Who are death in ancient Russia definition. Who are Smedy

The word of Meadda ("Messo", "Smord", "Smord", "Smordon") has an Indo-European origin in the meaning of "man", "dependent person", "ordinary person."

According to some historians, the deaths were free peasants and constituted a low group of the public. They had their own land and led the farm on it, had to pay taxes to the prince and serve natural duties.

Other historians see the population dependent on the prince, and in Dani Renta in favor of Prince. The prince could give the deaths of the Church, to relocate them.

In connection with these discrepancies between historians, a long time was discussed about the "Meadiev Hall", mentioned in the "Russian truth". In the first case, historians recognized the possibility of funerals to own hills, in the second - denied such an opportunity and insisted on an approximately equal legal position of deaths and holsters.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, the mining of the principalities took place, which increased the personal dependence of death from the princes. The term "commodity" meant the seizure of the population of the neighboring principality during the princely gravity. IN Novgorod Republic Meaddi-communities were in collective dependence on the state (in fact - from the residents of Novgorod)

Subsequently, Smerd is a contemptant designation of a serf peasant (in the lips of the landlord, a representative of the authorities), commoner, a dinner person. And the word "death" meant also to "publish stench."

12. And for the belt and for a crash, then 12 hryvnia.

Handicrafts work in the feudal estate as dependent people: their life is estimated higher than the price of a number or "death hull" (see Art. 13) who do not have the art of one or another craft, but lower than the life of the free community ("Lyuba") .

13. And for the death of the Hop 5 hryvnia, and for Rob 6 hryvnia.

Message Hall - performing unlike artisans or persons who served feudal tiunas or breadwinners (see Art. 14), a simple job, like Social Communities.

Rob is a woman servant who was in the same position as a man-holding. Transfer. 13. And for a member of the Hall to pay 5 hryvnia, and for Rob 6 hryvnia. Rob is more, because it gives the feudal of the "Selod". The same "lesson" for the Hall of 5 1Ruven, and for Robu B 1Ruven was appointed Art. 106.

More procurement running

52. More procurement to begun from the Lent, then Obel; Will it look for a kunny, and go to walk, or to the prince or to the courts to be fused by shaking your lord, then they don't rob him about it, but to give him the truth. (...)

Purchase - a party who is in feudal dependence on Mr. for a loan. Obel - full coaster. Robin - turn into a hat. Date the truth is to give the court.

Transfer. 52. If the purchase escapes from Mr. (without paying from him for a loan), it becomes a full hatch; If he goes to look for money with the permission of Mr. or run to the prince and his judges with a complaint with his insult on the part of his Mr., then he cannot be done for it, but the court should give him.

According to the church law "Justice Metropolich", "Procurement Nimit", who did not want to remain in Mr. and who turned to court could get freedom, returning the feudal of the "Wedd Maxus", which was tantamount to practice the full inability to break with the Mr., since he defined and The sizes of their "deposit" purchase (see: The Old Russian Princely Charters of the XI-XV centuries. M. 1976. P. 210).

71. More string to torment the scene without a princess of the word, then 3 hryvnia sales, and for the flour of hryvnia kun.

Flour - torture, torture, beating.

Transfer. 71. If Sidda subjected to death to death without a princely trial, then pay 3 hryvnia sales (prince) and the victim of the hryvnia of money.

72. Insecry, it is tortured, then 12 hryvnia selling, and for flour of hryvnia. (...)

Transfer. 72. For the ignition of the same fireman, pay 12 hryvnia sales and hryvnia (victim) for flour. Equal fee "For the flour" Messa and Flap (Princely servant) is appointed because there is a servant-Holop, for the murder of which 12 hryvnia was charged (Art. II), while a double virgin was charged for the murder of Tiun Lubricy or Store 80 hryvnia (art. 10).

More to be madded

85. Inseci to death, then Zadarn is the prince; Incident, to take a dress at him at home, then give the part on the wrong; Incident on my husband, then do not give part of them.

The ass - the inheritance, the property remaining after the death of a person.

Transfer. 85. If Smerd dies (without leaving sons), then the ass will be put by prince; If there is no unmarried daughter after him, then allocate (part of the property) to them; If the daughter is married, then they do not give part of the inheritance.

