Where is the Kapustin Yar test site located. See what "Kapustin Yar" is in other dictionaries

Kapustin Yar (often abbreviated as Kap-Yar) is a military missile training ground in the Astrakhan region.
The proving ground was created in 1946 to test the first Soviet ballistic missiles. Here were held nuclear tests(at least 11 nuclear explosions), 24 thousand guided missiles were detonated, 177 samples of military equipment were tested, 619 RSD-10 missiles were destroyed, as Wikipedia tells us.
In fact, this is a huge nuclear, and now a missile testing ground, where all types of missile weapons were tested and tested - aviation, air defense from S-25 to S-400, mobile and silo-based ballistic ones. From here Belka and Strelka were launched into space. There is a cosmodrome, a military airfield, an abandoned and destroyed city of Zhitkur, which is still operating now.

The place is well-known, it is mentioned a lot in the literature, cosmopoisk claims that under Zhitkur there is an underground repository of captured UFOs :) So, what is actually on the test site?

The landfill covers an area of ​​approximately 70 x 100 km and is partially abandoned. On the entire territory of the test site, at a distance of several kilometers from each other, military units and test sites, which are called "points", are scattered. Some of the points are active, some are abandoned, but not looted - the windows are intact, but the doors are open, some are abandoned and destroyed, some are used for housing and shelter for livestock by local residents, especially closer to the borders of the landfill. There is a training center, a railway training ground, target sites, an operating and abandoned cosmodrome. All steppes are generously strewn with rocket head fairings, burned-out sustainer engines, ejection seats and similar rubbish.


The pictures are absolutely ugly quality, sorry. I had to shoot through tint, at speed and with strong shaking in those moments when it was possible to get distracted from navigation, so that's what happened.

Catapult chair.


Some kind of workshop. Masts - lightning rods?

Fairings? Products?

A valid semaphore.

Railway cars after some kind of tests. Nearby there is a railway line and a steep hill.

Cattle against the background of the air defense battalion.

Akhtung minen.

Polygon 200.
Ahead, to the right of the road, a monument rocket is visible.

Experts can begin to guess a variety of techniques.



Something was constantly flying over us, but nothing was visible in the sky. At some point, an airplane appeared, flew over us, and a gap appeared on the horizon.
"Fuck," I said, and I thought that we won't be examining the targets today.

By the way, the locals, when asked why the plane is not visible, answered that it flies "in oxygen", i.e. at an altitude of 15-20 km. Why is it in oxygen?

The operating cosmodrome.

-And nothing will take off?
-A xs :)


And this is how it looks from the car :)

A lot of buildings, shelters, sites, scattered into the trash.

What's this? The size is several meters, it stands on an abandoned point.

Suspension targets, perhaps.

Observation pavilion.

Well with a drinking bowl.

Details of rockets in the national economy. It reminded me very much of Vietnam and the countries of Asia, where the hulls and debris of the bombs were used as best they could.

Camels at sunset are the same here as anywhere else on the planet.

Much on the way could not be removed, the old cosmodrome was not found. But this is very interesting.
Is it possible to drive the same route along the polygon? With good karma, luck and favorable circumstances, perhaps you can. But I do not advise you, and I was asked to convey that you should not do this :)


Fourth State Central Red Banner Order of the Red Star interspecific training ground of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation dedicated to


It is unfair to attribute only Kulikovo Pole, Borodino and Prokhorovka to the glorified fields of Russia. There are much more great battlefields. There is no doubt that the Kapustin Yar training ground, the cradle of the Rocket Forces, should also be referred to them.

"Through national efforts, - wrote" a red star", - for the sacrifices, for the spiritual tension and asceticism of their predecessors, who loosened the vastness of the virgin land, for their role in saving mankind from the world fire, Kapustin Yar and Baikonur ... are the same spiritual values ​​as Kizhi, the Kremlin, Mamayev Kurgan, Sevastopol and Kulikovo field".

The Kapustin Yar test site has entered the 21st century, the new millennium. Today, interests objectively converged here Ground forces and the Fleet, Air Defense and Air Force, Strategic Missile Forces and Aerospace Forces. Here, unique experiments are underway, new systems are tested, missile launches are planned and carried out in the interests of all types and branches of the armed forces, dozens of research topics are being developed. The training centers train specialists of the rear, mechanics-drivers known to the whole world "Topol".

The interspecific testing ground was and remains a hard worker.

The reader will learn about the creation, formation and development of the State Central Interspecific Testing Ground, formed in the Astrakhan Region, about the city in which the testers live, and about the people who have devoted their entire lives to testing missile weapons.

State Central Interspecific training ground "Kapustin Yar"

Air Force Air Defense Weaponry Test Center

Military unit 29139 has a fifty-year history. It was created to test the air defense system of Moscow - S-25 "Berkut" on June 6, 1951 by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 3389-1425 and by order of the commander of artillery Soviet army No. 0433. The era of guided air defense weapons dates back to this date.

The first commander of the unit was appointed a 45-year-old military front-line general, Hero Soviet Union, Guard Lieutenant General of Artillery Nilovsky Sergei Fedorovich. In the city of Znamensk, one of the streets bears his name.

On May 25, 1953, for the first time in the world, a guided anti-aircraft missile shot down a target aircraft (Tu-4 bomber, an analogue of the American B-29 bomber, the so-called "flying superfortress"). On May 7, 1955, at a meeting of the Defense Council, the S-25 system was put into service.

Today we remember with gratitude the pioneer test-runners: the first test leaders and testers - Tregub Ya.I., Ananin V.N., Mymrin N.G., Trofimchuk M.I., Legasov P.S., Penchukov I.M. , Lobzu V.N., Karletskiy E.S., Kruchenetsky A.F., Demina V.I., Tarasova M.P., Kharina K.N., Krasnova I.D., Pugu B.S., Zhulaya V.F., Shibalova P.P., Kurenskova A.S, the first creators of the methodology for testing anti-aircraft guided missiles - Belotserkovsky P.S., Borodulin M.L., Gritsak P.K., Valieva R.A., Kurlanova A.D. , Spiridonova E.K., Proshlyakova N.I., Chernenko S.K., Sharakshane A.S, Edemskiy V.A., Penchukova I.M. Many of them later became prominent scientists. A significant contribution to the subsequent improvement of the C-25 system was made by Bekhmetyev N.S., Sorokin V.I., Pivkin N.I., Doronenko A.A., Parshin B.V., Gladkov V.V., Timoshchenko A.D. ., Borisov A.V.

Tests of the S-25 air defense system made it possible to develop an optimal test structure for the landfill. It became clear that a full-time division of the functions of test engineers, directly related to the conduct of combat work in experiments, registration of objective control data and an operational assessment of the results of experiments, and research engineers, whose main work would be to develop a test methodology, evaluate test results, was required. development and approval of reporting documents based on test results. The realization of this vision was the creation in November 1955 of the NICH-1 (scientific testing unit) and NICH-2 (the scientific research unit). On June 1, 1954, 10 Training Center Air Defense Forces of the country, which in 1955 became part of the training ground. He began training personnel for the operation of the S-25 air defense system.

The shooting range turned into a research institution, which in 1964 was consolidated in the form of giving military unit 29139 the status of an 8 research testing range. By this time, all the necessary support units were formed. For example, the communication system in 1951 began its existence with a branch of telephone operators. In March 1952, a rear service was organized. The medical service in 1951 was represented by two doctors, a paramedic and a medical instructor. The autotractor service was organized in 1955, and 4 years before that, the automobile military unit 03077 was formed.

The history of military unit 29139 is inextricably linked with the emergence and development of the country's air defense forces, into which it was included in August 1954, and with changes in the strategy and tactics of using air attack weapons. In accordance with the current military doctrine, the country's air defense forces are tasked with creating a continuous deeply echeloned air defense in the main strategic directions of a potential enemy's strike and creating air defense for the main strategic objects. Throwing a retrospective look into the past, today we understand that the entire history of military unit 29139 is inextricably linked with the four general directions of development of the country's Air Defense Forces.

1. Creation of mobile anti-aircraft missile systems and short-, medium-range and long-range systems for anti-aircraft missile forces.

