Artistic peculiarity of the story White Poodle. Analysis of Works Cooks White Poodle

Federal Agency for Education

GOU VPO "Blagoveshchensky State Pedagogical University"

Historical and Philology Faculty
Department of Literature

Course work
Topic: The variability of the analysis techniques in the study of the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle".

By discipline: The method of teaching literature.

Blagoveshchensk 20____


2.1. Analysis of the story A.I. Cook "White Poodle".
2.2. The use of adhesives of a literary character when analyzing the story "White Poodle".
2.3. The use of techniques for identifying and activating the Crecy of the reader in analyzing the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle".
Introduction ........................................................................ .........
1 Receptions Analysis of Artistic Text ............... ......
1.1. Receptions of a literary character ..................... ...................
1.2. Takes, developing the creation of the reader ...................... .........
2 The variation of the analysis techniques in the study of the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle"
2.1. Analysis of the story A.I. Cook "White Poodle" ... ...........................
2.2. Application of literary testers when analyzing the story "White Poodle" ....................... ................ .............. ......
2.3. The use of techniques for identifying and activating the Crecy of the reader in analyzing the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle" ...........
List of used literature ...........................

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Each partition so that it does not move, separate the "Page Target" command in the strangles of the Wanderee, do the "Raznits" command)


The basis of literature lessons is working with the text. At the same time, the main thing in the literary education and development of students is not only good knowledge of the text and the ability to retell it, and the present understanding of what the author wanted to convey to the reader in the work. Thus, the main task of the teacher is to choose such a method for the lesson, which includes the methods of analysis of text, which will be most effective in learning this work.
The teacher expresses in the class not only his impressions of the read, but also intended to reveal the scientific position of literary studies. The artistic text affects the student is not isolated, because justifications, the data teacher, the opinions of comrades and their own perception of the couple are determined by the attitude of the student to the literary work and its understanding.
From all of the above, it follows that the teacher is designed to determine the direction of analysis, choose the main path of parsing and receiving text exam. The teacher is important to understand when and why he chooses a certain reception of the analysis, as well as when studying what particular work he does it.
The topic of our study: "The variability of the analysis techniques in the study of the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle". On the example of the analysis of a specific work, we will see that the same author's creation can be considered from different parties, depending on the analysis option - that is why our research is relevant. Moreover, in itself, the variability in teaching orienses the writer teacher to improve the content of lessons, the development of students to enjoy art, to enrich them spiritual world, Formation of moral ideals.
Thus, the purpose of us is worth the following - to determine which of the analysis techniques is most fruitful and appropriate when studying this work. Find the techniques of analysis, which, on the one hand, will help deeply study the work, and on the other, - will contribute to the comprehensive development of the student-schoolboy.
In accordance with this, we define the objectives of the study:

    acquainted with theoretical basis Question - existing acceptance of analysis literary work;
    reveal the features of each of the methods for analyzing the literary work; What for?
    Analyze the text of the story "White Poodle" using
When studying the variability of analysis techniques
The object of research is the receptions of the analysis,
subject - story A.I. Cook "White Poodle".
    Acceptance of artistic text analysis.
Reading and analyzing the artwork is a consecutive stage of perception of verbal art. Analysis in school conditions is a collective activity and because the study of literary works is performed in the conditions of communication of the class team, absorbs the reader and life experience of all students of this class, and because school analysis, like any educational activities, implies enrichment of individual Impressions student experienced other readers and text interpretations, which teacher represents. Analysis is the most important method of scientific comprehension of the literary work. one
      Delicates of a literary character.
    Marantsman - receptions p.151
    Analysis of the composition 154.
    Style Analysis 155.
    Oral drawing185
    Kinoszenaria 191.
    Diagnostation 196.
    Retelling 199.
P.133 Reserved school techniques for work on the literary work is diverse. The teacher needs to choose how to consider the text necessary for the development of students and take into account the features of each specific work. Why is there no instructions on whose classification you refer and footnotes on the source?
1. Takes to identify the author's position in the process of analyzing the artistic work.
As indicates, (who?) The method of teaching literature, using the comprehension of the author's position in school analysis, relies on modern achievements of literary studies. Takes pursue the goal: to clarify the author's thought, make clear the views and beliefs of the writer.
a) Studying the composition. The composition helps the disciples to see the author's intent, to comprehend its life position. The main methods of studying the composition - comparison of parts and elements of artistic text, identifying the plots and images of heroes, consideration of the relationship of the landscape and portrait with the total flow of text.
b) Studying the style of a writer. Receptions are diverse. Observation above it begins with elementary exercises: find epithets, metaphors, verbs of action and so on. The following tasks are possible: to insert the word missed by the teacher intentionally, and then call it and explain the feasibility of its use by the writer. Work with the detail plays a big role.
c) Historical comments, Tstis Upmich social and cultural or literary type. They restore in the eyes of students the real reality shown by the writer, clarify his intentions. The teacher needs to recreate the situations that served as a reason for writing the work.
2. Comparison methods and its types.
a) comparison of the artwork with its real basis, the hero with the prototype. First, such work discovers that works of art - This is a reflection of life. Secondly, it allows you to make sure that this is not a mirror reflection, that the writer connects in the work and life, and its attitude to this life. Marantsman p.158.
b) Comparison of works of various writers close on topics.164
c) comparison of heroes, episodes, scenes inside one work.164
d) comparison of the work with other works of writer.s.162
e) comparison of different variants of one text, identifying the development of copyright in the process of creating a work (work with drafts and canonical text) .158
(e) Comparison of literary text with works of other types of art. C179 Including related types of art when studying the artistic text is haunted by the goal - to exacerbate aesthetic susceptibility, develop associative and figurative thinking and expand the ideas about art: painting, graphics, applied art, music, cinema, and so on. Can cause when a collision with the first impressions of the read job, the desire to analyze it.

