Social Psychology. Sventsitsky A.L.

Social Psychology: textbook. - M.: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing House, 2005 .-- 336 p.
ISBN 5-482-00060-5

This version of the textbook differs in that individual chapters scattered around different parts The archive is finally consolidated into a single file.

2. The history of the development of socio-psychological knowledge
Search for the causes of social behavior: from antiquity to the XX century
Formation of social psychology into an independent science
The main theoretical approaches in western social psychology
Development of Russian social psychology
Key concepts

3. Methods of social psychology
Stages of socio-psychological research
Correlation and experimental research
Polling methods
Document analysis
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

4. Personality in social world
The concept of personality
Self-concept and self-esteem
Social identity as part of the self-concept
Social role concept
Performance social roles
The interaction of personality and social role
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

5. Socialization
The nature of socialization
Socialization theories
Socialization agents
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

6. Social attitude and behavior
Installation concept
Formation and change of attitudes
The concept of dispositional regulation of personality behavior
Is there a relationship between attitudes and behavior?
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

7. Social groups: basic characteristics
Group as an object of socio-psychological analysis
Group functions
Group size
Group structure.
Intragroup communications
Sociometry as a method of studying group structure
Group classifications
Organization as a social group
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

8. Group influences on individual behavior
Group Membership Phases
The influence of group norms on personality
Conformity: majority influence
Conformity: minority influence
Reference groups and personality
Social facilitation
Social relaxation
Social facilitation and social relaxation
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

9. Group dynamics and group effectiveness
The concept of group dynamics
Psychological compatibility of group members
Making decisions in groups
Pros and cons of group decision making
Leadership and leadership in groups and organizations
Socio-psychological climate of the group
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

10. Communication and social cognition
Communication concept
Key aspects communication process
Non-verbal communication
Formation of the first impression of a person
Social categories and stereotypes
Causal attribution
Social interaction and communication
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

11. Interpersonal influence and social power
Definition of concepts
Dependency, Uncertainty, and Power
How are people influenced?
Fundamentals of social power (psychological
Authority power legitimacy
From obedience to aggressiveness
Problems and Prospects for Research on Influence and Power
Key concepts
Additional reading literature

The textbook systematically sets out the foundations of social psychology in accordance with the provisions of modern works of domestic and foreign researchers... The issues of social psychology of personality, the main characteristics of social groups are considered, the problems of interpersonal influence and communication are highlighted. The main directions of applied work in social psychology are described. For better assimilation of the studied material at the end of each chapter is given summary, and also included questions for self-examination and discussion at seminars, assignments for independent work.

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  2. The textbook systematically sets out the foundations of social psychology in accordance with the provisions of modern works of domestic and foreign researchers. The issues of social psychology of personality, the main characteristics of social groups are considered, the problems of interpersonal influence and communication are highlighted. The main directions of applied work in social psychology are described. For better assimilation of the studied material, a summary is given at the end of each chapter, as well as questions for self-examination and discussion at seminars, tasks for independent work.

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    2. Sventsitsky A. L.

      Social psychology: textbook. - M.: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing House, 2005 .-- 336 p.

      ISBN 5-482-00060-5

      The textbook contains a systematic presentation of the foundations of social psychology. It highlights such fundamental problems as the social psychology of the individual, the mutual influence of the individual and the group, communication and social cognition, interpersonal influence. The history of the development of socio-psychological knowledge is also thoroughly considered, an overview of the main methods of social psychology is given. The content of this textbook corresponds to the course program and is based on materials from domestic and foreign socio-psychological research, including the most modern works.

      For higher students educational institutions, teachers, all interested in the problems of social psychology.