2. Creation of fighter-interceptors for fighter aviation, aircraft missile interception systems with powerful onboard weapons, airborne radar patrol and guidance systems capable of leading at large distances fighting when controlling from guidance points and command posts of ground and air bases.

3. Creation for radio technical troops radar stations and complexes with various functional purposes. These are standby stations for reconnaissance of the air enemy, according to the information of which air defense systems are transferred to increased levels of combat readiness and a decision is made to destroy the air enemy, a combat mode station for receiving combat information, according to which fire weapons are controlled, including low-altitude radar , Radar medium and high heights and finally, special radars for solving certain specific tasks.

4. Creation of complexes for automation of control of anti-aircraft missile divisions, regiments and brigades, guidance points and fighter aviation regiments, radio engineering companies, battalions and brigades, command posts of divisions and air defense corps, as well as automated control systems that combine the listed structural units.

From 1957 to 1961, three modifications of the first mobile S-75 medium-range air defense system (Dvina, Desna, Volkhov) are being tested at the test site. The new direction was expressed in the creation and improvement of the necessary test and support structures for overflights and live firing, including with a nuclear warhead, at target aircraft, target missiles, parachute targets of various types. Practically at the same time, tests of the short-range air defense system S-125 "Pechora" were carried out.

To organize and conduct tests of anti-aircraft missile weapons, a test center was ultimately formed - military unit 15683 and 1 research test department, as well as new units. V.A. Edemsky became the first head of the 1st NIIU, and A.A. Doronenko became the first commander of the ZRV test center.

In May 1957, a separate mixed aviation squadron was formed to search for the remnants of launched missiles and transport needs. The large cooperation of manufacturers made it necessary to concentrate all elements in one place for docking, setting up and conducting flight tests of air defense missile systems and air defense systems. For this purpose, a docking base - military unit 03094 was created in September 1956. All serially produced air defense missile systems and air defense systems, including the S-300P medium-range air defense systems, which were tested at the Sary-Shagan test site, passed through the docking base. A group of officers from the 1st NIIU, which included V.P. Solovey, Yu.A. Savenkov, V.M. Korobov, carried out scientific and methodological support for the initial combat firing of air defense missile units re-equipped with new air defense systems.

The most significant contribution to the testing of mobile C-75 medium-range air defense systems was made by test officers: Egorin K.I., Shesterkin E.I., Parshin B.V., Zheleznyak V.F., Zabolotnikov D.G., Sinkov A. G., Parasotka A.I., Stepanov M.M., Dudkin I.E., Kartamyshev R.V., Batov E.I., Chernyshov V.N., Rybchinsky M.K. The greatest contribution to the testing of mobile short-range air defense systems S-125 was made by test officers: Khilchenko V.M., Bychkov S.A., Safronov V.L., Fedosenko L.G., Kosachev I.M., Kubarev I V.V., Manets A.M., Pchelin A.N., Konenko I.Ya., Delichkan A.A., Pilipchuk V.V., Ditko A.I., Lagovier A.I., Dubrovin A.N. ., Faktorovich E.D. other.

Tests of automated air defense control systems have so far been unparalleled in their complexity. The very first automated control system of a tactical air defense unit, called "Luch-1", the development of which was set by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 11.11.1960 No. 1191-504, brought many methodological, organizational and technical problems. To accommodate its elements, construction of positions and infrastructure began in the vicinity of the settlements of Alexandrov Gai, Pallasovka, Gorny Balykley, Kamyshin, Kapustin Yar, a special communication system was created, and the measurement and processing system was modernized. The methodological problems of testing consisted at first in the need to develop criteria and quality indicators for centralized control of radar, anti-aircraft missile weapons and fighter-interceptors, and with later modernizations - the quality of control of units and subunits of anti-aircraft missile forces, radio-technical troops and fighter aircraft. In April 1961, an ACS test center was created - military unit 73539. Its first commander was EK Spiridonov. It was also necessary to create an aviation command post, navigational service and other support units. The solution of methodological problems was initially entrusted to the NICH of the military unit 29139. Then these works were headed by the 2nd Scientific Research Directorate of the ACS, formed on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces of the country No. 524652 dated 01.31.1964. , tests of communications and data transmission were also entrusted to this department. The first head of the 2nd NIIU was A.S. Kovalev. The methodology for testing ACS and KSA was created in separate areas and the greatest contribution in each of these areas was made by the following testers: assessment of the quality of control of anti-aircraft missile units and subunits - Petrov E.P., Nikitin V.B., Noskov A.A., Kuznetsov V. V., Kergentsev I.Ya., Korolev V.M., Grachev N.P., Shekolyan V.V., Lonsky A.L., Sokolov A.A., Rozov A.S, Shakhov L.L., Ignatov E.N., Melchakov V.V .; assessment of the quality of control of fighter aircraft - Berman M.M., Shvartsman M.Sh., Ryabov Yu.A., Boyko D.N., Velichko I.E., Kovtun N.I., Zherebtsov G. Ya., Kuzmin N .N., Savonkin Yu.I., Novosad V.V., Morozov A.V., Molodtsov V.M., Vylegzhanin V.I .; assessment of the quality of control of units and subunits of radio-technical troops - Vorobyov V. T., Grishenyov R.N., Semenenko A.L., Shilenko E.N., Yakubovsky N.I., Gubashev A.Kh .; assessment of the quality of centralized and decentralized management - Karletskiy E.S., Gorin I.I., Vinogradov L.V., Zyzin B.A., Deriy P.Ya., Blinov A.E., Rzhechkovsky S.M .; reliability assessment - Shubinsky I.B., Rezinovsky A.Ya., Dobrov V.I., Skorobogatko I.A., Puchkovsky A.I., Semiglazov V.I., Gruzhevsky Yu.V. The system of indicators of the reliability of complex systems developed at the test site is currently hosted.

Trajectory measurements and their processing began with the launch of the first missile defense system on July 25, 1951. The VTI department was created, then transformed into a separate command, which in 1962 became a measuring center - military unit 07037 with the task of obtaining and registering trajectory measurements during overflights and launches. The first commander of the unit was I.L. Privalov.

Complicated and painstaking work on the mathematical processing of trajectory measurements in 1951-1952 was carried out by the calculation group of the 8th department of the calculation and measurement service, and since 1952 - by the 2nd department of measurement processing, which later became part of NIU-1 when organizing NIU-1. With the beginning of the ACS testing, the processing of the measurement results was carried out by the second scientific and computing department of military unit 73539. Due to the increase in the volume of tests carried out on the basis of departments and laboratories that were already engaged in information processing, Directive of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces of the country No. 428309 dated 03/13/1963 on March 14 the Computing Center was established. Its first boss was V.I. Yakovlev.

The greatest contribution to the establishment of the Computer Center, and subsequently 4 NIIU, was made by the following officers: Daylid V.E., Antosik N.G., Skvortsov V.M., Kuleshov E.A., Grachev S.N., Pavlenko G.N., Semenov I.S., Ponedelchenko I.N., Mikhailovsky V.A., Misevra A.F., Manych A.D., Kuzmichev B.A., Bochkarev O.S., Kvasov E.G., Ryazantsev A.G. , Rusakov V.A., Olkhovsky L.I., Rachkov Yu.A., Lobeiko V.I., Bogdyuk B.V., Tarasenko N.N.

The implementation of tasks for testing radar weapons began in 1969. In August of this year, in accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces of the country No. 1, the 3rd Research Test Directorate was created, and in 1976 - the RLV test center, military unit 97670. The first head of the 3rd NIIU was Ermolaev PD, and the first B.P. Brednev became the commander of the RLV center.

