The most terrible tragedies. The most terrible catastrophes of the world

For centuries, natural disasters did not let go of humanity. Some happened so long ago that scientists cannot assess the scale of destruction. For example, it is believed that the Mediterranean Island Stroggle was erased from the face of the Earth as a result of the volcanic eruption of approximately 1500 to our era. Called by the tsunami destroyed the entire Minoan civilization, but no one knows even the approximate number of dead. However, as a result of 10 well-known the most destructive catastrophes, mostly earthquakes and floods, approximately 10 million people died.

10. Earthquake in Aleppo - 1138, Syria (victims: 230,000)

One of the most powerful earthquakes, famous for humanity, and fourth in the number of victims (for approximate estimates of over 230 thousand dead). Aleppo City, a large and crowded urban center from the time of antiquity, geologically located along the northern part of the system of large geological faults, which also applies to Wpadin of the Dead Sea, and which share Arabian and African tectonic plates that are in constant interaction. The Damascus Chronicler of Ibn Al-Kalanisi recorded the Date of Earthquake - Wednesday, October 11, 1138, and also indicated the number of victims - over 230 thousand people. A similar figure of victims and destruction shocked contemporaries, especially the Western Knight Crusaders, since then in North-West Europe, where most of them were from them, a rare city had a population of 10 thousand inhabitants. After the earthquake, the population of Aleppo was restored only to beginning of XIX. Century, when the population of 200 thousand inhabitants were recorded in the city.

9. Earthquake in the Indian Ocean - 2004, Indian Ocean (Victims: 230,000+)

Third, and according to some estimates and the second strength, the underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean, held on December 26, 2004. It was the cause of the tsunami, which caused the bulk of the damage. Scientists estimate an earthquake magnitude from 9.1 to 9.3 points. The epicenter was under water, north of the island of Symalue that northwest from Indonesian Sumatra. Huge waves reached the shores of Thailand, the south of India and Indonesia. Then the wave height reached 15 meters. Many territories were treated with great destruction and victims, including Port Elizabeth, South Africa, which is 6900 km from the epicenter. The exact number of victims is unknown, but it is estimated from 225 to 300 thousand people. The true figure will not be calculated, since many bodies were simply carried out with water in the sea. Curiously, but a few hours before the arrival of the tsunami, many animals were readily reacted to the coming catastrophe - they left the coastal zones by moving on the hill.

8. Balciao dam destruction - 1975, China (victims: 231,000)

There are different estimates of the number of victims of the catastrophe. The official figure, about 26,000 people, takes into account only directly drowned at the flood itself; C taking into account the died of epidemics and hunger, spread as a result of a catastrophe, then the total number of victims is, according to different estimates, 171,000 or even 230,000. The dam has been designed in such a way as to survive the largest floods that happen once every thousand years (306 mm precipitation per day). However, in August 1975, the largest flood over 2,000 years, as a result of a powerful Typhoon Nina and several days of record storms. Flood caused huge wave Water 10 kilometers wide, 3-7 meters high. The tide in an hour left 50 kilometers from the coast and reached plains, created artificial lakes there with a total area of \u200b\u200b12,000 square meters. Seven provinces were flooded, including thousands of square kilometers of countryside and countless communications.

7. Tangshan earthquake - 1976, China (victims: 242,000)

The second earthquake also occurred in China. On July 28, 1976, Tanchean earthquake was held in Hebei Province. His magnitude was 8.2 bala, which makes it possible to consider the event of the largest natural catastrophe of the century. The official number of dead amounted to 242419 people. However, most likely the figure was understated by the PRC authorities 3-4 times. The suspicion is based on the fact that the state of the earthquake is indicated only in 7.8 points. Tangshan was almost immediately destroyed with powerful jokes, the epicenter of which was at a depth of 22 km under the city. Even Tianjin and Beijing were destroyed, which are at a distance of 140 kilometers from the epicenter. The consequences of the catastrophe were terrible - 5.3 million houses were destroyed and damaged to such an extent that it turned out to be impossible to live. The number of victims has increased due to the subsequent series of impetus to 7.1 points. Today in the center of Tançany is a stele that reminds of a terrible catastrophe, there is an information center dedicated to those events. He is a kind of museum on this subject, the only one in China.

6. Flooding in Kaifeng - 1642, China (Victims: 300,000)

Again, long-suffering China. Formally, this disaster can be considered a spontaneous, but arranged his hands of a person. In 1642 in China occurred peasant uprising, whose leader was whether Zicheg was. The rebels approached the city of Kaifeng. In order to prevent the capture of the city of Rest, the command of the dynasty of the Ming dynasty gave an order to flood the city and vicinity by the waters of the yellow river. When the water retreated and the hunger caused by artificial flooding turned out that out of 600,000 people of the population of the city and the surroundings survived only half. At that time, it was one of the bloodiest punitive stocks in history.

5. Cyclone in India - 1839, India (victims: 300,000+)

Although the photo of the cyclone does not apply to 1839, it is possible to estimate the entire power of this natural phenomenon. Indian cyclone 1839 in itself was not destructive, but he called powerful tidal waves that killed 300,000 people. Tidal waves completely destroyed the city of Coring and drowned 20,000 ships that were in the bay of the city.

