Regulations on the payment of workers of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian State Humanitarian University (RGU). Regulations on the payment of workers of the state educational institution


"___" __________ 2014

1. General Provisions

  1. The present position establishes the organization and procedure for the activities of the RGU legal clinic (hereinafter referred to as a legal clinic) created by order of the RGGU Rector of 08.02.2010. No. 01-33 / OSR / in order to create conditions for the realization of the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive free qualified legal assistance, protect their legitimate interests, rights and freedoms.

  2. The legal clinic is guided by the Constitution Russian Federation, Federal laws of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 324 "On Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation", dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 30.09. 1999 № 433 "O legal advice (legal clinics) for the population based on universities engaged in the training of legal personnel, "the charter of the RGU, this Regulation, other local regulatory acts of the RGU.

  3. The legal clinic operates as a training and practical structural unit of the Law Faculty of the Institute of Economics, Management and RGGU Rights, implementing the federal state educational standards, educational standards and educational programs to prepare students for future practical activity, Formation of students in the legal specialty skills to provide legal assistance to citizens, legal informing and legal education of the population.

2. The main activities of the legal clinic.

The main activities of the legal clinic are:

  • educational - in-depth theoretical teaching of students, as well as mastering practical skills and skills necessary for the future lawyer;

  • social - providing free legal assistance to citizens who have the right to receive such assistance in accordance with the Federal Law "On Providing Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation";

  • research - preparation of students of analytical materials on various legal issues;
- educational - active participation Students in events on promoting legal knowledge, legal informing and education of citizens.
3. Tasks of the legal clinic:
3.1. Improving the quality of training in the field of jurisprudence.

3.2. Signing forms and methods for learning students of lawyers.

3.3. Strengthening and developing communications to teach the theory of law with legal practice.
3.4. Development of law students skills in the implementation of theoretical knowledge in practice.
3.5. Formation in students of an active civil position in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of both individual citizens and society and the state as a whole.

3.6.Groduction of students to participate in solving social problems Societies by providing free legal assistance to have the right to groups of the population, stimulating the development of public, amateurs began in their work on providing legal assistance to the socially not protected segments of the population in need.

3.7. Establishing business university relations with state authorities and local governments, law enforcement agencies, courts, advocate and other organizations in the interests of legal education and education of students, their involvement of practical legal work.

4 . Structure and statesGuide legal clinicoh.

4.1. The legal clinic is an educational and practical structural unit of the Law Faculty of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IEUP) of the RGU.

4.2. The structure and staff number of the legal clinic approves the Rector of the RGU.


Carries out control over the activities of the legal clinic;

Considers and approves plans for the work and improvement of the legal clinic;

- contributes according to the agreeddirector Institute for Condomics, management and rightsRGU. Representations of the Rector of RGUGU of the standard number, structure, appointmentto the post and liberation from officefull-time employees of the legal clinic;

Determines and approves the teaching staff involved in the work of a legal clinic;

Monitors the involvement of students to work in a legal clinic;

Introduces the recommendation of the RGU proposal to encourage students, especially honored at work in a legal clinic;

Coordinates the issuance of student certificates in the clinic as interns consultants;

Approves the rules for the admission of the population in the legal clinic of the RGU.

4.4. Eldly educational work and work on providing legal assistance to the population in the legal clinic organizes and holds the head of the legal clinic.
4.5. Will with a legal clinic:

Makes sentences Dean of the Law Faculty of IEUP RGSU on the selection and placement of the legal clinic personnel;

Attracts legal students to work in a legal clinic;

  • organizes adoption by students of visitors to the legal clinic and monitors the quality of counseling by students who appeal to the provision of legal assistance;
- Conducts in accordance with the law clinic law clinic (educational and practical) work with students on various issues of law enforcement practice, including based on generalization and analysis of work experience in a legal clinic;

  • in accordance with the curriculum, organizes the study and industrial practice students and give them in the prescribed manner relevant characteristics;
- Training teachers of the Law Faculty as teachers - consultants to work with students in a legal clinic on receiving and counseling of persons addressed for legal assistance;

Takes measures to establish bonds with the authorities state power and local self-government, with law enforcement agencies, courts, advocate and public organizations, attracts to work in the legal clinic of their employees;

Interacts in working with legal administration, departments and other structural divisions of the RGU.

