September 1st knowledge day at school ruler. The script of the ceremonial ruler for the day of knowledge at school


Holiday scenario "September 1"

September meets us at the school doorstep.

1 presenter.
Hello school! We are together again! Ended up great summer holidays... We are sure that each of us was looking forward to coming back here!

2 leading.
But today is really a big holiday for both teachers and students!
The new school year begins!

1 presenter.
Here comes the fall.
This means the school year has begun again.
Around the country September redhead
In the form of a student is coming!

2 leading.
Near the school, near our
Right from the early morning
Once again in autumn
The kids were going.
Hi you guys!
Our school is glad to everyone
We parted for a while
Friends remained
To meet the first day of September
We had a rest over the summer
And now, you just know
Feel free to get down to business
And comprehend science.
Good luck, guys!
The school is glad to all of us:
Learning, hurry
Love objects,
Today is the first day of September.

1 presenter.
The holiday is special today, although every year it is repeated over and over again. To remember this day for a long time, we invited many guests to our holiday and the most important guest on the doorstep.

(the throne with the king of knowledge is carried by buffoons, they take out decrees and read)

1 buffoon.
I read the decree!
Written for you!
Written - rewritten
After Sanka Denisov's fairy tale
Written by Makarka, in black stub
In the bathhouse on the door, listen, don't turn around
Learn to reason to reason!
Everything from today
The class is allowed!
All lessons as always
At 8 start
Both big and small
Sad and cheerful
Slim and plump
With and without freckles
Ordered to learn
So that there is something to be proud of
There is even a signature here! King of knowledge

2 buffoons.
Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Right after the summer,
Do you want or do not,
Boys and girls -
It's time for everyone to learn.
Drive the boredom away
Hide under pillows
And keep it all year round
Ears on the crown.

If the decree is read here
And all the people gathered,
It's time to start the holiday
Wise advice to give
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn in the office!
Do not peck the table with your nose!
Dress neatly
So that it was pleasant to look
Iron the shape yourself, check it
You are a student now
Accustom yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.
Do not tease, do not call names
Try to help everyone in the class.

1 buffoon.
Do you know that our school has the kindest, fairest, most creative teachers. The importance of director's work is great

2 buffoons.
Let them praise you a hundredfold, thank you. And they will ascend to the throne of songs, so that with each generation from now on. It's magical for you to get younger. In work that is so wonderful!

Song. (As a gift to teachers)

A smile will make your life more beautiful
Let all further work be on the nerves
If suddenly a conflict is ripe, hold on
Smile when the hunt is already screaming
And then for sure
You are in the eyes of the student
Respect you will read without error.
From the blue brook
The river begins
Education begins with a smile.

Riddles for grade 1 about school things

Fairy tale "An incident in the kingdom of the diary"

Characters: Tsar Diary, Secretary, Bookmark, One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

There is a throne on the stage, the Tsar sits on it, and the Bookmark stands next to it.

Diary. Between heaven and earth,
In the middle of the earth alone.
Not far away, here in the woods
(This point is not on the map)
Once built
The Tsar's Chambers.
The lord - the king lives in them,
The sovereign of the local fairy tale. (Puts on the crown)
I used to call myself
I'm called Diary.
The grandma also lives here
By name Bookmark
This is the royal secretary -
It is believed so in the old days.

He has a secretary
Strong brothers, because that ..
If something is not right for her -
Get away quickly.
The Diary itself is afraid of her,
If suddenly the Bookmark is angry.
Well, God bless her! This evening
We were waiting for a meeting with the Diary,
He is a god and a king in the portfolio,
Our dear sir.

The Tsar-Diary is now in sorrow,
You will hardly make him laugh!
I lost weight from care:
I searched my whole lot -
Empty! There are no brides here!
Not even anywhere around.
If possible, help
And find the bride!

Tsar Diary, I'm on my way!
I’ll make it out.
Want to play the accordion?
Do not grieve, but sing a little!

You are not nonsense to me here
And do not look maliciously.
Before you is the king,
Not a local sexton.

You, my dear, do not be angry
And drink some kvass, come on.
I found a newspaper the other day
And what is just not there.
Any different congratulations
All different ads
There is a dime a dozen in that newspaper.
Come on Tsar Diary, look.

Diary. And what place to look?

Here, here about brides.
I sent them letters
And I called to you
Now they will begin to move in,
I will communicate with them.
Look at both eyes.
Who likes to match immediately.

Here's a day, another rushed by,
Someone knocked on the door.

Do not hesitate, come in,
Present your face to the Tsar.

Who decided to marry here?
I am the bride One.
Both slender and thin.
Craftswoman - anywhere!
Who will contact me -
It won't seem a little!

So get in quickly on the chest,
Read us a primer.


What is this mess?
What nonsense is this? So rastak!
You have no mind!
Take such a trace for me!
I’m the sovereign after all.
Not some gibberish.
And I ask you out -
I'm so pissed off!

Unit runs away, knocking again.

Who is there, boldly come in,
Present your face to the king.
Deuce. Here I am! Bride "Two"
Admire what it is!
Waist, figure
And not at all stupid!

Write us a rhyme
So that the king could listen.
Show us your talent
Let it sparkle like a diamond.

Why can't you write a poem?
This is not a lesson to teach!
Right now, I'll rhyme you quickly.
Just what rhyme to take?
You will die the king without me!
You won't find a better Deuce!
You will sing and dance to me
To please everyone.
I will only be lazy
After all, that's what I'm the queen!

What are you singing to me here?
I don’t care about you.
What is this verse?
Get out of my sight!

The deuce runs away. A knock on the door.

Who's there? Feel free to come in
Present your face to the king.

Troika. (instead of r she says l)
Here I am - the bride "Three"
What the fuck, look!
And I am round and blush -
There is no flaw!

There is no flaw in appearance, right.
Only you grumble badly.
Practice your speech
There is grass in the yard. There is firewood on the grass.