      To my grandchildren -

      Martha, Leonty, Erofei, Arseny


      Domestic social psychology in the process of its formation and development has passed a difficult path. Theoretical thought of Russian sociologists, philosophers and psychologists late XIX- the beginning of the XX century., affecting social and psychological problems, did not lead to the isolation of social psychology as an independent science. Attempts to form "Marxist social psychology" in the 1920s. were not crowned with success for a number of objective and subjective reasons (for more details, see Chapter 2 of this work). A long break in the development of Russian social psychology from the late 1920s to the late 1950s. led to our lag (let's call a spade a spade) from world science.

      Modern Russian student, mastering the basics of psychological science, it will probably be surprising to learn that during long period social psychology was not taught anywhere in our country. The author of these lines graduated from the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University in 1959, having firmly learned (this is how they taught!) That social psychology is a bourgeois science and has no place in the system of Marxist psychology. However, times are changing, and we are changing with them. And no matter what pessimists say, no one can stop scientific progress. In the wake of social and political changes in the second half of the 1950s and early 1960s. in the USSR, it becomes possible to revive the domestic social psychological science(at that time, of course, on a Marxist basis). Since 1966, the teaching of a course in social psychology began at the Faculty of Psychology, which had just opened at the Leningrad State University.

      The author of these lines, at that time a junior researcher at the laboratory of social psychology at the Research Institute for Complex Social Research at Leningrad University, remembers well his teaching difficulties of the period when he had to take up the first course in social psychology for students. Of course, there were no Russian textbooks on social psychology, and no one had any experience in teaching this science. However, as people say now, "the process has begun." In Leningrad (where the first laboratory of social psychology was opened at the university in 1962) and other cities, research began, reports on socio-psychological problems appear at scientific conferences, a community of researchers is growing -

      At that time, social psychology attracted not only psychologists, but also enthusiasts from others scientific fields, the first monographs on social psychology by B.D. Parygina, E.S. Kuzmina, A.G. Kovaleva, A.A. Bodaleva, B.F. Porshnev. These works have served as teaching aids in social psychology for several years.

      An important milestone in the development of Russian social psychology and an indicator of its maturity was the publication of the first textbook by G.M. Andreeva "Social Psychology" (Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1980), which has undergone several reprints and successfully fulfills its functions to this day.

      The cardinal changes that have taken place in our society over the past decade could not but affect social psychology. Freed from the ideological dictates of one ruling party, Russian social psychologists in their works try to follow the mainstream of world science. This is evident both in their theoretical research and in empirical research. The training of certified social psychologists is also improving, which, as practice shows, is in no way inferior to graduates of foreign universities.

      At the present time, one cannot complain about the lack of socio-psychological literature. On the shelves of bookstores you can see monographs of domestic and foreign psychologists, collections of their articles, tutorials... However, all this does not exclude the publication of new and new textbooks. No author of a textbook on social psychology can claim that his textbook is exceptional and has nothing to do with other textbooks. One textbook always complements the other in some way. Even in high school it is considered useful to have not one normative textbook, but several, each of which can be good in its own way, and the teacher has the right to make the final choice. Moreover, this applies to higher education.

      This tutorial reflects the main content of the course, read by the author at St. Petersburg State University and the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law. The presented material is based on the data of domestic and foreign (mainly American) social psychologists. Each chapter ends summary its content, here key concepts are highlighted, the assimilation of which should be paid attention to, and a short list of literature for additional reading is given. At the end of the textbook there is a complete list of used literature, which will allow both the student and the specialist to refer to the primary source to deepen their knowledge.

      The author is aware that the content of this textbook suffers from a certain incompleteness. However, the question of which sections should include a textbook on social psychology, is open source. Even if you turn to modern American textbooks on social psychology (and here a lot of experience has been accumulated), you can see how dissimilar they are in content to each other. Both jokingly and seriously, the author always tells his students that as many social psychologists as there are in the world of social psychologists, there are as many views on the content of social psychology as a science. However, the main core issues, of course, should be present in all textbooks. These are issues of socialization (the formation of an individual as a person), the mutual influence of people on each other (both at the individual and at the group level), social cognition and communication. This textbook addresses all of these issues in varying degrees of detail. The works of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) socio-psychological school, the founder of which was E.S. Kuzmin. We pay considerable attention to the methods of social psychology. This is due to the fact that for last quarter century, not a single work has been published, which would set out in sufficient detail the methods of collecting and analyzing primary information in empirical socio-psychological research. Thus, familiarizing readers with how the material is obtained, which then leads to the construction of theories or the development of practical recommendations, is necessary to obtain a holistic picture of socio-psychological science.

