Courses on oratory art. Rating of the best courses

Outwarms suggest that every person can say. Maybe. But talking to any topics, to make your story exciting, keep the attention of the listeners no less than an hour - such a speech skill is not allowed to everyone!

So, you decided to learn to speak beautifully. Yes, it's not just to speak beautifully in a circle of your friends and loved ones, and so that from the stage, to an unfamiliar audience, so that it is interesting to the public, and the listeners caught every word. Then you have an acting and oratorical art courses.

You ask, what do you need to learn to speak beautifully? Just perform! Lot! Lots of! Regularly!

Find suitable rhetoric courses in Moscow suitable for you and go to trained from guitis and pike teachers in just 8 lessons! Already at the first lesson:

  • you have to introduce yourself to colleagues and teachers
  • pedagogue will sweep your strengths and weaknesses
  • an individual training plan will develop for you.

Do not be afraid that classmates will laugh at you. After all, they recorded the lessons and training to speakers in Moscow the same people to teachers of guitis and pike, call! Agree, no one will touch to laugh at the same people with fractures in line for a traumatologist.

Psychological training in the fear of public speeches suggest the analysis of the rules of behavior on the scene. Starting from the appearance (image, gestures, poses) and acting (the ability to collect and overcome fear on the stage, acting pause, the ability to work with the public), ending with the content of the speech itself and answers to the most provocative issues.

Public performance - the process is unpredictable, and if your technique speech, text content, the appearance was at the height, then you can fall on the answers to questions, facing the aggression of the audience. That's what you need acting skills and art of improvisation.

Oratory for executives

IN theater school You may be interested in special training "Oratory for executives." In public speeches, managers have their own features. They are very important a charisma speaking, self-confidence, the public should be confined to them, not doubt his words, follow him. The manager should be able to create a distance. This is not a performance before the crowd of fans, where you need to like, create the illusion "We are with you on the same wave."

The speech of the manager is usually different and it is easy to get confused. How to make a performance plan? What the theses of the plan will help you to remember the structure of speech? How to keep the attention of the audience is such a long time?

  1. The structure of speech is its main support abstracts.
  2. Numbers, dates, quotes

One of the secrets of skill is and the presence in the arsenal of the speaking special "stick-cutting sticks" in the form of reserve of relevant jokes, stories that discharge the atmosphere, relieve the focus with an uncomfortable topic, create a pleasant image about the speaker. Such "corrosions" come to the rescue when the concentration of the speaker is lost. Child relevant for any situation of history will help you a teacher on stage speech, oratory and acting.

Someone hardly manages to express their thoughts. It is usually characterized by representatives of mental labor. They are docked on complex terms, figures, abbreviations. To talk about your work in an affordable form, the "living" language for them is impossible task. Very often they seem to be surrounding "nerds", and to attract the sponsor to their project it is very difficult because of the inability to "hook", infect with interest, make to believe in the project or idea. Help to cope with this problem can practical training on rhetoric and voice management.

The art of oratory skills multifaceted and includes many components. To find condescension from the public, you need to try. For this you need:

  1. pay and keep the attention of listeners
  2. interact and "play" with the audience as in the theater
  3. call certain emotions and induce to certain actions

The best trainings on oratory art in Moscow from guitis teachers and Pikes are offered to immediately plunge into the world of public speeches and try to speak in front of the colleagues in the master class. Various conditions will be offered: colleagues will distract you, laugh, yawning, interrupt, and you will need to cope with all the difficulties and return the situation into your hands. All this is a priceless school of humor, rhetoric and oratory, as well as speech art.

Trainings are also needed and the best courses of oratory art in Moscow for only 8 classes to explore all genres of public speaking, according to whose features they will definitely give clarification.

Courses for children and adolescents

It is important that the ability to speak beautifully, confidently keep in front of the public and for children. Some schoolchildren are shy to respond at the board, since they are afraid to be ridiculous classmates, and others have serious problems in communicating with peers due to the inability to maintain a conversation. Help corrected these situations can low-cost rhetoric and oratory courses for children and adolescents. Wear lessons experienced teachers And young giving, which are going to seriously engage in acting or just want to try themselves in a theater mug.

