Class hour “Hearts will open for good. Class hour "charity lessons" class hour charity

Class hour

"On the road of good"

Goals and objectives:

to form moral qualities, to develop in children a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance;

introduce the concept of charity, show its role in history and modern society;

expand horizons, replenish vocabulary students.
Equipment : "flower of kindness" poster; explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov; recording of the song by Y. Entin and M. Minkov "The Road of Good", music center.

Event progress:

Today we will talk about quality, without which a person cannot be called a person.

This word is serious
The main thing, the important thing
What it means
It is very necessary for everyone.

He has care and affection,
Warmth and love.
In it the aspiration
Come to the rescue

Over and over again.

This quality
In the heart of many lives
And about the pain of others
Doesn't let you forget.

And it is more important
Than the beauty of the face.
Guess what it is?
Kindness of hearts!

What quality are we talking about? Yes, today we are going to talk about kindness.

Kindness ... Kindness ... What is it? Let's take a look in Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary:

Good - everything is positive, good, useful.

Kindness - responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition to people, the desire to do good to others.

This human quality has been highly valued at all times and has been developed over the centuries in order to make it easier for everyone to live, communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy. Here are some sayings about the kindness of outstanding people.(Read by students)
"Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings you closer together like nothing else. Kindness relieves us of loneliness, mental wounds and unwelcome grievances." (Playwright V. Rozov).

"Nothing costs us so cheaply or appreciates more than courtesy and kindness." (Miguel Cervantes)
"Kindness, this is the quality that I want to acquire more than anyone else." (Lev Tolstoy)
"True kindness lies in treating people well." (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about kindness.

(Students name proverbs and sayings that they have picked up in advance. Some of the proverbs are written on the chalkboard, students explain their meaning.)

There is no good name without good deeds.
Life is given for good deeds.
A good word will build a house, an evil word will destroy a house.
They do not seek from goodness.
A kind word is half the happiness.
It is bad for him who does not do good to anyone.
A good deed is more valuable than wealth.
Years take beauty away, kindness does not take away.

For some reason, in our time, people are embarrassed to be kind. Really modern man do not need sympathy, empathy, attention, benevolence?

Student: Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with thought about kindness:
All in blue and starry beauty
The land is good. She gives us bread
Living water and a tree in bloom.
Under this ever troubled sky
Let's fight for kindness!
Poet A. Chepurov

Teacher: And how many words are formed from the word good!

The poster depicts a "flower of kindness", words are written on its petals, children read them and explain the meaning. (Respectable, benevolent, conscientious, kind-hearted, good-natured, virtuous, kind-hearted)

What kind of person can be kind?
(A kind person can only be one who is always benevolent to people, who thinks not only of himself, but also of others. A kind person always takes into account the interests of other people.)
- Do you think it is easy to be really kind? What rules of kindness do you need to follow in order to be kind? (To love people familiar and unfamiliar, to call others to good relationships, to do good for loved ones, friends, not to envy, not to be harmful, not to be rude, etc.)
- Where and how do you show kindness? Give examples from your own life when you did something good to another person unselfishly, not for the sake of a reward. What good deed have you done in your life that made you and the people around you happy?(Answers of children)
Student : A log lay in the way,
It hindered the travelers.
One said, "Not good."
Said, and know yourself went.
The second looked, then sighed,
And he stepped over the log.
And the third traveler was silent.
He looked both sickly and small.
He silently threw off his sheepskin coat
And removed the log to the side.
Teacher: - Shouting about your good deeds is not worth it, because, as the proverb says: "Who is truly good, does good in silence."
- A kind person helps not only people, he helps everyone around him: birds, animals, plants. Learning to truly be kind is difficult. The path to kindness is not easy, on it ups and downs, evil and good await a person. Every person, big and small, has their own path to kindness.

Now I am going to read you excerpts from two stories. Listen carefully.
1. A student, returning from school, saw how the old woman, putting a heavy bag on the bench, could not catch her breath. He approached her and offered his services. He helped carry the load, although it was not on his way.
The next time, hurrying to school, he saw an old man at an intersection who did not dare to cross the street. The boy went up to him, took him by the hand and led him to the other side of the street. As soon as the old man was about to thank him, the boy was not near him.
2 ... When an old woman - a neighbor asked the boy to buy milk for her in the store, he agreed, but said that she should thank him for this.
- Analyze these situations and tell me why good deeds were performed? What would you do if you were boys?

And where does good always triumph over evil? Of course in fairy tales.Many writers in their work turn to the topic of kindness, kindness.

Which one is happier, why? Prove.

What words can you use to describe the sun? Can you call him kind?

You said that if a person is kind and generous with others, like the sun in a fairy tale, then he often gains more than he loses. Therefore, for a long time, rich people were engaged in charity. Let's look at the dictionary again.

Charity -providing material assistance to the poor out of mercy.
Charity is an important and integral part of the merchants' activities. Generous donations for public needs, for the development of culture and education, for the needs of the church and health care, caring for orphans, disabled people, homeless people, prisoners and other categories of disadvantaged population - all this was a common item of expenditure for Russian merchants.

It was common to build buildings at the expense of one merchant or all parishioners. For example, the construction of the Trinity Cathedral, which lasted more than half a century. The list of donors for the construction and restoration of the cathedral included most of the Tomsk merchants: F.S. Tolkachev, P.V. Mikhailov, D. I. Tetskov, N. E. Filimonov, A.M. Serebrennikov, N.I. Vereshchagin and many others. But even among them, Z.M. Tsibulsky. His donation was 150,000 rubles.

Another reason for the charity of Tomsk merchants was the needs of public education, caring for orphans and children of poor parents. Merchants gave money to schools and colleges, Construction Materials, buildings, books. I.A. Erenev. He built in the Zaozersk suburb, where he had tanneries, two schools and was an honorary guardian in them, that is, he took all the expenses on himself.

