Same not mange pa sis. Mange pa sis jour: localization in the French box office

What is the meaning of the phrase "monsieur jenema shpa sis jour" and how is it spelled in French? and got the best answer

Answer from Alena [guru]
monsieur, je ne mange pas siх jours - monsieur, I haven't eaten for six days

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What does the phrase "monsieur jenema shpa sis journal" mean and how is it spelled in French?

Answer from Єррр[guru]
Sir, I haven't eaten for 6 days.

Answer from 11 [newbie]
I haven't eaten for 6 days

Answer from User deleted[guru]
- Monsieur, - began Ippolit Matveyevich, stammering, - monsieur, um,
hm ... isn't it, perhaps, it's not mange pa ... six, as it is: en, de,
trois, quatre, senk ... sis ... sis ... zhur. So, it's not mange na
sis zhur.

Answer from Dani[guru]
Je ne mange pas six jours This is of course incorrectly said with errors. It will be true Je n "ai pas mange" depuis six jours

Answer from Yergey Petrov[guru]
Goeben zi world etvas kopeck.

Answer from Romario[guru]
Hitler Kaput

Answer from Fourth Dimension[guru]

Monsieur, je ne mange pas six jours is as Kisa said
"not mange pa" is "I do not eat" and is written as je ne mange pas
"I did not eat" - je ne ai pas mangeé or je ne mangeais pas
"Monsieur! Je ne mange pas six jours!" - it will literally be: "Monsieur, I have not eaten for six days"
I haven't eaten for six days.
Je ne mange pas depuis six jours!
je ne mangeais pas six jours - impossible construction

Answer from SILVIO e le bambole :))[guru]
say so, Schaub corporal went crazy in the legion and the patstol fell with laughter:
putain de ta race, je crêve la dalle depuis six jours, même pas un bout de queue d "un chien mort, que j" ai avalé, bientôt même pas je bande pour me tirer tout seul la peau ...))

Localization of names is a scourge not only for Russian distribution. Let's take another look at how it is with this in the homeland of cinema.

Four years ago we already talked about the titles of the films. Let's see how things are going now, this summer?

Then we identified four ways to localize - and, unsurprisingly, examples of each of these four creative ways can be seen on the posters that adorn French cinemas this summer.

1. The name is translated directly, head-on, without any changes

Works well when it comes to cities and other geographic names known literary works etc.

Or say oh medical terms- here's "Arrhythmia" for you.

Despite the fact that our localizers slightly spoiled the title of the picture - they called it "Reincarnation", giving out one plot twist, - "Inborn" and in the French box office remained "Inborn".

However, in some cases the name is translated taking into account the already established traditions. For example, in the classic French translation of A. A. Milne, the boy's name is not Christopher Robin, but ... Jean-Christophe (apparently, it is easier for children to associate themselves with a familiar name than with a foreign one). As a result, Jean-Christophe and Vinnie will be released in France this year instead of the original Christopher Robin.

2. The title is not translated at all

Most often used when it comes to names consisting exclusively of proper names, or about already well-known franchises.

For example, "Tully" with Charlize Theron - everywhere "Tully".

“Hotel“ Artemis ”has not changed a letter in the name.

"Moth" remains "Moth" (especially since the hero who bears this nickname is a Frenchman).

But as for the franchises - for example, this summer, "Jurassic World 2" in France came out exactly under the same name as at home, no translations, only Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.

And "Mission Impossible: Consequences" in the French box office and remained Mission: Impossible - Fallout.

A funny version of this case is the use of the original name with the addition of the French article (“ do you know what they call big mac? le big mac!"). For instance? this year, the film "Book Club" was so "lucky" - it is from the original Book Club turned into Le book club.

Sometimes there is a mixture of the first and second points - the name is partially translated. Most often this happens when a certain character or work in French has a well-established name that has not been translated into French. For example, this year Ant-Man and the Wasp fell into this category: Ant-Man in French translations Marvel is traditionally referred to as AntMan, directly in English in French text (by the way, a similar situation happens with many Marvel and DC heroes). But Osu - they translate, and she turned from English The wasp to french la Guêpe... The result is on the poster.