Makes up annually on June 1, the report on the results of the work of the legal clinic for the academic year and represents its dean of the Legal Faculty.

4.6. Deputy Head of the Legal Clinic:

Replaces the head of the legal clinic during his absence;

Conducts in accordance with the legal clinic of the legal clinic of the teacher (educational and practical) work with students;

Carries out control over the provision of legal assistance to the population;

Directly participates in the reception and counseling by students who are applied for legal assistance;

Performs another job according to the instructions of the head of the legal clinic in accordance with the tasks and directions of work of the legal clinic provided for in this Regulation.

4.7. The head of the legal clinic and his deputy are attracted to work in a legal clinic from among those who have qualifications and experience in teaching or practical work According to the legal specialties, and are appointed and exempt from office by order of the RGGU Rector to represent the Dean of the Law Faculty, coordinated with the Director of the Institute of Economics, Management and RGU RIGHT.

4.8.Edevelopment and other technical work in the legal clinic is carried out by a specialist in the educational and methodological work of the legal clinic.

5 . The procedure for providing free legal assistance

legal clinic oh RGGU.
5.1. In accordance with Art. Art. 20 and 23 of the Federal Law of 21.11.2011. No. 324- FZ "On Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation" Students of the RSUU under the control of teachers who study students on legal specialties carry out gratuitous counseling of citizens eligible for free legal assistance.

5.2. In accordance with the current legislation on free legal assistance in the Russian Federation, free legal assistance is provided in the form: legal advisory in oral and writing, making applications, complaints, petitions and other legal documents, as well as in other not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation forms .

5.3. Graduate students and teachers of the Law Faculty can independently receive the population and give legal advice in a legal clinic at no cost.

5.4. Basic principles of free legal assistance:

Ensuring the implementation and protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens,

Social justice and social orientation in the provision of free legal aid;

Availability of free legal assistance for citizens;

Monitoring observance by persons providing free legal assistance, the norms of professional ethics and the requirements for the quality of free legal aid;

Establishing the requirements for the professional qualifications of persons providing free legal assistance;

Objectivity, impartiality when providing free legal aid;

Privacy when providing free legal assistance.

5.5. In the objectives of the development of amateurs, the legal clinic of the legal clinic among students, graduate students and teachers can be created in the activities of the legal clinic.

6. Organization training -Artic work of the legal clinic.
6.1. In a legal clinic in accordance with Art. 13, 27 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", along with an in-depth study of the branches of law, students may undergo training and production practices.

Successful work in the legal clinic of the appropriate duration can be counted as a student as a training or workshop.

6.2. As an educational unit, the practical unit of the Law Faculty of IEUP RGUGU The legal clinic attracts for classes on a voluntary basis mainly by students of the 3rd and subsequent courses of the Law Faculty and performs a program of educational and production practices and other practical training Students in the specialty jurisprudence.

6.3. Work in the legal clinic may be included as a special course in the curriculum of the Law Faculty of RGUGU.

6.4. Control over the passage of the practice by students, assisting them with citizens, consulting on the merits of cases entrusted to students are carried out by the head of the legal clinic, his deputy, as well as teachers-consultants appointed by the Decanate of the Law Faculty.

6.5. A teacher or graduate student of the relevant Department of Law Faculty of the Faculty of Law.

6.6. Forms of work teacher-consultant with students:

Individual work;

Reception and advising citizens with students under the guidance of a teacher - consultant;

Monitoring the compilation of students of statements projects, complaints, petitions and other legal documents;

Conducting trainings in small groups;

Conducting students' certification based on the results of work in a legal clinic;

6.7. The maximum number of students assigned to one teacher-consultant - 6 people.
6.8. Reception, interviewing and legal aid for specific cases, students are mandatory under the control of the consultant teacher.

6.9. Students are obliged to strictly follow the rules for the admission of citizens in the legal clinic, the schedule of classes and duty.

