Kiev Institute of Bioresources. National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine Nubip (National Agrarian University)

The mission of the National University of Bioresources and the Environmental Management of Ukraine is:

Create, systematize, store and distribute modern scientific knowledge in order to improve the quality of life of people; Training of specialists because of European and world intellectual and personal development.

In accordance with the status of higher educational institutions, National University Bioresources and environmental management Ukrainehas. Accreditation level IV, Andes Research Institute, which conducts teaching; Research; scientific and innovative; educational and industrial; and information and consulting measures aimed at learning modern problems Life science and ambient; When using, reproduction and balanced development of terrestrial and water ecosystems of bioresources, the introduction of new environmental agro- and biotechnology, the rebirth technologies and soil fertility, energy-saving agricultural technologies, the environment and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and monitoring compliance with standards, quality and safety Agricultural products, recycled products and the environment.

The National University of Bioresources and the Environmental Management of Ukraine is one of the leading institutions of education, science and culture in Ukraine. More than 26 thousand students and more than 600 graduates, PhD Students and seekers Studyat 3 educational and research institutes and 13 departments of the Basic University Institute (in Kiev) as well 10 Separate units of NULES of Ukraine are regional universities of accreditation levels І-III.

The educational process and scientific research at the university are provided more 2,600 scientific and educational and pedagogical workers, including 300 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 1,000 associate professors and candidates of science.

The National University of Bioresources and the Environmental Management of Ukraine consists of the following structural divisions:

  • educational and research institutes;
  • departments;
  • chairs;
  • research institutes, including:

Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology;
Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety APK products;
Research and Design Institute of Standards and Environmentally Safety and Organic Products Technology (in Odessa);

  • training, educational and scientific, research, problem of research, problem of scientific, education, scientific and industrial laboratories;
  • higher educational institutions levels of I-III accreditation:

Irpen Economic College (Kiev region)
Nemishaevo Agricultural College (Kiev region)
Boyar college ecology and natural resources (Kiev region)
E. Khraplyvyizalishchyky Agricultural College »(Ternopil region)
; . Maynovabobrovytsya College of Economics and Management (Chernihiv region)
Mukachevsky Agricultural College (Transcarpathian region)
Berezhanyagrotechnical College (Ternopil region)
Nezhin Agricultural College (Chernihiv region)  Education, information and consulting centers:
Luben Ticc (Poltava region)
MALYNSKYI TICC (Zhytomyr region)
Tarashchanskyi Ticc (Kiev region)
Mukachivskyi Ticc (Transcarpathian region)

Bobrovytskyi Ticc (Chernihiv region)

  • educational and research facilities and research stations:

Station of agronomical research (Kiev region)
Boyarka Forestry Studies (Kiev region)
; . MuzychenkovelyKosnytinske Research and Education, Farm (Kiev region)
Education and research Farm "Vorzel" (Kiev region)

  • other structural divisions, including:

Ukrainian scientific and educational innovation center of the newest agricultural facilities and technologies;
Botanical Garden;
Educational and scientific and production hoots;
Sports and Wellness Camp "Akademichnyi" (Odessa region)

The university also includes units located in Crimea:

  • South Branch of Nules Ukraine "Krymsky agrotechnological university»;
  • Prybrezhnenskyi Agricultural College;
  • Crimean agro-industrial college;
  • Bakhchisaray Construction Technical College;
  • Crimean technical school of hydroelectric and ameliacal and mechanization of agriculture;
  • Station Training and Scientific Horticulture, Viticulture, Park and Forestry Gardening.

The main tasks of the University's Charter are:

1) educational and cultural activities:

  • training personnel with incomplete higher education, basic higher education, full higher education, as well as workers' professions for the agricultural and environmental sector;
  • ensuring further improvement of the system of higher agricultural and environmental education in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process and international standards in the field of sustainable development of the agro-industrial sphere, bioresources and rural areas;
  • advanced training and retraining of specialists for agriculture, forestry, fisheries farm, veterinary medicine and environmental sector;
  • training, advanced training and certification of educational, preparation and certification of scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualifications for the university and other educational and research institutes;
  • the formation of high culture students and national civil self-consciousness;
  • creation of proper conditions for study, work, health care, recreation and recovery of students, graduate students, PHDS and university staff;
  • preparation, publishing, production and sale of educational, scientific, teaching materials and other printed products;
  • professional training, including training, retraining and advanced training of vehicles, tractors, combines drivers, masters of the production process for the agricultural and environmental sector;

