Prepare a message about polite words for children. Politeness - what is? Rules of politeness

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Nizhneelpovskaya Main Communication School"



Work performed:

Volkova Ulyana

Viajanina Kristina

Koneva Daria

Lektonseva Ulyana


N-lp 2014

Introduction ..................................................................................... 3

Main part……………………………………………………………..….…. four

1. From the history of polite words ...................................................... ... ... 4

2. Our research ............................................................. ...... 7.

Conclusion ................................................................................................ 9

Literature ................................................................................. 10.

Applications ......................................................................... ...... 11


From early childhood, parents teach us polite. In the lessons "Basics of secular ethics" we studied the topic "courtesy." We are interested in the question: What is politeness? Why do people use polite words? Where did these words come from and what are they denoted? How do different nations welcomed each other?

Purpose: explore the question of using words of politeness of school students.


· explore and analyze the literature on the chosen topic;

· find out the origin of the meaning of courtesy words;

· get acquainted with the use of polite words in other countries;

· determine the frequency use of words of politeness in students' speech;

· explore the level of mastering words of courtesy;

· surveillance, experiment on the topic: "Application of polite words of our school students";

· release the booklet "polite words".

Subject of study: Words of courtesy.

Research Plan:

1. Study of literature on the topic.

2. Using a computer for more information.

3. Questioning.

4. Experiment and fixed results.

5. Building diagrams based on the results of the survey and experiment.

Main part

1 . From the history of polite words.

We can not know much, but everyone knows about politeness.

A knowledgeable, knowledgeable person in Russia was called "Pepper", that's the word "statement", and then "politeness" first happened.

Politeness - Everyday respect and open benevolence towards those people with whom you have to meet at home and at school, at work and in public places.

And respect - This is a respectful attitude towards people based on recognition and advantages.

A polite, cultural person complies with the rules of decency, knows how to hear the other, respectfully, tactfully talking to people. All this norms (rules) of morality.

Morality - moral norms of behavior, relations with people, as well as morality itself.

Among the polite words can be distinguished by several groups:

    words of greetings; words of gratitude; the words of the request; apologize words;

Everyone knows the Word hello which expresses the wish of health.

In ancient times, the cattle breeders - nomads at the meeting asked: "Is your cattle? Did you eat today? " And it is not by chance. The life of every person and the whole tribe depended on the health of livestock, because it was hundreds of cattle given milk and meat for food, skins and wool for clothes, served as a means of movement

His story of the Word of Gratitude thank you . At the beginning, at the meeting, they said "Save you God,", which implied salvation from all kinds of trouble, diseases, from any evil. Over time, this greeting has been reduced and instead of "save God" began to say "save - Bo".

Famous word of courtesy you are welcome Comes from the word "wish." In ancient times, it meant to adopt, show respect. Hence another, related, word - "please", that is, to respond to a request, complain of attention.

Word "goodbye" meant "take away the guilt with me", "let me go free." From the beginning of the last century, the word included "bye". Now in practice speech communication You can hear: "Total you good, goodbye! "(Wish and farewell together).

In the journal "Ural Pathfinder", we read a curious article about how people in different parts of the world are different, sometimes posed, welcomed when meetingIX century.

A polite Czech puts himself in an indispensable duty to name your submissive servant. He usually says goodbye to "Good night wishes your humble servant!". "Kiss your hand!" - Austrian exclaims and even kisses the hem of dresses to whom he feeds special respect. In the circles of the Polish aristocracy, it was possible to hear the question: "Are you happy?". The Turks at the meeting with graceful movement applies the hand first to the heart, then to the forehead as a sign of a sincere location. Otherwise, the Englishman welcomes. In the attack of politeness and favor, he grabs your hand, as in iron vice, and so much shakes it, as if she wanted to tear off. And women, and men receive the same greeting, and the physiognomy of the one who welcomes, remains impassive. The resident of the Scandinavian countries is also serious, he is constantly thoughtful, and when meeting it, it is not necessary to scare when it is prettring: "What do you think about?" "Do you live well?" - Dane exclaims, meanwhile as the Dutch walk, bow, quickly ask you a question: "Where are you going?".

