Organization of student self-government in modern school. Student self-government at school

in MBOU "2-Imangulovskaya average comprehensive school »
School student self-government is component Group management systems of school students. School governments express the interests of all school students. Student self-government gives the opportunity to plan and organize their activities, participate in resolving issues school Life, carry out interesting creative affairs and events.
Work in school student self-government is preparing adolescents to follow-up civilian activities; purchased social experience, the ability to independently plan and implement the planned, as well as be responsible for your activities. Children learn to cooperate, both with their peers and adults, get the opportunity not only to expressions, but also to protect their rights and interests.
Currently, the MBOU "2-Imangulovskaya Secondary School" is one of the typical small-scale schools. The number of students in classes ranges from 2 to 9 people, 61 student is engaged in the school. In such a school, its features. A small number of children in the classroom, on the one hand, creates all the possibilities for organizing individual work with students, on the other hand, the child in every lesson increases the training load in terms of interaction of the teacher-student, there is a constant tension of the student.
In conducting educational work and the organization of student self-government such a school arise well-known difficulties, the main of which are limited features The development of students caused by the narrowness of the circle of their communication and manifest themselves in reducing the level of development of speech, the emotional sphere of children, the high fatigue of students associated with a small classification of classes. In difficulty, cool leaders are due to the inability to organize

interesting extracurricular work in the team, to work

by self-government in the team with a low fill rate. Exit this

provisions we found through the creation and activities in our school

student self-government.
Self management-princip of managing small communities,

public organizations and associations.

Student self-government - The form of organizing the life of the team of students, ensuring the development of their independence in the adoption and implementation of decisions to achieve socially significant goals.
Self-government at school is carried out by meeting the "School Duma" on the developed program.
"School Duma" - a multi-level school student system


1st level - student self-government in class

2nd Level - Compact Scientific Self-Government

Student self-government in the class is carried out by the Council of the class detachment.
The composition of the Council of the class is elected active representatives of the class

the team that can lead one of the areas of work: Street,

responsible for studying, for sports, for duty, for leisure

activities for artistic work activities.

School Duma is ...
- class and school life
-Organization of cases for its class, school, and therefore for themselves
- Solving problems and tasks set in front of the class
-Chol responsibility, trust, leadership and adults.
At the head of the "School Duma" is the president.

President of the school elected a direct secret ballot for 2 years

students 4-11 classes.

The President performs executive, administrative and

control functions.
"School Duma" is higher organ student self-government

schools and its meetings are held once a month. In the composition of Duma

included: School president, Ministers of existing ministries, counselor,

representatives of the parental public. Approval of Duma members

it takes place on the communal student conference.
School Duma forms the following ministries: Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Press, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The purpose of the activities of school student authorities

is: the development of creative student initiatives, the formation of them

active life position, experience of active participation in his life


Tasks solved by the "School Duma":
- Effective interaction of students, their parents and

teachers in the context of the development of the educational system of school.

The optimal solution to the daily rates of education taking into account

personally oriented approach and school concept.

Acquisition of knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills of self-government,

democratic style relationship.

Self-education and self-development of children in the conditions of existing

educational School System.

Student self-government solves the following questions:
organization of educational, cultural, mass, sports and

other events;

Promoting content and preservation in the proper order of the room,

property, in school;

Promoting the observance of regime and rules in school;

Cooperation with public organizations: dpisch (s.oktyabrskoye), Sports School (S.oktyabrskoye), 2-Imangulovsky rural house of culture and 2-Imangulovskaya rural library.

President and Ministers of Existing School Ministries:
Conduct student assemblies;

Surveys, questionnaires in order to identify opinions, taking into account

planned and organized the work of the Council;

Contribute to the issues of intra-school life on

discussion of the school administration, pedagogical council, class assets.

In this and past academic year organized and spent: day

self-government, presidential elections, community-wide events (the day of the elderly, Mother's Day, March 8, February 23, and so on.).

At the end of the school year at the last meeting, the results are summed up

the results of the work of student self-government, where are considered

questions about the effectiveness of the "School Duma" and the tasks for the next academic year.

As additional material, we are offering to you business game "School Student Council"
The following situations will help to understand how the authority can respond to certain school problems. The group plays the role of the student council and shows its way of action in the format of the business game.
The task: "Imagine that the Study Council received a request for help in resolving a situation. Discuss in MicroGroups possible methods The actions of the student council and choose the best. After that, be prepared to demonstrate your way to solve the problem. "
After discussing the situation in groups, the presenter distributes among the guys the roles of characters operating in this situation.
Situation 1. The teacher drove a student from class for undisciplining and refused to continue to let him down.

Often when working with similar situations Groups are trying to figure out who is right, and who are to blame - arrange an investigation. The "Student Council" causes a student "on the carpet", asks him with the addiction, then hesitate the same with the teacher, witnesses. And in the end, it takes his verdict, sometimes not in favor of the student: "You yourself are to blame for everything, the next time you behave well."

