What city is good ecology. Perfect city: What should he be? Clean city: evaluation criteria

Anyone from nature is intended to seek to live in the best conditions. The progress of civilization is aimed at this: energy becomes cheap, and household appliances and cars simplify life. But progress has a shadow side, and for their comfort, people pay not only money, because health suffers from this. In megalopolis, full of industrial enterprises, most of which pollute the environment.
Rosstat every 2 years publishes a newsletter, which provides the most important indicators related to environmental protection. There is data on Russian cities, indicating the number of polluting emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources (enterprises) and motor vehicles. At the same time, not all Russian cities are reflected in the statistics of Rosstat, but only industrialized centers, but few "smoking" small towns are not taken into account here. Below is a list of the most pure cities of Russia from those whose population is within 250 thousand - 1 million people.

1. Sevastopol, Crimea (414,300 people, emissions - 9 200 tons, 16% - enterprises)

The Crimean atmosphere sevastopol enriches a very small amount of emissions, among which the lion's share belongs to engines of cars. The population of the city is quite mobile, there is a certain seasonality of migration, which does not give accurately calculate its number. Within Sevastopol itself there are many sections with a clean sea, transparent water. Such, for example, include famous Balaclava beaches.

2. Taganrog, Rostov region (253,500 people, emissions 18 000 tons, 38.8% - enterprises)

This city on the banks of the Azov Sea is an excellent example of a combination of developed tourism with a no less developed gravity industry. Although enterprises are unable to efficiently get rid of waste, but they use the "services" of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and its significant abilities to natural self-cleaning. And the excessive dryness of the air soften the sea breeze. About 10 years ago, the city authorities decided to play the city's cleaning. This "green" policy they continue today, which could not but affect the most the best way on an ecological situation.

3. Sochi, Krasnodar Territory (400,000 people, emissions 21 200 tons, 16.9% - enterprises)

Even before the Winter Olympics, the famous resort town was absent in the list of the cleanest Russian cities, but as a result of preparing for her, he transformed so much that he got into it. As always, seeking to show yourself from the best side to foreigners, utilities of the city literally to the brilliance "licked" and so a successful resort town, bringing it to the state of exemplary. In addition, there are no harmful enterprises of the processing and heavy industry at all, but there is a huge number of parks and green plantings, and even location on the sea coast. Because of all this, Sochi became one of the steadst cities in the country. After the completion of the Olympic Games, the city continues to follow, so it has become a more attractive goal for rest at any time of the year. The holding of the Olympics left behind a well-developed infrastructure, so living in Sochi has become even more comfortable and safe.

4. Grozny, Chechen Republic (280,200 people, emissions 21 900 tons, 49.7% - enterprises)

There is no developed industry in the capital of Chechnya, but there are several large enterprises here, it is possible to include "Grozneftegaz", "Transmash", "Electropult-Grozny". Only by these enterprises in the atmosphere of the city are emitted without a small half of toxic emissions.

5. Kostroma (273,400 people, emissions 22 600 tons, 31.8% - enterprises)

Kostroma is included in the famous gold ring of Russia, but besides monuments of history and architecture, a great environmental situation is supported here. At the same time, there is almost no serious industry in the city, the exception can only be called the Woodworking Combine "Film". It helps and the fact that the city is surrounded by dense forests, numerous lakes and rivers. The most dirtiest object of Kostroma is ... The Volga flowing through her, but its water is poisoned above the course, where, in particular, there is another participant in the Golden Ring - Yaroslavl, in which there are many dirty industries.

6. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia (308,300 people, emissions 22 800 tons, 12.6% - enterprises)

The capital of North Ossetia or in local Alanya took the sixth place in the ranking of the cleanest Russian cities. There are many greens, beautiful nature, sources of mineral and purest drinking water - everything you need for a paradise town. True, overshadows a folding favorable picture "Electrozinc" factory, which is the main source of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. It is from them that the inhabitants of the city and the nearest suburbs suffer most. Even worse, small accidents that are constantly happening on production, and they can lead to significant problems, such as, for example, occurred in 2009 after another emission. But the machines here are much stronger than air - about 85% of pollution accounts for their exhaust pipes.

7. Petrozavodsk, Karelia (272 100 people, emissions 23 400 tons, 13.5% - enterprises)

The capital of Karelia is one of the purest Russian cities. From all sides it is surrounded by forests, and on the very territory of the city of the sixth, his part is given under the parks. There is a very attractive environmental situation, and the amount of emissions continues to decrease. If you compare with the 90s, now the air in Petrozavodsk has become cleaned 8 times! Reserve "Zaozersky", Onega Lake, Botanical Garden are proud of Petrozavodsk. In general, the pure Onega lake pollutes only the shuya flowing into it.

