Minutes of my class teachers. Works of class teachers "Classroom teachers" - Document Schedule of open events for class teachers

Municipal government educational institution medium educational school No. 8 p. Ulyanovka









2015 – 2016 academic year


"Development of the professional competence of the class teacher as a factor in improving the quality of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Target: Mastering class teachers by methods and techniques of education, taking into account modern requirements and new standards, creating conditions for teaching excellence, improving the work of each class teacher.

Tasks :

    Mastering class teachers by methods and techniques of upbringing, taking into account modern requirements and new standards.

    Improving the quality of education and the level of education of students.

    Creation of conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student's personality, his successful socialization in society.

    Active involvement of class teachers in scientific and methodological, innovative, experimental and pedagogical activities.

    Creation of information and pedagogical bank of own achievements.

Expected results of the work:

    Increasing the level of motivation of class teachers to participate in municipal events.

    Formation of a creative, self-developing portrait of the class teacher.

    Creation of conditions for improving the pedagogical skills of each class teacher.

Organizational forms of work : Seminar, round table, conference, consultation.

Functions of MO class teachers

-Methodical function

Building a class teacher portfolio throughout the year

    diagnostic material

    parent meeting minutes

    methodological materials

    bank of educational activities

Participation in professional skill contests throughout the year.

Participation in the competition for methodological developments throughout the year.

Monitoring of the activities of class teachers, once every six months, the level of education of students.

-Organization and coordination function

Joint activities of the class teacher with the psychological service, the library and subject MO to study the development of personality in the classroom during the year.

-Planning and analysis function

Planning with the organizational activity game

Examination of the educational space of the school (monitoring of activities in tables, graphs, diagrams)

Analysis innovative work.

Self-analysis of components in educational activities.

Introspection of the class teacher's work according to job responsibilities.

-Innovative function

Turning on information technologies in the educational process.

Application of technology "Open space".

Publication in the media, replenishment of the school site.

The MOE of class teachers maintains the following documentation:

List of MO members;

Annual work plan of the Ministry of Defense;

Minutes of meetings of the Ministry of Defense;

Activity programs;

Analytical materials based on the results of the events held, thematic administrative control (information, orders ...)

Instructional and methodological documents concerning educational work in classrooms and the activities of class teachers;

Materials « Methodical piggy bank»Class teachers.

The structure of the plan of the MO classroom teachers:

1) A brief analysis of the socio-pedagogical situation of the development of students and an analysis of the work of the Ministry of Education, carried out in the previous year.

2) Pedagogical tasks of the association

3) Calendar plan the work of the Ministry of Defense, which reflects:

MO meeting plan

Open class schedule

Participation of the Moscow Region in mass events of the school

Another job.

4) Improving the professional skills of class teachers:

Self-education topics for homeroom teachers

Participation in professional development courses

Preparation of creative works, speeches, reports

Work on certification of teachers

5) Study and generalization teaching experience work of class teachers

6) Participation in thematic and personal control over the educational process.

Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

In the process of organizing educational work in the classroom, the class teacher performs the following functions:

Studying the personality of students

Analysis of coordination and correction educational process and relationships in the classroom (students among themselves in the classroom and with students in other grades, students and teachers ...)

Organization of planning, preparation, conducting and summing up the periods of life of the class collective and class events: class hours, minutes of information and communication, KTD, lights, competitions, etc.

Social protection of students (together with a social teacher)

Working with students' parents

Pedagogical support of student self-government activities in the classroom

Organization, keeping the class journal and diaries of students is carried out its functions, class leadership.

At the beginning of the school year:

    draws up a class list and prepares a cool electronic and paper journal

    studies the conditions of family education (especially children in difficult life situations)

    specifies or draws up the social passport of the class and submits it to the social teacher

    collects complete information about the participation of students in the class in competitions

    conducts work to involve students in a variety of activities (unification of UDL, in order to develop their abilities)

    organizes classroom team planning

    draws up a plan for the educational work of the class, coordinates it with the head of the MO classroom teachers and submits it for approval to the deputy director for VR.


    marks absent students in the class journal and assesses their reasons

    provides pedagogical assistance to class members

    monitors appearance students and compliance with the requirements for school uniforms in accordance with the Regulation on school uniforms.

    monitors the duty of the class and school according to the schedule.


    checks student diaries

    monitors the maintenance of the class journal by subject teachers

    conducts class hour(thematic once a month)


    organizes the class team to participate in school affairs

    helps the asset to organize the summing up of the results of the life of class collectives

    conducts trainings on traffic rules and scheduled instruction on safety

    on duty at school-wide evenings

  • controls the participation in circles, sections, clubs, other associations of students of their class, requiring special pedagogical care.

During the quarter:

    assists the asset in organizing the life of the class (planning, organizing affairs, collective analysis)

    organizes class duty (according to the schedule) for the school

    promptly informs the social educator, deputy director for VR or school director about deviant behavior of students, about cases of gross violation of the school charter by students and conducts joint work.

    holds a parent meeting

    organizes the work of the parent committee of the class

    attends MO class teachers, seminars, meetings on educational work ...

At the end of the quarter

    organizes the summing up of the results of the students' studies and the life of the class in the last quarter

    hands over to the Deputy Director for educational class progress report and completed class journal

During holidays

    participates in the work of classroom teachers

    together with the student body, parents organize vacation activities for their class

At the end of the school year

    organizes the summing up of the results of the life of the class in the academic year

    conducts a pedagogical analysis of the educational process in the classroom and hands it over to the deputy director for educational work

    organizes classroom renovations

    receives data from the parents of students about the summer holidays of children, conducts instructions on behavior during the summer holidays, organizes summer practice

Forms methodical work:

Thematic teachers' councils;



    educational documentation

    organization of work with parents

    student government in the classroom

    class hour is ……

Master classes.

Methodological association documentation

    Order to open MO

    Order on the appointment to the post of chairman of the Ministry of Defense

    Regulations on the methodological association.

    Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

    Analysis of work over the past year.

    The topic of methodological work, its goal, priority directions and tasks for the new academic year.

    Work plan for the current academic year.

    Minutes of meetings of school MOs.


Topic of the meeting



"New approaches to the organization of the educational process"

1. "The results of the work of class teachers in the last academic year."

2. Acquaintance with the educational work plan of the educational institution.

3. Approval of the work plan of the ShMO KR for the 2015-2016 academic year.

4. Acquaintance with the schedule of work of school circles and sections.

5. Activities of the class teacher in the context of the transition to the new federal state educational standard

    Development of the position for the best extracurricular activity

Deputy Director for BP.

Deputy Director for BP.

Head of ShMO cl. leaders.

Deputy Director for BP.

Head of the Ministry of Defense.


1. Studying the level of education of students and planning work based on the data obtained.

Head of the Ministry of Defense, class teachers, school. psychologist.

During the first quarter:

    The choice of topics for self-education by class teachers.

    Preparation of documentation by class teachers.

    Diagnostics of the level of upbringing of the individual and the development of classrooms.

    Conducting a month of child safety.

    Review-competition of cool corners.


"Organization of self-government in the classroom."

1. Student self-government: content, forms, essence.

2. Presentation of experience: "The practice of organizing student self-government in primary school, in the middle level, in high school"

3. Results of the survey: "The success of student self-government."


1.Individual consultations on the organization and conduct of extracurricular activities (draw up a questionnaire)

VcurrentseII quarter:

    Organization of excursions.

Instructional and methodological meeting “The appearance of students (school uniform). On the organization of duty at school.

    Organization of children's self-government (senior counselor, deputy director for VR).


"The role of the class teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

"Fair of educational ideas".

Head of the Ministry of Defense, class teachers.


"Modern forms of work with parents."

    Diagnostics of the process of interaction between family and school.

    Rules of professional tact in working with students' parents.

    Individual work with families of students.

    The upbringing of the culture of the individual by the forces of the family and the school.

School psychologist,

Social school teacher,



1. Conducting a week of class teachers



    Organization of events with the participation of the parent team.

    Studying the state and effectiveness of the educational process in the classroom.

    School classroom hours competition.


1. The work of the class teacher with difficult families "

2. Systems approach to solving the problem of forming an active civic position of students.

Head of the Ministry of Defense.

Summing up the results of the work of the ShMO KR.

1.Creative report: analysis of the work of the Ministry of Defense for the 2015-2016 academic year.

2. Organization of summer vacations for students.

3. Drawing up a long-term work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Head of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy BP directors, class teachers.

During a year:

    Review of methodological literature on the problems of organizing educational activities.

    Creation of a bank of interesting pedagogical ideas.

    Creation of a data bank for studying the level of education of students.

    Hosting by class teachers of open events, mutual attendance of class hours.

    Participation in public events of the educational institution.