The presenter can play in this situation the role of the director and give these attempts hard rebuff: "I will not allow schoolchildren to discuss teachers! I have already decided everything, your participation is not required. We are not talking about with you. " In this case, the guys will see that the investigation strategy does not lead to anything.

In this situation, the student council should not understand what happened and who is to blame - this is the work of specialists.

The task of the student council is to help protect the rights and interests of a schoolboy.

First, the student council should be achieved from the administration, so that the student is allowed for lessons. The teacher does not have the right to remove schoolchildren from lessons, and in the case of misconduct, the types of punishments that are allowed by the school charter should be used.

Secondly, the student council may draw the attention of the school administration to the fact that it is necessary to find out the causes of the disciple problems and connect to the solution of these problems of specialists. The psychologist should be engaged in this, social teacher, Cool leader and other pedagogical workers - the student council can not fulfill this work instead of them.

Situation 2. Pupils do not agree with the decision of the school administration to introduce the classes of a strong and weak level of preparation from next year, they do not want to "stir" and want to continue to study in their classes.

Often groups, instead of listening to "schoolchildren" and understand that it is for them that is a problem, they begin to convince them that there is no problem at all: "And what? After all, this is done for you! Profile classes will allow you to better prepare for admission! "

The student council should understand what the problem is for students, and put it before the school administration. Perhaps there are some other options for organizing the educational process, except for organizing classes of a strong and weak level of training. Perhaps students will agree with such an introduction of classes, but for this there should be their dialogue with the school administration, which will convince the guys that their interests will be taken into account. The student council can become an intermediary in establishing this dialogue.
Situation 3. The disciples requested to help them achieve an exception from their class boy with deviant behavior.

The student council should not arrange the proceedings with the student, trying to find out who is right, and who is to blame. You should put a task before the school administration and trace the way it will be solved. The question is not to get rid of the child - it is important to consider the interests of classmates, and the interests of the student's samo. As a rule, the relevant employees of the school administration should be engaged.

But there is another option: if the school has such a self-government body, as a reconciliation service, it can become an intermediary in resolving this conflict. But only if both conflicting parties give voluntary consent to the reconciliation program and will make a decision.
Situation 4. Schoolchildren do not know what the student council is doing.

Often, when discussing this situation, the Groups are offered to "distribute information" through class leaders. Pay attention to the guys that informing about the work of self-government bodies is not the problem of the school administration. Most likely, retelling information about the work of the student council class teacher Calls the effect of the "broken phone".

Of course, with the school administration, you can agree that 10 minutes classroom hour will stand out for

speeches of representatives of the student council. But help the guys understand: one should not use such forms of informs that have long ceased to be effective. Most likely, the spell from the speeches of activists on cool clock There will be little.

Spend a brainstorming and try to come up with less traditional and more modern forms of informing students about the work of the Council.

Student self-government at school. Activities of organizations and associations of students

    The essence of student self-government.

    Forms of school self-government. Conditions contributing to the development of self-government.

    Child movement and children's associations as a factor in the development of the personality, its socialization.

    Functions of children's associations: content and methods of activity of children's associations and organizations.

    Informal associations of children and young people.


1. Kabush, V. T. Humanistic educational system: theory and practice / V. T. Kabush. - Minsk: APO, 2003. - 332 p.

2. Malenkova, L.I. Theory and Methods of Education: Proc. Manual / L. I. Malenkov. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002. - P. 209-224.

3. Sub-clause, I. P. Pedagogy. New course: studies. For stud. Ped. universities: in 2 kN. / I. P. Podlavy. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center "Vlados", 1999. - KN. 2: The process of upbringing. - P. 60-91.

4. Rozhkov, M. I. Organization of the educational process at school: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. Institutions / M I. Rozhkov, L. V. Baybarodova. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center "Vlados", 2001. - S. 96-PO.

5. Slastinin, V. A. Pedagogic / V. A. Slastin, I. F. Isaev, E, N. Shiai; Ed. V. A, Slayshenina. - M.: ed. Center "Academy", 2002. - P. 363-364.

6. Stepanenkov, N. K. Pedagogy School: studies. Manual / N. K. Stepanenkov. - Minsk: Adukatsya I Vikhavanna, 2007. - P. 373- ^ 05.

7. Kharlamov, I. F. Pedagogic / I. F. Kharlamov. - Minsk: UNIVERSITEKAE, 2000. - P. 349-367.

    The essence of student self-government.