8. Saransk, Mordovia (299,200 people, emissions 24 100 tons, 29.4% - enterprises)

In 300,000 thousand, Saransk operates more than 10 enterprises, which for a long time contributed to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the city. The Insar River flows through the city, which one of the most polluted in Europe was considered. But in our time the environmental situation has improved significantly. In the old "dirty" enterprises, more reliable treatment facilities were built, and new enterprises are already built taking into account such requirements. Fish has already become in the river. Saransk need to pay tribute that his authorities have always been typical of the desire to make their city cleaner. At first they took up the modernization of existing enterprises, which led to a reduction in their share of emissions by 85%. Residents of the city were able to even take drinking water from under the tap, because new filtering systems made it as harmless as boiled water. Then the town roads were built around the city, so that the rimperics of cars did not pass through it, which brought most of the pollution into the city atmosphere. When these innovations were consistently implemented, the ecological indicators have improved 60% over the past 10 years, moreover, there are prospects to continue this case.

Russia is unique in that due to its huge territory, it turned out to be immediately in four climatic belts. It is clear that in different parts of its climate ...

9. Tambov (285,000 people, emissions 25,500 tons, of which 33.3% - enterprises)

In this regional center, more than a dozen large industrial enterprises. Despite the fact that in the aggregate, it allocates more than 25 thousand tons of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, environmentalists refer to Tambov to relatively prosperous cities. In his favor, the fact that more than 10 parks are broken on its territory and a plant processing plastic waste into granules was built.

10. Yoshkar-Ola, the Republic of Mari - El (260,300 people, emissions 26,200 tons, of which 45.4% - enterprises)

In Russian, the name of the city is translated as a red city, there are several large enterprises, such as the "Mari Machine-Building Plant", as well as several small enterprises in the chemical industry. The city center is sufficiently loaded by road, which only aggravates the environmental situation. Pollution worsen water quality in the city of the Small Cat River. The plus is the foundation of an oak and pine grove right in the city feature, while there are 170-year-old trees there. Almost half of emissions provide industrial enterprises. The current city administration is engaged in solving an acute issue associated with the disposal of household and industrial waste.

The main reason for those who want to move to the suburbs are a more favorable environmental situation.

According to statistics for 2015 by the city of Outsiders of the Moscow region from the point of view of purity, order and landscaping, Klimovsk, Serpukhov, in third place - Balashikha (although, works, for example, very effective). But today we will talk not about anti-peers, but about heroes. Collecting information about the level of environmental pollution, we spent comparative analysis The most environmentally friendly cities of the Moscow region and amounted to a small rating. So, let's begin.

The top of our rating is heading Odintsovo. The city with its biological and landscaped diversity has the ability to restore the ecosystem. The abundance of forests also characterizes it from an ecological well-being. It also contains a variety of sanatoriums, where the residents of the capital and Moscow region come to correct the health of the chloride-sodium brine baths, as well as through water beyon, due to the sulfate-magnesium-calcium composition of water giving healing and rehabilitation properties.

Next, in our list of environmentally friendly cities, Moscow region will pay attention to Korolev. Despite the fact that it is a major scientific and production center of the region, this factor does not significantly affect the environment. More than a third of the territory of the Korolev occupy the squares, parks and green plantings. A significant part of the city is given to the country construction with the already established vanishing complex. Clear buildings of enterprises are perfectly coped with their task - filtering industrial drains, so the results of the study of the chemical composition of water do not cause anxiety. In Korolev, a comprehensive system of measures for the prevention of crisis environmental situations is established.

The top 3 environmentally friendly cities of the Moscow region closes Domodedovo. City with a favorable environmental situation. The forest park area surrounds it almost from all sides. Significant territory in Domodedovo is occupied by the Sanatorium "Moscow region" and the health complex "Bor". Here is also a forest park and pine forest. Pretty extensive part of the land in the city feature is given under the holiday homes. The original landscape located on the hills makes Domodedovo even more attractive.

Moscow region Klimovsk continues our rating. A small town is located on the watershed of Ries and urine rivers. The dam on the Pleet River, which flows through the entire city, forms a large water with a city beach. In Klimovsk, projects are developed aimed at environmental consciousness of citizens with calls to compliance with purity.

The fifth place occupies Golitsyno, located 20 km from Moscow. Being an environmentally friendly zone, the city is framed by forests and decorated with a cascade of pictorial ponds. In connection with the gradual commissioning of new housing, the inflow of the population from other regions of the country increases in Golitsyno. This contributes to the implementation scientific projects In the field of health.

A peculiar suburban Switzerland can be called Krasnogorsk, who retained a significant part of its forests. Most of the territories are engaged in parks, squares and gardens. The forest parks of the city are a kind of oasis system of the metropolitan metropolis. The local movement of environmentals is doing everything possible to preserve the variety of flora and fauna of Krasnogorsk and the region as a whole. Also in the city does not cease to develop programs for water purification.

The environmental situation in the world is changing, and rarely for the better, but there are pleasant exceptions. According to the ecologists, the situation in Moscow and a number of Siberian and Ural cities is better becoming better.

This is one of the reasons why 4-5 different ratings of the cleanest cities of Russia can be found - these are lists for different years. We offer the most apparently new, in which Sevastopol entered.

