Where to find exemplary literature programs. Approximate program of basic general education in literature

Approximate program of basic general education in literature

for educational institutions with the Russian language learning

Explanatory note

Document status

Approximate literature program is based on the federal component state Standard Basic general education.

The exemplary program specifies the content of subjective topics of the educational standard, gives an exemplary distribution of the study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying the sections of the study subject, taking into account the inter-subsequent and inspection links, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of works.

The approximate program performs two main functions:

Information and methodological feature allows all participants educational process Get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe objectives, content, general training strategy, education and development of students with the means of this educational subject.

The organizational and planning function provides for the allocation of training stages, structuring educational material, identifying its quantitative and qualitative characteristics on each of the stages, including for meaningful filling of the intermediate certification of students.

The approximate program is a guide for compiling author curriculum and textbooks, can be used with the thematic planning of the course teacher. The approximate program determines the invariant (required) part training courseOutside which the possibility of copyright is the choice of the variable component of the content of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring of educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the approximate program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, without saying the creative initiative of teachers, and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a training course.

Document structure

The approximate program includes three sections: an explanatory note; the main content with the approximate distribution of study clocks on the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of study of themes and sections; Requirements for graduate training.

The content of literary education is divided into sections according to the stages of the development of Russian literature. Such a sequence is determined by universal for many valid programs by the principle: the course teaching in each of the classes of the main school is most often built in the chronological principle. Thus, the sections of the Program correspond to the main stages of the development of Russian literature, which relates to the task of the formation of students on the logic of the development of the literary process.

The approximate program includes a list of outstanding works. fiction with annotations to them. In this way, a mandatory minimum content of literary education is detailed: the directions of studying the writer's creativity are indicated, the most important aspects of the analysis of a specific work (ideological and artistic dominant works); The historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts, helping the development of literary material. Works of small epic genres and lyrical works Most often accompanied by one common annotation.

Theoretical and literary concepts are proposed in the program, as in educational standardIn the form of an independent heading, in some cases they are included in the annotations to the work offered to explore and are considered in the process of studying specific literary works.

The approximate program does not distribute the training material in individual classes, highlighting the three stages of literary education at the stage of primary general education:

V-VI Classes

At this stage, ideas about the specifics of the literature as the art of the word, the development of the ability of informed reading, the ability to communicate with the artistic world of works of various genres and individual styles are formed. Text selection takes into account age features of students whose interest is mainly focused on the plot and heroes of the work. Theoretical and literary concepts are associated with the analysis of the internal structure of the artistic work - from the metaphor to the composition.

VII-VIII classes

At this stage, the objectives of the development of the ability to formulate and reasonably defend the personal position associated with the moral problems of the work, as well as to improve the abilities of the analysis and interpretation of the artistic text, involving the establishment of the work of the work with the historical era, cultural context, literary environment and fate of the writer. The selection of works at this stage of literary education takes into account the increasing interest of schoolchildren to the moral and philosophical issues of works and psychological analysis. The basis of the theoretical knowledge is the comprehension of the system of literary delivery and genres, as well as artistic directions.

This stage of literary education is transitional, as in the IX class, the tasks of prefigure training of students are solved, the foundations of systematic study of the historical and literary course are being laid.

The approximate program for the V-VI and VII-VIII classes is more open for various options for the copyright course of the course, rather than the program for the IX class, traditionally having a more rigid structural and meaningful basis.

Mandatory in drawing up copyright programs and thematic planning is the allocation of hours on the development of speech: in V-VI classes Students should write at least 4 writings for the school year (of which 3 of the audit works), in the VII-VIII class - at least 5 essays (of which 4 audit writings), in the IX class - at least 6 works (of which 5 audit essays ).

General characteristics of the educational subject

Literature is a basic training discipline that form the spiritual appearance and the moral landmarks of the younger generation. She belongs to the leading place in the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of a schoolboy, in the formation of its world and national self-consciousness, without which the spiritual development of the nation as a whole is impossible. The specifics of the literature as a school subject is determined by the essence of the literature as a phenomenon of culture: the literature is aesthetically mastered the world, expressing the wealth and diversity of human being in artistic images. It has a lot of influence on readers, entitled them to the moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the nation and humanity.

The approximate program is drawn up with continuity with the program elementary school, laying the foundation of literary education. At the stage of basic general education, it is necessary to continue to work on improving the skill of the conscious, correct, runaway and expressive reading, the development of the perception of literary text, the formation of reading skills, education of interest in reading and book, needs to communicate with the world of fiction.

The basis of the content of literature as a training subject is the reading and textual study of artistic works that make up the Golden Fund of Russian Classics. Each classic work is always relevant, as it has been drawn to eternal human values. The schoolboy comprehends the category of good, justice, honor, patriotism, love for man, family; It understands that national identity reveals in a wide cultural context. Holistic perception and understanding of the artwork, the formation of the ability to analyze and interpret the artistic text is possible only with the corresponding emotional and aesthetic reaction of the reader. Its quality directly depends on the reading competence, which includes the ability to enjoy the works of verbal art, developed artistic taste, the necessary amount of historical and theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills that meets the age characteristics of the student.

The course of literature relies on the following activities to master the content of artistic works and theoretical and literary concepts:

Conscious, creative reading of artistic works of different genres;

Expressive reading of artistic text;

Various types of recovery (detailed, brief, selective, with comment elements, with creative task);

Answers to questions that reveal knowledge and understanding of the text of the work;

Memorizing by heart of poetic and prosaic texts;

Analysis and interpretation of the work;

Drawing up plans and writing reviews about works;

Writing works on literary works and on the basis of life impressions;

A targeted search for information based on the knowledge of its sources and the ability to work with them.

The educational subject "Literature" is one of the most important parts of the educational field "Philology". The relationship of literature and the Russian language is due to the traditions of school education and the deep bond of the communicative and aesthetic function of the word. The art of the word reveals all the wealth of the national language, which requires attention to the language in his artistic function, and the development of the Russian language is impossible without constant appeal to artwork. The development of literature as a learning subject is the most important condition for speech and linguistic literacy of the student. Literary education contributes to the formation of his speech culture.

Literature is closely related to other educational objects and, first of all, with Russian. The unity of these disciplines provides, above all, the subject of study is common for the VSR philological sciences - a word as a unit of language and speech, its functioning in various fields, including aesthetic. The content of both courses is based on the basics of fundamental sciences (linguistics, stylistics, literary studies, folklores, etc.) and implies comprehension of language and literature as national-cultural values. And Russian language and literature form communicative skills and skills underlying human activity, thinking. Literature also interacts with the disciplines of the art cycle (music, fine art, world artistic culture): An aesthetic attitude towards the world around the literature is formed. Together with history and social studies, literature appeals to the problems directly related to the public essence of a person forms the historicism of thinking, enriches the cultural and historical memory of students, not only contributes to the development of knowledge on humanitarian objects, but also forms an active attitude to reality, to nature, To the whole world.

One of the components of literary education is the literary creativity of students. Creative works of various genres contribute to the development of analytical and figurative thinking of a schoolboy, largely forming its common culture and socio-moral benchmarks.

The study of literature in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· Education of a spiritually developed personality, the formation of a humanistic worldview, civil consciousness, sense of patriotism, love and respect for the literature and values \u200b\u200bof domestic culture;

· Development of emotional perception of artistic text, figurative and analytical thinking, creative imagination, reader culture and understanding of the author's position; Formation of initial ideas about the specifics of literature in a number of other arts, the need for independent reading of artistic works; development of oral and written speech of students;

· Development of texts of artistic works in the unity of the form and content, the main historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts;

· Mastering the skills of reading and analyzing artistic works with the involvement of basic literary concepts and the necessary information on the history of literature; identifying in works of specific historical and universal content; competent use of the Russian literary language when creating their own oral and written statements.

Place of literature in the federal basis curriculum

Federal basic curriculum for educational institutions Russian Federation Wars 385 hours for compulsory study of the educational object "Literature" at the stage of basic general education. In V, VI, VII, VIII classes stand out for 70 hours (at the rate of 2 academic hours per week), in the IX class - 105 hours (at the rate of 3 student hours per week).

The approximate program is designed for 319 study hours, the provided reserve of free learning time is 66 study hours (or 17%) for the implementation of copyright approaches, the use of various forms of organization of the educational process, the introduction of modern methods of training and pedagogical technologies. The clocks specified in the program, allocated to study the work of one or another writer, suggest the possibility of inclusion, except those named in the program, and other aesthetically significant works, if it is not in contradiction with the principle of accessibility and does not lead to the overload of students.

General education skills, skills and ways of activity

The approximate program provides for the formation of general scientists and skills, universal ways of activity and key competencies. In this direction, priorities for the educational subject "Literature" at the stage of basic general education are:

Allocation of characteristic causal relations;

Comparison and comparison;

The ability to distinguish: fact, opinion, proof, hypothesis, axiom;

Self-fulfillment of various creative works;

Ability to verbally and in writing to transfer the text content in compressed or deployed;

Conscious runaway reading, the use of various types of reading (informational, viewing, search, etc.);

Possession of monologic and dialogic speech, ability to rephrase the thought, choice and use expressive means Language I. signal Systems (Text, Table, Scheme, Audiovizal Row, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task;

Drawing up a plan, thesis, abstract;

Selection of arguments, formulation of conclusions, reflected in oral or written form of its activities;

Use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources, and other databases;

Independent organization learning activities, Owning the skills of control and evaluation of their activities, conscious definition of the sphere of its interests and opportunities.

Results of learning

The results of the study of the course "Literature" are given in the section "Requirements for graduates", which fully complies with the standard. Requirements are aimed at implementing activity, practical-oriented and personally oriented approaches; development of students in intellectual and practical activity; mastering knowledge and skills in demand in everyday lifeallowing you to navigate in the surrounding world, meaningful to preserve ambient and own health.

Category "To be able" includes requirements based on more complex activities: work with a book, to identify copyright, evaluate and compare, allocate and formulate, characterize and determine, expressly read and own various types of recovery, build oral and written statements, participate in Dialogue, understand someone else's point of view and is argued to defend its own, write presentation with elements of writing, reviews about independently read works, writings.

In the heading "Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life", the requirements that are leaving the framework of the educational process and aimed at solving various vital tasks are presented.

Literature as the art of the word (2 hours)

Fiction as one of the forms of development of the world, reflection of the wealth and diversity of a human spiritual world. The origin of the literature. Myth. Literature and other types of art. Mythology and its influence on the emergence and development of literature.

Russian folklore (9 hours)

The collectivity of the creative process in folklore. Genres of Folklore. Reflection in Russian folklore folk traditions, ideas about good and evil. The effect of folklore patterns and moral ideals on the development of literature.

Small genres of folklore.

Genre signs of the proverb and sayings. Reflection in proverbs of popular experience. Metaphoric nature of riddles. Aphoricity and imagery of small folk genres.

Song as a form of verbal musical art. Types of folk songs, their subjects. Lyrical and narrative beginning in the song. Historical songs as a special epic genre.

Fairy tales "Tsarevna-Frog", "Wife-Provenier", "Wolf and Zhuravl" (Possible selection of three other fairy tales).

Myth and fairy tale. Tyives: Magic, domestic, fairy tales of animals. Folk wisdom fairy tales .. The ratio of real and fantastic in fabulous plots. Folklore and literary fairy tale. The concept of epic.

Literary fairy tale

H.K. Andersen (4 hours)

Word about the writer.

Tale "Snow Queen" (possible choice of another fairy tale).

The struggle of good and evil in the fairy tales of Andersen. Writer's skill in building the plot and creating characters.

Old Russian literature (6 hours)

Communication of literature with folklore.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" (fragments, for example, "Foundation of Kiev", "Legend of Kozhemyak") (Possible choice of another work).

Figy-stylistic features of the chronicles genre. "Tale" as a historical and literary monument of ancient Russia.

