How to live in a human world workbook. A lesson from the outside world on the topic "how to live in the world of people"

Objectives: To bring to the consciousness of students the idea that people need
different personal and social ways of regulating human behavior;
to create primary ideas about the concepts of "conscience", "morality", "law".
Requirements for the knowledge, skills, and abilities of students.
Students recognize that people need different personal and social
ways of regulating human behavior; have a primary understanding of
concepts of "conscience", "morality", "law", can explain what is
"The golden rule of morality" (the ability of students to use new
knowledge can be checked using questions after the text of the paragraph and
creative assignments).
During the classes
I. Checking homework.
Students recall the basic concepts of the previous lesson: "conflict",
"Compromise", "cooperation" - and demonstrate the results of the group
homework, posters with rules for getting out of the conflict or rules,
which will help to avoid conflict.
II. Updating basic knowledge and problem statement.
Teacher. The topic of our lesson: "How to live in the world of people?" Relying on
knowledge gained in previous history lessons, how would you respond to this
Students ( possible variant responses are collected from various
student responses). In the previous history lesson, we came to the conclusion that
one must live not only for oneself, but also next to others, for others. All people,
living on our planet constitute one society - humanity. From
each of us, the future of humanity depends on our actions.
Teacher. As well as good deeds man commits bad
actions. Can you tell the difference between a good deed and a bad deed?
Students offer a variety of answers. The teacher guides the answers, and
students find that adults (parents and teachers) explain
what we can and cannot do and why.

Teacher. But teachers and parents cannot be near everyone.
minute. How can a person understand actions when no one else is?
Teacher (with the help of students formulates the problem). As a person
can understand that he has done a bad deed if no one tells him?
By what means does a person know what is good and what is bad?
III. Discovery of new knowledge.
Teacher. Let's read the dialogue between Anyuta and Dad, he will help us resolve
the problem posed.
Students read the text on p. 32 to the words "... the conscience will bite."
Teacher. What new concept did you find in your dad's remark? Have you heard
Are you the word "conscience" from adults? Under what circumstances? What do you think
does it mean?
Students make assumptions and test them by reading the dialogue of the characters before
the words "... a conscientious person does not act like that."
Teacher. What helped dad figure out what not to go to work without
reasons are bad?
Students. Dad's conscience helped.
Teacher. How did dad explain to Anyuta what conscience is?
Students. Daddy said that if he does a bad deed, it will
will not be according to conscience: "Then my conscience will bite me." Dad will get worried
he will not be able to find a place for himself, because he knows that he did a bad thing, because of him
the interests of other people and society may suffer. People around you will think
that he is unreliable, dishonest, shameless. And dad doesn't want about him
thought badly, it upsets him.
Teacher. Do dad's thoughts on the word "conscience" match your
assumptions? Let's read what definition a new concept offers
explanatory dictionary at the end of the textbook on p. 123.
Students work with a dictionary, search for a new word and read
definition of the concept.
The teacher offers to supplement new knowledge by reading the text of the textbook.
Students read the last paragraph on p. 32 and continue reading on p. 33 to the words
"Such a person is said to be shameless."
Teacher. Do you think this ability to feel what is good, eh
what is bad, a person is endowed from birth, is it a congenital sign?

