The system of work on the development of speech in umk "harmony". Educational - methodological complex for the development of speech and teaching the basics of literacy "Balapan Umk methodology for the development of speech of preschoolers

Goals : develop mental operations of comparison and generalization; cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.

Program tasks:


To foster interest in the diversity of the surrounding world, the desire to preserve its diversity.

To cultivate love for nature through direct communication with it, the perception of its beauty and diversity.


To develop in children memory, attention, the ability to correlate movements with words in games.

Develop imagination and logical thinking.

Develop the ability to "enter" the image of animals.


Continue teaching children to recognize and name animals

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about characteristic features animals. Introduce animal tracks.

Systematize knowledge about animals.

Preliminary work:

Productive activity: "Animal tracks"

Materials and equipment:

Integration into educational areas:

socialization, communication, safety, speech development, labor, physical culture.

Walking course

Educator: Guys! Mashenka has come to us! She wants to meet you! Give me your palms, what's your name?

How beautiful you were called by moms and dads, you all have such wonderful names. And here I was, the sun was coming to you so it was warming on the street, the birds were singing, and the drops were dripping from the roof! And why? What season? (Spring)

Educator: Correctly spring! I’m going to visit my very, my greatest friend - a bear, spring has come, it's time for the beagle to wake up, let's go and wake him up! Come with me!

Educator: Come those guys with me quickly! Follow me quickly! It's more fun with me! We will meet many animals in the forest with you! Furry animals! Good friends

Educator: NS! What is it? (traces). Look guys, who ran this here? Whose ears are these, come on, come here, coward, don't be afraid!

Questions for children:

1. Who is this (bunny-kuyan). Pet him so that the bunny is not afraid of us!

2. And what is the hare's coat? (fluffy, soft, warm, smooth).

3. What color is the coat? (white).

Educator: Correctly white, the bunny will hide under the Christmas tree, the chanterelle will not see him!

4. And look, which ears are long or short? (long).

5. Why does a bunny need long ears?

Educator: The bunny hears well, every rustle in the forest. He will sense the danger and hide under the Christmas tree.

6. Guys, what does the bunny like to eat? (carrots-kisher, cabbage-kәbestә).

Educator: The bunny rightly loves to eat carrots and cabbage (kuyan kisher, kәbestә yarat).

We walk along the path, raise our feet higher, once or twice, once or twice, the kids are walking!

Educator: Guys, who is hiding behind the Christmas tree (fox-tlke) Oh, you fox, fox. You are the beauty of the whole forest! The fox walks through the woods sniffing!

Questions for children:

1. What a fox's nose (sensitive).

A fox walks through the forest, carefully puts its paws, and sweeps up its tail so that no one will notice it!

2. And what color is the chanterelle's tail? (itself is red, and the tip is white). Little foxes see a white light, they will never lose their mother.

Educator: Well, run to your foxes, and we will hurry to the bear!

Educator: We are going to visit the bear for nothing, we will not fall.

Questions for children:

1. Guys who did we come to? Whose house is this (ayu yashi bear lives here)

2. And who knows what the name of the bear house (den) is

Educator: A bear cub is sleeping in a den, and we will wake him up.

Artistic word "Teddy bear, teddy bear, stop sleeping."

We will gently wake up the bear. “Wake up bear, spring has come! "

Educator: The bear woke up!

3. Which bear is big or small (big-zur).

4. What are the paws of the bear. (big and strong, the bear walks through the forest from paw to paw waddles and therefore they call him clubfoot. Repeat-clubfoot).

Educator: And we will play with the bear! I will show the movements, and you repeat after me!

Communication game “We are funny guys. Our name is bear cubs. "

Educator: We will treat the bear with delicious apples.

How can we treat the bear politely? Ayu, mә alma asha!

