The development of the child's personality with special needs. Special educational needs - what is it? Groups of children with OOP

Education of children with special needs is one of the main tasks for the country. it prerequisite Creating a truly inclusive society where everyone can feel involvement and demands of their actions. We must enable every child, regardless of its needs and other circumstances, fully realize their potential, to benefit society and become a full-fledged member of David Blankets.

Organization of learning children with limited features The school raises many questions from teachers and parents. How to teach a child if he has problems with health or features of mental development that do not allow fully learning, to undergo an educational program without difficulties? Should a child with ABS undergo a conventional learning program or should a special program be? Many parents prefer not to drive a special child to school, others, on the contrary, believe that the child in the mass school is better socialized. Teachers often can be in confusion and encounter for the first time with the situation of learning a child with ABS in the usual class.

Who is he, studying with disabilities? In the Federal Law No. 273 of Article 2 "On Education in the Russian Federation" a clear definition: "Educational with disabilities - an individual with disadvantages in physical and (or) psychological development confirmed by the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission (ie. Recommendation of the PMPC) and preventing education without creating special conditions. "

Regulatory documents state that the right of a child with disabilities to receive education at the place of residence can be implemented by organizing integrated learning them with normally developing peers. However, in our society there are a number of problems related to the inclusion of a disabled child in school space at the place of residence:

the presence of stereotypes and prejudices in a school environment in relation to disability;

lack of information from schoolchildren on disability and the possibilities of their peer-disabled people;

lack of an affordable environment and technical means of rehabilitation that facilitate the educational process for schoolchildren with special educational needs;

lack of knowledge appropriate training and techniques for working with a child with special educational needs, in the context of the educational institution at the place of residence;

the unpretentiousness of the general public to recognize the right of a child with special educational needs for obtaining its education in the environment of its peers without disabilities;

the complete absence or formal nature of the child's individual rehabilitation program aimed at obtaining a full-fledged education.

Of course, there are a lot of difficulties.

I want to consider this situation From the position of the teacher. What to do to the teacher - subject if a child is in the class (or children) with disabilities? How to exercise the process of learning in the classroom?

After all, I have to teach and develop not only children with ABS, but also children "norms".

According to FZ №273 "On Education in the Russian Federation" for students with ABS, an adapted educational program is being developed, which provides for the solution of the main tasks:

  • · Providing condition? To realize the rights of training? SIA with SPR to receive free education;
  • · Organize quality? Correctional rehabilitation? work;
  • · Preservation and strengthening of the health of the student? Xia with the CPR based on the improvement of the educational process;
  • · Creating a favorable psychological and pedagogical climate to implement individual absences? training? Xia with SPR;
  • · Expansion of materiality? Bases and school resource support for organizing learning a child with SPR.

My task, as a teacher, to build a learning process in the lessons of the Russian language and literature so that students with OVD can study on a par with the children of "norms", demonstrating positive effectiveness learning activities.

The solution of this problem is impossible without the study of special literature, namely: the causes of the delay of mental development, which are considered in the works of M.S. Pelevner, T.A.Vlasova?, K.S. Beltsyskoye?, V.V. Beltsinsky, Z. I. Kalmykovoy?. Among these reasons are indicated as weakly pronounced organic brain damage, and adverse social factors aggravating the lag. As the main sources of violation? You can call the following:

  • - Cerebral-organic damage to the brain - diverse and time;
  • - hereditably due to the immaturity of the brain;
  • - Diseases internal organs, various chronic upset?
  • - Long-term removal of adverse conditions? medium.

V.V. Lebtdition distinguishes 4 basic forms of mental delay:

  • 1. Delay of the mental development of constitutional origin (harmony? Infantilism). Difficulties in training are related to the immaturity of motivational? Spheres and personalities in general (gaming interests prevail). 2. Delayed mental development of somatogenic origin, due to chronic infections, allergic conditions, congenital and acquired defects of development. Training motivation is reduced due to an adverse physical and mental state.
  • 3. Delayed mental development of psychogenic origin associated with unfavorable education conditions. In the adolescence, the type of delay is most often observed to learn.
  • 4. Delayed mental development of cerebral-organic origin causes non-bubble? Organic? In sufficiency of Central? Neris? Systems. Is this type of SRR meet more often than other types described above, has more? Stories? Bone and severity of violation? How are emotionally lolly? spheres and informative? Activities. Training motivation is significantly reduced.

Z.I. Kalmykova believes the detection? From delainity? Mental Development The following manifestations are observed:

  • - Difficulties in mastering elementary? Hardware?, account combined with relatively well-developed? speech;
  • - ability to memorize poems and fairy tales;
  • - developed cognitive activity.

Observations for speechs? Deta activities? From delainity? Mental development showed that they are experiencing significant difficulties in building a statement?: Do not give a detailed answer to the question of an adult, can not retell even small? Text, describe the subject or picture.

Due to insufficient? Forgetting semantics? Speech side act:

  • - Insufficient understanding of the instructions?, Tutorials?;
  • - difficulties in mastering learning concepts - terms;
  • - Difficulties of forming and formulating your own thought? In the process of educational? work;
  • - Insufficient development of connected? speech. Deta statements? From delainity? Mental development is not targeted.

Based on the above, it becomes necessary to prepare for the lesson in the inclusive class as a kind of design form. The main elements of the design, as a type of activity, are: Building a technological process - modeling educational and informative? activities of students on the development of the content of education; Planning methods for managing this process. The design is implemented in preparing educational process In general, each lesson is separate. Design? The component includes the ability of a teacher to relate the study of material with the current needs of children, the ability to design promising? Material Study Plan, ability to plan your own pedagogical activities, teacher's skills related to the modeling of the activities of students in the lesson. The design of the design is the project of the future educational process.

Love? The lesson will be productive and for the teacher, and for students, if in e will be taken into account: assessment and necessary correction of psychological state? During the entire lesson (emotional - joy, annoyance, etc.; psychophysical - cheerfulness, fatigue, excitement? Nudity, etc.; Intellectual - doubt, concentration, etc.); Support for high levels of motivation during the entire occupation using the receipt? Ma shifts to the target; Organization of dialogue, allowing to identify personal? The meaning of the study of the lesson; Identifying the subject's subject practical experience? topic; Feeding a new material with learning? Tom psychological and pedagogical? class characteristics; the use of various sensory channels when explaining a new material; the use of didactic material; Failure from the front? Work as basic? Forms of conducting lesson and widespread use of various options for individuals?, Parni? or group? Works for the development of communicative skills? Learning (paying great attention to the distribution of rolleys in the first stages? and functions? In groups and pairs, laying the moral and technological basis of communicative skills?); Mandatory assessment and correction of the process and the result of educational? activities of each studying during the lesson; widespread use of self-esteem and mutualization; Conducting lesson reflection with children (which they found out that I liked what I would like to change, etc.) and much more.

Following the general rules and methods of organizing educational? The work of personality-oriented learning in the lesson, the Inclusive class teacher should remember and take into account the details of incorporating a child with those or other features of informative? Activities, behavior, communications. Often so? The student cannot fully care about the pace of whole class, performs tasks at the level accessible to him, but below the level of mastering the content of the topic, the subject of his classmates. Teacher creating? Scenarios? The lesson must remember and understand the following:

1. When organizing an individual work in the lesson - performing a task on a card, an individual task in the notebook - it is necessary to take into account the desire of the child with OVD "to be like everything", perform the task together with classmates. If the teacher gives a card only to one student, a situation of artificial allocating it from the general work of work has been created. A child with HSA will feel more confident if you get the opportunity to answer at the board, participate in the front work.

For example, cards with individual independent assignments, in addition to a child with APV, a few more "weak" students are obtained. In this case, the content and form of the task will correspond to the level of material development by each student.

Formation of positive? Educational? Motivation contributes to the execution of individual tasks? When choosing, when the child itself determines its complexity and volume.

The teacher in educational activities should also use the didactic adaptation techniques and modifications of the educational material for the child with HSA. For example, a "step-by-step" presentation of the material, breaking the complex task to a few simple; Presence of a specification of the task. Adult help should be dosed.

  • 2. The inclusion of a child with difficulties in learning and behavior in pair work should occur gradually. Initially, children can work with him, showing clearly positive attitude, ready to help and support. This is not necessarily the best disciples, the main way? Sign here - loyalty. However, it is important to remember here - it is necessary to be very careful in using one student to support the other. Love?, Even a brightest? good? The child quickly gets tired of constant cargo responsibility. So, as the "special" child is being formed? In the field of the embodiment?, the formation of an activity algorithm when working in a pair, the teacher changes its composition. So the whole composition of the class gradually acquires the experience of the embodiment? Branch with a special student. At first, the teacher notes and approves not so much the result itself as consistency, cohesion, the ability to cooperate, etc. After that, you can organize work in pairs and other principles.
  • 3. The inclusion of a child with APV in group work also wears gradual? and sequential? character. The main criterion for the effectiveness of the grouping? Working in the lesson in the inclusive class is not the orientation of the success "Who is more and better", and the orientation for consistency, mutual execution, support, joint decision-making?, Development of compromise solutions? Upon exit from the situation? etc. The same criteria become leading not only in the lessons, but also on extracurricular, general-cool events, gradually leading to a change in the text of the school team. At first, when organizing work in groups, you can use work with the function distribution? - When every one? Baby makes her own? Contribution to the communities? The result, fulfilling its task, with the child with difficulty learning, you can offer auxiliary materials (for example, if you need to make text, the child uses pre-harvested phrases that need to be distributed, or in advance of the prepared plan. Organize work in a group with a role distribution? also assumes The complete inclusion of the child based on the understanding of its possibility? (for example, can it pick up the necessary? Visorya? Materials - pictures, schemes illustrating? Task content), or, on the contrary, to select the finished sentences for the picture, building them into the text. Typically, Productives? Is such a job with which the students take on the function of a teacher for one or group of other detections? At the same time, students who play the role of the teacher are formed by the skills of self-learning, control and evaluation, which in turn is the development of development? Schoolboy's activities. At the same time, the child performing? The role of the student, in the process together OI? Working with peer assimilators? educational? Material and acquires experience overcoming the difficulties? At the same time, work on overcoming other people's difficulties? Helps to understand your own. In such a way? Both student benefit situations.
  • 4. If possible, when organizing a group "? The work in the lesson is very important to the position of the teacher himself and his assistants - the tutor (as a parent protrudes), a deuterine teacher, a psychologist teacher. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher's assistant can help develop the tactics of the organization of the embodiment? Between children, prepare the necessary? Disturbing? and auxiliary? material. For the teacher and the tutor, it is very important during the execution of groups of group tasks? In the lesson, to be included in the work of groups, check whether everything goes as it should, prevent conflict situations. The teacher-defectologist (a teacher-psychologist, a special psychologist) on group correctional and developing classes also forms a child with an ARS team skills in a group, can help the teacher adapt the content of the curriculum on the topic, to organize an advanced study of the educational material.
  • 5. V.I. Oleshkevich allocates two types of detection in the organization? With violations of psychophysical development in the embodiment?: "Inclusion of special detections? In the embodiment? It can be direct targeted (immediate) and indirect (involuntary). The participation of schoolchildren with ABS is on a par with the norm in various exhibitions of drawings, collages and contests of crafts is an example of their indirect inclusion in the educational environment. Decorating the walls of the class and school works of special disciples demonstrates everything? School (indirectly) their success in other activities. Inclusion of dete The school life takes place almost always, for example, attracting them as fans to conducting sports and cultural events. The execution of the role of fans contributes to the formation of the experience of emotionally appreciation?, Forms the ability to express their relationship to school, contributes to the upbringing of patriotic feelings. Including them on a par with everyone in the group of participants of the artistic? Amazing is huge in yourself? Success potential. Are these unique? The reserve for the acquisition of a particular child of the invaluable experience of the embezzlement of the prefabrication and communications, the experience of self-knowledge and self-awareness, the experience of reflection and demonstration.

In conclusion, I will note that the embarrassing of students with different educational opportunities And Motivational Motivational? spheres? Itself does not arise. Of course, it is necessary to train in the entire period of joint training, and it should start this work as soon as special students appeared in the class.

Provide alternative textbooks similar to content, but easier to read (for correction schools).

Provide as an audio recording of the textbook text, so that the child can listen to the film and follow the text.

Reading material should be comfortable for a child.

A teacher can allocate separate parts of the text to marker to familiarize the child with the content.

It is possible to use cards to outline key topics.

Texts for reading should not contain incomprehensible words and phrases, metaphors.

Text text with illustrations.

Before reading the text, introduce the child with the subsequent task that it will perform.

Detach text into small semantic parts.

In the test, only the main idea should be fixed.

When executing tasks in the text, the student must be able to enjoy the content.

Questions and tasks on the text must be specific, clear, to understand the actual information.

Textbooks are adapted to a defectologist, subject teacher, computer together.

Class planning

Simplify tasks for a child with APV, making focus on basic ideas.

Replace written tasks alternative. For example, a child dictates answers to a tape recorder.

Offer tasks to choose from content, execution form.

Prescribe individual goals and objectives for children with OVD.

Provide tasks with a student on a computer.

Reduce the amount of work performed by the student.

Provide work in pairs, groups.

Change the rules that infringe the rights of the child.

Offer clear algorithms for work.

Use the icon symbols for the child orientation in performing tasks, planning actions.

Provide in the course of the lesson change the activities of students, alternation of active work with rest.

The child should be able to get out of class and stay in a "calm zone" if it is in a state of stress.

Mandatory use of visual funds.

In the class and the child's desk should not be objects capable of distracting it from work.

Instead of writings and presentations, offer to record the answers to the issues prescribed by the teacher.

