Language and intercultural communication. International Student Scientific Bulletin

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Language and intercultural communication"> ЯЗЫК И МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Language, culture and cultural anthropology language is a powerful public weapon,"> Язык, культура и культурная антропология Язык - мощное общественное орудие, формирующее людской поток в этнос, образующий нацию через хранение и передачу культуры, традиций, общественного самосознания данного речевого коллектива.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Anthropology is divided into: 1) physical anthropology studying"> Антропология подразделяется на: 1) физическую антропологию, изучающую биологическое происхождение и эволюцию физической организации человека, представленного различными расами; 2) культурную антропологию, изучающую формирование и развитие человеческой культуры.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The main tasks of the course of cultural anthropology: 1) clarify that a huge role,"> Основные задачи курса культурной антропологии: 1) разъяснить ту огромную роль, которую культура играет в жизни человека, в его поведении и общении с другими людьми и с другими культурами; 2) ознакомить с идеями и методами этой науки; 3) определить пути, по которым идет развитие культур, их измене ние, столкновение и взаимодействие; 4) раскрыть взаимосвязь, взаимовлияние и взаимодействие языка и культуры; 5) показать, как культура воздействует на поведение человека, его мировосприятие, мировую систему, личную жизнь, формирование личности и т. п.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Linguculturology. Linguaturology - Complex Scientific Discipline Synthesizing Type Learning"> Лингвокультурология. Лингвокультурология - комплексная научная дисциплина синтезирующего типа, изучающая взаимосвязь и взаимодействие культуры и языка в его функционировании и отражающая этот процесс как целостную структуру единиц в единстве их языкового и внеязыкового (культурного) содержания при помощи системных методов и с ориентацией на современные приоритеты и культурные установления (систем норм и общественных ценностей).!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The relevance of intercultural communication problems in modern conditions In someone else's monastery "\u003e The relevance of the problems of intercultural communication in modern conditions in a foreign monastery do not go to your charter. When in Rome, Do As Romans Do [Arriving in Rome, do as Romans].

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Intercultural communication and learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bLanguages \u200b\u200bshould"> Межкультурная коммуникация и изучение иностранных языков языки должны изучаться в неразрывном единстве с миром и культурой народов, говорящих на этих языках.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Culture components that carry national-specific color a) tradition (or Sustainable"> Компоненты культуры, несущие национально-специфическую окраску а) традиции (или устойчивые элементы культуры), а также обычаи (определяемые как традиции в „соционормативной" сфере культуры) и обряды (выполняющие функцию неосознанного приобщения к господствующей в данной системе нормативных требований); б) бытовую культуру, тесно связанную с традициями, вследствие чего ее нередко называют традиционно-бытовой культурой; в) повседневное поведение (привычки представителей некоторой культуры, принятые в некотором социуме нормы общения), а также связанные с ним мимический и пантомимический (кинесический) коды, используемые носителями некоторой лингвокультурной общности; г) „национальные картины мира", отражающие специфику восприятия окружающего мира, национальные особенности мышления представителей той или иной культуры; д) !} artistic culturereflecting the cultural traditions of a particular ethnos.

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The basis of the language structures is the structure of sociocultural. You need to know:"> В основе языковых структур лежат структуры социокультурные. нужно знать: 1) когда сказать/написать, как, кому, при ком, где; 2) как данное значение/понятие, данный предмет мысли живет в реальности мира изучаемого языка.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Sociolinguistics is a section of linguistic language phenomena"> Социолингвистика - это раздел языкознания, изучающий обусловленность языковых явлений и языковых единиц социальными факторами: с одной стороны, условиями коммуникации (временем, местом, участниками, целями и т. п.), с другой стороны, обычаями, традициями, особенностями общественной и культурной жизни говорящего коллектива.!}

