Physical phenomena home experiments. Inverted name

Friends, good afternoon! Agree, how sometimes it is interesting to surprise our crumbs! They have such a funny reaction to. She shows that they are ready to learn, ready to assimilate new material. The whole world opens at this moment before them and for them! And we, parents, act as real wizards with a hat, from which we “pull out” something amazingly interesting, new and very important!

What will we get out of the "magic" hat today? We have 25 experimental experiments there for children and adults. They will be prepared for babies different ages to get them interested and involved in the process. Some can be carried out without any preparation, with the help of handy tools that each of us has at home. For others, you and I will buy some materials so that everything goes smoothly for us. Well? I wish all of us good luck and forward!

Today will be a real holiday! And in our program:

So let's decorate the holiday by preparing an experiment for a birthday, New Year, March 8, etc.

Ice bubbles

What do you think would happen if simple bubbles that crumble in 4 years so loves to inflate, run after them and burst them, inflate them in the cold. Or rather, right into the snowdrift.

I give you a hint:

  • they will burst immediately!
  • take off and fly away!
  • freeze!

Whatever you choose, I say right away, it will surprise you! Can you imagine what will happen to the little one?

But in slow motion - it's just a fairy tale!

I complicate the question. Is it possible to repeat the experience in the summer in order to get a similar option?

Choose answers:

  • Yes. But you need ice from the fridge.

You know, even though I so want to tell you everything, but that’s exactly what I won’t do! Let there be at least one surprise for you!

Paper vs water

We are waiting for the real experiment. Is it really possible for paper to win over water? This is a challenge for everyone who plays Rock-Paper-Scissors!

What we need:

  • Paper;
  • Water in a glass.

Cover the glass. It would be nice if its edges were a little wet, then the paper will stick. Gently turn the glass upside down... No water leaks!

Inflate balloons without breathing?

We have already carried out chemical children's experiences. Remember, there the very first for very small crumbs was a room with vinegar and soda. So, let's continue! And we use the energy, or rather, the air that is released during the reaction for peaceful purposes.


  • Soda;
  • The bottle is plastic;
  • Vinegar;
  • Ball.

Pour soda into a bottle and pour 1/3 of vinegar. Shake lightly and quickly pull the ball over the neck. When it inflates, bandage and remove from the bottle.

Such an experience a small one will be able to show even in kindergarten.

Rain from a cloud

We need:

  • Bank with water;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Food coloring (any color, you can use several colors).

We make a cloud of foam. Big and beautiful cloud! Leave it to the best cloud maker, your child 5 years. He will definitely make her real!

photo author

It remains only to distribute the dye over the cloud, and ... drop-drip! Rain is coming!


Maybe, physics children are still unknown. But after they make the Rainbow, they will definitely love this science!

  • Deep transparent container with water;
  • Mirror;
  • Flashlight;
  • paper.

Place a mirror at the bottom of the container. At a slight angle, shine a flashlight on the mirror. It remains to catch the Rainbow on paper.

Even easier is to use a disc and a flashlight.


There is a similar, only already finished game. But our experience interesting the fact that we ourselves, from the very beginning, will grow crystals from salt in water. To do this, take a thread or wire. And we will hold it for several days in such salty water, where the salt can no longer dissolve, but accumulates in a layer on the wire.

Can be grown from sugar

lava jar

If you add oil to a jar of water, it will all collect on top. It can be tinted with food coloring. But in order for the bright oil to sink to the bottom, you need to pour salt on top of it. Then the oil will settle. But not for long. The salt will gradually dissolve and “release” beautiful droplets of oil. Colored oil rises gradually, as if a mysterious volcano seething inside the jar.


For toddlers 7 years it will be very interesting to blow up, demolish, destroy something. In a word, the real element is for them. and therefore we create a real, exploding volcano!

We sculpt from plasticine or make a “mountain” from cardboard. We put a jar inside it. Yes, so that her neck fits the "crater". We fill the jar with soda, dye, warm water and ... vinegar. And everything will begin to “explode, the lava will rush up and flood everything around!

A hole in the bag is not a problem.

This is what convinces book of scientific experiments for children and adults Dmitry Mokhov " simple science". And we can verify this statement ourselves! First, let's fill the bag with water. and then we pierce it. But what they pierced (a pencil, a toothpick or a pin) will not be removed. Are we running out of water? Checking!

Water that does not spill

Only such water still needs to be made.

