Who won in the Spanish Civil War. Spanish civil war

Folk fronts. Civil War in Spain


In the interwar period of Spain, like many others european countries (Italy, Germany, France, etc.), became the isna of opposition to the left (communists, socialists, social democrats) and the right (nationalists, conservatives, fascists) of political forces. In Spain, this confrontation resulted in a bloody civil war, the victims of which were about half a million people.

In 1931, as a result of the growth of the republican movement and the victory of the Republicans in the elections in many major cities, the King of Spain Alfonso XIII was forced to leave the country. At the end of the year, the Constituent Assembly adopted a new constitution, proclaimed freedom of speech, separation of the church from the state, the provision of election rights to women and other liberal measures. At the same time, reformist and conservative forces enjoyed approximately equal support in Spaniards. The lack of a national consensus on the path of development of the country led to conflict to armed clashes in the 1930s.


1936 - the beginning of the war. At the parliamentary elections, a folk front was won by the coalition of left political forces (in the same year, the People's Front won in France, see).

Under these conditions, power in their hands decides to take a conservative part of the general, seen in the folk front a communist threat. In July, there is an uprising in Spanish Morocco, rapidly spread to other Spanish colonies, and then on mainland Spain. Since September, General Francisco Franco, who received the title of Caudillo (leader) became the leader of the uprising. The rebels supported a significant part of the land forces, while the fleet supported Republicans. The army, like the population of the country as a whole, was split into two parts. At the end of the year, the victory was, rather, on the side of the Republicans: attempts at the nationalists' rebel raise the uprising in the two largest cities of the country (Madrid and Barcelona) ended in failure. However, the Republicans have lost control over the North-West regions of the country.

Soon after the beginning of the war, other states accepted participation in it. Franco support provided Germany and Italy: Gitler and Mussolini regimes were ideologically close to rebels. Support was provided by both the supply of weapons and participation in the war of combat units. Republicans actively supported the USSR. Also on the side of the Republicans, t. N. International brigades (interbricades), consisting of foreign volunteers - communists, anarchists, etc.

1937 - became an obvious military superiority of Frankists. Their army was more monolithic and disciplined, while among the Republicans there were many internal conflicts. One of the successes of the right was the fall in the country of Basque, which, seeking independence, as a whole supported the Republicans granted autonomy basks. Also, Frankists took the Spanish regions such as Aragon and Asturias. The bombardment of the Basque city of Genees of German aviation was a famous episode of this period of war, as a result of which the city was almost completely destroyed. This episode is considered to be the first bombardment of this kind (see the bombardment of gerns).

1938 - At the beginning of the year, Republicans managed to achieve certain success in Aragon, however, in the spring, Frankists moved to the offensive, and their ambulance became indisputable. In the summer, nationalists wander in positional battles, and the attack on Catalonia is beginning in the fall.

1939 - In January, Frankists actually do without a fight take the main city of Catalonia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200band in March Madrid, Spanish capital. The end of the war is considered to be April 1, 1939.

As a result of the Civil War in Spain, the dictatorial regime of General Franco, who decorated to the only legal political party - the Spanish Falanga. This regime existed until the death of Franco in 1975.


Civil War In Spain, it became not only the largest collision of the left and right political forces, but also the harbinger of World War II. Support for the participants of the war provided foreign states whose authorities shared the political orientation of one side or another. So, in Spain, Soviet and German aviation were fighting for the first time against each other.


In the 1930s, in response to the arrival of Nazi and fascist regimes in a number of countries, such as Germany, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, etc., in response to the inability of governments to deal with the global economic crisis and its consequences, are everywhere. Created t. n. " Folk fronts", Organizations that have united left and left-center forces - Communists, Social Democrats, Radicals, and so on.

IN 1935 byVII Congress of the International Communist Organization - Comintern A decision was made to create folk fronts, the purpose of which will be the opposition to the fascists and sympathizing with it. Creating a folk front has become a response to the formation of the so-called. " Anti-Cominnovsky Covenant" Using great support in the environment of workers and minor employees, the folk fronts won the elections in Spain, France and Chile.

In France, the People's Front banned fascist organizations, and in Spain began an armed struggle with them.

The inability of the Spanish government to bring the country to the proper level of development, social and economic problems allowed the People's Front to win the elections to Spanish Parliament in 1936 and take power into their hands (see Fig. 1).

The new government conducted a number of transformations: an amnestied political prisoners allowed the strike, guaranteed civil rights and freedoms, facilitated the difficult situation of workers. At the same time, the country split into two opposing camps - those who supported the People's Front, and those who advocated the preservation of an existing position, i.e. opponents of trade unions and left parties.

In the summer of 1936. Military, opponents of the Popular Front, led by General Francisco Franco. Raised the fascist rebellion (see Fig. 2). The civil war began. Conspirators captured cities and provinces, but forces republicans were more numerous, so frankiststhey were soon broken and blocked in the Spanish Colony of Morocco (see Fig. 3). At the critical moment, Germany and Italy had assistance for Franco. In fact, providing Help Franco, these countries have implemented military intervention. German and Italian "volunteers" were sent to Spain - soldiers and officers - pilots, tankers, infantrymen, sailors.

Inspired by Frankists moved to Madrid to establish their power in Spain. In response to this hand, the Republicans extended the USSR and a number of europeous folk fronts, sending military specialists to Spain. In the sky, Spain first met in the air combat Soviet and German pilots.

The defeat of the People's Front became inevitable when the anarchists and the Communists who were arguing among themselves about further actions. Frankists, on the contrary, were a powerful single fist.