The task recorded on the board must be duplicated in a printout for a child.

Avoid giving refreshing.

Teach use the calculator and use it in the lessons of mathematics.

Group similar tasks together.

Formulation of tasks

The task must be formulated both in oral and in writing.

The task should be a brief, concrete, one verb.

Ask a child to repeat the task.

The task can be formulated in several stages.

When formulating tasks, show the final product (finished text, the solution of the mathematical problem ...)

Formulating the task, stand next to the child.

Give the child the opportunity to finish the started task.

Evaluation. Try to celebrate the good behavior of the child, not bad.

Do not pay attention to not very serious disorders of the discipline.

Be prepared for the fact that the behavior of the child can be associated with the reception of medicines.

Come up with some "special" word, after using you whose child will understand what is not properly coming.

Use an intermediate rating to reflect progress.

Allow the child to rewrite the job to get the best mark (in the future, take into account the mark for the redesigned work).

Use the evaluation system: offsetting, when it comes to the assessment of the growth and development of the child.

child limited school opportunity


Alekhina S.V. Inclusive education for children with disabilities // Modern educational technologies in working with children who have limited health capabilities: monograph under total. Red N.V. Laretina; Sib. Feder. University, Krasnoyar. State Ped. University. V.P. Astafieva [and others]. Krasnoyarsk, 2013. P. 71 - 95.

V.V. Lebedinsky. Disorders of mental development in children: a textbook. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 1985.

IN AND. Oleshkevich "Factors of Successful Training" - Minsk: "Four Quarters", 2007.

V.M. Dyukov, L.A. Fights? Dick, I.N. Semenov /: Theoretical and methodological basis inclusive education.

B. Freedom. Inclusive education - relevant? Shaya theme for the country

Children with delainity? Mental Development / Ed. T. A. Vlasowoye?, V. I. Lubovsky, N.A. Tsypiny?. - M., 1984.

L.S.Vigotskiy?. Cathedral So: at 6 t. - M., 1983. - T. 5., 1993.

N. Semago, M. Semenovich. Integration is spontaneous and thoughtful. "School psychologist" №23, 2005.

IS HE. Yertanova, M.M. Gordon. Inclusive Education: Methodology, Practice, Technology. Moscow 2011, Page: 11 - 17, 36, 37.

Development and implementation of individuals? Education? Programs for Deta? With disabilities for health in the initiality? School - Moscow: 2012.

Honor Educational Complex "School-Lyceum"

Krasnoperekopsky district council

Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Child with special


primary school teacher

Filipchuk E.V.

s.Pocil, 2014.

Child with special

Educational needs

(Information material to help pedagogical workers)

The concept of "children with special educational needs" covers all students whose educational problems go beyond the boundaries of the generally accepted norm. The generally accepted term "children with special educational needs" makes emphasis on the need to ensure additional support in teaching children who have certain features in development.

A definition of a French scientist G. Lefranko can be logical and reasonable to be made: "Special needs are a term that is used in relation to persons whose social, physical or emotional feature requires special attention and services, it is possible to expand its potential."

If we are talking about inclusive education, we mean, above all, special educational needs in children who have disorders in psychophysical development.

Inclusive education - This is a system of educational services that is based on the principle of ensuring the basic law of children on education and the right to study at the place of residence, which provides for training in a general educational institution.

Children with peculiarities of psychophysical development are divided into the following categories:

With hearing impairment (deaf, deaf, with reduced hearing);

With violations of violation (blind, blinded, with reduced vision);

With intelligence disorders (mentally retarded, with mental delay);

With speech violations;

With impaired musculoskeletal system;

With a complex structure of disorders (mentally retarded blind or deaf, deaf-drum, etc.);

With emotional-willed violations and children with autism.

Children with peculiarities of psychophysical development have, like all other children, certain rights, among which are the right to obtain quality education.

The purpose of this manual to inform teachers about the nature of various psychophysical violations is to provide specific recommendations for teaching such children.

1.Rech violations

Speech violations include:

Dyslavlia (impaired sounding);

Rinolalia (violation of the soundness and voice timbre associated with the congenital defect formation of the articulation apparatus);

Dysarthria (disorders and melody-inthanitation side of the speech, due to insufficient innervation of the muscles of the articulation apparatus);


Alalia (lack of or underdevelopment of speech in children due to organic local lesion of the brain);

Afaja (full or partial loss of speech due to organic local lesions of the brain);

General underdevelopment of speech;

Violation of the letter (disgrave) and reading (dyslexia).

Most of these disorders are eliminated in preschool and younger school age. At the same time, there are cases when these violations are not overcome in the middle and older classes.

Students with speech disorders have functional or organic deviations in the state of the central nervous system. They often complain of headaches, nausea, dizziness. Many children preserve the equilibrium disorders, coordination of movements, the non-differation of the movement of the fingers and articulation movements. During the training, they are quickly depleted, tires. They are characterized by irritability, excitability, emotional inconvenience. They preserve the instability of attention and memory, low level control over their own activities, violation cognitive activityLow mental ability to work.

A special group among children with violations of speech is children with violations of reading and writing processes.

The difficulties of the perception of text (dyslexia) is characterized as the inability to perceive printed or handwritten text and transform it into words.

When dyslexia, such types of errors are observed during reading: replacement and mixing sounds, contaminated reading, permutation, etc.

Helping such children should be comprehensive and implemented by a group of specialists: a neuropathologist, speaking copyright, psychologist, teacher. The efficiency of work is largely determined by the timeliness of the adherence of events and the belief of the optimal method and the pace of learning.

Violation of letters skills - Distraphy - distortion or replacement of letters, curvature of the sound component of the word structure, violation of the elite writing of words, agramatisms. The basis of the classification of the District is the inconsistency of certain operations of the letter process:

Articulating and acoustic dysgraphy is manifested in replacements, letters of letters that correspond to passing and replacing in oral speech;

Dysgraphy on the basis of violation of phhematic recognition is manifested in replacements of letters of the corresponding phonderatically close sounds, although in oral speech sounds are pronounced correctly; (Work on the elimination of these two types of disorders is aimed at the development of phonderatic perception: refinement of each sound, which is replaced by the development of articulation and auditory sounds);

Disgrave on the basis of violation of speech analysis and synthesis, which is manifested in the distortion of the sound-letter structure of the word, dividing proposals for words;

Grammatical dysgraphy is associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech (morphological and syntactic generalizations);

The work on eliminating these two types of disorders is aimed at clarifying the proposal structure, the development of the function of the opinion, the ability to analyze the composition of the word on morphological features.

Optical dysgraphy is associated with the underdevelopment of visual analysis and synthesis and spatial representations, which are manifested in replacements and distortions of letters when writing, a mirror letter is also related to optical dysgraphy;

The work is aimed at the development of visual perceptions, expansion and presentation spectatic memory, the formation of spatial representations and the development of visual analysis and synthesis.

Stuttering- One of the most complex and long-lasting speech violations. Doctors characterize it as neurosis (discoordination of contraction of the muscles of the speech apparatus). Pedagogical interpretation: this is a violation of the pace, rhythm, smoothness of the speech of a convulsive nature. Psychological definition: this is a violation of speech with the prevailing violation of its communicative function. Speech cramps interrupts speech flow stopping different character. Causes arise only when producing speech. Stuttering is neurotic and neurosis.

When stuttering with a child, a speech therapist, a neuropathologist, psychotherapist, psychologist, teacher work. Only the team, which consists of these specialists, can qualify to develop measures to overcome stuttering.

The speech therapist may assign security therapy - silence regime, and the doctor is to conduct a whole complex of treatment, which is recommended for neurotic states in children. Regardless of the forms of stuttering, all children are parallel with speech therapy, ledgered classes, medical and physiotherapy treatment are needed.

When you noticed that there is a student in your class, which has similar difficulties, consult the teachers who trained the child in previous years.

Contact your psychologist and speech therapist, talk to my parents. Use all the instructions and recommendations of specialists.

From the team of the team that you organize, the correctness of the definition of the diagnosis, the strategy of correctional assistance and the choice of the necessary measures for the successful learning of the child in your class has been depends.

Ask the student about the difficulties that it feels during perception, processing, application of information (new material). Determine what information the student does not perceive.

Offer other ways (if the student can not read, explain orally if it does not perceive the ear - apply in writing).

Learn about the possibility of using special computer programs (for example, transformation of printed text in audio playback), other technical methods, depending on the characteristics of the training of a particular student.

2. Children with mental delay

Delayed mental development can be caused by a variety of reasons.

In particular, this is: hereditary leaning, violation of the brain function during the period of intrauterine development, sexual complications, chronic and long-term diseases at an early age, inappropriate the conditions of education, etc.

Depending on these factors, various forms of delay differ.

- Constitutional and somatogenic origin - The child is miniature and externally fragile, the structure of its emotional-volitional sphere corresponds to earlier age, frequent diseases reduce the possibilities of parents, the overall weakness of the body reduces the productivity of its memory, attention, disability, inhibits the development of cognitive activity.

- Psychogenic origin - due to inappropriate education conditions (excessive guardianship or insufficient care for the child). Development is delayed due to limiting the complex of irritation, information that comes from the environment.

- Cerebral-organic origin - persistent and complex, due to lesions of the child's brain due to pathological influences (mainly in the second half of pregnancy). It is characterized by a decrease in trainee even at a low level of mental development. And manifests itself in the difficulties of assimilation of the educational material, the absence of cognitive interest and motivation of training.

A significant part of children with a delay in mental development, having received timely correctional assistance, assimilates the program material and "aligns" at the end elementary school. At the same time, quite a few students and the following years. school learning They require special conditions for organizing the pedagogical process due to significant difficulties in the assimilation of educational material.

A student who has similar difficulties requires a thorough psychological and pedagogical study to determine optimal and effective learning methods. Working with parents of such children is extremely important, since their understanding of the nature of difficulties and the corresponding assistance in the family circle contribute to overcoming difficulties in training.

Focus on the strengths of the student and rely on them in the learning process. At the same time, be prepared that you will have to gradually fill out gaps in knowledge, skills and student skills.

Serve the content of the educational material in small parts using a multi-touch approach (auditory, visual, manipulative). Repeat and secure the studied as much as possible.

Interest a student, maintain positive motivation. learning.

Try to reduce the pace of learning, given the mental endurance and mental working capacity of the student. Be patient if the student needs to explain or show something repeatedly. Find the best way to interact with it (explain the new material to the lesson, in the lesson, give a written feature plan, an actions algorithm, etc.).

Dismember the task for individual small parts. If necessary - make a written algorithm for the specification of the task. Oral instructions Let's one until the student learn to hold in memory at the same time several.

Practice the applied use of knowledge acquired by student.

Together with the student step by step, analyze the task.

Diverse learning activities, however, ensure a smooth transition from some kind of activities to others.

Tasks must comply with the possibilities of students and exclude feelings of persistent failures.

Provide sufficient time to perform the task and practical application of new skills and skills, at the same time, a sufficiently long-term execution of one task may tire it.

Do not shift overcoming problems in training exclusively on parents. Help them to realize the slightest successes of the student and fasten them. Pupils with learning difficulties require not authoritarian approaches in family relations, a weighted, good-natured attitude towards the child.

Overcoming difficulties in training is the result of the joint long-term and painstaking work of teachers, psychologists, parents and even therapists.

3.There with violations

To date, in Ukraine, violations of vision occupy the first place among other disorders. This group belongs to the blind (about 10%) and the visually impaired (people with reduced vision). Persons who have completely lack visual sensations or those that have only partial lights (visual acuity to 0.004) are considered blind. The visually impaired - those who have a significant reduction in view (within the boundaries from 0.05 to 0.2 when using corrective glasses).

The main reason for the reduction of visual acuity is congenital diseases or eye anomalies (70% of cases). The factors that were the cause of eye anomaly are extremely diverse. Among the endogenous (internal) - heredity, hormonal violations of the mother and the fetus, rezes incompatibility, the age of parents, metabolic disorders, etc. To endogenous (external) factors include various intoxications, infectious and viral diseases, etc.

Among the common disorders of the organs of the vision is microfthalm, anofalm, cataract, glaucoma, atrophy of the optic nerve, the degeneration of retina, astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia, etc.

The eye disease leads to complex violations of the visual function - the sharpness is reduced, the field of view is narrowed, a spatial view is disturbed.

Due to the incomplete or distorted environment of the presentation of such children fully depleted, fragmented, the information received is badly remembered. Children feel difficulty while reading, writing, practical work; Quickly tire, which causes a decrease in mental and physical disability. It is about this that they require metered visual stress and a security regime during the organization of the educational process.

Due to the fact that during training, the vision of students may vary (accordingly the ophthalmological recommendations are changed), the coordinated work of teachers, school physician, ophthalmologist and parents, which should be kept under the control of admissible physical and visual loads of the student.

By organizing an educational process for such students, the teacher must take into account ophthalmological data on the degree of illusion of vision, the nature of the disease, the features of its flow and forecast for the future (the possibility of deterioration or improvement). Considering this, the teacher must be familiar with the recommendations of the ophthalmologist to use the usual and special correction measures (glasses, contact lenses, etc.), also additional ways that improve vision (increased lenses, projectors, typhoids, audio recordings, special computer programs that transform written text in sound and other). The teacher should know who from the disciples the points are intended for permanent use, and to whom to work only on the far or close distance and control the observance by children of a certain mode.

Every 10-15 minutes, the student must be 1-2 minutes later, making special exercises.

The workplace lighting should be at least 75-100 kD / sq. M.

Eliminate all obstacles to the workplace of the student.

In visual allowances it is advisable to increase the font.