    Consultations for class teachers on the issues of documentation management class. leaders, organizing work with parents and the classroom.

Distribution of classroom instruction in ICOU

Secondary school №8 with. Ulyanovka

for the 2015 - 2016 academic year.


Kalugina L.A.

T.V. Kazakova

Zhuravleva I.V.

Terekhova A.V.

T.V. Petrova

Israpilova G.M.

Konopleva T.A.

Anisimova M.A.

Sukhorukova V.Yu.

Matsukatova E.V.

Zaeva O.V.

Glazov S.V.

E.K. Chatancheva

Skripnikova L.M.

Dzhemakulova O.A.


conducting class hours.


Classroom teacher

Day of week


Kalugina L.A.


6 lesson

T.V. Kazakova


5 lesson

Zhuravleva I.V.


6 lesson

Terekhova A.V.


6 lesson

T.V. Petrova


6 lesson

Israpilova G.M.


6 lesson

Konopleva T.A.


Lesson 7

Anisimova M.A.


Lesson 7

Matsukatova E.V.


Lesson 7

Sukhorukova V.Yu.


Lesson 7

Zaeva O.V.


Lesson 7

Glazov S.V.


8 lesson

E.K. Chatancheva


Lesson 7

Skripnikova L.M.


Lesson 7

Dzhemakulova O.A.


8 lesson

Director of MKOU Secondary School No. 8 p. Ulyanovka L.A. Nikolenko

The following are familiar with the functional responsibilities of the class teacher and the Regulation on the class teacher:

Name of the class teacher

Kalugina L.A.

T.V. Kazakova

Zhuravleva I.V.

Terekhova A.V.

T.V. Petrova

Israpilova G.M.

Konopleva T.A.

Anisimova M.A.

Sukhorukova V.Yu.

Sukhorukova V.Yu.

Zaeva O.V.

Glazov S.V.

E.K. Chatancheva

Skripnikova L.M.

Dzhemakulova O.A.

Self-education topics

class teachers

5 - 11 classes

for 2015 - 2016 academic year

Self-education topics

Name of the class teacher

"Unity of school and family in the upbringing of children"

Matsukatova E.V.

"Formation of aesthetic education of schoolchildren"

E.K. Chatancheva

"Development of the initiative and

creative abilities of students "

Dzhemakulova O.A.

"Education of a culture of behavior, moral and patriotic development of personality"

Glazov S.V.

Skripnikova L.M.

"Development moral qualities students "

Zaeva O.V.

“Cohesion and development of a classy team. Fostering a culture of behavior "

Anisimova M.A.

Konopleva T.A.

"Diagnostic methods for studying the personality of a student"

"Formation of a healthy lifestyle"

Sukhorukova V.Yu .

"Development of class self-government through the development of independence and responsibility"

Intersectional work of MO class teachers.


Approval of plans for educational work

Deputy BP director

Classroom teachers conduct open events (plan schedule attached)

September to May (throughout the year)

Cl. hands. (1-11 grades), deputy. BP director,

hands. MO cl. hands.

Arrange mentoring by experienced classroom teachers for beginners

During a year

Deputy BP director,

hands. MO cl. hands.

Work on the creation of a methodological bank

During a year

Deputy BP director,

hands. MO cl. hands.

Diagnostics of the development of class collectives

During a year

Shk. psychologist

Participation in the work on the problem of the school:

During a year

Deputy BP Director, Head of the Ministry of Defense

Attendance and analysis of extracurricular activities, class hours

Throughout the year (according to a special schedule)

Cl. leaders 1-11 grades, head of the Ministry of Defense

Organization and holding of thematic weeks, months, school-wide mass events

During a year

Deputy BP Director, Head of the Ministry of Defense

Conducting individual and group consultations for beginners, young class teachers, interviews

During a year

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Self-educational work of class teachers with the protection of ideas, concepts, models, positions, final work on the topic of self-education (based on the circular letter of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation "On improving the work on self-education of teachers")

During a year

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Discussion of new methodological literature on education

Upon receipt

Head of the Ministry of Defense, librarian

"I approve"

Director of MKOU Secondary School No. 8

with. Ulyanovka

Nikolenko L. A.

Order No. ___

from "__ 28 »_ August 2015


1. Methodical association of class teachers - a structural subdivision of the intraschool system of management of the educational process, coordinating the scientific, methodological and organizational work of class teachers of classes of different age levels.

2. The main tasks of MO class teachers:

    Assistance in the formation and development of a system of educational work

in classrooms.

    Improving the theoretical, scientific and practical level of training

class teachers on pedagogy, psychology, theory and practice of educational work.

    Formation of unified principled approaches to the education and socialization of the personality of students.

    Equipping class teachers with modern educational technologies and knowledge of modern forms and methods of work.

    Coordination of planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities in classrooms.

3. Functions of the methodological association of class teachers.

    Organizes the study and development of class teachers modern technologies education, forms and methods of educational work.

    Discusses socially - pedagogical programs class teachers and creative groups teachers, materials of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, materials of certification of class teachers.

    Develops and regularly corrects the principles of education of students.

    Coordinates the educational activities of class teachers and organizes their interaction in the educational process.

    Organizes collective planning of educational work and collective analysis of the life of class groups.

    Evaluates the work of the members of the association, solicits the school administration to reward the best class teachers.

4. The methodological association of class teachers maintains the following documentation:

    List of members of the methodological association.

    The annual work plan of the methodological association.

    Meeting minutes.

    Activity programs.

    Analytical materials based on the results of the events held, thematic administrative control (copies of certificates, orders).

    Instructional and methodological documents concerning educational work

in classrooms and the activities of class teachers.

    Materials of the "methodical piggy bank of the class teacher."

5. The structure of the plan for the methodological association of class teachers.

    Methodical theme MO.

    Brief analysis of the social - pedagogical situation of development of students and analysis of the work of the Ministry of Education, carried out in the previous year.

    Pedagogical tasks of the methodological association.

    The work schedule of the methodological association, which reflects:

Session plan (4 meetings) MO.

Open events schedule.

Participation of the methodological association in the mass events of the school.

    Improving the professional skills of class teachers:

Participation in refresher courses.

Preparation of creative works, speeches, reports at teachers' councils.

Work on the certification of teachers.

    Study and generalization of the pedagogical experience of the work of class teachers.

    Participation in thematic and personal control over the educational process.

6. Functional responsibilities of the head of the methodological association of class teachers:


    For planning, preparing, conducting and analyzing the activities of the Ministry of Defense.

    For the timely preparation of documentation and reporting on the work of the association.

    For replenishment of the "methodical piggy bank of the class teacher."


    Interaction of class teachers - members of the methodological association between themselves and other departments of the school.

    Open events, seminars, conferences, methodological meetings

combining in other forms, checking the implementation of the recommendations of the IC.

    Study, generalization and use in practice of the advanced pedagogical experience of the work of class teachers.

    Consulting on the educational work of class teachers.

    Planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities of class collectives.

    Takes part in the preparation and conduct of certification of class teachers.

    Participation of class teachers in research work.

Together with the deputy director for educational work, he is responsible for:

    compliance with the principles of organizing educational work;

    the formation and development of a system of educational work;

    performance by class teachers of their functional duties;

    raising the scientific and methodological level of educational work;

    improving the psychological and pedagogical training of class teachers.


1. Appointments and functions of the class teacher in modern school.

2. The content of the activities of class teachers.

3. Methodology for carrying out intellectual and creative affairs.

4. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of educational activities.

5. Creation of an educational system in the classroom.

6. Diagnostics of the good manners of the classroom.

7. Educational and educational activities of class collectives.

9. Individual consultations with a teacher-psychologist

Consultations with class teachers summarizing pedagogical experience (once a week).


1. Creation of a bank of interesting pedagogical ideas.
2. Work on the creation of an educational and methodological complex.
3. Creation of a data bank to study the level of education of students.
4. Review of methodological literature on the problems of organizing educational activities.
5. Hosting open events by class teachers.

    Seminar for class teachers - once every six months.

    Meeting of class teachers - 1 time per quarter.

    Consultations for class teachers - once a week.

Distribution of mentoring over young teachers.

FULL NAME. young teacher

FULL NAME. mentor

Sukhorukova V.Yu.

Zaeva O.V.

Israpilova G.M.

Skripnikova L.M.

Matsukatova E.V.

Resp. for information: S. V. Teselkina, methodologist of the State Medical Center of DOGM.

November 15, 2016 metropolitan teachers took part in the city master classes "Education by art and art in education" dedicated to the Year of Russian cinema.

This event was organized by the City Methodological Center of DOGM and held on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1529 named after A. Griboyedov". Its participants were deputy leaders for educational work, teacher-organizers, class teachers, educational organizations of the city of Moscow.

