When there were two sun on Earth. Out of the Moon from the Earth at the turn of the early and medium Miocene and the Aztec legend of two Suns - Earth to Flood: Disappeared continents and civilizations

The sun, the sullen crimson disk, was slowly immersed in the monotony of the rocky desert, the forbid miles of his back. Incurious and probably faded - except that his horses left on them a trail.

Liberal plain seized the last drops of heat long before twilight, so now in his desiccious hour the sun is not larger than the moon, just that seemed over the horizon. Her swelling of the Red Light disk - as if in a mockery over the dying sun - stubbornly climbed, brazen, as an impatient heir, who in the predatory largerness hits back and fill the mortal evidence of his benefactor. For a while in the infinity of the thickening darkness over the edge of the world, two equally bloody shines, one against the other, so Kane grinned about himself: he was not, in the end, in a certain twilight edge, where two ancient sun are always smoldering Between dead ground and lifeless sky. There was something otherworldly in this cold abandoned plain, where every stone with a gray shadow surrounded the aura of mystery and undelivered.

Leaving Kersaltial, Kane did not pursue any other purpose, except to get away from this city. Evil languages \u200b\u200bargued that Kane was taken by force; That some sorcerer, jealous of his unatarked glory and alarmed by how the Kane rose highly on the stairs, he was finally broken by the will of the hero and send him in a different century. Kane himself believed his departure more or less voluntary, justifying the fact that if he really wanted, he could easily reflect this blow to his old rivals - moreover, without connecting himself any vow. Rather, everything was explained by the fact that the greatest city of all time and peoples was recently cooked in its own juice. The spirit of youth, spring and rebirth, which brought him once to the still under construction, Kersaltial, now weathered perfectly, and boredom - the eternal Nemesis of Kane - again began to overcome him. It was increasingly dragging away from the city, the land is long and unknown, who have not yet tasted the presence of a person. The whole surprise and hasty of his return to the life of the Schedule was expressed only in more than modest than the number of belongings: some of the supplies, a few bags with gold, a frisky horse and a sword of famous Kersaltial steel. Those who have eager to find out how little remained by Kane's forces, as they say, boldly could write the will ...

With the onset of darkness, the wind rose - a cold, penetrating the breath of the mountains, whose vertices were still burning in the last rays of the sunset. Kane Zyabko shrugged his shoulders and tightly smelled brown, shade of a mahogany, cloak, regretting the furs left in Kersaltyal. Heratallone was a valley of lifeless and cold. Nights here were often outstanding cold. Kane in the shirt and pants of simple green wool and dark leather jacket was easy prey for the cold night wind.

In the afternoon, he retired the last, seized on the shortest day of the dried fruit and slice of dried meat, although she stretched the supplies, as he could, and the last week was fed almost air. Water, fortunately, remained still decent. In front of the desert itself, he filled all the bellows, and on the road from time to time they came across ... Although, perhaps, it was impossible to call it anyway. The endless desert, lying in many days of the path to the southeast of Kersaltialy, heard the border of one of the kingdoms of the long time.

Many legends talked about the cities of an invisible antiquity buried under stony hills. Therefore, Kane believed or at least hoped that he was followed by the same ancient dear that led through the wilderness to legendary Mountains Eastern continent. Kane decided to stick to these almost inconspicuous remnants of the ancient way, and at times it happened to select individual stones, obviously preserved the traces of the cutter, made by strange signs, which could be a short-lived extender of the writtenness, the fragments of which were in the books of ancient knowledge, and could be a whimsical pattern - Creation of wind and ice.

In addition to these wreckage, the monotony of the landscape was disturbed only by the rare hoody of dry shrubs and even more rare black towers of trees with lush crowns and patterned bark. Herbs, although low, grabbed a horse with an excess; Kane himself did not even get a lizard. In fact, only the recklessness could be called such a trip to the very heart of the desert, to the opposite boundary of which no mortal was reached. But, first, it was so the circumstances, and secondly, many years of adventure never studied Kane to push their whims. As stuck to the real philosopher, he congratulated himself with what he chose the path that no enemy would be perfected.

When for the first time in the wrong morning haze appeared on the mountain horizon, similar to a number of huge yellowed teeth, Kane was noticeably affected by the Spirit. At least it meant the end of the empty. But hope for fast changes was noticeably fugged on the same day when, closer in the evening, the stony slopes of the hills under the hooves of his horse began to rise more and steeper - still remaining deserted and lifeless. Spiny, dry shrub, occasionally falling in the ravines, was not counting.

And this evening the cold mountain air brought from somewhere the new, long-forgotten smell - the smell of smoke. The smell of the usual night fire - things are as incredible, how much and desirable in this deafdomani. Kane surrendered his frighteningly confused, like a blackberry bush, a beard, reflecting the crowded strands of the redheads of the hair under the leather bandage, embroidered with loose beads, and again, without believing his own nose, breathed the night air. His horse went forth, the circle quickly got dark. And suddenly somewhere away, at the foot of the mountains, the fire of the fire appeared. "No," Kane corrected himself. - While just a light. Do not decease. However, if it can be seen from afar, it should be that bonfire. "

Kane sent a horse right there, carefully keeping his way among the hills in the ghostly moonlight. The gust of the wind reached him in his face - and Kane got in his stomach: he was smelled of hot. Such an argument turned all the rest. Holding the horse and the camp in the saddle, Kane began to be peering into the darkness, she was strongly determined, whose it could be a camp. There was no sign of housing nearby, and it could not be in such a place that is not suitable for this place. Not that it seemed more likely, but it seems, Kane was lucky enough to come across the same skewer as he himself. But who could be ... Kane was lost in guesses. Nobody knew anything about the inhabitants (if those were here) northwestern curved, like a giant onion, the edges of the Great Southern continent. At the dawn of the world, not only people inhabit the land.

Whoever is that wanderer who spread this fire, now he has been harvested with fried meat and at least therefore was not alien to human breed. In the height of the fire Kane determined that, most likely, this is a small detachment of nomads or savages who came from somewhere on the other side of the mountains. But fried meat allowed his doubts. Licking the dry lips, Kane removed the sword from the saddle and hung him behind his back so that a convenient handle had just over the right shoulder. Observing extreme caution, Kane approached the fire.