School of speaking art (skill) in Moscow is not only 5 studios in the city center and 7000 graduates, but also a place of exploring from interesting people, Joint cultural leisure and development of communication skills in an informal setting.

School Yuri Okuneva

Hi friends! With you again, Yuri Okunev.

How to become liberated in any company, get rid of the complexes, learn to speak brightly, alive, exciting on any topic? Is it possible to learn to convince and interest? This requires quite a bit - hardworking and the desire to master the lessons of speech art for beginners.

Start the study of secrets of public speeches is better in the team under the guidance of an experienced tutor. Now in every city there are courses and trainings. What are the courses?

  • Firstly, you will tell you all the errors and point to weaknesses;
  • Secondly, you will have an excellent opportunity to work out the practice of performances;
  • Thirdly, the complexes are easier to overcome when you see that others are not so flawless.

The coach will help you find a beautiful and confident voice, teach acting techniques and expressive gestures, will tell me how to quickly overcome fear. Maybe such an unsurpassed and eloquent speaker, like, you will not become, but you will definitely learn.

Well, and if there are no courses of speech skill near your home, and maybe there is, but the schedule of classes does not match your work schedule? Skills of oratory art can be developed independently at home.

I hope you have a voice recorder (and better the camcorder) and a large mirror? Perfectly, you can start. Ask someone from familiar and friends to become your listeners and assistants. Keep track of blog updates, in articles from this series you will find a set of exercises to extinguish skill.

Three whales and song

Good speech can be compared with a good hithert. What do you need to have a newly released song enjoyed popularity and success? A combination of three things is required: a pleasant melody, successful text and a skilled artist. Right?

Successful speech performance is also based on three components, then you mean on three whales:

  1. Voice speaker;
  2. Competent text;
  3. Interaction with the hall (contact).

Remove the melody from the song or words, and there will be no songs. Also with the performance. Technical ownership of speaker with voice data, the ability to present the facts and hear the response of the hall causes success.

Voice data

I propose to carry out a little experience. In the company of friends, start telling some anecdote or story from life, and then turn on the voice recorder. Come home, listen to the record. Do you like the sound of your own voice?

Probably, many of you will find our voice too quiet, vague or shrieking, sharp, creaky. In general, pleasant little. Our inner perception is sharply different from how others perceive us. The task of learning is to learn to hear yourself from the part, develop the resonant flair.

The voice of a skilled speaker sounds volumetric, rounded and smoothly, the velvety timbre fascinates the rumor, carries attention, magically attracts the listener. The owners of a pleasant and sonorous voice says goodbye to a lot, even the mopavility and small flaws in the text are not as striking.

Is it possible to develop?

Each person from birth has a certain set of phonetic data. This set is unique. We cannot change the length of the voice ligaments or the lung circumference. But we can learn how to control the speech apparatus, customize your voice tool in the right way.

  1. Teaching proper breathing (diaphragmal);
  2. Refracting phonetic muscles by relaxing them;
  3. Develop a feeling of resonance.

Four voting exercises

I propose to do uncomplicated exercises for speech apparatusSuppose to improve your voice:

  • Resonant setting. Stand straight, relax your face muscles. Take a breath and exhale pull the sound "Iiii". ATTENTION on the scuffing head. Rested. Now I pull the sound of "EEE", attention to the throat, we try to feel vibrations of voice ligaments. Further by pulling the sounds of "AAAAA" and "OOO", control the sensations in the field of the chest. Completes the exercise the sound of "UUU" (abdominal bottom). All sounds are different in height, the highest sound "and", the lowest "y". This task helps to improve the timbre, gives voice beauty. Three approaches are recommended.
  • Growl of lion. Speak quietly sound "RDR", while the language should be relaxed and slightly raised to the sky. Purify a little like growling a dog. Then loudly say a few words with the letter "P", focusing on this sound. It produces voting power.
  • Kew X.. Pull the lips into the tube, say the sound of the "Kew", then stretch a wide smile, say "X". Alternate movement by making at least 15 repetition. Exercise removes the clamps of the articulation apparatus, frees the sound.
  • Basketball player. Imagine a basketball ball (you can take a real ball if you want) and start knocking it on the floor, counting from 10 to 1 downward. Each account is one exhale. Then throw the ball up, we consider from 1 to 10. Exercise trains the feeling of sound tonality. Throw up - the voice is high, beat off the floor - low.

