Control and evaluation of educational achievements of younger students. Theme "Evaluation of the learning achievements of younger students

Evaluation educational achievements Junior schoolchildren.

One of the main features of the Federal State Educational Standard isa new approach to the school estimation system.

Unlike the traditional approach, when only knowledge of students was estimated, and the main means of their check was simple reproduction, the ability to use the knowledge gained in the new standard is estimated. At the same time, the object of assessment is subject, metapredit and personal results of educational achievements of schoolchildren.

Personal results are a system of value relations to himself and the world around. The assessment of personal results is not in the mark, but in the verbal assessment of moral judgments, actions of children. However, it is not necessary to forget that such an assessment should be held in the atmosphere psychological Comfort. Trade in the process of developing personal learning outcomes is possible thanks to various methods: "Conversation about school", "test for a cognitive initiative", "Who am I?" and others. Most often, these techniques conduct a school psychologist. Study:

  • the formedity of the internal position of the schoolchildren in relation to the teaching,
  • features of cooperation with teachers and classmates,
  • self-assessment formation
  • the ability to adequately judge the reasons for their success and failure in teaching;
  • forgetting the motivation of exercise,
  • the ability to assess their actions and actions of other people from the point of view of moral norms.

Personal results of graduates elementary school Not subject to final assessment.

MetaPered studies include regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal learning activities. Universal training actions are aimed primarily to study the ability to learn. These include:

  • ability to accept and save training goal, tasks;
  • the ability to plan learning activities in accordance with the tasks set and look for the means of its implementation,
  • the ability to control, evaluate its actions, to make adjustments to them,
  • the ability to collect and allocate the necessary information from various sources,
  • the ability to use the iconic - symbolic tools for creating models, algorithms, schemes,
  • ability to compare, summarize, classify, establish an analogy
  • the ability to cooperate with the teacher, peers in solving training tasks.

According to a new educational standard, these training skills must be formed at each lesson, respectively, their assessment should be carried out. The assessment of metap looms is carried out during the solution of the tasks of the search, creative nature, during the training design. To control the dynamics of the development of universal academic action URA's formation monitoring is used, comprehensive final checks.

When evaluating subject results, the ability to use knowledge to solve cognitive and practical tasks is estimated. It is conducted during the current, intermediate and final estimation. At the end of each year of study, the final work in the Russian language, mathematics and final comprehensive work on an inter-subsensity basis are carried out. The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks of a different level of difficulty reading, Russian, mathematics and the world.

The new standard offers a level approach to evaluating academic achievements. There are three levels: basic, software and maximum.

The required (basic level) - involves a solution of a simple typical task in which you want to apply the already formed skills and learned knowledge.

Program level (elevated) - offers a solution to a non-standard task in which you need to apply knowledge new topicor "old" knowledge and skills, but in a new situation.

The maximum level (elevated) - requires applying independently produced knowledge, self-learned skills.

With a level approach, a five-point estimation system is preserved. How to properly translate the percentage of multi-level task in a five-point estimation system? If performed:

  • less than 60% of the performance of the baseline tasks - "unsatisfactory";
  • from 60 to 80% of the execution of the tasks of the base level - "satisfactory";
  • from 80 to 100% of the execution of the tasks of the baseline, if not solved by any task increased level - "OK";
  • not more than one incorrectly performed action in the tasks of the base level, with one or more tasks of the elevated level - "excellent"

All the achievements of students are personal, meta-delta and subjects are recorded in the student's portfolio or in the personal achievement folder. The portfolio is a kind of piggy bank of achievements, it allows you to trace the dynamics of the development of the child's school success. Usually, the portfolio consists of three sections:

1. "My World" - In this section, the child talks about himself, his family, class, friends.

2. "My achievements" - consists of tables of personal achievements on subjects, graphs showing the dynamics of training invested control and verification work, as well as diploma, diplomas and thanks.

3. "My Creativity" - Piggy Bank creative work (Pictures, photos of crafts, letters for fate in creative contests).

The portfolio management helps the student to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, reveals the ability of the student, creates a situation of success, develops cognitive interests, develops motivation to educational and creative activities. And finally, it helps in the acquisition of reflection skills, self-analysis, because the student itself fills in the portfolio. The teacher helps him, teaches to select the necessary material, evaluate its achievements, and also comments on and gives advice.

If earlier educational achievements were estimated only by the teacher, then in accordance with the new educational standard, the teacher and the student jointly appreciate them. IN modern conditions The process of estimating the achieved results includes a schoolboy. Moreover, schoolchildren's training evaluating their own results becomes one of the objectives of education. Schoolchildren learn to adequately evaluate their knowledge and skills, detect and prevent errors. Children assess the implementation of individual training tasks, as well as work in the lesson or the success of the study of a separate topic. The child must understand what knowledge and skills he mastered, and what else he needs to work. Educational self-assessment is formed gradually. From the first days of study at school, first-graders estimate their work from the point of view of correctness, accuracy, give an emotional assessment of the activity in the lesson. For this, reflection techniques are used:

  1. "Sun - Tuchka";
  2. "Joyful gnomic sad";
  3. "Lestenka Success";
  4. "Tree of success";
  5. "Train" (on the board train with traps, on which the stages of the lesson are indicated. Children offer to lower the "funny face" in the trailer, indicating the task that it was interesting to perform. And the "sad face" is a task that seemed uninteresting.)

In the 2nd class, schoolchildren learn to determine the success of the task in the dialogue with the teacher, compare the result in order to realize the causes of their success or failure. To help the child adequately relate the goals and the results of their work can be predetermined by self-assessment algorithm.

1.What did you need to do in the task? What was the goal?