- Pay attention to the presence of footprints in the snow. Think about who they may belong to and where they lead. Remember how many legs the animals have, what size they are, what footprints the animals should have Imagine where they went

It is difficult for animals to survive the cold time, and, if possible, they need to be fed, but at the same time follow the rules of behavior with unfamiliar animals.


I recognize in the picture

It's a bear - ...

Doesn't want to live in a kennel

Forest dweller wolf - ...

In our river carp

A cat goes there - ...

Flashed in the distance

Red fox - …

And he is not a rowdy at all

He is a coward, he - ...

Into a mouse trap

The mouse hit ...

What is this silhouette

There is a dog - ...

Educator: Now let's play the game "Commander"

Ayu Seeker! Kuyan yөger! Tөlke asha! Pesi yokla! Et uh!

Signs of spring: I saw a starling - know: spring is on the doorstep.

When migratory birds fly in large flocks, then this is a friendly spring.

If the blackbirds have arrived, then there will be no frost.

The finch flies to the cold, and the lark to the warm.

Human habitation has many tits, which means spring will be cold.

If a woodpecker is seen in March, then spring will be late.

The tits are singing, wait for the warmth.

The crane has arrived - the ice will melt soon.

Labor activity

Educator: -Let's take a look at the feeders. The feeders are empty, which means that birds are often here. Let's fill the feeders with seeds and slices of bread. Do you have feeders at home? What do you feed the birds with? What do birds like to eat the most?

Educator: Now, let's play.

Tatar mobile game "Foxes and Chickens" (T "lke өm tavyklar)

At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in the hen house. On the opposite side there is a chanterelle.
Chickens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck at various insects, grains, etc. When a chanterelle sneaks up on them, the roosters shout: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, a chanterelle rushes after them, which tries to stain any of the players.
Rules of the game ... If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he drives again.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Let's go those guys to the garden as soon as possible, let's go quickly, let's go more fun. We have met many animals in the forest! Furry animals! Good friends!

Educator: Did you like the forest! Remember what we did in the forest?

What kind of animals we saw in the forest (ayu, tөlke, kuyan, bүre, pesi, et). At home, tell your parents about our trip.

It's time for us to return to the group! Goodbye!

Vera Atyasheva
Educational methodological complex in the direction "Communication as a leading means of developing children's speech preschool age»

Approximate basic educational program preschool education .

The program provides personality development of preschool children in different types communication and activities taking into account their age, individual characteristics.

The content section of the Program includes a description educational activities in accordance with directions of development child in five educational areas - social and communicative directed to assimilate the norms and values ​​adopted in society including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence;

development communicative and social competence;

Have children from an early age there is a need for communication and social contacts. First social experience children acquire in the family, in Everyday life taking part in various family events. The lifestyle and values ​​of the family have an impact on social and communicative child development... Adults create various opportunities for involving children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, first of all, realizing the principles of personal developmental communication and assistance by giving children the opportunity to take part in various events, plan joint work... This contributes development in children feelings of personal responsibility, responsibility for another person, feelings « common cause» understanding the need to coordinate opinions and actions with business partners.

In the field of speech development child is associated with the ability to enter into communication with other people, the ability to listen, perceive the speaker's speech and respond to it with his own response, adequate emotions, that is, it is closely related to social and communicative development... Speech as the most important means of communication allows each child to participate in conversations, games, projects, performances, classes, while showing their individuality. Educators should encourage communication accompanying various activities children,

Methodology speech development in preschool children:

Ushakova O.S.Strunina E.M.

Preschool age- this is a period of active assimilation by the child spoken language, becoming and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full mastery of the native language in preschool childhood is necessary condition solving problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education children in the most sensitive period development... The earlier the training starts native language, the freer the child will use it in the future.

Toolkit "ABC communication» . Child personality development, skills communication with adults and peers. (For children from 3 to 6 years old.) ... The methodological manual presents an original teaching methodology and development of communication skills in preschool children.

