Scenario Language day in kindergarten. International Native Language Day in the Elder Group

Objective: to introduce children with "International Native Language" . Reliable and love for their own language, as well as to other languages.


  1. To form a concept "native language" , educate in children interest in languages.
  2. Exercise children in the inventing of related words.
  3. Enrich children's speech by proverbs, sayings.
  4. To form integrative qualities: curiosity, activity, independence.

Children enter the hall to the hall, sit on chairs.


In the garden we have a fun holiday,
Cocking music around.
We are this holiday today
Ball friendship Let's call!

February 21 - International Native Language Day. Each people have their own native language. Native language "This is the language that our mothers, dads, grandparents say, where we speak."

Planet on which we live is called - Earth (Show on screen). People of different nationalities live on Earth and they say on different languages.

For example, here is the country of France (Show on screen). The French live there and they say in French.

And here is the country of China (Show on screen). Chinese people live there, people say there in Chinese.

And this is Russia (Show on screen). Russia is a very big country.

People of different nationalities live here and they say in their own native language.

Native language - the people of the public
He since childhood each of us is familiar
Verse and prose, fairy tales and loyal,
Everything is cute to us in our family.

There are a lot of nations in Russia and each of them has their own customs, songs, dancing and costumes. Let's see with you costumes of different nationalities.

What suit did you like more? Why? What nationality did you like more?

Guys, what language do we speak with you?

Native language of the people each of us is familiar from childhood. And what is the first word to give a child?

This is a cute and most expensive word in different languages \u200b\u200bsounds differently: in German - "Mother" , in English - "Maze" , French - "Mother" .

In Russian there are word-relatives. They look like and in meaning.

What word appeared on the screen? That's right, the word "SNOW" . Let's think together the family of words to this word. Educators, help the guys to invent relatives words. They look like and in meaning.

Well done! You guessed the words "SNOWFALL" and "Snowballs" .

Words "SNOW" There are also relatives. Guess the riddles and see the departs.

Lepit in winter
Miracle with a round head:
Whom will put deftly
Mouth - arc, and nose carrot,

And two eyes - coal,
Yes, from the branches of two hands.
The sun came out, he and the Snack.
Who is it? (snowman)

From the sky stars fall,
Fill on the fields.
Let them go under them
Black earth.

Many-many stars
Thin like glass;
Stars cold
And the earth is warm! (Snowflakes)

But another mystery.
Wonder janitor in front of us
Rude hands
In one minute SGRUB

Promotional snowdrift. (snowblower)

What is it? (Snowmobile, snow scooter, snowball)

Fizkultminutka - Flashmob.

Children sit on chairs.

Sounds music "Visiting a fairy tale" , comes the girl proverb.

- Hello, deubs, hello cute! Hello, beauty marshs! Hello, good-friendly! I came to you, the box of proverbs and sayings brought. And listen to me, yes on the mustache. Proverbs, Diethess, this wisdom is folk. For centuries, the Russian people composed and copied the proverbs. Proverb, because it is no wonder!

I suggest you play the game "We know you" . I scream the beginning of the proverb, and you continue it. Baryni-Sudari, help your deubs!

  • Hurry - ... Make people.
  • What goes around comes around.
  • Without difficulty ... do not catch and fish out of the pond.
  • Seven times will die ... one resignation.
  • The eyes are afraid, ... and the hands do.
  • With whom we will do ... from that and you'll get.

Well done guys, you tried, remembered proverbs and sayings.

Take gifts from me for your efforts.

Hands gifts to children.


Our holiday approached the end. Guys, what was it called? (International Native Language Day)

Children of different nations have fun living
Each other loves very much, no offense is not given.
After all, truth, friends, good on the planet,
When all children are friends on the planet?

Let's take each other's hands
And dance on a bowl of the earth!

All participants get up in a circle and water dance (snake) under the song "Kids are friends all the earth" (Words V. Viktorova, Music D. Lvov-Fair)

Leading 1. The world has an irrelevant number of languages. According to the preliminary estimate, their number is about 6 thousand. Each language is a tool for reflection of national culture, a tool for the development and preservation of spiritual and material heritage. The language of each people is original and has original expressions reflecting the mentality and the traditions of the nation. The language forms a person's mind, knowledge of the language helps to expand the horizons, deeper to penetrate the culture of another country. Recognition and respect for all languages \u200b\u200ballows you to preserve the world around the world. Since 1999, on the initiative of the UNESCO General Conference, on February 21, the International Native Language Day is celebrated as a reminder of the need to promote the development of multinationality language culture, its variety and multilingualism.