SRC \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Lingupply Science is a didactic equivalent of sociolinguistics, developing an idea"> Лингвострановедение - это дидактический аналог социолингвистики, развивающий идею о необходимости слияния обучения иностранному языку как совокупности форм выражения с изучением общественной и культурной жизни носителей языка.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All string-ropes of nominal special life threatens stretched to the village office. Alexandrovskaya Constor drilling"> К поселковой конторе тянулись все ниточки-веревочки колготной спецпереселенческой жизни. Александровская контора бурения приняла его в свой боевитый штат охотно. Специальность при молодом человеке, из местных, да вдобавок российский немец ссыльных кровей. Текла не обыденная работа, бурлило дело, озаренное светом тех первоцелинных лет, который и до нынешних дней играет бликами на кристаллах гордой биографии. . . Но станочники-вахтовики из Томска, Новосибирска, Юрги - профессионалы железного дела, люди точного мастерства, потому что высокой точности обработки деталей на «расхлябанной» станочной флотилии можно добиваться только при условии задатков лесковского умельца Левши!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e not Imagined to Himself Some Really Woman, to whom he should be Only Fine"> Не imagined to himself some really woman, to whom he should be only fine and strong, and not for a moment «the poor little man» . Why not some simple uneducated girl, some Tess of the D"Urbervilles, some wistful Gretchen, some humble Ruth gleaning an aftermath? Why not? Surely !} the World Was Full of Such he imagined a truly feminine woman for whom he would always be excellent and strong, and not at all the "poor little man." Why not some simple, uneducated girl, any tess from the genus D "Erbervly, any Tomny Grechlen or a modest ruff, collecting the ears? Why not? Undoubtedly, the world is full of such.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The role of comparing languages \u200b\u200band cultures for the most complete disclosure of their essence"> Роль сопоставления языков и культур для наиболее полного раскрытия их сущности Все тонкости и вся глубина проблем межъязыковой и межкультурной коммуникации становятся особенно наглядными, а иногда и просто осознаваемыми, при сопоставлении иностранных языков с родными и чужой культуры со своей родной, привычной.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Real world, culture, language. Real world language ↓ subject, "\u003e Real world, culture, language. Real world language ↓ subject, word phenomenon

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Real World, Culture, Language. Real thinking Language / speech World / Culture"> Реальный мир, культура, язык. Реальный Мышление Язык/Речь Мир /Культура ↓ ↓ ↓ Предмет, Представление, Слово явление понятие!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The main reasons complicating communication 1. Collocation, or"> Основные причины, осложняющие коммуникацию 1. Коллокационные, или лексико- фразеологические, ограничения, регулирующие пользование языком.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Book a book on / about birds - a book about life"> book a book on/about birds - книга о жизни птиц, a reference book - справочник, a cheque book - чековая книжка, a ration book - карточки, to do the books - вести счета, our order books are full - мы больше не принимаем заказов, to be in smb"s good/bad books - быть на хорошем/плохом счету, I can read her like a book - я вижу ее насквозь, we must stick to/go by the book - надо действовать по правилам, I"ll take a leaf out of your book - я последую твоему примеру, Не was brought to book for that - за это его привлекли к ответу.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e note note - Note, business note - Memorandum,"> записка записка - note, деловая записка - memorandum, докладная записка - report, любовная записка - love letter, billet-doux;!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Closed closed - closed, closed meeting - Private Meeting,"> закрытый закрытый - closed, закрытое заседание - private meeting, закрытое голосование - secret ballot, закрытое помещение - indoors (PACC).!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The main reasons for complicating communication 2. Another difficulty, even more"> Основные причины, осложняющие коммуникацию 2. Другой трудностью, еще более скрытой, чем тайны и непредсказуемость лексико- фразеологической сочетаемости, является конфликт между культурными представлениями разных народов о тех предметах и явлениях реальности, которые обозначены «эквивалентными» словами этих языков.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e understanding questions fiction. Socio-cultural comment as a way to overcome conflicts "\u003e Questions of understanding of fiction. Socio-cultural commentary as a way to overcome cultures conflicts