Into the program professional meeting included the following master classes:

1. “Cartoons for a class hour. We look. We are discussing. We bring up "- Svetlana Vladimirovna Teselkina, methodologist of the State Medical Center DOGM.

2. "Using the technology" World outlook cinema "in the activities of the class teacher"- Govorunov Alexey Andreevich, teacher of history of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium 1529 named after A. Griboyedov".

3. " Pedagogical application feature film in the education of schoolchildren "- Elena Vladimirovna Lebedeva, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1593".

The broadcast of the pedagogical work experience was preceded by a speech Marina Anatolyevna Solovieva, Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1529 named after AS Griboyedov", who told the meeting participants about the history and traditions of the school. Leader's speech educational organization continued Olga Petrovna Zudina, deputy director for educational work, she greeted her colleagues and wished them success in their future work.

Further Teselkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, the methodologist of the GMC DOGM, introduced the teachers to the program of master classes and conducted a blitz survey of professional expectations. Participating in the survey, the teachers noted that they came to the master classes in order to systematize and improve their knowledge in the field of organizing the educational process in the classroom.

Master class “Cartoons for a class hour. We look. We are discussing. We bring up ", presenter - Teselkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, passed in a warm atmosphere of professional co-creation. The participants of the master class got acquainted with the method of using animation tools in constructing a conversation and a dispute, determined the criteria for selecting cartoons for joint viewing with students, created classroom models based on the cartoon proposed for viewing. The script of the master class can be viewed.

On master class "Using the technology" World outlook cinema "in the activities of the class teacher", presenter - Alexey Andreevich Govorunov, history teacher of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium 1529 named after A.S. Griboyedov", the teachers got acquainted with the methodological methods of the "Worldview Cinema" technology and the peculiarities of their application, made up criteria for selecting films for mass viewing and discussion with schoolchildren, created a model of a class hour using broadcast technology.

On master class "Pedagogical application of a feature film in the education of schoolchildren", the presenter - Elena Vladimirovna Lebedeva, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Gymnasium No. 1593", - introduced the participants to the algorithm of the discussion and the use of the method of creating problem situation based on a feature film. In the course of professional cooperation, the teachers drew up criteria for the selection of films for showing to schoolchildren, and also took part in the discussion "Cinema in the education of schoolchildren".

It should be noted that all master classes were attended by students of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium 1529 named after A.S. Griboyedov ". The participation of schoolchildren allowed the presenters of the master classes to demonstrate the practical application of the broadcast forms and methods of work.

The master classes ended with communicative reflections, during which the participants noted the relevance of the selected topics, the consistency, consistency and practical orientation of the presented work experience.

Resp. for the information: Teselkina S.V., methodologist of the State Medical Center of DOGM.

Dear Colleagues!

From November 17 to December 16, 2016 in educational organizations of the city of Moscow, open events will be held within the framework of the city Pedagogical marathon “Search. Finds. Implementation "(hereinafter - Marathon).

The following are invited to the events: deputy leaders for educational work, chairmen of MO class teachers, class teachers.

registration for events - .


Teselkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, tel. +7 929 617-58-09, Email: ;

Dmitrieva Olga Lvovna, tel. +7 916 884-33-07, email:;

Ryabtseva Tatyana Vasilievna, tel. +7 903 171-98-27, email:.

Resp. for information: S.V. Teselkina, methodologist of the State Medical Center of DOGM.

Registration for the Marathon events.


the date of the



Educational organization number, address


Master class "Interactive forms of gamification in education"

Smirnov Alexander Alexandrovich, teacher-organizer

8-10 grades

GBOU School number 1191,

Pyatnitskoe highway, 42, bldg. 2

Extracurricular event "Safe Fairy Tale"

Petrova Yana Vladislavovna

5-6 grades

GBOU "School number 1726",

st. Denis Davydov, 5

Master Class " Patriotic education schoolchildren through the creation of museum exhibits "

Kim Ilya Boleslavovich, physical education teacher

students in grades 5-11, parents, teachers

GBOU "School 2107",

st. Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya, 1

Master class "Interaction between family and school in the system of educational institutions of the educational space"

Elena Sergeevna Bezmaternykh, teacher


GBOU SOSH number 9,

st. Novatorov, 34, bldg. 1, office. 501

Class hour “Youth. Dialogues on Morality "

Maslova Olga Andreevna, teacher

10th grade

GBOU School number 2006,

st. Green, 18, bldg. 3, bldg. 1

Class hour “All works are good. Let them teach me "

Zhuchkova Inna Viktorovna, English teacher

10th grade

GBOU SOSH No. 1356,

st. Green, 18B

Class hour "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Elena Anokhina, teacher primary grades

GBOU School number 1356,

st. Green, 18B

Class hour "Ways to resolve conflicts"

Vaschenko Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher

GBOU School number 1356,

st. Green, 18B

Interactive lesson on the theme "The road to the stars", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the flight into space of Yu. A. Gagarin

Vovk Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher-organizer of the school museum of cosmonautics "Zvezdny" named after S. P. Koroleva

2nd grade student

GBOU School number 799,

Sayanskaya st., 3a

Interactive museum lesson "We defended Moscow - we defended Russia"

Krymtseva Valentina Vladimirovna, teacher-organizer

6th grade student

GBOU School number 1955,

Training of communication skills for students "Self-presentation" (within working together class teacher and teacher-psychologist in career guidance)

Elena B. Baidakova, teacher;

Pimenova Maria Valerievna, educational psychologist

9th grade students

GBOU SOSH № 1955,

st. Taininskaya, 15-3

Literary and musical composition "Moscow battle"

Samodurova Larisa Vladimirovna, deputy director for educational work

students in grades 7-11, student council, associations of preschool

GBOU School number 799

Sayanskaya st., 3a

Extracurricular educational event "We are for a clean planet!"

Bykova Galina Anatolyevna, primary school teacher

GBOU School number 1363,

Ryazansky prospect, 68, bldg. 2

Master class "Application of the technology" World outlook cinema "in the spiritual and moral education of students"

Alexey Govorunov, teacher


GBOU Gymnasium № 1529,

2nd Obydensky per., 9

Master class "Mobile learning as a new technology in education"

Elena Aleksandrovna Chernykh, English teacher


GBOU SOSH No. 1273,

st. Academician Kapitsa, 12

"Culinary duel". Healthy meals for the whole family

Shalaeva Maria Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

parents, 1st grade students, teachers

GBOU SOSH № 1996,

5th quarter of Kapotnya, 28

Class hour "Professionals of the Future: Key Competencies Needed for Successful Work"

Solovieva Angela Valerievna, history teacher

GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

Nikitina Irina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher


GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

Master class "The art of spot painting and its application in the spiritual and moral education of students"

Zinaida Ivanova, primary school teacher

GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

Master class "The use of psychological and speech therapy games in the work of the class teacher"

Permyakova Irina Dmitrievna, educational psychologist


GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

Master class "The use of culinary creativity in the formation of the national culture of students"

Grechenko Lyubov Mikhailovna, teacher of technology

GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

Master class "Flowers for beloved mother"

Berdnikova Ksenia Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher

GBOU School number 17,

st. Vvedensky, 32a

"Moscow, which stood for us" historical and literary composition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the beginning of the counteroffensive in the Battle of Moscow

Grateful E.G., history teacher,

E. Grigorieva, German teacher

students of grades 5-9

GBOU of the city of Moscow "School number 1468",

st. Nizhegorodskaya, 3B

Master class "Path to Success"

Olga Kippa, teacher


GBOU SOSH No. 1394,

Batayskiy proezd, 45, office. 312

Brain-ring "Student self-government"

Pirkulova Ksenia Sergeevna, teacher-organizer

students in grades 8-11, an asset of student government

GBOU School number 799,

Sayanskaya st., 3a

Discussion “Alcohol trap. Anyone can get caught ?! "

Rubanik Tatyana Vladimirovna, English teacher

GBOU "School 2107", st. Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya, 1

Sand painting workshop "New Year's Tale"

Sarycheva Elena Evgenievna, primary school teacher;

Teplyshova Valentina Konstantinovna, primary school teacher

primary school students (up to 15 people)

GBOU School number 1955,

Master class "Vasilisina doll"

Komissarova Ksenia Petrovna, primary school teacher, class teacher 1 "D" class

GBOU School number 2030,

2nd Zvenigorodskaya St., 8

Team game "Forward to the Future"

Orlova Irina Igorevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature;

Solovieva Angela Valerievna, teacher

GBOU School number 2030,

2nd Zvenigorodskaya St., 8

Research Project "Rainbow on Wings"

Ryabukhina Elena Nikolaevna, primary school teacher

GBOU School number 2030,

2nd Zvenigorodskaya St., 8

Interactive lesson "Tolerance is the path to peace"

Pantyushina Elina Vladimirovna, teacher

6-8 grades

GBOU School number 1363,

Fergana St., 7

Registration of participants in the Pedagogical Marathon “Search. Finds. Implementation ”was extended until November 4, 2016. You can get acquainted with the rules of the Marathon.