      The author considers it his pleasant duty to thank those students whose attention and interest in lectures, questions and discussions at seminars stimulated the work on this book. The author is deeply grateful to his colleagues in the Department of Social Psychology of St. state university, the "emotional climate" of which is the best possible way to promote creativity. Taking this opportunity, I sincerely thank Professor A.A. Krylov, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology from 1976 to 2002, for his attention to the author's scientific endeavors and their support.

      Special thanks to my wife and true friend G.T. Tsetsulnikova, who took part in the preparation of the manuscript for publication, her first reader and critic.

      A.L. Sventsitsky St. Petersburg, August 2002


      § 1. What is the social context?

      Imagine this picture. Land, field. On it is a peasant, diligently working this area, as they say, in the sweat of his brow. But then a boy appears next to him, takes a tomato out of his pants pocket and ... throws it right at the peasant's head. Direct hit. And now a question for you, dear reader: "What will the peasant experience? How will he behave? What actions will he take?"

      “It depends on what kind of peasant,” - perhaps many will say. "It depends on his temperament," - add a person familiar with the basics general psychology... If a peasant is a choleric, then he, apparently, will rush after the boy to kick his ears. If the peasant is a phlegmatic, then he will only stand in thought, divorced from work. A specialist in psychophysiology will explain well why sparks fell from the eyes of the peasant. However, neither the first nor the second will undertake to predict more accurately the possible behavior of the peasant in this example.

      Then the turn of the social psychologist will come. “Let's start from the beginning,” he will say first of all. “There is no peasant at all, there is no boy at all. Voltaire also said that each of us is a creature of the time in which he lives. .e. in close connection with all his social environment. given example refers to the period of feudalism. A peasant works on a plot of land rented from a feudal lord, and a mischievous boy is the son of this feudal lord. Whatever temperament a peasant may have, it is unlikely that he will certainly want to somehow teach a mischievous person a lesson. Let's take a different era. A peasant is a farmer who cultivates his own plot of land, and a boy is the son of another farmer who has long owed the first a large sum of money. Obviously, in this case we have more reason to expect aggressive reactions to the boy from the peasant.

      This example (from the work of V.B. Olshansky) convincingly testifies to the need to take into account a certain social context within which the situation of interaction of certain people under consideration is carried out.

      Even if a person is alone at the moment, he nevertheless remains or seeks to be within a certain social context, being

      A social animal (as Aristotle called man back in the 4th century BC). Remember the familiar from childhood novel about Robinson Crusoe. Soon after the navigator came to a desert island, he decided to start a calendar - an integral part of the society to which he himself belonged. Robinson made a line every day with a knife. At the same time, a long line meant Sunday, and even longer - the first day of each month. Now answer, please, why is Robinson all the years of desert island kept the calendar regularly? Why did you set aside Sundays? The meaning was here, and this meaning is in the social nature of man. Let me remind you, by the way, that the devoted friend of the hero of the novel Friday had no idea about the calendar at all and was not at all burdened by this. Each of us has his own social world, the influence of which we are all subject to. On the other hand, our social world is undergoing certain influences on our part. This mutual influence is at the center of the research interest of the social psychologist, and the social context is the basis for understanding human social behavior.