1.2. Receptions, developing the creation of the reader.

According to (who?) The tasks of school analysis of the text: the awakening of empathy, the activation of the imagination of schoolchildren, the formation of readers and other. All these tasks do not allow to limit the school parsing only by receptions of literary analysis.
1. The revival of life impressions. Many methodologists advise the teacher to prepondeble reading alive impressions. Such a technique creates a personal attitude to the readable, attracts the emotional student's emotional experience to work on the text. For example, before reading the poem about nature, it is possible to recall, tell or write about the most memorable days of spring, summer, autumn or winter, about the impressions of the campaign, sightseeing, ride, and then compare the composition of schoolchildren with the studied work. This work exacerbates interest in the text being studied, creates an emotional tone. The revival of personal impressions can not only prevail the analysis, but also scattered into it and even finish work. The main thing in this technique is to find a connection between the thoughts and ideas of students with the images of a writer. Your computer indicates errors, correct!
2. Expressive reading. By how the student read the text, one can judge the character of his initial perception. The task set in front of the class: how to read this work? - It may be a hidden form of analysis. It is possible to find an accurate intonation with only approaching the copyright in the work and at the same time feeling what an echo gives rise to the thought of the writer in his own soul. Expressive reading leads to an emotional awakening in the work and wakes up creative fantasy. For example, work on the poem of Lermontov "Sail". You can invite students to students of the poem, and then, relying on it, work on emotionality. Expressive reading is important not only in the training, but also in the pedagogical plan. Reading out loud tears to the culture of the expression of feelings, it turns out to be one of the ways to the art of communication.
3. Retelling. The retelling ensures not only the development of certain readership qualities of the student, enriches his speech, but also contributes to the comprehension of the meaning of the literary work. There are several types of recovery, each of which helps to draw the attention of students to a particular text element.
a) Detailed retelling. His goal is to transfer the content read as much as possible in order to develop the skills of logically constructed presentation, the formation of memory, enriching students' speech.
b) compressed (short) retelling. His goal is to find the main thing, be able to construct mainly and without verbose.
c) retelling - this retelling material scattered in different parts Text, although connected by the unity of the plot and characters. It can be the extraction of a material depicting a acting person or a group of persons, a certain topic, landscape and so on. For example, the story of Tatiana in the story I.S. Turgenev "Mu-Mu", real and mechanical nightingale in the fairy tale of H. Andersen "Solovy", Nature in the story I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meads". Are these technologies developing creation?
d) retelling with a change in the story of the narrator. This is a story about the events taking place in the work on behalf of one of the heroes or, on the contrary, the transfer of personal memories and experiences from a third party, less often from the second in generalized meaning.
e) retelling with essay elements. This is the transfer of text content with the inclusion of elements of creativity of students, their attitude to the described, Dorivovka plot parts and so on.
(e) Artistic told is the most difficult type of recovery. It requires a thorough knowledge of the text and skill of his presentation, reflects the features of the style of the studied work in the skillful performance of the narrator, in its expressiveness.
4. verbal drawing. The implementation of images occurs when reading, contributes to the deepening of the subjective start of the parsing. It assumes that a person, relying on the images created by the writer, details its vision in the picture, which verbally reproduces. It is appropriate to offer students to start this work with the description of the portrait (only the appearance of the hero). It should be remembered that it is impossible to give a hero in a non-specific situation. In oral drawing, the student's emotions are very active. Forms of it (drawing) should class from class complicated, modified.
5. Drawing up a filmcenery. Cinema is close to children's consciousness. Dynamism is an integral sign of cinema, and the student sees the world in motion, the child's change in visual impressions. During the creation of a filmceneuria, children learn not only to understand the language of the cinema, but also more closely to peer into literary text. In order to write a filmcenery on the literary work, it is necessary to survive it, captivated with questions affected in it, you must truly "see" his heroes. Coinzenarial enhances empathy and raises the skills of thoughtful slow reading. It revives the shaped vision and helps to see the item in the light of the whole. The teacher shows a movie reflection and, relying on the immediate impression of the read, finds out such concepts as a large, medium, general plan, shows the semantic value of the change of plan. Then the boundaries of the cinemaeposis, the general motive of the script, which combines all episodes. Students fill the table.
Plan of recording frames