Register for participation -.


Dmitrieva Olga Lvovna, tel. +7 916 884-33-07,;

Teselkina Svetlana Vladimirovna, tel. +7 929 617-58-09,;

Ryabtseva Tatyana Vasilievna, tel. +7 903 171-98-27,

Responsible for posting information: Svetlana Vladimirovna Teselkina

On October 19, 2016, within the framework of the activities of the Club of Homeroom Teachers and Organizing Teachers, the Discussion Microphone "Values ​​of adolescents" was held. The event was attended by teachers from the capital who are engaged in educational work in educational organizations. Read more about the event.

Responsible for information: Teselkina S.V.

Please note that address the event has changed.

Discussion microphone "Values ​​of adolescents" will be heldOctober 19, 2016 at 15:30 on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow « Pushkin Lyceum No. 1500 ".

Address: Skornyazhny lane, 3, bldg. 1.

Invited to the eventdeputy leaders for educational work, chairmen of the Moscow region class teachers, class teachers.

During the discussionparticipants will discuss a range of issues related to spiritually moral education adolescents, will determine the current directions, means of forming and correcting the value orientations of schoolchildren.

Registration for the event.

All questions and suggestionsyou can decide on this event by calling +7 929 617-58-09.

Respectfully yours, S. V. Teselkina

As part of the activities of the Homeroom Teachers Club October 19, 2016 at 15:30 will take place Discussion microphone "Values ​​of adolescents".

We invite you to take part in the discussion deputy leaders for educational work, class teachers, teacher-organizers and all teachers interested in the education of schoolchildren.

The event will take place on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow "Pushkin Lyceum No. 1500"

Address: Milyutinsky per., 18, bldg. 2.

During the discussion, the participants will discuss a number of issues related to the upbringing of adolescents, determine the current directions, means of forming and correcting their value orientations.

Registration for the event .

Event organizer and coordinator: Teselkina S.V., methodologist of the State Medical Center DOGM (contacts, +7 929 617-58-09).

Yearly planning of educational work with the class is an integral part of the class teacher's work. The educational work plan, drawn up taking into account the problems of the class, aimed at the prospect of the development of the children's collective and focused on the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, allows the class teacher to design and systematize his activities, direct it to achieving educational results.

These guidelines are developed taking into account the main areas of work of the class teacher. The recommendations contain a brief description of the sections of the class teacher's annual work plan, options for planning the main events (Appendix 1), an approximate work plan for the vacation period (Appendix 2), an approximate plan for working with parents (Appendix 3), an approximate plan for working with children / families at risk ...

When drawing up an annual plan of educational work, the class teacher must have the following information:

The approximate composition of the classroom team of students (total number of students, number of boys, girls);

Age of students and psychological and pedagogical features of this age;

Leaders and outsiders in the class;

Achievement level of each child;

The presence of formed micro-groups of the class collective, which unites them;

The presence of problems in the relationship of students in the class and the reasons for their occurrence;

Interests, hobbies and preferences of each student.

All this knowledge is necessary for the class teacher in order to conduct a competent analysis of the work with the class for the previous academic period and identify the main goals and objectives for the new academic year. If the class teacher will work with the class for the first year, then this information should be obtained from the previous class teacher (educator). If the class teacher has been working with the class for more than a year, then he takes the listed knowledge about the student collective from his experience of working with students, using the results of diagnostic research, monitoring educational activities, the predominant forms of which are pedagogical observation, questioning, testing.

The structure of the plan of educational work with the class.Title page. A plan of educational work is an official document, which must necessarily reflect information about the author, who drew up this document, for what age category it is calculated, what is the period of its implementation, with whom it was agreed and by whom it was approved. Therefore, in the BP plan, it is necessary to indicate the full name of the person. the teacher - the author, the class in which the teacher will work, the time frame for the implementation of the plan. This plan must be agreed with the representative of the administration (or teacher) responsible for educational work in the educational organization, and approved by the head.

Analysis of educational work for the previous academic year. This section of the plan should include the following information:

  • the goal of educational work, indicated in the plan for the past academic year, to achieve which the work of the class teacher was directed;
  • tasks aimed at achieving the goal;
  • intended educational results;
  • forms and methods of work of the class teacher used in achieving the designated goals and objectives;
  • the main areas of work of the class teacher;
  • specific events held within these areas, with a description of the level of emotional response of students (liked it, aroused keen interest, students showed particular activity / did not like it, students did not demonstrate their interest, participated as passive listeners, or not the whole class showed special interest and etc.), it is advisable to indicate among the listed activities those that have become traditional and which have caused a special positive response from students;
  • problems that arose in the work on the implementation of the BP plan, indicating the specific reasons for their occurrence;
  • the level of achievement of educational results (based on the results of the academic year) in relation to the solution of the set goals and objectives;
  • work with difficult children and children of the risk group: the number of children registered with the intra-school account, registered with law enforcement agencies, registered with the KDN, the reasons for registering is indicated. The basic principles of organizing work with this group of students are described, the degree of their involvement in extracurricular activities, used forms of monitoring the employment of students outside of school, joint work of the class teacher with a social teacher, psychologist and parents, what results were achieved, what problems remained unresolved;
  • analysis of work with parents: the degree of parental activity in interaction with the teacher is analyzed, parental participation in class affairs, problems solved in the process of interaction, the role of the parent committee in organizing joint work of the class teacher with the parent community, forms of work used by the teacher, individual work with parents , on what topics were the conversations and consultations held, are there any parents with whom it was not possible to establish contact. Work with parents of children at risk and families in difficult social situations, forms and methods of interaction, positive or negative dynamics of this work.

The purpose and objectives of educational work for the new academic year should be formulated taking into account the above analysis and aimed at creating conditions for eliminating the problems of education identified in the analysis, and their implementation should contribute to improving the quality of the process of education and socialization.

Characteristics of a cool team. This section should indicate the size of the class, the number of boys and girls in it, the level of student achievement, the degree of student activity in the classroom and during the period of organized extracurricular hours, the level of cohesion of students within the team, the general interests of the class, the presence of leaders and outsiders in the class, the presence of microgroups with an indication of the principles of their formation, the degree of conflict (low, medium, high), hobbies, preferences and creative abilities of students, extracurricular employment of children.

Social class passport(according to the form adopted by the educational organization)

Plan the main activities with the students in the class. This section of the plan can be drawn up by type of activity, areas of activity, thematic periods (at the choice of the class teacher).

It should not be forgotten that in the plan of the main activities with students, the activities of the general school and city level must be reflected.

Plan of activities for the vacation periods. In order to avoid additional work of the class teacher in planning the organization of vacation time, I recommend including this section in the annual planning of the educational work of the class.

Vacation activities should help create conditions for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle, that is, students should learn how to relax with benefits for health and personal development. Correctly planned work solves the following tasks: coordinates the employment of children during vacation time, the child continues to develop on vacation, moral ideals and cultural values ​​are formed. During the holidays, teachers are advised to take into account the age of the children, their interests, significant dates cities and countries, as well as calendar holidays that will be of interest to schoolchildren. As the types of activities, it is relevant to use such as tourism and local history activities, sports and recreation activities, leisure and entertainment communication ( example variant work plan for the holidays see Appendix 2)

Work plan with parents. This section of the plan will allow the class teacher to systematize his work to create a single educational space "Family and School". The work plan with parents can include both group and individual forms of work with parents (see Appendix 2). When drawing up a work plan with parents, it is necessary to take into account the age category of the parents, their social status and employment in work time... In this regard, it is appropriate, along with full-time forms of work, to include remote types of interaction in the plan. Group, individual and collective forms of work are still relevant. From individual forms of work, the plan can include:

  • individual face-to-face and distance consultations for parents,
  • visiting family at home;

among group:

  • thematic consultations, parental education, master classes;

among collective:

  • parenting meetings, jointly organized events (it is necessary to indicate their names); topically include development work in the plan information space for parents or conducting a forum for parents, design of visual information stands or brochures for parents.

A plan of work with children / families at risk and students who are registered within the school, registered with the KDN and law enforcement agencies. This section of the plan should include activities aimed at identifying children / families belonging to this category, individual and group activities with students / parents, activities aimed at identifying the interests of students and their implementation, as well as work on the preparation and maintenance of the necessary reporting documentation , participation in Prevention Councils (an example of a plan for working with children / parents at risk, see Appendix 4).