Now take any book loudly read several lines. Do you feel how the voice changed? Those who are interested in the method of developing a voice, I recommend paying attention to video course Catherine Pedreter "My tongue is my friend". Here you will find many professional exercises for voting and diction training.

I suggest everyone else. Watch this video:

Speech Text - Speaker Business Card

Yes, yes, the most famous speakers are, as a rule, intellectuals in every sense of this word. The speaker must have a rich vocabulary. Orator is obliged to be able to build logical chains, skillfully use comparisons and metaphors in their speech.

The forecomcomcommoses the literacy of the creation of the text of speech. I will not linger for a long time at this moment. I already wrote about the construction of a public speech.

Basic requirements for speech text:

  • Material for speech must be carefully selected and logically linked;
  • Speech must have an attractive and concise name;
  • Speech must be focused on a specific audience;
  • The text of the speech must be divided into logical parts for better perception;
  • In the process of speeches, the ergonomic component should be taken into account - the attention of the listeners. The speaker constantly switches the attention of the hall with the help of special.

The importance of detailed work on the text well illustrates this video. Watch?


A good speaker is not only intellectual and logic, but also an outstanding artist, a sensitive listener and a skilled leader. The topic of the speech can like, and maybe not like the hall. Specific speaker as the personality listeners can sympathize, and may initially treat bias.

The skill of the speaker lies in the ability to send the perception of the hall to the right direction, which will be beneficial to the speaker itself. The professional speaker will furnish everything in such a way that his opponents by the end of speech will become supporters and like-minded people.

The speaker must be able to:

  • To show genuine interest in their audience, keep dialogue and be polite;
  • Show listeners that he is "made of the same test" as they. Avoid annoying the public factors: slopes in clothing, arrogance poses, and fussiness.
  • Correctly respond to the halls of the hall;
  • Be far-sighted, be able to calculate the reaction of the public to this or that statement;
  • Manage the course of the discussion arising in the course of the performance.

I suggest to see another video - a small roller from Vladimir Solovyov, this master of human intrigues and a talented TV presenter. The connoisseur of public speeches will tell us about the art to come into contact with the listener.


Wherever you studied the foundations of oratory skills - on online courses, in a speech club or independently on the textbook at home - you will have to work on your voice, leader qualities and speech content. Owning these skills will allow you to become interesting interlocutors, make you confident in yourself and liberated in public.

Everything necessary exercises You can find in the book coach of public speaking Evgenia Shestakova "Speak beautiful and confident". Theoretical Material It is stated interesting and exciting, tasks are simple and even accessible to children.

All the best. Your Yuri Okunev.

Publication date: 04/10/2016 07:44

Larry King ... Have you ever ever heard such a name? This American was famous as one of the most prolific and authoritative journalists not only in the United States, but far beyond their limits. His skate was always a conversational genre ... For 25 years, which King was a permanent leading superpopular talk show on the CNN channel, he spent an interview with more than forty thousands (just think about this figure!) Interlocutors! The accumulated experience was based on one of the books written by King subsequently and devoted to successful communication. And that's why we started talking about this ... In the aforementioned book, King gave, perhaps, the most advocate advice that a person can get dealing with speeches in public. Here it is:

"No matter what a companion you are remember: If you think that you are a bad interlocutor, you can become a good interlocutor. And if you think that you are already a good interlocutor, you can become even the best interlocutor."

Live word has an incredible force ... And about this potential power They knew not only long before the birth of Larry King, but long before the appearance of journalism at all.

The cradle of the teachings on eloquence can rightly be considered ancient Greece. In the same antiques, the first laws of rhetoric were formulated. Pipes that ancient fifth to oratory even found its embodiment in Greek mythology - in the form of the goddess of Peito's belief.