2) Scientific, Research and Publishing:

  • organizing and conducting research projects based on the experience of leading foreign research universities;
  • organization and holding of conferences, symposia, congresses, including international;
  • edition of scientific pagan works, university scientific and teaching staff, conference materials, symposia, meetings, thematic works, scientific reports and other publications for the development of the agricultural sector, the economy, the environment, social development countryside;

3) Innovative activity:

  • development and implementation in accordance with the principles of protection of intellectual property modern technologies and biotechnologies, quality and environmental safety standards, biodiversity conservation, energy, alternative energy in agriculture, forestry, gardening and agricultural park and storage fishing, transportation and processing of agricultural, food and biotechnology products;
  • development, probationary period, standardization and introduction of advanced equipment, facilities and agricultural technologies, obtaining biologically valuable and environmentally friendly products, raw materials and food from industrial branches agro-, forest management and natural complexes;
  • the introduction of international standards and compliance with bioethics in diagnosis, prevention, treatment and ensuring animal and plant health;
  • determining the quality, safety and compliance with international requirements for standardization, certification and licensing agro-industrial, food and bio resources and environmental complexes;
  • monitoring, forecasting and modeling of sustainable development of terrestrial and water ecosystems using modern technologies rational Environmental Management and restoration of rural areas;
  • satisfying the information and consulting needs of producers of agricultural products and the public in the process of implementing modern mechanisms, management systems in the field of socio-economic, land, legal relationships and formation public Policy in the field of agriculture and environmental protection sectors;

4) University Activities as a Research Institution:

  • the provision of educational, research, and scientific and innovative integration as a way to increase staff training and accelerate the implementation of scientific and technological progress in agriculture and environmental sectors by participating in the development of fundamental and applied programs and interactions with entities;
  • Formation of university research and innovative centers (research institutes, educational and scientific, education, scientific and research and research and innovative centers, etc.), which are aimed at solving the fundamental problems of operational and applied scientific and industrial Problems. Expanding cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other sectoral Academies of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as with foreign scientific research institutes;
  • development of experimental projects and the formation of experimental enterprises for the production of competitive products, the development of new technologies, materials and vehicles, their implementation in the field of agriculture, forestry and water management and the processing industry in accordance with national and international standards;
  • integration of research activities of the University with leading global universities (the implementation of joint research projects, conferences, symposia, exhibitions, scientific contests students, receiving grants, publication of joint scientific and educational works (books, monographs, instructions, guidelines, etc.), the creation of an educational, scientific and methodological electronic database, the use of modern information and communication systems in agriculture and the environmental industry);
  • development and implementation in the industrial sector Advanced technologies for high quality, safe and competitive agricultural, forestry, fisheries and food products. Providing state and arbitration independent examination of the quality and safety of agricultural products and food and the environment in accordance with international and national standards;
  • master training programs that provide them with specialization in accordance with the most significant industrial, research, training, scientific and innovative trends based on the latest achievements in the field of science and technology and international standards in the field of environmental management, as well as on product quality and safety and safety numbers and environment, which will provide jobs and increase activity in relation to professional development;

5) International activities:

  • ensuring international activities in the field of science and education in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, strengthening the university's integration into world education and research field;
  • participation in international projects and programs, scientific and practical conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
  • creation of jointly with foreign partners of educational and scientific, research institutes, centers and other associations to fulfill educational and research programs and submissions of relevant education certificates.

The National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine is a national, self-governing (autonomous) state higher education institution. Self-government (autonomy) of the university (in accordance with the Charter) provides:

1) university right to take independent solutions and take appropriate measures within their competence in academic, education, scientific, research, production and economic activity;

2) personal standards of finance and remuneration do not apply to individual units, educational and research facilities, research stations, as well as institutions of levels of I-III accreditation (technical school, colleges, institutions);

3) self-determination of forms of organization and payment of employees, the procedure for the use of funds from budget sources, including the share of wages allocated to pay and encourage compensation;

4) implementation of other activities on the basis of direct contractual relations, agreements and contracts;

5) the right to create and terminate the activities of structural units, which are part of it, including those separated from them, and in the prescribed manner to accept the property of other legal entities;

6) implementation of joint activities and cooperate within the framework of agreements with other universities, enterprises, institutions and organizations in accordance with the legislation.

