Portuguese tutors. Portuguese with carrier of portuguese lesson with carrier

Centre foreign languages "Intelligent Plus" offers you courses of Portuguese with a carrier. Individual classes with a native speaker most effective and productivebecause All the attention of the teacher is given only to you. The language is easy to master those who are already posted in English, and will not at all make up difficulties to learn Portuguese for those who are familiar with Spanish.

Portuguese is state language eight states located on four continents of the globe. According to the number of speakers on it, he takes the sixth place in the world. Its widespread in the world is due to the fact that, starting from the fifteenth century, Portugal, being a leading marine power in the world, begins expansion on all continents.

Portuguese is very melodious because of its funny pronunciation. Grammar rules are largely similar to Italian and Spanish. You will easily master the entire material using audio and video materials. Language teacher will find everything educational materialscorresponding to your needs when learning the language.

It is known that Brazil, where Portuguese is official language, ranks second among countries Latin America In terms of the development of its economy. If you plan to develop a business with this country, the courses with the portuguese carrier are the right decision.

We will be glad to see you in our courses!

The Ensina-Me Language Center opened its doors for students in early 2010. It seems quite a bit of time, but we have already won respect and the love of hundreds of our students.

Our courses use an innovative technique, which is different from teaching languages \u200b\u200bin Soviet or Russian schools. Along with the introduction of new technologies that allow you to more productively approach each lesson, we try to carefully preserve the best traditions of classical academic education.

The teaching technique is characterized by dynamism, interactivity, covers both daily household situations and the difficult grammatical aspects of the language. Regardless of the selected learning program, we try in each specific case, to adapt our course to the individual needs of the student.

Teaching courses from the very beginning is carried out exclusively in a foreign language. We pay special attention to the communicative methodology of classes, so most of our teachers are native speakers from different countries World. This is key feature Our center, as according to our research, it is training with native speakers will help you feel that it is easy to communicate in a foreign language - easily and naturally.

For us, the most important thing is the result you get, visiting classes. We do not just give you knowledge, we teach you to apply them in practice, even if you start to be afraid to make mistakes. The most important thing is to speak in a foreign language - easily and easily, use modern and idiomatic expressions and "do not climb into a pocket dictionary." We want, at any point in the world you could feel at an equal footing, without experiencing problems with the expression of our soaps in a foreign language.

Teach you to speak - this is our task. Do you need a language for work, study, communicating with friends or for travel - we will always help you achieve the goal. And we try to do everything to achieve this result most effectively, in a short time and with maximum comfort for you.

You can choose a learning program that is suitable for you, and this will help you with our administrators. Contact us and we will select the course of study, most suitable for you

What is different from others?

Narrow specialization - only Portuguese and spanish languageand

We are the only language center in Moscow, which is professionally engaged in training exclusively Portuguese (European and Brazilian options) and Spanish. Therefore, we fully focus on the selection of the best teachers in this area and ensure really high quality educational process. This is our fundamental difference from others. language Schoolsin which the focus is on english language, and the rest of the languages \u200b\u200bare secondary.

Qualified teachers

The Portuguese language course is conducting teachers of Portuguese speakers from Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique and other portuguese-speaking countries. Spanish taught Spanish media from Spain, Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia and Argentina. They are fluent in Russian and have extensive experience with Russian-speaking students. They will help you effectively overcome the language barrier In communication and quickly get rid of the accent. In addition, you will not have difficulties in understanding new grammatical structures, since it is a grammar teacher explains in Russian.

Carrier of Portuguese or Spanish as no other can tell you not only about phonetic features and grammatical difficultiesWith which you encounter when learning a language, but also tells you about the mentality of residents of another country and about the features of communicating with them. The study of Portuguese with a carrier or study of Spanish with a carrier gives an indisputable advantage - you can learn a lively language in which there are features other than grammar and rules specific traits And the nuances familiar to the one who actively and constantly communicates in this language.

Also in our center, Russian-speaking teachers conduct courses. All of them have a higher linguistic or philological education, the level of language proficiency at the C2 level and work experience of at least 5 years.

Training at any time of the day

The doors of the language center are open from early morning to late evening. Classes in groups pass in the morning, day and evening. Individual lessons pass at any time. You can assign a lesson at 7 am or at 22 pm - and we will wait for you in the audience \u003d)

Cozy homely atmosphere

The study of the Portuguese and Spanish language takes place in small groups (up to 8 people), in mini-groups (2-3 people) or individually, which allowed us to create a homely cozy atmosphere at school, in which knowledge is learned "on the fly." You can simply come to the lesson greeting, make yourself a sketch of fragrant coffee and read the magazine or a book in Portuguese from our library.

Wide selection of training forms

We offer the study of Portuguese and Spanish in a group (4-8 people), in a mini-group (2-3 people), individually, remotely on Skype. What a form of learning language is more suitable for you - to solve only you. Someone is more convenient to study in the language study group to evaluate your knowledge against the background of others, see the mistakes of other students, work in the team. And someone prefers the individual form of studying the language so that all the attention of the teacher (tutor) focuses on it, and nothing distracted and prevented.