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Socio-cultural commentary includes: 1. Historists - words that came out of use"> Социокультурный комментарий включает: 1. Историзмы - слова, вышедшие из употребления вследствие того, что обозначаемый ими предмет или явление уже неизвестны говоря щим как реальная часть их повседневного опыта - и слова, и обозначаемые ими реалии ушли из языка и из жизни народа. Например: бармы, власяница, воевода, боярство, бунчук, вече, дьяк, плаха, разрядная книга, синклит. 2. Архаизмы - !} outdated words And the speed of speech, released from the digestion: Svaysky (Swedish), Lyakh (Pole), Egg (form of a patent relative pronouns From the Church Slavonic language Ka: False, hedgehog), Zeerty (Earth), Zhutra (tomorrow morning), evening (yesterday evening), Dotol (until), greyhound (fast). 3. Words that have changed their meanings in modern Russian: Momka (Kormilitsa, Nanny), Guest (merchant, foreigner), money (copper coin), current (jet, liquid). 4. Realities, references, allusions requiring background socio-cultural knowledge that are missing from foreign readers and lost by the modern Russian reader. 5. Hidden, as a rule, unconscious "incomprehensible places" reader, in contrast to explicit allusions, hints on historical facts, events, details of life, lifestyle, etc. 6. Facts that are not explained due to the fact that "the connection of times broke out."

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Paradise Is Where Cooks Are French, Mechanics Are German, Policemen Are British, Lovers"> «Paradise is where cooks are French, mechanics are German, policemen are British, lovers are Italian and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where cooks are British, policemen are German, lovers are the Swiss, mechanics are French, and it is all organized by Italians [Рай там, где повара - французы, механики - немцы, полицейские - англичане, любовники - итальянцы, а организуют все швейцарцы. Ад - где повара англичане, полицейские - немцы, любовники - швейцарцы, механики - французы, а организуют все итальянцы]» .!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e He must be talkative as Finn; Affordable like Belgian; technically capable of like a portuguese;"> Он должен быть разговорчивым, как финн; доступным, как бельгиец; технически способным, как португалец; щедрым, как голландец; терпеливым, как австриец; робким, как испанец; организованным, как грек; трезвым, как ирландец; знаменитым, как люксембуржец; скромным, как датчанин; сдержанным, как итальянец; он должен водить машину, как француз, и готовить, как англичанин.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Sources confirming the existence national Character 1. International jokes, completely "\u003e Sources confirming the existence of a national nature 1. International jokes that are fully based on stereotypical ideas about a particular people. These stereotypes do not reflect some of the most significant and typical features of the people, how much they form them and in the eyes of others Peoples, and in their own eyes. (How many Russians drink vodka abroad only in order to confirm the stereotypical Russianness expected from them, they wear Pavlovo-Posal shawls and behave as they do not behave at home.)

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Sources confirming the existence of a national nature 2. National classical literature,"> Источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера 2. Национальная классическая литература, несколько «подпорченная» как источник индивидуальным авторством и субъективным взглядом на мир.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Sources confirming the existence of a national nature 3. Folklore, or oral folk"> Источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера 3. Фольклор, или устное народное творчество, как наиболее надежный из всех перечисленных выше источник сведений о национальном характере. Действительно, хотя в произведениях устного !} folk creativity stereotypes not only heroes, characters, but also plots, the fact that they are the collective creativity of the people that they are "running" in oral gears from generation to generation, like sea pebbles, which does not have initial individual bends, fesomes and jar, and That therefore they are deprived of subjectivism of individual-copyright works - all this makes them the most reliable source and storage of information about the nature of the people.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e 4. Latest in order, but not by meaning (Last , But Not."> 4. Последним по порядку, но отнюдь не по значению (last, but not least), самым надежным и научно приемлемым свидетельством существования национального характера является Его Величество национальный язык.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The role of vocabulary in the formation of personality and national character 1. In many"> Роль лексики в формировании личности и национального характера 1. Во многих разделах наблюдается совпадение или незначительные различия в количестве и экспрессивных свойствах фразеологических единиц, отражающих следующие ценностные понятия: вежливость, адаптируемость, решительность, образованность, отношение к воспитанию, правовой системе и власти. 2. В английском языке с более высокой, чем в русском, активностью в фразообразовании преобладают следующие целостные смыслы: честность, осторожность, трудолюбие, профессионализм, ответственность, сдержанность в речи, бережливость, оптимизм, эгоизм, свобода личности, консерватизм, материальное благополучие, закрытость семейной жизни. 3. В содержательной области русской идиоматики заметно большее, чем в английской, пространство занимают следующие ценностные понятия: опытность, общительность, корпоративность, патриотизм, справедливость. Специфически присущей русской фразеологии ценностью оказывается гостеприимство!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Do not forget this rite and local businessmen. Refilitate the lamb and carry in childish"> Не забывают этот обряд и местные бизнесмены. Освятят барашка и несут в детский дом - благотворительность! Local businessmen also observe this rite. They have the Camb blessed and take it to an orphanage as an act of charity.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Your Labour City Council Is Well Known for the Quality of ITS"> Your Labour City Council is well known for the quality of its services and the innovative ways of delivering them. That"s an achievement to be proud of! Городской Совет лейбористов по работе известен высоким качеством услуг и нововведениями в их оказании! Это достижение, которым можно гордиться!!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Richard M. G. Stephenson New Address for Me! Richard M . G. Stevenson"> Richard М. G. Stephenson New address for me! Ричард М. Г. Стивенсон У меня новый адрес! Open Day Room change!! Now in room A 25 День !} open doors Change audience !! Now in the audience A 25

