What scientists say when the world ends. List of the ends of the world

Judging by the predictions of the great soothsayers and astrologers, 2017 will not be as calm as it seems at first glance. Changes await humanity, both in political and social life. Many predictors even prophesy a quick end of the world in 2017... All this news is getting a little creepy, so we suggest we sort out the upcoming events together.

This article contains interpretations of the visions of the great clairvoyants, as well as predictions from Saint Matrona. You will only have to decide whether to listen to them or decide your own destiny, because a lot also depends on our actions.

Predictions about the end of the world

Since ancient times, people have tried to unravel the mystery of humanity, to understand where we came from. But the most burning topic was and remains further destiny inhabitants of the planet. Everyone knows that nothing is eternal, so people from time immemorial have been trying to understand whether the end of the world will occur, which will lead to the mass destruction of all living things, or our race will never die out.

A vivid example of the fact that at all times there were soothsayers who predicted the death of all living beings and the planet as a whole are presented below:

  • The Mayan calendar says that with the death of the Fifth Sun, the planet Earth, as well as all its inhabitants, will perish. The priests claimed the end of the world and even set its date - 12/21/2012. Fortunately, their predictions were not destined to come true.
  • The predictions of Isaac Newton, a world-famous physicist, show that the end of the world will come in 2060 due to the fact that people will overstep the Laws of God and behave inappropriately. He put forward his forecast on the basis of astrological observations and data set forth in the Book of Daniel.
  • The Holy Scriptures of the Zoostrians (information from the Avesta) prophesied the destruction of all living things for another 2000 year. The great Zarathustra wrote that our world will plunge into chaos. Note that this forecast was taken seriously by many inhabitants of the planet. The media were full of bright headlines that the end of the world was just around the corner. People were frightened by large-scale disasters, aircraft crashes, lack of electricity.

  • A well-known clairvoyant that the Apocalypse will nevertheless set foot on our lands. The exact date of this frightening event was never found out, although she said that in 2378 a huge asteroid would fall on the Earth, which would provoke a worldwide flood, and after it the death of all living things. It is hard not to believe the predictions of this soothsayer, because many of the things that she saw in her visions have already come true and continue to come true.
  • Nostradamus also said more than once that the end of the world is near. His legacy is poetic predictions, it is difficult to interpret, but some of them still managed to be deciphered. According to the most widespread version, the world will plunge into darkness in 2250 after a devastating nuclear war... However, not everyone will die in this battle. The survivors will survive until 3797 - at that time the planet will collide with a cosmic body. It is this event that will launch the end of the world.

Many prophecies did not come true, and the planned date for the destruction of the world passed unnoticed for the inhabitants of our planet. But there is only one prediction, which still raises serious concerns. It was made by Saint Matrona - the idol of millions of believers around the world.

Who is Saint Matrona?

A woman of incredibly kind and bright soul was born at the end of the 19th century, or to be more precise, in 1881. A few days before the birth, the mother of Matrona Dmitrievna had an unusual dream in which her daughter was presented in the form of a white bird with a human face, but with closed eyes. After birth, they discovered that the girl was blind.

Another amazing incident occurred during the baptism of Matrona. As soon as the priest took it out of the font, a thick column of light rose above the baby, exuding a pleasant aroma. The priests first encountered a similar phenomenon, so they thought that the girl would live long life and will be credited to the ranks of the saints.

Already in childhood, Matrona treated sick people and helped those in need. As an adult, she was forced to leave her native land and move to Moscow, where she lived out her last years... In 1952, the soothsayer died and in 1998 she was declared a saint.

What did Matrona say about the end of the world?

Almost before her death, Matrona saw the events that should take place in 2017. Her words “Without warriors, everyone on earth will die and it will be in the distant 2017” are already beginning to make waves of fear on people. Matrona calls on humanity to turn to God, before it's too late, not to stop praying, because the end of the world is just around the corner. She argued that difficult times filled with sorrow and pain would come.