The variety of radars and radars forced each time to re-create the methodology for their testing. The first testers in this direction were Poletaykin A.S., Mukovoz B.I., Karamanov A.E., Rodin V.E., Kupryashkin V.Ya. The methodology for testing low-altitude radars was created by B.I. Mukovoz, A.K. Tsirikov, R.L. Kamenskikh, A.N. Pryadko, A.S. Maltsev, A.A. Bondar. A great contribution to the development of the test methodology for multifunctional radars was made by such testers as V.A. Kuritsyn, R.N. Grishenyov, P.I. Kisel, O.V. Gricepanov, V.I. A great contribution to the testing of automated control systems, radar weapons, the creation and improvement of the test methodology was made, in addition to those who have already been called, E.K. Spiridonov, G.E. Khlynin, N.N. Raikov, A.Z. Bragin, Konoplya A.A., Ermolaev P.D., Rudakov A.I., Shipilov I.F., Chernyakhovsky D.A., Brednev B.P., Toritsin V.F., Vorobiev S.M., Ryabov S.L. ., Lozhkin S.R.

In 1976, the final formation of the structures of the 8th NIIP was completed. The rigorous authority of the landfill is maintained high level scientific research and a well-established system for organizing and testing the most complex weapons. A full-time postgraduate program for 6 places is designed to prepare their own scientific personnel, produced annually scientific works polygon with its own printing house. The development of standard methodological principles and provisions, a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the quality of complex prototypes of weapons and military air defense equipment is nearing completion. At the same time, the limitations associated with the safety of tests, their cost and the limited characteristics of the target park prompted the search for ways to obtain objective control data beyond the capabilities of the existing experimental and test base. At the beginning of the 70s, a clear idea of ​​what is today called a "virtual training ground" emerged at the test site. The need to use modeling tools was so deeply substantiated by the officers of the training ground that by the Directive of the General Staff of the country's Air Defense Forces in August 1974, the world's first semi-natural modeling center was created at the training ground. Its first chief was A.V. Kiselev.

Among the first testers of the center were officers Shats I.V., Vinogradov L.V., Zherebtsov G.Ya., Ivanov V.Ya., Kozlov A.B., Lurie Z.A., Nikitin V.B., Pavlenko N I.I., Polyavko L.I., Perekosov Yu.P., Ryazantsev A.G., Suvorov Yu.V., Starusev V.E., Trushin E.F., Rusakov V.A., Agafonov A.P. ., Gertsev V.A., Zolotarev V.F., Kalinin V.I., Saburov V.N., Stolyarov A.M., Tvarovskiy V.V., Bakharev L.N., Shokhin B.P., Chipiga V.S., Chistyakov B.A. and many others. The management team solved a difficult scientific and technical challenge- a unique integrated testing simulator was created. It could function in real time as part of a real air defense grouping and opened up promising opportunities to supplement the existing experimental test base with simulated means.

Officers Pesin F.B., Minovich Yu.V., Kubasov M.N., Gaevsky V.V., Tsybulin A.M., Karpovsky I.I., Borisov A.V., Mikhailov made a significant contribution to the implementation of these works. V.V., Korolevich D.Ya., Uvarov SI., Vasin V.I., Bachurin G.A., Slyusarenko A.A., Navalny N.N. and many others.

At the same time, the specialists of the Computer Center successfully carried out research on the creation of autonomous hardware and software complexes of objective control systems that select information from communication channels connecting air defense means during experiments. These studies ended with the creation of these complexes, including an objective control system for the functioning of the ACS.

Thus, the specialists of the military unit first prepared the conditions, and then developed and implemented an experimental-theoretical method of testing, which made it possible to determine the effectiveness of weapons and military equipment in inaccessible conditions by simulating an enemy air raid, the combat operation of fire weapons, as well as those missing in a real grouping of superior , interacting and subordinate links.

The 80s in the development of the country's air defense were marked by the transition from stationary and mobile air defense systems to mobile ones. The first S-155 long-range missile aircraft intercept system, the A-50 radar surveillance and guidance aircraft complex are being created, and the test site is involved in testing these equipment. A new generation of long-range anti-aircraft missile systems is being tested at the Sary-Shagan test site.

The country is beginning to experience economic difficulties and is going over to restructuring. The military doctrine is changing, the zonal air defense goes into oblivion. The country's air defense forces become a branch of the military and are transferred to the air force. "Unnecessary" regiments, brigades and air defense divisions are disbanded. Leading military schools remain outside the Russian Federation. Against this background, there follows a series of organizational and staff measures and reductions in the number of military unit 29139, first by half, and then again by half. 8 NIIP turns into 8 test range, although it still includes 4 test centers and research and development test departments, but there are no longer three, but two of them. The tasks of 1 control are transferred to the second department, and it itself is disbanded. The Simulation Center and Computing Center continue to function.

In August 1994, in connection with the new optimization of the structure of the Ministry of Defense training grounds, 8, the air defense test range was disbanded. On its basis, the 708th Research and Development Testing Center for Interspecific Air Defense Means was created as part of the 4th State Center for Medical Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which became the successor of the disbanded test site. Partly, military unit 29139 is transferred to the Strategic Missile Forces, and part continues to solve the tasks of the Air Defense Forces of the Air Force. Begins recent history military unit 29139.

The 708 research and development center includes 4 research and development test departments - anti-aircraft missile weapons, automated control systems and radar weapons, modeling tools, objective control tools created on the basis of the computer center. Test centers and support units, with the exception of a communications center and a support battalion, responsible for transportation and security of individual facilities, were transferred to the 4th GTSMP after restructuring. The reduction of the RF Armed Forces continues. The subsequent repeated reductions lead to the fact that 90% of the privates and sergeants of the number of units and subunits performing air defense missions of the Air Force are dropping out. The lack of investment on the part of the Air Force leads to the progressive physical and moral aging of fixed assets and the experimental and testing base. Buildings are mothballed, once busy technological sites are abandoned. The ACS center is disbanded, and its tasks are transferred to the RLV center. Cadres grow old and drop out without proper young reinforcements. The officers are burdened with uncharacteristic tasks of survival, and the reward for patience and hard work is new tested models of weapons and military equipment.

Tests begin to acquire a commercial character, and the main developers of air defense systems, in order to survive in the face of intense competition, are beginning to focus on a foreign customer. The best system of all time, the S-300PMU1, after the completion of the tests, is sent to the island of Cyprus, and only then its domestic analogue, the S-300PM, is being finalized. Showcase shooting and drills are becoming the norm.

However, against this background, in the interests of the air defense of the Air Force, anti-aircraft missile weapons are being tested. Leading testers of long-range air defense systems - Bushnev V.I., Raev A.A., Krutalevich A.G., Bibik K.I., Maksimushkin A.M., Zharkov S.N., Sergeenko M.A., Demidov Yu. A., Podlesny B.V., Samoseiko P.P., Tolstov A.S., Lebednov D.A., Korobov V.M., Doroshenko A.V., Dolgopoltsev V.G., Sitnikov S.E., Davydov G.G., Tarasov Yu.V., Fedorov V.N., Kurchavin A.G., Zarovkin Yu.V., Bukhantsev Yu.M., Chigorevsky O.V. Leading testers of the short-range anti-aircraft missile-gun complex - Surgailo O.L., Radkevich A.A., Timoshchenko A.A., Fomin A.V., Mastenitsa K.P., Semin N.G., Terekhov O.V. ., Sapozhnikov V.M.

Testing of ACS and radar is not stopped. Military affairs of veterans are successfully continued by a new generation of testers - Demenkov A.B., Lozhkin SR., Parshin S.G., Arevkov G.G., Borisko S.N., Galkin F.B., Goncharov I.L., Gubin B.P., Ivanov V.S., Kochubei V.V., Melchakov V.V., Mineev S.A., Morozov S.A., Makarov V.A., Mikhailov A.G., Pavlukhin P.V. ., Pichugin A.Yu., Reznikov Yu.S., Shatalov M.A., Chernyshkov A.P., Budko S.Yu., Lobanov V.V., Milushev I.D., Mitrofanov D.V., Fedotov Yu.I., Belov E.A., Grishinev A.A., Malov S.N., Slyusarenko A.A., Prelov M.M.

