Student Rating Regulations. Rating assessment as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of training and education

1. General Provisions. 1.1 This Regulation on the rating system for assessing educational and non-academic educational achievements students MOU SOSH s. Ilyinskoe developed in accordance with Model provision about educational institution average (full) general education and decision pedagogical council MOU SOSH s. Ilyinskoe (protocol No. dated _____________).

1.2. The rating system of assessment is a system of organizing the educational process, in which a regular assessment of educational knowledge, skills and abilities of students is carried out, as well as an assessment of their social, creative activity, research activities, sports activities, compliance with norms school life during school year... With a rating system, the main indicators are assessed in rating points. Rating points are recruited during the entire period of study and are recorded by entering into the statement at the end of each trimester (half year), the results of the academic year. G.

1.3. A rating system for determining the rating of intellectual, creative and personal growth the student is built in such a way as to provide a certain balance of values. Only those students can become leaders who, along with good academic results, are realized in the extracurricular sphere, public life or expand the framework of "compulsory education", move on to creative forms of self-education, independent research, and so on. This approach reflects the observed pattern: successful professionals, public figures, as a rule, become not executive students, but students with an active position, search and creative activity.

1.4. The rating helps to increase the motivation of students for active educational and extracurricular activities, develop student self-assessment skills, record student learning outcomes, compare the achievements of individual students, and provide guidance in determining school performance.

2.1.Streamlining the assessment system of educational and extracurricular activities

2.2. Increasing the motivation of students to master academic subjects, intensify research and project activities;

2.3. Stimulating the social activity of students, participation in the life of the school and class;

2.4. Increasing the responsibility of students for the decisions made, adherence to the norms of school life;

2.5. Additional encouragement and stimulation of the organizational and creative activity of students;

2.6. Determination of priority areas of educational and outside learning activities;

2.7. Gain academic discipline students, improving the indicators of attending lessons, enhancing independent and individual work.

2.8. Developing students' self-assessment skills.

3.2. Multidimensionality (the knowledge of students is assessed, the ability to apply them in practice, tracking the dynamics personal development student);

4. The mechanism of formation of the educational rating.

4.1. All activities of each student are divided into six sectors (each sector has its own criteria):

4.1.1. educational activity - 50 points(average score) + subject Olympiads, subject competitions; activity-15 points (participation in school, district, republican and Russian events, preparation and / or holding);

4.1.3. -15 points (participation in school, district, republican and Russian projects);

4.1.4.creative activity- 15 points (music school, creative studios and everything related to artistic and aesthetic orientation);

4.1.5. sports activities-15 points; (participation in sports competitions at school, regional, republican and Russian levels, classes in sections, sports circles, electives);

4.1.6... normative activity-5 points (participation in events by law, compliance with the charter, rules of conduct, etc.); Maximum points: 100

Those. the maximum number of points for educational activity is 50 points, for social activity - 15 points, for creative activity - 15 points, research activity - 15 points, sports - 15 points, normative - 5 points.

4.2. Individual achievements students in educational and extracurricular activities are transferred to a point system for each criterion of each sector by the students themselves, using a detailed scoring system (Appendix 1).

4.3. For each sector, the sum of points is displayed by adding the points for each criterion of the sector

4.4 At the end of the calculation, all the total sector scores are added to give the total score for the six sectors.

4.5. Each student independently at the end of the quarter (half year), the academic year fills out the card "Rating system for assessing the student's educational and extracurricular activities" (Appendix No. 2)

4.6. The student hands over the completed card to the class teacher for verification (you can provide materials confirming personal achievements)

4.7. The class teacher fills out the card of bonuses and penalties (Appendix No. 3)

4.8 In addition to sector scores class teacher in the 7th column of the map "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student" are entered bonuses:

4.8.1. For high-quality class duty - 0.1 point;

4.8.2. For participation in more than one Olympiads - 0.1 point;

4.8.3. For the ability to speak correctly, communicate, listen, etc. - 0.2 points;

4.8.4. For high-quality participation in class activities - oh, 1 point;

4.8.5. For quality participation in environmental clean-ups, landings, actions, etc. - 0.5 points;

4.8.6. For the absence of violations of discipline in the classroom, breaks, in the dining room, etc. - 0.5 points;

4.8.7. For maintaining a healthy lifestyle - 0.3 points.

4.9.Penalties points are entered by the class teacher in column 8 of the map "Rating system for assessing the student's educational and extracurricular activities":

