OGE options (Russian). Composition of the OGE - (1) The guys left the yard, they are collecting camping equipment Squints a cardboard better

Grade 9. Option 1.

(1) The guys left the yard, collect camping equipment. (2) There is only one Gosha left. (3) He is on duty at the entrance and is waiting for someone ...

(4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist. (6) Vera.

(7) Hi, - says Vera and shivers. - (8) It's still cold ... (9) Give me a jacket.

(10) Gosha throws a jacket over her shoulders, remains in one T-shirt, and the skin on his hands becomes covered with pimples.

(11) Did your father bring you something from England?

(12) Yeah. (13) Here, look, a transistor.

(14) Did you bring your mother anything? (15) Spirits, for example? (16) Bring it to see.

(17) But what about me ... (18) Vera, I’m ... (19) Well, it’s uncomfortable ...

(20) Then stand on your head. (21) Well ?!

(22) Come on, Verk ... (23) Don't ...

(24) Stand on your head now!

(25) Well, please ... (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

(28) Who is in charge? she asks.

(29) Well, you ...

(30) Roll over. (31) And bring the spirits. (32) Otherwise I will make you stand on your head all day!

(33) Wiping his palms on his T-shirt, Gosha tramples helplessly, blinks, but Vera is relentless. (34) And then, giving her the transistor, Gosha drags into his apartment.

(35) Hurried steps on the stairs, voices: Seryozha and Pavlik, Gosha's classmates, run out into the courtyard, with fishing rods and some kind of cardboard, but formidable-looking pipe.

(36) This is a rocket, - Seryozhka informs impressively. - (37) Let's start in the forest.

(38) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase steps, and they themselves go to get their backpacks.

(39) After waiting for the boys to disappear on the stairs, he goes out to the courtyard of Gosh. (40) Looks around, hands Vera a blue shiny bottle.

(41) Gosha is a little angry: he did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made her. (42) You see, her whim is dearer to her. (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talks to Vera: (44) "Look, if you want ..."

(45) Vera understands his condition. (46) And she doesn't like that Gosha speaks down. (47) Vera's face becomes pensive. (48) She tilts her head to one side, squints. (49) Before, about three years ago, with such an expression, Vera rushed to fight (and fought better than boys). (50) Now she doesn't fight. (51) There are other ways.

(52) She reluctantly takes the blue bottle.

(53) So, I see ... (54) Do you have any matches?

(55) Matches? .. (56) Well, in a jacket ... look in your pocket.

(57) Yeah. (58) Now set this tail on fire! - (59) Vera points to the rocket left by the boys.

(60) Why? .. - not realizing anything, mutters Gosha. - (61) What is this?

(62) Bomb. (63) Let it go bang.

(64) Well! .. - Gosha mutters in confusion. - (65) This ...

(66) Who is in charge?

(67) Verka, stop!

(68) Oh, right? - (69) Vera strikes a match and brings the light to the rocket tail. (70) Finally, something hissed, sizzled like butter in a frying pan ...

(71) Verka! (72) Move away! ..

(73) Vera demonstratively stands over a smoking cardboard pipe. (74) And then I see the beginning of the feat, its accomplishment and the end. (75) Gosha, numb with horror, Gosh, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls onto the rocket. (According to E. Shim) *

* Shim Eduard Yuryevich (Eduard Yuryevich Schmidt) (1930-2006) - Russian writer, playwright, author of several collections of stories for children and adults.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why did Vera decide to set fire to the rocket?"

1) Because a bomb was hidden in the rocket, and Vera wanted to see how she “banged”.

2) Because Vera wanted to annoy Gosha's classmates.

3) Because "you see, her whim is more dear to her."

4) Because Vera decided that it was much more interesting to launch a rocket in the yard than in the forest.


1) Finally she appeared. A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist.

2) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

3) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase steps, and they themselves go to get their backpacks.

4) And Gosha is now angry and speaks almost condescendingly to Vera: "Look, if you want ..."

4. From sentences 45-51, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "incomplete action".

5. From sentences 33-37, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from nouns with a stem ending in -Н, it is written НН".

6. Replace the colloquial word "cleaner" in sentence 49 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the matching phrase “rocket tail” (sentence 69) with a synonymous phrase with the control link. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 42.

9. Among offers 33-37 find an offer with standalone application... Write the number of this sentence.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number representing the comma in the introductory word.

- Did your father bring you anything from England?

- Yeah. Here, (1) look, (2) transistor.

- Did you bring your mother anything? Perfume, (3) for example? Bring it to see.

- But how can I ... Vera, (4) I am ... Well, (5) uncomfortable ...

- Then stand on your head. Well?!

- Come on, (6) Verk ... Don't ...

11. Indicate the quantity grammatical foundations in sentence 10. Record your answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number denoting the comma between the parts of a complex sentence that are connected creative communication.

Wiping his palms on his shirt, (1) Gosha stumbles helplessly, (2) blinks, (3) but Vera is relentless. And then, (4) giving her the transistor, (5) Gosha weaves to his apartment.

13. Among sentences 35-40 find difficult sentence with homogeneous subordination subordinate clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Among sentences 39-44, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied compositional connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.


15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the writer V. A. Soloukhin: "Epithets are the clothes of words." Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V. A. Soloukhin.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “Gosha is a little angry: he did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made me. She, you see, her own whim is dearer. "

When giving examples, include numbers the necessary proposals or use quotation.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a moral choice", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Grade 9. Option 2.

Read the text, complete assignments 2-14

(1) I didn't like this doll. (2) Her height and external qualities were compared to mine. (3) Adults naively believed that they gave me pleasure when they admired me with a touching intonation on duty.

(4) Which one of you is a girl and which one is a doll is difficult to understand! they exclaimed.

(5) I was fragile and short. (6) And because everyone, admiring this fragility, called her "grace", and me - "statuette", it was not easier for me. (7) I was proud, and it seemed to me that the "statuette" was just a thing, an ornament, and not a person, especially since the three porcelain dogs that were numb on our sideboard were also called figurines. (8) Educator in kindergarten, as if trying to emphasize my flimsy, she built us all in height, starting with the tallest and ending with me. (9) The teacher defined my place in the general order in this way: “closing”.

(10) Do not be upset: the end is a crown to the work! - I heard from my father. (11) Alas, there was no crown on my head, but there were crowned manners, and I really loved to command.

(12) The kingdom of toys reflected in its own way real world, not humiliating anyone, but elevating me. (13) By the miniature of their toys, they emphasized that they were created, as it were, to obey me. (14) And to be completely in charge - I realized even then - is very pleasant. (15) I disposed of the routes of cars and trains, the habits and actions of the animals that I was afraid of in my life. (16) I ruled, commanded - they were wordless, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be good to continue to treat others in this way.

(17) But suddenly, when I was six years old, a huge doll with a round face and a Russian, albeit unusual for a toy, name Larisa appeared. (18) My father brought the doll from Japan, where he was on a business trip. (19) I should have been delighted with the overseas toy. (20) But she was taller than me, and I, painfully reacting to this, immediately disliked her.

(21) Mom often invaded my relationship with toys.

(22) Do you like to punish? - She asked half in jest. (23) And half-seriously added: - (24) You cannot do this with the dumb. (25) They cannot answer either good or evil.

(26) They answer for evil, - I objected.

(27) What?

(28) Submit.

(29) This is offensive. (30) Not for them ... (31) For you! - already very seriously said my mother.

(32) She seemed to want me to give up absolute control over my toys. (33) She was generally against autocracy. (34) But I did not dislike this.

(35) With the advent of Larisa, a lot has changed. (36) The Toy Kingdom, it seemed, obediently lifted its head and looked up at it. (37) So I looked at Larisa. (38) As a doll, she was more unusual, striking the imagination than I as a person. (39) We did not dare to call her a doll, but called only Larisa.

(According to A. Aleksin) *

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works such as "My brother plays the clarinet", " Characters and performers "," Third in the fifth row "and others, mainly tell about the world of youth.

2. What fragment of the text contains the answer to the question: "Why was the girl painful about her fragility and short stature?"

1) 1-4 3) 12-13

2) 5-7 4) 35-37

3. In which answer is comparison a means of expressiveness?

1) I was proud, and it seemed to me that the "statuette" was just a thing, an ornament, and not a person, especially since the three porcelain dogs that were numb on our sideboard were also called figurines.

2) The kindergarten teacher, as if trying to emphasize my flimsy, built us all in height, from the tallest to me.

3) The kingdom of toys in its own way reflected the real world, not humiliating anyone, but elevating me.

4) But suddenly, when I was six years old, a huge doll appeared with a non-Russian face and a Russian, albeit unusual for a toy, name Larissa.

4. From sentences 21-25, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. From sentences 12-16, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In the short passive participle of the past tense, one letter H is written."

6. Replace the bookish word "intrude" in Sentence 21 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "porcelain dogs" (sentence 7), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out the grammatical basis for Sentence 35.