Recording on cool board, strive to arrange the material so that it does not merge in the student in a continuous line. Find out what color the student sees the best.

Let's get the opportunity to come closer to the board or a visual guide to better see what is written.

Voicate what you write.

Strive everything that they write on the board, duplicate with handouts.

Pay attention to the quality of the handout: there must be matte, and not glossy paper, the font is large and contrast.

Pupils with violation of vision require more time to perform tasks, text reading. Do not overload the student reading large texts during self-processing material, it is better to explain once again verbally, make sure that he understood everything.

According to objects such as literature, history, geography can be used by audio libraries of literary works and other educational materials that the teacher can use for individual occupations with visually impaired students.

It is advisable to revise the requirements for written works. Sometimes a visually impaired student needs to be written using a stencil to correctly arrange the text on the page and stick to the lines.

More often check the understanding of the student of the material that is given in the lesson.

Watch out for posture of the student, at the same time, do not limit it when it is very close to the text to the eyes.

A child may not see the expression of your face and not understand what to contact him. It is better to approach him, and touching it, contact by name.

Do not make unnecessary movements and do not shrust the light source, do not use not verbal methods of communication (nodding head, movement of hands, etc.).

4. Children with hearing impairment

The concept of "hearing impairment" is often used to describe a wide range of disorders associated with a decrease in hearing, which includes deafness.

Among the causes of the reduction of hearing can be called the following: sex injuries, infectious diseases, otitis, inflammation, consequences of the use of relevant medications.

Deafness is defined as an absolute absence of hearing or its significant decrease, as a result of which perception and speech recognition is impossible.

Compared to deaf, children with reduced hearing (weighted) have a rumor, which with the help of audio enhancement equipment makes it possible to perceive the speech of others and speak on their own. Children who have a loss of hearing from 15 to 75 dB are considered to be weighted, above 90 dB are considered deaf (according to pedagogical classification).

Partially reduced hearing is compensated by hearing aids and cochlear implants. Under normal conditions of training in children with disturbed hearing, speech communication is formed and speech ear develops, which gives them the opportunity to successfully learn secondary schoolsah, receive higher and vocational education.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account certain features of students with hearing impairments. Some weighted can hear, but perceive individual sounds fragmentary, especially the initial and end sounds in words. In this case, it is necessary to speak more loudly and clearly, picking up the volume accepted by the student. In other cases it is necessary to reduce the height of the voice, as the student is not in force to perceive high frequencies. In any case, the teacher must familiarize himself with the medical record of the student, to consult with a school physician, a otolaryngologist, a survival, a survival, speech therapist, parents, teachers who have studied the student in previous years. Meet the specialists about the capabilities of the student's individual auditory apparatus, special tasks for the development of speech breathing.

Learn to check the health of the auditory.

Familiarize yourself with special technical means that direct the effectiveness of the educational process. It is advisable that the educational institution acquired the necessary equipment.

The student must sit close enough, to see teachers, classmates and visual benefits. It should clearly see the articulation of all the lesson participants.

Use as much visibility as possible.

Make sure that the student receives information in full. Sound information must be reinforced and duplicated with visual perception of text, tables, reference schemes, etc.

Starting the conversation, check the student's attention: name it's name or touch it with your hand. Turning and acceleration with the student, look at him so that he can see all your movements (articulation, facial expression, gestures).

Before you begin an explanation of the new material, instructions for performing tasks, make sure that the student look at you and listens.

Do not close your face with your hands, do not say, turning away from the student. If necessary - make an entry on the board, and then, turning the face to class, repeat the written and comment.

Speak quite loudly, at a normal pace, not fond of articulation, movement of lips.

From time to time, make sure that the student understands you. But at the same time, do not ask him the nontactual questions about this .. if the student asks to repeat something, try to rephrase the information using short simple sentences.

If you do not understand the disciple speech, ask him to repeat again, or write what he wanted to answer.

If you explain the complex material that contains terms, formulas, dates, surnames, geographical names, it is advisable to give it a student in writing. Use handouts that fully transmits the lesson content.

Make sure all words in the text are understandable. If possible, simplify the text.

Initiate the speech communication of the student. Do not interrupt it, let the opportunity to express the idea.

5. Children with impaired musculoskeletal system

Such violations occur in 5-7% of children and may be congenital or acquired. Among the disorders of the musculoskeletal system are distinguished:

Nervous System Diseases: Child Cerebral Paralysis; Polymielitis;

Congenital pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: congenital dislocation tops, krivoshi, adhesion and other stop deformations; Spinal development anomalies (scoliosis); underdevelopment and defects of the limbs: anomalies for the development of fingers of the brush; Atrohriposis (from the birth of a cripple);

Acquired diseases and lesions of the musculoskeletal system: injuries of the spinal cord and limbs; polyarthritis; skeletal diseases (tuberculosis, osteomyelitis); Systemic diseases of the skeleton (xondrodstrophy, rickets).

All these children have a leading impairment is underdevelopment, violation or loss of motor functions. The dominant among them is children's cerebral paralysis (about 90%).

To accommodate the social environment, you need to prepare teachers and students of the school, class to perceive the child with such violations as an ordinary student.

Children with children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy)

Cerebral paralysis arises due to the defeats of the fetal brain in the prenatal period or during childbirth. Among the factors that lead to cerebral paralysis are bone insufficiency, generic crank and brain injuries, intoxication during pregnancy, infectious diseases, etc. The frequency of children's cerebral paralysis in the population is 1.7 cases per 1000 children.

Motor disorders (paralysis, incomplete paralysis), inability to control and coordinate movements, weakness of movements, violations of common and small motility, spatial orientation, speech, hearing and vision, depending on which brain departments have received defeats, unstable emotional tone. These states may increase by excitement, unexpectedly accessing the child, overwork, the desire to perform certain targeted actions. The more significant the brain damage, the stronger the cerebral paralysis manifests itself. At the same time, cerebral palsy does not progress over time.

Depending on the severity of the lesion, such children can move independently, in strollers, with the help of walkers. At the same time, a lot of them can be trained in a secondary school subject to the creation of a barrier-friendly environment, providing a special device (a device for writing, tires that help better control the movements of the hands; workplace that makes it possible to hold the appropriate body position).

Usually, children with cerebral paralysis may require different types of assistance. Special training and services can cover physical therapy, occupying therapy and speech therapy.

Physical therapy Helps to develop muscles, learn to go better, sit and retain balance.

Occupational therapy It helps to develop motor functions (dress, eat, write, perform daily actions).

Surgical services Help to develop communicative skills, adjust the impaired speech (which is associated with weak muscles of the language and larynx).

In addition to therapeutic services and special equipment, children with cerebral paralysis may need auxiliary equipment. In particular:

Communication devices (from the simplest to more complex). Communication boards, such as drawings, symbols, letters or words. The student can communicate showing a finger or eyes into drawings, symbols. There are also more complex communication devices that use voice synthesizers that help "talk" with others.

Computer technologies (from simple electronic devices to complex computer programs that work from simple adapted keys).

Learn more about cerebral palsy, about the organization that assist and sources from which you can get useful information.

Sometimes the view of the student with cerebral paralysis gives the feeling that he will not be able to learn as others. Pay attention to a particular child and learn directly about its special needs and abilities.

Consult with other teachers who in previous years have been taught a child regarding the organization of the learning environment for this student. Parents know better about the needs of their child. They can tell a lot about the special needs and opportunities of the student. By inviting the physiotherapist, speech therapist and other specialists to his team, you can develop the best approaches towards a specific student, from the point of view of its individual and physical opportunity.

The path of the student to his workplace should be unhindered (convenient opening of doors, quite wide passages between the parties, etc.). Think out how it will reach the class, move in the borders of the school, use the toilet, etc. Most likely in the educational institution will have to make the appropriate architectural changes (ramp, special handrails, fixtures in the toilet, etc.).

You may need someone from personnel or students to always be ready to help a student with cerebral paralysis (to hold the doors while the stroller will hit, while the staircase is shuttering or overcoming the thresholds). Such assistants should be instructed by a specialist (orthopedic, physiotherapist, instructor on therapeutic physical education).

Learn to use auxiliary technologies. Find experts at school and beyond her borders that would help you. Auxiliary technologies can make your student independent (special extensions for writing, additional equipment for a computer, etc.).

With the help of specialists or parents, equip the student's workplace, taking into account his physical condition and features of the development of training skills.

Consult a physiotherapist regarding the student's load mode, the necessary breaks and exercises. Remind a student about this and watch it not overwhelmed.

Sometimes children with cerebral paralysis can have a decrease in rumor on a high-frequency tone, simultaneously persist on low. Strive to speak low colors, make sure that the student hears the sounds of T, K, C, E, F, W.

It is necessary to reduce the requirements for the written works of the student. Perhaps it will be convenient to use special devices, computer or other technical means.

Watch that the necessary materials, educational devices, visual benefits were within the achievement of the scientist.

Do not surround the student with immense trustees. Help when you confidently know that he cannot master something, or when he appeals for help.

The student needs more time to perform the task. Adapt exercises accordingly, develop tasks in the form of tests, etc.

6. Children with hyperactivity and attention deficit

One of the common disorders characteristic of various data 3-5 is 8-15% of children and 4-5% adults. The reasons for this state are still being studied. Among the factors that determine it, the hereditary and somatic disorders can be distinguished. Somatic (from Greek. - Melo, Melo) in medical practice is used to determine the phenomena that are associated with the body, in contrast to mental phenomena. The disease in this meaning is divided into somatic and mental. Such children have a complex of clinical, physiological and biochemical changes, sometimes certain minimum brain dysfunctions (a national team of different pathological conditions, which manifest themselves in combined violations of perception, motility, attention). At the same time, such a state may have a number of other violations: neurosis, mental delay, autism. Sometimes hyperactivity with a shortage of attention is difficult to celebrate from normal development with a specific age-specific motor activity, on the characteristics of the temperament of individual children. Usually this condition is observed more often in boys.

Among the characteristic features of hyperactivity with a shortage of attention, excessive activity, violation of attention, impulsiveness in social behavior, problems in relations with others, violation of behavior, learning difficulties, low academic success, low self-esteem, etc.

If the child is not provided with timely psychological and pedagogical assistance, in adolescence, this condition can grow into antisocial behavior.

The teacher who has noticed the features of hyperactivity with a deficit of attention should be involved in the team of specialists: a psychologist, a neuropathologist, therapist, parents. In some cases, drug treatment may be needed. In everyday work and communicating with the student, all team members should adhere to the developed joint behavior strategy. Family psychological trainings will be useful, which will reduce the level of stress in the family, reduce the likelihood of conflicts in social cooperation with the child, will work out the skills of positive communication with him from their parents.

It is advisable to plant a child for the first desk, he will be less distracted.

Schedule of lessons should take into account the limited ability of the student to focus on the perception of the material.

Types of activity in the lesson must be structured for a student in the form of a card of clearly formulated actions, a task execution algorithm.

Instructions must be short and clear, repeated several times.

The student is difficult to focus, because it is necessary to push it several times to execute, control this process before it is completed, adapt tasks so that the student has managed to work at the tempo of the whole class.

Require the task execution and check it.

Find various opportunities for the student's speech in front of the class (for example, as you did what I did during duty, as I prepared creative work, etc.).

The training material is necessary to make it clear enough so that it will keep the attention and was as informative as possible.

Praise the child, use feedback, emotionally react to small achievements, increase it with self-esteem, status in the team.

It is necessary to constantly interest the student, less likely to point out the shortcomings, find correct ways to indicate errors.

It is necessary to develop a positive motivation in learning.

Recommend to the strengths of the student, mark its special successes, especially in the activities to which he shows interest.

In case of inadequate manifestations or actions of the student, follow the tactics of the behavior chosen by the team of specialists.

As closely and often communicate and collaborate with the parents of the student.

7. Children with early children's autism (non-contact children)

A limited partnership of a child may be a consequence of various reasons: fear, bugs, emotional disorders (depressed), minor communication needs.

Characteristics of the features of little contact children:

1) inability to organize a joint game and establish friendly relations with peers;

2) the lack of sensitivity to people indifference to the manifestations of love, physical contact;

3) negative reactions on greetings;

4) deficiency of full-time contact and a faithful response;

5) an increased level of anxiety from contact with other people;

A number of features of children with early children's autism syndrome:

A fixed or "noble" look;

Does not like physical contact, avoids hugs;

Inadequate reaction to new;

No contact with peers (not communicating, attempts to escape);

Loves sound toys and those moving;

Aggression for animals, children, autoagression;

Delay in chewing skills, self-service;

Refusal to communicate, echolalia, talking about themselves from a third party;

Help the child: classes with a psychologist, ensuring attention and love, a sense of security, attract to touching, faithful responses, independence, music, poems, folding puzzles.

Correctional work during autism.

Correctional work with autists is approximately divided into two stages.

First stage : "Establishing emotionally contact, overcoming negativism in communicating with adults, neutralization of fears."

Adults should be remembered about 5 "no":

Do not speak loudly;

Do not make sharp movements;

Do not look right in the gala of the child;

Do not go to the direct child;

Do not be across chur active and intrusive.

To establish contact, it is necessary to find an approach that meets the possibilities of the child, cause it to interact with adults. Contacts and communication is based on the support of elementary, non-appropriate age, effective manifestations and stereotypical actions of the child through the game. To organize the initial stages of communication, the adult must calmly and focus on anything, for example, to draw something, to put mosaic, etc. Requirements at the beginning should be minimal. Success can be considered that the child does not depart from an adult, passively monitors the actions of an adult. If the child does not fulfill tasks, his attention should be switched to lighter, it is impossible to put pressure, bring the child to a negative reaction. After the end of the task, you must have a good success together. To raise the mood, games are organized with emotional manifestations: music, light, water, soap bubbles. The emotional discomfort of the child is reduced by constantly control. One of the indicators of such a state is Motoric, the voting force, strengthening stereotypical movements.

