MGU Rating lists. MGU.

Official information

The hostel is intended for temporary residence and placement of non-resident students for the period of their training in MGU.
Residential building No. 1 is located at: Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, D.88, Korp.6.
Travel to Tushinskaya Metro Station, then 10 minutes walk.
Double rooms. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Residential building number 2 is located at: Moscow, 2nd Don passage, D.7
Travel to Metro Station "Leninsky Prospect", then 10 minutes walk.
Rooms are double and quadruple. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Help on the provision of a hostel in 2016

For non-resident (more than 80 km from Moscow), students needing a hostel, 75 places in the hostel number 1 and 79 places in the hostel number 2 were allocated.

The primary right to receive a place in the hostel is used:
- orphans and children who are left without parental care, faces from the number of orphans and children left without parental care;
- disabled children, persons with disabilities I and II groups, disabled since childhood; - Students exposed to radiation due to disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsky landfill;
- Students who are disabled due to military injury or diseases received during the passage of military service, and veterans of hostilities either eligible for state social assistance;
- Students from the number of citizens held for at least three years military service under the contract in the Armed Forces Russian Federation, V. internal troopsah of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering and technical, road-building military formations under federal executive bodies and in the rescue military formations of the federal executive body authorized to solve the tasks in the field of civil defense, the service of foreign exploration of the Russian Federation, the federal service bodies Security, state protection authorities and federal bodies of mobilization training state power Russian Federation in military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, elders, and dismissed from military service based on the grounds provided for by sub-clauses "b" - "g" of clause 1, subparagraph "a" of clause 2 and subparagraphs "A" - "in »Paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 5E-FZ" On Military Duty and military service».

The cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
The fee for the use of residential premises with municipal services in the university dormitories is 500 rubles per month.

Persons who are children-orphans and children left without parental care, faces of children-orphans and children left without parental care, residential premises are provided free of charge.

Very bad office. He studied here the first course. I did not like. About everything in order. 1. The material and methods of its filing morally and technically outdated. The lecture goes a little less than half of the entire flow. They are boring. They just read the textbook out loud. Seminars are not much better. They need to read the textbook to teachers out loud. Some especially annoying require to learn these useless Talmuda by heart. At the credits and exams, it is fairly easy to write off that many are doing. Practically ...

I study at MGU for half a year (1 semester). As a person who knows something about studying in this university, I can say everything briefly - do not go here! Why? Here, let's decompose everything around the shelves. I study in one of the most sought-after MGU institutions. When I arrived here, all told "This Institute is the best. He is in demand both in Russia and in the world. " I do not know what will happen when I finish it, but if we consider the attitude to students as an important factor - I have anyone in the future with such an education ...

I worked as a teacher in MOGU for several years. Audience, technical equipment, desks and tables, meals in the dining room - everything is very old and at an extremely low level, despite a large number of Paid students. With the arrival of V. V. Blazhev, in my opinion, the university lost the power and strength that was carefully accumulated by O. E. Kutafin. In modern Municipality, accountants actually rule, heads of departments, other administrative staff. Attitude towards teachers is very disrespectful, the atmosphere itself is on many ...

I studied in MGU, 1 course. I do not know how in other institutions, what they write may be true, but I can only say for the Institute of Prosecutor's Office. First, he is in a separate building, in this, both pros and cons. Pluses - less people behind inspectors are fixed, respectively, it is better to fulfill their duties, and not as on the SK on the digest. Even plus - less turn in the wardrobe and in the cafeteria, and it's just calmer, there is no extra fuss. Cons, when conferences or studies. Events (which is almost always ...

It is a sorry spent on this university time. I tried to get the second higher, but did not even give to pass the second session because of the pass, which was forced to take on work. Although before that, in the counters, there were some excellent ratings. Causes two. First, I had the negligence to express my FI due to the permanent breakdowns of lectures and classes for the fault of invited teachers. But the attitude towards such students from the administration is sharply negative. Behave like watchmen who are given the "Do not let". And secondly...

Paid half a million for tuition on the second highest? Get good learning, Teachers and service? ERROR! You will get the Hama attitude as in school. You will receive 50% of stupid old teachers who are still on the teaching technique. You will sit on boring, uninteresting lessons of these people! And attendance is 100% should be. I did not come to the lesson, you go to work out. You will receive late meetings at 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00, while you have selected training specifically ...

Finished not MGU, but by the nature of the activity familiar with a large number of teachers this university. All respect them! Perhaps, there are really people who love their work, but do not have any bribes and talk about any bribes, I saw their approach to business, which is called "from the inside." Caucasians are really a lot, but it only increases the highlight rating, since people who have money send to learn their offspring in the best educational establishments countries.

