Students having academic debt has the right. Elimination of academic debt schoolboy under the Law on Education

A first-grader baby practically does not master the educational program for health. Parents refuse to examine the child at the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission. How to do school?

If the problem with learning a child occurs really due to the position of the family, then educational organization It is obliged to report on the established situation in the authorities to protect the rights of children (commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights, guardianship and guardianship authorities).

Parents (legal representatives) are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. Parents are required to ensure the receipt of children general Education (Art. 63 Family Code The Russian Federation, paragraph 1 of Part 4 of Art. 44 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ). Parental rights cannot be conflicted with the interests of children. Ensuring the interests of children should be the subject of the main care of their parents. Parents who make parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children are responsible in the procedure established by law (Article 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). The current legislation provides for family-legal, administrative and even criminal liability of parents in case of infringement of the rights and legitimate interests of children.

Right to education in Russian Federation It is one of the inalienable constitutional rights of citizens, the very same formation is considered by the law, first of all, as a single targeted process of education and training, which is a socially significant benefit and carried out in the interests of man, family, society and state (paragraph 1 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ). Therefore, the inappropriate behavior of parents, obliged to take care of ensuring the rights of the child in the field of education one can equate to the abandonment. In this case, on officials of educational organizations that have become aware of this situation, it is obliged to report this to the guardianship and guardianship bodies at the place of actual finding of children (paragraph 1 of Art. 122 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation).

In the content of the appeal to the authorized bodies, it is advisable to give a detailed characteristic of the current situation with the child, to submit psychological and pedagogical analysis, describe the behavior of parents, the measures taken by the educational organization. The authorities for the protection of the rights of children, being bodies, are obliged to consider appeal to the merits and give an educational organization response within a month.)

What consequences can occur when receiving two or more subjects? What rights do students have academic debt and their parents? How to correct the situation that you can demand from the administration?


Estimates for the year are the results of intermediate certification. Each school independently defines the form and procedure for conducting intermediate certification for different classes, so it may decide that intermediate certification is carried out on the basis of each quarter or only on the first half of the year.

If the student received a two-year student (in some cases, at the end of the six months or a quarter, if this is determined in the local acts of the school school) - he has formed academic debt.

The consequences of obtaining one or more bobs for the year (availability of academic debt)

the student can translate into the next class, but with the condition of retirement (liquidation of academic debt) during school year

9/11 student will not allow GIA and EGE to pass

Rights of students who received a two

Two per year for one and or several subjects is not a basis for deductions from school.

Even if the school administration insists that you have to leave, because they received a deuce for the year - such a question is incorrect. Stay or go to another school, or another form of training is just your decision.

A student who has academic debt has the right:

go to the following class conditionally until the ratings are corrected

twice pass intermediate certification (try to correct the assessment) within the deadlines set by the school for one year (at the specified period, the time of the student's disease is not included, subject to the availability of confirming documents)

if there are doubts about the objectivity of estimates - require the inclusion in the commission, which conducts intermediate certification, teachers from another school

An student is given 2 attempts to pass academic debt for each subject. For the first time, the subject is surrendered to the teacher. The second time is created by the Commission. Dates of relocation must be defined in the appropriate position on the School website.

The school administration is obliged to create conditions for learning to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its liquidation.

The duty to organize the relocation of debt is assigned to the school administration. This means that before the administration will put parents before the choice - to translate a student to another school or leave for the second year - it should provide additional advice to organize additional advice if necessary.

If necessary, the parents of the student can independently restrain - sending a relevant application with a request to ensure the possibility of passing intermediate certification.

If you can't fix estimates - the parents of the student have the right to choose one of several options

Stay for the second year;

Go to adapted programs, for example, in correctional school In accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, or go to the evening school;

Go to the individual form of training (that is, stay on the individual form of training in your school, if such an opportunity is provided, or go to another school, which has the appropriate position).

