Boccaccio stories. Giovanni Bokcchcho Brief biography

It had a significant impact on the development of the entire European culture.

Giovanni Bokcchcho was born on June 16, 1313 in the city of Medaldo, Italy. The boy grew up in the family of the Florentine merchant and Frenchwoman. Giovanni himself called himself Boccaccio Da Dattledo, by the name of the locality, from where his family came.

At about 1330, Bokcchcho moved to Naples. Despite the noticeable literary gifts of the boy, his father saw him in the future only a merchant, so I sent to learn commerce. However, the young man did not show any abilities or interest in trade.

The father eventually lost the hope that the Son will continue his work, and allowed to engage in canonical right. But also a lawyer Bokcachcho did not, the only passion was the poetry, which was given the opportunity to devote all of himself only after the death of his father.

Living in Naples, Bokcchchcho becomes part of the surroundings of King Robert Anjou. It is for this period that it is becoming its formation as a poet and a humanist. His friends were scientists, educated people, influential persons. Giovanni Ropain read the ancient authors, and the environment itself largely contributed to the expansion of his ideas about the world.

It is with Naples that a long time is connected creative biography. In honor of his muse, which in verses called fiamethta, Giovanni wrote a large number of poems. In addition, the poems "Hunt Diana", "Tezeida", "Philostrato", as well as a prose novel who had great importance for the formation of new Italian literature.

In 1341, friendship with Francesco Petrarch, which carried through his lifetime appeared in his life. Thanks to this relationship, Bokcchcho began to treat himself and to life more seriously. Among the townspeople enjoyed great influence, he often on behalf of the Florentine republic was given a diplomatic instruction. Boccaccio gave a lot of effort of educational work, awakened interest in antiquity, to the sciences, personally rewritten ancient manuscript.

In the period from 1350 to 1353, Bokcchcho wrote the main work of his life, glorified him in the ages of Decameron: a hundred Novel, who was ahead of his time, creating a bright panorama of Italian life, permeated by freedom: living humor, the ideas of humanism. His success was just stunning, and in different countries.

After ten years, Giovanni left Florence and returned to his hometown's hometown again, where he completely plunged into his books, lived, pleaseingly. The closer the old age loomed, the more superstitious became Bokcchcho, it was more serious about faith and church, but it would be a fracture in his worldview, it would be a great exaggeration.

The strongest impression on Bokcchchko produced the death of Petrarca, which he himself survived a little less than a year and a half. The heart of the Great Humanist, one of the most educated people of Italy was stopped on December 21, 1375.

Bibliography Giovanni Bokcchcho

Neapolitan period:

1334, Erotic poem "Diana House" (La Caccia di Diana)
oK. 1336-38, Roman "Philocolo" (Filocolo)
oK. 1335-40, Poem "Filostrato" (Filostrato)
oK. 1339-41, Poem "Tezeida" (Teseida Delle Nozze di Emilia)

florentine period:

1341-42, AMETO Pastoral Roman (Comedia Delle Ninfe Fiorentine; Ninfale d'Ameto; Ameto)
start 1340, Allegorical Poem "Love Vision" (Amorosa Visione)
1343-44, Tag "Fiametta" (Elegia Di Madonna FIMMETTA; FIMMETTA)
1345, Poem "Fiezolaan Nymphs" (Ninfale Fieseolano)
1350th: Decameron (Decameron)
1354-1355, satirical poem against women "Korbachcho" ("Il Corbaccio about Labirinto d'Amore")
oK. 1360, Dante Aligiery's Lifebook ("Small Treatise in Dante Praoma", Trattatello In Laude Di Dante; Accurate Name - Origine Vita E Costumi Di Dante Alighieri, First Revision - 1352, Third - up to 1372)
The cycle of lectures on the "Divine Comedy" (Argomenti in Terza Rima Alla Divina Commedia), unfinished
Treatise "About the mountains, forests, sources, lakes, rivers, swamps and seas" ("De Montibus, Silvis, Fontibus, Lacubus, Fluminibus, Stagnis Seu Paludibus et de Nominibus Maris", started about 1355-1357, lat. Yaz.
"The genealogy of the pagan gods" in 15 books (de Genealogia Deorum Gentilium, the first edition of about 1360, Lat. Yaz.
"On misfortunes famous people"(De Casibus Virorum et Feminarum Illustrium, the first edition of about 1360, in 9 books, lat. Yaz.
"On the famous women" (de Claris Mulieribus, started about 1361) includes 106 women's biographies
Bucolicum Carmen (Bucolicum Carmen)

(1313-1375) italian writer

Boccaccio entered the world culture mainly as the author of the famous "Decameron". Books, like people, have their reputation. There is a reputation and the Decameron. Ask any person about him, not very deeply familiar with the history of culture, and he most likely says that this is a book about various love adventures, and mostly monks and passing.