The great clairvoyant even named the approximate date of the Apocalypse - February 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, there will be a war without war and thousands of lifeless bodies will simply lie on the streets.

Indeed, her prophecy instills a chilling horror and I want to believe that Matrona was wrong after all. Of course, inveterate skeptics do not believe such predictions and are in a hurry to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation for the statements of the clairvoyant. But even modern scientists cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that in the near future our planet will not collide with some celestial body that will start the process of destroying all life on Earth.

Despite the pessimistic attitude, humanity does not stop believing in better times... After all, even the great soothsayer said that after the Apocalypse there will be peace and tranquility. The people who survived will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

Whether the world will end in 2017 is hard to predict. Only time can help in this matter!

Planet Earth is again in tension, what will happen soon, will this time the end of the world, promised on October 12, 2017, take place, is it really true, or is it another lie, which we have already passed more than once? Let's find out in more detail what the press is broadcasting to us, what scientists predict, and what to fear. And is it worth it?

The situation is as follows: back in 2012, an asteroid codenamed TS1-2012 caused fear of astrologers. According to the forecasts by the astrologer, this space object was supposed to fly relatively close from the Earth (I must say, by astronomical standards, it is close, this is less than the Moon-Earth distance, that is, 30 Earth diameters, or more precisely - 384.5 thousand km). The asteroid flew only some 95 thousand km, but did not touch the Earth, the collision did not occur. Although from such a dangerous proximity and activation physical reactions nevertheless, our planet felt a slight discomfort.

Now it is predicted that the asteroid, in its volume reaching 40 meters, will approach the Earth as close as possible, and the consequences can be the most terrible, up to the death of mankind. All this, of course, does not add to optimism, but the fact that this asteroid is subject to deep disputes about this asteroid, and not all learned world supports these concerns.

Official science asserts that the asteroid is not yet dangerous to our planet, but they agree that over time this will still happen. They also compare the situation with the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, and sadly agree that, nevertheless, the proximity of such a flying space object can provoke cataclysms of a wide scale. The result can be severe earthquakes as well as the activation of volcanic eruptions.

Conspiracy theorists are not so optimistic, and they scare humanity with the end of the world, which will be caused by very harmful consequences and cataclysms. It is also reported that the planet Nibiru that flew past, although it did not cause damage to the Earth now, will return in 7 years and this return will already be very tangible. It is reported that NASA, having checked the situation thoroughly, also claims that the asteroid TC4 threatens the Earth in earnest and the Day of Judgment will still come. Harvard scientists are also alarmed by the strong solar flares and their implications for our lives. But their forecasts relate to the whole millennium, and not the date of October 12 of this year, which cannot but rejoice those living on earth - still not now, there is still time to live.

Scientists predict due to activation solar flares failure of communications, death space ships, the launch of harmful biological processes, life threatening humanity as a whole. If we listen attentively to the words of such prophets, then we are in danger of complete extinction. Fortunately, opinions differ, and few are sure of the date of October 12. But still, there is a danger, and a big one. Someone claims that the planet Nibiru, which seems to have flown safely past us, will be located so that it will close the solar disk from us, but everyone understands that this threatens death to all living things.

Concerning outbreaks, again, Harvard is actively discussing the topic, promising us soon from these processes big cataclysms that will lead living beings inhabiting the earth to extinction, activating negative processes for all living things.

The Day of Judgment has already been predicted more than once by a variety of personalities, from the biblical prophets to Nostradamus. And these dates are somewhat different from today. Here they are:

2021: an inversion of the earth's magnetosphere will occur, all living things will perish;
2036: the asteroid Apophis will touch the Earth and cause severe destruction;
2060: revelation from Daniel is consistent with Newton's prophecy of the end of the world;
2242: The sun will go out, humanity will die out;
2280: An excerpt from the Qur'an, voiced by Rashad Khalifa, interpreted as the end of the world;
2892: the prophecy of Abel;
3798: Somehow the Sun will swallow our planet (Nostradamus's statement).