3. A new, creative name is found in French

Sometimes close to the original - for example, "Quiet Place" ( A quiet place) John Krasinski turned into "Not a Sound" ( Sans un bruit).

Sometimes not that close: Steven Soderbergh's new film from Unsane(in our country it was famously localized as "Not in myself") turned into "Paranoia" - that is, instead of describing the heroine, we immediately have a medical diagnosis.

The film "Meg: Monster of the Depth", originally known as The meg, in French release under the romantic title "In Dangerous Waters" ( En eaux troubles).

A combination of the second and third approaches: some we do not translate, some we are creative - also occurs. Let's say what happened to the second Killer this year. "Day of the Soldier" in the original became in the French box office "War of the Cartels", while retaining Sicario in the name.

4. A new, creative name in English is found

Thus, The Purge franchise is known in France as American Nightmare.

And here is the triumphant of this year's Sundance festival, The Wrong Upbringing of Cameron Post is released in French cinemas under the mysterious title Come as you are- there is not even a translation and not a retelling of the plot, but only the song of the Nirvana group in associations.

The French are a complex people, and to understand how the names will go better (with translation, original, altered or even re-invented) - apparently, without knowing the target audience, it will not be possible right off the bat. So they continue to use all four approaches.


Recently traveled to Nantes, as before, every other day on business on a cloudy dozing Sunday morning. However, on Sundays, France is always half asleep, and here it is still the beginning of October, in the morning it is foggy - autumn is in full swing, the feeling that the city is three-quarters extinct altogether. I got out of the car near the entrance to my store. Right in front of the corner wall, three people are sitting on tiles and eating "French fries", "fries", in short, in cardboard boxes. The meal is right on the asphalt, and it would be fine at a blind door, we are already accustomed to this ... the main thing is to sit so that no one interferes. Well, okay, what else to do. It is impossible to drive them away.

French homeless people - clochards - this is a separate song. I first encountered them at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, when for the first time I could independently (without the help of my wife) move around the country. And here in Paris, I am walking in some dark passage, a guy with a dog meets, speaks French, I joyfully declare that I don’t speak French, then he speaks good English: “Do you have a few centimes for me and my dog? " With a pure heart I say no.

Most often, clochards are young people of a hippie appearance, rather stylishly dressed (if I mean hippie fashion, so to speak), even though they live on the street (maybe not 100%, maybe there are some "huts", I don't know, I only saw that in particular they spend the night in tunnels, under bridges, and river trams passing by along the Seine are honking them in greeting. their dogs, such as our mongrels, are quite tall, red or brown, sometimes even purebred, such as Rottweilers.

Remember the movie "Amelie Poulin". This type of dog is very well shown there. When Amelie leaves for her father. Clochard had a day off at the station. It doesn't work on weekends. That is, he does not take money. Principle. One Frenchman told me that it seems like if they are with dogs, then they should not be touched by the police, but why this is so, I did not understand. Dogs must be collared and tied, even if they are just rough ropes. However, this is more of a style. The French have everything in style, even the homeless people and their dogs. And it is not accepted to shy away from them. People shake hands with them, often by the hand, with a smile (I don’t know, I don’t want to shake hands with them, but gloomily to be silent when they are politely addressed to you also does not work, although most often I try to get off with the phrase that I I don't speak French or Je ne comprends pas (I don't understand)). Although the local clochards in Nantes near the store call me Victor or maître (owner). I give them bread, kefir (Russian production), a little sausage and a brush for the sidewalk, at first they only took food, but after two weeks they scrubbed the sidewalk near the store every morning. Most importantly, I am calm. They are both guards for the night, and witnesses, if anything. And they will help unload the car, and disperse unreliable homeless people.