4. Great Chinese Earthquake - 1556 (Victims: 830,000)

In 1556, the most destructive earthquake In the history of mankind, called the Great Chinese earthquake. It occurred on January 23, 1556 in Shaanxi Province. Historians believe that the natural disaster claimed about 830 thousand people, more than any other similar event. Some areas of Shaanxi are detected completely, and more than half of people died in the rest. Such a huge number of victims was explained by the fact that most of the inhabitants lived in the Lens Caves, which at first jolts immediately collapsed either subsequently flooded with the village streams. According to modern estimates, this earthquake was assigned to a category of 11 points. One of the eyewitnesses warned his descendants that with the beginning of a disaster should not be striving to rush outside: "When the bird's nest falls from the tree, the eggs often remain unharmed." Such words are evidence that many people died when trying to leave the dwellings. The ancient steles of Xiane, collected in the local Museum of Balein, testify about the destructiveness of the earthquake. Many of them crumbled or crackled. During the cataclysm, the Pagoda of the Wild Geese, but its foundation asked 1.6 meters.

3. Cyclone Bhola - 1970 (Victims: 500,000 - 1 000 000)

The destructive tropical cyclone, which struck the territory of Eastern Pakistan and Indian West Bengal on November 12, 1970. The most deadly tropical cyclone and one of the most detrimental natural disasters in modern history. About half a million people lost their lives due to the strike of a storm tide, floating a variety of low-locked islands of Delta Ganges. It was the sixth row of a storm cyclone in the North Hurricanes Indian Ocean 1970 and the strongest this year.
The cyclone was formed above the central part of the Bengal Bay on November 8, after which he began to shift north, gaining strength. He reached the peak of its capacity on the evening of November 12, and the same night had contact with the coastline of East Pakistan. The storm tide devastated the numerous coastal islands, attached whole villages and destroying the agricultural land of the region. In the most affected area of \u200b\u200bthe country, more than 45% of the 167,000 people died - died in Tazumuddin.
Political consequences
Non-robust rates of rescue work only enhanced the abdomen and feeling of resentment in East Pakistan and contributed to the local resistance movement. Subsidies came slowly, transport leisurely delivered acutely necessary funds into the territory devastated by the storm. In March 1971, the tension continuously increased, the province began to leave foreign specialists, fearing surges of violence. In the future, the situation continued to deteriorate and turned into a war for independence, which began on March 26. Later, in December of the same year, this conflict expanded into the third Indo-Pakistani war, which was crowned with the creation of the state of Bangladesh. The events occurred can be considered one of the first cases when a natural phenomenon provoked a civil war, the subsequent foreign intervention of the third force and the decay of one country into two independent states.

2. Flooding in the Valley of the Yellow River - 1887, China (Victims: 900 000 - 2 000 000)

One of the most terrible floods in modern history of mankindwhich, according to various sources, was taken from 1.5 to 7 million human lives, it happened late in the spring of 1887 in the northern provinces of China, in the Valley of the Yellow River. Strong rains Almost all the territories of Hunan that spring caused a flood of the river. The first flood occurred with steep bending, in the vicinity of the city of Zhangzhou.
Day after day I invaded bubbling water in the territory of cities, destroying and devastating them. A total of 600 cities located on the banks of the river, including the town of Hunan, were injured from the flood. The rapid flow continued to wash off the fields, animals, cities and people, flooding the territory with a width of 70 km with water, the depth of which reached 15 meters.
Water often against the wind and the tide slowly poured the terrace for the terrace, each of which accumulated from 12 to 100 families. From 10 houses only one or two survived. Half buildings were hidden under water. People lay on the roofs of houses, and old men who did not die from hunger died from the cold.
The tops of the poplars, who once stood along the roads, stick out of water like algae. That is here, there were strong men and called to the rescue for old trees with thick branches. In one place to the tree, a box was brought with a dead child, who was placed there for the safety of his parents. In the drawer lay food and note with the name. In another place, a family was discovered, all the members of which died, the child was placed on the highest place ... well covered with clothes. "
Destroy and devastation remaining after the water slept, were just terrible. Statistics never could cope with the task - to calculate. By 1889, when the yellow river finally returned to his direction, and illness also joined all misfortunes. It is assumed that half a million people died from cholera.

1. Great Flood - 1931, China (Victims: 1 000 000 - 4 000 000)

The summer period of the monsoon rain of 1931 was extremely violent. Heavy rains and tropical cyclones were ramped in river basins. The letters were opposed to the strongest rains and storms, but they eventually did not stand the load and collapsed in hundreds of places. Approximately 333,000 hectares of land turned out to be flooded, at least 40,000,000 people lost their prickly, hiring losses were huge. On large areas, the water has not gone from three to six months. Diseases, lack of food, the absence of a roof above the head led to the death of a total of 3.7 million people.
One of the epicenters of the tragedy was the city of Gaoy in the northern province of Jiangsu. Powerful Typhoon collapsed on August 26, 1931 for the fifth largest lake of China Gaju. The water level in it has already risen to record height as a result of heavy rains that have passed in the previous weeks. A squalry wind raised high waves, having broken about the dam. After midnight, the battle was lost. The dams were brushed in six places, and the biggest gap reached almost 700 m. The stormy flow swept through the city and the province. Only one morning in Gaoy died about 10,000 people.