We take water, paint and starch (as much as water) and mix. Eventually - ordinary water. Just don't spill it!

"Slippery" egg

In order for the egg to really crawl into the neck of the bottle, it is worth setting fire to a piece of paper and throwing it into the bottle. And cover the hole with an egg. When the fire is out, the egg will slip inside.

snow in summer

This trick is especially interesting to repeat in the warm season. Remove the contents of the diapers and soak with water. All! Snow is ready! Now such snow is easy to find in the store in children's toys. Ask the seller artificial snow. And don't ruin diapers.

moving snakes

To make a moving figure, we need:

  • Sand;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Fire.

Pour alcohol on a hill of sand and let it soak. Then pour sugar and soda on top, and set fire! Oh what a happy this experiment! Kids and adults will love what the snake comes to life!

Of course, this is for older children. Yes, and it looks pretty scary!

battery train

The copper wire, which we twist into an even spiral, will become our tunnel. How? Connect its edges, forming a round tunnel. But before that, we “launch” the battery inside, we only attach neodymium magnets to its edges. And consider yourself a perpetual motion machine! The steam locomotive drove off.

Candle swing

To light both ends of the candle, you need to clean the bottom of it to the wick from wax. Heat the needle over the fire and pierce the candle in the middle with it. Put the candle on 2 glasses so that it rests on the needle. Burn the edges and wiggle slightly. Then the candle itself will swing.

Elephant Tooth Paste

The elephant needs everything big and much. Let's do it! We dissolve potassium permanganate in water. Add liquid soap. The final ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, turns our mixture into giant elephant paste!

Let's drink a candle

For greater effect, we paint the water in a bright color. We put a candle in the middle of the saucer. We set it on fire and cover it with a transparent container. Pour water into a saucer. At first, the water will be around the container, but then everything will soak inside, to the candle.
Oxygen is burned, the pressure inside the glass decreases and

Real chameleon

What will help our chameleon change color? Cunning! Give your toddler 6 years decorate in different colors plastic plate. And you yourself cut out the figure of a chameleon on another plate, similar in shape and size. It remains not to firmly connect both plates in the middle so that the upper one, with a cut out figure, can rotate. Then the color of the animal will always change.

Light up the rainbow

Arrange the Skittles on a plate in a circle. Pour water into the bowl. just wait a bit and get a rainbow!

smoke rings

Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle. And pull the cut edge Balloon ik to get a membrane like in the photo. Light the incense stick and place it in the bottle. Close the lid. When there is solid smoke in the jar, unscrew the lid and tap on the membrane. Smoke will come out in rings.

colorful liquid

To make everything look more spectacular, paint the liquid in different colors. Make 2-3 blanks of colored water. pour water of the same color into the bottom of the jar. Then carefully pour vegetable oil along the wall from different sides. Pour water mixed with alcohol over it.

Egg without shell

Put a raw egg in vinegar for at least a day, some say for a week. And the focus is ready! An egg without a hard shell.
The egg shell is rich in calcium. Vinegar reacts actively with calcium and gradually dissolves it. As a result, the egg is covered with a film, but completely without a shell. It feels like an elastic ball to the touch.
Also, the egg will be larger than its original size, as it will absorb some of the vinegar.

Dancing little men

It's time to mess around! Mix 2 parts cornstarch with 1 part water. Put a bowl of starchy liquid on top of your speakers and turn up the bass!

Decorating the ice

We decorate ice figures of various shapes with the help of food paint mixed with water and salt. Salt corrodes the ice and seeps deep, forming interesting passages. Great idea for color therapy.

Launching paper rockets

We free tea bags from tea by cutting off the top. We set fire! Warm air lifts the package!

There are so many experiences that you will definitely find something to do with children, just choose! And don't forget to come back for a new article that you'll find out about if you subscribe! Invite your friends to visit us! And that's all for today! Bye!

BEI "Koskovskaya secondary school"

Kichmengsko-Gorodets municipal district

Vologda region

Educational project

"Physical experiment at home"


7th grade students

Koptyaev Artem

Alekseevskaya Xenia

Alekseevskaya Tanya


Korovkin I.N.




Nothing in life is better than your own experience.

Scott W.

At school and at home, we met many physical phenomena and we wanted to make home-made devices, equipment and conduct experiments. All our experiments allow us to get deeper knowledge the world and in particular physics. We describe the process of manufacturing equipment for the experiment, the principle of operation and physical law or phenomenon exhibited by this instrument. The experiments carried out interested students from other classes.

