Consultation for parents of hyperactive children at dhow. Consultation for parents "Hyperactive child

Consultation for parents:

"Hyperactive child"

Dear parents, we are with you on the page of the website of our Kindergarten - MBDOU "Kindergarten 3 76 of general developmental type" in Syktyvkar ( have already addressed the topic of hyperactivity of children, and talked about the fact that recently adults have often encountered children whose physical activity goes beyond the concept of a simply mobile child. As we have already spoken with you, most preschoolers are impulsive, spontaneous and emotional; they cannot listen carefully to an adult and follow his instructions. These are hyperactive children, that is children who are almost always restless, agitated, motor active, restless, inattentive.

responsibility for this condition and behavior of the child.

What are the behavioral features of a child with hyperactivity:

1) carelessness(Interests are superficial, short-lived, with difficulty retaining attention and not paying enough attention to details; It seems that he does not listen to the speaker, does not pay attention to the state of those close to him; Has organizational difficulties and avoids completing the task; Loses objects and is distracted by external stimuli; Forgetful) ...

2. Hyperactivity.(Can't sit still when required; Noisy plays; Overly talkative, chatty).

3. Impulse.(Quickly gives answers to questions, sometimes without waiting for their end; Shows impatience when you have to wait for your turn; Interrupts and interferes in other people's conversations. Selfish, demonstrative, demanding, conflicted, aggressive).

Important to remember that the unusual behavior of such a child is not the result of a bad character, stubbornness, bad manners. it specific feature of the psyche, due to both physiological (disorders in certain structures of the brain, heredity, pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, infections, intoxication of the first years of life) and psychosocial factors.

Causes of hyperactivity:

1.prenatal pathology- toxicosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, trauma in the abdomen, taking large doses of alcohol, smoking, immunological incompatibility for the Rh factor, the threat of miscarriage;

2.complications during childbirth- premature, transient, protracted, stimulation, abnormal fetal position, asphyxia, internal hemorrhage;

3.psychosocial- the style of upbringing in the family.

V modern world a sufficient number of information sources that allow you to get a full understanding of this particular feature of the child's development, as well as about the prospects later life hyperactive child; get an online or face-to-face consultation from specialists on the problem of the development of a child with signs of hyperactivity; to plan the mode of life of such a child, etc. And, of course, for specific data, you can see popular hyperactivity data on sites that are accessible to every parent. For example, social networks, sites of the plan "", "Infourok", "", etc.

Memo to parents:

1. Learn not to over-emphasize the child's misconduct, and remain calm. This does not mean that you have to follow his lead. On the contrary, clear requirements are needed (within the child's capabilities), which do not change depending on the situation and the mood of adults.

2. Never punish a child if the misconduct is committed for the first time, by accident or because of an adult's mistake.

3. Do not equate the offense with the child. The "you misbehave - you are bad" tactic is flawed. It closes the child out of the situation, lowers self-esteem, makes him afraid.

4. Be sure to explain what his offense is and why it is not allowed to behave this way.

5. You can not talk when discussing misconduct in passing, between times, irritated and showing with all your appearance that the child distracts from important matters.

6. It is not necessary to slander about the offense, remind about it, shame in front of other adults and children. It humiliates, causes resentment and pain.

7. It is important to remember that not only the words that are addressed to the child are important, but also facial expressions, tone, gestures. They shouldn't show signs of discontent, irritation, or impatience.

8. No need to compare the child with peers, emphasizing his shortcomings.

9. The system of restrictions and prohibitions must be clear and strictly followed,

the number of prohibitions should be kept to a minimum (they should primarily relate to the safety and health of the child).

11. Consult a specialist (pediatrician or neurologist) if the child shows all signs of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.

The material was selected by a teacher-psychologist

MBDOU "Kindergarten number 76" Zagovorich IM

Recently, more and more parents are confronted with the term "hyperactivity". They have to hear this word from kindergarten teachers, child neurologists, teachers, psychologists and even bystanders observing the child's behavior. Very often, such a "label" is hanged indiscriminately on any, simply active, child. Let's take a closer look at what exactly is meant by this "diagnosis" - hyperactivity.