6. Dramatization (dramatization). It encourages students to the creative search. The "revival" of heroes activates imagination and empathy. This technique allows you to strengthen the development of the conflict, to accrue the lines in the consciousness of students. In order for this work to be not turned into a parody, it is necessary to offer schoolchildren to the assignments, carefully prepare for the performance. Drawing is such a type of work when the student is proposed to think about how they place the characters at a certain point of action, to submit their postures, movements, gestures.
7. Literary game. Integrability techniques are an effective admission to the study and creative interpretation of the work. Games are reader (crosswords, scanners, rebuses, charades) and performing significantly more types of performing games. (dramatization). They closely interact with other techniques for learning literature.

    The variability of the analysis techniques in the study of the story of A.I. Cook "White Poodle".
      Analysis of the story A.I. Cook "White Poodle".
Starting to explore the text of the work, we immediately appeal to the history of its creation to know when and under what circumstances the author created his literary creation, and maybe even who served as a prototype of a hero. But the arsenal of information about the story of the junk "White Poodle" is small. It is known that he was written in 1903. During these years, the writer lives in St. Petersburg and works in the "magazine for all", and is published for the first time this work.
In the story, Kuprin affects the theme of friendship, the theme of human, humane attitude towards the animal. As if on two half the world in the story "White Poodle": on one side of the rich lady and her son Trillille, to another - old sharperman, Grandfather Lodyzhan, Little Acrobat Sergei and Arto Poodle. The conflict arising between them because of the dog becomes sharp full of real drama. This conflict emphasizes the difference in psychology, in the ethical and moral principles of representatives of the other parties. For the Baryni Poodle is only a thing that is sold and bought. For grandfather and Serge, Artist of their friend, for the sake of salvation of which the boy is ready to risk life.
The work author divides on six chapters, and hence, six semantic parts. In the first chapter, Kuprin immediately marks the scene - the southern coast of the Crimea. Next immediately begins a description of the appearance of the main characters: the boy of Serezha, grandfather Ishkina and Poodle Arto. With this description, the author not only introduces the reader with the main characters of the work, but also from the first lines shows how poor and hard lives of these people. Seinery twelve years, this is a young boy. Grandfather Lodyzzhkin - an elderly man. With them a poodle that runs and indicates the road. The age of heroes is guessed and in how they walked: the boy "walked", and the grandfather "flew". Despite the heat, Seryozha "held a rolled carpet for acrobatic exercises under the left elbow, and the right and dirty cage with the spon, and it already shows his careful attitude towards the grandfather. And with the help of this simply and extremely understandable description, we easily draw in the imagination described by the author.
It is not by chance and a description of the scarmer on which the grandfather plays and which is the only earnings for stray artists. Kuprin describes in detail the scarmer to show how old it is and is almost a useless thing, because it does not even be repaired. But the writer says that despite this, the grandfather loves his scarmer and treats her, as a living being, talking to her: "Grandfather Martyn Lododzhkin loved her scold, as you can love only a living, close, perhaps even a kindred creature. Having spoiled with her for many years of heavy stray life, he finally began to see something inspired, almost conscious. " No less, he loved the boy and the dog. Of course, in the course of the work, we will see it clearly, but already in the first chapter, Kubrin makes emphasis on this moment. These seemingly little things characterize grandfather with positive - He is not angry with life, retained the ability to see the beautiful and most importantly to love, go through close.
The second chapter begins with the description of the sea, the landscape on the background of which events occur. It is unbearable heat. Special attention deserves speech character. The grandfather she was saturated with spaticrous words and expressions, which in itself says that he is a leaving of the people: "So Mol", "Domishko", "Trootko", "Teles", Trojki. Serge's speech is also simple, it uses the speaking options of the words: "Loan-Spit", "to die in place", "Bon how much." This is explained simply - communication and life with the grandfather imposes a mark on the boy's speech. It is noteworthy that the grandfather is drawn to the poodle, using the bellying expressions "Brother Pesk", "Artoshenka". This already tells us about the attitude of the grandfather to the Arto as a native creature. Having experienced fatigue from the heat, Lodyzhan realizes that the PSU has to be disadvantaged in the summer. We also see that grandfather is involved and wise, on the offer of Serezhek, he suggests, because: "... After the batan, it will grow even more", "... Go to the sea. Wait, we will reach Uthodko to Mishor, there and the telescope of the Trucks. Before lunch, it is flattering, swimming something ... and then, it means to sleep Troops ... and an excellent business ... "
Kubrin gives the description of the nature of the Crimea, but the old man does not admire it, because "... I knew these places well; Every year he passed them one after another during the grape season. " But Much admires Sergey, because he was here for the first time. And this seemingly a minor note of the author plays a big role in the knowledge of the character of the main character. Not every person will enjoy nature, only finely feeling, attentive, sensitive can see the beauty of nature and enjoy it. Therefore, it becomes clear that Seryozha is such. The author himself sweeps: "... All this did not cease to strike with his lively blooming charm the naive soul of the boy." It is still very young, but it is already able to see the charm of nature: "Magnolia, with their solid and shiny, precisely lacquered leaves and white, with a large plate of magnitude, flowers; Arbors, completely covered with grapes, coating down heavy clusters; huge centuries-old plane with their light bark and mighty krons; Tobacco plantations, streams and waterfalls, and everywhere - on the flower beds, on the hedge, on the walls of the cottage - bright, magnificent fragrant roses ... "