The process of receiving in the National University of Bioresources and the Environmental Management of Ukraine

since 2016. Reception process in Ukrainian universities for foreign students Iveco through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
To contact the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine, foreign students should apply online through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
After checking all parts in the reception center, they will send an invitation to students.
With the invitation letter, students can contact the nearest Embassy of Ukraine and get a student visa.
No exams, TOEFL, IELTS is required if you make an application through the Ukrainian Admission Center.


The National Agrarian University is the leading higher education institution in Ukraine. His story begins with the basis of the foundation of the Department of Agriculture within Kiev polytechnic Institute (KPE) The composition that is transformed into the Faculty of Agricultural Faculty in 1918. The Kiev Agricultural Institute was created in the CPI on the basis of this faculty, and in 1923 this institute became an independent educational institution. From 1930 in 1934, Kiev Institute Agronomy, Kiev Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Kiev AG Engineering Institute of Sugar Industry and AG-Economic Institute has been formed and began its activities there. These institutions were subsequently reorganized into independent research institutes and faculties.

Kiev Forest Institute began its history in the 1840 Faculty of Faculty of Forestry of the Institute of Rural and Forestry in the city of Marimont (Poland) who moved to Novoaleksandria (now Pulavy) in 1862. After the early 1st World War (1914) Novoaleksandrian Institute of Rural and Forestry It was translated into Kharkov and in 1921 he became the Kharkiv Institute of Rural and Forestry. In 1930, the Faculty of Faculty of the Kharkov Agrarian Institute was merged with the Forestry-Length Faculty of the Kiev Agrarian Institute. As a result, the Ukrainian Forestry Institute appeared and was transformed into the Kiev Forestry Institute in the same year.

In 1954, the Kiev Agricultural Institute was combined with the Ukrainian Forest Institute in one educational institution - Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (drop).

During the 1956-1962 UAA period, the educational department of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences was.

In 1957 Kiev, the veterinary institute was added to its structure. Kiev The Veterinary Institute begins its history from the Verinary Faculty of KPI (1920) which was transformed into an independent institution of higher education - Kiev Veterinarian and stock breeding Institute, from which Kiev Veterinary Institute was separated in 1930.

since 1962 UAA became subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR.

In 1982, the branch of the Academy in Vinnitsa was founded and in 1991 he became an independent institution (currently Vinnitsa State Agrarian University).

Over the years 1985-1990, UAA has been to help in coordination and activities aimed at creating an agricultural institution in the city of Phnompene (Cambodia).

On the basis of UAA, the National Agrarian University was founded in August 1992. In accordance with the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine No. 158 Made in July 29, 1994, he received the status of the National. Since then, he was named National Agrarian University and, in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 387, was made in June 1, 1995, it is under the functional rule of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from April 23 1996 # 448 and May 29 1997 # 526 Nezhin (Chernigovshchina) and Berezhanas (Ternopil region) Agrotechnical colleges, Irpen Irpen Technical School, Boyarka, Nemishaevo (Kiev region) and Gunners (Ternopil region) Agricultural Technical schools were included in the formation. Their rights of legal entities are preserved. In 1999, due to the results of school accreditation and Nemishaevo, Irpen Technical was provided with the status of College and in 2002 Nezhinsky and Berezhny Colleges received the status of the Institute.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 28, 2004 No. 517-r., Joint Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the National Agrarian University 18.08.2004 .. No. 304/377 South Branch "Crimean Agrotechnological University" of the National Agrarian Universit U was created (Will. Agrarians, Simferopol, Ar Crimea) as a structural unit with individual rights legal entity. It was created on the basis of the Crimean State Agricultural University, which is eliminated along with its structural units (the Order of the Red Banner of the Agro-Industrial College, Bahchysaray Branch of the Order of the Red Banner of the Agroindustrial College, Technical School of Prybrezhnensk, and the Technical School of Hydrogenicelioration and Mechanization of Agriculture).

In accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 7, 2005 No. 497 "On the reorganization of Bobrovick National Agrarian-Economic Technical Academy" Bobrovick National Agro-Economic Technical Academy is included in the National Agrarian University.