So why should the ability to apply with the word so appreciated? Yes, because no other talent has given the opportunity to achieve recognition as fast ... In addition, the device itself required the ability to speak with convincing speeches - on holidays, folk assemblies, vessels, friendly meetings ... As a result, the profession of the speaker was also prestigious As the profession of the commander or politics, and many schools have appeared in the cities, where it was possible to comprehend the basics of rhetoric and master its main techniques.

By the way, this is now under the power of anyone who wants: it is enough to sign up for educational courses. Oratoric art (both then, and now) includes not only the ability to competently, convincingly speak ... But the ability to properly present itself, use the language of the body, facial expressions, control over their voice. Someone is given easier, and someone has to apply titanic efforts to master all these skills. However, if there is a desire, there will be a result.

The famous ancient speaker Demosphen is an excellent example of this. The story states that he was oblique and from nature possessed a very quiet voice ... But he was not borrowing and fantasy. He pronounced his speeches by gaining a full mouth of the stones, and did it ... on the seashore, whose waves imitated the noise of the crowd. It is also said that honing the skill of eloquence in the privacy of her home, he once sowed half of his head, thus getting rid of the temptation to leave him.

It is good that you can master the skill of public speech without resorting to the "Demosfen" methods. Stones and razor do not need you! It is enough to raise the handset and make one phone call ...

Attention! Courses! Oratoryness with pleasure and pleasure!

Many professions of people, which are associated with a constant speech pronunciation, can not do without the knowledge of a special type of science as the art of eloquence. It can be safely argued that the oratory is the most important lever of culture. Knowing the basics of oratory art, achieve success in building their careers.

Public speaking today is considered as a kind of direction in science and art, because it can affect both the sensations and thoughts of a person, change his worldview.

Such a concept as oratory art recognize the direction of creative activities of a public speech in which the best way Combined, both rhetoric and techniques of acting skills and psychological techniques contributing to the conviction.

Everyone fell in a situation when only words are not enough for belief in his position. The basics of eloquence in such situations play an important role in achieving the goal or evidence of the correctness of its position. Today, the art of belief plays an important role.

Under oratory art, the type of dialogue, which appeals to the group of listeners with a clear goal to convince and give a certain concept of the specified problem. Speransky wrote: "The eloquence has a gift to shock the souls, overflow passions in them and report the image of their concepts."

Facts about the origin of the oratory

First attention to the art of rationality began to be given back in antique Ancient Greece. The history of oratory arises much earlier. But it is the inhabitants of Eldlats attached to this art value and a certain concept. To achieve proper and interesting for interlocutor, many philosophers used various techniques.

For example, Demosphen nubble the full mouth of the stones and rehearsed on the seashore, trying to speak louder the surf. This science is based on the principles of belief and effectiveness of speech.

Among the famous works of Aristotle, there is a work called "rhetoric", which is devoted to the art of eloquence.

All the achievements in the art of the oratory of antiquity adopted the most theoretics of the Middle Ages. To conquer the attention and love of the public, they used various techniques, including:

  • location;
  • finding;
  • memory.

Among the great speakers of this time, Martin Luther, Thomas Akvinsky, Pierre Abelian. Their quotes and statements remained in history and relevant today.

The history of oratory art has special features in each of the states. Sometimes eloquence was aimed at achieving special purposes, conviction. Oratoric art in Russia had another additional purpose: using eloquence, you can bring a person to good.

Rhetoric and proactivity today

The basis of modern oratorical art lie discipline. This is philosophy, psychology, linguistics, aesthetics, rhetoric, ethics. They are closely connected with each other. Clear communication is traced in trio rhetoric-grammar logic:

  • knowledge of rhetoric gives a conjunction and a sequence of thoughts in speech;
  • grammar is manifested in the correct use of words and their forms;
  • logic provides grounds and semantic connectedness speech.