The purpose of this methodological manual- help your children rejoice by giving them the experience of a human communication through the ability to listen, speak, think.

Additional educational program "On the way to the ABC" children 3-7 years old. The author of the program is an educator of the first qualification category Anna V. Dereviankina (there is a review by SIPKRO)

The main task in this program is spelled out. Development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and by means interaction with others.

Related publications:

Speech logical tasks as a means of developing coherent monologue speech in older preschool children I reviewed the relevance of this topic and studied the scientific, periodic, methodological, pedagogical literature... This problem worries.

Report "Theatrical activity as a means of speech development in preschool children" A special role in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschooler child belongs to theatrical activity. Analysis.

Methodical seminar "Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of preschool children" Slide 1. Demko Natalya Sergeevna, educator of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten combined.

The full formation of the child's personality is impossible without the development of correct speech... Speech is one of the central, most important mental ones.

Subject-developmental environment as a means of speech development in preschool children Subject-developmental environment as a means of speech development in preschool children. Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but one must have it.

Finger games as a means of developing speech in young children MBDOU number 67 "Bear" Rusanova Nadezhda Evgenievna Educator, 1 quarter. category. Finger games as a means of developing speech in early children.

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech using the teaching materials for teaching children

Tatar language in senior group

Topic: "My family"

Target: The development in children of cognitive interests, intellectual



Educational: Foster positive family relationships,

mutual assistance; foster sympathy, love for all family members.

Educational: Introduce the concept of "family". Deepening views

children about the family (its members, family relationships) and its history:

Formation of the correct idea of ​​the family, the role of mother, father,

grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brother;

to consolidate ideas about the work responsibilities of family members.

Developing: Exercise children in the selection of adjectives and verbs;

development fine motor skills; replenishment and activation of the dictionary based on

deepening the knowledge of children about the immediate environment; introduction to children's vocabulary

nouns for professions; verbs characterizing

labor actions; development of dialogical speech: the ability to participate in

conversation; development of children's creativity.

GCD move:

Educator: Hello guys! Isenmesez balalar!

Children: Isenmesez!

Educator: Guys, you brought drawings, photographs of your family. That's about

family we will talk today. Listen to the poem.

The teacher reads a poem:

Any family album is in the house

As in a mirror we are reflected in it

Even if we are not always beautiful

But these photos are true.

Guys, yesterday we looked at pictures of your family. What do you think,

what is family?

Andrei: Family is mom, dad, brother and me.

Educator: Say in Tatar

Andrei: Gaile-any, these, ebi, aby em min.

Nastya: This is mom, dad, me and grandfather and grandmother

INdetainee: Say in Tatar

Nastya: boo eni, eti, min, ebi һem babay.

Educator: Right. This is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather,

grandmother. These are the closest people. Family members live together, love a friend

each other and take care of each other. Please tell us what your names are.

parents by name, patronymic, where and by whom do they work?

Andrei: My mother's name is Vera. She works at the airport. Dad's name is Sergei. He works as a furniture assembler.

Nastya: My mother's name is Tamara. She works as a nurse in a hospital. Dad's name is Ivan, he is a driver.

Educator: Who has brothers and sisters?

Anya: I have a brother. His name is Andrew.

Katia: And I also have a brother. He is very small.

Emil: I have an older sister - Diana.

Educator: Do you live amicably?

Anya: We are always friends.

Educator: Little brothers and sisters need to be pitied and taken care of. How can you take care of your younger ones?

Katia: You can play with them while mom prepares dinner.

Educator: Now listen to the poem and tell me who it is.

My dear grandmother,
My sweetheart,
More than anyone else in the world
I love you.
According to your wrinkles
I will pass my hand ...
In the whole world, no
Grandmothers like that.
I will never
To upset you.
Just be healthy
My grandmother.

Who are these lines about?

Children: About grandmother. And grandparents are the parents of your mums and dads.

And your mom and dad are your parents.