Students. We know that a person becomes a person only in society.
Thanks to education and training, he acquires those personal qualities,
which distinguish him from the animal world and make him human. Hence, this
the ability he acquires in the course of training and education.
Teacher. Let's return to the problem that we posed at the beginning of the lesson and
let's try to solve it based on new knowledge.
UCHEN and (option for solving the problem). During education and training
a person acquires the ability to feel where is good and where is evil. This
the ability is called conscience. Thanks to the conscience of each of their
actions a person can tell himself whether he is good or bad. Conscience
requires you to be honest when no one can control your actions
a person when no one knows about his possible deception. If a person does not
thinks about his actions, about whether he spoils the life of other people or not,
then they say that his conscience is "silent." And the person himself is called dishonest
or shameless.
IV. Game "Robots".
The teacher invites the students to get up and for a few minutes
turn into metal robots.
Teacher. Robots can only perform actions on command and
obey only voice orders.
The teacher in a "computer voice" begins to give commands: "Do three
step forward "," Do not swing your arms "," Turn right and jump
twice ", etc. It is necessary to give the students enough time to be
robots, this will require at least 6-8 different teams. Commands
must be doable. After a while, give some
an impossible command, such as "Take off". When the action is on this
go wrong, command: “And now you are people again. Take action
on one's own! You can do whatever movement you want. "
After the students have moved independently, the teacher asks them to
return to class, sit down at your desk and discuss your warm-up experience.
Teacher. Did you enjoy being robots? What do you think
Are robots different from humans?

Probably, the students will answer that robots only obey commands, and
people decide for themselves what to do.
Teacher. Who is responsible for the fact that robots cannot perform any
command? And who is responsible for a person's actions? Why does a person need
do you need responsibility? Do you think this quality is relevant
character of the person to our lesson? Explain the answer.
V. Expansion of new knowledge.
Work in the textbook.
The teacher offers to consolidate the knowledge gained by examining the drawing in
textbook on p. 33 and completing the task to him.
Group work.
For this, students sit in groups of 4-6 people. In each group
a team captain is selected, who leads the discussion of versions.
(Rules working together see the Appendix to the lesson “Look into your
T a n and i for l i g r u p p:
1. Review the illustrations in the textbook on p. 33 and complete the assignment to them.
2. Write on a sheet of 10 most important, in your opinion, rules of conduct,
which must be observed by every person in society.
Students share results group work... After listening to each group,
the teacher offers to compare the proposed rules of conduct and mark
coincidences. Students note that most of the named rules have different
groups are the same.
Teacher. What does this tell us? It is correct that there are general rules
behaviors that are accepted by the whole society. They must be known and observed
everyone. When and how do you think these rules emerged in society?
During the discussion, the students come to the conclusion that such rules are people
did not come up immediately, they took shape gradually. As confirmation
The teacher suggests reading the suggested assumptions in the textbook on p. 34
last paragraph.
Teacher. How did the relationship between people develop in the primitive
society? Did there exist at this first stage of human development
rules of behavior?
Students. No, only the fittest survived.

Teacher. Has anything changed in society with the development of a person?
Students. Yes, “the wiser a person became, the kinder and
Relations between people became fairer ”(read from a textbook).
THE TEACHER (reads out from the textbook): “So people gradually created
rules that allowed anyone, even the weakest, member of society
live in peace and not be afraid to be offended. " These are generally accepted and approved
most people call the rules morality. Find and
read the definition of this new concept in the dictionary on p. 120.
Teacher. Take another look at the rules that you wrote on
sheets. Consider if you can combine them with one rule that covers
what would you list?
The students give different answers. If the rule is not formulated
completely, the teacher offers students situations in which "their rule"
observed, but the deed turns out to be bad. For example, students suggest
such a rule: "Never fight." The teacher suggests a situation: boys
laugh at a classmate, offend her, wait after school, take away
things. The girl cannot defend herself. You may have to get into a fight, and
you turned away and walked by. What does your conscience tell you? Etc.
During the discussion different options the main rule, students come to
the conclusion that you need to treat others the way you want to
treated you. The teacher suggests reading the wording of this general
the rules at the end of the paragraph on p. 35.
Teacher. This rule is also called
"The golden rule
morality ". Why do you think?
Teacher. Think about the punishment that awaits the one who violates
moral requirements? That's right, the offender can be scolded, shamed, he
cease to respect, consider a dishonest person.
Sometimes a person experiences such social condemnation more difficult than
punishment. And for violation of what rules a person can be brought to justice and
to imprison?
Pupils give examples of such rules: do not appropriate someone else's property,
do not harm human life and health, etc.
Teacher. These rules are also part of universal human morality, but they
protected by the force of law.
This part of the rules of conduct is called law.