We carry out highly specialized and author courses: Preparations for international exams in Portuguese (Ciple, Deple, Diple, Daple, Duple, Celpe-Bras), preparation for international examinations in Spanish (DELE), business Portuguese and business Spanish courses, short course "Telephone negotiations in Portuguese", Management and office work in Portuguese and Spanish, a short course "Preparation for traveling to Portugal and Brazil", and "Preparation for traveling to Spain and Latin American countries", Explosed Portuguese Courses for those who own Spanish, Special Courses in grammar, In-depth course "Staging and fixing pronunciation."

Own tutorials store from Portugal and Brazil

We are the only online store in Russia, which is engaged in the spread of Portuguese educational and methodical manualsWe are the official dealer of such publishing houses as Lidel, Porto Editora, EPU.

Privileges for our students

Flexible pricing policy and a developed discount system for our students.

10% for the lessons in the group, if you want to study the second language in parallel;

7% for you and your friend (on the action "Bring a friend");

10% on individual lessons if you are already engaged in the group;

10% for the purchase of educational literature in the online store PORTUGUES.BZ;

The gift pool system that can be spent on the purchase of educational literature and visiting our filmlub and master classes.

Warranties for our students

We will refund you 100% of payment made at any time after the conclusion of the contract and before the start of classes. If the course has already started, but for serious reasons you cannot continue learning - we will refund your money for incredible lessons at the rate. If you have passed the full level, but still not sure about your knowledge - we will offer you to take several individual lessons to fill the gaps and go to the next level with confidence in your knowledge or you can repeat the level with a discount of 50%.

If you have ever studied Portuguese or Spanish language yourself or with a teacher - we will help to identify your level of language proficiency and offer the most optimal program of further learning.

Well, if you are new to - you can sign up for us right now, or call and get all the necessary information.

If you are a fan of the proverb "It's better to see once than hearing than a hundred times" - you can use our free trial lesson service to see the learning process. To do this, contact the administration of courses.

Do not delay the solution to "learn or not learn?"! We will help you in getting new knowledge and ability to communicate in Portuguese and Spanish!

Often, we face the task of learning foreign languages. If this is a language on which half of the world speaks, then find a high-quality tutor is easy. But the good tutor of the Portuguese language in Moscow is rare. Moreover, the lessons give not so many teachers. Yes, of course, the courses of Portuguese in Moscow are, but they do not come in comparison with the private lessons of Portuguese. After all, classes with a teacher, especially if he is a native speaker, more efficiently. The study of the Portuguese language is individually - this is not a privilege. Everyone can choose a suitable teacher. Many tutors in Portuguese are collected on our website. Now learning tongue has become much easier - you can choose a tutor coming to you or living nearby. No need to spend time on it and adapt to other people's charts. Courses of any language do not enable the opportunity to learn at a convenient schedule for you. There is a set schedule of classes and formed groups. If you can't come, no one will cancel the lesson. In this sense, the study of the Portuguese language on courses is very uncomfortable. But, it is worth noting and pluses group classes - Portuguese courses in Moscow are cheaper than individual sessions. But cheaper does not mean better and better. In addition, you may not need to go to courses for a year, such a volume you can pass with a tutor for six months and the price is even less. Thus, if you need a portuguese teacher, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the above questionnaires.?

The services of Portuguese tutors today are very in demand. This language is quite common. Someone studies him with the goal of career growth. Others plan to travel a lot. Third are going to permanent residence. Help learn linguistic subtleties can a portuguese tutor.

If the portuguese study is in your nearest plans, the Language Club offers to assist in the realization of the conceived. We work with us the best teachers from Spain, Portugal and countries South America. In the arsenal of each teacher, rich work experience and perfect knowledge of the subject. All teachers of the club philological and teacher Educationobtained by the best universities Europe and South America.

Training in our courses is based on the communicative technique using modern materials and effective techniques that can not always offer a regular tutor of Portuguese. Knowledge obtained in classes with a carrier teacher are easily applied in practice.

It would seem that the tutor of the Portuguese language is quite simple. Many private professionals offer such services today. However, practice proves that classes with a carrier teacher are more effective than lessons with the usual tutor of Portuguese.

Portuguese profitable and convenient

To write to our courses, you must send an online application. In the very near future, the coordinator of the Portuguese department will contact you and clarify the details. At the same time, many of our clients start learning directly on the day of appeal! However, the place and time of classes determines the study itself, taking into account the personal schedule.

In addition to convenience, the cost of learning in courses will please you. The club offers a more favorable price of the lesson than the usual tutor of Portuguese. In addition, we often make discounts to our customers, seeking training in our language center to be not only effective and interesting, but also beneficial!

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