"The story of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky" (possible choice of another work).

Presentations of the writers of ancient Russia about the spiritual beauty of a person. Image of ideal human relations. The theme of love and holiness in the story. The integrity of the characters of heroes.

Foreign literature

D.Defo (4 hours) (Possible Choices of another overseas writer)

Word about the writer.

Roman "Robinson Cruzo".

The history of the development of the world by man. Nature and civilization. Courage and mind as a means of survival in severe life circumstances. The image of the main character.

xIX literature century (63 hours)

Classical literature as a sample of moral and artistic perfection. Eternity and relevance of the problems set by Russian writers of the XIX century. An image of human feelings and relationships in the literature of the "Golden" century.

I.A. Wings (4 hours)

Word about the writer.

Basni: Quartet, "Wolf and Lamb", "Pig under the oak", "Wolf on Psarn" (Possible Choosing other Basen).

Bassni genre, history of its development. Bass and fairy tale. Images of animals and their role in the bass. Moral Basen and the ways of its expression. Allegory as the basis of the artistic world of Basni. The expression of the People's Spirit and People's Wisdom in Basnya I.A. Krylova. Language originality Basen Krylov.

V.A. Zhukovsky (2 hours)

Word about the poet.

Ballad "Forest Tsar" (possible choice of other ballads).

Real and fantastic in the ballad. Dialogue as a way to organize a conflict. Talent V.A. Zhukovsky translator.

Genre Ballads in Foreign Literature

F. Schiller (1 hour)

Word about the poet.

Ballad "Glove" (possible choice of another work).

The idea of \u200b\u200bhonor and human dignity in Schiller's ballad. The tension of the plot and the surprise of the junction.

A.S. Pushkin (16 hour)

Word about the poet.

Poem: "Nyan", "I.I. Pushchina "," Winter morning»

Lyrics as a birth of literature. Lyrical hero, his feelings, thoughts, mood. The topic of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin. The world of nature and his poetic image in the poem "Winter Morning". The image of the lyrical hero.

"The fairy tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes" (there is a choice of another fairy tale).

Folklore traditions in Pushkin's fairy tale. Approval of high moral values. The struggle of good and evil forces; The regularity of the victory of good. The concept of a poetic fairy tale.

Roman "Dubrovsky"

Scene lines and heroes of the story, its main conflict. The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky. Moral problematics Tale. The topic of "fathers and children." Images of peasants in a story.

Tale "Shot".

The originality of the main character of the story. Character of Silvio: nobility and pride. Avenue and overcoming it. The meaning of the name of the work.

M.Yu. Lermontov (4 hours)

Word about the poet.

Poem: "Borodino", "Leaf", "Three Palmies".

The history of Fatherland as a source of poetic inspiration and national pride. The image of a simple soldier - the defender of the Motherland. Personification as one of art techniques With the image of nature Lermontov. The knowledge of the inner world of the lyrical hero through natural images.

N.V. Gogol (4 hours)

Word about the writer.

The story "Night before Merry Christmas" (it is possible to choose another story from the "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka").

Real and fantastic works in the plot. Brightness of characters. The combination of lyrism and humor in the story. The painting of the language of Gogol prose.

A.V. Rings (2 hours) (possible choice of another poet of Pushkin Pore)

Word about the poet.

The poem "Pahar song" (possible choice of other poems).

The poetization of peasant labor in the Lyrinka Koltsov. The originality of the song genre. Folklore imagery.

F.I. Tyutchev (2 hours)

Word about the poet.

The poem "is in the autumn of the original ...".

Pictures of Russian nature in the image of Tyutchev. Landscape as a means of creating a mood.

A.A. Fet (3 hours)

Word about the poet.

Poem: "I came to you with greetings ...", "learn from them - Oak, in Birch ...".

Lyrical hero of feta poem. Mood transmission means. Man and nature in Feta lyrics. The concept of parallelism.

I.S. Turgenev (4 hours)

Word about writer

Tale "Mummy" (possible choice of another story)

The real basis of the story. Image of life and morals of serfs of Russia. The moral transformation of Gerasima. Compassion and cruelty. Copyright and ways of its manifestation.

A.K. Tolstoy (2 hours)

Word about the poet.

Ballad "Vasily Shibanov" (possible choice of another work).

The integrity of the character of the main character. The image of Ivan the Terrible. The topic of devotion and betrayal. Moral problem ballads.

ON THE. Nekrasov (7 hours)

Word about the poet.

Poem "Peasant Children"

Images of peasant children. Speech characteristic of heroes. Theme of the peasant lobe. The attention of Nekrasov to the life of a simple people.

Poem "Railway".

The image of the people-worker and the people of the sufferer. Nature of Nekrasovsky lyrics.

Poem "Frost, Red Nose" (possible choice of another poem).

Folklore traditions in the poem. The image of a Russian woman. The tragic and lyrical sound of the work. The author's voice in the poem.

N.S. Leskov (2 hours)

Word about the writer.

Story "Levsh".

Russian character in the story: Talent and hard work as a distinguishing feature of the Russian people. The problem of the people and power in the story. The image of the narrator and the stylistic features of the leisk tag.

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    for educational institutions with Russian language learning

    Explanatory note
    Document status

    The approximate literature program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education.

    The exemplary program specifies the content of subjective topics of the educational standard, gives an exemplary distribution of the study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying the sections of the study subject, taking into account the inter-subsequent and inspection links, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of works.

    The approximate program performs two main functions:

    Information and methodical The function allows all participants in the educational process to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe objectives, content, general training strategy, education and development of students with the means of this training subject.

    Organizational planning The function provides for the selection of training stages, structuring of educational material, determining its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for meaningful filling of the intermediate certification of students.

    The approximate program is a guide to compile author's curricula and textbooks, can be used with the thematic planning of the course teacher. The approximate program determines the invariant (mandatory) part of the training course, outside which the possibility of copyright is the choice of the variation of the formation of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring of educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the approximate program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, without saying the creative initiative of teachers, and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a training course.

    Document structure

    The approximate program includes three sections: explanatory note ; main content with an approximate allocation of study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying themes and sections; requirements To the level of graduates.

    The content of literary education is divided into sections according to the stages of the development of Russian literature. Such a sequence is determined by universal for many valid programs by the principle: the course teaching in each of the classes of the main school is most often built in the chronological principle. Thus, the sections of the Program correspond to the main stages of the development of Russian literature, which relates to the task of the formation of students on the logic of the development of the literary process.

    The approximate program includes a list of outstanding works of fiction with annotations to them. In this way, a mandatory minimum content of literary education is detailed: the directions of studying the writer's creativity are indicated, the most important aspects of the analysis of a specific work (ideological and artistic dominant works); The historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts, helping the development of literary material. The works of small epic genres and lyrical works are most often accompanied by one common annotation.

    Theoretical concepts are proposed in the program, as in the educational standard, in the form of an independent heading, in some cases they are included in annotations to the work offered for study and are considered in the process of studying specific literary works.

    The approximate program does not distribute the training material in individual classes, highlighting the three stages of literary education at the stage of primary general education:

    V-VI Classes

    At this stage, ideas about the specifics of the literature as the art of the word, the development of the ability of informed reading, the ability to communicate with the artistic world of works of various genres and individual styles are formed. Text selection takes into account age features of students whose interest is mainly focused on the plot and heroes of the work. Theoretical and literary concepts are associated with the analysis of the internal structure of the artistic work - from the metaphor to the composition.

    VII-VIII classes

    At this stage, the objectives of the development of the ability to formulate and reasonably defend the personal position associated with the moral problems of the work, as well as to improve the abilities of the analysis and interpretation of the artistic text, involving the establishment of the work of the work with the historical era, cultural context, literary environment and fate of the writer. The selection of works at this stage of literary education takes into account the increasing interest of schoolchildren to the moral and philosophical issues of works and psychological analysis. The basis of the theoretical knowledge is the comprehension of the system of literary delivery and genres, as well as artistic directions.

    This stage of literary education is transitional, as in the IX class, the tasks of prefigure training of students are solved, the foundations of systematic study of the historical and literary course are being laid.

    The approximate program for the V-VI and VII-VIII classes is more open for various options for the copyright course of the course, rather than the program for the IX class, traditionally having a more rigid structural and meaningful basis.

    Mandatory in drawing up copyright programs and thematic planning is the allocation of hours on the development of speech: in V-VI classes, students should write at least 4 writings for the academic year (of which 3 audit works), in the VII-VIII class - at least 5 essays (from They are 4 audit writings), in the IX class - at least 6 essays (of which 5 audit essays).

    General characteristics of the educational subject

    Literature - Basic academic discipline, forming the spiritual appearance and moral landmarks of the younger generation. She belongs to the leading place in the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of a schoolboy, in the formation of its world and national self-consciousness, without which the spiritual development of the nation as a whole is impossible. The specifics of the literature as a school subject is determined by the essence of the literature as a phenomenon of culture: the literature is aesthetically mastered the world, expressing the wealth and diversity of human being in artistic images. It has a lot of influence on readers, entitled them to the moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the nation and humanity.

    The approximate program is drawn up with continuity with the Primary School Program, the Laying Fundamental Education. At the level of basic general education, it is necessary to continue to work on improving the skill of the conscious, correct, runaway and expressive reading, the development of the perception of literary text, the formation of the skills of readership activities, to upbringing interest in reading and book, the need for communication with the world of fiction.

    The basis of the content of literature as a training subject is the reading and textual study of artistic works that make up the Golden Fund of Russian Classics. Each classic work is always relevant, as it has been drawn to eternal human values. The schoolboy comprehends the category of good, justice, honor, patriotism, love for man, family; It understands that national identity reveals in a wide cultural context. Holistic perception and understanding of the artwork, the formation of the ability to analyze and interpret the artistic text is possible only with the corresponding emotional and aesthetic reaction of the reader. Its quality directly depends on the reading competence, which includes the ability to enjoy the works of verbal art, developed artistic taste, the necessary amount of historical and theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills that meets the age characteristics of the student.

    The course of literature relies on the following activities to master the content of artistic works and theoretical and literary concepts:

    • conscious, creative reading of artistic works of different genres;

    • expressive reading of artistic text;

    • various types of recovery (detailed, brief, selective, with comment elements, with creative task);

    • answers to questions that reveal knowledge and understanding of the text of the work;

    • memorizing by heart of poetic and prosaic texts;

    • analysis and interpretation of the work;

    • drawing up plans and writing reviews about works;

    • writing works on literary works and on the basis of life impressions;

    • a targeted search for information based on the knowledge of its sources and the ability to work with them.
    The educational subject "Literature" is one of the most important parts of the educational field "Philology" . The relationship of literature and the Russian language is due to the traditions of school education and the deep bond of the communicative and aesthetic function of the word. The art of the word reveals all the wealth of the national language, which requires attention to the language in his artistic function, and the development of the Russian language is impossible without constant appeal to artwork. The development of literature as a learning subject is the most important condition for speech and linguistic literacy of the student. Literary education contributes to the formation of his speech culture.

    Literature is closely related to other educational objects and, first of all, with Russian. The unity of these disciplines provides, above all, the subject of study is common for the VSR philological sciences - a word as a unit of language and speech, its functioning in various fields, including aesthetic. The content of both courses is based on the basics of fundamental sciences (linguistics, stylistics, literary studies, folklores, etc.) and implies comprehension of language and literature as national-cultural values. And Russian, and literature form communicative skills and skills underlying human activity, thinking. Literature also interacts with the disciplines of the art cycle (music, visual art, world artistic culture): an aesthetic attitude towards the world around the literature is formed. Together with history and social studies, literature appeals to the problems directly related to the public essence of a person forms the historicism of thinking, enriches the cultural and historical memory of students, not only contributes to the development of knowledge on humanitarian objects, but also forms an active attitude to reality, to nature, To the whole world.