From television screens, from radio receivers, from newspapers from endless news issues we will learn about tragedies, accidents and various kinds. Consider the worst catastrophes of the world.

The most terrible air crash

The rating "The most terrible plane crashes" is headed by Tenerife. Fat collision 2 Boeing-747 aircraft belonging to different companies (Boeing-747-206B - KLM airline brainstorming, performed the next flight KL4805 and Boeing-747 - the property of Pan American, fulfilled the flight 1736), it happened on 03/27/1977 on the island of the Canary Group , Tenerife, on the runway of the Los Roodoshi airport. Many people died - 583 people who were in these two aircraft. What exactly was the cause of such a devastating accident? The paradox is that the imposition of adverse circumstances at each other played a cruel joke.

In that ill-fated Sunday spring day, Los Rodeos airport was very overloaded. Both aircraft performed maneuvers on a narrow take-off landing strip, including complex turns at 135-180 degrees. Interference with the radio communication with the dispatcher and between pilots, bad weather conditions and visibility, the wrong interpretation of the teams of the Aviadpetcher, the strong Spanish emphasis of the dispatcher - all this inevitably led to trouble. The Boeing KLM commander did not understand the team of the dispatcher to interrupt the takeoff, while the second Boeing commander reports that their huge plane is still moving along the runway. After fourteen seconds, an inevitable clash occurred, the fuselage of the Boeing Pan American was very damaged, some of the breaks were formed, and some passengers were saved through them. Boeing KLM without a tail and with damaged wings fell on the strip 150 meters from the collision point and drove up the runway for another 300 meters. Both affected aircraft ignited.

All 248 people from the Boeing Klm aircraft died. In the second aircraft, 326 passengers and nine crew members died. The American Star of Playboy magazine - actress and model Yves Meyer died in this worst aircraft crash.

The most terrible technogenic catastrophe

The most terrible catastrophe in the entire history of oil production - an explosion on the oilplant Piper alpha.built in 1976. It happened on 07/06/1988. According to experts, this terrible accident cost 3.4 billion american dollars and claimed 167 people. Piper Alpha is the only burnt platform for oil production that belonged to the American oil company Occidental Petroleum. There was a huge leakage of gas and, as a result, a colossal explosion. It happened as a result of the ill-conceived actions of the service personnel - pipelines from the platform fueled the total oil pipeline network, the supply of petroleum products did not stop instantly after the catastrophe, waiting for the team of the higher authorities. Therefore, the fire continued because of the burning of gas and oil, which is in the pipes, the fire covered even residential complexes. And those who were able to survive after the first explosion were surrounded by a flame. Perturbed into the water.

The most terrible catastrophe on the water

If you remember the biggest catastrophes on the water, then the pictures from the film "Titanic" immediately remember, which is based on real events 1912. But the wreck of "Titanic" is not the biggest catastrophe. The greatest marine catastrophe is the sacrification of the Soviet military submarine of the German ship "Wilhelm Gustlov" 30.01.1945. On board the ship was nearly 9 thousand people: Of these, 3,700 people who graduated from elite training at military submariners, 3-4 thousand representatives of the military elite escaped from Danzig. Tourist excursion ship built in 1938. It was, as it seemed, unspecified 9-deck ocean, designed by the newest technologies of that time liner.

Dancelords, 2 Theater, Pools, Church, Gym, Restaurants, Cafe with a winter garden and a climattonalcontrol, Comfortable cabins and personal apartments of Hitler himself. 208 meters long, he could pass Polmir without refueling. He could not sink a priori. But fate ordered otherwise. Under the command of A. I. Marnesco The crew of the Soviet submarine C-13 spent military operation By destroying the enemy ship. Three released torpedoes broke through Wilhelm Gustlov. He immediately sank in the Baltic Sea. Until now, no one else can forget the most terrible catastrophe.

The largest ecological catastrophe

The most terrible catastrophe from an ecological point of view of ecology is considered death Aral SeaWhich before the start of drying, scientists called the fourth on world standards by the lake. Although the sea is located on the territory former USSRThe disaster influenced the catastrophe for the whole world. Water from it was taken by uncontrolled volumes for watering fields and gardens to ensure the implementation of political ambitions and unreasonable plans of Soviet leaders.

With time coastline It moved away so deeply deep into the lake, which killed many species of fish and animals, more than 60,000 people lost their jobs, navigation stopped, climates changed - drought frequent.

Unfortunately, such things happen. There is probably the right words to describe them, and God forbid to be in such situations.

We present to your attention the most terrible catastrophes of the world.

The most terrible air crash

The rating "The most terrible plane crashes" is headed by Tenerife. Fat collision 2 Boeing-747 aircraft belonging to different companies (Boeing-747-206B - KLM airline brainstorming, performed the next flight KL4805 and Boeing-747 - the property of Pan American, fulfilled the flight 1736), it happened on 03/27/1977 on the island of the Canary Group , Tenerife, on the runway of the Los Roodoshi airport. Many people died - 583 people who were in these two aircraft. What exactly was the cause of such a devastating accident? The paradox is that the imposition of adverse circumstances at each other played a cruel joke.