2. Did you get the result? Is the decision, the answer is found?

3. Do I coped with the task completely and correctly or not completely, with an error? What did the error allow?

4. Do I have done completely independently or with someone's help?

In 3-4 classes, the evaluation criteria are produced in a dialogue with a teacher, the success of the work, based on the purpose and the existing criteria, differ, the results and ways of action. And also realize the causes of success or failure and there are ways to exit the situation.

When evaluated, the teacher can use various techniques and activities:

  • self-test - error correction using reference books, ready-made patterns, control boards;
  • freedom of choice - using the list of self-analysis, children perform multi-level tasks;
  • commented letter - students commented, explain the correct writing;
  • work in pairs using mutualization, mutual test;
  • the work of the assistants - first the student himself appreciates his answer, and then this makes an assistant;
  • prognostic evaluation - the child assesses its capabilities before the start of the task;
  • task - trap - identification of dangerous places or places having different variants solutions.

For the development of adequate self-esteem, the teacher needs to create an atmosphere of psychological comfort. The student's assessment must precede the assessment of the teacher. Evaluating the work of children, he must make an explanation, while creating a positive attitude to further work.

Diagnosis of learning of knowledge and the formation of skills plays an extremely important role in the organization educational processsince she provides the teacher necessary information To manage the educational and educational activities of students. From its objectivity, completeness and timeliness, the quality of training depends in many ways, since the statement that control without full information support - This is the control of "blindly", today has been proven by all the development modern system Education. Traditional forms and means of monitoring student performance are mainly aimed at obtaining information on the results of training and NAs make it possible to fully implement the diagnostic function of monitoring consisting of the detection of certain errors of students, identifying factors affecting their performance.

Diagnostics and assessment of schoolchildren's academic achievements is a mandatory component of the learning process and takes place at all stages of the learning process, but it becomes of particular importance after studying any section of the program or completing the learning step. The essence of the diagnosis and evaluation of schoolchildren's learning achievements is to identify the level of learning learning to students who must comply with the educational standard for this program or subject. However, the didactic concepts of testing of knowledge or control of learning outcomes have a significantly larger volume in modern pedagogy. Control, testing of learning results is treated with didactics as a pedagogical diagnosis with which the problem of measurements in pedagogy is associated.

Pedagogical diagnosis, according to many scientists, is as old as pedagogical activity, and is understood as the process during which:

  • 1) measurement of the level of learning knowledge and student training;
  • 2) measurement of some parties to the development and educationalness;
  • 3) processing and analysis of the data obtained;
  • 4) generalization and conclusions about the adjustment of the learning process and the promotion of students to the next level of learning;
  • 5) conclusions about the effectiveness of teachers and everything educational institution.

The term "pedagogical diagnosis" in domestic science has limited use And it is used more to the field of education, where indicates the measurement and analysis of the level of pupil, which brings together a hundred and psychodiagnostics. More traditional is the use of terms: control, verification, assessment and accounting of knowledge. Training control as part of the didactic process and the didactic procedure sets problems on the functions of testing and its content, types, methods and forms of control, measurements, and, it means, the criteria for the quality of knowledge, measuring scales and measurement tools, the success of learning and the reasons of students' failure.

Being part of The learning process, control or diagnosis and the assessment of schoolchildren's academic achievements have educational, educational and developing functions. But the main control function has always been a diagnostic specified in a number of tasks depending on the type of control. In accordance with what types of control are known in the didactics, today they are also talking about the types of diagnosis: the current, periodic, final one.

Current diagnostics - It is a systematic control over the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills at each lesson, this is an assessment of the learning outcomes in the lesson. Systematic control of operational, flexible, diverse according to methods and forms, tools, is organically connected to other elements of the lesson (learning a new, repetition of old, training, etc.).

Periodic diagnosis It is carried out in the form of various forms of control after major sections of the program or a large period of training and is expressed in conducting tests on large blocks of the program, tests for discipline sections.

Final diagnosis It is conducted on the eve of the translation into the next class or the level of learning and its main task - to fix the minimum of preparation, which provides further training.

Obviously, the diagnostic functions carried out by various forms of control measures are to establish the level of knowledge of knowledge at all stages of training, in measuring the effectiveness of the educational process and performance and allow us to reveal:

  • - definition of gaps in learning; the need to correct the learning process;
  • - conditions for follow-up planning;
  • - Recommendations to prevent failure.

Control methods - these are methods of diagnostic activities that provide feedback in the learning process in order to obtain data on the success of learning, the effectiveness of the educational process. They must provide a systematic, complete, accurate and prompt receipt of information about the learning process. If you understand the control is widely as pedagogical diagnostics, then the test methods can also be understood wider as methods scientific research Pedagogical process.

Under assessment of knowledge, skills and skills didactics understands the process of comparing with students achieved by the level of ownership with the reference ideas described in the curriculum or in special recommendations. As the process assessment of knowledge is implemented during the control (verification) of the latter. An estimate and mark should be distinguished, which is a conditional assessment expression, a conditional unit for measuring the level of knowledge formation. The word "score" in everyday life sometimes has the value of the mark. So, in the English-language countries, knowledge is estimated at four levels: BUT - the highest mark, then respectively - B, C, D. In the domestic school, in principle, there is a five-point mark of marks, which in practice, however, is four-point:

  • - "5", "excellent" - owns fully;
  • - "4", "well" - owns enough;
  • - "3", "satisfactory" - owns at the minimum permissible level;
  • - "2", "unsatisfactory" - does not own knowledge according to the standard requirements.

In the world there are other scales for knowledge: 9-, 10-, 12-point markers. Waldorf and some other schools prefer to do without numeric marks, giving verbal meaningful characteristics of the student's successes.