The year 2005 is significant. The obsolete KIMU was replaced by a modern complex simulator KIMU-2000. NIIU-3 officers took an active part in its creation: A.A. Solod, I.I. Epur, B.A. Zabenko, O.N. Terziev, V.M. Tyumentsev, A.M. Zhuk, V.M. Motchenko. A., Aseev A.M., Shcherbakov E.V., Smirnov V.R., Golovan A.M., Lakoza D.A., Shakhov I.V., Sukhov M.V., Slyusarenko A.A. , Popovichev A.V., Gulya N.N., Somov V.G. and others.

In 708 NIITs, the system of objective control of combat training of air defense crews S-300PM, which has proven itself in international exercises at the Ashuluk range, and a mobile control center for field experiments are successfully used. Officers of NIIU-4 Olkhovsky L.I., Korkin A.S., Maryshev A.A., Privalov A.I., Taranov V.G., Svishchev A.G. were directly involved in their creation and development of software.

These achievements in the field of modeling tools and objective control crowned the long-term work of officers of the 708 Research Institute for the development and development of an experimental-theoretical test method. For the first time in many years, the experimental test base of military unit 29139 began to revive, acquiring a high modern level.
Over the entire existence of military unit 29139, many tens of thousands of officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers and employees provided tests, supported the infrastructure of the unit. Test centers, a measuring center, transport, security, power supply, communications, numerous services, headquarters, rear, KEU, medical institutions and other important units - all honestly performed and are doing their job today. We cannot list their names, but we today remember you, thank you and bow to you.

Currently, the 708 Research Institute under the leadership of Colonel Kadolin N.G. simultaneously tests a whole series of the latest weapons and military equipment for the Air Defense Forces, carries out Scientific research on more than 10 topics.

The center today has a staff, seasoned with experience in conducting tests, a unique experimental and testing base, and is capable of solving problems in testing advanced weapons and military equipment. During the existence of military unit 29139, about two hundred new complex weapon systems and military equipment for the air defense forces have been tested. The collective served and worked 12 laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes in the field of science and technology, 5 doctors of technical sciences, 3 of whom later became academicians, 107 candidates of technical sciences. Completed 446 research and test topics, the relevance of which is difficult to overestimate. Received 505 copyright certificates and patents for inventions. More than 500 servicemen have received state awards.

In solving the problems of testing and research, a significant contribution is made today by the leading scientific personnel of the center: Doctor of Technical Sciences Lobeiko V.I., Candidates of Technical Sciences Sokolov S.P., Zhuk A.M., Smirnov V.R., Tarasenko N.N. , Radkevich A.A., Arevkov G.G., Olkhovsky L.I., Kuzmin N.N., Kupryashkin V.Ya., Kuritsyn V.A., Borisov A.V.

Chiefs of staff:
Zhurav M.A. (1960-1962),
Liventsov A.I. (1962-1969),
Pivkin N.I. (1970-1979),
Popkov V.A. (1979-1981),
Ilyichev Yu.M. (1984-1994),
Knyazev A.I. (1994-1998),
B.M. Kapustin (1998-2000),
Chuprygin V.A. (2000-2001),
Anisimov G.N. (since 2001)

Deputies for the technical part - first deputies for research and testing work:
Tregub Ya.I. (1951 - 1957),
Penchukov I.M. (1957 - 1960),
Edemskiy V.A. (1960 - 1962)

Deputy for research and testing work:
Khlynin G.I. (1963 -1972),
Petrov E.P. (1972-1982),
Kuritsyn V.A. (1982-1992),
Korolev V.M. (1992-1994),
Lagovier A.I. (1994-1995),
Kuzmin N. N. (1995-1999),
Raev A.A. (1999-2003),
A.G. Krutalevich (2003 - 2004),
Sokolov S.P. (since 2005)

Sources of information

POLYGON KAPUSTIN YAR - Volzhsky, JSC Alliance Yugpoligrafizdat, Volzhsky polygraph plant, 2006

Located in the Astrakhan region east of the Ashuluk railway station. V Soviet time the landfill was located on the territories of two republics - Russia and Kazakhstan. The allotted area of ​​120 km by 38 km is completely located within the Astrakhan region, while the other part of it remained abroad (see the pilot map).

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Kapustin Yar

Kapustin Yar (often abbreviated as Kap-Yar) is a military missile training ground in the northwestern part of the Astrakhan region. Official name: 4th State Central Interspecific Polygon of the Russian Federation (4 GTSMP).

The proving ground was created on May 13, 1946 to test the first Soviet ballistic missiles. Inclination orbits, degrees: minimum 48.4, maximum 50.7. The area of ​​the polygon is about 650 km 2 (occupied an area of ​​up to 0.40 million hectares), located mostly in Russia, but also occupies land within the Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions of Kazakhstan.

The administrative and residential center of the landfill is the city of Znamensk (ZATO) with a population of 32.1 thousand people. (2005). The landfill is named after the nearby ancient village of Kapustin Yar, adjacent to the city of Znamensk from the southeast.

State missile range Kapustin Yar is located in the steppe area

on the edge of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain in the northwestern part of the Astrakhan region

near the railway station of the same name.
Area (without fall fields) - about 650 square kilometers.
The number of personnel and population of Kapustin Yar is about 50 thousand people.
The climate is continental, temperate, arid.

The cosmodrome plays an important role in the training of qualified specialists in the field of rocket and space technology.
As a cosmodrome, it has a difficult geopolitical position, since the routes pass over the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cosmodrome of the USSR. Located in the area of ​​the village of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region, in the lower reaches of the Volga at the point with coordinates 48.4 0 north latitude and 56.5 0 east longitude. Designed for launches of combat ballistic missiles, geophysical and meteorological missiles, as well as space objects small mass. Launched into orbit an artificial Earth satellite space objects have an orbital inclination to the equatorial plane in the range from 480 to 510. Since 1988 it has ceased to be used. Resumed launches on April 28, 1999. In addition, test work resumed at the test site. The idea of ​​creating an interspecies testing ground has finally found its way into reality. In 1999, test sites from Emba and Sary-Shagan were relocated to the test site.

The history of the missile range began in May 1946, when it was decided to create a missile range. However, then Kapustin Yar appeared only in the list of one of the possible locations of deployment. The choice of the site for the future test site was entrusted to Major General Vasily Ivanovich VOZNYUK. Voznyuk began by going to Germany and looking for his guardsmen there, choosing stronger, more reliable people for the future training ground. A reconnaissance group of specialists in a short time carried out a great deal of work to select the site of the future training ground. All seven promising areas were surveyed, materials on meteorology, hydrology, communications, building opportunities and so on were collected and analyzed. The area of ​​the village of Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan region was chosen and it was his group that recommended for the construction of the future missile range. The decision to build a landfill in Kapustin Yar was made by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on June 23, 1947. By the same decision, Major General Vasily Ivanovich VOZNYUK was entrusted with the construction of the landfill and he was appointed head of the future landfill.

The first officers arrived at the training ground on August 20, 1947. We pitched tents, organized a kitchen and a hospital. Military builders arrived with Voznyuk's guards. The conditions were difficult, and what the “conditions” could be in the bare steppe. On the third day, the construction of a concrete stand for fire tests of engines began. In September 1947, a special brigade of Major General Alexander Fedorovich TVERETSKY arrived from Thuringia (Germany). Then two special trains with equipment, formed in Germany. For a month and a half of work, by the beginning of October 1947, in addition to a concrete test bench, a launch pad with a bunker, a temporary technical position, an assembly building, and a bridge were built. They built a highway and a railway line connecting the landfill with the main highway to Stalingrad. They built a lot, but only for the rocket. The first housing for officers was built only in 1948, and before that builders and testers lived in tents, in temporary huts, in peasant huts. Great help was provided by special trains, which were equipped not only with laboratory equipment, but also with rather comfortable carriages for specialists and bosses. By October 1, 1947, Voznyuk reported to Moscow about the complete readiness of the test site for launching missiles, and already on October 14, 1947, the first batch of A-1 (V-2) missiles arrived at the test site. Earlier, Sergey Pavlovich KOROLEV and other specialists arrived at the landfill.

From October 18, 1947, the countdown of the operation of the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome begins. It was on this day at 10:47 am Moscow time that the first ballistic missile was launched in the USSR. The rocket rose to an altitude of 86 kilometers and reached the surface of the Earth 274 kilometers from the launch site. The first series of launches was made from October 18 to November 13, 1947. During this period, 11 A-1 missiles were launched. There were successes, there were refusals, but this concerned missiles, not ground equipment.

