The variety of peasant types in the poem. N. N. N.A.

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N. N. N.A.

The variety of peasant types in the poem

Who lives well in Russia

Borovskaya A.E., group 11-12

Poem N.A. Nekrasova "Who in Russia live is good" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian peasant life, and the author himself is a poet of peasant democracy, whose works were devoted to the problems of life of simple people.

All the people presented in the poem can be divided into two large categories. The first includes those peasants who protest them against their position, try to do anything and change in their hard life. This is a kind of "rebar". The second group includes those who are ruled by their gentlemen, fulfill all their orders, suffer all bullying and are proud of such a situation. They lose all human dignity.

The poem is built on the comparison of the life and worldview of various peasants. Conducting "seven temporary" peasants almost through all Russia, Nekrasov shows us how people behave in different ways, as they act or, on the contrary, inactive, protest against existing orders or humble with their fate. The author shows us some major types of peasants belonging to any group.

Nekrasov creates the image of Savelia, a truly Russian hero, which has an unusual force, both physical and moral. "In the midst of the years" he suffered bullying the manager of the Fogel, and then his patience ended - they buried the Germans alive in the well. The author endowed Savelia features of the heroes of the National Epos, with his way Nekrasov connects the central problems of the poem - finding the way to happily people. The happiness of Savelia is his winsnoye, in that he embodies in itself the complexity and importance of the struggle against oppressors. He does not humble with his position of the slave.

The "activists' fighters" also belongs to the same naked - a bright representative of the labor nation, violently opposing injustice towards workers:

Work alone,

And the hard work is over,

Look, there are three distributors:

God, King and Mr!

Nekrasov draws Yakim not a dark peasant. He sees in it, above all, a man who is aware of his human dignity (let's remember how Naked protects the nationality, pronouncing a fiery speech in defense of the people). An important place in the disclosure of the image is the story of the picture, which proves that for the peasant "the spiritual bread is above the bread of the urgent."

An important role in the poem is played by the image of Yermila Girin - "Folk Intercession", which beats for the truth and good; He is honest and incomprehensible and, putting on the side of the people during the uprising, falls into the Ostrog.

In the beautiful female image of Matreina Timofeevna Nekrasov showed the whole severity of the "female dots". This topic is traced in all the work of Nekrasov, but nowhere the image of a Russian woman was not described with such tenderness, love and participation.

Along with the images of the peasants-fighters, the poet draws those who cause condemnation, the peasants who spoiled a serf system, their proximity to landowners and remoteness from the Earth, from severe peasant labor. These peasants are lakes in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Their images are drawn satirically, the author denounces the fahamism, the battleship, slave submissions and the devotion of Barina.

Such "Approximate Khop" Yakov, who unconditionally obeys Barina, but, realizing the lowestness of his position, resorts to merciless revenge - suicide in the eyes of his host; Ipat, who is happy to talk about his humiliation; Spy Echorka Shutov; Street Gleb, who because of the misfortune betrays eight thousand peasants, depriving them of legitimate freedom, as well as many other, causing contempt and indignation.

Along with the "folk intercessors" in the poem, the image of the Mishina Grisha Dobroblon is also. The author emphasizes the immediate proximity of the hero to the people; He appears as a dreamer poet, writing his songs about the bitter share of the people, about all his hardness, but at the same time these songs are intended for the people himself. The last lines of poems show the fact that Nekrasov really found a happy person, whose happiness lies in the struggle for best life People.

Throughout the poem, various types of peasants appear in front of us, and the author realistically shows us the bundle and in the peasant environment. But the main thing is that through the whole poem passes the idea that the salvation of the people, his happy future is in his own hands.

Nekrasov Poem People's Peasant

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In his poem "Who in Russia live well" N. A. Nekrasov shows an extensive panorama of people's life, characters and fate. The motive of the wasting of seven peasants, who asked the goal to find out who "freely, having fun in Russia", the author introduced to the poem not by chance. After all, on the road, the wanderers meet with the most different people. Images of traveling men are drawn not so carefully as portraits of those with whom they get acquainted on the road. However, it should be noted that the image of the wanderer is also taken by non-scam. The culture of the strangeness was very developed in the Russian people. Travels could be made with a trading goal or have the character of pilgrimage in holy places. It should be noted that there was a special social group of wanderers - the warrior, miserable, as well as full physically and mentally, people who moved from one holy place to another. In the people, such people enjoyed great respect: the Wanderer could count on a warm welcome not only in the peasant hut, but also in many rich merchant and noble families. Nekrasov, striving to truthfully show the people's life, of course, could not be silent such a phenomenon as a wanderer. Some wanderers were a kind of "walking books": in families where they stopped, these people told many stories - and what they saw themselves, and what heard from others.