Presenter 2. Know other people's languages \u200b\u200buseful and commendable
But the native language must be originally necessary,
Clean his obstacles from the birthday,
On our native language we write congratulations,
Explain in love, we think we communicate,
And you try to write poems on it from the soul.
Do not pollute your native language - our sacred debt,
On the day of the native language - you all congratulate you!

Leading 1: Isәnmesa Measure Cell Pedagagro!

Bүgen Bula KVN.

GҗәP, Kңңella Yen.

Pedagagrarr Kөch son,

Menu Bula Tamasha!

Leading 2: Drop sadness, bad mood

And smile only for a moment,

Smiles we all gather in one

And spend a perky game.

Lead 1: Hello, dear friends! We start our holiday. Do you think KVN and pedagogy incompatible things? Our participants will prove to you the opposite. Today we will spend a creative meeting with teachers of our kindergarten. So, welcome the participants of KVN

(For the music of "call sign KVN" includes participants and sit in place).

Leading 2: Greeting the Sipkell Kyzlar team

Lead 1: We welcome the Yoldizlar team

Leading 2: How rich native language,

He is our friend, and we all believe

Knowledge of native language

Will help you in victory.

Native language

Notes the whole earth

On this day of the calendar

We wish you friends:

Good luck yes lucky!

Successes and fun!

Lead 1: Allow you to introduce you to our competent deep jury:

head of kindergarten - ......

Lead 2: All the game will be assessed, the originality of supporting fans will be assessed.

Lead 1: We invite captains of teams for the draw sequence

I Competition "Greeting"

I ask you to pay attention to the jury - the maximum for the 5 points contest.

The word is provided by the first team.

II Competition "Workout" Maximum for this contest - 5 points.

Lead 2:

Proverbs are not afraid,

Without them, it is impossible to live!

They are great assistants

And in the life of faithful friends.

Sometimes they are instructed,

Tips wise give,

Sometimes something will pass

And from trouble we will shove us.

a) The first part of the warm-up: the teams on one tell the proverbs about the language.

b) the second part of the competition: Dear teams, now you will receive a set of words from which you need to make a statement about your native language. (Team members must compile this statement)

Lead 1: While the teams are preparing, will spend the game with fans.

Tell me a similar proverb in Tatar.

1. Current Lyasi. (Lәchtit Sartarga)

2. With Tsar Pea. (Khan Zamanynda)

3. After the rain on Thursday. (Kyzyl Car Yagach)

4. Gross Price. (Bәjasy Sukir Ber Tien)

5. Two steam socopag. (Chilәgenә KүRә Capacocci)

6. Attempt is not torture. (Yatyp Kalganca, Atyype Cal)

7. Pile of Mala. (Chup өshenә chrimatic)

8. Beat to the Babyushi. (Trude Tibәrgә)

Leading 2. And now the word is provided to members of the jury.

First passage:

"Bunny found boots and put on a hare. He took off again. And so several times. The day ran, the other, and on the third day I roared and says Mother: "Mom, mother's legs hurt ..." (Abdulla Alish "Stupid Zabonok")

The second passage:

"Cat with us eats and drinks, with us going to sleep together.

And the work has a cat - a house from mice sees "

(Gabdulla Tukai "Our Family")

Third passage:

"Everything is like snow, she is alone

Like blood was red,

The whole glade was crowded to her:

Why did you change? " (Musa Jalil "Red Chamomile")

Fourth passage:

"Don't need dinner for them and do not need food,

Almost the idea of \u200b\u200bthem: where to run away, where?

The attack came to the wolves, oh, Lord, forgive!

How do you hit the legs to you?! (Gabdulla Tukai "Goat and Baran")

Fifth excerpt:

Quiet twilight, the sun sits down

I heard how the bird is crying.

Ku - ku, ku, ku-ku. (Musa Jalil "Cuckoo")

Sixth passage:

"Kөnnәr Yakty Bulsyn is - әni Kir!

Yoka Tatla Bulsyn is әni Kir!

Җil Yagyrdan Saklar ө әNi Kryk!

USAALLARDAN YAKLARS өNEY KIR! " (Robert Minunullin "әNi Kirәk")

Leading 2: Tatars Tele - Tugan Tel,

Noiseless Gaziz Bulgan Tel

ӘTi-әni, әbi-babai

Noiselessly tongue tang.

TөRL ISEM YөrtSəK Tə without
Tick \u200b\u200bBer Genə Tugan Temostsis,
Tick \u200b\u200bBer Genə Tugan Ibiz.