For 10 years (from 1947 to 1957) Kapustin Yar was the only test site for Soviet ballistic missiles. The tests of the R-1 missiles (September - October 1948, September - October 1949), R-2 (September - October 1949), R-5 (March 1953) and others were carried out at the test site. Even during the first series of launches in October - November 1947, Kapustin Yar began to be used as a launch site for geophysical rockets. Scientific instruments were installed on the A-1 rocket launched on November 2, 1947. Since then, this tradition has been maintained until the specialized geophysical rockets V-1 and V-2 were created. However, Kapustin Yar remained the launch site for geophysical rockets. Later, meteorological rockets were added to geophysical rockets. In June 1951, the first series of missile launches with dogs on board took place.

In the early 50s, in addition to the active missile launch program, the formation and development of the test base of the test site was underway, launch and technical complexes were built. On February 20, 1956, a nuclear missile test was carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site. The launched R-5 missile delivered a nuclear warhead to the Astrakhan steppe, where a nuclear explosion took place. At the Kapustin Yar test site, the Tempest intercontinental ballistic missile was launched in 1957-1959. On March 16, 1962, Kapustin Yar turned from a rocket range into a cosmodrome. On that day, the first launch of the Kosmos carrier rocket (11K63) with the DS-2 Kosmos-1 spacecraft, which opened the launches of this series of satellites, was carried out from the launch pad of the Kapustin-Yar MO State Central Range. Small research satellites were launched from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome, which were launched using low-power launch vehicles.

Since October 14, 1969, Kapustin Yar has been functioning as an international cosmodrome. On that day, the Interkosmos-1 satellite, created by specialists from the socialist countries, was launched. The Indian satellites Ariabhata and Bhaskara, the French satellite Sneg-3, went on a flight from Kapustin Yar. An important role was played by Kapustin Yar in the training of qualified personnel for testers of rocket and space technology and management personnel for new cosmodromes. The Kapustin Yar cosmodrome took over the role of a cosmodrome for "small" rockets and "small" Earth satellites of a research plan. This specialization continued until 1988, when the need for launching such satellites sharply decreased and space launches from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome were discontinued. However, the launch and technical positions for launch vehicles of the Cosmos type are constantly maintained in a working condition and, if necessary, can be used at any time.

Below is the chronology of missile and satellite launches from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome. The chronology does not claim to be complete, since data on the tests of Soviet ballistic missiles in the 40s-50s were not published and the fragmentary information that you can find on these pages is taken from the memoirs of the direct participants in these launches.

Launches from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome

Start date Object name Note
18.10.47 A-1 Ballistic missile.
20.10.47 A-1 Ballistic missile.
02.11.47 A-1 Ballistic missile.
13.11.47 A-1 Ballistic missile.
13.11.47 A-1 Ballistic missile.
10.10.48 P-1 Ballistic missile.
31.10.48 P-1 Ballistic missile.
01.05.49 P-1 Ballistic missile.
07.05.49 R-1A Ballistic missile.
30.09.49 P-2 Ballistic missile.
22.06.51 R-2A Geophysical rocket with dogs on board.
01.07.51 P-1 Ballistic missile.
15.03.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
18.03.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
02.04.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
08.04.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
18.04.53 P-11 Ballistic missile.
24.04.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
12.08.53 P-5 Ballistic missile.
31.01.55 R-5M Ballistic missile.
11.01.56 R-5M Ballistic missile.
20.02.56 R-5M A ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead.
12.07.57 P-12 Ballistic missile.
01.09.57 Storm 1st flight Ballistic missile.
28.12.58 Storm, 9th flight Ballistic missile.
30.09.59 P-14 Ballistic missile.
02.12.59 Storm, 14th flight Ballistic missile.
16.12.60 Storm, 19th flight Ballistic missile.
31.10.61 R-12U Ballistic missile.
16.03.62 Cosmos-1
24.04.62 Cosmos-3 Sov. artificial satellite Earth.
28.05.62 Cosmos-5 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.06.62 Cosmos-6 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
18.08.62 Cosmos-8 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
20.10.62 Cosmos-11 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
13.04.63 Cosmos-14 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
22.05.63 Cosmos-17 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
06.08.63 Cosmos-19 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
13.12.63 Cosmos-23 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
27.02.64 Cosmos-25 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
18.03.64 Cosmos-26 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
06.06.64 Cosmos-31 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.07.64 Cosmos-36 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
22.08.64 Cosmos-42 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
22.08.64 Cosmos-43 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
24.10.64 Cosmos-49 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
10.12.64 Cosmos-51 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.01.65 Cosmos-53 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
02.07.65 Cosmos-70 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
23.07.65 Cosmos-76 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
19.10.65 Cosmos-93 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
04.11.65 Cosmos-95 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.11.65 Cosmos-97 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
21.12.65 Cosmos-101 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
25.01.66 Cosmos-106 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
11.02.66 Cosmos-108 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.04.66 Cosmos-116 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
24.05.66 Cosmos-119 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
08.07.66 Cosmos-123 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
01.10.66 Amber Automatic ionosphere laboratory.
12.12.66 Cosmos-135 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
21.12.66 Cosmos-137 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
14.02.67 Cosmos-142 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
03.03.67 Cosmos-145 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
21.03.67 Cosmos-149 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
05.06.67 Cosmos-163 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
16.06.67 Cosmos-166 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
12.10.67 Vertical space probe SC for studying the upper atmosphere.
19.12.67 Cosmos-196 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.12.67 Cosmos-197 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
20.02.68 Cosmos-202 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
19.04.68 Cosmos-215 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.04.68 Cosmos-219 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
24.05.68 Cosmos-221 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
12.06.68 Cosmos-225 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
05.07.68 Cosmos-230 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
14.12.68 Cosmos-259 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.12.68 Cosmos-262 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
05.03.69 Cosmos-268 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
14.10.69 Intercosmos-1
24.10.69 Cosmos-307 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
25.12.69 Intercosmos-2 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
16.01.70 Cosmos-320 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
24.04.70 Cosmos-335 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
12.06.70 Cosmos-347 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
07.08.70 Intercosmos-3 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
14.10.70 Intercosmos-4 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.10.70 AT 5 Rocket Astrophysical Observatory.
28.11.70 Vertical-1 Geophysical rocket.
20.08.71 Vertical-2 Geophysical rocket.
02.12.71 Intercosmos-5 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.06.72 Intercosmos-7 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
12.07.72 Cosmos-501 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.01.73 Cosmos-546 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
19.04.73 Interkosmos - Kosmos 500 Polish artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.05.73 MP-12 Meteorological rocket. An experiment to create an artificial aurora.
17.05.74 Intercosmos-11 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
19.04.75 Aryabhata
02.09.75 Vertical-3 Geophysical rocket.
26.07.76 Intercosmos-16 Int. artificial satellite of the Earth.
14.10.76 Vertical-4 Geophysical rocket.
27.04.77 Cosmos-906 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
17.06.77 Signe-3 Franz. artificial satellite of the Earth.
30.08.77 Vertical-5 Geophysical rocket.
25.10.77 Vertical-6 Geophysical rocket.
03.11.78 Vertical-7 Geophysical rocket.
23.12.78 Cosmos-1065 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
07.06.79 Bhaskara-1 Ind. artificial satellite of the Earth.
06.07.79 Cosmos-1112 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
29.09.79 Vertical-8 Geophysical rocket.
31.07.80 Cosmos-1204 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
28.08.81 Vertical-9 Geophysical rocket.
20.11.81 Bhaskara-2 Ind. artificial satellite of the Earth.
21.12.81 Vertical-10 Geophysical rocket.
21.04.82 Cosmos-1351 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
04.06.82 Cosmos-1374 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
27.07.82 Cosmos-1397 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
21.10.82 Cosmos-1418 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
16.03.83 Cosmos-1445 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
26.05.83 Cosmos-1465 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
04.07.83 BOR-5, 1st flight
31.08.83 Cosmos-1494 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
22.12.83 Cosmos-1517 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
06.06.84 BOR-5, 2nd flight An analogue of the military version of Buran.
28.06.84 Cosmos-1578 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
19.12.84 Cosmos-1614 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
17.04.85 BOR-5, 3rd flight An analogue of the military version of Buran.
02.10.85 Cosmos-1688 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
25.12.86 BOR-5, 4th flight An analogue of the military version of Buran.
22.01.87 Cosmos-1815 Sov. artificial satellite of the Earth.
27.08.87 BOR-5, 5th flight An analogue of the military version of Buran.
22.06.88 BOR-5, 6th flight An analogue of the military version of Buran.
Break in 11 years - the cosmodrome was mothballed
28.04.99 « ABRIXAS" and " MegSat-0» German satellite for astronomical research and small Italian technology satellite
further, until 2007, satellites were not launched from the cosmodrome.