Most psychologists identify the following signs of hyperactivity:

  1. The child is in constant motion, it is extremely difficult for him to control himself, that is, even if the baby is tired, he continues to move, and when he is completely exhausted, he cries and hysteria.
  2. Such a baby is characterized by abrupt mood swings. Often rushes to the floor, he has a so-called "dry" hysteria - only a cry, no tears. It is almost impossible to calm the child down at this moment.
  3. The child speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but rarely listens to answers, often runs away or gets distracted.
  4. Often does not respond to the address of an adult, although he hears it.
  5. It is difficult for a child to complete the business he has begun, even if it is interesting to him.
  6. It is impossible to put a child to bed on time, and if the baby does fall asleep, he sleeps in fits and starts, restlessly, often waking up screaming in the middle of sleep.
  7. Children who are hyperactive often have intestinal disorders (constipation or diarrhea). All kinds of allergies are not uncommon.
  8. The main complaint of the parents of such children is that the child is uncontrollable, does not react at all to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions (house, store, kindergarten, playground) behaves equally actively.
  9. A hyperactive child often provokes conflicts. Does not control his aggression - fights, bites, pushes, and uses improvised means: sticks, stones, other dangerous objects.
  10. For a hyperactive child, the following general features are characteristic: inattention, overactiveness (verbal, motor, mental) and impulsivity.

If at the age of 7 years 8 of the listed points appear, specialist advice is required. You must first consult with a psychologist, and then contact a neuropathologist. It is important not to confuse the manifestation of hyperactivity with various organic diseases, as well as with the temperament of a choleric person.

Parents tend to have a lot of difficulties when interacting with hyperactive children.

Some are trying to use tough measures to combat the "disobedience" of the child, strengthen disciplinary methods of influence, increase workloads, severely punish for the slightest offense, and introduce a tough system of prohibitions.

Others, tired of the endless struggle with the child, give up, try not to pay attention to his behavior and leave him complete freedom actions, thereby depriving the child of the necessary support.

Still others, hearing in kindergarten, and at school, and in others in public places incessant reproaches and remarks against their child, they begin to blame themselves for being like that, up to despair and depression (which, in turn, negatively affects a sensitive child).

However, in all of the above cases, the parents are unable to develop a consistent optimal line of behavior in relations with the child, so their actions are not very effective.

The main mistakes adults make when raising a hyperactive child are:

  1. Lack of emotional attention, replaced by physiological care.
  2. Lack of firmness and parenting control.
  3. Failure to cultivate anger management skills, since most often they themselves do not have this skill.

What to do?

  1. With a hyperactive child, you need to communicate gently, calmly. If an adult performs with such a child study assignment, it is advisable to avoid both shouts and orders, and enthusiastic intonations, emotionally uplifted tone.
  2. A hyperactive child, being very sensitive and receptive, is more likely to quickly join the adult's mood.
  3. Parental emotions will overwhelm him and become an obstacle to effective action.
  4. Maintaining a clear daily routine at home is another of the most important conditions for productive interaction with a hyperactive child.
  5. Eating, walking, and completing homework should be done at the same time that is familiar to the child.
  6. To prevent overexcitation, the child must go to bed at a strictly defined time, and the duration of sleep must be sufficient to restore strength (in each case, the parents determine this duration themselves, based on the child's condition).
  7. If possible, it is necessary to protect a hyperactive child from prolonged computer sessions, and from watching television programs, especially those that contribute to emotional arousal.
  8. For an overactive child, calm walks before bedtime are useful, during which parents have the opportunity to talk frankly with the child in private, to learn about his problems. Fresh air and measured step will help the child calm down.
  9. Parents of hyperactive children need, first of all, to focus on how to smooth out the tension and give the child the opportunity to fulfill his needs.

As a rule, the child shows signs of hyperactivity to a much lesser extent, being alone with an adult, especially when there is good emotional contact between them.

When these children are given attention, listened to, and begin to feel taken seriously, they can somehow minimize their symptoms of hyperactivity.

An invaluable help to a hyperactive child is provided by relaxation exercises and exercises for body contact, massage is very useful. They help the child to become more aware of their body, as well as to control physical activity.

And most importantly, hyperactive children especially need confidence in unconditional parental love and acceptance.