In this chapter we see and the relationship of grandfather and sir. The old man calls the boy, too, affectionate "my brother", belongs to carefully. In addition, Lodyzhan tells the boy about southern cities (Sochi, Adler, etc.), people who live there (Ethiopia, Turks, Circassians), on plants (palm, orange, lemon). He does not hide from Serezha, but explains everything that he is interested or not clear. In turn, the boy listens to the grandfather carefully, he will not re-read it - it means that he respects the elders and is not spoiled. Heroes are unpretentious, they are glad to any earnings: "In general, the skullcin was a modest lava and, even when he was challenged, did not ropal." Grandfather Imboke, boy and dog always diligently performed her tricks, not knowing than and how many will they pay. The case when one lady gave the artists a holey grivennik, and the grandfather threw him, tells us that the grandfather became unpleasant from such a act that he, albeit poor, but retained his self-esteem. Also, this picture shows how evil and not valuable the work of others may be people. Grandfather Imboke says: "The lady probably thinks: all the same old man will lower her at night, slowly, it means. No, s, very mistaken, madam. " With these words, the writer explains the reader that grandfather and in fact, all earned funds allowed to feed the entire troupe, which speaks of his caringness and not indifference.
In the third chapter, the heroes are in the dacha "friendship", where they watch a picture of how a small naughty boy are trying to persuade drinking a mixture, but he behaves strange and unknown, beats in hysterics. Each word in this scene, each description speaks of heroes and their actions. Let's start with the description of trilli. It is very well maintained, blond hair, a pure suit - all this is exactly the opposite of the appearance of Sergey. But, despite the external gloss, the behavior of the boy is more than strange - he allows himself to insult adults, does not listen. But the behavior of these adults themselves is perplexed - the mother gets on his knees and begins to beg him to take a medicine, promising any gifts, the doctor and the rest are spinning around it and also begins. This scene shows the timeline of Trilli. What are the main characters? They are amazed from what they saw: "Sergey, who had long looked with curiosity and surprise on this scene, quietly pushed the old man in the side. - Grandfather Lodyzzhkin, what is it with him? He asked in a whisper. - In no way, will you tear it? "; "How is it, that, they raised his jester?" - says grandfather. Residents of the cottages run the artists, nor their kind, nor the desire to show the speech did not cause the gentlemen, no pity, nor the dignity. They evil drown a boy and grandfather. But again, Pottakaya Caprises of Little Trillil, returned artists, allowing to show the tricks. Here the boy's speech is deserved here, which seems only shouts and screams: "I want! ME! " And others. This characterizes it as a small uncompatible egoist. In turn, the behavior of Serge is straightforward: he diligently performs the tricks: "Sergey's repertoire was small, but he worked well," purely ", as acrobats say, and with hunting." Then Trillie demands that he bought a dog. And adults try to do it. They are not shy in expressions and rudely, insulting the old man ("Mad Old Man, Istuban"), begged to sell Arto. They believe that there is no thing that is not for sale, that is, a dog for them is not a living being, but just a thing. But the grandfather, in turn, not only does not sell the dog, and politely talking to the gentlemen: "I thank you firmly, Barin, but only ... - Lododzhkin, groachty, threw out his shoulders. - Only in no way this thing does not go out to, it means to sell. You're better somewhere else of another dog look ... stay happily ... ". Thus, here we see the main conflict of work: for the rich people, the dog is just a thing that can be bought for money, comforting at the time of beating in the hysterics of the child. And for Grandparents, the poodle is a friend, because they not only use it in their speeches, but they are affectionate about him that we see and in speech and in actions.
In the same chapter, the author shows us that the Poodle Arto himself is not just a dog that performs orders and follows the travelers, but it true friendwhich is experiencing for them and is not indifferent to everything that happens to them. For example, when Seryozha bathes a poodle on the shore does not find a place. Kuprin even voiced the thoughts of the dog: "Arto was frantically buried and jumping along the shore. He was bothering that the boy was swimming so far. "What to show your bravery? - Worried Poodle. - There are land - and go on the ground. Much calmer "; "What are these stupid focuses? Would sit at the shore, next to the old man. Oh, how much anxiety with this boy! ". In all this is a good, careful attitude of the heroes to each other. Grandfather even swears good-natured, Serezha listens to the grandfather.
The description of the heroes when bathing causes not only the loss of how they worry about each other, but also pity external view. Both, and grandfather, and the boy is very thin - emphasizes the author: "... Fallen Boca. He had a yellow, flabby and powerless, legs - strikingly thin, and the back with an outstanding sharp shovels was snugged from a long-length dramatic drainage, "he describes the skullcin, and Seryozha:" I will see that the edges of the bony - won all the ribs. " And also recalls the description of the wretched clothes, when Sergey shows the tricks at the cottage: "Sergey spread the rug on the ground, quickly threw the canasic pantalon (they were sewn from the old bag and behind, in the widest place, decorated with a quadranous factory stigma), dropped from Himself an old jacket and stayed in an old trico, which, despite numerous patch, deftly embraced his subtle, but strong and flexible figure. " This is a contrast that the author uses to show us the whole severity of the situation is a blond trilli boy with his sleek skin and a clean suit and tanned from constant walking in the sun, thin in a ripped seaside clothes. Kuprin sharpens on this attention, because it is important to take into account with the further development of events, when the janitor caught up with the giving artists and offers huge money for the dog, and grandfather and here refuses. For him, Arto is not worth any money, he is his friend, a close native creature and a point. But here not only the reverent attitude of the old man to the cops, but also its moral appearance, the moral values, which are read in the phrase: "You are so and tell your Barina, which railway Builds, "Grandfather's voice elevated. "So say: not all, they say, for sale that it is bought." He even calls the janitor "Juda, Ham and the Sales Soul", so amazing him, unpleasantly all what happened is unacceptable for him.