Scenes (creative homework).
Students act out scenes - excerpts from children's fairy tales, cartoons, in
which the heroes do "bad" deeds and thus break the rules
morality. After watching the scenes, the students name which rules they violated
heroes and what punishment can await them for each of these offenses.
Vi. Independent application and use of the acquired knowledge.
The teacher invites the students to answer the questions, p. 35 (optional, those
which will help to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson).
Students answer questions, draw conclusions. The teacher can selectively
evaluate the students' answers and mark them.
Vii. Lesson summary.
Teacher. What new knowledge did you gain in the lesson? What new
Have you met the concepts? Did this knowledge help to solve the problem: “How
a person can understand that he has done a bad deed if no one
prompts? By what means does a person know what is good and what is bad? " TO
what solution did we come up with? What is the "golden rule of morality" for us
managed to withdraw?
Pupils answer the teacher's questions, thereby once again reinforcing
acquired knowledge and are trained in the use of new concepts.
Teacher. At the end of the lesson, I propose to return to where we started.
our lesson, to the topic "How to live in the world of people?". Remember how you answered
See this question at the beginning of the tutorial. What would you add to your answer now?
Homework: read the text of the textbook on p. 32–35, check your
knowledge by answering the questions after the text. Find new concepts in the dictionary, be able to
give them a definition.

Verification work around the world "How people lived in the old days" (grade 3, educational and methodological kit " Primary School twenty-first century. "The test includes tasks related to obsolete words.

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"Verification work on the surrounding world" How people lived in the old days ""

Verification work on the topic "How people lived in the old days"

    Give examples of obsolete names. (3)


    Think about how these names came to be. Write down your answer.

Orun _____________________________________________________________________


Milalika _________________________________________________________________

    Add the nicknames of the princes and the king.

Yaroslav _______________, Vladimir _______________________, Ivan __________________

    Give examples of surnames that come from:

a) from the patronymic ____________________ b) from the name of the animal, bird __________________

c) from the name of the profession ____________________ d) from the character trait __________________

    Think and write down how these names came about:

Pechnikov ______________________________________________________________________

Sergeev ________________________________________________________________________

Veselov _______________________________________________________________________

    Describe the appearance of a Slavic man.


    Write down the main character traits of the Slavs.

The Slavs were _______________________________________________________________________

    Complete the sentences.

The word "surname" with Latin translated as ___________________________________

In the north of Russia, peasant dwellings were built from _______________, and in the south of Russia __________________________________________________________. Stone buildings in Russia appeared in _____________________________.

    Divide the words into 2 groups. Give a name to each group.

Tunic, felt boots, sneakers, sundress, sheepskin coat, t-shirt, shorts, kokoshnik, overcoat, sheepskin coat, hat, tie, sandals

10. The meal is _______________________________________________________.

Give examples of dishes that could be included in the menu of the Slavs. (5)


11. Pagans are ________________________________________________________________________

    Give examples of the gods of the Slavs.


    Give examples of spirits in which the Slavs believed.

    Fill in the sentences.

The beginning of the baptism of Russia is considered ______________________. This happened under the prince __________________________________________________. Christian holidays _________________________________________.

    Correct mistakes.

The ancient Slavs were famous for their stinginess .____________________________________________

In military battles, they showed cowardice.________________________________________

The Slavs were distinguished from other peoples by physical weakness and impatience ._______________________________________________

But most of all the Slavs loved slavery. __________________________________________

1. Show with arrows which definitions correspond to words in the frames.

Underline violation of moral rules with green pencil, and violation of laws - with red.

2. Help the children understand and understand which actions are good and which are bad (put a “+” or “-” sign under the pictures).

What helps us know if an action is good or bad?

Good deeds delight both me and the people around me, and after committing bad deeds, my conscience torments me and other people condemn me.