Approximately as follows in the poem and the role of seven men who went to seek happy people. After all, stories that tell the wanderers of their random acquaintances are connected in one large poetic canvas. Nekrasov shows noble, integral characters that are found among ordinary people. For example, Ermil Girin, who honestly achieved both wealth and respect for his fellow villagers. In adolescence, Yermil served as a writer in the office under the manager of Prince Yurlov's manor. Of course, the very small, influence on the course of the affairs of Yermil could not have reached, but he still tried to help the peasants as much as his strength. I am free of charge for them the necessary paper, helped by advice:

To him come to the first,
And he advises
And help will help;
Where enough power - will help
Not asks thanks,
And you will not take it!
Hoody conscience is needed -
Peasant with peasant
Speed \u200b\u200bto extort.

Knowing how honest Ermil is, the peasants do not trust him: they choose it by a burmist, give him money for the acquisition of the mill. Only once this person acted against conscience: instead of his brother I passed the soldiers of another peasant. No one, besides the mother of the ill-fated recruit, did not condemn Ermila. But he himself did not carry the Mukh conscience and voluntarily repaid before all the people, corrected the consequences of his misconduct and refused the position of the burmist, considering himself unworthy of popular confidence.

Yermil Girin is not the only example of a worthy person from the people. Here is how the author of another hero of his poem is characterized:

Vlas was the soul kinda
Sick for the whole vakhland
Not for one family.

Like Ermil, Vlas cannot go against conscience. He refused the position of the Burmister, so as not to creep before the survivor of the prince ducky.

About the people, about the scored "Vakhlachin" soul and Grisha Dobrozlonov, the son of the rural deceka. Grisha greadally stretches to the knowledge - "rushes into Moscow, in Novorshet," without being content with the formation he received in the seminary. However, the young man did not refer to his countrymen of the downhill, as a small man. Grisha sincerely respects simple workers, trying to help them with their knowledge. Grisha, his father and brother is no longer richer than most peasants, work along with them. The peasants in turn are very benevolently and to the Dyachku, and to his sons, are divided with their stocks.

In the poem "Who in Russia live well" Nekrasov showed the high advantages of the Russian woman - patience, loyalty, hard work. These qualities are also inherent in the domain, the late mother Grisha, and the peasant of Matrey Timofeevna, whose fate in the poem is given a significant place. Much had to suffer a simple peasant to the face: severe work, the hostile attitude of the relatives of her husband, numerous childbirth and the death of children ... It was not easy for Matrene to defend her human dignity. "You are a fortress woman!" - So explained to her the essence of her dyeing position of Saveli, grandfather of her husband. But Matrena is a bold man and decisive: she fearlessly rejects the harassment of the Sitnikov manager, goes to seek justice from the governor to return her husband, who did not pass on recruits. Matree had to survive the death of his beloved son, whom she recalls after many years. This woman is capable of deep, strong feelings: she with tenderness recalls parents, loves her husband and children. However, Nekrasov, drawing portraits of people from the people, shows the reader and other characters. The image of the passage and a plut that meets in folk creativity, in the poem "Who in Russia is good" embodied in the personality of the avalanche, drunkards, brake and lazy. Externally, Klim, however, produces the most favorable impression on those who are not familiar with him:

At the Clea, the conscience of Glinian,
And minina's berry
Look, you think so
What not to find a peasant
Power and runs.

Klim willingly fool the surviving from the mind of Uttath. For a tricky plow, it is entertainment, and the ability to feel your own significance. Nekrasov tired of Vlas characterizes the climate as the "last person", but in fact Klim has many valuable qualities. He is visible, eloquent, enterprising, wit. No matter how bitterly, his mockery sounds over fellow villagers, and they contain undoubted truth:

Laughs for workers:
From work, no matter how
You will not be rich,
And you will be humpback!

Klim appreciates fun, not labor. His nature alien care and anxiety. But this reckless man, although agreed to bow and succumb to Barina, understands the value of freedom. Klim - a walk, a slacker, fuck, but not a cooler, like Ipat, who, with the news of the peasant will, is indignant. Ipat is not the only image of the Hall, derived in the poem. The former courtyard prince twisted himself sincerely considers himself a happy man, as he served his Mother to forty years, led the plates with expensive kushanyami and even got the gout - noble illness. The faithful Yakov will take revenge on Holopskaya Barina - hanging on a tree in front of the owner.