One of the important principles of school management is the principle of democratization - it is impossible to implement in the work of the school without such components of this work, as actually management, compliance and self-government. Controlschool - purposeful activities of the subjects aimed at ensuring the optimal functioning of the school and its development. Soullation- participation in the development and decision-making of representatives of all groups of school team (teachers, students, parents); school self-government- Transferring a number of functions of management of students and teachers, their bodies and organizations. If certain functions of management are transferred to students, their bodies or organizations, then we are talking about a student (school, class) self-government. The problem of self-government in the children's team was supplied by N. K. Krupskaya, was developed by S. T. Shatsky, A. S. Makarenko, later I. P. Ivanov, V. M. Kothotov, V. T. Kabush and other educators.

Student self-government - the attribute of the team of schoolchildren and the important condition for the formation of collective relationships. Student self-government- such an organization of group (collective) activities, which is based on the development of the independence of children in making and implementing decisions to achieve significant group (collective) goals.Subjects of self-government are chosen persons (a group of persons), which the team delegates (transfers authority) the right to plan joint livelihoods, distribute instructions, control and evaluate the quality of their implementation.

TO school student self-governmentthe schools of school self-government, created by students and express their interests. The main goals of student self-governmentare: democratization of the life of the student team and the formation of readiness for participation inmanagement Society. The development of self-government helps students form their social position, determine the possibilities in the implementation of organizational functions, feel difficult social relationship, Log in relation to the responsible dependence, expressing the interdependence and the interlockureness of the person and the team. The result of the development of student self-government is the translation of the class team from the system managed to the system self-governing.

Essence self-governmentopened in It functions:

    The development of management culture - makes it possible to carry out an independent choice in decision-making, to realize freedom and responsibility;

    Adaptation - provides personalities with harmony of relationships in the team;

    Prognostic - helps on the basis of diagnosis and reflection to identify real perspectives;

    Self-activation - the introduction of as much as possible students to solve management problems and involve students in managing new areas of activity;

    Collective self-control - permanent self-analysis of the authorities of self-government and search on its basis more efficient ways of solving management tasks;

    Forms of school self-government. Conditions contributing to the development of self-government.

In the theory of upbringing, an important conclusion was made that the self-government cannot and should not be created "from above" by the formation of its bodies, but should "grow lower" in the process of self-organization of certain types of activities. In this case, the following departures in its development takes place stages:

    separation of a specific case on completed parts and volumes;

    the formation of the corresponding microbroups, the choice of responsible for each site; combining responsible to a single authority of self-government;

    the choice of the main responsible person.

This algorithm ensures the formation of self-government bodies, depending on the specific cases and activities, the implementation of the schoolchildren at the moment, the pedagogical meaning of this approach is that self-government bodies are always created with a certain goal, are temporary, which makes it possible to vary management of management - subordination .

Forms student self-government is diverse. School-wide student self-government solves the tasks facing the school, and does not regulate the initiative and independence of class teams.

The supreme body of school student is usually the general meeting of students, where self-government bodies are diverted (School Student Committee or Council, School Parliament, School Duma, Starostat, Affairs, Headquarters, Commissions, Clubs, Sections, and Others) and determines their powers.

In the student team, the highest authority of self-government can be a class meeting, during which there is a discussion of the issues of the lives of the team, problems arising in the organization of students' activities, their participation in local affairs. Cool Assembly as a form of work of the student team involves joint activities of students and a class teacher, where they choose the headlight (commander, etc.), representatives to the bodies of the student team, hear information on current affairs, reports on the execution of orders, approve of plans, discusses different memos , Positions (for example, about subject consultants). The highest authority of self-government in the classroom between the student meetings can be a class student, elected by the Class Meeting and leading its meetings as necessary, but at least once a month.

In general, the structure of student self-government depends on the age of students, on the level of development of organizational skills and skills, from the traditions of the school and class. It is especially important that the functions and roles of children of the organization of their lives and activities change. The assignments are given both individual and group, during which students acquire the experience of cooperation and creation. Getting some kind of assignment, the child must be good to present his duties and see ways to perform this work.

    Child movement and children's associations as a factor in the development of the personality, its socialization.

Children's, youth associations and organizations are educational systems in society. In very general children's public association or organization can be characterized as a special socio-pedagogical formation of children and adults uniting on a voluntary basis for the implementation of individual and social needs that contribute to the socialization of the identity of the child.

Pedagogical essencechildren's and youth associations and organizations are manifested primarily for their purpose related to the upbringing and development of the child's personality. In particular, the goals of children's and youth organizations with the humanistic nature of the activity lie universal, national, civil values. So, in the charter "BRSM" (the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth) it was recorded that the purpose of this public association is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of young people, the disclosure of its creative potential, promoting the development of civil society in the Republic of Belarus, based on the patriotic and spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the Belarusian People.