When evaluating environmentally friendly, the volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and the state of the soil and water bodies, and the solution of the problem of waste, and energy consumption are taken into account. Only large cities in which there is a developed industry were examined. Naturally, small settlements may be cleaner, because they have no enterprises.

This is the main city of the Republic of Mari El, in translating his name means red city. Here there is a number of fairly large enterprises, such as Mari Mary-Building Plant JSC and a number of small plants related to the chemical industry.

There are quite a few vehicles in the city center, but this also does not improve the environmental situation. Small Cochag river flowing in the city and the river suffers to some extent.

Right and oak grove are located right within the city, and the age of a row of trees reaches 170 years. Emissions, almost half secured by industrial enterprises, account for about 26 thousand tons per year. At the moment, efforts are being made to solve an acute question with industrial and household waste.

The center of the Tambov region occupies a ninth place in the rating of environmentally friendly cities of Russia. Despite the fact that emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere of a good tent of industrial enterprises account for about 25 and a half thousand tons per year, the city is, according to ecologists, one of the most prosperous.

In addition to large quantities (at least 10) parks, the city has earned the love of environmental protection of environmental protection thanks to the new plant for processing waste to granules.

The city in Mordovia with an almost three-hundredth thousand population has significantly more than 10 enterprises, which many years have actively worsened the environmental situation in the city.

The Insar river flowing around the city has been among the dirty rivers of Europe.
Now the environmental situation in the city has changed. New, cleaner enterprises appeared, and high-quality treatment facilities are arranged on older.

Modern ecological situation in the world leaves much to be desired. First of all, it concerns large megalopolises with a multimillion population and developed industry. In the article we will tell you about the cleanest cities of the world. However, I warn: After reading this material, you will probably want to change the place of its permanent residence.

Perfect city: What should he be?

Beauty will save the world - approves the famous saying. But cleanliness will make it even more beautiful. Living in the most pure city in the world - and nice, and honorable. After all, walking on well-groomed green streets is much better than inhaling tons of exhaust gases and dust. In addition, the health of the citizens themselves largely depends on the purity of air and quality of water.

It is important to note that a pure city is not just a settlement with green plantings, a well-established street cleaning system and well-kept buildings facades. After all, in our time, the environmental protection factor is coming out, namely, atmospheric air, soil and water.

Based on this, an environmentally friendly city is such a settlement, where primarily follows emissions into the atmosphere, the industrial and utilities are qualitatively cleaned, introduce the latest technology for garbage processing, etc. Let's list the most significant criteria for the city. It:

  • Accessibility and quality of drinking water.
  • Emphasis on the use of renewable energy sources.
  • The presence of a clear mechanism for sorting and processing garbage and household waste.
  • Purity of atmospheric air and soil cover.
  • Condition and reliability of sewer systems.
  • Development of the work of urban transport.
  • The level of development of cycling infrastructure.

The rank of "the cleanest" most often claims American, Canadian, Australian and, of course, European cities. What are these settlements - read further.

Environmentally friendly cities: Top 10

In early 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) amounted to the rating of the cleanest cities of the planet. It was published in the famous British newspaper The Telegraph. In the top ten of this ranking, six European cities were immediately. In its formation, experts were based on atmospheric air pollution.

The "top" list of pure cities of the world looks like this:

  1. Stockholm, Sweden).
  2. Wellington (New Zealand).
  3. Canberra (Australia).
  4. Ottawa (Canada).
  5. Edinburgh (Scotland).
  6. Montevideo (Uruguay).
  7. Tallinn (Estonia).
  8. Helsinki (Finland).
  9. Monaco (Monaco Principality).
  10. Madrid, Spain).

The most dirtiest cities of the planet, according to WHO rating, the largest Asian capital were recognized: New Delhi, Doha and Er Riyadh.

Stockholm - the most pure city in the world

The Swedish capital is considered one of the most "green" in Europe. Approximately about a third of the city square occupy green plantings - parks, squares, gardens and other wood plantings. In addition, Stockholm is famous for its home waste disposal system. In particular, they produce biological fuel.

Every year, the city reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere (since 1990, total emissions decreased by quarter). The local authorities of Stockholm take care not only about the purity of the air. The city is perfectly debugged by the public transport system. Plus, all Stockholm boasts a magnificent cycling infrastructure. The city is constantly operating about a hundred bicycle rental stations.


Wellington - the second in the list of the cleanest cities according to the World Health Organization. The capital of New Zealand due to the ideal purity, a favorable environmental situation, beautiful natural landscapes and an abundance of architectural attractions attracts a huge number of tourists (about 3.5 million per year).

In terms of air quality, electricity saving, the complexity of the processing of garbage of Wellington occupies one of the first positions in the world. Well-groomed streets, the abundance of green zones and beaches make this city one of the most attractive people.