    One of the components of literary education is the literary creativity of students. Creative works of various genres contribute to the development of analytical and figurative thinking of a schoolboy, largely forming its common culture and socio-moral benchmarks.

    The study of literature in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • education spiritually developed personality, the formation of a humanistic worldview, civil consciousness, feelings of patriotism, love and respect for the literature and values \u200b\u200bof domestic culture;

    • developmentemotional perception of artistic text, figurative and analytical thinking, creative imagination, reader's culture and understanding of the author's position; Formation of initial ideas about the specifics of literature in a number of other arts, the need for independent reading of artistic works; development of oral and written speech of students;

    • learningtexts of artistic works in the unity of form and content, the main historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts;

    • mastering skills reading and analyzing artistic works with the involvement of basic literary concepts and the necessary information on the history of literature; identifying in works of specific historical and universal content; competent use of the Russian literary language when creating their own oral and written statements.

    Place of literature in the federal basis curriculum

    The federal basis curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation leads 385 hours for compulsory study of the educational subject "Literature" at the stage of basic general education. In V, VI, VII, VIII classes stand out for 70 hours (at the rate of 2 academic hours per week), in the IX class - 105 hours (at the rate of 3 student hours per week).

    The approximate program is designed for 319 study hours, the provided reserve of free study time is 66 student hours (or 17%) for the implementation of copyright approaches, the use of various forms of organization of the educational process, the introduction of modern methods of training and pedagogical technologies. The clocks specified in the program, allocated to study the work of one or another writer, suggest the possibility of inclusion, except those named in the program, and other aesthetically significant works, if it is not in contradiction with the principle of accessibility and does not lead to the overload of students.

    General education skills, skills and ways of activity

    The approximate program provides for the formation of general scientists and skills, universal ways of activity and key competencies. In this direction, priorities for the educational subject "Literature" at the stage of basic general education are:

    • allocation of characteristic causal relations;

    • comparison and comparison;

    • the ability to distinguish: fact, opinion, proof, hypothesis, axiom;

    • self-fulfillment of various creative works;

    • ability to verbally and in writing to transfer the text content in compressed or deployed;

    • conscious runaway reading, the use of various types of reading (informational, viewing, search, etc.);

    • possession of monologic and dialogic speech, ability to rephrase the thought, choice and use of expressive means of language and iconic systems (text, table, diagram, audiolyvizal row, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task;

    • drawing up a plan, thesis, abstract;

    • selection of arguments, formulation of conclusions, reflected in oral or written form of its activities;

    • use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources, and other databases;

    • independent organization of training activities, ownership of the skills of control and evaluation of their activities, aware of the definition of the sphere of its interests and opportunities.
    Results of learning

    The results of the study of the course "Literature" are given in the section "Requirements for graduates", which fully complies with the standard. Requirements are aimed at implementing activity, practical-oriented and personally oriented approaches; development of students in intellectual and practical activity; Mastering the knowledge and skills in demand in everyday life, allowing to navigate the surrounding world, meaningful to preserve the environment and their own health.

    Heading "To be able" Includes requirements based on more complex activities: work with a book, to identify copyright, evaluate and compare, allocate and formulate, characterize and determine, expressly read and own various types of recovery, build oral and written statements, participate in dialogue, understand someone else's The point of view and argued to defend their own, write a presentation with the elements of the composition, reviews about independent works, writings.

    In the heading "Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life" The requirements of the educational process and aimed at solving a variety of life tasks are presented.


    (140 hours)
    Literature as the art of the word (2 hours)

    Fiction as one of the forms of development of the world, reflection of the wealth and diversity of a human spiritual world. The origin of the literature. Myth. Literature and other types of art. Mythology and its influence on the emergence and development of literature.

    Russian folklore(9 hours)

    The collectivity of the creative process in folklore. Genres of Folklore. Reflection in Russian folklore of folk traditions, ideas about good and evil. The effect of folklore patterns and moral ideals on the development of literature.

    Small genres of folklore.

    Genre signs of the proverb and sayings. Reflection in proverbs of popular experience. Metaphoric nature of riddles. Aphoricity and imagery of small folk genres.

    Song as a form of verbal musical art. Types of folk songs, their subjects. Lyrical and narrative beginning in the song. Historical songs as a special epic genre.

    Fairy tales "Tsarevna-Frog", "Wife-Provers", "Wolf and Zhuravl" (You can choose three other fairy tales).

    Myth and fairy tale. Tyives: Magic, domestic, fairy tales of animals. Folk wisdom fairy tales .. The ratio of real and fantastic in fabulous plots. Folklore and literary fairy tale. The concept of epic.

    The general characteristic of the program The approximate literature program for the basic school is based on the fundamental nucleus of the content of general education and the requirements for the results of the main general education presented in the Federal State Standard of General Education of the second generation. The exemplary program indicates the goaling of subject courses at different levels: at the level of meta-concrete, subject and personal goals; at the level of meta-delicate, subject and virtual educational results (requirements); At the level of training actions.

    The approximate program includes four sections: "Explanatory note" with the requirements for learning outcomes; "Basic content" of the courses with the list of sections; "Approximate thematic planning" with the definition of the main types of school students; "Recommendations for the equipment of the educational process."

    The contribution of the subject "Literature" to achieving the objectives of the main general education literature contributes to the formation of a versatile developed, harmonious personality, the upbringing of a citizen, a patriot. Advisacy to the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof culture and the development of creative abilities prerequisite The formation of a person, emotionally rich and intellectually developed, able to constructively and at the same time critically refer to themselves and to the world around. Communication of a schoolboy with works by the art of the word in the literature lessons is necessary not just as a fact of acquaintance with genuine artistic values, but also as the necessary experience of communication, a dialogue with writers. This introduction to K. universal values Being, as well as to the spiritual experience of the Russian people.

    The main objectives of the study of the subject "Literature": the formation of a spiritually developed personality, which has a humanistic worldview, national self-consciousness and all-Russian civil consciousness, a sense of patriotism; development of intellectual and creative abilities of students; comprehension by students of the vertex works of domestic and world literature, their reading and analysis; phased, consistent formation of skills read, comment, analyze and interpret the artistic text; Mastering the possible algorithms of comprehending the meanings laid down in the artistic text (or any other speech statement), and the creation of their own text, the presentation of its estimates and judgments about the read; Mastering the most important general educational skills and universal educational actions;

    The overall characteristics of the educational subject as part of the educational field "Philology" The learning subject "Literature" is closely related to the subject of "Russian language". Russian literature is one of the main sources of enrichment of students' speech, the formation of their speech culture and communicative skills. The study of the language of artistic works contributes to the understanding of the speech of the aesthetic function of the word, mastering them with a stylisticly colored Russian speech. The specifics of the educational subject "Literature" is determined by the fact that it represents the unity of verbal art and the foundations of science (literary studies), which studies this art. The course of literature in 58 classes is based on a combination of concentric, historical and chronological and problematic principles, and in grade 9, a linear course study on a historical and literary basis is proposed.

    The following sections are presented in the approximate program: 1. Oral folk creativity. 2. Old Russian literature. 3. Russian literature XVIII century. 4. Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century. 5. Russian literature of the second half of the XIX century. 6. Russian literature of the first half of the XX century. 7. Russian literature of the second half of the XX century. 8. The literature of the peoples of Russia. 9. Foreign literature. 10. Reviews. 11. Information on the theory and history of literature. 12. Diagnostic, current and outcome control of the level of literary education.

    The results of the study of the subject "Literature" Personal: Improvement of the spiritual and moral qualities of the personality, the upbringing of the sense of love for a multinational fatherland, respectful attitude towards Russian literature, to the cultures of other peoples; Use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information (dictionaries, encyclopedias, Internet resources, etc.). MetaPredimet: Ability to understand the problem, put forward the hypothesis, structure the material, select arguments to confirm your own position, allocate causal relationships in oral and written statements, formulate conclusions; The ability to independently organize its own activity, evaluate it, determine the sphere of its interests; The ability to work with different sources of information, find it, analyze, use in independent activities.

    Subject results: 1) In the informational sphere: an understanding of the key problems of the studied works of Russian folklore and folklore of other peoples, ancient Russian literature, literature XVIII century, Russian writers of the XIXXX centuries, the literature of the peoples of Russia and foreign literature; Understanding the relationship of literary works with the era of their writing, identifying the timeless, irreversive moral values, and their modern sound; The ability to analyze the literary work: to identify his belonging to one of the literary classes and genres; understand and formulate the topic, idea, moral pathos of the literary work, characterize his heroes, compare the heroes of one or several works; determination in the product of the plot elements, compositions, fine-expressive means of the language, understanding their role in the disclosure of ideologically organic content of the work (elements of philological analysis); possession of elementary literary terminology when analyzing a literary work; 2) in the value-orientational sphere: the introduction to the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof Russian literature and culture, comparing them with the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof other peoples; formulating your own attitude to the works of Russian literature, their assessment; own interpretation (in some cases) of studied literary works; Understanding the author's position and its attitude towards it;

    (continued) 3) in the communicative sphere: perception of the literary works of different genres, meaningful reading and adequate perception; the ability to retell prosaic works or their passages using the figurative tools of the Russian language and quotes from the text; respond to questions on the listened or read text; create oral monologic statements of different types; be able to conduct a dialogue; Writing presentations and essays on topics related to themes, issues of studied works, classroom and home creative work, abstracts on literary and general cultural topics; 4) in the aesthetic sphere: understanding of the figurative nature of literature as a phenomenon of verbal art; aesthetic perception of works of literature; formation of aesthetic taste; Understanding the Russian word in his aesthetic function, the role of finely expressive linguistic means in the creation artistic images literary works.

    The site of the course "Literature" in the basic educational (educational) plan The Federal Based Educational Educational Plan for educational institutions of the Russian Federation (option 1) provides for a mandatory study of literature at the stage of the main general education in the amount of 455 hours, including: in grade 5, 105 hours, In grade 6, 105 hours, in grade 70 hours, in grade 8, 70 hours, in grade 9, 105 hours. The approximate literature program for basic general education reflects the invariant part and is designed for 400 hours. The variable part of the program is 55 hours (12% time from the total number of hours provided for in the basic curricula) and is formed by the authors of the working programs.


    for educational institutions with Russian language learning

    Explanatory note

    Document status

    The approximate literature program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education.

    The exemplary program specifies the content of subjective topics of the educational standard, gives an exemplary distribution of the study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying the sections of the study subject, taking into account the inter-subsequent and inspection links, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students, determines the minimum set of works.

    The approximate program performs two main functions:

    Information and methodical The function allows all participants in the educational process to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe objectives, content, general training strategy, education and development of students with the means of this training subject.

    Organizational planning The function provides for the selection of training stages, structuring of educational material, determining its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for meaningful filling of the intermediate certification of students.

    The approximate program is a guide to compile author's curricula and textbooks, can be used with the thematic planning of the course teacher. The approximate program determines the invariant (mandatory) part of the training course, outside which the possibility of copyright is the choice of the variation of the formation of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring of educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the approximate program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space, without saying the creative initiative of teachers, and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a training course.

    Document structure

    The approximate program includes three sections: explanatory note ; main content with an approximate allocation of study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying themes and sections; requirements To the level of graduates.

    The content of literary education is divided into sections according to the stages of the development of Russian literature. Such a sequence is determined by universal for many current programs by the principle: the course teaching in each of the classes of the main school is based mostly in the chronological principle. In this way, the sections of the program correspond to the main stages of the development of Russian literature, which relates to the task of forming the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea of \u200b\u200bthe logic of the development of the literary process .

    The approximate program includes a list of outstanding works of fiction with annotations to them. In this way, a mandatory minimum content of literary education is detailed: the directions of studying the writer's creativity are indicated, the most important aspects of the analysis of a specific work (ideological and artistic dominant works); The historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts, helping the development of literary material. The works of small epic genres and lyrical works are most often accompanied by one common annotation.

