Night outbreak in the sun. Flash in the Sun: Description of the phenomenon and causes

Despite the fact that our luminaire looks calm and constant, it can sometimes explode, releasing a huge amount of energy - astronomers call these events by sunlight. Flashes occur in the atmosphere of our star, as well as in the crown and chromosphere. Plasma heats up to tens of millions of degrees Kelvin, and the particles accelerate almost to the speed of light.

At an instant, 6 x 10 * 25 J Energy stands out. Space telescopes observe bright emissions of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation during the activity of our luminaries.

Flashes in the sun today and online can be viewed below, information is postponed online from the GOES 15 satellite. Their number and strength changes with a 11-year-old solar cycle.

The picture is updated automatically

Schedule of magnetic storms online from SWPC satellite

GOES 15 is a spacecraft having a complex X-ray telescope for monitoring and early detection of solar flares, coronal mass emissions and other phenomena that affect the space weather of the Earth and the surrounding space.


With the help of the graph below, you can view solar flares for every day. Conditionally they are divided into three classes: C, M, X, the maximum wave value of the red line characterizes power. Maximum force at class H.

Early outbreak warning is important, as they affect not only the safety of people in orbit (in particular the ISS), but also for military and commercial satellite communications. In addition, the coronal emissions of the mass can damage the long-distance electrical networks, which can lead to significant light shutdowns.

Outbreak data from GOES satellite

On a dynamically updated image, the X-ray radiation of our star is shown, with a period of 5 minutes. This designated orange was obtained in a bandwidth of 0.5-4.0 angstrom (0.05-0.4 nm), red 1-8 angstrom (0.1-0.8 nm).

When the sun is actively, they can occur quite often. Flashes often go hand in hand with coronal mass emissions. 2013 will be one of the greatest risks when flying a person in space. When the powerful emission of the coronal mass is directed towards the Earth, a huge amount of radiation takes place in the immediate vicinity of our planet.

Since the particles are accelerated almost to the speed of light, the dangerous radiation storm will come a few minutes after the outbreak on the surface of the sun.

During a powerful solar storm, astronauts will have less than 15 minutes to find protection, and not to get a potentially deadly dose of radiation.

Thus looks around the flashes near

The most powerful flash, from ever registered, occurred on November 4, 2003, during the highest point of activity of our star. The luminaire threw so much energy that damaged sensors on one of the geostationary environmental NASA satellites.

Data for today

On a scale that is constantly updated, there are 5 categories (according to the degree of increasing radiation power): a, b, c, m and x. Also, each flash is assigned a certain number. For the first 4 categories, this is a number from 0 to 10, and for the category X - from 0 and higher.

Solar flares are unique in their strength and power of heat, kinetic and light energy in the atmosphere of the Sun. The duration of solar flares does not exceed only a few minutes, but the tremendous volume of the ejected energy has a direct impact on the Earth and on us with you.

Consequences of outbreaks in the sun

These Sun processes are powerful explosions formed near large groups of solar spots. The energy indicator of one flash is about ten times higher than the energy of one volcano. At the same time, the sun throws a special substance from its surface, which consists of charged particles. It has a supersonic speed and, moving in the interplanetary space, creates a shock wave, which in a collision with our planet causes magnetic storms.

The body of each of us reacts in different ways to solar flares. Many people "feel" them almost immediately, experiencing dismisses, strong headaches, problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as a violation of psycho-emotional background: irritability, increased sensitivity and nervousness. The second group of people possess the so-called "slower reaction": they react to solar flares 2-3 days after their occurrence.

Solar flares are outbreaks of energy in the atmosphere of the Sun, which people react differently.

The most sharply on the outbreaks in the sun react patients and weakened people suffering from blood pressure jumps. It is known that in the days of the sun activity, the number of accidents and catastrophes increases, the cause of which is human factor. The fact is that the outbreaks in the sun reduce the human attention and dull his brain activity.

How to predict outbreaks in the sun, are they harmful to humans?

The intensity of solar activity has a 28-day cycle, this figure is connected in the rotation of the "hot shone" around its axis. During this period, the complex relationship between the highest and lower order cycles occurs. This fact is scientists and explain the fact that outbreaks in the sun, and as their consequence - magnetic storms, most often arise in March and April, as well as in September and October.

Solar activity affects the mental abilities of people. When the sun is calm, then creative people are tested and inspiration, and when the luminaire produces outbreaks, the attention of people is dulled, and they are in an depressed state close to depression.