Quote from the law:

1. Mastering the educational program (with the exception of the educational program preschool education), including a separate part or the total volume of the educational subject, the course, the discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by the interim certification of students conducted in forms defined by the curriculum, and in the manner prescribed by the educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of interim certification for one or more educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or the obstruction of intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students must eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor study, ensuring the acquisition of student general education in the form family educationare obliged to create conditions for learning to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its liquidation.

5. Students with academic debt are entitled to undergo intermediate certification according to the appropriate training subject, a course, discipline (module) no more than two times within the time limits determined by the organization exercising educational activities within one year from the date of the formation of academic debt. At the specified period, the time of the learning disease, finding it in academic leave or maternity leave, is not included.

6. For intermediate certification, the Commission is created for the second time the educational organization.

7. No charge charges are not allowed for the passage of intermediate certification.

8. Trainers who have not passed the interim certification by good reasons or having academic debt, translated into the next class or the next course conditionally.

9. Training in the educational organization educational programs the initial general, basic general and secondary general education, which did not liquidate academic debt on the time of education from the date of its formation, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are reserved for re-training, and are transferred to training on adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of psychological and medical Pedagogical Commission or for Education on Individual curriculum.

10. Students on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, which have not liquidated in the established period of academic debt, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Educatives on the main professional educational programs that have not liquidated academic debt on time, are deducted from this organization as not fulfilling the duties for the conscientious development of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.

Hello. We live in rural areas. To reduce the cost of school breakfasts and lunches on the school garden, we grow vegetables, there is a school fruitful garden. You need to care for all this. Is it legitimate to attract students to work in the school garden and in the garden? What legal documents on attracting children to work in summer should we rely? Thank you.

If it is part educational process, for example, curriculum on the subject of biology, technology, ecology, etc., then gratuitous participation in such works will be legitimate. If participation in summer labor detachments is carried out with the consent of students and their parents, then these relations are made by a statement about participation and determined by the renovation or the gloom of such activities of students.

Forced to work is not allowed. According to Part 4 of Art. 34 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" involvement of students without their consent and minor students without the consent of their parents (legal representatives) to work that is not provided for by the educational program is prohibited.

IN reception Commission Our college came a statement about admission to the secondary budget program vocational education (The program of training of middle-level specialists) from the girl who has already has a secondary vocational education obtained in 2012 for a fee. Do we have the right to take it on free education According to the new law?

According to paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. 108 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" a secondary vocational education received before the day of entry into force of the new Federal Law is equal to the average vocational education for the programs for the training of middle-level specialists under the new federal law. Thus, this girl already has a secondary vocational education under the program of training middle-level specialists.

According to Part 3 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ in the Russian Federation are guaranteed by the publicly available and free of medium-sized vocational education in accordance with federal state educational standardsIf the formation of this level is a citizen for the first time. The law does not associate the right to free education with the fact that the first formation of this level should have been obtained by necessity due to budget funds (i.e. free for training).

It should be noted that a similar norm that was available in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" was the subject of consideration of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In its definition of October 5, 2001 No. 187, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation indicated that the rule that the form for the formation of an appropriate level (in this definition It was about O. higher education) It can only be obtained for the first time, regardless of what basis (paid or free of charge), the formation of this level was obtained for the first time, cannot be considered as limiting the constitutional rights of citizens to education.

Thus, a professional educational organization not entitled Take for free training at the expense of the relevant budget, a person already having a secondary vocational education, regardless of whether it is obtained for a fee or free of charge.

1. The development of the educational program (with the exception of the educational program of preschool education), including a separate part or the total volume of the educational subject, course, the discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students conducted in forms defined by the curriculum, and in order , established educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of interim certification for one or more educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or the obstruction of intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students must eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor training, which ensure the receipt of educational general education in the form of family education, are obliged to create conditions for learning to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its liquidation.

5. Students with academic debt are entitled to undergo intermediate certification according to the appropriate training subject, a course, discipline (module) no more than two times within the time limits determined by the organization exercising educational activities within one year from the date of the formation of academic debt. At the specified period, the time of the learning disease, finding it in academic leave or maternity leave, is not included.