(the three tries to repeat it several times, but confuses the letters)

No, that won't do
I'm not going to marry her.
They will laugh with such a wife.
I'd rather be single.

(The three, head down, leaves. There is a knock on the door.)

We are waiting for you, waiting for you, come in.
Present your face to the king.

Hello our wise king
And the kindest sir.
I have news for you:
The bride lives in the mansion.
It's amazing how smart she is.
And besides, she is modest.
There is no other such in the district.
We are close friends.

Diary. What is your name?

Four. Four.

Diary. And how is your friend?

Four. Five.

Well good news.
Bring your bride here.
The four comes back from 5.
For the sake of the dear king, I tried not in vain.
Here is your bride, king!
Our worthy sovereign.

Well, well, I’ll take a look ...
I will turn to the primer.
On page 48
Read everything to us, we ask you very much.

(The five are reading the ABC book.)

Above all praise!
I'd take such a wife!
Ah, my soul is a girl.
How I dream of getting married!
Good as! Bravo! Bravo!
Take the royal throne by right!

The king did not think long,
I became married on the same day,
They live in friendship for centuries
And they take care of each other.

Poems are read by first graders.
Look at us
This is the first class!
First class - the beginning of the trail
Into life a tremendous path,
I won't be timid now
I want to go to study!

We all gathered for school,
Turned around all night
Smiled, dressed up,
Even the cat wanted to help
Only we told the cat:
“Cat, don't bother the adults.
We used to play with you
I'm going to school, you know! "

It's hard to see behind the bouquet
As long as I'm shorter.
I'm a little offended -
You cannot take the doll with you.

I'm skipping to school!
Mom, wait late.
Read a book for me
And play cars.

I am the business one in the family,
And now it's quite big,
You read my primer, mom,
And then you will tell me.

We promise today
Be an example in everything
Graduate, we know for sure
We won't let you down.

Graduates speak back.
1 presenter
The bell rings louder, louder and louder

And the faces of the guys are blooming.

To the music of the autumn waltz.
Quiet, anxious, affectionate
Leaves fall at my feet
This autumn is an enchantress
Asked to visit us
Quiet maples rustle in the yard
This morning of smiles and light
The sun plays brightly in the window
Come play, say goodbye to summer!
The class walls are light
The floors smell like paint
Golden autumn looks through the windows,
And in plain sight
Leaves in the school garden
Whirling quietly, flying smoothly
School bell again
Calls us for a lesson
So the noisy summer is over
On the first day of September
Giving joy to all of us
This is repeated every time!

The bell rings louder, louder and louder
What a trill spreads over the world
Do you think the nightingale is singing?
But no - the lessons begin!
The bell rings, for many years in a row,
Hearing him, people smile.
And the faces of the guys are blooming.
It's time - lessons begin!

Solemn line on September 1- a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to hold the solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.

We offer a scenario for holding a solemn line on September 1 at your school for grades 1-11

The venue is the site near the school.

Line "September 1 - Knowledge Day" 2019

(Fanfare sounds)

Lead 1

School, be equal, at attention!

Comrade headmaster!

Students and teachers high school on the solemn ritual of the first bell built!

Head teacher

I declare the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

Lead 2

September has come, summer has ended
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers!
Happy holiday to you, friends!
Lead 1

It seems like we were standing yesterday
We met a merry vacation time,
Which after school year
How long has it started? But queen nature
Unrelenting, and the months of summer
In past. And the school uniform is on.
Lead 2

A couple of minutes - and the first call
You will be called back to the lesson.
School doors will swing open again
The school days will begin tomorrow.
Well, today is a festive hour!

Happy Holidays, we congratulate all of you!

Lead 1

An unusual day in the world today
Music is everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And don't be sad girls, boys,
For games, undertakings and fairy-tale books
IN school life the magic doesn't end
The tale continues here too.
Lead 2

Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out here now
The very first, first class!

Lead 1

Attention, school!
We invite first graders to the lineup.

(Music plays)

Lead 2

1 A class, ______- (full name of the teacher) ___ and her pupils.

Grade 1 B, _____ (full name of the teacher) ____ and her pupils.

Lead 1

School! Attention!

Under the national flag Russian Federation and the flag ... of the region at attention! The right to raise the national flag and the flag ... of the region is granted

Lead 2

Today our holiday is attended by guests:

Lead 1

Today is a funny day
We introduce everyone to our school!

We start acquaintance
From one simple word.
Everyone knows this word
And it sounds "director"!

The floor is given to the principal of the school ………… ..

Lead 2

Traditionally, on September 1, we always honor excellent students. Here they are - the pride of our school.

The floor is given to the deputy director of the school for educational - educational work Kulikov Ivan Grigorievich.

(A song sung by eleventh graders)

Lead 1

You came from a bright fairy tale to school,
Everyone wishes you a happy journey,
And your desks are like ships,
Today they are sailing on a magic flight

Lead 2

The floor is given:

(Congratulations to the guests)

Lead 1

Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today,
After all, we have gathered for a school holiday.
Surprises await you everywhere
Already the magic lights are on!

Lead 2

Fairyland will open its doors
It's time for us friends to start
Perhaps someone will be surprised, will not believe -
The queen of the school will congratulate you.

School queen

Our dear first graders, I congratulate you on the first day of school life! You should know that our school is the best in the world, it is a bright and joyful island of childhood, and teachers have a permanent residence permit on this island, and therefore for all 11 years there will be respected, revered, kind wizards and sorceresses who will carefully guide you along the difficult steps. school kingdom - the kingdom of goodness, beauty, the search for truth. And now I will give you the magic key to the Land of Knowledge.

Lead 1

To find out how big the earth is,
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Proven captains.

Lead 2

The floor is given to the first teacher …………………

First teacher: Dear first graders!