It is impossible not to mention our article and about the Danish capital. Copenhagen is the most favorable city of Europe for cyclists. Every second its resident regularly moves on a two-wheeled vehicle. Thanks to this, Copenhagen is famous for the extraordinarily low content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Another "chip" of this city is the construction of energy-saving residential buildings. Local authorities in every way stimulate the inhabitants to set high-quality windows and modern systems Heating. Much attention is also paid to the development of wind power. In addition, Copenhagen leads in Europe by the number of so-called "green" (environmentally friendly) hotels.


One of the most friendly, safe and clean capitals of the world is Helsinki. This is the most important scientific, cultural and educational center in Northern Europe. Helsinki itself is located on more than 300 islands. His inhabitants, like True representatives of Scandinavia, are also very like to move on a bike or on foot.

In the city of Helsinki, an effective program for the protection of the natural environment and natural resources. Waste recycling here is organized at the highest level. The plans of local authorities are the construction of a complex of wind power plants that could fully ensure the needs of the Finnish capital in electricity.


Canadians - world-famous purity and fighters for a healthy lifestyle. Behind the environmental situation in this country is closely monitored in all cities. Separately, it is worth talking about Calgary and Vancouver.

Calgary's city is located in the southwestern part of Canada, within the province of Albert. He is incredibly lucky with landscapes: immediately behind his feature - hayflash and the foothills of the picturesque rocky mountains. Many green zones are broken in Calgary, in particular, Noouse Hill is the largest city park of Canada.

In 2010, Calgary was awarded the title of the most pure city in the world (according to the Mercer Human service). In particular, the almost complete absence of transport problems in the metropolis with a population of about 1.2 million people was noted. The most amazing thing is that in the city of Calgary concentrated a large number of "Dirty" enterprises for the extraction and processing of natural gas. But thanks to the effective environmental program, the authorities managed to protect its inhabitants from harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Calgary has very high penalties for environmental pollution. So, the cigarette crank can do without the offender one thousand dollars.


Vancouver is another Canadian city that takes care of ecology. Over 90% of its electricity needs, it satisfies at the expense of hydroelectric power plants. Vancouver set himself an ambitious task - by 2020 to become the greatest city in the world. To implement this noble goal, a special GCAT structure was also created. Every year the number of electric vehicles increases in the city, the quality of drinking water is improved, a huge number of young trees are planted.


The Japanese to any question are suitable with all seriousness and scrupulousness. Including the problems of ecology. Cobe City is a major industrial center and an important shopping port of Japan. Here, one of the most effective sewer water purification systems in the world is successfully functions. The city authorities invest in colossal funds in the development of public transport, encourage the purchase of hybrid cars. The result of all these actions is clean water and clean air, despite the abundance of industrial enterprises located in Kobe.


In the queue - the American city of Minneapolis, the largest in Minnesota. It is located on the shores of Sacred for all Americans of the Mississippi River. Minneapolis is famous for the large number of garbage processing enterprises. Practically process here - from plastic bottles to batteries and lamps. A variety of environmental programs are regularly implemented in the city, bicycle transport develops and popularizes.


And again we go back to Europe, or rather - in Latvia. Here in the vicinity of Cēsis is a unique town of 300 hectares. He was founded by one Latvian millionaire, obsessed with the ideas of a pure environmental medium.

There are three hundred houses built of wood on the territory of Amatziems. Each house ownership is fixed a small plot of land with a lake and forest. Each of the houses is heated using a special geothermal pump, which converts the internal energy of the Earth into thermal.

The town was built in a hilly terrain, thanks to which one of the windows of one house is not visible absolutely nothing but the greenery of surrounding meadows and forests. There are no fences or fences. Therefore, the city often koshuli and other forest beasts. By the way, many architects have already managed to nose Amattsiems by the city of the future.

The cleanest and most dirtiest cities of Russia

The Ministry of Environment, together with the All-Russian Popular Front, determined the cleanest cities of Russia (based on the environmental situation). The rating was compiled in November 2017. His leaders were three cities: Naberezhnye Chelny (first place), Kazan and Voronezh.

The assessment was carried out immediately in several indicators. In particular, the quality of drinking water, the volume of energy consumption, as well as work in the field of environmental protection was taken into account. In total, 103 settlements with a population of over 100 thousand inhabitants were rated.

Moscow in this rating took only the 16th place, St. Petersburg - 26th. Among Russia, Blagoveshchensk, Kaliningrad, Cherepovets, Ivanovo and Magnitogorsk were among the most dirtiest cities in Russia. By the way, the local authorities of these settlements did not provide in full departure necessary information. In this regard, the ministry specialists suggest that the real environmental situation in the above cities can be even worse.

In our age, continuing the traditions of the previous century of scientific and technological progress, people learned to appreciate the ecology. Today everyone wants to breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat healthy food. Some decide these questions to buy clean water in the store, installation of the house of air purifiers and the purchase of expensive, but natural, food. Other people try to move to a cleaner terrain. But where to look for such oasis cleanliness? Let's see where the cleanest cities in the world are located.