3. You often hear the word "no" from adults when you communicate with other children, adults. Explain why you are not allowed to do this.

Continue on the free columns of the table the list of what you are not allowed. Explain why.

4. Consider the drawing. What rule did the neighbor forget?

He forgot that he shouldn't make noise at night, so as not to interfere with his neighbors' rest.

What should the troublemaker do? Write your answer.

Position (opinion): I believe that the intruder should immediately stop making noise.
Argument (s):because because of his actions, no one in the whole house can sleep peacefully.

Make a memo "Golden rules that will help in life."

1 Obey your parents and teachers.
2 Do what you want to be treated with you.
3 Do not do things for which your conscience torments you.
4 Obey the laws of your country.
5 Try to avoid conflict situations.
6 Do not be lazy to study and learn something new.
7 Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes and correct them.

5. Solve the crossword puzzle "Man and the world of people." At any appropriate place in the crossword puzzle write the word "moral" and give it a definition.

4. Conflicting interests that give rise to a dispute (conflict).
5. A group of people with common interests (society).

1. Obligatory rules of conduct for all (the laws) .
2. Part of the rules of conduct that the state wrote down in the laws and protected by its force (right) .
3. The ability of a person to decide what is good and what is bad (conscience) .

Morality - rules of conduct accepted in society, which are not written down in official laws, but are respected by everyone.

Lesson topic: How to live in the human world?

Lesson objectives:

To acquaint students with the primary concepts of such concepts as "conscience", "morality", "law", " Golden Rule morality ".

To form the ability to notice and explain what actions of people are contrary to human conscience, rules of behavior (morality and law).

To cultivate a sense of responsibility for our actions in front of the people around us.

Equipment: Group cards, TSO: computer, projector, interactive board.

Lesson plan.

    Org. moment. Emotional attitude.

    Repetition of the passed material.

    Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem: what helps a person to evaluate which actions are good and which are bad?

    Children's versions.

    Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge).

    Conscience, morality.

    Expression of the solution to the problem.

    Application of new knowledge.

    Lesson summary.


During the classes.

    Org. moment. Emotional attitude.


Good morning, animals and birds!

Good morning, smiling faces!

Good morning, 4th grade students! I wish you a successful day and Have a good mood.

    Repetition of the passed material.

Frontal work

Teacher: We continue to study the subject of social studies. And in the last lesson we dealt with the concept of "society". So what is society?

Students: A society is a group of people who have common interests.

Teacher: That's right, this is a group of people who share common interests. What happens when people's interests do not coincide?

Students: Conflict.

Teacher: What should people go to to prevent conflict?

Students: For a compromise.

Teacher: What is a compromise?

Students: This is the ability to make concessions in order to negotiate.

Teacher: Well done guys, you learned the last lesson well.

And today we have to figure it out how can we - people live in society. Slide 1. Let's formulate the problematic question of the lesson.

    Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem.

Frontal work

Teacher: Imagine that you are attending a concert. Slide 2

(A beautiful melody sounds.)

Teacher: What emotions are you currently experiencing?

Students: Positive: joy, pleasure, delight, etc.

(Writing on the board: Music evokes positive emotions. Musicians do well.) Slide 3

Teacher: Now imagine that it is already late evening, you are tired and getting ready for bed. All of a sudden, your musician neighbor starts playing the same music loudly.

What emotions will you experience in this situation?

Students: Negative: irritation, upset, anger, etc.

(Chalkboard entry:Music evokes negative emotions. The musician does bad things.) Slide 3

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. What contradiction have you noticed?

Students: The music is the same, but we regard the musicians' deed as good or bad.

Teacher: What is the question?

(Students, with the help of the teacher, formulate the main question (problem) of the lesson.)

(Writing on the board: What helps a person to evaluate which actions are good and which are bad?) Slide 4

(Children make sure the questions match.)

Teacher: We have to deal with this question today in the lesson and at the end of the lesson you must answer it.

