The venerable father sat in the first row. Who sits in the front row

Municipal budget educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 5", Bryansk

Didactic material "Preparing for assignment number 5 on the exam"

teacher of Russian language and literature

Legotskaya Vera Sergeevna


Violation of lexical norms leads to the fact that statements become ambiguous, as well as to serious speech errors. Compliance with the lexical norms of the Russian language presupposes the ability to choose the right word from a number of similar ones in sound and spelling, i.e. paronyms. The didactic material allows you to prepare for task 5 on the exam in the Russian language by examples

the modern Russian language, the language of the media.

TOthisprofessionalversatilityaddedverybright, figurative, vigorous, hardanduncompromisingPUBLICstyleyoungthe author.

Having reportedOhisarrival, guiltylistened toACCUSIVEAct, afterwhatwas exposedindependenciesfrommisdemeanorthe correspondingcollection.

INpresidentialcorpssituatedworkerandREPRESENTATIVEcabinetsthe president, cabinetsofficialsfromhisthe nearestsurroundings.


INfirsta number ofsatRESPECTFULfatherfamilieswithby allhousehold members, before whichshesat downon thefloorintimesalesbustworkHenryMoore,



One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

Define, howfor a long timepopulationlivesinhisregion allowsCOMPARABLEanalysisDNAmodernof people.

This isseriousPUBLICwork, inwhichthere isandtables, andcharts, andcharts, whatmoreinherentresearchworks.

REPRESENTATIVEofficelocatedinthe verycenterbusinessMoscow,

inaristocraticdistrict, on thethe streetPovarskoy.

Nowyoupublicalreadyknows, andto herwill beveryinterestinglook, howsuchTHE HONORARYandscientistHumanfightswithpirates.

Inotbelievedto theirears, whenreadACCUSIVEAct: defendant, youngpeasant, having learnedOhisappealinarmy, chopped offmyselfaxpointingfingeron the righthand, tonotto befitTomilitaryservice.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

The secondnovelty - REPRESENTATIVElimousineMagnuswith6 - cylindermotorvolume2 ,5 l.

MaterialforgeneralizationsandobservationsscientistbecameHuman, methodwas


IfTHE HONORARYacademiciandiscovered, whatprotrudingafterperhimstudentgoing toerasewithboardsthem, academician, written by, hewithapologiesjumped upwithplacesabradedwithboardsmyself.

Statementparty- realACCUSIVEActfromsevenpoints, on thewhichespeciallynotdisagree.


« ConfessionsNazispy».


One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

« Gazprom avia» acceptedsolutionbuyREPRESENTATIVEairplane« Falcon».

I will writeACCUSIVENSrigor, Thissimplerandfaster, simplyrewrite

conclusionfromcriminalAffairs, andthinknotnecessaryoverlanguage.

INpastyeareconomistsmadeCOMPARATIVEanalysislevelfinancingeducationalestablishmentsin2015 yearandinthe middle80'syearsof the pastcentury.

Monarchyno waynotlessTHE HONORARYa typestatedevices, howdemocracy, andownerratingquitecanIt waswouldmarryon thekingdom.

An experienceinvolvinginPUBLICgenregoodRussianspoetsclearlynotsucceeded.








National corpus of the Russian language[Electronic resource] / Access mode: (date of circulation 3.09.16)

At the moment when Volodya was playing Bach's "Chacon", a man ran into the aisle, rushed to the proscenium and threw an object at him, exploding with the wild sound of a bomb. He was hit right in the solar plexus. He bent down in three deaths, the first thought was: "I was killed." Before the eyes - red streaks: blood! Volodya heard a single cry from the audience and smelled paint and chemistry. As it turned out later, it was a plastic bomb. Seeing that the violin and the bow were covered with paint, realizing that he was alive, Spivakov thought: "Bitches, you won't take me so easily." He began to straighten up and, stopping only for a split second, continued to play "Chakona". A bustle arose in the hall, some guards burst in (there are no police officers in Carnegie Hall), tied up a "terrorist". When Volodya finished playing, the whole audience stood up on the last notes. During the intermission, representatives of Carnegie Hall came running, offered to change his shirt, but he refused, preferring to remain dirty. The event received a huge response, the next day in every newscast Henry Kissinger, then prime minister, apologized to the Soviet artist. In Moscow, Volodya received the title of Honored Artist on his return, about which he joked: "It would be better if they gave him an Honored Master of Sports."

This event left a strong imprint on him. Since then, Bach's "Chaconne" has been associated with a threat in Spivakov. Therefore, when this work was put into the program of a solo concert in 2000, the journalists immediately decided that it was a beautiful PR move. I must say that Spivakov, like all Soviet artists, did not travel to the States for ten years, while it lasted cold war, and returned already with the "Virtuosos of Moscow".

All the years that we have been married, I dreamed of attending my husband's recital at Carnegie Hall. I made a lot of effort to make the concert take place.

