Opinion of the labor collective. Collective opinion of military personnel and management of collective mood Formation of collective opinion

Group, collective opinion- this is the cumulative judgment and attitude of the members of the collective (all or a significant part of them) to the events and facts of reality in the life of the collective and its individual members, to their behavior and activities. This is a certain degree of unanimity of the members of the team. Collective opinion is an indicator of the orientation of the group psyche. It is a kind of synthesis, an alloy of individual opinions of the members of the team, one of the forms of rational, speculative manifestation of the group, collective consciousness and acts as a powerful motivating force for the behavior and activities of the members of the team. In the general opinion that has developed in the team, the strength of the beliefs, will, and feelings of the whole team is manifested.

In the collective opinion, the actions of each member of the team are evaluated. Such evaluation is systematic, daily, operational in the form of approval or condemnation, wishes or demands. Value judgments and attitudes in the collective opinion are often categorical and unambiguous and have the character of truth, since the work collective, as a rule, does not make mistakes in assessing its employees.

At the same time, the opinion in the team is a source of feedback, information for each employee about the compliance of his actions, behavior, attitudes towards things in the team, workmates, collective norms and rules, values.

The collective opinion is publicly expressed by the leader, by the meeting of the team members - this is the official opinion in the team.

In the team, along with the official opinion, which is expressed publicly, there may be an unofficial opinion. It is usually formed when members of the team disagree with official assessments, norms, and rules. Such an opinion may not only not coincide with the official one, but also be directed in the opposite direction. In this case, an unofficial opinion does not contribute to the rallying of the team, the creation and stabilization of a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in it. It is a sign of serious contradictions between members of the team.

In its development, the collective opinion goes through a number of stages.

1. The stage of individual consciousness, when, according to this or that fact, event, the members of the collective develop individual assessments, judgments, attitudes.

2. The stage of group consciousness, when as a result of the mutual exchange of information, views, assessments, relationships in the team, employees unite around one or another basic point of view on the problem under discussion. In addition, there are usually relatively stable, spontaneously formed microgroups in the team, whose members evaluate certain events, as a rule, through the prism of group value orientations and attitudes.

3. Stage - when in the process of discussion in various forms of interaction (at a meeting, in other forms of communication) a common opinion is formed in the team.

29.8. Group moods in the team

The most dynamic form of manifestation of the group, collective psyche are general, group moods. These are general emotional states, the emotional mood of the team, this or that degree of unanimity, the totality of empathy of people who have mastered the team (or a significant part of it) at one or another moment or period of time.

Moods are inherent in any group of people, even random ones. Emphasizing this idea, V. M. Bekhterev noted: "Will we have a randomly assembled crowd in the street in front of us ... a rally - everywhere and everywhere we will meet with the manifestation of public sentiments." Acting primarily as the emotional side of the spiritual life of a particular social group, team, moods significantly affect the effectiveness of people's joint activities.

Unlike individual emotional states group sentiment in more due to the social, group existence of people. Group moods are dynamic, they can quickly spread in the team, quickly change polarity: from positive to negative, from upsurge to apathy. In the general mood in the team, there may be different and even opposite tendencies.

Collective moods usually carry a large energy charge, have great effectiveness, and are contagious.

The mood in the team is often determined by the facts and events of reality, directly perceived by people. In the emergence of general group moods, the subconscious of people plays an important role. Group moods are more irrational and less conditioned by the rational, rational activity of people. Such moods can drown out the voice of reason and even turn a social group into a crowd (when panic occurs, for example).

In the presence of group emotional states, the effect of such a mechanism for protecting people as criticality and meaningful perception of reality is sharply reduced. For example, the activation of general emotional states of anger, hatred, feelings of honor, dignity, national pride, etc. in people. lowers and can even remove the action of the mind, prudence, caution and stir up a large energy potential.

Depending on the degree of unity and agreement in the dynamics of the public opinion of a military collective, three of its main stages are distinguished: diffuse, polarized, and unified collective opinion.

Diffuse opinion is a disparity in views and in judgments. Warriors have conflicting, inconsistent positions; some of them find it difficult to determine their point of view, cannot objectively evaluate the judgments of their comrades and consciously adhere to any position.

A polarized opinion takes place if the leading points of view have already been determined, as a result of which personnel divided into two or three groups, each of which has its own position and defends it. This state can have negative consequences, conflict.

A single collective opinion is characterized by maximum agreement and the presence of one, common, consciously and sincerely shared by all positions.

The process of forming a collective opinion can be observed in various forms of communication between soldiers: during a meeting, in a friendly conversation during a rest, when discussing films, books, and printed materials. Participating in these forms of communication, observing how agreement is reached on positions and views on issues of concern to personnel, how differences are overcome, commanders draw conclusions about the essential moral and psychological characteristics of the team.

In interaction with the collective, the individual appears as a self-regulating system in the social environment. From this point of view, collective opinion can be viewed as a feedback channel, as the most important source of socio-psychological information about the immediate environment for the individual. It informs a person about the reaction to his actions and deeds from other people and, thus, contributes to the adoption of adequate decisions. Moreover, the group itself carries out certain social sanctions in relation to the individual. It continuously compares the behavior of each of its members with the system of norms that exists within this group, and the results are expressed in the characteristics of the attitude towards this person in the team, which can reflect approval and praise or, conversely, condemnation.