One Russian friend of mine told me how she and her friend shied away from them for the first time, so then the closhariks gave them a whole polite lecture, they say, why are you so? We are not doing anything bad to you, etc. In general, they were brought up on the highest level... They talk with passers-by, can have a philosophical conversation, but often ask for money or food, light a cigarette. The clochards themselves are very, very polite: "Good evening, madam! Do you have a few centimes? Have a nice evening, love, goodbye, Bonne nuit." However, everyone here is so polite. And they never ask for a lot of money. Mostly a trifle. But if you give him a euro, he looks into the eyes studying, They want respect for themselves, not handouts. True, gypsies begging for alms on a comerse are often hurriedly bypassed by the French, disdainfully pursing their lips (these are mostly gypsies from Romania, Albania, Moldova). Moreover, they "get" these gypsies specifically and impudently. I really hope that they will never get into the symbols of the city of Paris and all cities of France ...

Clochards in Paris are not found as often as they used to be in the 60s - 80s, perhaps they are looking for where it is warmer. Or maybe it was an accident, but on the Cote d'Azur I saw them much more often than in Paris. I was especially struck by a tramp in Marseilles. He took a fancy to a place on the pier next to the garbage cans, and all his belongings were laid out next to him. He had a lot of things - they were neatly arranged in piles around him. And clothes, and quite evenly folded, and some mugs, bottles, bottles, magazines, newspapers and much more ... But most of all, when he finished eating something like a hamburger, he took out a napkin, wiped his lips, hands and then he threw it into the trash can. I was unable to take a picture of it (the battery ran out).

But even in Paris, you can see more dull tramps sleeping right on the ground. The Clochards of Paris are seemingly inconspicuous, but by no means ordinary beggars begging for locals and tourists. Each Parisian clochard is unique in its own way, and in most cases it is either a bankrupt artist, an unrecognized poet or a musician lost in time, or simply someone who is tired of the bustle of the metropolis, drunk.

This is a clochard from Rennes. At first I thought the man had a heart problem. Asked him: "Problèmes"? From his answer to my normal (in our opinion) question, I realized that he recently lost a lot in his life. Family, communication with children. Work. A photo taken by me in the moments of his despair. He cried. And the next day, near the metro station, he stood and greeted me with a smile. What did he go through, experienced during these days?

Many Parisian clochards know art, history, often among them there are very educated and well-mannered people. Life and death in their prose go hand in hand here - even to the famous cemetery of Montmartre, Parisian clochards come for a walk, bring their children and grandchildren.

This is not a clochard. I thought so at once. But they explained to me that this is a matter of taste. This is how some madame dress in Rennes and in many cities in France. About clochards further.

Paris, le Defense. It seems to be a new, modern center of Paris. But you can see it there too.

Each visit to Paris surprises with the number of tourists, but the main thing is homeless people, that is, clochards, or as I call them closhariks or closhers. He highlighted the scene when, trying to push his way with a baby carriage through the crowd of tourists, the oncoming Parisian exclaimed in annoyance: “How tired of these tourists! Neither pass nor drive! " But he apparently got used to homeless people, although there are a hell of a lot of them too. They are always grimy and often drunk, lying on the streets and at the entrances to the metro almost in piles. They love to lie on a bench in the park during the day.

This photo is not related to the above text. This is not the same Frenchman with a child. It's a clochard.

Some are completely down - dirty, smelly, tattered ... Others look ordinary - a normal uncle walks down the street in the evening and suddenly turns to the nearest shop, lies down on it, pulls a jacket over his head and settles down for the night. Or a normal-looking aunt moves along the carriage and asks everyone for money to “eat”. But there is a special category, probably the highest caste or rank - these are clochards who know their worth. He may have had his panties not washed for three months, as well as socks, but there may be a snow-white scarf around his neck, or in the breast pocket of a crumpled and dirty jacket a clean, neatly folded into a quarter handkerchief.

There is also a Russian "trace" among the Parisian clochards. This is Vladimir Moskovtsev. How he got to Paris, how he stayed here, how and who he was before, is a mystery to me. I do not know yet. One thing is known, he had problems in Russia even under Yeltsin. But he settled down like this ...