6. For intermediate certification, the Commission is created for the second time the educational organization.

7. No charge charges are not allowed for the passage of intermediate certification.

8. Trainers who have not passed the interim certification for good reasons or having academic debt are translated into the next class or the following course conditionally.

9. Students in the educational organization on educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education, which did not liquidate academic debt on the time of education from the moment of its education, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are reserved for re-training, and are transferred to adapted educational training. Program in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission or on training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, which have not liquidated in the established period of academic debt, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Educatives on the main professional educational programs that have not liquidated academic debt on time, are deducted from this organization as not fulfilling the duties for the conscientious development of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.


Director of MBOU "School №169"

_______________ E.V.Abakumova

Regulations on the liquidation of academic debt

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Regulation on the elimination of academic debt (hereinafter referred to as the situation) defines the goals, the procedure for the elimination of academic debt, the duties of the subjects of the educational process.

1.2. This provision is developed on the basis of the following regulatory legal documents:

The law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (with subsequent additions and changes);

1.3. The main goal:

Provide learning right to eliminate academic debt;

Determine a clear order in organizing the elimination of academic debt to the subjects of the educational process.

2.Poodle organization

2.1. In the following grade, students are conventionally translated, having academic debt, according to the academic year. Responsibility for the elimination of students of academic debt over the next school year is assigned to parents (legal representatives).

2.2. Cool leaders bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) under the painting decision pedagogical Council about academic debt and conditional translation of students.

2.3. Parents studying no later than a month before certification, apply to the director of the liquidation of academic debt on the prescribed form (Appendix 3.4).

2.4. The Deputy Director for UR based on the submitted statements is preparing a draft order "On the liquidation of academic debt", indicating the deadlines responsible persons. (Appendix 5)

2.5. The Commission appointed by the order at school conducts a final certification with the design of the necessary documentation (Annex 6.7). The Commission includes teachers who have qualifying categories.

2.6. At the end of the work of the Commission, an order for the school "On the results of the liquidation of academic debt" is published, the results of successful certification are recorded in class magazines and personal affairs. (Appendix 8.9).

3.Read and duties of subjects of the educational process.

3.1 Parents (legal representatives):

Submit to the director, an application for the liquidation of academic debt, indicating the approximate deadlines of certification;

Are responsible for the implementation of students to the task received under a written application, to prepare for certification;

They are responsible for the implementation of students in the elimination of academic debt, established by the order at school.

3.2. Student

3.2.1. Has the right (according to the written statement of parents):

On certification to eliminate academic debt over the school year;

Get on request an additional task for preparation for certification;

Get the necessary advice (within two study hours before certification);

For re-certification in case of unsatisfactory results after the first test.

3.2.2. The student must:

Perform the task received to prepare for certification;

In accordance with the deadline to pass academic debt.

3.3. Classroom teacher must:

Before painting to the attention of parents (legal representatives), the content of the provision on the liquidation of academic debt (Appendix 9).;

Organize the collection of applications for the liquidation of academic debt and transfer the Deputy Director for the UR;

Bring to the attention of parents (legal representatives) and the student content of the issued orders;

Provided for positive certification, in the class journal and personal case of a learner to issue a record of the following content: to put on this subject in the cell next to the unsatisfactory mark, obtained during certification, the record is recorded at the bottom of the page:

"Academic debt on ________________ liquidated


Mark _____ (______________________)

Order number ____ from ___________________________

(date of entry)

Classroom teacher ___________________/__________________________/

The record is assigned to print.

3.4. Teacher - Submender Question:

Based on the order at school, form a package of tasks to prepare for final certification;

Prepare and pass the text of the test task to the Chairman of the Commission for approval 3 days before certification;

Conduct the necessary advice on request (within two school hours before certification).

3.5. Chairman of the Commission:

Approves the test task for the final certification;

Organizes the work of the attestation commission on the specified time:

Check the presence of commission members;

Prepare for certification Protocol

Task text;

Sample Signature of Completed Work

Responsible for the proper execution of the protocol, objective and high-quality work testing, setting the mark in the work and protocol with text decoding and paintings of all members of the Commission (Appendix 10).