Chapter 2. Two by the fire

The sharp smell of Kane caught the caustic smell of the animal - so strong that he could not kill even the smell of smoke and roast. And immediately a crackling fire deployed someone's figure, so Kane helped the horse until he was convinced that he was not meant. Then Kane's face cleared.

At the fire, having embarrassed, sat only one person - if a giant can be called a man.

In his wanders, Kane met and even talked with giants, although as the world became older, he met them more and less. It was a proud, silently dismissed people. They were a little and, bent by the achievements of human civilization, they lived by semi-curvarous settlements away from cities. True, however, Kane hear frightening stories that one or another giant ruined huge villages and cradle babies, but such mad-giant most often turned out to be outcasts - or, which also happened often, half-breeded monsters.

Prophecies about the star.

The Biblical Prophet's book has repeatedly mentioned the "terrible star", which will bring many disasters to sinful mankind: a flood, storm, destruction and as a result of hunger, disease, war: "The farmers will ignite the land, because they will look at their seeds from rust and From hail and from a terrible star ... And the star appointed to intimidate with the eastern and western wind will be damaged. And clouds, great and strong, full of ferocity, and the star will rise, and the star to frighten all the land and residents of her; And they are spilled, high and elevated, terrible star, fire and hail, swords flying and many water to fill all fields and all sources with many waters. And flood the city, walls, and mountains, hills, and wood in the forests, and grass in the meadows, and their bread plants; And they will be launched to Babylon and crush it; will gather to him and surround it; Space the star and rage on him. And the dust and smoke will rise to the very sky, and all the circle will mourn it, and those that will remain subject to him will serve the fact that fear. " (KN.2: 34-45).

Revelation of John the Bogoslov ("Apocalypse") Chapter 8.
"The third angel inast, and fell from the sky big Star, burning like a lamp, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the sources of water.
This name is wormwood; And the third part of the waters became worried, and many of the people died from the water, because they were bitter ... " Perhaps in this prediction we are talking about a neutron star, which in the future will bring innumerable disasters to all mankind

There is a description of the future catastrophe and in the composition of the Eschila "Prometheus chained" (translated S.Solvyova), which will be caused by the titon returned from the black depths of the cosmos:

"The outline monster - Tiff ...
Rebelled ...
But breaks out of black depths
Stream devouring flames
And destroy wide fields
Sicily Beautiful ...

Commodian (III century) Latin early Christian poet warned mankind about the appearance in the starry sky "Fire Chariot", that is, a neutron star.
After that, the war, war, hunger, sinister signs,
So mix together that the mind will shake.
Then suddenly thunder from the sky pipe,
The sound that shakes the hearts everywhere.
And then they will see the fiery chariot among the stars,
And the running fire, hearing the peoples of the fire.

John Kiriot (geometer).

Byzantine poet John Kiriot (X century), on nicknamed the geometer, which he received for the studies of science and mathematics, wrote a prophetic poem "on the committee" (about comet?), Where he predicts the appearance of a star Typhon in the sky. During this cataclysm, according to the predictions of the geometer, the World Fire will begin:

Comet in the sky illuminates the whole ether,
And on the ground, the commote buries the West all.
The star that the appearance of Darkness was propheted,
With sunrise fade, relaxed,
And this Typhon rebelled from victorious
Nikifora sunset - he burns everything,
Arrived by the Spirit of Vizhnya ...

Times last. The dreams of the scary king of Mater.
"Then the sun will be tortured, a month from his custom will change and the stars will be unusual: then the star tailed, then the thunder and zipper will be a scary, the Earth will become shaking, and the grades will fall, and the people and lives will penetrate, the tree faded and fish and all the vegetable Undarring, and then the world will pay off. "


Sheikh al-Mufid (mind in 1022) in the book "Kitab Al-Irshad" (the lives of 12 Imamov) mentions the appearance of a star in the sky, which will be one of the signs of the vessel hour: "A star will appear in the east, shining in the same way how the moon shines ... color will appear in the sky and spread from the horizon to the horizon ... The fire will appear in the east for a long time, staying in the air for three or seven days ... Sunrise in the West - one of the things that should happen ... between the sunset At noon and the time of the evening prayer, the sun will still remain ... Euphrates will overcome that the water rushes to the streets of Kufa ... people for their disobedience will be a fire, which will appear in the sky, and redness that will cover the sky. "

Abbatisa Hildegard Bingenskaya (1098-1179):

"Even before the comet arrives (a neutron star is probably a neutron star), many nations, with the exception of the righteous, will be erased from the face of the earth and hunger. Great peopleliving outside the ocean (America), populated by people of different tribes and generations, will be ruined with an earthquake, hurricane and tidal waves. It will be divided, and most will be under water. This people will see many more misfortunes at sea. He will lose his colony in the east between Tigrome and Lv. With its huge pressure of the comet, so much water will turn out of the ocean that it will flood many countries and cause poverty and different diseases. All coastal cities will be flooded, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves. Most of the living creatures will die, and even those who can escape will die from terrible diseases. And it will not be left in any of these cities of a living person in God's kettle ... ".

Vision of Johanna Frida (1204-1257), Austrian monk Order of St. John: He describes an unusually cosmic cloud that will resemble a bear with his form: "The Bolshoi Misty will appear in the immediate vicinity of the Earth and fill the space on the horizon in five hundred of the Suns (probably Due to the angular dimensions of the gas-penetrating nebula at the night sky - approx. s. in ..). It is more and more and more will overlap the light of the sun. At night, the moon will be lit, and the Constellation Orion, which from the light of Jupiter will emit rays and send him to a big bear. This constellation will highlight the nebula with its rays. "
Three days of darkness: "By this time, humanity will suffer from terror. Birds will be like reptiles, and will not use their wings. Earth animals in fear and anxiety will raise such noise that he will make human hearts tremble. People will run into their dwellings not to see strange phenomena. And finally, a complete darkness will be established, which will continue for three days and three nights.
During this time, people are devoid of light, the sleepy state falls, from which many will not come out. Especially those who have no spark of spiritual life. When the sun goes out again, the earth will be covered with a layer of ash as snow in winter. In addition, the ashes will have a sulfur color, raw fog will rise above the ground consisting of volcanic gases.
Dead people will be more than those killed in all wars. In the abode of priests will read the book "Apocalypse" (John the Bogoslev - approx S.V.), in churches will be waiting for a great comet ... ".