Music Pause - We meet Ulimov Gulnaz Ravilevna

V Competition "Competition Captains" Competition is estimated at 4 points.

Captain competition consists of two parts:
1. Captains ask each other pre-prepared questions in turn. (2 questions)
2. After viewing the cartoon plot without sound, the captain with the help of the team voiced it. Viewing the plot of 1-2 minutes, preparation for sounding 2-3 minutes. (Only Russian-speaking team members participate in the competition)

6. Guess Crossword

Lead 2: The following task - Guess the crossword

We are pleasant of the sound of the native language,
He, like music, comes to our hearts!
Today we congratulate the countrymen,
Those who are our language to love ready

Native language - Gift Mother,
Keys from the Mirozdanya and Spring!
He tried the mind and gives inspiration!
He in chain one communicates generation

7 Competition "Homework"

Maximum for this contest 5 points.

Teams must submit a creative interpretation of a fairy tale on the Tatar way, with humor and musical accompaniment. We ask the team to go beyond the scenes to prepare for staging.

While the teams are preparing for drapes

Game with the audience "Sharad"

Lead 1: game with fans "Nindi tel?"

What is our language on which our grandparents, moms and dads spoke, we say with you: Mattur, Tugan, Yomshak, Bai, Nekotla - gentle, beautiful, mighty, murmurous ...

Leading 2: The Sipkell Kyzlar team will refuse Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok"

Team "Joldizlar" stages the Russian folk fairy tale "Three sisters"

Lead 1: We ask members of the jury to evaluate the performances of teams.

Leading 2: Thank team for the performance and ask our competent jury to put points for the competition. (presentation)

Lead 1. So our creative meeting has come for completion. In this friendly, the warm atmosphere competed on two teams "Yoldizlar" and "Sipkell Kyzlar". I would like to provide the final word jury. (Summarizing.)

Leading 2: You can talk - you are a man
It is even more important to think to learn.
Fathers language is always native forever,
Today he needs to worship.

Native language - the people of the public
He since childhood each of us is familiar
Poems and prose, fairy tales and loyal,
Everything is cute to us in your own native language!
Teach, take care of the native speech,
Poems Fit, decorating life!
Let's let the descendants alive
So that the people about the people save!

In conclusion, the song "Tugan Tel"

Purpose: Introduce children with the "International Native Language Day". Enrich spiritual world children; through different kinds Activities, form in children their attitude towards the international day of the native language.

- Give the concept what kind of native language and why it is called relatives.
- to form in children the skills of listeners culture;


- develop inquisitiveness in children and interest in languages.


- to bring up respect and love for the native language, as well as to other languages.

Preliminary work: 1 week before the classes of each child and his family distribute on 1 sheet of colored paper 10 × 10 cm. Suggest the whole family to think about what kind and good words. Write these words in your native language and learn them with a child.

Structure occupation

Educator: I brought you very important today and need subject

. - What is it? \\The globe\\

And what is the globe? \\ Little globe model \\

- Globe painted different colors. What color what does it mean?

\\ Blue - Sea and Oceans, Green - Forests and Plains, Yellow, Brown - Mountains and Desert. \\

- On the globe we can see all countries.

Educator: Guys, in which country do we live?, In which city?

what language do we speak with you?

And in what language they say:

ukrainians - Ukrainian.

belarusians - Belarusian.

poles - Polish.

germans - German, etc.

In the whole world, there are from 3 to 5 thousand different languages. Among them are the so-called world languages \u200b\u200b- Russian, English, French, German, Spanish.

Today we will talk about the international day of the native language, as a means of communication. It is no coincidence, because February 21 - International Day of the Native Language! It was established in 1999. Usually the first language in which the person learns to speak is a native language. In the world, many languages \u200b\u200bhave their own languages. They say they write letters, poems, sing songs. This is a native language. We were taught to speak native people on it, we think on it. Correctly talk and write in your native language means to be able to reflect and express your thoughts. Therefore, your native language needs to know and take care

The land is inhabited by different living beings: from the smallest bacteria to such giants like elephants and whales. But only a person has the gift of the word. And no matter how we define this gift - the sacred, divine, majestic, magnificent, invaluable, immortal, wonderful - we will not reflect in the entire fullness of his huge meaning.

How is it great and implained

My tongue! He is native

From all sides, he is pleasant to me.

He is so mighty, so alive!

Oh how wonderful of his creativity

Speech, speaking!

I am with him, like with air, I live.

Without a native language, wise

I can't live!