Somehow I happened to communicate with graduates of this institution, as I remember, they worked in the prosecutor's office, courts and tax. And they had such a position: we are patriot! Therefore, we need to hurry the damned merchants for money, plant in Catalago and in general they are not needed here, because the work is added. In general, fake is education. In the country where there was never of this very right, now it is taught. And they teach those who taught some fake story of Leninism, that is ...

Well, what can I say. I have not met such a formal scam. Painted in reception CommissionThat without their courses is difficult to go to the budget that almost everyone who went to them-learn on the budget. Well, we gave 80 thousand (for two subjects) and regretted. Classes - Tufts! In all groups (!), So on. In the breaks talked with paralelicas. When the documents came to file, the fact that I visited the courses did not indicate anywhere, and when I asked, they said - "Yes, what's the difference, they still will not help with nothing." Here ...

MOGU - Undoubtedly the best legal university. I must say not only in our country, but also in the whole space former USSR, current CIS, and the whole of Eastern Europe. Without exaggeration. The main thing is to do there. This is probably the most difficult. Received only from the second time. The event itself says that the highest strength or parental money gives a huge chance, in your only power to use it. How this chance, each of the received uses, is already the case of everyone. I associate negative ...

He graduated from MGU this summer. I agree with many negative reviews about growing payment and problems with textbooks - this is true disgusting. I am Georgian myself, and very often I really happened to be ashamed of the behavior of many guys from the subjects of the Russian Federation and the Transcaucasus, as they say, in a stranger monastery with his charter. But at the same time, I made a lot more positive! The first: MOGU prepares wonderful practitioners, and not theorists as MSU, it can be seen on mandatory practices from the second course. About those ...

I happened somehow half a year to adhere to Higher School Economy on a lawyer (2007), on illness left from there. Then he entered MGU (in 2008). In comparison, I realized that the MGU level is below 10 than in the GU-HSE. In the tower, every day of learning is felt as a week of study, there was not one in my group! Blood and not even a triple, the concepts of bribes do not exist there at all. I will say about Caucasians like this: as soon as they establish a system of bribes, no matter how the quality of learning is already talking ...

1. Be sure to visit training courses With MGU (in fact, only they helped to do to me on the budget) 2. An occupation with tutoring is also a good thing, but expensive, besides, it is not necessary to rely on the help of a tutor with a unimaginal examination - this is excluded. 3. Learn, learn and teach again. 4. "To score" on all "gulyan boys" and it is advisable to retire. 5. Pray. 6. Be sure to yourself. 7. Do not pay attention to "intimidation". 8. Remember - work and effort are always rewarded! nine...

To do in MGU itself in principle, it is possible, but we must very much to want it and actively prepare. I entered the day myself, but it was long in 1995, although the competition at that time was no less and "my" was also a lot. I advise medalists to go in a common stream, from all over the course we had a completely few of the exam. I myself was also the first year with medals, but did not rejoice, and the second year is already in the overall stream. Medalists in the total stream look more profitable, I do not say ...

I spring finish 6 course correspondence department MGU. And I want to tell everyone who enters the correspondence and evening faculties. Do not worry, students of these courses are rubbed. Employers willingly take to work in the specialty. In my opinion, the evening branch is best (better day first of all), because only in practice you understand that you need to know on the teeth, and most importantly understand in theory. And only in practice you understand how the theory is necessary and what exactly should be paid attention to ...

In fact, you can do! But there is something that is useful to know. Main caution of medalists, if you want to enter the day office, do the total basis! Whatever your knowledge, any wonderful you seem, put 4 without explanations you will always be able to. It is better to suffer a little and revere, passing another exam. Classes in courses will give confidence. But this is not enough. Come on the exam, if you do not know the question, try to write everything you remember that ...

Gentlemen, as far as I understand, the main minuses of the Academy are called a high number of t. Persons of Caucasian nationality and the complexity of admission. If you don't like the above-mentioned faces, do not communicate with them, and they will not communicate with you. They are no worse than others. There are separate, but they are no less among the Russians. And to go to us, of course, it is difficult, but what to do. Serious university - serious competition. What did you want? It was said that we learn solid stupuses. So, in the first year there is ...

Official information

The hostel is intended for temporary residence and placement of non-resident students for the period of their training in MGU.
Residential building No. 1 is located at: Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, D.88, Korp.6.
Travel to Tushinskaya Metro Station, then 10 minutes walk.
Double rooms. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Residential building number 2 is located at: Moscow, 2nd Don passage, D.7
Travel to Metro Station "Leninsky Prospect", then 10 minutes walk.
Rooms are double and quadruple. On the floor: kitchen, shower, toilet, washing machine.