Dear Colleagues! I draw your attention to the fact that the options for planning educational work with the class in the main areas of activity, set out below, are not a model for exact copying and are given only as a way of demonstration possible forms drawing up a plan, their content requires systematization and additions, taking into account educational problems, goals, tasks of a particular classroom.

Annex 1

Option 1.Planning of major events by type of activity


Dates of the

Social modeling game "In the world of professions"



Conversation "In the world of discovery"

Problem-value communication

Discussion of the stories of A. Mogilevskaya "Hurry with good", "Do not hurry with good"

Leisure and entertainment activities

(leisure communication)

Class participation in a charity concert for veterans "New Year Serpentine"

Sports and recreational activities

"Health Day"

Tourist and local history activities

Excursion to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War

Artistic creation

Participation in the school exhibition "Oh, woman, you are blessed!"

Labor (production) activity

Labor troops on the territory of Krasnopresnensky Park

Social creativity

Social project "Memory is alive"

April May

Option 2. Planning the main activities by line of business


Event name and form

Estimated level of educational outcome

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event

Dates of the

Healthy lifestyle

KTD "Our teachers, thank you from the bottom of my heart"

Civil-patriotic education

Discussion "When we are united, we are invincible"

Spiritual and moral education

KTD "Give a New Year's fairy tale to someone who does not expect gifts from life"

Project "My grandmother's Christmas toy"


Excursion to the Museum of Military Glory

Meeting with participants in international wars

Spiritual and moral


Participation in a charity concert

Option 3. Planning of main events by thematic periods

Thematic period

Event name and form

Estimated level of educational outcome

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event

Dates of the

Autumn school calendar pages

All-Russian lesson "Ready for Labor and Defense"

Campaign "Holiday mail" dedicated to the Teacher's Day

Discussion "The power of unity is the power of success" dedicated to the Day of National Unity and Reconciliation

On the wings of a New Year's fairy tale

Competition "My New Year's classroom"

KVN "When the clock strikes 12"

"About courage, about valor, about glory"

Project "He did not flinch in battle"

Action "Candle of Memory" dedicated to the memory of the soldiers-internationalists in Russia

Victorious spring

Photo exhibition "Scent of Spring" dedicated to International Women's Day "

Social project "Book of Memory";

Action "To veterans - with love";

Appendix 2

An example of work for the holidays

Carrying out period

Event name and form of organization

The level of educational result

Local government leaders involved in organizing the event

the date of the

Autumn vacation

Autumn walk along the Arbat, preparation for the photo project "My Arbat"

Visit to the cinema "Nightingale", watching the film "Legend No. 17"

Discussion on the watched film "Legend No. 17"

Bike marathon

Design of the project stand "My Arbat"

Appendix 3

An example of a plan for working with parents

Event name and form


Registration of work results

Dates of the

Individual face-to-face and remote consultations

Problems of academic performance, attendance and relationships in the children's team

Creation of pedagogical conditions for the elimination of problems of training and education

During a year

(on demand)

Parental education. Group consultations

I quarter

Childish selfishness. How to overcome it?

Creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of parental competence in the process of education

Friends in a child's life

Teenage aggression and its causes

The independence of the child. How to develop it?

Master classes

“A holiday at home. How to organize and conduct "

Information leaflet for parents, feedback magazine

We bring up without offending

Parents' meetings

Quarter-based meetings

Parent's Meeting Minutes

I quarter

October, December, March

Joint activities with parents

Sports marathon "Family Cross"

Personal participation of parents in organizing and holding events, creating conditions for the development of a single educational space "Family and School"

Photo report, design of thematic stands based on the results of the event


Photo exhibition

"Mom's eyes"

Theatrical performance "New Year's Theater"

KVN "On the verge of spring" dedicated to International Women's Day

Appendix 4

An example of a plan for working with children / families at risk

Event name and form


Registration of work results

Dates of the

Individual and group work with students

Identifying children at risk

Determination of the quantitative composition of students, in the work with which special pedagogical support is required

Compilation of lists of students who are registered in school, registered with the CDN, registered with law enforcement agencies. Registration of submissions for registration / removal from intraschool registration


Organization of students' leisure time, involving them in circles and sections

Organization of students' extracurricular time

Drawing up a "Student employment card"

September and throughout the year

Monitoring class attendance and academic performance in subjects

Creation of conditions for increasing the attendance and academic performance of students

Attendance and progress record

During a year

Participation in raids of visiting families of students who are registered within school, registered with law enforcement agencies, KDN, together with class teachers and a social teacher

Study of the living conditions of students

Family visit protocol with a description of the living conditions of students

I quarter

Conducting proactive face-to-face conversations on academic performance, behavior and friendship

with peers

Creation of conditions for the prevention of antisocial behavior on the part of students / families at risk.

Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation map

September, December, March, May and throughout the year on demand

Participation in the Council on Prevention

Work on registration and maintenance of accounting documentation

Compilation of characteristics for children / families of the risk group "


Maintaining a map of social and pedagogical support of a student / family

During a year

Registration of personal files of students

May, August

at 201 6– 2017 academic year

I quarter

The content of the work



1 MO meeting

1. Results of the work of class teachers in the last academic year and planning the work of the Ministry of Defense for the new academic year. Work plan for the new academic year.

2. Approval of plans for educational work, exchange of experience with the class.

3 scheduling outdoor classroom activities


Belousova S.A.

Deputy dir. on OIA

Negoda N.N ..




Class teachers

2nd meeting of MO

Seminar« Psychological and pedagogical competence of the class teacher as the basis for a successful partnership with the family "

1. Theoretical communication on this topic

2.Analysis of open class hours in grade 1

"In the world of fairy tales"


Baydak L.V.

O. N. Kornienko

2.Exchangeexperience of teachers.




3. Individual consultations on the organization and conduct of extracurricular activities.


4. Review of methodological literature on the organization of educational activities.


Belousova S.A.

III quarter

class teachers

3rd meeting of MO

Round table "Environmental education as a continuous process of training, upbringing and personal development" "

1.Message on the above topic

2.Analysis of an open event in the 7th grade "Ecological holiday" Earth is our common Home"


Negoda N.N.

Martynenko A.N.

3. Forms of class hours and activities

(experience exchange)




IV quarter

4 meeting

1. Organization of summer vacations for students.

2. Summing up the results of the work of the Ministry of Defense for the past academic year

3. Drawing up a long-term plan for the work of classroom teachers for the 2017/2018 academic year.


Lokotkova I.Yu.

Belousova S.A.

Open extracurricular activities schedule


Extracurricular theme

educational affairs


Month of the event

Kornienko Olga Nikolaevna

"In the world of fairy tales"

November December

Martynenko Anna Nikolaevna

"Earth is our common home"

February March

Assigning experienced teachers-mentors to young professionals

Young specialist

Work experience


Lokotkova I.Yu

Belousova S.A.

Topics for self-education of homeroom teachers


Work experience



Topics for self-education

Belousova S.A.

4 cl.

Cooperation of the class teacher of the elementary school and parents in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

O. N. Kornienko

1 cl.

Health-saving technologies in pedagogical process

Koltunova T.A.


Non-standard forms of holding extracurricular activities to revitalize cognitive activities learners

Baydak L.V.

3 cl.

Game - as a way to enhance the cognitive activity of students

Manasaryan S.M.

8 cl.

Conscious attitude of students in the process of preparing for lessons and extracurricular activities

Negoda N.N.

9 cl.

Patriotic education as an aspect of the child's socialization

Zekunov V.G.

5 cl.

The class hour, as the main form of educational work with the class

Martynenko A.N.

6-7 cl.

Emotional mood of schoolchildren as the most important means in the organization of cognitive activity

Analysis of the work of the methodological association

class teachers

for the 2015 - 2016 academic year.

In the past academic year, classroom teachers worked in accordance with the drawn up and approved work plan within the framework of the problem "Improving the quality of education of schoolchildren in the context of modernization of education"

The work of the methodological association of class teachers is aimed at efficient use and the development of the professional potential of teachers, to unite and coordinate their efforts to improve the methods of education and, on this basis, improve the educational process.

One of the tasks of teachers of the methodological association of class teachers is to improve the methodological skills of the class teacher, who is capable of competently and with full dedication to carry out educational activities and effectively solve the issues of educating schoolchildren.The work of the methodological association (MO) is built in accordance with the approved regulations on the MO of class teachers and the MO plan:

    In September, the issues of appointment and functions of the class teacher were considered,plans for educational work were discussed and approved,class teacher documentation,a folder "To help the class teacher" has been developed, which contains:

    job responsibilities of the class teacher;

    cyclogram of the class teacher's work;

    samples of drawing up and filling out documents (psychological - pedagogical characteristics of the class, the pedagogical characteristics of the student, the plan of educational work, the analysis of educational work, etc.)

    parent meeting topics

    classroom clock themes

In November, the MO of class teachers took part in the meetingSeminar "Conceptual issues of educational work in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard"

March passedRound table "Ways to enhance the role of the educational potential of extracurricular activities for the formation of personality"

    At the meetings of the Ministry of Education, problems of education, interaction with parents, as well as the organization of extracurricular activities were discussed. In accordance with the work plan of the Ministry of Education, class teachers took Active participation in school-wide and district events; contests.