The Forbes published American edition published the rating of the most environmentally friendly countries of the world. 140 countries were evaluated by the Environmental Performance Index technique developed by Colombian and Yale Universities. The technique is based on an environmental assessment of 25 criteria (ranging from the purity of air and water quality and ending with biological variability and use of pesticides).

1. Shweq

Switzerland scored 95.5 points out of 100 possible.

State in Central Europe; Borders with France, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Italy. Area - 41.3 thousand square meters. km. The country is located in the Alps. From the southwest to the northeast, a system of powerful mountain ranges is stretched - Penninsky, Lepontinsky, Retal, Glarn Alps. On average, they rise on you. 3500 m, and individual vertices (Jungfrau, Finstorearhorn, Matterhorn, etc.) - above 4000 m. The highest point of the country is Peak Dufur (4634 m). In the mountains there are many fibrines and glaciers, whose total area is approx. 1950 sq. M. km. The main passes (Saint-Bernard, Saint-Gotard, Symplon, Bernina) are located above 2000 m. North-west of the Alps at altitudes 400-1200 m, the Swiss plateau with a hilly relief and numerous lakes. Even further to the northwest and west at altitudes up to 1679 m, the mountains of Yura and the same-name karst plateau are rising. The climate is moderate, wet, in the mountains is clearly expressed high-rise lower. The average January temperature on the Swiss Plateau OK. 0 ° С, on you. 1500 m 7 ° C, on you. 2500 m -14 ° C. The average temperature of July, respectively, +19, + 12 ° C. On the plateau, 800-1200 mm of precipitation falls per year, on the onward western slopes of the Alps - 2500 mm, on the leeward slopes and 1000-1500 mm. In the mountains in the winter there is a powerful snow cover, avalanches are often gathering. Afferent and multi-water; Large reserves of hydropower. Rein (with the influx of aara), are the drowshes of Rhone, Inna, Ticino; Large picturesque lakes - Bodenskoye, Geneva, Lago Maggiore and others. Many lakes and r. Rhine (from Basel) shipping. In Switzerland, the forest covers almost 30% of the territory, agricultural land - approx. 42.5% (Pashnya - 10%, pastures and haymaking - 32.5%). Up to you 800 m prevail Pashnya, gardens, vineyards; The lower parts of the mining slopes are covered with spruide forests from oak, beech, ash, elm, maple, linden; Above (up to 1800-2400 m), coniferous forests of ate, fir, pines and larches are dominated; According to the valleys - Olhi overgrown. Further (up to 2800 m) - subalpine and alpine meadows, thickets Rhododendron, Azalea, juniper, even higher - rocks, snowflakes, glaciers. There are many reserves in the country and reserves; In the East, in the valley r. Evgadine and its surroundings are Swiss national Park.

One of the richest nations in the world in terms of GDP per capita is the cleanest in the world. Switzerland has all the conditions in order to live long life


Kingdom of Sweden - the state in Northern Europe; It occupies the eastern and southern parts of the Scandinavian P-Oov, O-Va Gotland and Eland in the Baltic Sea. Area - 450.5 thousand square meters. km. From East, Sweden is washed by the Baltic Sea and the Botnik Bay, in the south and south-west - Danish strait. In northern I. western parts Countries are dominated by mountains and plateaus, in the south - sophisticated plains and lowlands. Along the border with Norway, the Scandinavian mountains stretch, east of them - up to the combat bay - the plateore of Nor Land. The country's highest point is Mount Kebnecayse (2123 m). In the north of the country there are 370 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200b314 square meters. km. The rivers are spinning, rich in hydropower. Lakes occupy OK. 9% of the territory. Northern territories and highlands are covered with tundra engaged in almost 15% of the country area. One of the main natural wealth Sweden - forests, mainly pine and firing; South 60 ° C. sh. - Mixed. Forests cover 57% of the territory. Large areas are engaged in swamps (14%). There are many national parks and reservations in the country. Agricultural lands are located in the south of the country and in the east along the coast of the Botnik Bay. They occupy a little more than 8% of the territory (6.7% - pashnya; 1.4% - pastures).

The climate is moderate, transition from marine to continental; Because of the high length of the country heavily varies from the north to south. The average temperature of January in the north from -6 to -14 ° C, in the south - from about to +5 ° C; July - from +10 ° C in the north to +17 ° C in the south. The plains drop out 500-700 mm of precipitation per year, in the mountains 1500-2000 mm. In con. 8th. 11 V. Swedish Vikings (famous in Western Europe Under the name of Normanov, and in Russia - Varyagov), made raids on neighboring land, including on Russia, Byzantium and Arab Khalifat. With gray 12 V. Swedish kings committed crusades against the Finnish tribes and in the beginning. 14th century Won Finland. In 1389, a study was concluded with Denmark, and in 1397 - the Triple Union, which included Norway. This junction broke into gray. 15 V. All R. 16th century Sweden entered the fight for domination in the Baltic, which entailed the series russian-Swedish wars. In the 17th century Sweden became one of the most powerful states of Europe, which made it possible to achieve temporary success in the Northern War of 1700-1721. with Russia.