Mike, sweatpants with which he probably got here.

This is how it is, a modest but cozy (for a homeless person) dwelling under a bridge in Paris. I'm full. Satisfied. Digital camera, camcorder, telephone (and mobile communication, oh, and expensive in France). He wants to buy a laptop (he said that he wanted to fly to Moscow for it). Near a cafe, Wi-Fi is available. In the evening, a table full of food. Drinks little. But if it starts ...

The railway line where he lives is abandoned, so trains do not run on it and, accordingly, do not annoy. The woman next to our hero is his French friend Antoinette. She is not a homeless woman, but, on the contrary, a domestic woman - a doctor (or a nurse), works in a virology laboratory. With what hangover did she get in touch with a homeless foreigner who speaks disgusting French, with conversations "Well, like, why, again you brought the wrong sausage, are you driving?" It's not clear to me, but she already understands Russian quite well, and they went on vacation to Italy in the summer. They went to Italy at her expense, of course. And for whom else? ..

There is also a special style. Aerobatics extortion. The most common way to make money for dinner is to play the golden ring. The fraudster allegedly lifts from under the tourist's feet a massive piece of jewelry that he supposedly dropped. As soon as a person touches the bait, there is no way to get rid of the annoying vagabond. At best, you will have to thank him for the "find", at worst - under the onslaught of threats to contact the police.

There are also more exotic ways of taking money from gullible guests of Paris. Like a hungry swoon on the doorstep of a pastry shop or a demonstrative attempt to drown in the Seine in front of compassionate Americans. However, even without acting talent, starving to death in Paris is problematic: even on the worst days, a homeless person rarely knocks out less than € 15 per day with a minimum wage of € 1,200. There is interesting rule in supermarkets - if you took something from the window and ate it, then you are hungry. This also applies to clochards. An ordinary customer will not tear the packaging to the checkout. But clochards rarely use it. As a last resort. Honor, conscience, or something. As a last resort, they very rarely steal. The main thieves of supermarkets are Albanians and Romanians.

I want to tell you about Pierre. He is not one of those French people about whom one longtime traveler wrote that "you have not finished the question yet, but he said his answer, bowed and left." We met him six months ago, when I was in Paris in a situation. At the turn from Concorde Square, a nimble car hit a woman, and a crowd of "gasping" and heatedly discussing the incident formed around as soon as on any Russian street. Only one man with a thin goatee and dark hair falling in a wave from under a hat onto a light raincoat stood aside and looked expectantly towards the Tati store. There was a policeman with a radiotelephone to whom he immediately addressed, and then a red car appeared from the other side of the street, similar to a fire engine.

- Who is this? - I asked the man with the goatee when the nimble guys in blue overalls jumped out of the car.

- "Poppier Sapper", they provide the first medical assistance- he replied. And he introduced himself, raising his hat: - Pierre Laval.

So, it turns out, what the "sappers-firemen" look like, about which I have already heard a lot. We didn’t have time to say a couple of words when the orderlies laid the victim down, carried her into the car and drove away, carrying away the siren sound.

- Fast! Yes? - said Pierre. - They once saved my uncle Albert, when he did not want to live on welfare and threw himself under the car.

I could not determine in any way whether Pierre was a real clochard or simply wandered, but that during his hectic life he did not abandon the main human qualities and his gourmet habits - that's for sure. Then, neatly laying out slices of sausage and cheese on the bench (of course, putting first a plastic bag and paper napkins), he enlightened me about what and how they serve in Parisian restaurants, as if he had sat there all evening yesterday.