    Children's versions.

Frontal work

Teacher: Describe the situation in the picture? Slide 5

Students: The boys smashed the glass with a soccer ball.

Teacher: What did they do?

Students: Bad.

Teacher: Do the guys themselves understand what they have done?

Students: Yes, they peer cautiously into the room. Their expressions show that they are ashamed.

Teacher: Did anyone tell the guys that they did a bad thing?

Students: No, judging by the picture, the ball flew into the room a second ago.

Teacher: And how did the guys realize that they had done a bad deed - after all, no one prompted them. Can we say that something "gnaws" them from the inside?

(Draw arrows from the lesson problem on the chalkboard and write down the keywords:inner voice - conscience ). Slide 6.

Students: Other people.

(On the chalkboard, draw another arrow from the problem in the lesson and write down the key word:other people). Slide 6.

    Search for a solution to the problem (discovery of new knowledge).

Frontal work, work with a textbook

      Conscience, morality.

Teacher: What is "conscience"?

Read the text on the page 33 textbooks(1 paragraph). Underline words that will help you answer this question.

Students: Conscience is the ability of a person to decide what is good and what is bad, to separate good from evil.

Teacher: What kind of person is called "shameless"?

Students: Who commits bad deeds and does not even think about it, does not feel remorse.

Teacher: Let's go back to the question of our lesson. So, the inner voice - conscience helps us to distinguish a good deed from a bad one?

Students: Yes.

Working in groups

(Each group should write 5 important rules behaviors that must be observed by any person living in society. Then the representatives of each group go to the board and read out their rules.)

Teacher: Divide into groups of rows (1 row - 1 group, 2 row - 2 group, 3 row - 3 group). Do not forget about the rules for working in groups! Slad 7

(Students share the results of group work. After listening to each group, the teacher suggests comparing the proposed rules of conduct.

Students note that some of the named rules are the same for different groups.)

Teacher. It turns out there is general rules of conduct that are accepted by the whole society... Everyone should know and observe them.

Teacher: Find on the page 33-34 in the textbook, as the general rules of conduct accepted by the whole society are called (focusing on the highlighted words.)

Students: Morality.

Teacher: So what is "morality"?

Students: This is the name of the oral rules of conduct, accepted in society and approved by the majority of people.

Teacher: That is, if a person's conscience is “asleep,” who will remind him that he is doing a bad deed?

Students: Other people.

Teacher: Let's go back to the main question of the lesson. What, besides conscience, helps us to distinguish a bad act from a good one?

Students: Morality.

(Write on the blackboard opposite the words other people the word -morality and put «+».) Slide 6

Teacher. Look again at the rules that you wrote on the sheets. Think about it, is it possible to combine them with one rule that would cover everything that you have listed?

(Students give different answers. If the rule is not fully formulated, the teacher offers the students situations in which “their rule” is observed, but the action turns out to be bad. For example, the students suggest the following rule: “Never fight.” The teacher offers a situation: classmate, offend her, wait after school, take away things. The girl cannot protect herself. You may have to fight, and you turned away and walked by. What does your conscience tell you? etc.

During the discussion of different versions of the main rule, students come to the conclusion that it is necessary treat others the way you want to be treated. The teacher suggests reading the wording of this general rule onp. 34 of the textbook)

Teacher. This rule is also called " By the golden rule morality ".


Frontal work

Teacher: Now I will describe situations, and you will say that it helps people evaluate their actions.

    A daughter stands in front of her mother and says: "Mom, forgive me that I deceived you yesterday ..."

Teacher: Did the girl do a good thing when she cheated on her mother?


Teacher: And so she thought for a long time and asked for forgiveness. What helped her understand that she was wrong?


    A man is walking along the street on crutches. The boy teases him - sticks out his tongue, jumps on one leg. The old women sitting on the bench said: “What a shame! How can you tease a cripple! "

Teacher: Is the boy doing a good thing?