And now we are transferred to other countries of light. Residents of Japan are bowing, removing the shoes, approaching each other with barefoot legs. They show respect for the outbreak of legs, just as we, as we, exposes their heads. In China, they occupy each other by hands, apply them to the heart and lowly bow the heads. When two familiar Chinese meet after a long separation, they fall on their knees. Or ask: "Is your stomach?". If any Chinese had decided to bow on the European custom, he would receive fifty blows with a bamboo stick by order of the Mandarin. If Europeans express their respect, representatives of some eastern peoples express their contempt.

In the Himalayas, men tend to turn to each other with their backs, meanwhile, as the Hindus grab each other for the beard. Most of the Pacific Islanders have a habit when meeting the noses. This custom also exists in some of the northern peoples, and the natives of the Tong Islands group gently pressed the nose to the forehead.

The disregard of aesthetic feelings seems to us the property of the context of the inhabitants of the island of St. Lawrence B. Pacific Ocean. If the markets are expressing their special respect and location, they spit on their palms and rub each other face. You can imagine that you should feel delicate European, which will be done by the victim of such politeness. Also, it should not be particularly pleased when representatives of another nationality met a comrades blow in the ears and at the same time good-natured rubbing the belly from each other. In Lamuz, the inhabitants grab the hand of a welcomed and gently spend it on her face. The highest expansion of respect is considered when they are thrown when a friend is coming to Earth and foot, they are slowly touching his face. Honor it falls out mainly bosses and clergy. African blacks, welcoming, grab thumb Or all your fingers and hise them to a crunch than expressing the sincerity of feelings. In Egypt, the climate of which requires that a person so much and correctly swell, at the meeting asked with participation: "How do you sweat?" Do not ask such a question - it means to express the lack of location. On Sokotra (island East Africa) Come to each other in the shoulder, and on the ground lay on the ground. IN North Americawhere the death rate of children, young women, meeting, sympathetically ask: "Is your baby great?"

Thus, we got acquainted with the far from the ferris of a variety of expressions of the same feeling. It is likely that some forms of these greetings are completely outdated, disappeared. Well, the more curious was to learn about them.

2. Our research

Together with Galina Valentinovnoy, we decided to conduct research in our school to find out how children know polite words well and how often they use them in their speech. To do this, we made a questionnaire and conducted a survey among our school students (Appendix 1). In total, 42 respondents (students from 2 to grade 9) took part in the survey.

Written survey showed that our school students know a lot of polite words (Appendix 2).

The most used words of greetings are the most used - farewells: Hello (36 people noted - 86%) and his close-up to him - good morning - 7 (17%). Goodbye (2 people noted - 52%), as well as words of gratitude: Thank you (29 people - 69%), please (30 people - 71%).

Unfortunately, other words: Sorry, sorry, a pleasant appetite, be healthy and other peers, as the survey results showed, are rare.

But the observation showed that in speech to use polite words, children often forget. So, to say hello to school employees at the meeting, 8 people have forgotten, which is 17% of all students. In the dining room, forgot to thank the cooks for a delicious food of 4 people, that is, 8% of the total number of school students.

According to the results of the survey, it can be concluded that half of children consider themselves polite people and always use polite words in their speech. But there are such guys who do not speak the words of courtesy or consume them in their speech rarely.

Together with Galina Valentinov, we constituted the booklet "Polite words", which, in our opinion, will help students of our school become much polite in their words and actions (Appendix 3),


Words of politeness have a rich history.

Russian speech culture is going through today far from best times. Speech etiquette needs actively conservation, sohell the development of the culture of communication should be operated.

Psychologists found out that polite words have a positive effect on a person, his emotional state. Of course, if they come from the soul, from the heart. Only in this case they will play their magic role.


1. Kurochina for children and adults: studies. Manual for the court. Higher. Ped. studies. Establishments. - M.: Aktsediya's Released Center, 2001.-256s.

2. and Swedov dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy science Institute of Russian Language. . - 4th ed., Supplemented. - M ..: Azbukovnik, 199st.

3. Studenkin spiritually - moral culture of the peoples of Russia. Basics of secular ethics: textbook for grade 4 general educational institutions/. - 2nd ed. - M.: Word - textbook, "2012. - 160 p.: Il.