Vasily Monaco.

Russian Prophet Vasily Monaco was born in Moscow in 1660. During the reign of Peter I of the Great, in the Orthodox monastery at the city of Wedge. Predicted the events of the future during the "Divine Ecstasy", which were recorded in prose. He died in 1722. Perhaps the manuscript of the Russian monk was taken abroad after his death. I discovered copies of the prophecies The Italian writer Renzo Bashker and published in the book "The Secrets of St. Petersburg - the future of Russia and the world in the prophecies of Vasily Monaco", 1992
"Eagle in the sky of Russia of God's mother. A terrible star will appear. From her sinister light will burn the forest. Many worship the star at this time. Golden idols will be thrown into dust with blood rich. Will wash the stairs of the blood of the nurses. The flock of wolves will be controlled by three jackals from the ground outside the rivers. Poor, poor church. The star of the blood will be no less fierce than the eagle. Slavery will remain. Only the name will change ... ".

Prophecy Mother Shipon:

The storm begins the roaring ocean, in the darkness.
Gabriel will rise in heaven and earth.
The death of the world of old he will protrude into his horn,
And the world will come to be born a period.
And the slam dragon Heavenly alcohol cross.
Six times, the old world will die.
I hear how the trembling earth cried
From these six precursors finals ...
Burning Dragon Tail - sign such:
Fall of the Spirit, all human sins.
Before all the prophecy is happening
My crypt burns, and the Spirit will free.

Prediction Ranoo Nero: "There will be two Suns and two moon in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a flaming hell. On Earth it will not be possible to live. Only in the air and underground will be salvation by living. Eight underground cities will be built. From the mountains there will be spinal vertices. People will be able to live only in the mountains. Many people will be sealed from the light of two suns; Huge waves will rise. They flood half of the earthly solid and then roll back (tidal wave - approx. S.V.). In the north of snow and ice melted. On the poles will appear extensive blooming lands; The new moon will be less than the size and closer to the ground than the old moon. The new moon will also be clearly visible from the ground as old.

Francois Rabl (1494-1553) - French Writer-Humanist in his novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel" left such a prophecy for the future generation, which refers to the Protestant "Yersi" in France, revolutions, countless wars, upcoming tectonic cataclysm, a flood And what is noteworthy, the writer mentions the next appearance of the titon.

In that terrible day, when Typhon rebelled
And began, pride is buried,
Throw the Mountain Mountains to the Ocean.
So, the earth for a brief moment
Will undergo such big destruction,
That those who could enslave
It will not be more powerful ...
Because the above stream
Forced everyone to put on the nurse.
However, before escape,
Still good to see everyone
Fire, spilled in the sky,
To dry the flowing water.
When will the events of these days be held,
Yes, there will be alone
Wealth and Manna Heaven
Awarded abundantly and wonderfully
Others will turn into the poor.
So, now, when, in the end
Coming I interpreted you,
Any of you learned your destiny.
I kept the word.
Oh how happy
Who is to the end of such a live!

Abbot Bartolomew in the book "De Vermis Mysteriis", the publication of 1932, so tells about the appearance of an unusual star next to our planet: "Like a drop of poison on the teeth of Vijuki news about what will be soon. When the star sends the star to the heaven, which was not seen before, strong winds will rise and there will be a big excitement on the sea. And among the night light, light, but not shine to him, because it will come frosting darkness for him, and the moon will become like emerald covered with pipe stains. Ancient manuscripts argue that from the Moon to the Earth to go down many creatures and will devour the fruit in the womb of mothers. The ancient temples, buried at the bottom of the sea, and women entered into the water will be raised from the water, and women will bring off the inhabitants and will give birth to them. Great wizards buried to the sea will come ashore to conquer and kill mortals and mock them.
Srinamma Akeren mentions great jellyfish from Southern ice And bloody shine in heaven.
Perhaps the whole earth will have to be covered with high forests and swamps and monstrous creatures, extinct for a long time, the horror of the past centuries, resurrected, will wander through it.
People have to disappear from the face of the Earth or become unfeigned cattle. "
Next, Abbot Bartolomew leads an ominous sign on the coming cataclysms: "Here are the signs of their proximity: when heaven become bloody-red, and unknown voices are consecrated from the depths; When the stones and rocks begin to rot, spreading the stench, and the misty rings are visible around the sun, and the lunar disk is similar to the decompanying flesh, then they come, and they bring horror to Earth, which there was not and will not be, for he is out of time. Horror noted by name.
And revenge is happening.
The great worm, breaking the cocoon shell, will come out to devour the stars of heaven. And the ancient will rise.
Misty rings around the Sun, a number of at least three, and the moon seems covered by blue fire.
Stones and rocks rot, enjoying stench.
From the depths of the earth, there are voices that cast terrible appeals.
Pillars of bright white light, descending from heaven or rising from under the ground. The letters of damned scriptures appear through the sacrificial blood spilled on them. From crevice comes from a smoke that kills all living things.
Also, the vortices that at the bottom - the thinner of the hair, and at the top are huge, and hide the fullness. Journey, they rush with the speed of a unused horse.
The clouds, quickly approaching different sides, to the drawing of a straight line and then disappearing for it. "

The French nun Maria de Faudis predicted the cataclysm caused back in 1819: "At that time, three days of continuous darkness will come. In this terrible darkness, only candles that are blessed will burn. One candle will burn for three days, but in the house wicked they will not shine. During these three days, demons will appear in the most terrible forms and there will be terrible blasphemes. Air will be sickened. Flashing rays will fall to the streets of cities at this strange season. The earth will turn over and enveloped by foam waves of the seas. Truly, our planet will become one huge cemetery. The corpses are wicked, as well as righteous, will cover the soil. Hunger who will follow this will be huge. All the vegetation of the globe will be destroyed, and three quarters of humanity will die. The catastrophe will come suddenly and the disaster will be worldwide. "
Maria mentions about shifting the axis of rotation of our planet: "The earth will turn over and enveloped by foam waves of the seas."

