Purchasing thematic planning.

Images of textbooks are given on the pages of this site exclusively as an illustrative material (Art. 1274 p. 1 of the part of the fourth Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

  • Geometry grade 8. GEF Atanasyan Enlightenment
  • Didactic materials on geometry grade 8 Ziv, Maleler Enlightenment
  • Independent and test work on geometry grade 8. GEF Ichenskaya, Atanasyan
  • Control work on geometry grade 8 Melnikova exam
  • Gavrilova Vako
  • Measuring materials (KIM) on geometry grade 8. GEF Ryazanovsky, Mukhin Exam

Workers notebooks

  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. Part 1, 2 Merzlyak, Polonsky, Yakir Ventana Graph
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. Part 1 Egorov Drop
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8 Dudinitian Enlightenment
  • Atanasyan, Budouse, eyes Education
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. Universal learning actions Eyes exam
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. GEF Mishchenko. To the textbook Atanasyan Exam
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. GEF Mishchenko. To the textbook of Pogorelov Exam
  • Workbook on geometry grade 8. GEF Pikes, Kamaev. To the textbook of Atanasyan Exam


GDZ on geometry for the 8th grade - for self-control and help in solving difficult tasks

  • 8th grade - academic yearDuring which schoolchildren continue to study a difficult subject called Geometry. If in the previous class focused on familiarization with the basics of the subject, then in the eighth students study new topics based on these basics, and solve a huge number of tasks. The most common textbooks used in geometry programs for eighth graders belong to Peru Pogorelova A.V., Shlykov V.V. or Atanasyan hp Problems S. GDZ By geometry for the 8th grade, these textbooks presented on our website will help to cope with homework of varying degrees of complexity and check their level of knowledge.
  • What are eight-graders in geometry lessons

  • If the geometry for seventh graders was a rather complex subject, then eighth graders need to be prepared for the fact that the material is even more complicated. Training program For eighth grades, focused on the gradual deepening of knowledge. It was this year that students acquainted with one of the most important statements on which all geometric science was built - Pythagora theorem. Subsequently, it is very useful in life for various calculations. In addition, the concepts of new geometric figures, such as polygons, are measured by their area and perimeter.
  • The geometry training program for eighth graders is distinguished by its saturation and large amount of information that you need to learn and correctly apply in practice in solving problems. We must not forget that this year new complex items appear in parallel (for example, chemistry), so it will often be able to cope without GDZ Geometry is very difficult.
  • Which contains a collection GDZ Geometry for 8 classes

  • The content of this tutorial can be divided into two parts: solutions and ready-made answers. And the first, and the second are needed by students, because it is impossible to insure themselves from the passing of classes due to the disease or from the fact that homework It will be so complicated that it cannot be solved. Peeping in "Reshebnik" is not a crime, but checking the correctness of your answer.
  • This manual contains solutions to the following tasks:
    on proof;
    to build;
    to find corners and segments;
    to find the square;
    on the definition of sinuses, cosine and tangents;
    Looking radii and many others.
  • How to competently prepare and successfully pass the exams?

  • In the 8th grade, the study of the geometry began in the preceding, 7th grade. Given that questions and tasks for this discipline will be included in the mandatory exam in mathematics, surrendered by all graduates, as well as difficulties that the studies of geometry often cause students, approach the organization of the preparation process, it is necessary to scrupulously and responsibly. One of the mandatory conditions for obtaining a high result from such a work is the correct selection of literature and reshebniks to it. Especially if the leading role is assigned to useful and efficient self-preparation.
  • Nevertheless, the process of choosing materials and GDZ It is better to trust specialists. From the eighth grader will need:
    - Clear compliance with the preparation plan;
    - Analysis achieved success, fixing complexities and adjusting emerging problems;
    - Regular assessment of results.
  • If difficulties are essential, it is desirable to apply for professional help - to teachers, heads of circles and courses, tutoring. Sometimes to understand the complex moments it is enough to connect additional benefits from complex CMK. Or turn to another CMD, his list of preparatory literature.
  • Among the topics of the geometry lessons in the 8th grade, the main are:
    - the concept and features of polygons;
    - the similarity of triangles and its associated values \u200b\u200band mathematical laws;
    - circles;
    - square of figures and technology of their location, calculations;
    - vectors, etc.
  • The main set of materials on which the geometry in grade 8 is studied may consist of:
    - textbook on the theory of discipline;
    - working notebook;
    - benefits included practical tasks on the subject;
    - didactic materials and thematic tests;
    - Collection of control and verification.
  • For those who are on domestic training, you can add this set by the ate development in order for the work to be more systemic and efficient, as well as to save time for an independent spelling of these documents. Clearly realizing the need for training, eighth graders will be able to successfully master the material on discipline and show high results on checks, including the final tests of mathematics and in the future, after graduation.
GDZ in geography 8 class sphere


Contour cards


Training apparatus


GDZ in geography 8 class sphere
UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade"

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Tutorial This textbook continues the line of educational and methodological complexes of" sphere "on geography. The publication is prepared in accordance with the federal ... Read more