So, the assessment of knowledge is essentially the process of measuring the level of assimilation and is one of the fundamental and difficult to solve the problems of didactics - the problem of pedagogical measurements. However, in the XX century. The didactic seeks to clearly manage the educational process at all its stages, from the development of goals and content before checking the results. Therefore, in science there is an intensive search for objective control methods. We are talking about objective control, i.e. such methods of testing knowledge and, wider, pedagogical diagnosisWhen a teacher or researcher enjoys a means that gives accurate and complete information about the level of knowledge, quality of the educational process. This means of science considers didactic tests.

Didactic tests are a relatively new method for verifying learning outcomes. Didactic test (achievement test) - this is a set of standardized tasks on a specific material establishing the degree of assimilation by his students. The very first test samples appeared in late XIX. in. They received widespread in English-speaking countries since the 1920s.

The advantage of tests - in their objectivity, i.e. Independence of verification and assessment of knowledge from the teacher. However, the science test shows high demands, considering it as a measuring device. It is necessary that the test answers the following requirements: reliability, validity, objectivity. The reliability of the test means that it shows the same results repeatedly, under similar conditions. Validity means that the test discovers and measures the level of assimilation of those knowledge that the test developer wants to measure. It is clear from what is clear that the creation of such a device requires special knowledge and time. In modern didactics, two tina tests are known for the fact that they measure: achievement tests that measure the level of knowledge and personal testswho discover the socio-psychological qualities of the personality.

As can be seen, pedagogy makes active attempts to solve the problem of objective control and assessment of knowledge, but at the same time faces a number of problems, including organizational and psychological.

Annotation. The article is dedicated Results of analyzing modern assessmenttraining achievementsprimary school students. The article describes modern means of assessing who teachers primary classes Can use to assess the knowledge and achievements of students.

Keywords: evaluation, notable learning, forms and methods for assessing educational achievements of students.

One of the important tasks pedagogical activity The teacher and the essential component of the learning process is to assess the learning achievements of younger students. To date, the mark most often only shows the place that the child occupies among other class students, but does not serve as an indicator of its achievements in the learning process. Hence the contradiction arises between the modern requirements for evaluating the learning achievements of students and the lack of the necessary ways to implement them in a modern elementary school. In this regard, the problem is the problem of improving the system of control and assessing the learning achievements of younger students. It is necessary to search for a fundamentally different approach to evaluation, which would eliminate the negative points in training, contributed to an increase in learning motivation and learning in training.

In the pedagogical dictionary edited by I. A. Kairova given next concept: "Evaluation is a definition and expression in the conditional signs-points, as well as in the estimated judgments of the teacher of the degree of assimilation of knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills established by the program, the level of adjacent and the state of the discipline." In the pedagogical encyclopedia, a slightly different definition: "Assessment of the success of students - determining the degree of assimilation of knowledge of knowledge, skills and skills in accordance with the requirements imposed on them school programs" At the present stage of the development of primary school, the priority goal of learning is the development of the student of a schoolboy, while the following parameters of the assessment of the teacher are determined:

The quality of assimilation of objective knowledge, skills, their compliance with the requirements state Standard primary education;

Degree of formed learning activities younger schoolboy (communicative, reader, labor, artistic);

The degree of development of the main qualities of mental activity (the ability to observe, analyze, compare, classify, summarize, to regain the thoughts, creatively solving educational task and etc.);

The level of development of cognitive activity, interests and attitudes towards training activities, degree of adjustment and efforts.

Currently, there is a sufficient number of studies on the study and development of an alternative five-point system assessment systems. At the same time, each of the systems (measurement, testing, rating, portfolio, etc.) have their advantages and disadvantages.

Untile-free learning is training in which self-assessment is becoming a priority, as a result of the apprenticeship, and the mark plays the role of the relative result of the child's movement along the development and assimilation required knowledge, skills and skills.

One of the elements of measurement learning are diagnostic maps. They act as a way to assess the learning achievements of younger students. The diagnostic card consists of a form and thematic application. The form of diagnosis is entered in the form (the ratio of a properly performed volume of work to the total volume of curriculum and skills). The thematic application identifies the topic and key knowledge, skills and skills formed on this topic. Diagnostic cards are used by teachers in the process of evaluating the learning achievements of younger students in order to track the objectivity of the assessment, the formation of self-assessment. Students will clearly see their progress in study, it is easier to adapt to new conditions. school learning. The use of diagnostic cards contributes to the effective training of younger students.

One of the problematic evaluation systems in the study of students is testing. Tests must be tested on a fairly large group of students. The statistical processing of answers is required. The more tests, the more reliable the assessment of the knowledge. In addition to credit or exam tests, there are still averaged (working) tests for the current assessment of students' knowledge at each lesson. Tests give accurate quantitative characteristic Not only the level of schoolchild achieves on a specific subject, but can also identify the level of general development.

In order to move on to the use of testing, new forms are required. In the era of computerization and automation to help come information Technology. Computer testing provides a number of advantages: to use different species Tests, a variety of information forms (text, graphics, sound), fully automates the process of testing test work and systematization of results. In addition, the computer test increases learning motivation, since a modern student has already initially has a tendency to network, on-screen communication and electronic form Submission of information. A properly decorated test increases interest in the discipline studied, helps to carry out the operational diagnosis of the level of material development, saves school time, including allows to use the remote form of knowledge control.

G. K. Parinova and N. Yu. Grishina propose to use as a method for an assessment of younger schoolchildren method of rating control. In their opinion, the student rating is an individual comprehensive assessment of its progress. For the performance of a variety of tasks, students receive a fixed number of scores developed by the teacher, these points are summed up and served as the basis for issuing a certain assessment.