Decree of the President of Ukraine # 1338 signed in December 14, 2000 called "Point of National Agrarian University" and Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine # 202 Made in March 1 "On the National Agrarian University" Chi gave the status of a state self-government (autonomous) institution of higher vocational education, as well as a number of other commissions.
In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.10.2003, No. 584 in the structure of the National Agrarian University, a Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of agriculture was created.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 14, 2007, No. 47 "On the reorganization of the Mukachevian State Agricultural College" Mukachevsky State Agricultural College was included in the National Agrarian University.

In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 27, 2008, No. 742 was formed a Ukrainian educational and scientific institute of information and telecommunication support for the agro-industrial and environmental sector of the economy as a separate division of the National Agrarian University.

To expand educational, research and innovative activity National Agrarian University to meet the needs of the agro-industrial, environmental and other sectors of the economy, as well as the need to adapt these events with the requirements of international organizations, research universities in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 30, 2008 No. 945 National Agrarian University renamed National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine (Nubip).

The composition of the Supervisory Board of the University approved the same decree and made changes to its charter. The university in accordance with the status of higher educational institutions has the IV level of accreditation, is the type of research institute, which conducts teaching, scientific research, scientific and innovative, training and information and advisory activities aimed at developing contemporary problems of life and surrounding Environments, use, reproduction and balanced development biological resources In terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the introduction of new environmental agricultural biotechnology, soil safety and fertility restoration technology, energy-saving agrotechnologies, environmental and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and monitoring compliance with standards, quality and safety of agricultural products, products of its processing and environmental .

Information for applicants:

Training courses:works at Derevuzov training center.

List of documents for admission to the university:application in the name of the rector, a state document on the full general secondary education; Certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment; Medical certificate in form 086-y (original or its certified copy); 6 photos 3 x; document on the right to benefits; copy of the certificate of assignment of the identification number; Copy of passport 1, 2 pages and place of residence (birth certificate), military ID (certificate of prescription to the draft area). The deadline for submission of documents for admission to the university: on day shape - from June 16 to July 15, on a daily form on a contract basis - from June 16 to August 26; on the correspondence form - From June 16 to July 15, at the correspondence form on a contract basis and on external, from June 16 to August 26 and from November 3 to December 25.
For entry into the directions of "Agronomy", certificates of UDCOs are needed by subject: ukrainian language and literature, biology, chemistry or english.
For entry into the direction of "Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Environment", Certificates of UDCOs on subjects are necessary: \u200b\u200bUkrainian language and literature, biology, mathematics, chemistry or English.
For entry into the direction of "biotechnology", Certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or biology.
For entry into the direction of "Technology of production and processing of livestock products", certificates are necessary for subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, biology, chemistry or English.
For entry into the direction of "Food technologies and engineering", certificates of UTSOCO on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, biology, chemistry or mathematics.
For entry into the directions of "Water bioresources and aquaculture", certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, biology or chemistry.
For entry into the direction of "Veterinary Medicine", certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, biology, chemistry or English.
For entry into the direction of "Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management", "Building", "Computer Sciences", Certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or physics.
For entry into directions "Accounting and Audit", "Finance and Credit" "Management" requires certificates of UDCO on subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or English.
For entry into the directions of "Economic Cybernetics", "Economics of the enterprise", "Marketing", certificates of UTSOCO on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or geography.
For entry into the direction "Forest and Garden and Park Economy" requires Certificates of UDCOs on subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, biology or English.
For entry into the direction of "Woodworking Technologies", certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or physics.
For entry into the direction "Law", "Social work" requires Certificates of UDCOs on subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, the history of Ukraine.
For entry into the direction of "Philology", certificates of UDCOs on subjects are needed: Ukrainian language and literature, a foreign language.
For entry into the directions of "Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnology", "Automation and computer-integrated technologies", "Transport technologies (by types of transport)", "Processes, machinery and equipment of agro-industrial production", "Energy and electrical systems in the agro-industrial complex", " Mechanical Engineering »Certificates of UDCOs on subjects: Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics or physics.