I will open before you
Knowledge of the light path.
And you will not go yourself,
Together we will go
Along unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be a little difficult for us
But we have the Key of Knowledge.
He will open any door,
He will invite you to the world of knowledge.
Lead 1

The floor is given to our birthday children - first graders
We were preschoolers
And went to kindergarten.
We made from clay
Both horses and hares.
Now and now
Open the door for us, school!
We went to kindergarten,
We had little trouble.
And now we have matured -
Everything became the other way around.
Look at me:
How happy I am!
I'm already going to first grade,
I wear a new form
In our class, the floor is painted,
Clean walls
This summer is our dads
They did everything skillfully.
Mothers washed the windows,
The curtains were hung here
So that it is light and clean,
To learn fun
Bought new books,
Pens and notebooks.
We tried to have in the portfolio
Everything was all right.
I will study with a soul
Do all the tasks
To get fives
I will try.
And girls for pigtails
I will not pull!
And I also promise -
I’ll stop crying.
I will help adults
Do everything carefully.
I will print letters
I am very diligent.
On this wonderful, bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us feel welcome.
We promise not to be lazy
Let's study well. "
Lead 2

The floor is given 11 - graders:

1. Autumn swirls golden leaves,
And in a beautiful golden rain
Chrysanthemums are white, large
Sparkled with stars everywhere.

2. This is the first graders bloom
At the time of golden wonderful days,
These are new stars glow
And the flights of white doves

3. For the first time, the guys are in a hurry to school.
The first class calls and beckons everyone.
This is the first holiday, the newest,
Will bring victory and success

4. This is in life new road,
A long and sometimes difficult journey.
There will be so many bright holidays
Just don't forget this holiday.

5. The first in life is the best holiday.
The heart beats in a small chest.
You are no longer a mischievous and not a prankster,
All your fun is over.

(Music, eleventh graders give gifts)

Lead 1

The floor is given to the parent of the first grader

My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home grown up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big
And dad and I will be proud of you.
And now it has come, this joyful moment,
We didn’t have time to blink, as he overtook us.
Can you hear the birds singing outside the windows
Is the surf rustling and the trees blooming?
All this for you, my dear, everything around,
The whole world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!

Lead 2

School, attention! The vow of first graders sounds :

  • I swear to respect the teachers, listen to them carefully and not count the crows during the lessons
  • I swear not to upset my parents with twos and ones, broken chairs and writing desks
  • I swear to study honestly, not cheat, get good grades
  • I swear to be friends with the guys, not to offend the kids
  • I swear to be friends with the book
  • I swear to do exercises in the morning, temper and not get sick
  • We swear with dignity to carry the title of student ... of the school

Lead 1

Opening the New Year,

Let our school bell ring
Meeting with bells,

Everyone who came to the first lesson!

(The bell comes in)

I called in last time May 25th
And then I said, seeing off the spring:
“Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books,
Don't forget about me! "
Now I'm calling again
To call you to school!
Start the school year,
To absorb knowledge again!
Learn together
Be sad and have fun!
Thank you all for coming
And they brought smiles
A sea of ​​scents
Hello guys!
Lead 2

Let the very first bell ring now
And the long-awaited lesson will begin with us.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And bring joy from them through the years!

Lead 1

Now is the time to make the first call this school year. And this right is granted to students of grade 11:

Lead 2

Ring, bell! Ring, bell!
Cheerful, sad, impudent!
Lead 1

Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is quietly leaving! ..
Lead 2

Ring, bell! Ring, bell,
Opening lessons!
Lead 1

We are moving forward to knowledge,
Not knowing fatigue!

Lead 2

Our holiday ends, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Lead 1

Well in good hour and good luck
Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!
School invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the year begins its demo account!

According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September. On the first day of this month, Jesus Christ came to Nazareth, entered the prayer meeting and stood "among the teachers." September 1 has become the Day of Knowledge quite recently. And not everywhere - in 1984 it was officially established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In grandfather's Russia, September 1 was considered the day of the New Year. With this number, he was last celebrated by Peter the Great in 1699. The Tsar-Father triumphed, according to the ancient custom of his ancestors, the beginning of a new summer, and on the large Ivanovskaya Square, sitting on the throne, he received a blessing from the patriarch, and a greeting from the people, and he himself congratulated him on the New Year, which he celebrated for the first time in 1700 January.

In pre-Petrine times, September 1, the day of St. Simeon, began with the rumble of a shot of the sentry's cannon in the Kremlin, which fired exactly at midnight. After her, the large, medium and small bells of all churches rang, the Kremlin gates were thrown open. The life of Simeon the Stylite, popularly known under the name of Simeon the Flyer, was well known in Russia; they learned from him to endure in the name of a holy cause the many difficulties of human existence. According to ancient tradition, it was believed that on this holy day it was necessary to perform charitable deeds. Not a single beggar was left without alms, even prisoners in dungeons were presented with gifts.

The first day of autumn was called "autumn". It was supposed to "wipe" the "new" fire with the help of two boards and start gatherings with this pure fire.

From September 1, in Russia, they celebrated autumn, moved to new houses, performed the ceremony of "tonsure" of seven-year-old boys into adolescents, marking their new role in the community. TO holiday a funny funeral ceremony for flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the house, was timed. The custom of "caroling" is also the first of September. On the night of Novoletiye, adults and children, dressed in masks and animal skins, sang, danced, sprinkled grain on the floor, wishing the owners a rich harvest.

And the first of September was popularly considered the beginning of Indian summer. Old people predicted by the weather of Indian summer: rain - for a snowy winter, cold - for an early thaw. The artisan people on this day began to "sit up" - work under fire. Teenage girls prepared a torch, shoemakers cut leather, sheepskin men prepared tools. And in the huts and yards, auctions and marketplaces, newcomers walked - ofeni, offering pictures, dates, ribbons and lace for rubles.