4. Yu. Alan. How do you sweat? // Ural Pathfinder. - 1981. - №1. - Page 75.

Attachment 1


1. Do you often use words of politeness?

a) always

b) sometimes

d) do not use

2. In relation to who more often do you use words of politeness?

a) to adults

b) to relatives

c) to friends, peers

d) to all

3. Name words of politeness that usually use


4. Do you think yourself polite person? _________________________________________

5. Do you consider the guys of our school polite? ___________________________________

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

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Russian speech is filled with polite (magical) words that are serving good, joy, hope of humanity. The pronunciation of useful phrases makes people responsive, softer, cultural. Suppose the lack of polite expressions of the Russian language. Instantly follow significant changes. A decent act will be unnoticed, a simple request will become an order, the usual speech seems to be bold, will cause discontent, spoil the mood ...

Children, adults trained by magical words, are aware of the strength of spoken speech, reinforcing personal, business success. It is important to be able to timely, sincerely talk good words.

Greeting and handling

  1. Hello (you live healthy, I wish the health)
  2. Good morning (good afternoon, good evening)
  3. Hi (Greetings, Hello, Salute, Hello)

When meeting each other

  1. Hello
  2. Presentation: Name, Surname, Patronymic
  3. Pleased to meet you
  4. Nice to meet you

Words of gratitude

  1. Thank you
  2. Thank you
  3. Designable
  5. Our respect

Words with apologies

  1. sorry
  2. Sorry
  3. I apologize
  4. Sorry

Words with request

  1. You are welcome
  2. ask
  3. Promotivity, generosity

For farewell

  1. Good Bye! See you later)
  2. All good (good one)
  3. All the best
  4. Good luck

When talking on the phone

  1. Hello
  2. Good morning (good: day, evening)
  3. Hello
  4. Do you have time to talk?
  5. Is it convenient to lead a conversation now?
  6. Thank you
  8. Goodbye (meeting)

List for children

  • hello;
  • good morning, good afternoon, good evening;
  • excuse me, please;
  • thank you;
  • good night;
  • bye;
  • you are welcome;
  • let me;
  • let me ask, find out, ask;
  • bon Appetit;
  • let me help;
  • please either take, please;
  • nice to meet you.

Is it important to speak polite words?

People live surrounded by magic reflected in natural phenomena, art, everyday life. The power of magic is lighted in words that have pronounced constantly in infinite quantities. Amazing, phrases, expressions, the interlocutor can hurt, offend or inspire, to delight, cheer.

How to make a communicating individual receive positive energy?

People want to hear pleasant words. The pronunciation of polite phrases fills the soul with warm, light, hope, calmness.

Adults, kids, teenagers have verbal magic

It is important to skillfully use the magic, teach children a kind, useful phrases, competently apply magical expressions. A sufficient number of polite phrases is used daily at the moments of meetings, dating, requests, farewell, telephone conversation. It is necessary to remember the "magic" phrases, on time and correct them.

Thanks to polite words, people are able to do good, to produce a pleasant impression when you meet, find true friend, girlfriend, satellite life, business partner.

People are constantly convinced of the magical strength of a polite expression, regardless of destination. In the morning, meeting with a neighbor, girlfriend, fellow students, a young man, a girl, a pensioner greet, uttering "Hello", "Hello" and be sure to hear a warm greeting. People are inspired, charged by positive energy, the warmth of the words instills a positive, a smile appears.

Farewell is necessarily accompanied by phrases "before the meeting," "goodbye", which is confirmed by the importance of communication. The interlocutors are expressed by friendliness, give hope for new meetings.

What to do if you need help?

It should be asked, sincerely pronounced, "Please help", "help a courtesy." The interlocutor, to whom the good phrases are addressed, will pay attention, goodwill will definitely show.

What words do you use during your dating girl, a guy or a leadership?

It is important to impress the impression to notice, decently appreciated, wanted to continue communication, invited to work. Of polite expressions, at the acquaintance, a lot - "let me introduce themselves to", "nice to meet", etc., the main thing is to pronounce sincerely as possible. The interlocutor will definitely be interested, the intellect will appreciate, will understand how nice to communicate.