Arriving in New York, I rushed to the hall and saw that the poster announcing the concert was sealed with a strip with the inscription: "All tickets sold out." I was ready to jump with happiness! I even took a photo, but then I lost the film.

But then the day of the concert comes, we have to go to the rehearsal, and my husband cannot get out of bed - he is reading Akunin, "Pelageya and the White Bulldog"! I am also not nervous, as I read "Coronation" by the same Akunin. He says:

Let's finish reading and go. I have fifteen minutes left. I already rehearsed in the morning, but the acoustics should be tried.

They behaved, of course, like two maniacs, but I am extremely grateful to Akunin, who at that moment helped us to overcome stress and cope with emotions. We arrived at Carnegie Hall, exchanging impressions of the novels we had read.

At Carnegie Hall there is a wonderful aunt Deyby - the hall's mascot is a fat black woman with a deep "meaty" voice. She is in charge of the main artistic lodge. There is a whole ceremony: open the box, bring water, tea, towels there. Deyby is charming - with her very big booty, lovely face and velvet voice. When I see her, I immediately relax. Volodya is one of her favorite artists. When she meets him, she immediately begins to shout: "Hello, sweet heart!" And the mood immediately rises.

No sooner had we arrived, the minister came running with the words:

There is some Monsieur Glotz hysterical at the cash register.

Michel, who organized this concert at his own peril and risk, did not intend to personally come to New York. And then he decided to make a surprise and flew in from Paris a few hours before the concert. I go down and see how unfortunate Michel ten minutes before the start of the concert cries out:

I organized this concert! I flew in on purpose! Call the director, open the box for me!

Of course, everything worked out.

Spivakov did not play "Chakon". Two weeks before this concert, our friends Helene and Bernard Arnault came to visit us in Paris and Volodya, having seated them, offered to play "Chakona". It was unforgettable! And ten days before the concert, he suddenly said to me:

I have a feeling that I will start playing it and stop. It seems to me that someone will run down the aisle.

On the eve of the Carnegie Hall concert, there was a social event at which we met with Sharon Stone. Bernard Arnault's firm LVMH - Louis Vuitton-Moet-Hennessy - bought the Philips auction, which all these years was the third auction after Christie and Sotheby's. The first auctions took place under the new owners. What made this sale unique - for the first time a giant painting by Malevich was sold at an auction. I am only speculatively aware of its value, although I understand that in art this is another door. Maybe my intellect or aesthetic perception has not yet matured to it, but this artist does not cause awe in me. I cannot but agree with Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov, who asks: "Would you like to be portrayed as a black square?" Honestly, no. So, at the auction was presented a huge work of Malevich in the form of a black and red cross. The level of the painting put up for auction was generally remarkable - Cezanne, Picasso, Dufy, several absolutely enchanting impressionists.

And for the event to take place, the "godmother" of the auction was invited to be Sharon Stone. She heads the Foundation, which subsidizes research to create a cure for AIDS. On the day of the auction, part of the proceeds, according to the contract, went to her Fund. So she came, as she later put it, "to bargain a face." In spite of high level spent, there were a couple of overlays at the auction. New York critics have written absolutely biasedly that the auction is a vivid example of how it is not enough to have a lot of money, it would be nice to have a little taste. Once again, I was convinced that the press is the same all over the world.

Before the start of the auction, Volodya and I were invited to the premises, from where you can watch the sale process on the monitors. We were standing with Helen and her husband, and at that moment Sharon Stone got out of the elevator with two secretaries and security guards. I was somehow embarrassed and walked away with my glass of juice. I observe: Sharon is introduced to Volodya, and she says:

Hello! I "m Sharon.

He answers:

I "m Vladimir Spivakov.

She looks questioningly. He concretizes:

I "m Russian artist.

Hello, Russian artist!

Her eye "plays". Then she very directly approached me, held out her hand with the words:

Hello! I "m Sharon.

Learning that my name is Sati, I was sincerely interested in the name.

In close communication, Sharon made an absolutely phenomenal impression on me. There is such a concept - "presence", and so an extraordinary presence is felt in it. The mass of celebrities, stunning actresses and singers do not exude this in real life, and in her there is a feeling that it is she and only she - this ... Even in a short conversation, her strong individuality, character, mind are immediately felt.

After talking with Sharon Stone, I tried to understand if she herself is so extraordinary or is it "made in Hollywood." She knows perfectly well how to enter, how to fill all the space around her.

When she found out that I was an actress, she immediately compared me to some American star from the TV series Friends, noting that I was very much like her. Her secretary, cursing, said:

How, you don’t know? This is very beautiful woman... If Sharon says you are like her ...