The activities of the merchant Pyotr Ivanovich Makushin, who, together with his companion merchant V.V. Mikhailov opened the first bookstore in Siberia on February 19, 1873 - on the anniversary of the abolition of serfdom in Russia. Subsequently, P.I. Makushin began to sell not only books, but also stationery, in 1880 a music store was opened, almost all schools and gymnasiums of the Tomsk province became clients of the trading house. Makushin was engaged in publishing "Sibirskaya Gazeta" Unlike "Tomsk Provincial Gazette", "Sibirskaya Gazeta" published news from Siberia and Tomsk, analytical, publicistic articles, essays, feuilletons. Sometimes the materials contained criticism of the Tomsk authorities, which became the reason for the closure of the newspaper in 1888. When the newspaper began to be published again, but under the new name “Siberian Life”, Tomsk citizens were interested in it for several decades.

Urban beautification and healthcare is another area of ​​charitable endeavors. With private and public funds, hospitals were built, parks and gardens were built, streets were paved, and bridges were built. In Tomsk, the gold miner Ivan Dmitrievich Astashev is known for his charity. From 1844 he ran a Tomsk orphanage. Having become a millionaire, Astashev erects one of the first stone houses in Tomsk, which is still a landmark of Tomsk (this is the building of the Museum of Local Lore).

The merchant Evgraf Ivanovich Korolev is known for having built the first stone theater building in Tomsk on the Moscow highway, and also helped in the construction of a number of Tomsk churches, opened and maintained an orphanage at his own expense, regularly donated money to school education... The merchant's charitable activities were noted state awards... When EI Korolev died in 1900, one list of his deeds for the benefit of the city took up a whole newspaper column.

Another large donation to the needs of the city was made by S.S. Valgusov. He received permission to erect a building in Tomsk free library... Donations from S.S. Valgusov was on a par with the donations of other Siberian merchants, who, unable to receive a good education, appreciated and loved the book business, tried to spread knowledge more widely, to stimulate the writing of new books.

Tomsk merchants did not pass by the "Society for the Promotion of Physical Development" created in Tomsk at the end of the 19th century. In Petukhovsky Garden, the society arranged a skating rink in winter, in summer playgrounds for children and adults, an instructor was hired for the games of Philippius, paths for cyclists were laid in the garden, and baths with a swimming school were arranged on the river. The society also carried out other activities associated with large expenses, some of which were received through donations from Tomsk merchants.

Quite often, fires broke out in Tomsk and other cities of Siberia, there were floods and others. natural disasters... The population was left homeless and without the necessary property, and merchants helped people get back on their feet with their donations. For example, on April 25, 1882, a fire broke out in Tomsk, and three blocks of houses burned out in Zaozerye. The next day, April 26, a fire broke out in the central part of the city, on Sands. The first to respond to the disaster were the Korolyov brothers, who presented to the council 500 rubles for distribution to the poorest residents of the city who had suffered from the fire, and they also donated 150 rubles to hire a horse with a barrel to bring water to the fire. Subsequently, the circle of donors to help the victims of this fire expanded, and the amount of donations increased many times over.

Finally, Siberians were no stranger to patriotic donations. During the years of the two most difficult wars for Russia of the 19th century (the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Crimean War of 1853-1855), funds were raised in Siberia to fight the enemy invasion.

The lists of donors and donations can be expanded for a long time, and among them you will find quite rare and original initiatives. So, the merchant A. Kukhterin in 1892 equipped the professor's expedition at his own expense. Tomsk University S.I. Zalessky with the aim of studying the healing properties of the Karachinsky Lake in the Kainsky district, and the next year the expedition of the same professor was financed by E. Korolev.

The care of the city council for the merchants known for their charity was touching. By the decision of the Duma, their portraits were hung in the building of the City Duma, in a public bank, in educational institutions organized by them, their names were called schools, the streets of the city.

Student: When on the slopes of eternal vanity
You will get tired of running away from failures,
Guide your steps along the path of Kindness
And help someone find joy.
No matter how life flies - do not regret your days,
Do a good deed for the happiness of people.
So that the heart burns, and does not smolder in the darkness,
Do a good deed - so we live on earth.

Today, in Tomsk, just like in other cities, there are various foundations that support the tradition of charity. Alena Petrova's Foundation, for example, in 2011 collected more than 10 million rubles, which will be spent on the purchase of medicines, hygiene products, toys, stationery for sick children; organization of holidays and promotions; equipment, repair and maintenance of the Rehabilitation Center, as well as to help all children in need. In November, in our region, under the patronage of Governor Viktor Kress, the Decade of Charity took place. Within the framework of the Decade of Charity, concerts were held for veterans “Give a Smile”, campaigns “From Family to Family” to collect things for low-income families, and raids were organized to provide assistance to lonely and elderly people. In Seversk, an action "Help the little ones" was held to collect toys for children, which were abandoned by their parents. The action “Soldier New Year”To collect New Year's gifts for the soldiers. In all schools of the region there were thematic open lessons, city-wide rulers, competitions of drawings, essays, posters about kindness and mercy. In addition, special editions of newspapers and radio programs were issued, sports games, festivals of national cultures and exhibitions were organized in school libraries.

And I would like to end our conversation with a wonderful song by Y. Entin and M. Minkov

"The Road of Kindness". (children sing a song)
Ask a strict life:
Which road to go
Where in the world is white
Head out in the morning?
Follow the sun
Although this path is unknown
Go my friend always go
On a good road!

Forget your worries
Downs and ups.
Don't whine when fate leads
Yourself not like a sister.
But if it's bad with a friend,
Do not trust in a miracle ...
Hurry to him, always go
On a good road!

Oh, how many different
Doubts and temptations!
Don't forget that this life is
Not child's play.
Drive away temptations
Learn the unspoken law:
Go my friend always go
On a good road!


