What is the mainland FGP. Lesson-workshop. "FGP of the continent of Eurasia"

The article gives a definition of what savanna is. The climatic features of the natural zone are described, the characteristics of soils, flora and fauna are given.

This information will be useful for schoolchildren and students in preparation for a lesson, report or exam.

What are savannahs

Savannas are vast territories that occupy a significant part of the subequatorial belt, covered with tall herbaceous vegetation and rare trees.

From the description of the natural zone of savannas and woodlands, the main points should be noted:

  1. The grass cover is higher than in the steppes, and it is based on stiff-leaved grasses.
  2. The vegetation density is high and low so that the soil is visible.
  3. There may be no trees at all, but there are areas that are almost sparse forest.

Geographical position

Location - subequatorial belt in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The map of natural zones shows that herbaceous areas cover almost 40% of the area of ​​Africa, and some territories are also located in Australia, Northeast Asia, America.

In South America, the natural zone covers the Brazilian Highlands and the Orinoco River plains. In Brazil, the areas are occupied mainly by open woodland; in the Orinoco basin, there is almost no woody vegetation. South American savannahs have different names: Brazilian - Campos, Venezuelan - Llanos.

In Asia, the natural zone occupies parts of India, Burma, Ceylon, Indochina.

In Australia, grassy areas are located in the northeast, characterized by a pronounced dry period.

Savannah plants

The flora is represented by a high grass cover with freestanding trees and shrubs, small groups of trees.

Elephant grass

Most of the plants are hydrophytes; there are also xerophytes adapted to the dry season. In dry months, grains burn out and many trees lose their foliage. Grasses stretch up to 3 m, and in lowlands up to 5 m.

Typical plant species:

  • elephant grass;
  • oil palm;
  • doom palm;
  • pandanus;
  • the baobab is a thick tree with an oddly shaped trunk.

In more humid places, the cereal cover becomes lower (up to 1.5 m), supplemented by acacias - trees with a dense spreading crown resembling an umbrella.

More arid areas are characterized by thorny semi-savannahs. Trees almost all year without leaves, the grass carpet is sparse, low (up to 1 m).

The flora is represented by low thorny tree species, succulents, cushion shrubs. Some scientists call these areas the African steppe.


The main ones are red-brown and lateritic soils, characterized by a sufficient humus content, due to the abundant decomposition of grass.

Due to periodic moisture in the soil layers, saturation with metal oxides is active, therefore, crusts often appear on the surface of the earth.

The seasonality of moisture affects the processes of soil formation. In the wet season, the soil layers are intensively leached, in the dry season, due to the heating of the earth's surface, the soil solutions rise. Therefore, the accumulation of humus, soil blackening, the formation of chernozems is typical for dry savannas, where the period without precipitation is long.


On the African continent, the zone of savannas and woodlands occupies a plateau East Africa, watershed plateaus of the Zambezi, Congo, Limpopo rivers, some parts of the high Kalahari plains.

Savannah in Tanzania

In South America, savannas are found on the Brazilian and Guiana Highlands, the Gran Chaco Plain, in the Orinoco Basin.

In Australia - in the northeastern plains.

Climate and climatic zones

Savannahs are located in the subequatorial climatic zone. Two seasons are clearly identified: winter dry and summer wet. Annual temperatures range from 18 to 32 ° C. Temperature fluctuations are slow, not expressed.

The dry cool period lasts from November to April. The average temperature is 21 ° C. The weather is sunny, fires are frequent. No more than 4 inches (100 mm) of precipitation falls.

The dry season is the time of migrations. Huge herds of ungulates go in search of food and water, predators rush after them. Woody species survive in dry times thanks to their deep root system and dense, refractory bark.

The hot humid period begins in May and lasts until October. Rainfall over the period reaches 10 to 30 inches (250 to 750 mm). Heavy rain falls in the afternoon.

In the rainy season, savannah life is in full swing, the land is reborn after a drought, covered with a lush green carpet.

Savannah dwellers

The fauna of the savannah is unique. Nowhere else on the planet is there such a variety of large ungulates and predatory animals.

Unfortunately, since the beginning of the 20th century, wildlife has been seriously affected by the activities of poachers and indefatigable hunters, the construction of roads, the allocation of significant territories for cattle breeding and agriculture.