With me, he is everywhere and everywhere,

It will help in happiness and in trouble.

My Russian, my native language,

You are unmanaged and great!

Poems (tells the child)

No, there is no beautiful homeland -

Boat warrior warns.

Here it is, named Russia,

From the seas started to the seas.

Kremlin stars

We are burning above

Their light comes everywhere!

Good homeland have guys

AND better than that Motherland



Educator: Guys, and the riddles do you know?

Always in the mouth, and do not swallow.

Although not a hat, but with fields,
not a flower, but with the root,
Talking with us
All understandable.

Here was born, live,

You are leaving - you miss

What is your name, do you know?

Konstantin Ushinsky "Our Fatherland"

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call it by the Fatherland because it lived in the life of the century and grandfather our grandfathers. My homeland, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our native language and everything is native for us. Mother - Because she focused her waters, learned her tongue and, as a mother, protects and protects us from all enemies ... There are a lot of good states in the world, but one person has a native mother, one and his homeland.

Game "pick up the word"

russian ... (coat of arms, flag, house, anthem)

russian ... (People, Language, Cold. Frost, House, Spirit,)

Antonyms - words with the opposite value. Today you will learn how to make a couple of words:

The game "Words on the contrary"

cold - Heat: Wide-narrow, thick - thin, hot-haired,

loud - quiet day-night. good bad.

long - short, etc.

Educator: Our Russian is rich and beautiful, how many words in it, with the help of which we can make stories, invent fairy tales, compose poems and just communicate.

Love your homeland your own language and your people!

Zhura - Zhura -Juvell!

She flew off one hundred lands.

She went around, went around.

Wings, nodulated legs,

We asked the crane:

- Where is the best land?

He answered, fleeing:

- Better there is no native edge.

(P. Voronneko)

Multivalued words game:

The table laid pictures, children-give a picture, they must find their pair and explain their choice. (For example, braid - hairstyle in the girl, braid - mow the grass).

a pen (hand, then what they write, part of the door)

Brush (part of the hand, for drawing)

Onion (vegetable, then than shoot)

Crane (in the bath is standing, construction)

Spit (hairstyle, then the grass is cut)


Needles for sewing, pine needles, needles hedgehog

Russian language game: "Zarya"

Children get up in a circle, hands hold his back, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Blue ribbons,

Rings wounded -

Water went.

With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who will stay without a place becomes gouring. The game is repeated

"Proverbs and sayings"

- Name the proverbs and sayings, in which we are talking about language.

- Language is the sharper razor.

- Talk to Kiev will bring.

- Language without bones, what he wants, it is bursting.

- My tongue is my enemy.

- Do not rush your tongue - hurry the case.

- Listen more, and speak less.

Exhibition "Wall of Good Words"

Suggest children in turn Show cards with "good words", which they wrote with their parents. Ask them to tell you what kind of words here are written, what they mean when they are appropriate.

After the child will show and tell about his card, he is invited to approach the large sheet and stick it with a scotch. At the end of the classes, the whole "wall of good words" is postned for viewing in the group. - Consider our newspaper, how many words we came up in our native language.

Give good words
Darite clean heart!
After all, our life is so short ...
You help to live further!
Give those who are alone
And those who are happy, life passes ...
And eternal kindness lesson
Always recognition finds.
Give good words ...
What is our life? One moment!
And for sure, someone is waiting for
When it finds the insight.
Give good words ...
Please give without constraint.
Any kindness is needed
Anyone needs a lot!
And we are silent sometimes
From the heart to give recognition
And stay behind the wall
Offend, worries and expectations.
Give good words
All - unfamiliar and beloved.
Give good words
To make this world beautiful!

Bowl Earth, on it Country,

The city is in it, and in it at home,

House on the street one

Inconspicuous, small

This house, country, land -

This is my homeland.

Our homeland is Russia

Where in lakes clouds,

Where young birings are

Dressed in lace.

Russia as a word from the song,

Birrozok Young foliage,

Circle of forest, fields and mountains,

Razdare, Russian soul.

Motherland is the stars of the Kremlin

Motherland is forests and fields,

Motherland is a trill nighting

This is the Great Our Neva.

Here and approached the end our holiday dedicated to International Day native language. Love Russian! In it, our past, present and future!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Cities Naberezhnye Chelny

Kindergarten combined type №44 "Cinderella"

Prepared and spent:

Sungatullina Rizida Fakovna

tatar language of the highest qualification category,

pedagogical work experience

in dough 34 years,

Shaichutdinova Rausa Suleimanovna

children's training teacher

tatar language 1 oh qualification category,

pedagogical work experience

in Dow 43 years

Gilmanova Lilia Gennadievna


pedagogical work experience

in dow 7 years.