3.7. Commission members:

Present in accordance with the deadlines on certification;

Monitor compliance with the requirements for certification;

Check in accordance with the standards of work, assesses, assure their own painting.

Attachment 1

And s in uh e n and e



and the decision of the Pedagogical Council in the next class is translated conditionally, with academic debt on _____________________________________________________________________

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and "Regulations on the Elimination of Academic Debt".

The student has the right (at the request and written statement of parents)

on certification to eliminate academic debt

During the academic year and certification during the school year until October 1,

Get on request Additional task to prepare for certification,

Get the necessary advice (within two study hours before certification),

At the request and written statement of parents for re-certification in case of unsatisfactory results after the first test,

Classroom teacher:

Introduced _______________________ Painting Painting: _______________ / ______________ /


Additional task for preparation for certification to eliminate academic debt is obtained.

Painting Painting: _______________ / ______________ /

Appendix 2.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169

And s in uh e n and e

Dear _______________________________________________________________


We bring to your information that your son / daughter / ___________________________________________________________________________________


teach ___ ______ class, according to the results of 20__ - 20__ of the school year, has unsatisfactory estimates on _________________________________________________________________________

and the decision of the Pedagogical Council, in accordance with Art. 58 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is left for a repeated course of study in ______ class

Introduced _________________ Painting Painting: __________________ / __________________ /

(date) Painting of the student ______________ / ________________ /

Appendix 3.

Director MBOU "School №169"

Abakumova E.V. ________________________




Please prepare tasks to prepare for certification to eliminate academic debt on the subject of ______________________ for the course of ____ class son (daughter) ___________________________________________________________ studying _______ class.


Tasks for preparation for certification to eliminate academic debt are obtained. For the execution of the student obtained tasks to prepare for certification, I am responsible.

Date "____" _____________ 20__g.

Painted _________________ / _____________________ /

Appendix 4.

Director MBOU "School №169" Abakumova E.V.





I ask you to eliminate academic debt on the subject _______________________ for the course __________ class son (daughter) __

Learning ________ class.

Approximate deadlines for debt delivery ______________________________

Date "____" _____________ 20 __.

Painted _________________ / _____________________ /

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169


«____" __________ 20__ № ___

About the liquidation of academic debt

According to the results of 2013, the 2014 school year had academic debt: Bagirov Assif, Habibullin Almaz, Ovchinnikova Elena. Based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Art.58), the procedure for the elimination of academic debt, according to the submitted statements


1. Allow eliminate academic debt as follows

p / P.

F. I. Student


Debt on the subject


2. Class leaders :. To bring this order to the attention of parents and students.

3. To approve the composition of the Commission on Certification of students with academic debt

p / P.

Chairman of the Commission

Members of the Commission




4. Responsibility for organizing the work of the Commission, checking the work, the preparation of the protocol to entrust the Chairman of the Commission.

5. Control over the execution of the order shall be entrusted to the deputy director of the UR

Appendix 6.

Director MBOU "School №169"

Abakumova E.V.




Tasks for preparing for certification to eliminate academic debt on _________________________ for the course ____ class for _______________________________________________________________________ (surname student)


Date "___" ______________ 20 __

Painted _________________________ / ___________________________ /

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169


"____" _____________ 20__ № ___

On the results of liquidation

academic debt

In accordance with the order

based on the results of certification to eliminate academic debt


p / P.






2. Class leaders:

2.1. Include personal affairs and class logs, relevant entries;

2.2. To give this order to the attention of parents and students.

3. Control over the execution of the order to entrust to the deputy director of the UR

School Director: E.V.Abakumova

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169


Elimination of academic debt

FULL NAME. Chairman of the Commission: ___________________________________

FULL NAME. Commission members: _____________________________________


Shape: ___________________________________________

(The package with the material is attached to the protocol).

On certification was the ____ people admitted to him.