From a long time, the basis of success was considered right speech. Confirmed such thoughts and well-known philosophers and scientists, for example, Aristotle claimed: "The eloquence is a belief worker." This statement is true now. After all, the achievements in building a career in many areas of activity depends on the ability to persuade and convince their buyers, colleagues and customers. Today, as before, speakers pay the importance to the following skills:

  • modeling intonation and voice timbre in accordance with the current situation;
  • correctness of intonation during the pronunciation of phrases;
  • improving the culture of speech in general.

When choosing a profession, it is always worth remembering that speakers were not born with the laid talent, the ability to speak and pronounce convincing speeches should constantly train and explore the essential moments and basic rules.

Rhetoric - Science, which is located on equals with chemistry or physics, and, attaching efforts, you can master it to every person. Osill the bases of oratory art can every person, but to apply them in practice, inserting the necessary words and quotes, probably only purposeful and talented. Such a science forces to all.

Types of oratory

Oratoric art and culture never differed in their homogeneity. In different times, depending on the profession and era, it had different form of ration.

The modern teaching of oratory art is perceived as a separate science and classifies it on features and implies manifestations and forms. Some shared oral speech On monologic and dialogical speeches, and some divide such art to emotional and rational performances.

There is a classification for childbirth and types of oratory art depending on the areas of activity in which it applies. Each such category combines different styles and speech species, depending in which area of \u200b\u200blife it will be used. One thing is clear that oratory is important for society as a social phenomenon.

The eloquence is divided into:

  • Socio-political eloquence, which includes political and diplomatic speeches, reports that are related to policies, economics and social life of society.
  • Academic eloctudience. This group includes lectures, reports and reports that are designed to report to students of cognitive and scientific information. Presentation scientific work It is maintained in a certain style.
  • Judicial elocturies submits indictment and judicial speech. This type of the oratory of the lawyer is the key to his career.
  • Socio-domestic oratory includes greeting, anniversary or memorial speeches.
  • Theology is church art presented by sermons in the cathedrals and churches.

This classification is fully reflected by the art of rationality. existing worldBut this is not a complete classification. Birth and types of oratory art in society are represented by a significant list.

Among the most sought-after reports of the proactivity, we can allocate eloquence, which is used on radio and television, advertising, performances by politicians and diplomats, answers to press conferences and so on. Not knowing the rules and the concept of each group, it is impossible to compile an effective performance. Culture and the ability to conduct a conversation in such cases are very important. They are based on rhetoric and culture of the conversation.

Oratory and Career

As already noted, the ownership of the theory of oratory arts, plays a role in building a career and promotion on the service staircase. To know such rules is useful for any person who works in modern companies. Starting from the manager and ending with the Director General. A person must correctly talk to business communication and competently, for this a lot of reasons.

Manager of the Companies spends a mass of time on business negotiations With customers, as well as with employees of other companies and colleagues. Why is there so much time?. A person can not be right, clearly and concisely convey the desired thought and spends a lot of time on explanations. But, knowing the foundations of oratory art, you can quickly and clearly convey the thought, and not to disturb mutual understanding in the team because of the simple misunderstanding.

It is also worth noting that young leaders sometimes do not make up relations with subordinates for a simple reason. He does not own the foundations of ethics and aesthetics of communication, causing a squall of discontent among employees. Oratory, culture of dialogue and rhetoric them is imperative to organize work in the team subordinates. Simple rules necessary.

There is a lot of situations faced by every employee of offices during the working day, when it is important to own eloquence:

  • Speech at the leadership meetings with a report on the work done or report. The graphic presentation of the results is supported by a clear speech and explanation. The success of a particular firm depends on the impression.
  • Report at the meeting among its employees. From how well employees know how to voice the tasks and formulate thoughts, the productivity of the work and the rate of adoption of expedient solutions depends. Presentation and report should be clear and clear.
  • Spontaneous business communication. Throughout the working day, permanent business conversations are coming, except for the planned events. Talking should be guided by both the company's clients and employees inside the team. The culture and skill of such conversations always affects the career. Heads love communicable, educated and able to competently communicate workers, and not owning such skills you can easily lose work.
  • Interview. In the employment, the first impression plays a huge role, and its important component is the ability to talk about themselves, and the culture of speech.