PDF-img / 3568672_111279715.pdf-39.jpg "Alt \u003d" (! Lang:\u003e Ein Fichtenbaum Steht Einsam Im Norden Auf Kahler Höh". Ihn schläfert; mit"> Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam Im Norden auf kahler Höh". Ihn schläfert; mit weißer Decke Umhüllen ihn Eis und Schnee. Er träumt von einer Palme, Die, fern im Morgenland, Einsam und schweigend trauert Auf brennender Felsenwand.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Political correctness of the language is expressed in the desire to find new ways language expression"\u003e Political correctness of the language is expressed in the desire to find new ways of language expression instead of those who hurt the feelings and dignity of the individual, infringe upon his human rights to the usual language tactlessness and / or straightness in relation to racial and sexuality, age, health, social status, external species, etc.

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Negro\u003e Coloured\u003e Black\u003e African American / Afro-American [ Negro\u003e Colored\u003e Black\u003e"> Negro > coloured > black > African American/Afro-American [негр > цветной > черный > африканский американец/афроамериканец]; Red Indians > Native Americans [краснокожие индейцы > коренные жители]. chairman [председатель] > chairperson; spokesman [делегат] > spokesperson; cameraman [оператор] > camera operator, foreman [начальник] > supervisor; fireman [пожарник] > fire fighter; postman [почтальон] > mail carrier;!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Invalid\u003e Handicapped\u003e Disabled\u003e Differently-Abled\u003e Physically Challenged [ Disabled\u003e"> invalid > handicapped > disabled > differently-abled > physically challenged [инвалид > с физическими/ умственными недостатками > покалеченный > с иными возможностями > человек, преодолевающий трудности из-за своего физического состояния]; retarded children > children with learning difficulties [умственно отсталые дети > дети, испытывающие трудности при обучении]; old age pensioners > senior citizens [пожилые пенсионеры > старшие граждане]; poor > disadvantaged > economically disadvantaged [бедные > лишенные возможностей (преимуществ) > экономически ущемленные]; unemployed > unwaged [безработные > не получающие зарплаты]; slums > substandard housing [трущобы > жилье, не отвечающее стандартам];!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e" If, Through Omission Or Commission, I Have Inadvertently Displayed Any SEXIST RACIST,"> «If, through omission or commission, I have inadvertently displayed any sexist racist, cultura list nationalist, regionalist, ageist, lookist, ableist sizeist, speciesist, intellectualist, socioeconomicist, ethnocentrist, phallocentrist heteropatriarchialist, or other type of bias, as yet unnamed, I apologize and encourage your suggestions for rectification» . Если по причине недосмотра или пристрастия я неумышленно проявил какие-то сексистские, расистские, культуралистские, националистские, регионалистские, «лукистские» , социально-экономистские, этноцентристские, фаллоцентристские, гетеропатриархалистские взгляды, а также любые другие, не упомянутые мною предрассудки, касающиеся возможностей, размеров, рода, умственных способностей, я приношу свои извинения и призываю всех предлагать мне свои уточнения.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All our life is in great, and in small, and"> Вся наша жизнь - и в большом, и в малом, и в настоящем, и в будущем - зависит от того, насколько хорошо, эффективно и правильно мы умеем общаться.!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Thank you for your attention"> СПАСИБО ЗА ВНИМАНИЕ!}