The history of children's and youth traffic indicates that these associations and organizations achieve the most effective results if they provide their members with the possibility of self-expression, self-realization, self-improvement and self-affirmation. Children's and youth associations and organizations in the social structure of modern Belarus occupy a special place. Their development and support is one of the directions of the State Youth Policy. Through public organizations, youth implements their economic, cultural, educational, information needs, develops their organizational abilities, learns to plan their free time. A distinctive feature of the children's movement is its variability. In 2003, more than 130 youth and children's organizations with republican and international status were registered at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, in 2006, 183 organizations worked with children and young people.

Along with the most popular public organization - BRSM (created in 2002) - in the Republic of Belarus there are: the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRO), the Belarusian Republican Scout Organization (BRSO), the Association of Belarusian Guides (DO "ABG"), the League of Voluntary Labor Youth , Organization "Youth against Crime" and other children's and youth associations.

For example, the Public Association "The Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization" (BRAO) emerged in the conditions of raising children's movement in the late 80s - early 90s of the last century. In the Republic of Belarus, the process of updating the pioneer organization has begun. On September 13, 1990, the next IX pioneers of Pioneers of Belarus took place, on which the amateur non-political nature of the organization was announced and the first charter of the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization was adopted.

According to the Charter Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization- this is a voluntary public association of children, adolescents and adults focused on universal values, representing and protecting the interests and rights of their members.The purpose of this organization is to help each pioneer to become a citizen, to bring their benefits to oneself and his homeland, that is, to promote the socialization of the identity of the child. In accordance with the purpose of Brof, the following tasks solves: the formation of the motives of social (socially significant) activities; formation of social skills; creating conditions for meeting the interests of children, the development of the personality, the disclosure of its creative potential; Stimulating self-knowledge and self-education of members of the organization.

It is also important to note that Brof meets all the signs of the Child Public Association. So, more than 70% of the organization's composition is teenage children. The Pioneer Organization was created on the initiative and on the basis of the free will of children and adults and is not a structural division of government agencies. In addition, Brof exercises social and creative activities and does not aim to receive profits and the distribution of it between members of the organization.

    Functions of children's associations: content and methods of activity of children's associations and organizations.

Functions Children's, youth organizations and associations:

Developing - Provides civilian, moral formation of the child's personality, the development of his social creativity, the ability to interact with people, to put forward and achieve significant for everyone and every goal.

Orientational - ensuring a condition for the orientation of children in a system of social, moral, cultural values, adaptation to the conditions of modern life.

Compensatory - creating conditions for the implementation of needs, interests, actualization of the child's capabilities that are not demanded in other communities, which he is a member to eliminate the shortage of communication and complicity

The updated pioneer organization seeks, on the one hand, to preserve positive traditions that have historically prevailing in the children's pioneering movement, and on the other hand, to take into account the requirements of the time and modern trends in the development of children's and youth associations. The basis of the activity of Brof is the following principles:

□ The principle of socially significant activities through the realization of the child's ability to benefit, family, other people;

□ principle of voluntary when joining, choosing a type of activity, exit organization;

the principle of collectivism, understood as interaction, cooperation in the organization of children, adolescents and adults.

These principles are issued in the form of laws for children and adolescents, prescribeing their kind name and dignity of the organization; take care of those who need help; respect work; be faithful friendship; respect the opinion of his comrades; keep your word; Be the owner of your organization.

    Informal associations of children and young people.

Incidental education, both organized formal (training group, a circle, a sports section, temporary children's teams and others) and spontaneous informal groups groups are investigated. Informal group or union- a group of people voluntarily united on the basis of common interests, personal sympathies, mutual benefits.This group has no legally fixed status. Often the influence of informal associations, as a rule, the values \u200b\u200bof the youth subculture, it turns out for adolescents and young people decisive in terms of their socialization. It is the informal group that happens the main regulator of the behavior of a teenager. For most adolescents, care for informal associations is one of the forms of protest against the usual lifestyle, established rules, guardianship and senior control.

The desire of adolescents to be members of the informal group is explained by their need, firstly, in information (especially on issues, to solve which they cannot at school or family), secondly, in communication and emotional contact, thirdly, in the implementation of individual claims (on leadership, on self-realization in certain activities, etc.). Often the motive of the participation of a teenager in an informal union is the state of anxiety, which he is experiencing in school or at home. The informal group takes a teenager as it is, and also gives him the opportunity to "be like everything" in clothes, behavior manners, in language, values, preferences, etc.

Most adolescent and youth groups are characterized by the stability of the composition, cohesion, functional orientation, the presence of its own symbols and attributes. These and other factors determine the structure of informal associations.

The degree of influence of the informal group on the behavior of a teenager is due to its individual psychological characteristics, structure and social orientation of the Group. Some adolescents perceive the "laws" and the norms of the group consciously, others - by virtue of the conformity in this age (the subordination of the personality group, the adoption of the opinion of the majority, the absence of its own position). Belonging to the antisocial or asocial informal groups increases the risk of formation of deviant behavior.