4.9.1. For each late arrival at school and extracurricular activities- 0.1 point;

4.9.2. For each missing lessons without good reason- 0.2 points;

4.9.3. For the absence of school supplies in the lesson - 0.5 points;

4.9.4. For each violation of discipline in the lesson - 0.2 points;

4.9.5. For each gross violation of discipline (fights, insults, use of obscene language, smoking) - 30 points;

4.9.6. For committing an administrative offense - 50 points;

4.9.7. For one-time use of a cell phone in the lesson (except for the calculator) - 20 points.

4.9.8. For registration with intra-school registration and (or) registration with the CDN, PDN - 40 points

4.9.9.For a single visit to school without a uniform - 0.5 points

5. Responsibility and control of the assessment of educational and extracurricular achievements and the formation of the rating of students.

5.1. Responsibility for completing the card "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student" lies with the student.

5.2. Control over the correct filling of the card "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student" is carried out by the class teacher.

5.3. The class teacher, together with the student, fills out 7 (bonuses) and 8 (penalties) columns of the card "Rating system for assessing the student's educational and extracurricular activities"

5.4. The class teacher draws up a summary sheet of the rating of his students (by class) in the form of a table from the highest to the lowest score for a quarter (six months), a year.

5.5. The class teacher submits the statement in printed and electronic form to the deputy director of the school for academic affairs.

5.6. The deputy director of the school for academic affairs draws up a summary sheet of the rating of students in grades 1-4, 5-7 and 8-11 grades in the form of a table from the highest to the lowest score in terms of trimesters, year.

5.7. Based on the results of the rating, the deputy director of the school for academic work prepares a presentation (draft order) to encourage students in grades 1-4, 5-7 and 8-11 for the pedagogical council for the trimester and year.

5.8. The director of the school, based on the results of the rating and the decision of the pedagogical council, issues an order to approve the rating and encourage students.

6.1. Students in grades 2-4, 5-7 and 8-11 with the highest rating (3-5 people each) at the end of the academic year are awarded the title "Best student of the year", awarded with a Certificate of Merit and a gift.

6.2. Information about students in elementary, basic, high school with the highest rating (3-5 people) according to the results of the trimester (half a year) is posted on the school website, the Board of Honor and in funds mass media.

6.3. Students in grades 2-4, 5-7 and 8-11 with the highest rating (3-5 people) at the end of the year are given the right to finish the current academic year earlier, but no more than 2 weeks;

6.4. The first student of the school is given the right to be nominated for the prize of the Council of Deputies of the district or to be awarded a cash prize (from the funds of the educational institution) Detailed scoring system.Educational activities. Appendix 1 (maximum result - 50 points)

When filling out the table, the student calculates his average grade (GPA)

based on the results of a quarter (half year), year (depending on the time of the assessment).

The resulting score is multiplied by 10.

Average score is the sum of trimester grades in the subjects of the curriculum, divided by the number of subjects studied in curriculum. Table # 1

When participating in a subject Olympiad, subject competition, the student adds additional points to the total points received:

Table 2







3rd place (3rd degree diploma)

2nd place (2nd degree diploma)

Laureate (diploma)

1st place (1st degree diploma)

With participation in intellectual games-contests ("British Bulldog", "Kangaroo", "Russian Bear" Table 3

Attention!!!Only OLYMPIAD ON ONE SUBJECT counts

(i.e. if a student took part in 2, 3 or 4 Olympiads in different subjects, only points for one subject of the student's choice in other subjects - bonuses will be taken into account). It turns out the formula:

(average score x 10) + Olympiads + subject contests + intellectual games-contests = total points

Example: Ivanov Sergey. Average rating: 4.1 x 10 = 41 points

Participation in the Olympiads (table number 2) -school courses : 0.5 points, area. round, 3rd place : 2 points

Competitions (by academic discipline. Example "Quiz" on history, etc.)

(Table 2) - did not participate: 0 points.