9. Among sentences 17-20, find a sentence with a detached circumstance. Write the number of this sentence.


The toy kingdom, (1) seemed, (2) obediently lifted its head and looked up at it. So I looked at Larisa. As a doll, she was more unusual, (3) amazing, (4) than I as a person.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 7. Write down the answer in numbers.


There was a crown on my head, (1) alas, (2) there was no, (3) but there were crowned manners, (4) and I really loved to command.

The kingdom of toys in its own way reflected the real world, (5) humiliating no one, (6) but elevating me.

13. Among sentences 2-6, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Among sentences 12-16, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied compositional and subordinate connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.

15. Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern Russian linguist L. Yu. Maksimov: "With the help of paragraph indentation (or a red line), the most important groups of sentences or individual sentences in the composition of the whole text are highlighted." Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of L. Yu. Maksimov.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of a fragment of the text: "I ruled, commanded - they were wordless, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be nice to continue to treat others in this way."

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the expression MAN'S INNER WORLD?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is inner world a person ”, taking the definition you have given as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Grade 9. Option 3.

Read the text, complete assignments 2-14

(1) This torment began in the distant years, in the fifth or sixth grade.

(2) Glebov lived in his two-story courtyard next to a gray, huge, like a whole city or even a whole country, a house with a thousand windows. (3) The gray bulk hung over the alley, covered the sun in the mornings, and the sounds of music flew from above in the evenings. (4) There, in the heavenly floors, there seemed to be a completely different life than below. (5) And from an early age, Glebov had a burning sensation in his soul: either envy, or something else.

(6) Glebov's mother worked as a ticket clerk in a cinema. (7) And her service in the cinema - a seedy one, in one of the Zamoskvoretsky lanes - was a subject of considerable pride for Glebov and distinguished him with the greatest privilege: he could go to any film without a ticket. (8) And sometimes in the daytime, when there are few spectators, he could even see a friend, or even two.

(9) This privilege was the basis of Glebov's power in the class. (10) He used it prudently and cleverly: he invited boys, in whose friendship he was interested, from whom he expected something in return, he fed some of them with promises for a long time before showing a blessing, and some scoundrels forever deprived of his mercy. (11) Gleb's power continued - well, not power, but, say, authority - and remained unshaken until Lyovka Shulep arose. (12) The first days he behaved arrogantly, looked at everyone sleepily and contemptuously with his blue eyes, did not start a conversation with anyone and sat down at the same desk with the girl. (13) They decided to teach him a lesson, or rather, humiliate him. (14) Or, more precisely, to dishonor. (15) Glebov warmly persuaded to deal with Shulepa, whom he did not like, but at the last moment decided not to participate in the reprisal.

(16) The boys - there were five of them - called Lyovka after lessons on backyard, surrounded him, arguing about something, and suddenly the Bear, the main strongman of the class, grabbed Lyovka by the neck, knocked him over with a jerk, the others shouting "wow!" They pounced, Lyovka resisted, kicked him, but, of course, they crushed him, twisted him, someone sat on his chest. (17) And suddenly there was a loud cracking sound, as if a firecracker had exploded or a car tire had burst. (18) Then all five rushed to the sides, Lyovka got to his feet, and in his hand he held a scarecrow, which shot with special caps. (19) Shulepa emerged victorious from this story, and the attackers were put to shame and subsequently tried in every possible way to make peace and make friends with him.

(20) So Lyovka from a man who was going to disgrace the whole world, turned into a hero. (21) And from that time, probably, that heaviness at the bottom of the soul arose in Glebov ... (22) And there is no more unhappy people struck with envy. (23) And there was no more crushing misfortune than what happened to Glebov in the moment of his seemingly highest triumph.

(According to Yu. Trifonov) *

* Trifonov Yuri Valentinovich (1925-1981) - Russian Soviet writer, master of "urban" prose.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why does Glebov call his stage of life, which began" in the fifth or sixth grade, "torment?"

1) Glebov found it excruciatingly difficult to refuse his classmates when they asked the boy to show them to the cinema for free.

2) Glebov was ashamed to remember that he "warmly persuaded to deal with Shulepa, whom he did not like, but at the last moment decided not to participate in the reprisal."

3) Glebov had "power - well, not power, but, say, authority" over his classmates, and this weighed down on him.

4) Glebova began to overwhelm with envy of another, unknown to him life, the symbols of which for him were the "house-mass" and the "hero" of Lyovka Shulep.

3. In which answer is a metaphor a means of expressiveness?

1) (17) And suddenly there was a loud cracking sound, as if a firecracker had exploded or a car tire had burst.

2) (2) Glebov lived in his two-story courtyard next to a gray, huge, like a whole city or even a whole country, a house with a thousand windows.

3) (3) A gray bulk hung over the alley, covered the sun in the mornings, and the sounds of music flew from above in the evenings.

4) (18) Then all five rushed to the sides, Lyovka got to his feet, and in his hand he held a scarecrow, which shot with special caps.

4. From sentences 19-22, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In the short passive participle of the past tense, N is written."

5. From sentences 11-14, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

6. Replace book obsolete word"Beneficence" in sentence 10 is a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "Gleb power" (sentence 11), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out the grammatical basis for sentence 4.

9. Among sentences 20-23, find a sentence with a stand-alone agreed definition. Write the number of this sentence.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that represent the commas in the introductory word.

A gray bulk hung over the alley, (1) covered the sun in the morning, (2) and in the evenings the sounds of music flew from above. There, (3) in the celestial floors, (4) was going on, (5) it seemed (6) a completely different life, (7) than below.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 18. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentence below from the text read, all the commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected by a compositional connection.

The boys - there were five of them - called Lyovka to the backyard after school, (1) surrounded him, (2) argued about something, (3) and suddenly Bear, (4) the main strongman of the class, (5) grabbed Lyovka by the neck , (6) knocked him over with a jerk, (7) the others shouting "hoo!" attacked, (8) Lyovka resisted, (9) kicked him, (10) but, (11) of course, (12) crushed, (13) twisted, (14) someone sat on his chest.

13. Among sentences 16-19, find a complex sentence with uniform subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Among sentences 16-20, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied compositional and subordinate connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.

15. Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian linguist A. A. Reformatsky: "Pronouns are allocated to a special class of substitute words, which, like" substitute players "... enter the field when they are forced to" release the game " significant words". Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A. A. Reformatsky.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: "And there is no more unhappy people stricken with envy."

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is mutual assistance", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Grade 9. Option 4.

Read the text, complete assignments 2-14

(1) Smells and screams floated through the house. (2) Nadezhda set the table and argued with Oksana, who was in the bathroom and answered through the wall. (3) The words were not heard, but Korolkov caught the meaning of the conflict. (4) The conflict consisted in the fact that Nadezhda wanted to sit at the table with the youth, and Oksana did not want this and cited as an example other mothers who not only did not sit at the table, but even left the house. (5) Nadezhda shouted that she had spent a week preparing the festive table and her entire past life on raising Oksana and did not intend to sit in the kitchen like a servant. (6) Korolkov was lying in his room on the sofa and thought that Oksana did not know how to talk with her mother, and Nadezhda — with her daughter. (7) She commands, humiliating her. (8) And they light up against each other, like a match against boxes. (9) Korolkov knew for himself: from him, too, you can achieve something only by flattery. (10) Flattery, as it were, raised his capabilities, and he strove to raise himself to this new and pleasant limit to him.

(11) The door opened, and Oksana entered in a long new jacket in the style of "retro", or, as she called, "retro".

(12) Dad, tell her, - Oksana complained loudly. - (13) Why is she shaking my nerves?

(14) How do you talk to your mother? - pulled Korolkov.

(15) Well, dad. (16) Well, why will she sit with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She will always blurt out something, and everyone is uncomfortable ...

(19) What does "blurt out" mean?

(20) Well, it won't blurt out. (21) Make a toast to world peace. (22) Or will begin to pay attention to me ... (23) Or will begin to put everyone on plates, as if hunger ...

(24) It's pretty disgusting to listen to you, - announced Korolkov. - (25) You speak like a complete selfish.

(26) But it's my birthday. (27) I am sixteen years old. (28) Why can't I do it the way I want on this day?

(29) Korolkov looked longingly at her clean new face with brand new bright white teeth and thought that she had been overloved in childhood and now she would have to reap what they sowed. (30) He understood that his daughter did not need it when he carried her in his arms and attended a health camp for children. (31) Namely now, at sixteen years old, when the foundation of the whole later life... (32) And not on an outpatient basis, as the doctors say - came, left. (33) A is stationary. (34) Every day. (35) In order not to miss possible complications. (36) And complications, as he understood, were inevitable.

(37) The doorbell rang. (38) Oksana was blown away by the wind along with her displeasure, and a second later her voice was heard - tight and sonorous, like a jet launched under pressure. (39) She was fine. (40) There is a holiday ahead, and life is like a holiday.

(According to V. Tokareva) *

* Tokareva Victoria Samoilovna (born in 1937) is a modern Russian prose writer and screenwriter.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why didn't Korolkov himself intervene in the conflict between his wife and daughter?"