As you can see, the prophecies about the end of the world are still ahead, so it is unlikely that it will come so quickly, namely on October 12 of this year. But - let's be on our guard! A lot of negative things are already happening on the planet, cataclysms are replacing one another, the mass death of people confirms the worst predictions, there are clearly fewer people on the planet ...

If the end of the world still does not take place, maybe it is worth pickling

Humanity has already experienced terrible disaster, which destroyed almost the entire population of the Earth. Scattered legends and legends have come down to how a civilization, having reached a rather high stage of development, overnight as a result of a monstrous cataclysm. The most famous and widespread myth among various peoples is the myth of the Flood. In some legends, the Flood - huge wave, that swept over the highest mountains, in others - gradually water that flooded a vast territory. In all legends, one pious family survives, which was warned in advance by the gods. For all other people, the Flood was the end of the world.

Eschatology paints a monstrous picture of the beginning of the end: giant tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and for those who survive - a long winter, famine and epidemics. Believers of any denomination perceive the apocalypse as an inevitable, but necessary procedure before going to better world... There are people who are waiting for Armageddon with interest, as the most ambitious show and plan to take places in the first row, and alarmists are looking with horror at the next predicted date.

Over the past 2000 years, there have been a huge number of supposed ends of the world, and since late XIX centuries fell on the heads of people in a continuous stream: 1874, 1900, 1914, 1918, 1925, etc., and in 1999 the end of the world was expected 13 pieces. The 21st century does not lag behind the previous century in terms of the number of apocalypses. There are about 30 Armageddons in the first decade.

The near end of the world is supposed to take place in December 2012. This is the most publicized end of the world in the history of eschatology. In a day winter solstice(12/21/2012) the next cycle of the Mayan calendar, which began in 3114 BC, ends. NS. and lasted 5125 years. According to the ideas of the ancient Maya, on this day the end of the "Fifth Sun" will come. It will be marked by global cataclysms that will wipe out all of humanity from the face of the Earth.

In 2018, the Apocalypse should come due to nuclear war (prophecy of Nostradamus). 2036 - collision with the Earth of Apophis, an asteroid with a diameter of about 300 meters. 2060 - Isaac Newton's calculation based on the book of the prophet Daniel. 2892 - the prediction of the monk Abel.

The rest of the ends of the world do not have more or less exact dates. A supervolcano is expected to awaken in the next 50 years. As a result of the eruption, smoke and ash will hide the Earth from the sun's rays for several years, which will lead to the death of all flora and fauna.

In the same period, a sharp change in the magnetic, and, possibly, geographic, poles may occur, as a result of which the planet will lose magnetic field... Inversion is dangerous because during the absence of a field, cosmic radiation can reach the surface of the Earth and kill all life on the planet.

Another forecast is related to global climate change: warming or cooling. In the event of warming, glaciers and polar caps can completely melt, and most of the land will be flooded. In the event of a cold snap, a new ice age will begin, many species will disappear, and humanity, if it survives in such conditions, will be thrown back into the Stone Age by development.

In 5 billion years, the Sun will turn into a red giant, increase in size several times and absorb the first 3-4 planets. Thus, according to scientists, the Apocalypse is inevitable, we can only hope that it will happen in the very distant future.

Doomsday predictions constantly excite the masses. Almost every year in prophecy, the world is in mortal danger. Nostradamus and Saint Matrona, Vanga spoke about this. Modern clairvoyants also have such visions, for example, Vera Lyon and the American preacher Paul Begley. They are joined by physicists, astronomers and mathematicians. Scientists believe that the most likely reason for the destruction of the planet will be the fall of a celestial body on it. Consider what the soothsayers say - will the end of the world 2019 or not.

Apocalypse from nuclear war in 2019

Geopolitical tensions have been around for a long time. The world is teetering on the brink of disaster, threatening to collapse at any moment. Relations between the countries have escalated. Clashes constantly arise on the borders of states that were previously good neighbors.