  1. "Teacher's workshop", authors L.A. Obukhov, N.A. Lemyaskin, Moscow "Vako", 2008.
  2. Reference book of the class teacher, by N.I. Derekleev. Moscow "Waco", 2009
  3. Information from the Internet was used:


  1. Gianni Rodari "The Sun and the Cloud"

The sun merrily and proudly rolled across the sky on its fiery chariot and generously scattered its rays - in all directions!

And everyone had fun. Only the cloud was angry and grumbled in the sun. And no wonder - she was in a thunderous mood.

- You are a squander! - the cloud frowned. - Leaky hands! Throw, throw your beams! Let's see what you're left with!

And in the vineyards, each berry caught the sun's rays and rejoiced in them. And there was no such blade of grass, a spider or a flower, there was not even such a drop of water that would not try to get its own piece of the sun.

- Well, still a spender! - the cloud did not subside. - Spent your wealth! You will see how they will thank you when you have nothing to take from you!

The sun was still rolling merrily across the sky, and in millions, billions it was giving away its rays. When it had counted them by the time it entered, it turned out that everything was in place - look, every one of them!

Learning about this, the cloud was so surprised that it immediately crumbled like a hail. And the sun flung merrily into the sea.

2. Poems and songs that can be used during the class hour.

"Kindness" (lyrics by N. Tulupova, music by I. Luchenok).

Kindness doesn't depend on growth
Kindness does not depend on color.
Kindness is not gingerbread, not candy.
Chorus: You just need to, you need to be kind
And in trouble do not forget each other.
And the Earth will turn faster
If we are kind to you.
It's not easy to be kind at all,
Kindness doesn't depend on growth
Kindness Brings People Joy
And in return does not require a reward.
Kindness does not age over the years,
Kindness from the cold will warm you.
Kindness shines like the sun.
Adults and children are happy.

L. Tatyanicheva
Doesn't come cheap
Happiness on hard roads.
What good did you do
How did you help people?
This measure is measured
All earthly labors
Maybe he grew a tree
Or cleared the ponds?
Are you building a rocket?
Hydroelectric station? House?
Warming the planet
By your peaceful labor?
Or under the powder of snow
Save someone's life?
To do good to people-
Be nice yourself.

Do not stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.

And if sometime someone
Your smile will help
Are you happy that day
Was not lived in vain
That you do not live the years in vain!

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  • Raising humanity in children, mercy, the ability to come to the aid of those in need, the desire to be noble in life.
  • Promote the assimilation of the concepts: "kindness", "sensitivity", "mercy", "humanity", as well as the development of moral self-knowledge.


  • Help students discover the meaning of charity.
  • Promote development moral qualities students.
  • Teach group interaction skills, the ability to work in a team.

Applied techniques: method of using information technologies outside school hours.

Technology: problem learning technology, Information Technology, group technology.

Equipment: computer, explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language (SI Ozhegova), felt-tip pens, pens and blank sheets of paper.

Preparatory stage:

1. The class is divided into 3 groups, each group has felt-tip pens, pens and blank sheets of paper, and explanatory dictionaries on the table.

2. On the interactive whiteboard, a picture with the words “Do Good”.

3. At the stand there is an exhibition of photographs “Our good deeds”.

Teacher... Good afternoon guys! How wonderful that a person does not live alone in the world. Everyone should understand and feel this. I suggest you watch the video and listen to the song “Do Good”.

Children! What qualities do you value most in people? Discuss this in your groups and list the qualities. (Group work).

The children read their lists of positive qualities. Of the students' answers, qualities prevail: kindness, care, help, humanity, etc.

Now let's read the proverbs on the slide.

Slide 6. On the interactive whiteboard, proverbs about kindness:

1) It is not clothes that paint a person, but his good deeds.

2) Hurry up to a good deed, and the bad will ripen by itself.

3) The evil one cries out of envy, and the good one cries out of joy.

4) Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

5) Whoever does good, God will repay him.

6) The one who has experienced evil knows the value of good best of all.

What are they teaching us? (kindness, care,)

Now I will read the story to you, and you listen carefully, and guess what the topic of today's class hour is.

“This house is located on the outskirts of the city in a sparsely populated area. Old people live there, who came from different parts of our country. And the reasons for their arrival here, of course, are completely different: some never had children and therefore, having grown old, they found refuge here, others did not find a place in the families of their own children, others could not find common language with daughters-in-law or grandchildren, fourth ... However, is it worth going through all the existing reasons. It is extremely clear, like a sunny day, that no one has escaped here from a good life.

Finding this nursing home is not that difficult. A narrow path leads to it from the bus stop, after walking about two hundred meters, you bump into the doors of a gray two-story building. Its windows are dull, which makes it seem that some kind of cold is blowing from the house. Not a tree, not a single bush grows around it, not even flower beds. In the courtyard (if you can call that space in front of the house, where there is no fence either), three or four pairs of old people walk in the mornings and evenings, talking about something among themselves. They are sometimes followed by stray dogs, hoping to get something edible, but soon fall behind.

However, the old people do not hurt and pay attention to them, the dogs simply run away down the street, in search of a more welcoming place.

The most favorite place of the old people in the yard is the very platform where the asphalt path connects with the path running up from the stop. They will sit on rough-hewn benches and sit for a long time, thoughtfully fixing their eyes on the road along which buses and cars pass. They are desperately waiting for someone, but very few people come here. There is no time for their relatives, at least occasionally to visit their parents, grandmothers, friends ... And if anyone comes here, it is only to leave another elderly person in the care of the nurses and their mistresses of this house.

A young woman appeared on the path, leading an old woman by the arm with a large bundle in her hands. This woman is 25-30 years old, everything is full of health and irrepressible energy, so the old woman can hardly keep up with her.

She began to stutter: “Daughter, can’t be quieter, it’s hard for me to breathe” - But in response she heard a shout that did not tolerate objection:

I have to be home by six o'clock in the evening! One of Alyosha's friends has a birthday today.