More difficult to apologize

It is required to correctly pick up polite words, say them with a sense of greater regret. This will help resume the former relationship with a partner, friends, relatives. Phrases apologies facilitate the spiritual state of people. The interlocutors are softened, goodwill manifest.

The importance of the use of polite words is indisputable

Magic expressions, phrases help arrange the interlocutor, cause positive emotions, attention. People useing useful words, phrases, expressions, pleasant, attractive, are interesting when communicating. Polite words raise the mood, allow you to enjoy peace of mind, regardless of age, gender, status, employment.

Words of politeness must be speaking constantly, they are the key to successful activities in everyday life!

What do the rules of courtesy in talking?

Rules of politeness - The most basic canons of a brought up citizen. A polite person is a real friend, a pleasant interlocutor, a welcome guest.

There is a lot of laws of courtesy during communication of a large number of people or two people. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce, correctly and timely use magic words.

Plus to knowledge, use of good phrases, expressions: the need to exercise competent tactics of behavior when talking with the interlocutor:

  1. When contacting an unfamiliar person with a request, it is necessary to postpone the case, take the maximum respect, take active participation during conversation.
  2. Interrupt the lead's leading conversation - an uncompatory. It is necessary to listen carefully, to show patience, wait until the end of the conversation. There are inappropriate comments, tips, the statement of opinions during the story of the interlocutor.
  3. Conversation is conducted surrounded by people? Culture should be shown, it is impossible to respond to speech facing a person sitting nearby.
  4. The tactless behavior of a common person must be gently stopped, stop the conversation.
  5. Are there a discussion, or insult people? Try to translate the topic of the conversation.
  6. The bad tone is considered a long conversation.
  7. Communication involves the manifestation of courtesy, care, tact. The interlocutor needs to urgently leave? You must complete the conversation in a timely manner. It is required to change the topic of the conversation, if the people present are not interesting to listen.
  8. Non-standard phrases should be excluded. The values \u200b\u200bof expression to the interlocutor may be unknown, incomprehensible.
  9. Communicating with a friend, familiar, relative, can not be criticized, discuss, to negotiate missing people. Otherwise, an unpleasant situation will be created. There is no good about missing, or just silent.
  10. Communicate, swinging with hands - a sign of bad tone, showing the unpretentiousness of the individual. It is necessary to clearly clearly express your own thoughts.

The information provided will help to understand the importance of polite expressions. Giving magic phrases, people do the world Light, kind, rich.

A kind word can pick up a person in difficult momentcan help improve mood. But not only words from us should be kind, but also our actions should not have to blush and be ashamed for them. Understand and fulfill the desire of another - one pleasure, honestly.

It is always pleasant to communicate with polite people: they use magic words in their speech, do polite actions. You need to talk on the phone in a polite tone. Use words of greetings, gratitude, apologies, farewell. Do not speak for too long.

Let's make scenes: 1. The boy calls the girl. He wants to find out what program shows cartoons. 2. The girl calls a friend and wants to learn from her homework mathematics. 3. The girl calls her friend. She wants to invite her to ski. 4. The boy invites a friend to visit. He bought a new game football.

Game a dictionary of polite words. Guess the riddles. Even the ice boulder melts from the word warmly thanks. Severe old stump when you hear: Good afternoon. If there is no longer anyway; Let's say mom we: thanks. The boy, polite and developed, says, meeting, hello. When we are scorn for pranks, say, sorry, please. And in France, and in Denmark on the farewell, say goodbye.


ON THIS TOPIC " Alphabet of polite words»

Performed: Maskayeva Anastasia

student 1zh class

Leader: Gracheva Kristina Evgenievna

teacher primary classes


I. Introduction .............................................................................. ..3

II. Main part

2.1. Business words and their origin .......................................... 4

2.2. In the study ............................................................................. ..5

III. Conclusion ........................................................................ ..6.

IV. References ............................................................... ..6

Vi. Application "Memo for students" ........................ ..7

I.. In importation

From early childhood, parents teach us polite. I was interested in the question: What is politeness? Why do people use polite words? Where did these words come from and what are they denoted? To answer these questions, I conducted a study.