But even worse than the horses who forgot about human dignity, traitors of the interests of the people. Such was the headman Gleb, which for the sake of the money burned the will of his Barin, in which he freed all his peasants from serfdom. But Gleb himself from the simple people, in whose memory he remains an eternal criminal:

Everything forgives God, and Judne Sin
Not saying goodbye.

Nekrasov sought to show in the poem "Who in Russia live well" is all the variety of human characters who are found among the simple people. Of course, not all of them are able to cause sympathy. But in general, the poet believed that the most bright, most decent traits were preserved in the people:

Power of people
Power of mighty -
Conscience calm,

True alive!

By entering the path of peasants-lawyers, N. A. Nekrasov does not just show us people of different classes, making up a portrait of Russia for the second half of the XIX century into one of the critical moments of its development - the brewing and conduct of the reform of 1861. The main task of the poet, writing for the people and speaking from their behalf, - show the Russian people, as it is. "I thought to state in a connected story, everything I know about the people, I wrote N. A. Nekrasov about my work on the main poem in my life - everything that I was led to hear from the mouth of him, and I was scheduled for" To Rus Live well "... it will be the epic of modern peasant life ..."

Before us is a whole gallery of images, a variety of characters, a variety of views on life. Passover with the eyes of the reader, like living, righteousness and booths, workers and lazy, recalcitrant and breakylases, rebar and chops. About someone, the poet tells in detail and brightly, someone is depicted with one expressive stroke. Even our fabulous peasants from places with such

Speaking names -

Tightened by province

Empty parish

From different villages -

Nesantova, Neelova,

Patch, holes,

Burners, Golodukhina,

Faithful fault -

Not a homogeneous faceless mass, but people with their past, with their preferences. Throwing the house and your business for the sake of a great goal - to find the meaning of peasant life, find out who lives fun, freely in Russia - they do not imagine life in straight. Not only for confession Matrena Timofeevna pay, they work - labor becomes need:

Wanderers did not stand:

"We have not worked for a long time,

Let's - Emboss! "

Seven women they gave braids.

Woke up, broke out

Habit forgotten

To work! As teeth with hunger

Works for everyone

Promial hand.

The men depart from the search for happy, among the Popov, landowners and other representatives of the hierarchical top, maybe because they do not respect the idlers who do not distinguish the "rye spike from barley."

We are a bit

We ask God:


Make skillfully

Forces we give!

Life work -

Friend straight

To the heart of the road,

Away from the threshold,

Coward and lazy!

The paintings of the life of the long-suffering Russian people are made up of boastful stories at fairs, from the people folded by the people, from the legends, told by the wanderers and the Bogomolers, from confession - as if we are walking in front of us, lapot and barefoot, with bent from understanding backs, with the sun-burned as the sun, with corn hands, with a moan and the song in the soul, all of Russia.

No delicate delicate

And people we are great

In work and in Gulbe!

So, with dignity, Russian men talk about themselves. Let them not appreciate the state their utilities:

Well, with a red duty with the first number

Well, with George - the world, the world!

And the finance is complete

Did not come out, rejected

All wounds of the old man.

Looked at the assistant hem

Said: "Study-refined!

On them and penny!.

Completely not ordered:

The heart is not sharpened,

But they respect and regret the simple person.

Let the merchants and contractors on the Men Taucked, hammering on the shoulders of the unbearable burden, taking a good power, pushing health, let happiness seem after work on a foreign land

Go home

To dance, -

Their native land will be supported.

One of the heroes of the poem will say bitterly about himself and for sure:

"In the village of Bosov

Like naked lives

He works until death,

He drinks to half dead! "

The whole history of Yakima Nagogi is the fate of talented craftsman, worker, rebel and poor thighs, told in several lines:

Skim, the old man is poor,

Lived sometime in St. Petersburg

Yes, I was in prison:

With a merchant, they wondered!

As a sticky rim,

He returned to his homeland

And for the hustle took.

Since then, thirty years crashed

On the strip under the sun,

Under the bot is saved

From frequent rain,

Lives - with Sauho it is

And death will come Yakimushka -

How the earth fell off

What's in the dream of a sleeve.

N. A. Nekrasov describes Yakima as the exhausted sufferer:

Breast crawl, like chopped,

Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth

Radiation like cracks

On dried earth;

And himself on the land-mother

Looks like: Neck Buura,

As a layer, sliced \u200b\u200bsliced,

Brick face

Hand - wood bark,

And the hair is sand.