      § 2. The subject of social psychology

      Each of us lives in a world inhabited by many other people. Among them there are relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances. There are also quite a few acquaintances. With someone we constantly communicate, work together, study or conduct free time, see others from time to time. Someone comes across us only once in a lifetime, especially if we live in big city, and we will never meet hundreds of millions of other people inhabiting our planet. However, both those, and others, and the third one way or another affect us, causing certain changes in our consciousness and behavior.

      From time immemorial, a person thought about how to better understand other people, influence them, establish certain relationships with them. This was caused by the needs of practice - the search for the best forms of organization and interaction of people in various fields - economic, political, military, educational, medical, etc.

      Why different people do they perceive and evaluate the same phenomena differently? How are beliefs formed and can they be changed? What forces and in what way influence the actions of people? On what basis can we trust this or that person?

      Why do people often agree with the majority opinion? And why is it the other way around, and one person convinces everyone else? How can the actions of several

      Kikh people and even large masses of people? Why do so many of us strive to help others? What can cause aggressive behavior in people? For what reasons, even close people sometimes quarrel? Why are the manifestations of friendship and love so varied? Is it possible to learn successful communication? How do the peculiarities of relationships between people affect their health?

      Today, such an industry is trying to answer all such questions arising from the diverse forms of contacts between people. scientific knowledge like social psychology. This is a science that studies the laws of people knowing each other, their relationships and interactions. So, in the center of research attention of a social psychologist are the consequences of various kinds of contacts between people, manifested in the form of thoughts, feelings and actions of individual individuals. These contacts can be direct, as they say, face to face. They can also be mediated, for example, through the use of mass communications - press, radio, television, cinema, the Internet, etc. This is how people are influenced not only by certain persons, but also by individual social groups and society as a whole. ...

      Contacts between people can be casual and relatively short-lived, for example, a conversation between two fellow travelers in the same compartment of a railway carriage. Conversely, interpersonal contacts can become systematic and long-term. For example, in the family, at work, in the company of friends. In this case, the object of research interest of a social psychologist can be not only small groups of people, but also such communities that include a significant number of people distributed over a large territory. For example, nations, classes, parties, trade unions, large contingents of various enterprises, firms, etc. These communities can be characterized by varying degrees of organization. Compare, for example, the huge crowd in the square that gathered on the occasion of a mass celebration, and a large military unit... A wide variety of large groups also act as objects of social psychology.

      It should be noted that certain relationships arise not only between individuals, but also between whole groups, both small and large. Intergroup relationships can be of a different nature - from mutual understanding and cooperation to acute confrontation. The ubiquitous phenomena of globalization, characteristic of the beginning of our century, make exclusively actual problems intercultural communication... Today, an increasing number of representatives of various ethnic groups and cultures directly

      Collide with each other in the implementation of various joint actions. Teaching these people to successfully interact to achieve common goals is also a socio-psychological problem.

      So, considering the structure of social psychology as a science, the following sections can be distinguished:

      Social psychology of personality;

      Social psychology of communication and interpersonal interaction;

      Social psychology of groups.

      The social psychology of the individual covers the problematics determined by the social nature of the individual, its inclusion in various groups and society as a whole. These are, for example, the issues of socialization of the individual, its socio-psychological qualities, the motivation of the individual's behavior, the influence of social norms on this behavior.

      Social psychology of communication and interpersonal interaction considers different kinds and the means of communication between people (including mass communications), the mechanisms of these communications, the types of interaction between people - from cooperation to conflict. Closely related to this issue are issues of social cognition, such as perception, understanding and assessment of each other by people.

      Social psychology of groups covers a variety of group phenomena and processes, the structure and dynamics of small and large groups, various stages of their life, as well as intergroup relationships.

      § 3. Specificity of the socio-psychological approach

      As you can see, the scope of the phenomena of social psychology is very wide. Ultimately, however, this science is trying to reveal how people influence each other and how they behave in different situations, i.e. various features of social behavior. It is known that a number of other areas of scientific knowledge are also engaged in the study of certain aspects of social behavior of people. What is the specificity of socio-psychological analysis? It can be distinguished from other approaches using the example of such a phenomenon as crime in large cities (Taylor, Peplau and Sears, 1994).