They believe that the rating system for assessing academic achievements is quite flexible: it can be introduced according to one training subject or for all studied subjects. Rating system, in contrast to the traditional knowledge control scale:

Oriented to current supervision control;

Makes it possible to determine the level of preparation of each student at each stage of the educational process;

Reflects the current and final assessment of the number of labor invested by a student.

With this assessment system, students are line up on their rating, which includes, except for formal marks, also successes at the Olympiads, the social activity of the student at school. The rating is regularly postponed in the Classroom. When using the rating, freedom is possible to choose students of the type of tasks and the duration of their execution.

Another form of evaluation in the training of junior schoolchildren is the portfolio of students. Portfolio assumes:

The shift of the accent from the fact that the student does not know and does not know how he knows and knows how;

Integration of quantitative and qualitative assessment;

Transfer of accent from the teacher assessment to self-esteem.

However, in the application of the portfolio there is uncertainty that is enclosed in the form of the portfolio itself. In order to turn it into a tool for assessing students, it is necessary to place only official documents (certificates, certificates with seal, work with a teacher's signature, etc.). But in this case, the portfolio will soon turn into an extended student's personal matter. If you allow the student to independently form your portfolio, which would reflect the specifics of his personality, it will not always be possible to use as an assessment tool.

Currently, many teachers use open system Evaluation of academic work using the Internet. A class log is offered to replace the marks displayed openly on the School website. At the same time, the relationship between parents and students with an email teacher can be constant and sustainable.

After analyzing the literature on this topic, we conducted a study of the application of modern assessments by teachers in primary grades.

Studies were conducted on the basis of MKOU SOSH PGT Kumen. The study involved 10 primary school teachers. The survey of primary school teachers was conducted on the rate of assessment of the planned educational results Junior schoolchildren. A questionnaire was drawn up for teachers, it included the following questions:

1. What ways do you use methods for assessing learning outcomes in primary schools?

2. Are techniques have enough to evaluate the results of training in primary grades?

To the question "What ways do you use to assess the results of training in primary grades?" 60% of teachers answered that they still use traditional test papers, dictates, testing. Only 20% of teachers to evaluate educational results use tables of students' achievements. And 20% of teachers are beginning to use such an assessment form as a portfolio (Fig. 1) in evaluating activities.

Fig. 1. Methods used by teachers to assess the results of training in elementary school

To the question "Is it enough for methods to assess the results of training in primary grades?", Most teachers (90%) responded "no" and 10% of teachers answered "yes" (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Results of the development of methods for evaluating the results of learning students

After analyzing the results of the survey, we found out that despite the awareness of most teachers regarding the characteristics of the learning outcomes system, a number of problems concerning funds, diagnostic methods and methods for fixing educational results are traced. But also analysis of the results of the survey showed that primary school teachers use such funds modern estimation Knowledge of younger schoolchildren as a portfolio and a list of achievements.

Thus, it can be concluded that modern school Used both traditional and some modern forms and methods for assessing the knowledge and academic achievements of schoolchildren. Each teacher should be able to choose the most acceptable forms for it and methods for assessing the learning achievements of students in accordance with the requirements of a particular lesson, the objectives of the educational institution, the tasks of education as a whole. It is important to take into account requests modern society To the level of not only the academic achievements of schoolchildren, but also of their common development.

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Educational activities "href \u003d" / text / category / obrazovatelmznaya_deyatelmznostmz / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e educational activities of younger schoolchildren.

Therefore, it is necessary not just to refuse to place the stupid marks of 1.2, classes, but also rebuild all the evaluation activities. The mark as a digital design of the assessment is introduced by the teacher only when schoolchildren know the main characteristics of different marks. Promoting the awareness and adoption of these characteristics (criteria) should be the essential content of the teacher's activities. Prior to the introduction of marks, it is not recommended to apply any other assessment signs - asterisks, flowers, multi-colored stripes, etc. When applying them, the mark features this subject sign and the child's attitude to it is identical to the digital assessment. In addition, the result is estimated the result of a certain step of learning. While children are just beginning to know the ads of reading, letters, accounts, until any specific learning results have been reached, the mark more assesses the learning process, the student's attitude towards performing a specific learning task, fixes unlawful skills and adverse knowledge. Therefore, to evaluate the mark this stage of learning is inappropriate. Assessment to the teacher here need to focus around the deployed verbal and descriptive analysis of the process of teaching a schoolchildren and the formation of its self-esteem.

A verbal estimate (appraisal judgment) makes it possible to disclose the dynamics of the results of its training activities before the student, to analyze its capabilities and adjacent. A feature of the verbal estimate is its meaningability, analysis of work, clear fixation of successful results and disclosure of failures. The estimated judgment in the first stages of training replaces, and then accompanies any mark as a conclusion on the merits of the work disclosing both positive and negative parties, as well as ways to eliminate the shortcomings and errors.

A special role in the evaluation of the training activities of beginner students is given by self-esteem. Self-assessment, as one of the components of the activity, is also not connected with marking themselves, but with an estimation procedure. With self-esteem, the student gives himself a meaningful and detailed characteristic of its results on specified criteria, analyzes its advantages and disadvantages, and also look for ways to eliminate the latter. The importance of self-esteem is not only that it allows you to see the child strengths and weak sides Its work, but also that, on the basis of understanding these results, he is able to build its own program of further activities.

Enter the procedure of self-assessment in pedagogical process Simple order is impossible. Its use requires painstaking, thorough, sufficiently long professional work on the part of the teacher. The child's self-esteem should be taught in specially organized appraisal activities. The teacher is necessary from the first day of study in the system based on clear criteria to organize this activity, involving each student. At the same time, each type of activity, to each stage of the lesson, it is necessary to select its own, the most appropriate methods of estimation.

