Ishimbay Oil University. Ishimbay Oil College

Implementation license educational activities: No. 1604 of November 19, 2012 - indefinitely
State Accreditation Certificate: No. 0626 dated 14.12. 2012 for a period until 14.05.2014
Full name: State autonomous educational institution secondary vocational education Ishimbay oil college
Abbreviated names Ishimbay Oil College:
GAOU SPO Ishimbay Oil College, INK
Year of foundation: 1932 year
Accreditation status: college
Organizational and legal form: state educational institution Dormitory availability: not indicated
Availability of budget places: yes, there is
Form of study:... Full-time. Extramural

Contacts admissions committee Ishimbay Oil College

Executive secretary of the selection committee: Kasaeva Yulia Ildarovna

Working hours of the selection committee
On weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, lunch from 12:00 to 13:00
Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00, no lunch break

Documents for admission for citizens of the Russian Federation
educational document or a copy certified in accordance with the established procedure;
USE results;
copy of the passport;
an extract from the work book (for correspondence department);
medical certificate (form 086-U);
vaccination certificate;
a copy of the medical policy;
four 3x4 photos (can be taken on site);
copy of social number;
copy of insurance certificate;
a copy of the birth certificate.
For stateless persons and persons with special rights upon admission, there is a different list of documents.

Clarifications on the rules of admission
Application deadlines in 2015:
On a budgetary and commercial basis (based on grades 9 and 11) until August 15, 2015 by correspondence department until August 31, 2015.

Director of the Ishimbay Oil College:
Baymurzin Khamit Khairvarovich

Director's message

Dear friend!

Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life. After all, a well-chosen profession is personal satisfaction, an opportunity to improve and improve one's qualifications, it is usefulness to society.

If you are not indifferent to your future, plan your professional path, choose a profession that will become your favorite thing, bring material well-being and confidence in the future.

Over the years, the Ishimbay Oil College has trained about 17 thousand specialists in the oil and gas industry. Our graduates have always been distinguished by professional competence, responsibility for the results of labor, and readiness for professional growth. There are heroes among the graduates Soviet Union: Alyaev I.P., Arslanov G.Sh., Sekin V.A. It is necessary to mention one more outstanding person who also received his initial technical education at the Ishimbay Oil College - Shashin V.D., who has gone through all the stages of his career from a worker at a drilling rig to the Minister of the Oil Industry of the USSR. Our graduates are still at the forefront of the Russian oil and gas industry. Many of them have achieved significant success, occupying leadership positions and ensuring stable and high-quality work for specialists in the oil industry - this is the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Perm Territory - V.A.Mityushnikov, general. Director of OJSC "Novoshakhtinsky plant of oil products" - Basyrov MI, general. Director of OJSC MK Vityaz - IN Arslanov

The key to the success of our graduates is a strong teaching staff. Many students were fortunate enough to learn from wonderful teachers, mentors: L.A. Konovalova, K.A. Agisheva, M.I. Vedernikova, M.G. Khoroshilova. etc. All your teaching experience, our teachers invest personal qualities in the training of specialists, real professionals in their field. These are such teachers as Eliseeva I.S., Mokhova L.P., Poteryakhin A.F., Svechnikova I.P., Karamov R.M., Agliullina F.Kh., Oksanich L.V., Ishbaeva G.Ya ., Fenina R.D., Idelbaev R.G., Smazhenyuk B.D. and many others. The prestige of the educational institution, the achievements that the college is proud of today are the result of not only deep theoretical and practical knowledge teachers, but also a creative attitude. The training of a modern specialist is impossible without innovative search, implementation in studying proccess the newest information technologies equipped with multimedia rigs, drilling models. The material base of the college: these are spacious offices, workshops, laboratories, computer labs, a library, a reading room, a large dining room and a hostel.

A student trade union committee and a student club are actively working in the college, in which students implement their projects and programs, which is one of the conditions for the development of personality and self-expression. Created creative teams: the KVN team "Neftema", the ensemble folk dance"Yurmaty", an ensemble of kuraists, operates 7 sports sections.

The practical training of students is part of educational process and is aimed at consolidating and deepening knowledge and skills. Passing such an internship with the provision of a job allows you to get a complete picture of your profession, in which the foundations of the life principle of a future specialist are laid and formed and the opportunity to receive a decent salary at the same time. Particularly distinguished students are assigned to paid internship with the provision of a job. Our graduates are in demand in the oil and gas industries of Western and Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin, OAO Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz, ZAO Vankorneft, Schlumberger, Orenburg drilling company, NGDU Bashneft, OAO Lukoil, OOO RU Energy MG, ZAO Inman, OAO MK Vityaz "and many others.

During their studies, students can additionally acquire several working professions and, along with the main specialty, receive an additional secondary professional education and have 2 state diplomas.