However, it is not a dark, not a scored man, he managed to preserve a clean, clear soul and individuality. Saving turbulent pictures during a fire, he lost money accumulated "for the whole century", but did not "form", did not change his dream of beauty. Consider talking to the people, figuratively and brightly tell, it is clarifying the essence of the peasant protest, noting his great dragous forces and weakness of the expression:

Each peasant

Shower that cloud black -

Angry, grazing - and it would be necessary

Thunder thunder from Tudovo,

Bloody pouring rain

And all the wine ends.

Such naked is at the very beginning of the path leading to awareness of his own dignity, its strength, the need for unity before the general enemy.

The symbol of the highest authority among the people, defending the justice and the man's solidarity in the poem, the image of Yermila Girin. When he wants to take away the mill and a merchant altynnikov in collusion with officials demanding to make the immediate money, the people, knowing the honesty of the hill, cuts it off, collecting the right amount at the fair.

Yermilo guy competent

Yes there is no time to record

Sloved full hat

Tekkovikov, Lobankov,

Friendly, bat, trees

Peasant assigning.

Yermilo took - did not disappear

And copper patch.

He would still be to disperse,

When it fell here

Other hryvnia copper

More expensive hundred rubles!

So people repulsed him with good for honest work by the writer. For honesty, people chose Ermil Burgomistr. And he

In seven years worldly penny

Under the nail did not press

At seven years did not touch the right

Did not see the guilty

My soul did not shove ...

And when Yermila slightly stumbled - delivered his younger brother from recruitchin, it almost hanged himself because of the remorse, he managed to return the son of Vasilyevna, taken to the recruits instead of Brother Yermila, redeemed his guilt and refused his position.

On Mellenice

Took for a grinding on conscience,

People did not delay -

Customer managing

Rich landowners

And men the poorest -

All turns listened

The order is strict led!

Thanks to all this, Yermila Girin had

Hope enviable, true,

No money bought

Neither fear: strict true.

Mind and kindness!

Obruchkova landowner

Frightened province

County Nesheniaeva

Village tetanus ...

The authorities hoped that the former Burmister Girin would help them, it would be able to partery to parthery, but Yermila did not come against conscience, as a result of which he was in an acute, like most other fighters for the truth and justice. The poem is increasingly repeated by the motive of the rebellion, anger, it is impossible to continue life in old age - in humility and fear.

Lader - the abyss

Thread - the abyss! -

These words begins the story about the life of Sovelius, the hero of Svyatarussky, for a long time together with the fellow villages of the resistance of the landowner, and then alive the German-manager who mowed him mocking over him. We have seen although the spontaneous, but already organized resistance, calling to the rebellion - the word abandoned by Sawelia: "Nady!" Departing a cautious, the peasant returns home unlikely ("stimpless, yes not a slave!"), Not lost the feelings of the dignity, who did not accept with fumes, greed, small natives of the family, who retained the good soul and the ability to understand and support young daughter-in-law. It is symbolic that externally he resembles Matrene a monument to Ivan Susanin. But the peasant women, "multicolored", "long-suffering", do not look clogged and submissive. In Matrey Timofeevna Kurchagina, there is not only the strength to transfer all the tests, the unbearable job, the mockery of the family, but also the willingness at any moment to protect their children, her husband, to accept the punishment, dicks of the man's relatives:

No bones ricastic

There is no sunsitic vest

\u003e Blooders are not disgraced -

Tolend and not pour it!

All the power, god of this,

I believe in work,

All in the kids love!

Matrena Timofeevna talks about himself:

For me - quiet, invisible -

Passed a thunderstorm spiritual

She considers himself "old woman" thirty-eight years old and confident that

No matter - Between Baba

Happy search! ..

Noting the ability of the heroine to fight with circumstances, the desire to be the hostess of his own destiny, Nekrasov shows an irresistible force of the system, which generates a lot of evil. The more expensive for us the words of the peasant, who managed to save a living soul in this world:

I am a broken head

Heart is angry wear!

Among the recalcitable and freedom-loving peasants - the heroes of the poem should also be noted the episodic image of the uncomfortable Agap (the chapter "Feat"), who hated the landowners so much that he did not even stand the "comedy" of punishment, when he, in favor, hesitated, princely rattled, drove in Saraj and Forced to shout, as if he was subjected to brutal spanking, he died from the experience of humiliation. There are other heroes in the poem:

People of the Khopovsky title -

Sunny dogs sometimes:

Than heavily punishment

Thus, the mile of the Lord.