In that ill-fated Sunday spring day, Los Rodeos airport was very overloaded. Both aircraft performed maneuvers on a narrow take-off landing strip, including complex turns at 135-180 degrees. Interference with the radio communication with the dispatcher and between pilots, bad weather conditions and visibility, the wrong interpretation of the teams of the Aviadpetcher, the strong Spanish emphasis of the dispatcher - all this inevitably led to trouble. The Boeing KLM commander did not understand the team of the dispatcher to interrupt the takeoff, while the second Boeing commander reports that their huge plane is still moving along the runway. After fourteen seconds, an inevitable clash occurred, the fuselage of the Boeing Pan American was very damaged, some of the breaks were formed, and some passengers were saved through them. Boeing KLM without a tail and with damaged wings fell on the strip 150 meters from the collision point and drove up the runway for another 300 meters. Both affected aircraft ignited.

All 248 people from the Boeing Klm aircraft died. In the second aircraft, 326 passengers and nine crew members died. The American Star of Playboy magazine - actress and model Yves Meyer died in this worst aircraft crash.

The most terrible technogenic catastrophe

The most terrible catastrophe in the entire history of oil production is an explosion at the Piper Alpha oil platform, built in 1976. It happened on 07/06/1988. According to experts, this terrible accident cost 3.4 billion american dollars and claimed 167 people. Piper Alpha is the only burnt platform for oil production that belonged to the American oil company Occidental Petroleum. There was a huge leakage of gas and, as a result, a colossal explosion. It happened as a result of the ill-conceived actions of the service personnel - pipelines from the platform fueled the total oil pipeline network, the supply of petroleum products did not stop instantly after the catastrophe, waiting for the team of the higher authorities. Therefore, the fire continued due to the burning of gas and oil in the pipes, the fire covered even residential complexes. And those who were able to survive after the first explosion were surrounded by a flame. Perturbed into the water.

The most terrible catastrophe on the water

If you remember the biggest catastrophes on the water, the pictures from the film "Titanic" immediately remember, which is based on real events of 1912. But the wreck of "Titanic" is not the biggest catastrophe. The greatest marine catastrophe is the sacrification of the Soviet military submarine of the German ship "Wilhelm Gustlov" 30.01.1945. On board the ship was nearly 9 thousand people: Of these, 3,700 people who graduated from elite training at military submariners, 3-4 thousand representatives of the military elite escaped from Danzig. Tourist excursion ship built in 1938. It was, as it seemed, unspecified 9-deck ocean, designed by the newest technologies of that time liner.

Dancelords, 2 Theater, Pools, Church, Gym, Restaurants, Cafe with a winter garden and a climattonalcontrol, Comfortable cabins and personal apartments of Hitler himself. 208 meters long, he could pass Polmir without refueling. He could not sink a priori. But fate ordered otherwise. Under the command of A. I. Marnesco, the crew of the Soviet submarine C-13 held a military operation to destroy the enemy ship. Three released torpedoes broke through Wilhelm Gustlov. He immediately sank in the Baltic Sea. Until now, no one else can forget the most terrible catastrophe.

The largest ecological catastrophe

The death of the Aral Sea is considered the most terrible catastrophe from an ecological point of view of ecology, which, before the start of the drying, scientists called the fourth on world standards by the lake. Although the sea is located on the territory of the former USSR, the disaster influenced the catastrophe for the whole world. Water from it was taken by uncontrolled volumes for watering fields and gardens to ensure the implementation of political ambitions and unreasonable plans of Soviet leaders.
Over time, the coastline moved away so deeply deep into the lake, which killed many species of fish and animals, more than 60,000 people lost their jobs, navigation stopped, climate changed - drought frequent.

The most terrible nuclear catastrophe

A huge number of people are exposed to nuclear disasters. So in April 1986 one of the power units exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Radioactive substances that have fallen into the atmosphere, settled on nearby villages and cities. This accident is one of its destructive. Hundreds of thousands of people participated in the elimination of the accident. Several hundred people died or gained injury. Around the NPP is formed by the thirty-cell zone of alienation. Until now, the disaster scale is not found out.


About the accident on the oil platform of Deepwater Horizon, mankind will never forget. The explosion and fire happened on April 20, 2010 in 80 kilometers from the coast of the state of Louisiana, at the Magonau Department. Oil spill has become the largest in the history of the United States and actually ruined Gulf of Mexico. We remembered the largest technogenic and ecological catastrophes of the world, some of which are almost worse than the tragedy of Deepwater Horizon.

Is it possible to avoid accidents? Technogenic disasters often occur as a consequence of natural disasters, but besides, due to worn out equipment, greed, negligence, inattention ... The memory of them serves as an important lesson for humanity, because natural disasters can damage people, but not the planet, but Technogenic carry a threat to an absolutely surrounding world.

15. Explosion at the factory of fertilizers in the city of West - 15 victims

On April 17, 2013, an explosion occurred at the plant for the production of fertilizers in the Texas city of West. The explosion thundered at 19:50 local time and he completely destroyed the plant, which belonged to the local company Adair Grain Inc. The explosion was destroyed by the school and nursing home. About 75 buildings of the city of West were seriously injured. As a result of the explosion, 15 people died, about 200 people were injured. Initially, a fire happened at the factory, and the explosion happened at that moment when the firefighters tried to cope with the fire. At least 11 firefighters died.

