Articles about travel. Land leeches and what tourists need to know about them

Articles and interesting articles are the backbone of any travel guide, which contains both tourism and travel articles. In this case, a separate section of the guide can be articles about the rest.

Popular articles for a travel magazine or travel guide

When planning this or that trip for the period of the upcoming next vacation, many of us begin to leaf through numerous publications devoted to tourism topics, which contain not only articles about certain attractions of an exotic resort, but also colorful, numerous illustrations of these places.

Moreover, in addition to purely cognitive information these materials contain more useful information about rest in a particular country of the world. In particular, these articles contain information about the climate and weather of this region, the peculiarities of the customs regime and the need to visit this or that remarkable place of a city without fail.

As a rule, all these thematic magazines and guidebooks come out of print quite at regular intervals. As the world of tourism changes not only exchange rates and seasons, but also travel agencies offer their potential clients new and more interesting and exciting routes. So, the most interesting articles are articles posted in the latest issues of a particular publication.

At the same time, it should be noted that with the advent of this type of communication as the Internet, print travel publications are beginning to gradually give up their leading positions, yielding their place under the sun to more efficient and voluminous Internet publications. And to get acquainted with the content of these Internet publications, it is quite enough to have a computer connected to the Internet or a modern smartphone with wireless access to the World Wide Web.

Tourism Articles

Recently, however, in the materials posted in these specialized publications, certain problems have emerged, connected not with the quantity of materials posted, but with their quality. After all, earlier, almost all articles about tourism were written by those who really visited certain exotic or interesting places our Planet.

But today, a significant part of the authors of such materials are journalists who write these articles, are familiar with the same island of Tahiti, only on the basis of information posted on the same Internet. But this is not the biggest sin of many travel publications, because the main thing is to read it.

Travel Articles

Over time and the development of the tourism business, when trips to almost anywhere in the world have become almost commonplace, mainly depending on the size of the allocated budget, concepts such as tourism and travel, as it were, have become equal in meaning and have become synonyms. Which equate this or that way of moving in space in order to receive, any pleasure, from what he saw.

However, as some travel articles say, "tourism" and "travel" are slightly different things. Namely, in the sense that almost all travelers, going to distant and little-known countries, the purpose of their journey, set the knowledge of something new, not only for themselves, but also for a wider audience, especially if it concerns any scientific discovery or phenomena.

Vacation articles

But, in spite of all kinds of tricks of marketers, from the tourist business, going on any trip, we, first of all, are going to take a break from the daily routine of home life and hard work in an office or industrial enterprise. Although, any article about the rest, as a rule, is about this, for some reason they do not write.

With the advent of such a useful thing as the Internet in our life, planning your vacation and finding a place for another trip becomes an exciting adventure. After all, here you can find interesting and useful tourism articles relating to almost anywhere in the world.

Why are articles about tourism useful?

Examining various tourism articles, everyone can learn a lot of information about traveling to a particular place. Sometimes our eyes run up from the variety of choices, because the whole world is open before us, and each of us wants to see all the most interesting and exciting with our own eyes.

Sometimes it may even happen that by choosing a route for travel and studying the appropriate articles on tourism, your opinion may change dramatically, and eventually you will go to a completely different place that suits you better than the previous one. And this is a great plus: you will be sure that you do not waste your time, and that the long-awaited vacation will bring you pleasure.

What you need to know about rest, tourism, travel

A modern person needs to know the latest information about recreation, tourism and travel because they are already an integral part of our life. Of course, you can relax in the old fashioned way in the country, but an increasing number of people want to spend their vacation at a resort or recreation center.

therefore articles on Travel theme and tourism "have great importance for their readers, and many of the tips will really come in handy in a new and unfamiliar place. After all, some customs and traditions are very specific and can at least confuse you. Therefore, it is worth being fully armed so as not to fall face down in the dirt.