Naberezhnye Chelny


Scenario of artistic - literary intelligent eveningdedicated to the International Native Language Day
"Native language - my wealth"

(for children of the senior, preparatory group)

Purpose: Introduce children with the "International Native Language Day". To give a concept that such a native language and why it is called native. Develop in children moral and patriotic feelings, national self-consciousness.

Educational tasks:

Fasten the ideas and knowledge of children about the culture and language of the Russian and Tatar people. Contribute to raising interest in the native language, the sounding of words in the languages \u200b\u200bof different nations.

Continue to acquaint with the life and creativity of the Tatar poet - Patriot Musa Jalille

Developing tasks:

Develop communication skills between children of different nationalities.

Promote the formation of artistic - aesthetic, intellectual abilities. Inquisitive, desire for new knowledge and interest in languages.

Educational challenges:

Bring up in children a sense of pride for their people, for their native language, for their homeland

Orient on human values and tolerance.

Integration educational regions:

- Socio-communicative development: the assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral values.

- Cognitive development: formation of ideas about the Maja Motherland and the Fatherland, about the diversity of the countries and the peoples of the world.

- Speech development: speech possession as a means of communication and culture

- Artistic - aesthetic development: music perception fiction, folklore; Stimulating empathy of artistic works characteristics.

- Physical development: mastering rolling games with rules.

Equipment and materials: national costumes for leading and for children, costume for the role of wise owl; Guidelines for games (drum "Field of Miracles", scarves for the game "Yurt",tape, Pens and sheets of paper for intellectual game).

Preliminary work with children: distribution between groups of dramatization of fairy tales. Learning of poems, songs, folk games. Registration of the central wall.

Preparation of the teacher: Prepare a script. Conduct a conversation with teachers and parents about the upcoming holiday.

Event flow: Two leading and children in Tatar and Russian national costumes come to the center. 1-leading in the Tatar language, 2- leading in Russian is herself with children ("Is ә namez "," Hello ").

1 lead :

And, Tugan Tel, and, Mattu bodies,

Әtkәmkәnneң body.

Dөnyad KүP Nәrsә Bendem

Sin Tugan Tel Arkila.

2 leading:

About my language, we forever

Inseparable friends

Since childhood it became clear to me

My joy and sorrow.

Children, not in vain. Today's holiday began with the poem of Gabdullah Tuka "native speech". After all, we celebrate the holiday - the "day of the native language". A person has the closest and native people - this is his parents. So the language on which they say is called native.

Each people are their own unique culture, history, lifestyle, tradition. And, of course, the language. Save his very important task. So, as the language of our ways, like a native mother, like a homeland. Our ancestors called him native language. After all, only that person is able to teach other languages, who knows his native language, reads and is interested in the culture of his native people, loves and proud of his native language.

1 child:

Every language hasThat native foreverWithout native languageNo man!

2 child:

Dөnyad and ң - and matur il

Ul - Mine Tugan Ilem.

Dөnyad and ң and ң mattur bodies

Ul Mine Tugan Telem.

3 child:

Mind and heart language Your conductor,You will fall into a dead end.Your language is your life, your dreams,You no longer you.4 child:

Tugan Telemdә SlalәShep

Lying min Tugan Ild.

Tugan Il "Digәn SZNE Dә

ӘTәm min Tugan Tendә.

5 child: We sing them, speak,From the birthAnd native languageThere is a great zeper!

6 child:

Bodies xena dus IT

Berbsenә Berketә.

Bel, Dustov, Sin Rus Tellen

Һә M. OnytmaAll speaking sh i have children together: Happy native languageWe congratulate youWe state the factWhat language we know!

2 leading:

Balls kindergarten decorated

Guests we meet and call

And song in your native language

We are angry, we joyfully sing.

Song "Friends Children of the whole Earth" V. Victorov.

2 leading:

Writers, the poets of our multinational Motherland loved, chased, enriched tongue. Predied the beauty of the richness of the native language from generation into generation. What are you Russian and Tatar writers, do you know poets?(children's responses).

(In the hall comes the wise owl under the calls for the transmission "What, where, when" in the hands of the pen, holds a large folder).

Wise Owl:

Yes, yes, yes, I also know about it. In a large forest encyclopedia, I read a lot of works of these writers. And there is written there ...