During the existence of the test site, 140 launches of space rockets were made from here (the last one was launched in April 1999), including during their tests. More than 86 spacecraft of various classes have been launched into orbit. The successful flight of the reusable spacecraft "Buran" in 1988 was also largely laid down here - it was predetermined by the tests of its model "Bor", also launched from Kapustin Yar.


When did the village of Kapustin Yar appear? How did it get this name? There are two versions of the appearance of a village with this name.


It dates back to the times of Stepan Razin, who walked along the Volga with his freelancer. Rising up the river, he left guard posts on its banks to monitor and control the transportation of goods on merchant ships from Rus to the Caucasus, in Central Asia and to Turkey.

For one guard post, the steep bank Yar was chosen, from which the Cossacks were supposed to control the Volga and the adjacent steppes. And the eldest (or chief) in the post was a Cossack nicknamed "Kapustin".


It is associated with the extraction of salt at Lake Baskunchak.

In 1718, in order to export salt from Lake Baskunchak, by the Tsar's decree of Tsar Peter I, about 100 Russian and Ukrainian families - salt carriers (Chumaks) - were resettled from Central Russia and Ukraine to the Astrakhan province for an eternal settlement. They carried salt from Lake Baskunchak to the town of Dmitrievsky (now Kami-shin) (Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary, 1980, p. 541, see the word "Kamyshin").

Upon arrival in the Astrakhan province, the settlers were allocated four definite places for permanent residence. One of them was identified near Yar, not far from the place of the future village of Kolobovka. The settlers built their settlements in the designated places.

The Cossack cordon (barrage detachment), headed by the chieftain, guarded the settlers and their settlements.

To communicate with the settlement near Yar, the ataman sent Kapustin as a liaison, who constantly lived in the settlement with the settlers.

Subsequently, these settlements were given the names of the villages: Nikolaevka, Rakhinka, Solyanka, and near Yar - Kapustin Yar. Apparently, it received this title in honor of the Cossack Kapustin, who lived for a long time in the settlement with the settlers.


In the first place at Yar, our ancestors lived for 87 years: from 1718 to 1805. Traces of this large settlement near Yar, near the village of Kolobovka, have survived to this day. The place to live near Yar was inconvenient for them, and after the departure of the Cossacks, they began to look for a better, more convenient place. They found such a place near the Podstepka flowing river, not far from the Akhtuba river. In 1805, the Kapustinoyarsk residents began to build up houses on this place. At the same time, Ukrainian families built their houses from the center of the chosen place to the west, and Russian families to the east.

The appearance of the village of Kapustina Yara in a new place in 1805 was its first year of foundation.

The main occupation of the population of Kapustin Yar then was the carriage of salt and the management of the peasant economy.

Later, the inhabitants of Kapustin Yar built a state dirt road along the meadow side, over the Volga, 60 miles long, as a trade route of the Trans-Volga region in the Stavropol region and in other provinces.

The news of the free Trans-Volga settlements quickly spread among the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, and soon they began to grow into people who had fled from captivity. This was also facilitated by the fact that in the Astrakhan province, on the zemstvo, as well as on the share lands of the Trans-Volga region, there were never landowners.

Spacious steppes, stretching for hundreds of miles with rich arable land; the wealth of the meadow side with its countless fish lakes and eriks, forest and various animals and birds - all this attracted more and more business people and migrants.

Kapustin Yar is located in a very convenient place for trading. It took place especially briskly at fairs and during the flood of the Volga (in high water), when large steamers and rafts with timber were approaching the marinas.

Already in the middle of the 19th century, merchant brick and wooden houses, two-story and one-story, with shops and basements for goods appeared in the center of the village.

A tall brick house was built for the bank, on the iron roof of which tall weather vans were installed in the corners.

Among the top ten eminent merchants were: Shishkin, Smolyakov, Orlov, Ryzhkov, Polubarinov, Zayashnikov, Zaglyadkin, Popov, Linev, Tkachev and Saushnikov.

At that time, handicraft flourished in the village. In the past, for many generations, residents of Kapustinoyarsk remembered the names of dynasties of carpenters and blacksmiths, stove-makers and roofers, shoemakers and tailors, postovals and saddlers. The best artisans taught young people their skills, but the training was paid.

Official sources (TSB ed. 1 and others) testify that the village of Kapustin Yar, founded in 1805, already in the first half of the 19th century was a settlement of 1834 courtyards with a population of 13,300 people.

It operated:

3 churches,

4 schools with 197 students,

20 shops,

1 pharmacy,

5 drinking establishments,

2 fish gangs (apparently artels),
-1 steam oil mill,

3 fairgrounds,

120 windmills and grinders.

The village of Kapustin Yar was more like a provincial town with a population of up to 22,000 in its best years.

The presence in the village of well-known merchants and traders, wealthy peasants, artisans of various professions testifies that at that time Kapustin Yar had then not a village, but a Slo-Bod type of settlement.

(Sloboda is a large village with a non-serf population).


On October 25 (November 7), 1917, the October Socialist Revolution took place. Power passed into the hands of the workers and peasants - the Soviets of Workers 'and Peasants' Deputies. The Soviet state expropriated the property of the capitalists and landowners. In Kapustin Yar, the authorities expropriated the property of merchants and a banker.

Civil war broke out (1918-1920)

The state took a number of measures to put the national economy on a war footing, banned private trade, and introduced surplus appropriation for peasants. The peasant, having handed over the surplus appropriation system to the state at state prices, was obliged to surrender the surplus grain at the same prices. For the peasants, such an order of delivery of grain was unprofitable.

In 1921, after graduating civil war, the state began to pursue the "New Economic Policy" -NEP. It took a number of measures to restore the ruined national economy, announced private trade, and replaced the peasants with the surplus tax in kind. The peasant, having handed over the tax in kind, had the right to sell the surplus grain at free prices.

Already in the first year of the NEP, the peasant was convinced that such an order of delivery of grain to the state was beneficial to him: having handed over the grain log at the state price, he could take the surplus grain to Zagotzerno and sell it at a price that suited him, or hand it over to an agricultural cooperative in exchange for manufactured goods or agricultural implements.

The years of the NEP had a positive effect on the material position of the peasantry. It began to produce more grain, it became better to live. For the peasants of Kapustin Yar, especially for the middle peasants, these years were the best time in their lives.

During the NEP, the peasantry was divided into groups:

Poor people,


Fists using the hired labor of farm laborers,

Farm laborers.

The eve of 1929 has come, when great changes will take place in the life of the peasants.


As mentioned above, the state, carrying out the NEP, announced private trade. And private traders appeared in Kapustin Yar. They built their stalls and booths in two rows in the central square, where they sold various goods. These merchants have become competitors of the consumer cooperation.

In Kapustin Yar during the NEP years, fairs were held at the most large area, where in the center there is a high fire tower (fire). Especially large fairs were held after the end of field and hay-harvesting works.

Peasants and private traders from other villages came to the fairs, and sometimes a small traveling circus came with its booth, where clowns, a magician and other artists performed.

At these fairs there was an abundance of industrial goods, te-legs (carts) with agricultural products, and various domestic livestock for sale. The whole area, even around the fire, was filled with people.