Horse antelope

The list of animals that have disappeared due to hunting activities includes:

  • white-tailed wildebeest;
  • horse antelope;
  • zebra quagga.


The largest group of bush ungulates lives in Africa.

The most common are:

  • blue wildebeest;
  • zebras;
  • Thompson's gazelles;
  • Grant's gazelles;
  • impala;
  • Cannes;
  • cow antelopes;
  • swamp;
  • giraffes;
  • buffalo;
  • warthogs;
  • African elephants.

Kudu antelope

Rare ungulates, found only in reserves, are kudu, oryx.

Black and white rhinos are on the verge of extinction. Their luxurious horn, as can be seen in the photo, is a valuable prey for poachers.

Great efforts are being made in the reserves to preserve these animals.


Predatory animals are as diverse as herbivores.

African leopards

On the African plains, the following are common:

  • lions;
  • spotted hyenas;
  • hyena dogs;
  • leopards;
  • cheetahs;
  • caracals;
  • Nile crocodiles.

The American steppes are inhabited by:

  • jaguars;
  • ocelots;
  • maned wolves;
  • cougars.

Dingo dog

In Australia:

  • monitor lizards;
  • Dingo dogs.


The variety of African birds amazes and attracts tourists from all over the world.

African ostrich

Baboons and numerous species of monkeys coexist with birds on the trees. Flamingos are the adornment of ponds.

Nandu ostriches are inhabitants of the Brazilian steppes, emu ostriches are Australian.


Among the insects that eat the green parts of plants, it can be noted:

  • locusts (the most common family);
  • bronzes;
  • cicadas;
  • crunchy;
  • caterpillars;
  • leaf beetles;
  • goldfish;
  • stick insects.

Of the processors of dead organic matter, the following are common:

  • termites (in savannas greatest number termite mounds, often of enormous size);
  • crickets;
  • worms;
  • cockroaches;
  • centipedes;
  • darkling beetles;
  • terrestrial molluscs.

Termites are the main food source for Australian and South American anteaters.

Every year more and more deserts come on the savannahs. This is especially noticeable in Africa. The main reason why savannahs give way to deserts is human activity. A person for his needs takes too much water from reservoirs, which is why the vegetation experiences a severe moisture deficit.

Another reason for desertification is global warming and intensive livestock raising. Grazing cattle eats grass so actively that the grass cover does not have time to recover.

Savannah is a vast area in the tropical zone, with periodic precipitation, covered with grassy vegetation with sparsely scattered trees and shrubs. The most common savannahs in central Africa. The bulk of the grass savannah plants are grasses that reach great heights (up to 4 m). Savannahs in the Orinok lowland are called llanos, c.

Savannah - zonal landscape type of tropical and subequatorial climatic zones... In this natural area the change of the wet and dry seasons of the year is clearly expressed at invariably high air temperatures (from + 15 ° С to + 32 ° С). With distance from the equator, the period of the wet season decreases from 8-9 months to 2-3, and precipitation - from 2000 to 250 mm per year. Violent development of plants in the rainy season is replaced by droughts of the dry period with a slowdown in tree growth, burning out of grass. Some plants are capable of storing moisture in their trunks (baobabs, bottle trees). The savannah is characterized by a predominance of grassy cover, among which high (up to 5 m) grasses dominate. Among them, shrubs and single trees rarely grow, the frequency of which increases towards the equator. From woody vegetation on different continents, there are palms, various acacias, tree-like cacti.

Savannah soils depend on the length of the rainy season. Closer to equatorial forests, where the rainy season lasts 7-9 months, red ferralite soils are formed. Where the rainy season is less than 6 months, typical savanna red-brown soils are common. On the borders with semi-deserts, where scant rains fall for only 2-3 months, unproductive soils with a thin layer of humus are formed.

The dense and tall grass cover provides abundant food for the largest animals such as elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, zebras, antelopes, which in turn attract large predators such as lions, hyenas and others. The bird world is rich and varied in the savannahs. A small beautiful bird - the nectary - lives here, the largest birds on Earth are ostriches. Of the predatory animals, the secretary bird with long legs stands out for its appearance and habits. She hunts for small rodents, reptiles. There are many termites in the savannah.