Bruces Valery Yakovlevich (1873-1924) - one of the largest Russian writers of the first quarter of the XX century, the poet symbolist undoubtedly possessed the ability to foresee the future. In September 1905, Bryusov wrote a poem "Lick Jellyfish", where the poet symbolist predicts the emergence of a neutron star (Gorgon Medusa) next to our planet:
Medusa Lick, Face Threcking,
Got up above the dark days
Gaze - bloody, gaze - burning,
Hair - Snake's plexes.

This is chaos. In chaos black
We are entitled, as in the breakdown, the path.
We argue with il, we are submissive,
We can not get away from the way!

These days of fire and blood,
What they are alive in Wild Brad
Creek Creek, Creek Cross
Clear you, poet!

The world is cherished, the world is beautiful
Flexs in the abyss of the fatal.
Be singing a storm power -
Here is the desired lot your.

Prophecy from Agni Yoga:
"Urusvati - it's time to say that so calling a star that is uncontrollably approaching the Earth. It has long been a symbol of the mother of the world, and the era of the Mother of the world should begin when her star approaches the Earth. The Great Epoch begins, because the thoughtless is connected with the Mother's Mother. Even knowing the term to see the physical approximation of the destination. It is important to occur a very great era that will significantly change the life of the Earth .... New rays reach the Earth for the first time from its formation ... "
Agni Yoga. Plates of Garden Moria. Part two. IV. II.
The term begins to bring the planet new of the infinity; And therefore, watch the perturbations of the earth ...
Agni Yoga. Infinity 1.
The era of fire comes, find the courage and reason to take it.
Agni Yoga. Infinity 10.
The human indifference does not understand the promotion and enjoys only temporary prosperity, without being an understanding that the death of our planet will later be approved ... ".

In letters, Mahatm (Shambhala teachers) mentions an unusual celestial object, the dimensions of which are significantly less than its mass, possibly neutron star: "... Raja-Star (King Star) is just behind Jupiter, which none of the mortals have seen a physical eye in The current of this is our circle. If she could be discovered, it would seem through the best telescope power to increase the diameter of 10,000 times the small, immeasurable point, darkened the brightness of any of the planets; Nevertheless, this world is a thousand times more (probably implies a lot of stars - approx. S.V.), rather than Jupiter. Strong excitements of the atmosphere of Jupiter and even its red spots that are so intriguing in recent science, depend:
The first is from movement and second - from the impact of this Raj star. In its present position in space, no matter how little it was, metal substances, of which it is mainly drawn up, apply and gradually turn into air-shaped fluids ... becoming part of its atmosphere.
Raj-Sun is invisible, but the rays carry it into himself the terrible force (X-ray and gamma radiation of the neutron star - approx. Author.). The approach of the luminaries will cause hurricanes, eruptions, the coup of the poles, but there will be no us on Earth. We all move on to the fourth dimension, except for "black" and bad. " (Letters Mahatm. Letter No. 92).

Baba Sanushi Credo Mututa (1921-?), Gulus tribe culture keeper ( South Africa), about the future of the cataclysm caused by the appearance of the second "Sun": "I will tell the great legend of our people. At one time, many thousand years ago, a terrible star, which is called Mu-sho-sho, a star with a very long tail, appeared close in our sky. She approached so close that the Earth turned over the Kuwarka, and, that was the sky, it became the bottom, and the fact that was the bottom, became hege. The whole world turned upside down. The sun rose in the south and ran out in the north. Then burning black rain drops like molten resin, burned all living on Earth, who could not escape. After that, a terrible waterflow came, accompanied by the winds of such strength, which destroyed all the distant mountains. And after that there were huge pieces of ice, more than any mountains. And the whole world was covered with ice for many generations ...
it great History Our ancestors. And they tell us that this disaster will happen again, and very soon. Since a big star that melts our sun, is going to go back on the day of Red Bull ... ".

Shaman Sontuok Egorov at the beginning of the 20th century predicted: "At the end of the last millennium, everyone will try to return to the old one, everyone will look for the lost and what they themselves destroyed. But returned all the old will be impossible. Because new toyon will pray to the icons of the former God.
But soon terrible things will be performed. Sky will fall from the sky, a large tailed star will come closer to Earth. There will be great changes. People will not respect each other, with a cry, the right and unnecessary ... Human nature, his mind will work out, people will all be irritated and intolerable towards each other. It will be a terrible phenomenon on Earth.
The sky and the celestialists will be angry with people, why the sky will become hot and red. People will destroy the Divine Shell of the Earth, which is why the air will become liquid and tasteless. "

Berta Dudde (1891-1965) was born in the city of Legnetz (Silesia). Since 1937, he began to receive revelations with the help of "internal voice." I predicted the difficult fate of all mankind, in particular, the appearance of a star next to our planet.
Prediction No. 7421. "The powerful earthquake shakes the Earth, both spiritual and earthly. The Earth will be in shock that people did not experience from the beginning of this era ... time rushing with seven-year steps, approaching you the last day. And then a long night will follow for everyone who did not use the day to pray for the salvation of the soul. Only some will survive during last day. And only some will be allowed to live on a new land ...
Star approaching S. high speed To the ground. You still do not know about it because of a long distance, on which the star was still still, but you will see it. Then there will be big unrest, because everyone recognize the threat that it carries heavenly body Earth, but no one can do anything to prevent danger. "
6313. "It will be a new star that is inevitably approaching the Earth with an unusual course. People are aware of all new features of the star when it will observe her movement. They recognize this danger to the Earth, and on the other hand, they will not want to believe in the coming destruction, because they have not yet experienced.
6324. Listen, what I will say you: "The right sign of the end of the world is the appearance of a star that goes to the ground, strangely ..., your eyes are not seen, because it is accompanied by an impenetrable fog that surrounds her ...
Terrible disaster, people are waiting for you in front of the end of the world - the overall restructuring of the surface of the Earth, which will lead to countless victims. I again and again point to it so that you know, my words are true and come true! ".

Elena Roerich's prediction about the appearance of the invisible Sun: "Space phenomenon will soon become apparently ... This phenomenon will probably be a few moments, but will continue for seven days." (Roerich E.I. From the letter dated 21.06.52)
"Fullba is occupied by an unusual banner. Near the invisible shone as an immense circle shone, the rays ran along the edges of him. The horror fellows flew into the caves, suffered by the radiance of the sign ...
But you can imagine what perturbations will produce these appearances in the atmosphere not only the nearest luminaries, but in the entire solar system! ". (Roerich E.I. From the letter 06.12.48).