According to eyewitnesses, the explosion was so strong that it was heard about 70 km from the plant, and the US Geological Service was recorded by the soil fluctuations in magnitude 2.1. "It looked like an explosion atomic bombs"," said eyewitnesses. Residents of a number of districts near West were evacuated due to the leakage of ammonia used in the production of fertilizers, the authorities warned everyone about leakage of toxic substances. Above the West was introduced the useful zone at an altitude of up to 1 km. The city was reminded the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities. ..

In May 2013, a criminal case was instituted for the explosion. The investigation has shown that the company kept the chemicals that caused an explosion, with violation of security requirements. The US Chemical Security Committee found that the company did not undertake the necessary measures to prevent fire and explosion. In addition, at that time, there were no rules that would prohibit the storage of ammonium nitrate near settlements.

14. Flooding of Boston Falcon - 21 sacrifice

The flooding of Boston's molasses happened on January 15, 1919 after a giant reservoir with molasses exploded in the Boston district of North and End, and a wave of a saham-containing liquid swept through the streets of the city with high speed. 21 people died, about 150 fell into hospitals. The catastrophe occurred at the Purity Distilling Company alcohol plant during the "dry law" (fermented molasses at the time was widely used to produce ethanol). On the eve of the introduction of a complete ban, the owners tried to have time to do as much as possible Roma ...

Apparently, due to the fatigue of the metal in a crowded reservoir with 8700 m³ of modules, metal sheets were separated. The earth trembled, and a wave of molasses up to 2 meters rushed into the streets. The pressure of the wave was so great that he moved from the paths of the cargo. Nearby buildings were flooded on a meter altitude, some collapsed. People, horses, dogs are knitted in a sticky wave and squeezing.

The mobile hospital of the "Red Cross" was deployed in the disaster zone, the US Navy division was included in the city - the rescue operation lasted a week. A molasses were cleaned with sand, which absorbed a viscous mass. Although the owners of the factory are vinyl in an explosion of anarchists, the citizens achieved payments from them the total amount of $ 600 thousand (today it is about $ 8.5 million). According to Bostonians, even now in hot days from old houses, the shower of caramel is coming ...

13. Explosion at Phillips Himmeal in 1989 -23 Victims

The explosion at the Phillips Petroleum Company Himzavoda happened on October 23, 1989, in Pasaden, Texas. Because of the employee's mistake, a large leakage of fuel gas occurred, and a powerful explosion was occurring equivalent to two and a half tons of dynamite. The tank with 20,000 gallons of Gaza isobutan exploded and the chain reaction caused 4 more explosions.
During scheduled maintenance, air ducts were accidentally closed on the valves. Thus, the control room showed that the valve is open, while it was as closed. This led to the formation of a pair cloud, which exploded from the slightest spark. The initial explosion is registered equal to 3.5 points on the Richter scale and the explosion fragments were found within a radius of 6 miles from the explosion.

Many of the fire hydrants failed, the pressure of water in the remaining hydrants fell. Firefighters required more than ten hours to take the situation under control and fully extinguish the flame. 23 people died, another 314 were injured.

12. Fire on a pyrotechnic factory in Enschede in 2000 - 23 victims

May 13, 2000 as a result of a fire on the pyrotechnic factory S.f. Fireworks In the Dutch city of Enschede (Enshed), an explosion was happening, 23 people died, including four firefighters. The fire began in the central building and spread to two full containers with fireworks, illegally stored outside the building. Several subsequent explosions happened to the biggest explosion felt so far as 19 miles.

During the fire, a significant part of the Rombeck District was burned and a significant part of Rombeck was burned, 1500 houses were damaged, and 400 houses were destroyed. In addition to the death of 23 people, 947 people were injured and 1250 people were left without bed. Fireman calculations arrived from Germany to help fight fire.

When S.F. Fireworks built a pyrotechnic factory in 1977, it was located far from the city. As the city grew, new inexpensive housing in surrounded the warehouses, which led terrible destruction, injury and death. Most locals did not have the slightest idea that they lived in such close proximity to the pyrotechnic warehouse.

11. Explosion on a chemical factory in Flixboro - 64 victims

In the city of Flixboro, England was an explosion on June 1, 1974, 28 people died. The accident happened at the Nipro factory, which was engaged in ammonium production. The catastrophe caused material damage to the colossal amount - 36 million pounds sterling. This catastrophe english industry has not yet known. The chemical plant in Flixboro almost ceased to exist.
Chemical plant near the village of Flixboro specialized in the production of caprolactam - the source product for the production of synthetic fiber.

The accident happened like this: the bypass pipeline, which connects the reactors 4 and 6, and steam began to escape from the taps. A cloud of vapor cyclohexane, containing several tens of tons of substance. The source of ignition clouds served as the torch of the hydrogen installation. Because of the accident at the factory, an explosive mass of preheated vapors was thrown into the air, for the ignition of which was enough to be the slightest spark. 24 minutes after the accident, when the mushroom cloud reached the hydrogen installation, a powerful explosion occurred. The explosion in its destructive strength was equivalent to the explosion of 45 tons of TNT, undermined at an altitude of 45 m.