Objectives of the study:

    Find out the origin of polite words

    Examine the impact of polite words on people's relationships

Objectives of research:

    Explore literature on polite words

    Find out what are polite words, their origin

    Conduct the survey of students in the initial classes, as well as well they know polite words and how often they are applied in practice.

Research methods:

    Theoretical (use of reference books)

    Poll Methods (Testing)


Hypothesis: From nice words, the language will not freeze.

Object of study: Using students of primary grades of polite words in communication with each other.

Subject of study: The influence of words on the mood and relationship of people.

II..Main part

2.1. Delive words and their origin

At first I learned about the origin of the word "courtesy." The word polite was formed from the ancient Russian word "nearby" - an expert ("Went" - to know). The literal meaning of the word "polite" - knowing how to behave.

BUT lexical meaning The following word: politeness is the quality of a person for whom respect for people has become the daily norm of behavior and the usual way to communicate with others.

Among the polite words can be distinguished by several groups:

    words of greetings;

    words of gratitude;

    the words of the request;

    apologize words;

    words of praise;

From the history of polite words, I learned the following:

    Hello - This is a wish, please - be healthy. And when a person is healthy, he has a good mood, he is cheerful, cheerful. When we greet, it's free or unwitting something good to each other. And if there will be many healthy, happy people around, the world around us will be kind and happy. In ancient times, the cattle breeders - nomads at the meeting asked: "Is your cattle? Did you eat today? " And it is not by chance. The life of every person and the whole tribe depended on the health of livestock, because it was hundreds of cattle given milk and meat for food, skins and wool for clothes, served as a means of movement

    His story of the Word of Gratitude thank you . At the beginning, at the meeting, they said "Save you God,", which implied salvation from all kinds of trouble, diseases, from any evil. Over time, this greeting has been reduced and instead of "save God" began to say "save - Bo". Saying "Thank you," we usually express gratitude to anyone and for anything.

    Famous word of courtesy you are welcome Comes from the word "wish." In ancient times, it meant to adopt, show respect. Hence another, related, word - "please", that is, to respond to a request, complain of attention.

    Word "goodbye" meant "take away the guilt with me", "let me go free." From the beginning of the last century, the word included "bye". Now in the practice of speech communication you can hear: "All of you are good, goodbye! "(Wish and farewell together).

2.2. Our study

Together with class teacher We decided to conduct research in our school to find out how children know polite words well and how often they use them in their speech. To do this, we made a questionnaire and conducted a survey among students of our school. In total, 51 people took part in the survey.

The survey took place on the following questions:

    Do you often use words of politeness?

    In relation to who most often do you use the words of politeness?

    Write down the words of politeness that usually use.

    What mood do you pronounce polite words?

    Do you think polite words affect the mood?

    Do you consider yourself a polite person?

    Do you consider the guys of our school polite?

results The survey was as follows:

67% of students consume polite words often, to all and adults and children. They do it with good mood And they believe that polite words affect the mood. The most popular words for them are hello, goodbye. These guys consider themselves polite and consider learning to our school too polite

15% of students consume polite words sometimes, only for adults. The most popular words for them are thanks and please. They believe that polite words do not affect the mood.

18% of students consume polite words rarely, mainly to friends and relatives. They utter polite words with poor mood and believe that polite words do not affect the mood. To the question, do you consider yourself polite, they found it difficult to answer or did not answer at all. To the question, whether you read the guys of our school polite, they found it difficult to answer.

Based on the survey, it can be concluded that the students of the initial classes of our school practically always use polite words in their speech, most often they do it in relation to all others. Good words They utter a good mood and believe that polite words are able to influence our mood. And also it became known to me that the luggage of polite words in children is great, they are used in their speech, as a rule, such words as Hello, goodbye, please, thank you, sorry, sorry, etc. But still, I think that there is not worth stopping for this, and for this I made a memo with the rules of courtesy, which will help to schoolchildren easier to communicate with each other, to be pupil, kinder.


The study showed that the hypothesis "does not free the language" from pleasant words "is true, because the language is really not a cool, pleasant words to speak easily and nice himself, speak polite and kind words becomes a good habit, and relationships are being established.