It is vitally important for a child to know and feel that mom and dad love him the way he is, regardless of his behavior and actions. They love, simply because He is in their life.

Talk about this to your children often!


"The hyperactive child."

Ivanova Svetlana Valerievna

Hyperactivity is a collection of symptoms associated with excessive mental and motor activity. The diagnosis of hyperactivity is usually made when parents complain that the child is too mobile, restless and misbehaving, his arms and legs are in constant motion, he fidgets in his chair, does not calm down for a minute and is not able to concentrate on one thing. However, there is no precise definition of this condition or special test, which would unequivocally confirm the diagnosis of hyperactivity(motor disinhibition) ... The onset of the disease begins in infancy or at the age of two to three years. This condition is often accompanied by sleep disturbances. When a child gets very tired, hyperactivity gets worse.


In the onset of hyperactivity, according to most experts, the most important role is played by those factors that affect the development of the brain during pregnancy, childbirth and infancy. These can be infections, trauma, premature or difficult labor. Sometimes you can talk about hyperactivity as a hereditary trait. Unfavorable pregnancy. Toxicosis, disease internal organs mothers during pregnancy, nervous stress... Lack of vitamins and amino acids affects the central nervous system of the fetus. The use of drugs by a woman during pregnancy, such as sleeping pills, hormonal drugs, tranquilizers, adversely affects the child. Unfavorable childbirth. Childbirth pathology. Infection and toxicity in the first years of a child's life.

Hyperactive children need a strict regimen, and all their activities should be as regular as possible. These children need frequent praise, encouragement, and special attention to be willing to engage and succeed where they previously failed. It is very important to teach family members how to properly handle a hyperactive child.

Mandatory must be:

Morning exercises, outdoor games and long walks. Physical exercises child and outdoor games will relieve excessive muscle and nervous activity. If the baby does not sleep well, better evening also play active games.

Active games that simultaneously develop thinking.

Massage. It reduces the pulse rate, lowers the excitability of the nervous system.

It would be nice to send the child to the sports section. Sports are shown where the child learns to follow the rules, control himself, interact with other players. These are team games. Such as hockey, football, basketball.

In hyperactive children, a pronounced ability for a certain occupation may appear. For example, music, sports or chess. This hobby should be developed.

The remaining signs of hyperactivity and impulsivity should be taken into account in vocational guidance. However, the prognosis in hyperactive children is usually good. As you grow and mature, the symptoms of hyperactivity diminish.

A hyperactive child is often difficult to communicate. Parents of such a child should remember that the child is not to blame. A strict parenting is not suitable for hyperactive children. You cannot shout at a child, punish severely, suppress. Communication should be soft, calm, without emotional outbursts, both positive and negative. Don't reboot baby additional activities... But you cannot allow everything to such a child, otherwise he will quickly begin to manipulate his parents. It is worth rewarding the child for even minor achievements. Make sure that the child does not overwork.

Useful Tips to parents of hyperactive children suggested by Dr. D. Renshaw.

1. Be consistent in obeying established rules and in applying penalties.

2. Watch your speech, speak slowly, in a calm tone.

Feelings of anger and resentment are normal, but can be controlled and doesn’t mean that you don’t love your child.

3. Try, if possible, to keep your emotions cool, strengthening your nerves in order to withstand the expected excesses.

Pay attention to and react to any positive behavior of children, however minor they may be. He who is looking for the good will surely find it.

4. Avoid continuous negative reactions. Try to say less often: "No", "Stop", "You can't."

5. Distinguish behaviors that you dislike from personality traits your child. For example, I advise you to say this: “I love you, but I don’t like that you drag dirt all over the house.”

6. Offer your child a very clear schedule of daily activities. Create a daily routine in which time to wake up, eat, play, watch TV, study, housework, and go to bed. Be flexible and persistent as you follow this schedule, as your child will still break it. Gradually, such an organization of life will have a calming effect on him. He will gain confidence and will be able to do a lot on his own in the future.

7. Teach your child to do new or difficult tasks using a combination of practical actions with a short, clear explanation in a calm tone. Repeat these lessons until he learns to do them the way he should.

It takes a child with increased activity more time to consolidate various skills and abilities than healthy children. Be patient, do not get annoyed, repeat the training over and over again.