Special games contribute to mitigation, in which the safety of the situation is emphasized.

It is necessary to choose the right games, books, poems, throwing those that can emotionally injured the child.

Second phase: "Overcoming the difficulties of targeted child activity."

Training with special behaviors, development of abilities.

For children with autism, targeted activities are very important. They are quickly tired, distracted, even from interesting activities. The prevention of this promotes the frequent change of activities and accounting for the wishes and readiness of the child to interact with the teacher. The meaningful side of classes with the child is the activity he loves, which supports the state of acceptable sensory sensations, i.e. It is necessary to take into account the interests of the child.

At the beginning of work with the child, its stereotypes are actively being played.

During learning, the adult is behind the child, it helps imperceptibly, creates a sense of independence of action.

It is necessary to dose praise, so as not to develop dependence on the tip. Inadequate response in a child testifies to overwork or misunderstanding the task.

A child with autism has a specific need for conservation of constancy in the situation, following the commissioned order. It is necessary to use mode, schedule, pictures, drawings, alternate work and rest.

Specific techniques should be used for social adaptation. An adult should not only interest the child, but to understand the inner world, stand up on the position of understanding reality.

First of all, an emotional sphere is adjusted. Emotional processes are normal that the sphere of mental being, which charges and regulates all other functions: memory, attention, thinking, etc. Unfortunately, in children of autists with great efforts the highest feelings are formed: sympathy, empathy. They do not form a proper emotional response in various situations.

Based on the results of the child survey, an individual correction card is drawn up.

Install positive emotional contact.

The child's stereotypes are used.

Teach a child with the language of feelings, record attention on the emotional state of people and animals.

Teach behavioral ethics on an emotional basis, analyze the world of emotions. In the future, the development of creative abilities and ideas allows the child to adequately perceive literary fairy tales.

Teachers should not use the injured words "You are frightened ...", "did not happen ...". The task of the teacher is to prevent the increasing of negativism, overcome the communicative barrier.

One of the areas of work is the social and consumer adaptation of children, the formation of self-service skills.

8. Mental infantilism

Mental infantilism is the form of the psychological immaturity of a child, which leads to the improper education to the delay in the age socialization and the behavior of a child, as not responding to age-related requirements for it.

Promotes infantilism: hypoxia, infection, intoxication during pregnancy, constitutional genetic, endocrine-hormonal factors, asphyxia for childbirth, severe infectious diseases in the first months of life. Also egocentric and alarming-vulnerable education.

The first version of the psychic infantilism is true or simple - based on a delay in the development of the frontal fractions of the brain, due to the above-mentioned factors.

As a result, the child is delayed the concept of the concept of the norm of behavior and communication, the development of concepts "impossible" and "necessary", the feeling of distance in relations with adults, the delay in maturation of the ability to correctly assess the situation, to provide for the development of actions, threats.

Children with a simple form of mental infancelism in their behavior are estimated as the younger from their true age for 1-2 years.

Mental infantilism is not a general delay in mental development. If it is presented, children carry out a phrase speech during the normal period and even earlier, ask questions in full compliance with the age standards, the reading, account is mentally active in a timely manner. Often express original thoughts and fresh perceive nature. Parents and caregivers confuse their immediacy, the inconsistency of the behavior of the age and the inability to reality. They are not so that they are not able to think about their actions, they most likely just think about them. An infalitative child's ability is not dissenting, and emotionality that beats through the edge, their carelessness is not a mental backwardness, but the naivety child who does not represent that it can be offended. They are kind and do not want evil., Their manner of free appeal to adults is not the kind of rudeness or unceremoniousness, but the view of the puppy joy of life and the coachable lively, when there is no idea that it is possible, and which is impossible. Mentally infantile children naively offer to an adult run or play with them, not understanding that adults are not up to that. They go from themselves from themselves, their perception of life. Therefore, they show cheerfulness if they cry, it is short and not remember evil. Adults often admire the briefness of the child until the reality of adaptation at school does not push parents to consult a psychiatrist.

The peers are suitable for such children as equal, but no communication does not work, because They clearly look the younger in communication. Children are not very independent. do not know how What requires efforts to make others for them. Feeling the realities of life, such a child is at first surprised, and then heavily embarrassed - even before the manifestations of hysterical neurosis.

Incorrect education complicates the infantality of a volitional factor in children. The volitional component is laid in temperament, but also this direction, like others, did not develop.

The second version of the psychic infantilism is the total psychophysical immaturity by infantile type.

Causes are the same as in the first version. However, with the second version, immaturity also concerns physical development. These are children miniature, weak, fragile. Children are developing in a timely manner in motor, psychoreshide development, they immediately assume all skills and skills, drawing, accounts, reading. Often, children have inclinations to music, but they are delayed with ripening of higher orientation functions. Time is coming, and the child is not ready to communicate with one-air and extremely subassemble. The child's condition is alarming of the parents, he often sick, unlike children of the first version of mental infancelism.

Anxious upbringing "protects" the child and enshrines infantility in it. The correct upbringing can save a child from infantality. In 6-8 years, the dosing of higher mental functions is being dosed and the qualities of masculinity is added. After completion of puberty, the child distinguishes with a small growth and miniature at a physical fortress and normal health. Mentally infantile on the second type of child is not customized in development. The child will follow the rivets with a lag from them about 1 year. And then gradually leales with peers. Especially only patience, love and wisdom of parents.

Third version of mental infancelism.

The child is born mentally and a healthy healthy, but protecting him from reality, parents detain its socialization by the egocentric or anxious nature of education. Often such cases occur from those parents who dreamed of a child were very waiting for him. They admire and maintain them, holding it out in 2-3 years old.

This type of infantility is entirely due to improper education, when a healthy child made immature and the development of frontal brain functions piecefully detained. Infantilism in this case is cultivated by a hyperopic, from peers and lives are separated.

Child with congenital mental infantilism or with a psychoneurologist acquired in the first months of life. Treatment should contribute to the ripening of higher neuropsychiatric functions. According to the child's testimony, an endocrinologist is also advised.

The main thing in overcoming mental infancelism is the right upbringing. Efforts are sent primarily to the socialization of the child.

Educators, parents are influenced by a child of the game methods, practicing necessary for successful adaptation in kindergarten.

If the infantile child is not ready for up to 7 years old, it is better to delay it for another 1 year and send to school with a schoolboy formed by the position.

9.Thety with Down syndrome

Features of the development of children with Down syndrome.

Currently, there is no doubt that children with Down syndrome pass the same stages as ordinary children. General principles of training are developed on the basis of modern ideas about the development of children, taking into account specific features inherent in children with Down syndrome. These include:

1.Manned formation of concepts and formation of skills:

Reducing the rate of perception and slowing down response;

Necessity large number repetitions for mastering the material;

Low level of materialization;

The loss of those skills that are not demanded enough.

2. Low ability to operate with several concepts at the same time, with which related:

The difficulties arising from the child when he needs to combine new information with the already studied material;

Difficulties with the transfer of learned skills from one situation to another. Replacing flexible behavior, taking into account the circumstances, patterns, i.e. the same type, memorized repeated actions;

Difficulties when performing tasks that require operating with several features of the subject, or performing a chain of actions.

3. Equomerity of the child's development in various areas (motor, speech, socio-emotional) and close relationship of cognitive development with the development of other spheres.

4. The selection of subject-practical thinking is the need to use several analyzers at the same time to create a holistic image (vision, hearing, tactile sensitivity, proprioceptation). The best results gives visual-physical analysis, i.e. The best explanation for the child is the action that he performs, imitating an adult or with it.

5. Writing sensory perception, which is associated with reduced sensitivity and common violations of violations and hearing.

6.The dowon syndrome has a different initial level, and the pace of their development can vary significantly.

10.There with minimal brain dysfunction (MMD)

According to Russian scientists, 35-40% of children have deviations in the functioning of the central nervous system (this is mostly deviations in the work of the brain, which are acquired by internatourism). Refer to functional disorders that disappear as the brain ripe. Often associate with mental retardation, psychopathies, at the beginning of school training.

Functional deviations In the work of the central nervous system, physicians are not considered a difficult defect, in 1-2 years they are removed from dispensary accounting if parents do not show excitement. From the initial school learning, this process is lavitically like. Often, children in severe cases are sent to a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a defectologist. Correction of old cases is very complex.




Deviant behavior;

Antisocial manifestations.

From normal children with MMD distinguishes:

Fast fatigue, reduced mental performance;

Abruptly reduced the possibilities of arbitrary regulation of behavior (to make a plan, adhere to the promise);

The dependence of mental activity from social activity (one - motor discharge, with a crowded atmosphere - disorganization of activity);

Reducing the amount of RAM;

Unforced visual and motor coordination (errors in writing in writing, crossing);

Changing workers and relaxation rhythms in the work of the brain (state of overwork, working rhythms 5-10 minutes, relaxation - 3-5 minutes, the child does not perceive information; (there are competent and illiterate texts, take a handle and not remember; to say rudeness and not remember) . Looks like erased epileptic attacks, but the difference is, the child continues its activities.

Characteristic shortcomings: ATTENTION, RAM, HEIGHT TRANSFER.

Recommendations: After the second lesson, it is to carry out a relaxation hour: Walking, breakfast, then ability to work. Group forms of work that do not require silence and disciplines, psychotherapy and game learning methods.

Hypendynamic syndrome.

At the heart of hypendynamic and hypodynamic syndromes - microorganic brain disorders, which arise due to oxygen intrauterine starvation, microdic injuries lead to minimal brain dysfunction (MMD). There are no coarse organic disorders, but there are many micro-cortex of the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain.

Basic signs:

Attention instability;

Motor dismissal;, which manifests itself in the first months of the child's life when the baby is hard to hold on his hands. Hypendynamic child moves like mercury. The hands of such a child are in a permanent job: something mnut, thrust, break, pee off.

The peak of manifestations of hypendynamic syndrome - 6-7 years old and with favorable education conditions decreases by 14-15 years. With incorrect education conditions manifests itself in the fate of an adult.

Often, hypendynamic children become leaders in difficult teenagers, ignore training.

Hyddamine syndrome.

With MMD, each fourth child is observed. During the microdistan injury, the subcortical structures of the brain are broken, the child is frozen, larger and sluggish.

The muscles of the body are weakened, weak coordination contribute to the accumulation of overweight, which leads to a child's isolation in the collective. Such children resemble mentally retarded and only mother knows that the child is reasonable.

Poor performance in school, confuses the child because it confuses him. Often, children strive to sit on the last desk, be inconspicuous, avoid physical education lessons, one-air nicknames give them. The child is sluggish not only physically, but also emotionally and mentally.

Help: Interested in something, good to treat; Develop physical activity, diet.

Often the diarrhythia is manifested, the dysgrafy is bad handwriting, passing vowels, a mirroring letter. The help of a neuropathologist and psychiatrist is needed. Recommended training in sanatorium schools and lightweight learning regime.

The concept of "children with special educational needs" covers all students whose educational problems go beyond the boundaries of the generally accepted norm. The generally accepted term "children with special educational needs" makes emphasis on the need to ensure additional support in teaching children who have certain features in development.

A definition of a French scientist G. Lefranko can be logical and reasonable to be made: "Special needs are a term that is used in relation to persons whose social, physical or emotional feature requires special attention and services, it is possible to expand its potential."

To the category of children with special educational needs and can be attributed to children with the peculiarities of psychophysical development, children with hyperactivity and attention deficit, as well as gifted children,



"Music therapy as one of the methods

correction and development work with children with special needs

In accordance with the strategy of modern education and the introduction of a professional educational standard, which puts the requirements for the use of special approaches to learning and development, in order to include in the educational process of all pupils, including with disabilities, the teacher must ensure equal opportunities for full development. Each child during preschool childhood. Pedaggers of preschool institutions, including music leaders, must comprehensively solve this task.

Correctionational and developing work with children with special health opportunities should be built on the basis of the integration of education, a personal-oriented approach, on the principles of compliance with the interests of the child, systematic, continuity, the recommendatory nature of assistance.

The correctional and developing opportunities of musical art in relation to preschoolers with special educational needs are primarily due to the fact that it is the source of new positive experiences of the child, gives rise to creative needs and ways to satisfy them, activates potential opportunities in practical musical and artistic activities, ensures comprehensive child development . Performs essential functions: educational, educational, social.

The mention of the healing and correctional and developing impact of music is rooted in ancient times. Visident scientists Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato pointed to therapeutic and preventive impact of music. They believed that the music establishes the proportional order and harmony in the universe, including disturbed in the human body. It was noticed that music, first of all, its main components - melody and rhythm, changes the mood of a person, rebuilds its inner state.

In the ancient sources there are many evidence spending on the wonders that occurred from the impact of music. The prominent doctor of antiquity Avicenna thousands of years ago treasured music from mental illness. And the doctor asklepide sounds of music docked the breakdown and the sounds of the pipe recovered. The perception of music, according to the ancient Greeks and Romans, has contributed to the process of digestion. The healing effect of the sound of certain musical instruments has noted democritus and recommended to listen to the flute for healing in deadly infections. In the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagora there is a description of how music can affect emotional condition man to restore spiritual harmony.

Music therapy was also widely used in ancient China and India. Ancient Chinese approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of music were based on the impact of music on the active biological points of the Meridians of the Human Body. Treatment of mental and physical disorders was carried out by exposure to certain tones, sounds and certain musical instruments on patients with body areas.