      Sociologists, economists, political scientists and representatives of others social sciences use social level analysis(i.e. one that relates to the characteristics of society as a whole). In doing so, researchers are trying to understand the general types of social behavior. For example, homicide rates, voter behavior, or consumer spending. According

      With this approach, social behavior is explained by factors such as economic decline, class conflicts, clashes between rival ethnic groups, crop failure in certain regions, government policy, or technological change. The purpose of societal analysis is to identify links between broad social influences and common types social behavior. In studying urban violence, sociologists are looking for the relationship between the level of violent crime and factors such as poverty, immigration or industrialization of society.

      Individual level of analysis commonly used in personality psychology and clinical psychology... Here the behavior of people is explained based on the unique history of the life of this person and his psychological characteristics... According to this approach, personality traits and motives can explain why a particular individual behaves in a certain way and why two people may react in completely different ways in the same situation. At the individual level of analysis, there is a tendency to explain violent crimes in terms of the criminal's unique life history and personality traits.

      For example, V.L. Vasiliev emphasizes the need to study the so-called marginal personalities, the main characteristic of which is internal social instability. The "marginalized" are distinguished by their inability to fully master cultural traditions and develop appropriate social skills of behavior in the environment in which they find themselves. So, this is a resident of the rural "hinterland", forced to live and work in a big city, an adult who has moved to a region where they speak a language that is unfamiliar to him, and does not know local customs and traditions. Experiencing high level emotional stress, a "marginal" personality easily comes into conflict with the surrounding social environment (Vasiliev, 2000).

      Social psychologists turn to a different level of analysis - interpersonal(interpersonal). Their attention is focused on the current social situation in which the person finds herself. The social situation includes other people in a given environment, their attitudes and behavior, as well as their relationship to a given person. To understand the causes of violent crime, social psychologists can pose the question as follows: What types of interpersonal situations generate aggressive responses that can lead to an increase in violent behavior? One of the important socio-psychological explanations is that states of frustration cause anger in people and thus contribute to tendencies

      Act aggressively. This is called the frustration-aggression hypothesis. In accordance with it, it is assumed that a person, having encountered an obstacle on the way to achieving the desired goal, experiences frustration and anger and, as a result, is likely to lose his temper. This effect of frustration is one of the explanations for violent crimes at the interpersonal level.

      With the help of the hypothesis of frustration - aggression, according to American psychologists, it is also possible to explain how large-scale economic and societal factors create situations that lead to violence and crime. For example, poor people in overcrowded urban slums are undoubtedly frustrated; they cannot get a good job, afford a decent home, provide a safe environment for their children, and so on. Frustration over all of these issues can lead to anger, which is sometimes the direct cause of violent crime. The frustration-aggression hypothesis focuses on the immediate social situation, feelings and thoughts that this situation evokes in people with different social characteristics, and the influence of these subjective reactions on behavior.

      Of course, each of these three approaches (societal, individual, interpersonal) has its own value and is essential if we want to understand as fully as possible complex social behavior. Therefore, there is a significant overlap in the nature of research carried out among these scientific disciplines. This book introduces the reader to the world of human behavior from a socio-psychological perspective. However, at the same time, we must note that it is impossible to draw clear demarcation lines separating social psychology from other sciences. The famous French social psychologist S. Moscovici characterized social psychology as a "bridge" between other branches of knowledge (Moscovici, 1989). He meant that social psychology refers to the discoveries of sociology, anthropology, political science, economics and biology in order to better understand how the individual is included in the larger social system.