Researchers found interesting fact - It turns out an earthquake, hurricanes and typhoons are formed just at the moment of outbreaks in the sun. Therefore, in most cases, scientists predict these natural disasters, based on their frequency of outbreaks in the sun.

What are the consequences of outbreaks in the sun affect a person?

As a result of outbreaks in the sun, the following reaction is observed on Earth. Luminous activity:

  • - infrasound, which occurs in high latitudes, in the regions of the northern lights;
  • - micropulsation of our planet, which are short-periodic changes magnetic field Earth, it is they who negatively affect the work of the human body;
  • - As a result of outbreaks, the intensity of ultraviolet radiation comes to the surface of our planet is changing.

As a result of such nature reactions on the outbreaks, biorhythms not only a person change in the sun, but also all living on Earth.

Currently, many research institutes, observatory and laboratories are engaged in issues of studying the impact of outbreaks in the sun on the human body and our planet as a whole. Maybe, detailed study The behavior of the Sun will help us to turn his "surprises" for yourself.

In the first half of the Wednesday, September 6, 2017, scientists registered the most powerful solar outflow over the past 12 years. The outbreak was assigned a score x9.3 - the letter means belonging to the class of extremely large flashes, and the number is the power of the outbreak. The release of billions of tons of matter occurred almost in the AR 2673 area, almost in the center of the Solar Disc, so earthlings did not avoid the consequences of what happened. The second powerful flash (X1.3 score) was recorded in the evening on Thursday, September 7, the third - today, on Friday, September 8.

Sun throws out huge energy into space

Solar flares depending on power x-ray radiation They are divided into five classes: a, b, c, m and x. The minimum class A0.0 corresponds to the radiation power in the Earth's orbit of the Ten Starts on square meterThe next letter means an increase in power ten times. In the course of the most powerful outbreaks that the sun is capable of surrounding the surrounding space, a huge energy is derived in a few minutes - about a hundred billion megatons in Troatil equivalent. This is an approximately fifth of the energy emitted by the Sun in one second, and all the energy that humanity will produce for a million years (subject to its production with modern pace).

Powerful geomagnetic storm is expected

X-ray radiation comes to the planet in eight minutes, heavy particles - a few hours, plasma clouds for two-three days. Coronal release from the first flash has already reached the Earth, the planet has encountered a cloud of solar plasma with a diameter of about one hundred million kilometers, although it was previously predicted that this would happen in the evening of Friday, September 8. The geomagnetic storm of the G3-G4 level (the five-point scale varies from weak G1 to an extremely strong G5), provoked by the first flash, must end in the evening on Friday. Coronal emissions from the second and third solar flares have not yet reached the Earth, the possible consequences should be expected at the end of the current - the beginning of the next week.

Flash consequences have long been clear

Geophysics predict polar radiance in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, cities located on relatively low latitudes for avrore. In the US state, Arkansas have already noticed him. Back on Thursday, operators in the United States and Europe reported non-critical communication interruptions. X-ray level on near-earth orbit Militally rose, the military clarify that satellites and ground systems, as well as the crew of the ISS direct threat.

Image: NASA / GSFC

Nevertheless, there is a danger to low-bit and geostationary satellites. The first risks are out of order due to braking about the heated atmosphere, and the second, having removed from the ground by 36 thousand kilometers, may face the solar plasma cloud. Possible interruptions with radio communications, but for the final assessment of the effects of the outbreak, it is necessary to wait at a minimum of the end of the week. The deterioration of the well-being of people due to changes in the geomagnetic situation is not scientifically proven.

It is possible to strengthen solar activity.

Last time Such an outbreak was observed on September 7, 2005, but the strongest (with a ball X28) occurred even earlier (November 4, 2003). In particular, on October 28, 2003, one of the high-voltage transformers in the Swedish city of Malmo came out, de-energized the whole hour locality. From the storm suffered other countries. A few days before the events of September 2005, a less powerful outbreak was recorded, and scientists believed that the sun calms down. What happens in the last days, strongly reminds the situation. Similar behavior of the lamination means that the 2005 record in the near future can still be beaten.

Image: NASA / GSFC

However, over the past three centuries, humanity survived and even more powerful solar flares than those that occurred in 2003 and 2005. In early September 1859, the geomagnetic storm led to the failure of the telegraphic systems of Europe and North America. The reason called the powerful emission of the coronal mass, which has reached the planet for 18 hours and observed on September 1 by the British astronomer Richard Karrington. There are also studies questioning the consequences of the solar outbreak of 1859, scientists that the magnetic storm affected only the local areas of the planet.