Help on the provision of a hostel in 2017

For nonresident (more than 80 km from Moscow), students in need of a hostel have been allocated 60 seats in the hostel number 1 and 148 seats in the hostel number 2.

The primary right to receive a place in the hostel is used:
- orphans and children who are left without parental care, faces from the number of orphans and children left without parental care;
- disabled children, people with disabilities I and II groups, disabled since childhood; - Students exposed to radiation due to a disaster at Chernobyl NPP and other radiation disasters due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsky landfill;
- students who are disabled due to military injury or disease received during the period of military service and veterans of hostilities either eligible for state social assistance;
- students from among citizens held for at least three years military service under the contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering and technical, road-building military formations with federal executive bodies and in rescue military formations of the federal executive body authorized to solve the tasks in the field of civil defense, the service of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, the bodies of the Federal Security Service, the state protection authorities and the federal body to ensure the mobilization training bodies of the Russian Federation in military positions to be replaced by soldiers, sailors , sergeants, elders, and dismissed from military service based on the grounds provided for by subparagraphs "b" - "G" of clause 1, subparagraph "a" of clause 2 and subparagraphs "A" - "B" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 year number 5 FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service."

The cost of living (as of 09/01/2017).
The fee for the use of residential premises with municipal services in the university dormitories is 500 rubles per month.

Persons who are children-orphans and children left without parental care, faces of children-orphans and children left without parental care, residential premises are provided free of charge.

In the direction of training 38.04.04 state and municipal Governance (Master's level):

5. Information on the timing of the reception, including the timing of the beginning and completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, entrance tests, completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment at each stage of enrollment.

  • Information on the deadlines for the reception under the program of undergraduate and specialist programs
  • Information on the timing of the reception on graduate programs

6. Control figures Admission to University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) for 2019

7. Entrance trials at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) are held in Russian.

In accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" in the Russian Federation is guaranteed to obtain education on state language Of the Russian Federation, as well as the choice of language learning and education within the capabilities provided by the education system.

At the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) educational activities carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as education at the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) can be obtained on foreign language In accordance with the educational program and in the manner prescribed by the legislation on education and local regulatory acts of the university.

8. Information about the incoming special rights and advantages when admission to undergraduate programs or specialist programs (with the exception of special rights and advantages caused by schoolchildren's olympics levels).

- the right to admission without entrance tests

The right to receive without entrance tests have:

1) Winners and winners final stage all-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren (hereinafter - the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad) on general educational subjects "Law" and (or) "social studies"; Members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international competitions in general educational subjects "Law" and (or) "Social Studies" (hereinafter - members of the national teams of the Russian Federation), - for 4 years, following the year of the relevant Olympiad;

2) Winners and winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad Olympics on the general education objects "Law" and (or) "Social Studies", members of the national teams of Ukraine who participated in international competitions on general educational subjects "Law" and (or) "Social Studies" - during 4 years following the year of the relevant Olympics, if the specified winners, prize-winners and members of national teams are among the persons listed in Part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ.

- persons who have the right to receive within the quota of persons who have special rights

The right to receive training at the expense of budget allocations within a special quota has:

  • disabled children;
  • disabled I and II groups;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • disabled due to military injury or diseases obtained during the passage of military service
  • orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from the number of orphans and children left without parental care;
  • - Veterans of hostilities from among those listed in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans".

- Persons who have preferential law enrollment

The preemptive right of enrollment is provided to persons:

1) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as faces from the number of orphans and children left without parental care;

2) children with disabilities, persons with disabilities I and II groups;

3) Citizens under the age of twenty years, having only one parent - disabled I group, if the secondary income of the family is below the subsistence minimum established in the subject of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;

4) Citizens who were subjected to radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP and on which the action of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On the Social Protection of Citizens Substitute for Radiation due to a catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP";

5) children of military personnel who died in the performance of the responsibilities of military service or the dead due to injury (injury, injuries, contusion) or diseases obtained by them in the performance of military service responsibilities, including participation in the conduct of counter-terrorism operations and (or) other events fight against terrorism;

6) Children of the Died (Died) Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory;

7) children of employees of the internal affairs bodies, the federal service of the National Guard Guard of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the dead (deceased) due to injury or other damage to the health obtained by them due to the performance of official duties, or as a result of the disease received by them during the service period in these institutions and bodies, and children who were dependent on them;

8) children of prosecutor workers who died (deceased) due to injury or other damage to the health, obtained by them during the passage of the prosecutor's office or after dismissal due to harm due to their service activities;

9) servicemen who undergo military service under the contract and the continuous duration of military service under the contract for at least three years, as well as citizens who have passed the military service and entering the recommendations of the commanders issued to citizens in the manner prescribed by the federal authority of the executive the authorities in which the Federal Law provides for military service;