Kingdom of Norway State in Northern Europe; It occupies the Western and Northern part of the Scandinavian P-ov, the Spitzbard Archipelago, the Mesh Bear and Jan Mayen in North Atlantic. Area - 387 thousand square meters. km (including Norway is a mountainous country. Almost all of its territory is occupied by the Scandinavian mountains, strongly dissected by fjords and cutting deep valleys. The highest point is Mount Galhapiggen (2469 m). In the southern and northern parts of the country there are high plographes (Fjelda ), off the coast - a lot of islands.
The mountains are covered with extensive glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200balmost 3000 sq. M. km. In addition, on about. Spitsbergen Glaciers occupy 36.6 thousand square meters. km.

Norway is a highly developed industrial country, one of the richest states of Europe. Gross domestic product is $ 149 billion, per capita there are more than 33 thousand dollars per year. The main source of richness of the country is the production of oil and gas on the shelf of the North Sea and fishing. Electrometallurgy and electrochemistry, pulp and paper and fish processing industry, shipbuilding and manufacturing of marine oil reforms, electrical and electronic industry, production and sale of electricity are developed. In sum, these industries give 31% of GDP. The main branch of agriculture (2% of GDP) is meat-milk cattle breeding, barley and oats are produced from the grain. The services of services and international tourism provide 67% of GDP. The southern part of the country has an extensive network of iron and highways. Many long (up to 10-12 km) tunnels connecting mountain areas; Ferry report through fjords is widely developed, a number of coastal islands are associated with the mainland high bridges.

Capital of Norway - Oslo; Located on the northern shore of the Oslo-Fjord in the northern shower. Based approx. 1048 with con. 13 V. Until 1380 - the residence of the Norwegian kings, from 1572 - the center of the Danish administration in Norway. After a fire of 1624, he was rebuilt in a new place and called Cree-Venia (named Danish king Christian IV). In 1814, declared the capital of Norway. Population - approx. 500 thousand live., In the agglomeration of a large Oslo - more than 900 thousand people. The largest transport node of the country, the port, the international airport of Forneur. Oslo produced a quarter of all industrial products of Norway. Machine-building developed (including shipbuilding); Electrotechnical, electronic, chemical, printing industry. The Museums with the ancient vessels of the Vikings, the legendary "Fram" F. Nansen, Kon-Tichi and Ra-2 Tours of Heyerdala are located on Pengetics.

4. Costa Rica

The Republic of Costa Rica (Ip. Rep? Blica de Costa Rica is translated as "rich coast") - one of the smallest states in Central America. Located in the narrowest part of the coastal connecting two continents. Costa Rica borders with two countries: Nicaragua in the north and republic Panama in the south-east. The Pacific Ocean ishes the coast from the South and the West and the Caribbean Sea - from the East. Despite its location, Costa Rica is predominantly a "white" country. The capital of Costa Rica is the city of San Jose (890 thousand inhabitants). Costa Rica is the first country in the world who has canceled the army - in 1949, after the civil war.

Fourth purity in the world. The Costa Rica economy depends largely on ecotourism, so the country seeks to achieve a zero carbon emission balance for 2021. Costa Rica was able to avoid a serious cutting of forests, which threatens to other countries Latin America. She received 97 points out of 100 possible in the categories "Forests", "Air Pollution" and "Climate Change". On the other hand, the country does not behave very much with the issues of protection and conservation of marine areas in need of protection.


Colombia prosperity is directly related to the fertility of land and growing agricultural products. Including We are talking about growing coffee and colors that provide export income. South American country protects the quality of its lands. Clean Environment Colombia is a guarantee of public health with a lifetime of 73 years.

Colombia (Colembia), the official name of the Republic of Colombia isp. REP? Blica de Colombia is a state in northwest South America. Capital - Bogota. It borders with Brazil and Venezuela in the East, in the south - with Ecuador and Peru, in the West - with Panama. It is washed by the Caribbean Sea in the north and the quiet ocean in the West. The country's falling is derived from the name of the famous navigator traveler, Christopher Columbus, who opened America. In 1819 was proclaimed federal Republic Colombia (or Great Columbia), which united the former Captain General of Venezuela and the Vice-Kingdom of the New Granada. However, afterwards after the separation of Ecuador and Venezuela, the country began to be called new grades. Since 1858, the country has become called the Granada Confederation, since 1863 - the United States of Colombia. Since 1886, the current name was established - the Republic of Columbia. Colombia is one of the two states of South America, which has access to both the quiet and the Atlantic Ocean (Other - Chile). Colombia is washed in the West by the Pacific Ocean, in the North-West by the Caribbean Sea. In the West of the country from the north to the south, the Andes extended by the rivers of Magdalena, Kauca and other smaller. In the East there is a plateau, intersectable Amazon's tributaries. Along the coasts spread lowlands.