(These totals are entered in the 1st column

Research and project activities (maximum result -15 points)

Participation in the school project week: 2 points

Writing a social project - 5 points

Implementation of a written social project - 10 points

Preparation of computer presentations:

a) in academic subjects - 3 points

b) for extracurricular activities - 5 points

Results of research and project activities in the form of a competition, festival, conference.







3rd place (3rd degree diploma)

2nd place (2nd degree diploma)

Laureate (diploma)

1st place (1st degree diploma)

Example: Ivanov Sergey . Participation in the project week - 2 b.

Preparation of a computer presentation on history 1, geography 1 = 3 b x 2 = 6 b.

Participation in a district conference with a project - 0.9 pts. Total: 2 + 6 + 0.9 = 8.9 points

(These totals are entered in the 2nd column cards "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student")

Social activity(maximum result - 15 points)

Participationat school holidays and events: 1 point (for each event);

Participationin village events - 1.5 points

Participationin district events: 2 points;

Participationat republican events: 2.5 points

Participationin interregional events: 3 points

Participationin the volunteer movement (according to the book of volunteers) - 4 points

Organization and preparation school party and activities: 2 points

Organization and preparationvillage event: 2.5 points

Organization and preparationdistrict level events: 3 points

Organization and preparationrepublican events: 3.5 points

Organization and preparationevents of the interregional or Russian level: 4 points

Participation in another type of activity is assessed according to a similar system in consultation with the controlling person (class teacher, administration)

Example: Ivanov Sergey. Participation in the activities of the school. level 6 times: 6 points(1 x 6)

Participation in rural events 1 time: - 1.5 points

Organization of a school holiday 2 times: 4 points(2 x 2)

(These totals are entered in the 3rd column cards "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student")

Creative activity(max.number of points: 15)

The scoring system in this section is as follows:

Visit learners circles of artistic and aesthetic trends, studios, a museum in their free time (afternoon - from 16:00, Sunday): 1 point

This visit must be recorded by an order for the school and reflected in the instruction log.

Visiting student institutions additional education(music school ): 3 points

Participation in competitions, art shows, creative festivals of artistic and aesthetic orientation:







3rd place (3rd degree diploma)

2nd place (2nd degree diploma)

Laureate (diploma)

1st place (1st degree diploma)

ATTENTION! Participation of a student in any creative studio, circle of artistic and aesthetic direction MUST have confirmation in the class journal (in the appropriate section).

Participation in competitions must also have documentary evidence: diploma, gratitude, award list, etc.

Example: Ivanov Sergey. Goes dancing. studio (1 b), theatrical. circle (1 b) 1 x 2 = 2 b

Participated in the regional dance competition 2 times; took 3rd place on one : 3 b(1 + 2 x 1)

Participated in the regional dance competition: 6 b (6x 1) Total: 6 + 1.5 +4 +2.5 = 14 points

(These totals are entered in the 4th column cards "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student")

Sports activities(max.number of points: 15)

The scoring system in this section is as follows:

Visiting students of sports sections. Sports clubs, electives in their free time (afternoon) - 1 point.

This visit must be recorded by an order for the school and reflected in the instruction log.

Visiting students of an institution of additional education ( sport school): 3 points.

Participation in sports competitions, sports competitions, sports events:







3rd place (3rd degree diploma)

2nd place (2nd degree diploma)

Laureate (diploma)

1st place (1st degree diploma)

The student's participation in any sports section, sports club must be confirmed in the class magazine (in the appropriate section).

Participation in sports competitions. Sports competitions must have documentary evidence: diploma, gratitude, award list, and so on.

Example: Ivanov Sergey . Goes to volleyball. section, football 1 x 2 = 2 p

Goes to the kettlebell circle = 3 points. Participated in schools. competitions = 0.5 points

Participated in district sports. competition. took 3rd place -2 p Total: 2 + 3 + 0.5 + 2 = 7.5 pts

(These totals are entered in the 5th column cards "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student")

Regulatory activity(max.result 5 points)

The scoring system in this section is as follows:

Students' attendance at school events in law (disputes, conversations, lectures, trainings, etc.) - 2 points

Preparing and conducting school events in law - 2.5 points.