According to the prophecies published in the British edition of the Daily Star, the war will begin in 2019 and will last 27 years. The process will be triggered by acts of terror in Europe, then spread to other parts of the world.

The contradictions are laid down directly in, published back in 1555. So, it contains a stanza that the starting point will be an earthquake and a volcanic eruption, presumably under the Yellowstone nature reserve. But before that, people will learn to understand the language of animals. It sounds incredible, but the truth, as always, is somewhere in between.

There is also a positive note in his visions of the supposed end of the world in 2019. New cities will grow on the ruins of old empires, people will be able to change their outlook on life. They will create a harmonious world.

Nostradamus is not the only one who predicted. Kazakh healer Vera Lyon, looking into the future, saw there a large-scale conflict between the United States and Russia, which would unfold in Eastern Europe.

Will an asteroid fall to Earth in 2019?

Canadian scientists are very determined in their predictions about the end of human existence. The asteroid "2002-NT7", which has a diameter of more than 2 km, is approaching the Earth at a speed of 28 km / s. He came into the field of view of NASA telescopes on July 5, 2002 and caused excitement among astronomers and physicists. Through complex calculations, it was found out that the orbits of a celestial body and our planet intersect. On February 13, 2019, they will be at the closest distance from each other.

We observed the movement of the asteroid with tension, simulated its orbit, tried to predict the slightest deviations towards the Earth. All this was necessary in order to deliver a preemptive strike if necessary. Scientists such as David Whitehouse, Benny Pizer, Donald Yeomans and others have voiced their fears of a potential disaster.

According to astronomers' forecasts, on 13.12.2019, asteroid 2002-NT7 will approach the Earth at a dangerous distance.

The risk of falling under the influence of the planet's gravity is extremely high. If this happens, then a huge boulder will begin to fall on the Earth at a speed of almost 30 km / s. In a collision, the power is comparable to nuclear bomb, 30 million times stronger than the one dropped over Hiroshima. This is enough to completely destroy one of the five continents, cause a shift tectonic plates and displacement of magnetic pluses.

But it is too early to despair. Such close attention from the astronomer and mathematicians made it possible to calculate the trajectory of 2002-NT7 more accurately. According to new calculations, it will pass 61 million km from the Earth, so there is no reason for panic yet.

Will there be the end of the world in 2019 - predictions of psychics

Not a single prophecy about the end of the world is complete without references to famous mystics and fortune-tellers. Even in the Bible there are descriptions of the arrival of the messengers of the Apocalypse, however, without reference to the exact date.

Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky

Words of the Russian hieroschemamonk Orthodox Church, who died in 1949, come true with amazing accuracy. He predicted the difficult fate of believers during the reign of the Communist Party, as well as the collapse of the Red Empire at the end of the last century.

He said that in 2019, the financial and political center will shift towards China. Eyes will be on Asia. Russia will stop expanding and strengthen itself from within. It will start with spiritual enlightenment and affect other aspects of people's lives.

Words by Matrona of Moscow

In predictions, she often touched upon global issues. She rarely voiced visions and wrote them down, but some were saved.

According to the prophecies for 2019, a collision of two opposite worlds is coming. They will fight for the soul of every person and everything will end in Heavenly judgment. Those who find God in themselves will be saved.

Kazakh medium Lyon

The famous clairvoyant, who is called the "Kazakh Vanga", predicted the beginning of cataclysms for 2018. Her prophecies are published in a number of publications in Kazakhstan and Russia. To summarize, for 2019 the vision is the same - the countries of Central Europe will be hit by heavy snowfalls and earthquakes. In Italy, volcanic activity will resume, which will provoke the appearance of a tsunami and the flooding of coastal cities. The Philippines and Japan will also hide under the ocean.

Change is also to be expected in the political arena. Due to popular unrest, countries will begin to withdraw from NATO and the European Union. This will cause a new wave of terror, riots, looting. Massively people will move to quieter places. Due to spontaneous movements, the mutation of viruses and bacteria will begin, which will lead to the emergence of new dangerous strains.