As can be seen, ordinary situations related to business communication, requires a person skills of proper and competent rei, and eloquence. But after all, the huge number of professions without oratory art do not exist, and the success of people who choose such specialties depends on the ownership of speech skills.

Do not own oratorical art, no lawyer will achieve success. It is very important for him to possess skills and skills that will help correctly, competently and concisely express their position, especially during the judicial discussion. The value has the right emotional color. The oratory of a lawyer is considered the key to his career.

Tricks and subtleties of oratory

Everyone knows that rhetoric offers the secrets of oratory, which helps better influence the audience in order to achieve their goals before the performance.

  • The speech before the audience should not be done lasting and tedious (this does not concern lectures and other scientific reports). Information is posted clearly and briefly. On average, speech length should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • Hold and attract attention helps a simple trick from rhetoric, which is to create some intrigue. At the beginning of the speech, you can attract the words "somehow I ..." or "I somehow happened so." Such quotes will cause interest in the speech and the speaker in the eyes of the audience. This is science. It is not surprising that speakers were considered intrigars.
  • Despite the seriousness of the upcoming performance, scientific terms Or accurate facts should always be diluted with light humor. It is important to know the measure here, such jokes should not be made flat or vulgar, there is a goal to raise the mood to listeners.
  • The fundamental point in the speech is the emotionality. The rhetoric and culture of the conversation allocates her a special role. Its correct application is a complex science, because if the manifestations of emotions will seem to the listeners with the taller and unnatural, then the audience does not believe this report, and the person will not inspire confidence.
  • Large meanings The speech plays silence at the right moment, the pause after expressed completely thought. Such moments help the listener to include thinking and think about the information received. Such a cunning enjoyed at the moments when I got down to get together with thoughts and continue. Science about eloquence talks about such moments, and the significance of their use.
  • The resulting theory of oratory and rhetoric is always supported by practical skills. If desired, becoming a popular speaker and learn to pronounce convincing and competent speeches. Do not give up the situation to speak publicly even if the listeners are relatives and guests at the table.

In conclusion, it should be noted that oratory and rhetoric are important for each person as science. Culture of speech, its correctness and literacy helps not only in work, but also by constant communication.

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Poets are born, speakers are made


The famous cicero saying opens great truth. All can be learned.

The gift of eloquence is not given from birth, it is purchased, due to stubborn work and permanent training.

Thus, in order to truly comprehend oratory, exercises and training should be systematic and permanent. Specialists are recommended to conduct them at least once a week.

The skillful speech possession and free expression can be achieved with the help of not very complex, but regular exercises. It is recommended to perform them 20-30 times during the day.

Loud reading aloud

Taking any newspaper or journal Article., It is necessary to read it out loud, turning to the imaginary audience. When reading, it is necessary to try to rummage a bit forward, remembering written by a small passage to then reproduce it.

Reproduction of the meaning of read

An excerpt consisting of two or five sentences is read and retells. At the same time, the goal is to memorize the details, for which the literal retelling is used. It is necessary to try to formulate thoughts and speech, telling read in your own words.

Development of speech thinking

Oratoric art techniques include such a concept as "speech thinking", specifically this means that the proposal or phrase is based on keywords or key proposals. These words encourage the speaker to build offers and disclose the idea around the main keywords.

Thus, key words become some fixed points around which the free movement of other words occurs. The manager finds the points of the support and "rotates" around them the thought in different wording. Find these keywords and their new wording is the most lesson in this exercise.

The modification of this exercise is another one: read aloud half of the sentence and continue it in your own words. It also uses the training for definition - the wording of concepts. This exercise will allow the manager as any orator, to learn how to specifically formulate the definition of the subject, detecting and determining its essence accurately, clearly and excoh.

Treating stories

Taking any story, anecdote or a note you need to tell them bright, vividly, figuratively and exciting. It may be the history of life or one of the day. For example, one day from the life of the manager. For a long story you can mentally develop a brief plan.

The beginning of the story or history should always be intriguing, interest and have a tension. During the climax of the story, the tension reaches a peak, and the end of history gives the listener the opportunity to relax and translate the breath, while the voltage falls.