And on the central square, where the stalls and kiosks of merchants were located, bazaars were held on Sundays, mainly in summer and autumn, to which local peasants brought agricultural products for sale: watermelons, melons, apples and pears of various varieties, berries, as well as fresh and dried (dry) fish and other products. Private traders paid taxes to the state for the right to trade, starting in 1921. Every year they increased, and in 1929, due to a large tax, merchants stopped their trading activities.

The old residents of the village still remember the names of "red merchants", such as: Patrin, Zaglyadkin, Mayborodin, Volkov, Plaksin.

In 1929, private trade was banned by the state.

In 1921, in the house of the former merchant Shishkin, a second stage school was opened with a five-year term of study, which gave those who graduated from it a general secondary education.

Schools of the first stage with a term of study of 4 years provided elementary education.

In 1926, a population census was held in the USSR. According to this census, over 26,000 people lived in the village of Kapustin Yare, along with farms.


In 1929, the collectivization of agriculture began in the Soviet Union.

In the village of Kapustin Yare, during the collectivization of agriculture, a collective farm was created and at the same time the kulaks were dispossessed with the confiscation of all their property and subsequent eviction.

In December 1929, a giant collective farm was formed with the name "Lenin's Way", which included more than 4600 peasants.

The livestock and property of the dispossessed kulaks were distributed among the brigades and collective farm economies.

The peasants who joined the collective farm, the livestock they had: horses, cows, sheep - whoever had what was handed over to the collective farm, to the common herd.

In 1933, 6 agricultural collective farms and 1 fishing collective farm with the names:

Named after Kirov,

Named after Shevchenko,

7th Congress of Soviets,

Named after Krupskaya,

- "Lenin's Way",

- "Red Banner" - fishing.


On June 22, 1941, fascist German troops suddenly began military operations against the USSR. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany began.

In Kapustin Yar, mobilization began on June 23, 1941, several age groups... Until the end of the year, about 2,500 people were drafted, and in total during the war years more than 5,000, of which every third person died. They saw off the mobilized with the hope of a speedy return, but the wait dragged on for many years.

During the war, the inhabitants of Kapustin Yar had to endure many difficult and difficult trials.

The first difficulties are harvesting a good harvest in 1941. From the steppe estuaries at night carts with grain left on horses, bulls and camels to Vladimirovka. the drivers were old men, women and teenagers.

It was necessary in the shortest possible time by forces civilian population to fill the earthen wall under the railway line from the village of Solyanka to the village of Kolobovka, 22 km long. This is our section of the route Vladimirovka - Ferry.

From the villages: Vladimirovka, Pokrovka, Pologoye - Zaymishche, So-Lanka, Kapustin Yar and the Stasov farm, 8 thousand people went out every day to dump the shaft, of which 70% were women and schoolchildren who worked together with teachers. Doctors and nurses were on duty around the clock at medical posts along the entire construction line. A lot of horse-ox carts, cars and several tractors were mobilized in the villages.

In the very difficult conditions of autumn and winter, people worked for 10-12 hours and finished filling the shaft ahead of schedule.

Having started work on September 20, 1941, the Kapustinoyarsk residents accepted the first steam locomotive on November 20, and from December 27, 1941, echelons with ammunition went in a stream, military equipment and food for the defenders of Stalingrad.

Plot railroad Vladimirovka-Paromnaya, called "female" by the builders, played a huge role in the defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad.

In the summer of 1942, the villagers were mobilized to build airfields in the area of ​​the Kulatsky and Bezbatchenkov farms. It was necessary to manually level the huge area and build adobe caponiers to shelter the aircraft. The working hands are the same - women and adolescents. The airfields were prepared on time.

In the winter of 1942, evacuees from Western Ukraine and Belarus began to arrive in the village of Kapustin Yar. It was necessary to house about 5 thousand families. Up to 3 families were placed in each house.

Through Kapustin Yar to Kazakhstan passed from the western regions, or as they said then "Because of the Volga", thousands of herds of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs. The work of crossing them across the Volga and Akhtuba, providing hay and fodder, was difficult and unsafe.

Already at the beginning of 1942, fascist planes flew in every day from 10 am to bomb the railway station Ka-Pustin Yar, Baskunchak, farms and cattle.

At the beginning of 1943, more than 2 thousand people received the evacuated Leningraders.

The Stalingrad and Don fronts brought the front line closer and the village of Kapustin Yar became front-line. In the building of the former editorial office of the newspaper "For the Harvest", which is on Victory Square, a communications center for two fronts was deployed. Kandyba A.K. was appointed the head of the communication center. He remained in this position until the end of the war. A memorial plate is installed on the building.

In a short time in the summer of 1942, all the buildings of the village were prepared for evacuation hospitals for the slightly wounded. On the territory of the village, 8 of them were prepared, one each - on the Tokarev farms - dogs and Stasov.

The model of the hospital N 4184 of the Tokarev-Peski farm is in the funds of the Museum of the Defense of Stalingrad, as an example of military engineering art, as a tribute to the people's gratitude to the military doctors who returned thousands and thousands of Red Army soldiers to the ranks.

Living witnesses of those legendary events are among us, residents of the village of Kapustin Yar and the city of Znamensk. There is no war without casualties and lightly wounded also died and found

your eternal rest in mass graves on our Kapustinoyarsk land.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, memorial plaques with the names of those who were able to be installed were installed at all the brotherly graves at all the graves.

On Victory Square, the names of the Kapustinoyarsk residents who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are immortalized on marble slabs, and the search for them continues. The state remains deeply indebted to the memory of the fallen.

Memorable gifts and 1,332 government awards were presented at the anniversary celebrations. Almost every fifth inhabitant of the village received them. Among the awardees - our pride and spiritual support - 303 war veterans and invalids, including 18 women - front-line soldiers.

Former teenagers and children of the war years who worked under the slogan: "Everything for the front", "Everything for the Victory", and whom we today call "Home front veterans", receiving a government award and an envelope with a modest investment, with tears on they thanked the Government with their eyes for remembering, not forgetting.

United by the Council of War and Labor Veterans under the "command" of N. ADononov, the veterans today are for us a living example of loyalty to the Fatherland and the ideals of military

youth, high moral principles and humanity.


After the war, the history of the village of Kapustina Yara was unexpectedly continued. The first in the USSR Kapustin Yar cosmodrome was created on its steppe expanses (Cosmonautics of the USSR, Moscow, 1986, p. 411).

This happened in the spring of 1946 during a flood. A longboat with a barge, loaded with all sorts of boxes and various military ammunition, moored to the low bank of the Podstepka River, just above the main pier, where the steamers stopped. There were military men and people in civilian clothes. They were unloaded onto the open shore and partly into the courtyard of Plaksin Ivan Danilovich, a front-line soldier who returned from the war in the fall of 1945.

Nobody knew the purpose and tasks of this river landing. They knew, of course, the heads of local authorities - members of the executive committee of the Ka-pustinoyarsk district council, chairman Sivashov Ivan Fomich, secretaries of the RK VKP (b), as well as that a military unit was arriving, that it was necessary to quarter officers in rural houses and provide assistance in arrangement.

It became clear to the villagers about the seriousness of the intentions of the military and about the upcoming changes in their lives when they learned that a decision had been made to change the boundaries of the village and to relocate about 200 families of the Bogucharovka district to plots free for development.

Compensation issued by the state in the amount of 5,000 rubles. for a family for resettlement, at that time it was a good support, and many families instead of former kitchens-huts built wooden houses for themselves. In 1949, with the help of the military, the resettlement of the families was completed.

The population of the village was going through a difficult and hungry time, and the arrival of military units instilled in him confidence in the future. Many, the most literate residents received jobs in the calculation groups, others in the KECh, in the service sector. Some of them got long-term service.

The name of Vasily Ivanovich Voznyuk, the head of the cosmodrome, has become legendary for the inhabitants of the village. It is especially dear and memorable to those who had to work with it. Old-timers of the village keep many examples of how Vasily Ivanovich highly appreciated the dignity of a working person, how he strictly asked bureaucratic commanders for his soulless attitude towards subordinates.