6.10. Students and teachers consultants are obliged to ensure the confidentiality of information obtained when working in a legal clinic.

It is forbidden: to take in the work of authentic documents of customers, as well as to endure any documentation for their affairs beyond the legal clinic.

6.11. Head of the legal clinic, his deputy and teachers-consultants of the legal clinic are responsible for the timeliness, correctness, quality of legal assistance provided by students.

6.12. Students admitted to work in a legal clinic are required:

Observe the present position and the documents of the legal clinic adopted in accordance with it;

  • actively participate in all forms installed for them
    activities of the legal clinic;

  • strictly follow the principles of the legal clinic;

  • carry out all the directions of the Dean of the Legal Faculty,
    head of the legal clinic and his deputy;

  • under the guidance of a consultant teacher to work out
    practical skills working with clients in various forms;

  • take care of the property of a legal clinic.

6.13. The work of students in a legal clinic is carried out during school year In the free time, or on a schedule, as well as during the practice period. Worked time can be summed up. In the process of working in a legal clinic, each student is registered in the journal visits certified by the signature of the head of the legal clinic. In addition, every student providing legal assistance leads a dossier (case) with the introduction of a report on working with each client and legal documents drawn up on specific legal affairs, while ensuring the confidentiality of information.

6.14. Students who have fully passed programs of the legal clinic to acquire professional skills of a lawyer, on the basis of the conclusion of a certification commission by order of the rector of the RGGU, a certificate is issued, confirming that the student (CA) worked (a) as an intern consultant in the legal clinic of the Law Faculty of RGGUI acquired (a) Legal skills.

Certificate is signed by the Rector of the RGU, Dean

law Faculty of RGU and the head of the legal clinic.

6.15. Students, graduate students and teachers-consultants who particularly distinguished at work in a legal clinic to provide gratuitous legal assistance to the population, on the submission of the Dean of the Legal Faculty, may be presented to the encouragement by order of the RGGU Rector.

7 . Financing and property of a legal clinic.
7.1. Financing of the legal clinic is carried out by the Office of Accounting, Economics and Finance of the RGU.

7.2. On the instructions of the rector of RGGU, the necessary premises and property are enshrined for the legal clinic.

7.3. The property of a legal clinic is also formed from the property and funds transmitted to it from the charity, sponsorship, grants, etc., legal entities and individuals cooperating with the legal clinic or law faculty IEUP RGGU.

7.4. Any property transferred to the legal clinic is the property of the RSU and is used only in accordance with the objectives of the legal clinic.

8 . Relationship with structural divisions of the RSUGU andother organs.

8.1. Juridical clinic in its activities interacts with all structural divisions of the RGU, government agencies and local governments, law enforcement agencies, ships, advocate and notary.

8.2. Structural units of the RGUGA provide assistance to the leadership of the legal clinic on training the skills of practical work on providing legal assistance to citizens.

A coordinated claim

Chairman of the Trade Union Committee I. O. Rector of RGGU

teachers and employees of the RSUGU

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8. In the event of a non-marketability of remuneration relations with these Regulations, other local regulatory acts of the RSU, the collective agreement applies the relevant norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. The procedure and conditions for remuneration of workers of the RSUGU

Basic wages

9. The wage system of WGU employees includes the size of salaries (salary), payroll rates, compensation and stimulating payments.

10. The wage system of workers of the RSUGA is set to:

A single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers;

Unified qualifying reference book of managers, specialists

and employees;

State guarantees on wages;

List of compensation payments;

List of types of payments of stimulating nature;

labor relations;

Opinions of the trade union body of workers of the RSUGU.

11. The Fund for the remuneration of WGGU workers is formed on a calendar year, based on the volume of limits of the federal budget budget obligations, funds coming from income-generating activities, and other sources that are not prohibited by law.

12. RGUHA within its funds available to the remuneration of workers independently determines the size of salaries (job salary), salary rates, as well as the size of additional payments, premiums, premiums and other material incentive measures without limiting their maximum dimensions.