      § 4. Two social psychologies

      Perhaps the title of this paragraph will seem rather strange to another reader, but nevertheless, as they say, the fact remains. Already from the beginning of the last century, two main branches of social psychology, psychological and sociological, began to take shape, primarily in the United States. Differences between the problems of these two areas and their theoretical foundations sometimes look very significant. Evidence of such

      State of affairs is given by the American sociologist A.S. Tomars. In one of the colleges he knew, social psychology was taught in a psychology course. Over the years, she was taught both semesters, but with two different teachers. One of them gravitated towards sociology, the other towards individual psychology. The courses of these teachers had almost nothing in common with each other, and as a result, students endured "completely different ideas about the subject read to them, depending on whether they listened to it in the fall or in the spring semester" (Tomars, 1961).

      Noting the presence of theoretical and practical problems caused by a kind of duality of social psychology, G.M. Andreeva believes that this state of affairs is permissible only at some stage in the development of science, and "the benefit of discussions about its subject should be, among other things, in contributing to an unambiguous solution of the issue" (Andreeva, 1996, p. 22) ... However, so far, the existence of two social psychologies has been stated on the pages of modern American and European textbooks as a tribute to a long-established tradition (Franzoi, 1996; Houston et al., 2001).

      First of all, it is noted that, although both areas of socio-psychological knowledge consider social behavior, they do it from different theoretical positions. The focus of psychological social psychology is on the individual. In doing so, researchers try to understand and predict social behavior, turning to the analysis of immediate stimuli, psychological states and personality traits. Variations in behavior are assumed to be due to how people interpret social stimuli, or their personality differences. Even when studying group dynamics, there is a tendency to explain these processes at the individual level. The main research method here is experiment. Proponents of sociological social psychology, by contrast, downplay the role of individual differences and the effects of direct social incentives on behavior. The focus of this direction is the group or society. At the same time, researchers turn to the analysis of societal variables, such as socioeconomic status, social roles, and cultural norms, in order to understand social behavior. Much attention is paid here to the characteristics of larger social groups than in psychological social psychology. Therefore, social psychologists of the sociological direction are mainly concerned with the explanation of such societal problems as poverty, crime, deviant behavior.

      The main research methods here are polls and participant observation.

      It is generally accepted that both areas of modern social psychology influence each other, mutually enriching. However, today, despite this mutual influence, psychological social psychology and sociological social psychology are developing in parallel. Considering the problems of social psychology in this book, we will proceed from the psychological direction of this science. The understanding of social psychology as a psychological science is characteristic of the socio-psychological school of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State University, where such an understanding is traditional.


      1. Scientific approach to understand the behavior of a person
        century involves taking into account a certain social context,
        those. close connection of a person with all his social environment.

      2. Social psychology is a science that studies law
        the dimensions of people knowing each other, their relationships
        and mutual influences. The focus of the social psychologist
        the consequences of various kinds of contacts between
        people, manifested in the form of thoughts, feelings and actions from
        efficient individuals. These contacts can be both direct
        natural (face to face) and mediated (by
        the use of mass communications).

      3. The structure of social psychology as a science includes
        the following sections: social psychology of personality, social
        mental psychology of communication and interpersonal interaction
        viya, social psychology of groups.

      4. The specificity of social psychology as a science, in contrast to co
        ciology and psychology of personality consists in the use of in
        terpersonal level of analysis. Attention of social
        psychologists focuses on the current social situation,
        in which there was any personality. Social situation
        tion includes other people in a given environment, their mouth
        novelties and behavior, as well as the attitude towards this person.

      5. Since the beginning of the last century, two branches of social
        mental psychology - psychological and sociological. Both
        directions consider social behavior, but with time
        personal theoretical positions. The focus of psycholo
        The individual is located in the classical social psychology. In the center
        attention of sociological social psychology - group
        or society as a whole. Both directions of modern social
        psychology influences each other, mutually enriching.
      Key concepts

      / Social context V Social psychology V Social psychology of personality

      S Social psychology of communication and interpersonal interaction

      V Social psychology of groups S Interpersonal analysis S Psychological social psychology V Sociological social psychology

      Additional reading literature

      Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M Aspect-Press 1996.