8. Try to allocate a room or part of it for the child, which will be his own, special territory. At the same time, avoid bright colors and complex compositions in its design. Place the desk so that your child can see a smooth, empty wall in front of him, on which nothing distracts him. Simplicity, clear, calm colors and order help focus attention. A child who has increased activity is not able to filter out external pathogens himself, to make sure that nothing extraneous interferes with his work.

9. Offer your child no more than one thing at a time; give him only one single toy; before he starts painting, remove everything unnecessary from the table; when the child sits down to do homework, turn off the radio and television.

10. Define a range of responsibilities for your child that are essential to his or her development. Assignments should be within his capabilities, and the performance of duties should be kept under constant supervision and control. I advise you to celebrate and praise your child's efforts, even if the results are far from perfect.

11. Try to decipher the signals that warn of the possibility of an explosion in the behavior of the child. Calmly intervene to avoid trouble. Try to distract him and calmly discuss the conflict situation... In these cases, it is useful to take the child away from the conflict zone for a few minutes to the “sacred grove” - his room.

12. Limit the number of playmates to one, at most two children at a time because the child is too easily aroused. It is best to invite children into your home, as here you can provide control over the situation and influence the direction of the game or activity. Explain the rules in your home to your little guests.

13. Try not to show excessive compassion towards the child, do not bother him with questions, do not reveal your fears for him, but do not allow forgiveness. Remember that its nervous system is in a special condition, but it is amenable to improvement and management.

14. Remember the names and dosages of medicines that are prescribed for your child. Give them regularly. Monitor the effect on the child and report it to the doctor in charge.

Often hyperactive children are talented. Signs of hyperactivity have been observed in many famous people, for example, Thomas Edison, Lincoln, Salvador Dali, Mozart, Picasso, Disney, Einstein, Bernard Shaw, Newton, Pushkin, Alexander the Great, Dostoevsky

Corrective work with a hyperactive child should be aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. Stabilization of the situation in the child's family, his relationship with parents and other relatives. It is important to prevent the emergence of new conflict situations.

Perhaps, to solve this difficult problem, it will be better to seek help from a specialist. Indeed, often in a family where a hyperactive child grows up, excessive stress arises around him, a vicious circle is formed, from which every year it is more and more difficult to get out ...

Improving the condition of a child with hyperactivity depends not only on specially prescribed treatment, but to a large extent also on a positive, balanced and consistent attitude towards him. The child's relatives need to explain his problems so that they understand: his actions are not intentional, and due to his personal characteristics, he is not able to control the difficult situations that arise. Moreover, all family members, without exception, must understand well what is happening with the child in order to adhere to a single upbringing tactics.

In raising a child with hyperactivity, parents need to avoid extremes: manifestations of excessive softness, on the one hand, and the presentation of increased demands that he is unable to fulfill, combined with pedantry, harshness and punishment, on the other. Frequent changes in direction and mood swings from parents have a much deeper negative impact on a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than on their healthy peers.

It is necessary to avoid overfatigue of the child associated with an excessive amount of impressions, excessive stimuli. You should not go with a child without an urgent need to crowded places - markets, hypermarkets, noisy companies; when playing with peers, it is advisable to limit the baby to only one partner.

An overactive child needs air strict regime day, carried out daily and invariably, personifying the constancy of the conditions of existence.

2. Spare no effort to form in the child the skills of obedience, accuracy, self-organization, the ability to plan and complete the work begun; develop in him a sense of responsibility for his own actions.

In order to achieve an improved concentration of attention when doing homework, it is necessary for the child to find a quiet place in the apartment with a minimum of distractions and annoying factors. In preparation school lessons a parent should look into the child's room to make sure he is continuing to work. Every 15-20 minutes, allow the child to get up from the table, move for about 5 minutes, and then return to lessons.

Each time the child should be given no more than 1-2 instructions, which should be specific.

Effective method reminders for children with impaired attention, memory and difficulties in self-organization - this is the hanging of special sheets-reminders. Pick the two most important things your child can do successfully during the day. Then write reminders of these activities on the worksheets. The sheets are hung out on a special "notice board" in the child's room or, as an option, on the refrigerator. It is useful to give information on memo sheets not only in writing, but also in figurative form, that is, you can make drawings that correspond to the content of upcoming cases(for example, "Wash the dishes" - the image of a plate) ... After completing the appropriate assignment, the child must make a special note on the sheet.