Organization of estimation in conditions

without marked learning

The evaluation of the activities of the child is conducted by the teacher from the first days of study. The main requirement of his organization at first is a support for success. Starts the assessment activities of the teacher with the evaluation of the readiness of children to the lesson, compliance with the rules school Life, manifestations of cultural communication and behavior skills. The teacher necessarily emphasizes well children are ready for lesson, highlighting at the same time, which means "well ready for a lesson."

Children's attention is fixed at the points when are performed Rules of behavior I. complied withculture of communication. It is very important to allocate precisely the successes, as they help the emotional well-being of children and allow you to better understand the demands of school life. The teacher needs to be followed to see and emphasize successes Each child for every day.

Already in the second week of learning, the scope of the assessment activities of the teacher is expanding. Includes in it successesin the training work of small students. The estimation is already subject to correctness, accuracy, diligence when performing work, the compliance of the work outcomes sample. Expanding evaluation activities, the teacher must introduce clear evaluation criteria every time: which means neatly, correctly ... and only at the third stage of valuation activities, after learning the criteria for the correctness and criteria for compliance with children, the teacher can enter the fixation of the child's difficulties (and here you still need to work). In this case, the priority remains a support for success and positive allocation. The fixation of difficulties implies, first of all, outlining the prospects for the child, showing what exactly and how to do. Fixing difficulties, the teacher instills in the child to faith in what he will always succeed and gives him so much help to succeed. The main content of the assessment in the conditions of finally referred training in our opinion is the allocation of success and outlining the prospects for the child's teachings. As the main parameters of the evaluation activity, the guidance and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "The control and evaluation of the results of training in elementary school" No. 000 / 14-15 of 19.11.98. Allocated:

1) the quality of learning of knowledge, skills and skills, their compliance with the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education;

2) the degree of formation of the educational activities of the younger schoolboy (communicative, reader, labor, artistic);

3) the degree of development of the main qualities of mental activity (the ability to observe, analyze, compare, classify, summarize, to conjuno the thoughts, creatively solve the learning task, etc.);

4) the level of development of cognitive activity, interests and attitudes towards educational activities; The degree of adjacent and effort.

Only the first parameter of this list may eventually be evaluated for the result of the learning, the rest - verbal judgments (student characteristics). At the very first time of training, the mark does not use at all.

The teacher at the evaluation allocates success and outlines the prospects for the child not only in the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills, but also in his mental development, cognitive activity, formation of its study activities, general educational skills, its adjudication and efforts.

The success of estimation is determined by its systematic. It is important that every type of child's activity was rated at each stage. Traditionally, the teacher assesses the results of the child's activities (answered the question, solved the problem, allocated an orphogram. The systemicity of the same assessment implies not only the assessment of the result, but also an assessment of the adoption of the instruction (whether it understood correctly what to do), the planning assessment (whether the sequence of actions was given correctly), the estimate of the implementation of the execution (whether it moves there).

It is the systematic to evaluate that the criteria provides an understanding of the criteria and creates a base for self-conforming by children of his work. Systemativity also involves the organization of estimation at all stages of the lesson. Optimal is the estimation at every stage: setting the goal (as they took the goal and to pay attention to), repetition (which is well learned, what else to work and how), studying new (which is learned, where it is difficult and why), consolidation (what is difficult and why) And where you need help), summing up (which is successful, and where there are difficulties).

Thus, the organization of estimation in the conditions of non-paying learning is based on the following requirements:

1) the estimation should begin with the first day of learning;

2) when evaluated, it is necessary to rely on the success of the child;

3) the estimation should be carried out consistently from the assessment of the organizational side of the activities to assess its content;

4) the assessment must necessarily draw out prospects for the child;

5) the assessment should be carried out on the basis of clear, understandable criteria;

6) appraisal activities should be applied not only to objective areas, but also training activities, general educational skills, cognitive activity of the child, its adjacent and effort;

7) Evaluation should be carried out in the system.

The most important condition for organizing an effective assessment of the achievements of children in the conditions of non-paying learning is the effective choice of forms and evaluation methods.

Forms and methods of estimation

The compliance of the assessment activities of the teacher with the requirements largely determined by the Arsenal of the means and methods of assessment. The lack of methods makes it difficult for a systemic assessment and most often underlies the teacher's desire to quickly proceed to use the mark, which allows not thinking over the variety of estimated judgments.

However, today there is a whole set of well-proven forms and evaluation methods, which makes it possible to implement all the requirements for evaluation. Let us dwell on the details.

The easiest estimation is estimated judgments based on the criteria for a ballroom mark. Thus, appreciating the work of the student, the teacher records the level of fulfillment of the requirements:

I coped perfectly, did not allow one mistake, outlined logical, fully, attracted additional material;

I coped well, fully and logically disclosed the question, independently performed, knows the order of execution, is visible to interest. However, did not notice the mistakes, did not have time to fix them, the next time you need to look for an even more convenient way to solve, etc.;

Fulfilled the most important requirements, knows the basis, understands the essence, but not all accounts, rearranged logical links in places, etc.;

Performed all these requirements, it remains to work on it .... Let's see this together here ....

These judgments show the degree of compliance with the requirements and easy to use. However, they have a significant drawback - can be perceived by children as a ball assessment and translated into points. This reduces their learning and stimulating function. In addition, such estimated judgments are applicable to an assessment of the result of activities, but when evaluating its process, other estimated judgments, built on the selection of those steps, which have come from the child and are marked with the nearest steps that the child needs to be done.

The teacher can build such judgments, leaning on a memo:

1) allocated that the child should do;

2) Find and emphasize that it turned out;

3) praised him for it;

4) Find something did not work out, we defined what could be relying to happen;

5) formulate what else to do to make it happen that the child is already able to (find it confirmation); What should I learn that (who) will help him.