(Leading interrupts it)

2 leading: Watching the post, let me know: who are you?

Wise Owl: I am the wise, leaning, reading owl, who knows everything about everything, because everyone is intersed. For example, I know that February 21 is the international day of the native language. I know thaton the globe there are about six thousand languages \u200b\u200bamong them Russian and Tatar language are considered one of the rich and beautiful languages.

In our Motherland - Russia, Russian language is native for 130 million people and serves as the main means of communication between people of other nationalities.

2 leading: Wise Owl, thanks for such important information. Our children are also very inquisitive, and too interrupted everyone. We love and learn our native language, respect people of other nationalities, because only in friendship live easily. Not a gift they say that "friendship and fraternity is more expensive than wealth."

Wise Owl: It is very good. Then let my riddles guess:

    Sөyag Yuk, Tesh Yuk,

Sөylәmgәn Sly Yuk. (tel)

    Always in the mouth, and do not swallow. (language)

    Wet calf, per fence lies. (language)

Do you know the proverbs about your native language? (Yes).

(Wise owl pen points to a group of children those in turn tell sayings and proverbs)

- Language - soul of the people;

Body barnai il bar;

- Tongue to Kiev will bring;

Bodies - White Achkichy;

Do not rush to the language, hurry the case;

AZ S. өylә, kup you;

Word not sparrow, can't catchb;

Tatlyn's body Duks KүP;

Language is the key to know.

Bәhetle Balansң Tatla's body.

Wise Owl: Well done, for such smart and inquisitive children, I propose an intellectual competition.

Intellectual Competition "Who will be more words."

(From the words of words: 1. "Pencil", 2. "Preschooler", children with teachers together make up as many words as possible, after 1 minute I voiced out. Wester Owl defines the winner).

Wise Owl: Yes, you are intellectuals. That's actually in this I wanted to make sure because forest residents This folder was handed over for the smartest, inquisitive children.(Leaves the folder, goes out).

Leading: What did the wise owl left us? (Reads: For the game "Field of Wonders". It takes the envelopes from the folder folds on the drum field wonders) ...

Attachment to the game "Field of Miracles" revolves the drum.

game "Field of Miracles"

(In envelopes, portraits of writers whose fairy tales, children will drammatize, portraits of poets, whose poems will tell.

Preparatory groups: A. S. Pushkin, S.M. Marshak, M. Jalil;

Senior groups: k. Chukovsky, Mikhalkov, M. Jalil.

After stopping the drum from the envelope to get a portrait of a writer. Children call his name and his work. A group is invited, which pre-prepared the performance (drammatization, poems, musically - literary composition ...)

When the portrait of Jalil's Musa will fall on the drum,

2 Host: February 15, the birthday of the poet - Patriot Musa Jalil. He urged his verses to love and defend his homeland. Himself with a weapon in his hands went to dismiss the homeland from the enemies ...

He fell on a lot of tests, but he did not break, remained faithful to his homeland and the people. In very severe, inhuman conditions had to write poems.

The feat of Jalil's Muses was perpetuated. On the most important square of the city of Kazan, in front of the Kremlin, as a symbol of patriotism, love to the homeland and the people there is a monument to Musa Jalille. The opera and ballet theater in the capital of Tatarstan is his name.

In our city, one of the main prospectuses was called "Musa Jalil's Avenue ... We remember the Patriot poet, we are proud of them; Love his poem.(Children tell the poems of Musa Jalil).

(Between the speeches of children musical and gaming pauses).

Music pauses:

1. Individual song in the Tatar language "Chikertkә" L. L. Bulgaria.

2. Russian folk dance "Kadril"

Gaming pauses:

1. Tatar folk game (in Tatar language): "Capacles"

Children holding hands standing in a circle, forming a gate. One couple goes with a variete through these gates, children all pronounce these words together:

Әydәgli kielemines(Come to us)

Capocalandan Keregus(Go to the goal)

ӨEbezgә үtegez, (Come to us home)

Kunak Balp Kitegez(You have time for you)

GөRLәP Bәyrәm Thegez.(Holiday, fun with us)

The "gate" closes in the last word, and "catches" this couple of children. The game is repeated. Caught children form "gates".

2. Russian folk game: "Zarya"

Children get up in a circle, hands hold his back, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Blue ribbons,

Rings wounded -

Water went.

With the last words, driven carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they are both running in different directions in a circle. The one who will stay without a place becomes gouring. The game is repeated.

3.Bashkirskaya game "Yurt".

Children get up in a circle. In the corners there are chairs covered with painted scarves.