    Theoretical concepts are proposed in the program, as in the educational standard, in the form of an independent heading, in some cases they are included in annotations to the work offered for study and are considered in the process of studying specific literary works.

    The approximate program does not distribute the training material in individual classes, highlighting the three stages of literary education at the stage of primary general education:

    V -VI classes

    At this stage, ideas about the specifics of the literature as the art of the word, the development of the ability of informed reading, the ability to communicate with the artistic world of works of various genres and individual styles are formed. Text selection takes into account age features of students whose interest is mainly focused on the plot and heroes of the work. Theoretical and literary concepts are associated with the analysis of the internal structure of the artistic work - from the metaphor to the composition.

    VII -VIII classes

    At this stage, the objectives of the development of the ability to formulate and reasonably defend the personal position associated with the moral problems of the work, as well as to improve the abilities of the analysis and interpretation of the artistic text, involving the establishment of the work of the work with the historical era, cultural context, literary environment and fate of the writer. The selection of works at this stage of literary education takes into account the increasing interest of schoolchildren to the moral and philosophical issues of works and psychological analysis. The basis of the theoretical knowledge is the comprehension of the system of literary delivery and genres, as well as artistic directions.

    IX Class

    This stage of literary education is transitional, as in the IX class, the tasks of prefigure training of students are solved, the foundations of systematic study of the historical and literary course are being laid.

    The approximate program for the V-VI and VII-VIII classes is more open for various options for the copyright course of the course, rather than the program. for IX class, traditionally having a more rigid structural-meaning basis.

    Mandatory in the preparation of copyright programs and thematic planning is the allocation of hours on the development of speech: in V -Vi classes, students should write at least 4 writings for the school year (of which 3 audit works), in the VII -VIII class - at least 5 essays (from They are 4 audit writings), in the IX class - at least 6 essays (of which 5 audit essays).

    General characteristics of the educational subject

    Literature - Basic academic discipline, forming the spiritual appearance and moral landmarks of the younger generation. She belongs to the leading place in the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development of a schoolboy, in the formation of its world and national self-consciousness, without which the spiritual development of the nation as a whole is impossible. The specifics of the literature as a school subject is determined by the essence of the literature as a phenomenon of culture: the literature is aesthetically mastered the world, expressing the wealth and diversity of human being in artistic images. It has a lot of influence on readers, entitled them to the moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the nation and humanity.

    The approximate program is drawn up with continuity with the Primary School Program, the Laying Fundamental Education. At the stage of basic general education it is necessary to continuework on improving the skill of conscious, correct, runaway and expressive reading, the development of the perception of literary text, the formation of the skills of readership activities, education of interest in reading and book, the need to communicate with the world of fiction.

    The basis of the content of literature as a training subject is the reading and textual study of the artworks constituting the Golden Fund of the Russian classics. Each classic work is always relevant, as it has been drawn to eternal human values. The schoolboy comprehends the category of good, justice, honor, patriotism, love for man, family; It understands that national identity reveals in a wide cultural context. Holistic perception and understanding of the artwork, the formation of the ability to analyze and interpret the artistic text is possible only with the corresponding emotional and aesthetic reaction of the reader. Its quality directly depends on the reading competence, which includes the ability to enjoy the works of verbal art, developed artistic taste, the necessary amount of historical and theoretical and theoretical knowledge and skills that meets the age characteristics of the student.

    The course of literature relies on the following activities to master the content of artistic works and theoretical and literary concepts:

      conscious, creative reading of artistic works of different genres;

      expressive reading of artistic text;

      various types of recovery (detailed, brief, selective, with comment elements, with creative task);

      answers to questions that reveal knowledge and understanding of the text of the work;

      memorizing by heart of poetic and prosaic texts;

      analysis and interpretation of the work;

      drawing up plans and writing reviews about works;

      writing works on literary works and on the basis of life impressions;

      a targeted search for information based on the knowledge of its sources and the ability to work with them.

    The educational subject "Literature" is one of the most important parts of the educational field "Philology" . The relationship of literature and the Russian language is due to the traditions of school education and the deep bond of the communicative and aesthetic function of the word. The art of the word reveals all the wealth of the national language, which requires attention to the language in his artistic function, and the development of the Russian language is impossible without constant appeal to artwork. The development of literature as a learning subject is the most important condition for speech and linguistic literacy of the student. Literary education contributes to the formation of his speech culture.

    Literature is closely related to other educational objects and, first of all, with Russian. The unity of these disciplines provides, above all, the subject of study is common for the VSR philological sciences - a word as a unit of language and speech, its functioning in various fields, including aesthetic. The content of both courses is based on the basics of fundamental sciences (linguistics, stylistics, literary studies, folklores, etc.) and implies comprehension of language and literature as national-cultural values. And Russian, and literature form communicative skills and skills underlying human activity, thinking. Literature also interacts with the disciplines of the art cycle (music, visual art, world artistic culture): an aesthetic attitude towards the world around the literature is formed. Together with history and social studies, literature appeals to the problems directly related to the public essence of a person forms the historicism of thinking, enriches the cultural and historical memory of students, not only contributes to the development of knowledge on humanitarian objects, but also forms an active attitude to reality, to nature, To the whole world.

    One of the components of literary education is the literary creativity of students. Creative works of various genres contribute to the development of analytical and figurative thinking of a schoolboy, largely forming its common culture and socio-moral benchmarks.


    The study of literature in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

      education spiritually developed personality, the formation of a humanistic worldview, civil consciousness, feelings of patriotism, love and respect for the literature and values \u200b\u200bof domestic culture;

      developmentemotional perception of artistic text, figurative and analytical thinking, creative imagination, reader's culture and understanding of the author's position; Formation of initial ideas about the specifics of literature in a number of other arts, the need for independent reading of artistic works; development of oral and written speech of students;

      learningtextural works in the unity of form and content, major historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts;

      mastering skills reading and analyzing artistic works with the involvement of basic literary concepts and the necessary information on the history of literature; identifying in works of specific historical and universal content; competent use of the Russian literary language when creating their own oral and written statements.

    Place of literature in the federal basis curriculum

    The federal basis curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation leads 385 hours for compulsory study of the educational subject "Literature" at the stage of basic general education. In V, VI, VII, VIII classes stand out for 70 hours (at the rate of 2 academic hours per week), in the IX class - 105 hours (at the rate of 3 student hours per week).

    The approximate program is designed for 319 study hours, the provided reserve of free study time is 66 student hours (or 17%) for the implementation of copyright approaches, the use of various forms of organization of the educational process, the introduction of modern methods of training and pedagogical technologies. The clocks specified in the program, allocated to study the work of one or another writer, suggest the possibility of inclusion, except those named in the program, and other aesthetically significant works, if it is not in contradiction with the principle of accessibility and does not lead to the overload of students.

    General education skills, skills and ways of activity

    The approximate program provides for the formation of general scientists and skills, universal ways of activity and key competencies. In this direction, priorities for the educational subject "Literature" at the stage of basic general education are:

      allocation of characteristic causal relations;

      comparison and comparison;

      the ability to distinguish: fact, opinion, proof, hypothesis, axiom;

      self-fulfillment of various creative works;

      ability to verbally and in writing to transfer the text content in compressed or deployed;

      conscious runaway reading, the use of various types of reading (informational, viewing, search, etc.);

      possession of monologic and dialogic speech, ability to rephrase the thought, choice and use of expressive means of language and iconic systems (text, table, diagram, audiolyvizal row, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task;

      drawing up a plan, thesis, abstract;

      selection of arguments, formulation of conclusions, reflected in oral or written form of its activities;

      use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources, and other databases;

      independent organization of training activities, ownership of the skills of control and evaluation of their activities, aware of the definition of the sphere of its interests and opportunities.

    Results of learning

    The results of the study of the course "Literature" are given in the section "Requirements for graduates", which fully complies with the standard. Requirements are aimed at implementing activity, practical-oriented and personally oriented approaches; development of students in intellectual and practical activity; Mastering the knowledge and skills in demand in everyday life, allowing to navigate the surrounding world, meaningful to preserve the environment and their own health.

    Heading "To be able" Includes requirements based on more complex activities: work with a book, to identify copyright, evaluate and compare, allocate and formulate, characterize and determine, expressly read and own various types of recovery, build oral and written statements, participate in dialogue, understand someone else's The point of view and argued to defend their own, write a presentation with the elements of the composition, reviews about independent works, writings.

    In the heading "Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday life" The requirements of the educational process and aimed at solving a variety of life tasks are presented.


    (140 hours)

    Fiction as one of the forms of development of the world, reflection of the wealth and diversity of a human spiritual world. The origin of the literature. Myth. Literature and other types of art. Mythology and its influence on the emergence and development of literature.

    Russian folklore(9 hours)

    The collectivity of the creative process in folklore. Genres of Folklore. Reflection in Russian folklore of folk traditions, ideas about good and evil. The effect of folklore patterns and moral ideals on the development of literature.

    Small genres of folklore.

    Genre signs of the proverb and sayings. Reflection in proverbs of popular experience. Metaphoric nature of riddles. Aphoricity and imagery of small folk genres.

    Song as a form of verbal musical art. Types of folk songs, their subjects. Lyrical and narrative beginning in the song. Historical songs as a special epic genre.

    Fairy tales "Tsarevna-Frog", "Wife-Provers", "Wolf and Zhuravl"

    Myth and fairy tale. Tyives: Magic, domestic, fairy tales of animals. Folk wisdom fairy tales .. The ratio of real and fantastic in fabulous plots. Folklore and literary fairy tale. The concept of epic.

    Literary fairy tale

    H.K. Andersen (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "Snow Queen"

    The struggle of good and evil in the fairy tales of Andersen. Writer's skill in building the plot and creating characters.

    Old Russian literature(6 hour)

    Communication of literature with folklore.

    "Tale of time years" (Fragments, for example,"Foundation of Kiev", "Tale of the Kozhemyak") ( possible selection of another work).

    Figy-stylistic features of the chronicles genre. "Tale" as a historical and literary monument of ancient Russia.

    "Tale of Peter and Fevronia Murom"

    Presentations of the writers of ancient Russia about the spiritual beauty of a person. An image of ideal human relationships. The theme of love and holiness in the story. The integrity of the characters of heroes.

    Foreign literature

    D.Defo (4 hours)( possible selection of another overseas writer)

    Word about the writer.

    Roman "Robinson Cruzo".

    The history of the development of the world by man. Nature and civilization. Courage and mind as a means of survival in severe life circumstances. The image of the main character.

    xIX century literature (63 hours)

    Classical literature as a sample of moral and artistic perfection. Eternity and relevance of the problems set by Russian writersXIX.century. An image of human feelings and relationships in the literature of the "Golden" century.

    I.A. Wings (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Basni: Quartet, "Wolf and Lamb", "Pig under the oak", "Wolf on Psarn" (Possible selection of other fables).

    Bassni genre, history of its development. Bass and fairy tale. Images of animals and their role in the bass. Moral Basen and the ways of its expression. Allegory as the basis of the artistic world of Basni. The expression of the People's Spirit and People's Wisdom in Basnya I.A. Krylova. Language originality Basen Krylov.

    V.A. Zhukovsky (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Ballad "Forest King" (You can choose other ballads).

    Real and fantastic in the ballad. Dialogue as a way to organize a conflict. Talent V.A. Zhukovsky translator.

    Genre Ballads in Foreign Literature

    F. Schiller (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Ballad "Glove"(Possible selection of another work).

    The idea of \u200b\u200bhonor and human dignity in Schiller's ballad. The tension of the plot and the surprise of the junction.