Such estimated judgments make it possible to disclose the dynamics of the results of its study activities before the student, analyze its capabilities and adjacent. Evaluation judgments are clearly fixed, first of all, successful results ("Your work can serve as a sample", "what beautiful letters You wrote, "" How quickly you decided the task, "" You really tried today, "etc.). At the same time, the result obtained by the student is compared with its own past results, and thus the dynamics of its intellectual development is revealed ("What complex example Today you decided myself, "how well you understood the rule, yesterday it caused you difficulties. I see that you worked very well. "). The teacher notes and encourages the slightest promotion of the student forward, constantly analyzes the reasons that contribute to this or interfere. Therefore, pointing to the shortcomings in the work, the teacher assessment judgment necessarily determines what it is possible to rely on that in the future everything turned out ("you tried to read expressively, but did not take into account all the rules. Remember the rules of correct, expressive reading, open a memo. Try to read again, you will definitely succeed. " "You began to solve the task well, I read it correctly, allocated data and the desired. Now draw schematically drawing to the task, illustrate briefly the condition of the task and you will find your mistake. " "You tried to write neatly. This letter (word, proposal) is written in all the rules of a beautiful letter. Try to write beautiful everything else. "). When specifying deficiencies at certain stages of work, it is immediately necessary, even minor positive moments are noted ("you pleased with the fact that no error was allowed, it remains only to make efforts and fulfill the rules of a beautiful letter").

A verbal estimate is a brief description of the process and the results of schoolchildren's learning hours. This form of estimated judgment allows you to disclose the dynamics of the results of its study activities before the student, analyze its capabilities and adjacent. A feature of the verbal assessment is its meaningfulness, analysis of the work of a schoolchildren, a clear fixation (first of all!) Successful results and disclosure of failures, and these reasons should not concern personal characteristics The student ("Leniv", "did not try"). Estimated judgments are the main means of evaluation in caseless learning, but also with the introduction of marks, they do not lose their meaning.

The estimated judgment accompanies any mark as a conclusion on the merits of the work disclosing both positive and negative parties, as well as ways to eliminate deficiencies and errors.

A special role in the assessment activities of the teacher is given to promotion. , considering the possibilities of encouragement, noted that success in children depends on how the teacher relies on the emotions of the guys. He believed that the development of the child depends on the ability to influence the senses, the child's development (Sukhomlinsky V. A. "Heart I give to children", Kiev, 1972. - p. 142-143). The main mechanism of promotion is estimated. This mechanism allows the guys to relate the results of their work with the task. The most important result of the application of encouragement should be the formation of the need for the activity itself higher Form Promotion. Thus, in promotion is the fact of recognition and assessment of the achievements of the child, if necessary, knowledge correction, the statement of the present success that stimulates to further actions.

The use of encouragements should go from more simple to more complex. Systematization of applicable types of incentives, allows you to highlight the following means of their expression:

1) Mimic and pantomimic (applause, a teacher's smile, a tender approving look, shake hands, stroking on the head, etc.);

2) verbal ("clever", "You all worked for everyone today," "I was pleased to read your work," "I was happy when I checked the notebook", etc.);

3) Materialized (encouragement prize, "Grammeikin" icon, " Best mathematician" and etc.);

4) Operators (you actually act as a teacher, you are given the right to fulfill the most difficult task; exhibition of the best notebooks; you get the right to write in the magic notebook; today you will do the work with a magic handle).

And not only the successes in the training activities of children are encouraged, but also the child's effort (the title "most diligent", the contest "The most neat notebook", etc.), the relationship between children in the classroom (the prize "of the friendly friend", the title "The best friend ").

As a result of the successful application of encouragement increases cognitive activity, efficiency increases, the desire for creative activity increases, the overall psychological climate In the class, the guys are not afraid of mistakes, help each other.

Application of promotions obliges to fulfill the following requirements:

1) encouragement should be objective;

2) encouragement should be applied in the system;

3) the most efficient use of two or several types of rewards;

4) take into account individual capabilities and the level of development of children, their preparedness;

5) go from entertaining promotions based on emotions to complex, most effective forms of promotion - activities.

Of great importance in the assessment activity has an emotional review of the teacher or other students to work for the child. At the same time there are any, even minor promotion of the student ("Bravo! This best work! "," How your letters are like a sample of writing "," You pleased me, "" I am proud of you, "" You showed that you can work well. " The emotional reviews are also appreciated by the shortcomings in the work, however, weak personal qualities or abilities are not specified in certain areas of knowledge ("Your job has grown up," "Is it really your job?", "I do not recognize your job", "You like yours work? "and others).

Special place B. modern approaches The methods of visual techniques occupy the assessment of the achievements of younger students. self-esteem.

Self-assessment is a human assessment of himself, its qualities and places among other people (which is one of the most important regulators of human behavior). [Dictionary of Russian. Tom Vi, p. 21; Moscow, "Russian", 1988]

Here, for example, one of the methods of self-esteem. A convenient estimation tool can be Lineber, which reminds the child a measuring instrument. With the help of Lineshek, you can measure anything. For example, in the baby's notebook, the cross, delivered at the very top of Linebet, will mean that in the dictation not a single letter is missing, in the middle - that half of the letters are missing, and at the bottom - if not a single letter is written. At the same time, on another Lineshek, the cross can mean that all words in dictation were written separately, in the middle - that half words were written separately, etc. Such an assessment:

Allows any child to see their successes (there is always a criterion for which the child can be assessed as "successful");

Holds educational function Marks: The cross on Lineshek reflects the real advancement in the subject matter studied;

It helps to avoid comparing children among themselves (since each of them is estimated Lineberry only in his own notebook).

"Magic Lines", described are a harmless and meaningful form of the mark.