In 1938, the disagreement in the folk front, General Franco, a powerful blow to Spain, dissect in Spain and finishes each of the parts by one (see Fig. 4). In addition, new political forces came to power in France began to block goods sent by the USSR of Republican Spain.

Spain lay in ruins. None name The name was the name of the Spanish city of Gernik, during the battle of the Earth's faces.

In early 1939, Frankists finally won. In the country began mass terror. Franco restored the monarchy, abolished in 1931, but bequeathed to convey the brethren of the board of King only after his death.

The country has come the sole rule of General Franco.

The opposition of the communist and fascist forces in Spain was the first open conflict in Europe before World War II.


  1. Shubin A.V. General history. The newest story. 9 CL: student. For general education. institutions. - M.: Moscow textbooks, 2010.
  2. Sorok-Tsype O.S., Sorok-Tsype A.O. General history. The newest story, grade 9. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010.
  3. Sergeev E.Yu. General history. The newest story. Grade 9. - M.: Enlightenment, 2011.


  1. Read §10 Tutorial Shubin A.V. And give answers to questions 2-4 on with. 106.
  2. Why did the Republicans have defeated?
  3. What was the benefit of countries that provide assistance to conflicting parties in the Civil War in Spain?
  1. History ().
  2. Skepticis ().
  3. Internet portal Protivostojanie20Vek.narod.ru ().

Spain did not participate in World War War 1914 - 1918, but, like many European countries, at its end suffered from the goal of weak government offices. In 1923 General Miguel Prio de Rivera The next government overthrew and declared himself a dictator. He was in power seven years and his rule came to an end when the Great Economic Crisis of the 1920-30s has touched on Spain. A sharp drop in the life level of the Spaniards led to the final loss of their authority to the people. Democracy was restored in Spain, and the government of the left orientation came to power. The monarchy was abolished, the King of Spain Alfons XIII emigrated, the country became a republic. The left and right-wing cabins began to replace each other, and the polarization of political forces took place in the country. At the general election in February 1936, the left - from moderate socialists to anarchists and communists - created a coalition: Popular Front. They managed to defeat the right unit consisting of parties of the Catholic orientation and radical Falanga.founded by the son of Miguel Prio de River José Antonio. The advantage of the folk front in the elections was very small, but having come to power, he almost immediately forbade phalanxists. This led to street clashes between the left and right. The launched strikes and grip of the Earth were alarmed by the right, fearlessing the establishment of a communist dictatorship.

Of particular, the activities of the left of the Spanish military caused. It seemed to them that only an armed uprising could prevent the emergence of Red Spain. Therefore, July 17, 1936 Spanish parts located in Morocco, under the command of General Francisco Franco. Captured the power in the part of this colony belonging to Spain and announced the non-recognition of the Madrid government. During the week, rebelled garrisons and in Spain itself seized Oviedo, Seville, Saragosu and a number of other cities. However, the uprisings in Madrid and Barcelona were quickly suppressed. As a result, the North-West of the country remained under the control of the nationalists, with the exception of the part of the coast in the Bilbao area and the area around Seville. Republicans controlled the Eastern Half of Spain, including the capital, Madrid. The country was in a fire of a civil war that aburred by horrors and atrocities.

To forward your troops through Gibraltar, Franco turned for help to Hitler. Back to the end of July, transport aircraft "Junkers-52" began to arrive in Morocco, creating an air axle. She sent his planes and ruled Mussolini to Italy. Germany and Italy began to strictly supply nationalists with weapons. Moscow Comintern, for his part, decided to send volunteers to Spain and render financial assistance Republicans.

The United Kingdom and France were very afraid that a new European war can flare up from this internal conflict. They proclaimed the policies of non-interference, although the then the left French government went extremely reluctant to it. They came into contact with Italy, Germany and Portugal and achieved promises from them not to interfere in conflict. The International Committee for Non-Easternity was founded, his first meeting was held in London in early September. However, Hitler and Mussolini, despite their assurances of non-participation, continued to supply nationalists with weapons and people, and in all increasing quantities. Then the Soviet Union said that he would fulfill non-interference agreement only to the extent to which Germany and Italy do.

Spanish right opened two fronts. General Mol He began to purify the north of the country from the Republicans, and General Franco moved to Madrid from the south. By the end of the year, with the help of mole, he managed to surround Madrid from three sides. The republican government left the besieged capital, having moved to Valencia, and Italy officially recognized the French government.

The motives of the powers who had active support to fought in Spain were very different. Hitler saw something like a landfill in conflict, where he could test new weapons, first of all tanks and aircraft. Germany for all time conflict sent no more than 15,000 people to Spain, but its main contribution was associated with the participation of aviation - Legion "Condor". It was in the sky of Spain that the fighter "Messerschmitt-109" received their fighting baptism and the piking bomber "Junkers-87". German bombers and caused the greatest damage to the enemy. The world remembered their raids on Madrid, and most importantly, on a small town Grannie Not far from Bilbao on April 26, 1937, when 6,000 civilians died.

Gradually, the position of the Republicans began to deteriorate. One of the reasons for failures was internal glooms in their camp - between socialists, prostalie communists, trotskyists and anarcho-Syndicalists. Although incendiary speeches Dolores IbarruriArounded by Madrid's defenders ("fiery"), conflicts between the coalition members were so great that in May 1937, there were contractions between the communists and anarchists.