1) Because he did not understand the essence of the conflict.

2) Because Korolkov understood that both sides were to blame for the conflict.

3) Because Korolkov understood that the mother was to blame for the conflict.

4) Because Korolkov loved his daughter and indulged her in everything.

3. In which version of the answer is phraseological unit the means of expressiveness of speech?

1) (5) Nadezhda shouted that she had spent a week preparing the festive table and her entire past life on raising Oksana and did not intend to sit in the kitchen like a servant.

2) (36) And complications, as he understood, were coming.

3) (38) Oksana was blown away by the wind along with her displeasure, and a second later her voice was heard - tight and sonorous, like a jet launched under pressure.

4) (40) There is a holiday ahead, and life is like a holiday.

4. From sentences 6-10, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "incomplete action".

5. From sentences 31-38, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In the short form of the adjective, as many H are written as in full form this adjective. "

6. Replace the colloquial word "blurt out" in Sentence 18 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "in children's camp" (sentence 30), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 21.

9. Among sentences 6-11, find a sentence with a separate circumstance expressed adverbial turnover... Write the number of this sentence.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the introductory construction.

The door opened, (1) and Oksana entered in a long new jacket in the style of "retro", (2) or, (3) as she called, (4) "retro".

- Dad, (5) well tell her, (6) - Oksana complained loudly. - Why is she shaking my nerves?

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 28. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected by a compositional connection.

Words were not heard, (1) but Korolkov grasped the meaning of the conflict. The conflict was (2) that Nadezhda wanted to sit at the table with the young people, (3) and Oksana did not want this and cited other mothers as an example, (4) who not only did not sit at the table, (5) but even leave home.

13. Among sentences 5-8, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Among sentences 6-11, find a complex sentence with a non-union connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.

15. Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the English writer J. Swift: "As a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so about him can be judged by the language in which he is expressed." Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of J. Swift.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “He understood that his daughter did not need it when he carried her in his arms and attended a health camp for children. Namely now, at the age of sixteen, when the foundation of all future life is being laid. "

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is life values”, Taking the definition you have given as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


What is moral choice? In my opinion, this is a situation in which a person has to make difficult decisions for himself for the benefit of another person.

I will try to prove the validity of my point of view, relying on the text of E. Yu Shima and my own life experience... Vera decided to set fire to the rocket, which was carried out into the courtyard by Seryozha and Pavlik. While the fuse was burning, she stood at a dangerous distance from the rocket and did not move away. Gosha, seeing this at the last moment, pushed Verochka away and jumped on his belly on the rocket.

Reflecting on this question, I cannot help but remember the Great Patriotic War... When a grenade fell into the formation of a soldier and one of the soldiers, sacrificing his life, lay down on a grenade, thereby saving his comrades.

Summing up, we can say that moral choice is an important part in the life of any person.

Whatever decision we made, he teaches us to be responsible for our actions.

Updated: 2017-09-14

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Option No. 315186

1. Task 1 number 4843. A text that begins with the words "One person was told"

Listen to the text and write a succinct summary. Source text for condensed presentation

bugged 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro theme and the entire text in

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your presentation neatly and in legible handwriting.


Recording transcript One person was told that an acquaintance of his spoke of him in unflattering terms. "Are you kidding! the man exclaimed. - I didn’t do anything good for him ... ”. Here it is, the algorithm of black ingratitude, when good is answered with evil. In life, one must assume, this man has met more than once with people who have confused the landmarks on the compass of morality.

Morality is a guide to life. And if you deviate from the road, you may well wander into a windbreak, thorny bushes, or even drown altogether. That is, if you behave ungratefully towards others, then people have the right to behave towards you in the same way.

How to relate to this phenomenon? Be philosophical. Do good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will enjoy doing good. That is, you will be happy. And this is the goal in life - to live it happily. And remember: elevated natures do good.

1. Determine the topic of the text.

2. State your main point.

3. Highlight the main micro-themes in each part of the text.

4. Determine the method of abbreviation: exclusion, generalization, simplification.

5. Write a concise summary of each part and link them together.

It happens sometimes that people lose their bearings in the assessment of good and evil. And then it is customary for them to respond to good with evil, and this is already some kind of failure in the system of moral values.

Morality shows a person the way, and deviation from it threatens to sink into the swamp of mutual ingratitude.

To prevent this from happening, one should do good, believe in it and receive pleasure and joy from it. This is what makes our life happy, and this is its purpose.

2. Task 2 No. 5524. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why did Vera decide to set fire to the rocket?"

1) Because a bomb was hidden in the rocket, and Vera wanted to see how she “banged”.

2) Because Vera wanted to annoy Gosha's classmates.

3) Because "you see, her whim is more dear to her."

4) Because Vera decided that it was much more interesting to launch a rocket in the yard than in the forest.

(1) The guys left the yard, collect camping equipment. (2) There is only one Gosha left. (3) He is on duty at the entrance and is waiting for someone ...

(4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist. (6) Vera.

- (7) Hi, - says Vera and shivers. - (8) It's still cold ... (9) Give me a jacket.

(10) Gosha throws a jacket over her shoulders, remains in one T-shirt, and the skin on his hands becomes covered with pimples.

- (11) Did your father bring you anything from England?

- (12) Yep. (13) Here, look, a transistor.

- (14) Did you bring your mother anything? (15) Spirits, for example? (16) Bring it to see.

- (17) But what about me ... (18) Vera, for me ... (19) Well, it's inconvenient ...

- (20) Then stand on your head. (21) Well ?!

- (22) Come on, Verk ... (23) Don't ...

- (24) Now stand on your head!

- (25) Well, please ... (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

- (28) Who is in charge? she asks.

- (29) Well, you ...

- (30) Roll over. (31) And bring the spirits. (32) Otherwise I will make you stand on your head all day!

(33) Wiping his palms on his T-shirt, Gosha tramples helplessly, blinks, but Vera is relentless. (34) And then, giving her the transistor, Gosha drags into his apartment.

- (36) This is a rocket, - Seryozhka informs impressively. - (37) Let's start in the forest.

(38) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase steps, and they themselves go to get their backpacks.

(39) After waiting for the boys to disappear on the stairs, he goes out to the courtyard of Gosh. (40) Looks around, hands Vera a blue shiny bottle.

(41) Gosha is a little angry: he did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made her. (42) You see, her whim is dearer to her. (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talks to Vera: (44) "Look, if you want ..."

(45) Vera understands his condition. (46) And she doesn't like that Gosha speaks down.

(47) Vera's face becomes pensive. (48) She tilts her head to one side, squints.

(49) Before, about three years ago, with such an expression, Vera rushed to fight (and fought better than boys). (50) Now she doesn't fight. (51) There are other ways.

(52) She reluctantly takes the blue bottle.

- (53) So, I see ... (54) Do you have any matches?

- (55) Matches? .. (56) Well, in a jacket ... look in your pocket.

- (57) Yep. (58) Now set this tail on fire! - (59) Vera points to the rocket left by the boys.

- (60) Why? .. - Not realizing anything, mutters Gosha. - (61) What is this?

- (62) Bomb. (63) Let it go bang.

- (64) Well! .. - Gosha mutters in confusion. - (65) This ...

- (66) Who is in charge?

- (67) Verka, stop!

- (68) Oh, right? - (69) Vera strikes a match and brings the light to the rocket tail. (70) Finally, something hissed, sizzled like butter in a frying pan ...

- (71) Verka! (72) Move away! ..

(73) Vera demonstratively stands over a smoking cardboard pipe. (74) And then I see the beginning of the feat, its accomplishment and the end. (75) Gosha, numb with horror, Gosh, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls onto the rocket.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

* Shim Eduard Yuryevich (Eduard Yuryevich Schmidt) (1930-2006) - Russian writer, playwright, author of several collections of stories for children and adults.


The correct answer is indicated at number 3.

3. Assignment 3 № 5845. In which variant of the answer the means of expressiveness of speech is comparison?

1) (4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist.

2) (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

3) (38) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase, while they themselves go to get their backpacks.

4) (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talks to Vera: (44) "Look, if you want to ..."


In sentence 27 (“Vera is watching him sternly, like a coach”) there is a comparison “like a coach”.

The correct answer is indicated at number 2.

4. Task 4 No. 4769. From sentences 45-51, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "incomplete action".


In the word Squint, meaning “to close your eyes,” the spelling of the prefix PRI- is determined by its meaning - the incompleteness of the action.

Answer: squints.

5. Task 5 No. 4760. From sentences 33-37, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from nouns with a stem in -Н, it is written НН".


The adjective CARDBOARD is derived from the noun CARDBOARD, the stem of which ends in N.

Answer: cardboard.

6. Task 6 number 5510. Replace the colloquial word "cleaner" in sentence 49 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


The word CLEANING can be replaced with a stylistically neutral synonym for BETTER, or STRONGER.

Answer: better.