If you have professional and life ambitions, you strive to reveal all your abilities and acquire a bright individuality, then the Ishimbay Oil College is waiting for you. Let studying at our college be a successful start to a decent future!

Best regards, Khamit Khairvarovich Baimurzin

The college conducts basic training in 10 specialties in daytime education and 4 specialties in correspondence department... Future drillers, operators, repairmen, electricians, accountants are trained here. Specialists with a diploma from GAOU SPO Ishimbay NK are in demand not only in oil production, but also in other areas of the national economy.

For 80 years, the college has trained about 16 thousand specialists. Its graduates form the core of Ishimbay. The best teaching force of the city is concentrated in the college. The highly qualified teaching staff includes candidates of technical sciences, honored workers and honors in the industry, honored teachers of the Republic of Belarus.

College preparation is at the qualification level of a technician and a senior technician. The successes of the students of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Special Education Ishimbayskiy NK were awarded prizes in all-Russian, republican and regional competitions and olympiads.

With the direct participation of students in the GAOU SPO Ishimbay Oil College is being created digital library... Electronic textbooks on drilling and rig equipment, complete with animated films, created by college students, are featured in Moscow and Tver.

The College continues to be active in expanding the spectrum educational services taking into account the analysis of the needs of the labor market. In 2005. open new specialty 230103 "Automated information processing and control systems", and in 2006 another specialty 080802 " Applied Informatics"(by industry). Courses are open additional education in more than 10 directions.

In modern educational process the traditional and the latest forms, methods and means of teaching are optimally combined, with the introduction of computerization at all stages.

One of the successfully solved tasks of the college is the development of social partnership. Multilateral relations have been established with other educational institutions, enterprises and organizations, including those outside the republic.

The college has repeatedly become the winner of various reviews and competitions of the republican level.

Much attention is paid to the material base of the educational institution. At the disposal of students is a reading room, a library with a rich collection of literature. Also in the college there are 2 sports halls, a shooting range, a bright dining room, a beautifully renovated assembly hall, and a music studio.

In other words, there is where to turn around and what to do for students of Ishimbay College. After all, a student of GAOU SPO Ishimbayskiy NK today is a young man with a certain level of professional and general culture, who is fond of sports or artistic forms of creativity, as well as keeping up with the times, owning information technologies.

Having successfully overcome the difficulties of the transition period and successfully mastered the new realities, the team of teachers and students of the college managed to preserve the best traditions of their predecessors. And today GAOU SPO Ishimbay NK is rightfully one of the most demanded and prestigious educational institutions of the republic.


  • 230103 Automated information processing and control systems (by industry)
  • 80110 Economics and accounting (by industry)
  • 80802 Applied Informatics (by industry)
  • 151001 Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • 140613 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)
  • 130504 Drilling of oil and gas wells
  • 150411 Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)
  • 130503 Development and operation of oil and gas fields
  • 131018 Development and operation of oil and gas fields
  • 131 ESC Development and operation of oil and gas fields
  • 131 BSK Drilling oil and gas wells
  • 131003 Drilling of oil and gas wells
  • 151031 Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (by industry)
  • 131016 Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities
  • 80114 Economics and accounting (by industry)
  • 151901 Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • 140448 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry)
  • 230401 Information systems

VIDEO - Ishimbay Oil College

The birth of the college, like the discovery of Bashkir oil, took place in 1932.

Prominent Soviet scientist Academician I.M. Gubkin argued that between the Volga and the Urals there are oil reserves of industrial importance. Active searches for oil in the 1920s and 1930s were carried out in Bashkortostan. In May 1932, near the village of Ishimbaevo, the first fountain of oil gushed.

The discovery of the Ishimbay field on May 16, 1932 created problems with the provision of oil fields with specialists capable of solving important production and complex technical issues related to drilling wells, developing oil and gas fields and oil production. This task was solved with the opening of the first oil technical school in the republic in December 1932. The technical school began its work in the city of Sterlitamak, closer to the deposit, since then Ishimbay was not yet there. With the emergence of the basic enterprises and the city in 1942, the technical school was transferred to the city of Ishimbay. The first director of the technical school was A.S. Skvirsky, an electrical engineer. For the technical school, it was very difficult to solve the problem of creating an educational and material base. For almost 34 years until 1966, the technical school did not have a single square meter its area.

In 1966, an educational building was built on Gubkin Street - a three-story building with bright auditoriums, a year later the construction of an industrial building connected to the educational building with a warm passage was completed, and a year later, in 1968, a four-story dormitory building for 300 people.

In 1974, a three-story annex was built, in the upper floors of which classrooms were located, and the lower floor was completely occupied by a bright dining room with 200 seats.

