediately crashed by a very early universe. Since each such area swelled to sizes exceeding the current size of the metagalaxy, then their boundaries are removed from one another to huge distances. Perhaps the closest of the mini-universes is from us at a distance of about 10 35 light years. Recall that the size of the metagalaxy "total" 10 10 light years! It turns out that it is not near us, and somewhere very, very far from each other there are different, probably completely dickers, according to our concepts, worlds ...

So, it is possible that the world in which we live is much more complicated than it is still assumed. It is likely that it consists of countless universes in the universe. About this big universe, difficult, surprisingly diverse, we still do not know anything. But one after all, it seems, we know. Whatever the distant other mini-worlds from us, each of them is real. They are not fictional, like some fashionable "parallel" worlds, which are often interpreted by people, far from science.

Well, what is still, in the end, it turns out? Stars, planets, galaxies, metagalaxy all together occupy only the most tiny place in the limitless expanses of an extremely rarefied substance ... and there is nothing more in the universe? It's too easy ... in it somehow it is even difficult to believe.

And astrophysics have long been looking for something in the universe. Observations indicate the existence of the "hidden mass", some invisible "dark" matter. It can not be seen even in the most powerful telescope, but it manifests itself with its gravitational effect on the usual substance. More recently, astrophysicists assumed that in galaxies and in the space between them such a hidden matter as much as the observed substance. However, recently, many researchers have come to an even more sensational conclusion: "normal" substance in our universe is no more than five percent, the rest is "invisible."

It is assumed that 70 percent of them are evenly distributed in the space of quantomechanical, vacuum structures (which is determined by the expansion of the metagalaxy), and 25 percent are various exotic objects. For example, black holes of small mass, almost point; very extended objects - "strings"; Domain walls that we have already mentioned. But besides such objects, the "hidden" mass can be whole classes of hypothetical elementary particles, such as "mirror particles". Famous Russian Astrophysicist Academician RAS N. S. Kardashev (once a long time ago, we were both active members of the astronomical mug under the Moscow planetarium) assumes that the "mirror world" with their planets and stars may consist of "mirror particles" . And the substances in the "mirror world" are about five times more than in our. It turns out that scientists have some reason to assume that the "mirror world" seems to permeate our. That's just finding it yet.

The idea is almost fabulous, fantastic. But how to know, maybe someone from you - the current amateurs of astronomy - will become a researcher in the coming XXI century and will be able to reveal the mirror of the "mirror universe."

Publications on the topic in "Science and Life"

Schulga V. Space lenses and the search for a dark substance in the Universe. - 1994, № 2.

Rosizen I. Universe between a moment and eternity. - 1996, Nos. 11, 12.

Sulzhin M., Shulga V. Riddhas of cosmic strings. - 1998, No. 4.

Probably, many wondered what is still the appearance of the universe at a fairly large distance, inaccessible observation? Another question: What is the limit where a person can look?

Since the large explosion, the space horizon of a person to the most distant objects can be determined by a distance of fourteen billion light years. At the moment, these objects are removed on forty billion light years due to the accelerated growth of the universe. Light from more distant facilities to us has not yet had time to walk. So, what about the horizon? Recently, on this occasion of physics answered: galaxies and stars, nothing new. However, thanks modern achievements In the physics of elementary particles and cosmology, in terms of ideas about the universe, it was possible to rethink these concepts. Other laws of physics based on cosmic inflation are taken into account.

To begin with, refer to brief review Standard cosmology of a large explosion, which is up to the opening of inflation of the dominant theory. In accordance with it, the emergence of the universe was preceded by a colossal catastrophe, which broke out about fourteen billion years ago. At the same time, the big explosion occurred simultaneously everywhere, and not in a certain place of the universe. At that time, there were no stars nor galaxies or atoms. The universe was filled with a very hot dense rapidly soluble radiation and matter clot. With an increase in size, it cooled. Three minutes after a large explosion, the temperature decrease has reached a mark sufficient to form the nuclei of atoms, which, after half a million years, led to the union of nuclei and electrons into electrically neutral atoms, and the universe became transparent for light. Thanks to this, today we are able to register the light from the fire bunch emanating from all the heavenly directions. We call it background cosmic radiation.

Initially, the fiery clock from the point of view of homogeneity was almost perfect. However, some areas had a density, slightly large compared to others, and with growth, more and more were tightened from the surrounding space of the substance. So for billions of years, new galaxies were formed. And relatively, on cosmic standards, we recently appeared, earthlings.

In support of the theory of a large explosion, these observations that repulse us are in the correctness of reasoning. First, we notice how distant galaxies with enough high speed Right from us, which indicates the expansion of the universe. In addition, within the framework of the theory of a large explosion, it is possible to explain the prevalence of light elements (such as lithium or helium) in the universe. But, most importantly: the smaller trunk of a large explosion is nothing more than the background cosmic radiation, which is inserting the primary fiery ball, which allows you to observe it and explore.