Here's how to evaluate homework In Russian:

hand writing Root "B" ending end

estex verbs letters

This means that the work is written not to a neat handwriting, but the child was very attentive (not a single letter of letters) and coped with all the same mistakes, except for mistakes on a "soft sign". It is clear that it is not just a mark, but a guide to action: tomorrow you need to save all today's achievements, repeat everything about a soft sign and try to significantly improve the handwriting. The assessment with the help of Lineshek is organized as follows. At first, the teacher sets the evaluation criteria - the names of Lineshek. They must be clear, unequivocal and understandable children. Each criterion is necessarily discussed with children, so that everyone is clear how to evaluate according to this criterion. The teacher and children agree, for example, that on the Lines "Handwriting" mark (cross) is set at the top, if it is written neatly: without blots and corrections, all the letters correspond to the rules of calligraphy, do not go beyond the working line, the slope is observed. At the bottom of the cross is set, if the letters "dance" on the line, many blots and corrections, the elements of the letters are written non-sample, the letters of different sizes, the distance between the elements does not meet the requirements. After each criterion is discussed, children are evaluated on their own.

After self-esteem comes a queue of assessment of the teacher.

Collecting the notebook, the teacher puts his pluses on Linesheski. The coincidence of children's and teacher assessments (regardless of due, the child is low or highly appreciated its work) meant: "Well done! You know how to evaluate yourself. " In the case of overpriced, and even more so understated self-esteem, the teacher once again reveals the child's evaluation criteria and asks for the next time to be kinder or stricter: "Look, after all, your letters swung at different directions, and today they almost already straightened. Can I put a cross today higher than yesterday? Please praise your fingers: they became more deft. Today, see the letters stood on the line. "

In addition to working with individual self-esteem, the teacher conducts work on objectification for children of their subjective experiences in the lesson. He draws great general general Lineshek, which makes all the judgments of children about whether their job (or whether it was difficult if it was difficult to practice). The next day, such a "thermometer" of the emotional state of the class is discussed with children. The teacher notes the difference of opinions as a sign of confidence, sincerity, shows which children's assessments help him plan the next lesson.

Briefly formulate the most important principles of applying children's learning techniques.

1. If the assessment of an adult is preceded by a nursery, the child either does not critically accept it or affectively rejects. Learning to reasonable assessment is advisable to start with the self-sensitive judgment of the child.

2. The estimate should not be a generalizing nature. The child is immediately invited to evaluate the various aspects of their efforts, differentiate the assessment.

3. The self-esteem of the child should relate to the assessment of an adult only where there are objective evaluation criteria, equally and for the teacher, and for a student (samples of writing letters, the rules of addition, etc.).

4. Where as evaluated by qualities that do not have unambiguous samples - standards, each person has the right to personal opinion And the age of an adult is to acquaint children with each other's opinions, respecting everyone, the nicer is not challenging and not imposing her opinion or the opinions of the majority.

The next form of estimation can be called rating rating. This form of evaluation is quite complicated. For primary school, team ranking, pairs of partners or individual students in the degree of success of their activities in carrying out tasks are sufficient. As one of the ways of applied rating evaluation

As a reception of any assessment, the "chain" can be used, the essence of which is that children are asked to lies in a row: it starts a number of the student, whose work meets all the requirements (in which all the criteria are observed), the student is becoming a student, whose work is different From the sample by one criterion, etc., and finishes a number of one that the work is completely different from the specified criteria. This reception teacher usually uses at the end of the lesson. In some cases, such a "chain" amounts to someone from children, and after he will be, he must find his place in it (naturally all children should be visited in turn). In other cases, construction occurs without any indication. He is performed by the children themselves collectively. The reception "chain" is made in the form of a quick workout, the grounds for constructing (evaluation criteria) are changed all the time, and the adult minimally interferes with this "assessment and self-esteem", following the fact that none of the children turn out to be all the time in one and The same position of the leader or closing. It is necessary to ask a variety of criteria so that even the child who has did not work out, for example, to correctly calculate, according to the criterion, "corrected most of all errors" could be ahead of the chain.

This rate of estimation during the conducted classes was supplemented, and mainly the children themselves. It was proposed that in those cases where several children coped with something equally well (we emphasize, it is good), they are taken by arms and raise them up, and if everyone is coping well, a circle is formed (this is applied to those cases When the "chain" was a child). Adult in this situation plays the role of the coordinator, partner. For example, when conducting control in the classroom in the class 3, a teacher uses a method of rapidly verifying the quality of students' knowledge (). The teacher distributes programmate control cards, where the "windows" are presented for answers to 5 questions (3 response options). The student should in the "window that coincides with the correct answer to deliver" + ".

The filled card may look like this:

After the end of work, the teacher collects all the cards, folds them together. Further, in front of the disciples, it imposes a card with the correct answer and with the help of an ordinary hole pierces all the work immediately in places where the signs "+" should be. The teacher distributes the work of students and asks to appreciate the performance of this work and take a place in the chain in accordance with the correctness of the task. Such an estimation form can be used when conducting group work In the lessons of mathematics, the Russian language, reading. In this case, at the end of the work, the teacher asks for a strong student (captain of the team) or, on the contrary, a weak student to build a group in accordance with the activity of each when discussing the problem in the group: first the most active student, then less active. The most correctly estimated for this form in 2 and 3 classes, in the first class, the help of the teacher is necessary.

The problem of assessing the academic achievements of students and the adequate form of expression of this assessment has long been long. One of the directions of the program to improve the content and structure of education is to search for ways to measure-free learning in elementary school. Is it possible if the children and parents "want marks"?