7. Task 7 number 4026. Replace the phrase "rocket tail" (sentence 69), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.


In the phrase "rocket tail", the dependent word stands for the main one in a definite case, which does not coincide with the case of the main word, therefore, the type of connection in the phrase is control.

Answer: rocket tail.

8. Task 8 number 3972. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence 42.


The subject is PRIHOT, a compound nominal predicate with a zero link - MORE EXPENSIVE.

Answer: a whim is more expensive.

9. Task 9 No. 4014. Among sentences 33-37, find a sentence with a stand-alone application. Write the number of this sentence.


An application is a definition expressed by a noun in the same form (case and sometimes numbers) as the word being defined.

The sentence “Hasty steps on the stairs, voices: Seryozha and Pavlik, Gosha’s classmates, run out into the courtyard, with fishing rods and some kind of cardboard, but menacing-looking pipe” there is an appendix GOSHI'S CLASSMATS.

Answer: 35.

10. Assignment 10 number 5192. In the sentences below from the text read, all the commas are numbered. Write down the number representing the comma in the introductory word.

Did your father bring you anything from England?

Yeah. Here, (1) look, (2) transistor.

But how can I ... Vera, (4) I am ... Well, (5) uncomfortable ...

Then stand on your head. Well?!

Come on, (6) Verk ... Don't ...


The comma under number 3 marks the introductory word EXAMPLE.

Answer: 3.

11. Task 11 number 3911. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 10. Write down the answer in numbers.


Sentence 10 contains two grammatical foundations:



- & nbsp– & nbsp–

12. Assignment 12 number 5158. In the sentences below from the text read, all the commas are numbered. Write down the number denoting a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected by a compositional connection.

Wiping his palms on his shirt, (1) Gosha stumbles helplessly, (2) blinks, (3) but Vera is relentless. And then, (4) giving her the transistor, (5) Gosha weaves to his apartment.


The comma at number 3 separates the parts: "Wiping palms on his shirt, (1) Gosha tramples helplessly, (2) blinks" and "but Vera is implacable", connected by a compositional connection.

Answer: 3.

13. Task 13 number 3981. Among sentences 35-40 find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.


Sentence 38 “Vera condescendingly watches how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase, while they themselves go to get their backpacks” consists of three simple ones:

1) the main sentence: "Vera is condescendingly watching";

2) a subordinate clause referring to the main thing: "how the boys are fiddling with the rocket";

3) a subordinate clause related to the main thing: "how carefully they put it on the steps of the entrance, and they themselves go to get backpacks."

Subordinate clauses 2 and 3 answer the same question "WHAT is watching" and join the same union AS, that is, they are homogeneous.

Answer: 38.

14. Task 14 number 3895. Among sentences 39-44, find a complex sentence with a non-union and union compositional connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.


Sentence 41 “Gosha is a little angry: he didn’t want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made it” consists of three parts:

1. Gosha is a little angry.

2. He did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly.

3. Vera made me.

Parts 1 and 2 are connected by a non-union connection, parts 2 and 3 - by a compositional one.

Answer: 41.

15. Task 15 No. 3260. Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the writer V. A. Soloukhin: "Epithets are the clothes of words." Arguing your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing a topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V. A. Soloukhin.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated.

15.2 Write a reasoning essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the fragment of the text: “Gosha is a little angry: he did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made me. She, you see, her own whim is dearer. "

Give in the essay 2 arguments from the text read, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the desired sentences or use quotations.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a moral choice", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Let us give an example of an essay-reasoning in a journalistic style.

15.1 The Russian language is one of the richest and most beautiful languages ​​in the world. There are enough words in it to name all objects and phenomena, to convey a wide variety of feelings, moods, experiences. In addition, in our language, as, perhaps, in no other, there is a large arsenal of special means of expressiveness, one of which is an epithet. Epithet V.A.

Soloukhin called "the clothing of words." Let's try to understand the validity of this statement using examples from the text of Eduard Shim.

Indicative for observing what the author uses epithets for is sentence 5 (A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist). In the sentence, epithets: a mysterious creature, golden eyes and others - help us to imagine the image of a girl. An association arises with something light, good. So the author indirectly expresses his attitude towards the heroine, emphasizing her attractiveness. In sentence 75 (Gosha, numb with horror, Gosh, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls on a rocket), the epithets are used by the author to describe another hero - Gosha.

Thus, the examples given can rightfully be considered arguments in support of Soloukhin's opinion: "Epithets are the clothes of words."

15.2 In his text, E. Yu. Shim also raises an important issue of responsibility for moral choice. In the above fragment, the author talks about Gosha's attitude to his own deed. Gosha succumbed to Vera's "whim" and brought out a bottle of perfume, now he is angry both with Vera and with himself that he succumbed to weakness, did not defend his position.

Vera managed to subjugate Gosha, now she does whatever she sees fit with him. The fact that this pair is commanded by a girl says sentence number 27: "Vera is watching him sternly, like a coach." The coach's word is law. The problem is that the word is not always correct and can lead to trouble.

It is gratifying that at a dangerous moment Gosha managed to still make his own decision: "Gosha, numb with horror, Gosha, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls on the rocket." Here is an example of a true character based on a boy's own choices.

Our choice, no matter how difficult it may be, we must make conscientiously. At the same time, it should be remembered that for every action you will have to answer to yourself and those around you, and not only our life, but also the life of those who are next to us, depends on what this choice will be.

15.3 Everyone, in one way or another, has an idea of ​​such feelings as shame, pity, empathy. These are purely human feelings moral concepts, the presence of which actually distinguishes a person from an animal, make sense and exist only in a society of their own kind, in a human society. These moral concepts are actually the human soul.

In his text, E. Yu. Shim also raises an important issue of responsibility for moral choice. Vera managed to subjugate Gosha, now she does whatever she sees fit with him.

It is gratifying that Gosha, at a dangerous moment, still managed to make his own decision:

"Gosha, numb with horror, Gosh, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls on the rocket." Here is an example of a true character based on a boy's own choices.

The life position of many people today is an example to follow. The name of the children's doctor of peace Leonid Roshal can often be found in the messages of news agencies.

Terrorist attacks, earthquakes, catastrophes - Roshal always tries to go where the children need help.

As long as a person is alive, he will be in constant struggle. What to do: make a deal with your conscience or do an act worthy of a real person? Our choice, no matter how difficult it may be, we must make conscientiously. It should be remembered that for each

Option 1 FIPI

1. Task 1 No. 4843. Text that begins with words"One person was told"

2. Task 2 No. 5524. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why did Vera decide to set fire to the rocket?"

1) Because a bomb was hidden in the rocket, and Vera wanted to see how she “banged”.

2) Because Vera wanted to annoy Gosha's classmates.

3) Because "you see, her whim is more dear to her."

4) Because Vera decided that it was much more interesting to launch a rocket in the yard than in the forest.

(1) The guys left the yard, collect camping equipment. (2) There is only one Gosha left. (3) He is on duty at the entrance and is waiting for someone ...

(4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist. (6) Vera.

- (7) Hi, - says Vera and shivers. - (8) It's still cold ... (9) Give me a jacket.

(10) Gosha throws a jacket over her shoulders, remains in one T-shirt, and the skin on his hands becomes covered with pimples.

- (11) Did your father bring you anything from England?

- (12) Yep. (13) Here, look, a transistor.

- (14) Did you bring your mother anything? (15) Spirits, for example? (16) Bring it to see.

- (17) But what about me ... (18) Vera, for me ... (19) Well, it's inconvenient ...

- (20) Then stand on your head. (21) Well ?!

- (22) Come on, Verk ... (23) Don't ...

- (24) Now stand on your head!

- (25) Well, please ... (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

- (28) Who is in charge? she asks.

- (29) Well, you ...

- (30) Roll over. (31) And bring the spirits. (32) Otherwise I will make you stand on your head all day!

(33) Wiping his palms on his T-shirt, Gosha tramples helplessly, blinks, but Vera is relentless. (34) And then, giving her the transistor, Gosha drags into his apartment.

- (36) This is a rocket, - Seryozhka informs impressively. - (37) Let's start in the forest.

(38) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase steps, and they themselves go to get their backpacks.

(39) After waiting for the boys to disappear on the stairs, he goes out to the courtyard of Gosh. (40) Looks around, hands Vera a blue shiny bottle.

(41) Gosha is a little angry: he did not want to take this bottle, take it out on the sly, but Vera made her. (42) You see, her whim is dearer to her. (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talks to Vera: (44) "Look, if you want ..."

(45) Vera understands his condition. (46) And she doesn't like that Gosha speaks down. (47) Vera's face becomes pensive. (48) She tilts her head to one side, squints. (49) Before, about three years ago, with such an expression, Vera rushed to fight (and fought better than boys). (50) Now she doesn't fight. (51) There are other ways.

(52) She reluctantly takes the blue bottle.

- (53) So, I see ... (54) Do you have any matches?