Realizing that further conversation was useless, the old woman struggled to keep up with the young woman.

Stepping on the porch of the house, the woman somehow brightened up and, sighing with relief, said loudly: "Thank God, we finally got there!" True, there was no one around who could share her joy. Having instructively told the old woman: “You stay here, and I will see if there is a director,” she, having opened the front doors wide, hurried inside the building. However, the old woman did not have time, having removed the faded shawl, even to smooth her hair that had gone astray on the way, when she heard a joyful voice:

Come on, granny, let's go! The director is at home. But he is in a hurry somewhere, so we must hurry to him.

The old woman hastily took the heavy bundle in her hands and followed the woman.

They were met by a gray-haired, short, stocky, affable man of about fifty years.

Come in, please, sit down, - he said, getting up from his, - I am the owner of this house. Who will you be?

The woman took a parcel out of her purse, carelessly wrapped in newspaper, and laid it on the table in front of the director:

Here, read it. Here, by the way, everything should be written.

The director, without saying a word in reply, took his glasses from the table, took a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket, and without haste, carefully rubbed the glasses of his glasses. Then he untied the ribbon on the bundle and, unfolding the documents that were there, without raising his eyes, asked:

Khanum, who are you like Marfuga ebi?

How is it who? A daughter, of course.

Daughter? Excuse me, is she your own mother?

Yes, - the woman answered, not at all embarrassed, and in turn asked: - Is there something wrong with the documents? The social security officials assured me that "everything is in order."

Of course, of course, “everything is all right,” the director said semi-ironically, casting a glance at the woman, “only one thing is incomprehensible to me: for how long, for how long are you leaving your mother with us?

And the woman had a quick answer to this question:

This is not about me. She wanted to come here herself.

Yes, yes, - supported her mother, - I asked for it myself. I wanted to live more freely. I will live as long as you allow.

Delighted with the support of her mother, the woman seemed to perk up and added:

How many times Alyosha and I tried to persuade her to stay. He doesn't agree to any. She rested on her own, like a village bull. And that's it! ..

Now everything has become clear to me, - said the director, sighing heavily and getting up again. - Now you, khanum, can safely leave, and you, grandmother, wait a little ...

When the woman, without even saying goodbye, left the room, the director came close to the old woman and asked directly:

Tell me honestly, did you come here on your own?

But where does such a desire come from, son! She replied in a trembling voice. - After the death of my husband, my daughter and her husband moved to me. Since that day, I have not known rest. I could no longer bear the grievances and asked to be taken to you in old age. So, don't blame the old woman. (Vil Kazykhanov)

Group Discussion Questions:

What do you think: what was this old woman unable to bear? What worried her own daughter?

Insults, disrespect, heartlessness, callousness, and so on.

How can you name all this briefly?

Ruthlessness, cruelty, etc.

What do you think: who is the majority of those living next to us? More kind or cruel people?

Of course, merciful, benevolent, kind, etc.

So, what are we going to talk about in today's lesson?

About mercy, goodwill in people.

The theme of our class hour is "Mercy is the mirror of the human soul."

Teacher: What is mercy? What does “mercy” imply? (children answer)

Sergey Ozhegov gave the following definition to this word: “Mercy is a willingness to help someone, to forgive someone, philanthropy”.

(definition on the interactive whiteboard is in large print)

Teacher: Give words close in meaning to the word "mercy" (for example: empathetic, responsive, attentive). Let's add to this list less common words - compassion, respect, philanthropy, humanity, altruism. You can draw such a diagram.

Before you are explanatory dictionaries, you must find me definitions of these words with the help of dictionaries. (Work in groups.)

Group 1 answers: (each definition on the interactive whiteboard)

COMPASSION - pity, sympathy, caused by someone's misfortune, grief.

KINDNESS - responsiveness, warm-heartedness to people, the desire to do good to others.

Group 2 answers:

RESPECT is a respectful attitude based on the recognition of someone's merits.

HUMANITY - philanthropy, respect for people, for human dignity, sensitive, kind, responsive attitude towards people.

Group 3 answers:

HUMAN LOVE - love for people, humanity.

ALTRUISM - disinterested concern for the welfare of other people.

Teacher: Well done boys! Did a good job. After completing this task, you realized that the words from the diagram are interconnected.

And now I give each group a card with statements of mercy and each group should comment on the received statement.

(Each statement is shown in turn on the interactive whiteboard.)

Card 1... We are all awakening by nature to mercy, and there is no other such good quality in our nature. Mercy comes from love. If we do not have mercy and compassion, we have nothing (St. John Chrysostom).

Card 2... Mercy is a harbor for those in need, and the harbor accepts all shipwrecked and saves from dangers, whether they are evil or good (Metropolitan Philaret).

Children comment on statements.

Card 3. Mercy is love that does not require reciprocity, it is possible for all people, this is its wealth and strength (N. Berdyaev).

Children comment on statements.

Teacher: Great guys! Thank you!

Now let's try to understand what mercy consists of by solving a crossword puzzle.

1. A group of relatives living together.

2. The most valuable thing a person has.

3. Selfless, sincere affection.

4. Manifestation of attention to neighbor.

5. A sense of responsibility for your behavior in front of the people around you.

6. Respectful attitude based on the recognition of someone's merits.

7. Pity, sympathy, caused by the misfortune of another person.

8. Responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

9. Belief in someone's sincerity and conscientiousness.

10. The dwelling place of all these senses.

Teacher: Well done!

And now I invite you to express in color your attitude to the concept of “mercy”.

(Children in groups discuss the color of “mercy” and paint the paper circle with felt-tip pens.)

Explain the color choice.

From student responses:

  • “We associate mercy with green, the color of a gentle and caring attitude of people towards each other.”
  • "Mercy is red, the color of blood, the color of the heart, which gives strength for good."
  • "Mercy" is a color blue sky, the color of the purity of people's relations to the world around them.