Students: No.

Teacher: Who reminded him of the rules of conduct accepted in society?

Students: Other people.

Teacher: What are these rules called?

Students: Morality.

    The car goes to a red light, the policeman shows with a baton that it is necessary to stop, and says: "You have broken the rules!"

Teacher: Is the driver doing a good thing?

Students: No.

Teacher: Does his conscience tell him not to do this?

Students: No.

Teacher: Who reminded him that he broke the rules?

Students: Police officer.

Teacher: What are these rules called?

Students: Morality.

Teacher: Read again in the textbook, what is morality?

Morality - oral rules of conduct, they are not written down in government documents.

rules road traffic Are these oral rules?

Students: No, this is a government document.

Teacher: What are the names of the rules of conduct for people recorded in government documents?

(Students might assume these are laws.)

Teacher: Find in the tutorial on page 35, what is the name of the rules of conduct that the state has written down in laws and protected by its power.

Students: Right.

Teacher: Read and tell me again, what is “right”?

Students: Law is part of the rules of conduct that the state has written down in laws and protected by its power.

Teacher: So, if a person does not hear the voice of conscience and does not obey the requirements of morality, then what will help a person evaluate an act?

Students: Right.

Teacher: Let's go back to the main question of the lesson. What word should be added?

Students: Right.

(On the board, sign the word"right" and «+».) Slide 6

    Expression of the solution to the problem.

Frontal work

Teacher: How do we answer the problematic question of the lesson: "What helps a person evaluate what actions are good and what are bad?" Slide 6

Students: To evaluate their actions, a person has a conscience, and society creates its own rules of behavior - morality and law.

    Application of new knowledge.

Independent work

(Work in the workbook. Page 18, task 2.)

Teacher: Read the assignment yourself.

Tell you what need to do?

Students: We need to put a "+" under the pictures that show good deeds and put a "-" under the pictures with bad deeds.

Teacher: Complete the task.

(Frontal check: Students tell what is shown in the picture, say which sign they put and justify their choice.)


Teacher: If you completed the whole task correctly - put yourself + with a green pencil in the margins, if you made at least one mistake - don't put yourself anything.

Teacher: Raise your hands, those who have completed the task completely ?

Teacher: Who is having difficulty completing the assignment? Think why? Map out a problem for yourself that you need to work on.

Teacher: Read the question under the pictures.

How do you answer it?

Students: Conscience, morality, law.

    Lesson summary.

Teacher: What new concepts did you meet in the lesson?

By what means does a person know what is good and what is bad?

What is the Golden Rule of Morality?

Will the knowledge gained in the lesson be useful to you in life? How should you live? (Following the voice of conscience.)

(If you find children who are having difficulty, find out what caused the difficulty and outline the need for further work.)

    Homework.Slide 8

Group creative assignment:

Create and act out a scene in which you have to show the violation of the rules of human behavior in society. And the rest of the guys - the audience will have to think and say what helped the offender evaluate his act: conscience, morality or law.

Teacher: Guys, you did a good job today, well done! Thank you for attention! Slide 9


Write down 5 important rules of conduct

Write down 5 important rules of conduct that must be observed by any person.

Write down 5 important rules of conduct that must be observed by any person.

Teacher. Why do some people live among people easily and evenly, without straining others and without jerking themselves, while others suffer, suffer and, what is sadder, arrange the same for those around them.

1 student. The quality of life is influenced, first of all, by the views on relationships between people, which are taken as a basis.

2 student. Having developed the correct idea of ​​life, we will avoid many problems, conflicts and will not create problems and conflicts for others.

1 student. Every person is free.

2 student. Nobody is the property of anyone else: neither parents, nor relatives, nor loved ones.

1 student. We did not come to this world to meet someone's expectations.

2 student. However, others do not live in the world at all in order to meet our expectations.

1 student. No one can be and should not become my property - neither my parents, nor relatives, nor loved ones.