She was dressed unusually. If someone else had put all this on themselves, they would say - crazy. And on her everything looked enchanting. Cherry chiffon dress with small frills, a little gypsy, red cowboy boots and a huge red cashmere shawl on top. On the neck there are coral beads the size of a plum, I have never seen such, on the finger there is a huge "washer" made of whole coral. She herself is not a skinny spirochete, but a woman with wide hips and broad shoulders, stunning skin color and porcelain blue eyes. There is nothing unnatural in her, she is not young and does not behave deliberately.

When we entered the sales area, I felt a little sorry for her. Sharon spoke very dignifiedly about her Foundation, trying to explain to rich money-bags and their agents how important it is to give money for research so that children do not get AIDS. Then the auction began and she moved through the rows, trying to stir up interest in the lots. In the front row sat the venerable father of the family with all the household, in front of whom she sat down on the floor during the sale of a bust of Henry Moore's work, playing and provoking his excitement.

Malevich's canvas, meanwhile, stood on a stretcher under a velvet blanket. I think that the organizers of the auction "gave up" in this episode. They wanted to effectively present the "Malevich phenomenon", to furnish it, as in a theater. But the effect was unexpectedly reversed. As the auction was nearing its climax, Sharon approached the stretcher and very slowly began to pull the velvet rag off the canvas. This slow "striptease" did not at all correspond to the significance of the moment, especially since Sharon did not know at all what to do with this rag. On this occasion, the critics from The New York Times cut themselves off the next day. However, the price of $ 15 million for which the canvas went was not affected.

I found Sharon more convincing when she sat before the bidding and drank her orange juice than when she started "playing Sharon Stone."

... Later, in Moscow, I got to a closed fashion show in the "Donna Karan" boutique and I was shocked how Inna Churikova, at the request of the organizers, demonstrated fashionable clothes - in a turban, with the necessary dose of irony, a clockwork foul. How she walked with her hip sticking out! There was so much artistry and temperament in all this that it suddenly occurred to me: Inna Churikova would beat the "Malevich phenomenon" a hundred times more interesting! For some reason, it is considered shameful in our country if a famous actress participates in such a show, in the West it is not. But this is so, by the way.

- [Page 3] -

In Moscow, Mini costs 30-35 thousand euros. Mazda under the heel of the new Mazda MPV minivan [RNC: Autumn Opening Day: both mini and maxi. And continuous openwork (2002) // "Brownie", 2002.10.04].

FE under the heel with the meaning ‘be in complete subordination’ (usually about the husband) is used in relation to the car in the meaning ‘inferior in modifications’. The author's humorous tone is beyond doubt. In common usage, this phraseological unit is used to denote the complete submission of the husband in relation to his wife.

Phraseological occasionality does not cease to arouse the interest of linguists. According to E. V. Ryzhkina, this is due to two factors: "because of its prevalence, and, most importantly, because of its extremely high communicative significance" [Ryzhkina 2003: 83]. The study of occasional transformations of phraseological units becomes the "alpha and omega" of modern dissertation research[Ryzhkina 2003; Davletbaeva 2006; Abdullina 2007].

The main features of the transformed use include deviation from the norm, individual belonging, significant changes in the form and meaning of a language unit, determined by the context. In the context of the contextually transformed use of phraseological units, we consider such types of transformations as 1) replacement of the lexical component / components, 2) wedging, 3) adding a variable component, 4) ellipsis, 5) extended metaphor, 6) phraseological saturation of the context.

Replacing a lexical component

A pale youth with a burning gaze - iron. ‘About a romantic, dreamy young man’ is a rare phraseological unit. The following excerpt illustrates the replacement of components with a gaze on fire from the Texas wilderness. A contextually conditioned replacement leads to a clarification of the meaning of phraseological units, the emergence of an occasional emoticon of playfulness, and increases the expressiveness of the entire passage.

When we crawled into a campsite that smelled of hay, barbecue and watermelons, we were looked at like aliens. Volunteer Hong jumped with delight from an aluminum tent pole, trying to get the power lines. Pale youth from the Texas wilderness played a Russian romance on the guitar, insisting, however, that it was a Spanish folk song [RNC: I. Emelyanov. They nudged Alaska with their elbows // "KP", 01/19/93].

"Sire, do not talk to me of small projects," said the great Cham of baroque architecture, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, to Louis XIV after the Sun King lured him to Paris.

IN this example there is a substitution of literature for baroque architecture in PU the Great Cham of literature - "The Great Khan of Literature" (the nickname of the English writer, critic and lexicographer S. Johnson).

Note that the replacement of the component is typical for PU-nicknames of males. The author, exploiting the model of a well-known nickname, substitutes the necessary substitute components.


The following example illustrates the wedging of the fiery component into the PU, a burning brunette - ‘a man with blue-black hair’, while an associative-like relationship is traced between the burning and fiery components. This transformation leads to an increase in imagery and an increase in the expressiveness of the entire utterance:

Before her stood Vislenev, but not Vislenev white and fibrous, but burning, fiery brunette, with a dark mole on the forehead near the right eyebrow and with the other, the same in the middle of the left cheek [RNC: NS Leskov. At the Knives (1870)].