About 2000 buildings, which were outside the enterprise, were damaged. In the village of Amkotts, located on the other side of the Trent River, from 77 suffered a lot of 73 at home. In the fluxboro, located at a distance of 1200 meters from the center of the explosion, from 79 houses collapsed 72. 64 people died from the explosion and subsequent fire, 75 people at the enterprise and outside of it were injured in varying severity.

The engineers of the plant under pressure the owners of the company NIPRO was often accomplished on retreat from the established technological regulations, ignored the security requirements. The sad experience of this catastrophe showed that at chemical plants it is necessary to have a high-speed automatic fire extinguishing system, which allows you to eliminate hard chemicals to eliminate hard chemicals after 3 seconds.

10. Spill shot steel - 35 victims

On April 18, 2007, 32 people died and 6 were injured when the bucket containing molten steel fell at the Qinghe Special Steel Corporation plant in China. Thirty tons of liquid steel, shot up to 1500 degrees Celsius fell from a suspended conveyor. Liquid steel broke through the doors and windows into the neighboring room, where the workers are on duty shifts.

Perhaps the most terrible fact discovered during the study of this catastrophe is that it could be prevented. The immediate cause of the accident was the illegal use of substandard equipment. The investigation concluded that there was a number of shortcomings and security violations that accidentally contributed.

When emergency services got to the disaster site, they stopped the heat of the molten steel, and they were not able to get to the victims for a long time. After the steel began to cool, they found 32 sacrifices. Surprisingly, 6 people miraculously survived this accident, and with the hardest burns were taken to the hospital.

9. The collapse of the composition with oil in Lac-Megantik - 47 victims

The explosion of the composition with oil occurred in the evening of July 6, 2013 in the town of Lac Megantik in Canadian Quebec. The train belonging to The Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway and transported 74 tanks with crude oil, came up with rails. As a result, several tanks caught fire and exploded. It is known about 42 dead, another 5 people are missing missing. As a result of a fire that covered the city, about half of the buildings in the city center were destroyed.

In October 2012, on the diesel locomotive GE C30-7 # 5017 when repairing the engine to complete the repair, epoxy materials were applied. In subsequent operation, these materials were collapsed, the locomotive began to smoke very much. The flowing fuel and lubricants accumulated in the casing of the turbocharger, which led to fire in the night of the crash.

The train was driven by Tom Harding. At 23:00 the train stopped at the station Nantes, on the main way. Tom contacted the dispatcher and reported problems with a diesel engine, a strong black exhaust; The solution of the problem with the diesel locomotive was postponed until the morning, and the driver went to sleep in the hotel. The train with the engineered diesel locomotive and dangerous cargo was left overnight at a non-servant station. At 23:50 in service 911 received a message about the fire on the head locomotive. It did not work the compressor, and the pressure in the brake line decreased. At 00:56 the pressure fell to such a level that manual brakes could not hold the cars and the unmanaged train went under the slope to the lacquer megantics. At 00:14 The train at a speed of 105 km / h gone from the rails and found himself in the city center. The wagons came up from the rails, the explosions followed and the burning oil was spread along the railway.
People in the near cafe, feeling the impulse of the earth, decided that the earthquake began and hid under the tables, in the end they did not have time to escape from the fire ... This railway catastrophe became one of the most deadly in Canada.

8. Accident on Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP - at least 75 victims

The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is an industrial technogenic catastrophe, which occurred on August 17, 2009 - "Black Day" of Russian hydropower. As a result of the accident, 75 people were killed, the equipment and stations were seriously damaged, the production of electricity was suspended. The consequences of the accident affected environmental setting The water area adjacent to the HPP, on the social and economic spheres of the region.

At the time of the accident, the HPP was loaded at 4100 MW, from 10 hydraulic units in the work there were 9. At 8:13 of the local time, on August 17, the destruction of the hydraulic unit No. 2 was destroyed with an admission of a hydraulic unit under high pressure of significant water volumes. Power plant personnel, which was in the machine room, heard a loud cotton and saw the release of a powerful pillar of water.
Water streams quickly flooded the machine room and rooms under it. All hydraulic units of HPP were flooded, while there were short circuits on the worked ha (their outbreaks are clearly visible on the amateur video of the catastrophe), which authorized them.

Non-obvious cause of the accident (according to the Minister of Energy of Russia Shmatko, "This is the most large-scale and incomprehensible accident of hydropower engineering, which was only in the world") caused a number of versions that did not find confirmation (from terrorism to the hydrowarder). As the most likely, the causes of the accident are called fatigue destruction of studs, which have arisen during the period of operation of the hydraulic unit No. 2 with a temporary imperative wheel and an invalid level of vibrations in 1981-83.