There are different classifications of informal youth or teenage groups. For example, in social orientationthey are divided into:

    prosocratic, democratic structures, socially active; their activities are aimed at socially useful cases;

    asocial, stand aside from serious social problems and are formed on the basis of joint entertainment;

    antisocial, according to the structure, most often autocratic, are aimed at violations of public order, create tense situations that are often guided by adult offenders.

In order to avoid confrontation with such students, teachers it is important to understand the essence of youth subculture, informal associations. L. I. Malenova proposed rules for communication with representatives of informal associations:

    take a teenager or high school student as it is;

    use skills and skills obtained by a student in an informal group, including it in a variety of activity of the class group;

    depending on the social orientation of the informal group, it is gradually to form positive or negative attitudes to the values \u200b\u200bthat are adopted in this group, while communicating with a teenager to build in the logic of "dialogue of cultures";

    actively support socially valuable initiatives of the informal group, entitled to them class students or schools.

Social teacher, class teacher and other teachers seek to send the energy of adolescent and youth groups on socially valuable affairs, to assist self-affirmation of adolescents and high school students in socially useful or organizations, emergency institutions, of which students will "bring" in informal uniforms of the beginning of a positive attitude to the world around .

The problem of children's and youth public associations; - organizations the so-called school ( student) self-government and free time students; ... Education students rural school - their participation in the work of the organs student self-government, ...

Ideas of student self-government.

Everyone knows that from the fall in our school, student governance originated. But not everyone knows what it is and why it is necessary. Well, the mustache is the right to managing the school and the type of vital activity of students. But in order: students are given the right to managing school, school life, together with the pedagogical composition and administration. USS is based on voluntary, initiative and responsibility. Our team includes those who are not indifferent to the life of the school, those who want to make this life better and more interesting. And we are trying to improve school life through events, new mugs. We want to offer everyone to do something interesting to him and helpful, so that everyone can somehow show himself, develop, reveal talents.

Activist activity leads to personal successes. She is

helps full reveal yourself, try in different roles. Many guys have no suspected that they are laid so much energy and ideas!

As for me, the main quality that studies the student is produced is a citizenship. After all, if a person is still in

school years will learn to present their ideas, embody them, working in a team, to be responsible and active - such a person will definitely become a worthy citizen of the democratic state, which is our Russian Federation.

Higher organs of Us.

The highest authorities must be:

  • School Customs Conference convened once a year (to determine the strategic
  • development of self-government and summing up).
  • The CSS Council is going every week. It solves the adoption of ideas of events and their organization, activities are being monitored. It includes the heads of all centers and representatives from each class, which comes to their classes all the information about the upcoming events.
  • President - Chairman of Us. It determines the direction of activity and its effective organization.

Society of good deeds.

Society of good deeds is engaged in the organization of socially significant cases, cooperation with protection organizations

nature, help children's homes and other charity. Education of kindness and mercy, help those who need it.The recent campaign of helping the homeless animals was carried out by activists of the Society of Good Deeds.

Center of Culture.

The center of culture organizes the cultural life of students, heads school eventsrelated to culture (production, concerts, competitions, exhibitions, etc.). The center of culture is divided into two departments: the organization of events and department thematic circles.

The department of organizing events is engaged in the organization of various cultural events (concerts, competitions, exhibitions). The case of thematic circles has a mug of interests (literary cafe, for example).

Sport Center.

The sports center is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle, promote development physical culture and sport at school. The center holds various sporting events and games, takes records in sports clubs and observes their work (attendance, activity, etc.). The sports center is divided into two departments: the department of organizing sports events and sports club schools.

Education Center.

The Center for Education is designed to form a sustainable interest in knowledge, responsible attitude to study, expanding the horizons of students. The center organizes events aimed at developing cognitive interest and expanding the horizons of students, organizes mutual assistance to students, contributes to participation in the Olympiads, organizes the day of the student's self-government (dubler's day). The center is divided into two departments: the department of organizing events and a circle of help to the guys in difficult items.

Press center.

The press center covers the work of the student self-government and the vital activity of the school, heads school newspapers and articles on the School website, as well as radio and television. This center contributes to the formation of art taste, the acquisition of the skills of the design ethics.

The press center is divided into 4 directions: printing, television, radio and articles on the school website.

Internative center.

If you want to participate in school life, be activist, but not sure what direction to choose, then welcome to the internative center! Here you will be helped to join the atmosphere of activist activities and determine exactly your direction.


The office operates the secretaries and the head of personnel, documents are stored and processed, applications for joining the Us are being taken, is the archive. The secretaries are engaged in the preparation and streamlining of documents, reports on the work of the centers, the provisions of the activities, meetings protocols, etc. Chief Secretary makes provisions, reports (including photo reports), etc. The Archive of Us, teaches new secretaries to work, helps in streamlining the documentation, tracks the work of all secretaries. The secretaries are under the jurisdiction.