The second reason for the benefits of nationalists was that they were armed better than Republicans. The non-interference committee decided to block the shores of Spain. Germany and Italy was instructed to control the Eastern Coast, the UK - South, and together with France - North. The blockade, however, did not have a special action. The nationalists managed to receive everything necessary through friendly portugal, besides, no one controlled the airspace. By November 1937, Franco was so strengthened his position that he could arrange a blockade. Therefore, by the end of 1938, the Republicans held only one small enclave in the extreme northeast and the second on the east coast opposite Madrid. By that time, foreign volunteers, including interbricadines, were forced to leave Spain according to the plan put forward by the non-interference committee. All new and new states recognized the Franco regime, and finally in February 1939, the republican government emigrated through Pyrenees to France. At the end of March fell and Madrid, and a month later, Franco announced the cessation of hostilities.

Civil War in Spain in 1936-1939, in its essence is the opposition of monarchical and democratic regimes. She began after in February 1936, the majority of the voters received the Republicans of the People's Front. The current monarchical regime was disagreeable its priorities - a decrease in tax rates, the development of agricultural reforms, the amnesting of prisoners serving the term for political articles. It was these factors that became the main causes of the domestic armed conflict and involved in it all the political forces of Spain.

Causes and participants of the civil war in Spain

This war has become the first large-scale European conflict after the First World War and a kind of prerequisite for the beginning of the second. Not only internal, but also external forces were involved in revolutionary actions in Spain:

  • Italy,
  • France,
  • Germany.

In fact, all of those who tried to help resolve this conflict were at different sides of Barricades, and their help turned only to inciting hostilities.

Historically, the opinion is that the cause of the war in Spain became internal backgroundBut there were also external factors - a complex economic and political world situation that reduces the standard of living of the Spaniards, the growing confrontation between the communists and the fascists in Europe. Of course, internal intersubs and a long dictatorial board were the main impetus for the beginning of armed actions.

The main stages and the results of the civil war in Spain

This armed conflict is considered by political scientists as a fascist rebellion and civil war in Spain. Such an opinion was developed because of the participation of representatives of the political forces of the state itself, and attempts to allies from Germany to establish the regime for them in Spain. The main stages of the war:

  • military actions on the mainland state with the predominance of forces fascist Germany and Italy,
  • drawing into conflict of the forces of the USSR and France, moving fights in northern part Countries and the next victory of Franco - a supporter of the Nazi regime,
  • the final weakening of the Popular Front forces of Spain, strengthening the strength and authority of Frankists, the establishment of a fascist regime.

The result of the Civil War in Spain was not only a huge material damage and loss of more than 450,000 Spaniards who fell in battles, but also the formation of a crucial regime in the State of the dictator regime Francisco Franco, strengthening the influence of Catholicism in the country. And the regime, and its dictator - these are peculiar record holders in world history. At the head of the Catholic Spain, Franco was from 1939 to 1975. The form of his board was distinguished by the strongest cult of the personality, which historians are compared only with the cult of Stalin in the USSR.

in Europe, there was a large-scale armed clash in Spain. Then not only indigenous residents of the country were involved in the conflict, but also external forces in the form of such powerful states as the USSR, Germany, Italy. Civil War in Spain 1936-1939 broke out on the basis of contradictory views on the future of the country of the left-socialist (republican) government supported by the Communist Party, and the reserving law-monarchist forces led by Generalissimus Francisco Franco.

In contact with

Prerequisites for war

Until 1931, Spain was a monarchist state With a backward economy and a deep crisis, where an inter-odded enmity was attended. The army in it was on a special status. However, it did not develop in any way due to conservatism of management structures.

In the spring of 1931, Spain was proclaimed by the republic, and the power in the country passed to the liberal-socialist government, which immediately began to hold reforms. However, the stagnant Italy buxed them in all fronts. The well-established monarchical society was not ready for radical change. As a result, all layers of the population were disappointed. Several times there were attempts to change the state power.

Especially it was displeased clergy new government. Before monarchism, it participated in all state processes, having a huge impact. With the establishment of the Republic, the church was separated from the state, and the authorities moved to the hands of professors and scientists.

In 1933, reforms were suspended. The election won the ultra-painting party Spanish Falang. Began rebellion and excitement.

In 1936, in the country in general elections, the victory was led by the left forces - party People's Frontwhere the Republicans and the Communists came. They are:

  • resumed agricultural reform,
  • amnestied political prisoners
  • encouraged the requirements of strikers,
  • reduced taxes.

Their opponents began to cooperate around the profascular nationalist organization Spanish phalanx, who has already exhausted to power. Her support was represented by military, financiers, landowners, churches.

The opposing party established the party played the uprising in 1936. He was supported by the troops of the Spanish colony - Morocco . At that time, they commanded General FrancoSupported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

Soon, the rebels began to manage the Spanish colonies: Canary Islands, Western Sugar, Equatorial Guinea.

Causes of the Civil War in Spain

At the beginning of the Civil War in Spain affected several reasons:

Military Events

Fascist Rebellion and Civil War in Spain - Events are simultaneous. The revolution in Spain began in the summer of 1936. The rebellion of the fascist army led by Franco supported ground troopsclergy. Italy also contributes to Italy and Germany, helping the supply of weapons and military. Frankists immediately occupy most of the country and introduce their own mode there.

State power created a folk front. He helped him: the USSR, French and American government, international brigades.

From spring 1937 to autumn 1938. In the industrial areas of the North of Spain, military actions took place. The rebels managed to break through to the Mediterranean Sea and cut off Catalonia from the Republic. Frankists have a clear advantage of the fall of 1938. As a result, they took the entire territory of the state and installed the authoritarian fascist dictatorship there.

England and France officially recognized the French government with his fascist regime. The war was long with a huge number of victims and destruction. These events were reflected in films about the revolution in Spain 1936-1939, filmed by many directions. For example, the film "Ay, Carmela!", Director Carlos Sara.