Participation in competitions, shows, creative festivals on the basics of legal knowledge:







3rd place (3rd degree diploma)

2nd place (2nd degree diploma)

Laureate (diploma)

1st place (1st degree diploma)

Example: Ivanov Sergey. Participated in the dispute on the topic "Take care of honor from a young age" - 2 b

Listened to a lecture on the dangers of smoking - 2 b. To school. the competition rightfully took 2nd place -0.7 b

1 time was recorded in the behavior diary (5 x 2 = - 10 b)Bottom line: 2+ 2+ 0.7 = 4.7 - 10 = -5.3 pts

(These totals are entered in the 6th column cards "Rating system for assessing educational and extracurricular activities of a student")

Obtaining the final amount of points. At the end of the calculation, all the scores for the six sectors are added to give the total score.

Example: Ivanov Sergey

  1. Educational activities.

(maximum result - 50 points)

Total: (4.1 x 10) + 0.5 + 2 = 43.5

2. Research and design activities

(maximum result -15 points)

Total: 2 + 6 + 0.9 = 8.9 points

3. Social activity

(maximum result - 35 points)

Outcome: 6 + 1.5 +4 +2.5 = 14 points

4. Creative activity

(maximum number of points: 15)

Outcome: 6 + 1.5 +4 +2.5 = 14 points

5. Sports activities

(maximum number of points: 15)

Outcome: 2 + 3 + 0.5 + 2 = 7.5 points

6. Regulatory activity

(maximum result 5 points)

Outcome: 2+ 2+ 0.7 = 4.7 - 10 = -5.3 points

Points total: 43.5 + 8.9 + 14 + 14 + 7.5 + (- 5.3) =72,6

7. Bonuses:

For high-quality class duty - 0,1 score;

For participation in more than one Olympiad - 0.1 point х 3 = 0,3 points;

For the ability to speak correctly, communicate, listen, etc. - 0,2 points;

For quality participation in the environmental campaign - 0,5 points;

For the absence of violations of discipline in the classroom, change- 0,5 points;

Total: 0.1 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.5 + 0.5 =1.6 points

8. Penalties:

For each late arrival to school and extracurricular activities - 0.9 points (0.1 x 9 = 0.9);

For every class skipping without a good reason - 1 point (0.2 x 5);

For using a cell phone in a lesson (except for a calculator) - 40 points (20 x 2)

Total: 0.9 + 1.0 + 40 =41,9. TOTAL: 72.6 + 1.6 - 41.9 = 32.3

GBOU Gymnasium № 1592 named after the hero of the Russian Federation E.N. Chernyshev of the city of Moscow

In the Law on Education of the Russian Federationeducation is defined as a single purposeful process of upbringing and education, which is a socially significant benefit and is carried out in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, value attitudes, experience and competence of a certain volume and complexity for the purpose of intellectual , spiritual, moral, creative, physical and (or) professional development a person satisfying him educational needs and interests;

upbringing - activities aimed at personal development, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization of the student on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society and state;

General position

A rating is an assessment, some numerical characteristic of a qualitative phenomenon. "Class rating" is a tool for comprehensive assessment of class results, contributing to the formation of an integral personality, including educational; socially and personally meaningful activity... Grade ratings help create a healthy, competitive classroom environment that fosters student interest in educational process, further development.

1. Objectives: creation of a tool for comprehensive assessment of class results. It provides for the assessment of class achievements in the main educational areas:

    Educational achievements;

    Public activity;

    Compliance with the norms of gymnasium life;

    Research activities;

    Creative achievements.

2. With a rating system, the main indicators are assessed in rating points. Rating points are gained throughout the entire period of study and are recorded by entering into the statement at the end of each trimester and at the end of the academic year.

3. According to the results of the rating system of assessment, the "Best class" and the classes that took the 2nd and 3rd places at the end of each trimester and / or year are determined. The best class and prize-winning classes are awarded with certificates and gifts at the end of the academic year.