It can be said that humanity kept in its memory a very important side of the famous book. But only one side. She had others. For example, a direct expression and protection of a high humanistic ideal, protecting human virtues, nobility and generosity, courage and patience. In general, the book is diverse and shows human relations from different sides. By analogy with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante the Italians have long been called "Decameron" "human comedy".

Brokeccho He was the younger contemporary Petrarki. Together with him, he became the great founder of the humanistic culture of the European Renaissance. However, the Great Italian came to the Humanism of the Renaissance.

Giovanni Bokcchcho Born in the second half of 1313 in Certaldo, a small town under Florence. Some sources indicate that he was born in Paris. But his birth story in Paris is the same legend as the version of the royal origin of his beloved fiammettes. Giovanni was the son of the merchant Boccaccio di Kellinino, associated with the richest banker houses Bardi and Peruszi.

At about 1330, Bokcchcho settled in Naples, where at the insistence of his father he studied at first commerce, and then canonical law. Neither the merchant, nor a lawyer out of it turned out. He was fascinated only poetry. It was in Naples, surrounded by King Robert Anjui, Bokcchcho became a poet and a humanist. He with greed read Vergil, Ovid, Tita Libya and Apulean, was less on philology, but he knew very well and felt Dante's poetry, French knightly novels and folk epics - Cantari.

The main thing, however, were not a book. Boccaccio has come to the humanistic discovery of the world and man Bokcchcho not so much as a result of the new reading of classics, how much influence the immediate perception of reality itself. For the young Florentine Naples became the window in the bright and adventurous world of the Mediterranean - into the world of Homer, Arabs, marine robbers and merchants-navigators, too, often produced by the kissar. The contact with this world forced the future writer in a new way to think about the role played in the life of a person's mind, generosity, courage, fate, case, and also instilled in his love for romance, which was one of the most attractive parties to his future works. Naples knocked Bokcchcho from the failed king of the estate gender and opened his eyes on real life Simple Italians.

At the courtyard of King Robert, he met Maria d "Akvi, which under the name Fiammetti (" Spark ") glorified in many works. In Naples, a large period of Bokcachcho's creativity was held. Here, in addition to numerous poems who chant fiammett, and the poems" Hunt Diana " written under the influence of the Danov "new life", he created a novel in prose and two big poems - "Philostrato" and "Tezeida", related to the Italian treatments of the ancient stories and French knights. In the XIV-XV centuries. These works enjoyed great popularity And played an important role in the formation of new Italian literature.

In 1340. Brokeccho I had to return to Florence at the insistence of a broken father. However, trade operations still did not get carried away. He continued to engage in poetry and gradually pulled into public and political life of his native city. Boccaccio was the first humanist in the service of the Florentine Republic. In the middle of the XIV century, he became one of her authoritative diplomats. It was the Florentine people - "Popolo" - with his life, public, as well as aesthetic ideals helped Bokcchcho fully comprehend life. His daily life, interests and habits were reflected in the story "Fiammetta", written in 1343.

The top of the writer's creativity is "Decameron" - was written in 1350-1353. This is the earliest of the great books of the literature of the new time. She appeared earlier "Gargantua and Pantagruela", before "Don Quixote". She was written at the dawn of European civilization. And at the same time, the Decameron and now there is an absolutely live book.

The fact that this work appeared so early is caused by the features of Italian history. The appearance of great literature ultimately is always a response to the Great historical eventsmarking the elevation of the nation, an important step in her historical development. Thus, the elimination of feudal fragmentation, strengthening the central power and the transformation of England in the Lady of the Seas, they spawned Shakespeare and his Pleiad.

The same happened in Italy, which in the XIII-XIV centuries put forward Dante, Petrarch and Bokcchcho. For two century to this literary era, the Italian cities defeated feudal and turned into independent commune cities, whose life was free and democratic.