This is only a small part of the predictions about the appearance of a star next to our planet. More detailed information about this cataclysm is available in books:

1. Apocalypse will come tomorrow. Publishing house "Alma Media Press", 2006
2. An extraterrestrial mark in the history of mankind. Publishing house "NC ENAS", 2009
3. Prophecies of Nostradamus. From the past by 2012. Publishing House "Eksmo", 2009
4. Prophets about the future of the world. Publishing House "Eksmo", 2010
5. Prophets about the future of Russia after 2012. Publishing House "Eksmo", 2010

Prediction of the Franciscan monk Rano Nero ("Black spider"). In 1972, a manuscript was found in one of the monasteries in Bologna, the so-called "Eternal Book", which gives a forecast for the development of our civilization to 6323 inclusive. In 1981 and 1984 In Italy, B. Bashker's book was published with the texts of the manuscript R. Nero with detailed comments.

The prophet in his predictions, often prevents alternative ways to develop the future and describes the probabilistic development of future events. He believed that the change, the correction of fate is possible not only for a separate personality, but also for the whole of nations, and the entire civilization. There is always the best alternative to the future, but it is not so simple to people, but only through the conscious efforts and the collective work of humanity over their mistakes.

R. Nero predicted a lot of events that have already accomplished. I will give only his prophecies belonging to our future:

1. There will be a constant struggle of three large religions - the religion of Christ, the Green Religion ( islam), the religions of the Sun and the fire that the peoples of Arabia and Persia confess ( zoroastric).

2. Christianity will pass through all the times, an hour will come when Christians will live in the caves.

3. For the green religion do not cost good angels, so she will be sombrained.

4. The religion of the Sun and Fire in the XXI century will know the victorious procession, the support itself will gain in northern country Hyperboreev, where it will be revealed in a completely new quality. The place of her main temple is the green island Erin. The time will come when this religion meets only on the islands.

5. Religion of the Great Void will spread to the whole east. Over time, this religion is honored. Its remnants will approve only on one peninsula, which will be compared with the islands of bliss.

6. There will also be three more religions - Hinduism, paganism and religion of the Great Snake. ( Perhaps beliefs of South American Indians. Pernation serpent - Cetzalcoatl). The whole south will be covered by the religion of the Great Snake.

7. Each religion will generate its type of person.

8. Religion of the Great Empty and Religion of the Sun and Fire In the end, a new religion will be powered. Becoming for her father and mother.

9. Religion of the Great Snake, paganism, religion of the Great Emptiness, the religion of the Sun and Fire will be combined and used by the religion of Lucifer (Satan).

10. Religion Satan will arise in 1925. I see a victorious procession, I see like a temple, but there is no light in it. All the opposite and only swine socks are visible. Really, On January 31, 1925, Edward A. Crowley collected his supporters and officially proclaimed the foundation of the Satan Temple.

11. At the end of the XX century, the whole world will worship Satan, many white people will be prestacled by this religion. The main center of indispensable is the country of Tartarium ( Russia). Currently around the world there are about 300 different sects and religious communities.

12. In 2075, the main banner of the church of Satan will pick up black peoples of Africa. Black banner, black trees, all around black.

13. Satan fans will learn how everyone will have many similarities - "Fingerprints". The soul of a person will alternately put into these similarities ( cloning or regeneration of the human body using stem cells).

14. Two terrible poisonous fungus will rise over two cities. All such fungi will be seven. Probably, we are talking about the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as an explosion of the atomic reactor in the city of Chernobyl. Humanity will have to survive four more "poisonous fungus".

15. The end of XX - above the East is visible a terrible cloud. Perhaps a radioactive cloud that was formed as a result of an explosion of a atomic reactor in Chernobyl (1986).

16. In India, scary troubles will occur. In the north of India, a strong dictator will appear, which will unite India together.

17. In 1981, a new terrible disease will appear as a punishment for the forn. Perhaps we are talking about the disease that is transmitted by sexual path - AIDS.

18. At the end of the XX century, deadly diseases will be held over Europe, which will take half of the population. Total new diseases will be a number five. One of them for the benefit of mankind.

19. The new moon will be a great shock on Earth. Then the Earth will be taken from the sea and must return to the sea. The tremor will pass through the old earth.

You will see the snow during the harvest, you will see roses in the snowy time.

People will wait until time when the sky will be covered by poisonous smoke, the Earth is poisoned with death fungi, water is polluted by invisible worms ( microbes).

A bowl of light will rise in the sky and confuse him with the sun. But his light is cold, cold rays of Selena (Moon). Perhaps the appearance of a neutron star.

20. After that, the population will be much reduced. France, Spain, Turkey, Scandinavia countries will disappear. Tartarium will not disappear.

21. Huge temples in the form of cones will be erected. Sphinxes will be erected, and their huge horns will grow out of the ground.

22. People will appear with spotted skin.

23. New animal species will not obey a person. Pets will become enemies to a person, as they learn his temper and habits.

24. The terrible enemies of man in the 21st century will be insects. Scary spiders will destroy people. The locust will fill the whole land.

31. Prophecy about the appearance of an unusual star next to our planet. " There will be two Suns and two moon in the sky. There will be no night. The earth will turn into a flaming hell. On Earth it will not be possible to live. Only in the air and underground will be salvation by living. Eight underground cities will be built. From the mountains there will be spinal vertices. People will be able to live only in the mountains. Many people will be sealed from the light of two suns; Huge waves will rise. They flood half of the earthly solid, and then roll back ( tidal wave). In the north of snow and ice melted. On the poles will appear extensive blooming lands; The new moon will be less than the size and closer to the ground than the old moon. The new moon will also be clearly visible from the ground as old.

When people see the light of two suns and two messengers in the sky, then Antichrist - Satan will come to Earth - Satan on a horse with three heads. The new sun will patronize the religion of Satan. "

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Chapter 3. Fire and Sword (1604-1618)

Two Suns

Two sun in the morning shone from the sky,
With ferocity to the junk world looking.
And the cry is extended: "Bread! Of bread! Of bread!"
From the dark forests sought to the king.