Teacher: “Mercy is active kindness,” says the battalion commander, lieutenant colonel and Hero Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Shevelev.

Man is born and lives on earth in order to do good to people.

Start doing good today, at home! Give the warmth of your heart to your grandparents, an old neighbor, or a neighbor on the playground. You will definitely see that the world around you has become a little kinder and more beautiful!

Disciple 1.

For cheerful spring branches
Roots are more than relatives ...
Take care of old people
From insults
Behind them -
The rumble of attacks
Years of hard work
And battles ...
But old age's strength is not the same.
Unlived days
Small stock ... (slide 15)
Take care of old people
Without which you would not exist!
(L. Tatyanicheva)


This concludes our lesson. You did a great job today. Guys, I urge you: hurry up to do good, let's decorate our life and the lives of the people around us with good deeds.

Student 2:

We wish you well
Good night till morning
We wish everyone good dreams
Good deeds and kind words.

Student 3:

Will the road take you away
From the beloved threshold
Let someone tell you:
"Good hour and good journey!"

Student 4:

We wish that with you
It was more fun for people
To with kind eyes
You looked at people.
Thank you for your attention!

Resources used:

  1. Bogat E. “Nothing human”. - M., 1991
  2. JaFarmi T.M. "What makes us human." - M., 1987
  3. Kazykhanov V. “Remorse.” - M., 1999
  4. Kazykhanov. V. "Lessons of morality." - Publishing house "Tvorchestvo", 1997
  5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary Russian language. Any edition.
  6. Kaspina V.A. “To grow good man. " - M., 1997
  7. Chepurov. And "Let's worship kindness." - M., 2003
  8. The journal "Education of schoolchildren" -2006, №6.

Timakova Galina Vasilievna
MBOU Secondary School No. 118, Samara
Teacher primary grades

Classroom hour for students primary school
A lesson in charity.
1. Give an initial idea of ​​the ideas of charity and patronage.
2. Expand the concepts of "good", "charity", "patronage".
3. To acquaint with the activities of well-known benefactors and patrons.
4. To awaken in children the desire to provide all possible help to those in need.
Cabinet equipment:
1.a poster with a picture of chamomile petals, where a statement about good is printed on each petal;
2. portraits of benefactors and patrons;
3. proverbs;
4.separate cards with different qualities of people
During the classes:
1. Organizing time... Topic message.
Guys, today we have an unusual lesson with you, and what will be discussed in this lesson, we will now find out with the help of a hint.
A student reads a poem
Good is you!
Good is me!
Good is our whole Earth!
Good is a holiday in the family,
Good is the song of the stream in the spring,
Good is the joy of the sea and laughter,
Good is as wonderful as summer!
When mom and dad are near - Welcome!
And people walk, smiling in the subway,
Well, in general, good is something like that,
What can not be explained at times!

-So, have you guessed what will be discussed in our lesson?
- Children in the lesson today will learn what charity is, we will try to understand what is the meaning of charity, and what are the goals of charity.
2. The main part.
- How many knows what charity is? (children's answers)
- Who was and is engaged in charity work? (children's answers)
- And fabulous forest dwellers will help us to figure it out.
Staging a fairy tale
Bunny is walking through the forest, and Hedgehog, Fox and Teddy bear are walking towards him, talking about something merrily.
Bunny is surprised: “I wonder what happened to Baba Yaga? I met her in a clearing, her legs were shaking, well, everything, I think, was gone! And she gave me a carrot and stroked my head. Wonders!"
The animals are laughing and exchanging glances.
Bear cub - we are playing tag on the edge of the forest, suddenly there is a tram-tara-ram, noise, roar, Baba Yaga was picking mushroom berries, but tripped over a snag. Everything spilled out of the basket.
Hedgehog - Baba Yaga cannot put everything together again, she is tired, and the bones ache, it is hard to bend over. I feel sorry for her, and I collected all the berries and mushrooms in the basket again.
Teddy bear - and I carried the basket to the hut on chicken legs.
Chanterelle - and I swept everything in the hut with my tail, put things in order. Now Baba Yaga has grown kinder.
–Thanks to the artists for the fairy tale. Guys, how can you say what the animals did for Baba Yaga (the animals did a good deed)
-Have any of you done good deeds? (children's answers)
- What good did you do, and for whom? (children's answers)

So let's summarize, what is kindness?
Kindness is responsiveness, warm-heartedness to people, the desire to do good to others.
- Can a person be forced to be kind?
- Can you be kind for a while? Reflect.

- Guys, let's read the proverbs and sayings written on the board and explain their meaning.
Do not boast in silver, but boast in goodness.
The good die, but their deeds live on.
It is bad for him who has not done good to anyone.
Good deeds are paid for.
Life is sweet to those who love good deeds.
Here I would like to recall the popular wisdom: "The worst thing is, having the opportunity not to want to do good to someone who needs it"
- In the old days, good deeds were called "good", hence the new word "charity"
Charity is actions and deeds aimed at public benefit, just like that.
- Guys, think and tell me how you can name a person who does good deeds, is engaged in charitable activities (benefactor).
- And who can be a benefactor? (one person, parents, class, enterprise, factory, etc.)
Teacher's story
Charitable activities can be carried out by one person or a huge enterprise. Usually help large enterprises expressed in allocation Money for the repair of children's institutions, for the purchase of computer classes for schools, for the purchase of toys and clothes for orphanages, for the development of children's creative teams, sports sections. Very often, artists organize large concerts, performances, and all the money collected for tickets is transferred to orphanages, nursing homes, boarding schools for the disabled, that is, they help the most defenseless people free of charge.
Charity can be aimed at protecting cultural monuments, protecting the environment... Some people give money to Scientific research, donate books, paintings, antiques to libraries, art galleries, local history museums, art museums.
Such rich people who encourage the development of science, art, perform any good deeds and undertakings are called patrons.