Ul. Heroes of Defense, 13. House of Faculty of Faculty of Kyiv Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and other universities. 1929

Circuited for the Faculty of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture for the Arch Project. D. Dyachenko. Preserved without significant changes. The house occupies an essential place in the town-planning complex of NAU, is a valuable monument of the architecture of Soviet times.
From 1929, the faculties of the KSHA were held in the building, which since 1930 began to function as independent higher educational institutions: Kiev Institute of Mechanization and Electrocariate Agriculture (Kymesg), which 1935 was part of the KSHA, as well as the Kiev Agrio-Engineering Institute of Sugar Industry (1930-33), Kiev Agrockedaging Institute (1930-32). In 1935-41 and 1944-54, the enclosure also housed the administrative part of the KSHA, from 1954 - the Faculty of University.
In the house worked: 1929-30, 1944- 49 - Vasilenko Andrei Overjanovich (1891-1963) is a scientist in the field of engineering and agricultural mechanics, Acad. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since 1948). He taught in KSHA 1924-49 (with a break). In 1928 - 30 - Head, 1944-49 - Professor of the Department of Agricultural Machines. At the same time, worked in the Ukrainian Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Ukrainian Research Institute of Agriculture based on its initiative. From 1945 - Director of the Laboratory of Engineering and Problems of Agricultural Mechanics at the Department of Technical Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1950-58 - the Institute of Machine Station and Agricultural Mechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Physicotechnology Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Scientific works The scientist is devoted to the issues of research and the design of agricultural machinery, the technologies of their production and repair. Developed improved models of combustion machines, beetroof harvesters, etc. In 1944 - 49, it worked on the second floor (now rooms No. 33-34).
1939-41 - Grishko Nikolai Nikolayevich (1901-64) - Botanist, Acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1939), one of the founders and director (1944-58) Central Republican Botanical Garden Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (now National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), which since 1991 is the name of the scientist, Chairman of the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1945- 48). Professor of the Department of Selection KSHA (1939-41). At the same time, the director of the Institute of Botanists Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1939-4), Chairman of the Ukrainian Department of the All-Union Agricultural Society (1940-48). He investigated the issues of genetics, breeding, introduction and acclimatization of plants. With his name, priority is associated with the decision of the floor higher Plants, Development of gender control methods and removing new cannabis varieties.
1944 - 58 - Demidenko Tit Trofimovich (1891-1959) is a scientist in the field of crop production, Corr. Academy of Sciences NSR (since 1951). In 1945-55 he was headed by the Department of Courts of Court of Kshi-Comb, then a professor, honorary member of the Department. He investigated the root nutrition of agricultural plants, new effective methods for increasing their yields. I established critical periods in the use of water for individual crops, which made it possible to determine the optimal terms of their irregularities. He worked on the third floor (now room number 64), in 1962-68 - in the office of the university's rector in the corps number 3.
1950s. - Okanenko Arkady Semenovich (1894-1982) - Plant physiologist, Corr. Wasgn (since 1957) and the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (with
1966, Honored Worker of Science of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1973). 1922-30 worked at the Department of Botany, in the 1950s. - at the Department of Physiology of Agricultural Plants KShi-Comb. At the same time he headed the department of the Institute of Plant Physiology by the USSR Academy of Sciences (from 1950). Scientific works are devoted to the problems of increasing the sugarness of beets and the intensity of photosynthesis. In the 1920s. Investigated gas exchange in a letter of sugar beet directly in the field conditions, in 1950 and Gg. - phenomena of depression photosynthesis and its connection with soil moisture. Developed a scientific basis for the use of potash fertilizers with different content of this element in plants and soils. He worked on the third floor (now room number 58).
1963 - 88 - Lebedev Sergey Ivanovich (1902-89) - physiologist of plants, Acad. UASGN (since 1957), Honored Worker of Science of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1973), Rector of the University of Odessa (1953-59), Vice-President of Wasgn and the rector of its complex (1959-62). During work in this house, the head of the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants, the head of the Laboratory of Photosynthesis of Comb (until 1985). Chairman of the Biological Sciences Section in the Presidium of the Board of the Republican Society "Knowledge" (from 1962). The main direction of research is a question of photosynthesis and a pigment system of plants. Developed a special course on this issue. Author tutorial In physiology of plants for agricultural universities (1967).
He worked on the third floor (now room number 58), as well as in the records of the rector during their stay in this position 1959-61 (Corpus No. 1), in 1962 (building No. 3).
2004 - Peresypkin Vladimir Fedorovich (1914-2004) - a scientist in the field of phytopathology and immunity of plants, CC. Vaschnil (from 1966), Acad. Waan (from 1990), Honored Worker of Science of the Ukrainian SSR (since 1964), Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR (1961-62). Director of KSHA (1952-54), Vice Rector for academic work (1957-59), Rector (1954, 1962-68) Comb. While working in this house in 1952-87 - Head of the Department of Entomology and Phytopathology (subsequently - protection of plants, phytopathology) of the KSHA, Comb; Then - Professor of the Department, Consultant. At the same time, the chief scientific secretary of Vaschnil (1968-69), chairman of her southern branch (1969-72). Marked by the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR (1982). He investigated the problems of immunity of agricultural plants, chemical means of combating their diseases, breeding. Personally and in collaboration, a number of rapeseed varieties and winter wheat brought, in particular, the Kyivanka grade, which was zoned in eight regions of Ukraine. The initiator of the publication and the responsible editor of the Ukrainian Agricultural Encyclopedia (1970-72). Editor of the three-grader "Disease of crops" (1988). He worked on the second floor, room number 52. In 1930-41, 1944-64, at the second floor of the house in the rooms No. 33-34, Acad also worked. Uan P. Vasilenko, from 1964 - in Corps number 7, where a memorial boards is established by a scientist.
1973 On the left of the main entrance in the wall of the facade of the house, urn with ashes Malyushitsky Nikolai Kirillovich (1872-1929) - Botany, Acad. Academy of Sciences of BSSR (since 1928). In 1927, he worked as part of the Commission on the construction of CSHA corpses, determined the place for the construction of this training building. Born 1872 in p. Bilinichi (now Mogilev region, Belarus). He graduated from the Moscow Agriculture Institute (1898). From 1912 - Director, then - Head of the Department of the Kiev Regional Agricultural Experimental Station. From 1920 - Professor, from 1921 - Head of the Department of Partial Agriculture of the KPI. From 1922 - Head of the Department of CSHA, at the same time, a real member of the scientific institution of selection (now the Institute of Sugar Beet Waan). He investigated the problems of soil nutrition of agricultural plants, potato selection, promoted the need to use mineral fertilizers in agriculture. Niche with the urn was closed with a white marble board with an inscription.
Now in the house - educational and scientific institutions of crop production and soil science for the protection of nature and biotechnology.