The revolution in Spain was completed by the establishment of fascism In the country for reasons:

Any war is a tragedy for everyone who participates in it. But still a special bitter property has civilian wars. If international conflicts are sooner or later end with the signing of a certain agreement, after which the army - former enemies disagree to return each to their homeland, then the internal faces families, neighbors, one-shirts. And on their conclusion, the inevitable "peaceful" coexistence of these classmates, mutilated memories, hatred, offended, forgive those who are above human strength. Civil War in Spain formally lasted for three years - from 1936 to 1939. But also many decades later, the Government of General Franco, the imaginary struggle for the "national idea", and more precisely, for its illusion. It tried to unwind the population against the "Communist Threat", "Masonic" conspiracies and others as ephemeral dangers. All this has become an integral part of the post-war system. But the War of the Spaniards against the Spaniards did not end, it could not be paid off with the help of empty political slogans.

Prior to the start of the so-called "transition period" (Castilla - "Transice") from totalitarianism to democracy in the 70s of the last century, it was necessary to talk about the fratricidal war with great care - the emotional reaction was still too strong and the winner dictator to the time before Time was in power. Especially outstanding achievement on the scales of history not only by Iberian, but also the West is generally a "natural" change of the solar regime and the establishment of the "legal state" declared by the first article of the 1978 Constitution. In Spain, of course, it is believed that such a sharp and at the same time, the bloodless turn has become possible due to the national wisdom, but still makes sense to allocate three decisive factor that made it real. First, the young king Juan Carlos, who turned out to be in power by the will of Tirana, strongly and prudently acted. Secondly, ideological opponents relatively quickly found a compromise (the transition to democracy in Madrid is called even the "revolution on mutual agreement"). Finally, the Constitution of 1978 was played a huge constructive role.

Today, 70 years after the opening of the bloody page in the fate of Spain, the twenty-year experience of constitutional democracy allows you to take a look at the rebellion and the Franco regime without prejudice, without unattassed thirst for mens, without hatred - hidden or explicit. Recently, it became popular to appeal to collective memory. Well, the task is how competent, so hard: considering variability human Relationship To the same events, to approach the memory of the heart it is necessary to be higher than the desire to take revenge. You should have the courage to listen to the truth and give tribute to the heroes, with whatever part of the Barricade they are. After all, heroism, in any case, was genuine.

So, the strengthened spirit of freedom by its existence is canceled by the prisoner for the years and years of the "Pact for Silence". Hot Spaniards are finally ready to look in the face of the facts.

End of the kingdom

By 1930, the long-suffering Spanish monarchy, which passed and before the many deployment and restorations, once again exhausted its resources. What can you do, in contrast to the republic, hereditary power always needs hard folk support and universal love for the dynasty - otherwise it immediately loses the soil under his feet. The Board of Alphonse XIII coincided with the disappointment of the nation in the political system introduced in late XIX. century Prime Minister Canova. That was an attempt to the British manner "instill" by alternately shift at the state steering wheel of two large parties and to overcome the traditionally Spanish tendency to the extreme pluralism (the old saying reads: "Two Spaniards always have three opinions"). Did not work out. The system crackled on all seams, the elections are boycotted.

Trying to save the throne, King in 1923 personally sanctioned the establishment of a dictatorship of Miguel Prio de River and the special manifesto entrusted him the powers of the Society "Iron Surgeon". (The most brilliant Spanish intellectual of that time, Miguel de Namuuno, however, called Generally the "zener", for which he lost his post rector of Salamancan University.) Accordingly, the "treatment period" began. From an economic point of view, everything was at first it looked pretty rosy: there were large industrial companies, there was a impetus to the tourist "development" of the country, serious state construction began. However, the global financial crisis of 1929, explicitly and every day, an increasingly deep split between Republicans and monarchists plus the project of a new ultra-conservative constitution of the "surgical" efforts for no effort and very rapidly.

Disappointed in the possibilities of national reconciliation, in January 1930, Prio de Riveve resigns. The royalists are so demoralized that the king is simply physically unable to collect a full-fledged cabinet of ministers. It happens inevitable: antimonarchic forces, on the contrary, consolidate. One of the military districts, known for the "free" moods among the younger officers, is even solved on an attempt of a coup. The uprising in the city of Khaka is true, it is possible to suppress the latest efforts to suppress, but quite the legitimate elections of 1931 summarize the devil under the solar conflict: the left won with the overwhelming "score". On April 14, the municipal councils of all major cities of Spain proclaim the republican system. The famous historian and aphorist Salvador de Madarya, subsequently fled from Frankists abroad and played a large role in the formation of the post-war international community, then wrote about his fellow citizens: "They met the republic with spontaneous joy, just as the nature of spring rejoices."

Is it not true, such a mood is accompanied by almost all revolutions and returns again, no matter how much of them happened in the past (Spain, for example, has experienced five)? And notice, popular education did not even contrast with the feelings of the "retractable" monarch, as far as this could be expected. Alfons XIII left the rejected his subjects a few felt lines: "The elections held on Sunday, with clarity showed me that today the love of my people is constantly not with me. I prefer to retire in order not to push compatriots on a fratricide civil war, at the request of the people I deliberately stop sending royal power And removing from Spain, recognizing her the only ruler of his destinies. " The next day, he was already shaking in a personal car, heading from Madrid to Cartagena to sail from the coast of the country to which he never had to return. According to the testimony of approximate, His Majesty was at the same time in a completely carefree state of the Spirit.

A similar peaceful transition from the regime to the regime is to joy to the authorities and the people - it seemed that he could all serve as an example to imitate in similar "difficult cases" and did the honor of the "cute girl", as affectionately called her happy adherents. At that time, no one knew that the new regime would open Pandora's box with the "eternal" Spanish issues, an attempt to decide which the future of the country would determine until 1936. Or 1975, when General Franco died? Or to this day?