Colman is the prodigal younger son of a noble family. He comes home, attracts to himself a girl who was supposed to marry a Russian grand duke, and after difficulties weds her.

The phraseological unit the prodigal son - the prodigal son - includes a variable component younger (young), which clarifies the meaning of the phraseological unit.

This technique is rare in our material.

Adding a variable component / components to the beginning and / or to the end of a phraseological unit is one of the most ancient methods of the occasional transformation of phraseological units. It was registered already in the XIV century in the works of J. Chaucer [Nachchione 1976]. This technique is the most common type of occasional transformation in both compared languages:

Mr. Utterson's best friend was a distant cousin called Richard Enfield, who was well known as a fun-loving man about town .

The addition of the adjective fun-loving (loving entertainment) to the phraseological unit a man about town - ‘a secular person, a rich rake, a playboy, zhuir’ concretizes the image of the described hero.

Sitting in the first row venerable father of the family with all the household, in front of whom she sat down on the floor during the sale of a bust of Henry Moore's work, playing and provoking his passion [RNC: Sati Spivakova. Not all (2002)].

The addition of the adjective venerable leads to an increase in the meaning of phraseological units father of the family - ‘a man with a family’. The expressiveness of the entire utterance is enhanced.

As the analysis shows, not only an adjective, but also an adverb can act as an added component:

In the following example, we observe the addition of the adverb seemingly to the phraseological unit the stronger (sterner or rougher) sex - joke. ‘Men’, which leads to the emergence of an emoji of irony:

Her stomach did an odd flip as her brain registered a new-found awareness of a woman’s absolute power over the seemingly stronger sex [ BNC: Quinn Wilder. One shining summer (1993)].

In appearance, techniques and habits, it was the most ordinary bon vivant and even a little mouse stallion, and no one in the fields would have believed that Karachunsky knows anything about the trade and that he will someday work [RNC: DN Mamin-Sibiryak. Gold (1892)].

Adding a little adverb to phraseological unit mouse stallion - rude - fam. ‘A young elderly man, an old man who is fond of caring for women (especially young ones)’ leads to a weakening of the meaning of phraseological units. The author's mocking tone is undeniable.


"Handsome" is just a handsome person, even a cute one "or lips on a smile, or blinks his eyes." And the "handsome" is, first of all, a daring person, a dashing person, an ace of hearts, beauty is not the main thing in him, although it is, love him, but also beware, he is like a whirlpool, there is a kind Vakula in him, in him and Vanka the key keeper, but a woman is weak, and she will scold someone like that with admiration in front of him [RNC: V. Orlov. The incident at Nikolskoye (1983)].

The omission of the component of an evil lovebird in the phraseological unit Vanka is a keymaster, an evil lovebird is disapproved. often joking. "About a handsome man caring for other people's wives, brides, about a seducer" is subordinated to the general rhythmic organization of the entire passage.

This technique is recorded only in Russian.

An extended metaphor means the presence of an additional subimage / subimages grouped around the basic phraseological unit metaphor.

Petrovsky put on a sterlet sock in his pince-nez; stuttering, thrust pins into him; and dull, and turned pink, like muslin girl, covering a heap of echidnas like a shawl: - think, - roses! [RNC: Andrey Bely. The beginning of the century (1930)].

IN this passage basic metaphor of phraseological unit muslin young lady - bookish., disapproved. ‘A pampered person who is not adapted to life (mainly about a man)’ expands due to Petrovsky’s additional mode of action ‘covering a bunch of echidnas like a shawl’.

Phraseological saturation of the context is one of the most powerful means of stylistic influence on the reader. Simple type phraseological saturation of the context is the simultaneous use of two or more phraseological units. The complex type of phraseological saturation of the context includes the use of several types of contextual transformations of phraseological units at once:

The reception was all that we had hoped and planned; the young best man gave the best best mans speech I have ever heard! ...

In this example, phraseological saturation is achieved using:

a) phraseological repetition of phraseological units best man - ‘wedding witness’;

b) adding the component young (young) to the beginning of the phraseological unit best man;

c) a phraseological pun - the simultaneous use of the lexeme best (best) in both direct and figurative meanings. The statement is undoubtedly expressive.

... Now an entertainer, now a joker, now a modest and strict fasting man, now woman's henchman and maiden pleaser, he was on his mind: whoever he meets, to everyone into the soul without a shaft will enter, with whom the conversation is not conceived, everyone will turn to their side [RNC: PI Melnikov-Pechersky. In forests. Book two (1871-1874)].