4. The grading system for determining the rating of the intellectual, creative and personal growth of the class is built in such a way as to ensure a certain balance of the value orientations of the gymnasium. Only those classes that, along with good academic results, are implemented in the extracurricular sphere, public life, or expand the scope of "compulsory education", move on to creative forms of independent research, and so on, can become leaders in the ranking.

    rallying a classy team through a competitive atmosphere

    identifying leadership skills among students

    activation of cognitive and scientific activities

    involving the class in school activities

    increasing the motivation of students to master academic subjects, intensifying research activities;

    stimulation of social activity of classes, participation in school life;

    increasing the responsibility of schoolchildren for the decisions made, adherence to the norms of school life;

    additional encouragement and stimulation of class teams;

    determination of priority directions of educational and extracurricular activities;

    strengthening the academic discipline, improving the rates of attending lessons, enhancing independent and individual work.

7. Scoring system


    draws up a report from documents confirming the achievements and participation of the class: photocopies or originals

    submits a report to the Deputy Director for BP.

    hand over the diary on discipline to the deputy director for BP

Upon completion of the verification and scoring, the school administration publishes the final grade rating on the website.



Penalty points



Grade GPA

Eljur digit

Participation of students in the school round of the Olympiads

1 point for 1 student

Participation in the district round of the Olympiads

2 point for 1 student

Participation in the city tour of the Olympiads

3 points for 1 student

Participation in the All-Russian round of the Olympiads

4 points per student

Regional Olympiad winners

5 points per student

City Olympiad winners

10 points per student

Awardees All-Russian Olympiad

15 points per student

5 points (for one participation in the district)

10 points for participation in urban

15 points for All-Russian competition

15 points for each winner

OUT-OF-CLASS WORK (creative and social activities)

Making a cool corner

1 (if the information is not updated. In each trimester, new information)

Class participation in the CAM Campaign (volunteering)

5 (one event)

Visit class theater and / or museum FOR FREE TICKETS (in accordance with the decree of the Government of Moscow) during free time from studies (afternoon - from 16:00, Saturday, Sunday):

5 per visit

This visit must be recorded by an order for the school reflected in the instruction log (at the security point).

Help SAMU in organizing the event

5 (for one event)

Participation in the Day of Self-Government

1 student = 1 point

High School Classroom Interaction primary school

10 points

5 for lack of interaction

(positive feedback from the class teacher of the primary school and the students of the class)

Participation in school event

5 (for one event)

5 (class did not participate)

Winning a school event

10 (for one event)


School uniform

5 (the point is set once a week based on the results of the CAM raid)

1 student without uniform - 1 penalty point (exhibited during the raid)

The raid is conducted under the leadership of the Deputy Director for VR

School duty.

10 (set at the end of the week at 2 points per day, if there are no comments)

1 point for each comment

Discipline notes in the lesson in the class diary

5 (no comments)

Exhibited twice per trimester

1 for 1 comment

Offenses (information from social educator)

10 (no delinquent trimester)

5 for each offense


school pedagogical council

Minutes No. 4 dated 01.01.2001

Director of MOU Secondary School No. 28


municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school № 28.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. Student rating is an individual measure of the level of success achieved in academic and extracurricular activities.

To visually reflect the intermediate and final results of the educational activities of students in the school and classrooms in general;

Stimulate educational efforts, research and extracurricular activities of school students and classrooms;

Develop student self-assessment skills;

Compare the achievements of individual students;

Analyze the results of the school.

Multidimensionality (the knowledge of students is assessed, the ability to apply them in practice, the dynamics of the student's personal development is monitored);

The individual abilities of each student are taken into account;

Not only quantitative, but also qualitative indicators of a student in educational and extracurricular activities are assessed.

2.3. The semi-annual rating is determined based on the results of educational activities in the 1st and 2nd half of the year, taking into account participation in subject Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, various competitions and sports competitions different levels.

2.4. The annual rating of each student in the school is made up of all of his semi-annual ratings. The annual ranking reflects the academic success of the school's students in the current academic year. This allows you to compare the academic success of students in all grades of the school with each other.

3.2. The semi-annual rating is calculated as the sum of the student's academic achievement. One-time supplements for prizes in subject Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences of different levels are added to the rating sum according to the table:

Rank of Olympiads and


occupied place















A one-time supplement is made for reaching the final of the school scientific and practical conference: 0.4 points - I place, 0.3 points - II place; 0.2 points - III place; 0.1 point - participation.