Savannahs are located mainly in the Southern Hemisphere from 30 ° to 5-8 ° south latitude... In the Northern Hemisphere, they cross Africa, forming a transition zone directly to the south of the Sahara - the Sahel. The largest territories of savannas are in Africa. Here they occupy about 40% of the continent.

Savannahs in the north South America called llanos (Spanish llanos - plural from "plain"), and on the Brazilian plateau - campos (port, satro - field). It is an intensive livestock production area in Brazil.

Savannahs play a very important role in human economic life. Significant areas are plowed here, cereals, cotton, peanuts, jute, sugar cane and others are grown. Livestock raising is developed in drier areas. Some species of trees growing in the savannah, people use for their own purposes. So, teak wood gives a hard, valuable wood that does not rot in water.

Methodical development of the lesson: Physico-geographical position of Africa.

Grade: 7

Target: acquaintance with the geographical position of Africa.


    Educational to acquaint with the physical and geographical position of Africa; teach to give characteristics of FGP mainland; show features coastline mainland; to acquaint with a new way of information processing - schematic maps.

    Developing - to develop the ability to use complex physical and contour maps; use the previously acquired ZUN to gain knowledge and use it in a new situation;

    Educational - continue education personal qualities, instilling accuracy, observation.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson form: research lesson.

Methods: explanatory and illustrative, problematic, partially search.

Forms of work: heuristic conversation with the formulation of a problematic question, student messages, differentiated group, independent work.

Equipment: physical map of the world, textbook V.A.Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev "Geography of continents and oceans", atlases, student workbooks, handouts, multimedia equipment (the presentation is used throughout the lesson

During the classes


Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizational moment

Hello guys! In our lessons, we traveled more than once. Remember where we have already been, what have we investigated? (Oceans)

But our travels did not end there. Ahead of us is a lot of new and interesting things, because we are going on a journey across the continents! Name the existing continents

Students name and show oceans on a wall map

Show continents

New material

A) introduction to the topic

Our journey will begin with an acquaintance with one of the most interesting continents of the Earth, and which one, determine for yourself!

There are slides showing views of Africa on the screen, with accompanying text:

« This continent is considered the most likely ancestral home of man. It is the homeland of many nations, large and small. They love their land and are proud of it, considering it extraordinary. Everything is here. And beautiful palm groves, and wild impenetrable jungle, sparkling waterfalls, sun-hot deserts and endless savannahs. This continent is famous for its pyramids and pygmies, baobabs and giraffes. "

Across the sea-ocean in the shadow of Kilimanjaro
A huge and kind hippopotamus bathes,
There are zebras and giraffes, the sky is hot there,
Coconut palms, bananas all year round.
Lions roam the savannah and gorillas hide
Snakes hiss in the desert, shaking their heads.
And the big crocodiles are snapping their teeth,
When elephants pass by them to drink.

On what continent can we find such animals and plants?

What continent are we talking about? How was it determined?

Many interesting and mysterious things can be found on this continent. Even the origin of the name of the continent "Africa" ​​is still controversial.

Problematic task. Imagine now that you are travelers. The expedition goes to one of the southern continents, and upon returning from the expedition, you must tell about the peculiarities of the nature of the continent.
What components of nature do you think you need to get acquainted with so that you can talk about the originality of the continent. Discuss the answers

You have quite rightly identified the range of issues that we need to get acquainted with when studying the continent.

Thus, in the last lesson, we got acquainted withplan (algorithm), on which we will study the mainland. Let's decide in what order and why we will answer the questions in order to characterize the continent?

Let us once again recall the plan for the characteristics of the mainland (endpaper of the textbook)

Mainland characteristics plan.

    Physical and geographical position of the mainland.

    Relief, tectonic structure, minerals.


    Inland waters.


    Natural areas. Flora and fauna.

    Population. Economic activity.

    States and capitals.

Look at those again and what is the first question we have?

So, the topic of today's lesson: Physics - geographical location of Africa.

What does it mean to “determine the geographic location of any geographic object”?

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said "Knowledge and wanderings are inseparable" (statement on the board) .

Well, my friends, let's go!

For work in the lesson, you can use textbooks, atlas maps,

The main problem of the lesson.

The question we must answer at the end of the lesson : What are the features of the physical and geographical position of the continent of Africa?

    What questions do you think we need to answer in order to more accurately locate the continent on the globe?