- This word is the surname of one Roman figure, Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, who lived in the 1st century BC, a fan of art, patron saint of poets.
(Demonstration of photos with explanation)
Examples of some more benefactors and patrons are given (with a demonstration of portraits)
Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov
Born into a hereditary merchant family. His love of art made him a passionate collector of paintings by Russian artists. At first, the collection was housed in the living rooms of Pavel Mikhailovich, then a gallery was added to the house, which became free to visit. In 1892 Tretyakov donated his famous gallery to Moscow. It is still a museum of world importance to this day.
Agnesa Gonja Boyajiu known to the world like Mother Teresa
This woman became an example of love and care for others. As a girl, she firmly knew that her service to God would be associated with serving the poor. Helping the sick and dying poor, she surrounded them with love, care, and comfort. She organized the first clinic for people infected with AIDS, created shelters for the sick in Harlem. In 1779 he received Nobel Prize the world, fully invested it in her mission.
Bill Gates
This man created his own business and amassed a huge fortune without outside financial assistance. Every day, most of the world's inhabitants deal with the results of his labor. By the most conservative estimates, he donates about half of his gigantic income to charitable projects.
Time magazine estimates that the charity he co-founded with his wife, Melissa, has saved about 700,000 lives in poor countries, including by investing in vaccination programs. He also donated computers and provided free Internet access to 11,000 libraries and successfully sponsored the largest educational foundation in history.
- What unites these people? All of them were involved in charity work, that is, they helped everyone who needed treatment, and also helped orphans who do not have parents.
- As you can see, people have been doing charity work for a long time, but nowadays famous people in Russia continue to provide material assistance needy.

So, the wife of the first president of the USSR Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva was the chairman international association"Hematologists of the world to children", personally patronized the Central Children's Clinical Hospital in Moscow. She helped children with blood diseases.
The outstanding Russian musician Mstislav Rostropovich is known for his charitable activities - the president of the Charitable Foundation, which provides assistance to children's medical institutions in the Russian Federation.
For many years in a row, singer Anita Tsoi has been implementing programs to help children in difficult life situation and children with disabilities.
- Let's look at a few examples when donations helped save lives.
Volina Katya. At 5 months, he was diagnosed with obstruction of the biliary tract. The only way out is a donor liver transplant. The money for the operation was collected by the whole world, as best they could.
We raised 50 thousand euros. Now the operation is over, Katya is on the mend.
Nastya Gontarovskaya. When she was 15 years old, she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of the soft tissues of sarcoma. We need money for treatment and surgery abroad. 65 thousand euros were collected. She received letters of support from all over the country, and after the bone marrow transplant, there was hope. Everything will be fine now.
- Guys, tell me, can anyone become a philanthropist? (children's answers)
Methodical comments.
Pay attention to the qualities of the people on the board. Discuss and remove those qualities that patrons cannot have.
Sincerity Kindness Cunning
After completing the assignment, the teacher needs to bring the children to the idea of ​​the need to develop the qualities inherent in the benefactor.
Charity is reflected even in Russians folk tales... Remember the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", what kind deeds did the heroine of this fairy tale do, regardless of personal problems? (discussion: helped the apple tree to drop the apples, pulled the pies out of the oven, removed the stones that interfered with the river)
"Ryaba Chicken" (consoled the sobbing old people - laid a golden egg)
- Guys, can you and I provide any kind of charitable assistance? To whom? Which one? (For example: kindergarten. Collect books, give the kids toys, help clear the snow on the playground, sweep the paths, show the scene to the children from kindergarten, make and hang bird feeders ...)
- And the most important thing is that we must remember that charity is a constant help, and not a one-time help according to the mood.
Each of you has a little bit of kindness like a little sun.
A kind person is one who loves people, helps them, with such a person it is comfortable everywhere. A kind person loves nature. The love of a kind person, help warms him like a gentle spring sun.
Do not stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if someone helps
Your kindness and your smile,
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain
That you have not lived in vain for years!
3. Reflection of students
- What new did you learn in the lesson?
- What new concepts did you meet?
- Who are the patrons, what is charity?
- What conclusions did you draw for yourself from what you heard and saw in the lesson?
- So, we are announcing the beginning of Operation Knizhkin Week. Talk to your parents at home about what kind of books you could donate to kindergarten.
- And I want to wish you not to close your soul to good deeds and always be ready to help in difficult moment to any person who needs it. But help should be imperceptible, disinterested. If you are doing a good deed, you should not shout about how noble you are. Real nobility is quiet, it remains in the shadows. Be kind, and goodness will return to you.

- Hurry up to do good deeds, guys. And let the song "We are going along the road of good", lyrics, will become your fellow traveler in a good deed. Yu. Entin, music. M. Minkova.
Singing a song by children

2018 has been declared the Year of the Volunteer in the Russian Federation, it will become the year of "all citizens of the country, whose will, energy, generosity is the main strength of Russia."

Thematic lesson (class hour) "Charity, volunteering, volunteering" introduces students to the history of the emergence of volunteering in Russia, with such concepts as volunteering and charity, with activities Russian society Red Cross (ROKK).

Session Option [PDF] [DOCX]

Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Assignments for students (worksheet) [PDF] [DOCX]

Goals: the formation of an active civic position, readiness for socially useful activities on the basis of volunteerism, as well as an indifferent attitude towards people in need of help, participation in the activities of public associations.


  • to educate students' interest in socially significant social activities, an indifferent attitude towards those in need of help;
  • to systematize the knowledge of students about volunteers (volunteers);
  • motivate students to volunteer.

Exercise 1.

On the worksheet, answer the crossword questions.

In accordance with the answers received, formulate the topic of the class hour.

Class hour theme "Charity, volunteering, volunteering".

Task 2.

Analyze the definitions of the words: "volunteering", "charity", "volunteering" and answer the questions.