In working with students, class teachers attach great importance to such areas as:
Prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction,
· Social and educational prevention and protection of the rights of the child.

In addition to the main events:

Solemn rulers dedicated to September 1 - Knowledge Day, concerts and events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Teacher's Day, New Year's events, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Victory Day, etc.:

class teachers conduct various class activities, conversations, excursions.

Children are regularly interviewed according to the rules road traffic, rules of conduct during events, rules of conduct in in public places and in public transport


The methodological association had its own work plan, developed in accordance with the theme and goals and objectives of the methodological service of the school. Having analyzed the work of the methodological association, it should be noted that the MO of class teachers is working to create a system of training and education that meets the needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities. Work is purposefully carried out to master modern methods and technologies of upbringing and teaching students. Much attention is paid to the formation of students' skills of creative activity, the development of general educational skills, the preservation and maintenance of a health-preserving educational environment.

Municipal state educational institution

"Obukhovskaya basic secondary school"

Korenevsky district of the Kursk region

Work plan of MO class teachers

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Educational problem:

"Improving the quality of education of schoolchildren in the context of modernization of education."


Equip class teachers with theoretical and practical knowledge in the organization of work based on the diagnosis of schoolchildren in the context of a personality-oriented approach to education in the context of modernization of education.


1) Organize information and methodological assistance to class teachers. on psychology and pedagogy of educational work.

2) To involve class teachers in methodological, innovative, experimental and pedagogical activities.

3) Create an information and pedagogical bank of one's own achievements, popularize the experience of teachers.

4) Develop the information culture of teachers, use information technology in educational work

Functions of MO class teachers

-Methodical function

Building a class teacher portfolio throughout the year

    diagnostic material

    parent meeting minutes

  • methodological materials

    bank of educational activities

Participation in professional skill contests throughout the year

Participation in the competition of methodological developments during the year

Monitoring of the activities of class teachers, once every six months

the level of education of students

-Organization and coordination function

Joint activities of the class teacher with the library and subject MO to study the development of personality in the classroom during the year

- planning and analysis function

Planning with the organizational activity game

Examination of the educational space of the school (monitoring of activities in tables, graphs, diagrams)

Analysis of innovative work.

Self-analysis of components in educational activities.

Introspection of the class teacher's work according to job description

-Innovative function

The inclusion of information technology in the educational process

Publication in the media, replenishment of the school site

The MOE of class teachers maintains the following documentation:

List of MO members;

Annual work plan of the Ministry of Defense;

Minutes of meetings of the Ministry of Defense;

Activity programs;

Instructive and methodological documents concerning educational work in class collectives and the activities of class teachers;

Materials of the "Methodical piggy bank" of class teachers.

The structure of the plan of the MO classroom teachers:

1) A brief analysis of the socio-pedagogical situation of the development of students and an analysis of the work of the Ministry of Education, carried out in the previous year.

2) Pedagogical tasks of the association

3) The work schedule of the Ministry of Defense, which reflects:

MO meeting plan

Open class schedule

Participation of the Moscow Region in mass events of the school

Other work.

4) Improving the professional skills of class teachers:

Self-education topics for homeroom teachers

Participation in professional development courses

Preparation of creative works, speeches, reports

Work on certification of teachers

5) Study and generalization of the pedagogical experience of class teachers

6) Participation in thematic and personal control over the educational process.

Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

In the process of organizing educational work in the classroom, the class teacher performs the following functions:

Studying the personality of students

Analysis of coordination and correction of the educational process and relationships in the classroom (students among themselves in the classroom and with students in other classes, students and teachers ...)

Organization of planning, preparation, conducting and summing up the periods of life of the class collective and class events: class hours, minutes of information and communication, KTD, lights, competitions, etc.

Social protection of students

Working with students' parents

Pedagogical support of student self-government activities in the classroom

Organization, keeping the class journal and diaries of students is carried out its functions, class leadership.

At the beginning of the school year:

    draws up a class list and draws up a class journal

    studies the conditions of family education

    clarifies or compiles a social portrait of the class

    collects complete information about the participation of students in the class in competitions

    conducts work to involve students in a variety of activities (unification of UDL, in order to develop their abilities)

    organizes collective planning

    draws up a plan for the educational work of the class, coordinates it with the head of the Moscow classroom teacher and submits it for approval to the deputy director for VR.


    marks absent students in the class journal

    provides pedagogical assistance to class members

    monitors the appearance of students and the presence of replaceable shoes

    monitors class duty.


    checks student diaries

    monitors the maintenance of the class journal by subject teachers

    spends a class hour


    organizes the class team to participate in school affairs

    helps the asset to organize the summing up of the results of the life of class collectives

    conducts trainings on traffic rules and scheduled instruction on safety

    on duty at school-wide evenings

  • controls the participation in circles, sections, clubs, other associations of students of their class, requiring special pedagogical care.

During the quarter:

    assists the asset in organizing the life of the class (planning, organizing affairs, collective analysis)

    organizes class duty (according to the schedule) for the school

    promptly informs the deputy director for VR or the director of the school about the deviant behavior of students, about cases of gross violation of the class by the school charter.

    holds a parent meeting

    attends MO class teachers, seminars, meetings on educational work ...

At the end of the quarter

    organizes the summing up of the results of the students' studies and the life of the class in the last quarter

    submits a report on class progress and a completed class journal to the deputy director for educational work

During holidays

  • participates in the work of classroom teachers

    together with the student body, parents organize vacation activities for their class

At the end of the school year

    organizes the summing up of the results of the life of the class in the academic year

    conducts a pedagogical analysis of the educational process in the classroom and hands it over to the deputy director for educational work

    organizes classroom renovations

    receives data on children's summer vacations from the parents of the students

Forms of methodical work:

Thematic teachers' councils;

Seminars; consultations

for the 2013-2014 academic year

p / p


class hour

the date of the



Smolyaninova I.N.


Volobueva Z.I.

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"


L.A. Kotikova


Shalimova T.A.


Plutalova A.N.


Volobueva L.N.


Dementyeva O.V.

for the 2013-2014 academic year

p / p


class hour

the date of the


Teacher's Day


Plutalova A.N.

Autumn Festival

"Golden Beauty Autumn!"

October November

Volobueva L.N.

Shalimova T.A.

Mothers Day

"May there always be mom!"


L.A. Kotikova

New Year



Shalimova T.A.

Volobueva L.N.

Zherdeva A.I.

Competition program


Smolyaninova I.N.

Festive concert


Volobueva Z.I.


"Last call"


Dementyeva O.V.


Agreed Approved

Deputy Director for OIA School Director

S.A. Krasnenkova __________ V.A. Ivanova

Cyclogram of activities

class teacher


  • meets children, identifies late and absent students, finds out the reasons;
  • conducts preventive work with students to prevent delays and non-attendance at training sessions;
  • monitors the observance of the rules of behavior by students;
  • monitors the appearance of students and the availability of removable shoes;
  • organizes meals for children, monitors the culture of behavior of students in the classroom in the dining room;
  • organizes the watch of students in the classroom;
  • conducts individual work with students.


  • spends a class teacher hour (communication hour, class hour, class meeting);
  • checks diaries with marks for the week;
  • provides pedagogical assistance to the student government of the class and representatives of the school government in the class;
  • works with subject teachers;
  • conducts individual work with parents and children;
  • meets with a healthcare professional on student health issues


  • attends lessons in their class;
  • meets with a parent asset;
  • solves household issues in the classroom.

Every quarter:

  • organizes the duty of the class in the school (according to the duty schedule);
  • participates in the work of methodological associations of class teachers; attends methodological associations of class teachers, seminars, meetings on educational work, other events related to improving the pedagogical skills of the class teacher;
  • draws up a class journal based on the results of the quarter;
  • provides reports to deputy directors for OIA and BP;
  • holds parenting meetings;
  • organizes general cleaning of the office;
  • analyzes the implementation of the educational work plan, the state of academic performance and attendance;
  • organizes control over the state of school textbooks;
  • carries out the correction of the educational work plan for a new quarter;
  • organizes excursions, hikes, visits to theaters, etc.
  • helps student self-government bodies in organizing the life of the classroom (current collective planning, organization of affairs and collective analysis);
  • organizes vacation activities for its class.