    A.S. Pushkin (16 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Nyan", "I.I. Pushchina, "Winter Morning"

    Lyrics as a birth of literature. Lyrical hero, his feelings, thoughts, mood. The topic of friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin. The world of nature and his poetic image in the poem "Winter Morning". The image of the lyrical hero.

    "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes" (Possible selection of another fairy tale).

    Folklore traditions in Pushkin's fairy tale. Approval of high moral values. The struggle of good and evil forces; The regularity of the victory of good. The concept of a poetic fairy tale.

    Roman "Dubrovsky"

    Scene lines and heroes of the story, its main conflict. The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky. Moral problematics Tale. The topic of "fathers and children." Images of peasants in a story.

    Tale "Shot" .

    The originality of the main character of the story. Character of Silvio: nobility and pride. Avenue and overcoming it. The meaning of the name of the work.

    M.Yu. Lermontov (4 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Borodino", "Leaf", "Three Palmies".

    The history of Fatherland as a source of poetic inspiration and national pride. The image of a simple soldier - the defender of the Motherland. Elimination as one of the artistic techniques in the image of the nature of Lermontov. The knowledge of the inner world of the lyrical hero through natural images.

    N.V. Gogol (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "Night before Christmas" (It is possible to choose another story from the "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka").

    Real and fantastic works in the plot. Brightness of characters. The combination of lyrism and humor in the story. The painting of the language of Gogol prose.

    A.V. Rings (2 hours)( possible choice of another poet of Pushkin Pores)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem "Pahar song"

    The poetization of peasant labor in the Lyrinka Koltsov. The originality of the song genre. Folklore imagery.

    F.I. Tyutchev (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    The poem "is in the autumn initial ..." .

    Pictures of Russian nature in the image of Tyutchev. Landscape as a means of creating a mood.

    A.A. Fet (3 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poems: "I came to you with greetings ...", "learn from them  at oak, in birch ..." .

    Lyrical hero of feta poem. Mood transmission means. Man and nature in Feta lyrics. The concept of parallelism.

    I.S. Turgenev (4 hours)

    Word about writer

    Tale "Mummy" (Possible selection of another story)

    The real basis of the story. Image of life and morals of serfs of Russia. The moral transformation of Gerasima. Compassion and cruelty. Copyright and ways of its manifestation.

    A.K. Tolstoy (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Ballad "Vasily Shibanov" (Possible selection of another work).

    The integrity of the character of the main character. The image of Ivan the Terrible. The topic of devotion and betrayal. Moral problem ballads.

    ON THE. Nekrasov (7 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem "Peasant Children"

    Images of peasant children. Speech characteristic of heroes. Theme of the peasant lobe. The attention of Nekrasov to the life of a simple people.

    Poem "Railway".

    The image of the people-worker and the people of the sufferer. Nature of Nekrasovsky lyrics.

    Poem "Frost, Red Nose" (Possible selection of another poem).

    Folklore traditions in the poem. The image of a Russian woman. The tragic and lyrical sound of the work. The author's voice in the poem.

    N.S. Leskov (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Levsh".

    Russian character in the story: Talent and hard work as a distinguishing feature of the Russian people. The problem of the people and power in the story. The image of the narrator and the stylistic features of the leisk tag.

    A.P. Chekhov (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    The story is "fat and thin."

    Satire and humor in Chekhov stories. Exposing cowardice and hypocrisy. Role artistic details.

    Novel genre in foreign literature

    P. Merim (2 hours)

    Novel "Matteo Falcone"(Possible selection of another work).

    Character as a plot engine. The originality of the main character.

    V.G. Korolenko (3 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "B. ill society" ("Children of the Underground") (Possible selection of another work).

    Humanistic meaning of the work. World of children and the world of adults. Contrasts of fate heroes. Features of the portrait and landscape in the story.

    Theme of childhood in foreign literature

    M. Twin (3 hours) ( possible selection of another foreign writer).

    Word about the writer.

    The story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer".

    Heroes and events Tale. The topic of friendship and dreams. The skill of the writer in building an entertaining plot and in creating characters.

    literature of the twentieth century (26 hours)

    Development of classical traditions in the literature of the twentieth century.Moral guidelines in human life. Man and nature in the works of writers of the twentieth century.

    V.V. Mayakovsky (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem " Good relationship To horses. "

    Artistic innovation of poetry V. Mayakovsky, wordness. Humanistic meaning of poem.

    S.A. Yesenin (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Pooh "Song of the dog" (Possible selection of other poems).

    Compassion to everything alive as the basis of Jennic creativity.

    Foreign Writers about Animals

    D. London (3 hours).

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "White Fang" (Possible selection of another work).

    The world of man and the world of nature in the story of London. The art of the author in the image of animals.

    A.P. Platonov (2 hours)

    Word about writer.

    Story "in the beautiful and furious world"

    The question of the moral content of human life. Taking disclosure of characters. The originality of the stylistics of Platonovskaya prose.

    A.S. Green (2 hours)

    Word about writer.

    Tale "Scarlet Sails"

    The celebration of the world of romantic dreams in the story of A.S. Green. The moral maximalism and the spiritual purity of its main characters.

    K.G. Paust (2 hours)

    Word about writer.

    Story "Sailing Master" (Possible selection of another story).

    Themes and problems of the work.

    MM Provine (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    The fairy tale of the "Storeroom Sun" (Possible selection of another work).

    Nature poetry in the work of Svavina. Images of Nastya and Mitra. The meaning of the name. Wisdom of natural B. artistic world Privain.

    N.M. Scars (2 hours) (

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Star of the Fields", "Autumn Leaves", "In the Hornishche"

    The topic of the Motherland in the Poetry of Rubatov. Man and nature in the "quiet" lyrics of Rubatov.

    Yu.P. Cossacks (1 hour) (

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Quiet Morning" (Possible selection of another work).

    Images of children in the story. Behavior and actions of heroes in a difficult situation. Moral problematic problem. The role of nature in the story.

    V. G. Rasputin (3 hours) ( there is a choice of another prosaic of the second half of the twentieth century)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Lessons of French" (Possible selection of another work).

    The moral problematics of the works of Rasputin. The spiritual memory of man as moral value. The theme of the past and present in the work of Rasputin.

    V.P. Astafiev (2 hours) ( there is a choice of another prosaic of the second half of the twentieth century)

    Word about writer.

    The story "Vastekino Lake."

    The main features of the character of the hero, its formation in the fight against difficulties. The artworks of the writer in the image of the beauty of the native nature.

    O. Henry (1 hour)(Possible selection of another foreign writer)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Gifts of Volkhvov"(Possible selection of another work).

    The meaning of the name of the story. The skill of the writer in the construction of intrigues. The surprise and pattern of the final. Love as a gift; Sacrificial essence of love.

    TOTAL in V.- VIclasses - 114 hours. Time reserve - 26 hours.

    (140 hours)

    Literature as the art of the word (2 hours)

    The influence of literature on the formation of moral and aesthetic feeling in a man. Appeal of writers to universal categories and values \u200b\u200bof being: good and evil, truth, beauty, justice, conscience, friendship and love, home and family, freedom and responsibility.

    Russian folklore(2 hour)

    Expression in folklore national character traits. People's view of heroic

    The epics "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber" (Possible selection of other epics).

    We werena as heroic songs of an epic character, the originality of their rhythmic melodic organization. The epics and fairy tale. The expression in the epons of the historical consciousness of the Russian people. The epic plot. Traditional system of images in Russian heroic epic. Heroes of epic, images of heroes.

    Heroic EPOS in world culture

    Karelian Finnish mythological Epos "Kalevala"(fragments)(1 hour) (Possible selection of another epic).

    Epic image of the life of the people, his national traditions, customs, labor and holidays.

    Homer (2 hours)

    "Odyssey". Fragment "Odyssey in the cyclopa" (Possible selection of another fragment).

    Odyssey "like a" poem wanderings. " The main hero of the poem. The originality of the Homerovsky epic.

    Old Russian literature (2 hours)

    Approval in the literature of the ancient Russia of high moral ideals: love to neighbor, mercy, sacrifice. The religious nature of the ancient Russian literature.

    "Teaching" Vladimir Monomakh (Possible selection of another work).

    Genre and composition "teaching". Basics of Christian morality in "teaching". Glory and honor of the native land, spiritual continuity of generations as the main themes of "teaching".

    Life Sergius Radonezhsky " (Possible selection of another work).

    Genre of life. Reflection in the life of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe moral standard. Hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bof the Orthodox person in "Life ...". Methods for creating a character in "Life".

    European Revival literature

    M. Cervantes (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Roman "Don Quixote" (fragments).

    Skill of Cervantes-Romanist. Don Quixote and the problem of choosing a life ideal. Illusion and reality. Don Quixote as an eternal image.

    W. Shakespeare (3 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tragedy "Romeo and Juliet".

    Drama as a birth of literature. The main conflict in the tragedy. The fate of lovers in the world of injustice and malice. Reflection in the tragedy of "eternal" topics: love, dedication, enmity, revenge. The meaning of the finals of the tragedy.

    Sonnets: № 66 ("Call I am death. I see internally ..."); № 130 ("Her eyes on the stars are not similar ...") (Possible selection of two other sonnets).

    Thought and feeling in the sonnets of Shakespeare. Artistic peculiarity of his lyrics.

    literature of the XVIII century (8 hours)

    Classicism and sentimentalism in Russian literature. Social and moral issues of the works of Russian writers of the XVIII century. The appeal of literature for the life and the inner world of the "private" person. Reflection of the manifold of human feelings, mastering the theme "Man and Nature".

    DI. Fonvizin (4 hours

    Life and creativity (review).

    Comedy "Lady".

    Satyric orientation of the comedy. Equipment of morals of simple and cattle. The ideal heroes of the comedy and their conflict with the world of serfs. The problem of upbringing and the idea of \u200b\u200bcivil serving in the play. The idea of \u200b\u200bretaliation for immorality. The features of classicism in comedy.

    Theater of European Classicism

    J.-B. Moliere (1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Comedy "Tradanman in the nobility" (Possible selection of another comedy).

    Features of classic drama. "Mooring in the nobility" as a comedy of morals and characters. Satyric meaning of the image of Mr. Jourden. Jourden and aristocrats.

    N.M. Karamzin (3 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale " Poor Lisa».

    Sentimental plot of the story "Poor Lisa", her reversible to the spiritual world of heroes. The image of Nature I. psychological characteristics Heroes. The author's position and form of its expression. Features of language and style styles.

    xIX century literature (65hour)

    Romanticism and realism in Russian literature of the XIX century. Problems of works: man and peace, man and society, man and history. Freedom and personality responsibility. The image of a "small" person. The appeal of Russian writers to the historical past of the Fatherland. Reflections on the national character. Moral meaning historical plots.

    V.A.Zhukovsky (2 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Ballad "Svetlana".

    Ballada as a limier genre. Scene Features Ballades V.A. Zhukovsky. Figure Svetlana ballad system, its folk base. Moral content of ballads.

    A.S. Pushkin (14 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poems: "Song about Oleg", "Cloud", "K ***" ("I remember wonderful moment... ")," On October 19 "(" Rhines the forest of the crimson of his own ... ").

    Poetic interpretation of the episode from the "Tale of Bygone Years". The theme of fate and prophecy in "Songs ...". Moral problematic problem. The theme of nature in the lyrics of Pushkin. High sound the theme of love and friendship in the lyrics of Pushkin.

    Tale "Stationander".

    The image of Samson screamed and theme " little man". Image of the narrator. Expressiveness and laconism of Pushkin prose.

    Novel " Captain's daughter»

    The theme of Russian history in the work of A.S. Pushkin. The idea and history of the creation of the novel. The ratio of historical fact and fiction. Historical events and fate of private people. The theme of the "Russian Bunth" and the image of Pugacheva. Grineh and Swabrin. The image of Masher Mironova in the light of the author's ideal. Theme of mercy and justice. The role of epigraphs.