The above excerpt is full of stylistic devices:

a) the use of several phraseological units: a woman's henchman; girlish saint; be on your mind; without a shaft it will enter the soul;

b) replacement of the component tail in PU womanish, ladies 'tail -' about red tape, ladies 'man' with a lexeme with a pronounced negative connotation henchman (contemptuous sycophant, henchman);

c) replacement of the component for women in FE is a ladies' man - ‘one who loves to look after, drag women’ to a girl’s one;

d) FE to get into the soul of smb., to smb. (in the first meaning) - 'to recognize the feelings, thoughts, intentions, circumstances of the personal life of another person' underwent two transformations at once: wedging without a shafts (shafts - 'one of two round poles, reinforced with ends on the front axle of the carriage and used to harness a horse' ) [Ozhegov 1983: 389] and replacing the climb to enter, which leads to an update of the image.

Thanks to all these techniques, the emotive-expressive influence on the reader is significantly enhanced.

So, the study of the types of occasional transformations of English and Russian phraseological units that characterize males clearly indicates the similarity of the mechanisms of such transformations in the two languages. The most common techniques for the occasional transformation of phraseological units are the addition and replacement of a component. A less common technique in both languages ​​is wedging. The strongest semantic and stylistic effect is achieved by a complex type of phraseological saturation of the context. The types of transformations of phraseological units characterizing males testify to the creative nature of such transformations, while the goal of the impact of any type of phraseological unit transformation in each particular case is motivated by the author's intention, his communicative and emotive attitudes. The main functions of contextual transformations are the clarification or strengthening of the meaning of phraseological units in both languages.

Fourth the chapter "Types of interlingual correspondences of phraseological units characterizing males" is devoted to the problem of interlingual phraseological relations. It starts with brief overview scientific literature on this issue. Comprehensive analysis PU, characterizing males, made it possible to identify and describe phraseological equivalents and analogs, as well as lacunar PU. This chapter also touches upon the issues of manifestation of the national and cultural specifics of the studied units. Methods of translation of lacunary phraseological units into the compared language are given.

One of the main directions of comparative linguistics is the identification and study of the types of interlanguage correspondences. The development of the problem of interlingual phraseological correspondences was given close attention in the works of such scientists as E.F. Arsent'ev, L.K.Bairamova, S.I. Vlakhov, Yu.A. Dolgopolov, A.V. Yu.P. Solodub, E.M. Solodukho, S.P. Florin, N.L.Shadrin and others.

Identification of the types of interlanguage correspondences includes three stages: 1) identifying the degree of identity / difference in the semen composition of correlated phraseological units at the level of significative-denotative and connotative macrocomponents of meaning, 2) identifying the degree of identity / difference in the component (lexical) composition of phraseological units, and 3) identifying the degree of identity / difference in the structural and grammatical design of PU [Arsentieva 1993]. As a result of the analysis of English and Russian phraseological units characterizing males, phraseological equivalents (full and partial) and phraseological analogs (full and partial) were identified.

Full phraseological equivalents are identical at the semantic, structural-grammatical and component levels. At the same time, the coincidence of the structural and grammatical organization of English and Russian phraseological units implies taking into account the specifics of typological features inherent in one language and not characteristic of another. In our material, a small number of complete phraseological equivalents have been revealed. Here are some examples: spiritual father and spiritual father; Adam's apple and Adam's apple; the knight of the Rueful Countenance and Knight of the Sorrowful Image.

Partial equivalents are characterized by complete identity of the content plane and close similarity of the plane of expression. Here are some examples: like father, like son and what is the father, so is the son; the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach; brother in arms and brothers in arms - ‘comrade in arms, comrade in arms’; a man of his word and master of his word - ‘about who is true to his word’.

Characteristic feature complete analogs are the similarity of semantics with differences in component composition and structural and grammatical organization. The subgroup of phraseological complete analogs is the most numerous among all types of interlingual phraseological correspondences. Here are some examples: a jack of all trades (in the first meaning) and a man of his hands (in the second meaning), a jack of all trades - ‘skilled’; ladies'man, skirt chaser and devil in the rib raz. blame - ‘the one who loves to look after, drag after women’; the Arab of the gutter (city or street Arab) and street boy - ‘street child’; the boys (men) in blue (in the first meaning) and the workers of the sea - ‘sailors’; a fast worker and grip guy - 'the guy is not a miss, smart, smart guy'.

Partial counterparts are characterized by an approximate similarity of the content plan. The plan of expression in them is completely different, for example, square John - ‘an honest person’ and my uncle of the most honest rules ‘about a respectable, prosperous and respectable person’; sky pilot (in the second meaning) - jarg. The ‘professional pilot’ and the winged rider, the air cabby, is a joke. 'pilot'; a son of Muses - a pet of the muses, a ‘poet’ and a nightingale of the old time - a book-poet. or joking-iron. "About a poet or writer of the past"; a girl’s blouse - ‘baba’ (about a man) and a bazaar woman - rudely fam. ‘Rude, quarrelsome, scandalous; stupid, uneducated (mostly about men) '.