In the north of Colombia, there is a pre-liberty lowland with a subequatorial arid climate. Here are the main ports of the country and the main resorts that attract foreign tourists. Here is a separate mountain array of Sierra Nevada de Santa-Martha with a snow-covered top of the Cristobal Colon (5775 m), which is the highest mountain of Colombia. The west coast is engaged in narrow Pacific lowland with abundant sediments throughout the year and large tides, which makes the beaches of this region less popular with tourists. The lagoons along the Pacific coast are busy with powerful mangrove thickets. In the south of the Country of Andes branched themselves on three parallel ridge, called Western, Central and Eastern Cordillera, which are stretched north more than 3 thousand kilometers. In the intermountain valleys there are the main agricultural land and most of the population of Colombia live. But many extinct and existing volcanoes, as well as high seismicity of the territory, damage the population and the economy. The Colombian part of the Llanos region is located in the southern part of the Orulin lowland. Sub-screening hot climate with wet summer and dry winter determines the distribution in the region of wet cereals and palm savannas, gallery forests along rivers and cane swamps. The southeast of the country is occupied by Amazon Selva, located in the region of a constant-wet equatorial climate. Lush impassable vegetation (five tiers of trees up to 70 m high) and a rich animal world are distinguished by a large variety. But due to heavy natural conditions, only 1% of the country's population lives in this region.

6.Nogo Zealand

Malconed New Zealand - Paradise for tourists. The country pays great attention to environmental protection. According to the purity index, it is much ahead of other countries in the region due to the quality of water and air. But industrial enterprises contribute their "dirty lept" emissions of CO2.

The territory of the Northern O-Wa in the East is covered with mountain ranges with heights up to 1400-1700 m. In its central part, there is a volcanic plateau with cones of acting volcanoes - Rupeju (2797 m) and other, geysers, mud volcanoes, hot springs and warm lakes. To the west of this plateau is the extinct volcano Egmont (2518 m). Frequent earthquakes, sometimes destructive power. To the north of the volcanic plateau there is a sobril lowland. There are narrow lowland strips along the sea shores in the south and in the central part of the island. Along the western shore of the southern O-Wa, from the north to south, the mountain range of the Southern Alps with 19 peaks was pulled out above 3000 m and many challenges-ridges. The country's highest point is Cook Mountain (3764 m). For ridges are characterized by alpine relief forms (sharp peaks) and steep sloping slopes. Along the east coast of the South O-Wa, from the north to south, the non-Ukrainaya Canterbury Plain is elongated. In the south-east of the island there are lowland Sauzland and Mountain Plateau Otago, in the southwest - deep fjords (Fjordland National Park).


Life expectancy in Japan is about 82 years old. This is the highest indicator in the world. Partially due to the excellent water purification technologies, sanitation, preventing the use of chemical pesticides and a relatively low level of air pollution. The problem here is the depletion of coastal fish stocks and, accordingly, a decrease in marine biological diversity.

Japan (Yap. Nihon, Nippon), the official name "Nihon Koku", "Nippon Koku", the archaic name "Yasima" (Yap. Yasima) - an island state in East Asia. Located in Pacific Oceaneast of the Japanese Sea, China, North and South Korea And Russia, stretches from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk in the north to the East-China Sea and Taiwan in the south of the country. The name of the country means "the Motherland of the Sun", and that is why Japan is called the "country of the rising sun". Japan is an archipelago consisting of 6,852 islands. The four largest islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Sicoku together make up 97% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe archipelago. Most mountain islands, many volcanic; For example, the highest point of Japan, Mount Fuji - Volcano. With a population of more than 127 million people, Japan takes the tenth place of the world. Large Tokyo, which includes de facto capital of Japan Tokyo and several nearby prefectures, with a population of more than 30 million people is the largest city agglomeration in the world. Being a great economic power, Japan ranks second in the world on nominal GDP and the third on GDP, calculated on purchasing power parity. Japan is the fourth largest exporter and the sixth largest importer.

Japan is a member of the G8 and APEC, as well as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Although Japan officially refused his right to declare war, it supports modern and extensive military power, which is used for self-defense and in peacekeeping operations. Japan is a developed country with a very high standard of living (tenth in terms of human development index). In Japan, the world's highest life expectancy and one of the lowest levels of infant mortality.

Japan remains single country In the world against which nuclear weapons were applied.


The Republic of Croatia is a country in Southeast Europe, in the West and South is washed by the Adriatic Sea. Consists of 4 historical regions: Small Croatia, Dalmatia, Slavonia, Istria. Area - 56,414 square meters. km. The territory of the country has a wedge-shaped configuration: one of the wedges, formed by the Mura rivers, Drava and the Danube in the north and r. Sava in the south, stretches east to Serbia; Another wedge, limited to the Adriatic Sea and Western Ranges of the Dinar Alps, stretches south to the Kotor Bay. Slavonia is a flat territory between the rivers of the Danube, Danube and the Sava (part of the middlenay lowland). To the south-west of it there is a mountain range of limestone Dinar Alps, stretched along the coast of the Adriatic Sea: the highest point is Mount Cinzar (2085 m). In Istria, the plain relief prevails. There are earthquakes. The coastline of the Adriatic Sea is strongly cut. Along the coast, a lot of rocky islands (all of them are 1185).