    What maps will we use to describe the mainland?

They call the mainland


Discussion in pairs.

Estimated student responses. It is necessary to get acquainted with the flora and fauna of the mainland; learn about the climate, relief and minerals of the mainland; to get acquainted with the peoples inhabiting the mainland and countries; determine where the mainland is.

A geographic location is the “address” of a geographic feature by which it can be found on Earth. That is, we must locate this object on the globe.

Estimated student answers: Determine the area of ​​the mainland. What oceans wash it? Which continents are close and which are remote?

Physical map of Africa, physical map hemispheres.

To determine the physical and geographical position of the continent, we must answer these questions using the maps you said. And now we will work with a typical plan (algorithm) for the characteristics of the physical and geographical position of the continent.

Plan of characteristics of the physical and geographical position of the continent.

    The position of the mainland in relation to the equator.

    The position of the mainland in relation to the prime meridian.

    Extreme points, their coordinates.

    The length of the mainland from north to south and from west to east in degrees and kilometers.

    The area of ​​the mainland.

    The position of the mainland in relation to the seas and oceans.

    The position of the mainland in relation to other continents.

    Features of the physical and geographical position of the mainland.


We work as follows: We read the plan question and write it down in a notebook. If you agree, then make an entry in the logbook

    The position of the mainland in relation to the equator

What is the influence of the position of the mainland near the equator?

2. The position of the mainland in relation to the prime meridian .

3. Extreme points, their coordinates.

4 . The length of the mainland from north to south and from west to east in degrees and kilometers

5. The area of ​​the mainland

6 ... The position of the mainland in relation to the seas and oceans

The ruggedness of the banks

7. Position of the mainland in relation to other continents

Acquaintance with the plan of the har-ki FGP

The equator crosses the mainland and divides the mainland into two parts: equal in length, but different in area. Most of the mainland is located to the north of the equator, and a smaller part to the south

the amount received solar heat and precipitation, their distribution by seasons.The seasons in the northern and southern parts are opposite: when it is summer in the northern hemisphere, winter in the southern

The prime meridian crosses the mainland and divides the mainland into two unequal parts. Most of the mainland is located east of the prime meridian, and less to the west.

Self-study in pairs. Work with maps of the atlas. Determination of geographical coordinates on the atlas map. Drawing them on a contour map.

North - Cape Ras Engela - (37 degrees north latitude, 10 degrees east longitude).

Yuzhnaya - m.Agolny - (35 degrees south latitude, 20 degrees east longitude).

Western - Cape Almadi - (15 degrees Nw, 18 degrees W).

Eastern - m. Ras Khafun - (10 gr. with. w, 52 gr. v. etc.)

. The length of Africa north - south: 37 degrees.+ 35 gr. = 72 gr. Since the length of the arc of the meridian in 1 degree is equal to111 to m., then the length of the mainland will be: 111 km. 72 = 7992 km.

The length of the mainland west - east: 52 degrees. + 18 gr. = 70 gr. Since along the equator the arc length of 1 degree is equal to110 km ., then the length of the mainland will be equal to: 110 km. 70 = 7700

Using the atlas reference material, name the area of ​​the mainland.

The area of ​​the mainland is 30.3 million square meters. km. Is the second largest continent.

Locate on a map on a map, then plot numbers on a contour map

On the contour map, sign the coastline objects: Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and Red Seas, Gulfs of Guinea and Aden, Gibraltar, Mozambique and Bab-el-Mandeb straits, islands: Madagascar, Canary Islands, etc.

The roughness of the shores is weak, even

Africa is remote from South America, Australia, Antarctica, and North America at a considerable distance, with the exception of Eurasia. In the north, the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar (14 km) separates it from Europe. In the northeast, Africa is connected with Asia by a narrow strip of land - the Isthmus of Suez, 200 km wide. VXIXv. the Suez Canal was built here. The Suez Canal is a navigable lockless canal in Egypt that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The canal zone is considered a conditional border between two continents, Africa and Eurasia, and is of great importance for world shipping

Stat. Reference:

The canal was under construction for 10 years

Length 161 km

Width from 120 km to 318 km

The depth is more than 16 m.

physical education

Musical exercise

Primary anchoring

Which an important event awaiting us in 2014 in the month of February?

What is the logo of this event?