Src \u003d "" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Literature: V N. D. Arutyunova, G.V. Stepanov. Russian."> ЛИТЕРАТУРА: v Н. Д. Арутюнова, Г. В. Степанов. Русский язык. М. , 1979, с. 410. v Э. Сепир. Коммуникация // Избранные труды по языкознанию и культурологии. v М. , 1993, с. 211. v Ю. В. Бромлей. Этнос и этнография. М. , 1975, с. 48. v Г. А. Антипов, 0. А. Донских, И. Ю. Марковина, Ю. А. Сорокин. Текст как явление культуры. Новосибирск, 1989, с. 75. v В. В. Воробьев. О статусе лингвокультурологии // IX Международный Конгресс МАПРЯЛ. Русский язык, литература и культура на рубеже веков. Т. 2. Братислава, 1999, с. 125 -126. Подробно об этом см. : В. В. Воробьев. Лингвокультурология. Теория и методы. М. , 1997. v Е. М. Верещагин, В. Г. Костомаров. Указ. соч. , с. 30. v В. В. Воробьев. Лингвокультурология. Теория и методы. М. , 1997 v В. фон Гумбольдт Язык и философия культуры. М. , 1985, с. 349. v Е. М. Верещагин, В. Г. Костомаров. Язык и культура. М. , 1990, с. 51. Светлана Григорьевна Тер-Минасова ЯЗЫК И МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНАЯ КОММУНИКАЦИЯ!}

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The course is carried out on the site, andtogo certification - on site site

Timetable of classes:

The course is carried out 2 times a year.

Autumn semester 2018:

Spring semester 2019:

Classes are held remotely.

Description of the course:
This open remote course reveals problems of international and intercultural communication with special attention to the changes in life of mankindwhich are caused by the main modern processes: The scientific and technical revolution, which granted unprecedented opportunities for people's communication, and globalization as its consequence. New living conditions, on the one hand, give a new look at the role of national languages \u200b\u200band cultures, including both one of the main obstacles to globalization, and on the other hand, reveal both their essence and their influence on a person. , At the same time, the Creator and the creation of the native language and culture.

The purpose of learning the course:

    • Prepare course listeners for effective intercultural and international communication
    • Contribute to the optimal formation of language and intercultural competence

This course will be interesting to linguists, specialists in this field that will be able to learn new knowledge and increase their professional trainingSo it will be understood and interesting to the unprepared listener.

Lecture Plan:

    Justification of the course. Determination of basic concepts.

    The ratio of language and cultural barriers.

    Ways to overcome language and cultural barriers: study of foreign languages, translation, commenting.

    Language as a mirror, keeper and culture weapon.

    War and world of languages \u200b\u200band cultures: hidden linguistic and cultural and linguistic difficulties.

    Language, culture and national character.

    Language and ideology.

    Language, culture and national security.

    Fate languages \u200b\u200band cultures in the era of globalization.

  1. Global language. Positive and negative aspects of the global language in general and English in particular.

Additional Information:

1. Certification:

To obtain a certificate, it is necessary to successfully complete the course by completing the knowledge and tests proposed to verify the knowledge and tests, and at the end there are remotely final certification. The cost of certification is 1800 rubles. At a successful ending, the listener receives an electronic certificate (when requesting paper).

2. Raising qualifications:

To obtain a quality improvement certificate, it is necessary to successfully undergo a course by completing the knowledge and tests proposed to verify the knowledge of the tasks and tests, and at the end of the final final certification (interview with the teacher). Information on preparation for certification will be posted. Only listeners with higher education are allowed to certification. Cost - 7,500 rubles. At a successful ending, the listener receives an identification of advanced training.

The language is the main expressive of the identity of culture - at the same time the main mediator in the intercultural communication process.

However, successful intercultural communication It assumes, along with the possession of a foreign language, also the ability to adequately interpret the communicative behavior of the representative of the invasion, as well as the readiness of participants in communication to the perception of another form of communicative behavior, understanding its differences and varying from culture to culture. The strategy for the convergence of inocultural knowledge is aimed at preventing not only semantic, but also cultural failures in communications.