In the fifth chapter, we see the scene of breakfast. Grandpa and Sereza have a simple food that they are happy. Grandfather Lodyzhan and here cares about the younger - gives him pieces more, realizing that the child is growing, and also feeds the dog, despite the fact that food is a bit, and for subsequent meals need to earn.
After breakfast, the artists decide to relax and sleep a little, then the janitor also stolen Arto. Seryozha and grandfather frighteners are griefly disappeared: "The boy ran back and forth along the side of the stream, piercingly whistled and shouted loudly, with anxiety and fright: - Arto, Ishi! Back! "; In turn, grandfather is also concerned: "- Arto! Arian-Shen-ka! "The old man has been overwhelmed." The boy and grandfather upset to tears. But bitterly was not only from the fact that the dog was stolen, but also from the fact that there was no possibility to return it, because the grandfather lost his passport and feared so that it was not arrested without this document. All this causes such pity and pain for heroes. Kuprina managed so to portray the situation that she touches to the depths of the soul. And again, an endless care for each other: "My dear, native, - said, shaking with all the body, an old man. "The dog is so very taning ... OURSHENCE OURS ... OTHER WHAT WILL WHAT WE HAVE ... - OK, OK ... Get up, - Sergey ordered. - Let me clear you from dust. At all, you are Raskis, grandfather. " Seryozha, although he is completely a child: "... well understood the whole fateful meaning of this terrible word" patchport ". Therefore, he did not insist no longer on the further investigations of Arto, nor on the world, nor on other decisive measures. " At the same time he thinks not only about himself and his desires, but also about the welfare of the grandfather. With all this, the boy decides to steal the Arto and runs away from the coffee shop, in which they and her grandfather stopped for the night. Not afraid of his dark night, nor the sea, which "splashing the alive, sparkling metal, ishing the shore." Sergey, of course, was a little terribly, but the courage overwhelmed his heart, he struggled with fear. Walking through the fence of the cottage, he fell, but it did not stop him. The houses of the Lord appeared to him "filled with merciless faded enemies, which secretly watched the dark windows with an evil grin of dark windows behind each movement of a small, weak boy." The boy heard the dog's squeal from the dark basement - the pic seems to felt that the boy came to save him and called to the rescue, swinging. The janitor ran out from the basement seemed to be sellers "a giant, enraged fairy monster," but he was not frightened, but acted quickly. The boy and poodle managed to escape. And they ran together together, without words, understanding each other and acting at the same time. In itself, the fact that the rich gentlemen held the poodle is not in the house, and in the basement speaks of their true attitude towards him - this is just a means of entertainment of their little Mr. Trillil. Seryozha, defeating fear, walked out, saving the dog.
For a diploma of such an analysis will not be enough. Is it possible to strengthen your own judgments with literary material?
2.2. The use of adhesives of a literary character when analyzing the story "White Poodle".
The use of various techniques for analyzing the text in the literature class give the teacher the opportunity to show this product from different sides. Each reception helps to focus the attention of students on a particular element of the text, a hero, as well as to disclose the true meaning of the studied.
The techniques for identifying the author's position in the process of analyzing the artwork are pursued by the goal: to clarify the author's thought, to make clear the views and persuasion of the writer. The teacher relies on the study of the composition, the style of the writer, as well as the comments of the historical socio-cultural or literary type.
When analyzing the composition of the story "White Poodle", the teacher draws the attention of the disciples to the fact that the work consists of six chapters, the composition is organized plotted, presented in the event form.
We offer students briefly determine the content of each part.
You can not give an analysis of the story in the course, but to take the material from it to answer this question.
In the first chapter, we get acquainted with the heroes of the work (Seryozha, Grandfather Lodyzhan and Poodle Arto), learn about their lives, kind of activity (boy twelve years old, Grandfather Elderly, they are stray artists - grandfather plays on the scarmer, and a boy and a dog show tricks). In subsequent chapters, we learn how heavy and poor the life of these people, as well as the basis of the story, is the case that occurred in the dacha "Friendship" (artists showed a presentation, and Trilli's capricious boy demanded to buy a dog and when Sereza and Grandfather refused to sell her, The janitor of the Lord stole her, and Sergei later returned the poodle).
At first glance, it may seem that the use of this reception (analysis of the composition) can lead to mechanical retelling of the main points of the work. But it is not. After all, if the teacher, following the studies at the main parts of the work, emphasizes the attention of schoolchildren not only on the procedure of occurring events, and on the fact that the author has built a work that way, then it will help to understand the author's design. In the development of events, communication and contradictions between characters are found, various features of human characters are revealed. For example, the fact that at first the author tells about how Seryozha and Grandpa earn a living for how difficulty it gets, and then it's logical about the case at the dacha "Friendship", because the reader can trace the contrast to conflict in the conflict of people (poor and rich), to understand that despite all the difficult life, stray artists are not angry and are not able to sell the dog even for big money. Development of action gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possible ways to develop conflicts of the work. For example, in the course of studying the composition of the story, after analyzing the fourth chapter, it is possible to offer children creative speculation: for this purpose we suggest to speculate, no matter how there is a continuation of the story after the janitor stole the poodle. Pupils, based on the information they are known from the first, second, third and fourth previous chapters, should assume further development