    Tale of "Lady-Peasantka"

    The plot and heroes of the story. Rethinking by Pushkin Problems of Shakespeare's tragedy. Overcoming barriers to happiness.

    Tale "Peak Lady"

    The image of the main character of the story and "Napoleonic" theme. The moral and philosophical problem of the work. Features of the use of fantastic.

    Genre of Fantastic Novels in Foreign Literature

    E.A. By (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Novel "Fall House of Ashers"

    Romantic landscape as a means of exposure to the reader. The image of the main character. Fantastic events and real explanation.

    M.Yu. Lermontov (7 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poem: "Tuchi", "Leaf".

    Development and rethinking of Pushkin traditions in Lermontov landscape lyrics.

    The poem "The song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young Ochrichnik and a remote merchant Kalashnikov."

    The plot of the poems, his historical basis. The image of Ivan the Terrible and the theme of power. The moral problematics and features of the conflict in the "song ...". Kalashnikov and Kiribayevich: the strength and integrity of the characters of heroes. Features of the language of the poem, its relationship with oral folk creativity.

    Poem "MTSYRY".

    "MTSYR" as a romantic poem. Philosophical meaning of the epigraph. The fate of freedom-loving personality in the poem. Tragic confrontation of man and circumstances. The theme of nature. Features of the composition and the meaning of the final.

    N.V. Gogol (11 hours).

    Word about the writer.

    The story "Taras Bulba."

    The historical and folk basis of the story. Heroic-patriotic pathos Tale, glorification of the partnership, condemnation of betrayal. Ostap and Andry, the principle of contrast in the image of heroes. Father and son conflict tragedy. Collision of love and debt in the souls of heroes. Features of the image of a person and nature in a story. The role of details in the disclosure of character.

    Comedy "Auditor".

    The skill of building intrigues in the play, features of the conflict of comedy. The meaning of the epigraph and the satirical orientation of the comedy. The image of the city and the topic of officials. Khlestakov and Klestakovshchina. Copyright to disclose characters. The skill of speech characteristics of characters. Multivality final play.

    Tale "Shinel".

    "Shinel" as one of the "Petersburg ABS". The topic of the city and "little man". Dream and reality. Images of Akakia Akakievich and "significant face". The value of the fantastic finale story. Humanistic meaning of the story and the author's irony. The role of the details in the prose of Gogol.

    A.N. Ostrovsky (3 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Piece "Snow Maiden" (Possible selection of another play).

    Motif of love and "cardiac queries" in the "Spring Fairy Tale" "Snow Maiden". Power of nature and impulses of the human heart. Berendia and Snow Maiden. Humanism of the theater is Ostrovsky.

    I.S. Turgenev (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Stories: "Biryuk", "Bezhin Mead" (3 hours) (You can choose two other stories from the "Hunter's Notes" cycle).

    The reflection of the essential traits of the Russian national nature in the stories. Copyright thinks about the life of the people. The role of the psychological detail. The skill of the landscape.

    "Poems in Prose": "Sparrow", "Russian" (1 hour)(Possible selection of two other works from the "poem in prose" cycle)

    Genre features of poems in prose. The variety of their subjects. Lyric-philosophical meditation of the author about the world and man, the greatness, beauty and imagery of Russian speech. Turgenev prose musicality.

    F.I. Tyutchev (3 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    The poem "From the Polyana Korushun rose ...", "The shadows of the SIZY mixed up ...", "predestination", "Fountain"(Possible selection of other poems).

    Shaped brightness and philosophical depth of Tyutchev lyrics. Reflections of the poet on the secrets of the universe, the relationship between man and nature. The theme of the power and powerlessness of man. Tragic sound of love theme.

    A.A. Fet (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem "I will not say anything ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    "The cult of moments" in Feta lyrics. The joy of merging the human soul with the world of nature.

    A.K. Tolstoy (3 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Roman "Prince Silver", poem "Miston of a noisy ball, by chance ..." (Possible selection of other works).

    Historical topics in the work of Tolstoy. The artistic concept of John Grozny: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship of tyranny and humility. Moral problems of the works of thick.

    The theme of love in the lyrics of Tolstoy. Depth and directness of the feelings of the lyrical hero. Painting and Music Poems Tolstoy

    ON THE. Nekrasov (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: Troika, "Reflections in the front entrance"(Possible selection of other poems).

    People's characters and fate in the poems of Nekrasov. Narrative principle in the lyrics of Nekrasov.

    M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (3 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Fairy tales: "The story of how one man's two generals pumped", " Promotud Piskary"," Bear on Voivodeship " (You can choose three other fairy tales).

    Features of the plots and the problems of "fairy tales for children of a fair age." The impairment of the moral vices of society, satire on the Barskaya Rus. The image of the people in fairy tales. Reflection of paradoxes of folk life in fairy tales. Strong and weaknesses of a folk nature. Esopov language. Allegory, fantasy, folk motifs in fairy tales.

    L.N. Tolstoy (5 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "Childhood" (Possible selection of another story).

    The role of the inner monologue in the disclosure of the character of the hero. An image of the inner world of the child, the complexity of his feelings and experiences. The theme of children's openness world.

    Story "After Bala" (Possible selection of another story).

    Features of the plot and composition. Decision the topic of love in the story. The problem is the meaning of life. The problem of cruelty. The idea of \u200b\u200bmoral self-improvement. Driving contrast in the story. The role of the artistic part in the disclosure of characters.

    FM Dostoevsky (3 hours)

    Life and creativity (review)

    Tale "White Nights" (Possible selection of another story).

    Traditions of sentimentalism in the story "White Nights". The fate of the dreamer and the image of St. Petersburg. Features of art manner F.M. Dostoevsky.

    V.M. Garin (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Red Flower" (Possible selection of another work).

    Odenship and heroism in the artistic world Garshin. The theme of passionate resistance evil. Symbolic image of a red flower.

    A.P. Chekhov (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    The story "Chameleon".

    literature of the twentieth century (27hour)

    The appeal of the Writers of the twentieth century to the artistic experience of their predecessors. Historical events, their perception of contemporaries. The originality of the Russian poetry of the twentieth century. Artistic search for Russian writers of the twentieth century. Man and history in the literature of the twentieth century: the problem of choosing a path. Russian literature of Soviet times. The problem of the hero. Years of military testing and their reflection in the literature. The approval of the irrevoyability of moral lows in difficult life circumstances (revolution, civil war, the Great Patriotic War).

    I.A. Bunin (2 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Stories: "Lapti", "Tanka"

    Moral meaning of the work. Expressiveness and accuracy of the artistic part in the prose of Bunin. The role of the details in the stories of the Bunin. Artwork of Bunin-Prosaika.

    A.I. Kubrin (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Gambrinus"(Possible selection of another work).

    Man and society as one of the "eternal" problems of literature, its reflection in the story. The originality of the main character. Humanistic pathos of the work of the junk.

    M. Gorky (4 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "Childhood" (Possible selection of another story).

    Traditions L.N. Tolstoy, their rethinking is bitter. "Lead abominations of life" and the live soul of a Russian man. An image of the inner world of a teenager. Copyright activity.

    "Song of Falcon" (Possible selection of another work).

    Romanticism of early creativity M. Gorky. Taking contrast in the works of Gorky. The question of the meaning of life. The problem of pride and freedom. The theme of the feat.

    A.A. Block (1 hour)

    Word about poet

    Poem: "On Valleys, about the exploits, about glory ...", "About spring without end and without edge ..."

    The originality of A. Blok's lyrics, reflected in her high ideals. Theme of love and " terrible world"In the lyrics of the poet. The motive of denial and taking life.

    V.V. Mayakovsky (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country", "About Dryani" (Possible selection of other poems).

    Real and fantastic works in the plot. Presentation of the poet about the essence of creativity. Satira in the work of Mayakovsky. Meshcheracy as the social danger of the peculiarities of Mayakovsky's poetic language. The role of rhyme.

    A.A. Akhmatova (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem "Seruogrozzy King" (Possible selection of other poems).

    Psychologist of the image of feelings in the lyrics of Akhmatova. The role of the artistic part.

    B.L. Pasternak (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "July", "no one will be in the house ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Picture of nature, transformed by poetic vision of Pasternak. Comparisons and metaphors in the artistic world of the poet.

    MA Bulgakov (3 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    The story "The dog's heart."

    Features of the Bulgakov Satire. The plot and the view system of the story. The author's position and methods of its expression. "Sharikovshchyna" as a social and moral phenomenon. Philosophical problematics Tale.

    A.T. Tvardovsky (3 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poem "Vasily Terkin". Chapters: "Cross", "Two Fighters", "Fight" (Possible selection of three other chapters)

    The history of the creation of the poem, its reading fate. The theme of a person in war in the poem. Features of the plot of the poem. Reflection of a Russian national character in the image of Vasily Terkina. The topic of the motherland and its embodiment in the poem. The alloy of the tragic and comic, the nationality of the language "Books about the fight".

    Literature of the peoples of Russia

    M. Karim (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Poem from the collection "Europe - Asia". Poem "Immortality" (Possible selection of two other works).

    Hugging friendship between nations, humanistic pathos poems, their aphoristic, deep lyricism, reflection of popular wisdom.

    The proximity of the image of the poema is the image of Vasily Terkina from the same name of the poem of Tvardovsky.

    MM Zoshchenko (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Stories: "The victim of the revolution", "Interesting theft in a cooperative" (from the "Blue Book") (Possible selection of two other stories).

    Satira and humor in Zoshchenko stories. Exposing a philistine and consumer attitude to the world. Man and history. The image of the narrator and the author's position. Traditions of the fairy manner of Leskov in the satirical work of Zoshchenko.

    ON THE. Zabolotsky (1 hour)

    Word about writer.

    Poem: "Thunderstorm goes", "do not let the soul be lazy ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Traditions of Russian philosophical poetry in the work of Zabolotsky. The world of nature and man's soul. The immediacy of human feelings in the poems of Zabolotsky.

    V.M. Shukshin (2 hours)

    Word about writer.

    Stories: "cut", "Freak" (Possible selection of two other stories).

    Features of Shukhin's heroes, "Founders", the lawsters, righteous. Human openness to the world as a synonym for insecurity.

    The image of the "strange" hero in the literature.

    A. SENT-EKZYUPERI (2 hours)

    Word about the writer.

    Tale "Little Prince".

    The originality of the genre of the philosophical fairy tale. Wisdom of children's perception of the world. Spiritual and material, beautiful and useful in hierarchy of vital values. Gallery of images of "adults". The theme of love and friendship. Responsibility as the basis of human relations. Allegory and metaphor in a fairy tale.

    B.Sh. Okudzhava (1 hour)(It is possible to choose another poet of the second half of the twentieth century)

    Word about poet

    Poem: "Prayer Francois Viyon", "Arbat Romance" ( possible selection of other poems).

    Wisdom and spiritual generosity of the lyrical hero of Okudzhava poetry. The author's song as a genre and as a cultural phenomenon.

    V.S. Vysotsky (1 hour) (possible selection of another poet of the second half of the twentieth century)

    Word about poet

    Poem: "Hunting for wolves", "Horses picky", "I do not like" ( there is a choice of three other poems).

    The lyrical hero of Vysotsky Poetry. Confessional pathos and tensions of feelings in the lyrics of Vysotsky. The impact of the author's performance on the perception of his works.

    TOTAL IN VII -VIII CLASS - 114 hours. Time reserve - 26 hours.

    (105 hour)

    Literature as the art of the word (1 hour)

    Place of fiction in public life and culture of Russia. National values \u200b\u200band traditions forming issues and figurative peace of Russian literature, its humanism, civil and patriotic pathos. National identity of Russian literature. Russian literature in the context of the world. The era of the development of literature. The concept of the literary process.