13. The minimum sizes of salaries (rates) of WGGU employees are set by the RGGU Rector on the relevant PKG, taking into account the requirements for professional training and skill level.

14. Sizes of salaries (job salary), wage rates are set by the RGGU Rector on PKG qualifying levels based on professional training requirements and level of qualifications that are necessary for the implementation of relevant professional activities, taking into account the complexity and volume of work performed, by multiplying the minimum salary size. According to the corresponding PKG by the magnitude of the raising coefficient on the relevant qualification level of the PKG.

15. Rector of RGGU based on the calculations and within the limits of the funds provided for on the remuneration of workers, independently establishes the size of the increasing coefficients to the minimum salary (rates) on PKG for the relevant qualification levels.

16. The size of the increasing coefficients to minimal salary (rates) on the relevant PKG is calculated on the basis of the differentiation of model positions included in the staffing schedule on the qualifying levels of PKG. These posts must comply with the statutory goals of the RSU and are included in the relevant sections of uniform tariff-qualification directories of works and professions of workers and a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees.

17. The size of the salary of the deputy heads of the RSU structural units (institutions, faculties, departments, branches and representative offices, centers, departments, etc.) is set by 10-20 percent below the official salary of the relevant leader. The specific size of the salary is determined by the rector of the RGU.

18. Differentiation of typical positions is carried out on the basis of an assessment of the complexity of labor functions, the implementation of which is provided for in the exercise of an appropriate position, according to the appropriate profession or specialty.

19. In cases where it is possible to define a specific type of work (its qualitative and quantitative description) performed by employees to implement the statutory goals of the RGU without binding to a specific position, it is possible to establish increasing coefficients on the list of specific types of work. At the same time, the lists of the types of work should initially be distributed according to the relevant qualification levels of the PKG.

Compensation payments

20. Compensation payments are established to salaries (official salary), wage rates of WGGU employees on the relevant qualification levels of PKG as a percentage of salaries (official salary), rates or in absolute sizes, unless otherwise established by federal laws or decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

21. Compensation payments established as a percentage applied to the salary (rate) on the relevant qualification levels of PKG.

22. The following types of compensation payments are established in the RGU:

Payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) hazardous and other special working conditions (according to the results of job certification in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);

Payments for areas in areas with special climatic conditions (for work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas in southern regions Far East, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Chita regions, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Khakassia) - employees of relevant branches and representative offices of the RSU;

Payments for work under conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (posts), overtime work, work at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);

Dumping for work with information constituting state secret, their classification and decaying, as well as for working with ciphers.

23. Specific dimensions Compensation payments may not be lower provided for by labor law and other regulatory acts containing labor law norms.

24. The certification of jobs under labor conditions is carried out in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

25. The dimensions and conditions for the implementation of compensation payments are specified in labor contracts with RGGU employees.

Stimulating payments

26. Stimulating payments in the RGGU are produced in the form of premiums and premiums.

27. Valid and premiums are set for:

Performing complex and responsible works (tasks);

High quality work performed;

An increase in the scope of work in excess of official duties;

Labor intensity;

Labor tension;

Achieving high results in work;

High professionalism in the work performed;

Qualitative implementation of entrusted work related to direct

organization and conduct of the educational process;

High level of performing discipline;

Qualitative implementation of the assigned work related to the provision

educational process or the statutory activities of the university;

Title "Honorary Worker of Higher vocational education

Russian Federation";

university ";


28. The dimensions of stimulating payments are established as a percentage of salaries (rates) on the relevant qualification levels of PKG or in absolute sizes. The list of recommended indicators (criteria) to stimulate workers for quality and the amount of labor is provided in Appendix 1 to this Regulation.

29. Payment of an incentive nature is carried out by the decision of the RGGU Rector within the budget allocations for labor pay, funds from income-generating activities and other funds not prohibited by legislation and aimed at wages:

For the work and representation of the interests of the RSUG in various state bodies and departments;

For the intensity and tension of labor;

Title "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education

Russian Federation";

The title "Honored Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian

university ";

The title "Honored Worker of the Russian State Humanitarian


These payments can be established taking into account the list of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the work of federal budgetary institutionsmarked with Russian.