Purchases - Sudda, who took the loan from another landowner ("Coupa") with cattle, grain, tools, and so on. And due to work out on the lender until they give duty. To go before that, they did not have rights from the owner. The owner was carried out for the procurement of responsibility if the theft is committed and so on.

Rowovichi. - Sadda, who concluded a contract with the landowner ("a number") on the conditions of their work on him or the use of its land and instruments of labor.

In science, there are a number of opinions about death, they are considered free peasants, feudal-dependent, persons of the slave state, serfs and even a category similar to small knights. But the main controversy is carried out along the line: free dependent (slaves). An important place in the substantiation of opinions has two articles of Russian truth.

Article 26 of the brief truth that establishes a fine for the murder of slaves, in one reading reads: "And in the scene and in the hob 5 hryvnia" (academic list).

In the archaeographic list we read: "And in Messy and 5 hryvnia". In the first reading it turns out that in the case of the murder of a sideway and the Hall, the same fine is paid. From the second list it follows that Sider has a hull, which is killed. It is impossible to resolve the situation.

Article 90 is a lengthy truth reads: "If Smerd dies, then the inheritance of the prince; If there are a daughter with him, then give them a dowry ... ". Some researchers treat her atom to the sense that after the death of sistering his property passed entirely to the prince and he is a "dead hand", that is, not capable of transmitting inheritance. But further articles explain the situation - we are talking only about those scenes that died, not having sons, and the removal of women from inheritance was characterized at a certain stage to all the peoples of Europe.

However, the difficulties of determining the status of a sidelion will not end. Self for other sources acts as a peasant who owns the house, property, horse. For theft of his horse, the law establishes fine 2 hryvnia. For the "flour" of the scene establishes a fine of 3 hryvnia. Russian truth does not specifically indicate a limitation of the legal capacity of death, there are guidance on the fact that they pay fines (selling) characteristic of free citizens.

Russian truth always indicates if necessary for belonging to a specific social group (vigilante, a cooler, etc.). In the mass of articles about free people, it is free and meaning, talking about death only where their status must be specifically selected.

Now we are approaching the sidelines that made up the rack of the lower classes in rural areas. As I mentioned, the term death must compare with Iranian tagi ("man"). It is very likely that he appeared in the Sarmatian period of Russian history.

Sadda was personally free, but their legal status was limited, because they obeyed the special jurisdiction of the prince.

The fact that the Power of Prince over Smentami was more specific than those of free, clearly from the "Russian truth", as well as from the chronicle. In truth, Yaroslavichi, the deathhold is mentioned among people dependent on prince to one degree or another. According to the extended version of the "Russian truth", the deathbed could not be arrested or restricted in any way in his actions without the sanction of the prince. After death, his property was inherited by his sons, but if there were no sons, the property passed to the prince, who, however, had to leave a share for unmarried daughters, if any remained. It seems to be the right "dead hand" in Western Europe.

It seems important that in the cities-states of Northern Russia - Novgorod and Pskov - higher power Over scenery belonged not to the prince, but the city. So, for example, in 1136, Novgorod Prince Vsevolod was criticized for the oppression of death. In the Novgorod Treaty with the King of Poland, Casimir IV directly argue that Sidda is in the jurisdiction of the city, and not the prince. This contract is a later period (signed about 1470), but its conditions were based on an ancient tradition.

Taking into account the status of a funeral in Novgorod, we can assume that in the south, where they were subordinate to the prince, the latter rather realized his power as the head of state than the landowner. In this case, death may be called state peasants, taking proper reservations. Having in mind that the term of death, most likely appeared in the Sarmatian period, we can attribute to this period the appearance of death as a social group. Presumably the first deaths were the Slavic "people" of those who paid tribute to Alanam. Later, with the Emancipation of Ants from the Iranian guardianship, the authorities over them could go to the Antician leaders. In the eighth century, Sadda had to obey the authorities of the Khazar and Magyarsky governors; With the emigration of Magyar and defeat Khazar from Oleg and his heirs, Russian princes eventually established control over them. This sketch of the story of death, of course, is hypothetical, but, in my opinion, is consistent with the facts; In any case, it does not contradict any known data.