10) Citizens held for at least three years of military service under the contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies at military posts and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for by sub-clauses "B" - "G" of clause 1 , subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "A" - "B" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service";

11) Disabled people, fighting participants, as well as veterans of hostilities from among those listed in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans";

12) citizens who directly participated in the tests nuclear weapons, combat radioactive substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons under the ground, in the exercises using such weapons and combat radioactive substances to the date of the actual termination of the specified tests and exercises, direct participants in the liquidation radiation accidents On nuclear installations of surface and underwater ships and other military facilities, direct participants in conducting and ensuring work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the elimination of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and persons from among the Ukrainian authorities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry internal affairs of the Russian Federation, military personnel and employees of the Federal Service for the National Guard of the Russian Federation, persons held in railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the Federal Firewall Service of the State Fire Service);

13) servicemen, employees of the Federal Service for the National Guard of the Russian Federation, the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who carried out the tasks in the conditions of armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and on the territories adjacent to it related to the zone armed conflict, and these military personnel performing tasks in the course of counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the North Caucasus region;

9. The procedure for taking into account the individual achievements of the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate program, specialist programs, graduate programs for 2019/20 school year

Approaching training has the right to submit information about its individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when admission to training. Accounting for the results of individual achievements is carried out by calculating points for individual achievements. Points accrued for individual achievements are included in the amount of competitive points.

The applicants that have individual achievements indicate their presence in the application for training at the stage of submission of documents necessary for admission, as well as submit documents confirming the right to record individual achievements.

The incoming who did not provide documents confirming the right to record individual achievements, scores for individual achievements are not charged.

The applicants who declared individual achievements independently monitor the correctness of the placement of information on the accounting of individual achievements on the official website of the university (in branches - on the official website of the relevant branch). / P\u003e

When ranking the lists of the university received on the official website of the University (branches), information on the amount of competitive points and the number of points accrued for each of the individual achievements presented is posted. / P\u003e

When admission to training under undergraduate programs, university specialist programs charges points for the following individual achievements: / P\u003e

1) Availability of the status of champion and winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Surdlympic Games, World Championships, European Champion, Person who has taken first place in the world championship, European Championship by sports included in the Olympic Games Program, Paralympic Games and Surripian Games, The golden sign of the distinction of the All-Russian fitness and sports complex "Ready for Work and Defense" (GTO) and certificates of the established sample - 1 point; / P\u003e

2) the presence of a certificate of average common education with honors, or certificate of average (full) general education for awarded gold medal, or a certificate of average (full) general education for awarded silver medal, or the availability of a diploma of average professional education with honors - 5 points; / P\u003e

3) Availability of the status of the winner and winner Olympiad from the List of Schoolchildren's Olympics, established in Appendix No. 4 to the Rules of Admission to the University, not used to obtain special rights and advantages (regardless of the number of Olympiads) - 2 points. / P\u003e

When taking training on graduate programs, the university charges points for the following individual achievements: / p\u003e

1) the presence of one or more scientific publications confirmed by documented and fulfilled without co-authorship (original and copy of the publication with information about the publication of the work indicating: ISBN, ISSN, BBC, the URL of the source or RISC, in the absence of the publication is not considered as individual achievement) - 2 points; / P\u003e

Points for the achievement provided for in this clause are provided once regardless of the number of publications.

10. Submission of documents for admission to training in electronic form.

Applied to University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) can submit documents necessary for admission, in electronic form (if there is a technical capabilities). In this case, the submission of documents is carried out by filling out the registration form (will be published on June 20)

12. University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) does not conduct introductory tests using remote technologies.

14. There is no need to pass the coming compulsory preliminary medical examination

15. Programs of entrance tests conducted by the university independently, evaluation criteria and estimation scale:

17. Entering the University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) can submit documents required for admission, one of next methods:

· Personally at:

moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, House 9 (Art. M "Barricade", from the subway 10 min. On foot);

· Through operators postal service common use:

125993, Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, House 9, University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU), Admissioning Commission.

· Electronic form:

in this case, the submission of documents is carried out by filling out the registration form on the link available from June 20 (if there is a technical capabilities).

For applicants to branches - personally or by mail - at the addresses of the university branches:

Northwest Institute (Branch) University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) - 160000, Vologda, ul. Mary Ulyanova, d. 18;

Volga-Vyatsky Institute (branch) University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) - 610002, Kirov, ul. Lenin, d. 99;

Orenburg Institute (branch) University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGU) - 460000, Orenburg, ul. Komsomolskaya, D.50.

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