He perfectly knew the situation and the problems of collective and state farms, the needs and requirements of the villagers. Provided them with all-round assistance. Many military units had sponsored vegetable-growing brigades and farms. During the harvesting work, labor force and equipment were reliably allocated.

With a kind word they remember the head of the military builders department, Colonel Parishionan Anatoly Aleksandrovich, his interested participation and assistance in the economic construction of local collective and state farms, road improvement, in protecting the barrage during floods.

The performances of military concert brigades, lecturers of the political department in labor collectives were always welcome and had great success.

The meetings of the football teams of military builders and racket specialists with local rural football players gathered numerous spectators and were real holidays for the youth of the village and town.

The two power trains that arrived at the garrison, with a large power shortage, fed separately: one - military facilities, the other - barracks and most of the village.

At active participation military builders have done a lot to equip the village.

In 1951, first of all, a water supply system with water intake columns was built. And its construction continues.

In 1961, the concreting of the central Sovetskaya Street, as well as Oktyabrskaya and Lesnaya Streets was completed.

A hard surface has been laid on the square near the Lenin monument.

In October 1982, work was completed on laying reinforced concrete slabs along Odesskaya Street.

Restoration work was carried out on the preserved building of the Nikolskaya Church, in which, during Soviet power There was a club for 63 years. By the feast of St. Nicholas in December 1996, the main work in the church was completed and he received the first parishioners of the village of Kapustin Yar and the town of Znamenska for services.

In the second half of the 50s, on the basis of the collective farms created in 1933, the state farm "Kapustinoyarskiy" was formed, which turned into a highly productive enterprise for the production of agricultural products.

The growth of agricultural production in the state farm is explained by the fact that, as in a state enterprise, in contrast to collective farms, there was a different organization of labor, different production relations, and most importantly, workers and employees of the state farm received monthly wages, which has never was in the former collective farms. All this contributed to the growth of their labor productivity.

In the Akhtuba region, the state farm "Kapustinoyarskiy" was the main supplier of agricultural products. He supplied a fifth of meat and dairy products and a fourth of vegetables from the regional supply plan to the state.

The formation of the state farm "Kapustinoyarskiy and the elimination of all collective farms in the village has become the main reason renaming the village of Kapustin Yar into an urban-type settlement.

In 1959, by the decree of the Government of the RSFSR, the village of Ka-pustin Yar was renamed into an urban-type settlement.

Probably, a significant role in the renaming of the village into an urban-type settlement was also played by the fact that the city of the Cosmodrome with the same name - the city of Kapustin Yar - grew up next to the village, later renamed the city of Znamensk.


If the city of Znamensk turned into a flourishing "Oasis in the wilderness", then next to it the progenitor of the cosmodro-ma, the village of Kapustin Yar, was aging and dilapidated.

For many decades, there was an outflow of labor from the village to the city of Znamensk, and in the village itself the army of non-working people increased annually. All this created a difficult socio-economic situation in Kapustin Yar.

The village of Kapustin Yar, a satellite of the closed city of Znamensk, has turned into a large "Nursing Home", in which there is no sewerage system, and electricity supply is very unreliable. On the last breath, medical care and copper-stone support. In a year or two, there will be nowhere to bury the dead villagers and townspeople.

The agricultural potential of Kapustin Yar has changed. If earlier the state farm "Kapustinoyarskiy" for many years had direct connections for the sale of its products with the cities of Moscow, Leningrad (now Petersburg) and with other regions of Russia, then since 1991 these ties have been interrupted.

Back in the 80s and later, the state farm carried out organizational measures to reduce the number of branches and other measures.

At present, the village agrarians' association is experiencing great difficulties in selling its products and, in order to get out of these difficulties, it intends to establish direct links with military units in order to supply them with products "directly from the field", "directly from the farm."

In the village in last years 22 farms were established. But in conditions of risky farming, only a few of them remained. Here they are:

- "Hope" (V. V. Groshev, Abel Kalmukhanov).

- "Loop" (brothers Kiselev and Mamontov),

- "Cherry" (Koshkarov A.G., Kalmykov N.I.) and others.

In Kapustin Yar, in recent years, there have been significant changes in trade and in the service of everyday life. The population's demand for industrial and other goods, as well as services is increasingly satisfied not by cooperation, but by private entrepreneurs who are engaged in trade and procurement.

Private shops have appeared, many of which are trusted and respected by customers. This:

- "Rusich" (Shilyaev N.N. and Andreev A.A.), in which the prices for
the food product group is the lowest.

- "Alpha" (Bogorsukov V.Ya.) it has a varied choice of
var from a needle to a mini tractor.

Buyers remain satisfied from visiting the stores: "KUM" - Kondratyeva Yu.V., "Boomerang" - Lazareva A.G., as well as the auto parts kiosk - Streltsova A.V.

Cafe "Ivushka" remains not only the only enterprise Catering, but also a place of cultural leisure of the population and a decoration of the village.

Silhouette LLP (director MV Ustyusheva) resumed its work with a variety of household services from the repair of complex household appliances to modern hairstyles.

The artisans are especially respected in the village. These are the photographer Dobryakov Yu.M., the shoemaker Sarkisyan M.S, the master hairdressers Kudinova L.I. and Tkacheva N.G., artist Artyushenko A.T., carpenter Kraselnikov I.M. and jewelers Mu-kovin K.P. and Mukovina S.A.

On September 30, 1995, residents of Kapustinoyarsk celebrated the "Day of the Village", its 190th anniversary of its foundation.

And on October 1, a fair of agricultural products was held with the participation of enterprises of the agricultural sector of the region.

The future of the village of Kapustin Yar is seen in the creation of a single administrative-territorial entity: the city of Znamenska and its suburb - the village of Kapustin Yar, with a single plan of socio-economic development.


So, which version of the appearance of the village with the name Kapustin Yar will be correct: the first or the second? We will argue.


Stepan Razin with his Cossack idle in 1667 (in the XYII century) made a trip along the Volga and Yaik (river Ural) (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1980, p. 1109, see "Stepan Timofeevich Razin").

Rising on his ships up the Volga, he left guard posts on its banks to monitor and control the transportation of goods on merchant ships from Rus to the Caucasus, Central Asia and Turkey.

For one guard post, a steep bank was chosen - a yar, from which the Cossacks were supposed to control the Volga and the adjacent steppes. And the eldest (or chief) in the post was a Cossack nicknamed "Kapustin".

If the Cossacks were to control the adjacent steppes, then such a yar could be located not far from the site of the present Kapustin Yar. In this case, the distance from Yar to the Volga was at least 15 km. Could Stepan Razin, at such a distance from the Volga, create a guard post with the task of controlling the Volga and the adjacent steppes? I could not for the following reasons:

Firstly, because of the great distance, the Cossacks could not see the Volga and the merchant ships sailing along it, and, moreover, control them.

Secondly, to control the adjacent steppes "horses were needed" with the appropriate equipment, but the Cossacks did not have them.

Thirdly, there were no settlements in the Trans-Volga region in the 17th century.

The settlement and economic development of the Volga region (internal colonization) took place in the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1980, p. 610, see the word "colonization").

Since there was no guard post on Yar and there were no settlements at that time, a village with the name Kapustin Yar could not appear.

Conclusion: the first version is fiction.


It is beyond doubt.

Firstly, according to the tsar's decree in 1718, about 100 families from Ukraine and Central Russia were resettled to the Astrakhan province for eternal settlement, specially as carriers of salt (Chumaks) from Lake Baskunchak to Dmitrievsky (now Kamyshin).

Secondly, our ancestors arrived in the Astrakhan province in early XVIII century, when the tsarist government began to carry out internal colonization, i.e. settlement and economic development of the Trans-Volga region (left bank of the Volga).

Thirdly, in the version, the Cossack Kapustin appears, sent by the chieftain to the settlement near the yar as a messenger - to communicate with the Cossacks. Probably, he lived for a long time in the settlement together with the settlers. And for his merits (which are not known), the settlement near Yar was named after him - the village of Kapustin Yar.

Conclusion: the second version is the correct version.

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