The main characters of the story "White Poodle" are street artists who roam the Crimea and give presentations for summer residents. The old man Martyn Lododzhkin plays on an ancient scarmer, a seineler boy shows various acrobatic tricks, and white Poodle Nickname Arto performs no worse than a real circus dog. Earnings from artists are small, many daches will drive them, barely freezing, but the artists are not dulling.

On one rich dacha they witnessed how whole family They had a very capricious, spoiled baby, who was lying on the floor, having jogging his feet, shouted loudly on adults. At first, artists wanted to drive, but the spoiled boy wanted to see the idea.

Under the memorial sounds of Hermaid Serezha demonstrated his art of gymnast and jugglera, after which Grandfather Martyn began to show the owners of the giving the giving Puddle of Arto. The artists have already expected on a decent remuneration, when the sprayed siblings of the owners of the cottages demanded to buy this wonderful dog.

Martyn Lodyzhan refused to sell Arto, even when he was called an absolutely fantastic amount. As a result, the artists left the cottage without having received anything. But the story was not over. Grandfather Martyn and Seryozha decided to swim. On the seashore, they found a janitor with that summer cottage and again began to persuade to sell the dog. The old cleverman explained to the janitor that friends do not sell, and the conversation was over. But when the artists decided to relax in the forest shadow and tristened, the janitor with the cunning hunter from them the White Poodle.

Seryozha urged Martyn's grandfather to contact the police, but he told him that he had lived on someone else's passport, because he had long lost her long and for this reason could not contact the police to return the dog.

Then Seryozha decided to act independently. At night, he snuck into the country's territory and managed to find a place where the Poodle Arto was locked. The dog managed to break out of imprisonment, but the janitor was chased behind the semen and poodle. Fortunately, from the chase managed to tear off, and soon the happy arto happily welcomed the grandfather Martyn, licking his face.