For achievement high level qualifications and competence of a young specialist, his competitiveness in college, much attention is paid to the material and technical base, which has been significantly enriched in last years... Laboratories and classrooms are equipped with modern equipment.

Before the Great Patriotic War, 360-420 people studied at the technical school annually in the specialties "Drilling of oil and gas wells", "Operation of oil and gas fields". Before the war, the technical school trained 196 technicians in 6 classes.

The college is proud of its students. Three of them are Alyaev I.P., Arslanov G.I. and Sekin V.A. for participation in battles during the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, many students and teachers on mobilization and voluntarily went to the front, many of them died on the battlefield against fascism, many returned with military awards. The students and teachers who remained in the rear patronized the hospitals, surrounding the wounded soldiers with care and attention.

On the initiative of Paul I.G. and Z.S. Karamyshev, former director and head teacher of the technical school, it was decided to build a memorial in the technical school in memory of the dead students and teachers. The "Search" club was created, which was greatly helped by the Komsomol organizer of the technical school of the war years, a war veteran, a candidate economic sciences Maksimov K.T. In 1973, the memorial was opened for the Victory Day. The names of students and teachers who died during the Great Patriotic War are carved on the memorial. The memorial has become an important factor in educational work with students. Every year, on Victory Day, students and teachers in a solemn atmosphere honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

Within the walls of the college, teachers were brought up, improved their methodology: honored teachers of Russia Kurynin BV, Sayfutdinov Sh.Kh; honored teachers of Bashkiria Motorina T.F., Paul I.G., Bezhaeva N.Ya, Kutlubaev G.I., Karamyshev Z.S., Khoroshilova M.G., Nebogatova A.P., Ayupov A.Kh., Strinadko V.S., Lapina A.A., Afanasyeva V.I., Zagidullin M.I.

The collective of the college remembers the first teachers who were skillful mentors and educators of youth: Dratsky A.F., Martaller I.Ya., Resh E.A., Valitova Z.S., Polovneva V.V., Vedernikova M.I., Vishkina V.A., Agisheva K.A., Konovalova L.A., Kaipova K.G., Fatkullin A.B., Pereverzev Yu.S., Zakirova K.G., Kutlubaeva G.S., Denisenko A S., Shershukov L.S., Nelde N.L., Emelyanova A.P., Atangulova R.V., Horoshilov A.P., Yumaguzina S.M.

Contributed a lot of interesting things to the organization of educational work in the college Konnova L.G. - deputy. director for educational work significantly transformed methodical work A.P. Nebogatova - deputy director for scientific and methodological work.

The sports base of the technical school also expanded. In 1990, a modern sports complex was commissioned, consisting of small and large gyms, a shooting range, a stadium, equipped with modern equipment. The sports life of the team is rich in high achievements in different types sports. Many first-class students, candidates for master of sports have been brought up.

For 80 years of its work, the college has trained over 17 thousand qualified specialists for enterprises and organizations of the oil and gas industry, energy, mechanical engineering, the economy of Ishimbay, the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia. Over the years of its existence, Ishimbayskiy NK GAOU SPO has achieved significant success in training mid-level specialists and was awarded:

  • in 1982 with the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the BASSR;
  • in 2010, a Certificate for the right to use the logo of the "Reliable reputation" registry;
  • in 2013, the "Big Golden Diploma" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan for an outstanding contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Belarus, training highly qualified personnel for the domestic oil and gas industry and in connection with the 80th anniversary of the founding of the educational institution on behalf of the business community of the Republic of Belarus ...

High college image on different levels provided also by the learners themselves. Students take an active part in international, all-Russian, republican scientific and practical conferences, competitions, olympiads: international competition research projects 1st place, International competition of research projects of SPO students "Parametric optimization of design of typical machine parts" 1st place, International Internet Olympiad in the Russian language-2nd place, International Olympiad in the history of aviation and aeronautics them. A.F. Mozhaisky (stage 1) -2.3 place, International competition "Future Aces of Computer Modeling" -4 place, All-Russian Festival creative works dedicated to the 68th anniversary of Victory in WWII-1 place, II Russian open conference of students “Youth. The science. Culture-Health "2nd place, Republican Olympiad among students of secondary vocational education in technical mechanics, regional stage-1st place, Competition for the best development in the discipline "Metrology, standardization and certification -1st place, Republican Essay competition dedicated to the Year of Happy Childhood and Strengthening Family Values ​​among students of secondary vocational schools, 3rd place, etc.

A special phenomenon of student life is the student club "Phoenix". Today the club includes the following creative teams:

  • folk dance ensemble "Yurmaty";
  • the modern dance ensemble "Shake of Dance";
  • vocal ensemble of the Bashkir song "Shayandar";
  • the club of cheerful and resourceful "Neftema";
  • military-patriotic club "Vympel".