Solar flares are difficult to quantify the description

The sequential theory describing the formation of solar flares is not yet. Flashing arise, as a rule, in places of interaction of solar spots on the border of the areas of northern and southern magnetic polarities. This leads to a rapid release of the energy of magnetic and electric fields, which then goes to heating the plasma (increasing the speed of its ions).

The observed stains are sections of the sun surface with a temperature of about two thousand degrees Celsius below the temperature of its surrounding photospheres (about 5.5 thousand degrees Celsius). On the darkest parts of the magnetic field stains perpendicular to the surface of the sun, on the brightest they are closer to the tangent. The magnetic field strength in such objects exceeds its terrestrial value in thousands of times, and the flashes themselves are associated with a sharp change in the local geometry of the magnetic field.

The solar flare occurred on the background of a minimum of solar activity. Probably, thus the luminary drops the energy and will soon calm down. Such a kind of events took place earlier in the history of the star and the planet. The fact that today is attracting the attention of the public, it is not about a sudden threat to humanity, but about scientific progress - in spite of everything, scientists are gradually increasingly understanding the processes taking place with the star and inform about this taxpayers.

Where to keep track of the situation

Information about solar activity can be learned from a variety of sources. In Russia, for example, - from the sites of two institutions: and (first at the time of writing the article posted a direct warning about the danger for satellites due to the sun outbreak, the second contains a convenient graph of flash activity) that use the data of American and European services. Interactive data on solar activity, as well as assessing the current and future geomagnetic situation can be found on the website

The first flash, fixed at 09:10 GRINVICH, became the most powerful since 2015, but soon it was eclipsed by the second emission. From big sunny spot A flash has escaped, which the Center for Space Weather Forecasts of the National Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies US assigned the Class X9.3. The last time the outbreak of the class X9 astronomers could be observed in 2009. The current outbreak occurred at a point, which is located towards the ground, so its impact on the planet may be maximum.

"Events of such power belong to the largest, which are only able to produce our star and which are formed only with very rare, unique conditions, as a rule, at the stage of the peak of solar activity," the Physical Institute of RAS named after Lebedev said in the laboratory of the X-ray Astronomy of the Sun.

Why an outbreak of such a level happened now, against the background of a solar minimum, there is still a scientist.

Total flashes are divided into five classes: a, b, c, m and x, which differ in the power of x-ray radiation.

According to the center, the outbreaks were accompanied by radio violations. High-frequency communication on the sunny side of the Earth worked with disorders within an hour, like a low-frequency connection, which is used when navigating.

Solar flares occur when the magnetic field of the sun, which forms dark stains on the star surface, twists and ejects energy, overheating the surface of the shone. In addition to interference in the operation of radio communications at different frequencies, outbreaks of class x can cause radiation storms in the upper layers of the atmosphere of the Earth. In addition, during such flashes, the sun can throw the cloud of charged plasma, which astronomers are called coronal emissions of the mass.

"The outbreaks accompanied radio signals that talked about a possible coronal mass ejection. However, we will have to wait for the results of the coronograph to find out, it was this time or not, " leads the words of the specialist of the Rob Stinberg Center.

The stain in the active sunny region 2673 is the second in size and in the width can accommodate seven of our planets, and in the height - nine. On September 5, the same spot released the sun outbreak of class M, which was accompanied by coronal emissions directed towards the Earth. The cloud of the charged plasma, which will reach our planet after 3 or 4 days, can damage satellites, as well as energy systems and communication systems.

Despite similar events, scientists claim that the sun approaches the 11-year minimum of its activity.

"We are moving towards a sunny minimum, so such events are particularly interesting, they will simply be happening so often. Class X flashes will not be a weekly event, but despite the fact that the activity will fall, their potential power It will not decrease, "Stinberg emphasized.

Waiting for the Solar Flash of Class X prompted a whole range of media to remind about the famous "Carrington event" - the most powerful sunny storm in September 1859, which occurred in September 1859. Then British astronomer Richard Carrington recorded the most powerful outbreak, which was also accompanied by the coronal emissions of the mass. All over the world, such intensive northern LightsIn their glow, it was possible to read newspapers, as in daylight, describe those events of NASA historians.

The northern lights were then observed even in tropical latitudes over Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica, Salvador and Hawaii.

In the DEelectric 1859, the most significant consequence of the "Carrington Events" was the refusal of telegraph systems in Europe and North America. However, such an outbreak and coronal emission today, the consequences could be much more tangible.

  • Northern Lights.

Some experts believe that when reuseing this event, residents of the Earth should expect a synchronous refusal to operate cellular communication, GPS systems and power supply. A separate task would be simultaneous mass landing of aircraft in the absence of satellite positioning. Cascade power outages would follow.