K. Balmont

One of the most difficult periods of centuries-old Russian history was a troubled time in beginning of XVII century. In these bloody days of the civil war, Russia could forever disappear from political card World. Rocking in the pulp of thought passed gradually. In 1598, the childless son of Ivan the Terrible son died - Fedor. For the first time, Russian people needed to elect a new king. There was no Russian people who had never had to choose their rulers, it was just unheard of business. Some considered it God's punishment, others argued that God could not allow this, and for sure the true heir to the throne alive. But all sorts of speeches that somewhere there is a real descendant of Ivan Grozny, toughly bent the authorities, were considered empty, stupid.

However, the conversations of this kind were widely distributed in the people, especially among the servant population. In the markets and squares of Upper Don cities, alarming news was actively discussed on the absence of a legal sovereign and further fate countries. It was assumed that someone from noble boyars would be elected a new king. Various candidates were put forward, among whom the boyars of Romanov were specially popular, as well as Boris Godunov, Shurin of the late Fedor Ivanovich. Boyar Mstislavsky, the most born in the Duma, did not cause anyone's sympathies, as they were too invisible and gray. Rooded Shuisi were the subject for reproaches and complaints, their greed, the corruption and insidiousness were well known in the country.

Meanwhile, the urgent struggle between members of the ruling elite unfolded in Moscow. Many wanted to establish a new tsarist dynasty, and immediately several noble boyars claimed an empty throne on the right of blood as the most born. But won not the most significant, but the most capable. They were Boris Fedorovich Godunov, who managed to show large political abilities and gain popularity in the people. September 1, 1598, in New Year, celebrated in the old days on this day, the solemn coronation of the sovereign took place.

Soon on the main squares of Voronezh, Dankova, Yelets and other cities, a diploma of the new sovereign, who promised to be a merciful and fair monarch for his subjects, and Grozny for the enemies of Russia. On this day, a nationwide holiday and festivities were declared.

Alas, the able sovereign Boris Fedorovich faced difficulties that was unable to overcome. The first problem for Boris Godunov was a huge hatred of any noble boyars who lost in the struggle for power. The promised one did not execute anyone, the new king soon could not resist hersal measures, feeling constant intrigue, conspiracies and enmity to themselves.

It was not easy to rule in the atmosphere of distrust, envy, lies and betrayals! The last drop that was overwhelmed by the patience of Tsar Boris, became rumors that he poisoned in 1598 by Fedor, the last son of Ivan the Terrible, and even earlier, in 1591, she stabbed his other son - Dmitry. The boyars stubbornly inflated these gossip, in which the people believed more and more. Then they began to say that the son of Ivan the Terrible Dmitry was not slaughtered to Godunov at all, and escaped from the hands of the murderers and fled to Poland. Evil rumors have become different details, and soon adopted real features. A man appeared in Poland, who gave himself for that Dmitry himself, who was deceased back in 1591.

The beginning of the XVII century was marked by a number of horror of natural phenomena, who weighed by people of that time as bad omen. Animals were strange: wild wolves and foxes appeared on the streets of cities. In Moscow, saw how one wolf suddenly ate the other, although it is known that it does not happen in nature. It was interpreted as if Russian people would kill each other.

Soon terrible natural disasters collapsed to Russia. In the summer, it was snow, and it was cold, frosts stood in winter, but there was no snow. The entire harvest died, and already in 1601 prices for bread and products increased ten times. Began terrible hunger. Foreigners, located in Russia, were colorfully described the horrors of cannibals, thousands of beggars, the desire of robbery gangs and so on. It was terribly what people were trying to make money on folk troubles. People who had bread reserves for several years, overwhelmed prices. We must pay tribute to Boris Godunov, who tried to take all possible measures to combat disasters. Finally, in 1604, Hungry went to the decline. However, in society, disbelief and disturbance, mutual distrust and cruelty increased.

Strange continued to occur natural phenomena. At night, people saw in the sky of the glow, "As if one army knew with another, and it became so light and clear from him, as if the month was ascended." Several times there were two moon on the night sky, unprecedented storms rose many times, who demolished the tower of a city gate and crosses from churches. "People and livestock were born a lot of strange freaks, did not become fish in the rivers, animals in the forest, birds in the air, and what was boiled and was served on the table, did not have its own former taste, although it was well cooked" - wrote an eyewitness of events German Konrad Busus.

People have changed. Frequent steel fights, irritation, retail, deception, usury, fooling, theft, robbery. "A friend did not give anything to his friend without a collateral, who had to cost three times more than what he gave him ..." - he celebrated the same observation foreigner.

Finally, even more terrible sign reigned over all these horrors of human and natural. In the spring of 1604, the next resurrection after the Trinity, to a clear noon over the most Moscow Kremlin, very close to the sun, seemed a bright and dazzling sparkling star, which many accepted for the second sun. Two sun shone in the sky over the Kremlin.

The scared Boris Godunov ordered to send an ancient elder from the north to interpret the signs. This elder was richly gifted by the king and interrogated about two Suns over the Kremlin. He predicted that new star In the clear sky, the coming consensses and war foreshadowed that the sovereign should be more attentive to his surround.

Just as two Suns climbed the May Day of 1604 over Moscow, two monarchs appeared in Russia soon. A man who issued himself for Dmitry, and maybe, and the authentic heir to the Russian throne gathered an army in Poland and in the fall of 1604, invaded the limits of the Russian state. Immediately after this event, the border Russian lands moved to the side of Dmitry, recognizing him with his state truck. The country split into two camps: supporters of Dmitry and Boris Godunov, began bloody civil War. Dmitry quickly conquered the popularity of the population, without wining not a single victory. He was moving rapidly to Moscow, his army was constantly updated by the people who loved him for kindness, justice, simplicity and courage. In April 1605, on its side, the city of Upper Don went to his side. At the same time, Boris Godunov died from a heart strike, and his heir to Fedor Borisovich was killed during a conspiracy. A man who called himself Dmitry, solemnly drove into Moscow.

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From some of the ancient myths and the chronicle that came to us, it follows that an era existed on Earth, when the moon in the sky was not over her. This was written in the V century BC. e. Greek philosopher and astronomer Anaxagor from the clastic, who used the sources that did not come to us, where it was argued that the moon appeared in the sky later the emergence of the Earth.