Today, Russians associate September 1 with white bows, bouquets of asters and new satchels. “Knowledge is power,” Francis Bacon once said, but for some reason he did not appoint celebrations on this occasion ... Peter the Great, who canceled Novoletie, gave his subjects a holiday of knowledge on this day - on September 1, 1714, by order of the tsar, there was the first in Russia state library, which grew over time into the library of the Academy of Sciences. Knowledge Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but in almost every country "autumn" is still a holiday. Often - with tears in their eyes. Because it is also the World Day of Peace, established in memory of those killed during the Second World War, which claimed about 60 million lives.

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year!

The first of September is our common holiday, bright and joyful.

We all remember our first call, our beloved teachers and classmates with special warmth. School opens the way for us to knowledge and the way to a big life. Here we grow up, gain experience, do our best important discoveries, learn to be sincere and honest friends.

Our special and warm congratulations to the first graders!

Dear guys, you are starting a long and difficult path for knowledge. In teaching, try to be diligent, attentive to the advice of teachers, and you will surely learn for yourself a lot of new, useful, interesting things.

And for this special thanks to our dear teachers, whose kindness, knowledge and wise advice remain with us for many years.

On this wonderful day, we wish all students diligence and hard work, perseverance and success, and teachers and parents - love for children, understanding and patience.

I wish you all good health, optimism and well-being!

All classes are lined up, ( music sounds)

1st presenter:
The school year comes into its own,
The first leaf is spinning in the sky
The school opens the door again
And the bell calls us for desks.

2nd presenter:
So, we begin the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements await us -
We have no doubt about that!

1st presenter: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! After all, today is an amazing day, the day of the beginning of study, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge, which teachers are ready to open to you.

Together: Kindness to all guests and participants of our holiday!

(Fanfare sounds. Music # 2)

1st presenter School! Attention! Stand at attention to the removal of the State Flag of the Russian Federation! Carry out the flag!

Music No. 3 Anthem of the Russian Federation

2nd presenter... At our celebration there are guests of honor (presentation of guests) ...

1st host. The floor is given to the director of the school Chugunov Sergey Nikolaevich

2nd leader. I have the floor ... .

1st host.

Hello school!

About you with excitement

We write awkward poems.

Replenishment comes every year

And only graduates leave.

2nd leader. Today we are accepting a new squad of first-graders into our school family. Greetings to first grade students and their teachers:

(Music No. 4 in the background is spoken)

1 -A class -

1- B class -

1 -B class -

1 -G class -

1 -D class -

1st class -

1st presenter... We congratulate you, dear children and teachers, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our wonderful school will become for you

second home.

2-th presenter: First graders! The floor is yours.

Hello school! School, hello!
Finally we grew up
We assure you not in vain
We have come to you to study.
I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find doors.
I have books in my portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hands.
All the boys I know
They look after them in surprise.
The school learns everything:
Account, literacy, letter,
We learn a lot here,
School is just the beginning!

We will all have books
Thick - thick,
We will read it, we will know
Everything adults know!
We will be assiduous
Diligent and diligent
And we will study
Just great!
How many joyful, cheerful
Faces everywhere, look!
Personally, I am the headmaster
Smiled three times!
We're really big now
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are kids.

I'm in the mirror for a very long time
I looked at myself
I wondered everything: when
I managed to grow up!
There was a robber kid yesterday
And now I am an adult, a schoolboy !.
I dreamed about books today
We walked in formation, went into the portfolio,
Pencils in a notebook
They wrote: “It's okay!
We are clean, tidy, new,
We are ready to study! ”

In the morning to my window
The sun came in
So congratulated me
Happy September 1st!
On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us feel welcome! "

ALL (in chorus):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Music No. 5 ( Shapoklyak appears accompanied by bandits

disguised as a school principal )

1st bandit: We are lazy, we are bandits,
Very, very famous!
We all love Shapoklyak.
You can't do without it.
She will be your director.
Now he will read out his first decree!

2nd bandit: Shapoklyak Director
Please do not make me angry
And the school program for the year
We ask you to announce it!

Shapoklyak(solemnly reads out his program for the school).
One day to study
And six - to rest!
Are you satisfied? I ask you to
"Hooray!" shout out.

Bandits in chorus: Hooray!
A month to study
And two - to rest!
Are you satisfied? I ask you to
"Hooray!" shout out.

Bandits in chorus: Hooray!
It is worth only a deuce
Now receive.
For this "Hurray!" please shout!

Bandits in chorus: Hooray!
The lesson will last
Just five minutes
At forty you -
Fight everyone.
Why should you work, study,
Without knowledge, you can
Everything is dispensed with.
On the best hooligans
You will watch
Don't have to at the blackboard
Blush from shame.
There will be a fight every day.
It's time to start!
Shout to the director three times: "Hurray!"

Bandits in chorus: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

2nd presenter: We do not want such a life!
Let's shout in unison:
"Shapoklyak - down with!"

All children (shouting).
Shapoklyak - down with!

1st Lead:

What are you living
A foolish girl?
No reading or writing?
Do you want to keep up with us?
You must understand, you’re not silly!
Right now, without knowledge, nowhere!

There is a lot to learn
The institute to enter.

2nd presenter:

Go, think about our words.
We will be glad if you find yourself other friends.
And then come back to the guys!
You will be our student
You will become a wise girl. (Shapoklyak leaves)

1st presenter: The first grade is the first rung of school life, but there are students in our school who are climbing the last rung of the school ladder this year. These are eleventh graders.

2nd presenter: And to the joy, and unfortunately, your school youth will last only one year.

1st presenter: But do not be upset, because school is not only 11 years old curriculum, this is both friendship and the joy of independent victories. School is life itself, and we are sure that the last school year will be happy for you.

2nd host: O teenage graders! From year to year we were glad to meet you. You are the pride of the school, you are our hope.

Grade 11 exit for performance

1st graduate:

Dear first graders! You were lucky enough to get into a wonderful school! Now it will be your second home! We take you to our friendly family!

2nd graduate:

Your first school year will fly by very quickly, and we will meet with you again in the spring to say goodbye, because this is the last school year for us. But it will be in the spring, and for now we will have a happy year of joint study. We want you to love our school as much as we love it!