It is believed that astronauts, which are at this time at an near-earth orbit, would be in particular danger. In case of operation outside the station or spacecraft They would have only a few minutes after the first light flash, to hide inside the solar particles in time.

According to NASA calculations, the repetition of the "Carrington Events" at this level of development would cause humanity losses in the amount of up to $ 2 trillion, and for about 10 years it would take full restoration.

Only the full update of the Earth's satellite fleet would require about $ 70 billion.

More than a hundred years ago, science figures were determined that the activity of our luminaries directly affects many processes occurring on the planet, including human health. One of the most significant phenomena - outbreaks, regularly occurring on the surface of the Sun.

Why are outbreaks in the sun

Like the rest of the stars, our luminais is a huge ball consisting of hot gas. This substance appeals around the invisible axis, but somewhat in other laws, in contrast to solid tel. Various areas Stars have different speed of rotation. On the poles, this movement occurs at a lesser speed, and the rotation is faster at the equator. In the process, the rotation of the magnetic field of the star is swirling in a special way and rises above its surface, fascinating the hot plasma. In such places, the activity increases and outbreaks.

In other words, the rotational energy of the shine is converted into a magnetic state. Flashes are places to release a particularly large accumulation of such energy. It is easier to present this process if you remember how the usual incandescent lamp is lit. At too great meaning Voltage in the network lamp overrigent.

In the process of the outbreak, the release of a colossal volume of energy occurs. Any such outbreak is equivalent to an explosion of a billion kiloton trotyl. This amount of energy exceeds energy from all fuel reserves known at this time on our planet at the same time.

The flash makes form plasma clouds, which are sent towards our planet under the influence of solar wind. This process causes geomagnetic perturbations, called storms. They have a strong impact on all on the planet.

What threatens outbreaks in the sun

Under the influence of fixed from the surface, the mass of the mass of the Sun particles is deformed electromagnetic field Earth, which causes a magnetic storm. At the same time, the volume of the energy sent in the Earth's direction and the impact exerted by it is directly dependent on the outbreak size.

Scientists identified that natural disasters and cataclysms are associated with the operating periods of the Sun. It was found out that most often typhoon, earthquakes and hurricanes are formed just during the period of activity of the luminaries. Based on the frequency of outbreaks on the luminaire build predictions of natural disasters.

Negative impact is also on the technique. After solar flares deteriorates to a large extent, the quality of communication is often broken by space navigation equipment. There are failures in the functionality of aircraft, satellites and GPS navigation.

Especially dangerous solar flares for astronauts, if at this time they are in the open space of space. Under the influence of the most powerful flow of particles of protons, the level of radioactive exposure is repeatedly rising. The inhabitants of the planet from its destructive impact protects the atmosphere. Cosmonauts are also deprived of such protection and can be subjected to severe radiation radiation. Similar radiation charge, but to a lesser extent, and passengers in jet aircraft are obtained.

But there are outbreaks in the sun and pleasant phenomena, for example, residents of northern latitudes can admire a beautiful polar shine. With particularly strong outbreaks, it can be observed in more southern regions.

How do flashes in the sun on a man

The consequences of the increased activity of the Sun to one degree or another feels all the inhabitants. BUT B. more than From it suffer from meteo-dependent people and some age groups:

  • Children in the days of the activity of the luminaire become particularly nervous and plastic, often capricious. It is in this way the destructive rays on emotional condition kids. Immune protection is reduced on such days, which may cause the development of various diseases. On such days, children need to give vitamins fruits and a lot of water.
  • Older people feel the worsening of cardiac activity. This condition is especially dangerous with high arterial. Solar activity worsens coronary blood circulation, increases cholesterol concentration. The correct action at such moments will be the reception of the tablet aspirin, which dilute blood. In addition, this medicine will take pain. People who have undergone strokes, heart attacks, sick ischemia and arrhythmias must be kept in the accessibility zone prescribed drugs drugs.
  • Motor vehicles are also in the risk group. The fact is that the activity of the luminary affects increased fatigue, loss of concentration and attention. As a result, all the reactions of the man being driven by the car are becoming slower. Therefore, it is best to get behind the wheel on such days, but if possible to spend it at home.

Solar activity affects not only physical health, but also mental human mental. Even absolutely healthy people At such days, heightened nervousness, excitability and aggression are experiencing. Other people are quickly tired, fall into depression. Solar energy emissions cause exacerbation of diseases. At the same time, the recurrence continues and after the end of the exposure to the outbreak a few more days.

Flashes in the Sun: Video

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