Price of all Madrid's monasteries

In a country with such a long-standing Catholic tradition, like Spain, the church to this day has a huge informal weight in society (especially in the field of education!), What to talk about thirties? Of course, attacks on oblique clerics, "original opponents of all intellectual freedom", from the Republicans, were helpful, but, as it should be expected and as noted by the same Madarya, "the" latter ". A month after Euphoria, April 14, Madrid woke up in smoke: several monasteries were burning at once. The state leaders of the new regime were withdrawn by passing statements: "All Madrid monasteries are not worth the life of one Republican!", "Spain ceased to be a Christian country!"

With the entire radical reputation of the left socialists, the official anti-church campaign was a surprise for society - right in front of the amazed people, "on legal grounds" the daily lifestyle collapsed: according to statistics of those years, more than two thirds of the country's population regularly went to Messe. And here - decrees about divorces and civil marriages, the dissolution of the Order of Jesuits and the confiscation of his property, the secularization of cemeteries, the ban on priests to teach.
The government was going to "just" the influence and actual power from the hands of "papal deposits", but, acting alive, only caused a national horror.

Caballero - Spanish Lenin

The first article of the new Republican Constitution proclaimed Spain in the Spain of Time "Democratic Republic of All Workers" (the ideological effect of the USSR in Western Europe Mopitually gained strength). The economic rise and the beginning of the industrialization of the country that followed the dictatorship of Prima de River was prepared to the same ground for a powerful trade union movement, pushing the Ministry of Labor led by Francisco Largo Caballero (later called "Spanish Lenin") to decisive reforms: the right to Vacation, the minimum salary and the duration of the working day were identified, medical insurance, mixed coises for resolving conflicts appeared. However, the radicals of this already seemed little: influential anarchists led the attack on the government, demanding complete emancipation of workers. Sounded and "fatal words": the elimination of all private property. Again and again we are confronted with the general denominator of such situations: the left forces are divided, and therefore doomed. Only in episodic situations, they will continue to act at the same time.

The government poster of Republicans is "the glorious date of April 14" (the day of the proclamation of the Spanish Republic in 1931)

States in the state

Here arrived and another deadly danger for the republic. Back with the second halves XIX. Centuries The most successful areas of Spain were Catalonia and the Basque Country (by the way, they still hold leadership), and the revolutionary publicity cleared the path of nationalist sentiment. At that very April day, when a new system was born, the influential politician Francisco Masia proclaimed the "Catalan State" as part of the future "confederation of Iberian peoples." Later, in the midst of the Civil War (October 1936), the Basque Statute will be adopted, from which, in turn, "will fall" Navarre and almost "will fall" at all the tiny province of Alava, inhabited mainly by the same basks. Another regions, Valencia, Aragon - also wanted autonomy, and the government turned out to be forced to agree to the consideration of their statutes, only time was not enough.

Ground peasants! Unity to soldiers!

The third "knife in the back of the republic" - the failure of its economic policy. In contrast to most neighboring countries in Europe, Spain of the 1930s remained a very patriarchal agricultural country. Agricultural reform Already around the century stood on the agenda, but still remained an unattainable dream for the state elite of the entire political spectrum.

Antimonarchic coup pretended to finally peasants hope, because a significant part of them really lived hard, especially in Andalusia, land of the Latifundy. Alas, government measures quickly scattered "Optimism on April 14". On paper, the Agricultural Law of 1932 proclaimed its goal of the creation of a "strong peasant class" and an increase in his level of life, and in fact it turned out to be a slow motion bomb. He made an additional split into society: the landowners were afraid and deaf discontent were filled. Selyan, who was waiting for more decisive changes, remained disappointed.

So, the unity of the nation (or rather, his absence) gradually became in charge of a stumbling block for politicians, but especially disturbed by this issue of the military, who have always seen themselves guarantors of the territorial integrity of Spain very motley in ethnically. And in general, the army, the strength is traditionally conservative, and more clearly opposed reforms. The authorities responded with the Law of Asiana (by the name of the latter, as it turned out, the President of Spain), "Republicanized" command. All officers who showed oscillations with oath on loyalty to the new regime, fired from the armed forces, however, with preserving content. In 1932, the most authoritative of Spanish generals, José Sanhourho, brought the soldiers from the barracks in Seville. The uprising was rapidly crushed, but he reflected the moods of people in the shoulder.

Before storm

So the Republican Government set itself on the line of bankruptcy. It scared the right, did not fulfill the requirements of the left. Almost in the time of issues - political, social and economic - differences aggravated, which led influential parties to direct confrontation. Since 1936, it has become at all open. Both sides naturally came to the logical completion of their ideas: the Communists and numerous "sympathizer" them began to call for a revolution, similar to the October 1917 in Russia, and their opponents, respectively, cross campaign Against the "ghost" of communism, gradually gaining flesh and blood.

In February 1936, the next elections are held and the atmosphere is increasing already rapidly. The victory (with a minimal advantage) gets a folk front, but the main part of the coalition is the socialist "from the sin of the way" refuses to form the government. In the minds, deeds, parliamentary speeches appear feverish arousal. The wife of the leader of the Communists, Dolores Ibarrury, known to the whole world near the party smoking Pasionaria ("Flamen"), entered, bypassing the soldiers, to the prison of the city of Oviedo (none dreamed of stopping - after all, a deputy of parliament), released all prisoners from her And then, highly raising a rusty key over his head, showed him to the crowd: "The dungeon is empty!"