3.3. Individual achievements of students in various competitions and sports competitions are calculated according to the table with a coefficient of 0.5.

Rank of competitions and


occupied place








4. Summing up.

4.1. Based on the results of the current and semi-annual ranking, a school-wide list of students "Top 100 School Students" is compiled.


Front modern school there are acute issues of motivation for learning, objectivity in assessing students, as well as preparing children for life in real competitive conditions of society. The modernization of the content of school education, the profiling of the senior classes, modern pedagogical technologies based on the ideas of student-centered and developmental learning require the use of new theoretical approaches and technologies for assessing the quality of students' knowledge.

Controlling, assessing knowledge, skills - these ancient components of pedagogical technology are indispensable companions of the school, accompany its development. Nevertheless, there is a heated debate about the meaning of assessment and its technology. The change in education in accordance with the modern needs of society should be accompanied by a change in the teaching strategy, and, accordingly, in the methods of assessing the achievements of students. In other words, today it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the manifestation and stimulation of the personal potential of all participants in educational interaction.

Learning can only be effective when educational work systematically and deeply monitored when the students themselves constantly see the result of their work. In the absence of such control in the process of mastering the educational material, students cannot objectively judge the true level of their knowledge, they have little idea of ​​their shortcomings.

One of the directions contributing to the solution of this problem is the use of the rating system for assessing the progress of schoolchildren (hereinafter - the rating system), since "the best way to ensure that the job is done is to encourage rivalry: not base, selfish rivalry, but the desire to achieve superiority." ... (D. Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

A rating is a quantitative assessment of any quality of a person. Consequently, the student learning rating is a quantitative assessment of the results of pedagogical influence on a person. Let's give the following definition of a student's rating:

The word "rating" comes from the English "to rate" and "rating". The rating technology for assessing the learning outcomes of students in a certain discipline is based on taking into account the scores they accumulate in points for the performance of current work (laboratory, control, essays, tests, etc.) or regularly held control activities. Unlike the traditional method of assessment, rating technology involves the sequential summation of the student's grades in a given discipline over a period of time. The current rating score for the discipline consists of assessments of all types of educational work and knowledge control practiced at school, without exception, including not only work on the curriculum, but also such additional activities as participation in olympiads, competitions, speaking at conferences, etc. .d.

The stages of training determine the type of control and, as a consequence, the type of rating.

According to the control stage, the following types are envisaged:

  • current;
  • intermediate,
  • final.

All the results achieved by students at each stage of the current, intermediate (midterm) and final control are evaluated in points or points. All points scored are summed up and make up an individual integral index. The student's goal is to get the maximum number of points. With a rating system, the role of current and intermediate control increases sharply, since this is possible precisely here.

The grading scale remains a problematic issue in the implementation of the rating system for assessing knowledge. When forming a rating system, it is extremely important to methodologically accurately assess each type of educational work with the corresponding number of points and establish a rating corresponding to a particular level of knowledge.

You can find different scales of using the rating system. For example, a number of universities use 500 point scale evaluation. Other universities use a 100-point scale.

School teachers complain that the five-point system for assessing knowledge does not allow them to accurately determine the level of knowledge of children. The way out of this situation may be to increase the scale of marks. IN last years this problem is given the closest attention in the pedagogical literature. While officially recognized remains five-point system... But already now, some teachers are introducing into practice new approaches to assessing students' knowledge. It should be noted that during the experiment to carry out a single state examination school graduates receive results on a 100-point system.

a) grades in various subjects

b) points for control activities

c) prize pool points

d) points for independent and educational research work.

For each type of work, a certain number of points is awarded, which is negotiated in advance with the students.

The work can be either mandatory or optional.

Be sure to evaluate the attendance of the lessons in points, the implementation control works, abstracts, projects provided by the program or curriculum.

In addition to the points given to the student for certain types of work, a system of bonus (additional) or bonus points is provided.

Participation in the Olympiad, in extracurricular activities, and independent research work allow the student to compensate for some of the "lost" points with the help of additional ones.