Has the land being processed by them or the same state, is a controversial issue. It turns out that in Novgorod, at least, death occupied state lands. In the south, there must be something like the concomposition of the prince and death on the ground of the latter. At the meeting of 1103, Vladimir Monomakh mentions the "Household" (village of His). As we have already seen, the son of a sidelian inherited his possession, i.e. his farm. However, taking into account that Siddo owned the land treated by him, it should be noted that it was not full possession, since he was not free, to make the earth even his daughters; When after his death did not remain sons, as we saw, the earth passed the prince. Since the deathbed could not make his land, he could also not sell it.

The land was in its constant use, and the same right applied to his descendants of the male floor, but it was not his property.

Sadda had to pay state taxes, especially the so-called "tribute". In Novgorod, each group of them was registered at the near future (tax collection center); Obviously, they were organized in communities in order to simplify tax collection. Another responsibility of death was the delivery of horses for urban militia in case of a big war.

At the princely meeting of 1103, the campaign against Polovtsy, and Vasaly Prince Scholyopolka II noted that it is not worth starting hostilities in the spring, because picking up their horses, they will ruin the sires and their fields that Vladimir Monomakh replied: "I Surprised, friends that you are concerned about the horses, on whom the deathhold plows. Why don't you think that as soon as the deathbed begins to plow, the Polovtsy will kill him, will kill him with his arrow, he will take his horse, will come to his village and take him to his wife, his Children and his property? Are you concerned about the horse's horse or relative to himself? "

Low Social Swelling the best way Demonstrates such a fact: in case of his murder, only five hryvnia, that is, one eighth fine - should have been paid by the killer. The prince was supposed to get the same (five hryvnia) in the event of a slave murder. However B. last case The fee was not a fine, but compensation to the prince as the owner. In the case of Sider, compensation for his family was to be paid as a killer in addition to the fine, but its level is not specified in the "Russian truth".

Over time, the term of death, as I mentioned, acquired a derogatory value of a person belonging to the lower class. As such, it was used by high aristocrats to designate commoners in general. So, when Chernihiv Prince Oleg was invited by Svyatopolk II and Vladimir Monomakh for the meeting at a meeting, where representatives of the clergy, boyars and Kiev citizens should have been, he honored that "he does not apply to the decisions of the bishop, abbot or death" (1096 .).

At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the term party was used to designate the rural population as a whole. Describing one of the battles in Galicia in 1221, the chronicler notes: "Boyarin must take as a prisoner of Boyar, Smerd - a sought, the city dweller is a citizen."

Siddy's siends - small landowners who were inhomogeneous on socio-legal status of a population group in Ancient Russia (and in some other Slavic countries). During the XI-XII centuries. C. - First of all, the peasants-communities, lost personal freedom completely or partially. Along with them in the category S. It was also a personally free rural population. During the period of feudal fragmentation (XII-XIII century), the term "S." The entire rural residents of a certain territory were designated (peasants - subjects of the local feudal). Personal freedom of S. was limited to the prohibition of transition under the custody of another feudal. In the XIV-XV centuries. The concept of S. in Russia was replaced by a new one - the peasants.

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutsky, A.Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .

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    Peasants Communities in Ancient Russia (9 14 centuries). Initially free, with the development of social economic relations gradually fell into dependence ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sadda, the peasants of the community in Ancient Russia (9 14 centuries). Initially free, with the development of social economic relations gradually fell into dependence. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    In the ancient Russian law, free rural ordinary people as opposed to the same side by the hills, with the other prince's husbands. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Category of the dependent rural population in ancient Russia. Mentioned in the Russian truth, the "Tale of Bygone Years" and others. The murder of Sidda was punished with the same fine as the murder of the Halds. Their essential property inherited the prince. The word "deathhold" ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Smurdi, SMARDONES) Social layer of glory. Society early Middle Ages. In sources of 11 12 centuries. C. Marked B. Kievan Rus (Russian truth, etc. Sources), in Poland, Poland Slavs; S., perhaps, were also in the Balkans. On the issue of ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Messo - - the name of feudal dependent peasants in ancient Russia (9-13 centuries). V. I. Lenin indicates that "the landowners were tidy droces even in the times of" Russian truth "(cit., Vol. 3, p. 170). S., attached to the ground, were operated as ... ... Soviet Law Dictionary