On the other hand, respectable right-wing forces under the leadership of Hilie Robles (the Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Rights - Seo), incapable of such decisive and "theatrical" actions, lost prestige. And "holy place is not empty", and their niche gradually ranked militarized phalanx - a party, borrowed the features of European fascism. Her informal leaders - generals, under whose team there were thousands of "bayonets", seemed to the authorities more real threat. The next "measures" followed: the main suspects in the preparation of the insurrection were previsitively sent away from the strategic points of the Pyrenean Peninsula. Charismatik Emilio Mall fell as a military governor in Pamplona, \u200b\u200band less noticeable, good-natured to Francisco Franco - and at all on the "resort", to Canary.

On July 12, 1936, on the threshold of his own house shot a certain Republican Lieutenant Castillo. The murder seems to have organized ultra-right forces in response to a brutally depressed manifestation of monarchists. The friends of the deceased decided to take revenge, without waiting for the official justice, and at the dawn of the next day, a close friend of Castillo shot at the deputy from the conservatives to José Calvo Smell. The public accused the government in everything. The meter counted the last days before the start of the coup.


On the evening of July 17, the military team spoke out against the republican government in the Moroccan possessions of Spain - Melilla, Tetuan and Seute. At the head of these rebels, Franco arrived from the Canary Islands. The next day, hearing on the radio aforementioned conventional message "Above all Spains a cloudless sky," a number of army garrisons rises throughout the country. Under the control of troops, calling themselves "national", several cities of South (Cadiz, Seville, Cordova, Wuelva), North Extremadura, a significant part of Castile, Native Province of Franco Galicia and a good half of Aragona. The largest cities are Madrid, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBilbao, Valencia and the industrial areas spread around them - retain the loyalty to the republic. Full-scale civil war began, and every citizen, even caught off the surprise, was to urgently decide: with whom he.
The rebel camp, from the very beginning, was a rather dead picture: members of the phalange, which soon had to become the only legitimate political power of the country, saw their ideal in the monumental "leader" of the Italian and German sample. Monarchists wanted a "ordinary" military dictatorship, capable of returning the bourbons to the throne. "Special" group of their like-minded people from Navarre dreamed of the same, with a small "amendment" regarding the change of dynasty. Joined Franco and the "holvity" of the loose coalition of the right forces - not to the Republicans they had to go. The whole of this material is united, in fact, "three whales": "religion", "anti-communism", "order". But this turned out to be enough: cohesion and coordination of actions became the main viscosity of nationalists. And it was her who did not have enough opponents, people honest and hot ...

Republic against fascism

Republicans, as we remember, have always suffered from internal disagreements. Now, in military conditions, they did not find anything better, how to deal with them "terrorist", by cleaning like Stalinsky. The latter is not surprising: from the first days of opposition to key positions among the Republicans, the most energetic and merciless, that is, orthodox communists, inspired and instructed by comrades from Moscow. In his own camp, they made hardly big devastation than in the enemy: the first victims were anarchists. The unreliable members of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unity (their leader, Andreu Nin, once worked in Trotsky's office and, of course, could not survive surrounded by Soviet Commissars. He was killed in the "International Concentr" in Alcala de Enaren on June 20, 1937 When the front line approached the city). Of course, the "karas" did not avoid moderate socialists: some of them fell under the blocked teams directly from ministerial chairs. In each "republican" city, committees and squads were created, where the party or in the most extreme cases of trade union activists were filled. The purpose of such "volatile detachments" was openly proclaimed by the persecution and expropriation of people's property, one way or another connected with the tickles, and priests. And to decide who the tickness, and who is not, naturally, was provided to them by the laws of military time. As a result, the streams of the "random" blood shed right on the "mill" of nationalists. Entering the area devastated by the "Committees", those demonstratively canceled expropriation and posthumously awarded tortured "heroes". The people were silent, but Motal on the mustache ...

Great powers rehearse
The Spanish war has become a warmth of the European policy to the future, the second in a row, World War. Thus, the British government announced its neutrality, but British diplomats in Spain almost openly supported nationalists. All the assets of the Republican government in the United Kingdom were even frozen. It would seem that everything is in order, the neutrality is observed - after all, the same and the same and francist assets. However, the latter were not stored in English banks. Similarly, the ban on the export of weapons to Spain actually touched only Republicans - after all, Frankists generously supplied with London's Hitler and Mussolini.

The fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, however, not only violated the embargo, but also openly sent troops (respectively, the "Corps of Voluntary Forces" and Legion "Condor") for help from Franco. The first squadron of aircraft with Apennel arrived in Spain on July 27, 1936. And in the midst of the war, the Italians sent 60,000 people to Spain. There were several formations of volunteers from other countries who spoke out of nationalists - for example, the Irish Brigade of General EOINE O "Duffy. Thus, because of the Franco-British embargo, the Republican government could count on the aid of only one ally - distant Soviet UnionThat, according to some estimates, put Spain a thousand airplanes, 900 tanks, 1,500 artillery guns, 300 armored vehicles, 30,000 tons of ammunition. Republicans, however, paid for all this 500 million dollars in gold. In addition to weapons, our country sent more than 2,000 people to Spain - for the most part of tankers, pilots and military consultants.

Germany and the USSR primarily used the Pyrenean Peninsula as a polygon for running through fast tanks and tests of new aircraft, which was intensively designed at a time. Messerschmitt-109 and the transport bombers "Junkers-52" were first tested then. Our "chasing" recently created polycarpov fighters - "I-15" and "I-16". The Spanish War was also one of the first examples of the total war: the bombardment of the Basque Grannie Legion "Condor" anticipated such shares of the Second World War, the Nazis air raids on Britain and the "carpeting" bombing of Germany, carried out by allies.