In II! century BC He was supported by the Greek philosopher and poet, the chief caretaker of the Alexandria library, Apollook Rhodes. In the composition of the "Argonavta", he cites the words of another philosopher - Aristotle, the century of previously mentioned in one of his works on the ancient inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Arcadia (area on the Peloponnese Peninsula), which "were fed by acorns, and it was in those days when There was no moon. "

The writer and historian of Plutarch, who lived at the turn of 1-11 centuries AD, speaks of one of the rulers of Arcadia by the name of the fever, which means "dolly", his subjects of the deceptions, the first inhabitants of Arcadia.

Modern scientists do not deny the possibility of a "funny" stage in the history of mankind and lead to that various explanations. According to one of them, the moon was one of the planets Solar systemBut then, as a result of a certain space catastrophe, he descended from his orbit and turned into a satellite of our planet.

In the north of Bolivia, in the Andean region, on the plain Altiplano, surrounded by snow-covered ridges, the Cordiller, not far from the shores of the Alpine Lake Titi-Kaka are the ruins of the city of Tiaanac. They lie at an altitude of almost 4000 meters, where the vegetation is very scarce, and the terrain is unsuitable for habitat.

Why is Tyanaco in such a place? Who and when to build it? Such questions asked themselves and others, the first Europeans who were in ancient city. Indians who lived in these territories at the time of the invasion of Spanish conquistadors believed that such big city Could not build ordinary people that he once grown a long-term tribe of the giants. The Europeans who visited Tiuianako did not believe in the giants, but they attributed to the city very ancient origin. Thus, the Bolivian researcher Arthur Poznansky, he devoted to the study of Tiaanaki, proved that the city was founded at least 12-17 thousand years ago. A, according to the archaeologist, Dr. H.S. Bellamy, the age of the city is 250 thousand years. However, even such unimaginable antiquity of TIAUANACO does not correspond to the results of modern archaeological and geodesic surveys.

As already mentioned, Tiaunaco lies above the lake Titicaca in the hollow, surrounded by the mountains. In their slopes there were traces of the ancient banks of the lake. By connecting the straight line of the former opposing shores, we will see that the ancient water mirror was located obliquely in relation to the current one. At the same time, at a distance of 620 km, the deviation is more than 300 meters. If you transfer this data to isoipses (geodesic horizontals) of the earth's surface in this area South AmericaIt turns out that the Andes in the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bTiauanano were the island in the ocean, the level of which reached the level of Lake Titicaca, that is, it was then above almost 4000 meters! In addition, Lake Titicaca is salty.

From the above, it follows that Tiaunaco was built on the seashore or a reservoir reported with him, which confirm the ruins of port structures, shells and remains of fossil animals found on its territory, images of flying fish. And such a port-port could exist only before the start of the Lifting of the Andes. But the rise of the Andes and lowering the waters of the world's ocean geologists refer to the tertiary period (60-70 million years ago), that is, by the time when on Earth, according to modern science, there were no people. However, some finds give a reason to challenge such a statement.

At the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century, 20 kilometers southeast of the city of Bern, Kentucky, USA, professor of geology, Dr. Wilbur Burrou and his colleague William Finnel discovered on the petrified sandstone in the layers of the breeds of the coal feders of human prints (or Very similar to human) feet. Twelve traces of a length of 23 centimeters and width - in the area of \u200b\u200b"spread" fingers -15 centimeters looked like someone walked with barefoot on the wet sand, subsequently the frozen and petrly. And he passed, for all geological standards, no way later than 250 million years ago.

In 1988. soviet Journal "Around the World" placed a message that in the Kurgansky Reserve, located in the Chargey region of Turkmenistan, similar prints were found, most of all resembling traces of a man's leg or some kind of human being. Length of the imprint of 26 centimeters. The age of traces, according to scientists, at least 150 million years.

There were similar finds in other regions, in particular, in Slovakia. It should be emphasized that next to the traces of the "legs" of traces "hands" in no one was found.

But the prints are known even more mysterious. In 1976, the book of Thomas Andrews was published in London "We are not the first." In it, the author reports that in 1968, a certain William Maister saw in Utah, the United States, on the site of the breakfast of the rock two clear imprints ... Sole of shoes. At the same time, the rear of the output with the next heel is deepened more, as it should be in accordance with the distribution of gravity when walking. Geologists examined the place of find, confirmed that at the time when the impression was formed, the formation was on the surface and was only subsequently buried under the layers of other breeds. The rocky rock, on the site of the break of which turned out to be a trace, dates from the Cambrian period, which began 570 million years ago and after 80 million years ended.

In the summer of 1998, the expedition of the center "Mai-Schemopoysk" was engaged in the search for fragments of a meteorite in the south-west of the Kaluga region. On the former collective farm field next to the abandoned villa banner, one of the members of the expedition raised from the ground to him an unusual stone debris, swelling the dirt from him, and ... everyone saw on the cholating of a layered flint stone inside him a bolt length around a centimeter with a nut on the end, as he could "Bolt" get inside the stone?

Since he was wengged inside the stone, then it could only mean one thing: the bolt turned out to be there when the stone was not yet a stone, but was a sedimentary rock, bottom clay. This clay passed, as the geologists and paleontologists, 300-320 million years ago, were determined.

Scientists of the Geological Faculty of the University of Tennessee, located in the city of Chattanooga, have been in a state of complete bewilderment after in 1979 after in 1979 they examined the fragment of a rock with age about 300 million years. This weighty piece of stone found Dan Jones on the banks of the Telliko River, when the trout hunted with the rod in his hands. It turned out that in this fragment of the mining crystalline slate, a fishing coil of the type is tightly impeded, which is used by modern fishermen amateurs. University geologists cannot be explained to explain the origin of this find.

And now we ask yourself, -What the process could cause the climb (that is, a decrease in the ocean level) by four kilometers and maintaining it to this time? And can there be such a global transformation related to the appearance in our sky of the moon?

It gives the answer to these questions and, moreover, combines all the events mentioned above, one of the "anti-scientific" hypotheses. According to her, hundreds of millions, and maybe a billion years ago, a giant appeared in the near-earth space spaceship with numerous representatives of some highly developed alien civilization. It entered the geostationary orbit and still hung over the Western Hemisphere of Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. So over our planet appeared the moon.