The school needs a new assessment system, since the existing one no longer reflects the objective capabilities of students and is not an incentive for the development of the cognitive activity of children. The problem can be solved by using a cumulative, multi-point assessment system (usually called rating).

The basic document that determines the work of the teacher and students in the academic year is rating plan, which the most experienced methodologists develop in the discipline for the entire academic year. The basic principle is as follows. The studied topic is divided into certain sections, in which the teacher highlights the main types of work. A certain number of points is awarded for each of them. And at the beginning of the study of the section, the teacher necessarily discusses with the students the minimum and maximum points that can be earned in this or that section. But the school still remains within the framework of the five-point system and the journal should submit traditional grades. For this, a criterion has been developed according to which teachers must convert the points of the rating system into a five-point scale.

Of course, the rating system also attracts by its openness: the rating list is available for study by each student, there is an opportunity to objectively judge the level of their knowledge and the potential that will increase the scores. This system is more comfortable from a psychological point of view. Having received a "deu" in the magazine, the child is humiliated. And then - how much work has to be done to close this "two", as they say! And in the rating system, the number 2 is only points that are summed up with the rest. Of course, this is not enough, but, nevertheless, it is an incentive to try to get more points in a different type of work in order to increase the overall rating.


Working as a homeroom teacher, I was faced with the fact of a drop in the performance of students in the final 9th ​​grade. Having adopted the rating control system, I set myself the following tasks:

  • increase motivation in learning, improve the quality of knowledge;
  • to increase the social activity of students;
  • to increase the effectiveness of the interaction of the teaching staff with parents, the active participation of parents in the life of the school;
  • development of self-government;
  • to increase the culture of behavior and communication of students;
  • improve the sanitary and hygienic condition of the school;
  • to increase the level of aesthetics of students' work.

With the help of Excel, I exercised current, intermediate and final control over the work of students. A numerical rating is an individual numerical indicator of student achievement that arises as the sum of points received by a student for performing various activities and determines the student's rank in the list of students at the end of the month.

  • rating based on the results of a student's progress in subjects for a certain period (calculation by the sum of average points in subjects);
  • rating based on the results of the individual rating of the student in each subject (the student's place in the rating in the subjects);
  • rating "Bonuses";
  • rating "Penalties";

Scoring can be done by both the homeroom teacher and the students. Everyone loves to calculate their own salary. I taught this to my assistants and boldly set the score they calculated.

It is useful in class meetings to draw the attention of students to their individual changes and to the dynamics of the average grade in the class over a certain period.

For each item, the subtotals were summed up weekly and transferred to the summary table of the month (experience has shown that it is more expedient to post the results once every two to three weeks, since this is a laborious process). The total score for this period was compared with the previous result, after which the rating itself was determined:

  • student growth;
  • place of the student, which he occupies in the class (according to the results).

The place of a student in the class was determined by the so-called hit parade: a list of students in descending order of their rating .

A copy was posted on the notice board. On such a hit parade, it was immediately possible to identify leaders and laggards. The best were rewarded with prizes, benefits and awards.

So, for example, I used the right to give the student a "bonus-bonus" for the absence of absences, activity in the classroom, participation in extracurricular activities.

It also happened that the leader was always in the first place and no one was able to get him. To overcome this, I invited students to compete for the following "candy":

a) the best in the subject;

b) owner the greatest number prize pool points;

c) the best duty officer;

d) the most disciplined;

e) the most hardworking, etc.

To keep students interested, "How are my results?" you can just post a hit parade for review. However, it is much more useful when the teacher says: "Look, you are on the 20th place in the charts, but your growth rate is higher than that of the leader. Do your best and you will reach the top." Or: "Friends, I am glad for Ivanov. He is noticeably moving up the rating. If he does not lose momentum, he will soon be in the top ten."

How to deal with outsiders? The rating system allows the use of points with a minus sign in the form of punishment for various offenses (fines). For example, in our gymnasium, interchangeable shoes and business dress code have been introduced. In order to instill an aesthetic taste in students and create a health-preserving environment in the school, these criteria are components of the class rating system. Fines are imposed (points are deducted) for the lack of replacement shoes, absences for no reason, etc. But the whip method cannot but irritate those who are being punished. This means that negative emotions arise towards the learning process itself and towards the teacher.