3rd graduate:

We're a little older than you

And we burn with desire

To convey to you the order

And our wishes!

4th graduate:

"Gnaw" science for later

You don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

5th graduate:

So that conversations "on the carpet"

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Don't bother your neighbor!

6th graduate:

Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to your elders

All faster for a change

Don't rush to rush!

7th graduate:

Love physical education -

It will come in handy in life

Correct the figure,

Build your muscles.

8th graduate:

And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

You are stronger with them.

9th graduate:

Smile more often, wider,

Laugh your spine.

Respond to misfortunes

With my kindness.

10th graduate:

Well, bolder in long haul

School, interesting!

And on the road, do not forget

Home, friends and a song!

11th: We wish you to study hard

And never forget about that

That you should be proud of our school

And to defend the honor of the First Klimovskaya.

2nd presenter:
You have been congratulated for so long
Are you guys tired? (No!)
Stop standing still
We will dance together "

(Music no. 6Music game One, two, three, four, five)

(Music no. 7Music sounds, Shapoklyak appears, dressed in a school uniform with new friends - textbooks)

Lead 1:
Guys, look how our guest has changed, and even with new friends, now you can't recognize her.

Now I understand! Children, I respect you!
The holiday can be continued! I will not bother you!
I see that the kids are very good!
I want to check them: are they able to study?
First-graders, do not yawn, answer questions!
If we are talking about you, "Yes!" shout the same hour.
Since there is no talk about you, say "No!" in reply.
- You got up early today?
- You didn't become capricious?
- Did you come here to study?
- Will you be lazy at school?
- Will you always fight?
- Well, then tease, huh?
- Will you study at "five"?
- And also get "deuces"?
- Do you want to find friends here?
- Then happy journey!

Shapoklyak: We have very smart and attentive guys!

1st presenter: Shapoklyak! Could you introduce the guys to your new friends ??

Shapoklyak: These are the most best friends! They keep treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.
(textbooks are presented)

I am the keeper of knowledge,
Treasury of world culture,
I can bring up spirituality in you,
Help to become wiser and more noble!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
We will give knowledge of the basic laws,

So that they could describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will tell you the secrets of the substance,
Believe me, this is very interesting,
And I will even teach you miracles -
Everything that I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? Know? We will teach!
Moreover, we won't torture you with cramming,

And I call myself choreography,
And I'm not afraid of hypodynamia,
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you dance with inspiration!

(Music no. 8Dance of fairy tale heroes)

2nd presenter:
How do you guys like friends like that? Then let's be friends?

1st presenter:
The school year begins,
How much new knowledge he brings!
So you guys try

And do it with great pleasure!

2nd presenter:
Well, you all deserve it,
Let the faithful school bell ring
The elders just didn't finish their education,
And the first lesson is waiting for the kids!

1st presenter: NS about the already established tradition, in order to pass on the baton of success to future schoolchildren, the first bell in the new academic year is given by the school's best student at the end of the last academic year.

The right to make the first call is granted _________________________________

(Bell rings)

2nd presenter: It's a pity the wonderful holiday ends!

But the bell sounds and worries.

And the doors and classrooms are wide open.

The first lesson begins!

1st presenter: So the solemn line has come to an end, but the holiday does not end. Interesting journeys into the world of knowledge await you ...

2nd presenter: Dear first graders!

1st presenter: You will study at our school.

2nd presenter: At a school where the traditions of strong knowledge are strong.

1st presenter: High sporting achievements.

2nd presenter: At the school, where there are many singers and dancers, talented young actors.

1st presenter: At a school where everyone can be a star.

2nd presenter: Happy holiday, dear first graders! Happy holiday, dear teachers, school students, parents and everyone present. Happy holiday, dear school!

1st presenter: The right to bring first graders to school is given to senior students and fairytale heroes.

Music about school

2nd presenter: Step confidently into the Land of Knowledge!

1st presenter: We really believe: you will succeed!

2nd presenter: Good hour! Have a good trip!

Ceremonial line script

1. Fanfare sounds

1 Veda: Today the doors are wide open in schools in the morning.
The summer has passed. Children are walking to school again!

2 Vedas: Study, hello! School, hello!
We go on a hike for knowledge.
It is a holiday today,

School holiday!

Together: We meet the school year!

1Ved: Good morning, guys! Good morning parents!

2 Vedas: Good morning, teachers!

1Ved: Guests, you have not come in vain!

After all, today is a holiday at school!

Together: Feast of the First of September!

2. Ballroom dance

1 Vedas: And the first ray in the blue sky

He sends us his greetings today.

Over immense Russia

A solemn dawn rises.

2 Vedas: That proudly threw up two wings

Your coat of arms is a two-headed eagle.

And the sounds of the anthem are majestic

Float over the eternal power

Freely soars in the blue sky

The tricolor flag of my Russia.

3. The anthem of Russia sounds (verse and chorus)

Head teacher School, attention! The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is announced open!

1 Vedas: To school, to school - the Motherland calls,
To school, to school - the wind sings to us.
Let it be good, let it be funny
Let the school year be happy!

1 Veda: Dear students, teachers and parents! Please accept my congratulations on the beginning of the new academic year in the person of the school director Irina Vitalievna Prokopchenko.

(Speech by the headmaster).

2 Ved. The leading specialist of the Department of Education of the city district of Togliatti is addressing you with words of congratulations _________________

1 Vedas:

In all schools of our vast country, the school year begins on this day. A particularly joyful and exciting day today for those children who first crossed the threshold of our school.

2 Vedas:

The sun smiles sleepily
The wind rustles with leaves
And, worrying, they are going
In the morning to school kids.

1 Ved.

The bows are sparkling white
Another brand new portfolio,
Still timid, timid
The first graders enter the door.

2 Vedas:

Dear first graders!
The first time you came to school,

The first time in first class,

Everything is new to you today,

Everything excites you now!

1 Ved.

Dear kids,
We know you were preparing!