Under the influence of her attraction, which was then ten times closer to our planet, than now, the shape of the Earth has become pear-like or egg-shaped, and huge masses of water focused on its "secular" surface.

For representatives of cosmic civilization, overcoming huge distances in the Universe in search of a suitable planet, the Earth opened rich opportunities for active interference in the development of life on it. And they began intensive work on improving living beings living on Earth. As a result, over time on the planet, the very civilization, whose "point" traces of modern people appeared, as described above, occasionally found in layers earth crustwhose age is calculated by hundreds of millions of years. Judging by some finds, the civilization in terms of technical development was much superior to our current one.

And then on Earth and in her neighbor, a certain event occurred, which caused terrible and irreversible consequences. The ancient Indian epic of Mahabharata tells about it, where, among other things, talks about three cities in space and the war of the gods, led to the death of these cities:

"When these three cities appeared on the sky, the God of Mahadeva struck their scary ray in the form of three beams ... When the cities began to burn, Parvati hurried there to see this sight."

Transfering it to modern language, It can be assumed that then a certain cataclysm happened in space, which caused the moon's gathering from the geostationary orbit and began its accelerating rotation around the Earth. After that, our planet has become a long time and painfully acquire the current appearance known to us, redistribute the water of the World Ocean. These processes caused powerful earthquakes and gigantic floods. Memories about this nightmare have been preserved to this day. If we assume that he was reflected in the description of the World Flood (Bible, Genesis, Ch. 7, 8), then "rebirth" lasted about 375 days.

And in Greek mythology there is a story about Phaeton, the son of the God of the Sun of Helios, who, driving the chariot of his father, could not keep the fire horses, and those approaching the Earth, almost buried it. To prevent a catastrophe, Zeus struck Phaeton's lightning strike, and he, dusty, fell into the river. As a result of such a global catastrophe on Earth, traces of the former civilization were destroyed, and handfuls of surviving people were gradually degrading, turned into cave residents of the Stone Age era.

So there was a disturbed order in the world, an end to the golden age of mankind came, when the "gods" (that is, the cosmic aliens) lived among people, and in the sky there was plenty of viman - aircraftwho have completed flights between space cities and land with passengers on board: both people and gods.

After the war, the gods survived, except for the moon, and one of those space stations that were in the space between the land and the Moon and, possibly served "transshipment bases." In order to save the surviving station and its inhabitants, the only way remained: send it to Earth, especially since under the conditions when the moon began to gradually move away from our planet, the station and so had to land due to the change in the ratio of forces acting on it.

It was decided to descend to water, because it reduced the danger of the accident. In general, the leading was successful, despite the fact that the station - after passing the atmosphere and hitting the water - received serious damage. So that she did not sink, it should be put on a solid ground. The surviving Vimana conducted aerial intelligence and found a group of islands that surrounded a fairly deep bay, open in the southern direction. There and sent the station so that when it decreases the level of water, it donkey on the bottom and over time it turned out to be on land. This one space object And afterwards the capital of Atlantis, and his crew - Atlanta.

It is appropriate to recall here that the average diameter of the moon is now over 3400 kilometers. So the dimensions of the surviving space stationThere were, apparently appropriate, and could well be responsible for the sizes of Atlantis (by Platon): diameter of more than 2000 meters, height is about 180 meters.

After the space around the station turned into an extensive valley, surrounded by the mountains, the Atlanta began to examine the surface of the Earth. They wanted surviving people and engaged in their teaching and development, brought up activity and independence in them, and also carried out work on their genetic improvement. The result was the emergence of Neanderthals, Cryanons and, apparently, those people in which the volume of the skull was up to 2300 CMZ ( modern man It, as a rule, does not exceed 1400 cm). And these "bachel guys lived", judging by the findings of their remains on the territory of Morocco and Algeria, about 12,000 years ago, that is, just in the last period of the existence of Atlantis, and then, like she, forever disappeared from the ground.

Atlanta has become for the surviving inhabitants of the Earth by teachers, mentors and the enlightement, they laid the foundations of the new civilization. Well, people honored them for the gods, perceived as their saviors. It is the divas of the state and culture that they remained in the collective memory of the peoples - in Sumer, Ancient Egypt, at the primitive inhabitants of the American continent.

Well, what about the modern moon is only a dead celestial body, devoid of water and the atmosphere? It seems that it is not quite so. The fact is that almost three centuries ago, when regular observations of the moon began, astronomers began to notice strange phenomenon on its surface. These were also appearing and disappearing light flashes and light rays flying in different directions of "lights", spontaneously emerging and disappearing elements of the relief, some of which were obvious signs of artificial origin. The "lunar riddles" continue and so far.

When, during the flight of the American expedition to the moon on the Apollo-13 ship in April 1970, the third stage of the ship's carrier rocket was separated and fell on the moon, then its entire surface to a depth of 40 kilometers was fluctuated almost three and a half hours! According to one of NASA's researchers, the moon behaved like a huge hollow gong. (Here it is appropriate to remind you that because of the technical problem, the landing of astronauts on the moon did not take place, the ship only flew off, and only thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of the crew could safely return to Earth).

In April 1972, the crew "Apollo-16", measuring with orbit tensions magnetic field The moon (which, in general, weaker the earth is almost one hundred thousand times), found that it is very uneven and has a sharply pronounced elevation in seven different areas of the lunar ball. Another amazing discovery was made: under the lunar surface at a depth of about a hundred kilometers there are two belts from some ferromagnetic substances a length of more than a thousand kilometers each, as if in the depths of the moon, someone paved two gigantic support beams made of steel.

It was believed that there is no water on the moon. And never happened. But the devices installed on it by the crews of Apollonov, refuted this "unshakable" truth. They recorded the clusters of water vapors extending over the lunar surface for hundreds of kilometers. Analyzing these sensational data, John Freman from the University of Rice came to an even more sensational conclusion. In his opinion, the instrument testimony suggests that water vapors are seeping on the surface from the depths of the lunar subsoil! Thus, it turns out that the hypothesis of the origin of the moon and its connection with TIAUANAKO and the Atlantis is not deprived of common sense and is not so "mad" ...

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