- Do you know that the most expensive of them, the Silver Tower near Notre Dame, serves a numbered duck? No? - He was delighted at my ignorance, and continued: - Since the founding of this restaurant, that is, for several centuries, the numbering of the signature dish - stuffed duck is being conducted. You gnaw the bones of a duck, of course, unusually tasty and, in addition, take with you a memorable "documentary" with the number of the bird you personally ate. Well, the "appetizer" is already ready, - said Pierre the new one he liked Russian word... I understood him and quickly went to the nearest "Russian" store (and there are a lot of them in Paris). And now a bottle of vodka poured into plastic cups, quite in a simple way, in our opinion, with a conversation, only under a marvelous Parisian warm spring evening played its part. We parted, despite the fact that he did not even ask me for a cent.

And as it was before. In Protestant England and Holland, beginning in the 16th century, beggars were herded into workhouses. The worst conditions were in Germany: in some correctional institutions, beggars were kept in muzzles.

Beginning in 1596, a law was in effect in Paris, according to which all beggars who did not leave the city could be hanged without observing legal formalities.

In the era of Peter the Great in Russia, an imperial decree was issued, requiring not only to drive the beggars into "restraining houses", but also to fine those giving alms by 10 rubles - a huge sum in those days.

Before the 1980 Olympics, the Moscow authorities carried out an operation to resettle all homeless people outside the 100-kilometer zone around the capital of the USSR. Foreigners were once again convinced of the advantages of socialism.

The authorities of the gambling capital of the world, Las Vegas, have passed a decree banning the feeding of the homeless on the streets of the city. Violators face fines and jail time. In this way, the authorities want to encourage the homeless to seek legal work.

I have not yet fully understood and do not know the philosophy and style of their life. Just from those whom I met were interesting and creative people. This does not mean that all closhiks are like that. They live. They write poetry. novels. sometimes they travel.

But you can often hear them speak like they say like an immortal phrase: "Monsieur, it's not a mange pa sis zhur"!

(1897 - 1937) and (1903 - 1942), part 3 chap. 39.

These words mean in French "Lord, I have not eaten for six days" (Je ne mange pas six jours, French).

With these words, Kisa Vorobyaninov begged for alms:

Ostap thoughtfully walked around Ippolit Matveyevich.

“Take off your jacket, leader, quicker,” he said unexpectedly.

Ostap took the jacket from the hands of the surprised Ippolit Matveyevich, threw it on the ground and began to trample on with dusty boots.

- What are you doing? - screamed Vorobyaninov. - I have been wearing this jacket for fifteen years, and it’s still like new!

- Do not worry! It won't be as good as new soon! Give me a hat! Now dust the pants and sprinkle them with narzan. Alive!

- Ippolit Matveyevich in a few minutes became dirty to disgust.

- Now you have matured and acquired the full opportunity to earn money by honest work.

- What am I supposed to do? - Vorobyaninov asked tearfully.

French you know, I hope?

- Very bad. Within the gymnasium course.

- Hm ... We'll have to wield within these limits. Can you say the following phrase in French: "Gentlemen, I haven't eaten for six days"?

- Monsieur, - began Ippolit Matveyevich, stammering, - Monsieur, um, hm ... isn't it, perhaps, not mange pa ... six, as it is, en, de, trois, quatre, senk, sis .. . sys ... zhur. Means - it's not mange pa sis zhur!

- Well, you have a pronunciation, Kitty! However, what to demand from a beggar. Of course, the beggar in European Russia speaks French worse than Millerand. Well, Kisulya, and to what extent do you know German?

- Why do I need all this? - exclaimed Ippolit Matveyevich.

- Then, - said Ostap weightily, - that you will now go to the "Flower Garden", stand in the shadows and will beg in French, German and Russian, insisting that you former member State Duma from the Cadet faction. The entire net collection will go to the fitter Mechnikov. Got it?

Ippolit Matveyevich was transformed in an instant. His chest arched like Palace bridge in Leningrad, his eyes threw fire, and from his nostrils, as it seemed to Ostap, thick smoke poured down. The mustache slowly began to rise.

- Ay-ay-ay, - said the great strategist, not at all frightened. - Look at him. Not a man, but some kind of hunchbacked horse.