Phraseology is a nationally determined phenomenon. The majority (54%) of English and Russian phraseological units characterizing males do not find matches at the level of phraseology in the compared language. The presence of lacunar units is determined by the national-cultural specifics of phraseology and can manifest itself at three levels: semantic, component and extralinguistic. Nicknames, which are represented by a significant layer in both compared languages, are striking markers of national identity. The main methods of translating lacunary phraseological units include descriptive, tracing, lexical and combined methods.

Most often, English and Russian lacunar phraseological units characterizing males are translated by means of a detailed description, using stylistically neutral variable phrases, for example, zoo daddy - 'a divorced father with the right to meet with children whom he takes to the zoo on weekends when they visiting him '; air carrier - ‘a flier of civil aviation’.

A live phraseological image is best conveyed by tracing / half-calking. Calculation allows you to most accurately reproduce in the receptor language the national-cultural specificity of the phraseological unit of the original language, for example, honest (or old) Abe - Amer. "honest (or old) Abe" (nickname for President Abraham Lincoln); Mr Fixit - Amer. "Mr. Set-up - fix it." The transfer of national coloring and imagery is the undoubted advantage of these techniques in relation to all other methods of translating lacunar phraseological units. However, a literal translation can also lead to a misunderstanding of the phraseological unit, to literalism.

Lexical translation is the least popular way to convey the meaning of phraseological units that characterize males. Here are some examples: Tom Tailor is a ‘tailor’; winged rider - 'a pilot'; life partner is ‘one’s husband’. As can be seen from the examples, only the significative-denotative meaning and the subjective-evaluative connotation are transmitted. The connotative charge is rarely fully conveyed.

The combined method of translation makes it possible to convey as fully as possible both the meaning and the figurativeness of the phraseological unit of the original language, for example: boys will be boys - "boys are boys", ‘this is typical of boys’ (tracing paper + description); designer stubble - "designer stubble", "one- or two-day stubble, specially left to create the look of a careless guy" (tracing paper + description); King Log - "king of the mattress", ‘rohlya, mattress’ (about a passive person who does not know how to use the opportunities presented to him) (tracing paper + lexical translation + description). It should also be noted that the effectiveness of a particular method of translation of phraseological units largely depends on the context.

IN conclusion the main conclusions of the dissertation are presented.

The results of a comparative analysis of phraseological units characterizing males in the English and Russian languages ​​indicate the prevalence of similarities over differences in the two phrase systems. Gender approach, which is further development anthropo-oriented language learning, allowed us to consider this phraseosemantic space from the point of view of gender reference. As a result, significant similarities were revealed in the features of its manifestation in the compared languages.

Phraseological units of the specified conceptual zone basically coincide in terms of the set of phraseosemantic groups and have interlingual equivalents and analogs (full and partial) in the compared language. An analysis of the functioning of phraseological units in the context showed that phraseological units characterizing males in English and Russian can be actively involved in the main types of contextual transformations.

Differences, as a rule, are insignificant and are due to the national and cultural originality of the phraseology of languages, as well as a number of extralinguistic factors; are expressed in unequal content of phraseosemantic groups, associated with a different degree of relevance of a particular conceptual zone in the compared languages, as well as in the presence of lacunar phraseological units.

The study was supported by the Analytical Departmental Target Program "Development of Scientific Potential high school(2009-2010) "(registration number

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the selected word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

The renewed composition of the deputy corps was proposed to ELECT the secretary of the council, permanent deputy commissions and a new composition of the executive committee.

Many veterans who have been working since the founding of the enterprise, despite their REVEORABLE age, still work hard today, pay great attention to social work and education of young people.

The Equestrian Club offers one-to-one training programs.

This section contains settings for automatic identification of outgoing and incoming calls.

Individual training in the rehabilitation center is based on a PERSONAL approach to the child.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

A mistake was made in the proposal Many veterans who have been working since the founding of the enterprise, despite their REVIOUS age, still work hard today, pay great attention to social work and education of young people.

Treating someone with respect; reverent - this is the meaning of the word "reverent." The "venerable" is the one who inspires respect for himself, deserving, worthy of respect, respected. The age is venerable.

Answer: venerable.

Answer: venerable


Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 5. The use of paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that are similar in sound, but differ in shades of meaning or completely different in semantics. Among lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, the most common errors associated with non-delimitation, or confusion of paronyms.

Greek in origin linguistic term"Paronym" literally means "the same name": Greek. para- the same, onyma- name.