Another way to develop self-organizing skills is to use color coding. For example, if you have notebooks of certain colors for classes in different school subjects(green for nature, red for math, blue for writing) , then it is easier to find them in the future. When the notebook is finished, you can put it in a folder of the same color. If necessary, this will help you find notes on previously completed training material without unnecessary time expenditures.

To put things in order in the room, color coding can also help: assign the color of the desk drawers to red, drawers for clothes - blue, and for toys - yellow. Significant in area and clearly visible color marking, which is complemented by drawings or stickers corresponding to the contents of the box, allows you to successfully solve the task.

3. How to teach a child with hyperactivity to respect the rights of people around them, verbal communication, control of their own emotions and actions, the skills of effective social interaction with people?

The rules of behavior that are offered to the child should be simple, understandable and purposeful, provide for a certain time for their implementation. They explain to him that for good behavior he will receive encouragement and reward. On the contrary, failure to comply with the rules will result in a sanction(temporary cancellation of activities that are attractive to the child: riding a bike, watching TV, playing a favorite game) ... Talk to your child about their behavior and comment calmly and kindly.

When it is necessary to change the child's behavior, it is important to choose to overcome any one problem for a certain period of time.

For the development of fine motor skills and general organization of movements, it is useful to include hyperactive children in choreography, dancing, tennis, swimming, karate(but not power wrestling, boxing - since they are potentially traumatic, and direct bodily contact leads to overexcitation) .

4. Encourage the child to increase self-esteem, confidence in own forces by learning new skills, academic achievement and Everyday life... Define strengths the personality of the child and the higher mental functions and skills well developed in him, in order to rely on them in overcoming existing difficulties.

Consultation for parents:
"Hyperactive child"

Hyperactivity in children is a combination of symptoms associated with excessive mental and motor activity. It is difficult to draw clear boundaries of this syndrome, but, as a rule, it is diagnosed in children who are characterized by impulsivity and inattention. Such children are often distracted. It is easy to make them happy or upset. They are often aggressive. Due to these personal characteristics, hyperactive children find it difficult to concentrate on specific tasks.

The reason for hyperactivity can also be the pathology of the mother's pregnancy, difficult childbirth, and the like. This diagnosis is made when parents and teachers complain that a child is overly mobile, restless and misbehaving or learning, and cannot concentrate on one thing for a minute. However, there is no precise definition of this condition or a specific test that would simultaneously confirm the diagnosis of hyperactivity. The overwhelming majority of parents note that the beginning of such behavior is laid at an early age. This condition is accompanied by sleep disturbance. When the child becomes very tired, the hyperactivity deepens.
Most often, according to psychologists, hyperactivity manifests itself in children in transitional age... V last years there are more hyperactive children.

Often teachers complain to parents about the child's hyperactivity, referring to the fact that they see a disobedient student only a few hours a day, therefore, his upbringing should be done at home, Parents, in turn, believe that teachers should raise such a child.

What should the parents of a hyperactive child do?

Psychologists advise loading it in the morning as much as possible. It is worthwhile to draw up a routine and, in accordance with it, give the child clear and specific tasks... The best outlet for extra energy for such a child may be physical activity, in particular, swimming and jogging. In the classroom, a hyperactive child should be given specific tasks, it is advisable - individual ones. It is also necessary to require that the child completes the task to the end.
The helplessness of children is the fault of the parents. The desire of parents to surround the child with increased attention, to protect him even in the absence of a real threat, to keep him with him often leads to depriving the child of the opportunity to overcome difficulties on his own.

As a result of overprotection, the child loses the ability to mobilize his energy, and in difficult situations waiting for the help of adults, especially parents. The phenomenon of overprotection most often occurs in families with one child. Increased guardianship of households, especially of the older generation, gives rise to children's fears. They are most pronounced in the first grade, especially if the child has not attended Kindergarten, but was brought up at home, in contrast to the children who attended kindergarten. Children who were raised in kindergarten adapt better to school life and independent life generally.