Tell your poems,

Are you already tuned in?

4. First graders exit

First graders words

1. I turned seven this year

Now I'm big, I'm going to study!

I will try, I will not be lazy!

I am very happy that I am a student!

2. We don't know how to learn,

When to sit down, when to get up.

May not go to bed at night,

So as not to oversleep for the lesson?

Alas, I don’t know how to start.

But at school by all means

I will solve my problem.

How much is six and five.

If you fold your palms,

It may not be enough.

5 we don't know anything yet

But we want to learn.

We won't be late for class

We won't oversleep without a reason.

6. and learn in notebooks

Only pens to write,

And exercise in the gym

We will carry out together,

7.And to the buffet for pies

We will run more than once ...

But today our moms

They brought us to the first grade.

8. We all worry:

We are for them, they are for us.

This is not a dance-song for you:

First class is first class.

9. You can't even imagine

What door will open for us now.

What discoveries will be here!

What events will happen!

10 . I want to go to school,

I fly there on the wings.

I like desks there,

And globes and maps,

Both boards and crayons

And school calls.

And so that we do not whine,

There will be vacations.

11. And you, our mothers, do not dare to cry!

Looming under the windows, making a loud noise.

So that we are not ashamed at school for you,

After all, the school charter is for everyone ...

And for you

5. First graders leaving

Host 1 Attention! Attention!Dear parents of first graders, I ask you to prepare for the solemn oath. Only answer yes if you agree with our words:

Lead 2
We will always help children in their studies ……… YES

For children to be proud of the school ... ... ..YES

Lead 1
We swear never to beat children ... ... YES

Just a little scolding sometimes ... ... ... YES

Lead 2
Let's be calm like water in a river ... ... YES

We will be wise as a star in the sky ... ... YES

Lead 1
We will get up in the morning in cold weather ... ... YES

To be in time both here and there ………… ..YES

When is the end of the study of the suffering,
Together with the children we will take a walk then …… ..YES !!!

2 Vedas: Dear first graders! Today is your happiest day in your life! Today you just came to us as boys and girls, and in a few minutes you will become students of the school.

1 lead The luminaries of all school sciences turn to you,
2 leads Masters of tests and essays,

1 lead Professors for passing tests and exams,

2 leads The oldest students are graduates of our school!

(Graduates come out with balloons and flowers)

1 senior As the oldest students, we want to give you some advice!

2 senior

We're a little older than you
And we burn with desire

To convey to you the order

And our wishes!

3 senior

Be polite to everyone
Don't be rude to your elders

4 senior

All faster for a change
Don't rush to rush!

5 senior

Love physical education-
It will come in handy in life

6 senior

Correct the figure,

7 senior Build your muscles.

8 senior .

Smile more often, wider,

Laugh your spine.

9 senior .

Respond to misfortunes
With your kindness!

10 senior

Well, bolder on a good journey
School, interesting!

11 senior

And don't forget on the road
Home, friends and a song!

12 senior

We wish you a fast
Whirling school days
Interesting events
Kind, loyal friends,

13 senior To homework
Completed right on time
To gladly, with desire
Came to class

14 senior

To understand that the main thing is
Not grades, but skills,
A quick mind and a kind heart.
In chorus Good luck and patience to you!

(Graduates contribute the "Knowledge Tree")
1 senior

We want to give you a tree of knowledge. It will help each of you become very smart and kind.

2 senior We also have magic balls that turn ordinary kids into real schoolchildren.

6. To the music "Adults and Children" 9 cl. and 11 cl. give first graders balloons with the words "student"

1 Ved. Guys, who can read? Read what is written on your balloons?

First graders in chorus : STUDENT! 2 Ved. Now I propose to accept first graders into our school family! Who agrees"!Raise your hand!!! Unanimously!

1 Ved. All students of the school will be led into the world of knowledgewise mentors are teachers.

7. A student of 8 "A" class sings

1 Ved.
Dear teachers!

Even in the summer you prepared for your lessons,
They were looking for a new technique,

To Lomonosovs, Newtons

As soon as possible, they grew up at school

2 Ved.

Congratulations soon to the teachers -
There are none kinder and wiser!

How much patience they need

So that we can all understand:

Without learning, there is no skill!

In chorus : Thank you we want to say!

All students applaud

Individual students against the background of music give flowers to teachers and guests

8. Presenting flowers to teachers to the music "Once again, the golden autumn will appear just in time"

1 Vedas: September is again outside the windows,

And the school is like a big ship

Ready to sail -

The school year begins again!

2 leads We need to start studying again:

We have a lot of knowledge to comprehend.

And the school is waiting for us in the walls again,

After all, she keeps a lot of knowledge in herself.

1 Veda: Friends! A holiday in the schoolyard again!

Let the first bell ring in September!

(Dunno appears to the music.)

UNKNOWN. Wait, wait !!! Well, this is a disgrace! It's impossible to get to you! They also say that access to knowledge is open to everyone.

2 Vedas: Of course, everyone. What do you, Dunno, want to enter our school?

Dunno. No! I came for the key.

Leading. Per what is the key? Have you lost your apartment key?

Dunno. And I didn't lose anything. I'm for another key. I was told that at the beginning of each school year, one boy or girl is given a special Key of Knowledge. And whoever gets it whole year learns only for "good" and "excellent" and may not do homework at all. So I want to get this key and immediately become the smartest.

Leading. Now it is clear. Then come to us, you will learn.

UNKNOWN : To study? Is it to work and work or what? Ha! Why do I need this? I'm smart anyway!

2 VED: Don't you like studying?


I love to be lazy
I don't want to study at all
This is the kind of student I am.
Check out my diary!

I tear textbooks, notebooks,
I forget about order.
I don't like comments,
I often sleep in class.

I confess, homework
I am terribly lazy to do.
I don't need to read books,
I'll be walking all day!