40. The bonuses of the RGGU rector are carried out taking into account the results of the university's activities in accordance with the target performance of the work of the institution established by Russian, due to the limits of budgetary obligations, centralized by Rosome on these purposes.

41. The dimensions of the recoor bonuses and the criteria for its payment annually are provided for in an additional agreement to the employment contract with the Rector of the RGU.

IV. Other wages

42. The RGGU consists of a single staffing on all structural divisions and categories of workers.

43. The staffing of the RGUGU is annually approved by the RGGU Rector.

44. The number of employees of the RSUG should be sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of its functions, tasks and volumes of work established by the founder.

45. The RSGU provides for the posts of scientific and pedagogical (faculty, scientific workers), engineering and technical, administrative and economic, industrial, educational, scientific and auxiliary, other staff members.

46. \u200b\u200bIn order to apply this provision to faculty professorship, the deputy dean on educational and scientific work, head of the department, deputy head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher, assistant.

47. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, payments for scientific degrees of the Doctor and Candidate of Science are established in the RSU. Employees engaged in part-time, as well as on the terms of incomplete working time, the specified payments are established in proportion to spent time.

48. The size of the rates of hourly wage is established by the RGSU on their own.

49. Employees among the faculty staff consisting in the staff of the RGU can perform pedagogical work on the terms of hourly wage in the amount of no more than 300 hours per year, which is not considered part-time.

V. Final provisions

50. Payment of medical, library and other RGU employees who are not related to educators is carried out in relation to PKG and qualifying levels of similar categories of workers by types of economic activity.

51. Funds for labor fees formed at the expense of the federal budget budget allocations can be directed by the RSU on payments of a stimulating nature. At the same time, since January 1, 2010, the amount of funds for these payments should be at least 30 percent of labor payments.

52. This Regulation comes into effect from 01.12.2008.

53. Since the introduction of these provisions, Local Regulatory Acts of the RSUGU, regulating the WGGU workers' remuneration system, are applied in part not contrary to this Regulation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The International Educational and Scientific Center "Higher School of European Cultures" (hereinafter Munch Central University) is an international educational and scientific structural unit of the Russian State Humanitarian University (hereinafter referred to as RGGU).

1.2. MUNC CSWS was created on the basis of the decision of the SCIENCE Council of the RGU dated 04.24.2007 in accordance with the order of rector No. 01-05-115 / OSN. From 17.05.2007, Munch Central Committee is reorganized and liquidated on the basis of the order of the rector.

1.3. In its activities, Munz Cells is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation,

current legislation, including the Federal Law "On Education" of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (as amended from 01.12.2012 N 273-FZ),

FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ,

other legislative acts of Russia in the field higher education,

Charter of RGU,

this Regulation,

decisions of the scientific council of the RSUGU,

orders and orders of the Rector of RGUG, which are mandatory for execution,

The rules of the internal labor regulation of the RGU and others local acts RGGU

Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection in the RSUGU.

1.4. Munz Cooks is under the jurisdiction of the rector. The control over the activities of the Munch Cezhka is carried out by the rector.

1.5. The composition and number of workers of the MUNC CSWS are determined by the staffing schedule of RGUG, approved by the Rector of the RGU.

2. The main tasks of the activities of Munch Century

2.1. Educational and methodical:

Implementation of the educational program of training masters, students in the direction of 033000 "Culturology" (degree "Master of Cultural Studies") within the framework of the International Master's program, developed jointly with the Institute of Russian Culture named after Yu.M. Lotman Ruhur University in Bochum (Germany);

Development of specialized programs training courses and didactic materials to them, as well as master's educational programs, including international;

Participation in the preparation of masters and graduate students of other RGGU units;

Integration of research, educational and practical activities of undergraduates studying in Munch Pweze, attracting them to independent research work and to professional practical activities;

The publication of educational and methodical literature.

2.2. Research:

Studying the theory and history of the Russian culture of recent decades in the modern European sociocultural context;

Scientific development of modern cultural texts and their fields of operation;

The introduction of the obtained scientific results into the practice of teaching both MUNC CWPs and other educational units of the RGU;

Coordination scientific research in the field of theory and history of the Russian and European culture of recent decades;

Implementation of research and publishing projects with the involvement of leading scientists from Russian and foreign universities and scientific centers.