Paronyms can be called both single-root and similar-sounding words, which, for all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

“The analysis of the fulfillment of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of the subjects is not only recognition of the mistake made when using paronyms, but also the selection of a paronym corresponding to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals narrowness vocabulary examinees. " To help students in the selection of paronyms, the "Dictionary of paronyms" is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called a "dictionary", since "Dictionaries" contain thousands of paronyms. Minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CMMs, but learning the paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will help to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEEGE tasks contain tasks from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out forms indicate: if a short answer should be a word that is missing in a sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Glossary of paronyms for the exam. Russian language. 2019 year. FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - artistic

Poor - disastrous

Unresponsive - irresponsible

Swampy - swampy

Grateful - grateful

Charitable - beneficent

The former is the former

Breathe in - breathe

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill - Refill

Hostile - enemy

Choosing - choosing

Benefit - profitability

Giving - Giving - Transfer - Giving

Payment - payment - payment - payment

Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay - Pay

Grow - Grow - Grow

Growing - growing - growing

High - high-rise

Warranty - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

Yearly - Yearly - Yearly

Pride is pride

Humanism - humanity

Humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - double - double - double - double

Effective - valid - effective

Busy - business - efficient - businesslike

Democratic - Democratic

Dictation - dictate

Diplomant - diplomat

Diplomatic - Diplomatic

Long - long

Solid - kind

Trusting - trusting

Rainy - rainy

Dramatic - dramatic

Friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

Desired - Desirable

Brutal - tough

Life - everyday

Housing - residential

Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier - Barrier

Decrease - decrease - decrease

Pay - pay

Fill - Fill - Overflow

Full - full - full

Initiator - instigator

Bestial - brutal

Sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

Inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

Ironic - ironic

Skillful - artificial

Executive - performing

Source - Outbound

Stony - stone

Comfortable - comfortable

Equestrian - equine

Chunky - root - root

Bone - bone

Colorful - dyed - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - ice

Wooded - forest

Personal - personal

Microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezer - frosty

Put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - Mention

Ignorant is ignorant

Intolerant - impatient - intolerant

Unlucky - unlucky

The accused is the accusatory

Snippet - snippet

To embrace - to embrace

Limit - demarcate - demarcate

Hail - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deviation - evasion

Shy away - shy away

Distinguish (s) - distinguish (s)

Difference - Difference

Memorable - memorable

Endure - endure

Purchased - Purchased - Purchased

Populist - popular

Honorable - respectful - honorable

Practical - Practical

Provide - submit

Representative - Representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - Productive - Productivity

Enlightening - enlightened

Publicistic - publicistic

Fearful - frightened

Irritation - irritability

Rhythmic - Rhythmic

Romantic - romantic

Secretive - hidden

Vocabulary - verbal

Resistance - Resistance

Neighbor - neighbor

Comparable - Comparative

Scenic - scenic

Technical - technical

Lucky - Lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

Actual - factual

Predatory - predatory

Royal - royal - reigning

Whole - Whole - Whole

Economic - Economical - Economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - effective

Efficiency - showiness

How, you don’t know? This is a very beautiful woman. If Sharon says you are like her ...

She was dressed unusually. If someone else had put all this on themselves, they would say - crazy. And on her everything looked enchanting. Cherry chiffon dress with small frills, a little gypsy, red cowboy boots and a huge red cashmere shawl on top. On the neck there are coral beads the size of a plum, I have never seen such, on the finger there is a huge "washer" made of whole coral. She herself is not a skinny spirochete, but a woman with wide hips and broad shoulders, stunning skin color and porcelain blue eyes. There is nothing unnatural in her, she is not young and does not behave deliberately.

When we entered the sales area, I felt a little sorry for her. Sharon spoke very dignifiedly about her Foundation, trying to explain to rich money-bags and their agents how important it is to give money for research so that children do not get AIDS. Then the auction began and she moved through the rows, trying to stir up interest in the lots. In the front row sat the venerable father of the family with all the household, in front of whom she sat down on the floor during the sale of a bust of Henry Moore's work, playing and provoking his excitement.

Malevich's canvas, meanwhile, stood on a stretcher under a velvet blanket. I think that the organizers of the auction "gave a blunder" in this episode. They wanted to effectively present the "Malevich phenomenon", to furnish it, as in a theater. But the effect was unexpectedly reversed. As the auction was nearing its climax, Sharon approached the stretcher and very slowly began to pull the velvet rag off the canvas. This slow "striptease" did not at all correspond to the significance of the moment, especially since Sharon did not know at all what to do with this rag. On this occasion, the critics from The New York Times cut themselves off the next day. However, the price of $ 15 million for which the canvas went was not affected.

I found Sharon more convincing when she sat before the bidding and drank her orange juice than when she started playing Sharon Stone.

... Later, in Moscow, I got to the closed fashion show in the Donna Karan boutique and I was shocked by how Inna Churikova, at the request of the organizers, demonstrated fashionable clothes - in a turban, with the necessary dose of irony, a clockwork foul. How she walked with her hip sticking out! There was so much artistry and temperament in all this that it suddenly occurred to me: Inna Churikova would beat the “Malevich phenomenon” a hundred times more interesting! For some reason, it is considered shameful in our country if a famous actress participates in such a show, in the West it is not. But this is so, by the way.