The Catholic faith, which now has about a billion followers, will lose its positions, and some time later it will completely disappear.

Evangelist Paul Begley

The American preacher is a modern clairvoyant, claims that the End of the World will come on January 22, 19. He draws on Bible quotes and astronomical phenomena.

In the period from 20 to 22 January, an interesting weather phenomenon is expected -. This fact is noted in the scriptures as one of the forerunners of the Apocalypse: "The sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes." However, Begley's predictions are very cautious. He is not categorical, but emphasizes the possibility of a catastrophe.

Scientists say that blood moon appears in the sky about once every three years. This happens when the Sun illuminates our natural satellite when it is in the shadow of the planet. Therefore, it is not worth waiting for God's punishment this time.

How to prepare for the end of it all

First of all, all the seers whose predictions relate to 2019 report that people will be able to find their salvation in spiritual development... Perhaps the time has come for you to pay attention not to the material, but to the spiritual component of your life.

Every year astrologers and psychics predict the end of the world for us. Predictions are supported by the predictions of famous clairvoyants, mystics and occultists. In the scientific community, such statements are always treated with a great deal of skepticism. At the same time, scientists admit the possibility of a pandemic, a collision of the Earth with a large celestial body, or a series natural disasters... Summer 2017 has once again shown how powerless we are in the face of the elements. In the event of an apocalypse, humanity will have little chance of surviving. Should I worry about this any time soon?

Version number 1: the end of the world on August 19, 2017. Predictions of Matrona of Moscow and Vanga

The date of August 19, 2017 appears in the predictions of Matrona of Moscow. Her last prophecy really looks very dark:

“At the end of the day, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced. "

The saint called the summer of 2017 a turning point for all of humanity. Her prophecy regarding the end of the world is rather allegorical. As a religious person, she spoke more than once about the spiritual degradation of people. According to those who decipher her predictions, she could call the end of the world the period when people will finally forget about morality and ethics. According to another version, Matrona calls to think about the soul before a global cataclysm. How exactly the death of humanity will occur, the saint did not explain.

Among the predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga, there is also a mention of this day. According to Todor Todorov, who calls himself her close friend, the clairvoyant said:

"Russia will face difficult times, as wolves will torment it."

Version number 2: apocalypse on August 21, 2017. Total solar eclipse

On August 21, 2017, a complete solar eclipse... Most of the United States will plunge into the shadows, namely the so-called "Bible Belt", in which the predominant religion is evangelical Protestantism. Fatalists confidently declare that the end of the world is approaching, and urge all people to repent of their sins. On thematic sites, warnings have been published that in the near future four horsemen of the Apocalypse will descend to Earth, and then the world will plunge into darkness.

Version number 3: space catastrophe on October 12, 2017. Asteroid

American scientist David Mead made a sensational statement. He claims that the end of the world will come on October 12, 2017. According to his version, the cause of the death of our planet will be a collision with an asteroid. And this heavenly body will belong to the mysterious Nibiru system, which NASA experts still call an Internet hoax.

However, David Mead's opinion is shared by some of his colleagues. They believe that the government is aware of the danger, but carefully conceals all information from the public. Scientists predict the approach of an asteroid will disrupt the ozone layer of our planet, which will lead to a series of disasters. Russian astrophysicists have not yet confirmed this version.

Version # 4: Doomsday on November 15, 2017. Ark of gabriel

The mysterious countdown timer The End has stopped at 15 November 2017. A letter with a reference to it was received by influential politicians and scientists at the beginning of 2017. The owner of the site could not be identified, but information appeared that the timer itself is located at the Amundsen-Scott station on South Pole(Antarctica). At the same time, the station manager claims that none of the workers was involved in its creation.

In Russia, the news about The End project was immediately linked to the event in February 2016. During this period, Patriarch Kirill arrived at the Russian Antarctic station to hold a memorial service for the dead polar explorers. It is believed that in fact the priest brought with him the recently found ark of Gabriel.

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