- (55) Matches? .. (56) Well, in a jacket ... look in your pocket.

- (57) Yep. (58) Now set this tail on fire! - (59) Vera points to the rocket left by the boys.

- (60) Why? .. - Not realizing anything, mutters Gosha. - (61) What is this?

- (62) Bomb. (63) Let it go bang.

- (64) Well! .. - Gosha mutters in confusion. - (65) This ...

- (66) Who is in charge?

- (67) Verka, stop!

- (68) Oh, right? - (69) Vera strikes a match and brings the light to the rocket tail. (70) Finally, something hissed, sizzled like butter in a frying pan ...

- (71) Verka! (72) Move away! ..

(73) Vera demonstratively stands over a smoking cardboard pipe. (74) And then I see the beginning of the feat, its accomplishment and the end. (75) Gosha, numb with horror, Gosh, huddled against the wall with a distorted face, quiet, shy and fearful Gosha suddenly pushes Vera away and - flat on his stomach - falls onto the rocket.

(According to E. Shim) *

* Shim Eduard Yuryevich (Eduard Yuryevich Schmidt) (1930-2006) - Russian writer, playwright, author of several collections of stories for children and adults.

3. Task 3 No. 5845. In which answer is comparison a means of expressiveness?

1) (4) Finally she appeared. (5) A mysterious creature of thirteen years old, an incredible beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with golden eyes, with a thin waist.

2) (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, gets down on all fours and, after several unsuccessful attempts, makes a stand. (27) Vera watches him sternly, like a coach.

3) (38) Vera condescendingly observes how the boys are fiddling with the rocket, how they carefully put it on the staircase, while they themselves go to get their backpacks.

4) (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost condescendingly talks to Vera: (44) "Look, if you want to ..."

4. Task 4 number 4769. From sentences 45-51, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "incomplete action".

5. Task 5 No. 4760. From sentences 33-37, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from nouns with a stem ending in -Н, it is written НН".

6. Task 6 No. 5510. Replace the colloquial word "cleaner" in sentence 49 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Task 7 No. 4026.

8. Task 8 No. 3972. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 42.

9. Task 9 number 4014. Find an offer with a stand-alone application among sentences 33-37. Write the number of this sentence.

10. Task 10 number 5192.

Did your father bring you anything from England?

Yeah. Here, (1) look, (2) transistor.

But how can I ... Vera, (4) I am ... Well, (5) uncomfortable ...

Then stand on your head. Well?!

Come on, (6) Verk ... Don't ...

11. Task 11 number 3911.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 10. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. Task 12 number 5158.In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number denoting a comma between the parts of a complex sentence connected by a compositional connection.

Wiping his palms on his shirt, (1) Gosha stumbles helplessly, (2) blinks, (3) but Vera is relentless. And then, (4) giving her the transistor, (5) Gosha weaves to his apartment.

13. Task 13 number 3981.Among sentences 35-40, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Task 14 number 3895.Among sentences 39-44, find a complex sentence with a non-union and allied compositional connection between parts. Write the number of this sentence.

15. Task 15 number 3260.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is a moral choice", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.


Option number 8

1. Task 1 No. 4836. Text that begins with words"We often talk about difficulties ..."

Listen to the text and write a succinct summary. The original text for a condensed presentation is auditioned 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro-theme and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of the presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your presentation neatly and in legible handwriting.

2. Task 2 No. 5522. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why does Semyon Petrovich call young people" curious "?"

1) Because young people are distinguished by curiosity, interest in the world around them and in life.

2) Semyon Petrovich wants to show that he is interested in today's youth.

3) Because young people often show excessive curiosity, delving into the problems that concern them.

4) Because Semyon Petrovich, calling the youth that way, seeks to offend, offend young people.

(1) The doorbell rang. (2) Lively voices and laughter came from the hallway. (3) The guests appeared. (4) Solid, good dressed people greeted the owners, approached the table, put appetizers on the plates. (5) The ladies were seated in comfortable soft armchairs; the men formed groups and talked to each other. (6) Semyon Petrovich lifted me up and introduced me to the guests:

- (7) Here is Ivan, the biggest original of all my daughter's friends.

(8) Suddenly getting into the spotlight, I was very embarrassed and seemed to blush. (9) The guests smiled, looking at me with curiosity, as if expecting that I would immediately prove the truth of the professor's words.

(10) He slapped me on the shoulder:

- (11) Yes, young people are curious these days. (12) You have to talk to her, you have to communicate!

(13) One interesting lady turned to me:

- (14) Tell me, Vanya. (15) I have a daughter of fifteen, and she listens to some screeching all day. (16) We have a luxurious library, large, with rare books but she doesn't want a thing. (17) He comes home from school, does his homework somehow, turns on the tape recorder and listens until the evening.

- (18) They call it "baldeet", - happily said one of the guests.

- (19) Spirit of contradiction, - said another with conviction.

- (20) And in my opinion, - said the smart man, - it's all about being spoiled. (21) Today's young people live somehow too easily, without difficulties.

- (22) Oh, this is an old song, - the lady laughed. - (23) It turns out that if it was hard for us, then let them be the same? (24) Stupid!

- (25) Probably stupid, agreed the smart one. (26) He wanted to add something, but hesitated.

(27) Semyon Petrovich decided to change the subject:

- (28) I hope you don't mind if my daughter sings something?

- (29) It will be fine, - the elderly lady said languidly.

(30) Semyon Petrovich turned to Katya, not noticing her gloomy look:

- (31) Katyusha, come on "Nightingale" by Alyabyevsky ...

- (32) So, "Nightingale"? Katya asked.

(33) She softly touched the keys with her fingers - the intro sounded softly. (34) Katya sang in a thin voice:

- (35) My nightingale, nightingale,

So that you die, Barmaley! ..

- (36) What? - Mom muttered in confusion.

(37) Katya stopped playing and turned her hot face to us:

- (38) I have been singing this "Nightingale" since I was five. (39) We have guests - here I am with my "Nightingale"! (40) I, if I got it, this nightingale, I would roast it over low heat! ..

(41) The dumbfounded guests could not utter a word.

(According to K. Shakhnazarov) *

* Shakhnazarov Karen Georgievich (born in 1952) - Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, producer.

3. Task 3 No. 5865. Indicate what means of expressiveness is used in sentence 16: “We have a luxurious library, large, with rare books, but it doesn’t want a thing.”

1) comparative turnover

2) metaphor

3) colloquial word

4) phraseological unit

4. Task 4 No. 4766. From sentences 18-21, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. Task 5 No. 4759. From sentences 36-40 write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "As many H are written in the adverb as in the word from which it is formed."

6. Task 6 No. 3422. Replace the colloquial word “current” in Sentence 21 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Task 7 number 3945.

8. Task 8 No. 3990. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 14.

9. Task 9 No. 3904. Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence with a stand-alone common application. Write the number of this sentence.

10. Task 10 number 5160.In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number representing the comma in the introductory word.

I hope (1) that you don't mind (2) if my daughter sings something?

It will be fine, (3) - the elderly lady said languidly.

Semyon Petrovich turned to Katya, (4) not noticing her gloomy look:

Katyusha, (5) come on, "Nightingale" by Alyabyevsky ...

So, (6) "Nightingale"? Katya asked.

11. Task 11 number 3939.Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 23. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. Task 12 number 5150.In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected by a compositional connection.

I have a daughter of fifteen, (1) and she listens to some screeching all day. We have a splendid library, (2) large, (3) with rare books, (4) but she doesn't want a thing. He will come home from school, (5) do his homework somehow, (6) turn on the tape recorder and listen until evening.

13. Task 13 number 3963.Among sentences 27-35, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of clauses. Write the number of this sentence.

14. Task 14 number 4019.Among sentences 37-40 find the difficult one non-union proposal... Write the number of this sentence.

15. Task 15 number 3268.Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing an essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES?

Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What are life values", taking your definition as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that support your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The length of the essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.




Spelling suffixes. Spelling -Н- and -НН- in different parts of speech.
Grade 9. OGE. Part 2. Variants of task 5 (according to the demo version of 2015)

1. From sentences 1-3, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In short passive participles of the past tense, N is written."
(1) A guy entered the institute's buffet - thin, short, blond hair cut by a hedgehog. (2) He dragged only two paintings - uncovered, without frames. (3) He put it down and went to the pantry.

2. From sentences 32–33, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the spelling rule short form passive past participles.
“(32) Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but you need to read someone else's work. (33) A man emerged from the shepherds, studied for decades on black bread and water, so much work has been invested in each board, sleepless nights, human torment, talent ... "

3. From sentences 4–7, write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "NN is written in full passive participles of the past tense."
(4) Black as soot, the smoke obscures the sun, so one can look at it without squinting, as one looks through heavily smoked glass during an eclipse. (5) In our ravine, as they say, no change. (6) One night, two of our divisions passed. (7) We walked for a long time, continuously, all night long, battalion after battalion.