    The literature of the era of antiquity

    Katull (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "No, not a single environment of women ...", "No, do not hope to take a pleasant to earn a friend ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Katulla Poetry is the confrontation of cruelty and the dominance of Rome. Love as an introduction to the imnetity of nature. The generosity of the soul of the poet and the motives of despair and anger in his poems. Laconism images and tensions of feelings in lyrics of antiquity poets.

    Literature of the era of Middle Ages

    Dante (2 hours)

    Word about the poet.

    "Divine Comedy" ("hell",I., V. Songs) (Possible selection of other fragments).

    The three-part composition of the poem as a symbol of the path of a person from error to the truth. Theme of suffering and cleansing. Dante and Vergiliy. Dante and Beatrice.

    Old Russian literature(6 hour)

    Patriotic pathos, instructive nature and features of the shaped system of the ancient Russian literature. The origins and the beginning of the ancient Russian literature, its Christian-Orthodox roots. The diversity of the genres of the ancient Russian literature (chronicle, word, life, teaching).

    "Word about the regiment of Igor"

    Opening of "Words ...", his publication and study. The question of the time of creation and about the authorship of the "Words ...". Historical basis Monument, his plot. Genre and composition "Words ...". The image of the Russian Earth and the moral and patriotic idea "Words". Images of Russian princes. Character of Prince Igor. "Golden Word" Svyatoslav. Yaroslavna as the perfect image of a Russian woman. Symbols "Words", originality of the copyright style. "Word" and folk tradition. The meaning of "words" for Russian culture. Transfers and translating works.

    Renaissance era literature

    W. Shakespeare (2 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    The tragedy "Hamlet".

    Human mind and "damned questions" of being. Hamlet as a reflective hero. Thought and action. The need and inhumanity of revenge. The tragic nature of the conflict in the work. Hamlet in a number of "eternal" images.

    literature XVIII century(7 hour)

    Idean-artistic peculiarity of the literature of the Epoch of Enlightenment. Classicism as a literary direction. The idea of \u200b\u200bcivil serving, the glorification of greatness and power Russian state. Antiquity and classicism. Sentimentalism as a literary direction. Nucleation in the literature of an anti-refreshment.

    M.V. Lomonosov(1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    "Oddle on the day of the addessions on the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty of the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747" (Fragments) (Possible selection of another work)

    Genre of OD. The glorification of the most important values \u200b\u200bof Russian enlightenment: peace, homeland, science. Means of creating an image of an ideal monarch.

    G.R. Derzhavin(2 hour)

    Life and creativity (review)

    Poem: "Felitsa", "Monument" (Possible selection of two other poems).

    Tradition and innovation in poetry G. Daughter. Genres of Poetry Derzhavin. Reflection in the lyrics of the poet of ideas about genuine life values. Philosophical problems of the works of Derzhavin. Plumbes on the poet and poetry, civilian pathos his lyrics.

    A.N. Radishchev (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" (Review).

    Reflection in "Travel ..." of the author's enlighteous views. Life and morals of serfdom in Radishchev's book, her civilian pathos. The features of classicism and sentimentalism in the "Travel ...". Travel genre as a form of panoramic image of Russian life.

    European Education Employment Literature

    I.-V. Goethe (2 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Faust tragedy (fragments).

    Interpretation of the folk legend about Dr. Faust. Dialectics of good and evil. Faust and Mephistofel. Faust and Margarita. Thirst for knowledge as the property of the human spirit.

    xIX century literature (65hour)

    A new understanding of a person in his relationship with national history (Patriotic War of 1812, the uprising of the Decembrists, the abolition of serfdom). Understanding the Russian literature of the values \u200b\u200bof European and world culture. Romanticism as a literary direction. The embodiment in the literature of romantic values. Dream ratio and reality in romantic works. Conflict of the romantic hero with the world. Features of the romantic landscape. Formation of ideas about national identity. A. S. Pushkin as the founder of new Russian literature. The role of literature in the formation of the Russian language.

    The problem of personality and society. Type of individual hero. The image of the "time hero". The image of the righteous man. The image of a Russian woman and the problem of female happiness. Man in a situation of moral choice. The interest of Russian writers to the problem of the people. Realism in Russian literature, a variety of realistic trends. Historism and psychologist in literature. Moral and philosophical search for Russian writers. Deep, mysterious relationship of man and nature.

    V.A. Zhukovsky(1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poem: "Sea", "Increasing" (Possible selection of two other poems).

    Features of romanticism in lyrics V.A. Zhukovsky. The theme of man and nature, the ratio of dreams and reality in the lyrics of the poet.

    A.S. Griboedov (9 hours)

    Life and art

    Comedy "Mount from Wit"

    Specificity of the comedy genre. The art of building intrigues (love and socio-psychological conflict). The meaning of the name and the problem of the mind in comedy. Chatsky and Famovskaya Moscow. Mastery of the playwright in the creation of characters (Sophia, Molchanin, reheetles, etc.). "Openness" Final Plays, his moral and philosophical sound. The features of classicism and realism in the comedy, imagery and aphoristic of its language.

    Analysis of the comedy in a critical etude. Goncharov "Millon Torzania".

    European Romantic Epoch Literature

    J. Bayron (1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poem "Corsair" (Possible selection of another work)

    Romanticism of Byron's poetry. The originality of the "bayronic" hero, the mysteriousness of the motives of his actions. The moral maximalism of the copyright position. Faith and skepticism in the artistic world of Bairon.

    A.S. Pushkin (20 hours)

    Life and art .

    Poem :

    "To Chaadaev", "To the Sea", "Prophet", "Anchar", "on the hills of Georgia there is a night blah ...", "I loved you: Love is still, perhaps ...", "demons", "I am a monument to myself Independent ... ";

    "Village", "Autumn" (Possible selection of two other poems).

    Pushkin's poetic innovation, transformation of traditional genres in Pushkin lyrics. The main motives of Pushkin's poetry (freedom, love, friendship, creativity), their development at different stages of his creative path. Figy-stylistic wealth and philosophical depth of Pushkin lyrics. Harmony of thought and image. "Good feelings" as the moral basis of Pushkin lyrics.

    Poem "Gypsy" (Possible selection of another romantic poem)

    Features of romanticism in the work. The image of the main character: rethinking by Bayronov type. Freedom and toast, collision of Aleco with the life philosophy of Roma. The meaning of the finals of the poem.

    "Mozart and Salieri" (Possible selection of another tragedy from the "Little Tragedy" cycle)

    "Genius and villainism" as main topic In the tragedy. A dispute about the essence of creativity and various ways to service art.

    Roman in verses "Evgeny Onegin"

    The originality of the genre and the composition of the novel in verse. The unity of the epic and lyrical began. The image of the author in the work. Plot lines of the novel and theme of lyrical deviations. The image of Onegin and the type of "excess person" in Russian literature. Onegin and Lensky. Tatiana as a "cute ideal" Pushkin. The theme of love and debt in the novel. The moral and philosophical problem of the work. The problem of the final. Realism and encyclopedism of the novel. Onegin Stanza.

    Evaluation of art discovery A. S. Pushkin in criticism V.G. Belinsky (fragments of articles 8, 9 from the "writings of Alexander Pushkin" cycle).

    M.Yu. Lermontov (14 hours)

    Life and art .

    Poem :

    "Sail", "The death of the poet", "When a yellowing Niva is worried ...", "Duma", "Poet" ("My dagger shines with a decoration ...), "Prayer" ("In a minute of life is difficult ..."), "And it's boring and sad", "No, I'm not so dusty I love ...", "Rodina", "Prophet".

    Development in the work of M. Yu. Lermontova Pushkin traditions. The main motifs lyrics: longing to ideal, loneliness, thirst for love and harmony. The image of the poet in Lermontov lyrics. Poet and his generation. Theme of the Motherland. Nature and man in Lermontov's philosophical lyrics.

    Roman "Hero of Our Time"

    Genre of socio-psychological novel. Images of narratives, features of the composition of the work, its role in the disclosure of the image of Pecherin. Pechorin in a row of the Heroes of the Roman (Maxim Maximych, Highlanders, smugglers, Pereshnitsky, representatives of the "Water Society", Werner, Vulch). The theme of love and female images in the novel. Pechorin in the gallery of "extra people". The moral and philosophical problem of the work, the problem of fate. Features of romanticism and realism in the novel.

    K.N. Batyushkov (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "My genius", "Awakening", "There is pleasure and in the wildness of the forests ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Batyushkov as a representative of the "light" poetry, "Poet of Joy" (A.S. Pushkin). Freedom, Musicness of the verse and the complexity, mobility of human feelings in the poems of Batyushkov.

    A.V. Koltsov (1 hour) (Possible selection of another poet of Pushkin Pore)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Not noise you, rye ...", "separation", "Forest" (Possible selection of other poems).

    An animated life of nature in the poems of Koltsov. The proximity of the poet's creativity of folk songs and the individual character of pity. Mountain and joy of the heart of a simple person in Koltsov's poetry.

    E.A. Baratynsky (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Baratynsky as a representative of the "poetry of thought". Russian roots and the national character of Baraty's poetry. Creativity as the abode of the soul. Genre of Elegy in the Lyrics of Baratynsky. Understanding the topic of the poet and poetry.

    N.V. Gogol (13 hours)

    Life and art .

    Poem "Dead Souls" (I Tom).

    History of the plan, genre and composition of the poem, the logic of the sequence of its chapters. Adventure Chichikova as a storyline base. Chichikov's place in the image system. Images of landowners and officials and their means of creating. Place in the plot of the poems "Tale of Captain Kopeikin" and parables about Mokia Kifovic and Kihefe Mokievich. The meaning of the name of the work. Souls are dead and alive in the poem. Lyrical retreats in the poem, the image of Russia and the motive of the road. Artistic features of Gogol's prose (taking contrast, the role of hyperboles and comparisons, alogyrism and lyricism in the narration). The originality of Gogol realism.

    A.A. Fet (1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    The poem "How poor is our language! I want and can't ... " (Possible selection of other poems).

    The theme of "inexpressible" in Feta lyrics. The inexhaustibility of the world and the powerlessness of the language.

    ON THE. Nekrasov (1 hour)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Poem "Yesterday, hour in the sixth ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Nekrasov's ideas about poet and poetry. The originality of Nekrasov Muse.

    A.P. Chekhov (2 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    Stories: "Tosca", "Death of the official."

    Comic and tragic in prose Chekhov. Transformation of the theme "Little" person. Features of the author's position in the stories.

    Russian literature of the twentieth century (7hour)

    Man and story in literature. Personality and state. The topic of the motherland and her fate. The image of Russia in the poetry of the twentieth century. Years of military testing and their reflection in the literature.

    The appeal of writers of the second half of the twentieth century to the acute problems of modernity. Searches for unshakable moral values \u200b\u200bin folk life, disclosure of original Russian characters.

    A.A. Block (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Pooh "Rus" (Possible selection of other poems).

    Motherland and love as a single topic in the work of the block. Artistic means of creating the image of Russia. The lyrical hero of the poem.

    S.A. Yesenin (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Goy you, Russia, my native ...", "said the grove of Golden ..." (Possible selection of other poems).

    Poets of peasant Russia in the work of Yesenin. Emotional sincerity and philosophical depth of Esenin's poetry. Man and nature in the artistic world of the poet.

    A.A. Akhmatova (1 hour)

    Word about the poet.

    Poem: "Not with those I who threw the land ...", "courage" (Possible selection of other poems).

    War as a person check for courage, humanity and patriotism. The activity of the civil position of the poet. The topic of the homeland and civil debt in the lyrics of Akhmatova.

    MA Sholokhov (2 hours)

    Life and creativity (review).

    The story "The Fate of Man."

    Humanism of Sholokhov prose. Features of the plot and the composition of the story. The tragedy of the people during the war and the fate of Andrei Sokolov. The problem of moral choice in the story. The role of landscape sketches in the story.