This is a former lacquer, which in the fair is praised by the fact that the Barsky plates listed and acquired a "boric disease" - gout, and the eternal "Holop of the princes of ducky" Lackey Ipat, and the Holopa approximate yaks is true. It is a "fake" burmart Klim, the most worthless man, voluntarily agreed to fulfill this non-cumulative role before the permanent. Especially it should be noted the image of the headman Gleb, for the money that destroyed the will of the deceased Admiral, who gave his fortress free.

For decades, until recent days

Eight thousand souls secured the villain,

With native, with a tribe, that the people!

What people are! With a stone in the water!

Everything forgives God, and Judne Sin

Not saying goodbye.

Oh, man! Men! you are sinner

And for you forever to start!

Poem N. A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" topics and wonderful that shows real life - The diversity of peasant types, two ways "The Rhodes world world". And next to the "expensive public," according to which "to the temptation of greedy" there is a crowd, there is another way:

Honest road

They go on it

Only souls are strong,


On battle

For offended

For oppressed.

N. A. Nekrasov says that

Quite a few rus sent

Sons of their marked

Print the gift of God

On honest ways

A lot of them mumbled ...

In the image of Gregory Dobros, which

Fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Chakhotka and Siberia,

We obviously find out the features of the associate of Nekrasova - Nikolai Dobrolyubov. Gregory Dobrosaklons - the poet, who joined the path of civil serving to Fatherland, firmly decided who would give his whole life and for whom he would die. He focused on bread in half with tears, brought up on the guy songs about the bitter share of Wachlachin, joined the love of the poor mother with love for his motherland in his soul, folding the sounds of radiant hymn of noble - he sang the embodiment of the happiness of the people! .. precisely thanks to reality and reality and Optimistic painting of the image of Grigory Dobros, perceive the poem N. A. Nekrasov not only as an indictor state Device of that time, but also as the anthem courage and the strength of the Spirit of the Russian people. Following the poet, I want to repeat:

More Russian people

The limits are not delivered:

Before him a wide way.

Plot Poems

Composition of the poem

Genre of Poem

The poem "Who in Russia live well" was conceived as an epic. Epopea is work of fictionin which a whole era is depicted in the life of the people. Nekrasov draws a wide cloth of people's life, assessing it from the positions of the people.

The composition is based on the laws of classical epic, i.e. consists of separate, relatively independent parts and chapters related to the topic of the road on which seven men are in search of a happy man.

The order of chapters in the poem still causes controversy, since the work remained unfinished, and a number of fragments were not published due to censorship prohibitions. IN full meeting Works A.N. Nekrasov Parts and Chapters of the Poem are located in this order:


"Part one"

Chapter I. Pop

Chapter II. Rural yardon

Chapter III. Drunk night

Chapter IV. Happy

Chapter V. Potcher


"Peasant woman"

"PIR - for the whole world"

In the Prologue, there are seven men from different villages and harnessed the dispute about happiness and a happy man in Russia. The names of the villages indicate the overall picture of the collaboration: "The tightened province, the County of Terepiorev, an empty parish, from the adjacent villages - Pataba, Dryryavina, Razov, Znobishhina, Gorelova, Neelova, a fault of the identity. Men decided to go looking for a happy man. An important image of the poem is an image of a road that allows you to widely and fully show the life of the people. Many votes will be distributed in the poem, merging into one voice - the voice of the people of Russia.

The poem's heroes are trying to find someone who "lives fun, freely in Russia." Votes of the ass, landowner, nobleman-followers, peasants sound equally: no happy in Russia.

For the dispute of the peasants of Nekrasov, the question puts a completely different question: what is happiness in the eternal, Orthodox-Christian understanding and is there any Russian people to combine peasant politics with Christian morality?

In the chapter "PIR - on the whole world", Nekrasov displays the central image of the poem - the image of Grisha Dobrosaklon, a folk intercession, who says: "It is selected with the forces of the Russian people and learns to be a citizen." In these words - the main pathos of the poem. Nekrasov shows how the people uniting his strength are growing.

In the chapter of the "rural yardonka" of Nekrasov shows a folk crowd - a Penoye, Crown, the Glaste Folk Sea. In the image of a rural yardon, the soul of the peasant, wide and long-sided, stacking and unrestrained.

In the chapter "Drunk Night" festive with reaches the climax, the situation becomes tense. And here a person appears with a strong character like a naked.