The problem of overprotection is becoming increasingly important in the present, since most young families, due to their difficult financial situation, can afford only one child. At the same time, parents, as a rule, are busy making money and cannot pay enough attention to the child. But grandparents at this time are trying to catch up with their children. With the appearance of the second child in the family, the attention of adults is evenly distributed to both children, therefore, manifestations of overprotection are less likely.

Often, trying to save a child from overload, parents of older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren try to do the tasks learned in kindergarten or school for them. The result is that the child is not able to cope with the task on his own in the garden or at school.
Increased attention on the part of grandparents, parents, leads to the fact that in a team such a child requires constant attention from a teacher, and in his absence he feels unhappy, does not have time to complete tasks with others. Subsequently, among high school students, overprotection turns into the inability to perform exercises on their own and leads to infantilism (childishness).

You can deal with the consequences of overprotection by gradually accustoming the child to independence. If the child has difficulties in communication, at home you can arrange role-playing games with his participation, as well as simulate and play with her in various life situations. Do not neglect the help of a child psychologist.

Which line of upbringing to choose?

The problems of raising children in a family is an eternal, but still unresolved issue. Being born into a family, this question occupies the minds of scientists - teachers, psychologists, causing disputes and disagreements. Domestic battles develop into scientific conferences. Austerity or softness? Authoritarianism or connivance? And children continue to be lost in conjectures - how to behave in order to be good in the eyes of their parents, and what to expect in the next moment from these incomprehensible adults? Let's see how advances in science can help in solving such problems. In pedagogy, it is customary to distinguish four types of upbringing of children: diktat, overprotection, non-interference and cooperation. Each of them has its own results, its consequences when it comes to the formation of the child's personality.

Consultation for parents

"A hyperactive child or not?"

How to tell if a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or is he just active?

First, let's take a look at what each of these concepts means.

Active child: - Most of the day is on the move, chooses outdoor games, ignoring desktop - printed, sedentary games. But if he is interested, he can play games such as puzzles, mosaics, constructors or read a book (with his parents). - He speaks quickly and a lot, asks an infinite number of questions. - Not active everywhere. For example, restless at home, but calm - in kindergarten, visiting unfamiliar people. - Itself rarely provokes a scandal, but in response it can give back. Aggression is not his character trait.

Hyperactive child: - He is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, that is, even if he is tired, he continues to move, and completely exhausted, he cries. This condition often ends in tantrums. - Not focused, speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen to the end. Asks a million questions, but often does not listen to the answers. - It is very difficult to put him to bed, and if he sleeps, then he is restless. - The child is uncontrollable, while he absolutely does not react to prohibitions and restrictions. And in any conditions, he behaves equally actively (home, shop, kindergarten, guests). - He himself often provokes conflicts. Doesn't control his aggression

What needs to be done so that the baby gets rid of the "excess" of activity?

  1. Create certain living conditions for him.

    Listen to these tips:- Do not scold or punish the kid, it is useless. The child is not to blame for being so mobile. By doing this, you will achieve only one thing - a decrease in self-esteem. - Try to teach your child to manage themselves - this is one of the main tasks. "Aggressive" games will help him to control his emotions. Everyone has negative emotions, including your child, help him get rid of them. - In upbringing, it is necessary to avoid two extremes - the manifestation of excessive softness and the presentation of increased demands on him. Permissiveness should not be allowed, but the number of prohibitions and restrictions should be reduced to a reasonable minimum. - The child needs to be praised in every case when he managed to bring the work started to the end. - It is necessary to protect children from fatigue associated with an excessive amount of impressions (TV, computer), to avoid places with an increased number of people. - "Movement is life", lack of physical activity can cause increased excitability. You cannot restrain the child's natural need to play noisy games, frolic, run, jump. - When considering a child's diet, give preference to proper nutrition, which will not lack vitamins and minerals. A hyperactive toddler, more than other children, needs to adhere to the golden mean in nutrition. Another rule: if the child does not want to eat - do not force him! - Prepare your fidget "field for maneuvers": active species sports for him is just a panacea. - Teach your toddler to passive play. We read, and also draw, sculpt. Even if it is difficult for your child to sit still, try to see it through to the end. - And of course, do not forget to tell your child how much you love him.

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