Scientific understanding of the mechanism of impact of music on the human body began from the end of the XIX - early XX century. Studies revealed the beneficial effect of music on various human body systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, nervous. The conclusions were very important that the positive emotions received from communication with art were therapeutic effect on psychosomatic processes in the human body, they remove psycho-emotional tension, mobilize reserve forces, stimulate creativity, and negative indicate the opposite effect. It was these conclusions of domestic scientists who had the basis for the scientific justification for the use of art (music) in the correctional work with adults and children.

The second half of the XX century. It is related to the allocation of music therapy as an independent direction in artpectoral practice in Europe and the United States.

Music Therapy is a method that uses music as a means of psychological correction of the child's condition in a desirable direction of development. The music director carries out the selection and introduction into the daily lives of a child of music-merating works, which minimizes behavioral and organizational problems, increases the health of children, simulates their attention, memory, thinking. Music therapy is usually organized in individual and group forms. Each of these forms can be represented in three types: recipe, active and integrative.

Recepting music therapy implies a relatively passive perception of the proposed melodies, and mainly solves the tasks associated with psycho-emotional states.

Active music therapy implies the active inclusion of the participant in the process through singing, movements, playing children's musical instruments and contributes to solving problems to enhance creative manifestations, the formation of communicative skills.

Integrative MusicRepius combines the approaches of recipe and active music therapy.

What kind of music has the greatest therapeutic effect? According to observations, the optimal results gives listening to classical music and the sounds of nature.

Numerous studies confirmed that classical music not only creates a feeling psychological ComfortBut also contributes to the development of attention, intelligence and creative abilities, helps the disclosure of the internal potential of the child at an early age.

Elements of music therapy are used in kindergarten groups during the day:

Morning reception begins with Mozart's music, because this music has to close contact between the adult and the child, creates the atmosphere of comfort, warmth, love and ensures psychological well-being;

Day sleep passes under quiet, calm music. It is known that the dream is considered as a manifestation of the complex activity of a number of cerebral structures. Hence, its most important role in ensuring the neuropsychic health of children. Music during sleep has a healing therapeutic effect;

Music for evening time contributes to the removal of accumulated fatigue, stressful situations per day. She soothes, relaxes, normalizes blood pressure and the work of the nervous system of the children's body.

The advantages of music therapy are:
1. Absolute harmlessness;
2. Easy and simplicity;
3. The ability to control;
4. The need to apply other medical techniques, more load and take longer.

We all be born with different capabilities. Sometimes restrictions are superimposed by nature itself. But this does not mean that chances are happy in children with disabilities, less. And this will have its own solution - music therapy.


To music with joy:

classes for children with special needs

In any society there are people who require special attention to themselves. These are people who have deviations in physical, mental or social Development. Such people are highlighted in a special group, and in society and in the state should be a special attitude to them. However, at different times, depending on the specific cultural and historical conditions, the attitude towards this category of people was the most different: in some societies, such as in Sparta, it was distinguished by extreme cruelty until their physical destruction. Areas of the Far North. Ancient Rome, in others, was a merciful and compassionate. In Russia, people suffering from severe ailments and having limited opportunities have traditionally been to the objects of charity and mercy. In addition, in the Orthodox religion they were made a special place. On these people was "fishery of God".

Today, Russian legislative acts regarding concerns and assistance to people with disabilities are approaching the laws and principles accepted all over the world, which approve a non-discriminatory attitude towards disabled people and call on the world community to create conditions for integration of patients with children, providing them with equal opportunities.

In 2005, on the basis of Tchaikovskaya DMSH No. 2, a department of children with disabilities (ABS) or a separation of students with special educational needs was created. Over the years, at the department of 15 instances in the class of guitar, balalaiki, vocals, synthesizer, piano. The term of study at the department of children with OVD - 5 years.

To date, we have 11 students. These are mainly the guys with congenital cerebral palsy (medium shape and different shapes of cuts), with cardiovascular diseases. There was a deaf-and-dumb girl, and a girl who lost his voice after a car accident.

With most children, you have to do at home individually. Only a few people bring parents to school.

What is characteristic - these children are always looking with great joy of musical classes, and for a teacher it is very important to see the desire and return of the student. And when you see the changes occurring in psycho-emotional state Our children, just start believing the magic of music.

Interestingly, when creating a department, no one from the teachers had experience with "special" children. For training we went to Yekaterinburg to a specialized music school number 4, where experience gained (I was also in a general educational Correction School No. 169 for children with such a disease such as autism). Gradually developed its own training system, positively affecting the health of children with a violation of the musculoskeletal system and their social adaptation in society.

The specifics of working with children with disabilities are that the funds, forms of training and education of such children depend on the type of abnormal development, the degree and nature of violations of various functions, age possibilities, as well as the individual abilities of children.

I can bring such an example - my student Maxim Yermoline with which is engaged in a synthesizer- can only play a boy with a limited action of hands. He adapted for a very long time to the game, and also worked a lot over technician. And he achieved good results (naturally by his standards).

Zjabrin Sophia-When we are engaged in the game on the piano tool - the specifics of her vision is, when it sits down for the instrument, it does not see the notes on the keyboard, poorly distinguishes the keys, although theoretically knows everything. And there are many such cases and everything individually.

It is no secret that the circle of communication of such children is narrowed and closed. And additional education teachers help to implement their potential opportunities.

In this sense, the importance of music, as one of the universal therapeutic agents, affecting the psyche, emotions, the mood of man. The process of musical training for such children is undoubtedly different from ordinary classes with healthy children - in organizing the setting of goals, requirements for the perception and learning of knowledge, skills and skills. The main task in the process of raising children with anomalous development includes:

Stimulation of potential capabilities;

Assistance in overcoming the difficulties of social adaptation;

The involvement of a child is a disabled person in the world of excellent by enhancing his creative potential and compensatory capabilities.

Music classes include the following sections:

Speech therapy exercises on the development of speech, singing, learning music literacy, listening to music, musical and rhythmic exercises and games, learning games on musical instruments, musitization, finger games.

Anyone from the sections of musical education in addition to the well-known orientation also carries in itself an additional burden, responsible for achieving specific corrective goals in the overall development of a disabled child.

Singing includes the same work on the development of the articulation apparatus: articulating gymnastics, didactic games for the development of voice, respiratory organs, mimic muscle groups, stabilizes nervous activity. Contributes to solving problems in the speech plan, singing enriches the child with new impressions, develops the initiative, independence and at the same time adjusts the activity of mental processes,

The listening of music enriches the inner world of the child - a disabled, awakens in it the ability to empathize, sympathize, acts soothingly, relaxing or vice versa, - encourages action and activity depending on the mood and nature of the musical work, teaches a child to think, fantasize, create

Present in our classes and a game on musical instruments, which contributes to the development of small motility, coordination of movements, rhythmic, timbre, sound, and strengthening memory.

Muzitication attracts even the fastest and inert children, awakens activity in their expression of the feelings of joy and pleasure from the possibility of communication with musical instruments. The peculiarity of musitizing with these children is that all executable works are performed in the ensemble with a teacher, which avoids discomfort and enriches the sound.

An important role is played by musical and rhythmic exercises. This is a whole section where the component includes exercises for the development of certain parts of the body, hands or feet. Musical - rhythmic games contribute to the removal of closetness, shyness, commissionality, cause positive emotions, form a desire to participate in musical - game action together with teacher or other children. At joint concerts. In such games, they have a moral beginning, friendliness and goodwill to surrounding people.

Based on the experience, thanks to music classes, including all these sections, the small motility of hands is improved, which contributes to positive changes in the development of speech, memory, movement coordination.As a result of learning, the child increases cognitive activity, self-confidence (it is especially visible at concerts), children actively manifest themselves in various life situations, also increases interest in collaborative activities with adults, the child's need for communicating through speech is reduced by psycho-emotional and Muscular tension.

Another example, having met the recently graduate in the class of Vokal Ilya Labutina (the middle form of the PPC), he is now learning in Moscow in a technical university - noticed significant changes for the better - it was clear and clearer. Asked - he told me, still singing a lot and very much thanks his school teacher.

Control with music stimulates the child to work, and promotes self-expression. It also also, these classes are able to change his mood in a positive side. And once again I will say that these children are with great joy, like a healthy child, are waiting for us. And very much grateful.

For the guys entering our department, it is paramount to make the desire to engage in music, and not the presence of musical abilities. We accept everyone. In my practice there was such a case when at first the pupil had no musical inclinations (or we could not find them immediately). We've been looking for your way with him for a long time. We studied a tight diploma, listened to many music: both the classics, and modern, acquainted with the vocal ensembles. And on the third year of study, we decided to try to master the synthesizer. At the moment, Maxim Ermoline has already spoken about him (now the graduate of our school) greatly plays the instrument, successfully performs at various city concerts and competitions. Avtoak accompaniment I write to the bank to the track of the sequencer, and performs the melody independently, and it does it (as I said it already) in one finger. The boy in addition to limited action hands-atrophic functions below the belt. 3 years passed, as he graduated from school, but we continue to do. When choosing songs, we often argue before you come to a common opinion.

For the third year, I learn two twin girls - Sofia and Lena.

Girls are very clever with big intelligence. Many people are interested. They are engaged in vocals, successfully mastering a tantalous diploma, pick up on the piano, play the ensemble famous songs and are already performing with them at concerts. And also get acquainted and listen to the musical works of different genres, epochs, styles.

With its disease, they are engaged in horse riding (the horses are treated).

And mountain skiing.

Leontyev, if, in addition to the physical and mental development in development (violation of speech, diction, palpatoric). But he is very trying and we have a lot of positive results. What is very happy.

In this year, 2 boys appeared among my students, too, twin brothers. Also, like girls, one of them -Albert is stronger gravity of the disease. He takes training at home. Brother will also lead to a secondary school.

Albert 2 years old on Balalyke. And it so happened that the teacher, to manage the other, failed. It's not a secret, to engage with such children, not everyone agrees teachers - apparently morally ready (about Nastya the owner).

And since I am the head separation, to find a teacher, the child enters my duties or I take this child to myself - it turned out this time.

I was looking for a guitarist, then a vocal teacher. At the end, I found a synthesizer and offered a boy and parents try to engage in this tool. To our wonderful surprise - he began to engage with such interest. For two months, we have learned a lot: we play the speakers, pick up and sing with pleasure. And at the request of mom, they began to engage with Brother Artur. Now I have 2 more student. In total, there are 5 people and engaged at home with everyone. And those who can bring parents - distributing teachers. And very grateful to those who agree.

The active involvement of children with special educational needs for artistic and aesthetic activities is carried out by organizing concerts, contests with their direct participation. The joint efforts of the teacher and students are preparing for the concerts of the department (New Year's, Christmas concerts, concerts in the decade of persons with disabilities, concerts by March 8 and February 23, reporting branch concerts), participate in the annual municipal festival of artistic creativity of people with disabilities "success price". The near future - October 25 will be another festival, where we again take part. We often hold home concerts for child relatives (uncle, aunt, grandparents and grandmothers come). The department works closely with a children's garden "Chamomile" for children with violation of vision (we come to them with a concert-gaming program.) Tchaikovsky society of disabled people "Swallow", together with which concerts pass.

Guys, of course, are very worried about the performance, but the support of teachers helps them cope with excitement.

I would like to note the warm atmosphere of all the concerts of the department, as well as the already traditional tea drinking, where the guys communicate with each other, which is important for our children.

Again, I will say - the first problem of the department - the lack of teachers. After all, first of all, this is their merit that children can realize their creative abilities and reveal musical talents. But not everyone is ready to work with "special" children. In addition to knowledge, we need patience, sincere interest as a result, humanity, kindness. All these qualities have our teachers of the department of children with HSA.

During the holdingclasses with disabled children The following conditions must be followed:

Slow, unlike healthy children, learning pace;

  • optimal attraction of children to objective and practical activity;
  • support for the most developed positive traits child;
  • differentiated manual of children's activities and adjusting their actions.

On the Classes with disabled children, Unlike classes with ordinary children, many deviations associated with life, the environment, an external situation, society. A teacher who works with such children should persist sensitive to all events that exciting baby.

Also, teaching such children, the teacher himself studies them by the power of will, compassion, rethinks its life positions.

In the process of classes, teachers celebrate their teaching in these students, extraordinary sensitivity to music;

Working with children with disabilities is very difficult. Collecting the baby's small success of the child, we are happy with the soul to them, as great incredible achievements.

But the most important thing is to increase the degree of freedom of the child in relation to the world around the world, its optimism is growing, faith in its strength, and thus his adaptation in society occurs.

I also want to say, these children can do everything and can do everything, but they do it in their own way. And it is necessary to understand, accept, adapt ... and then there will be no fear of teaching such children.

List of used literature

  1. Art pedagogy and art therapy in a special Education /E.A. Medvedeva, I.Yu. Levchenko, L.N. Commissar, TA Dobrovolskaya. - M., 2001.
  2. A. N. Zimin "The foundations of musical education in a preschool institution."
  3. S. I. Beckin, T. P. Lomova, E. N. Sokovnina "Music and Movement".
  4. Magazine "Handbook of the Music Manager".
  5. B.M. Heat "Psychology of musical abilities."
  6. D.B. Kabalevsky "How to tell children about music."
  7. O. Slaboda. "Healing through the magic of sounds". - St. Petersburg., Vector, 2008
  8. S. Shushard "Health on notes". - M., Medicine, 1994


music leader

It is clear that most often the parents are the first to notice the child's gifts, although it is not always easy to do, since there is no proportion of a stereotype - each child manifests its abilities in its own way. Most often, the childhood of the child remains not seen in families, where this child is the first or only one. Sometimes parents resist the child's council to gifted. This is apparent to the fact that parents of gifted children, as members of their society, are subject to the system of relations and valuable society as a whole.