Children walk in a circle with the words:

We are funny guys

We will collect everything in a circle.

Let's play and drink

And we surround the meadow.

Under merry Bashkir music, children run a swear. Music stops - the children run to the chairs, depicting yurt from the heads. We defeat those children who have done faster than yurt.

2 leading: You are great children, coped with all the tasks of the wise owl. That's just one envelope remained unpropered, what is there?(opens). There are diplomas for nominations: "The most inquisitive group", "the most erudite group", the "most artistic group", the "most intellectual group".(Diplomas are awarded).

2 leading center

2 leading: Our today's holiday we started with the poem of Gabdulla Tuka, to finish it, too, with his own verses and songs written on his words.

"... With the people of Russia, we were sang,

There is a common in our household and morality ...

Make sure you can not break our friendship

We are risen on a single thread. "

1 presenter:

Tatarcha yes Yakhshy Bel,

Rough yes Yakhshy Bel.

Ikesa Dual Non-free

Iң Krykle, dodged tel.

Song "Tugan Tel", words G. Tuka, Music People


    Zakirova K.V. Balachak Alans: Balalar Bakchasy Tәrbiychelәre һәMti - әNile ө ө Krestomatiya.-Kazan: RiC.,2011.

MKDOU "Screaming kindergarten №3".

Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region.

Native Language Day.

Holiday script for preschoolers

Educator: Panasenko Tatyana Nikolaevna

Music leader:

Kulikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

2018 year

Purpose: To acquaint children with "International Native Language Day".Educational tasks:

Give the concept that such a native language and why it is so called it;

Expand the knowledge of children about the culture and language of the Russian people;

To increase interest in the native language, the sounding of words in the languages \u200b\u200bof different nations;

Enrich children's speech by proverbs and sayings, learn to explain their meaning;

Continue to acquaint with the work of the poet Sergei Yesenin.

Developing tasks:

Develop in children moral and patriotic feelings, national self-consciousness;

Develop expressiveness of speech through theatrical activity;

Develop the semantic direction of speech through the consolidation of antonyms;

Promote the formation of artistic - aesthetic, intellectual abilities;

Develop curiosity, desire for new knowledge and interest in languages.

Educational challenges:

To bring up in children a sense of pride for their people, for their native language, for their homeland;

Orient children to universal values \u200b\u200band tolerance.

Integration of educational areas:

Socio-communicative development:the assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral values.

Cognitive development:formation of ideas about the Maja Motherland and the Fatherland, about the diversity of the countries and the peoples of the world.

Speech development:possession of speech, as a means of communication and culture.

Artistic - aesthetic development:perception of music, fiction, folklore; Stimulation of empathizing the characters of theatrical representations.

Physical development:mastering rolling games with rules.

Work forms




Forms of the organization of children's activities



Explosion of speaking, poems, sayings, proverbs

Learning dance, dance, songs

Holiday travel:


Hello guys! I am glad to our new meeting and sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

You know, what is the holiday today?

On the planet Earth a lot different countries, Lucia is a lot of people and they say in different languages. Each people have their own native language. For example: French live in France. Their native language is French. In China, the Chinese. They speak Chinese. In England they speak English, in Germany - in German, in Turkey, in Turkish. We live in a big beautiful country, in Russia! Our native language is Russian. We are with you, our moms and dads, grandparents, we talk, sing songs, read poems, telling fairy tales in our native Russian.

In total, there are a huge number of languages \u200b\u200bin the world, about 6 thousand. Today, together with us, people of different countries celebrate the day of their native language.

1 Required:

Everyone is known for the word power

And how rich is the language of people.

One question is alarming again:

Who do not ask, without a doubt,

Although it is Finn, Slovak, Kazakh,

They will answer without entering the debate:

All beauty in native words!

2 child:

Every language has

That native forever!

Without native language

No human!

3 baby:

We sing them, speak

From the birth

And native language

There is a great zeper!


In early childbirth, we start acquaintance with your native language. The child hears the speech of native adults and himself learns to pronounce the first words.

What is the first word in my native language pronounces the baby? (mum)

In different languages, this word is pronounced in different ways, but it sounds equally gentle and gentle: Mande (Spanish and Italian), Nana (Chechen), Maze (English), Mamite (Lithuanian), Mamo (Ukrainian), Muter (German), Maman (French).

In our native Russian, there are a lot of gentle words that children call their moms.

Mom, what is she? (children's responses)

And now we will read the poem about mom together, I will start, and you - help.