    A.I. Solzhenitsyn (1 hour)

    Word about the writer.

    Story "Matrenin Dvor".

    The autobiographical basis of the story, his artistic peculiarity. The image of the main heroine and the topic of righteousness in Russian literature.

    Literature of the peoples of Russia

    G. Tukai (1 hour)

    (Possible selection of another writer, representative of the literature of the peoples of Russia)

    Word about the poet.

    Poems from the cycle "Oh, this love!" (You can choose other works).

    Lorism of poet poems, the use of the traditional form of gazelles. Tukai as a translator of Pushkin's poetry, Lermontov and other Russian poets, his contribution to the development of the Tatar language and literature.

    TOTAL B. IX class - 91 hours. Time reserve - 14 hours.

    Basic theoretical and literary

      Artistic literature as the art of the word.

      Artistic image.

      Folklore. Genres of Folklore.

      Literary childbirth and genres.

      The main literary directions: classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism.

      Form and content of literary work: theme, idea, problem, plot, composition; Stages of development: exposure, tie, climax, junction, epilogue; lyrical digression; conflict; the image system, the image of the author,narrator, literary hero, lyrical hero.

      Language of artwork. Fine-expressive agents in the artwork: epithet, metaphor, comparison. Hyperbola. Allegory.

      Prose and poetry. Basics of poems: poetic size, rhythm, rhyme, stanza.

    In school with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction, these theoretical literary concepts are studied with support for knowledge obtained in the development of native literature. Additional concepts are:

      The relationship and mutual influence of national literature.

      General and national-specific in the literature.

    Requirements for level
    Preparation of graduates

    As a result of the study of literature, the student must

    know / understand

      figurative nature of verbal art;

      the main facts of life and the creative path of A.S.Griboyedova, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.lermontova, N.V.Gogol;

      learned theoretical literary concepts;

    be able to

      perceive and analyze the artistic text;

      allocate the semantic parts of the artistic text, make the abstracts and plan read;

      determine the genre and genre of the literary work;

      allocate and formulate the topic, idea, the problem of the studied work; give the characteristic of heroes

      characterize the features of the plot, compositions, the role of fine-expressive means;

      compare the episodes of literary works and compare their heroes;

      express your attitude to the read;

      own various types of recovery;

      build oral and written statements in connection with the studied work;

      participate in the dialogue on read works, understand someone else's point of view and argued to defend their own;

      writing reviews about independently read works, writings (essays - only for graduates of schools with Russian (native) language learning).

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity and everyday lifefor:

      creating a coherent text (oral and written) on the necessary topic, taking into account the norms of the Russian literary language;

      definitions of your circle of reading and evaluating literary works;

      search for the necessary information about literature, about the specific work and its author (reference books, periodicals, television, Internet resources).

    Sample literature program 5-9 class (second-generation standards)

    The approximate literature program for the basic school is based on the fundamental nucleus of the content of general education and the requirements for the results of the main general education presented in the Federal State Educational Standard of the General Education of the second generation. It also takes into account the main ideas and positions of the development program and the formation of universal training actions for general education, continuity with exemplary programs for primary general education.

    The approximate program is a guide for the preparation of working programs: it determines the invariant (mandatory) part of the training course, outside of which the possibility of copyright is the choice of the variative component of education. The authors of the working programs and textbooks can offer their own approach to part of the structuring of educational material, determining the sequence of its study, expansion of the volume (detail) of the content, as well as ways to form a knowledge system, skills and methods of activity, development, education and socialization of students. Working programs based on an approximate program can be used in educational institutions Different profile and varying specialization.

    The exemplary program for the basic school provides for the development of all the main activities of the studies presented in programs for primary general education. However, the content of exemplary programs for the basic school has features due to, firstly, the subject matter content of the general secondary education system, secondly, the psychological and age characteristics of the student.

    The approximate program includes four sections: "Explanatory note" with the requirements for learning outcomes; "Basic content" of the courses with the list of sections; "Approximate thematic planning" with the definition of the main types of school students; "Recommendations for the equipment of the educational process."

    The "explanatory note" discloses the features of each section of the program, the continuity of its content with the most important regulatory documents and the content of the program for primary education; The overall characteristic of the course of literature, its place in the basic curriculum is given. Special attention is paid to the goals of studying the course of literature, its contribution to the solution of the main pedagogical problems in the system of basic general education, as well as the disclosure of the development results of the learners on literature on the level of basic general education.

    Goals I. educational results Presented on several levels - personal, meta-delta and subject. In turn, the subject results are marked in accordance with the main spheres of human activity: cognitive, value-orientational, labor, physical, aesthetic.
    The "Basic Content" section includes a list of studied content, combined into substantive blocks, a list of educational excursions.
    The "Approximate thematic planning" section presents an exemplary list of the course and the number of academic hours, assigned to the study of each topic, the characteristics of the main content of the topics of the student (at the level of training actions).
    The approximate program also includes the "recommendations for equipping the educational process."

    The contribution of the object "Literature" to achieving the objectives of the main general education

    Literature as the art of a verbal image is a special way of knowing life, the art model of the world, which has such important differences from the actual scientific painting of being, as high degree emotional impact, metaphoricity, multi-consciousness, associativity, incompleteness involving the active creation of perceive.

    Literature as one of the leading humanitarian learning subjects in the Russian school promotes the formation of a versatile developed, harmonious personality, the upbringing of a citizen, a patriot. Advisacy to the humanistic values \u200b\u200bof culture and the development of creative abilities is a necessary condition for the formation of a person, an emotionally rich and intellectually developed, capable of constructively and at the same time critically refer to themselves to the environment.
    Communication of a schoolboy with works by the art of the word in literature lessons is not just like a fact of acquaintance with genuine artistic values, but also as the necessary experience in communication, a dialogue with writers (Russian and foreign, our contemporaries, representatives of a completely different era). This acquisition to the universal values \u200b\u200bof being, as well as to the spiritual experience of the Russian people, which is reflected in the folklore and Russian classical literature as an artistic phenomenon, inscribed in the history of world culture and with undoubted national identity. Acquaintance with the works of verbal art of the people of our country expands the ideas of students about the wealth and diversity of artistic culture, spiritual and moral potential of multinational Russia.

    The artistic picture of life, drawn in the literary work with the help of words, language signs, is mastered by us not only in sensory perception (emotionally), but also in intellectual understanding (rational). The literature is not accidentally compared with philosophy, history, psychology, called "artistic research", "a person", "textbook of life."

    The main objectives of the study of the subject "Literature" are:

    Formation of a spiritually developed personality with a humanistic worldview, national self-consciousness and all-Russian civil consciousness, a sense of patriotism;

    The development of intellectual and creative abilities of students needed for successful socialization and self-realization;

    Failure to students of vertex works of domestic and world literature, their reading and analysis based on the understanding of the artistic nature of the art of the word, based on the principles of the unity of the artistic form and the content, links of art with life, historicism;

    Phased, consistent formation of skills read, comment, analyze and interpret the artistic text;

    Mastering the possible algorithms of comprehending the meanings laid down in the artistic text (or any other speech statement), and the creation of their own text, the presentation of its estimates and judgments about the read;

    Mastering the most important general educational skills and universal learning actions (formulating the goals of activity, plan it, to carry out a bibliographic search, find and process necessary information from various sources, including the Internet, etc.);

    Using the experience of communicating with works of fiction in everyday life and training activities, self-improvement speech.

    General characteristics of the educational subject

    As part of the educational field "Philology" learning subject "Literature" is closely related to the subject of "Russian". Russian literature is one of the main sources of enrichment of students' speech, the formation of their speech culture and communicative skills. The study of the language of artistic works contributes to the understanding of the speech of the aesthetic function of the word, mastering them with a stylisticly colored Russian speech.

    The specifics of the educational subject "Literature" is determined by the fact that it represents the unity of verbal art and the foundations of science (literary studies), which studies this art.

    The course of literature in 5-8 grams is based on a combination of concentric, historical and chronological and problem-thematic principles, and in the 9th grade it is proposed to study a linear course on a historical and literary basis (the Old Russian literature - literature of the XVIII century - the literature of the first half of the XIX century. ), which continues in 10-11 classes (the literature of the second half of the XIX century. - Literature XX century. - Modern literature).

    The following sections are presented in the approximate program:
    1. Oral folk creativity.
    2. Old Russian literature.
    3. Russian literature XVIII century.
    4. Russian literature of the first half of the XIX century.
    5. Russian literature of the second half of the XIX century.
    6. Russian literature of the first half of the XX century.
    7. Russian literature of the second half of the XX century.
    8. The literature of the peoples of Russia.
    9. Foreign literature.
    10. Reviews.
    11. Information on the theory and history of literature.
    12. Diagnostic, current and outcome control of the level of literary education.

    Section 1-10 give a list of works of fiction and brief annotations that reveal their main issues and artistic peculiarity. The study of works is preceded by a brief overview of the life of the writer.

    Materials on the theory and history of literature are presented in each section of the program, but a special section 11 provides for special hours on the practical development and systematization of knowledge of students on the theory of literature and for consideration of issues related to the literary process, the characteristics of individual literary eras, directions and flows.

    Section 12 offers an approximate content of classes aimed at carrying out the diagnostic, current and final control of the level of literary education.

    Results of the study of the subject "Literature"

    Personal results of graduates of the main school, formed when studying the subject "Literature", are:

    Improving the spiritual and moral qualities of the personality, the upbringing of the sense of love for the multinational Fatherland, respectful relations to Russian literature, to the cultures of other peoples;

    Use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information (dictionaries, encyclopedias, Internet resources, etc.).

    Meta-reported results of the study of the subject "Literature" in the basic school are manifested in:
    The ability to understand the problem, to put forward the hypothesis, structure the material, select arguments to confirm your own position, allocate causal relationships in oral and written statements, formulate conclusions;
    the ability to independently organize their own activities, evaluate it, determine the sphere of its interests;
    The ability to work with different sources of information, find it, analyze, use in independent activities.

    The subject results of graduates of the main school are as follows:

    1) in the informational sphere:
    Understanding the key problems of the studied works of Russian folklore and folklore of other peoples, Old Russian literature, literature XVIII century, Russian writers of the XIX-XX centuries, the literature of the peoples of Russia and foreign literature;
    Understanding the relationship of literary works with the era of their writing, identifying the timeless, irreversive moral values, and their modern sound;
    The ability to analyze the literary work: to identify his belonging to one of the literary classes and genres; understand and formulate the topic, idea, moral pathos of the literary work, characterize his heroes, compare the heroes of one or several works;
    Determination in the product of the plot elements, compositions, fine-expressive means of language, understanding their role in the disclosure of ideologically-artistic content of the work (elements of philological analysis);
    possession of elementary literary terminology when analyzing a literary work;

    2) in the value-orientation area:
    Advisacy to the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof Russian literature and culture, comparing them with the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof other peoples;
    formulating your own attitude to the works of Russian literature, their assessment;
    own interpretation (in some cases) of studied literary works;
    Understanding the author's position and its attitude towards it;

    3) in the communicative sphere:
    perception of the literary works of different genres, meaningful reading and adequate perception;
    the ability to retell prosaic works or their passages using the figurative tools of the Russian language and quotes from the text; respond to questions on the listened or read text; create oral monologic statements of different types; be able to conduct a dialogue;
    Writing presentations and essays on topics related to themes, issues of studied works, classroom and home creative work, abstracts on literary and general cultural topics;

    4) in the aesthetic sphere:
    Understanding the figurative nature of literature as a phenomenon of verbal art; aesthetic perception of works of literature; formation of aesthetic taste;
    Understanding the Russian word in its aesthetic function, the role of fine-expressive linguistic means in creating artistic images of literary works. Class by 4 class (and further by 11 class literature; Education ... Sampleprogramby standardssecondgeneration by ...

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