Educator: Who has grandparents in the family, raise your hands?

Educator: It's good when grandma lives with you and takes care of you.

Tell me, how do your grandmothers take care of you?

Arseny: My grandmother brings me to the kindergarten and takes me out of the kindergarten. We are also together

we walk and go to the circus.

Alina: My grandmother bakes delicious pies and we all drink tea together.

Misha: And when I'm sick, my grandmother gives me milk and honey so that I can quickly


Diana: And my grandmother knits me warm socks and mittens so that in winter I

did not freeze and did not get sick.

Educator: That's right, grandmother will feed you delicious food and regret it, caress it.

They need your care and attention like no one else. If grandma and

grandpa do not live with you, what needs to be done so that they know that you are theirs

love and remember.

Shamil: We need to call!

Katia: We must come to visit them!

Educator: How can you call them all: mom, dad, sisters, brothers,

grandparents in one word?

Children say: Family!

Educator: Say in Tatar

Children: Gaile

Gaila's finger game

Boo barmak-ti,

Boo barmak - әni,

Boo barmak-babai,

Boo barmak - bi,

Bu barmak - malay,

Yashәve bergә shulai- Bik kelle, bik kyzyk,

Kabatlyk kyzip-kyzip:

Educator: Well done! Families are not only in humans, but also in animals.

Remember the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs", "Three Bears", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Game "Let's draw a" family "

You need to take a pencil in your right hand, and put your left hand in the middle of the sheet, and circle your hand, each finger separately. Then choose yourself and other family members from these fingers. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and paint the rest with crayons. (Children draw to the music - "Smile").

- Well done boys! Someone has a big family, some have a smaller one. You all have a family portrait.

Game “What is your family? "

Children raise their hand and answer:

Children: Big (zur, friendly (kuenlle, small (kechkene, caring,

good (abet, strong, happy).

Educator: Guys, what needs to be done so that everyone in your family has

joyful mood?

Misha: Do not offend younger siblings.

Diana: Do not quarrel, help each other, work hard.

Alina: Give gifts, love each other.

Louise: Get good grades, relax together.

Educator: You spoke very interestingly and with great love about your

family. I wish your family to be healthy and happy.

(Slide 1)

Do they write essays in life? They write notes, letters, science articles, instructions, announcements, keep personal diaries, entries in business journals, compose riddles, fairy tales, write stories, poems, but ... essays? Hardly. Then why write them at school? Does it make sense to teach something that never occurs in real speech practice? Is it not more correct to immediately try to express your thoughts, impressions in the forms that exist in verbal communication? Why hone the ability to use the word, accurately formulate thoughts while working on abstract "compositions", when you can learn to write real letters, memories, compose riddles and fairy tales, write verbal sketches from nature, compose collections of culinary recipes for peers, useful tips etc.?

Life suggests an important conclusion: it's time to stop talking about essays in communicating with children - you need to switch to the language of specific genres.

Of course, the concept of "composition" should remain in the methodology of teaching the Russian language, it is necessary as a general designation of a special type of speech exercise. As M.R. Lvov defines, “a school composition is educational work, an exercise in the development of coherent speech, in the construction of a text; at the same time, it is a means of self-expression of the student's personality, his life position, his inner world ”(Dictionary-reference book on the methodology of the Russian language. - M., Enlightenment, 1988.).

In real communication, the creation of a “speech product” presupposes its perception by the addressee, the expression of a certain attitude towards it, a response. So let children's works also find their addressee - a reader or listener. Let mom receive a note, congratulations, grandmother - a letter, a fairy tale composed as a gift, let the children exchange collections of useful tips, culinary recipes, diary entries.

Slide 3. From all that has been said, it is obvious that genre and style of speech- these are the concepts that need to be kept in mind when thinking about the work on the development of speech. The third concept that is important for successful work is types of speech.

The most relevant for younger students, for their written speech, it could be considered narration and description of the subject... Each of these types can be both business and artistic.