7. Explosion on Piper Alpha - 167 Victims

On July 6, 1988, the oil production platform in the North Sea called "Piper Alpha" was destroyed as a result of an explosion. Platform "Piper Alpha", installed in 1976, the Bala of the largest design at the Piper Platage, owned by the Scottish company "Oxidental Petroleum". The platform was located 200 km north-east of Aberdeen and served the control center of oil production on the site. The platform was a helicopter platform and a residential module for 200 oil workers working. On July 6, an unexpected explosion occurred at Piper Alfa. The fire that covered the platform did not even give the staff to send the SOS signal.

As a result of the leakage of gas and the subsequent explosion, 167 people from 226 were at that time on the platform were died, only 59 remained alive. It took 3 weeks to repay the fire, with the strongest wind (80 miles per hour) and 70-foot waves. The final cause of the explosion was established and failed. According to the most popular version, gas leakage happened on the platform, as a result of which a small spark was enough for a fire. The accident on the Piper Alpha platform led to a serious criticism and the subsequent revision of the safety standards for oil production in the North Sea.

6. Fire in Tianjin Binhai - 170 Victims

On the night of August 12, 2015, two explosions broke out on the storage area of \u200b\u200bcontainers in the port of Tianjin. At 10:50 pm local time began to receive messages about the fire located in the port of Tianjin's warehouses of the company Zhuihai, engaged in transportation of hazardous chemicals. As the investigators later found out, his reason was the self-burning of the drying and heated at the summer sun of nitrocellulose. For 30 seconds after the first explosion, a second container with ammonium nitrate occurred. The local seismological service estimated the power of the first explosion in 3 tons of trotyl equivalent, the second is 21 tons. Arrived firefighters for a long time could not stop the spread of fire. Fires raged for several days and another 8 explosions happened. The explosions created a huge crater.

The explosions led to the death of 173 people, 797 wounded, and 8 people are missing missing. . Thousands of Toyota cars, Renault, Volkswagen, Kia and Hyundai were damaged. 7,533 Containers, 12,428 cars and 304 buildings were destroyed or damaged. In addition to death and destruction, the damage was $ 9 billion. It turned out that three apartment buildings were built within a radius of one kilometer from the warehouse of chemicals, which is prohibited by Chinese legislation. The authorities were charged with 11 officials from the city of Tianjin in the case of the explosion. They are accused of negligence and abuse of powers.

5. Val di-old, breakthrough dam - 268 victims

In the north of Italy above the village, the Plotina Val di will collapsed on July 19, 1985. The accident destroyed 8 bridges, 63 buildings, died 268 people. After the catastrophe, during the investigation it was found that there was poor maintenance and a small supply of operational safety.

In the top of two dams, due to precipitation, the drainage pipe has become less efficient, it was clogged. Water continued to enter the reservoir and pressure in the damaged pipe increased, it also caused pressure on the coastline. Water began to penetrate into the soil, lingering in the dirt and weaken the shore, until finally, did not occur. Literally in 30 seconds, water and mud streams of the upper dam broke through and poured into the lower dam.

4. Terrikon collapse in Nambiy - 300 victims

By 1990, Namibiya, the mining settlement in the south-east of Ecuador had a reputation as aggressive ecocrenders. Local mountains were disturbed by miners, permeated with holes from mining, humid and filled air chemicals, Toxic gases from mines and a huge area.

On May 9, 1993, most of the mountain coal slag at the end of the valley collapsed, and about 300 people died under the landslide. 10,000 people lived in the village on the square about 1 square mile. Most of the houses of the city were built right at the entrance to the tunnel at the mine. Experts have long warned that the mountain has become practically a hollow. They said that further coal mining would lead to landslides, and after several days of heavy rains of the soil softened, and the worst forecasts came true.

3. Texas explosion - 581 victim

A technogenic catastrophe happened on April 16, 1947 in the port of Texas City, USA. The fire on the French ship "Grankan" (GrandCamp) led to detonation about 2100 tons of ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate), which resulted in a chain reaction in the form of fires and explosions on nearby ships and refinery.

As a result of the tragedy, at least 581 people died (including all, with the exception of one, fire protection staff of Texas City), more than 5,000 people were injured, 1784 fell into hospitals. The port and considerable part of the city were completely destroyed, many enterprises were compared with the Earth or burned. More than 1,100 cars were damaged and 362 cargo wagons are crowded - property damage is estimated at $ 100 million. These events caused the first collective claim against the US government.

The court recognized the federal government guilty of criminal negligence committed by government agencies and their representatives involved in production, packaging and marking an ammonium nitrate, aggravated rude errors In its transportation, storage, loading and fire fighting measures. 1,394 compensation was paid for a total of about $ 17 million.

2. Bhopalic catastrophe - 110,000 victims

This one of the most terrible man-made disasters occurred in the Indian city of Bhopal. As a result of the accident on a himsage, owned by the American chemical company Union Carbide, and a pesticide producing, a poisonous substance of methylocyanate occurred. It was kept at the plant in three partially covered in the land of capacities, each of which could accommodate about 60,000 liters of fluid.
The cause of the tragedy was the emergency emission of a methylisocyanate vapor, which in the factory reservoir was heated above the boiling point, which led to an increase in pressure and breaking the emergency valve. As a result, on December 3, 1984, about 42 tons of poisonous vapors were thrown into the atmosphere. Methylisocianate cloud covered nearby slums and train Station2 km away.