Who will wake you up with YTP -

Will tell you: "get up"? (Mommy!)
-What who are sung?
-How - pour into a cup?
Wow to your daughter who got stopped?
-Who in the house floor in the morning I got up?
- Who are flowers in Sadynas?
-What kid kissed?
- Who child loves laughter?
-Who in the light of all all?

Song about mom.

Love for his native language comes to us since childhood, since the mother caresses his baby, sings him a lullaby song.

Now we will play in the "mother's daughter". Our "mammies" will tell me the fun who help calm the baby, help the baby to get acquainted with the world around.

1 Girl, "Washing" a doll:

Voddy, water!

Mock my face,

To the eyes glistened,

So that the brushes are red

So that the rotock laughed,

To bite the teeth!

2 Girl, "Playing" Pickles Dolls:

Ladushka, Ladushka

Baking pancakes.

We put on the window,

Cool cause.

I'll see a little -

All pancakes give!

3 Girl Soothing Doll:

Do not cry, do not cry -

Buy Kalach!

Do not hump, not no

Buy another!

Utriye tears -

I'll give you three!


Learn and love your native language to children help our relatives, beloved grandmothers, who are not tired of tales.

Do you like to listen to fairy tales?

So you will not find it difficult to answer my questions. Ready?

Who came to the house to three bear?

Who was really a nasty duck?

How many kids were your mom?

What was dragged and could not pull out grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat?

What was the name of the opener, which could not fly south because of the wing broken fox?

Who saved a red hat and her grandmother?

How was the mouse broke the golden egg?

What turned Cinderella's coach at midnight?

What was the name of the chicken, which demolished the golden egg?


In our Russian fairy tales lives folk wisdom, which teaches us to be kind, caring, responsive. In fairy tales always wins well!

Folk wisdom is also hidden in proverbs and sayings.

Do you know the proverbs and sayings?

"I'll start the game" I'll start, and you're! "

(Children negotiate proverbs, explain the meaning)

Hurry up - (mockery people!)

Do not rush to the language - (hurry the case!)

What goes around comes around!)

Without difficulty - (do not pull out and fish out of the pond!)

Itself disappears - (and comrades will cut out!)

Who will take, (from that too!)

You never know what you can do till you try)

Who reads a lot, (he knows a lot!)

No nice friend, (than native mother!)

Good word (and a cat nice!)

And now the guys will introduce you to another proverb.

Scene "Cumshot Case - Goulai Boldly!"

Girl draws.

Shines in the window of the spring sun, so calls to walk outside.

Sun: Look what I am bright and cheerful, go out!

Girl: I have no time! I need a drawing for mom to draw!

And behind the window, the crush rod crumpled, pour like a song!

River: Look, what am I cheerful, come out of the boards will let!

Girl : I have no time, river, I still need to wash the dishes, help your mother!

And behind the window of birds sing, the spring is rejoiced.

Bird: Get out to walk, listen to my spring song!

Girl: I have no time! I need to use the floor in the room.

And behind the girlfriend the girlfriend is having fun, the games started.

Girlfriends: Let's go with us to walk!

Girl: I just managed with all the affairs, you can walk!

Everything: Cumshot - Goulai boldly!

R.N.Igra "Golden Gate"


Russian writers and poets call our native Russian, beautiful and rich. And it is impossible to disagree with this! And now we will play the game, and you make sure it is also very interesting!

Speech game "Say on the contrary" (selection of antonyms)

Speech game "Shop" (generalizing words)


Listen to what wonderful words about Russian wrote Poet Sergei Yesenin.

"Does our language for wealth can be compared with any foreign? There's all "O-Kay!" And our Russian winter? - "O-Kay"? And our girls? Anyway, "O-Kay?" No, brother, none foreigner will never learn this Russian language! This is all remembered since childhood. They have "O-Kay", and we have twenty words with various shades there: wonderfully, challenged, beautiful, great, fabulously, unlikely, delightfully, amazingly and God knows how much! "


In his verses, the poet in his native Russian tells us about the love of the Motherland, to Russian people, to the native nature.

1 child:

White birch

Under my window

Snapped with snow

Precisely silver.

On fluffy branches

Snezhoy Kaima

Brushes bloom

White fringe.

And worth Bereza

In sleepy silence,

And burn snowflakes

In gold fire.

And dawn, lazily

Coming around

Sprinkle branches

New silver.

Horticulture "in the field of Bereza stood"


So our holiday approached the end.

Guys, I wish you to love and take care of our native Russian language, not to clog it with rude words, learn to write without mistakes, speak beautifully and right.

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