Critics Bokcchcho tried to prove that Decameron undermines the foundations of religion and morality. Objecting to hypocritical critics, the author said that, if desired, obscence can be found even in the Bible. He specifically stipulated that his novels were not intended for the burghers and their wives in the head of the heads and their wives - for those who need to read "our own" either bake pie or a cake to his confessor. "

As a plot material, Bokcachcho was equally used a jokes that made a significant part of the urban folklore, and religious-moral "examples", which were preached by the preachs of the famous servants of the Church, as well as French Poros and Eastern fairy tales, "Metamorphosis" of Apulence and oral stories of modern Florentine . All these narrations are decorated as stories of seven girls and three young men who decided to leave the city-struck city and enjoy communicating with each other in one of the nearby places.

The main ideas were the main ideas in the Decameron. This is not a collection of scattered stories, but a whole, internally completed work. Florence in it is not a conditional place of action. This is a real Florence of the XIV century, with its social entry, with its people, among which there are famous masters of culture, with its left memory events. Their number includes a terrible epidemic of plague, which fell on the "best city in all of Italy" in 1348 and carried out a huge number of human lives. FROM detailed description Boccaccio plague and starts his book.

With wonderful frankness, he tells about the matters of the Catholic clearing and especially willing about the monastic brethren. In medieval novelist, he had predecessors, but he surpassed their strength and brightness of his bold dating. Questions Dogmatic author did not interest. He was attracted only to life in her manifold. And, of course, Bokcchcho would not be Bokcchcho, if in his most significant work did not take decent place Earthly human love. Love in the Decameron is not only a rue of the flesh, it is a great feeling that can transform a person, raise it to a considerable height. Many novels "Decameron" narrow about the strength and durability of love. For Heroes Bokcchcho without strong love there is no genuine life on earth. At the same time, the causes leading to tragic junction among the reasons leading to the tragic and property inequality.

From the pages of "Decameron" on the reader watched Live Italy, Multicale and Multicolor. Of all the Italian cities, Bokcchcho especially willingly describes Florence and Naples. They are well known for him, much is connected with them in his life. Enjoying conversations and poetry, the story stories "Decameron" continue to live a well-coordinated social life. Laughter, joyful vitality and freedom reigning in the society created, did not arise because the authority of both divine and human laws fell in a rough Florence, but, on the contrary, because, contrary to the plague, the "republic of poets" retains the loyalty to the norms of universal morality. The Society of the story of the Decameron is connected with both quite real Bokcchcho, and with modern Florence.

In the "Decameron" writer overtook his age. The book had tremendous success and was almost immediately translated into many languages. They laughed in Florence, London and Paris. In Italy, she was cursed from church departments, which only increased its popularity. The genre of a collection of short stories after Boccaccio became incredibly popular in all European literature, but primarily in Italy.

With the approach of the old age, an impressionable and unbalanced writer, experiencing fear of death, began to attach more importance to faith and church rites. However, the creativity of the late Bokcchcho does not give reason to say that his world-upsion has changed seriously. This is also talking about this and his community with another great humanist - Francesco Petrarch, friendship with which reaches the tops during these years.

Works written by Bokcchcho in Latin are less original and interesting than its early poetry and Decameron. The greatest value from all Latin essays Bokcachcho for further development Renaissance literature throughout Europe had an extensive treatise on ancient mythology - "The genealogy of the pagan gods" (1350-1363). His treatises "On the famous women" and "On the misfortunes of famous people" aroused interest.

In the last period of his work, Bokcchcho retained interest in the folk language and folk culture Even in its most direct folk manifestations. IN last years The dedication of the writer and his ability to prevent the coming direction of thoughts manifested itself in the works of Dante, which posted the beginning of new literature.

Boccaccio always appreciated Dante's genius. He became the author of the first biography of the Great Poet, wrote a comment on 17 songs " Divine Comedy." Approximately a year before his death, in October 1373, the writer received from the Florentine Compection to read public lectures on the immortal poem Dante. Boccaccio read them in the Church of San Stefano until January of the next year, when the disease forced him to abandon it.

Bokcchcho died in Certaldo on December 21, 1375. On the tombstone of the writer it is written: "The occupation of him was a good poetry." Humanism of Creativity Giovanni Boccaccio is indestructable as life itself. Interest in the Decameron and other works of the Great Italian Writer existed yesterday, there is today and will exist tomorrow.