Right, The Olympic Games logo looks like five interconnected rings different colors... This logo is also applied to the Olympic flag, which has a white background signifying world peace. In 1913, Pierre de Coubert came up with such a logo, he believed that the national colors of all countries are included in these five rings, and not tied to any of the continents as is commonly thought now. If you look at the flag of absolutely any country, you will see that it has at least one of the five ring colors on it. Today it is believed that each color is a continent. What color do you think you would suggest to Africa? And why?

Let's summarize everything that has been said. Answer the question - does Africa have a favorable physical and geographical position?

Test - Choose the correct statements.

    Africacrossed by the equator in the middle

    The prime meridian does not cross Africa.

    The northern point of the mainland - M. Agolny

    South point - c. Igolny

    Eastern extreme point- M. Ras - Khafun

    Western extreme point -m. Almadi

    Africa is washed by the oceans: Atlantic and Indian.

    The saltiest sea washing the coast of Africa is the Mediterranean.

    From the north, the coast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea.

    The Gulf of Guinea is located from the north

    The largest island off the coast of the mainland - Madagascar.

Sochi Olympics

5 rings logo

Black color

Answer: FGP Africa is beneficial;the mainland lies in all 4 hemispheres of the globe. Africa is a solid land mass with a slightly indented coastline.

Answers: 1.4, 5.6, 7, 9, 11


Game "What is it?" called a geographic object, it is necessary to clarify what it is? (cape, island, peninsula, etc.) and show on the map

    (cape) Needle,

    (cape) Almadi,

    (cape) Ras - Khafun,





    (peninsula) Somalia,

    (Island) Madagascar,


    Suez(channel, isthmus )


So today we are:

1) Learned the answers to all problematic questions on their own;
2) We learned that the continent of Africa is located on both sides of the equator, on both sides of the prime meridian, the second continent in terms of area, washed by the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, is close to the continent of Eurasia, has a favorable physical and geographical position;
3) Have mastered a generalized way of describing the physical and geographical position of the continent;
5) Strengthened the skills of working with a map, globe, textbook, algorithm;
6) We did a very good job independently and in a team, and I think we got a lot of satisfaction from this. Well done


Paragraph text. Work independently on the material on the discovery and study of the mainland. Choose the travel route of one of the researchers, plot the route of his travel on a contour map and draw up a story about this travel and the traveler (you can use additional material).

The heart of Africa is full of singing and ardor,
And I know that if we see at times
Dreams that we cannot find names,
It is the wind that brings them, Africa is yours!

N. Gumilev

Thank you for the lesson!

Date: 30.11.2019

General information

Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. The land area is 29.2 million km 2, with islands - 30.3 million km 2 (about 1/5 of the world's land area).

The highest point above sea level is Kilimanjaro (5895 m), the lowest is the Assal depression (155 m).

The equator crosses Africa almost in the middle, its outskirts reach subtropical latitudes.

Africa is located in four hemispheres simultaneously- North and South, West and East.

Extreme points of the mainland:

  • north - Cape Ras Engela(37 ° N, 10 ° E),
  • southern - Cape Agulias (Agulhas)(35 ° S, 20 ° E),
  • western - Cape Almadi(14 ° N, 18 ° W),
  • eastern - Cape Ras Khafun(11 ° N, 52 ° E).

The length from north to south is almost 8000 km, width in the north is 7500 km (Cape Almadi - Cape Ras Khafun).

Africa is washed by the Mediterranean and Red Seas, the Indian and Atlantic oceans... The mainland is connected with Asia by a narrow (120 km) Suets isthmus. Africa is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gibraltar (the smallest width is 13 km).

The coastline of Africa is slightly cut, the shores are often mountainous. The length of the coastline is 30,500 km, more than 1/5 of the distance from the oceans and seas by 1000-1500 km.

The largest bays are Guinean and Sidra. There are few convenient bays, the largest peninsula in Somalia.

The following islands are included in Africa: in the east Madagascar, Pomeranian, Mascarene, Amiranta, Seychelles, Pemba, Mafia, Zanzibar, Socotra; in the west - Madeira, Canarsia, Cape Verde, Annobon, Sao Tome, Prienepi, Po and the outlying islands: Ascension, Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha.

History of exploration and development

Europeans begin detailed study Africa with Xv v.