      Aronson E., Wilson T., Aykert R. Social Psychology. SPb .: PRIME-EVROZNAK, 2002.

      Parygin B.D. Social Psychology. SPb .: IGUP, 1999.

      Social psychology / Otv. ed. AL. Zhuravlev. M .: PER SE, 2002.

      Social psychology in the works of Russian psychologists. SPb .: Peter, 2000.

      Shikhirev P.N. Contemporary social psychology. M .: Publishing house "Institute of Psychology RAS", 1999.

      The textbook contains a systematic presentation of the foundations of social psychology. It highlights such fundamental problems as the social psychology of the individual, the mutual influence of the individual and the group, communication and social cognition, interpersonal influence. The history of the development of socio-psychological knowledge is also thoroughly considered, an overview of the main methods of social psychology is given. The content of this textbook corresponds to the course program and is based on materials from domestic and foreign socio-psychological research, including the most modern works. For students of higher educational institutions, teachers, everyone interested in the problems of social psychology.

      Foreword Chapter 1. Social psychology as a science § 1. What is the social context? § 2. The subject of social psychology § 3. Specificity of the socio-psychological approach § 4. Two social psychologies Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 2. History of the development of socio-psychological knowledge § 1. Search for the causes of social behavior: from antiquity to the XX in § 2. Making social psychology independent science § 3. Basic theoretical approaches in Western social psychology § 4. Development of domestic social psychology Abstract Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 3. Methods of social psychology § 1. Stages of social and psychological research § 2. Correlation and experimental research § 3. Observation § 4. Interview methods § 5. Document analysis Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 4. Personality in the social world § 1. The concept of personality § 2. Self-concept and self-esteem § 3. Social identity as a part of Self-concept § 4. Self-regulation § 5. The concept of social role § 6. В Fulfillment of social roles § 7. Mutual influence of personality and social role Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 5. Socialization § 1. The nature of socialization § 2. Theories of socialization § 3. Socialization agents Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 6. Social attitude and behavior § 1. The concept of attitude § 2. Formation and change of attitudes § 3. The concept of dispositional regulation of personality behavior § 4. Is there a connection between attitudes and behavior? Summary Key concepts References for additional reading Chapter 7. Social groups: basic characteristics § 1. Group as an object of socio-psychological analysis § 2. Functions of the group § 3. Group size §4. Group structure § 5. Intragroup communications § 6. Sociometry as a method of studying group structure § 7. Classification of groups § 8. Organization as a social group Summary Key concepts References for additional reading Chapter 8. Group influences on individual behavior § 1. Phases of group membership § 2. The influence of group norms on the personality § 3. Conformity: the influence of the majority §4. Conformity: minority influence § 5. Reference groups and personality § 6. Social facilitation § 7. Social relaxation § 8. Social facilitation and social relaxation § 9. Deindividualization Summary Key concepts References for additional reading Chapter 9. Group dynamics and group efficiency § 1. The concept of group dynamics § 2. Psychological compatibility of group members § 3. Decision making in groups § 4. Pros and cons of group decision making § 5. Leadership and leadership in groups and organizations § 6. Socio-psychological climate of the group Summary Key concepts Literature for additional reading Chapter 10. Communication and social cognition § 1. The concept of communication § 2. Main aspects of the communicative process § 3. Non-verbal communication § 4 Formation of the first impression of a person § 5. Social categories and stereotypes § 6. Causal attribution § 7. Social interaction and communication Summary Key concepts Additional reading literature Chapter 11. Interpersonal influence and social power § 1. Definition of concepts § 2. Dependence , uncertainty and power § 3. How do people p influenced? § 4. Foundations of social power (psychological aspects) § 5. Authority of the power of legitimacy § b. From obedience to aggressiveness § 7. Problems and perspectives of studies of influence and power Abstract Key concepts Literature for additional reading Literature

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