All of the above is reflected in the teaching materials "HARMONY", in the textbooks of the Russian language "To the secrets of our language" edited by M. S. Soloveichik. In general, one of main features programs and textbook "To the secrets of our language" can be defined as follows:

  1. Communicative orientation, i.e. focus on teaching students oral and written communication by means of the Russian language.
  2. Wide use of children's language experience and natural language intuition, their enrichment and development based on an activity-based approach to language learning and practical mastery of it.

So, an important component of work in grade 1 is the accumulation of some knowledge about speech and the improvement of the speech activity of schoolchildren. In the content and organization of work, there are significant basic differences from the traditional solution of issues.

  1. Even during the period of literacy training, the attention of first graders is drawn to the fact that the speaker always has an interlocutor, with an orientation towards which a person usually builds his speech. The two main requirements for speech deduced at that moment: to be understandable and polite in relation to the interlocutor - constitute the core of work on the culture of speech and speech behavior throughout the school year.
  2. First-graders practically observe the stylistic stratification of speech, they learn to distinguish between "dry" scientific-business and emotional, figurative, artistic speech. The first for children is named business, and the second pictorial, pictorial, since in it the words are drawn pictures that the listener or the reader imagines.
  3. Learning to create speech works, first graders master specific genres: oral recollection, note, telegram, congratulation; get acquainted with the structure letters and write their first letter - to the teacher. Slide 4.

Orientation on the exchange of notes between children and parents requires, of course, a special conversation with the parents, explaining to them your plan, which concerns not only teaching, but also the upbringing of schoolchildren. A note in the communication of loved ones is a manifestation of people's attention, care for each other. It is good if this method of communication is accepted in families. We come up with speech situations that allow us to organically use a note as a way of communication between a child and an adult or peer.

Children get acquainted with the structure of the note: the appeal, the text of the note and the signature. The textbook contains examples of schoolchildren's notes, and the authors made a comment that "the children were allowed to read their notes." It is necessary to inquire if the students understand why the authors made this comment. The existing elementary norm, the law for a well-bred person: you cannot take other people's personal belongings, you cannot read letters, notes that are not addressed to you without permission, we will definitely explain.

(Examples of children's notes. Slide 5.)

Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the letter, with its structure occurs against the background of a broader conversation about the communication of people:

In the 2nd grade, all the work begun is deepened and expanded. An important concept, which is introduced in 2nd grade, is text. At the same time, second graders recognize two others: theme and main idea... From this moment, the purposeful formation of basic textual skills begins: to be aware of the topic and the main idea of ​​the text, to select the necessary information in accordance with them, to consistently arrange and present them. Children learn to think carefully and then, after recording, improve their lyrics. In this they are helped by the memos introduced in grade 2 “Text” and “Editor”. (slide 8)

Second graders continue to learn to create statements of already familiar genres (notes, letters, memories, congratulations), and also master new ones, while mastering both colloquial and artistic ("picture") speech, and business: they compose riddles and write mini-instructions in the form of culinary recipes. Still great importance is given to the formation of oral business speech - the ability to present the material being studied, reason and explain the decisions made.

Let us dwell on the work on these genres in more detail. When analyzing a known riddle: On a green thin leg

A ball has grown by the path.
The little breeze rustled
And this ball melted.

Let's clarify how it works. A list of the main signs appears on the board:

1. The subject is not named.
2. Named another, similar to him.
3. Shows important features.
4. Rhyme.

A drawing appears on the board barrels.

- Can I use the word barrel? (No.)

- What, who does the barrel look like? (To the house, to the samovar, to the woman in a wide dress.)

We choose from several comparisons: she looks like a fat woman in a wide dress.

- What word is suitable to replace an object?

(The choice is made from the words on the board: barrel, tub, baby, fat, fat.)

We dwell on the word fatty.

The first line is written: There is a fat woman.