Children's gifts often acts as a manifestation of age-related patterns. Each children's age has its own ability to develop abilities. Under the influence of the change of age, education, the development of the norms of cultural behavior, such as family education, etc. There may be "fading" signs of children's gifting. As a result, it is extremely difficult to estimate the measure of the stability of the giftedness, which manifested by this child on a certain period of time. In addition, difficulties arise regarding the forecast of the transformation of a gifted child in a gifted adult.

Odarity - This is a systemic, developing the quality of the psyche, which determines the possibility of achieving a person to be higher, outstanding results in one or more activities compared to other people.
Gifted child stand out bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another activity.

Music is a source of special child joy. Dow has everything you need to carry out work on musical education. The music lounge is equipped with a music center, piano microphones, TV, DVD player. In group rooms are equipped with all the necessary set of educational and didactic manuals, equipment and toys. Music corners. Children are happy to consider albums with portraits of composers, play on a "dumb keyboard" and sing, play music and didactic games. Such conditions are created for music in everyday life.

To identify musical abilities begin in children from 2 years of age. Many warmth and affection give to our children, opening the door to the world of beautiful. In class, they are invited to perceive visually illustrated musical material, musical and didactic games, the author's techniques of T.tutyunnikova, Bouhenina A.N., Merzlyakova, O.P.Radynova.

At an early age, the child naturally discovers the beauty of music, its magical power, and in various musical activities reveals itself, his creative potential. Thanks to competent classes, the baby is gradually developing a musical rumor, and musical and rhythmic development naturally flows into the life rhythm of the kids. To consolidate the effect of early musical and rhythmic development, to help parents issue folders-clamshells with recommendations and a song repertoire. Giftedness is often manifested in the success of activities having

spontaneous, amateur. For example, a child who is passionate about singing can be at home with enthusiasm to perform a song learned in kindergarten, speakers,

dancing, but at the same time not to show similar activity directly at the musical lesson.

In artistic and aesthetic activities, choreographic, scenic, literary and poetic, visual and musical gifts are distinguished. Giftedness acts as an integral manifestation of different abilities in order to work. Children are happy to take part when learning musical and rhythmic material to the musical fairy tale "Kolobok", participate in theatrical activities, are learning and performing poems, songs, dances, water dances and participate in drags. Sometimes parents on the holiday or entertainment learns about the presence of signs of adaratences from their children. The presence of parents on a festival or entertainment in kindergarten, a concert area or at the mass city event, create a powerful incentive for children to work on musical material. And the joint execution of a song or dance along with mom or dad leaves many joyful memories in the memory of children.

The formation of a system of musicality in musically gifted children is subject to general laws for the development of musical abilities in ontogenesis and is characterized by: the advanced development of emotional responsiveness to the music and sensory components of this system; The bright and intensive development of musical thinking, mediated by the rapid absorption of the musical language. The high level of creativeness and intelligence in these children serves as the basis for the harmonious development of the reproductive and productive components of musical thinking.

Music gifted preschoolers often turn out to be artistically gifted in general, showing the abilities to the visual, literary and other types of artistic activities. Diagnostics of musicality is a process consisting of consecutive, conducted annually cycles of diagnostic surveys and systematic observations of the child's musical development. The structure of diagnosis of musicality and musical abilities is determined by the structure of musicality and components of its musical abilities. Diagnosing children is carried out strictly individually.

In children with common macasters of giftedness, but without expressed in the first stage of musical abilities, musicality in the process of special occupations is developing very intensively, apparently, mainly due to intellectual mechanisms. Therefore, I recommend the parents of the child after the release of DW to continue classes with choreographer, a vocal teacher or tool. Our children learn at the School of Art, engaged in the choreographic dance of the "Charm" studio, participate in urban, regional competitive programs. Speakers in the city holiday programs "March 8", "Mother's Day", "Day of Defenders of the Fatherland", "Children's Day", "Victory Day".

Creating a special artistic atmosphere, environmental musicality is a powerful incentive of the musical and general development of children.


Final lesson "Toys"

(Development of rhythmic abilities of children with speech violations on musical classes with elements of logo)

A selection of musical, gaming, dance and song material: E. Fominy

Mastering Audio Files: O. Lykov

Purpose: Overcoming speech violation In children, by developing, upbringing and correction of the motor sphere through musical - logo activities.



Form motor skills and skills, music, movement and words;

Develop spatial representations, creative, activity;

Develop coordination, switching movements;

Meet the metrolyramics;


Raise and develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to feel in music, movements rhythmic expressiveness;

To form the ability of the perception of musical images and the ability to rhythmically and expressively move in accordance with this way;

Improve personal qualities, sense of collectivism;


Develop speech breathing;

Develop the articulation apparatus;

Develop phonmematic perception;

Develop grammar and coherent speech;

To form and develop auditory and visual attention and memory.

Structure of integrated classes:

Motion to the music: dance, fractional and marching step;

Dance with objects:

"Colored pea" - with balls

Dance - Song "Ah, what spoons" O.N. Vaskovskaya

Song, with elements of finger gymnastics, rhythmoplasty: Delochina O.A. "Horce", "Bunny" to verses A. Barto;

Song "Airplane" Tilicheeva with a game on metalfones "

Speech therapy gymnastics;

Noise Orchestra "Naughty Polka" A. Filippenko

Game "Music Store"

The game "took-gave" Tyutyunnikova





Children: Teddy bear, 2 bunny.

Equipment: magician Showcase, Showcase, Toys for design, Wooden spoons, Tools for noise orchestra - Metallophone, Maracas, Drums, Cards for articulation gymnastics, Hats for the game "MUZ. Shop ", Walnuts for the game" took-gave ".

Children are included in the hall to the music "Little Country" and lined up in a checker order.

001. Mal. Country-sing children

Leading: Hello guys.(sob)

Today we will go to extraordinary magic countryBut first we will greet each other!

Musical greeting:

Step, bow,

The place stood up.

"Hello!" - the boys said.

Step, sat down,

Step and Steel -

"Hello!" - Girls said.

Well, the guests repeat and they answer us together: Sred-Svoy-Those!

Leading: How cool and interesting we greeted each other, and now - on the road!(put the handles, put the legs and go to the path-track)

The background music "Gnomic" O. Yudakhina sounds, children sing performing movements on the lyrics.

002. All types of steps


1. Right along the track,

Our legs are walking,

We are fun stepping,

Raise your knees.

(Marsh pitch)

2. calm and beautiful

In a circle, we go,

As if on the road

We behave dance.

(Horified Step)

3. Little sat down,

Skill wanted

Top legs,

Fun stepping.

(Shopping step)

Leading: Well. So we came?

Music sounds from a fabulous house wizard comes out.

003. The output of the wizard

Enchantress: Hello my friends. I know that you went to the Magic Country and of course, you will get there. And this box will help you.

And what is in the box lies that in the box thunder? (Peppers)

Children: expose assumptions ...

Enchantress: Let's see - these are magic nuts! If a rhythm rhythm on them, you can get toy into the magical country!

Do you know how to play with nuts?

(Children get on their knees in a circle)

TE. Tyutyunnikova "took-gave", music. "Tumba-Hay" (Holland).

004. Game with nuts

1 phrase: 1 walnut placed on the left hand, and the children cover it at home and pass the neighbor. 6 clocks 4/4

(He is learned with the words"I have", "at a neighbor", "took", "gave")
In the loss take the 2nd nut

2 phrases: rhythm retreat|| III || III || II I || II I || II I || III

They pronounce the words: once, two times, two, three

The loss again put the 2nd nuts in front of them

3 phrases : Repeat 1 phrase, without words:6 clocks 4/4 at the end - raise hands with nuts up!

Enchantress: Oh, what is it in a corner for an envelope?

"Pictures depicting articulation gymnastics"

(Performed under the metronome)

Under the slow pace of metronome:

  1. Widely reveal the mouth like a hungry hippoplate.
  2. The watch is knocking our tick and our tongue can so.
  3. Children on the swing sat down and soared ate above, up and down well, tongue, hold on.

Fast paced:

  1. I am Turkey "Bald Balda" - Svego, who is where.
  2. Casts a horse along the path, skipped loudly - will also be ringing.

As soon as the gym ends. The middle of the hall rolls out the ball!

Enchantress: And here is the first toy!

005. My cheerful ringing ball


(Rhythmodeclamation to the music)

006. Ball Rhythmodeclamation

1. My cheerful, ringing ball,
Where did you get to dissolve?
Yellow, red, blue,
Do not keep up with you!

2. I cracked you palm.
You have rumped and hoarsely pole.
You fifteen times in a row

Jumping in the corner and back.

3. And then you rolled
And back did not grind.
Rolled into the garden,
Spent to the gate,

4. Ratched at the gate,
Responced to turn.
There fell under the wheel.
Burst, slammed - that's all!

The sound of the aircraft hears

Enchantress: That's the second toy to us in a hurry, guess - who is so buzzing?

006. Sound of the aircraft

Enchantress: True, the sound of the aircraft. Pilots, on the airfield!

Children go in a marching step, lined up in a semicircle and recite a poem:

The plane will build themselves

Let's go over the forests.

Let's go over the forests,

And then back to mom

For the team "We bring up the engines and fly - moving around the hall chaotically. For the team: landing - "fly to chairs"

3 people remain and play on metal phones.

Song E.Tileyeva "Airplane" with a game on metalfones

007. Aircraft

Enchantress : Single Cocking Copies. Guess who rushes to us?

009. Horschi

The beginning of the "Dressing Horse" soundsLomova (children recognize the horse)

010. Zeorka horse

Performed song "I love my horse" with movements (Sl. A. Barto, music. Girl)

Screensaver sounds - Bear's growl (see "Musical Olivier" №1- 2013 )

Enchantress : Someone still goes to us?

Loud songs so sings!

The bear comes with a basket, in which the spoons lie.

011. Bear

Enchantress : Teddy bear closure in the forest goes,

Teddy bear closing spoon carries us.

Bear: I will be with you and I play,

Let's knock on spoons!

Any song about a spoon, on choosing a music manager.

Leading: Who else is in a hurry?(Sounds a "bunny" fragment), children answer.

012. Bunnies

Leading: Let's make a song about the bunny

Performed song "Bunny" with movements (Sl. A. Barto, Muses. Girl)

Enchantress: And you will not hurt toys? Well, bunny, come out, the tools we carry.

Under the music of the bunny comes:

Bunny: Well, guys are you sitting
Tools all take.
How to play
We need to show all of us.

Orchestra "Naughty Polka"

(Muses Filippenko)

013. Naughty Polka (Filippenko)

Enchantress: Guys, do you know where toys have a house?

Right - in the factory they do, and buy?

And we will go with you to the store.

Sit into the car, we start, went ....

014. Bibika Mick

(sit on chairs - Machines)

Game "Music Store"


Look, in the store

All toys on the showcase:

Clockwork bunnies,

Bears and horses

All on the shelves are sitting,

Want to play with us.

(N. Voronina)

Let's see what toys in our store.(Each toy has its own music. (Bunnies012 - 1 person, horses 09 - 2 people, plane08 - 1 person, Bear 011 - 1 person))

Each toy under his music performs movements. With the end of the music "Plant" ends. Buyer chooses the toy you like. After - everyone is returned to the "car chairs".


Running the sun along the track,

Scattered the sun bright peas.

Guys colored peas took,

And for goodbye, the dance with them was danced.

Dance "Colored pea"

(Dance Description See at the end of the script)

015. Color Makers

With the latest phrases dancing go. Children ml will join them. age. Hands are forgiven and go to the group.

Outstone pea

(red, blue, yellow)

(Muz.a.Vlamova, Sl. V. Kuzminovina)

On the loss go to 2 ranks, rebuilding into one.

1. Makers are colored in the palm of Cake

(Cross movements with hands with a turn left-right, legs on the heel)

And turn the cake in the merry game

(stretch forward alternately hands with ball)

Yellow peas is our cat,

(Hands up-maha on the side with both hands, show only those, about whom, in the rest of the back)

Blue peas - Cat's eyes.

Red peas - ears under the seelings

And then it turns out Koshkina Kras.

In the loss are rebuilt in 2 circles

2. Makers colored on the sun are burning,

(sat down, got up, concerned)

Boy mischievous play with me want.

Yellow peas are someone's legs,

(Rebuilt into the general circle according to the song)

Blue peas - somehow a strong look.

Red peas - Antoshka Rotik,

It turned out a little fidget.

(In the loss, the marching step is expanding the circle, stepping back)

3. Makers Color

scattered in the grass

But three of them remained

(Get on your knee. Knock on balls)

wide sleeve.

(Movement alternately with hands up and down)

But three of them remained

(Get on your knee. Knock on balls)

wide sleeve.

(Movement alternately with hands up and down)

Yellow peas

(make a knot in the center) - autumn sketches,

Blue peas

(movements with hands on the parties under the gate) - Drops of rain.

Red peas.

(Suitable on both sides to the knot) - Colon in Lukoshko,

Fabulous track quietly leaving.

(Rebuilded in one rang)

The fairyway is quietly leaving.

In the loss Repeat: (cross movements with hands with a turn to the left-right, legs on the heel) - 2 clutches, (stretch forward alternately with a ball) - 2 tact


Filipova Elena Vladimirovna, the educator of the first category of MBDOU - a kindergarten compensating type No. 49 of Yekaterinburg.

