Storytelling the first teacher for 1. Life stories

Very briefly: At dawn Soviet power a young illiterate guy comes to a village in the Kazakh steppe and founds a school, opening a new world for local children.

The composition of the work is built on the principle of a story within a story. The initial and final chapters represent the artist's thoughts and memories, the middle is the story of the main character about her life. The entire narration is conducted from the first person: the first and last parts - from the person of the narrator, the middle - from the perspective of the academician.

The artist is planning to paint a picture, but he cannot yet choose a theme for it. He recalls his childhood in the Kurkureu village in the Kazakh steppe. The main symbol of the native land appears before the eyes - two large poplars on a hillock. This bare hillock is called the Duishen school in the village. Once upon a time, no one Komsomol member took it into his head to organize a school there. Now one name remains.

The artist receives a telegram - an invitation to the opening new school in the village. There he meets the pride of Kurkureu - academician Altynai Sulaimanovna Sulaimanova. After the official part, the director invites the collective farm activists and the academician to his place. From former students they bring telegrams with congratulations: they were brought by Duishen. Now he delivers mail. Duishen himself does not go to the holiday: you must first finish the work.

Now many remember with a grin his venture with the school: he, they say, did not know the whole alphabet himself. An elderly academician blushes at these words. She hastily, on the same day, leaves for Moscow. Later, she writes a letter to the artist and asks to convey her story to people.

In 1924, a young Duishen appears in the village and wants to open a school. He, on his own, tidies up the shed on the hillock.

The orphan Altynai lives in the family of an aunt who is burdened by a girl. The child sees only insults and beatings. She starts going to school. Duishen's affectionate attitude and kind smile warms her soul.

During the lesson, the teacher shows the children a portrait of Lenin. For Duishen, Lenin is a symbol of the bright future of ordinary people. Altynai recalls that time: “I am thinking about it now and am amazed: how this illiterate guy, who could hardly read the syllables himself, ... how could he dare to do such a truly great thing! .. Duishen had no idea about the program and teaching methods ... Without knowing it, he accomplished a feat ... for us, Kyrgyz children, who had never been outside the ail, ... suddenly ... a world unseen before was revealed ... "

In the cold, Duishen, on his arms and on his back, carried the children ford across the icy river. Rich people, passing by at such moments in fox malachai and sheepskin coats, contemptuously laughed at him.

In winter, on the night of the teacher's return from the volost, where he went for three days every month, the aunt drives Altynai to her distant relatives - the old people Saikal and Kartanbai. Duishen lived with them at that time.

In the middle of the night, a "nasal, uterine howl" is heard. Wolf! And not alone. Old man Kartanbai realized that wolves surround someone - a man or a horse. At this moment, Duishen appears at the door. Altynai cries behind the stove with happiness that the teacher has returned alive.

In the spring, the teacher, together with Altynai, plant two "young poplar trees" on the hillock. Duishen believes that the girl's future is in learning, and wants to send her to the city. Altynai looks at him with admiration: “a hot wave rose in my chest a new, unfamiliar feeling from a world unknown to me”.

Soon an aunt comes to school with a red-faced man who recently appeared in their house. Red-faced and two other riders beat Duishen, who was protecting the girl, and take Altynai away by force. The aunt gave her to the second wife. At night, the red-faced rape Altynai. In the morning, a bandaged Duishen with policemen appears in front of the yurt, and the rapist is arrested.

Two days later, Duishen is taking Altynai to the station - she will study at a Tashkent boarding school. Already leaving the train, the teacher, with full eyes of tears, shouts "Altynai!", As if he had forgotten to say something important.

In the city of Altynai he studies at the workers' faculty, then - in Moscow at the institute. In the letter, she confesses to Duishen that she loves him and is waiting for him. This ends their correspondence: "I think that he refused me and himself because he did not want to interfere with my studies."

The war begins. Altynai learns that Duishen went to the army. There is no more news of him.

After the war, she travels by train across Siberia. In the window, Altynai sees Duishen in the switchman and pulls off the brake valve. But the woman made a mistake. People from the train think that she saw a husband or brother who died in the war, and they sympathize with Altynai.

Years go by. Altynai is getting married good man: “We have children, a family, we live together. I am now a Doctor of Philosophy. "

She writes to the artist about what happened in the village: “... it was not me who should have been given all kinds of honors, it was not me who should have sat in a place of honor when opening a new school. First of all, our first teacher had such a right ... - old Duishen ... I want to go to Kurkureu and invite people there to call the new boarding school 'Duishen's school' ”.