Jim Nagoya - The peasant, the man's man, in the past, who was engaged in seizure, firing in cities. He is one of those, "who works to death, drinks to half dead." Jaima naked appears in front of the reader as the son of the mother of raw land, as a symbol of the labor basics of peasant life: "At the eye, the mouth is emitted, like cracks on the dried earth", "Hand is a wood bark, and the sand is sand." Yakima Naked has his own, peasant feeling of honor and dignity. He sees public injustice towards the people; In his words, a terrible warning is heard about the People's soul.

In the image of the Yakim Nagogi, the contradictions of the soul of the people were reflected. It helps to understand that it is possible to judge the folk mountain or joy only from the inside of the popular lifestyle.

Yermil Girin - A simple man who has deserved universal respect for his justice and honesty. When Yermil with a merchant Altynnikov came out of charge from behind the mill and he had no money with him, he turned to the people support. And the people in a single impulse collects money and won the victory over false.

Ermil Girin is endowed with a sharp feeling of Christian conscience and honor. Only once he stumbled: he hung out of the recrucine little brother Mitria. But this act cost Yermil large torments and ended with folk repentance, even more strengthened his authority.

It would seem that Ermil had everything you need for happiness: and calm, and money, and honor. But in a critical moment, Ermil sacrifices all for the sake of the truth of the people and enters Ostrog.

Matriot Timofeevna Korchagin - Russian peasant with pride and independent character, with a sense of self-esteem. Nekrasov showed a fate of a woman from the people in the poem: Life in the hometown, wedding and wedding, life in the house of her husband, the birth of a child, the death of a child, a husband of a husband into recruits, troubles for her husband, etc.

The image of Matriol Timofeevna is a symbol of wisdom, hard work, long-suffering of a Russian woman. It carries the features of the Great Martyr who is capable of unbearable labor and spiritual humility. She believes that her fate is happier than others, despite all the trials, since her life improves the good governor of Elena Aleksandrovna. But the Russian peasant, according to the convictions of Matriol Timofeevna, in principle can not be happy, because the keys from her happiness and free violence are lost at God himself.

Matriol's speech Timofeevna Folkloren, from her mouth we hear folk songs and peasant crying. This is the voice of the people.

Savely, Bogatyr Svyatrus - Hero, who appears in the story of Matriol Timofeevna. He is the Kostroma peasant who grown in the deaf forest edge and the Cores river. Savely personifies the mighty forest element. He passed the Ostrog, and Kathers. With other men, when the patience was bunting to demolish the self-administration of the German manager, Savely pledged him to the pit and equalized it from the earth. Savely - the first in the poem is a spontaneous folk rebar. When he is called "stamped, religious", the Savely responds: "Stimpy, yes not a slave!" In the very patience of people, he sees the embodiment of Russian hero. However, the terrible power of Savelia is not devoid of contradictions. The tragedy that happened to the Saveli, who did not hesitate to the beloved grandson, softens the heart of the hero. The boy's death he perceives as a punishment for the last sin of murder. From the rebellion, it turns into a religious devotee, leaving for repentance in the monastery.

Thus, peasants poreform Russia They understand that they live unfortunately and who are to blame for their distress, but it does not prevent them from preserving internal dignity, honesty, sense of humor and their inner right. The copyright attitude to the images of the peasants does not cause pity reader, the poet admires his heroes and believes that they are able to participate in the peasant revolution.

By entering the path of peasants-lawyers, N. A. Nekrasov does not just show us people of different classes, making up a portrait of Russia for the second half of the XIX century into one of the critical moments of its development - the brewing and conduct of the reform of 1861. The main task of the poet, writing for the people and speaking from their behalf, - show the Russian people, as it is. "I thought to state in a connected story, everything I know about the people, I wrote N. A. Nekrasov about my work on the main poem in my life - everything that I was led to hear from the mouth of him, and I was scheduled for" To Rus Live well "... it will be the epic of modern peasant life ..."

Before us is a whole gallery of images, a variety of characters, a variety of views on life. Passover with the eyes of the reader, like living, righteousness and booths, workers and lazy, recalcitrant and breakylases, rebar and chops. About someone, the poet tells in detail and brightly, someone is depicted with one expressive stroke. Even our fabulous peasants from places with such

Speaking names -

Tightened by province

Empty parish

From different villages -

Nesantova, Neelova,

Patch, holes,

Burners, Golodukhina,

Faithful fault -

Not a homogeneous faceless mass, but people with their past, with their preferences. Throwing the house and your business for the sake of a great goal - to find the meaning of peasant life, find out who lives fun, freely in Russia - they do not imagine life in straight. Not only for confession Matrena Timofeevna pay, they work - labor becomes need:

Wanderers did not stand:

"We have not worked for a long time,

Let's - Emboss! "

Seven women they gave braids.