In Alcazar without change

By early August 1936, energetic Franco managed to deliver all his air on the air on the peninsula african army. It was unparalleled in military history operation (however, it became possible, of course, thanks to the Germans and Italians). The future leader of the people planned to immediately attack Madrid from the south, putting him by surprise, but ... "Blitzkrieg in Spanish" failed. Moreover, as the later "nationalist legend" says, very popular in Castilian school programs 50-60s, - because of the little, but the heroic hitch. Before heading to the capital, the noble general, the faithful officer fraternity, found himself obliged to release the Citadel (Alcazar) of Toledo city, where the Republicans have fallen a handful of the rebels led by Colonel Moskardo, the old friend Franco. The brave colonel with a few of the surviving fighters waited, the same "their own" and met the commander-in-chief at the gates of the fortress with cold-blooded words: "In Alcasar, everything is unchanged, my general".

Meanwhile, one God knows what the Moskardo cost this simple phrase: for refusing to fold the weapon, he paid the life of the son, whom the Republicans kept the hostage and eventually shot. In the Palace Fortress, 1,300 men, 550 women and 50 children were held in the Palace Fortress, not to mention the hostages - the civilian governor of Toledo with the family and the good hundred left activists. Alcazar kept 70 days, food was not enough, even horses were eaten - all, with the exception of a tribal stallion. Instead of salt, the plaster was used from the walls, and Moskardo himself performed the responsibilities of the missing priest: the burial rites. At the same time, in his deposited kingdom, there were parades and even danced Flamenco. Modern Spain gives tribute to such a heroism: there is a military museum in the fortress, a few halls of which are devoted to the events of 1936.

On Madrid five columns

The fighting was "their guy" - with varying success. Frankists came close to the capital, but they could not take it. On the other hand, the attempt of the Republican fleet to land the landing on the Balearic Islands was for the root of Mussolini Aviation.

However, the massive Soviet side of Odessa, who made an extraordinary revival in the Left mill, could have already in a hurry to the aid of the ships from Odessa, which made an extraordinary revival in the mill left, converted it to a combat Bolshevik sample. At the personal requirement of Stalin, the Central Republican General Staff under the leadership of the same "Lenin" - Largo Caballero, the institute of the Commissioners appeared in the army, which was mentioned above. The official government, the sake of sake, moved to Valencia, and the defense of Madrid lay on the shoulders of a special junta of national defense, where José Miah was chaired - the old general. Showing his determination to save the city at any cost, he even joined the Communist Party. He also authorized the widespread dissemination of the "No Pasaran!" Slogan ("They won't pass"), which still serves as a symbol of any resistance.

Thousands of political prisoners from among those suspected in "nationalism" in those days were demonstratively removed from prisons, constructed on the central streets to the suburbs and they were shot under the sounds of the Frankist Cannonade. Thousands of young romantic-interbricadine tend to meet them, to barricades, to front-line turns. Volunteers from all over the world, for the most part that did not have the slightest combat training, flooded the capital. For a while, they even created the republican side of a numerical advantage on the battlefield, but the number, as you know, does not always go into quality.

In the meantime, the opponent has taken some more unsuccessful attempts to completely block Madrid, but the rebels have already become clear: the warrior will last longer than planned. Radio messages of that bloody winter entered the history of chased rows. Say, the same General Mall, Franco's opponent in the leading top of the nationalists, gave the world a "fifth column" expression, saying that in addition to the four Army, under his gun, he had another one - in the capital itself, and she is in the decisive The moment will hit the rear. Spying, sabotage and sabotage in Madrid really reached a serious scope, despite the repression.

Eyewitnesses heroic defense Madrid, German historian and publicist Franz Borkenau wrote in those days: "Of course, there are less well-dressed people here than in normal time, but there are still a lot of them, especially women who demonstrate their weekend dresses on the streets and in a cafe without fear And oscillations, completely differently, as in the proletarian Barcelona ... Cafe is full of journalists, civil servants, intelligentsia of all kinds ... Stun the level of militarization: workers with rifles are dressed in a new blue shape. Churches are closed, but not burned. Most of the requisited machines are used by government institutions, not political parties or trade unions. Expropriation was almost no. Most stores operate without any supervision. "

Grannik and not only

After taking Malaga Frankists in February 1937, violent attempts to capture Madrid decided to leave. Instead, the nationalists rushed to the north: thumb main industrial assemblies of the republic. Here they accompanied fast luck. Iron Belt Bilbao (concrete defensive structures) fell in June, Santander - in August, and all Asturias - in September. It is not surprising that this time "anti-communists" took care of the case seriously and without sublimation. The offensive began an event, completely demoralized the enemy: Following Durango, the German Aviation Legion "Condor" erased from the face of the legendary Grant (the last city is known to the whole world, unlike the first only thanks to Pablo Picasso and his Great Picture). At the end of October, the Government of the Republic again had to be collected on the road: from Valencia to Barcelona. Strategic initiative it has fallen forever.

And the international, as they say now, the community felt this, responding with sober cynicism peculiar to him. Republic, with whose leaders there were still yesterday state figures Great powers, was overnight forgotten, as if it was not. In February 1939, the French government Franco officially recognized France and the United Kingdom. All other countries, with the exception of Mexico and the USSR, followed by their example for several months. Communists hurriedly left the country. It remained only to sign the capitulation, the conditions of which were prudently published in Burgos - the temporary capital of nationalists. The order of the final triumphal offensive commander-in-chief gave on March 27. Resistance almost did not follow: On March 28, the attackers took the Guadalajara and entered Madrid, the 29th of Cuenc, Ciudad-Resident, Albacete, Han and Almeria, opened before them, the next day - Valencia, 31st - Murcia and Cartagena. First of April 1939, the last military summary was published. Smallkley guns and long-term disputes and discussions began, in which, alas, could not take part from 250 to 300 thousand who died in this war.