Electronic app to the textbook

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade »Electronic application to the textbook Electronic application to the textbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex" Sphere "on geography for grade 8 and significantly expands ... Read more

Simulator notebook

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade »Notebook-simulator The simulator notebook is an integral part of the teaching and methodical complex" Geography. Russia: Nature, population, economy "for grade 8 lines ... Read more


UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade »Notebook-workshop notebook-workshop is an integral part of the teaching complex" Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy "for 8 class lines ... Read more

Notebook examiner

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Notebook-examiner The examiner's notebook is an integral part of the teaching complex" Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy "for 8 class lines ... Read more

Electronic cartographic manual "Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy "

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy »Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. Russia. Nature, population, economy "- auxiliary resource of an informational environment ... Read more

Contour cards

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. 8th grade »Contour cards Color contour cards are printed on offset paper, which allows you to draw pencils on them, and made in the technique of a volume image ... Read more

Illustrated atlas. 8-9 Class

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Illustrated Atlas. 8-9 Class Part of UMC "Spheres" for 8-9 classes is an illustrated training atlas on geography, developed on the basis of new approaches to ... Read more

Purchased thematic planning

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Purchasing Thematic Planning The Purchasing Thematic Planning is intended for a geography teacher working with the teaching complex" Geography. Russia: Nature, ... Read more

Electronic cartographic manual "Geography. Peace"

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. World »Electronic cartographic manual" Geography. World "- auxiliary resource of the information and educational environment" Sphere. Geography "for the main and ... Read more

Working programm. 5-9 classes

UMC "Geography. Russia: nature, population, economy. Grade 8 »Work program. 5-9 classes Working program in geography for 5-9 classes Developed to educational and methodical complexes Lines of "sphere" publishing house "Enlightenment". Program ... More details

Reshebnik on geometry for 7-9 class of Atanasyan - this is a combination of ready-made homework, compiled by the textbook of authoritative Russian scientists - Atanasyan LS, Bukuzova S.B. et al. Tutorial is used in most Russian schools. At the same time, many schoolchildren and their parents experience serious difficulties in preparing homework on planimetry.

GDZ on geometry 7-9 class Atanasyan, Budouse, Kadomtsev

Geometry - Science, requiring an ability to effectively visualize the task. The standard use of typical formulas is not to do. Because not all schoolchildren can qualitatively assimilate this subject.

Parents seek to help the child hire expensive tutors ... However, the problem can be solved with smaller material and temporary costs. It is enough just to use GDZ on geometry for 7-9 class of Atanasyan.

IN tutorial Posted step-by-step algorithms Perform geometric tasks with comments and ready-made answers. As a result, schoolchildren can easily understand the solutions of examples and tasks on their own.

In a convenient way to use the reshebnik on Geometry Atanasyan, our site is. It is enough to click the task number on the page of the relevant Reshebnik - and the system will output the correct solution.

We control the satisfaction of the resource users and therefore achieved:

  • availability of ready-made answers from a computer, phone, tablet;
  • we regularly update the reshebnik base to the latest versions.

Such criteria for the work of the site provide time savings and convenience in obtaining ready-made solutions.

Reshebnik on geometry for 7-9 classes of Atanasyan, 2014-2019.

In 2014, the publishing house "Enlightenment" issued another editorial board of the textbook on geometry for 9th grade of Atanasyan. It includes more than 130 paragraphs divided into 4 key chapters:

  • Beam, straight, segment and corner and features of their measurement;
  • Triangles, their properties, species, laws of equality and similarity;
  • Parallelism and perpendicularity of direct and types of polygons;
  • Circle and vectors.

The textbook is supported by tasks increased complexity; brief information From the theory of 7-8 classes and the subject pointer.

The textbook not only guarantees the effective comprehension of algebra, but also helps to be prepared for the final state certification.

GDZ on geometry for grade 8 is collections of finished homework, which contain solved examples and tasks from textbooks on the subject recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need a reshebnik from Putin on grade 8 geometry?

Many schoolchildren and their parents mistakenly believe that the reshebniks on geometry for grade 8 are a base for thoughtless chosen. However, such an opinion is wrong. In fact - collections of finished homework are an important practical manualwhich contains a lot of useful information for schoolchildren.

In the course of geometry for grade 8, such topics are considered as:

  • quadrangles of their properties;
  • like triangles;
  • circle, its types and measurement;
  • vectors and their practical application.

In such a multidirectional array, the many guys are extremely difficult to figure out. In this regard, the issue of using GDZ, which allow:

  1. check performed homework;
  2. understand the tasks that were not understood in the classroom.

Reshebniki serve as an optimal base for schoolchildren to prepare control work And exams on the subject.

GDZ from Putin on geometry for grade 8 - how to save time at home?

To perform homework on geometry qualitatively and quickly, you can use the database of the answers presented on our website. Moreover, the resource interface is focused on the maximum user friendly:

  • you can get the right answer in a few minutes by clicking on the corresponding task number;
  • you can use the site both from PC and from the phone.

All users of our resource receive a unique opportunity to use for free and without registration. online service, allowing for a split second to calculate the triangle area.