What are the similarities between these activities? What is their specificity?

Task 3.

Explain the meaning of the statement of Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky, academician Imperial Academy sciences on history and antiquities Russian.

Task 4.

Read the text. Explain the meanings of the words:

"Charity house"


"Hospitable homes".

Task 5.

Read the text. Complete the task, answer the question.

What has changed in charitable activities compared to the previous period (see task 4).

Give reasons for your answer.

Task 6.

6.1. Insert the missing words into the text using the suggested ones.

Words: doctors, mercy, Alexander II, Geneva, donations, Russian-Japanese.

6.2. Why do you think late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, sanitary trains became widespread? Compare the number of ambulance trains in the two wars mentioned in the text.

6.3. Can we characterize the activities of the Russian Red Cross Society as volunteer?

Task 7.

Read the text. Complete the task, answer the questions.

7.1. Choose from the words on the slide that match your understanding of volunteering. Explain your choice.

7.2 Why do people become volunteers? What is the meaning of “volunteering” today? What new forms of volunteering have emerged today?

Objectives: to expand children's understanding of what charity and patronage are; to acquaint with the activities of P.M. Tretyakov, S.T. Morozov; to form a positive moral assessment of such human qualities as mercy, empathy, sympathy; contribute to the education of kindness, sincerity; encourage children to participate in charity events. Preparatory work: instruct creative group(7 children) prepare information block class hour. Equipment: portraits of P.M. Tretyakov, S.T. Morozov, a photograph of the Tretyakov Gallery building, reproductions of paintings from the Tretyakov collection, a photograph of the Moscow Art Theater building. Design: write on the blackboard the topic of the class hour, an epigraph.

cl hour.docx


Class hour on the topic: Charity, 78th grade Methodical development of a summary of the classroom hour for 78th grade on the topic: Charity, philanthropy, good deeds. God gives wealth for use and requires accountability for it. Proverb B last years the life of our “new Russians” is covered with special relish in the media. The purchase of yachts, football teams, mansions and jewelry is presented as a standard of behavior, as a symbol of success in life. The idea is instilled in modern youth that the main thing in this life is pleasure, and money is only a means of satisfying desires. Meanwhile, the Russian Orthodox tradition is characterized by a completely different attitude towards money and wealth. The richest Russian merchants and entrepreneurs of the 19th century. believed that money is a responsibility to the people, so many of them were patrons of the arts and were involved in charity work. The proposed classroom scenario introduces children to the names of the most famous Russian patrons of art P.M. Tretyakov and ST. Morozov. During the conversation classroom teacher helps children understand the motives of their charitable activities, Orthodox ethics and patriotism. It would be appropriate to spend a class hour on this topic on Christmas days. This is a time of charity, display of mercy, sincere attention to everyone who needs our participation, help and care. Objectives: to expand children's understanding of what charity and patronage are; to acquaint with the activities of P.M. Tretyakov, S.T. Morozov; to form a positive moral assessment of such human qualities as mercy, empathy, sympathy; contribute to the education of kindness, sincerity; encourage children to participate in charity events. Preparatory work: instruct the creative group (7 children) to prepare an information block for the class hour. Equipment: portraits of P.M. Tretyakov, S.T. Morozov, a photograph of the Tretyakov Gallery building, reproductions of paintings from the Tretyakov collection, a photograph of the Moscow Art Theater building. Design: write on the blackboard the topic of the class hour, an epigraph. Class hour plan I. Problem situation"How Dimka became a philanthropist." II. Discussion of the situation. III. Information block. 1. Patrons, sponsors and benefactors. one

2. The feat of the merchant Tretyakov. 3. "Sponsor" of the Moscow Art Theater. IV. Interactive conversation. V. Modern Timurs. Vi. Summarizing. The course of the class hour I. Problematic situation "How Dimka became a patron of the arts" Class teacher. Guys, look at the board. The topic of our classroom hour is written on the Do Good board. Below are three more words: sponsor, philanthropist and benefactor. Now we will talk about the meaning of these words. Please listen to a short story. It was told to me by the mother of a seventh grader. Her son Dima is interested in aeromodelling. Literally every week, Dima glues a new model of an airplane. These models are everywhere in his room: on the closet, on the shelves, on the table, under the bed. Mom tried to slowly throw these products away, but Dimka somehow always noticed this and made scandals after the disappearance of another fighter. Then mom invited her son to do a good deed. She said that these aircraft models could be given to the neighboring twins Sasha and Seryozha. In their large family, children are not pampered with toys, and if Dimka brings them so many great models, the kids will have a real holiday. This idea inspired the boy so much that he immediately rushed to collect the gift for the neighbors' children. I found a large box, neatly placed all my models in it and, being generous, poured my children's cars there as well. I closed the box and went into the courtyard, where Sashka and Seryozha were lonely digging in the sandbox. Mom saw from the balcony how Dimka put a huge box in front of the children, how the kids timidly looked into it, not daring to touch such wealth. Mom moved away from the window when she saw that Dimka was going to launch his largest plane. Already from the kitchen, she heard happy children's laughter in the yard and realized that the tests of the liner were successful. Dimka returned home happy and tired, like Santa Claus after the twenty-fifth Christmas tree. He immediately called his girlfriend Natasha and solemnly said: "Congratulate me, I became a philanthropist." But Natasha, hearing his story, did not agree with him. II. Situation discussion Class teacher. Why do you guys think Natasha didn't agree to call Dimka a patron of the arts? Examples of children's answers: She was jealous. She didn’t believe he was capable of such a thing. She did not know who the patron was. She wanted Dimka to give all the airplanes to her. 2