4. From sentences 33–35, write out a word, the spelling of which is determined by the rule: "Two H are written in adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from a noun with a base ending in -Н".
(33) I thought all night about what to do. (34) By the morning, I decided to give up the love I had just shared and no longer meet either Tanya or her friends. (35) Tanya in vain sent me notes with invitations to a birthday cake, a picnic, or a Christmas tree.

5. From sentences 1-4, write out a word, the spelling of the suffix in which is determined by the rule: "In the adverb, as many H are written as there was in the word from which it was formed."
(1) Composer Edvard Grieg spent autumn in the woods near Bergen. (2) All the forests are good, but the mountain forests near the sea are especially good: you can hear the sound of the surf in them. (3) Once Grieg met in the forest a little girl with two pigtails - the daughter of a forester. (4) She collected cones and put them in a wicker basket.

6. From sentences 18-19 write out a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​not defined general rule(is an exception).
(18) A frenzied flame roared there, fiery cloaks with a black smoky border burst out, and fiery coals flew up in hollow volleys. (19) The flame rushed upward, and whirled like red tornadoes, and ran from roof to roof, and wooden houses, dried out through many years of life, flared up like matchboxes, one after another.

7. From sentences 19–20, write out a word, the spelling of which is determined by the rule: "In the full passive participles of the past tense, NN is written."
(19) Vadim Kastritsky is an intelligent, versatile gifted, thin guy. (20) I was always interested with him.

8. From sentences 23–26, write out a word whose spelling is determined by the rule: “Two H is written in adjectives formed with the suffix -H- from a noun with a stem ending in -H”.
(23) The girl was very nervous, she kept pulling her downy hat with long ears up to her forehead. (24) A little later, she went up to Anna Nikolaevna and said:
- (25) Ours are now all going to the cinema, something needs to be done!
- (26) It's not scary, - answered Anna Nikolaevna, - but the most responsible will remain.

9. From sentences 11-13, write out a word, the spelling of the suffix in which is determined by the rule: "In short passive participles of the past tense, N is written."
(11) Co-workers loved the grandmother, they said that music left the accounting department with her: the grandmother was constantly singing something. (12) Oleg also loved his grandmother, so he agreed to study music. (13) A cello was bought, and Oleg began to attend a music club.

10. From sentences 7–8, write out a word, the spelling of which is determined by the rule: "Two H is written in adjectives formed with the suffix -Н- from a noun with a stem ending in -Н".
(7) This ancient fortune-telling, however, came true and did not come true. (8) “Saber” apparently predetermined my life path, but I did not renounce book wisdom either.

11. From sentences 24–25, write out a word in which the spelling of NN is determined by the rule: “If an adjective formed from an imperfect verb has dependent words, then this adjective becomes a participle and NN is written in its suffix ”. Write out the found participle with the dependent word.
(24) And she would have looked - at the awkward one, cut by a prisoner's hedgehog, in a wrinkled, knotted shirt in the belly ... (25) He has already been standing here for probably half an hour, so everyone, of course, guessed about his fascination. ..

12. From sentences 18-22, write out a word, the spelling of the suffix in which is determined by the rule: "In the short passive participle of the past tense, N is written."
(18) One cat, apparently, had a clump of fur torn out in a fight, while another had a bleeding wound on his paw. (19) These were street cats. (20) Having never seen the owner's caresses and cares, the animals pressed themselves fearfully against the wall, many hid behind the radiator. (21) They gazed at me, and their eyes burned with hatred. (22) These were not cats, but some tigers that could tear me to pieces at any second.

13. From sentences 33–35, write a word in which the spelling of N / NN is determined by the spelling rule of suffixes verbal adjectives formed from imperfective verbs.
- (33) This hare, - said the grandfather, - is my savior: I owe him my life. (34) I, one might say, must show gratitude to him, and you say - to quit ...
(35) So they live together - old grandfather Larion, his grandson Vanka and a hare with a ragged ear.

3. From sentences 16–17, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / voicedness of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.
(16) Hands were folded neatly, finger to finger, on one a silver ring sparkled. (17) She smiled embarrassedly and with curiosity, as if it was not you who were looking at her, but she, a little timidly, was looking at you. Answer ()

4. From sentences 1–6, write out the word in which the prefix means incomplete action.
(1) That night I was awakened when the hands on the luminous dial pointed to five o'clock.
- (2) Comrade senior lieutenant, allow me to address ... (3) One was detained here ... (4) He demands to be taken to the headquarters. (5) Does not answer questions: they say, I will only speak with the commander.
(6) I, having risen, at the very door saw a thin boy of about eleven years old, all blue from the cold and trembling. Answer ()

5. From sentences 6-8, write out a word with an unchangeable prefix, in which voicing occurs during pronunciation.
(6) One night, two of our divisions passed. (7) We walked for a long time, continuously, all night long, battalion after battalion. (8) Once or twice the Germans tried to get over the ravine in a rush, and then the machine gun chatter began. Answer ()

6. From sentences 1–4, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: “At the end of the prefix, a letter is written, denoting a voiceless consonant, if a voiceless consonant follows the prefix”.
(1) Somewhere far away anti-aircraft guns are shooting, searchlights roam the sky, Valega sighs in his sleep. (2) He lies two steps away from me, curled up in a ball. (3) My little round-headed Valega! (4) How much we proceeded with you during these months, how much porridge we ate from one pot ... Answer ()

7. From sentences 10 - 11 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its meaning.
(10) They walk, picturesquely embracing their ladies, polishingly work hard with their feet and whisper with the whole audience: "Chu-chu-chu-chu!" (11) We sat, turning half-turned to the dancers, and with a smile, and perhaps with pleasure, watched this exotic action. Answer ()

8. From sentences 1-4, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "approximation".
(1) While still in kindergarten, Oleg learned the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. (2) It was with her that the trouble began. (3) The grandmother decided that her grandson had a wonderful ear and that with such “perfect pitch” it was absolutely necessary to study music. (4) Oleg was solemnly and noisily brought to the exam in music school... Answer ()

9. From sentences 17-18, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - "attachment".
(17) One evening, when a warm torrential rain, unexpected for autumn, poured out with thunder and bright lightning and the pilots decided to arrange an "evening of rest", at about eleven Yarovaya appeared in the dugout. (18) Apparently, after dinner, he wandered somewhere along the forest edges, because they stuck to the tops of his boots autumn leaves... Answer ()

10. From sentences 28-30, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the value of the approximation that it has.
- (28) So you came third? - (29) Dad smiled, and I was very pleased. - (30) Third place is also a prize, a bronze medal! (31) Well, who stayed on the fourth? Answer ()

11. From sentences 52–59, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by the rule: "If a voiceless consonant follows the prefix, then C is written at the end of it."
(52) Sanka was about to rush into the hut, but on the doorstep he ran into his mother, who was holding a cast iron in her hands.
- (53) Wait, boys ... (54) Here are some boiled potatoes.
- (55) Mom, don't take money! - Sanka hastened. - (56) Hey, don't! (57) They didn't want to buy bread for themselves, doctor! .. (58) She, they say, refuses, but she goes hungry!
(59) Mother put the cast iron on the railing, straightened up. Answer ()

12. From sentences 17-18, write out the word in which the prefix means incomplete action.
(17) But then he again raised his hands and hit the keys - the crowded hall instantly quieted down. (18) At that moment, an old man entered, attentively looked around the crowd, seized by one feeling, directed burning glances at the blind man. Answer ()

13. From sentences 26–28, write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness / voicedness of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.
- (26) Kanander? - Perplexed, she asked.
- (27) This, mom, is a very expensive and delicious French cheese, don't you know?
(28) She threw up her hands and laughed ... Answer ()


Task 7 OGE 2016 (FIPI)

1. Task 7 No. 3761. Replace the consensus-based phrase "bookstore" (sentence 5) with a synonymous phrase with the relationship management. Write the resulting phrase.

2. Task 7 number 3765. Replace the phrase "in a crystal vase" (sentence 1), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

3. Task 7 number 3778. Replace the phrase "cultural values" (sentence 16), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

4. Task 7 number 3785. Replace the phrase "Golubkin's conscience" (sentence 32), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

5. Task 7 number 3786. Replace the phrase "human life" (sentence 37), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

6. Task 7 No. 3797. Replace the phrase "human faith" (sentence 24), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

7. Task 7 number 3798. Replace the phrase "evening coolness" (sentence 2), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Task 7 number 3813. Replace the phrase "be humorous" (sentence 15), built on the basis of contiguity, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

9. Task 7 number 3819. Replace the phrase “flock of geese” (sentence 41), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship of agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

10. Task 7 number 3824.Replace the phrase "school days" (sentence 7), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

11. Task 7 number 3837.Replace “ship deck” (Sentence 25), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with a reconciliation relationship. Write the resulting phrase.

12. Task 7 number 3840.Replace the phrase "canine language" (sentence 18), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

13. Task 7 number 3842.Replace the phrase "log cabin" (sentence 5), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

14. Task 7 number 3843.Replace “seashore” (Sentence 1), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the concordance relationship. Write the resulting phrase.