Target: make a device from available improvised means to demonstrate a physical phenomenon and use it to tell about a physical phenomenon.

Hypothesis: made devices, demonstrations will help to know physics deeper.


Study the literature on conducting experiments with your own hands.

Watch video demonstration of experiments

Build experiment equipment

Hold a demo

Describe the physical phenomenon being demonstrated

Improve the material base of the physicist's office.

EXPERIENCE 1. Fountain model

Target : show the simplest model of the fountain.

Equipment : plastic bottle, dropper tubes, clip, balloon, cuvette.

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    We will make 2 holes in the cork. Insert the tubes, attach a ball to the end of one.

    Fill the balloon with air and close with a clip.

    Pour into a bottle of water and put it in a cuvette.

    Let's watch the flow of water.

Result: We observe the formation of a fountain of water.

Analysis: compressed air in the balloon acts on the water in the bottle. The more air in the balloon, the higher the fountain will be.

EXPERIENCE 2. Carthusian diver

(Pascal's law and Archimedean force.)

Target: demonstrate Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.

Equipment: plastic bottle,

pipette (a vessel closed at one end)

Ready product

The course of the experiment:

    Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.

    Take a small vessel (pipette) and load it with copper wire.

    Fill the bottle with water.

    Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands.

    Watch the phenomenon.

Result : we observe the dipping of the pipette and the ascent when pressing on the plastic bottle ..

Analysis : the force will compress the air over the water, the pressure is transferred to the water.

According to Pascal's law, pressure compresses the air in the pipette. As a result, the Archimedean force decreases. The body is sinking. Stop squeezing. The body floats.

EXPERIENCE 3. Pascal's law and communicating vessels.

Target: demonstrate the operation of Pascal's law in hydraulic machines.

Equipment: two syringes of different sizes and a plastic tube from a dropper.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. Take two syringes of different sizes and connect with a dropper tube.

2.Fill with incompressible liquid (water or oil)

3. Push down on the plunger of the smaller syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the larger syringe.

4. Push the plunger of the larger syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the smaller syringe.

Result : We fix the difference in the applied forces.

Analysis : According to Pascal's law, the pressure created by the pistons is the same. Therefore: how many times the piston is so many times and the force generated by it is greater.

EXPERIENCE 4. Dry from water.

Target : show the expansion of hot air and the contraction of cold air.

Equipment : a glass, a plate of water, a candle, a cork.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. pour water into a plate and place a coin on the bottom and a float on the water.

2. invite the audience to get a coin without getting their hands wet.

3. light a candle and put it in the water.

4. cover with a warm glass.

Result: Watching the movement of water in a glass.

Analysis: when air is heated, it expands. When the candle goes out. The air cools and its pressure drops. Atmospheric pressure will push the water under the glass.

EXPERIENCE 5. Inertia.

Target : show the manifestation of inertia.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle, cardboard ring, coins.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We put a paper ring on the neck of the bottle.

2. put coins on the ring.

3. with a sharp blow of the ruler we knock out the ring

Result: watch the coins fall into the bottle.

Analysis: inertia is the ability of a body to maintain its speed. When hitting the ring, the coins do not have time to change speed and fall into the bottle.

EXPERIENCE 6. Upside down.

Target : Show the behavior of a liquid in a rotating bottle.

Equipment : Wide-mouthed bottle and rope.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. We tie a rope to the neck of the bottle.

2. pour water.

3. rotate the bottle over your head.

Result: water does not spill out.

Analysis: gravity acts on the water at the top and centrifugal force. If the centrifugal force is greater than gravity, then the water will not pour out.

EXPERIENCE 7. Non-Newtonian fluid.

Target : Show the behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid.

Equipment : bowl.starch. water.

Ready product.

The course of the experiment:

1. In a bowl, dilute starch and water in equal proportions.

2. demonstrate unusual properties liquids

Result: substance has properties solid body and liquids.

Analysis: with a sharp impact, the properties of a solid body are manifested, and with a slow impact, the properties of a liquid.


As a result of our work, we:

    conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

    created home-made devices that demonstrate the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal's law.

We liked to study pressure, make home-made devices, conduct experiments. But there are many interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science

We hope that our classmates will be interested in this problem, and we will try to help them.

In the future, we will conduct new experiments.


It is interesting to watch the experience conducted by the teacher. Conducting it yourself is doubly interesting.