In Slavonia and Malah Croatia, a moderately continental climate with warm summer (+ 20 ... + 23 ° C) and a cool winter (-1 ... + 3 ° C); In Dalmatia and Istria, the Mediterranean subtropical climate with warm, almost without rain in summer (+25 ° C) and soft, rainy winter (+8 ° C). In winter, the cold northeast wind "Bura" blows. In the Dinar Alps, the climate is mountain, with moderately warm summer, moderately cold in winter and abundant atmospheric precipitation, which because of the asset quickly go into the ground. In the East and the North drops 700-1000 mm, on the Adriatic coast - 800-1500 mm of precipitation per year.

The main rivers - Sava, Drava, Danube and Kupa. The largest lake - Vranges. In the northern part of the country, oak and lime forests prevail; in Slavonia - forest-steppe and steppes; on the Adriatic coast and islands - subtropical vegetation; In the mountains - Dubovo-Grab, beech and pine forests. The cultivated lands occupy 25% of the country's territory, pastures - 22%. In the forests, wolves, bears, deer, roots, boars, foxes, pheasants, wild ducks live in the forests. National parks and Reserves: Plitvice Lakes (16 Karst Lakes, United Waterfalls and River. Koran), Briyuni (Islands with Mediterranean Vegetation), Kornati (Island Group), Paklenica (Rocky Mountains), Velebit (Mountains), Rysnyak (Forest, Wild Fauna) And others. Croatia with its developed tourist industry puts their priority to clean coast. The country on Adriatic demonstrates its visitors a rich fish diversity. Nevertheless, the socialist past is affected: the Soviet era industry serves as a source of greenhouse gases.


The Republic of Albania (from Alb. Skipperia - Country Orlov) is located in the south-east of Europe, in the western part of the Balkan P-Ova; Extracted from north to south along the coast of the Adriatic and Ionian seas. Area - 28,748 thousand square meters. KM. The country is divided into two parts: lowlands, slightly hilly, located along the coast of the Adriatic Sea; Mountain, covers the north, east and south. Mountains occupy 70% of the territory. In the north there are medieval rocky limestone north-Albanian Alps, which are dissected by deep canyon-shaped valleys of mountain r. Drin and her tributaries. In the East there are more smoothed mountain ranges (with the highest top of the top of the golem coast - 2764 m). From the east to the west, they are cut through deep valleys of the rivers Black Drin, Mati, Shkumbini, Devoli. In the south, there are low (from 600 to 2000 m) of the mountains, which are further moving to the Mountain Pindus in Northern Greece. Western seaside lowland has a width. 15-40 km (swollen places), bordered by marine lagoons. The Strait of Kerki RA in the south separates Albania from Ionian O-Greats, and the sheds of Otranto - from the Apennine P-Ova. The territory of Albania seismic. The strongest earthquakes occurred in 1372, 1905,1926,1960, 1979. Climate of the seaside part of the country Subtropical Mediterranean, with warm and wet winter (the average temperature of January from +4 in the north to +7 ° C in the south), hot and dry summer (the average temperature of July from +25 ° C in the north to +28 ° C in the south, sometimes reaches +38 ° C); The precipitation (1100-1800 mm per year) falls predominantly late autumn and winter. The climate of the inner mountainous part of Albania is moderately continental with cold winter (frosts reach -15 ... -20 ° C), more humid and not so hot summer (up to 2500 mm of precipitation per year). The southwestern part of the country suffers from drought in the summer.

Albania, like its Eastern European neighbors, does not belong to the category of countries with an impeccable ecology. But since the country's industry has never worked for complete power (per capita GDP - only $ 6,000) and the country has not undergone total industrialization, Albania produces some greenhouse gases. However, the inclination for the use of furnace heating allows you to assign Albania 47.7 points on the index of domestic air pollution.

10. Israel

Israel, officially State Israel State in the south-west of Asia, the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In the north borders with Lebanon, in the northeast - with Syria, in the East - with Jordan and the Western shore, in the south-west - with Egypt and the Gaza Strip. It was proclaimed on May 14, 1948 on the basis of UN General Assembly resolution (UN) No. 181, adopted on November 29, 1947 (see the UN Plan under the Palestine section). According to the Independence Declaration, Israel is a Jewish state. The same time, Israel is a multinational and democratic state, where, along with Jews, equal rights have all other religious and ethnic groups: Arabs-Muslims, Arabs Christians, Druz, Bedouins, Samaritans , Circassians, etc. In particular, the Friends and Bedouin deputies, the Arab parties and deputies are presented in Knesset.

7.2 million inhabitants of Israel enjoy the quality of water, air, competing in this with the most pure countries Europe. Life expectancy here is 81 years old. Despite droughts, Israel is competent policies regarding its small forests. Beach countries - pesticides that affect food.

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