15. Task 7 number 3866.Replace the phrase "the bottom of the well" (sentence 6), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

16. Task 7 number 3867.Replace the phrase "to the iron gates" (sentence 15), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

17. Task 7 number 3868.Replace the phrase “mouth of the dog” (sentence 21), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship of agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

18. Task 7 number 3871.Replace the phrase "German tanks" (sentence 21), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

19. Task 7 number 3891.Replace the phrase "theater yard" (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

20. Task 7 number 3907.Replace the word combination "wooden seats" (sentence 9), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

21. Task 7 number 3910.Replace the phrase "in children's camp" (sentence 30), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

22. Task 7 number 3915.Replace the phrase "steamer whistle" (sentence 41), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

23. Task 7 number 3921.Replace the phrase "paper pigeons" (sentence 11), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

24. Task 7 number 3928.Replace the phrase "porcelain dogs" (sentence 7), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship management. Write the resulting phrase.

25. Task 7 number 3931.Replace the phrase "lace scarf" (sentence 8), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

26. Task 7 number 3936.Replace the phrase "Gleb power" (sentence 11), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

27. Task 7 number 3945.Replace the phrase "happily communicated" (sentence 18), built on the basis of adjoining, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) The doorbell rang. (2) Lively voices and laughter came from the hallway. (3) The guests appeared. (4)

28. Task 7 number 3947.Replace the phrase "school hall" (sentence 20), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

29. Task 7 number 3951.Replace the word combination "sleepless nights" (sentence 33), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

30. Task 7 number 3968.Replace the phrase "enthusiastically read" (sentence 9), built on the basis of adjoining, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

31. Task 7 number 3974.Replace the phrase "student choir" (sentence 22), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

32. Task 7 number 3988.Replace the phrase “speaks with joy” (sentence 13), built on the basis of adjoining, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

33. Task 7 number 3991.Replace the phrase "ears of rye" (sentence 3), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

34. Task 7 number 3996.Replace the phrase "morning run" (sentence 7), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjoining. Write the resulting phrase.

35. Task 7 number 4003.Replace the word combination "in the waterways" (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

36. Task 7 number 4018.Replace the phrase "Lyalina beauty" (sentence 21), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

37. Task 7 number 4021.Replace the phrase "iron lever" (sentence 14), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

38. Task 7 number 4026.Replace the matching phrase “rocket tail” (sentence 69) with a synonymous phrase with the control link. Write the resulting phrase.

39. Task 7 number 4033.Replace the phrase "music circle" (sentence 13), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

40. Task 7 number 4111.Replace the phrase "wooden box" (sentence 16), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

41. Task 7 number 6309.Replace the phrase "bumblebee buzz" (sentence 14), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

42. Task 7 number 6316.Replace the word combination "on coastal sand" (sentence 11), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the relationship management. Write the resulting phrase.

43. Task 7 number 6326.Replace the phrase "battles of Paris" (sentence 12), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

44. Task 7 number 6333.Replace the phrase "mom's advice" (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

45. Task 7 number 6339.Replace the phrase "mom's album" (sentence 39), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

46. ​​Task 7 number 6346.Replace the word combination “news from the front” (sentence 23), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the coordination relationship. Write the resulting phrase.

47. Task 7 number 6347.Replace the phrase “mother's tears” (sentence 4), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with a concordance relationship. Write the resulting phrase.

48. Task 7 number 6358.Replace the phrase "punching bag" (sentence 8), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

49. Task 7 number 6363.Replace the phrase “looked with respect” (sentence 31), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection adjoining. Write the resulting phrase.

50. Task 7 number 6366.Replace the word combination "children's toys" (sentence 14), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

51. Task 7 number 6367.Replace the phrase "steppe blizzards" (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

52. Task 7 number 6374.Replace the phrase "gently stroking" (sentence 23), built on the basis of adjoining, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

53. Task 7 number 6377.Replace the word combination "children's glee" (sentence 13), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

54. Task 7 number 6409.Replace the phrase "to Alkine's house" (sentence 27), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

55. Task 7 number 6412.Replace the phrase "blanket" (sentence 10), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the link management. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) When they ask why I, a completely land-based person, am so attached to Sevastopol, to sailors and

56. Task 7 number 6413.Replace the word combination "grief of the people" (sentence 44), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

57. Task 7 number 6418.Replace the phrase "daddy's pen" (sentence 17), built on the basis of agreement, synonymous with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

58. Task 7 number 6431.Replace the word combination "steel-colored" (sentence 28), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

59. Task 7 number 6436.Replace the phrase "mockingly said" (sentence 8), built on the basis of adjoining, synonymous with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

Option 1

1. Task 1 No. 4843. Text, na-chi-na-yu-sya words "One-no-man-lo-ve-ku ska-za-li"

Pro-listen-shi-te text and na-pi-shi-te compressed from-lo-zenie. The original text for squeezing something out of it is heard about 2 times. Consider that you must re-give the main the content of both micro-te-we, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of the word is not less than 70 words.

Pi-shi-te from-lo-zhe-nie ak-ku-rat-but, raz-bor-chi-vy-che-kom.

2. Task 2 No. 5524. In which va-ri-an-those from-ve-that contains in-form-ma-tion, not-about-ho-di-may for justification of that on the question: "Why Ve-roch-ka decided-shi-la to burn cancer-ke-tu?"

1) Because there was a bomb hidden in the ra-ke-those, and Ve-roch-ka ho-te-la to-see how she is “bang-no”.

2) Because Ve-roch-ka ho-te-la do-sa-dit one-class-ni-kam Gosha.

3) For something-mu that "she, see-di-those, whether it has its own pri-at least do-ro-same."

4) Because Ve-roch-ka decided that it would be better to put it in the yard than in the forest.

(1) Re-by-ta-ta left the yard, co-bi-ra-yut in-progress-ny-rya-ze-nie. (2) There is only one Gosha left. (3) De-ju-rit at the entrance-ez-yes and is waiting for someone ...

(4) At last she appeared. (5) For-ha-daughter-ness-thing three-for-dtsy years, not-ve-ro-yat-naya beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with a lo-you-mi eyes-for-mi, with that-nu-sen-koy ta-li-her. (6) Ve-roch-ka.

- (7) Hello, - says Ve-roch-ka and poozhi-va-et-sya. - (8) Ho-lod-but still ... (9) Give kurt-ku.

(10) Gosha na-ki-dy-va-et on her shoulders chickens-to-ku, remains in one T-shirt, and the skin on his hands is covered-va-et-sya pu-py-rysh-ka-mi ...

- (11) Did your father bring you anything from An-gliya?

- (12) Yep. (13) Here, look, trans-zi-stor.

- (14) Did ma-te-ri bring something? (15) Spirits, for example? (16) When-not-si-look.

- (17) But what about me ... (18) Vera, I’m ... (19) Well, not convenient ...

- (20) Then get on with the head. (21) Well ?!

- (22) Come on, Verk ... (23) Don't ...

- (24) Now stand on the head!

- (25) Well, well, luy-sta ... (26) Gosha goes up to the wall, opus-ka-it-Xia on four-ve-ren-ki and after a few unsuccessful p-p-tok de-la-et stand. (27) Ve-roch-ka na-blue-da-et behind him su-ro-vo, like tre-ner.

- (28) Who is in charge? - she asked.

- (29) Well, you ...

- (30) Pe-re-ver-nis. (31) And bring the spirits. (32) And then start to stand on the head all day!

(33) You-ti-paradise la-do-no about your T-shirt, Gosha top-odd-out-in-power-but, mor-ga-et, but Ve-roch-ka does not-umo-li-ma ... (34) And then, having given her a tran-z-store, Gosha weaves to his apartment.

(35) To-rop-li-vie steps on the stairs, go-lo-sa: you-run-ga-go to the courtyard Seryozha and Pav-lik, one-class-ni-ki Gosha, with a fishing rod and with some kind of car-ton, but a formidable kind of pipe.

- (36) This is ra-ke-ta, - Seryozhka co-communicates inwardly. - (37) In the forest for-poo-stim.

(38) Ve-roch-ka snis-ho-di-tel-but na-blue-da-et, as a boy-chish-ki, with ra-ke-that, as be-rezh-no kla - they take her to the step-stump-ki ascent-ez-yes, and themselves from-right-la-eut-sya behind the ryuk-za-ka-mi.

(39) Waiting for the boys to hide on the stairs, you go to the courtyard of Gosh. 40

(41) Gosha is not a lot angry: he didn’t want to take this flask, you should wear it ti-hon-ku, but Ve-roch-ka-sta-vila. (42) She, wee-di-tee, its own pri-at least do-ro-same. (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost with-ka raz-go-va-ri-va-et with Ve-roch-ka: (44) “Look, if you want -sya ... "

(45) Ve-roch-ka-ni-ma-et his composition. (46) And she does not like that Gosha once-go-va-ri-va-is svy-so-ka. (47) Ve-roch-ki's face is sta-but-vit-sya for-dum-chi-voe. (48) She tilts her head to one side, pr-shu-ri-va-th-Xia. (49) Previously, about three years ago, with such you-pa-same-ni Ve-roch-ka-da-las to fight (and fought like a boy ). (50) Now she does not fight. (51) There are other ways.