2.3. Scientific institutional:

Exchange of experience with other UNGU units implementing master's programs;

Organization and holding, seminars, "round tables" and conferences on the issues under study;

Support and development of the site of the MUNC PWS;

Cooperation with the Institute of Russian Culture. Yu.M. Lotman (Germany), Institute of Slavic Slavic University of Innsbruck (Austria), University of Milan (Italy) and other partner universities in Russia and foreign countries When organizing and carrying out block lectures and master classes of foreign scientists, as well as educational and scientific Summer schools and summer academies provided for by the master's program;

Publication of articles I. scientific collections MUNC CWS, including in electronic form.

3. Functions of Munz Past

Preparation of masters, conducting special courses and special seminars in the framework of the implementation of the International Master Program in Russian Culture;

Organization of scientific and pedagogical seminars, scientific forums (round tables, symposia, conferences) devoted to the discussion of the individual aspects of the educational and research issues of the MUNC CWS;

Organization of counseling of foreign students and graduate students passing internship in the RGU;

Creating and supporting an electronic site, which contains interactive electronic pages of specialized training courses, as well as informational materials about research projectsimplemented in Munch Century,

Creation and publication of monographs, individual articles, electronic versions Scientists from Russian and foreign universities and research centers can also be involved in writing computer products of collective work in writing.

4. Rights of Munz Past

4.1. Munz Ceshka independently determines the directions and maintenance of research, coordinates themes with the problems and strategics of educational and research programs of the RGU.

4.2. Employees of the Munz Ceshka periodically (at least once a year) are reported to the general meeting of the Munz Castry, presenting an oral report, a handwritten (electronic) version of the work or its completed fragment, published works. The overall report on the activities of the MUNC CWPs, compiled on materials of individual reports, is replied to the RSUGU Rector.

4.3. Director of the Munch Cooks or his deputy for completion of the tasks have the right to:

Request and receive information from the structural divisions of the RSUGU related to the competence of the highest school of European cultures in accordance with the functions that it performs;

Organize and hold meetings, conferences and " round tables"On issues included in the competence of the MUNC CWS, attracting other employees of the RSU to participate in them;

To make proposals for the movement of workers of the Munz Ceshka, their promotion for the successful work, as well as the imposition of recovery for violation of labor discipline.

5. Director of Munch Pries

5.1. Higher school European crops are headed by director who is appointed and exempt from his post by order of the University Rector.

5.2. Director

Organizes the work, accounts for personal responsibility for the tasks assigned to Munchz, distributes the responsibilities between the workers of the MUNC CWS;

The projects of documents prepared by the Munch Ceshka sees, before signing their leadership of the University;

Subscribes documents on issues within the competence of the Munch PWS outgoing from MUNC;

Takes part in meetings held by the University's leadership when discussing issues related to MUNC CWPs on them;

Conducts operational meetings on issues related to the activities of the MUNC CWS;

Represents the Rector of the University of the necessary references and reports on the work of the Munch Pozebes;

Determines the procedure and timing of the preparation of documents in Munch Century;

Controls the execution of workers of the MUNC of the Arms of their official duties and observance of labor discipline;

Makes the leadership of the University proposals for the promotion of workers and the use of disciplinary measures to them;

Coordinates the work of the Munch Century with other structural university units;

Makes other actions necessary for the University's leadership within the framework of the tasks assigned to Munchz;

In the absence of the director of the Munz of the Tshek, his duties are performed by Deputy Director of the Munz Ceshka in accordance with the established distribution of obligations.

6. Final provisions

6.1. To fulfill the functions and realization of the rights of Munch Century, interacts with other structural university units.

6.2. Changes to this provision may be made by the order of the University Rector.

Approval visas:

Head of Personnel Management

N.N. Nazarova

Head of Legal Control

G.V. Noisky

And about. Director of Munch Priesca

V.Yu. Kudryavtseva

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