And to conduct an experiment with a device made and designed by one's own hands is of great interest to the whole class. In such experiments, it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how a given installation works.

Conducting these experiments is not difficult and interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. New research ahead!


    Evenings in physics high school/ Comp. EM. Braverman. Moscow: Education, 1969.

    Extracurricular work in physics / Ed. O.F. Kabardin. M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

    Galperstein L. Entertaining physics. M.: ROSMEN, 2000.

    GeagleL.A. Entertaining experiments in physics. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1985.

    Goryachkin E.N. Methodology and technique of physical experiment. M.: Enlightenment. 1984

    Mayorov A.N. Physics for the curious, or what you don't learn in class. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy and K, 1999.

    Makeeva G.P., Tsedrik M.S. Physical paradoxes and entertaining questions. Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1981.

    Nikitin Yu.Z. Fun hour. M .: Young Guard, 1980.

    Experiments in a home laboratory // Kvant. 1980. No. 4.

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining mechanics. Do you know physics? M.: VAP, 1994.

    Peryshkin A.V., Rodina N.A. Physics textbook for grade 7. M.: Enlightenment. 2012

    Peryshkin A.V. Physics. - M .: Bustard, 2012


Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience.
(Kant Emmanuel. German philosopher g. g)

Physical experiments in an entertaining way introduce students to the various applications of the laws of physics. Experiments can be used in the classroom to draw students' attention to the phenomenon being studied, with repetition and consolidation. educational material, at physical evenings. Entertaining experiences deepen and expand the knowledge of students, contribute to the development logical thinking instill interest in the subject.

The role of experiment in the science of physics

That physics is a young science
Can't say for sure here.
And in ancient times knowing science,
Always strive to reach it.

The purpose of teaching physics is specific,
To be able to apply all knowledge in practice.
And it is important to remember - the role of the experiment
Must be in the first place.

Know how to plan and execute experiments.
Analyze and bring to life.
Build a model, put forward a hypothesis,
Strive to reach new heights

The laws of physics are based on facts established by experience. Moreover, the interpretation of the same facts often changes in the course of historical development physics. Facts accumulate as a result of observations. But at the same time, they cannot be limited only to them. This is only the first step towards knowledge. Next comes the experiment, the development of concepts that allow qualitative characteristics. In order to draw general conclusions from observations, to find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law is found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to set up an experiment in each individual case, it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations. Having studied experimentally the quantitative relationships between the quantities, it is possible to identify patterns. Based on these patterns, the development general theory phenomena.

Therefore, without experiment there can be no rational teaching of physics. The study of physics involves the widespread use of the experiment, the discussion of the features of its formulation and the observed results.

Entertaining experiments in physics

The description of the experiments was carried out using the following algorithm:

Name of the experiment Necessary instruments and materials for the experiment Stages of the experiment Explanation of the experiment

Experience #1 Four floors

Devices and materials: glass, paper, scissors, water, salt, red wine, sunflower oil, colored alcohol.

Stages of the experiment

Let's try to pour four different liquids into a glass so that they do not mix and stand one above the other in five floors. However, it will be more convenient for us to take not a glass, but a narrow glass expanding towards the top.

Pour salted tinted water into the bottom of a glass. Roll out “Funtik” paper and bend its end at a right angle; cut off its tip. The hole in the Funtik should be the size of a pinhead. Pour red wine into this cone; a thin stream should flow out of it horizontally, break against the walls of the glass and flow down it into salt water.
When the layer of red wine is equal in height to the height of the layer of tinted water, stop pouring the wine. From the second cone, pour sunflower oil into a glass in the same way. Pour a layer of colored alcohol from the third horn." width="86 height=41" height="41">, tinted alcohol has the smallest.

Experience #2 Amazing Candlestick

Devices and materials: candle, nail, glass, matches, water.

Stages of the experiment

Isn't it an amazing candlestick - a glass of water? And this candlestick is not bad at all." width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 3

Explanation of experience

The candle goes out because the bottle is “flown around” with air: the jet of air is broken by the bottle into two streams; one flows around it on the right, and the other on the left; and they meet approximately where the flame of a candle stands.

Experience number 4 Spinning snake

Devices and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors.

Stages of the experiment

Cut a spiral out of thick paper, stretch it a little and put it on the end of the bent wire. Holding this coil over the candle in an updraft of air will cause the snake to spin.