Spivakov was a burning brunette from his youth. But when the first gray strands appeared on his temple (even before we met), his American impresario, a homosexual in love head over heels, uttered a phrase that became a kind of credo for Volodya:

You are an artist and your audience should always see you young.

He took him to the hairdresser, where his temple was painted. But Volodya slowly got used to his black hair that has not changed over the years. What was completely innocent and natural for a man of thirty or forty years old, by the age of fifty became a burden. It was impossible to refuse paint, especially if the person is constantly in sight. The “canonized” image resulted in the fact that he began to constantly look at himself, worry, look for confirmation of his addiction in others: this one is painted, and that one ... Volodya has a natural charm, elegance, and I suddenly realized that dyed hair had turned into his complex, have become something of the secret of Punchinelle or the Naked King. Everyone knows - and they are silent.

If you didn't have a single gray hair, you could be entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Everyone knows that you celebrated your fiftieth birthday, - I said, inviting him to stop painting. He slowed down everything, did not dare in any way. That propped up the concert, then something else.

That year, when a contract with RNO appeared, the first rehearsal with which was scheduled for September, I decided to start my vacation in August with an experiment:

The paint is out, the brush is lost, ”I said. - To a new orchestra with a new look. You have a month for this. Time has passed.

Volodya resisted, but he had to give in, and at first he suffered madly. First, the hairdresser made him a short haircut with a hedgehog. I looked at him from the sidelines, imagined how it would be ideally, and understood that this was a colossal PR move. All of Moscow is already in a state of excitement before his first appearance on the stage with the RNO, and then suddenly this: not a single image-maker specially thinks up - the appearance of a gray-haired man with a young, tanned face.

Spivakov received the main support from children. The assessment of the daughters decided in favor of a change of appearance. They began to shout:

Dad, this is so sexy! It suits you so, you are so stylish, young!

He even changed his image - he put on jeans, a short T-shirt. I remember the shock of the television operators who came to the first rehearsal with the RNO, when they saw Spivakov getting out of the car. I also remember the rustle that swept through the Great Hall of the Conservatory when he came out to conduct. There were diametrically opposite opinions. For example, one of the Moscow music critics, who cannot be denied a wit, wrote that Spivakov "has turned from a painted handsome man into a master whitened with gray hair." As for me, what Voznesensky wrote: “Shaved bald, like young Kerensky, but only handsomer. Fly over Russia between us, cut off. " Each saw and paid in accordance with his imagination and the degree of nobility. For Volodya, who was looking at himself in a new way, a wild relief came. He had a different face, a high forehead appeared, and, it seems to me, he immediately acquired a different quality - he became younger, more beautiful, more modern. I suddenly fell in love with my husband again. And even the hair became somehow soft, with a very beautiful shade... And the most incredible thing is that a year later he suddenly realized that the attacks of a terrible allergy had never recurred. He healed himself.

A lot happened about the change of Spivakov's image funny stories... All his fans from fifty to sixty, for whom Volodya was associated with their youth and helped them feel younger, were negatively disposed. When he was a brunette, it seemed to them that they were still young, but now what to do? As if a dream had been stolen from them. Alas, it is impossible to be forever pretty and young. In general, it seems to me that biological age is one thing, and the age of the soul is another. I even wanted to write poetry: “I am in love with your gray hair ...”, but I did not advance beyond the first line. One thing turned out. Rostropovich, seeing him gray-haired, said:

Old man, I thought my TV went bad, I'm watching, and there you are - in the negative!


Spivakov and Pletnev have known each other for a very long time, since Misha studied with Flier, with whom Volodya was friends and even lived at his house in his youth. Then Mikhail Vasilyevich, as it is now customary to call him, played Haydn's concert with the Moscow Virtuosi. In 1999 we were on tour in America, Volodya performed with the conductor Polyansky. A wildly long tour alternated violin concertos by Tchaikovsky and Mozart every other day. And on one of our free days in Boston, a fax from Moscow came to our little hotel. "Mr. Pletnev asks Mr. Spivakov to urgently contact him by such and such numbers." We call back. Volodya picks up the phone, and his face stretches, he stops talking and looks at me with completely distraught eyes. I quietly say to him:

What? Wants to invite you to conduct?

Shaking his head - no.

Wants to play with you?

Volodya whispers:

Calls me to the orchestra.

In what capacity? I ask.

Volodya shows me one finger. I do not understand anything. In short, Pletnev called and telegraphically, as best he could, said that he was going to leave the Russian National Orchestra, completely switch to a solo career and devote himself to composing. The Russian National Orchestra is his brainchild, he thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that he could only hand it over to Spivakov. Asks him to think about this proposal. Nobody knows about this yet, the director is ready to fly to negotiations anywhere in the world.

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