    The name of feudal dependent peasants in ancient Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In sources of 11 12 centuries. S. was noted in Kievan Rus (Russian True and other sources), in Poland, Polandskiy Slavs. S. in Russia Peasants, ... ... Big soviet Encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    messo - Small landowners who were inhomogeneous on socially legal status of a population group in ancient Russia (and in some other Slavic countries). In the period of the XI XII centuries. C. This is primarily the peasants of communities, lost personal freedom ... ... Big Law Dictionary

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Sadda as the category of the ancient Russian population

So, according to Old Russian periodic publication Under the name "Russian True", death in Russia was customary to call the class of peasants, which are originally free landowners, unlike the same horses. As developing in the Russian lands, the landlord system, death becomes dependent on the Lord, as a result of which they are consolidated. But the famous historian of Greeks B. gives a slightly different interpretation this concept "Meado".

So, in his opinion, the ancient Russian death was part of the rural community, but throughout the entire time were dependent on the prince of Kiev Rus. But validity, as well as the unreasonableness of this point of view, to refute or prove it is very difficult. As the only authoritative opinion, the text of the Russian truth, according to which, is not mentioned by anywhere, is not mentioned by the fact that deaths were dependent only from the Kiev Prince.

Messa could pass into the inheritance of the land, and in the event that they had no children, then all the property was printed. It should also be noted that for the murder of a party, the perpetrator was appointed a rather meager (as for human life) a fine of five hryvnias, while for the same crime committed against any other person the amount of the fine was forty hryvnia.

At the same time, in the Novgorod Principality, Messa was always in complete submission of the state. To the concept of "death" there was usually attributed to the entire category of the lower layers of the population submitted by the prince. At the same time, they operated on their own land plotsAnd also paid a considerable tax to the state treasury. However, at any moment, the resettlement of death was allowed to the resettlement or to bestow their churches. In addition, in the Novgorod Republic, Sadda was serving natural duties and were obliged to supply horses, as well as feed warriors in war time. It should also be noted that, unlike conventional community peasants who lived in the weighs, death should have lived in the villages.

A curious fact is the term that appeared between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries. "Overders", that is, to actually seize the population and the village of the enemy principality during the princely strife and internecine wars. After the fifteenth century, the court category passes the peasantry, but the term itself continues to be used and means informal appeal to the lower layers of the population of the king.

Remember famous quotes From all the favorite "Ivan Vasilyevich," which changes the profession: "Do you hurt your boyfriend, sidder?", "Ah you, tramp, mortal pimple, death!"? We laugh at the perplexity of Yakina (Mikhail Pugovkin), admire Grozny (Yuri Yakovlev), but when I get to re-read the immortal comedy of Bulgakov, pay attention to the wonderful language, which work is written.

Meadow Singness Running

Modern reader, quickly forgetting lessons for such a school subject, like a story, probably going to come and will not say what a siddy is, more precisely, who is. But inquisitive, of course, it will be interesting to find out what the inhabitants are thus called old Russian state, except for the nobility (boyars) and spiritual estate. Those. Under this concept, it was implied by commercial people, merchants and artisans, stray crumbs and townspeople, as well as peasants. So such a commoner, a man of discharge origin. However, over time, the word acquires other semantics.

Peasant question

Now some clarifications. The peasants in Russia were once free landpasses. Then, as they use, they began to share for three categories: "People", "Hollows", "Smedy". "People" were called non-bogar citizens of low origin. As the "Russian True" says (test legal paper of the XI-XVI centuries), if someone kills a free man and will be caught, he must pay a fine of 40 hryvnia. What is a siddy, if his life cost no more life slave (Hall) - 5 hryvnia? Also, it turns out, the slave. Whose? Prince, i.e. Boyarin.

The categories of death gradually began to attribute those free peasants-farmers who were fixed as social stratification and the growth of landlords. This value of the word is characteristic of the time of Kiev Rus.