Thus, with the help of your research, I

1. I learned the origin of polite words
2. Proved that polite words are really special words, because every word has a good impact on man.
3. Polite words help raise the mood of others, do not upset friends and other people, teach to be friends, take care of loved ones. A kind word can pick up a person in a difficult moment, improve the mood.
4. Polite words must be used in their speech, and then we will note how the world will start changing, becoming kinder.
5. Manufactured memo for students with politeness rules.


1.V.I. Dal. Dictionary Russian language. Eksmo. M., 2011

2.S.I.Ogov, N.Yu.Shvedov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 2006

3.Oooo "Video Studio Quartz". Ellectron carrier "Etiquette. Tract for adolescents wishing to become cultural people "(CD-ROM disc)


Biryukova Eva

The paper presents etymology of polite words and etiquette formulas. The story of the word "etiquette", components of etiquette, presented the traditions of greetings of some nations. The conclusion is a linguistic experiment to use polite words in speech.




From early childhood, we constantly hear: "So behave ugly!" "So you can not do!" "As non-ultimate!". Gradually, we get used to greet, apologize, ask for help and in general to behave in an adult, brought up and culturally, without thinking about the true meaning of polite words. Words that were so difficult to pronounce, looking into the eyes of mom, become ordinary and insignificant. Forget that I also recently wanted to ask, why do you need exactly what it all invented it?! We will try to answer these questions in this work.

purpose of work : Learn the story of etiquette words and expressions.

To achieve the goal, tasks are set:

  • explore the origin of the word "etiquette";
  • get acquainted with the etiquette traditions of the peoples of the world;
  • explore the origin and value of Russian polite words;
  • conduct an experiment to use polite words in its class.

The material for research is words, etiquette formulas that each of us consumes. Word, speech plays a big role in communication people. For the speech of man mono, judge his education and culturality. In a word, you can help a person, thank him, praise, console, or offend, hurt. The Russian people thought about the strength of the word: the word is not a sparrow - will fly away, you can't catch.

What is etiquette

In Russian, this word "etiquette" appeared in the XVIII century. Motherland of etiquette - France. The French king Louis XVI had a nickname "King of the Sun," because he loved everything luxurious and expensive. At the reception at the king, the guests were handed to the cards on which some mandatory rules of behavior were listed. From french name Such cards and the word "etiquette" occurred.

Etiquette - this is a form, manner of behavior, the rules of courtesy and politeness adopted in society.

Etiquette has several components: the manner is dressed, behaving, speak, listen, manage its negative emotions, poor mood.

In our idea to spit on someone - it means to offend a person, to express contempt, and the American Indians spit the doctor on the patient is considered a sign of favor.

Stroking the cheeks in Italy means that the conversation was so slowed that beard begins to grow, but the talkative foreigner who does not know this tradition will not understand a hint.

The tradition of greetings is also different in all nations. Tibetans, healthy, remove your headdress, put the left hand for the ear, and they are still tying their tongue. In the extreme north hunters, meeting, rubbed the noses. Musketeers are elegantly leaning, having fluttered with hats with long feathers. In the east, it is customary to bring a hand to his forehead and to the heart.

The story of some polite words

Observe the etiquette rules mean to be polite. Politeness is one of the most important qualities of an educated person. Until the XVI century, "Trust" meant "expert" - a person who knows the rules of decency, the form of an expression of a good attitude towards people.

Polite words and expressions are closely intertwined with the past of the people, as evidenced by the origin of these words.

Hello, you say a man.

Hello, he smiles in response.

And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy

And healthy will be many years.

In all Russians folk fairy tales Heroes welcome each other. But how do they do it?

In the fairy tale "Fox and the Wolf", Kuma Lisa met a gray wolf.

Hello, Lynonya.

Hello, Kumanes.

In the fairy tale "Morozko" comes frost into the forest, I look at the red girl.

Hello, maiden.

Hello, freeze, hello, father!

Why all the characters used the word"Hello" ? This word is associated with the wish of health, and health is the main value.