1. Introduction

"Do not limit yourself. Many people limit themselves by the framework of what these people believe they are capable of. You are able to get there where your mind can penetrate. Remember what you believe, that you are capable of achieving. "
Mary Kay Ash

The child's birth is a real happiness for the family - it has increased by one person, and yesterday's guy with a girl today is proudly called parents. Quite naturally, the desire of each parent see his baby healthy. It only happens that alleged happiness is overshadowed by some sufficiently unpleasant illness. And as a result, doctors announce their opinion: disability.

The main thing is to understand that it has nothing to do with the verdict. To overcome the further path, which will not be easy, it is necessary to accept the circumstances and do not blame anyone in what happened. You must not forget that now you are parents, the mental state of which is transmitted to the child. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary stresses, the baby must be poured with positive thoughts.

2. Children with special needs

"Nobody is insured in life from illness. Do not laugh at the crippled, sick people, because in their place ... You can easily turn out to be. "
Inva-Life. Ru

Children with disabilities are children with various deviations of a mental or physical plan, which determine the common development violations that do not allow children a full life. The following definitions of such children may appear on synonyms for this concept: "Children with problems" , "Children with special needs" , "Nonypical Children" , "Children with learning difficulties" , "Abnormal children" , "Exceptional children" . The presence of a particular defect (shortcoming) It does not predetermine the wrong, from the point of view of society, development. Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with a violation of psychophysical development in need of special (correctional) Training and upbringing.

According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshina and bp Pusanov, to the main categories of abnormal children include:

  • Children with hearing impairment (deaf, weighted, late boilers);
  • Children with violation of vision (blind, visually impaired);
  • Children with violation of speech (Logopaths);
  • Children with impaired musculoskeletal system;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with mental delay;
  • Children with violation of behavior and communication;
  • Children with comprehensive impaired psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (Dipband, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be fully overcome in the process of development, training and education of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others are only smoothed, and some are only compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the features of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, as well as various forms of pedagogical work with it. One child with development deviations can master only elementary general educational knowledge (read by syllables and write simple suggestions)other - relatively not limited in their capabilities (for example, a child with a delay in mental development or a hearing impaired). The structure of the defect affects the practical activity of children. Assessing certain manifestations of peculiar atypical development - the necessary basis for the development of a system of special training and education based on the positive capabilities of children. The source of adaptation of children with disabilities to the environment is the preserved psychophysical functions. The functions of the disturbed analyzer are replaced by intensive use of the functional potential of the saved systems. Thus, four factors will affect the development of a child with disabilities.

View (a type) disorders.

The degree and quality of the primary defect. Secondary deviations, depending on the degree of violation, can be pronounced, weakly pronounced and almost imperceptible. The degree of expression of deviation determines the originality of atypical development. There is a direct dependence of the quantitative and qualitative originality of secondary violations of the development of an atypical child on the degree and quality of the primary defect.

Time (time) The emergence of the primary defect. The earlier there is a pathological impact and as a result - damage to speech, sensory or mental systems, the deviations of psychophysical development will be more pronounced;

Conditions of the surrounding sociocultural and psychological and pedagogical environment. The success of the development of an anomalous child largely depends on timely diagnosis and early beginnings (from the first months of life) Correctional -Rabitational work with him.

3. Features of learning and raising children with the needs of the Russian Federation

"It is impossible - this is only a loud word, followed by small people, it is easier for them to live in the usual world than to change his strength to change. It is impossible - this is not a fact. This is only an opinion. It is impossible - this is not a sentence. It's a challenge. It is impossible - it is a chance to test yourself. It is impossible - this is not forever. Impossible is possible. "

Mark Viktor Nansen

Currently, in the education system of Russia, as well as other countries of the world, the leading positions in teaching children with problems in development occupies integration. Currently, the world carefully refers to children with disabilities. (OBS), reflected in ratification in 2012 by the Russian Federation of the UN Convention (2006), and in the first decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (№ 597 and № 599). Currently, a concept is being implemented, in accordance with which a person with OVS does not have to be "Ready" In order to study in kindergarten or at school, and much attention is paid to the adaptation of the environment to its capabilities, the development of abilities that can be in demand where he lives, learns. A group of schoolchildren with ABS is very diverse and numerous. The most important direction in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the development of the psyche and the health of each child.

  • It is important to develop psychological recommendations for children with mental delay. The educator in working with children to use cooperation methods and a personal-oriented approach, as well as educational games and tasks.
  • To take into account the teacher and the educator to take into account the age characteristics of children to remember the zone of the near and nearest development. In the lessons and in extracurricular activities, the methods and techniques for the formation of universal educational actions in pupils are actively used. These are regulatory URU to them relate to skills - the ability to act according to plan, overcoming impulsiveness, involuntaryness, evaluate the correctness of the action performed and make adjustments to the result. Also an important role in the development of personality is played by communicative judo to them relate to the ability to establish friendly relations with peers.
  • Teacher to work on the development of educational (Cognitive Wood) and creative abilities from schoolchildren, as well as to form adequate self-esteem and educational motivation. Using a developing exercise.
  • To the teacher and the educator to carry out special, individual assessment of the responses of students with ABS: the use of tasks with which they will cope.

To the educator and teacher to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom. Focus on organizing the success of a child in educational activities, by supporting on its positive, strong qualities.

  • It should be developed on the principle of creativity to action, as well as in educational work to give orders, engage in various events, such as dramatizing, dance, artistic work. The guys should be involved in research projects, creative classes, sporting events. In the process of such work, children learn to understand the meaning and predicting the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They are aware of the meaning of the emotional atmosphere of good, joy, cooperation.

4. Problems of children with needs

"The main rule is not to give themselves to people nor circumstances"
Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie

The future of any country is solved behind the school desk. One of the main problems arising in our society at the turn of the century is the problem of moral and spiritual burnout of the younger generation. Increasingly, we are confronted with the facts of substitution of values \u200b\u200band concepts of young people. It is wonderful that the main goal of education in school is kind: the development of highly moral, harmonious, physically developed and spiritually healthy personality capable of creativity and self-determination. The theme of moral education of children with disabilities is extremely relevant. In the face of the formation of a new education system oriented to the world educational space, goes active process The search for models of education, which will preserve the moral and cultural and historical traditions of domestic education and upbringing, formed both in the pre-revolutionary and in the Soviet, and modern periods of its development. In reports of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev draws attention to the dominant role of upbringing: "Education - first of all!" . The definition of the education process is very multifaceted, the process itself is very complicated even when it comes to healthy children. Of course, it turns out to be particularly difficult when children with deviations in development, and such children in our region more than 10 thousand are brought up. All factors resulting in the moral formation and development of the student of the schoolboy, I.S. Marynko divides into three groups: natural (biological), social and pedagogical. In collaboration with the environment and purposeful influences, the schoolboy is socialized, acquires the necessary experience moral behavior. Many social conditions and biological factors have an impact on the moral formation of the individual, but the crucial role in this process is played by pedagogical, as the most controlled, aimed at developing a certain kind of relationships.

One of the tasks of education is to properly organize the activities of the child. In operation form moral qualities, and emerging relations may influence the change in the objectives and motives of activities, which in turn affects the absorption of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bof organizations. Human activity also acts as a criterion for its moral development. The development of the moral consciousness of the child occurs through the perception and awareness of the content of the impacts, which comes from parents and teachers surrounding people through the processing of these impacts due to the moral experience of the individual, its views and value orientations. In the consciousness of the child, the external impact acquires individual importance, thus, forms a subjective attitude to it. In this regard, the motives of behavior, making decisions and the moral choice of their own actions are formed. The focus of school education and real acts of children can be inadequate, but the meaning of education is to achieve compliance between the requirements of due behavior and internal readiness for this.

The required link in the process of moral education is a moral education, the purpose of which is to inform the child a totality of knowledge about the moral principles and norms of society, which he must master. The awareness and experience of moral principles and norms are directly related to the awareness of samples of moral behavior and contributes to the formation of moral assessments and actions.

Education of unusual children "Requires" Applications of special technologies, methods in the work of the teacher. The difficulty of the problem of moral education of children with disabilities is determined by:

  1. insufficiency of studying the theme of moral education of children with disabilities, since there are no special programs in the specified direction (it is for children with disabilities for health);
  2. children who are studying for emergency are distinguished by very diverse deep violations in psychophysiological development. In the child, due to the suffering diseases, the normal development of the processes of perception, memorizing and reproduction processes is violated, especially in their active arbitrary forms: the processes of distraction and generalization are significantly violated in their development, i.e. What is characterized by verbal-logical thinking. For many students, the presence of serious disorders in the field of excitability, impassable behavior. The abnormal functioning of these processes does not allow the child to assimilate a complex knowledge system about the world;

3) families of children with APV, often belong to the categories of low-income, disadvantaged. Unfortunately, the number of families abusing alcohol and psychoactive substances is not reduced. There is a low educational status of parents, and as a result - a low percentage of employed parents. All these circumstances indicate the extremely low pedagogical potential of families. Children living in such families, from childhood, have captured negative life experience in their emotional memory, have seen life with "Black stroke" . To form a personality of this contingent of children, it is necessary to introduce pedagogical adjustments to the living conditions, life, content and forms of educational work;

4) spontaneous education ("Street" not targeted, more often immoral) Children with disabilities can have a serious negative impact on the formation of a person, aggravating health status problems, turning them into "Socio-dangerous" Group population. Based on the analysis of the philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of practical activity, it can be concluded that the role of moral education of children with disabilities is large, since this contributes to the prevention of offenses; allows you to form a spiritual world (value orientation) and the moral qualities of such a child, allowing it to organically fit into society; reveals creative potential, expanding the possibilities of professional choice; forms adjacent in labor, it helps to increase professional orientation, contributes to a decrease in the number of unemployed, educates hard work (Voluntary attitude towards work and honesty), forms in the mind of a child's concept of labor as universal value; Allows you to reduce the number of disadvantaged families; Allows you to solve the problem of social infantilism. Pedagogy scientists have revealed that in different age periods there are unequal opportunities for moral education. A child, a teenager and a young man relate in different ways to various means of upbringing. Knowledge and accounting of a person achieved in one or another period of life helps to design in the education of its further growth. The moral development of the child occupies a leading place in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Working on the problems of the moral liction of schoolchildren with ABS, it is necessary to take into account their age and psychological features:

  1. Next to the game. In the conditions of gaming relationship, the child voluntarily exercises, mastering regulatory behavior. Games, more than anywhere, requires the ability to follow the rule. The violation of their children with a special sharpness is noticed and uncompromisingly express their condemnation to the violator. If the child does not obey the opinion of the majority, he will have to hear a lot of unpleasant words, and maybe get out of the game. So the child learns to reckon with others, receives lessons of justice, honesty, truthfulness. The game requires its skills to act according to the rules. "What is the child in the game, such in many ways it will be in work when it grows up" - said A.S. Makarenko.
  2. The inability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time. According to psychologists, the children of 6-7-year-old age cannot hold their attention on one thing more than 7-10 minutes. Further, children begin to be distracted, switch their attention to other items, so a frequent change of activities during occupation is necessary.
  3. Insufficient clarity of moral ideas due to small experience. Given the age of children, the norms of moral behavior can be divided into 3 levels: a child under 5 years old is assimilating the primitive level of behavior rules based on the ban or denial of anything. For example: "Do not talk loudly" , "Do not interrupt conversation" , "Do not touch someone else's thing" , "Do not throw garbage" etc. If the baby was taught to perform the data of the elementary norms, then the surrounding consider this baby with a brought up child. It is pointless to talk about the second level of moral education, if the first is not mastered. But it is such a contradiction among adolescents: they want to please others, but not trained in elementary behavior. At 3 level (by 14-15 years) The principle is mastered: "Help others!"
  4. May exist a contradiction between knowledge as needed and practical application (This applies to etiquette, good tone rules, communication).

Not always, knowledge of moral norms and rules of behavior corresponds to the actual action of the child. Especially often it happens in situations where the incomprehension of ethical standards and personal desires of the child occurs.

5) the uneven use of polite communication with adults and peers (in everyday life and at home, at school and on the street).

How will we overcome these features? Turn to the experience of great teachers. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: "In practical work on moral education, our pedagogical team sees first of all the formation of human norms of morality. In the younger age, when the soul is very militant to emotional effects, we reveal the universal norms of morality before children, we learn their alphabet of morality:

  1. You live among people. Do not forget that everyone is your act, every wish is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a border between what you want, and what you can. Check your actions as a question to yourself: Do you do evil, inconvenience to people? Do it all so that people around you were good.
  2. You use the benefits created by other people. People make you childhood happiness. Pay for this good.
  3. All the benefits and joy of life are created by difficulty. Without difficult, it is impossible to honestly live.
  4. Be kind and sensitive to people. Help weak and defenseless. Help a friend in trouble. Do not cause people evil. Respect and read the mother and father - they gave you life, they raise you, they want you to become an honest citizen, man with good heart and pure soul.
  5. Be not indifferent to evil. Bring against evil, deception, injustice. Be indarceible to the one who seeks to live at the expense of other people, causes evil to other people, is placing society.

Such is the alphabet of moral culture, whose hosting children comprehend the essence of good and evil, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice. "

Among the main tasks, which puts modern society to popular education, the current task of upbringing an active conscious creative personality is distinguished.

The educational process is built in such a way that it provides for situations in which the child is raised before the need for an independent moral choice. The moral situations for children of all ages in no case should be presented or look like training, or controlling, otherwise their educational significance may be reduced to no.

The result of moral education is manifested in the relations of children to their duties, to the activity itself, to other people.

5. Pedagogical solutions to work with children with ABS in the Russian Federation

"It is important that people do not feel disabled ... These are people who fate sent complex tests ... Only sympathy is little, it is necessary to develop opportunities."