1 VED: Ay-ay, is it really possible! How can you not want to read?

UNKNOWN: Why do I need to read books? I can live fine without books! You guys listen:

2 VED:

Good book- your companion, your friend,
Leisure is always interesting with her.
The book teaches to be truthful and valiant,
Nature, people to understand and love.
Books cherished pages
We are met from the first years
And carry us like birds
Flying around the whole world.

UNKNOWN: Maybe then I should go to study too? BUT?

HOST: Sure. Come to our school and our wonderful teachers will teach you everything.


I know this path is not easy
And there are many temptations on him.
But you can't fool yourself
And learn somehow
Me, Dunno, will be ashamed!
And so that it is not offensive,
I'm not afraid of difficulties!
On this I swear! I swear!

Ved. 2 But with the key, you, Dunno, will have to wait a bit, because today the key of knowledge will be handed over by the holder of the supreme power, whose will all those present will have to obey. This right is granted to the best student of grade 11 A at the end of the last academic year_________________ .

9. Fanfare "The exit of the Tsar"

To the sound of a march in a mantle, with big book the best student of the school comes out in the hands. The music stops .

First student.

- Hello fellows on the school desk! I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! On this occasion, I am announcing a decree. Listen everyone!

Horns sound.

First student. Decree "On the celebration of the Day of Knowledge." In commemoration of the beginning of the new academic year, I declare:

Point one: to accept Dunno in the ranks of students of school №64.

Point two: all students study diligently every day, glorify their native school with their achievements in science, sports, work.

Point Three: Give the Key of Knowledge to the first graders.

UNKNOWN: That's lovely! I will go to school!

Runs to the center of the ruler, runs one at a time Balloons

2 Vedas : How nice balloons are ...

Look, a blue ball soars up, (release)

so that the dreams of graduates come true,

successfully pass any GIA, Fly, ball, fly up.

1 Vedas: And the yellow ball, like a ray of the sun,

First graders' hopes soared ... (let go)

Look, the orb above your head is sparkling

Like a magic bird it hovers over the earth,

Make your dreams so that your dreams come true!

2 Vedas: Fly around the world, the ball is red, (let go)

Fly boldly without touching the rooftops.

Carry the hopes of teachers with you

All your disciples.

Head teacher The most exciting moment is coming. The right to make the first call in the new, 2015-2016 academic year is given to the best student of the 11 "A" class and the student of the 1 "A" class _______________________________________________________

1 lead The first school bell rang
He is like the beginning of distant roads.

2 leads He calls for him to the light class.
Friends, good luck! Good hour!

1 lead And in order for your studies to be excellent, we ask you to go through the rainbow of fives.

2 leadsThe right to be the first to pass is given to first-graders and graduates to your applause.

10. To the song "What do they teach at school" 9, 11 and 1 cl. go to school

We invite students of the 1st "A" class, classroom teacher _________________

And pupils of grade 11 "A", class teacher _________________

We invite students of 1 "B" class, class teacher _________________ and students of 9 "A" class, class teacher _________________

2 ved Let the doors of the school open, soon the lessons begin.1 lead Rather, school, meet us! Start the academic year!

BB. This is the solemn ruler, dedicated to the Knowledge, let me consider it closed.

Classes to the right!

We invite you to go to school on class hour and Safety Lessons.

pupils of 2 "A" class, class teacher ___________________

pupils 2 "B" class, class teacher ___________________

pupils 3 "A" class, class teacher ___________________


According to a good tradition, on September 1, the first bell will ring in all schools in our country. And again the children will go to comprehend school sciences along the thorny paths of knowledge. To holiday on September 1 was successful and remembered, gave all students only good mood, the organizing teachers carefully prepare for the ceremonial line, select interesting materials, poems, concert numbers in order to collect all this into a single scenario... The proposed scenario has already been held at one of these holidays and may help those who are still in a creative search.

September 1

1 lead Good afternoon, students!

2 leads Good afternoon, parents!

1 lead Good afternoon, teacher!

Guests, you did not come in vain

After all, today is a holiday at school -

Together: the First of September!

1 lead Not marked with a red number

This day is on the calendar.

And the flags are not colored

Near the house, in the yard.

2 leads One simple sign

We will recognize this day:

For children going to school

Towns and villages.

1 lead By the merry excitement

On the face of the students

For special embarrassment

Seven year olds.

2 leads And let a lot of glorious

Different days on the calendar

But one of the most important is

The very first in September!

1 lead There are various holidays in the year,

And today you have a holiday

We invite you first graders

On the ruler for the first time!

Vedas 2 And now we invite the main culprits of our holiday to the solemn ceremony. Those who today will cross the school threshold for the first time in order to go the long road of knowledge to new discoveries. We welcome our dear first graders with friendly applause.

First-graders enter the line to the music.

Ved. 1 Next to the first graders, their first teachers are wise mentors:

1а - (name of the class teacher)

1b - (name of the class teacher)

1c - (name of the class teacher)

Ved. 2 Hello dear guys! I address with words of greetings to you, the smallest and most elegant first-graders, who are going to cross the threshold of the school for the first time today and go on an exciting, interesting, albeit sometimes difficult journey through the Land of Knowledge. You will not find this country on more than one map or globe, it is not there. You will have to discover this country yourself with the help of teachers. It depends on you who you become "knowers" or "dunno".

Vedas 1. We are glad to welcome you, experienced graduates! And to the joy, and unfortunately, your school youth will last only one year. But do not be very upset, because school is not only eleven years of the curriculum, it is friendship and the joy of independent victories. School is life itself! And we are sure that in the eleventh year of this life you will show more efforts than before.

Ved. 2 This day is not only a holiday for students, it is a new start for teachers. Congratulations to all of you on the start of the school year, we wish you endurance and patience!

Forgotten the game.

With portfolios to school

The kids are in a hurry.

Veda 2 In a hurry

Enter the light class

So that only fives

To please us.

Ved. 1 Someone is running to us,

Pushing the crowd apart.

Just find out

I can’t do it.