Don Paco - Lucky

On April 1, 1939, a modest and low-profit (until time) the servant, a veteran of several Moroccan campaigns, the "child" of national humiliation, experienced by Spain after the defeat in 1898 from the United States and the loss of the last colonies in Cuba and the Philippines, Francisco Franco Baamonde became an unlimited ruler . I disappeared from the political history of the combat general infantry, loved by his soldiers, and his "changed" the lifelong head of the state and the government, the leader of the phalanx, - "The leader of Spain by God's mercy".

Whether the striking "Don Paco" possessed (so, abbreviated from Francisco, his subjects were called) with sufficient intellectual potential to lead the "ship of Spain" between the reefs of the story? Yes and no. Obviously one thing: Caudillo was lucky. It was the luck who helped him consolidate power. Comrades Franco, which could compile him competition, - Sanhourho and Mol died in suspiciously similar air crashes at the beginning of the civil war. Well, in the future, the leader did not miss good luck. He skillfully manipulated the moods of approximate. He showed himself as a virtuoso "Partial Action" policy: never went to the end, providing the right of the last move to the opponent's partner. As a true Galisian, always "answered the question", which, by the way, helped him with a personal meeting with Hitler in Andea, at the French-Spanish border on October 23, 1940. The legend says: Franco raised the Fuhrer to such an extent that the latter came out and shouted: "Do not enter into war! Neither we nor you need it! " And the Spaniards did not "expose the swords" in a large world "fight" - the only Blue Division of Volunteers (Division Azul), sent to the war against the USSR does not count.

Tragedy in numbers

According to existing highly approximate statistics, 500,000 people died on both sides during the civil war in Spain. Of these, 200,000 fell in battles: 110,000 on the republican side, 90,000 - on Frankist. Thus, 10% of the total number of soldiers died. In addition, by free estimates, the nationalists executed 75,000 civilians and prisoners, and Republicans are 55,000. These fallen and victims of secret political killings are among these fallen. Near foreigners who played a crucial role in hostilities. Of those that fought on the side of the nationalists, five,5,300 people (4,000 Italians, 300 Germans, 1,000 representatives of other nations) have fallen. Interbricades suffered almost the same heavy losses. Approximately 4,900 volunteers died for the business of the republic - 2,000 Germans, 1,000 French, 900 Americans, 500 British and 500 others. In addition, about 10,000 Spaniards found their end during bombing. Their share of them suffered during the raids of the Hitler's Legion "Condor". Well, of course, hunger caused by the blockade of the Republican Coast: it is believed that he ruined 25,000 people. In total, 3.3% of the Spanish population died during the war, 7.5% were physical injuries. There is also evidence that after the war on a personal order, Franco went to the world of another 100,000 of his former opponents, and another 35,000 killed in concentration camps.

Saving "Iron Curtain"

After the second world fall, Caudillo seemed inevitable - couldn't he say goodbye friendship with the Führer and Duke? Falangists even went in blue shirts (by analogy with the Nazi brown and italofascist black) and threw up the hands, welcoming each other. However, everything was forgotten. Of course, "Iron Curtain" helped to Europe from Baltic before the Adriatic, he forced the Western allies to suffer until the "Western Watchthod".

Franco reliably controlled the communist movements in his possessions and "covered" access from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea. A crucial course for "political Catholicism", taken by a dictator after some oscillations, helped. The accusations of the international community now turned out to be the easier to get out that it was possible to "stand in the pose": they say, see who attacks us? Luks, radicals, enemies of traditions! What are we doing? We protect the Christian faith and morality. As a result, after a short insulation, Totalitarian Spain even received access to the UN in 1955: the Concordat signed in 1953 with the Vatican and Trade Agreements with the United States played the role. Now it was possible to start fulfilling the stabilization plan, soon we transform the backward agrarian country, but before ...

Porphic "Pilot Changes"

Previously, it was necessary to resolve the question of the "Prepolyasing" - to choose the successor. Back in 1947, Franco announced that after his death, Spain "in accordance with the tradition" will return to the monarchy again. After some time, he reached an agreement with Don Juan, Graph Barcelona, \u200b\u200bchapter royal House In exile: the Son of the Prince was supposed to go to Madrid to get there education, and then the throne. The future monarch was born in Rome, and in the Fatherland for the first time he found himself at the end of 1948 with a ten-year-old boy. Here, His Highness passed the course of all military and political sciences, which he considered his high patron.

Juan Carlos I was crowned immediately after the death of Caudillo in 1975, by the way, even before his father officially renounced the rights to the throne. The construction of the throne occurred exactly according to the plan dictated to the world by another dictator: the "operation" had even code name - "Svetok". Just a minute, the process of climbing the young men to the supreme power in the state was painted. Power departments I provided it with the necessary support.

Of course, the king at the same time did not receive the absolute power that his predecessor possessed. And yet the role was significant. The question was only whether he could keep the office in inorganant hands. Will it be able to prove to the world that he is a king not only by "appointment"?
Huan Carlos was to work hard before he spent the country along the way from dictatorship to modern democracy and achieved great popularity at home and abroad. There was a "change", behind it - "transition". Spain not once turned out to be close to the military coup, even slid back into the abyss of a fratricide slaughter. But - kept. And if Caudillo became famous as a master to circle everyone and all around the finger, the king won the fact that he opened the cards. He was not looking for arguments and did not curse his opponents as participants in the civil war. He simply stated that henceforth would be the interests of all Spaniards - and those "bribed" them.

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