The speech greeting "Hello" is an imperative form of the verb, which was formed by the end of the 17th century from revolutions, for example, "We'done Healthy", "I wish you" toast. " "Hello many of the summer" - written in the manuscript of 1057, this is the most ancient sustaining the wishes of our ancestor.

From the end of the 17th century, expressions began to appear in Russia: "Good morning," "Good afternoon", "Good evening,", but they were preceded by Russian expressions, such as "good health" - again with the wishes of health. It all started and ended with the wishes of health - and toasts in the feast, and farewell to separation: "be healthy". These national wishes, Russians differed from many Europeans who had the meaning of greetings to wish joy, happiness and good. Russian man saw all this in health.

There were other forms of greetings, they depended on the classes of people. The ending harvest was said: "With two fields are compressed, with the third inhabited!" We wished the thresholder: "For a hundred per day, a thousand per week!" "Fresh you!" - they told the girl scoring water. "Bread Yes Salt!" Or "tea and sugar!" - they were told eating or drinking.

Word "goodbye" (Allow) meant "take away the guilt with me", "let me go free." It is formed from the verb in the form of a wish, commands: Sorry. FROM early XIX. There are also an expression "goodbye". Now in the practice of communication you can hear: "Total you good, goodbye!" (wish and farewell together).

The word "please" It is associated with "perhaps", "Feed", - the turnover, which always "stood on the leaping part." The word "Please" was formed for a very long time, but in the completed form it came into speech after Pushkin. "Please" had a few meanings: to regret, pardon, forgive, to honor, give and clearly it was only "from the voice", that is, it was used only in oral speech with defined intonation. Today, the word "please" can be translated into modern language As "be merciful", "Dob".

The word "thank you" endowed with religious meaning. Initially, it is distorted russian pronunciation Greek combination of words "Help God". This word arose from the merger "save God."

Sometimes when goodbye, we hear expression:"Bless and save". Traditionally, we perceive it as a wish to a person in order to guard him and preserve God and misfortunes. It turns out the history of this expression is not related to religion. Save save (sormonize) from the word "stop" - a wooden barrel in which they stored and transported goods, due to the cylindrical shape it was convenient for loading.Save from "Pasta" - finish the mouth of the flock in the open space. It was used to the shepherds and meant to drive the herd in Khlev - save from predators. Thus, this expression means "keep himself from bad affairs, temptations," contains the wish of help and patience.

Previously, words were often used in the wishes: "Protect", "Sissing". People asked for protection from God, the king, in prayers wanted to save from a bad eye, from the wrong thoughts. Interesting the story of these words.

"Protect" Means to hide, or someone hide behind the shield, this word was used by warriors and warriors. IN modern use The connection of the word with the meaning of the "shield" is implicit.

"Save" meant to get rid of the effect of Bera. Berick called the spontaneous spirit, whose manifestation was considered to be a bear who woke up among winter. Hence the word "Berloga" - Bera Laorovo. This is the word of mohaws and priests.

Now the meaning of polite words is understood by us, but why do they still eat them?

Let's imagine the usual situation: you came home after school. Of course, you are tired, so it does not wait to eat and relax. You shout:

Grandma, let's eat. Soup I will not, the cutlet does not want a gady salad with a bow too. Let's water, cookies and sweets!

Grandmother somehow persuaded you try soup and eat half the cutlets. Then you went to the TV with cookies and candy. Grandma is sad and offended removes dishes from the table.

Maybe someone learned himself? But everything could be different. You returned from school.

Hello, grandmother! Will we lunch? I'll wash my hands now and help you cover on the table.

After eating you remove the dishes.

Thank you, Granny, it was very tasty. Let me help you to get in the kitchen.

Well done, granddaughter. Read me better, so more fun.

And you will feel nice to be polite as good to do good.

Let's analyze the actions of the heroes from the story I. Bivovarova.

Once my mother baked cookies. I poured it on a plate, and the grandmother squeezed with cups, covered on the table. Misha and Masha sat down at the table.

Delhi one by one, "Misha said strictly.

The children plundered all the cookies on the table and laid it into two handhes.

Grandma, pour tea!

Grandmother served tea, cookies quickly decreased.