Such. summary story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "White Poodle" is that the friends who came to trouble be sure to get out. Sergey boy, risking to be caught, sneaked into the country, where they held the dog, and managed to free her from the captivity.

The story "White Poodle" teaches not to measure life happiness with money, and appreciate the true friendship and devotion. For those money that was offered by Martin Anklagugu for the White Poodle, the old floresman could well acquire his own business and to survive a very good, but he, no second, refused to sell Arto, who was considered a full-fledged artist in their small but friendly company.

In the story "White Poodle" I liked the boy Sergei, which showed the determination and ability to independent actions. He did not ask anyone and went to Save his friend alone and at night. And thanks to its desperation and natural agility, the boy achieved success.

What proverbs approach the story "White Poodle"?

Poor yes honest.
Capricious as a child ugly in the years.
Together to hold on to each other - nothing to be afraid.

\u003e Works on the work of a white poodle

Analysis of the story

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin - the great Russian writer, the Peru belongs to many novels, stories and stories. The story "White Poodle" about the friendship of the old wanderer with a circus dog was written in 1903 and published a year later. This is a story about the best relationships that may be between man and animals, about loyalty and devotion, about humanity and kindness. Main characters The story is a shamanwoman in the years Martyn Lododzhkin, a twelve-year-old orphan boy named Seryozha and a white Poodle Arto. Despite the series of failures that occurred with heroes, the work has a happy end.

From the very beginning, the author introduces us to the course of events and introduces a genus activity of stray artists. All three live on the Black Sea shore and travel day-to-day on small villages, showing circus stunts. The grandfather Martyn has a long-established charm, who barely plays, and sometimes makes a plaintive screech. So the most interesting show Serezha and Arto spectators. Seryozha performs acrobatic tricks, and Arto shows all sorts of "funny pieces." Strong friendship helps them live and survive. They have not very big earnings, as the audience come across different. Someone will give a whole gold, and someone at all. Therefore, the artists eat poorly and their clothes are worn.

In the middle of the work, we learn that the artists got to the cottage called "Friendship", where they met a very friendly family. At the cottage, the boy of the year eight, named Trilli, followed by a whole brigade servants and maids. The mother of the boy picked up all his whims, and here it was another caprication to take arthoes in the stray artists. Imboluzcu offered a unthinkable money for the White Poodle, and even realizing that he could buy a restaurant for them and Sergery, he did not sell a friend. As a result, the janitor was given a task to steal the Arto without the knowledge of the skullcan. So he entered. While the artists slept, he lured the dog sausage and stole.

The author finishes his story on a joyful note. Seryozha guessed, who was the culprit of the disappearance of their friend and the next day with the onset of darkness scrolled to the country of the rich. There, he discovered Artei in one of the attacks and they fled together. It should be noted here that the story story was practically founded on real eventsSince the shopping artists often caressed in the cottage in the Crimea. Among them was a sharperman, an acrobat boy and a circus dog. Taking into account the child's perception, the author tried competently and uncomfortable to build a story composition. All events occurred in a short time and narrate about true friendship.

Before us is one of these stories as a "white poodle", it is not a fictional story, but a plot based on real events. With this group of artists was a sign writer personally. It seems nothing particularly well, wanted a lady with his son poodle and what? Who can pay for the whim and right. Here Kubrin touched on not only social inequality, but also the friendship of the person and the animal, mutual understanding of people among themselves and inability and not the desire to educate children.

It is impossible not to sympathize with children released from the lower layers. These are real little workers. They are not acquainted with difficulty, cold and hunger, as well as with a devoteed friendship. Stray artists with a poodle hardly earn their lives. Unlike the son of Baryni, who without the end of the climbing and demands and fulfill its desires. Poodle for him is just a toy, and for artists a full member of the troupe participating in earnings. Between all three very good relations. Despite the fact that the boy is actually completely stranger Grandfather Anklagu But, how much heat and caress to the old man in the view and thoughts, when he is looking at a bathing boy.

The writer showed a very well distinguished between the boy in the artist and the son of Baryni. Artist Serezha thinks in adult, cares about the grandfather and about the dog Artesh. Barsky son exertes all the requirements, hysteries, full of indifference to the world around him. In the foreground, only his fulfillment of desires, which his mother pursues

A.I. Kuprin in the story showed that loyalty and friendship does not need money at all. It all depends on the state of the human soul. The story ends well, and it could be quite different. The author specifically did so that the guys have formed the concept that good is stronger than evil. Children should know that not everything can be bought in the world. Such things include love and friendship.

Analysis of the story White Poodle 2

In each work, Alexander Ivanovich, Karper reveals the attitude of the author's attachment to animals, disadvantaged people, children and nature. He sincerely rejoices them success, emphasizes the manifestation of the best human qualities.