Explanation of experience

The snake rotates because the air expands under the influence of heat and the transformation of warm energy into motion." width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 5

Explanation of experience

Water has a higher density than alcohol; it will gradually enter the vial, displacing the mascara from there. Red, blue or black liquid will rise in a thin stream from the bubble upwards.

Experiment No. 6 Fifteen matches on one

Devices and materials: 15 matches.

Stages of the experiment

Put one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and the ends touch the table. How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and with it all the other matches?

Explanation of experience

To do this, you only need to put one more, fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them." width="300" height="283 src=">

Figure 7" width="300" height="267 src=">

Figure 9

Experience No. 8 Paraffin motor

Devices and materials: candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches.

Stages of the experiment

To make this motor, we don't need electricity or gasoline. We need only ... a candle for this.

Heat the needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine. Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance. Light the candle at both ends.

Explanation of experience

A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disturbed, the other end of the candle will pull and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will fall, drop a drop, it will become easier, and our motor will start to work with might and main; gradually fluctuations of the candle will increase more and more." width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 11

Demonstration Experiments

1. Diffusion of liquids and gases

Diffusion (from Latin diflusio - spreading, spreading, scattering), the transfer of particles of different nature, due to the chaotic thermal motion of molecules (atoms). Distinguish between diffusion in liquids, gases and solids

Demonstration experiment "Observation of diffusion"

Devices and materials: cotton wool, ammonia, phenolphthalein, diffusion observation device.

Stages of the experiment

Take two pieces of cotton wool. We moisten one piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein, the other with ammonia. Let's bring the branches together. There is a pink staining of the fleece due to the phenomenon of diffusion." width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 13" width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 15

Let us prove that the phenomenon of diffusion depends on temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster diffusion proceeds." width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 17" width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 19" width="300" height="225 src=">

Figure 21

3. Pascal's ball

Pascal's ball is a device designed to demonstrate the uniform transfer of pressure exerted on a liquid or gas in a closed vessel, as well as the rise of a liquid behind a piston under the influence of atmospheric pressure.

To demonstrate the uniform transmission of pressure produced on a liquid in a closed vessel, it is necessary, using a piston, to draw water into the vessel and firmly fit the ball onto the nozzle. By pushing the piston into the vessel, demonstrate the outflow of liquid from the holes in the ball, paying attention to the uniform outflow of liquid in all directions.

Many people think that science is boring and dreary. So says the one who has not seen the science shows from "Eureka". What happens in our "lessons"? No cramming, boring formulas and a sour expression on the face of a desk mate. Children like our science, all experiments and experiments, they love our science, our science gives joy and stimulates further knowledge of complex subjects.

Try it yourself, to conduct entertaining experiments in physics for children at home. It will be fun, and most importantly, very informative. your child in game form get acquainted with the laws of physics, and it has been proven that in the game, children quickly and easily learn the material and remember for a long time.

Entertaining experiments in physics that should be shown to children at home

Simple entertaining experiments in physics that children will remember for a lifetime. Everything you need to conduct these experiments is at your fingertips. So, forward to scientific discoveries!

A ball that doesn't burn!

Props: 2 balloons, candle, matches, water.

Interesting experience: We inflate the first balloon and hold it over a candle to demonstrate to the kids that the balloon will burst from the fire.

Pour plain tap water into the second ball, tie it up and bring the candles to the fire again. And about a miracle! What do we see? The ball does not burst!

The water that is in the balloon absorbs the heat generated by the candle, and therefore the balloon does not burn, therefore, does not burst.

Wonder Pencils

Requisites: plastic bag, ordinary sharpened pencils, water.

Interesting experience: Pour water into a plastic bag - not full, half.

In the place where the bag is filled with water, we pierce the bag through with pencils. What do we see? In places of a puncture - the package does not leak. Why? And, if you do the opposite: first pierce the bag, and then pour water into it, the water will flow through the holes.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: When polyethylene breaks, its molecules are attracted closer to each other. In our experiment, the polyethylene is pulled around the pencils and keeps the water from leaking.

Non-popping ball

Requisites: balloon, wooden skewer and dishwashing liquid.

Interesting experience: Lubricate the top and bottom of the ball with dishwashing liquid, pierce with a skewer, starting from the bottom.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: And the secret of this “trick” is simple. To save a whole ball, you need to know where to pierce - at the points of least tension, which are located at the bottom and at the top of the ball.


Requisites: 4 ordinary glasses of water, bright food coloring, cabbage leaves or white flowers.