Classroom teacher. Maybe you should have called Dima a sponsor of the kids? (No, it cannot be called that. The sponsor gives money, renders financial aid, and Dima gave the toys.) What can you call Dima's act? (The best way to define Dima's deed is “charity”.) The word “charity” has two roots: “good” and “create”. What good deed did Dima do? Examples of children's answers: He shared his toys, gave what he valued. He gave joy to the kids. Made a surprise, arranged a party for poor children. He not only donated model airplanes, but also showed how to launch them so that they fly. III. Information block 1. Patrons, sponsors and benefactors Pupil 1. Charity is the provision of assistance in the form of donations to those who need it. The famous Russian merchants Prokhorovs, Morozovs, Ryabushinsky, Mamontovs and others were actively involved in charity work. They gave money for the construction of schools, hospitals, shelters, canteens, shelters. Pupil 2. Patrons are philanthropists who donate money for the development of culture. For example, merchants Savva Mamontov and Savva Morozov supported Russian artists, actors, and musicians. The patron of the arts is a wealthy patron of arts and sciences. Who was the first patron of the arts? At the end of the 1st century. n. NS. in Ancient Rome Gaius the Tsilny Maecenas lived. He supported the poets Virgil and Horace. Since then, everyone who finances talented people has been called patrons. 2. The feat of the merchant Tretyakov Pupil 3. The whole world is known Tretyakov Gallery... She is located in Moscow. This is a world-famous art museum, which contains masterpieces of Russian painting from Kievan Rus to the present day. The famous philanthropist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov collected his painting collection at his own expense. Before the revolution, the rich did not value Russian art very highly; they tried to buy and order paintings from foreigners. Many Russian artists were in poverty, even starving. Real patriots who believed in their people, believed in the flourishing of their culture, undertook to help the national culture. One of these patriots was the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. Pupil 4. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov's friends were the best painters. But only two of them managed to make a lifetime portrait of the patron. These are Ilya Efimovich Repin and Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Tretyakov was a very modest man, he did not like to pose and expose himself. The artist Kramskoy managed to catch him during his illness, when Tretyakov could not resist. Look at the portrait of the patron (shows an illustration from the book). An intelligent, intelligent person, nobility, restraint, he does not at all look like a merchant, an entrepreneur. Rather, he resembles an artist or artist. 3

Pupil 5. Even in his youth, Tretyakov set himself the goal of creating a gallery of Russian art. For half a century, he went to this goal. He did not miss a single exhibition, all the capital that he inherited from his father, he bequeathed to the creation of this museum. “Give people as much as possible, take as little as possible” such was his rule in life. He used his own money to buy paintings by Repin, Kramskoy, Perov, Vasnetsov, Levitan, Shishkin, and other Russian artists who were not yet known to anyone, and arranged exhibitions. Then he donated his gallery to Moscow. The creation of the gallery is a real feat of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. 3. "Sponsor" of the Moscow Art Theater Pupil b. Everyone knows what the Moscow Art Theater is. This is a theater created by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich Danchenko. In this theater A.P. Chekhov. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich Danchenko wanted the theater to be accessible to the people, so that tickets for performances were cheap. But such a theater definitely needed a sponsor, a philanthropist who would constantly give money for costumes, decorations, artists' salaries, and repairs. And here the famous Moscow merchant Savva Morozov came to the rescue. Savva Morozov was very fond of theatrical art, constantly attended performances of various theaters. He helped some theater companies with money. He only asked that this help not be advertised. Pupil 7. Morozov liked the Stanislavsky Theater very much. I liked the very idea of ​​making a theater not for the rich, but for the people. And Savva Morozov became one of the founders of this theater. He literally lived for them: he came to all rehearsals and performances, gave large sums of money and even started rebuilding the building. Morozov himself watched the construction site, personally delved into all the details, sawed, painted, and hammered. The latest technical fixtures and equipment for the stage were purchased abroad. In general, Savva Morozov spent about half a million rubles on the Art Theater. The Stanislavsky Art Theater became famous throughout the world. This is also the merit of the patron of the arts Savva Morozov. IV. Interactive conversation Class teacher. Thanks guys for interesting information... (To the class.) What do you guys think made Tretyakov, Morozov, and other rich merchants spend their money on charity? Examples of children's answers: They also wanted to be famous. They loved art. They pitied the artists. They were patriots and wanted to help Russian art. They just sympathized with people. Classroom teacher. Please tell me if P.M. Tretyakov and S.T. Morozov as patriots? Approximate answers of children: 4

Classroom teacher. After the war, all the boys and girls dreamed of being like Timur, the hero of Arkady Gaidar's story “Timur and his team”. Pioneer Timur was noble, courageous, courageous and strong. He put together a team of guys and girls who defended the weak, helped the families of front-line soldiers, did many good and useful deeds. At the same time, the Timurovites observed conspiracy so that no one would guess about their good deeds. On the gates of those houses that they took under their protection, they painted a five-pointed star. Guys, you all know that the bright and joyful holiday of Christmas is approaching. Christmas is a time of charity, display of mercy, sincere attention to everyone who needs our participation, help and care. Let's think about what we could do for other people. Where can we find addresses for charity? Examples of children's answers: You can give your toys and children's books to children from large families. You can buy groceries for a neighbor's old lady. You can tidy up your yard, playground. You can intercede for the weak, whom everyone offends. Classroom teacher. Winter holidays are coming. In these holidays you will have a lot of entertainment, gifts. And someone these days will be deprived of even the most necessary. Look around you and you will surely see those who need help. These people live next to you, in your homes and yards. Help them as much as you can: with deeds, kind words, treats, and this holiday will become even more joyful for you. Vi. Summing up Class teacher. What interesting things did you learn today? Maybe something got you thinking? Examples of children's answers: I found out who the sponsors, patrons, philanthropists are. I learned about who created the Tretyakov Gallery. I heard about Savva Morozov, who helped the Art Theater. I thought that it was a pity to other merchants to give such a lot of money, so no one knows them now, and people remember Tretyakov and Morozov with gratitude. If there were Timurovites now, I would become a member of their team. 6

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