It is quite a different matter when the teacher says: "Look, the hit parade shows that you are falling in the ranking. You still have time, gather your strength, work."

Here, a negative score (future, not today's) will not cause unpleasant emotions, but will serve as an incentive to work.

At the end of the month, all the points gained were summed up. After deriving the total score of the month, the following results were summed up:

  • student's individual rating (height, place);
  • A class rating that results from the sum of all student scores.

Here, the overall score of the month was compared with the result of the previous one and the growth of the average score for the class was determined.

a) to track the individual trends in the development of each student;

b) constantly keep in sight the situation in the classroom;

c) give teachers, the class teacher "food for thought" and the ability to flexibly adjust their activities, having accurate information about the reaction of students to the use of certain methods.

During the school-wide summing up, the class rating was determined. The determining factor here should also be not only the total number of points, but also the dynamics of the average grade in the class.

The positive results of the rating implementation include the intensification of research and extracurricular activities. I will cite only some of the students' own assessments of this system: "it is easier to learn"; "provides stability in the quarter"; "gives a clear idea of ​​the results of work in the quarter"; "there is an incentive to study," and so on. And even the arguments of "opponents" of using the rating system in all disciplines (34.3% of them) sound more like arguments in its defense. In fact, all the statements can be reduced to one thing: "we are against, because we will have to work a lot."

I see the rating system not only as a control of knowledge, but also as a means of managing student development. The rating system of assessment creates favorable conditions for taking into account their individual characteristics, promotes the systematic assimilation of knowledge. Consequently, the student's interest and success grows, which makes the learning process more effective.

Tables for using the rating system with elements of automation of calculations using Excel can be found in Annex 1 , Annex 2 . For ethical reasons, the data in the tables has been changed and differs from the actual data.

An analysis of the rating system we use shows that this method, subject to dynamic control and transparency, allows to improve the structure of academic performance as a whole by creating easily controlled supports for self-control and self-discipline among students.

The student sees his real successes (or failures) in comparison with colleagues, this has a certain mobilizing effect on further learning. Plays a certain role and democracy - transparency and openness of the system. Teachers, having objective information about successful and lagging students, can timely make certain adjustments in educational process in order to optimize it.

The rating system provides a systematic and objective assessment of the success of each student. Teachers confirm that the rating system is most interesting for children. It awakens in them the spirit of competition, the level of knowledge increases, as additional incentives are created in the learning process.

  • the ability to organize and support the rhythmic systematic work of students throughout the school year;
  • increasing attendance and level of discipline in the classroom; it becomes "profitable" for pupils to attend classes;
  • predictability of the final grade, students consciously approach its achievement, and, as a result, the system becomes attractive to them;
  • stimulating a creative attitude to work, both students and teachers;
  • a decrease in the subjectivity of the final grade, it does not depend on the relationship between the teacher and the student;
  • imparting an element of competition to teaching, which plays a large role in school, stimulates both compulsory and additional independent work of schoolchildren;
  • reducing the possibility of obtaining a random final grade, since the student's work is taken into account over a long period;
  • the growing role of current and intermediate control ( independent work, polls, tests). At these stages, the student is given the opportunity to score up to 80% of all points, which stimulates the daily systematic work of students;
  • elimination of the negative aspects of the equalizing training system. There are already no excellent students, good students. Instead, the "first" student, "tenth", "twentieth" appear. “At the same time, the student has a completely justified feeling that he does not need so much effort to move from 16th to 15th place, and success is quite possible. "good", may not without reason seem to him unjustifiably significant;
  • the student's ability to choose a strategy for their activities, since the marks of the proposed activities are predetermined.

Humanity has been struggling to create incentives for work for more than one millennium, and so far nothing has been invented better than the "earned-get-in-full" system.

Children should be proud of their accomplishments.

I always try to encourage children who are proud of their achievements, even the smallest from the point of view of us adults.

Of course, this system increases the load on the teacher and requires him to be more creative in his work. But it seems to me that today a non-creative person at school has nothing to do at all, the teacher needs to constantly invent something. I am inspired by the changes and initiatives that are taking place in modern education, in today's SCHOOL.

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