Delicious, sweet cookies, "the children said. Mom and grandmother were silent, and when all the cookies were eaten, Misha sighed deeply and came out of the table. Masha dared the last piece and looked at Mom - she stirred tea with a spoon, and her grandmother chewed a crust of black bread ...

What do you think guys think about Masha, mom, grandmother?

Let's fix children's mistakes We will be polite and kind to each other.Polite words open the doors of human relationships.


Considered polite words and expressions have an interesting and important story for society. These are not frozen formulas, but an effective wish to the interlocutor.

Using polite words, you need to think about their meaning, pronounce them with the right, "respectful" intonation. Then their true meaning opens, the wishes contained in them come true.

In polite words, the traditions and experience of the Russian people are expressed.

Pronunciation of polite words, we become kinder, clearer for others. The speaking and the interlocutor is easier to agree with the help of polite expressions.

In Russia, a polite person was considered the one who knows how to speak. In France, etiquette assumed the ability to behave. But also behavior and manner to communicate, speak in modern society indicates a level of human pupsis.



School Scientific and Practical Conference

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Etiquette. The story of polite words.

Alfia Amirovna,

Primary school teacher




What is etiquette

The story of some polite words


The story of the word "etiquette" at the admission of the French king Louis XVI guests were handed cards on which some mandatory rules of behavior were listed. From here appeared the word "etiquette"

What is etiquette etiquette is a form, manner of behavior, the rules of courtesy and politeness adopted in society: the manner of dressing, behaving, go to ruin and listen

Politeness is one of the most important qualities of an educated person. Until the XVI century, "Trust" meant "expert" - a person who knows the rules of decency, the form of an expression of a good attitude towards people.

Hello, you say a man. Hello, he smiles in response. And, probably, it will not go to the pharmacy and healthy will be many years.

The word "Hello" - the verb in the form of the command, at a request, formed by the end of the 17th century from the revolutions, for example, "We'done Hello", "I wish you" toast. "

"Fresh you!" - they told the girl scoring water. "Bread Yes Salt!" Or "tea and sugar!" - they were told eating or drinking.

The word "goodbye" (permission) meant "take away the guilt with me", "let me go free."

The word "please" is associated with "perhaps", "Feed". "Please": Sorry, pardon, forgive, honor. Today, the word "please" can be translated into a modern language as "be merciful", "Dob".

The word "Thank you" is a distorted Russian pronunciation of the Greek combination of the words "Help God". This word arose from the merger "save God."

"Save and save" means the wish of help and patience. Save from the word "Horny" - a wooden barrel in which they stored and transported goods. Save from "Pasta" - finish the mouth of the flock in the open space. It was used to the shepherds and meant to drive the herd in Khlev - save from predators.

Protect means to hide, or someone hide behind the shield, this word was used by warriors and warriors.

Save meant to relieve the effect of Bera. Berick called the spontaneous spirit, whose manifestation was considered to be a bear who woke up among winter. Hence the word "Berloga" - Bera Laorovo. This is the word of mohaws and priests.

The main secret of polite communication is a human smile, attentiveness, the ability to listen to the speaker and, of course, good words.

Grandma, let's eat. Soup I will not, the cutlet does not want a gady salad with a bow too. Let's water, cookies and sweets!

Maybe someone learned himself? But everything could be different.

Hello, grandmother! Will we lunch? I'll wash my hands now and help you cover on the table. After eating you remove the dishes. - Thank you, Granny, it was very tasty. Let me help you to get in the kitchen. - Well done, granddaughters. Read me better, so more fun. And you will feel nice to be polite as good to do good.

Once my mother baked cookies. I poured it on a plate, and the grandmother squeezed with cups, covered on the table. Misha and Masha sat down at the table. "Delhi one by one," Misha said strictly. The children plundered all the cookies on the table and laid it into two handhes. - Grandma, pour tea! Grandmother served tea, cookies quickly decreased. "Tasty, sweet cookies," the children said. Mom and grandmother were silent, and when all the cookies were eaten, Misha sighed deeply and came out of the table. Masha dared the last piece and looked at Mom - she stirred tea with a spoon, and her grandmother chewed a crust of black bread ...

Let's be polite and kind to each other. Polite words open the doors of human relationships.

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