Brokeccho (Boccacco.) Giovanni (1313-1375), Italian Writer, Humanist of early Renaissance. Poles on the stories of antique mythology, psychological story "Fiammetta" (1343, published in 1472), pastoral, sonnets. In the main work of "Decameron" (1350-53, published in 1470) is the book of realistic novel, imbued with humanistic ideas, spirit of freedomiff and anticlerybalism, the rejection of ascetic morality, a cheerful humor, is a multicolor panorama of the morals of Italian society. Poem "Raven" (1354-55, published in 1487), Book "Life Dante Aligiery" (approx. 1360, published in 1477).

Brokeccho (Inoccacio.) Giovanni (1313, Paris - December 21, 1375, Cellhado, Tuscany, Italy), Italian poet, writer, Expert of classical antiquity.

Born in Paris, but all the conscious and creative life was associated with such centers of the cultural of Italian Renaissance, like Naples and Florence. He was the extramarital son Frenchwoman of noble origin and a rich Florentine merchant, at the insistence of which at a very early age began to study the right, banking and trading in the company Bardi - the famous merchant family.

From 1330 was at the father in Naples, which was a supplier of the yard of the Neapolitan King Robert Anjou. It was this sovereign, the patron saint of the arts, noticed the gift of young Bokcachcho, who, according to his confession, began to compose poems as soon as he learned the letters. Boccaccio's creative calling, his interest in elegant arts and classical antiquities were supported and developed in communicating with the circle of artists, poets and thinkers approximate to the court of Robert Anjou. At different times, at the same time, Jotto was located in the brilliant yard, and Pistoia, Varlaam Calabriysky; The royal librarian, who gave the lessons to the young Boccaccio, was Paolo Perugino. Love for Mary D "Aquino's Napapole, the side daughter of the king, inspired many works love lyrics Boccaccio.

It was during his stay in Naples on the grave Vergil Boccaccho swore to devote all his life to the ministry of elegant arts and poetry. Here in the younger years, he created several of the popular works: "Hunt Diana" - a poetic composition in tercins (about 1336), in which noble neaplean ladies are represented by the heroines of the ancient myths - the companions of the Goddess Diana, Philostrato (1338) - the poem in Octaves on the topics of the Trojan cycle, "Tenewa" (1339). All these essays are written in the people's Italian - the so-called "Wolgar" and are often alterars of the plots of South Francesuz medieval works.

In 1340 Bokcchcho at the insistence of his father returns to Florence. With the exception of a small term in 1351, when he was in the constrained circumstances after the death of his father, he avoided to occupy permanent positions in a communal hierarchy or in the service of influential persons. At the same time, Bokcchcho, honorable diplomatic missions on behalf of the Florentine Republic, was a member of the embassies sent in Romanenia (1351.), to Ravenna and Rome (1367), Naples (1351), Avignon (1354 and 1365), Venice (1354 and 1365) 1367 and 1368.). Obviously, Bokcchcho enjoyed respect and authority among fellow citizens.

During the period of life in Florence, he created his prosaic writings: "Fianmetta" (1343), "Decameron" (1348-1353), as well as the poetic cycle "Fiezolaan Nymphs" (1345). The literary masterpiece Boccaccio "Decameron" became a sample of the perfection of the language and style for Italian authors, the classics of world literature. Decameron represents a hundred stories told on behalf of noble Florentine ladies and young people; The narrative arises against the background of the epidemic of the plague ("black death"), from which a noble society in a country estate is hidden, and a fine psychologism and unexpected conflicts are fulfilled.

From the 1340s. Boccaccio worked on the "genealogy of the pagan gods" (an essay in 15 books devoted to the analysis of antique mythology, including the geography of myths). In 1350, he meets with Petrarch, who became his best friend. A circle of humanists was formed around Boccaccio, among whom the prickly saluteati and Filippo Villani were subsequently glorified. In addition, Bokcchcho exhaust the head of the city by the departments of the department greekThe Greek from Calabria Leonty Pilate (1359). Boccaccio not only received the teacher in his own home and contained at his own expense, but also acquired valuable Greek manuscripts for the needs of training and, apparently, carried out literary treatment of Leonty translations from ancient Greek. Although Leonthy Pilate was not the best and educated commentator "Iliad" and "Odyssey," but still he was able to prepare for the West the first Latin translation of Homer's poems.