Woke up, broke out

Habit forgotten

To work! As teeth with hunger

Works for everyone

Promial hand.

The men depart from the search for happy, among the Popov, landowners and other representatives of the hierarchical top, maybe because they do not respect the idlers who do not distinguish the "rye spike from barley."

We are a bit

We ask God:


Make skillfully

Forces we give!

Life work -

Friend straight

To the heart of the road,

Away from the threshold,

Coward and lazy!

The pictures of the lives of the long-suffering Russian people are made up of boastful stories at fairs, from the people folded by the people, from the legends tested by the wanderers and the Bogomolers, from confession - as if we were going to us, lapot and barefacial, with the spins bent from the unbearable work, with the Sun burned, with Cornish hands, with a moan and the song in the soul, all Russia.

No delicate delicate

And people we are great

In work and in Gulbe!

So, with dignity, Russian men talk about themselves. Let them not appreciate the state their utilities:

Well, with a red duty with the first number

Well, with George - the world, the world!

And the finance is complete

Did not come out, rejected

All wounds of the old man.

Looked at the assistant hem

Said: "Study-refined!

On them and penny!.

Completely not ordered:

The heart is not sharpened,

But they respect and regret the simple person.

Let the merchants and contractors on the Men Taucked, hammering on the shoulders of the unbearable burden, taking a good power, pushing health, let happiness seem after work on a foreign land

Go home

To dance, -

Their native land will be supported.

One of the heroes of the poem will say bitterly about himself and for sure:

"In the village of Bosov

Like naked lives

He works until death,

He drinks to half dead! "

The whole history of Yakima Nagogi is the fate of talented craftsman, worker, rebel and poor thighs, told in several lines:

Skim, the old man is poor,

Lived sometime in St. Petersburg

Yes, I was in prison:

With a merchant, they wondered!

As a sticky rim,

He returned to his homeland

And for the hustle took.

Since then, thirty years crashed

On the strip under the sun,

Under the bot is saved

From frequent rain,

Lives - with Sauho it is

And death will come Yakimushka -

How the earth fell off

What's in the dream of a sleeve.

N. A. Nekrasov describes Yakima as the exhausted sufferer:

Breast crawl, like chopped,

Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth

Radiation like cracks

On dried earth;

And himself on the land-mother

Looks like: Neck Buura,

As a layer, sliced \u200b\u200bsliced,

Brick face

Hand - wood bark,

And the hair is sand.

However, it is not a dark, not a scored man, he managed to preserve a clean, clear soul and individuality. Saving turbulent pictures during a fire, he lost money accumulated "for the whole century", but did not "form", did not change his dream of beauty. Consider talking to the people, figuratively and brightly tell, it is clarifying the essence of the peasant protest, noting his great dragous forces and weakness of the expression:

Each peasant

Shower that cloud black -

Angry, grazing - and it would be necessary

Thunder thunder from Tudovo,

Bloody pouring rain

And all the wine ends.

Such naked is at the very beginning of the path leading to awareness of his own dignity, its strength, the need for unity before the general enemy.

The symbol of the highest authority among the people, defending the justice and the man's solidarity in the poem, the image of Yermila Girin. When he wants to take away the mill and a merchant altynnikov in collusion with officials demanding to make the immediate money, the people, knowing the honesty of the hill, cuts it off, collecting the right amount at the fair.

Yermilo guy competent

Yes there is no time to record

Sloved full hat

Tekkovikov, Lobankov,

Friendly, bat, trees

Peasant assigning.

Yermilo took - did not disappear

And copper patch.

He would still be to disperse,

When it fell here

Other hryvnia copper

More expensive hundred rubles!

So people repulsed him with good for honest work by the writer. For honesty, people chose Ermil Burgomistr. And he

In seven years worldly penny

Under the nail did not press

At seven years did not touch the right

Did not see the guilty

My soul did not shove ...

And when Yermila slightly stumbled - delivered his younger brother from recruitchin, it almost hanged himself because of the remorse, he managed to return the son of Vasilyevna, taken to the recruits instead of Brother Yermila, redeemed his guilt and refused his position.

On Mellenice

Took for a grinding on conscience,

People did not delay -

Customer managing

Rich landowners

And men the poorest -

All turns listened

The order is strict led!

Thanks to all this, Yermila Girin had

Hope enviable, true,

No money bought

Neither fear: strict true.

Mind and kindness!