Impressed by the history of Altynai, the artist thinks about a painting that has not yet been painted: "... my contemporaries, how to make sure that my idea not only reaches you, but becomes our common creation?" He chooses which of the episodes told by the academician to depict on his canvas.

Grade 9 student Razumkova Tatiana

This material is a student's story about her first teacher.



Supervisor - Gorbenko Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, municipal budgetary educational institution"Kurikhinskaya main comprehensive school", P. Kurikha.

Work completed9th grade student Razumkova Tatiana.

“All the pride of the teacher is in the students, in the growth

The seeds he sowed. "

D. Mindeleev.

Essay on the topic "My first teacher"

Stern, almost always with a serious expression on her face, with a loud voice, but so kind and understanding - this is my first teacher, Nina Aleksandrovna Shapina.

I met her ten years ago, when for the first time I came to an unfamiliar place with big bows and a huge backpack on my shoulders. How much fear and misunderstanding there was in a little child's heart. In front of me was she - a festively dressed woman, with a short haircut, radiant big eyes and a radiant smile. Nina Alexandrovna took me by the hand and led me to the desk. This is how our journey through the land of knowledge began.

How impatiently we were waiting for the morning to make new discoveries together with the teacher. Nobody even guessed: in order for us to get into the "secret" in the morning, the teacher sat at the table all evening, looking for interesting material for tomorrow's lesson.

At the time we went to bed, she still checked our notebooks, invented, composed, and sometimes went to bed in the morning. She wanted us to go to school with pleasure and not get bored in class. Giving myself to other children, unfortunately, I left little time for the family. The teacher strives to ensure that the students understand him, because the work of any teacher is aimed at ensuring that the children have a happy future. I am grateful to Nina Aleksandrovna for my first grade, for everything she taught me.

They say the truth: "The teacher is the second mother." After all, it was she who was able to understand, help, reach out to every little heart. During the four years I spent with Nina Alexandrovna, there were a lot of happy moments. Like every child, I couldn't do without tears, bad grades, comments. The loud voice of the teacher always put us on guard, such disobedient ones, the praise from her lips made us happy, made us blush and embarrassed.

I will never forget my stay at our Dandelion School Camp. Nina Alexandrovna was a teacher in my shift. It was there that I felt that my teacher was my second mother. She helped us in our endeavors. Hikes in the woods, instructive stories, joint games brought us very close. Oh, what a wonderful time! In the camp we studied, talked, learned songs, danced. It was a lot of fun, and all thanks to the leisure that our beloved teacher organized for us.

I remember a case when during the game, I accidentally injured myself. It was very painful. And then I ran for help to Nina Alexandrovna, it was to her, kind and understanding, who would help in difficult moment, just like mom.

The years passed. Every day we got more and more accustomed to our first teacher. She became a support and support for us. Even now, when I take a thread and a needle, I remember with a smile the lessons of labor. It was Nina Aleksandrovna who taught us to sew and knit. If something didn't work out for me, she diligently explained. When I saw the smile on her face, all fears and misunderstandings disappeared. Her confidence gave us confidence.

Every day at school, sitting at a desk, we admired our teacher. She was always busy with us, her students. Loving person knows how to give warmth to others. There was enough love and care for my family. Nina Alexandrovna has two daughters, for whom she became a support and support in life. She is a grandmother who, like all women, I think, pampers, like us, her beloved grandchildren.

It seems to me that all this happened to me quite recently. And it's been ten years now. Now, with the whole class, we very often remember our first teacher, our second mother. Each remembered something different. We share our memories, because they will live in our hearts forever. First letter, first digit. The first word read, the first poem learned - our first teacher taught us everything.

Now Nina Aleksandrovna is on a well-deserved pension. Therefore, we began to see each other less often. We almost do not notice the work of our teachers and congratulate them only on Teacher's Day, once a year, and even then not all ... the teacher hears few warm words from us and from our parents, but this is unfair. I really like these lines:

If there was no teacher,

It probably wouldn't have been

Neither poet nor thinker

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

Without his sunny smile

Without its hot fire

Sunflowers to the light of our eyes

Couldn't turn.