3 student. Who owes what to whom.

4 student. Do you know people who would have to take care of your interests?

3 student. Even our parents care about us because they love us.

4 student. Nobody owes me anything. Therefore, if someone did something to me or said a good thing (at least tried to do it), I am grateful to him. I didn't - I won't be offended at him.

3 student. I do not like to upset people, I like to help them. I am pleased with gratitude, but I never count on it, much less demand it.

Teacher. As soon as you do this with your principles, it will become much more pleasant and easier for you and with you. There will be no one to be offended, but they will also let you down.

4 student. Nobody owes me anything - I don't owe anything to anyone - I'm a free man. But I'm mentally healthy person, so I am pleased to do good deeds, and I try to do them. And if I could not or did not want to do something to someone, I will not blame myself.

3 student. Blaming and torturing yourself is as inhumane as torturing and blaming others.

4 student ( reads on the poster). “Just as others did not come to this world to meet my expectations, so I did not come here to meet their expectations” (Frederick Perls).

5 student. Big problems, both in relationships and in life in general, create a sense of guilt.

6 student. Feelings of guilt and remorse are generally regarded as intrinsic qualities of a morally mature person.

5 student. At the same time, they torment the souls of decent people, marking with a blow every fall and every minor mistake.

6 student. Moreover, the more decent a person is, the more painfully his conscience "gnaws" and is tormented by guilt.

Teacher. If I'm not to blame, then who? Reflections on the guilty.

If you have firmly decided to become a civilized person and have already learned to refrain from swear words, you sort things out not with the help of fists, but with normal conversation, the next difficult step to mastering morality (to the formation of an integral personality) will be the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness.

5 student. Forgiving is not easy. To forgive for real, not in words.

6 student. Forgiveness is freeing your soul from resentment, evil and hatred for another. But...

5 student. Before you can forgive someone, you must first blame.

6 student. Blame is resentment, evil and hatred. Is it worth it to pollute the soul with them?

5 student. If we do not blame anyone, then there will be no guilty persons in our life, and we will have no one to forgive.

6 student. Naturally, resentment can sometimes appear. But is it worth it to let them into the depths of the soul? And on the surface, they will not live longer than a few minutes.

5 student. The people around us are often selfish, aggressive, stupid, ill-mannered, dishonest and ungrateful.

6 student. Do not be surprised, indignant or upset by this. Take this as the reality of our imperfect world.

5 student. Moreover, each of us is a part of this world. And each of us can also sometimes be selfish, aggressive, stupid, ill-mannered, dishonest and ungrateful.

6 student. By resenting and trying to fix each other, we still get nothing but more tension and alienation. There is only one way - to correct yourself and be tolerant of others.

1 student. Let there be no bad people for us.

2 student. Bad people no as well as no bad weather... Although not all weather suits us for some specific cases.

1 student. On a cold day, a foolish person will blame and scold the weather, and reasonable person dress warmer, or complain that he himself was not more prudent.

2 student. Let's love this world as it is. Let's learn to live in such circumstances that develop, among the people around us.

1 student. But if there is an opportunity to be away from a person who brings more trouble and harm than joy and benefit, use this opportunity.

2 student. If there is a choice, it is always preferable to choose more comfortable environment, including human.

1 student. If there is a chance that the car will throw mud at you, it would be wiser to cross the street than to wave your fists and curse after it.

2 student. Whatever we do, there must be more good in the world.

1 student. It is better not to answer with anything than to answer with rudeness.

2 student. You can actively and toughly defend yourself, like any other person, but under no circumstances should you humiliate yourself to revenge.

1 student. And if your personal enemy is doing a good deed, help him.

2 student. Remember: no matter what we do, there must be more good in the world.

Teacher. Attitudes towards oneself, towards people, towards the world are very difficult questions. Today you got acquainted with one point of view on some problems of living, which seems to be quite reasonable and logical.

The principles of life that you choose will largely determine the quality of your existence.

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