Obruchkova landowner

Frightened province

County Nesheniaeva

Village tetanus ...

The authorities hoped that the former Burmister Girin would help them, it would be able to partery to parthery, but Yermila did not come against conscience, as a result of which he was in an acute, like most other fighters for the truth and justice. The poem is increasingly repeated by the motive of the rebellion, anger, it is impossible to continue life in old age - in humility and fear.

Lader - the abyss

Thread - the abyss! -

These words begins the story about the life of Sovelius, the hero of Svyatarussky, for a long time together with the fellow villages of the resistance of the landowner, and then alive the German-manager who mowed him mocking over him. We have seen although the spontaneous, but already organized resistance, calling to the rebellion - the word abandoned by Sawelia: "Nady!" Departing a cautious, the peasant returns home unlikely ("stimpless, yes not a slave!"), Not lost the feelings of the dignity, who did not accept with fumes, greed, small natives of the family, who retained the good soul and the ability to understand and support young daughter-in-law. It is symbolic that externally he resembles Matrene a monument to Ivan Susanin. But the peasant women, "multicolored", "long-suffering", do not look clogged and submissive. In Matrey Timofeevna Kurchagina, there is not only the strength to transfer all the tests, the unbearable job, the mockery of the family, but also the willingness at any moment to protect their children, her husband, to accept the punishment, dicks of the man's relatives:

No bones ricastic

There is no sunsitic vest

\u003e Blooders are not disgraced -

Tolend and not pour it!

All the power, god of this,

I believe in work,

All in the kids love!

Matrena Timofeevna talks about himself:

For me - quiet, invisible -

Passed a thunderstorm spiritual

She considers himself "old woman" thirty-eight years old and confident that

No matter - Between Baba

Happy search! ..

Noting the ability of the heroine to fight with circumstances, the desire to be the hostess of his own destiny, Nekrasov shows an irresistible force of the system, which generates a lot of evil. The more expensive for us the words of the peasant, who managed to save a living soul in this world:

I am a broken head

Heart is angry wear!

Among the recalcitable and freedom-loving peasants - the heroes of the poem should also be noted the episodic image of the uncomfortable Agap (the chapter "Feat"), who hated the landowners so much that he did not even stand the "comedy" of punishment, when he, in favor, hesitated, princely rattled, drove in Saraj and Forced to shout, as if he was subjected to brutal spanking, he died from the experience of humiliation. There are other heroes in the poem:

People of the Khopovsky title -

Sunny dogs sometimes:

Than heavily punishment

Thus, the mile of the Lord.

This is a former lacquer, which in the fair is praised by the fact that the Barsky plates listed and acquired a "boric disease" - gout, and the eternal "Holop of the princes of ducky" Lackey Ipat, and the Holopa approximate yaks is true. It is a "fake" burmart Klim, the most worthless man, voluntarily agreed to fulfill this non-cumulative role before the permanent. Especially it should be noted the image of the headman Gleb, for the money that destroyed the will of the deceased Admiral, who gave his fortress free.

For decades, until recent days

Eight thousand souls secured the villain,

With native, with a tribe, that the people!

What people are! With a stone in the water!

Everything forgives God, and Judne Sin

Not saying goodbye.

Oh, man! Men! you are sinner

And for you forever to start!

Poem N. A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" topics and remarkable, which shows a real life - the diversity of peasant types, two ways "the world of the dolly". And next to the "expensive public," according to which "to the temptation of greedy" there is a crowd, there is another way:

Honest road

They go on it

Only souls are strong,


On battle

For offended

For oppressed.

N. A. Nekrasov says that

Quite a few rus sent

Sons of their marked

Print the gift of God

On honest ways

A lot of them mumbled ...

In the image of Gregory Dobros, which

Fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Chakhotka and Siberia,

We obviously find out the features of the associate of Nekrasova - Nikolai Dobrolyubov. Gregory Dobrosaklons - the poet, who joined the path of civil serving to Fatherland, firmly decided who would give his whole life and for whom he would die. He focused on bread in half with tears, brought up on the guy songs about the bitter share of Wachlachin, joined the love of the poor mother with love for his motherland in his soul, folding the sounds of radiant hymn of noble - he sang the embodiment of the happiness of the people! .. precisely thanks to reality and reality and Optimistic painting of the image of Grigory Dobroskovoov perceive the poem N. A. Nekrasov not only as an indictment of the state time of time, but also as the anthem courage and the strength of the Russian people. Following the poet, I want to repeat:

More Russian people

The limits are not delivered:

Before him a wide way.

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