The Bhopalskaya catastrophe is the largest in the number of victims in modern history, the imposed immediate death of at least 18 thousand people, of which 3 thousand died directly on the day of the accident, and 15 thousand in subsequent years. According to other data, the total number of victims is estimated at 150-600 thousand people. Big number The victims are explained by the high density of the population, untimely informing residents about the accident, the lack of medical staff, as well as unfavorable weather conditions - the cloud of hard vapors was broadcast by the wind.

Union Carbide, responsible for this tragedy, in 1987, as part of an extrajudicial settlement paid victims of $ 470 million in exchange for refusal of complaints. In 2010, the Indian court recognized the seven former leaders of the Indian branch of Union Carbide guilty of negligence, which caused the death of people. The convicts were sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of 100 thousand rupees (approximately $ 2,100).

1. Tragedy on the Balziao Dam - 171,000 dead

In this catastrophe, it is impossible to reproach the dam designers, it was designed for severe floods, but this was completely unprecedented. In August 1975, in the western part of China, during Typhoon, Damb Balzia - about 171,000 people died. The dam was built in the 1950s for the production of electricity and prevent flooding. Engineers have developed it with a margin of strength for a thousand years.

But in those society days in early August 1975, Typhoon "Nina" immediately produced more than 40 inches of precipitation, which exceeded the annual total of precipitation in this area in just one day. After several days of even stronger rains, the dam did not resist and was blurred on August 8.

A breakthrough of the dams caused a wave high 33 feet, 7 miles wide, which was with a speed of 30 miles per hour. In total, more than 60 dams and additional reservoirs were destroyed due to the destruction of the Banqiao dam. Flood destroyed 5,960,000 buildings, 26,000 people immediately destroyed and another 145,000 died later as a result of hunger and epidemics due to natural disaster.

The war takes tens of thousands of human lives, but even the most bloody can not be compared with the elements: the planet does not spare us - and does not even draw attention to the number of victims affected by cyclones, floods and other terrible misfortunes. What is worse - tornado or fire? What are the chances to survive when the volcanic eruption? And when giving avalanche? Unfortunately, the answer in both cases is minimal. We have gathered 10 of the most terrible natural disasters in the entire history of mankind: judging by all, nature begins, gradually, punish us for the inappropriate destruction of the planet.

Mont-Pele volcanic eruption

1902 On May 8, 1902, the volcano of the Mont-Pele, who had a peacefully despised for decades, unexpectedly exploded. The eruption of this catastrophe is simply impossible: the streams of lava and rocks of the breed literally destroyed the main port of Martinique, Saint-Pierre. In just a few minutes, the whole 36,000 people died.

Flooding in China

1931 The beginning of the 31st year became a terrible test for the entire people of China. A series of terrible floods, which modern historians call the largest natural disaster in the entire history of mankind, took almost 4 million lives.

Fire in Kursa-2

1936 The summer of 1936 was very hot. The fire began not far from the village blown by the wind. The fire moved towards people. At night, the train approached the village, work began on the salvation of logging. Already at the very end, when the danger was very high, the composition was moving away - the villagers sat on the logs. When the train went to the canal, the wooden bridge was already burning. From him, the composition was engaged in logs. People burned alive. For one night about 1,200 people died.

Avalanie Wascarana

1970 Earth-standing off the coast of Peru destabilized the northern slope of the magnifier of the Mountain Mountain Wascaran. Avalanche of ice and rocks rushed down at a speed of 180 miles per hour. Located from Schoga Uascaran, the town of Jungau has already met 80 million cubic meters Mud, ice and snow. From the 25,000 residents of the village did not survive.

Cyclone Bhola.

1970 This tropical cyclone is recognized as one of the most destructive natural Disasters modern world. The storm tide, which collapsed on the island of Delta Ganges, carried the life of half a million people. Once again, think about this number: 500,000 people died in just one day.

Storm in Iran

1972 The terrible snow storm lasted a whole week: Rural Iranians were completely covered with a three-meter layer of snow. Some villages were literally buried under avalanches. Subsequently, the authorities counted as much as 4,000 dead people.

Tanshhan Earth-Station

1976 This natural disaster occurred in the Chinese city of Tanshan. At about four o'clock in the morning, a strongest earthquake happened at a depth of 22 kilometers. The city was destroyed to the ground, none of 655,000 people survived.

Tornado in Dulatpur

1989 The deadly tornado, whose radius exceeded 1.5 kilometers, observers noticed on April 26. A little later, this giant fell on Bangladesh. The power of the tornado was enough to easily raise whole home into the air. People literally ruined into parts: about a day for about a half thousand people died during the day, another 12,000 were in the hospital.

European heat

2003 The heat of 2003, which walked in the summer of 2003, claimed 70,000 people. According to authorities, the local health system is simply not focused on such incredible loads. It is noteworthy that weather forecasters claim to repetition like a thermal attack approximately every thirteen years.

Tsunami in the Indian Ocean

2004 Underwater Earth-Station, which happened on December 26, 2004, caused the tsunami of an incredible force. The Earth-Station itself was recognized by the third in the level in the entire history at all. Tsunami with waves, the height of which exceeded 15 meters, collapsed on the shores of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and took the lives of more than 250,000 people.
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