V XVI century... the Portuguese, while searching for the Persian route to India, explored the outline of the African coast.

Bartolomeu Dias - Portuguese navigator - in 1487 first sailed along the west coast of Africa, reached the cape Good Hope(1487-1488). Dias's expedition proved that the Indian Ocean connects with the Atlantic and that India can be reached by sea.

An expedition led by Vasco da Gama opened the sea route to India for Europeans ( 1499 ). The long, arduous journey has had significant consequences - since the opening sea ​​route and to the construction of the Suez Canal in 1869, the main trade of South and East Asia.

V XVII v. in the interior of Africa south of the equator, Pertuguese explorers discovered Lake Tana ( 1613 ), Nyasa ( 1616 ), explored the sources of the Blue Nile and the lower reaches of the Congo River, in the west of the mainland, the French expedition A. Bru explored the Senegal River.

V Xviii v. due to the rapid development of industrial world trade, interest in the mainland and its resources is growing.

V 1788 in London, the "Association for the Promotion of the Discovery of the Interior of Africa" ​​was organized, which in 1830 united as a royal geographic society... Expeditions organized by the Association: M. Park in 1796-1797 biennium (Exploring the Nile and Niger), The Order, Dengem, Clapperton in 1822-1824 biennium (For the first time we crossed the Sahara to Lake Chad, through the Sokoto river we reached Niger).

In the exploration of the Nile Basin, the French played an important role (during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt).

V 1835 E. Smith explored the Limpopo River.

V 1847 - 1848 biennium the expedition of E.P. Kovalevsky began the geographical and geological study of the Blue Nile basin.

V 1848 -1849 biennium German missionaries I. Krapf and I. Rebman discovered the highest point of the continent - the Kilimanjaro volcano.

V 1856 - 1869 expedition J. Opeka and R. Burton discovered Lake Tanganyika. Found that the Nile originates from Lake Victoria.

David Livingston discovered Lake Ngami, Victoria Falls ( 1855 ), crossed Africa from west to east, explored the Zambezi River basin, in 1867-1871 biennium studied the southern and western shores of Lake Tanganyika, discovered Lake Bangweulu. In Europe, Livingstone's expedition was considered missing, and journalist G. Stanley was sent to search for it. 1871 met Livingstone at Lake Tanganyika. Together, they continued their exploration of the northern part of the lake and found out that the lake is not connected with the Nile.

V 1865-1867 biennium the expedition of German explorers G. Rolfs and G. Nachtigal was the first of the Europeans to cross the Sahara from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea (Tripoli city) to the Gulf of Guinea (Lagos city), and reached the Wadai massif.

Russian traveler V.V. Yunker 1876-1878 biennium carried out geographical and ethnographic studies of Central Africa, detailed the hydrography of the source of the White Whole, explored the watershed of the Nile and Congo rivers.

So to late XIX v. four large African rivers were explored - Nile, Congo, Niger and Zambezi, in early XX v. large reserves of natural resources have been explored.


Relief, geological structure and Natural resources

see also

A freak. Relief and geological structure, natural resources

Plan for describing the physical and geographical position of the mainland:

    The dimensions of the mainland;

    The position of the mainland relative to the equator and prime meridian;

    In which hemispheres is most of the continent located;

    What oceans and seas and where (on the sides of the horizon) wash the continent;

    Extreme points of the mainland and their geographic coordinates;

    The position of the mainland relative to other continents;

    Conclusion about the physical and geographical position of the mainland.

Practical work: Determination of the types of climates in Africa by climatograms.


Using the climatograms given in the atlas (p. 15), determine the type of climate in the cities of Addis-Ababa, Algeria, Wallen and Debundzha, substantiating your answer by the annual variation in air temperature and precipitation.

Practical work: Compilation of the characteristics of one of the rivers in Africa.


Using atlas maps, textbook text, reference and additional literature, characterize one of the rivers in Africa according to the following plan:

River characteristics plan:

    In which part of the mainland is the river;

    Which ocean basin the river belongs to;

    The length of the river and the direction of its flow;

    The location of the source of the river and its geographical coordinates;

    Where the river flows, the type of the mouth and its geographic coordinates;

    The largest left and right tributaries;

    The nature of the river flow, the presence of rapids and waterfalls;

    The main types of food and the regime of the river;

    Large cities located on the river;

    Human use of the river.