Boccaccio also did everything possible so that the Florentine authorities provide Petrarke to live without to live and create in Florence, but he drew from the proposed honor. Friendly communication and correspondence of the two great humanists continued for many years, in particular, in the early 1360s. - During the period of severe shocks and moral quest - Bokcchcho himself enjoys the hospitality of Petrarks: Moves in 1363 to Venice, where he settled.

In the last period of life, along with the continuation of the work on the "genealogy of the pagan gods" (up to 1371), the main case of Bokcchcho was the glorification of the personality and creativity - the great Forerunner of Humanism. Bokcchchcho writes "Comments to the Divine Comedy" (about 1362), which later became traditional for humanists, the "coming word of Dante" (about 1360), as well as before the death itself, the cycle of public lectures about him, read in the Church of St. Stephen in Florence. These works were the only essays written by Bokcchcho on Wolgar in a mature period of his life. Boccaccio now prefers to write works on Latin and in more serious genres than before. In 1351-1367, he wrote on the Latin "bucolic poem" (imitation of verse), treatises "On the misfortunes of famous people" and "On the famous women" (more than a hundred biographies from Eve to Queen John Neapolitan, heiress King Robert). This last treatise in its configuration is the complete opposite of youthful essays, the full spirit of hedonism, such as "Hunt Diana" and others.

At the end of the 1350s - early 1360s, Bokcchchcho survived a deep mental crisis, the reason for which some biographers see in love failures and disappointments, other, on the contrary, in the natural acquisition of spiritual maturity through serious religious sequestos. In 1362, Bokcchchcho even accepted the spiritual san under the influence of the monk Joakkino Chani and not only renounced the hedonistic spirit of the former writings, but also began to argue that even recognized by the church the marriage and family institutions are dangerous and detrimental for cultural and moral development. Such intolerance to women that Bokcchcho began to exercise in the last period of life, caused controversy from other humanists, for example,. But, apparently, this circumstance allowed the Florentine bishop, who knew Bokcchcho well, to certify the author of the Decameron and many love poems, known for their heart hobbies and left behind several illegitimate children as the "husband of the impeccable purity of faith and morals."

Biography - Giovanni Bokachco (1313-1375)
Giovanni Boccaccio is the Italian poet and writer of the Epoch of the early Renaissance, Humanist. Born in 1313, presumably in June or July. He was born in Florence and became the fruit of the love of the Florentine merchant and Frenchwoman. Perhaps precisely because of the mother, some sources indicate the place of his birth to Paris. Giovanni himself called himself Bokcchcho and Catharto - by the name of the area, from where his family came.
At about 1330, Bokcchcho moved to Naples: despite the literary gifts of the boy from the small years, the father saw him in the future only the merchant, so he sent to study the wisdom of commerce. However, the young Brokeccho did not show any abilities or interest in trade. The father eventually lost the hope that the Son will continue his work, and allowed to engage in canonical right. But the lawyer Bokcchcho did not, the only passion was the poetry, which he got the opportunity to devote all of himself only much later, after the death of the Father in 1348
Living in Naples, Bokcchchcho becomes part of the surroundings of King Robert Anjou. It is for this period that it is becoming its formation as a poet and a humanist. His friends were scientists, educated people, influential persons. Giovanni Ropain read the ancient authors, and the environment itself largely contributed to the expansion of his ideas about the world. It is with Naples that a fairly long period of his creative biography is connected. In honor of his muse, which in verses called fiamethta, he wrote a large number of poems; In addition, the poems "Hunt Diana", "Tezeida", "Philostrato", as well as prosaic novel who had great importance for the formation of new Italian literature.
In 1340, the Father, who by that time was completely broken, requested the return of Bokcchcho to Florence, although the one, as before, was indifferent to commerce. Gradually, the humanist began to participate in the political and public life of the city. In 1341, friendship appeared in his life, which he carried through all his life, - with Francesco Petrarch. Thanks to this relationship, Bokcchcho began to treat himself and to life more seriously. He enjoyed great influence among the citizens, he was often instructed by a diplomatic nature on behalf of the Florentine Republic. Boccaccio gave a lot of effort of educational work, awakened interest in antiquity, to the sciences, personally rewritten ancient manuscript.
In 1350-1353 Boccaccio wrote the main work of his life, glorifying him in the centuries, "Decameron" - a hundred Novella, who was ahead of his time, creating a bright panorama of Italian life, penetrated by freedomity, living humor, the ideas of humanism. Success it became just stunning, and in different countries, in whose languages \u200b\u200bshe was immediately translated.
In 1363, Bokcchcho left Florence and arrived in Certaldo, a small estate, where he completely plunged into his books, lived, pleaseingly. The closer the old age loomed, the more superstitious became Bokcchcho, it was more serious about faith and church, but it would be a fracture in his worldview, it would be a great exaggeration. This is also evidenced by his work, and the apogee of friendship and unity of views with Petrarch. With the works written during these years, the literary studies of a new sample began to develop. Public lectures on the "Divine Comedy" he read until he was filmed from a severe ailment. The strongest impression on Bokcchchcho produced the death of Petrorski, he survived a friend a little less than a year and a half. On December 21, 1375, the heart of the Great Humanist, one of the most educated people of Italy of their time, stopped.