Law Enforcement Center.

The law enforcement center contributes to the upbringing of conscious discipline and culture of the behavior, fulfilling all schoolchildren of the school charter; It is called to protect the rights of all participants educational process. Center checks appearance Pupils, duty, attendance. The center ensures that no one smokes in the school and did not cut the prohibited drinks, no one hurt anyone and did not oppress. The law enforcement center is divided into two headquarters: headquarters of duty and legal headquarters. The headquarters of duty is designed to track the work of duty. The goal is to ensure the normal operation of the devices of the duty, thereby increasing the safety of staying at school. Legal headquarters seeks the protection of the rights of all participants in the educational process and resolving conflicts.

Text: President of the Student Self-Government GBOU School №2053 Belikova Ekaterina (10 "A")

Images: Khokhlova Maria (9 "B"), Supbo Anastasia (10 "A").

Self-government as an effective form of leisure member

Short announcement: The competently created structure (model) of self-government helps take into account all the interests of students in organizing leisure activities. With the help of student self-government, we do not force students, but provide opportunities for active, useful and interesting pastime. This material may be applied to educational process Schools.

Self-deregade Effective form of leisure member
(From the experience of the work of Guo "Secondary School No. 43 G. Gomel")

A large number of studies was considered enough in various publications. Is it necessary in modern schoolOr without it you can do? Can self-government assist in the organization of leisure student? We want to reveal their point of view on this problem. Why the problem? It is sometimes not aware of how well-organized student self-government will help to prepare schoolchildren not only to live in society and the state, but also to make a party to its creation. The student self-government at the present stage is not only a competent organization of leisure of students, but also the possibility of schoolchildren to independently choose the path of development, to be responsible for their actions. In other words, student government helps students acquire students. personal experience Democratic relations and forms of his awareness. After all, young people are his kind of one of the hidden resources, which is available in any society and from which his vitality depends.
The company needs people who are able to independently make decisions in the situation of choice, are capable of cooperation, differ by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, ready for intercultural interaction, have a sense of responsibility for the destiny of the country, its socio-economic prosperity.
How to raise such people? It is necessary to create adaptive conditions for learning and education in the institution for active activities Pupils. This is only possible in self-government.
In Guo "High School No. 43 G. Gomel", the issue of student self-government is considered long ago. Turning to the problem, we offer a solution through the creation and functioning of a clear model of student self-government. Only when each participant of the educational process will feel their own significance, one can boldly rely - your educational institution has become not only the center of leisure of students, but also the second home, which is good, comfortable and interesting to everyone.
Adults and children in our school unites not just a goal, namely faith in the possibility of overcoming difficulties. Without the general inspiration of cooperation to achieve difficult. The common goal only will be achieved when all the efforts of teachers and students will be attached. In our school there are many talented students and teachers who constantly seek to create a creative atmosphere. They make every effort so that life in school is interesting, fascinating, rich, so that the school becomes a focus of culture, good, justice.
The school self-government of students is aimed at the involvement of everyone in common causes, a general search and creativity.
At the beginning of the path, the self-government of students was considered as an organization of leisure, recreation, entertainment. As self-defense develops, more and more places should be given to the content of its activities with socially useful cases aimed at organizing life, study, labor of students, participation in the management of the gymnasium, to protect their rights and interests.
The structure of self-government bodies takes into account the periodic reporting and replacing asset, continuity and systematics in its work is based on the interaction of different organs.
Self-government bodies, based on the needs and interests of the whole team, determine the goals and objectives of the activity, the prospects for the work of the children's team.
An important organizational side of the relationship between pedagogical management and student self-government is delegation of responsibility and powers, i.e. Transfer of part of managerial functions from teachers to students.
Effective student employment helps to organize the school parliament led by the leader. In order for students' employment to be organized in all directions, 5 ministries were created: 1. Education and science; 2. Sports and tourism; 3. informatization; 4. Cultures and leisure; 5. Labor and care; And also the Council of Ministers includes the Secretary of the BRSM and the Chairman of Brof. Head ministries not appointed by teachers, and students chosen by all participants in the educational process.
During the election period of the leader and ministers of the school, each candidate offers its program, which reflects the events, socially significant shares and useful things interesting and necessary in his opinion for school. During the week school students get acquainted with the proposed programs, and choose not just good man, and the initiative "manager." In our school, this event is not "one day". Students should feel: how significant, honorable and responsibly head the school parliament, and voters should be able to learn about their leader. Elections are held in accordance with the "Regulations on the election of the Leader of the School" according to plan:

Monday - The presentation of candidate programs for school leaders (every candidate makes a colorful poster with a description of the biography and the proposed events, socially significant cases, CTD, etc., places in the lobby of the school)
Tuesday- Press conference of candidates with voters.
Wednesday - video treatment of candidates for leaders to voters
Thursday - Open campaign candidates for school leaders
Friday - "Silence Day" before the election
Saturday - Creative representation of candidates, elections of the leader, dance evening.
After the elections of the Leader of School and the Approval of Ministers, the School Council approves a program that consists of events proposed by children, and not imposed by teachers. In this school year were offered:
Self-government day (on Teacher's Day 01.10.2016);
Organization of charity campaign "Give the Christmas tree to children";
Organization of chamfer elementary school;
Competition "Mr. and Miss School on December 23, 2016";
Christmas ball 28.01.2017
Promotion "Respect Age" 01.10.2016;
Participation in the Saturday "For the benefit of a native district" and much more.
Let the proposed events do not differ drafically from the administration planned by the administration, but these are children's proposals. That is why each minister feels responsible for the implementation of his business. One of the directions of the program is the Shefskaya help, organizes employment not only of high school students, but also helps, carry out events, shares for kids. This direction is raising responsibility not only for itself, but for others. The incentive in the qualitative fulfillment of instructions and mass participation is the traditional competition "The Best School Class". Class competition screen defines a monthly quarter of a quarter. Reward for fruitful work, and the ability to organize - the surrender prize is a symbol of the best class "treble key", as the school has a musical direction. The purpose of the competition is to prepare young citizens to participate in the management of their country, starting with the management of their student team.
- formation in the school of democratic relations between teachers and students, the protection of the rights of students;
- activation of participation in the organization everyday life of its class, in the implementation of its interests and needs, in improving the work of your school;
- Development of socially significant projects.
The essence of the tradition is that throughout the quarter, students of grades 5-11 compete for the title of the best. They are evaluated based on the following directions:
- compliance with business style clothes;
- behavior in the dining room when feeding food;
- participation in the shares of "waste paper";
- organization and participation in the events of OO "Brof", "BRSM";
- improvement of the school territory;
- work of class self-government;
- Participation in general-cool events, visiting cultural places, organization of excursions.
The results of the work according to these areas can be seen on the special screen, which is filled in every week with marks by five-point system.
In our opinion, such a work allows each student to find its place, feel an integral part of a significant unit. Here, the concept of "middling" does not exist: even if you have not yet decided how much you can bring society, everyone else is a component of the whole. Let even in the role of the artist.
Self-government is expressed in the ability to independently exercise the initiative, make decisions and implement them in the interests of their collective. The self-government is designed by all means, to promote the emergence of young people a sense of civil debt, the desire to intelligently combine personal and public interests, make a real contribution to the solution of the most important problems of society and is one of the most important stages of socializing the identity of a young man, self-realization and self-determination. And the annual cyclogram of the activities of the student team allows the school to become a leisure center.
With the help of student self-government, we do not force students, but provide opportunities for active, useful and interesting pastime.
Self-government Specific organization of collective activities, the purpose of which is self-development.
The competently created structure (model) of self-government helps take into account all the interests of students in organizing leisure activities.
Education to self-government skills, free choice and responsibility allows us to develop a desire to participate in public life, not to remain indifferent to the events of their state, to realize their rights and freedoms, to respond to their actions, choose power and their way in life.
Without self-government, the true development of the person in the team is impossible.

At school, an environment should be created, in which each schoolboy feels an involvement in solving the main tasks facing teachers and students. In this regard, the participation of children in real management of their team is intended to be an important role. The development of self-government helps them to feel the complexity of social relations, form a social position, determine their capabilities in the implementation of leadership functions.

New approach To understanding the essence of the development of self-government involves creating conditions for the social formation of students. This is ensured by the inclusion of them in solving complex problems of relationships that develop in the team. Through its participation in the management of affairs, schoolchildren produce qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of social life.

Student self-government- The form of the organization of the life of the team of students, ensuring the development of their initiative and independence in the adoption and implementation of decisions to achieve socially significant goals. The present governance suggests that its bodies have specific rights and carry real responsibility for their work.

It is advisable to allocate specific self-managed functions. These functions include three: self -activation, organizational self-regulation, collective self-control.

Self -activation implies an introduction to a larger number of team members to solve the management problem, systematic work to involve students in managing new areas of activity.

Organizational self-government implies flexibility in the implementation of organizational functions by members of the student groups, the sustainable impact of the asset on the team, the ability of the team to independently change its structure with the aim of a successful decision of the organizational tasks.

Collective self-control assumes constant self-analysis of self-government bodies and individual organizers of its activities and on the basis of this search for more efficient management of management tasks.

The content of the activities of self-government bodies significantly depends on the tasks that the student team defines. Manifestations of self-government can be the most diverse, but all of them should be united by one: an activity approach to the structure of the governing bodies. First, you need to carry students in any socially significant thing, and then create an appropriate authority of self-government for its organization. Thus, a new plot of work appears - forms new organ self-government.