(Dance "Wizard-dropout")

Wizard. Friends, I am very glad to see you!

Big and small guys.

I am a great sorcerer

I was in a hurry for a holiday to you soon

I wanted to see for myself

What are you willing to learn

Try - ka, guys

Guess my riddles:

1st: The neck is so long,

Crochet tail.

And it's no secret:

She loves everyone who is lazy

And her lazy people - no!

Answer smartly

What is this? ( Deuce).

2nd: If you hone it,

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, sea, mountains, beach,

What is this? ( Pencil).

3rd: On the ABC page

33 heroes.


Everyone knows a literate.

They are famous, famous

And their names are ( Alphabet)

Passed the exam

All of you are excellent.

You are a smart people,

Very cute.

But it's time for the director

Call us here,

So that the order for the Day of Knowledge

I start to conjure

And you have to help me.

I'll start - you repeat,

Just amicably, do not yawn.

"Abra-kadabra ( everyone repeats)…………………..

Sim-salabim ……………………….

To see the director ……………… ..

We really want to ……………….

We believe ………………….

One two Three ……………………

Come to us, director!

(Exit Shapoklyak and the bandits).

1 bandit. We are lazy, we are bandits

Very, very famous!

We all love Shapoklyak.

You can't do without it.

She will be your director.

Now he will read out his first decree.

2 bandit. Your director

So that you know it.

There is no way to find it,

So Shapoklyak decided.

3 bandit. Shapoklyak Director

Please do not make me angry

And the school program for the year

We will ask you to read it out!

(Shapoklyak reads the program)

Shapoklyak. One day to study

And six - to rest.

Are you satisfied? I ask you to

"Hooray!" shout out.

(bandits shout "Hurray!")

One has only to get a deuce now

For this "Hurray!" I ask you to shout.

(bandits shout "Hurray!")

A month to study, and two to rest.

Are you satisfied? I ask you "Hurray!" scream!

(bandits shout "Hurray!")

In the dining room, they will feed only with jam,

So that everyone is in a great mood.

Well, why are you guys keeping quiet?

"Hooray!" shout quickly!

(bandits shout "Hurray!")

The lesson will only last five minutes

At forty, they will all give you a fight.

Why should you work, study,

Without knowledge, you can do everything!

The best bullies you'll watch

Do not have to blush at the blackboard with shame.

There will be a fight every day - it's time to start!

Shout to the director three times: "Hurray!"

(bandits shout "Hurray!", "Hurray!", "Hurray!")

Vedas 1. We do not want such a life,

Let's shout together: "Shapoklyak, down with!"

(children scream)

Ved. 2. Get out of here,

Don't catch your eye!

We don't need your program,

It is very dangerous and harmful.

(Shapoklyak and bandits leave)

Ved. 1. Something, the wizard you seem to have messed up.

We give you a minute to think.

Apparently you yourself did not study well,

Since our director didn't show up.

Repeat your spell again

And don't mess anything up, look!

Wizard. “Abra-kadabra ………………… ..

Sim-salabim ……………………….

To see the director ……………… ..

We really want to ……………….

Director, show up soon

There are many children waiting for you.

Ved. 1 In the meantime, the director

Comes to us here,

Our ensemble is school

He will sing a song.


(director appears)

Ved. 2. The floor is given to our dear director.

(Director's speech)

Ved. 1 Dear guys, today guests of our school have come to congratulate you. The floor is given …………………………………… .................................. .....................................

Ved. 2 This musical gift sounds for all children and guests of our holiday.


Ved. 1 It's time to give the floor to our first graders. They are very excited, so let's support them with thunderous applause.

Poems of first graders.

1 ... Proud smart

We're walking down the street

With kind smiles

Everyone admires us.

2 ... "You don't need to see us off!" -

we told mom.

What class are we going to? -

Guess for yourself.

3 ... A month or two ago

We went to kindergarten

We sang a lot, ate a lot

They wanted to grow very much.

4 ... Frequently hosted by school

Children in first grade

But today is a special day:

We came! Meet us!

5 ... Alphabet from "A" to "Z"

I learned it before school!

I was going to school -

So I tried!

6 ... Now life is different

It will come with me.

Oh mom dear

What an adult I am!

7 ... Hurry up ring the bell

We've been waiting for you.

After all, for our first lesson

We got together for a year.

8 ... We promise you to learn

Only four and five

So that you can be proud of us,

To be able to do everything and know a lot!

Ved. 2 Attention! Attention! All first-graders are ready to take the oath! We will read the oath to you, and you all must repeat the word "we swear".

Oath (read by first graders).

I'll sign up for the library.

I will study the oral account -

I’ll count everyone at school.

Though sculpt and paint

It's hard, I must tell you

But I'll be patient

This I swear to you now

All: "We swear!"

10. But in big and small business

We'll share the joy with a friend

And sorrow and adversity,

So that for many years to come

Always be among friends

To make life more fun for us.

I will not compromise on friendship -

I swear to all of this now.

All: "We swear!" "We swear!" "We swear!"

Lead 1 A new school year begins

He will bring you many discoveries!

New items, new friends

Favorite teachers are waiting in the classrooms.

Veda 2 For all guys, for all teachers

Take the dance as a gift soon!


Led. 1 The resounding summer flew by -

Today again for a lesson.

Let it be solemn and loud

The first bell will ring!

Ved. 2 A couple of minutes - and the first call

You will be called back to the lesson.

School doors will swing open again

The school days will begin tomorrow.

Led. 1 The right to give the first call is given to the student of the 11th (full name) ... .. …………………………

And the student of the 1st (full name) …………………………

Vedas 2 We cannot get away from these minutes,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling

From these minutes it is so disturbing in my heart,

And thoughts are connected with the first call!

(The first bell rings)

Vedas 1 So the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge has come to an end. We sincerely congratulate all the guys on the start of the new academic year and wish everyone excellent marks.

Vedas 2 And first-graders are invited to school for their first lesson of Peace and Good.

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