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Boccaccio statue occupies his honorable place at the Florentine Palace of Uffizi, and his work has become a source of inspiration for many famous writers, among whom William Shakespeare.

Long way to literature

Giovanni Boccacco was born 701 a year ago in Paris: his mother was a Frenchwoman. She gave birth to a boy from the merchant Boccaccino da Chelino.

A solid tricky Florentian accepted her son to himself even when he was very baby. And already at the age age, the trader, wanting to teach off the basics of commercial craft, sent Giovanni to a familiar merchant. The boy desperately resisted and did not want to comprehend the Aza of Commerce (he early began to write poems and saw his vocation precisely in this). So the teacher who fastened with him for more than five years, sent a pet back to the father's house.

But the strict father is not so easy to confuse. A little more than a dozen years he lasted his son in Naples, where he gnawing the granite hated science. During this period, they wrote the poem "Philostrato" and Roman "Philocolo" (based on medieval works). Then the papid was walked and allowed the heir to move to the study of canonical law.

However, the future Humanist had to wait before being given to his beloved business. It happened only at 35, when his father was departed into the world.

Petrarca influence

Among the familiar Boccaccio had many noble people and scientists. He led quite a rampant life, indulged in love joy and scratched inspiration into them. He fell a special favor to some Mary, later he brought this dear image in the story "Fianmetta."

When in 1341, Giovanni met in Rome with Francesco Petrarch, he decided to put an end to his protracted young fun, became more serious. Talented friend very well influenced his junior comrade. It was then that "Fiezolian Nymphs" were born (the poet was blown up the motifs in Ovidievsky "Metamorphosis").

After 8 years, Boccaccio settled in Florence. It was he who was delegated to tell Petrarke about the end of his expulsion (the poet was invited to lead the department of the University of Florentine).

Bokcchchcho was engaged in creativity, but together the one fulfilled various orders strong Mira This, he played a diplomat and ambassador to resolve conflicts.

Best works Giovanni Brokechcho

Contribution to science and literature

In the family estate, which is in the Blackshair, the poet and the scientist spent a lot of time studying the ancient treatises, rewriting invaluable manuscripts. He put a lot of effort to restore the fame of the Monte Cassino Library Library (the notes made there made by the hands of Homer himself and Plato) was one of the founders in Florence the Department of Greek.

It owns the fundamental (in 15 volumes) work written in Latin, the "genealogy of the pagan gods" and the collection "On the famous women" (106 lives of great representatives of the beautiful sex, ranging from the ancestor of Eve, ending with the ruling in Naples John, with which the writer was personally familiar).

The descendants of the great Italian is known, first of all, sparkling "Decameron". The plot is built on the stories of ten "refugees from the plague", which, settle in the countryside, entertained each other with merry and instructive stories. Characters-narutments (three young people and seven ladies) are very eloquent: the collection consists of 100 episodes - from frankly erotic to tragic. The book was written in the 1352-1354s.

Only two years managed to Bokcachcho Calm the Department dedicated to Dante's poem at the University of Florence. In 1974, Petrarka died, best friend I experienced it less than a year and a half. The prevention poet and the scientist did not work on December 21, 1375.

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