In pedagogy, the experience of school self-government is widely known. In the author's school of self-government A.N. Tubelsky (Moscow high school No. 734), where much attention is paid to the organization of school life. Teachers, students and parents are developed, accepted and constantly change and replenished the Constitution of the School and school laws, Schools and the Court of honor are applied by democratic. Such a school self-government resembles a game in which children live real life And develop.

Along with the permanent self-government bodies (the Council of the team, the ACCES), various temporary governments (the Council of the case, the initiative group), the role of which intensify with the development of independence and the initiatives of students is strengthened in student groups. It is advisable when creating temporary self-government bodies to remember the following:

The creation of temporary authorities of self-government is determined by a specific task facing the team;

The decision to create these bodies is made by a student team and public organizations;

As part of the temporary authorities of self-government can only be the students who participate in solving this specific task;

Self-government bodies, regardless of the period for which they are created, must be reported to the team about their achievements, i.e. about performing the tasks;

By solving the organizational task, they cease their existence.

The dynamism and variation of self-government bodies provides that their structure should be mediated by the objectives of students; The content of these goals is constantly changing depending on the strategic and tactical tasks facing the student team. This requirement means the need to systematically search such organizational structurewhich combines the permanent self-government bodies defined by the provisions and charters, and temporary self-government bodies created by the team to solve current tasks.

The content of self-governing activity may be: studying their rights and obligations; Labor activity B. different types: class duty, school, general cleaning, repair of premises, furniture; work on a school territory, etc.; preparation of theatrical representations, performances; device of sports grounds and competitions; Edition of handwriting magazines, wall newspapers, etc.

One of the essential factors for the development of student self-government is the preparation of students to organizational activities. In this preparation, you can single out three main structural components.

First component - information. Students in various form reported a variety of information necessary for their participation in solving organizational tasks.

Second component - operating. It includes the formation of students in organizational skills and skills based on practical application management knowledge in model management situations. This is carried out during various classes that are acquainted with students with the methods of solving organizational problems.

The third component (practical) is management PracticeIn the process of which acquired knowledge, skills and skills are fixed, management actions are corrected.

Another condition for the development of student self-government is pedagogical stimulation of leadership. What implies the design of situations that contribute to the maximum manifestation of leadership potential the greatest number Pupils.

The listed organizational and pedagogical conditions make it possible to make the process of developing self-government in school teams by continuous and significantly affecting the social formation of students.

3.4.5. Children's associations and organizations.

The school cannot not take into account the impact on the education of children of various social institutions. Among them, various children's associations and organizations occupy a special place.

The purpose of the activities of any association can be viewed in two aspects: on the one hand, as the purpose, which children put in front of them, on the other - as a purely educational goalThe adults participating in the work of children's associations.

Children's association is an important factor of influences on a child, affecting two ways: on the one hand, it creates the conditions for meeting the needs, interests, child's goals, the formation of new aspirations; On the other hand, there is a selection of internal personality capabilities through self-restraint and collective choice, adjustments in connection with public norms, values, social programs. Child association also performs protective functions, defending, protecting interests, rights, dignity, child's uniqueness.

Associations differ in the content of activities, in terms of existence, in the form of management. In content, social and political, labor, religious, patriotic, educational, and other associations of children differ.

Tasks for organizing the work of children. They suggest solving the tasks of the development of the abilities and the inclined of children, the problems of providing them with opportunities for communication, self-expression and self-affirmation. For example, student cooperatives are created most often for the joint work of children by solving personal economic problems.

By the duration of existence, children's associations can be permanent, which, as a rule, arise on the basis of school, institutions additional education, at the place of residence of children (club "Romantic", green patrol). Typical temporal associations of children are children's summer centers, tourist groups of combining children created to solve any task that does not require a lot of time (participants in the shaft of the shepherd assistance, plates, etc.).

According to the nature of the management among children's associations, formal informal associations of children can be distinguished.

Great importance To raise children, they have their associations and organizations that possess special educational opportunities: real conditions are created for the dynamic and intensive communication of the child with peers, a variety of options for the implementation of its creative activity are provided. The intensity of communication and specially specified activities allow it to enter into the context of universal culture, change its ideas, stereotypes, views on themselves, peers, adults. In the children's association, adolescents are trying to independently organize their livelihoods, while occupying the position from the passive observer to the active organizer of the vital association. If the process of communication and activities in the union is in a friendly atmosphere, attention is paid to every child, it helps him to create a positive behavior model, contributes to emotional and psychological rehabilitation. For organized activity Temporary child association has riches and a variety of social connections, a favorable atmosphere for self-knowledge and self-education.

Thus, various children's associations expand the zone of formation of a common culture, contribute to the establishment of the inner world of children, the formation of new value orientations, stimulate social development Child.

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