Ella Sanding, Tatyana Tregubova

Veterinary Institute Clinic House

Educational and technical workshop for the repair of agricultural machines KSHA 1939-40, in which he worked Kramarov V. S. ul. Defense heroes, 14 Corps No. 5. For 130 m from the Red Line of Building. Built by the Ing project. FROM. Zaraasky (He studied and worked in KSHA) for the faculty of agricultural mechanization as an exemplary workshop for the repair of agricultural machinery. Solved in the forms of neoclassicism of the Soviet era.
The structure, which remained almost primarily, is a rare sample of educational and technical workshops. After completion of the work on the equipment of the laboratory, the hull was planned in 1941-42 academic year. During the war, the building was converted by invaders to the stable. IN post-war years The house has accommodated departments for repair of machinery and operating machinery and tractor fleet, as well as the laboratory of the Tractor and Car Laboratory. Most (central) premises occupied the laboratory of harvesting machines of the Department of Agricultural Machines. 1950-84 (with a break) worked here Kramarov Vladimir Savich (1906 84) is a scientist in the field of agricultural science, CC. Vaschnil (from 1956), Acad. Wasgn (since 1957), director of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (1960-69). In KShi-sucked in 1950-84, the Vice-Rector since 1952, Rector 1957-59, head of the 1950-76 car repair department (with a break), then - Professor of the Department, Consultant. At the same time, the Vice-President of Wasgn (1957-59). He investigated the issues of technology and the organization of agricultural production, repair of tractors and other agricultural machines. Developed the first curriculum program on this issue. He worked on the first floor, room number 8. Cabinets of a scientist, as a vicector and rector of the Academy, were placed in the building number 1 on the second floor (now rooms No. 71-74). Now in the house - Department of Standardization and Repair of Machinery and Laboratory of Technical Training and Scientific Institute

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