- Never, - Ippolit Matveyevich suddenly began ventriloquism, - never Vorobyaninov extended his hand ...

- So stretch your legs, you old fool! - shouted Ostap. - You did not hold out your hands?

- Didn't hold out.

- How will you like this alphonseism? Three months lives on my account! For three months I have been feeding him, singing and raising him, and this gigolo is now in the third position and declares that he ... Well! Enough, comrade! One of two things: either you immediately go to the "Flower Garden" and bring ten rubles in the evening, or I will automatically exclude you from the number of concessionary shareholders. I count to five. Yes or no? Once...

“Yes,” the leader muttered.

- In that case, repeat the spell.

- Monsieur, it's not mange pa sis zhur... Goeben world zi bitte etvas kopeck auf dem shtyuk brod. Give something to a former State Duma deputy.

- Again. More pitiful.

Ippolit Matveyevich repeated.

- Oh well. You have a talent for begging from childhood. Go on. Rendezvous at the source at midnight. This, keep in mind, is not for romance, but simply more served in the evening. "

Usually my notes are devoted to issues of economics, finance, savings and similar topics, but in this one I would like to talk about modern Russian education. The reason for this was the case. A child of one of my friends, together with about one and a half hundred of our young talents, passed the test upon admission to training courses to Moskovsky State University... This would not be anything special if it were not for the results of how far from the worst representatives of the Russian younger generation passed this test. I confess that they shocked me personally to the depths of my soul. Of several pages of test results, only the very first was taken for our consideration, since in the subsequent ones the picture is largely no different from it.

So, first about the testing conditions. Applicants took tests in Russian and English and mathematics. The Russian language test was estimated at 20 points, and 1 point was deducted for each error. Ten problems in mathematics were scored 20 points, with each problem equal to 2 points, and 100 tasks in English were 100 points, and 1 point was deducted for each error. As a test in the Russian language, there was a text on 2/3 pages of A4 format, in which it was necessary to correct the errors that were there.

First, about the positive, so to speak. We still teach math at school somehow. There were even guys who completed the proposed tasks without errors. This is a plus. Perhaps all is not lost in this area of ​​knowledge. In the same time average level knowledge in mathematics in the group under consideration is at the level of 11.78 points or slightly above the average. If we recall the traditional scale of marks of the Soviet school, then that 1 point is equal to 4 points of this test. It turns out that the average level of knowledge of mathematics of our schoolchildren striving to enter preparatory courses at Moscow State University is at the level of the Soviet "three with a minus".

Knowledge of English language among those who passed this test, on average, even slightly better. This is 59 points out of 100 (or almost the Soviet "three"), although the result of no one reached the full "five". On the strength there were "fours with a minus".

As for the knowledge of the Russian language by our schoolchildren, and from them it is possible to draw a completely logical conclusion about the level of its teaching in schools, this is not even a problem ... This is a real disaster. Of the 37 people who took this test, 21 had a score above zero. Only two people on this list scored 14 points, while the worst result was -26 points. Yes Yes. 1 point was deducted for each mistake, which means that 46 mistakes were made on 2/3 of the page of the Russian text. Perhaps someone will say that this is an exception to the rule, but what about the other 15 applicants who demonstrated either zero or negative results? There were simply no marks to assess their preparation in the Soviet school.

Of course, teaching Russian in a Russian school has not yet reached the level when four mistakes are made in the word “yet”, but based on how things are and are developing, there is no limit to perfection, and such results are just a matter of the near future.

The result is simple and frankly sad. Knowledge of the Russian language in more than 40% of Russian schoolchildren (according to the results of the test) is not only at zero, but at a deeply negative level. As a result, for the entire examined group, the average level of knowledge of the Russian language is 2.1 points on this test, or "1 with a minus" on the old Soviet scale.

The results of this testing provide ample food for thought. The fact that over the past years Russian education has sharply degraded is not, perhaps, only lazy. However, if conversations on this topic are often of an emotional (qualitative) nature, then the quantitative (in numbers) results personally to the author of this note have never come across. They are seen by university professors, but they are usually not seen by the general public.