Do not focus on mistakes or hints in speech. Most likely, the listeners will not suspend arbitrary pauses in them, so they will look natural. But after all it is necessary to take care and eliminate the interference.

Pandexing a business message

The task is to reproduce in your free form in your own words, the essence and content of the newspaper note or articles based on the keywords selected from it. The article is reflected several times. At the same time, it is necessary to compress its content, relevant to one sentence and expand it by adding his own opinion.

Speech must be connected, smooth, without forced and unjustified delays, pauses. In the exercise, it is necessary to rephlazing at least ten sentences. The same exercise include the description of the paintings and images depicted on it, details, mutual relations between them.

Thematic message

By choosing any topic, such as a hobby, you need to make a five-minute message on this topic. Turning to the imaginary listeners, you need to alternate, saying it once out loud, and another time - mentally, to ourselves.

In the exercise, it is better to adhere to the following tactics: at the beginning of the message, use keywords, and finish it in free form. It is not necessary to focus on the correctness of the construction of phrases, but to focus on the smooth and calm current speech. If an error has occurred in the word or proposal, do not stop, calmly complete the offer. In order to track the errors, it is better to boil the message to the voice recorder.

Oratoric skills and speech art, rhetoric exercises imply a constant replenishment vocabulary. This is a very important part of the workout. A rich lexicon will help make a language, speech and her style diverse and unique.

Studying the speech of other speakers

Observation, hearing and constant study of the speech of other speakers - good practice. Listening to reports, discussions, transfers, sermons, the manager should be analyzed by the content heard from the position and from the position of the speech characteristics.

The first position includes the analysis of the supply of content, the compliance of the plan, the logicality of the presentation, imagery, stylistic techniques. The second one belongs to the valuation of the voice of the voice, the height of the timbre, stress, how smoothly the speaker says it, its articulation and gesticulation.

Speech Analysis

Play speeches of speakers, famous politicians, famous personalities, adopting rhetorical funds as a basis - one of the useful and effective trainings. At the same time, attention should be paid to:

  • how the speaker makes entry and conclusion;
  • uses comparisons;
  • patigation of speech;
  • the presence of repetitions, exaggerations and opposition;
  • game words.

At the same time, you must certainly notice where and how the voltage of speech and its decline occurs, as well as to monitor other means of exposure to speech used by the speaker.

Practice through discussions

The most effective method was and remain practical exercises, speaking skills is honed on discussions. You can begin to practice in a circle of friends or colleagues, only briefly engaging in the controversy and expressing about certain issues.

This practice will help gradually move to performances before a wider and less familiar audience. The manager or sales agent should learn to speak, to discuss, listen to opponents and defend its point of view.

Speech with a report

So the time of this speech or the first serious speech. Preparation of an independent business message is another way to develop oratory. When preparing a business message, it is better to choose a well-known topic.

Throughout preparation, as well as in the process of the entire performance, it is necessary to constantly wonder what rhetorical means can be addressed so that it looks clear, organically, plastic and affordable. Maybe you need to present the audience of the card, schemes or graphics.

It is necessary to try to make an attractive and disadvantage, so that the listeners from the first words began to listen to speech and came to a state of intense attention. For this, the manager or sales agent must constantly put himself at the listener.

For example, naked numbers will not speak a listener about many, but if you provide a visual example and link these figures with life, they will come to life, will acquire "flesh and blood", will be raised, then they will chain the words. But this should achieve a speaker.

Using the technique of encouraging to think, the unexpected question or approval will be a good start. This will cause in the listener, first, interest, secondly, will give push to think over the heard. As the manager or any other speaker will trigger the facts, it is also necessary to solve the problem under discussion if the speech is affected.

If the report or business report, the manager begins to bring his personal opinion, it means that he switched to speech with an expression of opinion. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between what refers to a business message, and which is a personal opinion and is interpreted by the Rapporteur itself.

Expressive speech - should become one of the main tools not only by the masters of eloquence, but also of each trading agent or manager. Develop rhetorical abilities need constantly. Assist to improve speaker art video exercise online.

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