From the point of view of construction, the story "White Poodle" does not cause difficulties for understanding. In this, the ring composition of the work plays a considerable role. The image by the author of three heroes at the beginning of the story is preserved at the end. Their quantitative composition changes in the central part coinciding with the climax of the story.

The plot is simple. A friendly company: An old man, a boy and poodle from time to time visits luck. Earned with the help of acrobatic tricks and musical accompaniment of money is enough for meat and overnight. The case that occurred in the south of Crimea, on one of the villas of a rich family, became checking artists for the strength of the relationship. The desire of the Barskoy Son to assign a dog for entertainment led to the kidnapping by the janitor. For the sake of rescue friend, the boy Sergei makes a risky act.

Thanks to the actions of the heroes of the work, their speech, behavior, A.I. Kubrin reveals the disinterested relationship between real comrades who did not exchange the dog to anything. They agree to further beggar existence, while maintaining joint speeches in full.

The author depicts the experience, the wisdom of the representative of the older generation. However, despite his age, the orphan surprised the old man with reasonable reasoning, patience inherent to an adult person. The story demonstrates invaluable senses of love, loyalty, confidence not only to people, but also to animals.

The relationship of heroes, the manifestation of their real feelings and emotions is around the Artso Poodle. This is a devotee, a smart dog, for which people risked life. Thanks to her, the true qualities of people revealed in the story.

The image of twelve-year-old Sered - brave, hardworking, which knows the price earned money, is opposed to the son of Barin - Trillil, spoiled, a capricious boy. It is at the expense of the image of a different world-term heroes, the author raises the topic of social inequality. Having a different status in society, some preserve, summarize in different situations Spiritual wealth, human qualities. Others - selfishly relate to others, not knowing the price or friendship, no money.

All stories events are built on the background of the scenery of the Crimean Peninsula. Southern Nature causes genuinely delight of Serezha, emphasizing his openness to the world, vitality, kindness. It rejoices the warm sea, flowering magnolias, vineyards and roses. Country sites where the Barskaya family is located, does not attract special attention to greenhouses and flower beds of local residents. The indifference to nature of some heroes is opposed to the positive emotions of others.

The story attracts an amazing understanding of the author of the Child's soul, a touching attitude towards animals and older people, the desire to show victories of love and kindness over sprawl and egoism.

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  • "White Poodle" - Friendship more expensive money

    Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin (1870 - 1938) is known as the author of numerous works, in which special attention is paid to the analysis of human relationships. The writer showed great interest to young readers. He is the author of well-known stories for children and children - " Kindergarten"," In the bowels of the Earth "," Wonderful Doctor "and others. His works enjoy special love in young citizens.

    Plot story "White Poodle" Kuprin practically sketched from nature. The voyage artists, who, Alexander Ivanovich invited sometimes dine in Crimea. Among the frequent guests were an old man with a scarmer, an acrobat boy named Seryozha and a white poodle. Seryozha and told the story of how the rich lady aggressively asked to sell the dog. Poodle really liked her little son. But the old man with the boy made it refused, for which anger was brought upon himself.

    This story is very interested in Kupper. The writer saw in a simple plot two very important topics. First, the topic of social inequality, and, secondly, disinterested friendship and care about the "brothers of our smaller". In 1903, the story of Kuprin "White Poodle" was published.

    Alexander Ivanovich generally sympathized with children from the bottom. He was bribed the soul simplicity of these guys, their ability to make noble deeds. This is a wandering artist of Seryozha in the "white poodle", brought up ankle's old worn cracker. They confront a completely different world, which personifies the rich lady and its spoiled Son Trillie.

    On the various globility of these people and built a conflict of the story. For the rich gentlemen, the dog is just a funny thing that you can buy and sell. For the old man and the boy their arthle is more than a friend. For his salvation of Seryozha, even risks life.

    The characters in the "White Poodle" were very clearly identified, and taking into account the children's perception, even slightly deliberately. This circumstance allows you to clearly designate the contrast between children. Trillie perceives nature with a complete indifference, while the sellerating is delighted. The son of Baryni is fought, clumsy, while Serezha Silen and Clek. Trillie speech is a set of consumer words like: "I", "I want", "give" ... The words of the young artist testify to its excerpt, adequate perception of reality.

    Kuprin is very competent and without a guide builds the composition of the story. Events occur for a short time, everything is subordinate to the main goal - on the example of history with the poodle to show that loyalty and friendship are the main wealth in a person's life. At the same time, each part of the story (all of their six) is a logically complete episode.

    White Poodle has a happy end, although in real life Could be different. But Kuprin delicately feels a children's soul, so optimism is in young reader. The child must believe that justice will triumph. So the writer formed a moral beginning in children.

    In addition to the analysis of the "White Poodle", familiarize yourself with other writings on the works of Kuprick:

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