It should be noted that the collective opinion is not only a multifaceted phenomenon, but also a very dynamic one. In the dynamics of the formation and development of public opinion, a number of degrees are distinguished.

The positive traditions and moods that exist in the military collective contribute to the formation of the correct public opinion.

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When receiving a referral for analysis, think about

what will you do if the result is:

a) positive

b) negative.

If the answers match, the need

disappear in the analysis.


The collective opinion is

In reality, not all of your thoughts are yours. To be honest, you generally have very few thoughts, but on the contrary, there are a lot of strangers.

Collective or public opinion is the opinion of the majority. Until people learned how to manipulate it and turned it into an instrument of power, it was very useful in the process of evolution. At present, the collective opinion contains many false judgments.

What is collective opinion? This is magic for the initiated! The one who understands how society's opinion works - gets the steering wheel and power in his hands.

Collective opinion is a powerful tool, the power of which is welcomed by any democratic institution from public organization to the country as a whole. Collective opinion changes the power and courses of countries, throws people into poverty or raises them above the whole world, educates the spirit or takes away the will.

Otherwise, the collective opinion is called the opinion of the majority or public opinion, or the opinion of the masses, the opinion of the labor collective. But no matter how they call it, they always talk about it as a kind of truth and law, actions against which are unacceptable and can undermine the unshakable and fundamental laws of society.

Collective opinion is a set of value judgments, which expresses the attitude of the majority of members of the team to various events in the life of society, to the actions, behavior and activities of both the entire team and each of its members.

The opinion of the collective is a socio-psychological phenomenon that arises and develops in the process of communication and interaction of people, a constant lively exchange of their thoughts, views, beliefs, feelings. Thus, collective opinion is a kind of fusion of personal opinions that have undergone certain changes as a result of interaction.

By its nature, collective opinion is a specific form of social consciousness, and therefore often acts as a criterion for the actions and actions of individual members of the team. It has a special influence on the personality of a serviceman, since through it such educational functions of the team as presenting a system of requirements to the individual and constant monitoring and evaluation of his actions and behavior are carried out. In turn, it should be noted that by directing people's behavior in accordance with the requirements of the surrounding social environment, collective opinion actively contributes to the formation in them of the qualities necessary for military professional activity.

In interaction with the collective, the individual appears as a self-regulating system in the social environment. From this point of view, collective opinion can be viewed as a feedback channel, as the most important source of socio-psychological information about the immediate environment for the individual. It informs a person about the reaction to his actions and deeds from other people and, thus, contributes to the adoption of adequate decisions. Moreover, the group itself carries out certain social sanctions in relation to the individual. It continuously compares the behavior of each of its members with the system of norms that exists within this group, and the results are expressed in the characteristics of the attitude towards this person in the team, which can reflect approval and praise or, conversely, condemnation.

It should be noted that the collective opinion is not only a multifaceted phenomenon, but also a very dynamic one. In the dynamics of the formation and development of public opinion, a number of degrees are distinguished.

At the first stage, people directly experience the event, talk about it and evaluate it.

At the second stage, they exchange their feelings and ideas, views and assessments. It is here that opinion crosses the boundaries of individual consciousness and captures the sphere, first of all, of group, collective, and then of public consciousness. From the moment of exchange of views, discussions and discussions, the process of formation of public opinion begins. In the future, different opinions are united around the main points of view on the subject of discussion, and in the process of discussion a common opinion is formed.

Complete unity of collective opinion is rare. There is only a more or less pronounced tendency in the formation of an assessment of a particular situation. At the same time, the degree of maturity of opinion varies, and this is not accidental, because its carriers are specific people with certain psychological characteristics which largely determine the emergence of both positive and negative collective opinion. Therefore, the subunit commander should always take care to form a common point of view of the team on certain social phenomena. It is quite possible to achieve this, since the collective opinion is a controlled, organized phenomenon.

The main condition for the formation of a collective opinion is the ability of an officer to influence the opinions and views of specific servicemen. At the same time, in order to successfully influence the collective opinion, it is necessary to take into account the dynamics of its development: it is important not to miss the moment when people directly experience this or that event and try to evaluate it. It is at this moment that some have the right, while others have false views. The misconceptions that have arisen are initially weak, but can quickly gain a foothold, so preventive measures are needed. It is also important to take into account that every single judgment, especially if it suits the general opinion, the mental state of people in a given situation, can quickly become group or collective, sometimes even if it contradicts own opinion many members of the team.

One of the prerequisites for the formation of public opinion on a particular issue is the knowledge of the main trend in views and all opinions that contradict this direction. In this regard, when shaping public opinion, special attention should be paid to the fight against false views, for which it is necessary to debunk the authority of persons with strong negative influence. Effective way this is achieved by restructuring the attitude of their inner circle towards them - when the opinion of the closest of the comrades who previously supported the offender changes dramatically and coincides with the opinion of the entire team, it becomes able to rebuild the relations of soldiers in this group and change the behavior of an undisciplined colleague.

The positive traditions and moods that exist in the military collective contribute to the formation of the correct public opinion.

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