- What is the barrel made of? (From wood.)

- What kind of belly does this fat woman have? (Wooden belly.) (2nd line).

- What is the barrel for? (Stores water.)

- We are discussing whether everything is successful. (No rhyme.)

As a result of the selection of the rhyme, it turned out:

There is a fat woman
Wooden belly
Protects water. (slide 9, 10)

Children write down the riddle in a notebook so as not to forget and make a riddle to friends, family. The work carried out pushed the children to independent creativity. They began to try to compose riddles themselves.

Not the sun, not the moon.
Does not heat, does not smoke,
And it shines and burns. ( Lamp.)

Not a man, but speaks.
Tells fairy tales.
Morning and evening broadcasts
Covers news. ( Television.)

But speech work should not be limited to development. artistic style speech of children. In the practice of communication, they also need a business speech, in particular, a constructive one. How to do something - this is the type of utterance that, it seems to me, younger students should gradually master. The genre is suitable to start learning culinary recipe. All the step-by-step work is suggested to us by the pages of our textbook. Having learned how to compose recipes, we organize a competition for the best culinary recipe, and everyone should try to create their own recipe.

In the 3rd grade, work continues on the creation of texts. Learning stories about words, building narratives and descriptions subject; schoolchildren develop the ability to build sentences with evaluation value expressing in them main idea text or part of it. The guys get to know the genre sketches. The named concepts are introduced in the fourth quarter, but speech preparation is carried out throughout school year.

3rd grade speech lessons are named:

  • “Learning to talk about words”,
  • “Learning to talk about actions”,
  • “We draw verbal pictures and teach each other”,
  • “We continue to learn good speech”,
  • “A little more of word stories”,
  • “We evaluate, describe, narrate”,
  • “We draw verbal sketches”. (slide 11)

Moreover, speech development lessons are planned at the end of the study. big topic, most often, at the end of a quarter, 4-5 lessons in a row. Such work contributes to a more complete purposeful speech development.

I would like to draw your attention to the first topic. Texts about words are repeatedly offered for presentation. So, children will learn the stories of the origin of the words pillow, red line, capital, vacation, etc.

The topic “Evaluate, describe, narrate” expands knowledge and hones speech skills. If during the year, when studying parts of speech, students practically mastered the features of constructing texts of different typical meanings, then the following concepts are introduced: narration, description of the subject, assessment of reality. In addition, small verbal sketches stand out in a special genre: etude. The authors of the textbook introduced a technique that helps students better understand the features of speech types and learn how to practically distinguish them. This is a technique for filming or photographing: if what is being said can be conveyed in one frame - in front of us description; if you need several frames - narration; cannot be conveyed in the frame - this is assessment of reality or reasoning. Repetition of all previously mastered genres at the end of grade 3 is offered in the form of a crossword puzzle. (slide 12)

Answers in the crossword: telegram, note, riddle, congratulation, letter, instruction, recipe, recollection, study, quiz.

In accordance with it, we invite the children to compose riddles, draw up telegrams, instructions, write memoirs about interesting events of the school year, congratulations on its end, draw (according to their imagination) summer sketches, etc. As a result, such works appeared.

(slide 13 - What I learned during the excursion in the museum)

Students' ideas about the types of texts and their structure in grade 4 are replenished thanks to acquaintance with reasoning and new genres ( diary entry, announcement, explanatory note, story, etc.)

One of the first speech lessons in grade 4 is called “Making Diary Notes”. Here, students get acquainted with the purpose of a personal diary and the peculiarities of recording entries in it. This is how the authors explain the introduction to the textbook of this genre.

According to the conclusion of psychologists, a personal diary can become one of the ways to psychologically unload a student, relieve stress. So let the guys learn about the opportunity to splash out their thoughts and feelings on paper. Of course, the entry in the “personal diary”, which is done in the lesson, is not keeping such a diary, but only teaching it. And yet, in some cases, we do not oblige to hand over these records for verification, but only propose to do this, thereby creating conditions for a voluntary solution of the issue by the child.