Achievements of leisure and cultural activities: the club of cheerful and resourceful "Neftema" - semi-finalists of the Higher Open Television League of KVN RB, winners of the festival of the Youth League of KVN of the South of the Republic of Bashkortostan, participants of the Champions League festivals in Sterlitamak and Ufa, dance ensemble "Yurmata" - Winner of the regional student amateur festival "Student Meeting 2013". The "Shake of Dance" collective is a prize-winner of "Student Meetings - 2012", a participant of the "My yard is my street" project.

The further development of the college, the development of new specialties requires a lot of stress from the staff, since the problems of financing, improving the educational and material base, educational and methodological support, selection teaching staff and others. We look to the future with hope and are confident that our graduates will be worthy citizens of Russia.

Ishimbay Oil College (INK)

Educational building of INK
Year of foundation 1932 year
Type of oil
Director Baymurzin, Khamit Khairvarovich
Location Russia Russia
Address 453200, Ishimbay, st. Gubkina, house 28
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

College history

The birth of the college, like the discovery of Bashkir oil, took place in 1932.

The first director of the technical school was A.S. Skvirsky, an electrical engineer. Until 1966, the technical school did not have its own premises. In 1966, an educational building was built on Gubkin Street - a three-story building with auditoriums, and a year later the construction of an industrial building, connected to the educational one, was completed. In 1968, a four-story dormitory building for 300 people was built.

In 1974, a three-story annex was built, in the upper floors of which classrooms were located, and the lower floor was completely occupied by a bright dining room with 200 seats.


  • 1932-1933 - Skvirsky A.S.
  • 1933-1937 - Matveev I.A.
  • 1937-1944 - Medvedev K.I.
  • 1944-1947 - Volkotrub A.I.
  • 1947-1958 - Berezin, Alexander Vasilievich
  • 1958-1960 - Kuramshin V.S.
  • 1960-1963 - Chigryay I. S
  • 1963-1968 - Paul, Ivan Georgievich
  • 1968-1983 - Fedorov, Ivan Gavrilovich
  • 1983-1986 - Kukovyakin, Pyotr Alexandrovich
  • 1986-2000 - Strinadko, Veniamin Stepanovich
  • 2000-2011 - Elepin, Viktor Vasilievich
  • 2011 to the present - Khamit Khairvarovich Baymurzin


The college prepares specialists in the following specialties:

  • 230103 "Automated information processing and control systems (in industry)"
  • 230401 "Information Systems"
  • 080110 "Economics and accounting (in industry)"
  • 080802 "Applied Informatics (in Economics)"
  • 151001 "Technology of mechanical engineering"
  • 140613 "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (in the oil and gas industry)"
  • 130504 "Drilling oil and gas wells"
  • 150411 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment (in the oil and gas industry)"
  • 130503 "Development and operation of oil and gas fields"
  • 131018 "Development and operation of oil and gas fields"
  • 131ESK "Development and operation of oil and gas fields"
  • 131BSK "Drilling of oil and gas wells"
  • 131003 "Drilling oil and gas wells"
  • 151031 "Installation and technical operation of industrial equipment"
  • 131016 "Construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities"
  • 080114 "Economics and Accounting"
  • 151901 "Technology of mechanical engineering"
  • 140448 "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment"

Outstanding graduates


On May 9, 1973, at the initiative of the director of the technical school I. G. Fedorov, a memorial was opened in the foyer of the institution dedicated to those who died in Velikaya Patriotic War teachers and students of technology and representing a large bronze plaque. In 2015, this memorial was walled up under drywall in order to place the state symbols in the lobby. In the same year, a stele was erected near the college dedicated to the participants in the war.


  • Ishimbay Oil College // Secondary special educational establishments Republic of Bashkortostan: ref. - Ufa, 2004. - S. 139-141.
  • Rezyapov, N. "Neftyanka" begins with INC: 80th anniversary of INK / N. Rezyapov // Voskhod. - 2012. - 11 December - P.2.
  • Snytkina, M. The desire to learn depends on the level of culture: to the 80th anniversary of the INC / M. Snytkina // Voskhod. - 2012. - 7 December - pp. 1-2.
  • Abakumov, A. Our native oil: on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the INK / A. Abakumov // Voskhod. - 2012. - 10 Aug. - P.4.
  • Eyteneyer, N. From Maikop with prizes: All-Russian Olympiad among special vocational schools / N. Eyteneyer // Voskhod. - 2012. - June 15. - p. 8

Notes (edit)

  1. Ishimbay Oil College (unspecified) ... Ishimbay city administration official website. Retrieved April 12, 2012. Archived September 17, 2012.
  2. College history (unspecified) ... Ishimbay Oil College. Retrieved April 12, 2012. Archived August 25, 2011.
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