Interesting experience: We add food coloring of any color to each glass and put one leaf of cabbage or a flower in colored water. We leave the "bouquet" for the night. And in the morning... we will see that the cabbage leaves or flowers have become different colors.

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: Plants absorb water to nourish their flowers and leaves. This is due to the capillary effect, in which water itself fills the thin tubes inside the plants. By sucking in the tinted water, the leaves and color change their color.

The egg that can swim

Requisites: 2 eggs, 2 cups of water, salt.

Interesting experience: Carefully place the egg in a glass of plain clean water. We see: it drowned, sank to the bottom (if not, the egg is rotten and it is better to throw it away).
But in the second glass, pour warm water and stir 4-5 tablespoons of salt in it. We wait until the water cools down, then lower it into salt water second egg. And what do we see now? The egg floats on the surface and does not sink! Why?

How the "miracle" happens: explanation: It's all about density! Average density eggs are much greater than the density of plain water, so the egg "sinks". And the density brine more, and therefore the egg "floats".

Delicious Experiment: Crystal Candy

Requisites: 2 cups water, 5 cups sugar, wooden sticks for mini skewers, thick paper, transparent glasses, saucepan, food coloring.

Interesting experience: Take a quarter cup of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, boil the syrup. At the same time, pour a little sugar onto thick paper. Then dip a wooden skewer into the syrup and collect sugar with it.

Let the sticks dry overnight.

In the morning we dissolve 5 glasses of sugar in two glasses of water, leave the syrup to cool for 15 minutes, but not much, otherwise the crystals will not “grow”. Then pour the syrup into jars and add multi-colored food coloring. We lower the skewers with sugar into jars so that they do not touch either the walls or the bottom (you can use a clothespin). What's next? And then we observe the process of crystal growth, we are waiting for the result in order to ... eat!

How the “miracle” happens: explanation: As soon as the water begins to cool, the solubility of sugar decreases and it precipitates, settling on the walls of the vessel and on a skewer with a seed of sugar grains.

"Eureka"! Science without boredom!

There is another option to motivate children to study science - order a science show at the Evrika Development Center. Oh, what's not here!

Show program "Fun Kitchen"

Here, the kids are waiting for exciting experiments with those things and products that are available in any kitchen. The kids will try to drown the tangerine; make drawings on milk, check the egg for freshness, and also find out why milk is useful.


This program contains experiments that at first glance seem like real magic tricks, but in fact they are all explained with the help of science. The kids will find out: why the balloon over the candle does not burst; what makes an egg float, why a balloon sticks to a wall... and other interesting experiments.

"Entertaining physics"

Does the air weigh, why does a fur coat warm, what is common between the experiment with a candle and the shape of the wing of birds and airplanes, can a piece of fabric hold water, can an eggshell of a whole elephant withstand these and other questions, the kids will receive an answer by becoming a participant in the show " Entertaining physics" from "Eureka".

These entertaining experiments in physics for schoolchildren can be carried out in the classroom to draw students' attention to the phenomenon being studied, while repeating and consolidating the educational material: they deepen and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren, contribute to the development of logical thinking, and instill interest in the subject.

It Matters: Science Show Safety

  • The main part of the props and consumables is purchased directly from specialized stores of manufacturing companies in the United States, and therefore you can be sure of their quality and safety;
  • Center child development"Eureka" non-science shows of toxic or other materials harmful to children's health, easily breakable objects, lighters and other "harmful and dangerous";
  • Before ordering scientific shows, each client can find out detailed description ongoing experiments, and, if necessary, sensible explanations;
  • Before the start of the science shows, the children are instructed about the rules of conduct at the Show, and professional hosts make sure that these rules are not violated during the show.

Can be used in physics lessons at the stages of setting the goal and objectives of the lesson, creating problem situations when studying new topic, application of new knowledge during consolidation. The presentation "Entertaining experiments" can be used by students to prepare experiments at home, when conducting extracurricular activities in physics.



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Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Gymnasium No. 7 named after the Hero of Russia S. V. Vasilev"

Scientific work

"Entertaining physical experiments

from improvised materials "

Completed: 7th grade student

Korzanov Andrey

Teacher: Balesnaya Elena Vladimirovna

Bryansk 2015

  1. Introduction "Relevance of the topic" ……………………………3
  2. Main part ………………………………………………...4
  1. Organization research work………………...4
  2. Experiments on the topic "Atmospheric pressure"……………….6
  3. Experiments on the topic "Heat"……………………………………7
  4. Experiments on the topic “Electricity and Magnetism”…………...7
  5. Experiments on the topic “Light and Sound”………………………………...8
  1. Conclusion ……………………………………………………...10
  2. List of studied literature……………………………….12

Physics is not only scientific books and complex laws, not only huge laboratories. Physics is also interesting experiments and entertaining experiments. Physics is tricks shown in a circle of friends, this funny stories and fun craft toys.