As a result, we have a completely successful theory, which still does not give a response to some very intriguing issues affecting the history of the initial state of the universe immediately after a large explosion. What was the reason for raising the high temperature of the Universe? Because of what the universe began to expand, and what is her past to a large explosion? The answer to these questions is lifted in consideration by the theory of Alan Guta nominated 28 years ago.

Cosmos inflation

In the center of this theory - a peculiar form of matter, which is called false vacuum, simply speaking, empty space. However, physicists engaged in the study of elementary particles consider the vacuum as a physical object with energy and pressure, and capable of being in various kinds energy states. At the same time, they give them the name of the states of different vacuums, which, depending on the characteristics of the properties of elementary particles, are able to exist in them.

Communication between vacuum and particles sound waves and the substance by which they extend: the speed of sound in various materials is not the same. The person lives in a very low-energy vacuum, hence the belief of physicists about the zero energy of our vacuum has emerged from here. But recently, during the observation, it was found that he still has a little different energy from zero, which was subsequently named with dark energy.

According to predictions modern theories Elementary particles, besides our vacuum there are a number of other so-called false high-energy vacuum. At the same time, the false vacuum is characterized by a sufficiently high energy, it also has a high negative pressure that received the tension. It is approximately how to stretch a piece of rubber: As a result, the tension appears, that is, the force pointing the force that causes the rubber to compress.

And yet the most unusual property of a false vacuum is repulsive gravity. In accordance with common theory Relativity Einstein Appearance gravitational forces It is connected not only with a mass (energy), but also with pressure. The gravitational attraction is caused by positive pressure, respectively, repulsion - negative pressure. If this is a vacuum, then there is a predominance of the repellent pressure of pressure over the attractive force associated with its energy. As a result, repulsion is obtained, and the greater the energy of the vacuum, the repulsion is stronger. Another characteristic of the false vacuum is its instability and the ability to break enough quickly. At the same time, it turns into a low-energy vacuum. Energy surplus go to the creation of a fiery bunch of elementary particles. We note that Alan Gut specifically for its theory did not seek to invent a false vacuum with its unusual properties. The existence of it comes from the physics of elementary particles. The scientist only put forward the assumption that at the beginning of its history, the space of the universe was in a state of false vacuum. With a similar situation, repellent gravity, which caused them to lead to a very rapid accelerating expansion of the universe. In the case of this type of expansion, called humid inflation, there is a characteristic doubling time, which increases the dimensions of the universe twice.

Is the universe infinite, or does she have an end? If she is infinite, then it means that there must be parallel universes, the physicist Brian Green believes.
He explained this idea in an NPR interview using the metaphor: "Imagine the universe in the form of a deck of cards. If you are dragging the cards, there will be many changes," says Brian Green. - If you shuffle this deck long enough, then the order of cards may repeat. The same with the infinite universe. With a limited set of combinations of matter, the order of its location must once be repeated. "
According to him, many theoretical scientists seriously consider the possibility of the existence of a multiverse. Here are some of the existing hypotheses.
1. Bubbles - Universes
Cosmologist Alexander Vilenkin from Tafts University believes that individual space zones after a large explosion could expand, which led to the formation of isolated bubbles-universes.
According to Vietkina's theory, our bubble stopped expanding, which created certain conditions in our universe. However, other bubbles could continue to expand, resulting in physical properties The universes are absolutely not similar to those that we see in our universe.
2. Universe as a hologram
The theory of strings considers the universe as a totality of very thin, vibrating strings. These strings create force known as gravity. The world of strings is a kind of hologram projected from lower space dimension, which is simpler, more flat and has no gravity.
3. A huge emptiness in space can be a door to another universe
A cosmic emptiness with a length of 1 billion light years puzzled by scientists when it was discovered in 2007. Then, in 2009, another space emptiness was discovered, extending at 3.5 billion light years. This phenomenon cannot be explained by modern knowledge of the structure and evolution of the Universe. The voids of such gigantic sizes could not be formed during the time passed from the Big Explosion. Their education would require much more time.
Laura Mersini-Hupton, a physicist and professor from the University of North Carolina, believes that this is a trace of another universe, which is outside our universe. According to its hypothesis, the quantum confusion between our universe and another universe created these voids as a partition between the universe.
4. Parallel universes that may encounter each other
The big explosion, formed the universe, could be caused by the collision of two three-dimensional universes in another outer space. A big explosion can be just one of the many large explosions. The creation of the Universe is a cyclical process, Paradanhard is considered, professor of physics at Princeton University, and Neil Turk, Director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" in Ontario (Canada).
Their theory is partially based on superstrun theory. In the preface to his book, "the endless universe outside the big explosion" they wrote: "We are convinced that the moment of creation was only part of the infinite cycle of colossal clashes between our universe and the parallel world."
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