Here the main problem - The problem of understanding. When it is decided, it should be remembered that the language is only a tool for transmitting forms of speech behavior, it only creates an environment for intercultural communication (hereinafter MK). Understanding in the MK is a complex interpretation process, which depends on the complex of both the actual language and non-language factors. To achieve an understanding in intercultural communication, its participants should not just own grammar and vocabulary of one or another language, but to know the cultural component of the meaning of the word, the realities of someone else's culture.

Thus, mastering an inputual code that allows to successfully carry out intercultural cooperation, involves the study of the characteristics of the culture that determine the specifics of public and business behavior of a partner determined by the influence of historical traditions and customs, lifestyle, etc. Therefore, foreign languages, as a means of communication between representatives of different peoples and cultures, should be studied in an inextricable unity with the world and the culture of peoples speaking these languages \u200b\u200b(previously foreign language was studied in the separation from its sociocultural context, as an endoral, and practically did not carry a functional Load).

"The language does not exist outside of culture, i.e. An uncommonly inherited aggregate of practical skills and ideas characterizing our lifestyle "Since there are sociocultural structures at the heart of the language structures, then to actively use the language as a means of communication, it is necessary to know how to know the" world of studied language "as much as possible.

The "World of Language Language" consists of a "aggregate of unsatual facts", i.e. The values \u200b\u200bthat underlie the language structures and units and are reflected in the latter. It can be said that the language picture of the world is the reflection of the sociocultural picture of the world. Not knowing the world of the studied language, it is impossible to master the language as a means of communication, it can be mastered only as a way of storing and transmitting information, as a "dead" language, deprived of the lively soil - carrier culture. This, by the way, explains the failures with artificial languagesand not obtained widespread and doomed to dying.

That is why the study of a foreign language implies not only the assimilation of the expression plan of some language phenomenon, but also the plan of its content, i.e. developing in the minds of students' concepts about new subjects and phenomena that have no analogues in their native culture or in their native language. To do this, in the teaching of the language, it is necessary to include elements of country studies, explanations of the customs and culture of the country of the language, which is studied.

A comprehensive approach that combines the actual linguistic training and knowledge of the sociocultural context of the language under study, allows for adequate translation from a non-native language to the native.

Translation of texts is a specific process of intercultural interaction, the process of explaining one cultural code to others. Often, when translating, subtleties and semantic shades, features and nuances of a foreign language are lost, the text is simplified, and sometimes distorted, the enormous ambiguity. It was not by chance that the formula was fixed in the language: "Unless words of words". Creative translator, deeply understanding both cultures having personal experience Contacts that owns both both languages \u200b\u200b(billingwist) is capable of enriching the language, organically pick up semantic equivalents.

Thus, any translation is an interpretation, deciphering the meaning of an obvious meaning, a conscious or unconscious attempt to overcome the distance between the cultures of communicants. The more differences in the cultures of communication partners, the greater the differences in the interpretation of words, behaviors and symbols. IN modern science The tendency to refuse to search for the only correct meaning of the text is noticeable. The text is increasingly considering as a fan of the possibilities of its interpretation, which has a multiplicity of meanings. With this approach, the thesis on the "right" text interpretation is provided.

The program provides fundamental training in the Russian language, with a full-fledged English course.

Among other courses that make up the program should be noted by dialectology, the Slavistics, the teaching of the Russian language as a foreign language, which is definitely expanding not only the linguistic horizon of students, but also the prospects for their future employment.

In the course of training, students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills of working with text: create texts of different genres, edit and adjust them, translate, analyzed, etc.

Applied philological preparation provides a graduate high level of socialization. At the same time, it is not only a study of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(for students learning on this profile, the study of two languages \u200b\u200bis obligatory, the first of which is English, and the second varies), but also in-depth study Russian language.

Basic professional disciplines:

  • Basics of philology
  • Introduction to the total philology
  • Introduction to linguistics
  • Introduction to literary studies
  • Introduction to the Theory of Communication
  • Classic / Ancient Languages
  • Ancient Greek
  • Latin language
  • Information Euristics
  • Information technology in philology
  • Basics of the logic and culture of thinking
  • Russian language among other languages \u200b\u200bof Russia and the world
  • Introduction to specialfilology
  • Functional styles of the modern Russian language: types of discourse, typology of modern speech genres
  • Main language / Languages \u200b\u200b(theoretical course)
  • Phonetics, Graphics, Orphography of the Modern Russian Language
  • Morfemic, morphology, word formation of modern Russian language
  • The syntax of the modern Russian language
  • Semantics and lexicology of the modern Russian language
  • General and computer lexicography
  • Theoretical and Practical Grammar Language
  • The history of the main language / languages
  • Staroslavyansky and Church Slavic languages
  • Old Russian language
  • The history of the Russian literary language
  • History of world literature
  • The history of world literature until the XVII century.
  • The history of world literature of the XVIII-XX centuries.
  • History of Russian literature
  • The history of Russian literature until the end of the XIX century.
  • The history of Russian literature XX-XXI centuries.
  • Philological Provision of Professional Communication
  • Analytical reading of educational and scientific texts
  • Analytical reading of journalistic and artistic texts
  • Practical course of English
  • Practical course of the second foreign language
  • Culture of communication. Strategies, Tactics, Communication Typology
  • Fundamentals of philological work with text (creation / editing, translation)
  • Writing and editing text
  • Professional Literacy and Text Proof
  • Complex analysis of manuscript and literary editing
  • Modern Russian. Resource Stylistics: Grammar Stylistics
  • Modern Russian. Resource Stylistics: Lexic Stylistics
  • Modern Russian language: spontaneous oral speech
  • Modern Russian language: prepared oral speech
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Language painting of the world and linguocultureology
  • Theory and methods of teaching Russian as native
  • Theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language
  • Modern Russia in the texts: literature, journalism.

S. G. Ter-Minasova


In July 1996, the Ministry of Higher and Professional Education Russian Federation issued an order №1309 "On add-on and partial change in the classifier of directions and a special-purpose vocational education"Specialty" Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b"was replaced with the specialty" Linguistics and Intercultural Communication "(022600).

After the exit of this order at the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof Moscow state University them. M.V. Lomonosov flew letters, faxes, email, whether excited colleagues from various parts of our still immense homeland came and arrived and arrived: what is intercultural communication? Where to get information? Are there educational materials?

We have discovered the annual training course, dozens of people came to which dozens of people came, and the questions asked hundreds and thousands. We had something to tell those who applied to us with these questions, since the problems of communication of cultures and peoples in connection with the teaching of foreign languages, we began deeply and intensively borrow-smiling among the first in our country. Since 1992, the Center has been successfully functioning to study the interaction of cultures, where they work in those linguists, historians, philosophers, literary critics, psychologists, co-ciologists.

Since 1994, on the initiative of this Center, the conference "Russia and West: Dia Log of Cultures" is held annually at the Faculty of Faculty of Foreign Languages, which has gained widespread recognition in Russia and abroad. Based on the materials of this conference, seven collections of scientific docks were published. In 1993-1994, the faculty opened the departments of the Sopos-breeding study of languages \u200b\u200band a comparative study of national literature and cultures.

Since 1996, the Academic Council has been working on the protection of candidate and doctoral dissertations for cultural studies. The collection of student work on the topic "Russia and the world" is regularly published. Finally, in 1997 and in 1999, collections were published curriculum "Intercultural communication".

The author of these lines during recent years Reads courses of intercalture communications, cultural anthropology, special course "Language and culture". The results of this work are reflected in the proposed book-gene, which is intended for all those interested in problems

especially for teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200band for studying foreign languages.

New living conditions radically changed the tasks of the preparation of specialist foreign languages. Modern society Not just not just teachers and translators are required, but much wider-specificists on international and intercalture communication. This goes far beyond the knowledge of the knowledge of a language that communication between people is not exhausted. Russian and Russian and Rial in the book are compared english. In order for these materials to be used in the teaching work, all major definitions of key concepts are given in Russian and in English.

I would like to express deep appreciation to my colleagues in Russia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Australia for their help in working on a book. Special words of gratitude to my reviewers, official and unofficial: Vitaly Grigorievich Kostomarov, Victoria Vladimirovna Oshchenkova, Evgenia Borisovna Yakovleva, Igor Gri-Goryevich Miloslavsky, Nina Mikhailovna Kristene, Anna Valen-Tinovna Pavlovskaya, Andrei Valentinovich Fatawnko, Maria Va Lentinovina Perepelkina. Students who have listened to my lecture courses - Bow and thanks.

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