Most importantly, any available material can be used for physical experiments.

Physical experiments can be done with balls, glasses, syringes, pencils, straws, coins, needles, etc.

Experiments increase interest in the study of physics, develop thinking, teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to explain various physical phenomena occurring in the world around us.

When conducting experiments, it is necessary not only to draw up a plan for its implementation, but also to determine methods for obtaining certain data, to independently assemble installations and even design the necessary devices for reproducing this or that phenomenon.

But, unfortunately, due to the overload of educational material in physics lessons, insufficient attention is paid to entertaining experiments, much attention is paid to theory and problem solving.

Therefore, it was decided to conduct research work on the topic "Entertaining experiments in physics from improvised materials."

The objectives of the research work are as follows:

  1. Master the methods of physical research, master the skills of correct observation and the technique of physical experiment.
  2. Organization independent work With various literature and other sources of information, collection, analysis and synthesis of material on the topic of research work.
  3. Teach students to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.
  4. To instill a love for physics in school students, focusing their attention on understanding the laws of nature, and not on their mechanical memorization.
  5. Replenishment of the physics classroom with home-made devices made from improvised materials.

When choosing a research topic, we proceeded from the following principles:

  1. Subjectivity – the chosen topic corresponds to our interests.
  2. Objectivity - the topic we have chosen is relevant and important in scientific and practical terms.
  3. feasibility - the tasks and goals set by us in the work are real and feasible.

The research work was carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Formulation of the problem.
  2. The study of information from various sources on this issue.
  3. The choice of research methods and practical mastery of them.
  4. Collection of own material - acquisition of improvised materials, conducting experiments.
  5. Analysis and generalization.
  6. Formulation of conclusions.

During the research work, the followingphysical research methods:

I. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

  1. Understanding the conditions of experience.

This stage provides for acquaintance with the conditions of the experiment, determining the list of necessary improvised instruments and materials and safe conditions during the experiment.

  1. Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the order of the experiment was outlined, if necessary, new materials were added.

  1. Conducting an experiment.

II. Observation

When observing the phenomena occurring in the experiment, we paid special attention to the change physical characteristics(pressure, volume, area, temperature, direction of light propagation, etc.), while we were able to detect regular relationships between various physical quantities.

III. Modeling.

Modeling is the basis of any physical research. During our experiments, we simulatedisothermal compression of air, propagation of light in various media, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves, electrization of bodies during friction.

In total, we modeled, conducted and scientifically explained 24 entertaining physical experiments.

As a result of the research work, it is possible to makethe following conclusions:

  1. In various sources of information, you can find and come up with many entertaining physical experiments performed with the help of improvised equipment.
  2. Entertaining experiments and home-made physical devices increase the range of demonstrations of physical phenomena.
  3. Entertaining experiments allow you to test the laws of physics and theoretical hypotheses that are of fundamental importance for science.


Experience number 1. "The balloon doesn't deflate"

Materials: A three-liter glass jar with a lid, a straw for a cocktail, a rubber ball, thread, plasticine, cloves.


Using a carnation, make 2 holes in the lid of the jar - one central, the other at a short distance from the central one. Pass a straw through the central hole and seal the hole with plasticine. Tie a rubber ball to the end of the straw with a thread, close the glass jar with a lid, while the end of the straw with the ball should be inside the jar. To eliminate the movement of air, close the place of contact between the lid and the jar with plasticine. Inflate a rubber balloon through a straw, the balloon will deflate. And now inflate the balloon and close the second hole in the lid with plasticine, the balloon is first blown away, and then it stops blowing off. Why?

scientific explanation

In the first case, when the hole is open, the pressure inside the can is equal to the air pressure inside the ball, therefore, under the action of the elastic force of the stretched rubber, the ball is blown away. In the second case, when the hole is closed, the air does not leave the can, as the balloon is blown off, the air volume increases, the air pressure decreases and becomes less than the air pressure inside the balloon, and the balloon stops blowing off.

The following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience number 2. "Pressure balance".