What conclusions can be drawn from these quantitative results, apart from the topic of complete degradation of the secondary education system? First of all, this is the conclusion that Russian schoolchildren know English better than their native language. Perhaps the results would have been somewhat different if all those who took Russian took English at the same time, but we have what we have. The prospective applicants know English by half, but they don't know Russian at all. This is an even more important conclusion that can be drawn from the test conducted. And this seems to be not just a sad phenomenon, it is a real tragedy.

The native language and its knowledge are the most important elements defining a people and a nation. And when even the best representatives the younger generation (it is unlikely that someone else will try to enter Moscow State University) does not know him, then what to say about everyone else?

Over the past years, the secondary education system has been "reformed" so as to tear the growing youth of our country away from their roots and traditions, so that they forget which country they live in and which they are an integral part of.

The former Minister of Education, who made his gigantic contribution to the collapse of the education system that operated in the Soviet Union, and now the presidential adviser on these issues, did not hide that the main task before him was to reform the education system so that it would educate the consumer - the slave of purchases ... There was no question of her giving any knowledge. Knowledge for slaves is not only unnecessary, it is frankly harmful. The main thing is that the slaves were healthy and strong, so the main emphasis in schools began to be placed on physical education.

Another equally important area, about which former minister did not spread, was and, apparently, still remains the upbringing in the younger generation not so much of patriotism and love for their country, as of the layer of those who are usually called "citizens of the world." This is a deceptive name that misleads the general public, not interested in going into details. These people believe that freedom and the ability to move around the world makes them "citizens of the world." However, this is just their opinion.

For those in power, and these are primarily representatives of international finance capital, a "citizen of the world" is a person without clan and tribe, who does not remember his relatives, his homeland, his language and past. He is a unit of labor (worker, scientist or terrorist with a good pay), which can be transferred from one country to another at any time, undermining the national traditions of the local society and the state sovereignty of each individual country. They use it as long as it is needed, and if it is unnecessary it can be thrown away at any moment. He is completely manageable, since he is absolutely dependent on his employer and is separated from his homeland, his native society and culture.

It is such a person, as can be seen from the results of this testing, that the Russian system of secondary education is now bringing up. He knows mediocre English, which gives him some opportunity to explain himself abroad and to some extent understand what foreign owners will want from him, and practically does not know his native language, which effectively separates him from his homeland and makes him a "citizen of the world."

The present Russian government absolutely not interested in the country's population being literate and possessing at least some real knowledge. In order to be a raw material appendage and pump oil and gas abroad, it is enough to have a few skilled workers (after all, engineers and specialists can be invited from abroad). The rest are given an excellent opportunity to look for some kind of work as a worker or a salesman in a supermarket, a waiter in a tavern, a taxi driver or a messenger delivering food. An ignorant crowd that does not know their own native language, nor its history, is much easier to manage than smart and educated people. That is why modern Russian education is in such a disastrous situation.

Collapse and degradation Russian education- This is an active measure for the decomposition of our society and a very specific action aimed at the further collapse of our country. And if the approaches to education, as well as to many other things, are not radically revised in the very near future (which is unlikely, given the composition of this government), then the likelihood of such a tragic event for our country will only grow every year. To prevent this, as well as to educate smart, truly educated future citizens of our great country, is the most important tasks of all healthy forces of Russian society.

My books
"The collapse of" money "or how to protect savings in a crisis",
"Gold. Citizen or state, freedom or democracy ",
"Entertaining economy",
“Money of Troubled Times. Ancient history",
“Money of Troubled Times. Muscovy, Russia and its neighbors in the 15th - 18th centuries "
can be read or downloaded at

Lezhava, Alexander

Member of the editorial board, special correspondent of the newspaper Modern school Russia ". The author of the book" The collapse of "money" or how to protect your savings in a crisis "(published by Book world"in 2009) and Entertaining Economics.

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