Sider "in Novgorod"

The Novgorod Republic was a special territory. And the rules there operated their own. What is deaths in local laws? This is an agriculture dependent on the state, and not from the private owner. Then everyone's peasants began to attribute to this category. In Russia, the landpashings were the most numerous category of citizens. The state gave them land ones, for which death paid taxes in the treasury, and the princes - the subsidy of "in nature": food, cannon, lively, and so on. To live such peasants were obliged in villages (from the word "sat", t. e. "Sent"). Approximately by the XV century, the term "deathly" is replaced by "peasants". And since the army was absorbed from the simple people, during the time and a few later, the service was called in such a word.

In documents (orders, messages, certificates, petitions) of that time, this is a formal adopted form when dealing with the king to soldiers. In a few centuries, the concept of "death" turned into a contemptuous, almost branded designation of serfs and allocates. By the way, during the times of prince, the assums were specific, then the word "Overded" came out of consumption: to capture the prince-enemy's subjects.

And more about these etymology and color consumption

If we talk about it belongs to Indo-European language group. We looked at lexical transformation. It remains to say more about the added meaning value obtained in the process of use. From the Word "Meadda" formed the verb "Made", i.e. "Self smell." The fact is that in the outstanding where the poorest peasants and slaves lived, she was tightened at all who did not miss the air at all. The ovens "in black", smoke barely left the premises, everything is damning through. And in the late autumn, in winter and early spring, together with people in the hut held a poultry with cattle. It is clear that the "fragrance" of Sidda could have been learning for the mile. Therefore, over time, the word "death" instead of "serfs" began to denote a dirty, untidy, stinking person. Modern synonym - "homeless".

The word "deathhold" is now considered to be a crustacean (due to consonance with "death"). In practice, until the XVI century, the term simply pointed to the public situation of a person and related rights and obligations.

Breakfast folly

The word "death" is known to historians from the "Russian truth" and the following legislative acts. Outstanding historians (M.N.Tichomirov, B.D. Grekov, B.A. Rybakov) tried to establish the place of this group in the ancient Russian public structure, and mostly they succeeded.

According to the generally accepted opinion, the deathholder is a capable peasant-land. Historians believe that it was originally called a full member of the rural peasant community, and as the feudal relations were developing, the concept was transferred to the peasant, whose Sisser was directly related to the state (represented by Prince or Boyar Republic, as in Novgorod). He was touched by the prince, carried in his favor of the duration and payments. Smerd was the owner of his property and passed him by inheritance, but exclusive sons. In the absence of such a heir, the prince became obliged from the inheritance to give the content to unmarried daughters of the deceased. But such a practice in the era of feudalism also existed for the highest classes - there, too, the heir could be a senory.

Features of criminal responsibility

However, it is possible to hear the assertion that the deathhold is a dependent person equal to the holope (personally dependent servant). Supporters of this point of view appealed to the phrase of "deaths of the Holopes" existing in the truth of Yaroslavichi. In the appropriate article for the murder, the same Colap and the "scenery" is prescribed the same virgin in 5 hryvnia.

However, most historians disagree with such interpretation. They are offered two alternative versions. The first one states that this article indicates that Sidda could also (along with feudal) to own hills, and compensation for damage was on a par with aware. The second argues that the term indicates the nature of the work performed by the hob for the owner. Usually the slave was a yard servant, but some were engaged in agriculture. Such and could be called "Dolopa deadfias", that is, those that are closer to death.

The fact that the responsibility for damage to the death or his murder in the legislation of the ancient Russia was lower than in relation to the "people", that is, unequivocally freely doubting personalities. But the work of the farmer then generally appreciated low.

Temporarily obliged

Smerd could also go to other categories temporarily. For such cases, there were separate terms. So, the deathbed, who took the duty from the feud, became "procurement" ("Kupa" - debt). If he agreed with the feudal about the fulfillment of some special work for him, he became "ordinary" ("row" - a contract). Procures and rankings were limited in rights, in particular, could not leave the place of residence or refuse to work. But it lasted until the debt was paid or work performed. Then the ordinary or purchase again became a sidder. The laws protected some of their rights (in particular, feudal did not have the right to demand more than indicated in the contract).

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