Experience number 3. "The Air Kicks"

Experience number 4. "glued glass"

Experience number 5. "Moving Banana"


Experience number 1. "Soap bubble"

Materials: A small medicine bottle with a cork, a clean ballpoint pen refill or a straw from a cocktail, a glass of hot water, a pipette, soapy water, plasticine.


Make a thin hole in the stopper of the medicine bottle and insert a clean ballpoint pen or straw into it. Cover the place where the rod entered the cork with plasticine. With a pipette, fill the rod with soapy water, lower the bottle into a glass of hot water. Soap bubbles will rise from the outer end of the rod. Why?

scientific explanation

When the bottle is heated in a glass of hot water, the air inside the bottle heats up, its volume increases, and soap bubbles are inflated.

On the topic "Heat" the following experiments were carried out:

Experience number 2. "Fireproof Scarf"

Experience number 3. "Ice Doesn't Melt"


Experience number 1. "Current Meter - Multimeter"

Materials: 10 meters of 24 gauge insulated copper wire (diameter 0.5mm, cross section 0.2mm 2 ), wire stripper, wide adhesive tape, sewing needle, thread, strong bar magnet, juice can, electrochemical cell "D".


Strip the wire from both ends of the insulation. Wind the wire around the can in tight turns, leaving the ends of the wire 30 cm free. Remove the resulting coil from the can. To prevent the coil from falling apart, wrap it with adhesive tape in several places. Attach the coil vertically to the table with a large piece of tape. Magnetize the sewing needle by passing it over the magnet at least four times in one direction. Tie the needle with thread in the middle so that the needle hangs in balance. Stick the free end of the thread inside the spool. The magnetized needle should hang quietly inside the coil. Connect the free ends of the wire to the positive and negative terminals of the galvanic cell. What happened? Now reverse the polarity. What happened?

scientific explanation

A magnetic field arises around a coil with current, and a magnetic field also arises around a magnetized needle. The magnetic field of a coil with current acts on a magnetized needle and turns it. If you change the polarity, then the direction of the current is reversed, the needle turns in the opposite direction.

In addition, the following experiments were carried out on this topic:

Experience number 2. "Static glue".

Experience number 3. "Fruit Battery"

Experience number 4. "Anti-Gravity Disks"


Experience number 1. "Soap Spectrum"

Materials: Soap solution, a pipe cleaner (or a piece of thick wire), a deep plate, a flashlight, sticky tape, a sheet of white paper.


Bend the pipe brush (or a piece of thick wire) so that it forms a loop. Don't forget to make a small handle to make it easier to hold. Pour the soap solution into a bowl. Immerse the loop in the soap solution and let it soak thoroughly with the soap solution. After a few minutes, carefully remove it. What do you see? Are colors visible? Attach a sheet of white paper to the wall with sticky tape. Turn off the lights in the room. Turn on the flashlight and direct its beam at the loop of soapy suds. Position the lantern so that the loop casts a shadow on the paper. Describe the full shadow.

scientific explanation

White light is a complex light, it consists of 7 colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This phenomenon is called light interference. When passing through a soap film, White light breaks up into separate colors, different light waves on the screen form a rainbow pattern, which is called a continuous spectrum.

On the topic "Light and sound" the following experiments were carried out and described:

Experience number 2. "On the edge of the abyss".

Experience number 3. "Joke's sake"

Experience number 4. "Remote control"

Experience number 5. "Copier"

Experience number 6. "Appearing out of nowhere"

Experience number 7. "Colored top"

Experience number 8. "Jumping Grains"

Experience number 9. "Sound Sound"

Experience number 10. "Blowing out the sound"

Experience number 11. "Intercom"

Experience number 12. "Crowing glass"


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, we made sure that school knowledge applicable to practical issues.

With the help of experiments, observations and measurements, the relationships between various physical quantities were investigated

Volume and pressure of gases

Pressure and temperature of gases

The number of turns and the magnitude magnetic field around the current coil

gravity and atmospheric pressure

The direction of light propagation and the properties of a transparent medium.

All the phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have a scientific explanation, for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us - Newton's II law, the law of conservation of energy, the law of straightness of light propagation, reflection, refraction, dispersion and interference of light, reflection and absorption of electromagnetic waves.

In accordance with the task set, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized improvised materials; during their implementation, 8 home-made devices were made, including a magnetic needle, a copier, a fruit battery, a current meter - a multimeter, an intercom, safe, visual experiments, simple in design.


* - Mandatory fields.

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