Option 1. Nile. Option 2. Congo. Option 3. Niger. Option 4. Zambezi.

Practical work: Drawing up a description of the nature, population and its economic activity of one of the African countries using maps and other sources of knowledge.


The work is carried out in the form of a report, an abstract, an essay according to a standard plan:

Plan of physical and geographical characteristics of the country:

    The name of the country and its capital;

    Physical and geographical position of the country:

a) the position of the country on the mainland;

b) the area of ​​the territory;

c) which countries and where it borders;

d) the position of the country relative to the seas and oceans washing it;

    Natural features of the country:

a) features of the structure of the earth's crust, the main landforms and minerals;

b) characteristic features of the climate (climatic zones, average temperatures in January and July, annual precipitation and their seasonality);

c) inland waters (the largest rivers and lakes, their characteristic features);

d) natural areas;

e) prevailing soils;

f) typical representatives of flora and fauna;

    Population and its economic activities:

a) the size and distribution of the population;

b) predominant peoples;

c) major cities;

d) what minerals are mined;

e) leading industries;

e) major crops and livestock sectors;

g) the impact of human economic activity on the natural environment.

Work progress: Work gets done in a few lessons!

When studying the topic "Geographical Location of Australia" using a physical map of Australia (Atlas, p. 17), on a contour map of Australia:

    Mark the equator in red, the South Tropic in yellow;

    oceans: Indian and Quiet;

    seas: Arafurskoe, Koralovoe and Tasmanovo;

    bays: Carpentaria and the Great Australian;

    straits: Torres and Bassov;

    islands: New Guinea and Tasmania;

    peninsula: Arnhem Land and Cape York;

    extreme points: Cape York, Cape Southeast (South East Point), Cape Steep Point and Cape Byron;

3. Determine the coordinates of the extreme points of Australia.

When studying the topic "Relief of Australia", indicate:

    plains: Central Lowland;

    the mountains: Great Dividing Range;

    the highest point of the mainland: Mount Kostsyushko (2228 m);

    the lowest point of the mainland: Lake Eyre level (-16 m).

When studying the topic "Climate of Australia", indicate:

    warm current: East Australian;

    cold current: current of the West Winds;

    area of ​​formation of equatorial air masses: computer letters;

    areas of formation of tropical air masses: in letters TBM;

    point with maximum air temperature: Yukla (+51 o C);

    point with minimum air temperature: Onslow (-3 o C);

    point with maximum annual rainfall: Cairns (2243 mm);

    NS unct with minimum precipitation: Central Australia (127 mm).

When studying the topic "Australian Inland Waters", indicate:

    rivers: Murray, Darling, Cooper Creek;

    Lake: Ayr.

When studying the topic "Natural Areas of Australia", indicate:

    deserts: Great Sandy, Great Victoria Desert.

Practical work: Comparison of the geographical location of Australia and Africa.


Using the atlas maps, fill in the table "Comparison of the geographical location of Australia and Africa":



Difference traits



1. Sizes of continents

2. The position of the continents relative to the equator and the prime meridian

5. The nature of the coastline

Practical work: Designation on the contour map of the names of the objects under study and the determination of the geographical coordinates of the extreme points.


Using a physical map of South America (atlas, p. 19), on an outline map, indicate:

    In red- equator, yellow- Southern Tropic, green- 50 about S .;

    Sign the names of the following geographic features:

· oceans: Atlantic and Quiet;

· sea: Caribbean;

· bay: La Plata;

· straits: Drake and Magellan;

· channel: Panamanian;

· islands: Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Trinidad, Galapagos;

· extreme points: Cape Gallinas, Cape Cabo Branco, Cape Froward, Cape Horn and Cape Parignas and determine their coordinates.

When studying the topic "Relief of South America" ​​designate:

· plains: Amazonian, La Plata and Orinoco lowlands, Brazilian and Guiana highlands, Patagonian plateau (Patagonia);

· the mountains: Andes;

· highest point: Mount Aconcagua (6960 m);

· volcanoes: Cotopaxi and San Pedro;

· the lowest point of the mainland: Salinas Chikas (-42 m) on the Valdes Peninsula.