(52) She not-ho-cha takes a go-lo-fight flag-con.

- (53) So, nyat-but ... (54) Do you have any matches?

- (55) Matches? .. (56) Well, in kurt-ke ... look in the pocket.

- (57) Yep. (58) Now hold on to this tail! - (59) Ve-roch-ka-ka-zy-wa-et on the left mal-chish-ka-mi ra-ke-tu.

- (60) Why? .. - nothing is co-ed, bor-mo-chet Gosh. - (61) What is this?

- (62) Bomb. (63) Let bang-bang-no.

- (64) Well! .. - ras-te-ryan-but bor-mo-chet Gosh. - (65) This ...

- (66) Who is in charge?

- (67) Verka, stop!

- (68) Oh, right? - (69) Vera chir-ka-et with a match and under-but-sits a flame to the ra-ket-no-tail. (70) Finally, something for-shi-pe-lo, for-skvor-cha-lo, like butter on a sko-ro-ro-ke ...

- (71) Verka! (72) Otoy-di! ..

(73) Ve-roch-ka de-mon-stra-tiv-but stands over the cha-dya-shi kar-ton-noy tru-boy. (74) And then I see na-cha-lo in-motion, its completion and end. (75) Gosh, oze-pe-ne-shy from horror Gosh, pressed against the wall with a turned-over face, quiet, behind-the-wall-chi-vy and bo-yaz -li-vy Gosha suddenly from-tal-ki-va-et Ve-roch-ku and - flat-me, well-in-that - pa-da-et on ra-ke-tu.

(According to E. Shim) *

* Shim Edu-ard Yuryevich (Edu-ard Yuryevich Schmidt) (1930-2006) - Russian pi-sa-tel, drama-turgist, author of several collections ras-ska-call for children and adults.

3. Task 3 No. 5845. In what va-ri-an-those ot-ve-that means of expression of speech is there a comparison?

1) (4) At last she appeared. (5) For-ha-daughter-ness-thing three-for-dtsy years, not-ve-ro-yat-naya beauty with a smile from ear to ear, with a lo-you-mi eyes-for-mi, with that-nu-sen-koy ta-li-her.

2) (26) Gosha comes up to the wall, drops down on even-ve-ra-ki and after a few unsuccessful pushes de la stop it. (27) Ve-roch-ka na-blue-da-et behind him su-ro-vo, like tre-ner.

3) (38) Ve-roch-ka indulgence-ho-di-tel-but na-blu-da-et, as a boy-chish-ki, with a ra-ke-that, as but they put it on the steps-stumps-ki-ez-yes, and themselves from-right-la-eut-sya behind the ryuk-za-ka-mi.

4) (43) And Gosha is now angry and almost svy-so-ka raz-go-va-ri-va-et with Ve-roch-ka: (44) “Look, if - yes ... "

4. Assignment 4 No. 4769. From the sentences 45-51 you-pee-shi-those words, in which the right-in-pi-sa-nie is attached to it, it is I know-nothing - "not-full-but-that action."

5. Task 5 No. 4760. From the sentences 33-37 you-pi-shi-those word, in which-rum-in-pi-sa-nie suf-fik-sa opre-de-la-et-sya pra -wi-lom: "In the pr-la-ga-tel-nye, ob-ra-zo-van-nyh with the help of suf-fik-sa -N- from the nouns with wasp-no-howl on -N, p-shet-Xia NN. "

6. Task 6 No. 5510. For-me-ni-those one-thief-word "clean" in the pre-lo-ze-ni 49 sti-li-sti-che-ski neutral-tral-ni-no-ni -m. Na-pi-shi-te this si-no-nim.

7. Task 7 No. 4026. Replacing-ni-those word-so-che-ta-ting "ra-ket-t-tail" (pre-lo-ze-nye 69), built on the basis co-glamor-co-va-nia, si-no-no-mich-nym word-in-co-che-ta-ni-em with connection control. Na-pi-shi-te on-p-chiv-she-e-sya word-so-che-ta-t.

8. Task 8 No. 3972. You-pee-shi-te gram-ma-ti-che-no-woo pre-lo-zenia 42.

9. Task 9 No. 4014. Among the pre-lodges 33-37 find-di-those pre-lodges with a separate appli-cation. Na-pi-shi-te is the number of this proposition.

10. Assignment 10 No. 5192. In the pre-lo-z-no-yah from the pro-chi-tan-no-th text given below, the pro-nu-me-ro-va-ny are all fifth. You-pee-shi-those number, denoted-cha-yu-shi-fifth with the introductory word.

- Did your father bring you anything from An-gliya?

- Yeah. Here, (1) look, (2) trans-zi-stor.

- Did ma-te-ri bring anything? Perfume, (3) for example? When-not-si-look.

- But what about me ... Vera, (4) me ... Well, (5) not-convenient-but ...

- Then get on with your head. Well?!

- Come on, (6) Verk ... Don't ...

11. Assignment 11 No. 3911. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the preposition 10. The answer is for-pi-shi-those with a number.

12. Assignment 12 No. 5158. In the pre-lo-z-no-yah from the pro-chi-tan-no-th text given below, the pro-nu-me-ro-va-ny are all fifth. You-pee-shi-those number, designating-cha-y-s-s-s-5 between the parts of the complex -nee-no-tel-connection.

You-ti-paradise la-do-not about your shirt, (1) Gosh top-even-that is devil-of-power-but, (2) mor-ga-et, (3) but Ve-roch-ka not -mo-li-ma. And then, (4) giving her the tran-z-store, (5) Gosha weaves to his apartment.

13. Task 13 No. 3981. Among the pre-loses 35-40 find-di-those complex pre-lo-di-ness with one-kind-of-kind under-chi-no-no pri-yes-accurate ... Na-pi-shi-te is the number of this proposition.

14. Assignment 14 No. 3895. Among the propositions 39-44, find a complex proposition with a non-conjugate and con-nected co-chi-no-tel-noy -I'm between the parts. Na-pi-shi-te is the number of this proposition.

15. Task 15 No. 3260. Using the pro-chi-tan text, you will only be able to use ONLY ONE on a separate sheet of issues: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before n-pi-sa-ni-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-a-n-n-n-t the number of the chosen-n-th assignment: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-not-ness-judgment-de-nie, revealing the meaning of you-say-zy-va-niya pi-sa-te-la V.A. So-lo-uhi-na: "Epi-te-you - clothes of words." Ar-gu-men-ti-rui your answer, pri-ve-di-te 2 examples from pro-chi-tan-no-go tek-hundred. When-in-dya examples, indicate-zy-wai-te numbers of the necessary pre-lodges or use-me-nyay-te tsi-ti-ro-va-ni ...

You can write a work-bo-tu in a scientific or pub-li-qi-sti-che-style, revealing a topic on ling-v-st-che-che ma-te-ri-a-le. You can start with the words of V. A. So-lo-ukh-na.

Ra-bo-ta, na-pi-san-naya without relying on the pro-chi-tan text (not according to the given text), not appraising.

15.2 Na-pi-shi-te co-chi-not-ness-judgment-de-nition. Explain-no-those, how you-no-ma-e-te are the meaning of the fragment-men-that text-hundred: “Gosha isn’t angry at all: he didn’t want to take this flag, you -no-sit it ti-hone-ku, but Ve-roch-ka for-sta-vi-la. She, wee-di-tee, has her own pri-at least do-ro-same. "

Pri-ve-di-those in so-chi-ne-nii 2 ar-gu-men-ta from the pro-chi-tan-no-go text-hundred, confirming your decisions -deniya.

When-in-dya examples, indicate-zy-wai-te numbers of the necessary pre-lodges or use-me-nyay-te tsi-ti-ro-va-ni ...

The volume of composure should be at least 70 words.

If the consistency is a re-read or completely re-written or completely re-written source text without any there was no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such a work-bo-that appraisal-ni-wa-em-Xia zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word-in-the-che-ta-tion of the NRV-STVEN-NYY CHOICE?

Sfor-mu-li-rui-te and pro-com-men-ti-rui-te is the definition given by you. Na-pi-shi-te so-chi-not-ness-judgment on the topic "What is a moral choice", taking as the tez-sa given You define-de-le-nie. Ar-gu-men-ti-tying your thesis, when-ve-di-those 2 examples-ra-ar-gu-men-ta, confirming your races-judging-de- niya: one example-ar-gu-ment pri-ve-di-those from the pro-chi-tan-no-go-one hundred, and the second - from your life th experience.

The volume of composure should be at least 70 words.

If the consistency is a re-read or completely re-written or completely re-written source text without any there was no com-men-ta-ri-ev, then such a work-bo-that appraisal-ni-wa-em-Xia zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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