Anatasyan 7-9

Tutorial Merzlyak Polonsky Yakir

GDZ on geometry grade 8

GDZ on geometry for grade 8

Of course, now the geometry is already familiar to you. But the tasks on this subject are becoming more and more difficult. I became familiar angles, triangles, squares and circles replace others, more complex geometric figures. The complexity and volume of theorems, tasks and rules increases at times.
But there are no problems with GDZ! Any homework will be performed as a magic wand on maternity! Reshebnik will help to cope with a large volume of material, even if you can't remember everything and assimilate everything. Carefully rewriting ready solutions, You will gradually remember all the details of the theorems and axioms, as well as the principles of solving geometric tasks.

In addition to the repetition of previously covered materials, students will have to get acquainted with new definitions, master the methods for finding areas of different figures, but not everyone can easily cope with tasks without third-party help. To speed up the execution of tasks and facilitate the process of self-education, it is recommended to use students GDZ on geometry for grade 8. The auxiliary literature of this type includes not just dry answers that will help to understand whether the task is solved correctly. In it, the exercises are justified, schematic drawings or graphics have been added to them, it is described where the coefficients used from were taken.

Geometry everything more peopleAs teachers and students consider one of the most difficult school items. It doesn't always have enough textbook for studying it. That is why you should turn your attention to GDZ on geometry for grade 8. This book contains absolutely all solutions to the tasks of geometry grade 8. In addition, all the decision is explained by the available and understandable language to each student. Even if you could not understand the essence of the task in the lesson, you can always come home, open the book and understand yourself in the example that you did not understand the first time.

Such a book of decisions is an excellent assistant to all schoolchildren who want to know the subject, and everything connected with it.

GDZ on geometry grade 8

Geometry is one of the most complex items that students take place in high School. In order for the child to fully understand everything, it is necessary not only to prepare at home independently and attend the lessons. But also to have a manual for which a schoolboy can do. Specialists are recommended to use two books at once. different authorsThis is a GDZ on geometry of 8 Atanasyan, GDZ on geometry 8 grades.

These textbooks consider all the basic topics that are held at school. Much attention the authors fired on the parallelism of the direct and signs of the similarity of triangles. The main advantage of the reshebnik is its convenient structure. At the beginning of each new topic First, the theory is presented, and then practical classes on this topic. At the end of each course in gDZ on geometry grade 8 Collected questions and tasks for testing knowledge, i.e. Did the child learned the material or not.

There are many bright drawings and drawings in GDZ, it contributes to memorizing the theme. Reshebnik can also be used to prepare for exams and simply to test your knowledge. GDZ on geometry grade 8 can be purchased in bookstores or download on the Internet. The second option is most convenient.

Such self-control will undoubtedly improve the knowledge of the child, as well as increase its level of performance at school. Reshebnik on geometry grade 8 Make homework to an interesting occupation for every child, during which the baby will certainly recognize a lot of new and useful information.

Working on these textbooks, as well as checking itself on answers, you will certainly increase your level of knowledge and learning quality. Naturally you should not abuse and write off all the answers from the book! Parents must ensure that the child only checked the 8th grade on GDZ 8th grade, but no more.

GDZ on geometry grade 8 - Answers and Reshebnik.

Geometry is considered one of the most difficult sciences. Sitting above the next homework will remember the words from the famous song "either will still be." And although acting person It is a grade 1 student, an analogy can be conducted with older schoolchildren. Online GDZ on Geometry Grade 8 will help students solve their problems with homework.

Reshebnik on geometry for grade 8

Many people negatively belong to such benefits, believing that they contribute to the spread of the lazyness, but in fact they perform an important role. You can use the reshebnik to geometry for grade 8 in two ways that you will not only increase your performance, but also improve knowledge.

See and write off the answers by geometry for grade 8

The first is that the schoolboy writes off the problem of the problem, and then sits and is thought about what and how it happened. If some point remains not clear, you need to return to the previous topics and fill the space discovered using GDZ on geometry grade 8. In the future, such tasks can be performed on your own, remembering the same principle that you suggested the answers for geometry 8 class online.

The second way to solve is suitable for more persistent students who are trying to solve on their own anyway, and it does not give in any way, and the answer does not converge with the one that is given at the end of the textbook. When moral forces are already on the outcome, and it's time to sleep or go to a meeting with friends, not sin and look in GDZ on geometry grade 8 to "learn inspiration." You will find a pickup and analyze how it appeared, and what you missed. It is akin to a small discovery. You, as if Mendeleev, are beating over the random of building your table, and here the answers for geometry grade 8, as if sleep, open the veins of truth for you. Now you know exactly what tricks this mathematical science is capable of, and what should be considered another time, performing homework on the subject.

Thus, the reshebnik to geometry for grade 8 is a very useful "invention" for schoolchildren who want to learn and receive knowledge, as well as positive assessments for them. If parents are sufficiently liberal and trust their child, they can and personally buy answers for it for geometry grade 8, which will contribute not to the discharge of the student who has written off and forgot what he did, but to improve performance, if the child is thoughtful and responsible. After all, the school is only a stage of adulthood, which will throw up their tasks, and the reshebnik will not be. That is why it is so important to learn independence from the young age.

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