Not appeared ____ people.

Certification began at ____ h. ___ min., ended in ___ h ___ min

P / P.




Annual score

assessment for certification



Special marks of the members of the Commission on the assessment of the answers of individual students _______


Establishment of cases of violation of the established procedure for exam and decision of the Commission: ___________________________________________________________________________

Exam Date: ___________________ 20

Date of application in the Protocol of Estimates: _____________20

Chairman of the Examination Commission: _______________________ / ________________ /

Commission members ___________________________ / _________________________ /



Appendix 9.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169

And s in uh e n and e

Dear _______________________________________________________________


We bring to your information that your son / daughter / ____________________________________


school ___ ______ class, according to the results of 20__ - 20__ the school year, has unsatisfactory estimates on ________________________________________________________________________

and the decision of the Pedagogical Council to him / her / extended the deadlines for the end of the school year.

Responsibility for the liquidation of academic debt learning and visiting schedule classes is assigned to parents (legal representatives).

The student is given the opportunity to eliminate academic debt

for the next school year.

Classroom teacher: _________________ /_________________________/

Introduced _________________ Painting Parent: _____________ / ______________________ /


With the schedule of classes and the deadlines for the surrender of academic debt.

Introduced ______________ Painting Parents: ________________ / ______________________ /


Appendix 10.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school № 169

And s in uh e n and e

Dear ___________________________________________________________________


We bring to your information that your son / daughter ___________________________________


teaching ___ ______ class, according to the results of 20__ - 20__, the school year has unsatisfactory estimates on ___________________________________________________

and the decision of the Pedagogical Council in accordance with Article 58 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is left __ to a repeated course of study in _____ class.

Based on Art. 58. Students that have not mastered the program of the school year on two or more subjects at the discretion of parents (legal representatives)

Reserved for re-training;

Continue learning in another form.

Your decision to express in the form of a statement addressed to the School Director.

Classroom teacher: _________________ /_________________________/

Introduced ________________ Painting Parents: ________________ / __________________ / /


The provision is considered on the MBOU Pedsove"School number 169"

_____ from "_____" ___________ 201

Put into action by order of the director

_____ from "____" ___________ 201

1. The development of the educational program (with the exception of the educational program of preschool education), including a separate part or the total volume of the educational subject, course, the discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students conducted in forms defined by the curriculum, and in order , established educational organization.

2. Unsatisfactory results of interim certification for one or more educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) of the educational program or the obstruction of intermediate certification in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt.

3. Students must eliminate academic debt.

4. Educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor training, which ensure the receipt of educational general education in the form of family education, are obliged to create conditions for learning to eliminate academic debt and ensure control over the timeliness of its liquidation.

5. Students with academic debt are entitled to undergo intermediate certification according to the appropriate training subject, a course, discipline (module) no more than two times within the time limits determined by the organization exercising educational activities within one year from the date of the formation of academic debt. At the specified period, the time of the learning disease, finding it in academic leave or maternity leave, is not included.

6. For intermediate certification, the Commission is created for the second time the educational organization.

7. No charge charges are not allowed for the passage of intermediate certification.

8. Trainers who have not passed the interim certification for good reasons or having academic debt are translated into the next class or the following course conditionally.

9. Students in the educational organization on educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education, which did not liquidate academic debt on the time of education from the moment of its education, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are reserved for re-training, and are transferred to adapted educational training. Program in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission or on training according to an individual curriculum.

10. Students on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, which have not liquidated in the established period of academic debt, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

11. Educatives on the main professional educational programs that have not liquidated academic debt on time, are deducted from this organization as not fulfilling the duties for the conscientious development of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.

The elimination of academic debt is an unpleasant problem for all its participants and, above all, for a student and his parents. From the analysis of the fact that visitors to our blog are written in their comments and parents on the forums in the Internet network, it can be concluded that the problem here is that those and others do not know the legislation on this issue, or neglect them or, Taking advantage of the ignorance of the law by the other party, mislead it.