(slide 14 - Extreme trip)

Fourth graders master the concept of “Retelling from the third person”, begin to learn to work independently on the presentation. In this regard, a memo “How to write a presentation” is introduced. (slide 15)

Having become familiar with the concept selective presentation, fourth-graders begin to learn how to carry out such a retelling.

In the last lessons of the first quarter, an acquaintance with the features of the announcement as a speech genre takes place. Editing other people's ads helps the guys better understand the specifics of the genre, so that later they can practice creating their own.

“We think, fantasize, draw ...” In this topic, you can limit yourself to retelling a fairy tale, or you can compose your own. This is how the fairy tale “The Magic Maple” appeared, which was composed by K. Ivanova (with the help of her mother), then it was published in the Amur regional newspaper for children “Klassnaya Gazeta”. (slide 16)

One of the issues of this newspaper also published the summer memoir of Alena Kurmacheva “Happy birthday, Artyom!” about how she attended the birthday party of the mining town of Artyom. (slide 17)

In the school newspaper "Shkolnaya Pravda" in the section "Test of the Pen" poems by Lemzyakova Angelina, Kozhina Natalia, Savinkova Ekaterina were published. (slide 18, 19)

So, leading children from genre to genre, teaching the creation of both artistic and business texts, we help younger students accumulate real speech experience, teach them verbal communication, and encourage creativity. A 4th grade student Natalya Kozhina created a baby book, which was published in the magazine for children of the Amur Region "Our Merry Town". This work was awarded with a diploma and a gift. (slide 20)

Collected works by the end of grade 4 looks like this: (slide 21)

Creative imagination, a universal quality of preschoolers aged 3–7, forms the basis of the Tropinki teaching and learning complex, which is a system of manuals for teachers and kindergarten children. The work is carried out in five areas: the development of a culture of communication, cognitive activity and creativity, speech formation, physical fitness. Children develop a productive imagination, curiosity, orientation to the position of another person, volitional qualities, elements of reflection, etc. Particular attention is paid to methods of diagnosing results and working with children with poor health.

Educational complex "Tropinki" is a system of benefits for pupils and teachers of preschool educational organizations... Upbringing and educational work, offered by the developers of the educational complex "Paths", ensures the formation of the personality of preschoolers 3-7 years old in various types of communication and activities and is aimed at creating conditions for a common mental development children through the use of creative imagination as a universal ability. The development of a common human culture is considered by the developers of the kit as a creative process. In the course of the child's creative introduction to the principles of culture - cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, communicative, physical - the most important creative abilities are laid, developed and manifested in him: productive imagination, comprehending thinking, orientation to the position of another person, arbitrariness, elements of reflection, etc.

During the development of the teaching materials, special attention was paid to the detailed substantiation of the concept of the "Paths" program, consideration of general issues of upbringing of preschoolers, including those with impaired health.

The main educational program of preschool education "Paths" and all the manuals included in the eponymous teaching materials were developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard preschool education (hereinafter - FSES DO).

The program presents strategic guidelines for developing work with children, reflected in five areas educational process: "Development of a culture of communication" (Communication and personal development), "Development of a culture of knowledge" ( Cognitive development), "Development of the culture of speech" ( Speech development), "Development of artistic and aesthetic culture" (Artistic and aesthetic development), "Development of a culture of movements and health work" (Physical development). The content of these directions is developed in accordance with five educational areas allocated in the FSES DO.

The educational complex "Tropinki" provides for a monitoring system for the development of the program, presented in the form pedagogical diagnostics individual development child 3–7 years old, as simplified as possible for the practice of preschool education. The selected diagnostic methods allow us to assess the level of physical, socio-communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic development of the child in the shortest possible time (approximately 1–1.5 weeks) by using methods that ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

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