Without him, without a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

That is why the name of our teacher is so dear to us.

Don't forget the teachers!

May life be worthy of their efforts!

But she does not forget us and gladly comes to school holidays... When we see her, we understand that this is our dear person. At the last meeting, it became interesting to me, and I decided to ask Nina Aleksandrovna herself about what remained in her memory about our class, and what the teaching profession meant to her in general. She happily spoke to us and said:

Yes, I certainly remember your mischievous 1st grade. I remember everyone as my own. You have always been cheerful and active. You did not always succeed in everything, but thanks to perseverance, solidarity, you achieved success. We got upset, cried because of triplets, hooligans, and then asked for forgiveness. I remember all the excellent students, all who were distinguished by good behavior. I remember everyone who had difficulties in learning and how you overcame them. I really want each of you to find your own path in life and be happy.

After a pause, Nina Alexandrovna continued:

Undoubtedly, a teacher is a vocation, it cannot be otherwise. The teacher should feel with all his soul that this is really his, his vocation and the meaning of life. Only by penetrating the soul into his work, the teacher will be able to successfully teach and have a connection with students. If comfort and warmth reigns in the classroom, it is easier to assimilate new ones, sometimes complex topics, and it is pleasant and easy for a teacher to work in such an environment.

I have devoted all my life to the teaching profession. I have worked at school for over thirty years. Ever since childhood, I dreamed of teaching children. My dream has come true. When I look at you, I understand that I have chosen the right profession. I am very pleased to see my successful graduates who have achieved their goals in life. I can feel their gratitude expressed by their kind faces. I understand that I have chosen the right profession. Pedagogy is my whole life!

On the holiday, dedicated to the day teachers we sang the song "Our good teacher." Each expressed gratitude to their first teacher. And I looked at Nina Alexandrovna with tears in my eyes and said sincere "thanks" to her.

Years will pass. A lot will change. I will become an adult, master my favorite profession. But I will definitely return to my native land, I will come to the class where we sat at our desks, where we learned the ability to be human, learned from her, my beloved teacher Nina Aleksandrovna. I thank the fate that is on my life path I met just such a Teacher.

With my excellent studies, I confirm all the knowledge that my second mother put in me. I want her to be proud of me. I know that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person who, sparing no effort and time, patiently and persistently taught us. I want to end my composition with the wonderful lines of N.A. Nekrasov:

"Teacher, before your name

Let me kneel down mortally. "

The first teacher is not only the one who gave you the first knowledge, but also the one who instilled in you a love for school and study. This person plays a big role in the fate of everyone, and we should be grateful to him for everything he has done for us.

I remember the first time I went to school. Eyes drooped from lack of sleep, a heavy backpack pulled back his shoulders, and large white bows adorned his head. It was terribly inconvenient to walk in uniform, I could hardly stand on the ruler, and I wanted to give a beautiful bouquet of flowers to someone. “I won't come to this strange again, scary place"- I then thought about the school. I didn't want to get up every day at six in the morning, let alone study.

That day I met her - Maria Alekseevna. She was supposed to be our first teacher, the class teacher of the 1st "B" class. Frankly, at first glance I didn't like it. I looked at her and thought it was more disgusting and angrier than man I haven't seen it yet. But as is often the case with children, my first impression was false. Maria Alekseevna turned out to be a kind and sympathetic woman. She loved children very much and really tried to teach us something, and did not do it for show. She never shouted, tried to explain the material in an accessible way, spent warm-ups with us, games and open lessons.

The first knowledge was difficult for me, I did not want to study, I had no motivation. But Maria Alekseevna was not angry, she calmly explained the topic to the class, and then clarified the points I did not understand. With her help, I got the first knowledge, the first fives and, most importantly, a desire to learn. Only thanks to Maria Alekseevna I went to school with pleasure, which I do to this day. Lessons are no longer a problem for me, I grasp all the material on the fly, at a glance. I cannot express in words how much I am grateful to this woman who managed to interest me and teach me to learn.

What is my opinion about the first teachers? I think that they play a big role in our life, if not the main one. First teachers are an important stage in growing up that needs to be respected.

Essay on the topic My first teacher

I remember that when I had not yet gone to school, I was very afraid who my teacher would be. After all, this is exactly the person who will need to be obeyed. Mom was also very worried about what my first teacher would be like. We have been waiting for this day, when we will see it and can finally get to know each other personally.