In order to avoid misunderstandings on academic debt issues, all its participants should comply with the provisions of Article 58 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ.
What is required for this?
The school should develop the necessary local acts and documentation, whose provisions should not contradict the requirements of Art. 58. Such a local act may be: a provision on the quality control system of education, the provision on the interim certification, the provision on the elimination of academic debt, the situation on the conditional translation, etc.
In the Charter of the school, the form of intermediate certification should be reflected in the manner governed by local regulatory acts.
In the state of intermediate certification, the form in which the certification will be carried out by one or another object (an essay, test, essay, etc.), the procedure for the preparation of certification materials, certification and evaluation criteria, the conditions for re-certification, the composition of the Commission for its implementation, the procedure for issuing certification materials and the provision of advisory assistance to the student.
The provision on the form of interim certification at school is primarily an effective working tool for defending the position by each party in the communication of parents with the school administration.
Local acts must be posted on the school site so that parents can get acquainted with them at any time.
Organization of work on the liquidation of academic debt, its results are issued by the administrative act of the school.
The school notifies the parents of the student who received academic debt.
The schedule of the elimination of academic debt is consistent with the parents.
Parents must be familiar with all these documents.
School can have consultative Help Parents and disciples in preparation for the elimination of academic debt.
Who solves the fate of the student, in case it does not eliminate academic debt?
An unambiguous answer to this question is given in paragraph 9 of Art. 58 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" - parents decide. Only at their discretion, the student can be left for re-training, translated into training on adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission or on training according to an individual curriculum. And all!
Thus, the school has the right to use only those legal mechanisms that are provided for by the legislation on education. In particular, pedsovets, when deciding on the liquidation of academic debt, has no right to go beyond the powers provided for in Article 58 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation". The administration and teacher of the school are not entitled to threaten leaving for the second year in the event of the imposition of academic debt, violate the right of the student to re-certify in the presence of the Commission.
On the schedule of liquidation of educational academic debt
In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 58, students who have academic debt are entitled to undergo intermediate certification in the deadlines determined by the school, within one year from the date of the formation of academic debt. Thus, education legislation provides the school right to set the deadlines for the elimination of educational academic debt unilaterally, which can lead to the time that the study will not be able to prepare well. Therefore, it is advisable to coordinate with the parents the deadlines for the elimination of educational academic debt, based on the actual preparedness, with the design of coordination in writing.
A source:
Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 №273-ФЗ
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013. N1015 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities Basic secondary programs - educational programs of the initial general, basic general and secondary general education "
Also in the blog
"Academic Debt of Schoolchildren - Administrative Aspect"

Elimination of academic debt schoolboy under the Law on Education: 16 comments

    3 class student, on the subject "music" is not certified (he has two troops for a quarter of training, not one missed lesson), not mediocre before the fact, not notifying parents in advance what to do in this case .... And how to avoid re-occasion ... The Diary Evaluation does not put (not when teachers)

    I want to ask such a question. Can my son, a class of grade 2, give arrears in the Russian language in August before the start of the school year? At school, they could not be vacation.

    Hello. A class student 10 has 10 unsatisfactory marks for the year. I studied Article 58 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ and realized that, without my consent, the school had the right to leave him for re-learning. IN local act Schools on debt elimination only September
    (Is it legitimate?) In case of not the liquidation of debt, I will not write a statement for re-learning. Let us immediately on the IUE. According to the program of which class will be trained?

    Gve in chemistry wrote to unsatisfactory, 9 sklass, all the other items passed when it will be retracted.

    I have the next question.
    The child has academic debt on the subject of grade 7. It is conditionally translated into the next class and did not eliminate the debt.
    If parents choose the IUE, then will it be necessary to pass again by intermediate certification for grade 7? Or only certification for grade 8, in which he learns?

    Good evening! The child did not surrender academic debt on geometry, physics, conditionally translated into grade 8, quarter apparently finished with unsatisfactory assessment again in mathematics and physics, the teacher says does not translate the student in the next class what to do?

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