L.I. Shvetsov

Every year more children come to municipal educational institutions that have deviations from the conditional age norm; These are not only often ill children, but also children with logo-formulations, dysgraphism, dyslexia, increased excitability, disorders of concentration and retention, poor memory, increased fatigue, and with much more serious problems. (ZPR, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy). They need specialized assistance, individual program, special mode.

Increasingly realizes that psychophysical disorders do not deny the human essence, the ability to feel, worry, acquire social experience. It was an understanding that each child needs to create favorable conditions for the development, taking into account its individual educational needs and abilities.

According to "Russian Language Dictionary" Make accompany - it means to follow next to, together with anyone as a satellite or spent.

Purpose of psychological support: the creation of an integrated system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • prevention of the emergence of the problems of the child's development;
  • help (assistance) Child in solving topical tasks of development, training, socialization: educational difficulties, problems with the choice of educational and professional route, violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) Pupils, parents, teachers.

The most important direction of psychological and pedagogical support of students' development is to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

The solution of the tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of the child cannot be limited to the area of \u200b\u200bdirect interaction of a psychologist with a child, but requires organizing work with teachers and parents as participants in the educational process.

Special work should be done with the parents of this category of children to ensure their necessary knowledge about the characteristics of the child, the optimal forms of interaction, learning effective methods of assistance.

Children with disabilities need to develop social competence, communication skills with others.

Overcoming social isolation, expanding the possibilities of arbitrary interaction with peers - a significant condition for positive changes in the development of such children, improving their learning abilities.

"Fallen by the spirit dies before the term"
Omar Khayam

The type of violation, the degree of severity of its manifestation, the time, when manifesting the defect, the surrounding conditions, social and pedagogical environment of life has a direct impact on the development of the child. Working with children with OVD implies painstaking work. After all, such a child needs to be paid significantly more attention than without disrupting development. Each variant of defects in the development, their training program is selected. But in general, their main aspects coincide.

The basic principles of teaching children with ABS are listed below:

  • Motivation - it is necessary to cause the child's interest in the world and educational process.
  • Development - it is important to create a single process of cooperation and joint activities.
  • Construction of interaction, assistance in adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding world.

The principle of psychological safety.

At the initial stage of education, it is important to cause interest, readiness and ability to cooperate with the teacher, the ability to perform tasks. And the purpose of training in high school will already be the formation of moral, ideological and civil position, as well as to identify creative abilities. As a result of teaching children with ABS, the violation of one of the analysts is replaced by a stronger and sensitive operation of others.

It is worth noting the importance of family education of children with ABS, because in the circle of relatives, most of the life of the baby passes. The purposeful actions of parents can significantly affect its livelihoods. After all, if they know exactly what they want to achieve, then you can count on success. In the family, the process of becoming a child, as part of society, the formation of social values, communication skills. It must be remembered that conflict situations and any manifestations of aggression will lead to the opposite result and will be very negatively affecting and so the rapid psyche of the baby. Thus, the family plays a major role in the formation of a person.


  1. Amonashvili S.A. Hurry up children, we will learn to fly. Ed. House Shalva Amonashvili. Laboratory of Humanit. Ped. MHPU. - M., 2005- 329 p.
  2. Andreeva L.V. Pedagogical conditions for the integration of children with development problems in secondary school. Materials of the International Seminar. Integrated training: problems and prospects. - St. Petersburg., 1996-144 p.
  3. Bolotov V.A. On integrated education and training of children with development deviations in pre-school educational institutions. Method. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. M., 2002. - 12 p.
  4. Zhulina E.V. Basics of social rehabilitation. TC sphere. M., 2005 - 187 p.
  5. Kalimov E.A. Basics of psychology: Textbook for universities. M., 1997 - 234 p.
  6. Konovalova M.P. Sociocultural rehabilitation of children with disabilities in the process of information and library service. Bulletin of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts M. P. Konovalova. M., 2003 - 103-107
  7. Kodjaspirova, G.M. Dictionary on pedagogy. ICC "March" M., 2005 - 448 p.
  8. Lyapidievskaya G.V. On the creation of a network of rehabilitation centers in Russia for children and adolescents with disabilities. Herald of psycho-social and correctional rehabilitation work. M., 1997 - 42 - 48 p.
  9. Mafeyeva T., Vasin S. Disabled in Russia, №3. M., M., 80 - 105 p.
  10. Mastyukova, E.M. Medical pedagogy (Early I. preschool age) . Vlados, M., 1997 - 304 p.
  11. Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of the social teacher. TC sphere. M., 2002 - 480 p.
  12. Romanov M.R. Rehabilitation of disabled. Vagribus. M., 2000 - 175 p.
  13. Strahov I.V. Psychological foundations of pedagogical tact. Saratov, 1972 - 344 p.

Special educational needs are the term, not so long ago appeared in modern society. Abroad, he entered the massive use earlier. The emergence and dissemination of the concept of special educational needs (OOP) suggests that society gradually grows and is trying to help children in every way, the vitality of which is limited, and those who, by the will of circumstances, were in difficult life situation. Socium begins to help such children adapt to life.

A child who has special educational needs is not the one who has anomalies and disorders in development. Socium is moving away from the separation of children on the "normal" and "abnormal", since there are very ghostly borders between these concepts. Even with the most common abilities, the child may have a lag in development, if he does not pay due attention from parents and society.

Essence of the concept of children with OOP

Special educational needs are a concept that should gradually displace such terms from mass consumption as "anomalous development", "developmental violations", "Deviations in Development". It does not define the normalness of the child, and focuses on the fact that it is not particularly different from other members of society, but has the need to create special conditions for his learning. This will make his life more comfortable and as close as possible to the one that ordinary people lead. In particular, the education of such children should be carried out with the help of specific funds.

It should be noted that "children with special educational needs" are not only a name for those who suffer from mental and physical disorders, but also for those who do not have them. For example, when the need for special education occurs under the influence of any sociocultural factors.

Borrowing the term

Special educational needs are the concept that was first applied in the London report in 1978, dedicated to the difficulties of learning children with disabilities. Gradually, it began to be used more and more. Currently, this term has become part of educational system in european countries. He is also widespread in the United States and Canada.

In Russia, the concept appeared later, but it cannot be argued that its significance is only tracing the Western term.

Groups of children with OOP

The contingent of children having an OOP, modern science shares into three groups:

  • with characteristic limited opportunities for health;
  • faced with difficulties in training;
  • living in adverse conditions.

That is, in modern defectology, the term has the following meaning: Special educational needs are the conditions for the development of a child who requires workarounds to achieve the tasks of the development of culture, which under normal conditions are carried out by standard methods inherent in modern culture.

Categories of children who have features of mental and physical development

For each child with OOP characteristic of their own characteristics. On this basis, children can be divided into such groups:

  • for which hearing impairment (full or partial absence);
  • with problem vision (full or partial absence of vision);
  • with intellectual anomalies (those in which there are;
  • who are broken;
  • having problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • with a complex structure of disorders (depleting, etc.);
  • autists;
  • children having emotionally volitional disorders.

OOP common for various categories of children

Professionals are allocated by the OOP, which are common to children, despite the difference in their problems. These include the needs of this kind:

  • Education of children with special educational needs should begin immediately as soon as violations were identified in normal development. This will allow not to lose time and reach the maximum result.
  • The use of specific means for learning.
  • The curriculum should introduce special sections that are not present in the standard school program.
  • Differentiation and individualization of learning.
  • The ability to maximize the process of education outside the institution.
  • Extending the process of study after graduation. Providing opportunities to young people to enter the university.
  • Participation of qualified specialists (doctors, psychologists, etc.) in teaching a child with problems, the involvement of parents in the educational process.

General disadvantages that are observed in the development of children with OOP

Students with special educational needs have common characteristic disadvantages. These include:

  • Lack of knowledge of the environment, narrow horizon.
  • Problems with common and small motility.
  • Inhibition in the development of speech.
  • Difficulty in arbitrary behavior adjustment.
  • Noncommunicability.
  • Problems with
  • Pessimism.
  • Inability to behave in society and control your own behavior.
  • Low or too high self-esteem.
  • Insecurity in their forces.
  • Complete or partial dependence on others.

Actions aimed at overcoming common drawbacks of children with OOP

Working with children with special educational needs is aimed at using specific methods to eliminate these common drawbacks. To do this, some changes are made to the standard general educational items of the school program. For example, the introduction of propaedeutic courses, that is, the introductory, compressed, facilitating the understanding of the child. This method helps to restore the missing environmental knowledge segments. Additional items can be introduced, helping to improve overall and fine motor skills: therapeutic physical education, creative mugs, modeling. In addition, all sorts of trainings can be held, helping children with OOP to realize themselves with full-fledged members of society, increase self-esteem and gain self-confidence.

Specific deficiencies characteristic of the development of children with OOP

Working with children with special educational needs, in addition to the decision common problemsIt should also include and resolve issues arising due to the presence of specific deficiencies. This is an important nuance educational work. Specific disadvantages include those caused by the damage to the nervous system. For example, problems with hearing and vision.

The technique of learning children with special educational needs takes into account these shortcomings in the development of programs and plans. In the training program, specialists include specific items that are not included in the usual school education system. So, children with vision problems are additionally taught oriented in space, and in the presence of hearing disorders, it is helped to develop residual hearing. The program on their learning also includes lessons for the formation of oral speech.

Tasks for learning children with OOP

  • The organization of the educational system in such a way as to maximize the desire in children to know the world, form their practical knowledge and skills, expand the horizons.
  • Children with special educational needs in order to identify and develop the ability and departure deposit.
  • Stimulating to independent actions and making your own solutions.
  • Formation and activation of educational cognitive activity.
  • Bookmark the foundations of scientific worldview.
  • Ensuring the comprehensive development of a self-sufficient personality, which could adapt in the existing society.

Learning functions

Individual training of children with special educational needs is intended to perform the following functions:

  • Developing. This function assumes that the learning process is aimed at developing a full-fledged personality, which contributes to the receiving children of relevant knowledge, skills and skills.
  • Educational. No less important feature. Education of children with special educational needs contributes to the formation of basic knowledge from them, which will be the basis of the Information Fund. There is also an objective need to develop practical skills from them that will help them in the future and will significantly simplify their lives.
  • Educational. The function is aimed at the formation of a comprehensive and harmonious personality development. For this purpose, students are taught literature, art, history, physical culture.
  • Correctional. This function implies an impact on children through special methods and techniques that stimulate cognitive opportunities.

Structure of the Correction Pedagogical Process

The development of children with special educational needs includes the following components:

  • Diagnostic monitoring. Diagnostic work is one of the most important in teaching children with OOP. In the correctional process, she is given a leading role. It is an indicator of the effectiveness of all activities for the development of children with OOP. It includes a study of the characteristics and needs of each of the students who need help. Based on this, a program, group or individual program is being developed. Also great importance It has a study of the dynamics with which the child develops in the learning process in a special school according to a special program, assessing the effectiveness of the educational plan.
  • Physical and wellness. Since most children with OOP have deviations in physical development, this component of the development process of students is extremely important. It includes classes for children to therapeutic physical education, which helps them learn how to manage their body in space, work out the clarity of movements, bring some actions to automatism.

  • Educational-educational. This component contributes to the formation of comprehensively developed personalities. As a result, children with OOP, which have not recently could normally exist in the world, become harmoniously developed. In addition, in the learning process, much attention is paid to the process of upbringing full-fledged members of modern society.
  • Correctional educational. This component is aimed at the development of a full-fledged personality. It is based on organized activities of children with OOP, aimed at obtaining the knowledge necessary for a full-fledged life, the assimilation of historical experience. That is, the learning process should be founded in such a way as to maximize the striving for the knowledge of students. This will help them catch up in the development of peers who do not have deviations in development.
  • Socio-pedagogical. It is this component that completes the formation of a full-fledged person, ready for independent existence in modern society.

The need for individual child learning with OOP

Two collective and individuals can be applied for children with OOP. Their effectiveness depends on each individual case. Collective education occurs in special schools, where special conditions for such children have been created. When communicating with peers, a child who has problems in development begins to actively develop and in some cases reaches large results than some absolutely healthy children. At the same time, the individual learning form is necessary for a child in the following situations:

  • It is characterized by the presence of multiple developmental disorders. For example, in the case of a severe form of mental retardation or in teaching children with simultaneous hearing impairments and vision.
  • When the child has specific deviations in development.
  • Age features. Individual training at an early age gives a good result.
  • When teaching a child at home.

However, in fact, for children with OOP, it is extremely undesirable, as it leads to the formation of a closed and unsure of the person. In the future, it entails problems in communicating with peers and other people. With collective learning, most children are revealed by communicative abilities. As a result, there is a full-fledged members of society.

Thus, the emergence of the term "special educational needs" speaks of the growing up of our society. Insofar as this concept Translates the child with disabilities and anomalies in the development of normal full-fledged personalities. Education of children with an OOP is aimed at expanding their horizons and forming their own opinions, training skills and skills that they need to manage normal and full-fledged life in modern society.

In fact, special educational needs are needed by the needs that differ from those offered to all children within secondary schools. The wider the possibilities of their satisfaction, the higher the chance of the child to get the maximum level of development and the support needed to him at the difficult stage of growing up.

The quality of the education system of children with the OOO is determined by an individual approach to each studying, since for each "special" child, the presence of its own problem is characterized, which prevents him from leading a full life. Moreover, it is often possible to solve this problem, albeit not completely.

The main purpose of learning children with the OOP is to introduce previously isolated individuals into society, as well as the achievement of each child, which is ranked in this category, the maximum level of education and development, activation of his aspiration for the knowledge of the surrounding world. It is extremely important to form the formation and development of the full-fledged personalities that will become an integral part of the new society.

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