There is a review. Article published in # 76 (December) 2019
Co-authors: Safaryan Azat Armenovich, candidate geographical sciences, Assistant of the Department of Tourism, Perm State National Research University
The article discusses the prospects of the "China Friendly" program for the development of service and tourism enterprises by attracting large groups of tourists from China and providing services for them on high level... The aim of the study is to assess the prospects for the impact of the program on tourism in Russia. Objectives: to identify the main problems that hinder the provision of services to the Chinese at a high level and to analyze the ability of the "China Friendly" program to eliminate the identified problems. The significance of the program for further development tourist market in Russia.

2. Malysheva Daria Dmitrievna. Resort tax in Russia: pros and cons
Co-authors: supervisor: Chernousova Ksenia Sergeevna, Associate Professor, Department of Taxes and Taxation, Samara State Economic University
The article is devoted to the study of the collection of the resort tax in 4 experimental territories of the Russian Federation: Altai region, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Republic of Crimea. The main provisions of the federal law No. 214-FZ are considered, as well as the analysis of this fee is carried out and its positive and negative aspects are revealed, measures are proposed to reduce the negative consequences of the resort tax collection.

3. Bochkareva Anastasia Alekseevna. Personnel as an integral part of the tourism product There is a review.
Co-authors: Galimova Leysan Ismagilovna, candidate economic sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World cultural heritage IMO KFU
The article examines competitive personnel as one of the main components of a tourist product, as well as its impact on the receipt of the final product by consumers.

4. Polyanskaya Arina Sergeevna. Opportunities for the implementation of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus in the field of agroecotourism There is a review. Article published in # 74 (October) 2019
Co-authors: Voronin Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization Economics; Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus
This article describes the concept of social entrepreneurship as a new direction of business in the Republic of Belarus. Its development trends and the possibilities of its implementation in the field of agroecotourism are considered.

5. Polyanskaya Arina Sergeevna. Trends in the development of agroecotourism in the Republic of Belarus There is a review. Article published in # 73 (September) 2019
Co-authors: Voronin Sergey Mikhailovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Organization Economics, Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus
This article describes agroecotourism as a new direction in the field of tourism in the Republic of Belarus. The main indicators and trends of its development are considered.

6. Yakhunkin Anton Alexandrovich. Infrastructure of auto camping in Russia There is a review.
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, doctor historical sciences, Professor, Department of Commerce of Service and Tourism, Samara State Economic University
This study analyzes camping as a means of accommodation from the point of view of a multi-attributive service model, and also identifies key features camping product.

7. Glagolev Alexander Borisovich. RUSSIAN TOURIST MARKET. UNEXPECTED RESULTS OF SUMMER SEASON 2018. There is a review.
Article contains short review the situation in the Russian tourism market and highlights the characteristic trends for the summer season of 2018.The author summarizes the preliminary results of the preferences of Russian tourists for the summer 2018 season and raises related topical issues that may be useful in training future managers of this industry.

Co-authors: Sanfirova Olga Vladislavovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory
The article examines ethnic tourism as one of the priority areas of cultural and educational tourism for the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is currently promising for many countries of the world. Ethnic tourism can satisfy a number of spiritual needs of a person and the most important thing in organizing ethnic tourism is to familiarize participants with the traditions and culture of various ethnic groups.

9. Go Snezhana Ivanovna. THE WHEEL OF HISTORY AND ITS VALUE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IVIA There is a review. The article was published in # 61 (September) 2018
Co-authors: Scientific adviser: Gres Sergey Mikhailovich, candidate of historical sciences; assistant professor; UO Grodno State Medical University
"Wheel of history" - a place in the center of Ivya, which was opened in 2013 by the decision of the Ivye district executive committee and became a kind of starting point for the history of the native land. On 14 huge boulder-stones, laid out in a special circle, important and significant events are recorded that have taken place more than 6 centuries of the city's existence: from the first mention to giving the status of a city. The purpose of this work is to study the process of formation of the historical component of the tourism industry in the city of Ivye and the place that the new complex will take in it.