  • collects and provides the necessary information to the school administration;
  • draws up the social passport of the class team;
  • draws up personal files of students;
  • analyzes the educational work of the class;
  • plans the educational work of the class according to the intraschool plan;
  • carries out the study of the personality of each student in the class, participates in the monitoring of the educational work of the school;
  • introduces students to the main state documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the symbols of the Russian Federation, the normative documents of the school (Charter), etc .;
  • conducts one open school-wide event and one open classroom hour;
  • conducts mass physical culture, sports and other events that contribute to improving the health of students in the classroom (health days, hikes, competitions, etc.);
  • organizes the participation of the classroom in school-wide events, district and regional;
  • every quarter and before each event, he instructs students on the MPC, rules of conduct, rules of work safety, labor protection and socially useful labor. Information about the briefing is constantly entered into the TB log or protocols, signed by the students;
  • conducts work to involve students in circles, sections, and other activities outside the classroom;
  • controls the participation in circles, sections and other associations of students of their class;
  • is on duty at school-wide evenings and other events (according to the duty schedule);
  • notifies the school administration about each accident, takes measures to provide first aid;
  • collects and submits to the school administration statistical reports on class students (academic performance, further education and employment of graduates);
  • organizes the work of the class team with the library, cultural workers, health care workers, law enforcement agencies (commission on juvenile affairs, inspectorate for minors, traffic police, prosecutor's office);
  • conducts career guidance work;
  • conducts work to provide students with textbooks and to submit them to the library;
  • gets acquainted with the families of students, draws up acts of inspection of housing and living conditions;
  • receives from the parents of the students data on the summer vacations of the children;
  • organizes the preparation of graduation events with students and parents of their class;
  • organizes the renovation of the classroom, its design.







Adopted as amended by resolution

Lipetsk Regional Council of Deputies

This Law is adopted in order to implement the Government Decree Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 No. 85 "On the procedure for providing financial assistance to the budget in 2006" of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the form of subsidies for the payment of remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher to pedagogical workers of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions ", increasing the efficiency of educational work schools, primary schools ah, kindergartens, gymnasiums and improving the social status of teachers in the Lipetsk region.

Article 1. Scope of this Law

This Law applies to teaching staff of municipal primary, basic, secondary educational institutions, secondary educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects, gymnasiums, lyceums, primary schools, kindergartens, gymnasiums (hereinafter schools).

Article 2. State support for teaching staff

School teachers are paid a monthly remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher (hereinafter remuneration).

Article 3. Amount of remuneration

The remuneration is set at 1000 rubles for a class of 25 or more people in schools located in urban areas, and in a class of 14 or more people in a school located in rural areas.

In classes with less occupancy, the amount of remuneration is made in proportion to the size of the calculation for one student in urban areas 40 rubles and in rural areas 71 rubles.

Article 4. Conditions for payment of remuneration

Remuneration is paid to teaching staff who are entrusted with the functions of a class teacher, under the conditions of: maintaining documentation in accordance with the established requirements, organizing interaction with parents (legal representatives) of students (holding a parent meeting in the classroom at least once a quarter)

"I approve"

Director of MBOU SOSH

S. Maryino-Nikolaevka

V.A. Ivanova


on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by teaching staff

1. General Provisions.

  1. Classroom leadership is a teacher's professional activity aimed at raising a child in a classroom student collective.
  2. The class teacher's activities are based on the principles of democracy, priority common human values, life and health of children, citizenship, free development of personality.
  3. In his activities, the class teacher is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of the School, Government Decree No. 854 of December 30, 2005 "On the Procedure for Providing Financial Aid to the Budgets of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in 2006 in the form of subsidies for the payment of remuneration for the performance of the functions of a class teacher to teachers of state general education schools subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal secondary schools ", the Law of the Lipetsk region of February 9, 2006 No.

1135ps "On the procedure, amount and conditions for the payment of remuneration for the performance of the functions of a class teacher to pedagogical workers of municipal educational institutions", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 " Guidelines on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions ”.

  1. The class teacher must have a higher or secondary professional education without presentation of requirements for teaching experience.
  2. The class teacher is appointed and dismissed by the headmaster. For the period of vacation and temporary disability of the class teacher, his duties may be assigned to a teacher who does not have a class and works in this class.
  3. The class teacher reports to the school principal and his deputies.
  4. The class teacher carries out his activities in close contact with the school administration, school and class self-government bodies, parents (legal representatives), class and general school parental committees, social educator, psychologist, teachers of additional education.

1.8. For the performance of the duties of a class teacher, remuneration is established in accordance with
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 No. 854 "On the procedure for providing in 2006
financial assistance to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the form of subsidies for the payment of remuneration for
performing the functions of a class teacher for pedagogical workers of state general education
schools of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal secondary schools ", the Law of the Lipetsk region
dated February 9, 2006 No. 1135ps "On the procedure, amount and conditions for payment of remuneration for the performance of functions
class teacher to teachers of municipal educational institutions ", by letter
Federal Agency for Education of 18.04.2008 No. FAO-6157 / 10-08.

2. The purpose and objectives of the class teacher.

  1. The purpose of the class teacher's activity is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student's personality, his successful socialization in society.
  2. Tasks of the class teacher:

Formation and development of the class team;

Creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for personality development, self-affirmation
each student, preserving the uniqueness and disclosing his potential abilities;

  • the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization of the system of relations through various forms of educational activity of the class collective;
  • protection of the rights and interests of students;
  • organization of systematic work with students in the classroom;
  • humanization of relations between students, between students and teaching staff;
  • formation of students moral meanings and spiritual guidelines;
  • organization of socially significant, creative activities of students.

3. Functions of the class teacher.

3.1. Organizational and coordinating:

  • ensuring the connection of the educational institution with the family;
  • establishing contacts with parents (legal representatives) of students, helping them in educating students (personally, through a social teacher, a psychologist, an additional teacher


"Agreed" "Approved"

Deputy Director for OIA School Director:

S.A. Krasnenkova _________ V.A. Ivanova

Order No. ___ dated __________ Order No. ___ dated ________

School work plan

methodological association

Class teachers

for 2013 - 2014 academic year

Head of the Moscow region: Smolyaninova I.N.

"Amazement by man -

this is what should be
a red thread of all

school education ".
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

School methodical association

class teachers

"Love your school, take care of its honor, respect its traditions"

The purpose of the methodological association of class teachers:

  1. Creation of an educational and educational environment conducive to the spiritual, moral, physical development of students.
  2. Improving the forms and methods of education through improving the skills of class teachers.

Tasks of the methodological association of class teachers:

1. Raising the scientific and methodological level of training class teachers on the issues of psychology and pedagogy of educational work.

2. Ensuring the implementation of uniform approaches to the education of students.

3. Equipping class teachers with modern educational technologies and knowledge of modern forms and methods of work.

4. Coordination of planning, organization and pedagogical analysis of educational activities of classrooms.

5. Study, generalization and use in practice of the advanced pedagogical experience of the work of class teachers.

6. Assistance in the formation and development of educational programs for class teachers, aimed at the formation of a competent personality.

Functions of the methodological association of class teachers:

  • Scientific and methodological
  • Organizational
  • Planning and analysis
  • Innovative.

Work plan of MO class teachers

for the 2013-2014 academic year



"Determination of the goal and objectives of educational work for the new academic year"



  1. Acquaintance of class teachers with methodological letters of the Ministry of Education and Science on the organization of educational work of educational institutions, instructions, orders.
  2. Acquaintance with the content of the annual plan of educational work for the new academic year. Determination of the main directions of the educational system of the school.
  3. The purpose, content and main directions of educational plans-programs of classes that are part of educational system of the school.

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Head of the Ministry of Defense

Head of the Ministry of Defense









Classroom teacher meeting plan

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Duration of the meeting




Theme : "Correction and approval of the work plan of the Ministry of Defense".

A long-term plan of basic affairs for the 2013-2014 academic year. Technology of drawing up a plan of educational work with the class. Requirements for the design of a plan of educational work. Scheduling open extracurricular activities. Correction and approval of the school's educational work plan.

The head of the Ministry of Defense is class teachers, an inspector for the protection of children's rights.


Theme: "Psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of fifth-graders at school."

Psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of fifth-graders at school. Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the development of a fifth grader. Analysis and diagnostics in the work of the class teacher of the 5th grade. From work experience - the performance of class teachers: "Discipline at school - the territory of freedom or coercion?"; "A systematic approach to organizing the work of the class teacher with dysfunctional families". Advice to a young class teacher. Analysis of mutual attendance of educational activities. Review of methodological literature.


Theme: "The role of class hours in organizing the interaction of the class teacher with students."