Outstanding practices and a theorist of measurement learning is S.A. Amonashvili. He is engaged in this problem for more than 25 years. According to his observations, as well as, in the opinion of most elementary school teachers, all children are glad to go to the first class. But for a number of reasons (abilities, health, the level of preparation, the psychological features of the child) they are absorbed differently educational material And, accordingly, have a different level of academic performance.

The modern traditional five-beal estimation system does not give a full-fledged opportunity to form a student assessment independence. It performs the function of external control, it does not imply a student self-assessment, nor comparing it internal evaluation With external. The estimation system makes it difficult for the individualization of learning. The teacher is difficult to fix and positively appreciate the real achievements of each student; The teacher has to label between the fixation of the results of the child under certain standards and the fixation of the success of this child compared to it. Leontyev A.N. Pedagogy / A.N. Leontyev.- Ekaterinburg, Science, 2005.- P. 53.

The estimation system is uninformative. It is difficult for teacher and students to determine the directions of further efforts - on what else to work on what to improve. The system often has an injuring character for child. Often the pumping system is an instrument of psychological pressure, which is directed to the child and his parents. All this leads to a decrease in interest in learning, an increase in psychological discomfort of students in teaching, an increase in anxiety and as a result - to the deterioration of the physical health of schoolchildren.

Primary school teachers working on an irrepresentation system noted that in these classes: higher level of educational activity; Children seek contact with the teacher, are not afraid to express their opinions, even if mistakenly; below the level of anxiety, less manifestations of negative emotions (namely, it reduces the effectiveness of learning); Tasks performed by children are not only a reproductive, but also creative.

Thus, with a skillful organization of urgen-free learning in elementary school in the classroom, the atmosphere of psychological comfort is created not only for the student, but also for his parents and teachers. There is a contradiction between the existing system of assessing schoolchildren and the requirements for the modern elementary school in the broad sense of the word. The abolition of marks on the five-point system follows from the tasks set by the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, involving the development of a new elementary school model. Its main feature becomes the transition from obtaining knowledge in the finished form to their "mining" by the students themselves. Therefore, the mark in points is unsuitable for younger students, like any other option comparing the achievements of a child with the standard. Evaluation, and not a mark should reflect the process of promotion and the success of the child, and not the level achieved by him at the moment. Ushshinsky k.d. Comprehensive identity development / K.D. Ushinsky. - M.: Exam, 2000.- P. 39.

The transition to non-paying training affects very important problems and puts new challenges to the school and family, such as: professional growth of the teacher; Formation of a different look of parents on the assessment and success of their children.

Much has already been done to move on non-empty learning, namely, there have long been a year declared ideas about the transition to irrepanable learning; Created a regulatory framework of measurement learning; Developed technologies for assessing schoolchildren's learning achievements.

As you know, training activities - leading in elementary school. This means that if it does not begin to be formed during this period, then it may not appear at all. It is in the younger school age The formation of the basic structure of educational activities occurs. This is the time to build a form of training activities, the foundation of needs and ability to self-implanting younger students.

For a complete formation of training activities, it is necessary 5 to 6 years; Its formation ends to the 8th - 9th grade. Self-controlling and self-esteem (according to D. B. Elconin) is a combination of changes aimed at the correction and improvement of their own educational and cognitive activities of the student and its reflexive position.

5 comprehensive skills of self-control and self-assessment stands out in the conditions of an urgent learning system:

  • 1. The ability to diagnose and analyze the state of its educational and cognitive activity.
  • 2. The ability to plan and design the process of its educational and cognitive activity.
  • 3. The ability to organize the exercise of its educational and cognitive activity in accordance with the individual educational route.
  • 4. The ability to evaluate its educational and educational activities and its results with access to the reflective position.
  • 5. Ability to adjust and improve their educational and educational activities.

The solution to the problem of the assessment of primary school students is closely related to the formation of control and self-control, with self-esteem learning. According to A. B. Vorontsova "With self-esteem, with the ability to understand" I already know how I know and know, "I don't know this at all, you need to learn," I know a little bit, but you still have to figure out "the training independence of younger students begins, the transition from just a diligent student To the constantly improving who can learn. "

D.B. Elkonin argues that for the formation of an adequate self-assessment of the child to remove a mark from the educational process, it is necessary to change the content and all other components. educational process. It is necessary to understand that this is not the training of a traditional type, from which marks are seized.

This type of learning is a developing - developed in Russia as a result of experiments under the guidance of such scientists as L.V. Zankov, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, S.A. Amonashvili, which practically proved theoretical positions by L.S. Vygotsky that learning should go ahead of development and lead it.

How to teach a child to assess your opportunities to learn about your "ignorance"? The first step can be tasks for various training subjects with missing data. With such assignments, the teacher teaches children to "smart asking", building assumptions.

For example, children are offered a number of tasks, some of which has a specific solution, and the other part, only externally similar to the first, does not have such a solution. A question for such tasks can be either a "smart" question, or an assertion that this task is not possible.

In a situation where the student understands that the task is not solved by the famous way, for first grader it is enough to just state this fact, for a second-grader, the way out of ignorance is manifested in his ability to ask the teacher a question with the requirement to afford the task, i.e. Add data to more clearly formulate a question.

In the 1st 2 classes there are special lessons where children teach such a "smart asking", create problem situations; In 3 - 4 classes, these situations become an integral part of any lesson. For schoolchildren becomes valuable asking itself, search for ways to solve such tasks.

Alone for reforming the estimation system should not be taken. The task of building the technology of non-paying learning forces only by the team of the whole school, including the main, and the elder. Starting the work on this issue in the first grade, it is necessary to have a perspective of movement in this direction at the subsequent stages of education. The urgent learning system is only the first step in solving the tasks set before the updating school in the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. Salad I.P. Pedagogy. New course: a textbook for the stud. universities / I.P. Salad. - M.: Vlados, 2004.- S. 57.

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