10. Balobina Ekaterina Evgenievna. Sports tourism as a means of physical education at primary school age
Co-authors: Denis Korobeinikov, lecturer of the department physical culture and sports Khakass State University named after Nikolai Fedorovich Katanov
The article considers sports tourism as an integral part of physical education in education and its types. The main means of physical education, characteristic of younger schoolchildren, was physical labor, consisting of physical exercise, thanks to which there is a comprehensive physical development of the student, and also contributes to the formation and improvement of certain physical qualities of children. Two sets of exercises from sports tourism are presented that can be used in physical education junior schoolchildren.

11. Dovzhenko Victoria Vladimirovna. Analysis of the need and demand for catering establishments at hotels in the city of Kursk among business travelers
The article discusses and analyzes the issues of demand and necessity of enterprises Catering at hotels among people who often travel and are on business trips.

12. Korkunova Elena Alekseevna. Customer loyalty program as a tool for hotel business development
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Samara State University of Economics.
This article breaks down the 8 most popular types of customer loyalty programs. The result of the work is the selection of the most effective loyalty programs for the hotel business.

13. Dektyareva Anastasia Valerievna. Children's animation as a tool for the hotel business based on materials from the Samara region
The article discusses the trend towards the use of children's animation in accommodation facilities, the features of the hospitality industry and character traits animation activities. The travel agencies providing animation services in the Samara region are considered.

14. Raspopova Anna Dmitrievna. Rooms for 4-star accommodation in Samara
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, Professor, Associate Professor, Samara State University of Economics
This article discusses accommodation facilities of the 4-star category in Samara, it is necessary to identify the problems of compliance of the room stock with the requirements of the State Standards and write recommendations for eliminating the inconsistencies.

15. Malkova Anastasia Konstantinovna. Specifics of organizing animation in accommodation facilities
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Commerce, Service and Tourism, Samara State Economic University
The article discusses the organization of animation and its features. The task is to organize and carry out the animation based on the preferences of the clients. Familiarization with accommodation facilities in different countries and with the organization of their animation.

16. Glagolev Alexander Borisovich. Russian tourist market in 2017. Results and prospects
The article contains a brief summary of the development of the Russian tourism market in 2017 and the prospects for the development of the tourism industry for 2018.

17. Halieva Aliya Urazbaevna. Samara prospects for the development of a hotel product for people with disabilities
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Commerce, Service and Tourism, Samara State Economic University
The question of the entry of persons with disabilities (FEV) into the public environment and participation in all spheres of active life begins to take on a new meaning, realizing what was conceived in practice and changing life for the better. People with FEV don't want to put up with " disabilities"And declare themselves as full members of society, having equal rights to free movement with all. This article will touch upon the main problems facing people with FEI and possible ways to solve them.

18. Naumova Maria Viktorovna. Modernization of corporate culture in a restaurant on the example of the Samara enterprise "Mama Roma" (LLC "Gurman") There is a review.
Co-authors: Aleksushin Gleb Vladimirovich, Professor, Department of Commerce, Service and Tourism, Samara State University of Economics
This article analyzes the corporate culture of the Samara restaurant "Mama Roma" (LLC "Gurman"). As a result of the analysis, the main problems were identified and recommendations were given for the modernization of corporate culture, which should contribute to solving the main problem of the enterprise in question.

19. Glagolev Alexander Borisovich. Domestic tourism in Russia 2013-2017 - missed opportunitiesThe article was published in # 54 (February) 2018
The article contains a brief overview of the situation on the tourist market in Moscow and Russia and highlights the characteristic trends for the period 2013-2017. The author summarizes the preliminary results of the preferences of Russian tourists for the summer 2017 season and raises the related topical issues of training managers for the hospitality and tourism industry.

20. Chekodanova Alena Igorevna. Formation of the tourist space of the Krasnoyarsk destination
Co-authors: Dmitry Prokopovich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Management - Siberian Federal University
In this work, an attempt is made to understand the tourist space as a unity of attractiveness, tourist behavior and symbolism. Large reserves of increasing the tourist attraction of a destination are associated with the involvement of relevant literary texts... Development information technologies makes it possible to receive and analyze vast amounts of data generated by tourists. The symbolic core of the destination's tourism space is its brand. Traditional approaches to territory branding have reached their limit. Considerations are expressed about the development of postmodern symbols of the territory.

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