When studying the topic "Climate of South America" ​​designate:

· warm currents: Guiana, Brazilian and Nazca;

· cold currents: Peruvian, Falkland and Western Winds;

· area of ​​formation of equatorial air masses: computer letters;

· area of ​​formation of tropical air masses: in letters TBM;

· moderate air mass formation area: in letters UVM;

· point with maximum air temperature: Cordova (+46 o C);

· point with minimum air temperature: Sarmiento (-33 o C);

· point with maximum precipitation: Buenaventura (over 9000 mm) in Colombia;

· point with minimum precipitation: Antofagasta (1 mm) in Chile.

When studying the topic "Inland waters of South America", designate:

· rivers: Amazon, Marañon, Ucayali, Rio Negro, Madeira, Tapajos, Orinoco, Parana, Paraguay, Uruguay, San Francisco;

· lakes: Maracaibo and Titicaca;

· waterfalls: Angel and Iguazu.

When studying the topic "Natural areas of South America" ​​designate:

· desert: Atacama.

Practical work

Comparison of the physical and geographical position of Africa and South America.


Using the maps of the atlas and the text of the textbook, fill in the table "Comparison of the geographical location of Africa and South America":



Difference traits


South America

1. Sizes of continents

2. The position of the continents relative to the equator and the prime meridian

3. In which hemispheres are

4. Oceans washing the coast of the continents

5. The nature of the coastline

6. Position relative to other continents

Practical work: Comparison of large river systems in Africa and South America.


Using atlas maps, textbook test and other literature, fill in the table (work is done according to options):



Difference traits

River africa

River Yuzh. Of America

Situation on the mainland

Which ocean basin does it belong to?

Pool area

Source location and coordinates

Mouth view and its coordinates

Main river length

Direction of flow

The nature of the flow

River feeding

River mode

Largest left tributaries

The largest right tributaries

Countries located in the river basin

Largest cities

Human use of the river

Option 1. Comparison of Congo and Parana. Option 2. Comparison of the Nile and the Amazon. Option 3. Comparison of Zambezi and Orinoco.

Practical work: Designation on the contour map of the countries of South America and their capitals.


    Using the atlas (pages 10 - 11), on a contour map of South America, indicate: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Guiana (fr.), Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Falkland islands (UK), Chile, Ecuador and sign the names of their capitals (administrative centers).

    Paint over the colonial possessions of France and Great Britain with black.

    Fill in green for landlocked countries.

    Paint a country on two continents in red.

Practical work: Designation on the contour map of the names of the objects under study and the determination of the geographical coordinates of the extreme points.


Using the physical map of North America (Atlas, p. 22), on an outline map of North America, indicate:

    In red - equator, yellow - Northern tropic, green - 50 O s.sh., blue - Arctic Circle;

    Sign the names of the following geographic features:

· oceans: Quiet, Atlantic and Arctic;

· seas: Beringovo, Chukotskoe, Beaufort, Baffin, Karibskoe;

· bays: Alaska, California, Hudson, St. Lawrence, Mexican;

· straits: Bering, Davis, Danish, Hudson, Florida, Yucatan;

· channel: Panamanian;

· islands: Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, Baffin Land, Newfoundland, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Vancouver, Aleutian, St. Lawrence;

· peninsula: Labrador, Florida, Yucatan, California, Alaska;

· extreme points: Cape Murchison, Cape Maryato, Cape Prince of Wales, Cape St. Charles and determine their coordinates.

  1. Order No. 20 of the Working program for the training course "Geography of continents and oceans" Grade 7

    Working programm

    ... . Educational electronic edition. Geography. Our HouseEarth. Continents, oceans, peoples and country... Multimedia student textbook 7 classes general education educational institutions. Authors educational material ...

  2. Work program for geography line V. P. Dronova, Bustard Publishing House

    Working programm

    Implementation working programs used by educational-methodical kit, including: Base textbook Korinskaya V.A., Dushina I.V., Shchenev V.A. Geography: Our HouseEarth (continents, oceans, peoples and country). 7 Class... - M .: Bustard ...

  3. Self-examination report non-governmental educational institution Center for Sports and Education "locomotive"


    ... Geography 7 CLASS Geography. Our HouseEarth : Continents, oceans, peoples and country. 7 Class... Textbook for a general education institution I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenyov, V.A. Korinskaya Geography. Our HouseEarth : Continents, oceans,

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