The role of classroom hours in organizing the interaction of the class teacher with students. From work experience - presentation of class teachers: "The use of information technology in the work with the class"; "Organization of intra-class self-government"; "Organization of student self-government in the classroom through play"; "Student self-government and collective creative affairs". Analysis of mutual attendance of educational activities. Organization of winter holidays (analysis). The results of work for the first half of the year and the adjustment of the educational work plan for the second half of the year. Review of methodological literature.

Head of the Moscow Region, class teachers


Theme: "The system of work of the class teacher in the formation of the classroom."

The organization of effective self-government in the collective is the key to the success of the socialization of the individual. Patriotic and spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren. The work of class teachers to ensure safety during events, excursions, hikes, during vacations.

Head of the Moscow Region, class teachers, librarian


Wrap-up meeting.

1. Analysis of the activities of class teachers.

2. Discussion of the long-term plan for the new academic year

Head of the Ministry of Defense, class teachers.

Monitoring the activity of class teachers

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Full name

class teachers

Open class hours

Open extracurricular activities

Speeches at the school methodological council

Speech at meetings of the Ministry of Education of class teachers

Speeches at school-wide parenting meetings

Generalization of work experience

Volobueva L.N.

Shalimova T.A.

Smolyaninova I.N.

L.A. Kotikova

Volobueva Z.I.

Plutalova A.N.

Dementyeva O.V.

Speeches, messages

class teachers

at school

methodological association

Minutes of meetings of the methodological association of class teachers


meetings of the methodological association from "_____" ________________ 201__

______________ people attended

________________ person was absent,











MO solution:


Head of the Ministry of Defense: _____________________ / ___________ /

Open class hours schedule

for the 2013-2014 academic year

p / p


class hour

the date of the


"Healthy food for the whole family"


Smolyaninova I.N.


Volobueva Z.I.

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"


L.A. Kotikova

"Everyone should know this by five!"


Shalimova T.A.


Plutalova A.N.

“If you want to be healthy - be it: this is the right way!


Volobueva L.N.

"Protecting nature, you protect the Motherland!"


Dementyeva O.V.

Open extracurricular activities schedule

for the 2013-2014 academic year

p / p


class hour

the date of the


Teacher's Day


Plutalova A.N.

Autumn Festival

"Golden Beauty Autumn!"

October November

Volobueva L.N.

Shalimova T.A.

Mothers Day

"May there always be mom!"


L.A. Kotikova

New Year



Shalimova T.A.

Volobueva L.N.

Zherdeva A.I.

Competition program

"Oh, come on, boys!", Dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day


Smolyaninova I.N.

Festive concert

Day of the most beautiful and wonderful! "

March improving the methodological level of training class teachers on pedagogy and psychology of educational work;

  • improving and increasing the effectiveness of educational work at school;
  • helping class teachers learn new pedagogical technologies educational process; increasing the creative potential of teachers, taking into account their individual abilities;
  • rendering practical help teachers in the organization of educational work with students.
  • The work of the school in the 2013-2014 academic year is planned in the following areas:

    1. Civil-patriotic education.

    2. Physical education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

    2. Provision high level good breeding.

    3. Family education.

    4. Leadership and control.

    5. Methodical work.

    For the implementation of the tasks in the first quarter, one meeting of the Ministry of Education of class teachers was held. The following issues were considered at the meeting:

    Decorated a corner "Classroom teacher", in which you can read "Regulations on the classroom leadership", Required documents for the class teacher, the cyclogram of the work of the class teachers, the schedules for class hours and extracurricular activities. The schedule of classroom hours for class teachers has also been approved.

    Smolyaninova I.N.

    L.A. Kotikova

    Volobueva Z.I.

    Plutalova A.N.

    Dementyeva O.V.

    During the first quarter, class teachers with students took part in regional competitions: the competition of drawings and stories "Constitution of 20 years", the photo competition "Oh, my fatherland", the drawing competition "The road through the eyes of children." According to the plan of the VR of the school, the class teacher of the 8th grade (Plutalova AN) held a school-wide event "Teacher's Day". Instructions on safe behavior students on the road network for the 2013-2014 academic year. The class teachers held parent-teacher meetings, safety briefings with students during the autumn holidays under the signature.


    work of the methodological association of class teachers

    for the II quarter of the 2013-2014 academic year

    The methodological association of class teachers includes 7 class teachers. MO of class teachers works on the topic "Ways to improve the educational process." To implement educational tasks in the second quarter, two meetings of the MO class teachers were held. The following issues were considered at the meeting:

    1. Carrying out the action "Volunteering 2013".
    2. Preparation and holding of the New Year's holiday.

    During the second quarter, class teachers with students took part in the school and district competition "Instead of a Christmas tree - a New Year's bouquet." According to the plan of the VR of the school, the class teacher of the 6th grade, L.A. Kotikova. a school-wide event "Mother's Day", an extra-curricular event "Autumn Festival" (primary school teachers: Volobueva L.N., Shalimova T.A.), an open class hour on the topic "Healthy food for the whole family" (class teacher of the 5th grade Smolyaninova I.N.), an open class hour among students of grades 7-11 "Do not break your destiny" dedicated to World AIDS Day (class teacher of grades 7.10 Volobueva Z.I.), a line dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (class teacher of grade 8 Plutalova A.N.). Sports events were held within the framework of the action “We choose sport as an alternative to addictions (responsible persons are L.A. Kotikova, V.A.Ivanov).

    Instructions on the safe behavior of students on the road network during the winter holidays were issued. The class teachers held parent-teacher meetings.

    In general, the work of the methodological association of class teachers was recognized as satisfactory.


    Protocol No. 1

    class teachers

    from 05.09.2013

    Absent -

    Meeting agenda

    1. Analysis of the work of classroom teachers for the 2012-2013 academic year. A long-term plan of the main affairs of class teachers for the 2013-2014 academic year.
    2. Scheduling open class hours and outdoor extracurricular activities.
    3. Technology of drawing up a VR plan with a class.


    On the first question - the head of the Ministry of Defense, who provided a list of the main things to do for the new academic year. It is necessary to develop a plan of educational work with students in all areas. The leading direction in educational work is environmental education. Draw up social class passports, individual student cards, systematically draw up student portfolios.

    On the second question - the head of the Moscow Region, who suggested drawing up schedules for holding open class hours and open extracurricular activities for the academic year.

    On the third question - the head of the Ministry of Education, which proposed a unified structure in the work of class teachers "Cyclogram of class teachers." It includes: a plan of work with students for a week, a quarter, half a year, a year.


    1. Draw up and approve a plan of educational work for the Moscow classroom teachers for the 2013-2014 academic year. Be consistent with the main school schedule when planning educational work with the class.
    2. Draw up and approve schedules for open classroom hours and open extracurricular activities
    3. Observe the uniform requirements when drawing up BP plans.

    Protocol No. 2

    meetings of the methodological association

    class teachers

    of November 29, 2013

    7 class teachers attended

    Absent -

    Meeting agenda

    1. Content of the social class passport.
    2. Attending classes, missing students without good reason.
    3. Organization of individual work with students who are registered within the school.
    4. Innovative educational technologies aimed at preventing smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, promoting a healthy lifestyle for students.


    On the first question - the head of the Ministry of Defense, who reminded about the maintenance of social passports of classes, about the need to fill out 1 time in a quarter.

    On the second question - class teachers who reported attending classes of their students, about the absence of absences without good reason.

    On the third question - ZI Volobueva, who reported on conducting individual conversations with a student of the 10th grade, Christina Meshkova, who is registered with the school.

    On the fourth question - to Shalimova T.A., who summed up the results of the campaign "We choose sports as an alternative to addictions", on class hours about a healthy lifestyle, sports competitions.


    1. Systematically monitor the maintenance of social class passports.
    2. Do not allow the absence of classes of students without good reason.
    3. Take part in school promotions and events.

    Head of the Ministry of Defense: / Smolyaninova I.N. /

    Protocol No. 3

    meetings of the methodological association

    class teachers

    dated 03.12.2013

    7 class teachers attended

    Absent -

    Meeting agenda

    1. Schedule for AIDS Month at School.
    2. Organization and holding of the action “We choose sports as an alternative to addictions.
    3. Open class hours and extracurricular activities.


    On the first question - to T.A. Shalimov, who proposed a schedule for the month of the fight against AIDS at school.

    On the second question - to T.A. Shalimov, who informed about the New Year's party.

    On the third question - the head of the Moscow region, who recalled the holding of open class hours: Smolyaninova IN - the topic "Healthy food for the whole family", Volobueva ZI - the theme "Do not destroy your destiny" in the framework of December 1 - World AIDS Day.


    1. Schedule AIDS Month at school.

    2. To hold a New Year's party. Responsible - primary school teachers.

    3. Conduct open class hours according to the schedule.

    Head of the Ministry of Defense: / Smolyaninova I.N. /

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