And here it is, the day has come. The first of September - everyone is beautiful and smiling everywhere. It is very exciting to be waiting and even a little scary. And not even because there are many unfamiliar faces around me. It was just important for me to see the teacher and get to know him. And finally, the moment has come. I see him, my first teacher.

Radiant smile and kind eyes. Our acquaintance went well, we all got to know each other and were told about what awaited us. The first impression was positive from him. The teacher's tone was a calm and pleasant voice that did not carry any negativity. In the following school days, I wanted to talk more with the teacher, ask something or tell something. But my shyness and fear came first. On a certain day, I don't remember what happened, but then I was sitting alone at my desk, and the teacher came up to me. This is incredible person, which helped to cheer me up and support me in a certain situation. I did not feel so much kindness and warmth as from him from anyone else.

I will forever remember my first teacher. I will not forget how I awaited his arrival with trepidation and excitement. With a smile on my face, I remember how I was afraid to speak to him for the first time, or to ask him something. In fact, he was a very friendly person who would never refuse and understand at a glance. Of course, he knew how to get angry too. But, this is exclusively our fault. Memories of him are only positive and I am glad that I came across just such a teacher.

1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11 grade

Several interesting compositions

    IN modern world few people can already imagine their life without a computer or the Internet. We are used to the fact that we have access to the network around the clock, that we can get an answer to our question at any time, but this was not always the case.

Not great story about class 1 teachers


My first teacher When I first came to school, in the first grade, my first teacher, Ekaterina Georgievna Romanova, met me. This is the first teacher who introduced us, first graders, into adulthood. Ekaterina Georgievna is kind and fair. In the classroom, she will explain everything clearly, if something does not work out, she will always help and prompt, calm down. Thanks to our teacher, we learned to reason, defend our opinions, write essays, solve difficult problems with examples. Each of our lessons, be it mathematics or history, Russian or the world, work or drawing is interesting and exciting in its own way, there we learn a lot of new things. Ekaterina Georgievna is not only kind, but also cheerful, she often laughs with us at our puns. And also often with our teacher we went to libraries, went on various exciting trips. In my later life there will be many different teachers, but my first teacher will forever remain in my memory. I would like every teacher to be a little bit like my first teacher.

Nomination "About pedagogy - with love"

Teacher is one of the most ancient professions on earth. Many good warm words have been said about teachers, a lot of songs and poems have been written about them. The image of the teacher is always bright. The image of the first teacher especially sinks into the heart. And for good reason!

The words from the song "My first teacher ..." have long been an aphorism. Among the many great educators who work with children at school, special place assigned to her - the first teacher. Children always remember their first teacher with warmth. Why? I will tell you about one such teacher, and draw your own conclusions.

The little man who crosses the threshold of the school needs good friend and a mentor! Someone who will help him overcome the fear of the unknown that is waiting for the baby there, beyond the school threshold! Someone who will help to do very important discovery, whose name is KNOWLEDGE.

This is the kind of teacher I want to tell you about. Petrova Marina Stepanovna has been working at the school for 27 years. Many of her pupils have already graduated from school. Some of them brought their children to this teacher.

Marina Stepanovna tries to give her students not only knowledge. She seeks to cultivate in them such human qualities as honesty, kindness, decency. Kids are drawn to Marina Stepanovna and love her. For everyone she has a word of consolation, everyone she will cheer up and regret. Like the sun that warms even the smallest blade of grass on earth, Marina Stepanovna endows her pupils with her spiritual warmth.

She helps children to reveal their personal potential, to feel happy from the consciousness that there is always an understanding adult friend, a teacher, who helps to see and develop in children the makings of abilities that are inherent in nature. It is important for this person to reveal inner world each child, his personal qualities.

I believe that our children were very lucky: they met a teacher who believed in their talent, their abilities, opened the door to the world of children's feelings, thoughts, relationships, perceptions. More than once, students of our class took part in creative competitions different levels... More than once they justified the trust of their teacher, confirming their knowledge.

In our small school, Marina Stepanovna became the first teacher to win the competition for the best teachers Russian Federation, which takes place within the framework of the national project "Education". Most recently, she was awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor". In addition, she was awarded many times with certificates of honor and letters of thanks for her conscientious work. But the most honorable reward for her is the love of her students. And this love, like a pure source, will never run out.

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